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missusmiller · 3 months ago
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My sexy jesus boyfriend i love u forever #ArcaneAct2
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missusmiller · 11 months ago
eewwwww writing for the real euronymous is soo icky😭😭😭🫵🏽🫵🏽🫵🏽
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
domesticity looks good on you
pairing: ellie williams x platonic!f!reader, joel miller x reader
summary: ellie calls you mom for the first time. (requested)
warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF! read if your heart was broken by tonight's episode. it will heal you. fr.
word count: 2.3k
a/n: hello! i wrote this immediately following the episode bc i needed to be happy!!!!!!! it is not proof read just fyi. please please please let me know what you think of it; and as always, my requests are open!
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Motherhood was something that you had never considered. Not even once. In fact, you don't think you had the capacity to nurture a human from birth. Lucky for you, there was zero societal pressure on you to do so since there were hoards of infected roaming the earth.
You were at peace with this.
Until Ellie came along.
She annoyed you at first. The type of annoyance that slipped under your skin and clawed you from the inside out. You could not stand her, often refusing to give her the time of day and instead turning to Joel.
Slowly but surely, she knocked down your walls; weaseling her way into your heart. After everything that you had gone through with her, how could you not care for the girl?
Ellie, Joel, and you had made your way back to Jackson after your journey; traumatized and exhausted. But at least you three were alive.
Maria and Tommy were able to put the three of you in a house that you hoped would become your home. You had no plans to leave the safe space and neither did Joel and Ellie.
It shocked you how quickly the three of you were able to fall into a domestic routine. Ellie went to school, Joel worked with Tommy wherever help was needed, and you helped in the garden.
You had not had a routine in years, instead focusing your energy on surviving each day with Joel. But you didn't mind the lack thereof, you lived for the thrill of waking up each day not knowing what was the come. It was the easiest way for you to cope with the way the world had changed over the past twenty years.
The past four months changed you though, for the better. You often looked back on your past self with disgust at how you could act the way you did. To not let people in and treat others with hatred. But Joel taught you how to sympathize with your younger self; how to look at them and let your heart ache. Given the circumstances of having to fight for your life each day, your hardness and lack of kindness made sense.
You had no other choice.
Ellie came back from school one day to you and Joel cuddled up on the couch, his head in your lap snoring softly.
You flashed her a smile and quietly asked about her day. She mumbled something about it being fine and took a step closer to you both. "Were family dinners a thing that people actually did back before-" she paused, taking a moment to think of the right phrasing. "Well, everything?"
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Huh?"
"It's just that-" she started, taking a seat on the chair next to the couch. "We watched a film at school and they were eating all together at the table and I thought that was weird but when I said something about it, all the kids- they uh- they looked at me like I was crazy?" her voice trailed up at the end.
"Ah," you exhaled, fingers tangled in Joel's hair. Ellie didn't like not knowing everything, you and her were alike in that aspect.
"I don't know why I asked- it's stupid and like it doesn't matter-" Ellie rambled on, popping up from her seat on the couch causing Joel to stir in his sleep from the sudden noise.
"Ellie-" you interrupted gently. "Would you like for us all to have dinner together? Seated a table?"
Her shoulders lowered, the tension leaving her body in an instant. "Yeah," she sighed. "Would that be okay?"
Your cheeks pinched up with a smile, "Of course, babygirl. Anything for you."
A noise of excitement left her lips before she slapped her hand over her mouth, looking to Joel to see if he would wake. You kept as still as humanly possible, hoping that he wouldn't wake. A second passed and he didn't further stir as the both of you let out the air in your lungs. She mouthed a 'sorry' at you before bounding up the stairs to her room.
"Y/N?" Joel questioned, causing your heart to leap in fear.
"Jesus, Joel! I didn't know you were awake!" you clutched your pounding heart, praying that it wouldn't fall out of your chest. He snickered, rotating his body so he was looking up at you from your lap.
"Family dinner?"
"Yeah, now get up and help me get ready."
The two of you spent the next couple of hours preparing a meal for the three of you. This was the most carefree you had ever seen Joel before. Things felt, for lack of a better word, normal.
It was weird.
But amazing.
Joel laughed and spun you around the kitchen, attacking your sides when you tried to actually get something done. You would slap his hand away, giggling to yourself, begging him to stop. By the end, your cheeks ached from smiling.
Both of you were proud by the end of it, even going as far as to invite Maria, Tommy, and their new baby over to join you for the meal.
You greeted your guests at the door, enjoying playing hostess as you grabbed their coats, ushering them into the living room so you could all talk before sharing a meal.
"Ellie!" you called up to her as everyone took their seats. She came barreling down the stairs and practically jumped into the space next to you on the couch. You slung a lazy arm over her as she leaned into your side, soaking up the comfort of the situation.
Ellie felt as though she was in one of the films she had watched in class, curled up next to you laughing with the adults of the room as the baby cooed in Joel's arms.
"Hey!" you exclaimed towards Joel. "Don't be such a hog, the baby wants to see her aunt and cousin too!"
Ellie felt her heart stop.
She was considered the baby's cousin.
You removed your arms from Ellie's shoulders as you took the baby from Joel's arms, cradling her to your chest and rocking her gently. Her little eyes looked up to you as she made quiet noises, little hands reaching up to your face.
"Hi baby, hi."
Ellie watched over your shoulder, trying to make the funniest faces she could to get the baby's attention.
The conversation continued to roar while drinks were poured, but the little baby did not leave your arms and neither did Ellie leave your side.
Stomachs started to rumble when Joel suggested you move the party to the dining room table. Maria took the baby from your arms and popped upstairs to lay her down in a crib in one of the rooms. She very subtly (not) made sure to set the three of you up in a house with a crib in case you and Joel ever thought of having a child together.
Tommy, Maria, and Ellie took a seat at the table, Tommy quizzing Ellie on the things she was learning in school while you and Joel finished putting the final touches on everything.
You felt him come up to your back, lacing his hands around your body and pulling you into his chest. He buried his face into your hair, his breath hot on your skin.
"Hey," he mumbled, letting his eyes shut with contentment.
"Hey, cowboy."
"This is nice," he spoke, pulling his head up.
"Well," you spun around to face him, placing your hands on his chest. "Make sure you thank Ellie, this was her idea."
You could not deny the happy ache in your chest at his bright smile. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to your own. He tried to deepen it but you shoved him away with a laugh.
"We have guests!"
He gave you a wink before picking up the bowl of salad and making his way back out to the table.
You followed close behind carrying a tray. Ellie cheered as you set everything down at the table.
"It looks great, thanks guys," Maria spoke with a smile, starting to pass around the food as soon as you and Joel sat down.
"Make sure to thank Ellie, she was the one who suggested that we do this," you laughed, giving her a playful kick underneath the table.
"Well thank you, Ellie," Tommy announced, loading salad onto his plate.
The conversation flowed, covering each and every topic imaginable.
Ellie grew quiet as the dinner progressed, eyes growing heavy with tiredness from her day at school and the excitement of the night.
You sipped your drink, glancing over to her to check up on her lack of speech.
"Tired?" you questioned, letting Joel tell an embarrassing story of Tommy from when he was a kid to Maria.
Ellie looked up from her plate to meet your eyes. She shrugged in response.
"Want to go up to sleep?" you questioned, raising your eyebrow.
She shook her head vigorously, anxiety levels starting to rise at the thought of leaving. She wished this moment was written down, so she could read it and relive it over and over again. It was true perfection.
You narrowed your eyes, "Let's go up. They're probably going to head out in a couple."
Ellie frowned, crossing her hands over her chest in defiance.
You rolled your eyes, tapping Joel lightly on the shoulder to let him know you were going to take Ellie up to bed. She wearily bid them goodbye, trudging up the stairs with you following close behind. You followed her into her room and sat down on the bed, letting her excuse herself to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
You absentmindedly ran your hand over the blanket covering her bed, tracing light patterns into it. You heard the found of her soft feet on the floor padding over to the bed, where she took a seat next to you.
She let her head fall on your shoulders as the two of you sat in comfortable silence.
"Thank you," she whispered, breaking that silence.
You hummed in response, "Thank you for suggesting it."
She was quiet again, blinks becoming slower and longer. She lived for moments like this, moments where she didn't have to ask for you to stay while she fell asleep; moments where you just would.
Your fingers wracked through the strands of her hair. You could sense there was something on her mind. "What are you thinking about?"
Ellie sighed through her nose. "Did you mean it when you said I was the baby's cousin?"
"What?" you questioned, turning your head to look down at her.
She pushed her head further into your shoulder, not wanting to look up at you in case you said no. "You said you were the baby's aunt and I was a cousin."
"Yeah?" you questioned, hoping she would expand.
"Oh," she breathed, quieting again. You became nervous she was going to fall asleep on you so you guided her into her covers, making sure she was cozy. She made a noise of defiance but eventually surrendered realizing how warm it was. "Will you stay?"
"Always," you smiled, laying a gentle hand on her cheek before going to sit in the chair in her room. You watched, thinking she would drift off to sleep immediately, but she didn't.
That's when it hit you.
What she was getting at.
You said that she was a part of the family and she didn't know what to make of that.
If to believe it.
"Ellie?" you spoke up in the silence.
"Yeah?" she responded, her voice raspy from the beginning stages of sleep.
"You know-" you paused. "You know you're a part of this family, right? You are family to us."
Ellie felt her entire body still, tears immediately starting to swell in her eyes.
Holy fuck did it feel amazing to hear that.
"Yeah," she croaked, hoping that her voice wouldn't give away the happy tears streaming down her face.
You smiled to yourself as you watched her entire body relax, sending her almost straight into sleep.
"Goodnight, Ellie."
"Goodnight, mom."
Now you couldn't stop the tears from streaming down your face as she drifted off into a restful sleep. You stood up as soon as you heard her quiet snores and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "Sweet dreams, babygirl."
You shut off the light and closed the door gently, creeping down the stairs. Tears still seeping out of your eyes as you found Joel washing up in the kitchen. His face showed panic the second he saw your tears.
"What's wrong-"
"Ellie called me mom," you cut him off with a sob. He pulled you into your chest as you cried.
Cried for the happiness you felt.
Cried for the despair of what brought the three of you together.
Cried the first tears of motherhood.
Joel shushed you, holding you tight to his chest. Ignoring the swell of his own heart. Damn domesticity and the emotions that came with being safe. He held you til your eyes dried.
He pulled you away from his chest to look into your eyes. "Okay?" he questioned.
You nodded, wiping away the remaining tears. "Yeah."
His eyes narrowed, lips creeping up into a smile.
"Does this mean that I am daddy?"
You smack him in the chest.
"Shut up, Joel."
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
forever rereading this
Seriously No rush and no pressure but please continue to bless us with some poly Ronal/Tonowari x reader shit 🧎‍♀️
I’m down bad for them especially after reading your “tattoos” 🫶
Morning Light
Pairing: Tonowari & Ronal / GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,520
Warnings: So much fluff I had to question if I should delete some. No spoilers for the Way of Water.
Summary: The world is changing around you, but for now, in your home, there is peace.
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Light streamed in through the woven walls of your home. You had yet to open your eyes, yet you knew the sun was waiting. You felt the warmth of it on your closed eyelids. With a long yawn, you stretched, extending your legs to their limit to bring life back into your tired body. You attempted to roll over and found your plans thwarted by a weight resting on your waist. You itched to investigate it, but you were so tired. You reached up and nudged at it with your hands. "It" was an arm. You wrapped your fingers around it the best that you could and lifted it up into the air. A puff of air disturbed the strands of hair atop your head.
"What are you doing?" Tonowari rumbled from behind you, halfheartedly trying to pull his arm from your grip. He had been comfortable before you decided you wanted to capture the limb and wave it around aimlessly.
"You are heavy," you replied. "Crushing me."
He let out another puff and successfully escaped your grasp, returning his arm to its rightful place, wrapped around your middle. "Enough drama."
"Drama?" Now you opened your eyes. Indignant, you turned over to face him. "I am not dramatic. You are heavy. You are so-"
"What is happening?" Ronal, who had once laid with her back to your chest, was now awake. She sat upright, her eyes still lidded and drowsy. "Why are you talking? It is early."
"The duties of a Tsahìk begin early," Tonowari stated. His tone made it obvious that he wasn't serious. From where you lay, you could see how his eyes sparkled with mirth when he addressed your mate.
"The duties of an Olo'eyktan should be silence." Ronal's retort was quick. She had a fast working mind and a tongue that was somehow just as swift. Even with your back to her, you could feel the look she shot Tonowari. Then the netting beneath you dipped and she laid down once more. You felt her arm slip around your waist and gasped, finding that you were effectively kept from moving once more.
"What did I just say?" You asked. "Heavy. I can't breathe."
"You can breathe fine," said Tonowari. "We are close. I feel your breath."
You very pointedly took a gulp of air, no longer breathing. He was right; you were lying so close that he could feel your every exhale on his chest. So you simply wouldn't exhale. He stared down at you.
"Are you serious?" He asked. "What is this?"
"No acting like children." Ronal abruptly squeezed your middle, robbing you of the precious oxygen you had stored in your lungs and forcing you to breathe normally again. When you tried to hold your breath a second time, she jabbed her fingers into your side, ripping a laugh from your throat as she exclaimed your name.
"No!" You shrieked between fits of breathless laughter, reaching down to push at her hand. "Ronal! Mercy!"
"Why?" She caught your hand with her other, which you hadn't seen coming. "You are behaving like a child."
"This is childish!" You wailed, tipping your head back so you could attempt to get a look at her. "I have done no wrong. It was him!"
"Him?" Ronal stopped her assault on your sides, letting you catch your breath. "Is this true, Tonowari?"
"I have never behaved as anything other than an adult," he responded, leaning forward and kissing the top of her head. You were fully prepared to joke about how you felt left out- fake whining and all- but he was one step ahead of you. He kissed your head as well, silencing your future complaint. "It is not something that sounds like me."
You rolled your eyes, exaggerating the movement just to be sure that he saw it. "The clan may think that, but I know better."
"Do you?" A playful grin came to his face. You had no time to reply before he retreated from you, his arm slipping away from your waist. Suddenly you missed it. Sure, it had crushed you into the netting, but it was a comfortable crush. You sat up, bringing Ronal with you, as she had yet to let go of your middle. She seemed perfectly content to hold onto you as you went about waking up.
Who were you to complain? You were content with it too.
"Come back," you commanded. "It is cold."
"It is morning," he replied. "The sun will come soon."
"I miss you."
"Do you?" He glanced back at you and Ronal. "Maybe I will come back. In exchange."
"In exchange?" You narrowed your eyes. To your left, Ronal had begun to busy herself, no longer engaged in the conversation between you and Tonowari. Her fingers traced the numerous tattoos on your arm. Tattoos which she herself had done. You could remember each of them. You shuddered, the reaction instinctive as her fingertips brushed your shoulder blade.
"In exchange for an apology." He sat down across from you. "I feel slighted."
"You are slighted."
"____." His expression carried only amusement. His lips were curved into a smirk that was reserved for only you and your other lover. To the clan, he was a tough but benevolent leader. A strong man with a gentle heart. For you and Ronal, there was only gentleness. Only love. That love carried a playfulness that you loved, and you wouldn't quite admit that you wish you saw more.
Ronal's hand touched your lower back, remaining there. Your posture went rigid. Her palm was warm on your skin. Warm, but rough. Her skin was worn from years of hard work as both Tsahìk and a hunter. You loved it; you didn't need physical softness. You only needed her and Tonowari.
Tonowari, who you knew you would not be receiving until the stubborn man got his apology. With a dramaticized sigh, you dipped you head.
"I am sorry for slighting you. Come back before I freeze to death."
He laughed. The sound was a low rumble that came straight from his chest. He scooted forward and joined you once more, reaching up and cradling your face in a hand. His palm was close to the size of your head. It was easy to lean into it, basking in the warmth that his skin gave off. Amusement brought a smile to his lips.
"Better?" He asked.
"Much." You leaned in with a satisfied smile of your own, brushing your lips against his. "Stay."
"Always," he responded. The kiss that followed was nothing short of perfect. Kissing Tonowari was something out of a fantasy. No matter how long you had been lovers, and no matter how many times you kissed him, it always felt as though it was your first. He was impossibly gentle, holding you like you were something that could shatter should he make a wrong move. You were far from fragile- something both of you knew- but you still enjoyed being handled with such care.
Saying you separated from the kiss when you were satisfied would be a lie. If you had it your way, you could kiss him forever. But there was another factor to take into consideration; that being you wanted to kiss Ronal too. You doubted anyone would blame you if they were in your position. Your lovers were simply flawless. You would spend all the time in the world with them if given the chance.
Ronal's hand dropped to your waist when you turned your head to her. At the same time, Tonowari took the hint, removing his hand from your waist and settling it on your thigh instead.
"I see you have everything sorted out," she said wryly. You scoffed, playful.
"I am good with negotiation. I learned from the best."
"Certainly not him."
Tonowari squeezed your thigh gently, making his indignation known. "I am plenty good at negotiating."
You laughed and pat his hand. In truth, he was wonderful with negotiation. Wonderful with his words. Others naturally liked and trusted him. The other villages respected him greatly. You couldn't be prouder. Yet, you weren't going to focus on that right now. Your sights were set elsewhere.
"I can show you," you offered. "I am very good at it."
"I learn through experience," said Ronal. She sounded like she was on the verge of laughter, causing you to almost dissolve into a fit of giggles as well. When you kissed her, you were still smiling against her lips from your joke.
You spent the morning like that; lazily exchanging affections with both of your mates. All of your duties could wait. Tonowari could hunt in the noon. There were no sick for Ronal to see to. And of course, with your Olo'eyktan permitting it, there was no need for you to hunt yet either.
There were duties to be completed later on, but for now, for this moment, there was no need to worry. There was peace in your home, and in your village. You would do whatever it took to be sure it stayed that way.
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
Same Soul, Different Body.
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request: Hi, I was wondering if you could write a Neteyamxhuman!reader where the reader takes the bullet for Neteyam, so they transport her soul to her avatar and they become really emotional upon waking up and seeing her human body, dead and they all (sully family and metkayina clan) have a funeral for her human body. Neteyam comforts her and mourns with her??
pairing: neteyam x human!reader / (eventually) na'vi!reader.
sully family x reader, ronal x reader (platonic).
note: thank you @karmascale for requesting this! this was a challenge to write and i hope i did your request justice! i did a few minor tweaks just to make the story flow better. this slightly deviates from the original plot in the movie! feedback is once again, much appreciated - i love hearing ur guys thoughts! this piece is my prized posession 😭😭😭 if there's any mistakes pls lmk! reader is gn!
cw: atwow spoilers, blood, funeral, angst, mourning/grief, eventual fluff, gsw, death, detailed descriptions of pain/slipping in and out of consciousness, seizure.
word count: 5.6k
tags: @odessa-is-my-queen
closely helped me through writing this so here is something to listen to if you want to get even more immersed <3
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You weren't supposed to be there. That's the only thought that had been drilled into his mind ever since your body had struggled to stay afloat after jumping off the ship.
The once crystal clear blue waters were now tainted with an angry scarlet colour. Neteyam did not know what the source of it was. His heart had sunken, missing a beat when your head had not popped out of the water to cheer with the rest of them.
"Wait, where's Y/n?" Neteyam, panted as he tried to catch his breath.
Prior to all this, he had expressed how you should have gone back to Awa'atlu. But your eyes had a fire that even he couldn't shoot down. His family by definition was yours as well. You just couldn't sit this one out, not this time.
Your struggled gasps answered his question, your head bobbing back underwater only to resurface seconds later.
"Nete, I think I've been shot." You groaned in pain, as you struggled to stay afloat.
"You are such a skxawng, Y/n!" Neteyam cried, immediately swimming over to your side as he helped hold your much smaller body up.
"Hey, that's not nice." You tried to retort jokingly, only to cough up blood right after you had finished your sentence.
You weren't supposed to be there. Your link machine was experiencing issues, Norm was fixing it. Tuk, and Kiri, had brought you out to the ocean as you waited. You've been begging to see baby Ilu's ever since the Metkayina clan allowed you, Norm, and Max to stay behind after Kiri's seizure. Now seemed like the perfect time to do so, but they couldn't have been more wrong about their decision.
When you three had seen Lo'ak rushing off to warn Payakan about the tracker. Your friends not trailing too far behind him, you all joined too. You believed Lo'aks words from before, you didn't know such brutal consequences would come from such actions.
It was you and Neteyam who fled to drop the tracker further away, only to witness in horror as your friends were trapped in a net, being lifted by Ikrans and dropped on the large ship.
Only months ago were you all held captive, but the stakes are larger than life now. You were horrified. Neteyam curated a plan, only on the ship to cut them out of their restraints. Then you'd all head back together. But Lo'ak wanted to save Spider, and a sky-person turned Na'vi was blocking your freedom back into the water. You weren't supposed to be there. He thought he got you out there safely, how stupid of him to think that.
His amber eyes caught sight of your gunshot wound when he and Lo'ak pulled you on top of Tsireya's Ilu. His world was crumbling around him, and all he could do was apply pressure.
"It hurts!" You grunted, the pain like nothing you've ever experienced before.
"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, Y/n." Neteyam shushed you, trying to give you some comfort and calm his own worries.
His father's words began to repeat in his mind from the training lessons he used to teach his kids when they were far younger. This one focused on sky-people and the type of weapons they use. The damage it can cause.
"Son, a bullet wound is deadly - only if there is an exit wound."
How did a bullet even hit you? It should have been him. Now he felt like he was paying the price.
Neteyam cursed to himself, yaymak.
"We must bring Y/n back! They can help them there!" Lo'ak interjected, trying to get everyones attention. He was worried for his friend who wasn't even in their Avatar body. The tensions were through the skies that gloomed down on you all.
Tsireya, clutching onto her dear friend for life - nodded hastily. Yipping at her Ilu, they made haste back to their village.
Neteyam previously thought his greatest loss was the time he missed out with you. But now there was a chance of truly losing all of you. He couldn't bare the weight that train of thought held over him.
When his parents had told them that they'd have to leave all they'd ever known. He knew you wouldn't follow in their footsteps. They didn't even have a foolproof plan. And it would be too dangerous for you, your avatar was not ready yet.
He wanted to stay, but his family needed him now - more than ever before. They wouldn't allow it anyway.
"I will wait for you, Nete." You had told him, speaking so softly. Your words were full of warmth, full of promise. You sounded so sure, and it reassured him so much. He was utterly devoted to every fiber of your being. You already encompassed his entire mind. Each decision he had been making lately that would benefit his future, always circled back to you.
If he closed his eyes he'd still remember every minor detail of that day. The day he had to say goodbye. It was gutwrenchingly beautiful.
You stood on a tree trunk, and he wanted to curse Ewya for having to make humans wear masks. Because as your tiny hands grasped his face, his fists clenched in sheer desperation to caress yours. But he couldn't, not with that damned mask in the way.
Instead he opted for tucking a stray braid behind your ear, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. His hands hovered over yours above his face, before grasping them. You'd never get over how they dwarfed yours, how it felt to bask in his warmth. It felt like a reminder from Ewya that you were destined to be together.
You could see the tears he was trying not to shed, and feel the way his hands were slightly shaking. His ears laid flat, tail hung low. And it felt like a punch in the gut, a harsh reminder of not knowing when he would come back here. The fear of not knowing when you'd be in each other's presence again. His gaze kept traveling between every feature of your face. The boy did not have any artistic ability in his bones, but he'd be utterly dumb to not remember every minute detail that he had fallen for.
This wasn't earth, there were no devices that could reach as far as they were hoping to go. No mailing system. They'd have to rely on their trust for one another this time.
With purpose, you held his chin. "I. Will. Wait. For. You." You had annunciated every word.
Determination flickered in his eyes, and his hands held onto your mask, the part that covered your cheeks. You blushed, he'd never done that before.
"I will wait for you, Y/n." He declared as his forehead met yours.
"Come on, bro!" Y/n suddenly said, wait what?
His shoulders were being shaken, and he was brought back into the harsh reality.
"Hop on!" Lo'ak tugged on his arm, as he and Spider waited for him. Neteyam swung himself onto his Ilu. They raced back to shore.
He briefly saw Ronal ushering a member of the Metkayina clan who was holding his Y/n, into a mauri.
He started to head towards them with Spider when he realised Lo'ak wasn't following. He quickly turned around and beckoned him over, only to witness him hopping back on his Ilu.
"What are you doing?" Neteyam hissed at him.
"I have to go back for Tuk and Kiri! They are still there, mum and dad as well." Lo'ak explained.
"I'm coming with you." Spider walked back over, Lo'ak wanted to argue about it - but knew they didn't have time.
He could see the conflict in his older brother's eyes.
"I got this brother. I know that doesn't feel reassuring. because I usually don't. But this is our family, I won't fuck this up." Lo'ak insisted, he didn't want to risk a slim chance of potentially losing anyone else.
"Lo'ak...-" Neteyam tried to change his younger brother's mind.
"Please, trust me. You're going to regret not being here if Y/n gets worse." Lo'ak contested, he knew he was right.
Neteyam shut his eyes, taking in a deep breath. Contemplating his choices, he knew what he had to do.
"Go, but be alert. This isn't a raid back home!" Neteyam said.
Lo'ak nodded in acknowledgment, turning his Ilu and heading back to the ship in the distance along with Spider.
When they were nothing but a speck in the distance, he quickly rushed over to the mauri he saw Y/n and Ronal enter.
He rushed in, his heart somersaulting at the sight before him. You were pale, too pale. Your chest barely rises up and comes back down. He could tell you were on the verge of losing consciousness.
"Please mother, let me ask for the humans!" Tsireya begged as she continued to try to stop the bleeding.
"Fine, go get them." Ronal allowed it, continuing to do her ritual.
Tsireya was about to get up, but Neteyam stopped her.
"I can do it." He mumbled.
He made sure his comms were on the channel that had a connection with both his parents, Norm, and Max.
"Norm, Max.-" his voice choked up.
"I don't know what you are doing right now, but Y/n is dying. I need you to come to the chief's house, now! I don't- I don't know what you need to bring but just what you can! Please!" Neteyam pleaded as he fell by your side, his fingers running through your hair.
Blood splatter was speckled on the inside of your mask, and you blinked slowly in response to his barely there touch. Gazing up at him, a pained smile graced your face.
"Neteyam, is that you?" You asked.
"It's me, I'm here," Neteyam replied, tearing up at your whimpers of pain.
"We're on our way! Eta is 3 minutes!" Norm's rushed voice sounded through his comms.
"Tell her we are here. I am here." Neytiri's voice sounded forced, holding in the emotions she was truly feeling at that present moment.
"Okay, okay. Mum is with you, she is rooting for you. You hear me, Y/n? We all are!" He hoped his words were giving you strength, he felt like anything he could potentially do wouldn't be enough. Neteyam could only pray to Ewya that his mother would be okay after what she had just heard.
Neytiri loves you like you were her own, to this day she cannot pinpoint why she held such prejudice towards Spider but not you. Maybe because his father killed her own and the fact he had destroyed her clan's sanctuary.
Your mother and father were fierce, in a sense they were seen as warriors through her eyes. Alongside Trudy, they had pioneered the revolution against Colonel Quaritch and his followers. Y/n's mother had worked side by side with Grace, while your father worked on the front lines.
Right before the battle, she had confided in Neytiri.
"I am with child. If anything ever happens to my family, please take care of her." Neytiri took this newfound information in and agreed, deep down only hoping for the best. They were some of Neytiri's and Jake's greatest allies.
But Y/n's father was killed taking a stand, and with too much sorrow in her heart. Y/n's mother carried you to full term. Only to pass away after being with you for the first three months of your life. Neytiri nurtured you alongside Neteyam. She too just like Neteyam, could only pray to Ewya that you'd be okay.
"I'm scared," you spoke so quietly that if he wasn't as close to you as he was. He wouldn't have heard you at all.
"It's okay to be scared, I've got you. You're going to be okay." Neteyam emphasised with you, trying to offer more alleviation to such a dire situation.
"We're here- fuck." Norm cursed, as Max unpacked a few things.
"Nete, I'm tired. I want to go to sleep." Drowsiness was tempting you, and the pain was beginning to fade into nothingness.
"No! You must stay awake!" Neteyam tapped on your mask, but your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
You started to seize.
Ronal and Tsireya continued to chant, as Norm turned her on her side.
"There's too much blood, Max!" Norm shouted.
It poured out like a languid waterfall, strangely just like some of the ones back in the forest. He felt the dread tugging at him, he was losing you.
He held your head to stop you from potentially hurting yourself even more when suddenly your body slumped. Your breaths come out in wheezes.
Neteyam could no longer hold back his tears, he had never felt so helpless and petrified. He wished the rest of his family was here, in a room full of people - he felt stranded.
Max clocking onto this, pitched out a thought. "I don't know if it will work, but I have an idea." He held a flashlight above Y/n's eyes as he spoke.
"What is it? We'll make it work." Neteyam insisted. He would do whatever it takes to be able to rid you of this agony.
Ronal eyed the boy, understanding his struggles. Then stared at the humans who were fumbling over Y/n's body, using foreign devices.
"You wish to transfer Y/n's soul to their avatar," Ronal replied as she listened to your heart. It was weak, but still persisting.
Max gaped at her, the Tshahik must have put two and two together.
"We cannot save Y/n from these injuries, they are fatal. That is the only way." Max further explained, not meeting Neteyam's eyes. He knew what he was suggesting was an ultimatum larger than life. But he could not see any other way, you were already advancing further in succumbing to your wounds.
"What you are asking of me is something that has only been done a few times, not once has it been performed in our clan. As the Tsahik I cannot guarantee this will be successful!" Ronal protested as she continued to tend to you however way possible.
Tsireya continued to plug Y/n's wounds, listening in, as Neteyam hesitantly let go of your hand. Moving to Ronal, he kneeled down before her.
Ronal noted one thing, the eyes she was looking into were drastically different from how she remembered them moments ago. Now it was untamed, yet persistent.
"I know my family has caused enough destruction. I know you never wanted us here in the first place. You believed we would not do our part, and I cannot fault you for thinking that way. We have learned your ways, adapted like my father did." He then motioned to you behind him.
"So will Y/n. In your eyes, sky people come from demon blood, but their parents fought on Toruk Makto's side. They made a difference, just like Y/n has started to do here. Y/n is an excellent fisher and healer. The children in this clan have warmed up to them. Because that's the effect they have on people! I swear, if you give them this second chance, they will be forever grateful. And if it doesn't go the way we wish for it to, I will not put the blame on you. The decision of whether or not she passes through the 'Eye of Ewya' only lies with our great mother." Neteyam held his chin up high, not bothering to wipe away the tears that began to stream down his face.
Ronal looked at Neteyam for a few more beats, before shifting to look at you.
"Prepare them for travel, we do not have much time before they get too weak for the transfer." Neteyam cried out in relief, thanking the great mother as he moved back over to you.
"Stay with me, just a little more Y/n," Neteyam begged, squeezing your hand encouragingly.
"I can't feel anything Neteyam, please I'm scared." You whispered to him, and he tried to put on a strong face. But he couldn't even imagine how scared you must be if he was already paralyzed with fear. All he could do was pet your head. and give you continuous kisses on your hair and forehead. Ewya, please be with us right now.
"Where are they?" Neteyam could hear his mother calling for them outside.
"In here!" He beckoned them over.
"Tsireya, get your father and gather whoever can come with us. We must leave to the Coves of the Ancestors, now." Ronal advised her child.
She quickly halted what she was doing and dashed outside of the mauri.
Neytiri's hand fell to her mouth at the sight of you, weeping as Jake whispered comforting words to her.
"Mother." Neteyam looked up at her, not knowing how to proceed from here.
"Ronal, may I bring her on my Ikran?" Neytiri in just a single moment changed face. Time was of the essence.
"Yes, you have not been where we are going. Follow along with us." Ronal commanded, gathering her things and getting ready to ride.
At this point you were slipping in and out of consciousness, but Tsireya had been able to temporarily stop the bleeding. Neytiri cradled you in her arms as she walked outside, calling for her Ikran.
The Sully family and Metkayina clan made their way to the Cove of the Ancestors. Ronal could not shake the feeling she had thought. That no matter what - they would end up holding a funeral there tonight. She dared not to voice such feelings.
Neytiri stayed leveled, flying closely side by side with Jake and Neteyam. She kept looking down at you through the short journey, checking on you. She wasn't the only one who was doing so though. Neteyam as well kept a close eye on you. Sometimes his Ikran would brush too closely to Neytiri's. She let it slide this time.
The last time Neteyam was here, you were in your Avatar body. You both had a deep love for sacred places to the Na'vi, and this one wasn't any different. Neither of you has heard of the place before, but it didn't squash the appreciation you both had for it. He recalls not just being in awe of his surroundings, but also of you. Your eyes held something remarkable, full of wonder. You'd given him one of your big grins, the one that only comes out in times like this. Your deep appreciation for monumental sites like this made him think of how your heart was just pure gold.
"You'd make a great Tsahik one day", is something he had cheekily said to you. In return you gave him a smack on the shoulder, scolding him. He harbored such great memories from that day, he loved it. He could only desire to relive that instead of all this.
The wind swooshed in her ears, but Neytiri faintly heard you say, "I like it here." She grinned down at you tearfully.
Truthfully, you don't know much about where you came from, to you - Pandora was and always will be your home. Nothing could compare to the beauty it beholds.
"Me too," Neytiri spoke wistfully.
You all were approaching the spirit tree, submerged in the ocean. It glowed like no other. The clan began to make a circle around it, linking their arms.
"Jake, we have their avatar!" Norm called from a rock not too far from the tree that they were safely able to land on. They had left before everyone else to get there ahead of time.
Jake flys down to them, retrieving your avatar.
Neytiri and Neteyam go to the same rock. They step off their Ikrans as Neytiri treats them like a feather. Your whimpers of discomfort do not go unnoticed.
Ronal and Tonawari approach them with a large leaf of sorts.
"You may place her in here," Tonowari told them.
You looked peaceful, too peaceful. You were placed in the leaf, as Ronal began to float you closer to the Spirit tree. The Sullys closely followed behind their Tsahik.
"Jake, attach their avatar to the spirit tree" Ronal ordered.
Jake nodded, placing a mask on your Avatar and activating it - an idea of Norms and Max as you would be underwater for an unknown amount of time. He connected your queue to the tree, the closest he could to the surface.
"We must put them to sleep for the ceremony to start. If you'd like to say anything to them, now is the time." Ronal gave you moments of privacy, swimming over to members of the Metkayina clan to further explain what was going on.
Neteyam couldn't remove his eyes from your Avatar that was shifted with the current of the ocean. Swaying whilst attached to the Spirit Tree, he'd never seen your Avatar look so lifeless.
Jake waved him over, "Neteyam, they are asking for you."
Tuk was crying, her head leaning against your own. You quietly spoke to one another, even while in agony - you managed to make the youngest Sully giggle.
Neteyam drew closer to you, even if you were facing away from him. Like clockwork, you felt his presence. Your head slightly turning to acknowledge him.
Tuk moved back, latching onto Lo'ak as she cried into his shoulder. The entire Sully family have given words of encouragement to Y/n, Jake especially - explaining the process and how it felt passing through "The Eye of Eywa". He could only pray you'd get that far. He was truly hoping this wouldn't be a repeat of Grace Augustine.
"This is not goodbye. I will see you when I wake up, and I will be by your side the entire time. You are not alone. Oel ngati kameie." He stated, headstrong - like his father.
Neteyam wanted to wipe away your tears, he wanted to lean his head against yours without the obstruction of the mask. He realised that very soon, it could be possible. If you make it through this, that is.
"Neteyam I-I, Oel ngati kameie." You stuttered, voice cracking. That was all you can manage.
Ronal expectantly surveyed the Sullys, Neteyam nodded. It's time.
"We will now begin the consciousness transfer. Neteyam, connect them to the Spirit Tree. You may rest for the time being, Y/n." Ronal announced, everyone, witnessing their mighty Tsahik.
Your eyes fluttered shut, Neteyam looked at his family, before taking a deep breath and bringing their limp body to the Spirit tree.
His eyes widened as one of the leaves reached out, attaching itself to your back. Ewya, are you here? A comforting hand met his shoulder, his foundation. His family.
The Sullys linked their arms as Neytiri and Neteyam held onto you.
The Spirit Tree was alive, its light brightening a tenth fold. Flickering, as it seemed to react to the chanting of the clan. The Sullys could only cling onto each other more tightly as each leaf on the spirit tree lit up. It was fascinating to witness, they were just hoping it would work.
Before they knew it, the lights ceased. Ronal from above the surface halted everyone, before diving down to where you were. Tonowari, Tsireya, and Ao'nung trailed behind. They all looked to you expectantly, hoping for any sort of sign.
Gasping you awaken, struggling to catch your breath as you immediately check your surroundings. Neteyam almost choked on the water as your eyes opened, he tried to get your attention but you were too lost in your own world.
You were in the water, but how were you breathing? The mind-numbing pain was gone, and you definitely felt different. You were trying to remember and process whatever had just happened. Oh yes, the ceremony. It must have not worked, you're still wearing a mask.
By instinct your hands move to cover your face in shame, instead, you see that it's your avatar's hands. You tilt your head down, the legs, feet! It's all blue. Did it actually work?
Neteyam swan closer to your side, pointing upwards. Signing to you to swim up to the surface, you nodded. Detaching your queue, you made your way to the surface - the Sullys except Neytiri followed behind closely.
This time when your head pops out from the water, there is no bullet wound. You weren't bleeding out, you were truly Na'vi. You've miraculously been given a second chance at life.
You removed your mask as grateful tears streamed down your face. You gaped at Ronal and the Metkayina clan, "Thank you, thank you so much." You spoke to them all, signing "I see you".
When you reached Ronal, you brought her into a hug. The soon-to-be mother of a 3rd child was in shock, looking at Tonowari. The man could only grin, urging his mate to return the hug. And so, she did just that.
"Y/n!" Tuk screamed in delight as she swam over to you, you disconnected from Ronal. Mouthing "thank you again", she let a smile slip as she took in your words.
You hugged Tuk, looking at Neteyam over her shoulder. He was looking at you, differently. It was expected that he was always more attentive towards you. It felt all too similar to when he tried to remember every piece of you before parting ways. He was in disbelief.
Neytiri came up from behind Neteyam, a large leaf in her grasp as Jake helped console her.
Neteyam let Y/n lean their head on his shoulder as he squeezed you, kissing your cheek. They all realised what exactly, or who Neytiri was carrying.
Your human body.
You didn't want to look, it felt far too strange to do so. While your avatar still held features very similar to that of your human self, most of what resembled your parents felt futile. It just wasn't the same anymore, and it never would be again.
You felt grateful that you were already aware of how it felt to live amongst the Na'vi in an Avatar body. Navigating this body isn't rocket science, you've been in and out doing so these past few months.
Tsireya comes, with a handful of flowers and seashells. She delicately spreads them around in the leaf.
"In our village, we give back energy to the ocean, the sea will allow their past self to rest peacefully." Tsireya indicated to the ocean floor beneath you all that held a yellow glow.
Neytiri leans her head down, kissing your now-closed eyelids. She felt a sense of deja-vu creeping up on her. Her family follows her actions, all of them kissing your eyelids, their own unspoken version of goodbye. As Neytiri and Jake brought your human body down to the sea anemone that awaited for you, all you could think and wish for - was more time.
You didn't understand why the circumstances had to be like this. As you watched that version of yourself begin to disappear, it physically felt like a part of yourself went with it.
Y/n no longer felt naive to Pandora. They knew more than most about this beautiful luxury. Now that they'd been gifted with a body that was stronger, and more capable. They would stand with their chin held high and fight. Just like their parents had done.
Slowly everyone disperses, making their way back to Awa'atlu. Neteyam can see how drained you are, he silently beckons you to follow him. They make their way back to his Ikran, flying back home.
Everyone's asleep. You had tried to do so yourself, but you only got a good hour in before being awoken by the thoughts circling your mind. Poor Neteyam was exhausted, so it didn't take much for you to escape from his hold and make your way outside.
You let yourself sit on the shore, gazing up at the twinkling stars and endless skies. Squinting your eyes, you saw someone making their way back. Ronal.
Her cyan eyes widened seeing you, hopping off her Ilu she walked over.
"Can't sleep?" Ronal inquired at the obviously distraught child.
You shake your head, no.
Ronal sighed, "I understand, today has changed your life. It is good that you have such a strong support system."
All you could muster was a grin, "Thank you, Ronal. I know I've said that countless times today. But I don't know what convincing it took, but I will forever be in debt to you."
This time, it was Ronal who shook her head.
"I am your Tsahik, you have proven to not be useless here. But that Sully boy, he begged for me to do whatever it takes to save you. I'd like to believe Tonowari would have done the same for me if I was one of the good sky people. You are essential to Metkayina, you are one of us now."
She let her hand linger on your shoulder. Before you could get a response in, Ronal was already walking away back to her mauri.
You looked over your shoulder, she'd done the same.
Speaking it out didn't feel enough, therefore you signed it instead.
"Oel ngati kameie." She did the motion in return.
As she walked inside her mauri, someone else caught your attention.
Your Neteyam.
He darted over to you, a worrisome expression plastered on his face.
"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" He blurted out, lifting your arms to check if there were any wounds.
"I am, not physically though. Thank you for worrying about me, Nete. I am mourning what I've lost, what those demons have robbed away from me." You explained to him, your hand movements were erratic as you were still trying to come to terms with everything yourself.
Neteyam clenched his fists, before bringing you into his embrace. You leaned your head over his heart, listening to the steady rhythm. It dawns on you, you could've lost this.
Your grip tightens, truly taking him in as you bring your hands through his braids. You could've lost him.
He seemed to be coming to terms with the same realisation. You heard him sniffling as he breathed you in. You made him lean back, your thumbs following his tears as you gently brushed them away. He nuzzled his face into your hands, his body shaking as he tried to conceal the depth of his emotions.
Neteyam tried to speak, his mouth opening only to close again. You let him reign his thoughts as you continued to gently caress his defined cheekbones.
You gazed into his eyes, they were dark, lost. He seemed worlds away from you..
"I simply cannot live in a world that doesn't have you in it." Neteyam spoke through clenched teeth. Like uttering those words was a physical blow to his gut.
"Nete...-" You tried to offer words of comfort, only to be cut off.
You let him - because you understand him.
He exclaimed. "You are my home! You are my person! It should have been me, Ewya worked her miracles today. But seeing you now, compared to how you just were. I keep doubting if you are even real."
Neteyam could not meet your coaxing eyes, his hands were gripping your arms for dear life. Truth be told, when he had woken up and you weren't there? He had thought the ceremony was a sick joke he had curated to cope. His heart almost gave out when he went outside the mauri only to see you sitting in the same spot you always seemed to endeavor.
"And you are mine, I am here. I am real." You carefully removed his hands from your arms, placing one on your cheek and the other on your heart.
"The great mother has given me a second chance, all thanks to you. Do not beat yourself up for something that was out of your control. We've already lost so much time, I cannot afford to dwell on it any longer." Your words settled in his soul, making itself an oasis there. It was like a thwack to the back of his head, just like the ones you'd do when you scolded him.
You're really here. He could breathe.
You were right, it all has already happened. All you can do is move forward. That you can both do, together. As a pair, you were an unstoppable force.
His eyes that were so lost a few moments ago opened, with newfound sparks of hope. A new sense of purpose. Behind all that flickered rage, directed at the sky people. They would pay for what they've done to you if they crossed each other's paths in life again.
You beamed at him, he looks so radiant at this moment. He let you lean your head on his shoulder as he held your hands in his. He traced random patterns on yours as he looked down at them.
"Tanhi, I forget even now your hands are still smaller than mine." He smirked at you as you snarled at him.
"Shut up, skxawng!" You giggled and he could only grin in return, giving your hands a gentle kiss or two.
Between one another you talked about your favourite memories of when you were human through the rest of the eclipse. Neteyam chuckled at one he was specifically fond of as you continued to rant about it.
As his nose nuzzled into yours, your cheeks became a deeper blue hue at his actions. He couldn't be more grateful for the Great Mother and her ways. Neteyam decided to take this whole experience as the beginning of something else entirely.
Ewya has secured a lifetime with you. His father was right, his family is a fortress. He will no longer take that for granted.
Neteyam may not become the Olo'eyktan like his parents were preparing him for. But wherever either one of you went, the other always followed. He will protect that honour for as long you'll let him, and he hopes it lasts for this life and every other one that the world demands of him.
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
My Heart Never Knows
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: i promise the good stuff happens next chapter 🙏 anyways i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood, mentions of injury, mentions of mating, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Ten- I Know You
“Why are you sitting with me?”
You frown at Kisre’s words, sitting down next to her regardless.
“Where would you have me sit?”
“Next to Jake and Neytiri.” She says, and you glare at her unimpressed. She only laughs at you, turning to the meal in front of her. “I know you want too.”
“I don’t!” you exclaim, memories filling your mind of hands and lips… “I embarrassed myself in front of everyone, and now I can never look at them again, and it’s all because you got me drunk!”
“Low blow.” She looks at you up and down, before turning back to the crowd.
The hunting party had come back today, nets packed, and a great feast was being held. The children all ran around, the sand glowing under you, but it was much less informal than the festival. You had only managed to grab you plate before you saw a glimpse of Jake and Neytiri and had ran off as fast as you could.
“Besides,” Kisre starts, swallowing a bite of some fish. “You didn’t embarrass yourself. You forget I was there, Y/N- they were very clearly enjoying it.”
“Things didn’t work out with Ayeoe, and I will be slapping him when I see him, but you want them. And they want you. What is holding you back?”
“My sister-”
“Ronal loves you,” is all Kisre has the chance to say, before Ayeoe walks over to the two of you.
You remember how humiliated you had felt last night, tears in your eyes as he screamed and yelled, called you such horrible things for not wanting to mate with him. In all truth, if he had not done that, and if you had gotten to know each other more, you would have mated with him.
Kisre says the Great Mother is looking out for you, and to be glad he showed his true colors now.
Last night, he was pure anger, a force, and when you look at him now- eyes down, hands behind his back, it is startling.
Kisre wastes no time in hissing at him- setting aside her food and getting to her knees.
“Please,” he says, holding out his hands as if he is surrendering. Kisre pauses, confused at his actions. You are as well, staring at him until he meets your eyes. “Can I please talk to you, Y/N?”
You want to say no, want to refuse him, but you know he will not stop asking. It is better to talk to him now, in front of all these people, where anyone can see you and help you, rather than if he finds you later.
You wipe the grimace off of your face, and nod to him.
He seems surprised, but quickly hides it, and holds out his hand to help you up.
“Y/N,” Kisre hisses, grabbing onto your arm. You see the worry in your eyes, and you grab her hand and squeeze it.
“We’ll be right over there,” you reason, and her eyes follow yours. A spot close enough to the feast, but far away enough that no one can hear what you’re saying. Besides, Kisre will come to you at the first sign of anything bad.
“Fine,” she spits, but let’s go of you anyways. You feel eyes on you as you lead him to the tree, and stop in front of it.
You turn to him, and he inhaled deeply, almost as if there is a speech to say, something he has been practicing. You resist the urge to cringe, cursing yourself for even going out with him in the first place.
“Is he bothering you?”
For a second, you think it is Ronal, come to save you as in her overprotective nature. But the voice that speaks is too low, too different, simply not hers.
When you turn, it is of course Jake Sully who is right behind you.
“J-Jake,” you stammer, but he is looking past you, to Ayeoe. Your eyes meet Neytiri’s next, and you can’t decipher the look on her face, too frazzled.
You turn back to Ayeoe, seeing Jake’s expression, balled up fists. You can’t look into his mind, don’t know what he was thinking.
(You had been ignoring the mark they left on you, on your heart, on your ribs. It made sense as to why Jake was trying to defend you- but not right now. Did he not understand?)
“I’m sorry, Ayeoe-”
“No, Y/N.” You flinch at Jake’s harsh tone, so different from how he normally sounds. He’s been so sweet to you, you forgot that his song was one of violence. You had been ignoring it, and you were paying the price now. But was it your fault that he made you not listen? He made you not listen. “Is this guy bothering you?”
“N-no,” you say, trying to look for Kisre, but Neytiri and Jake block your view.
“Yeah. Listen to her, huh, forest demon?”
“Ayeoe!” you shout, confused as to why the two are simply blowing everything out of proportion. “Don’t call him that.”
Finally, his gaze narrows down to you, and now he looks like himself. Pure anger in his eyes, like last night, directed at you. You see his hand move out of the corner of your eye- and, genuinely scared he might hurt you- you subconsciously backed up into Jake, back against his chest.
His skin was warm beneath yours, comforting, and he smells like the forest- with a hint of seawater.
“Seriously? You’re defending him?” Ayeoe stares at you, hands by his sides, until something crosses his features. Like a wave coming over him, his face changes to disbelief. “Demon-lover,” he sneers, pushing you to get past, and you barely have time to register Jake pushing you to the side, hands on your hips, reminding you so much of when you danced-
until his fist is cutting through the air like an arrow, meeting it’s mark on Ayeoe’s nose.
“Rude-ass bitch,” Jake sneers, standing over Ayeoe as he bends over, clutching his bleeding nose. You can see the blood drip to the floor, leaking through his fingers. Your stomach rolls at the sight of it.
Ayeoe suddenly roars, attracting the attention of the people around you, before running at Jake. They went down, a tumble of limbs and clashing blues, until Tonowari parts the crowd, staring in shock for a moment.
He meets your eyes, hand over your mouth, feet ready to run- a hand around your bicep, lips near your ear-
“Stop!” Tonowari hollers, but the two men are consumed in their pointless rage, until warriors suddenly emerge, pulling the two apart in a scramble, and it is as if you are returned to your body.
You register a sick feeling in your stomach, someone saying your name-
“N-Neytiri,” you choke out, and her hand falls. It is wrong that you miss it?
Jake spits, bloody, landing upon the dry dirt.
“What is this?” Tonowari yells, and Jake only shakes his head.
“He attacked me!” Ayeoe yells, pointing fingers and assigning blame like a child.
“Yeah?” Jake breathes, panting. “Should I tell him what you did to Y/N?”
“To- to Y/N?” Tonowari asks, eyes scanning over your unharmed body.
“He- he pushed me,” you choke out, and you see Tonowari’s fists clench.
Your mind is racing, and it is like you are a child, handed a rule book written in a different language. You feel lost, feel an aching under your ribs, and you know why.
Tonowari looks away after seeing you are unharmed, deadly gaze leveled at Ayeoe.
“Jake Sully,” he speaks, not taking his eyes off of Ayeoe, who quickly looks down in shame, “I thank you for protecting my sister. As for you, Ayeoe…” He trails off, shaking his head.
You can only stand in shock, paralyzed in utter disbelief.
Ayeoe shakes his head adamantly, arms held behind his back, scrambling for a drop of mercy. He can only be grateful Ronal and Kisre have disappeared.
“She’s a fucking-” but he cannot finish his insult, Jake instead hissing and tugging as his own restraints.
“Jake!” Tonowari yells, and he stops his thrashing, breathing heavily. “Go. Take a walk,” he advises, and the warriors holding him back release him. He nods, still staring at Ayeoe as he walks over to you and Neytiri- who has remained silent next to you the entire time.
“Come,” you hiss, suddenly feeling anger sweep through your veins. Tonowari calls after you, but you are already dragging the two of them into the forest, hands on their wrists.
You walk until you can no longer hear the clamor of the feast, of the fight, and you let go of their hands and turn around on them.
“What are you doing?” you ask, and Jake only shakes his head.
“No, no. You aren’t allowed to blame me for defending you.” His face turns to disgust, and it is like a puzzle piece sinks into place for you. “Did you see the way he talked about you? How he looked at you? What he fucking did to you?”
“It- it was not your place-”
Neytiri scoffs.
“What?” you ask, incredulous. They cannot act to have any claim over you- not unless they say it.
Her eyes meet yours. “You want to know someone. We know you. You know us. We See you. I See you.”
“You don’t get to do that.”
“Do what?” Jake asks, and you cannot help but see the genuine confusion on his face.
“Even if- Ronal would never-”
“Ronal is not in front of me.” Jake interuotes, and he speaks the truth, and he is violence, and you have been denying yourself ever since the night you danced-
“We want you, Y/N.” And you hear Neytiri’s voice crack, break with the conviction she pours into it, and you know she speaks the truth, and you know she is violence, and still you have been denying yourself-
“Say it,” you whisper, because you are done denying, done listening to the doubts in your head. You want to start new and fresh, cleanse yourself of Ayeoe, forget about him, about anyone else other than the two of them.
“We want you.” Jake says it this time, and you step closer to them, like it is the most natural thing in the world. “We need you.”
“Do not deny what Eywa has gifted us, my Y/N.”
The nickname, the possession, makes your ribs ache and you finally know why, relief fills you and you are standing on unsteady feet, mind racing, floating away, and you need them to pull you back down, steady you, make you forget your own mind.
“I am not yours yet,” you say, because you need to hear them say it, need to feel them, need to mate them-
“Then let us make you ours.”
And you slam your lips onto Neytiri’s and sink into her, fall into her, and you become anew.
@sully-stick-together @corrupt-cadaver420 @jadynchronicle @imthefunniestpersonalive @fangil101 @mashiromochi @rey26 @soothinghummerz @myheartfollower @pwallettes @melodykisses @ghoulfiendz @fanboyluvr @itsyaspwr @khaleesihavilliard @capbrie @nothingfuninthislife @faceaeter @thetrashindrakensroom @makeup-stuff-and-such @my-dearest-agent @miyamuraaaa @xoxovienna @arschbohrer @amazingaries @ssc7514 @milf-lover-23 @w3ird11 @littlexscarletxwitch @tiajk @kuldren @blackgirlwriting @tojigirl @trulyrogers @aeslenya @3okutos-3ig-toe @peterparkeeperer @ambria @homeispandora @hxgemxscles
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
My Eywa
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Slightly post Avatar (2009)
Jake Sully x reader x Neytiri (all one sided love though)
In which Jake prays to the great mother above that he'll be able to have this second chance of life with yo by his and Neytiri's life. Slight angst but nothing too gut wrenching.
Jake felt his heart pound in his chest as he flew above the forest. His eyes frantically looked for you as he looked through the mass of the clan that swarmed around him. He passed by as those hurt were rushed to the healers asking where you were, but no one knew. 
You ended up missing in action during the battle. All he remembered was your frantic whispers as you attempted to hold down the Home Tree founded in place of the torn down one and protect any of the RDA who attempted to swarm the women and children kept there. You whispered to him frantically. A small group was here attempting to claim hostages. 
It was supposed to be an easy shot. You aimed the bow to the best of your ability, and just as you opened fire they did as well. You made it, but not without being struck in the side. He found Neytiri with one of the healers by her side. And he hated the look that was in her eyes as soon as they met him. “She is here” 
And he ran to drop by your side. The healer was mumbling to herself in na’vi pressing a cloth into the wound then grabbed your own hand to press into it. Your glassy eyes met Jakes and that wry smile he grew to love appeared. “Well, well. He is real..” your gaze drifted to Neytiri “Toruk Makto. Always knew you had it in you Sully..” 
He loved hearing you call out to him. Loved it when he’d come into the lab watching those big brown eyes analyze some rare flower or on the rare occasion you ventured out into the forest in your avatar, how you’d pick the flowers whispering to Eywa your thanks. 
He remembered a moment where you weren’t the mad scientist hidden behind those clear glasses and lab coat. The one with bright pens, surrounded by papers some stained with coffee stains. How you fit so perfectly among the people.
The three of you sat atop one of the floating mountains in the beauty of the night. Jake’s eyes watched as you and Neytiri giggled together while you braid your newfound flowers into her hair. The two of you whisper back and forth in Na'vi, and in moments like this he felt even more motivated to get down to the Na’vi language.
Because when you both spoke it, it was more beautiful than any language Earth had to offer. 
Your eyes landed on the smiling marine, and you pouted your lip out. In that moment Jake immediately knew you wanted something. It was the same pout you’d given him when you wanted to steal something out the canteen or for him to fly you both to the floating mountains. 
“Let me braid your hair please.”
“You can without the flowers.”
“Jake please” you elongated the please poking out your bottom lip even more making it quiver. He huffed and playfully rolled his eyes and moved himself forward. “Nothing too crazy.” And you happily squeaked and knelt behind Jake who felt his skin flush as he felt you press gently behind him and run your fingers down his hair. 
It felt too intimate right now, how Neytiri watched the both of you. How you tenderly and carefully braided Jake’s hair and intertwined the flowers. The bioluminescence of the forests was as though Eywa herself was trying to set a romantic setting. 
And as he knelt beside you Jake made a vow that day and would keep it. That he would never ever allow you to fall into harm's way. That he’d never ever want to be the cause of the pain that was sitting in the crinkles of your forehead or the fast beating in your chest that thudded against his hand.  
“I see you both.” Your chest rose and fell so quickly as your hand continued to press the cloth into your wound. Jake had to think quickly. It was a long way to the RDA which was surely trashed and he didn’t think no matter how fast he flew you wouldn’t make it.
Unless, and he felt bad asking this. Because he planned to ask you after this war was done. And though it was, he never planned for this to happen. “Your avatar, where is it?”
“Here, it’s safe, but Jake I don’t think.”
“Don’t. Neytiri get Mo’at and the clan gathered at the tree of souls. Her body bring it to the tree as well..”
Time seemed to fade in and out to you, beside you watched as those you called brothers and sisters ride by. But what remained was the fire in your shoulder and the worrying gaze of Jake as he held you much like a babe atop a pa’li that seemed to ride like the speed of light.
”I need your eyes open baby, tell me about uh those flowers you found the other day! The ones in my hair now.” Your eyes crinkled as you caught one of his flying braids running a bloody thumb over it. 
“I need to redo them..wilting.” You pouted letting it slip and curling more into his body. He was so warm, you could take such a nice nap right now. You felt boneless enough and with his warmth that was more than enough for you. You just wanted to take a quick nap. Like the ones you’d take in a grassy meadow. 
“ ‘m sleepy Jake” you grumbled, feeling your eyes shut. And Jake pulled you closer just enough so that the movement could jostle you and keep your eyes open.  
“I know baby, but you gotta stay up. What are you gonna do next to my hair? I’ll let you do anything!”
“Beads…” you gave him a sleepy smile “the girls and I found these beautiful glass ones…pretty on you and Tiri. But I like the thread. Probably keep both.”
“I bet they will baby you gotta show me.” What was dripping? You touched your face and rubbed them together. The dripping didn’t end. Jake, he’s crying. Why? 
Your hand reached up to cup his cheek. “You’ll smudge it, makes you look like…like a true warrior, a leader.” Finally he made it and Mo’at stood at the tree gathering as many of the clan that were not touched or harmed by the war. Jake stopped the pa’li and with you tight in his grasp rushed to the tree setting you down as gently as possible for Neytiri to tend to. She whispered her apologies and removed your clothes as gently as possible. She cupped your face gazing down into your eyes, praying to the Great Mother this would not be the last she’d see them and allowed her mother to take her place crouched beside you. 
“I see you..Mo’at” you slurred the older Na’vi returned your sentiments laying you gently onto your side. 
“We must begin now.” Neytiri quickly nodded 
You could feel the pulsing and the chants of the elder woman mixed with the people. Your eyes remained on Jake, watching how fuzzy he was. His lips were moving as well, you wondered if he’d tell you what he was saying. Neytiri moved frantically. She was praying. Hoping that the great mother would bring you back. As the vines connected to your body that horrid lightness returned to your body making your breath pick up, and Jake could see the panic in your eyes and reached forward holding your hand in his.
“You’ll be fine, I promise.”And once you felt it seep to your neck it went white. Then silence. The thumping washed away and took the pain with it. You could feel her. You stood bare amidst her. She was so beautiful. 
“It is not your time, my child.” 
Your eyes looked for her, but she was around, and all you could do was bow your head,“thank you Great Mother.”
A warm hand on your chin tired your gaze up, like your mother did when you thought you would bomb your thesis defense. It was loving and kind. “There is love in you, so many need it. It is so pure, so big. Do not allow it to hide my child. Love entirely and completely.” What flashed before your eyes was beautiful. Moments to come, pain that has passed. There was so much you would do, could do. 
Jake watched on with baited breath as he clutched your human hand that slowly went limp then fell to the moss. The light seeds of the tree of life settled upon your human body fluttering to cluster on your avatar which Neytiri moved herself towards. Her hand cupped your cheek as she leaned forward pressing her forehead to your own. 
The flutter of your eyes caused her to jerk back.Then you shot up gasping for breath. Everything was much brighter. So much sharper and your ears twitched among every sound and yip and cheer.. Your arms immediately flew to grasp the Na’vi woman who held you tight letting out her own gasps. 
“She’s real..she…” you babbled on as she caressed the back of your head. You were alive, you had another chance of life. A better one. She let you see it. You were sitting in a crystal clear reef. Four little girls swam in the water chasing after creatures in the water. And down a ways you spotted Jake who held the arms of a young Na’vi boy who looked so similar to him and Neytiri. Your hands held your stomach which was heavy. 
You saw a beautiful family. Held together their love just surrounding you. Your sons and daughters. And Neytiri and Jake. You saw the love that was to come. Saw nights where you playfully chased one another in the illuminated night. 
And it was all just so beautiful. But you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. So you just breathed out thanks that mixed with Neytiri’s to the Mother. You thanked her for waking you up. Thanked her for a second chance. Thanked her for the love that was to come, that already is.  And as you silently sobbed  into Neytiri’s shoulder Jake pressed his head to the side of your head. “I know.” He whispered, placing his hands atop Neytiri’s that cradled your head. “Thank you, my Eywa.”
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
Somethings Off
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Pre Avatar Way of Water
Jake Sully x black!reader x Neytiri
Something is wrong. You can’t figure out what. 
As you unconsciously run a hand through Lo’aks hair, hoping to soothe the poor little boy. And as you gently bounced him on your hip you wondered if Eywa was not on your side during this time. He wouldn’t leave you today, neither him nor his older brother. The poor boy was attached to your hip the moment he awoke that morning. He squished his way in between yours and Jake’s body, not that he wasn’t used to sleeping together like that.
So you gladly held him to your chest and fall back to sleep, enjoying the gentle feel of his hands playing with the beaded ends of your hair. 
But it was like he was protecting you. His arms held you like his fathers held you when you rode his ikran for the first time. Or like Neytiri when she held you in her arms on a hunt, how she hovered in front of you and pressed a protective hand behind her. Netayem was no better than his little brother, tugging at the beads which dangled from your loincloth as you walked by.
The boys had been like this for some days now. And maybe it was the minor scare from the previous week when you’d gotten lightheaded in the heat of the day. But it was not unusual for the heat to get to your head.  
What really scared you was when it came time to join the hunting party. Both boys threw a fit when you attempted to step away and put on your protective gear. Even Neytiri was shocked having to step in and grab hold of Netyaem who latched himself on one leg and Lo’ak the other. Their loud wails was enough for you and Neytiri to bring the crying children into your arms 
“What is wrong with you boys?” Jake huffed as he stepped into the tent, hearing you and Neytiri bring their cries down to soft whimpers.
“I don't know it’s been like this all morning. My sweet Lo’ak you know I must join the hunters, mama will be back and you have-”
“No!” his arms wrapped themselves tighter around your neck and his legs locked themselves around your torso.
“Stay sa’nok! Stay!” Netayem wailed, reaching his arms toward you.
You alerted the leader of the hunt that your mate and children needed you, that you’d join them on the next hunt. He was more than understanding, after all Netayem and Lo’ak were just 5 and 6 they were at the age of still needing their mothers. So Jake joined the party leaving kisses on his sons heads and a peck on the cheek for both you and Neytiri.
Rain came down gently that day setting a drowsy tone amongst the clan. But you couldn’t shake that feeling off. So you convinced the boys to let you and Neytiri take them both into the forest to enjoy the light rain.
 As the four of you ventured into the forest your boys settled upon a spot to play hunters. It warmed your heart, seeing how much Neytiri was in Netayem with how patient he was with his brother and Jake in Lo’ak with that bright smile he got from his father. 
You and Neytiri watched on, commenting on the fierce warrior Lo’ak capture and take down the mighty sturmbeest. As you watched on and laughed till your belly hurt your eyes drifted to the tree you sat below, ripe banana fruit dangled so tantalizing but was far out of your reach.
“Tiri,” your mate's eyes cut to you. And it's the moments like this where she falls even more helplessly in love with you. As the rain slowly drips down your arms which reach above you, your beads cling to your chest in a way that takes her breath away. “Can you reach these fruits please my Tiri. ‘M so hungry.”
And you would have asked why Neytiri was looking at you as though you sprouted two heads, had you remembered how much you hated the fruits. Something about them being too heavy on your stomach. But you were too focused on the dangling fruit which she brought down for you and the boys to eat. You devoured three and worked on your fourth one on the walk back to the Hometree once the boys started to curl in your arms. 
When you got back to the tree and settled the boys in you managed to sneak off to assist Mo’at with any healings that day. And as you pinched flowers into the bowls grinding them the elder woman’s eyes remained on your body. 
“Eywa shines on you today” she comments as your gentle hands apply a salve to one of the young hunters' wounds. 
“Are you sure it is not because of the rain?” You jest back wrapping his arm and sending him out the tent. Your hand lays on the curve of your back as you lean back gently stretching the dull soreness. 
“I am sure.” She stops you with her hands resting on your abdomen. And you feel it as she presses, that slight firm bump, it all makes sense. The discomfort during your sleep, how you struggled to keep your strong stance when you and Neytiri hunted together. “No,” you shook your head quickly. The way the boys cling to you. The banana fruit. You were with child. Your hand covers your mouth as tears pool in your eyes. 
“I see you, my daughter” she pressed her forehead to yours, and sent you off back to Neytiri who watched you walk to her in a daze into the tent. She immediately presses a hand to your cheek to catch your eyes.
“What is it my Y/N?” And you can't find the words, so you take her hands and slowly lay them onto your stomach pressing so she too could feel. And the way her ears twitch and tail swishes in excitement makes her eyes gaze up into your own excited ones.
“My love” the two of you giggle in excitement pressing a loving kiss to her lips which peck your cheeks eliciting more silent giggles from you “Thank you great mother!” The two of you work on sharpening her bows as you wonder, what will he or she look like?.
It is dark by the time the hunters come back and the clan welcomes them with yips and cheers. You and Neytiri happily greet Jake who presses a kiss to both of your lips. And the two of you share a passing look which Jake raises an eyebrow to. “In time,” you whisper into his ear and send him off to bathe before you all join together to eat. The meat is rich and tastes like heaven as you eat with your boys by the fire. The boys jump up and down telling their father how they too had a hunt of their own in the forest.
And it warms your eyes watching Jake smile and praise them both. 
Kava is served and Jake once again raises a brow in surprise when you decline the drink choosing to sip cool water. Jake finally gets the chance to ask you what is wrong when Neytiri walks the boys to bathe and you put out the fire and set about putting dishes up.
He eyes you as straightened up stretching and twisting till a satisfied groan is pulled, “you ok love?’
“I am,” your gaze doesn’t waver at the question as you watch the stars twinkle in the beautiful sky, “was just thinking about the hunt is all. I’d like to go with you, my Jake.”
His eyes shine with his tail conveying his excitement. “Of course, whenever you want. I miss hunting with you.”
“It will be harder though” your bottom lip pokes out into a pout as you look into Jake’s worried eyes, and he takes hold of both your hands pulling you close to him. His hand cups under your jaw to tilt your gaze up to look into his own eyes. 
“Why? I'm sure the boys will have a better day tomorrow.”
“No, not them. Someone else.” And the confusion continues to sit in his face until you take his hands to cup your abdomen and feel. And his eyes lit up brighter than any star that night. 
“No..” and your nods elicit a shout of joy as he lifts high into the air bringing you down into a loving kiss beneath the stars. He presses his forehead against your arm closing his eyes as you breathe together. 
“Hopefully it’s twins.”
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
I'm anon who made a request with Neteyam X Avatar S/O! thank you for not ignoring my request! but even so, take your time and I'm sure I'll love the result! thanks for the hard work and take care!💙
FINISHED ITTTTT💙💙💙💙💙 thank you for all your support and i hope you enjoy it!
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
Ignore this if you want and thank you for the hard work: Can I have a Scenario or one shot with Neteyam and fem S/O who is human but is sick, they are close friends and S/O always writes poems and songs for him, S/O has a heart disease that's why they are creating an Avatar for her, she loves to sing but she never sang again since she knew her heart and since she stayed on Pandora. But once she gets her Avatar body finally she can run, get rid of chest pains, fatigue, and the fear of dying and finally can sing again.
yayo // n.s x human -> na’vi reader
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contains: lots of mentions of dying, heart disease, chronic illness stuff, soul transfer scene, fluff, shitty writing, drinking and being drunk, being in love with eywa cuz shes awesome
notes: this is not proofread at all my bad. also yayo means bird in na’vi cuz reader sings and birds sing so yeah aw so cute.
2.5k words
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was thirteen years old, roughhousing with Neteyam and his younger siblings on the forest floor. We were having endless amounts of childish fun until I collapsed onto the dirt in a fit of breathless wails. Pain filled my chest as my heart eventually stopped beating. Neteyam carried me back in a panic to the lab where I was taken to get medical attention. I was thirteen when they told me I had valvular heart disease. I was thirteen when my life changed forever.
When I was diagnosed five years ago, Norm wasted no time to make sure I got an avatar. That avatar was my escape from the decaying prison I call my body. It felt like forever until he allowed me to drive it and when I did I was still restricted from doing most things. My heartbeat in my avatar body translates through the link so if I went too hard, my human heart would suffer. My avatar just temporarily stopped me from feeling the constant aches and pain.
Everyday my human body was only getting weaker and the topic of my death seemed to come up a lot more often in hushed conversations between the scientists. I could see the pity in everyone’s eyes as I walked around the lab. The pitiful looks towards me put a bitter taste in my mouth.
The only things that kept me from rotting in my bed for days on end were music, my poems, and my loved ones. Neteyam visited on a regular basis, often with his siblings or parents.
On the days that it was just Neteyam, he got the opportunity to see songs and poems I wrote. I’d hum the melody, not having enough courage or energy to sing fully. Those days usually ended with me ripping out his favorite song or poem of the day from my journal and gifting it to him. The loss of paper was worth seeing the thankful smile on his face every time. Throughout the years of our friendship, he never seemed to have a clue that my more romantic writings were about him.
Speaking of Neteyam, his obnoxiously cute accent echoed through my room as he entered and announced himself, “Y/N, your favorite friend has arrived!”
“Yes, you are my favorite friend, Nete. Always will be until my demise pretty soon.” I said with a small, careful laugh. Everything I did these days had to be done with caution.
Although what I said wasn’t meant to be taken in a depressing manner, I didn’t miss the look of pity and sadness that swam in Neteyam’s big yellow eyes.
“Hey man, don’t be like that. It’ll be okay, Nete.” I lied, motioning for him to come over to my bed where I laid. Since he was entirely too big to fit on my bed he settled on the floor next to me. I reached out to pet his hair like I usually do to comfort him but his large hand gently stopped my hand from going any further.
“You are dying yet you still try to comfort me? Think about yourself for once, Y/N. You are the one that needs comfort.” Neteyam lectures me, a stern face meeting my sight. Ironic how he is the one saying this considering his history.
A sigh left my mouth and I rolled onto my back to stare at anything but his intimidating eyes. He wasn’t wrong. I’ve been making sure everyone else was okay with my situation without even making sure that I was okay with my situation.
When I turned back around and looked at him again, it was like I could feel the imaginary concrete dam of numbness break down. What followed was the flooding of all those emotions and throughts that were kept at bay. I have always despised the way that Neteyam could break my walls down so easily.
“You’re right. I’m not ready to die, I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared.” My voice cracked embarrassingly at the word ‘die’ but neither me nor Neteyam cared in the moment.
“You will not die,” He paused for a moment to confirm what he was about to say, “because Eywa can bless you like she did with my father when he was human. I prayed to Eywa for permission and she gave me a sign. My parents approve, Y/N. But only if you wish to do this.”
My eyes widened and I shot up from my bed, tumbling onto the floor which earned me a hiss of concern from my friend. Out of pure excitement and disbelief, I quickly sat up on my knees and grabbed his face to place many fast happy kisses all over it.
Immediately after my loving attack on his face, he had to take a few breaths from his specialized mask. I didn’t pay much attention to it, not knowing his breathlessness had been due to my actions.
“I—I didn’t know you’d be this excited.” He managed to choke out as a purple hue spread throughout his cheeks and ears.
“Nete, you are giving me a way to not only live longer but a way to live with the people I love. I can be with you, Kiri, Lo’ak, and Tuk without any of us having to wear masks. I can sing again. Like truly actually sing again.”
A large grin stretched across Neteyam’s face upon my realization. He’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t miss my voice. I used to sing him Earthly lullabies and songs in our youth before my heart became weak. Even though we were young, he would always tell me that I was going to be a strong singer much like his mother and Ninat.
The rest of the night we joked, hugged, and messed around. He even sang the same song to me that I used to sing to him as kids. The act alone made my heart felt like it was going to burst but in a good way not like the usual heart attack painful way.
Eclipse soon came and Neteyam had to leave to attend to his duties —future Olo’eyktan stuff and all that. We kept in contact for days after to prepare me for my soul transferring ceremony.
When the day arrived, I was both nervous and excited. There was always a risk that I could be too weak to make it through the eye of Eywa. But if I were to die I’d rather die and be with Eywa than anywhere else.
The scenery was absolutely beautiful. Tons of Na’vi sat in rows, their bonds connected to the ground as they chanted a prayer. The ground lit up with bioluminescent blue lights, the tree a beautiful pinkish purple.
Mo’at stood at the tree, awaiting me.
Neteyam carried my leaf covered body through the aisle and he gave me a calming smile to ease my nerves. Eywa gave him a sign so he had absolutely no worries about this.
He followed Mo’at’s instructions to place me diagonally to where my na’vi body lay. “See you on the other side, yayo.” Neteyam said before stepping off to the side to allow the tsahik to do her thing.
The rest of the process was unknown to me because after Mo’at started chanting, my consciousness began to float up and out of my body. All physical restraints were broken as this spirit form danced freely.
A breathtakingly beautiful woman came into my vision. She looked like nothing I had ever seen before. Her energy made me feel warm, like no harm could ever come to me.
“Oh child, such a pure spirit you are.”
If I had a physical form at the moment I’d cry in her arms. I felt so vulnerable. So much so that I couldn’t talk but she knew what I had to say. She felt so loving, I didn’t want to leave.
“You cannot stay, child. He needs you.”
“He needs you.”
As if on cue, my spirit was sucked from the high place back down to life. I shot up in shocked surprise. Everything was fuzzy and I lost any remembrance of where I was.
A pair of strong arms held my panicked body close to theirs and they stroked my hair until I calmed. The ringing in my ears soon became sharp, clear sounds. Sounds of my name being whispered. Sounds of the rain lightly falling. Sounds of leaves brushing against one another.
“That’s it, that’s it. Come back to me.” A voice that I’ve known to always warm my heart spoke. The result on my heart was as previously stated.
Everything came back to me.
I wasted no time to shout tearful praise for Eywa and the clan started ululating as a response of joy.
Neteyam couldn’t help the tears that left his eyes. I was finally safe. I was finally okay.
“Now we celebrate!” Jake Sully yells like one of his war speeches and the clan roared before they started leaving to regroup somewhere—I assumed.
I felt something behind me swish in excitement. I look and my face lit up. A tail. A really adorable cute tail.
“Get her some clothes and meet us at the party!” Kiri laughed to Neteyam and the Sully family left quickly.
My heart dropped at the realization that I was in fact fully naked, “OH MY GOD IM BOOTYBUTT NAKED!”
Neteyam’s laugh boomed through the forest and the sound only added to the fast paced beating in my chest.
“You are Na’vi now! It does not matter! Come on, I already have an outfit planned for you. You’ll love it.” He took my hand and excitedly dragged me along to wherever he had my clothes. We reached his home which was empty considering the surrounding Na’vi were down celebrating the latest gift from Eywa, my rebirth.
Neteyam took some pieces of fabric from a box and tossed them over to me. I unraveled them and blinked in confusion.
“How do I put these strings on?”
After instruction, trial, and error, I finally got the loincloth and top on.
Looking in the mirror that I gifted Neteyam a few months ago, I inspected this outfit that he had so much confidence that I’d like.
The top was made of colorful woven thread and fabric, almost like crochet, and it splayed on my body like a necklace but tied in the back. It provided enough coverage for me to feel comfortable while also feeling supportive since my body was built a bit differently than normal Na’vi women. The loincloth was a pretty purple color, probably made of the same material as Neytiri’s leggings, and it only covered the front part. But I didn’t mind because when I turned around in the mirror, my ass looked good.
“Your past human vanity will rot your mind.” Neteyam joked as he watched me pose so that I could look at my nice blue ass.
After his little remark I stopped posing and stuck my tongue out at him before stating, “You ain’t gotta be human to recognize sexy. Now let’s go have fun.”
As we ran down branches without a care in the world I finally for once felt truly happy. I did not have to care about my heart failing or me suddenly collapsing on the ground. No, now I was really living. Neteyam noticed the change in my attitude and it sent a flutter to his heart.
When we arrived at the party the energy was electric. Everyone was drinking, eating, and dancing. Laughter filled the air around us. After two hours of fucking around, I was definitely getting slightly drunk.
When a group of Na’vi started singing a song that I recognized Kiri teaching me, I did not hesitate to let my voice out for the first time in years.
Happiness radiated through my body. It was almost like a visible aura surrounding me as I sung.
When the songs were over, Jake stood up and started speaking which silenced the room, “I would like to make a speech about dear Y/N here.”
The smell of alcohol filled my nose when he spoke.
He gripped my shoulder in a very dad-like manner and continued, “I have watched her grow from a young girl to a strong woman with a brave heart. She has been a friend to the Sully family for many years. My children do not know of a life without Y/N. Today, I proudly claim Y/N as a Sully! As a sister to my children.”
I wanted to melt into the floor. Sister? I think I would rather kill myself. I appreciate his enthusiasm and I love the guy but come on man. I had to set things straight immediately.
“Sir! Sir! No, I can’t accept it!” I blurt out, causing flabbergasted looks from the entire Sully family and the rest of the clan.
In a drunken stupor I quickly attempted to explain myself, “I want to be a Sully and want to be a part of this family but not like this. I don’t think I could mentally handle being the sister to the man I love.” During my explanation I held my sight on Neteyam.
His wide eyes softened when he realized what I meant. My name softly left his lips like I would shatter if he said it normally. All I could do was fiddle nervously with my top while waiting for a reaction, any reaction.
“I love you too.” He shamelessly stated before he stole me from his father’s grasp and held me once again to his body. His hands were dug into my hair and waist as if I would fly away. Our tails whipped madly behind us which caused Neytiri to swoon over how in love we looked.
Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk who were off to the side eating dessert were now freaking out over the scene unfolding in front of them. Neytiri had to shush the three of them so that the lovely moment wasn’t ruined by their gossiping voices.
To Neytiri’s despair, Jake’s tipsy laugh echoed through the area as he said, “Well, you heard the woman! She’s a future Sully!”
The clan woo’d and chuckled and carried on with partying, the topic of choice of Na’vi girl conversations now being that Neteyam is unfortunately spoken for.
“I didn’t exactly plan on telling you this way or this…publicly.” I said while swaying with my newly acclaimed lover to the music.
Neteyam gazed into my eyes, “I quite enjoyed it, my love. Now everyone knows that you’re mine and I am yours.”
His new nickname gave me goosebumps. The complete bliss I was feeling had to be fake. This all had to be fake.
But when Neteyam took my face in his hands and kissed me so passionately, so lovingly, it brought me back to reality. He was truly mine now.
That night I was given a place amongst the Omaticaya.
A place amongst the Sully’s.
A place with the one I loved where I sang him to sleep with the same lullabies from what seemed like forever ago.
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
YES YES YES THIS!!!! i enjoy some of his smut fics but other than that i hope he fucking dies, clone or not.
You can want to fuck the colonel all you want, just remember that he doesn't deserve a redemption arc.
The idea that the colonel needed to walk in a na'vi body in order to understand anything about pandora is a fucked storyline for multiple reasons.
After all the shit he's put pandora, eywa, and the na'vi through he doesn't deserve a redemption arc. He hasn't earned a redemption arc either.
He killed several na'vi including Neytiri's sister (and dont tell me he didnt give the order for that), blew up hometree, killed more na'vi including Eytukan (and very likely several children and elderly that were in hometree for safe keeping), tried to kill the soul tree, did in fact have his marines kill the tree of voices, killed several more na'vi and was an all around asshole. And that's just in the FIRST movie.
It doesn't matter if he's got a kid, it doesn't matter if he cares about his kid, and it absolutely does not fucking matter if being in an avatar body gave him a new perspective or connection to pandora or connection to Na'vi. He still threatened to kill several people and burned houses of na'vi to the ground.
You want a redmeption arc for an dickish marine who didn't know any better and learned from actually being taught by the na'vi and learning their ways? You have it. His name is Jake Sully.
The colonel is not a good person, his new body does not make him a good person, and from what I've seen in spoilery postings the only indication that he has any actual feelings about anything is towards Spider. He's still hurting na'vi, he's still harming Pandora and her creatures. He does not deserve a redemption arc nor has he earned one. You can thirst over him all you want, but please don't ignore that he's a shit person.
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
Ignore this if you want and thank you for the hard work: Can I have a Scenario or one shot with Neteyam and fem S/O who is human but is sick, they are close friends and S/O always writes poems and songs for him, S/O has a heart disease that's why they are creating an Avatar for her, she loves to sing but she never sang again since she knew her heart and since she stayed on Pandora. But once she gets her Avatar body finally she can run, get rid of chest pains, fatigue, and the fear of dying and finally can sing again.
Music for the singing/inspiration: Gales Of Song-Belle (English version)
HI! to whoever sent this request i am working on it right now! i didnt want you to think i was ignoring you or anything but i love this request and it hits close to home for me. mwuah i appreciate it and i hope you like it when i post it. (expect it to be done by next week)
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
my warrior // n.s x gn! human reader
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pairing: neteyam x gn! human reader
contains: blood, cheating scene, fight scene, lots of aggression from reader, fluff, neteyam being awesome n sweet, angst if you squint and turn your head at a 75° angle then do a backflip, reader being scared of being seen, shitty writing
3.2k words
@marsconer @blueingsfairy @joalslibrary
notes: i just watched the movie and i didn’t know how the scientist compounds work exactly so lets pretend theres one in the hallelujah mountains and one on the ground a little far away from the first compound. reader lived on the one on the ground. also for plot convenience, reader was blessed by eywa as a baby to be able to breathe pandora air. she gave u na’vi lungs in the womb n shit bc ur parents loved her so much😻😻😻😻. yes. that makes sense yes.
summary/prompt: “i see you.”
“close your eyes then.”
“Are you fucking for real?”
Your latest boyfriend, Ian, and a girl you knew as Jasmine snapped their heads towards your menacing presence in the doorway. The looks on their faces showed pure horror as they could basically feel the anger dripping out of every pore in your body. You had just caught them tonguing eachother down in the large cleaning supply closet in the compound that all humans on Pandora lived in.
“I’m sorry, Y/N! I’m really sorry! You know I love you!” Ian sobbed out, knowing that all attempts to make excuses were futile with you.
His apologies meant nothing. You grabbed the nearest thing to you, which happened to be an empty mop bucket, and slammed it against his head with as much force as you could muster. If he wants to cheat, he can get beat the fuck up. Simply how it works.
Ian plunged to the ground with a yelp of pain. Taking this opportunity, you got on top of him and started delivering strikes after strikes to his once pretty face. Since you were stronger than him, Ian had no chance of getting out of the position you had him in. His cries for help echoed through the supply closet.
Jasmine begged you to stop, insisting that it was her fault and not his. In all honesty you didn’t blame her completely since it was Ian’s choice to cheat but god was her voice getting annoying.
It wasn’t until she grabbed your hair, pulling you off of Ian, that you actually touched her.
Hair pulling was foul so if she wanted to fight dirty, so could you.
You grabbed her admittedly beautiful hair and used it as a rope to slam her repeatedly against the one empty wall in the room.
But suddenly, multiple hands ripped you away from her. Many panicked voices surrounded the scene and before you knew it, you were told you had to have your shit packed to get sent away on an ikran to live with the Omaticaya people in a few days until further notice. The scientists told you it was just a temporary arrangement for you to learn morals and self control.
Then almost a week later, you were gone from the compound.
Not all was lost, though. It hadn’t been like you were totally new to the Na’vi people. Jake used to come around the compound with his children and they’d play with the human kids. You had been especially close to the eldest of the Sully kids. Y’all were like two peas in a pod. At least until age restricted the freedom to spend time together as you two got older and responsibilities became heavier.
In all honesty, you missed your friend. Which was mostly the reason why your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest in excitement and nervousness when the ikran landed on the edge of one of the mountains that had been home to many Na’vi and other scientists. The other reason for your anxiety was the amount of curious and cautious eyes on you.
Inak, your ikran uber driver, slid off of the large animal and helped you get down. He was a Na’vi man so it took no effort to pick you up and plop you on the ground. Jake greeted you and Inak and they conversed in Na’vi but you didn’t know enough words to fully understand.
While they talked, you truly took in your surroundings. The sky within your fingertips and the beautiful colors everywhere just took your breath away. In the compound, you didn’t see the mountains like this.
“Y/N, go with Jake now. I’ll see you in a bit, alright kiddo?” Inak said, rubbing your back for comfort with a comforting dorky smile smeared on his face. You nodded in understanding and with that he turned around and left. Inak was a pretty awesome dude. Scientist turned Na’vi through the consciousness transfer ritual.
Jake talked you through the tour of the home of the Omatikaya clan. You had trouble listening to everything he was saying because of the growing anxiety in your chest as you two came closer to a familiar group of rowdy kids.
“Kids! Look what the cat dragged in!” He exclaimed which got the attention of them all.
It took no time for you to have been almost tackled to the dirt by Tuktirey with her excitedly shouting, “It’s Y/N! Guys it’s my favorite human, they’re here! They’re here!”
She had gotten so much bigger since you last saw her which was around seven months ago. Too close to your height for sure.
You laughed heartily and embraced the girl back and said, “My wonderful Tuktuk! You’re so grown up now!”
Two more tall blue bodies joined the hug and your heart soared. Kiri and Lo’ak spat utter bullshit about who missed you more. There was nowhere to go in this group hug of death. But good death. Sure, you couldn’t breathe but these people are your loved ones so it sounds like a wonderful way to go out.
Suddenly, all three kids were tugged off of you and strong arms lifted you into an intense bear hug. Your legs dangled freely in the air due to the height difference.
“Neteyam.” You breathed, returning the hug with just as much vigor. He may have changed in the time you haven’t seen each other but you will forever recognize his hugs.
“I missed you, skxawng. Did you get a new best friend and forget about me?” He jokes as he puts you back on your feet.
You rolled your eyes, “Never. I hate everyone at that place. I’m actually here because I beat up my ex for cheating on me so the adults sent me here to learn restraint or whatever.”
His yellow eyes flickered over your face and body with an exasperated expression. The last time he saw you, you were timid and shy. You let people pick on you. Often times, Neteyam would have to come to your rescue. That person he was friends with was definitely not capable of having ‘ex’s let alone pummeling one to the point of your knuckles splitting.
Speaking of that, you definitely needed to get cleaned up and patched up.
“Let’s get your hands fixed up and you can tell me all about it, little warrior.” Neteyam insisted and I laughed before following him to his family’s home.
“She pulled your hair? What an ‘eveng. Can’t even fight properly.”
“Right? Then I grabbed her hair right back and slammed her head into the wall. Like girl, be so fucking for real.” You explained, using hand motions during your story with your hand that wasn’t being treated at the time. In your mind, it helped you get the point across.
Neteyam softly laughed at your antics. He never truly understood your human phrases or slang but he always saved them in the back of his mind to ask about later. The boy learned what ‘musty’ meant a while ago because of this.
The both of you told life stories of what had been going on during the time away from eachother. Neteyam had been growing into a mature boy more each time you saw him, mostly due to the overwhelming pressure of being the golden oldest child. Living up to Jake’s standards seemed absolutely impossible yet Neteyam did it. You on the other hand became tougher and rougher. Sadder as well. You dated around constantly and never seemed to be able to keep a relationship for more than a month. All this just to make yourself feel better. It was absolutely a downfall from your once beaming and sensitive self.
Neteyam couldn’t help but to blame himself yet again for your change. If he came around more, you wouldn’t have needed to toughen up to protect yourself from the fuckers at your ‘home.’
You crawled behind his sitting body, wrapping your legs around his waist and hugging his torso. Trying to comfort the boy, you said, “Teytey. Stop being emo bro because it’s not your fault. I couldn’t stay a little bitch forever you know? I just changed around them but I’m still the same person you knew only a few months ago. Just less…snotty and cry-y.”
His laugh vibrated through your body and you smiled against his back. “Cry-y isn’t even a word, Y/N.”
“It is now!” You said and swung your body around to tackle him to the ground. Then as you hovered over him, you took the liberty to give him a real nasty wet willy.
Neteyam gasped and cursed in shock and disgust before reaching his hands up your sides, tickling the sensitive skin.
You fell to the ground and laughed out profanities that were barely audible due to the lack of air in your lungs. Neteyam now loomed over you, continuing his attack. Your best friend only stopped when you declared him the winner of the squabble through breathless laughter.
He dropped next to you and you both laid in comfortable silence as you calmed down and wiped stray tears from your face.
The silence was quickly destroyed when the entire Sully family came into the home. You departed from Neteyam to talk to Kiri about the small insect in her hand that she was completely enraptured by.
“What is it?” You asked, laying your head on her shoulder comfortably to look at the fluorescent bug.
Kiri didn’t take her eyes off of it when she said, “I have no idea but look at it dance! It’s so cute.”
The bug was indeed dancing. It used the two back legs to lift it’s yellow rump in the air side to side.
You and Kiri laughed at the cute thing for a few more moments before she eventually let it go free.
It was coming to be about dinner time and whatever Neytiri was cooking smelled bomb as fuck. Neytiri never came around when Jake and the kids visited you. From your knowledge, she didn’t take to humans too fondly but you would never hold a grudge against her for that. If you were her you’d probably do the same.
Seeing her for the first time today was scary, though. She looked at you with this indescribable expression as you greeted her. When she did not greet you back, Lo’ak told you not to take it personally. You didn’t. You were more interested in how much Neteyam took after her. She was just so beautiful. The Sully family has some good genes for sure!
Once dinner was ready, Neteyam pulled you over to him. Basically not giving you a choice but to be next to him to eat. He slang a heavy arm over your shoulder to ensure any attempts to escape would not be successful. You rolled your eyes at his clinginess but secretly you adored it.
The family talked amongst eachother but you stayed silent, trying to ignore Neytiri’s eyes on you. The food was so damn good but you couldn’t even focus on it because it felt like she was trying to burn holes in your head with her eyes. Once you finished eating, you excused yourself and quickly walked out.
The air seemed fresher outside without the pressuring glare of their gorgeous mother. With your hands on your knees, you deeply inhaled and exhaled to try to calm your pounding heart.
Neteyam followed you out of the home, rubbing your back for comfort as you caught your breath. “She is intense but she doesn’t dislike you. She’s weary is all.”
You nodded in understanding which was all you could seem to do in the moment.
He paused his back rubbing sesh, thinking for a moment before saying, “Come on. I have something to show you.”
Like an obedient dog you followed him. Honestly, you’d follow him to the edge of the earth if he wanted you to but that’s besides the point.
Neteyam guided you to his ikran where he mounted the willing creature. A rush of excitement passed through you as you realized what was happening. He swooped you up by your waist and plopped you down behind him.
“I’ve been meaning to give you this for so long when I finally got my ikran but my duties got in the way. Here you go.” Neteyam said with a slightly sad tone as he reached into his side pouch and pulled out a small pair of flying glasses. They matched the ones that were sitting on top of his head.
You beamed with joy as you took them, thanking him a million times over. They fit perfectly.
For Neteyam, it felt like a dream. He was finally about to ride with you, something he’s dreamt about doing since the day that you two made it official that you were best friends. He loved you, truly. And now that you were finally within his grasp again he promised himself that he’d never let go no matter what his duties were or how busy he was.
Neteyam warned you to hold on tight before the ikran dipped down into the sky between the mountains. You gripped onto his waist like he was going to disappear in your arms. He noticed this and reached a hand back to grip onto your thigh to give you a better sense of security. The innocent act made electricity shoot up your spine. Your face burned despite the cool air whipping against it.
It’s not like you were stupid, though. Your intense crush on your best friend has lasted for years so no doubt his touch made you react that way. Your heart beat like crazy but so did Neteyam’s. The hard thumping in his chest was just from excitement, right?
As he did flips and harsh dips, laughs escaped your mouth, both from fear and excitement.
“Oh my god,” Your voice was airy as you yelled, “I’m gonna fucking die!”
You couldn’t see his face but you were sure he rolled his eyes when he replied with, “So dramatic!”
Suddenly, he started ululating as we soared through the sky.
He sounded so happy it made your heart throb with joy.
“C’mon, Y/N! Do it with me!” He insisted.
“Teytey, I don’t know how!” You yelled over the loud sound of wind blowing in your ear.
Neteyam patted your thigh before he gripped it again and said, “Feel the energy in you! Use your tongue!”
You laughed outwardly at his sentence but nonetheless followed his instructions. A cry of absolute adrenaline left your mouth. It felt so powerful as you let all of your energy out.
“That’s my warrior!”
The praise alone made you feel like you were about to explode.
Eventually the ride had to come to a stop as eclipse was quickly pproaching. But, Neteyam still had one more thing to show you so if that meant he would break curfew then so be it.
He swooped the ikran up to the top of one of the Hallelujah mountains. The darkness of the oncoming night made the nature around you so bright. You two climbed off of the ikran, him helping you of course, and he led you to a particular spot on the floating rock. It was a grassy area that had pretty fluorescent flowers surrounding it.
His demeanor seemed to become nervous as he sat down and motioned for you to follow suit.
“Tey? What’s wrong?” You immediately noticed the change and put your right hand against his face, the left on his knee.
He sighed and leaned into your touch. “Y/N. I promised myself I would never leave you lonely like I did before. Now that you’re within my reach I never want to let you go.”
His eyes were too intense in this moment to look at. Instead you focused on his white freckles as you said, “Neteyam, you’re acting as if we haven’t seen eachother in years.”
“Even a month without you is too much for me to bear. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”
Neteyam’s hands took yours off of his body so that he could hold them. His hands fully engulfed yours.
Rolling your eyes in disbelief you said, “Dude, this is starting to sound really romantic. You don’t think of me that way don’t play with me please. I can’t do shitty jokes like this right now.”
He forced you to meet his beautiful eyes. They were full of emotion and complete adoration as he whispered, “I see you, Y/N L/N.”
Alarms were going off in your head. It all seemed too good to be true so it must not be true. You tried to change his mind by saying, “Close your eyes then because I can tell you now that I am not the one you want.”
But that did not deter him.
Neteyam felt like crying. He only ever wanted to be yours so why were you being so difficult? Neteyam spoke after a long silence, “Why do you not believe me, Y/N? I’ve chosen you since the day we met. We were eight. You strayed away from your home and got lost in the forest. I found you playing with a baby viperwolf. No fear in your heart. So don’t have fear now.”
Your heart beat painfully hard as you realized this was actually happening. The boy you loved for years has loved you too.
“Many Na’vi want you. I want you as well, Tey, more than anything. But, your future is going to be affected by you being with a human. Neytiri would disapprove of us with her whole chest. I’m sure she’d probably throw me off the mountain if she could.” A small chuckle left your mouth at the thought of that woman chucking you to your death. Your chuckle died quickly at the thought of Neteyam being with anyone else other than you. It hurt to think about. Like physically hurt your heart and brain.
You felt sick.
“I don’t care about what my mother thinks of my love life. She’s going to have to get used to it because I only want you, not anybody else. So please, take me as yours forever.” Neteyam begged, looking up through his lashes. His tail swung anxiously. God was he beautiful. The unpleasant feelings slowly melted away.
You sat as tall as you could and grabbed his face, leaning in and planting your soft lips upon his. The sound of his tail hitting the ground wildly made you smile against his lips.
He was utterly in love. Neteyam felt drunk as your mouth moved against his so gently. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his lap as he sat up. Everything felt like it was on fire. So many dreams of this and now it finally happened.
When you came up for air, you saw the lovestruck look in his face and you knew that he was yours forever. All worries seemed to dissipate in that moment when you looked in his eyes.
“I see you, Neteyam. And I love you.”
“I love you too, skxawng.”
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
idk where to put requests bc i barely ask for stuff on here but basically my idea was this. neteyam x human reader that is hella funny. friends to lovers type thing where he feels his responsibilities and stress slip away when hes with them. kiss kiss love confession type thing. gn or fem would be cool mookie
neteyam x human!reader imagine
1.7k words
warnings- sfw, mutual pinning, soft fluff, a little angst ? love confessions
also while writing this it was inspired by in love with you by erykah badu and boogie nights/all night by erykah badu
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hanging out with the sullys is always interesting, from going on ikran rides to sneaking on missions. when lo'ak says that you should all go on a ride right before eclipse, neteyam is fast to object.
"come on bro, you know dad is going to slaughter us if we are out at eclipse, lets just go tomorrow."
spider huffs before jumping on lo'aks ikran. god, my brother is such an ass, sometimes i just want to slap him so hard he can't feel his face for a week. i give neteyam a look, us both understanding that the only way to keep our stupid brothers in line is to follow them and keep them safe. he helps me up onto his ikran and we take off after spider and lo'ak, soaring in the calm sunset.
after flying for 10 minutes, spider and lo'ak land somewhere in the floating mountains, neteyam and i follow after them. when we touch down, neteyam picks me up and sets me down; something he loves to do to remind me he’s 3 feet taller than i am.
“fucking skxawng”, i mutter under my breath. before i can even turn around to shoot him a dirty look, he picks me up by my waist with one hand, laughing at me kicking him.
“what was that you just said?” he asks, still laughing at me.
i shoot him the dirtiest glare possible, “ i called you a fucking skxawng, skxawng. now put me down before i rip your braid out.”
neteyam laughs and sets me down, walking away like i huff. we both eventually walk over to spider and lo’ak, sitting beside them and admiring the forrest. we all talk and joke around, laughing about stupid jokes and talking about rumors. we eventually get on the topic of crushes, me teasing spider about his growing crush on kiri, neteyam rolling his eyes like lo’ak complains.
“cuz, come on, that’s my sister i don’t need to know that you want to bang her bro. how would that even work anyways, a human and a na’vi??”
i sigh to myself, knowing what lo’ak says about a human being with a na’vi is true and that neteyam and i will probably never grow to something more than just being friends.
little do i know, neteyam is having the same thoughts, wanting and wishing we could be more than friends, when in reality he knows that kissing me is probably off the table because of my exopack.
the conversation between all of us dissipates as we quiet down, all thinking about different things. i stand up and brush my legs off before saying we should head back so we can be home before eclipse. neteyam agrees while our brothers sigh with “do we have too” and “just like 5 more minutes i swear.”
we eventually all start walking back to the ikrans, lo’ak and spider racing each other. neteyam and i trail behind, talking and shoving each other and laughing. i look at him, the sunset shining on his beautiful blue skin and as it gets darker outside his freckles start shining. i realize that my feelings are futile, but it’s hard to be around the most kind, loyal, protective, beautiful man and not get attached.
i sigh, realizing i have gotten caught up in my own head again. when i look back up at him i see him with a sad smile.
“what’s wrong?” i ask.
“it’s nothing.”
“well it’s got to be something, you’re not usually sad for no reason.”
he sighs and says, “really, it’s nothing. we should try to walk faster so we get back before eclipse.”
he starts walking faster towards the ikrans, making me jog to catch up. i grab his hand and stop walking.
“neteyam, please, don’t keep stuff from me. we are best friends, and when we first became friends you promised to always tell me what’s bothering you.”
“stop digging y/n, i don’t want to talk about it right now. i just want us to laugh and talk like usual right now.”
“just tell me so that i can help you and we can go back to normal.”
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
“nete please-“
“fucking stop y/n, i’m not going going to talk about this with you.”
i stand there shocked, not used to him getting angry. he walks off and i follow after him, confused as to why he’s so mad. i know i shouldn’t have pushed but it’s not like him to be so sad.
when we get back to the ikrans lo’ak and spider immediately notice that something’s off, seeing the look on neteyam’s face. when spider and lo’ak look to me i shrug and shake my head. it’s awkwardly silent before neteyam clears his throat and says, “ y/n, how about you ride with lo’ak and spider rides with me tonight.”
lo’ak and spider both whip around and look to me, about to complain about how it’s never been this way when i just shake my head. spider raises an eyebrow at me but walks over to neteyams ikran anyways. i walk to lo’aks, waiting for his to grab me by the waist to help me but he doesn’t. i climb up, and go to hold onto his waist, but i stop and hold his shoulders.
neteyam and spider take off first, lo’ak and i soon after. we sit in science for a little before he asks, “so what happened?”
i sigh, “he just seemed off. he’s been more distant and sad lately, but i guess that’s just a journey of him becoming a man.”
“yeah well he has been stressed out about the whole ‘becoming a man and choosing a mate’ thing. it’s not like there’s not 20 girls that would die for him to stick it in them,” he snickers.
“ew come on lo’ak that’s disgusting.”
“i mean, i know who im choosing when i become a man.”
“the hottest girl who wants me, duh cuz. i mean that’s skxawng has always been picky, but now it seems like he’s trying to always want what he can’t have.”
“what do you mean?”
“come on cuz, you can’t be that blind. did you notice when he started getting all whiny earlier?”
“no? i mean after we talked i guess?”
“and we talked about what...”
i pause, trying to remember.
“ummmmm we talked about how you wanted to bang that girl we saw that was healing you and neteyam’s dumb asses, we talked about how spider is never going to find a na’vi that wants his tiny ass but let’s be honest, him and kiri totally have something going-“
“no you fucking skxawng we talked about humans and na’vi, then neteyam got all whiny and shit.”
i pause, “so?”
“so who is the human that neteyam spends all his time with?”
i stop.
“you’re saying that neteyam likes me?”
i blush and laugh, “ lo’ak, there’s no way he likes me. you said it yourself, he was like 30 hot girls lined up for him.”
“he totally does like you-“
“he totally doesn’t-“
“but you like him anyways. that’s the point, it doesn’t matter if you believe me or not because we all know that you two like each other.”
we ride back home in silence, i think about what he has said. could it neteyam actually like me too? is that why he didn’t want to talk about it with me? i wonder what would even happen if he did, it’s not like we could mate.
when we land at home, i get of lo’aks ikran and thank him for telling me. i walk to my tent and lay down, thinking about how this could change everything. i should probably talk to neteyam about it instead of just mulling it over by myself.
i decide to get up and go talk to him, even though i’m scared that lo’ak could be wrong. i mean, what if i talk to him about it and tell him i like him when he doesn’t even like me back? i stand by his family’s tent, not sure if i should go it on not.
while i’m standing there thinking, i don’t notice that neteyam walked up behind me. he taps me on the shoulder and when i turn around i see that it’s him.
“hey?” he says, nervously scratching his neck.
“i think we need to talk, i was about to go in and ask for you.”
“i told you i don’t want to talk about it-“
“lo’ak told me you have a crush on me.”
he stares down at me with wide eyes. i can see his cheeks turn purple as he blushes and he opens and closes his mouth, trying to say something. i grab his hand, my small one grabbing on to 3 of his fingers. i walk us over to my tent, thankfully lo’ak must have gotten spider to stay away for a little.
when we go inside my tent, neteyam looks so nervous that you would think i’m trying to shoot him. he starts rambling, “ listen i don’t know why lo’ak would tell you that because i don’t have a crush on you i mean, you’re my bestfriend that would be kind of weird right? i mean not to say that you’re not funny or pretty, because you definitely are but even if i did like you, i mean how would that even work, i’m na’vi and you’re human and we probably would even be able to kiss because of your exopack and-“
i cut him off, “neteyam, i like you.”
“you do?”
“yeah, i do.”
“but why me, why not lo’ak? or anyone else?”
i look at the floor, “because i don’t want lo’ak. i want you. i want your smile and how funny you are. i want to talk to you and go on your ikran with you. you understand me like no one else. i see you nete.”
i feel a his hand on my chin, guiding me to look up at him. he hugs me, my forehead on his chest.
“i see you y/n,” he says, kissing the top of my head.
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
WHEN YOU SLEEP (neteyam!)
content — fluff tehe. idk this is short but i was in my feels and i wanna be loved and adored while i sleep peacefully >:( not proofread bc i just got off of work and im sleep deprived
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you overwhelm him. every single thing about you sends him into overdrive and he can't stand it. he can't stand the effect you have on him, but more importantly? he can't stand the way he loves it.
this is a realization that has only hit him when you fall asleep next to him for the first time. minutes before you claimed that you were 'wide awake and listening to every word he said' but your efforts to remain conscious for the boy beside you went in vain. but you've blessed him with the sight before him so he will let it slide this once.
the way your chest rises and falls ever so slightly to the point where he rests his palm on the muscle to be sure that you are still breathing for him. the almost incomprehensible mumbles of his name that leaves your lips ever now and then. your hand that pats around to feel for him because even in a state of unconsciousness, you still search for your love.
neteyam can't even begin to wrap his mind around how it's possible to feel such things for someone. he's so irreparably and terrifyingly in love with you that it almost seems immoral. the confirmation alone makes his heart rate speed up and his breath hitch.
he comes to the conclusion that you don't belong here. there isn't a planet floating around in existence that deserves your grace upon it. you belong somewhere beautiful and unreachable. you should be amongst the stars, tangled somewhere in constellations to be adored by everyone.
even then, he closes his eyes every now and then and personally thanks eywa for blessing him with you. you as a person and your existence as well. without you, he is nothing because from the day you offered your heart to him, he's held it dear, combining every ounce of love with his own to the point that you feel like one. this reminds him to prepare for the day you ever disappear from his life as it will be the same day he disappears with you.
throughout your relationship, he's drilled quite a few things inside of that pretty head of yours, making sure that you won't ever forget, one being that you have a beautiful heart. one that was shaped, caressed and sent out into the universe by eywa alone. 'the epitome of a heart of gold' he says, to which you respond 'i only shine for you'. he calls you cringe and kisses you directly after.
he takes another good look at you, admiring the way the residence of sleep makes you look so innocent and pure. he doesn't realize that he's smiling until his cheekbones start to sting from the over contracting.
with one last glance, he allows himself to rest alongside you, pulling you impossibly closer to him, basking in the way your heartbeats synchronize and builds a rhythm, beating to the sound of your shared love.
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missusmiller · 2 years ago
(but idk how to properly do this)
i write for many many different things too much to put on here just ask me and i will deliver😽
i don’t write r^pe, “yandere”, or stalker tropes. rpe is self explanatory. i can do possessive and jealous just not to that scary level yk? stalker tropes make me uncomfortable.
NO ARMY MFS/SPIDER! for avatar, i don’t write for quaritch or any of the weird army freaks INCLUDING SPIDER!
NO SLURS! if you use slurs in my comments that you cannot reclaim you will get read tf DOWN and permabanned like we in discord, hoe.
NO SHIT TALKIN MY WRITING, BITCH! i accept constructive criticism and advice i love that shit but i will not accept straight shit talking. die.
NO INCEST! i will not write poly fics for any characters that are siblings, cousins, etc. i am open to poly fics in general tho.
smut requests are accepted but fluff is my strong suit (ish). HOWEVER, I DO NOT WRITE SMUT FOR ANY CHARACTER UNDER 18!
i do not write anything that has to do with racism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, antisemitism, etc. i am a fat black person. i do not want to relive my trauma through a fanfiction and im sure you guys do not either.
avatar (james cameron)
wednesday (2022)
nothing yet
american horror story
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