#Oswins whole thing
killjoygem · 1 year
We see it a little in other eras too but I loved how 11s era had a sort of continuous thing of someone speaking from beyond the grave. I dont know why but something about it just really gets me
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
There is a universe where Amy and Rory leave the TARDIS of their own volition instead of Angels Take Manhattan and pop back in throughout the rest of Eleven&Twelve's runs like Martha s4...you can still have Amy at Eleven's regeneration but for real...amy and rory becoming friends with clara & bill...danny dies and amy is torn btw bonding over the whole "stop the man i love from dying" bit but ready to kill her for threatening to kill the Doctor in Dark Water so idk how that friendship goes...getting to keep their agency but still sometimes travelling with the doctor/getting involved with things...maybe even amy meeting clara getting inspired to teach and becoming a professor at St. Luke's to prolong the shenanigans...whatever the HELL amy/missy's interactions would be... are you seeing the vision?
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camellcat · 10 months
I feel insane I get it now I get it twelveclara IS everything. they make me want to run up the walls and bounce around and grin so hard it hurts and I love them
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OC: Vinnie Gallo
These were heavily inspired by @caer-oswin s work. It was literally just playing around with photomode. This is not spawned V, just the regular player one. These are also vanilla poses! Just utilized the "look at" feature of AMM - I set it to "move head only".
I am amazed what I can do with the vanilla poses and regular photomode. It's good to have restrictions for me. I noticed it forces me to get more creative.
In @caer-oswin s work I always love the mystery, the carefully set lights that hide as much as they reveal. The posing of the characters that is very stark. It is extremely beautiful and unique. I'd know her work from miles away. I wanted to emulate a bit of that feeling her photographs evoke in me.
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darlsbardlife · 7 months
Hehehehe “run you clever boy and remember”
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The thing is I watched this show when I was 12 and haven’t really rewatched since so I remember big picture stuff but not details which means half the time she’s theorizing about stuff I’m also clueless
Like I know Clara’s the impossible girl and she got fragmented into the Doctor’s timeline but Indont remember the exact rules of that
Which adds a whole new layer to the captainswan conspiracy 😎
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forestwaterfalls · 7 months
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girlies had the vet today (both fine! just a check up for one and a vaccine for the other!)
polly hid under the vets table and hissed at him when he picked her up. oswin decided to pretend to be a rock and literally would not move from the carrier. they got fancy wet food as soon as we were home.
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wings-of-ink · 3 months
How do the ros react to hearing someone brag about having sex with the mc and how they were in bed? Crushing and relationship 🫣
Ouch, Anon, right for the throat!
Oswin: Same for both - grinding his teeth the whole time. It's not that MC has had relations with others before him that is upsetting, but being a braggart about it feels insulting to MC. They don't need their private life aired in front of people like this without knowing or giving permission. He won't tolerate it for long either.
Zahn: -crushing- May listen with some interest at first actually. They're perpetually curious especially about people whom they take an interest in. It would be a guilty-pleasure sort of thing and they'd likely confess to MC about it and together they can deal with this person if needed. -relationship- Still curious, but quietly smiling to themselves because this idiot has no idea just how good it really is.
Duri:  -both- "You know, that's not what they say about you." *smirk*
Rune:  -crushing- Insulted that this person would speak of MC as if they were an object. It might be a little hard for them to listen after being fully aware of their budding feelings, so Rune may need to leave the area. -relationship- Having the security of a relationship helps bolster Rune's confidence that it's their place to do something about it. So they put a swift end to the idiot's blathering.
???: -both- Similar to Oswin, it bugs him that it's being aired publicly without MC's knowledge. Depending on how chaotic he's feeling that day, he may drum up quite the performance, loudly talking about how good this person's parents are in the sack and such. He may just steal the show in general, take all the attention away from the fool so he can bask in it instead (and then later quietly threaten this person to ask MC before running their mouth).
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And for waiting. ^_^
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disruptivevoib · 11 months
Chonny Jash HMS Labyrinths AU Explanation & Art Dump: The Masterpost
Before we get into the thick of it. Here are the tags and links to all involved:
Purpose 1/2 Soul: @disruptivevoib (Me. Lol.)
Being 1/2 Soul: @calamarispider (Kai)
Pursuit 1/2 Heart: @agent-8449 (Agent)
Texel 1/2 Heart: @rosy-fox-art (Rosy)
Function 1/2 Mind: @jesterberries (Oswin)
Morality 1/2 Mind: @shxwrunner (Andy)
The Ever Impossible Whole: @kelpo-art (Francey)
Here's the premise, just before the cut for all your "I don't want to read this long ass post" needs:
The base concept for Labyrinths is: what if HMS' Psyche and loop was split into three phases? Each being some kind of maze? The first phase would be closest to the original Album loop, however, throughout it Heart, Mind, and Soul would split themselves into halves. Their splits would result from their own dissonance between the internal and external of themselves.
These halves would then move on to the second phase, where they must then attempt to become themselves again before being able to enter the third phase, the one which leads to the center, to the beacon, to Whole.
Elaborate, fary more in-depth explanation below the cut alongside designs and a lot of art:
The Loop, or Phases 1-3 In-depth
Phase 1 begins as the album does. Whole splits down into three, the concepts of his emotion, rationale, and self. When Mind is first shot, he splits between Morality and Function.
Morality is the "Internal Factor" of Mind, he is the conscience, what is deemed wrong and right by the standards of his assumption. He is perfectionism but in a manner which will not hurt someone else. He is where most of Mind's "emotion" goes. Though Function is entirely capable of bias, Morality is VERY prone to bias. He is belief. Function is the "External Factor" of Mind. He the pure, factual logic. The things you cannot refute. What is known, what must happen, how something works. He is immoral, he is uncaring, he is weighing his options in only what is most logical, most beneficial.
Phase 1 continues into the Pit, where Heart becomes Pursuit and Texel.
Texel is the "Prey". In concepting, Rosy named him after a type of sheep. He is the "Internal Factor" of Heart and a manifest of Heart's depression, fears. The flight to Pursuit's fight. He is still very much a wolf in sheep's clothing, being able to grasp onto others and pull them down with him as much as himself. He is the smothering and drowning part of emotion. Pursuit is the "Predator". He is the "External Factor" of Heart. He is the repression, the ignorance, the end of "Good Day". Pursuit also embodies the violence, however. The big energetic emotion opposing Texel's heavier, tired emotion. Pursuit is the Passion, the movement. Texel is stagnation. Both of them are very much capable of Heart's common self-victimization.
Finally, Soul cannot quite take this, and where Soul Eclectic would be, is his split into Being and Purpose.
Being is that personhood within Soul. The vying to be someone without needing to be Whole. He is the depression, the rage, the exhaustion, the human you're being!! There he is.. and he is very tired. Being is kind of just a guy, but he is also.. very much prone to the ideation of death as a source of escapism, especially from everyone else in the Psyche. Purpose is the tool. The need to be Whole, to fit in, to be normal, to be happy, to be safe. He is self-preservation, he is the knowledge that they have to be something more than what they are, they should be human and they cannot be as much like this. He embodies what it means to be the mask. To hide behind being a functional person.. and yet, without Being, is the least human of them all.
Phase 2 begins after this, with the middle most maze, where the six of them now must reconcile with themselves first. Most, however, regard their other half as the weaker one, or the evil one. The one that must be purged in order to continue.
And they can continue by killing them all, however, Whole won't ever be possible. The right way is to accept the truths on both sides. Their flaws and their importance.
Does that ever happen? It's hard to say. But if it does, Phase 3 happens.
The Innermost maze has a tower that is visible even from Phase 2. There, Whole sits and waits. He is a beacon of light, and a shell of someone, a black hole that projects all its light outward but has none for itself.
On to Designs.
Initially, as original creator of the AU, I had ideas for everyone except Mind. I knew his half/half face would be swapped, but I wasn't sure how else to differentiate the two.
As for Soul and Heart, I had concepts for both of them.
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First, Purpose and Being.
Purpose embodies the mask, and thus became a little "Horror Movie Serial Killer" esque in vibe. After all, everything human within him has been taken and put into Being. He is neatly put together, hair slicked back. It is all curated, and it is all an effort to seem like somebody when he is nearly nobody.
Being has imperfections. His shirt is only half tucked in, his hair is not as slicked back, being able to fall more naturally. He also has the eyeliner I normally put only on Soul's left side. Far more.. guy looking!
Kai and I pretty much stuck to these designs! Following is Purpose's official colored ref, and Kai's art of Being.
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The only BIg change was that Being has higher heels and also wears the noose, which is the part of Whole he very much exemplifies, as a belt.
Speaking of, the Trident belongs to Purpose here too! The trident is able to disrupt each halves special ability, as neither Soul is immortal or has high regenerative healing like Mind or Heart. The Souls are squishy. Purpose's trident is very helpful for putting his Ids in line!
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Now on to Pursuit and Texel, who were originally just "Predator" and "Prey"
Originally, both Heart's had one half of Whole-Heart's wings and also had a sort of inky/shadowy manifestations of what they embodied. Prey had hands and the shadow of a slinking figure holding onto him, grasping at and pulling him down or grabbing at others. He also had the ball and chain which made him slower, made him trapped. Despite this, his clothing is comfier, wearing sweats, a hoodie and socks. His hair was longer too.
Both had the blindfold, as well.
Predator had the shadowy claws which wrapped around his lower arm like gloves and fizzled off in a billowing cloud-like way. His clothing is still comfortable but much less loose. He wears baggier pants, foot wraps, hand wraps (visible without the shadow) and a loose long-sleeves shirt. His hair is also shorter.
Agent and Rosy took these ideas and expanded upon or changed them up. Both Texel and Pursuit are very different from the original concepts. All art of Pursuit belongs to Agent, all art of Texel belongs to Rosy.
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Pursuit retained his comfy but tighter clothing style, but lost the shadow hands, instead gaining an adaptivity ability. He is VERY cat coded, and he is very much the kind of cat that bites you and holds your hand so you do not move and stop giving it attention. He is a menace to society, I would not have him any other way. Lethal weapon motherfucker... scared cat..
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Texel retained his shadows! But he gained hooves.. truly becoming the sheep. He also gained the ability to be entirely consumed by the shadows as self defense. Both giving into his fear and self-victimization but also projecting those horrors outward. Denial keeps you safe and hurts everyone else trying to help.
The Minds.. Like I said, I never sketched anything substantial for them, so we will go straight into Oswin and Andy's designs! Oswin drew everything for Function, Andy drew everything for Morality.
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Morality is closer to a purple, which is indicative maybe, of how much he feels. As well, he has a white eye and his source is on the non void part of his face! His hair is down and more relaxed. Overall, actually, Morality's design portrays him as more casual. Morality is.. electric. He has a defensive mechanism of being electrical fencing wire and zapping anyone who touches him.
Function is the opposite, with a black eye and glowing teal pupil. His source is on the right. He wears a button up and his hair is higher, more put together and "formal". Function is capable of changing smaller parts of the maze at a time. From the wallpaper and flooring, to shifting walls around in order to escape the others or find them.
Whole had no concept design from me either, esp bc I did not initially include him in the au, however in development, he came to be! and thus... Francey drew the blackhole man himself :)
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Other Drawings
Here are some more drawings of everyone! Most from Agent and Kai who went bonkers... I really REALLY love all this art. So much.
Here is Agent's art of everyone. The first one includes some titles for each of them Agent made :]
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Here are also some 2/3rd or more like 2/6th Wholes Agent drew. I won't specify who is who. You can guess.
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Aaand, Labyrinth Heart too :]c
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Here is a drawing I did of 2/6th with Purpose and Function. He didn't get a name, I'm not cool and creative like Agent with that. Also next to it is my art of Labyrinths Soul.
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Also my concept for the Six-Pronged trident.
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Here is a bunch of art Kai did too. :]c
First up is everyone in Kai's style!
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Next is Being in the maze :]
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Also... Oswin's meme videos. Which are very important. But I can only upload one.. so have this one.
Volume Warning though!!
AND... And I think thats it! Actually.. There are a LOT more doodles but this post is long and I am terrified it won't save.
So! \o/ I am happy to answer any other questions about Labyrinths as well, I am sure the others would be too. But don't let me speak for them... Though maybe check the replies here for any notes from them. I know I've missed something.
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employee052 · 1 year
... (teaser)
The Narrator groaned as he dialed up the speed of the standing fan that stood in the living room. Putting a hand in front of it and feeling almost no difference to the speed before.
Sitting back down onto the couch, he sprawled himself over the cushions trying to retain some form of chill from the sweltering heat that swept through the house. His face covered in sweat as he faced the fan.
This heat had been going on all month for them. Thick wildfire smoke in the air, intense heat that ice couldn't satiate, the constant state of sweating from every member in the house. The narrator would have popped back into the parable if it weren't for the fact that simply existing in this heat grew too much to even teleport back into his eternally chilled office.
Oswin walked down the stairs from his room, carrying down three dirty cups of what appeared to be ice cream, the narrator having finished his ages ago while Stanley Lynne and Oswin learned the art of patience and ate theirs slowly like starving men enjoying the little food they had left.
"You good Narry?" Oswin calls out, placing the cups into the sink before taking out two clear glasses and some ice cubes. 
The Narrator groaned in reply, the sound of the fan answering his question for him.
Oswin poured some water into the two cups. Walking over to the narrator and passing him his cold water. He sat up and began to drink it eagerly.
"You know, I've been thinking." Oswin commented, sitting down on the couch adjacent to his.
Oswin rolled his eyes, "Anyways. My family is going back to my home country in a few days to visit some family. We're gonna be staying there for nearly a month." 
The Narrator turns to Oswin with a curious gaze. "Oh... really? What country?"
"The Philippines, I was actually born there!" 
"Thing is," Oswin continues. "Since I've known you for almost half a year now, I've been thinking. What do you say to coming with me on this trip?"
"...I beg your pardon?"
"Look, I know how much you liked going to the rockies. Seeing new sights and getting new ideas and all that. But I've been thinking about bringing you along with me and I-... Well I wanted to ask for your opinion because I don't want to impose and didn't want to force you and all that."
"So... What do you say to going on another trip? To somewhere I was born and grew up in, a place that means a lot to me and show you my culture a bit more than GMA Telenovelas." He asks sheepishly, putting his cup down and fidgeting with his hands nervously.
The Narrator paused and thought to himself, thinking about the situation as a whole.
While he would always be worried about Lynne and Stanley -His family alongside Oswin that he grew to care for over the few months he had existed in the real world that he was scared to leave alone for a month-, yet at the same time it was a trip that held more importance to Oswin, one that felt exciting to see a whole new culture of, and a new side of his best friend of half a year.
"*Well I... I wouldn't be opposed.*"  He commented after some thought. "I would just... I don't know how to feel about leaving Stanley and the Adventure Lynne all alone here."
Oswin nodded. "I get that, leaving family is scary as shit."
"But..." He continues, "it could give Stanley and Lynne a chance to bond! Get up to some classic Father-Line antics back at home."
"Plus..." Oswin continued, walking over to place a hand on his shoulder. "We can always call them daily. We can call to check up on them, and bring back souvenirs and stories and stuff."
He sighs, "I don't want to force you, I understand that this is a hard decision to make and I wouldn't be mad if you declined."
"But I promise you, if you say yes, I'll do my best to make the trip interesting, and fun for both of us."
He takes the Narrator's empty glass from him and walks back to the sink to put the cups away. "I'll let you think about it, alright? Take your time." Oswin says softly, walking upstairs to give him space.
The Narrator sighs and looks at the fan in contemplative silence thinking about all the factors in play before he makes up his mind.
The thrill of adventure lived within him, the idea of seeing new sights and learning a culture he wasn't familiar with was interesting. And while his anxieties over Stanley and Lynne remained in his mind, he knew that Stanley was a smart man. He would be fine. At least he hoped he would be fine.
The Narrator stood from his seat and began to walk up the stairs, a smile on his face.
"Oswin! I made a decision... I'm coming with you!"
NARRY TAKEOVER 2: VACATION DAYS starting this sunday
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daystarsearcher · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @envexenveritas. Saved it for the weekend when I had a bit more time and brainspace:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
481,422 (Damn, if I wrote this much on my original fic, I could have a second novel done by now)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Doctor Who/Big Finish and Holby. In the past I've written for Star Trek: the Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space, and I went through an intense Law and Order: Criminal Intent period in college.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The World Has No Place In Our Bed: Doctor Who, Kate/Osgood. You all love a fake marriage fic!
So Then This Happened: Doctor Who, Kate/Osgood PWP. There are things I'd change about the writing in this, but I guess you all like it!
Empty Spaces: Star Trek: the Next Generation, I looked at the whole Lal situation and decided to make it worse. People love being sad about Data, and who am I not to oblige?
Ghosts in the Machine: Doctor Who, TARDIS POV. One of my earliest fics and I still love writing her POV.
I Know My Sister Like I Know My Own Mind: Doctor Who, Kate/Osgood with Bonnie as the wingman. This was a fun one to write that I still have a soft spot for but kind of surprised to see it crack the top 5!
I do think it's very interesting how this differs when compared to comments. There's definitely a bias toward fluff for kudos (even the sad Data story ends on a hopeful note), while I get more comments on angst. (And I tend to get the BEST and most detailed comments on my absolutely unhinged stuff.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! But I try to give it at least a week before I respond. If I respond to one right away, then I'll feel guilty for not responding to others right away, and then it starts to feel like a responsibility rather than a fun interchange of ideas and gratitude, and I don't want it to feel like that! Anyway, that's more info than you needed about my OCD but that is why I take awhile to respond. I do adore comments and often reread them when I am feeling down.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm, I have been trending towards endings with a tinge of hope, so even though Two Birds in A Cage may be my darkest fic overall, I don't think it wins this. In my Osgood Must Suffer verse, Nor Yet Favor to Women of Skill ends in a really dark place with Osgood totally brainwashed, yet the sequel It's True the Girl They Speak of Died sees her reaching for recovery. Similarly, in the Modern U.N.I.T Infernoverse, The Pieces That Get Sacrificed ends on a dark note, but Chess sees the promise of working towards a better self.
I think we have to reach back to some of my earlier, more edgelordy work, like Snuggle for LO:CI, which is just an autopsy of the two main characters, or Goodbye to Ugly Words and Yesterday and Everyone You Knew and Were, which sees Odo losing every bit of his hard-fought individuality and identity. Oh, or Vermin in the Lower Zoo, my AU of an evil First Doctor, that's a pretty dark ending.
Oh, wait, no Plaything, my AU of Pyramids of Sutekh where I slowly strip away everything the Fourth Doctor loves. Oh wait, no, final answer: Careful the Wish You Make: Wishes Are Children, in which I do the same thing to Sarah Jane, but worse.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, what makes an ending happier, the overall level of happiness or the contrast to the sadness or pain earlier in the story? I think this question is going for the former, so I'll say either Come to Me Softly, Come to Me Sweetly or The Completely True and Canon Story of Oswin Oswald Seduced Jo Grant, or Jo Seduced Her, or Something.
(Or if you want *waggles eyebrows* happy endings, maybe Respectful Discourse on Power Dynamics in the Workplace?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really! I feel like I've maybe got one or two mean comments on a fic on FF.Net over the years, but nothing memorable. Edit: oh, I remember! One person got sooooo mad at my characterization of Goren and Eames in Give and Take. Sorry, buddy, people are going to have different opinions about characters than you and write porn about it!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Fuck yes I write smut. It's one of the great joys of my life. I write predominantly F/F these days, though I've written quite a bit of of F/M, and a sprinkling of threesomes. I've made liberal use of the BDSM tag, and I like things that play with power dynamics and trust.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
A few! One of my first fics was a cracky crossover, The Good Ship [Name of Ship]. I also did a LO:CI/X-Files crossover so Eames and Scully could have sex. It's not my favorite genre, but I'll do it for humor and/or smut.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of, but it would be a great honor!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, but The Good Ship [Name of Ship] was written with the input of my best friend from high school, and she (with her fanfic author name) and some of her favorite characters do star in it. This is an important developmental stage for teen fic authors and I refuse to be embarrassed about it.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Impossible to choose. But have this handy summation:
Picard/Crusher, Odo/Kira, The Doctor/Sarah Jane, Bernie Wolfe/Serena Campbell: these ships changed me as a person and filled my heart to overflowing with yearning, making me believe in love across time and space and alternate universes
Kate Stewart/Osgood: I want the older authoritative one to top the shy nerdy one. A lot.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am fully committed to eventually finishing every WIP. That said, it has been over a decade since I updated Loyalty's Price and that one has some intense worldbuilding that I would have to recall or rebuild from scratch, so uh, don't hold your breath for any updates soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel good about my ability to replicate character voice and to situate emotions in the body as physical sensations.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My god, the amount of times characters speak hesitantly, as if their words are testing a fragile sheet of ice, or touch each other carefully, as if the other is wet paper that might tear, or a dozen other metaphors that my brain has just decided to go to constantly. You absolutely see this with published authors all the time so I don't feel bad about it, though, just amused at my dramatic-ass self.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not something that's come up a lot for me, but I would treat it the same as using another language in original work--seek out a real human to proofread, offer something in exchange for their time.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first fic was a Star Trek: Nemesis fix-it fic written in a spiral notebook in high school.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This changes all the time depending on what mood I'm in, but right now I quite like Chess.
Tagging @ktlsyrtis and @bonnissance if you're up for it!
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thegodcomplcx · 7 months
oswin reveal was clever but happened too late in the episode i think. the pacing of the whole thing is off
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sassy-hedgie · 7 months
in my doctor who rewatch and finding myself annoyed they had a whole plot about a ‘nice dalek’ and going inside a dalek and everything….and somehow the whole ‘oswin’ dalek thing never comes up????
like i know they kinda hand waved how much she even remembers from that time but idk it felt a bit silly
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camellcat · 8 months
cried two single tears watching the end of s10. giving one each to bill and the doctor cause I couldn't figure out who caused them
I was RIGHT BTW THAT MAN DID GET HER KILLED AHH BILL I'M SO SORRY why did she literally have the worst time ever with him I would've ran for the hills. I mean not every episode was completely traumatic for her, but... wow...
anyways, I'm SO upset to lose missy it's a little surprising. she was the first master incarnation I really got into and attached to, even if I went back and fell in love with saxon
not much to say honestly. really enjoyed s10, really liked bill. she's probably either my 4th or 5th favorite companion, I totally get why everyone who meets her loves her
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layaboutace · 9 months
Season 7 Episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks
we didn't need a single episode divorce plot to make us realize amy and rory we're completely devoted to each other amy not trying to bone the doctor during the last season was enough, there definitely was a better way to say that Amy couldn't have children than this. and her being a model now? who wants to bet its never brought up again and her career is forgotten like her family? but everything with oswin was great, especially her ending with the twist of her being a dalek the whole time, i think the slowly turning into daleks thing was kinda dumb, but whatever. was it ever shown amy was cured??? eh whatever. oh i hate the ending, not what actually happens but the repeated "doctor who???" i just know moffat thinks hes so smart for thinking of that
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gender-snatched · 2 years
Ok so I’ve been so bad at posting my Femslash Feb fics for this month so here’s this week’s. Under cut for y’all.
A Wedding - Martha Jones/Original Female Character
Prompt: Martha
The wedding invitation manages to make it to the TARDIS. Somehow. It’s in pretty, shiny red lettering on a thick cream paper, and it invites the Doctor - and a plus one [crossed out] two [crossed out] three [underlined] - to the wedding of Martha Jones and Selena Ali.Underneath, handwritten, are the words “I fucking won!” underlined and in all caps. It’s not Martha’s handwriting, and the Doctor smiles when he sees it.
The Universe - Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan
Prompt: Universe
The Doctor would give Yaz the universe, but she wouldn’t give Yaz her actual love.
Sunbeam Heat - Madame Vastra/Jenny Flint
Prompt: Culture
But there are things Vastra misses about being among Silurians. Small cultural things, really. Things like sharing sources of light as intimacy and eating whole eggs. Things that Jenny passes off as ‘just Silurian’ or even ‘just Vastra’. And Vastra wants to tell Jenny that when she says things like “it feels nice under this lamp”, that it’s an invitation for Jenny to sit with her and bask. And that’s intimacy to Silurians.
Flower Notes - Martha Jones/Kitty Winter (Elementary TV)
Prompt: Flowers
The first time Martha receives flowers, she’s shocked. They’re laid across the doormat of her flat, a small bouquet. It’s not professional by any means - in fact, it looks like someone tore up some flowers and tied them together with the nearest piece of string. But still, Martha is gobsmacked by the most obvious fact. It’s a bouquet. For her.
Brilliant Skies - Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan
Prompt: Picnic
The Doctor takes Yaz on a date.
Vulcan Logic - Ashildr | Lady Me/Clara Oswin Oswald
Prompt: Hands
Vulcans don’t, by any meaning of the word, flirt. Ashildr, the last Vulcan heir to the S’hek T’gau clan, is not flirting with the Betazoid girl. She simply enjoys Clara’s company. A friendly game of chess, or a conversation on the ethics of Starfleet’s telepath programs is not a relationship garnered on some silly human crush.
Missy’s Step Into the Disgusting Worm Concept of ‘Love’ - Missy/Donna Noble
Prompt: Donna
Missy loves playing in the Doctor’s timestream. It tastes nice, meeting people who don’t know about her and never will. Donna is the next one she tries to stick her fingers into. After she’s forgotten the Doctor, and is back to being miserable, because those humans are always so miserable when they don’t get to see interesting things. It’s boring. But then, the ginger woman yells at a man that’s messing with her stuff, and well… Missy likes women, alright?
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glagger-true · 1 year
Howdy dear reader! I'm your host Glagger, and today I'm here to bring you the eleventh post of my medal analysis series for the visual novel Password.
It will have SPOILERS FOR THE NOVEL, as usual. So please, if you haven't read the novel yet and don't want to be spoiled, leave for now.
Sagittarius, The medal of Hope, Willpower and Choice:
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Sagittarius is the path B ending medal given to Dave by Flora. It is given in two different places depending on whether the reader is in Roswell's route or not. In non-Roswell routes, Dave receives it at Roswell's gravestone, and in Roswell's route, he receives it in front of his house.
In the first variation, Flora says that, while the game ended physically now, it's not over as a whole, and that Dave can reach a different end for the vacation if he wishes so. She claims the medal can help him in some other place and some other time, and that it represents change and choices yet unmade. She admits she took the medal with her before Dave arrived at the mansion, and that things could have been much different if Dave had met her earlier, or made any other number of different choices along the way, such as not revealing Oswin.
In the variation of Roswell's route, Flora visits Dave at his house to give the medal away herself and has a similar conversation to the one in the other variation. As she leaves, Dave rushes after her to ask what he's meant to do now that Roswell is gone, expressing his pain at losing his best friend and boyfriend. Flora empathizes, saying how she too is in pain and doesn't know the answer to that question. She admits that even if she had already prepared herself mentally to lose him thanks to his sickness, it still hurts. Flora also confesses that the only thought consoling her now is that Roswell has moved on to the next life, and that she'll meet him in the next universe again, being hopeful at the prospect he might live even longer next time. She concludes by encouraging Dave to do the same and have hope.
In Astrology, Sagittarius is the positive mutable fire sign of the zodiac. Sagittarius has a strong willpower that manifests as a flexible and dynamic hunger for knowledge. This sign is passionate, curious and intense, capable of adapting to anything in its search for new information. Sagittarius is a sign with a strong desire for change, and as such, freedom is one of its critical traits. It's also interesting to note that the half horse archer of this sign is mythologically an intelligent and capable healer known for bridging the gap between heaven and earth. As an archer, he always hit his mark, which to astrology, alludes to the power of prophecy and makes this sign a common sign for soothsayers and prophets to be born under.
Astrologers believe that, people born under Sagittarius' stars are very energetic and curious people who live their lives in search of knowledge. Open-minded and honest, they are known for sometimes being a bit too blunt and direct, causing misunderstandings and hurt feelings. They are very creative, optimistic and enthusiastic, possessing a strong moral compass that makes them search for change and improvement. Sagittarians don't take things too seriously, making it difficult for others to stay mad at their sometimes clueless behavior.
The planetary ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the representative of abundance in all things. Gifts, luck, wealth, education, tolerance, spiritual growth and even law, are all things this planet seeks to have in excess. As a result, Sagittarius is a sign that constantly searches for more; just enough is never enough for them. Excess in knowledge, money, patience, positive relationships and everything that can bring joy is the ultimate goal of Sagittarius.
In babylonian mythology, Sagittarius is associated with the centaur god Nergal, who has two heads, wings, a scorpion's stinger and a horse's tail. While in Sumerian myths, it's associated to Crotus, a Satyr-like creature that invented archery and was the nurse of the muses, the nine daughters of Zeus who lived in mount Helicon. The muses were the ones who asked Zeus to put him in the sky as a constellation so he could remain with them forever. Finally, Greek mythology associates him with Chiron, a son of Cronus who turned himself into a horse to escape his jealous wife Rhea. He's also said to have helped the group of heroes Pollux and Castor belonged to find the Golden Fleece. His arrow is aimed at Antares, the heart of Scorpio, ready to kill the constellation in case it tries to harm the hero Heracles, or in other interpretations, to avenge the death of Orion.
Paralleling the sign's traits with Dave, we see a strong accuracy to his most confident and heroic traits. He's a hopeless optimist, with an almost lawful-stupid moral compass, who's constantly advocating for change and improvement amongst his friends. Clueless, and bit too honest for his own good, Dave also tends to let his curiosity and creativity rule his actions, often sticking his nose in some new form of art or in issues where he doesn't belong. He tends to become assertive when it comes to doing what he considers correct, even if that means intruding the boundaries set by the people around him, something visible in how he interacts with his friends. His excess of empathy, patience, politeness and fixation in following rules, and creative intelligence is also a very Sagittarian trait.
The myths also connect well to Dave. The parallels with Crotus are visible in the way Dave acts as the caretaker and protector of the group. He's the healer who relieved the group of the emotional wounds caused by their traumas one by one, until he became so loved by all of them that they wished to stay with him till the end of their lives in each route ending. Then, we see a parallel with Chiron in how he's also the prophetic guide of the group. He guides the group by predicting the future through the vault, divining their fates and keeping them safe from death as he guides them towards the end of their journey and happy ending.
The part about Sagittarius' arrow being aimed at the heart of Scorpio also parallels how Dave is the one who can reach Roswell's heart to stop him from harming the cast. He avenges them by destroying the cold, detached and muted shell Roswell created around his heart to drown his humanity, thus saving Roswell himself as well, since he plays the role of both aggressor and victim.
To conclude, Craig's commentary on the medal is that it was given to Dave in two different places for two different reasons. The first, to mark a point where things ended, and the second as a symbol to look towards the future. He states it can be seen both as a guiding tool or weapon to cause more suffering and pain. His words are a direct reference to how Dave needs to remember the point in time where things ended and how they ended, so that things can play out differently next time around. Only by looking towards the future with the hope things will improve will he find a way to overcome the pain he feels at the moment. The medal is both his guiding arrow towards better choices, but also the weapon that will hurt him and his friends all over again through the iterations to achieve these new results.
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