#Oscar Diaz drabble
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stvolanis · 1 year ago
oh nothinggg, just thinking about Spooky x Bimbo! Reader
god, Spooky can’t stand you. always wearing those shorts—the ones that your ass cheeks hang out in. running around with your flimsy tube tops, nipples peeking through. Somehow being mixed into his brothers friend group, but not being involved in their messes. You were kinda just the friend they kept around cause your daddy sells weed to the people in Brentwood, so they got major discounts! but of course they loved you.
god, the amount of times he’s gotten a flash of the thin little hot pink thong straps you wear—or when you bend over to pick up something right in front of him; he thinks you’re doing it on purpose at this point! So he’s puzzled when you stand back up and whip around with an oblivious smile and innocent look in your eyes. He always has to do the thinking for you cause your silly brain can’t really comprehend what’s going on with the freakin roller world money your friends keep blabbering about that spooky wasn’t supposed to know about! Too bad, you already told him when you were mindlessly yapping about your day!
he would totally say something like, “didn’t know I was gettin a free show, baby.” After he walked in on your trying to shimmy off your skin tight, mid thigh dress. You blushed and weakly tried to shove him out of the room, only in your panties and matching bra. But it was like pushing a brick wall, and the way your clothed breasts pressed against him had him going crazy! So he felt like his body acted on its own when he grabbed the flesh of your ass with one hand, and your throat with the other.
He inhaled your scent, muttering a string of profanities in his mother tongue as he kissed the side of your jaw. “Been tempting me too much lately, cariño. M’only a man at the end of the day.” He breathed against you, watching the way your shorter body trembled under his touch. “I have needs. N’ it’s your job to take care of them like I always take care of you, ma.”
so of course as soon as he said that, his hand harshly pulled your bra down, exposing your breasts to him. He pinched one of your nipples, pulling it a little before releasing. Soon, your knees collided with the hard wood beneath you’d, and his cock was slapping against your cheek, leaving a trail of his sticky pre-cum. “S’right, niña. Put that pretty mouth to better use.” He smirked—that fucking smirk. The one that made you week in the knees.
You knew you were done for.
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don’t be shy, ask to be a part of the tag list and request things!
TAG LIST: @elvisalltheway101 @epthedream69 @claire-elvisgirl @elvisrealgf @littlehoneyposts @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @luxuriouslokistan-3 @foxevxid @sapriao @xiyingly @jazminsjaz @likeits2002 @www-interludeshadow-com @khxna @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @hockeyrat @rafeswhorejjsslut @peterpan-neverfails @sunflowerskenz @lemonadygirl @newavenger @bloobewy
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webinurcloset · 2 years ago
he knew who’s idea it was 😂,, “I’m above your level papi. I stay home all day with my baby’s and take your paycheck at the end of the week. You wish you were on my level!” OKAY 💅 💅💅💅
Oscar Diaz-Shut Up Mom!(MBS)
Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this request!
Make sure to show some love if you liked it!
“Mommy can you help me with a Tik-Tok prank on daddy?” Carlos asks from where you rest on the couch with your swollen feet up, Alexander taking a nap in your arms.
“I wanna watch Tik-Tok.” Angel says as he sits in time out from a tantrum he had minutes prior.
“No talking. You sit there and think about what you did.” You warn him before turning your attention to your third born,”What do I have to do?” You ask him with a smile, you needed some excitement in your life and this was the perfect way to get that. Especially since your little girl was about to be here any day now.
“Okay so all you need to do is...” Carlos begins to explain the instructions, even showing you a few videos as a reference,”Got it?”
“I do, but do you think you can out run your dad? Maybe we should tell Anthony or Junior to do it.” You suggest, already knowing that Oscar doesn’t play when it comes to your kids being disrespectful.
“Junior won’t be back until this weekend.” He says as he thinks his idea over,”Let me go ask Tony.” He decides before taking off up the stairs and into their shared bedroom.
“Mommy? Can I come sit with you now?” Angel asks quietly from the corner,”Pwease?”
“Are you sorry for being mean to Alex? You have to share with him, he’s your little brother. And soon Santana is gonna be here, are you going to be mean to her?”
“No mommy, I’ll be good. I’ll tell Alex sorry when he wakes up.”
“Okay, but if you mess up one more time today I’m telling daddy.”
“No! No daddy! I’m a good boy. Pinky promise.” He says as he runs over and jumps on the couch next to you,”I’m gonna be a good big brother.” He says as he carefully places a kiss to the sleeping boys head before doing the same to your stomach.
“I believe you. Now shhh, don’t wake him up.”
“Shhh.” He repeats with a head nod before laying back against the cushion and grabbing his tablet.
“Okay mom, I’ll do it but if he ends up grabbing me I’m throwing hands.” Anthony says as he comes down with Carlos.
“I’ll have your back.” Carlos says firmly with a clap on his back. Angel chiming in that he will to as he keeps his eyes focused on his game.
“Then you better run fast.” You laugh,”He should be home any minute now, so stretch those legs.”
You guys end up practicing a few times, Alexander awake in his pack n play by the time Oscar’s truck is pulling into the drive way,”He’s here, get ready!” Angel screams as he peeks out the window. Carlos hands you his phone, the app already set up before taking a seat with Angel. Anthony sitting on the steps mentally hyping his self up.
“Best looking Diaz is home!” Oscar shouts out after walking in the house and kicking his work boots off by the door,”Whatcha all doing?” He asks as he joins you all in the living room, undoing the buttons on his dirty uniform.
“Nothing I’m just trying to get these boys to clean up their rooms.” You sigh after pressing record, Oscar leaning over the back of the couch to peck your lips in greeting quickly,”They haven’t been listening to me all day.”
“Why aren’t they clean?” He asks as he looks in between the three older boys,”I’ll go throw away every toy and video game I bought if those rooms aren’t spotless by tonight, when your mom says to do something you do it. Understand me?”
“Yes sir.” All three boys nod simultaneously.
“Well go on then, I’ve been telling you all day. Anthony please clean y’alls bathroom too.”
“Oh my god, shut up mom. Quit nagging so much.” He says as he stands up, Oscar snapping his head over to the older boy so fast and dangerously walking towards him.
“The fuck did you just say?” He asks lowly,”I know damn well you ain’t talking to your mom like that.”
“I did and what?” He retorts, you guys deciding to take it a bit further than the original videos.
“Getcho ass over here!” Oscar shouts as he reaches out for his shirt, Anthony two steps ahead as he takes off in the opposite direction.
“Now Angel!” Carlos screams as they each grab onto Oscar’s legs and hang on for dear life.
“It’s a joke Oscar! Chill out!” You laugh as you scramble to your feet,”Look it’s for a video, I knew he was going to say that.” You add as you stop recording and show him.
“Oh y’all trying to play me for a fool?” Oscar says as he reaches down and picks up Angel by the ankles and holds him upside down,”Where you in on this? Huh?” He asks him with playful anger.
“No! Mommy help!” Angel laughs as he swings his body back and forth.
“Put my baby down.” You scold with a smile as you grab him with a low groan,”You’re so heavy now.” You comment as Oscar snatches Carlos up from the ground and holds him at arms length,”I know this was your idea.”
“Maybe.” He says innocently as he flashes his smile, a few baby teeth missing and being replaced with incoming adult teeth.
“Haha. You all think you’re so funny, I was about to air the whole roof off of this house. Y’all need to ask about me, you just don’t know what dads capable of.” Oscar boast as he lightly shoves the scrawny kid away with a push to his forehead.
“Um can I come back down?” Anthony yells from the top step.
“Yeah come down!” Oscar says, rubbing his nose with his thumb and index finger,”I ain’t gonna hurt you. Don’t be scared now.”
“It was for Tik-Tok.” Anthony says as he slowly descends from the steps,”I wouldn’t talk to mom like that for real.”
“You’re lucky.” Oscar jokes as he throws a few punches in his direction,”Don’t mess with the big dogs hyna.”
“Aye, I’m not that scared.” Your second born laughs as he doges the hits,”You ain’t that athletic anymore dad, old age is getting to you.”
“Hey! We’re practically the same age and another thing I’m your wife. Once upon a time I was your hyna, but you can’t call me that no more.” You scoff playfully as you sit back down with Angel, Alexander growing upset that he hasn’t got any attention yet.
“Yeah, but you look like a teenager, dad not so much.” Anthony laughs
“Aight, ima let that slide for now.” Oscar smirks as he goes over to pick up the baby after blowing a kiss and wink your way in understanding,”When you’re least expecting it though ima be on that ass.” He jokes before turning his attention to Alex,”You wouldn’t play a prank on daddy? No you’d never do that.” He says, placing a kiss to the top of his head after.
“What’s a hyna?” Angel asks looking between the two of you,”Whatever I don’t care, I have fruit snacks. Um mommy can I go get some pwease?”
“Yes, just one bag though. You can all go get a little snack, I’m ordering Chinese for dinner so don’t go overboard.”
“Awesome!” Carlos says before all three boys head into the kitchen.
“Y’all better eat at the table!” Oscar calls out behind them,”I don’t need any roaches in this house!”
“Yes sir!” They all shout back
“Bring me him.” You say and wiggle your fingers in their direction.
“You have a baby in your stomach, hold that.” Oscar says as he takes a step away,”Besides he’s the only one that didn’t play a prank on me so I’m gonna go give him some juice and cuddles.”
“What?!” You laugh as you throw your head back,”If you don’t give me my baby back and go change out of your dirty work clothes I’m gonna...”
“You’ll what? Chase after me?” Oscar teases as he bounces Alex in his arms,”Come on mama, come take him from me.”
“I don’t even have to get up, watch this...Alex, mommy’s baby boy. Come here.” You say and hold your arms out from the couch,”Come to mama.”
“Mama.” Alex says as he reaches out for you with a smile, his legs kicking out,”Mama.” He repeats with grabby hands, not waiting even two seconds before he begins to wail.
“Not fair.” Oscar says with squinted eyes as he hands him off to you,”That’s okay cause my princess is gonna be all about daddy. Then you’ll finally see how it feels to be second favorite.”
“It’s cute that you think your second, you know that’s Cesars spot.” You joke, Alex already calm in your arms as he sucks his thumb.
“What’s this, make Oscar upset day?” He scoffs as he leans over you,”Cause it’s working.” He tells you before pressing his lips to yours lovingly once again.
“I’ll make it up to you tonight.” You mumble against him mouth with a smile,”But you need to go shower first.” You laugh and turn your head away a second later,”Now please.”
“This smell coming off of me is called hard work mami. Hard work and money!” He laughs as he walks backwards towards the master bedroom,”Get on my level!”
“I’m above your level papi. I stay home all day with my baby’s and take your paycheck at the end of the week. You wish you were on my level!”
“You’re a smart ass.” He chuckles as he points at you,”But I love it.”
“Hmh love you.” You say and stick your tongue out at him, Oscar flicking you off before disappearing out of your sight.
“Mommy!” Angel shouts from the dining room,”Come in here with us!”
“Coming, give me a second.” You huff as you set Alex down and opt for holding his hand instead as the two of you head to join the other Diaz boys. A good time to ask them what other prank could be played on their daddy.
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everwitch-magiks · 7 months ago
Prompt: drink the stars. Go wild with pairings!
Thank you for the prompt! ♡ Here's a little Ellen and Oscar on their honeymoon!
It’s the first morning of their honeymoon, and Ellen’s knee-deep in the files Johnson sent at 3a.m.. She’d tell herself this is an exception, that this case is unusually important—but God knows that’d be untrue. Her saving grace is that Oscar is no better; he’s across their expensive suite, on the phone with the firm back home. Their eyes catch. Oscar makes an apologetic face. Ellen shrugs. She rises and gets the champagne from the cooler. Pops it. When she gets back to work, it’s with a glass of bubbly in hand and her husband right next to her.
Drabble PSA: I’m no longer taking drabble prompts, but I’ve got a few more to catch up on before I wrap up this round of the game! ♡
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just-another-author-i-guess · 4 months ago
NEW!!!!! Masterlist Nov. 2024
A/N: I'm not really sure if this counts as a return lol, but I've grown a lot as a person and I think my writing-style and interest are v different now,,, so here's a new and updated (I'm not 14 anymore and I don't really like the same things I did when I started) masterlist (:
Important info (read pls before requesting): Since I'm over 18 y/o (I just turned 20, yay) I no longer accept any requests for minor characters or aged up versions of minors or anything like that. I'd feel really uncomfortable writing for them now, compared to when I started this blog at 14 lol. I also don't write mlm smut, not bc I want to be mean or less inclusive or anything, but bc I'm literally a bisexual woman and I feel like it's not really my place to write that kind of stuff (bro idk how to, I also fear I wouldn't portray it well at all bc obviously I haven't been in any situations like that),,, tho that does not mean I won't write mlm sfw!!! I'd be more than happy to (:
When I write I can only really do so with my own experiences in mind, so my nsfw stuff will mainly be fem!POV or gn, bc that's what I'm comfortable with... tho with that said, feel free to msg me or ask a question in the 'requests' if any of this seems confusing or unclear!
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Judd Birch (big mouth) - judd birch x gn!reader - reader’s first time w/ judd - judd birch relationshp hc’s - judd birch x alt! reader - the one where Judd gives dating advice - four (4) reason’s judd has ‘keep out’ signs on his door (mr. birch is a menace) - just judd things (headcannons pt.2) - judd smut drabble - a heart to heart about Jessi’s sister’s boyfriend - going to school with Judd - judd smut in Y/n’s car - high judd headcannons
✰ ✰ ✰⛱⛈
- vincenzo ‘vinny’ santorini (atlantis)
vinny relationship headcannons
... more coming soon!
╰ ----------- ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
NEW ADDS! Spooky Diaz (on my block) a/n: I just finished watching it pls I'm so in love w Oscar.
(RE) Karl Heisenberg
Heisenberg x gn!reader hcs :D
Heisenberg x fem!reader, posted on ao3 but I need to edit a few things 'fore posting it here,,,
(RDR2, the gang, Flaco?) Flaco x pregnant!fem!reader... bc I'm down bad ): (coming soon, finished I just need to post it lol) Teaching reader poker x the guys: Arthur, John, Javier, Charles... (coming soon)
MORE COMING AT SOME POINT! But I have a looottt of requests to finish, I've been afk for like almost 3 years or something but I really appreciate the nice msgs I got (:
*here's a link to my ao3, since I've posted some les mis stuff and other things on there that I'm not sure you ppl on here would like... but lemme know if u want me to crosspost it on here <3 justanotherauthorig
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adreama-writes · 1 year ago
2023 Fanfic Wrapped
Thank you for the tags @inexplicablymine @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @littlemisskittentoes !
Idk who else hasn't yet done this so @onthewaytosomewhere and OPEN TAG TO ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS!
I actually wrote a lot this year! Many of them surprised me. I'm usually an outline writer - I make notes for the stories and then that tells me where to take the story. However, several of these were kind of "let's just write and see where it takes us!"
It got long so here's a cut to save your dash. 💜✍️✍️
Watch it All Unfold (a collection of drabbles)
40 chapters added in 2023 at 100 words each
That's 4,000 words!
Over the course of the entire year; I won't be breaking it out into individual months
Nora and Tu B'Shevat - 1300 words, focused on June/Nora, part of the series Nora and the Holidays. Last year, I was chatting Nora with some other fans and I mentioned that I write Nora celebrating her holidays. Someone commented (half-joking) "Tu B'Shevat fic WHEN??" I replied "When Tu B'Shevat happens!" so I wrote this little fic, dedicated it to them on Ao3, and they haven't read it. Still happy I represented for the trees 🌳 though.
June surprises Nora on her holiday with plans and a gift. Happy new year for the trees!
March Book Club - 2 chapters, total 17,388 words. Rated T. Focuses on Alex/Henry and the Henry-June friendship
working title: henry gay english major
A kid at Henry's shelter inspires him to pick the Little Women series for his book club with June. Meanwhile, Alex is there, by his side, supporting him always, and Henry starts thinking more about their future in all the good ways.
Blanket Fort - 600 words. Rated G.
Alex is anxious during a storm, and so is David. Henry has a late night at the shelter.
of fathers and sons - 7651 words. Rated T. Focuses on Alex/Henry and the relationship between Oscar and Henry.
Henry’s been working on the new LA shelter for months. He’s had countless conference calls with investors, contractors, city council, and more. Now, they’re ready for the final touches before opening, and Henry needs to be hands-on, literally. He knew this time would come, but he hates being away from home. He’s on the phone with his assistant, discussing hotel options, when Alex interrupts. “Why do you need a hotel in LA? My dad lives there. Stay with him. He’d be thrilled to have you there.” Henry stays with Oscar Diaz his father-in-law while he's getting the new LA shelter up-and-running. It's a bit of an adjustment, but it's actually nice. He even picks up a few new skills in the kitchen to show Alex!
June and Weddings  - 1216 words. Rated G. A little something I threw together for June's birthday.
5 weddings June is in + 1 time it's her own
talking about feelings is a sapphic cliche - 1200 words exactly. Rated G. Another one that just happened quickly.
Nora nods. She knows June’s telling the truth, but she also can tell there’s something more. “And?” she prompts. “And,” June continues, a hint of a smile on her face, and Nora knows it’s for her, that June appreciates that she knows her so well. “I’m nervous.” “Okay,” Nora says, shifting so she’s sitting cross-legged across from June on the bed. “Specifics. Let’s hear it. You know how this goes: you tell me what you’re worried about and we’ll talk about it logically.”
Christmas Visit - rated G. 3525 words. This was originally a drabble, and then people demanded more, and it actually worked.
It's Christmas Eve at Kensington. Alex's niece tells him about the ghost she saw the other day. Then, in the middle of the night, Alex sees him too.
Untitled New Year's Eve story - to be posted December 31
Total: 36,889 words over 7 new works + new chapters for 1 existing work. Does not include word count for New Year's story.
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 1 year ago
Val's December Drabbles Day 25/25
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The final word of the 25 days of drabbles was Noel! What a lovely challenge this has been! I'm so thankful for every person who's come along with me on this drabble journey!
“Joyeux Noël!” Pez’s voice sings out as he enters with a pile of gifts obscuring his bright red and green hair. “Merry Christmas!” a chorus of voices calls back from where they’ve gathered in the living room, steaming mugs of coffee, cocoa, and tea in hand. Pez makes a space for himself on the couch between Nora and June as they await the downstairs arrival of their hosts and the guest of honor. She’s tucked into Alex’s arms, with Henry’s hand on Alex’s shoulder as they enter, gazing around the circle at their combined families, found and fixed, all smiling up at them and the newest Claremont-Diaz-Fox addition. A mountain of gifts waits beneath the tree, adorned in festive wrapping paper with glittering bows and name tags representing each person sitting among them, all here to celebrate the joy of being together. But one name seems to appear far more often than the rest. “You know that she’s a baby, right?” Alex asks as he sits on the rug by the fire, his legs outstretched and Gabby sitting between them. “She can’t actually open these.” “That’s her dads’ jobs, mijo,” Oscar answers with a wink, handing him the first present.
Day 1: Merry Day 2: Punch Day 3: Prancer Day 4: Comet Day 5: Poinsettia Day 6: Happy Day 7: Crowds Day 8: Dasher Day 9: Wreath Day 10: Holiday Day 11: Tradition Day 12: Greetings Day 13: Advent Day 14: Holly Day 15: Blitzen Day 16: Red/Green Day 17: Candy Day 18: Gifts Day 19: Candy Canes Day 20: Pie Day 21: Snowflakes Day 22: Ham Day 23: Celebrate Day 24: Ceremonies
And you can find the entire series here on AO3!
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faerieroyal · 6 days ago
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ children born of fairy stock, never need for shirt or frock…
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🧚🏻‍♂️ what/who i write for … 🧚🏻‍♂️
➺ golden trio era: harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, neville longbottom, fred weasley, george weasley, oliver wood, percy weasley, dean thomas, draco malfoy, theodore nott, mattheo riddle.
➺ marauders era: james potter, remus lupin, sirius black, poly!marauders, regulus black, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, mary macdonald, evan rosier, pandora lestrange, andromeda black, narcissa black, poly!valkyries, frank longbottom, alice fortescue, poly!starchaser, poly!wolfstar.
➺ gilmore girls: jess mariano, rory gilmore, paris geller, luke danes, lane kim, lorelai gilmore.
➺ dead poets society: neil perry, todd anderson, charlie dalton, steven meeks, gerard pitts.
➺ criminal minds: spencer reid, aaron hotchner, emily prentiss, elle greenaway.
➺ marvel: peter parker (tasm or mcu), bruce banner, kate bishop, yelena belova (platonic, familial, or qpr requests only), bucky barnes, sam wilson, poly!sambucky, ava starr, loki laufeyson, druig, makkari, poly!drukkari, natasha romanoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, eddie brock, marc spector/steven grant/jake lockley, layla el-faouly.
➺ x-men: scott summers, jean grey, logan howlett, wade wilson, poly!deadclaws, hank mccoy, kurt wagner, alex summers.
➺ bridgerton: anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, penelope featherington, eloise bridgerton, simon basset, kate sharma, edwina sharma, poly!kanthony.
➺ dc: bruce wayne, harley quinn, jason todd, dick grayson, tim drake, damian wayne (platonic or familial requests only), barbara gordon, cassandra cain, stephanie brown, clark kent, wally west, barry allen, pamela isley.
➺ newsies: jack kelly, “crutchie” morris, davey jacobs, spot conlon, racetrack higgins.
➺ formula one: charles leclerc, carlos sainz, max verstappen, logan sargeant, oscar piastri, lewis hamilton, fernando alonso, lance stroll, mick schumacher, alex albon, george russell, esteban ocon, yuki tsunoda, zhou guanyu.
➺ nhl hockey: quinn hughes, jack hughes, luke hughes, nico hischier, william nylander, matthew knies, joseph woll, sidney crosby, leon draisaitl, jeremy swayman, brock faber, jake middleton, matt boldy, jamie drysdale, nick suzuki, cole caufield, arber xhekaj, juraj slafkovsky, matty beniers, shane wright, jared mccann, joey daccord, adam larsson.
➺ the hobbit (movies): thorin oakenshield, thranduil, kíli durin, fíli durin.
➺ horror: poly!ghostface (billy loomis & stu macher), jason voorhees, michael myers, daniel robitaille, carrie white, hannibal lecter, thomas hewitt, vincent sinclair.
➺ miscellaneous: phil wenneck (the hangover), goodnight robicheaux (the magnificent seven 2016), billy rocks (the magnificent seven 2016), tangerine (bullet train), roy kent (ted lasso), ted lasso (ted lasso), evan “buck” buckley (911), eddie diaz (911), poly!buddie (911), eggsy unwin (kingsman), joel miller (the last of us).
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🧚🏻‍♂️ request guidelines … 🧚🏻‍♂️
reader preferences: any! i will write for male, female, gender-neutral readers. ♡
what i write: i will write one-shots, headcanons, little blurbs, and drabbles based on any of the prompt lists i have reblogged, for all the characters listed above! ♡
unique requests: please do not send me any requests you have also sent to other writers! i would like to keep requests sent to me as singular as possible. ♡
request types: there are a few characters listed above who have been marked for me only accepting platonic, familial, or queerplatonic requests for them. i ask that you respect this, please! ♡
content boundaries: anything that falls into darkfic territory (stalking, kidnapping, etc.), pregnancy, infidelity, i will write smut but nothing very kinky (no judgment, i just wouldn’t be any good at writing it). ♡
request manners: please be polite! i won’t ask for much, just a simple please or thank you! ♡
never want for food or fire, always get their heart’s desire. °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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firstprince-ao3feed · 3 months ago
The Holly &amp; The Ivy
by catnip_coffee A fun Drabble series of holiday FirstPrince goodness~! None of them are in relation to each other (since I have a few kiddo ideas and pregnant Henry and others without kids), and I have one hurt/comfort planned out. Words: 984, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Original Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Child(ren), Ellen Claremont, Oscar Diaz (Red White & Royal Blue), Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Hanover-Stuart-Fox, David the Beagle (Red White & Royal Blue) Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz & David the Beagle, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Original Child Character(s), Alex Claremont-Diaz & original child character(s), Ellen Claremont & Alex Claremont-Diaz, Alex Claremont-Diaz & Oscar Diaz, David the Beagle & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Oscar Diaz & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Ellen Claremont & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz & Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Drabble Collection, Holidays, Christmas, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Pregnant Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Trans Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Gay Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Bisexual Alex Claremont-Diaz, Mpreg, Pregnancy, Alex Claremont-Diaz Loves Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Loves Alex Claremont-Diaz, Married Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Established Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Parents Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Cute David the Beagle (Red White & Royal Blue), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Dead Arthur Fox, Grieving, Holiday Sweaters, Hot Chocolate, Holiday Dinners, Holiday getaway, Christmas Kisses, Forehead Kisses, Sleepy Kisses, President Ellen Claremont, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Abdicates, Law Student Alex Claremont-Diaz, Lawyer Alex Claremont-Diaz, Writer Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Senator Oscar Diaz, Good Parent Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Snowball Fight, Christmas Cookies, Christmas Presents, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Tree, Christmas Dinner, Christmas Morning, Christmas Eve, Christmas Lights, Christmas Shopping, Baking via https://ift.tt/AG3QFeC
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happiness-of-the-pursuit · 1 year ago
Fic Writer Asks!
I was tagged by @read-and-write- thanks for the tag :)
ao3 name: happinessofthepursuit
fandoms: I've only written and published for Red, White and Royal Blue by notes app has fics for fandoms I've been reading since middle school (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and...Twilight lol)
number of works: 16! (Before FirstPrince Week it was a mere 11 including my catch all for drabbles which hasn't been updated in a while)
work i spent the most time on: As of this moment it's Claremont 2008 bc it's my longest multi-chap (though I have two chapters of an unpublished WIP that's so far from completion that needed a lot of research). It will probably be Super Six and the Siren's Call soon though if it's not already. Bonus mention to my RWRB YouTube series, those take a lot of research and video watching to make them feel super accurate.
work i spent the least time on: Besides drabbles...probably my Day 7 for FirstPrince Week, it's very silly.
longest fic: Claremont 2008 w/ 10,984 (alt-history if Ellen had been elected in 2008 instead of Obama and Alex & Henry met earlier), but the aforementioned unpublished WIP has two chapters and is already 12,107 words...(and again see SSaSC above)
shortest fic: I mean...my drabbles for sure. Which are not up to date, it'll happen at some point.
most hits: Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Take a Couples Quiz
most kudos: The Super Six Take a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair (so close to 1,000!!! So crazy to me!!!)
total word count: 65,240 (published at this exact moment)
favorite work of my own: This is like choosing a favorite child ahhhh
I am most proud of "How well you play...that's up to you" because I think it might be my strongest and most creative writing.
I think my funniest work is "Sets on the Beach," and I feel like I really got into Alex's head here.
My favorite interview fic is probably Alex or Henry's Hot Ones interview.
I think Super Six and the Siren's Call is going to be a future favorite and it's been my favorite writing process so far, collaborating has been so fun!!!!!
fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I want to write a prequel to "How well you play...that's up to you" (if you missed it, this is RWRB x Grey's Anatomy vibes)
share a bit of a wip: from the next chapter of Claremont 2008
That got Alex’s attention back, and like it had been drilled into his brain by Queen Mary herself, he batted back, “Henry’s not gay.” Oscar had a wry smile on his face. “I don’t know and don’t care what that boy is, mijo, besides in love with you.”
and I am tagging @inexplicablymine @mudbloodpotter05 @suseagull04 @xthelastknownsurvivorx if y'all want :)
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lustinglilac · 4 years ago
Hii!! A request with #13 and #19 with sad eyes, in which the reader is spookys sister but she’s afraid of her feelings towards sad eyes
Love this! 🥰 *ALL credit for the name José goes to other writers*
13. “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!”
19. “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the hell out of me.”
GIF BY: @merakiaes 🖤
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“So... when are you gonna stop pretending like you don’t like him?” Cesar asks from his spot on the porch. The spot where he had a perfect view of the man captivating his older sister’s heart.
Her brows furrow, turning to look at her brother, “What are you talking about?” She fidgets with her hands, trying hard not to sound like she was lying.
“Sad Eyes— you have a thing for him, don’t you?” Cesar notices the way she looks away from him.
“Is it that obvious?” She panics, turning away from where her older brother and his right hand man were working on the cherry red Impala.
Cesar chuckles lightly, catching his sister’s hand before she could walk off, “A little. But hey, your secret’s safe with me.” He smiles that boyish smile she loved so much, putting her at ease a tiny bit.
Later that night, Oscar had invited Sad Eyes inside for dinner, just what she needed to get her mind off of him. Not!
“Mind if I sit next to you?” José asks her, ever the gentleman. She can’t help but smile, shaking her head telling him it’s okay. Cesar can’t help but notice the interaction, chuckling quietly to himself.
Moments of silence pass by before her phone vibrates on the table, a text message from Jasmine. She looks at Oscar, too into his dinner to notice she was texting at the table anyway.
Jasmine: Bitchhh, please tell me he’s over rn and that’s why you texted me freaking out?!
Before she could open the message, Oscar clears his throat, “No phones at the table.” He arches a brow at her, challenging her to answer.
She sighs, biting her lip before deciding to answer anyway, despite her brother’s warning, “Oscar, it’s important. I swear, gimme two seconds.”
Diaz: YES!
Diaz: Jasmine he’s literally sitting right next to me. Ugh he is so cute 😩 what do I do?!?!
She types a reponse from muscle memory alone barely looking down at her phone to see who she replied to, “There. Done.” Tucking her phone under her thigh, going back to finishing up her plate.
She hears the vibration of another phone next to her, thinking nothing of it until Sad Eyes pulls out his phone discreetly, smirking to himself at the text message he’d just received.
Oscar looks at the both of them, “Are you two textin’ each other? At the dinner table?” He puts his fork down, waiting for a response.
Her eyes widen, panic settling in at the realisation, “Can I be excused?” Before her brother could even respond, her chair screeched back a couple of feet from the table, rushing into her room.
“Oh my god! This is not happening!” Unlocking her phone and going straight to her messages. The text hadn’t reached Jasmine at all but rather José.
Diaz: You weren’t supposed to get that... like at all 😬
José Guzman: Yeah I figured. I’m flattered though.
She rolls her eyes at his text, deciding not to answer. Her heart nearly beating out of her chest at the fact that both her brothers had seen her make a scene. Before it could look anymore suspicious, she walks out of her room, fanning her face quickly before reaching the kitchen.
“I think I’m done, honestly, I’m so full.” She places a hand on her stomach for emphasis, beginning to clean up her plate as well as Cesar’s, avoiding any and all eye contact with José.
“I’m gonna head to Monse’s.” Cesar kisses his sister on the cheek, saying goodnight to Sad Eyes and Oscar.
“You need help cleanin’ up—“ Oscar asks her, putting his plate in the sink for her.
“I got it. Thanks though.” She clears her throat, answering her brother with a grin.
José stands up after him, “I’ll be right out, compa, just gotta use the restroom.”
The door to the house slams shut, Oscar outside lighting a cigarette while the two of them stood inside, the tension in the room heavy.
“You’re just gonna pretend like that ain’t happen? Cause guess what? It did.” José catches her arm before she could walk away. “It looked real sus to Spooky, nena.”
“Don’t call me nena, José.” She shuts her eyes for a moment. “Because I think I’m in love with you and that scares the hell out of me.” She admits in one breath, heart beating so fast it felt like it was in her throat.
“I feel the same way ‘bout you.” He takes her face in his palm, finally looking her in the eyes.
“And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way because of a stupid crush I have on you and it really doesn’t matter— wait, what?” She stops talking for a second, scanning his face for any signs of deceit.
“Yeah— it’s always been about you.” He grins, thumb caressing her cheekbone softly.
“I-I didn’t know that. I mean, you never really showed interest—“
José chuckles pulling back slightly, “You do know who your brother is, right?” He raises an eyebrow at her, making her giggle.
“Right, forgot about that.” She states, going back to stacking the plates and the pot of leftovers in the middle of the table.
“Here— lemme help you.” He grunts, picking up the heavy pot.
“You don’t have to, really—“
“Nah after you called me cute and shit, I’d do anythin’ you ask me to.” He winks, turning away from her more than embarassed expression.
“Oh do not let it get to your head, okay? It was a one time thing.” She scoffs, nudging him with her elbow.
“Yeah, yeah.” José smirks at her. “See you around, nena.” And with that he’s outside again like nothing ever happened.
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stvolanis · 11 months ago
hii, i was wondering if you could do a spooky x reader where maybe he got caught up with like the prophets or something, and reader helps him clean up his cuts and scrapes. basically just straight up fluff, bc regardless we all know spooky is a softie 😭
hi! tysm for this cute lil request!💞
It was unreasonably late when you heard the faint sound of pounding on your front door, your mind wandering to every possibility of what could be happening. You crept out of bed on the tips of your toes as you edged further and further to the front door where the knocking began to sound more—desperate. Your fearful eyes peeking through the heavy curtains, the goosebumps risen on your skin uncomfortably. A sigh of relief escaping your lips when you come to find out that it’s just your boyfriend—with seemingly deep cuts and bruises scattering his skin, along with the minimal swelling of a busted lip.
you quickly flung the door open, wasting no time in dragging him inside the comfort of your home before locking the door behind the both of you. Your hands cupped his face, inspecting the rest of his body to see how much damage was done. “Oscar, baby, what’ve I told you? Huh?” You scolded with furrowed brows like an angry mother. He clicked his tongue before plopping himself down onto your couch. “Had to. They were dealin’ to kids, you know how that shit goes.” You were upset, rightfully so, as this wasn’t the first time he’s shown up like this.
you dug through the cabinets in your kitchen under the sink before grabbing hold of a basic aid kit. “You can’t keep scaring me like this, Oscar. What’s next? Bullet wounds? What then? You know I worry about you and—I—I just—“ you stumbled over your words, tears lining your eyes and blurring your vision. Spooky let out a sigh before gently pulling you in to sit on his lip, pressing sweet kisses to your temple. “I know, mamas, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He cooed quietly, rubbing the small of your lower back soothingly.
“You have to promise me. Promise that’ll never happen.” You muttered into his neck. The wet of your tears rubbed into his skin, but he didn’t care. “I promise, mi reina. I pinky promise.” He said as he kissed your shoulder, interlocking his pinky with yours. He lifted your face from his neck, wiping the remaining tears from your flushed cheeks. “You gonna patch me up, sweet girl?” He asked with a smile.
You nodded, moving from his lap to get the first aid. You opened it, grabbing cotton before pouring rubbing alcohol onto it. “S’ gonna sting.” You muttered, as if this wasn’t an often occurrence he was used to. He hummed in acknowledgment with a smile, feigning a hiss when you pressed it to the scar on his arm. You rolled your eyes with a little giggle, and he pressed a tender kiss to your lips.
his little nurse!!<3
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don’t be shy, ask to be a part of the tag list and request things!!
TAG LIST: @elvisalltheway101 @epthedream69 @claire-elvisgirl @elvisrealgf @littlehoneyposts @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @luxuriouslokistan-3 @foxevxid @sapriao @xiyingly @jazminsjaz @likeits2002 @www-interludeshadow-com @khxna @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @floredaqueen @hockeyrat @peterpan-neverfails @sunflowerskenz @lemonadygirl @newavenger @bloobewy @hewwokitti3 @vogueprincess
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marleyybluu · 2 years ago
Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz
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some content contains mature subject matter/18+ reads only. Minors stay off that shit, please.
if you know you'd like to be tagged in any Oscar content leave a comment below or you could even DM me and lmk
updated: Feb 17
smut **
One Shots:
Made from Love
Us **
Fed Up **
Double Date **
Home **
Stoned (requested)
Secret Crush
Problem part 2 ** (completed)
Miss Ivy Part 2 (closed)
AMT universe:
Another Man's Treasure **
Two and Counting**
Three and Counting**
Four and Counting (final)
The Extras
Thinkin’ Bout You (lore)
Scream **
Come Home
Just Sit on It **
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pananegra · 5 years ago
I love this drama!!
toxic (part 2) || oscar diaz || sad eyes
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Summary: Reader starts dating again for the first time after her relationship with Oscar. Things are a bit complicated.
Requested: Sorta. Kinda lmao
Pairing: Oscar Diaz x reader, Jose ’Sad Eyes’ Guzman x reader
Warnings: cussing, mayhaps some smut (oral sex, female receiving)
Word Count: 8.7k
A/N: I do be writing tho lmao I first said that I wasn’t gonna be doing a part 2 but a certain someone convinced me because she do be making me a weak whore for sad eyes. Oh and if you haven’t read my new story, Todo Cambio, in the A/N, I stated that me and @spookysmujer gave sad eyes the name Jose. This also took so long because that same someone kept distracting me lmao idk how I feel about this but yeah, enjoy!!
part 1
“Mommy, can I go back and get the juice?”
You and your daughter were walking around the store, your basket full of some essentials that you needed - nopales, sugar, milk, other stuff. And of course, some chips, candy and other junk food. The day was nice out so you decided to head to the little bodega that was only about a block or two from your house on foot, with your little mini me in tow.
“Mamita, we already have juice at the house.”
It had been about three months since you and Oscar had ended your relationship, since you had broken up with him after having enough of his infidelity, of his lies and the disrespect. It hadn’t been easy - it was hard and it sucked. Oscar had been a huge part of your life for so long - he was your first everything, he was the father of your child, but you knew that you needed to do it. You knew you needed to respect yourself and love yourself enough to not be in a relationship that was clearly toxic. Having to explain it to your daughter though, it was hard.
You had to tell her that you and her daddy weren’t together anymore, that you weren’t gonna live with him and tio Cesar anymore. Of course she was still a little confused about the situation, upset about it, but you had assured her that just because you and Oscar weren’t together anymore and that you didn’t live together anymore didn’t mean that she would never see him again, or that they didn’t love her any less. At the end of the day, regardless of what happened between the two of you, you shared a daughter and you’d be in each other’s lives forever.
You and Oscar had come up with a schedule - you’d have her on weekdays and he’d get her during the weekends, or whenever he could. It was a good schedule and pretty soon it became the new normal, everyone adjusting to it and falling in line.
“Pleeease? Por favor mami?” Your little girl asked, looking up at you with those brown eyes. You sighed, giving her a stern look.
“Y/D/N, I said we have juice at the house.” Your daughter pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, the beginnings of a tantrum on the tip of her tongue. “Ah ah ah, no empieces, nina. Look at all this junk food that we have already. C’mon let’s go. Maybe we can make brownies today.”
Although the ideas of brownies had been tempting to your little girl, she still wasn’t pleased that you had told her no juice, so while you were browsing the aisle searching for one last thing that you needed, the sneaky girl slinked off to where the coolers were. She had been looking in all the coolers with her big brown eyes, looking for the juice that she wanted, distracted when she bumped into someone.
Sad Eyes closed the cooler as he grabbed two big Corona’s from inside. He had just turned when he collided into something tiny. Looking down, he instantly recognized the girl as Spooky’s daughter, having seen her plenty of times. She looked up at him and for a split second, she looked confused until she saw the tattoo on his neck, the one that was identical to her dad’s. She immediately recognized him, having seen him at her daddy’s house plenty of times.
“What are you doing by yourself, bebita?” He asked her, kneeling down in front of her, giving her a kind smile. The little girl who had Oscar’s eyes and her mom’s smile giggled softly as she touched his neck, the tattoo inked skin.
“My daddy has one like that too!”
“Y/D/N! Pinche mocosa. Que te dije? I told you to stay close by me, never to go off by yourself!” Your heart was racing as you frantically searched the aisle’s for your daughter, clutching your purse and the basket close to you. You had finally come across her by the coolers where you knew that she no doubt was hoping to get the juice that she wanted. Kneeling in front of her was a man, who you found to be someone very familiar to you. You let out a small breath of relief.
“Sad Eyes, hey.” You greeted the tall Santo as he stood up.
“Wassup Y/N.” He gave you a nod, letting his eyes give you a subtle up and down. “Traviesita ran off on you?” He asked, nodding down to your daughter. You sighed, shaking your head as you approached, giving your daughter another stern look.
“Yes, after I told her no juice because we already have some at home. C’mere, now.” You motioned for your daughter to stand by your side and she did, not wanting to get you anymore upset. Though, you could never really stay mad at her, but you needed her to understand that she couldn’t just run off on her own, especially in a store. She could’ve bumped into someone far less familiar and friendly than Sad Eyes, Jose as Oscar and the others called him sometimes. People knew Oscar had a daughter, people knew you were his baby mama - he had enemies. One thing he prided himself on was that he always made sure you and your daughter were kept out of harms way. “Sorry if she bugged you.” You apologized, giving him a kind smile.
“Nah, never, don’t worry about it.” He said to you. The three of you began walking toward the counter to pay for your items, the only items Sad Eyes having in his hands were the two Corona’s. When the three of you finally reached the counter, you both paid for your items separately, the person behind the counter quickly bagging your stuff up before ringing Sad Eyes up, stuffing the corona’s in a brown paper bag. Once you got all your stuff, the three of you were on your way, walking out of the little bodega and into the hot, sunny afternoon.
“You still live with your parents?” He asked as you all walked slowly down the sidewalk.
“Mommy, can I have my chips?” Your daughter asked, tugging on your t-shirt. You reached into one the bags, pulling out a small bag of chips you’d gotten her.
“Ah ah, que se dice?” You asked, holding the bag of chips up.
“Please?” You smiled, satisfied, and handed her the chips.
“Good girl. Stay right where I can see you, okay? I don’t want you running off again.” You said to her your girl before focusing back on Sad Eyes. “Sorry about that. But yup, I still live with them for now. Still trying to find a place for me and baby girl.” You said to him.
“Let me walk you then. Here.” Before you could do or say anything, the tall man was reached over and grabbing your two grocery bags, holding them for you.
“You don’t have to, it’s fine. And you don’t have to hold my bags for me. Really.” But you couldn’t deny the fact that it had warmed your heart, couldn’t deny that it sent those pleasant little flutters in your belly.
“Nah, I want to. Come on.” With yet another smile on your face, you and Sad Eyes walked alongside each other in the direction towards your parents house while your daughter walked a little bit ahead of you, munching on the chips that you’d given her.
“So wassup with you? How you been?” He asked, looking down at you.
“I’ve been good. Working, taking care of that little chamaca. But yeah, estoy bien.” And that wasn’t a lie. Your break up with Oscar had been hard but it had also been very liberating. You weren’t constantly worried about fighting. You weren’t constantly worried about him cheating on you, talking to girls behind your back. You were co-parents and it felt better than way. Sad Eyes had certainly taken notice of how good you were - he’d been around long enough to know the history between you and Oscar. The fights, the break ups and make ups, the cheating, the girls, everything. He and Oscar were homies, they were close and they agreed on a lot of shit but if there was one thing that he didn’t agree on, it was the amount of disrespect that Oscar had shown you. You were the definition of ride or die, you were the mother of his child and he had treated you horribly.
But now, looking at you - you were practically glowing. You looked better, happier. Jose had never overlooked the fact that you were extremely attractive, beautiful. But now, there was a certain something about you that just caught his attention..
“Yeah, you look good.” He commented nonchalantly. You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, a little smile on your lips. He chuckled. “I’m serious. You look good, happier.”
“Yeah?” You asked, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I guess I am happier.”
The walk with Jose had been spent with the two of you talking, getting a little bit more acquainted with one another. You had known him because of Oscar - he’d been a Santo for as long as you could remember so you’d been around each other, he was the same age as Oscar, give or take a year or two. It was Jose who would occasionally drop some money off for you, your daughter and Cesar. However, you weren’t entirely too close. So it was nice getting to know him a little better. It wasn’t that Oscar had kept you sheltered from all the Santos, but he didn’t particularly want you involved, or knowing what he did.
Upon reaching your parent’s house, your little girl unlatched the front gate and all but ran towards the front door, waiting patiently for you to come and unlock. However, you and Jose stood by the gate, him handing you your two bags of groceries. You thanked him, sending a kind smile his way.
“Thank you for walking us home. You didn’t have to.” You said to him. A little voice in the back of your mind was telling you that perhaps it was Oscar’s doing, that maybe he’d told him to keep an eye on you two? But the other part in the back of your mind was telling you that it was just him being nice, that there didn’t need to be an ulterior motive. And you of all people knew how dangerous the streets of Freeridge could be, even in broad daylight.
“Don’t worry about it, nena.” The tall Santo said. But he didn’t walk away just yet; bringing a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck. “It sucks that you’re not really around anymore,” he began.
“Yeah?” You asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, a little smirk tugging at your lips.
“Yup.. Should give me your number, so we could keep in touch.”
That had left you momentarily stunned - while that little part in your mind had the littlest hope that he would ask for your number, you didn’t think that he’d actually do it. For a few seconds, you said nothing, just sort of looked at him like a damn gaping fish - you knew you should’ve shut that shit down. You knew that you shouldn’t have even considered it; He was Oscar’s compa, his homie. They’d been knowing each other for years and years. He’d been around when the two of you were still together. He’d been around when your daughter was still tiny. You knew that it was wrong on so many levels but.. after the shit that Oscar had put you through.. you knew you deserved some other form of happiness that didn’t come from your daughter. You knew that you might live to regret it, but at that moment; you didn’t.
“Um.. Yeah, yeah alright.”
You and Jose had been texting one another for the past few weeks or so - initially, you had been a little nervous, or skeptical about it, just because of Oscar, but the more you talked and texted, the more you found that you liked talking to him. He was completely different than what you had envisioned him to be. You learned more about him - like how he went to his mother’s house every Sunday to have dinner with her, never missing a day even if he was busy with Los Santos.
It was an entirely new experience to you too, though, talking to someone new. You hadn’t even dated anyone other than Oscar since high school. For years and years, Oscar was your everything. He was the one that you thought you’d end up marrying - you already had a child with him, but you thought that he’d be your husband one day. Of course, things didn’t work out the way you had envisioned but.. maybe everything did happen for a reason.
“Watch out mamas.” Oscar called out to your daughter as he and a few other Santos picked up the couch all together to haul it inside the house.
In the months that you and Oscar had ended your relationship, you had been living with your parents but you had been searching for a place for yourself and your daughter - you didn’t want to live with your parents all the time, so when you saw that a small, two bedroom, one bathroom, house was for rent - you jumped at the offer. It was small, but it was cozy and it was just enough for you and your daughter. It was near Oscar’s house and it was near your parents’ house as well. So there you were, unloading boxes of kitchen utensils, bags full of clothes, while Oscar and the Santos did the real heavy lifting.
However, Jose was also there, and the two of you kept sneaking little glances at each other, little smiles and little sly touches - neither of yo had told Oscar that you’d been texting one another because you truly didn’t know how he’d react. Though, you liked to think you knew him better than anyone, and you knew that he probably would not like to know that you were talking to one of his compa’s.. Besides, you wanted to see if whatever you had going on with Sad Eyes was even something that would last - at the end of the day, you did have a daughter and your daughter was your first priority. She had known that you and Sad Eyes talked on the phone, and she seemed to really like him.
You had bent down to grab one of the heavier boxes, using your strength to haul it up into your arms, but a familiar Santo came into view.
“I got it, mami.” Jose said as he grabbed the box from you. You smiled a bit sheepishly, a little blush creeping up to your cheeks at the term of endearment - it had been so long since someone called you that and you actually felt something.
“Yo lo puedo aser.” You said. He carried the heavy box in his arms like it was nothing - the day was significantly cooler than the day that you had bumped into one another at the store, but the sun was still scorching - you had worked up a sweat. Jose had opted on taking off his shirt, leaving him in a black tank top, his chain resting against his chest, glimmering in the sunlight. And his arms.. his muscular arms. He worked out, you know he did and you definitely found yourself staring for a few seconds too long. Something which he noticed, something that had his lips pulling up into a smirk.
“Ya lo se.” He said to you, shifting the box in his arms, his muscles bulging and flexing with the movement. “Like what you see?” He asked. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting. A little tingle shot throughout your entire body. A dull ache in the pit of your belly just spreading throughout your entire being.
“Maybe.” You brazenly said.
What you two had failed to notice was that the other Santos, including Oscar, had walked out of your new home. Oscar wiped his hands down on his pants, getting ready bring more stuff in when his eyes landed on you and Jose. The two of you were talking to one another, looking at each other like you were the only two people around, smiling as if you were happy to see each other again after not seeing each other for a really long time. For a few seconds, Oscar just stood there watching you two with this feeling growing inside of him. A feeling he sure as shit didn’t like. The little voice in the back of his mind was telling him that it was nothing - you and Sad Eyes had known each other for a while because of Oscar.
Ever since you and Oscar had broken up, ever since you had left him, you’d focused on strictly being co-parents to your daughter. If he was being honest, Oscar never truly believed that you would leave him for good. So, three months into you two being split up, he found that seeing you talk to Sad Eyes, with the way you were looking at each other.. it awoke this unsettling feeling inside of him. Something he didn’t like.
After your brazen little flirt session with Sad Eyes, you had all went about your business with moving the stuff inside the house. With the amount of men that Oscar had help out, all of your things were inside your new home by the time the sun set. The guys had all left after you thanked them for helping you out.
“I’m leaving babygirl, I’ll see you this weekend, alright?” Oscar said as he knelt down in front of your little girl who was busily coloring away in one of her coloring books. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at her dad, giving him that sweet, dimpled smile that you loved so much. “Be good for mama, eh? And pick up your mess.”
“Okay daddy.” She said. Your daughter hugged her dad and Oscar instantly wrapped her up in his arms, smiling as she giggled and told him he was squeezing her too tight. He pressed a kiss to her head then stood back up straight, looking at you as you walked over. You could see Jose waiting outside on the front porch - he had ridden over with Oscar.
“Thanks for helping today, Oscar.” You said to your ex, giving him a smile as you walked with him to the front door. “And for getting the Santos to come too.” You said to him.
“Don’t worry about it.” He’d said to you. “I’ll come pick her up on Saturday, yeah?” He asked and you nodded in agreement. “Let me know if you need anything, alright?”
With that, Oscar was off, walking over to his car that was parked in the driveway. However, with his back turned, you reached out to Jose, grabbed his arm and keeping him from walking off. “Hey, um, I wanted to ask you something..” You said, the nerves bubbling up inside of you. You could feel your cheeks begin heating up slightly, you could feel your heart race slightly.
“What is it, bonita?” He asked.
“Do you want to come over for dinner on Saturday? After Oscar pick babygirl up? I just.. I want to thank you for helping out today.”
“What about the other guys? You gonna thank them too?”
“Nah.. Honestly, I just really wanna see you again.” Jose smiled at that.
Oscar had reached the driver’s side door, opening it and getting inside, but he noticed that Jose hadn’t followed. He turned his head and saw the two of you in deep conversation much like earlier - a few more words were exchanged between the two of you and then he too was headed for the car much like Oscar a few moments ago.
“What was that about?” Oscar asked when he was in the car.
“Nothing. Just wanted to thank me for helping out today, that’s all.” He’d said to Oscar, purposefully leaving out that he’d agreed to have dinner with you on Saturday night.
Saturday night could not have come fast enough. The entire week had been spent with you getting your house organized; unpacking household supplies, putting things where they should be. Taking clothes out of bags and hanging them. It had certainly kept you busy it did not mean it had kept your mind off of your impending dinner date with Jose. The entire week you had been nervous but excited.
If you were being completely honest, you hadn’t exactly anticipated on asking him to come over for dinner but the thought had come to you while you were unpacking some kitchen supplies that same day - you knew that you felt something for Jose. You enjoyed talking to him, you thought he was insanely attractive. He was sexy, he was just.. god, you couldn’t explain it but you felt things you hadn’t felt in such a long time. So you had taken a leap of faith, a huge leap, mind you. A leap of faith that had landed you a date with the handsome Santo.
“What are you gonna take to your daddy’s house with you, bebe? He’s gonna be here soon.” You’d said to your daughter as you walked into her bedroom which was still rather bleak and messy - you had promised her that once you’d gotten more settled, you would decorate her room however she wanted.
“Hmm..” Your little girl said, raising a single brow just like her daddy. “My coloring books. Daddy said he and tio would color with me.” She said as she picked up 2 of her coloring books - Frozen and Cars - off of the ground and handed them over to you. You took the books, stuffing them into her backpack. You also took the liberty of grabbing her box of crayons and putting them in there. “And my barbie!” She grabbed her barbie and handed it over to you, which you put inside the backpack as well.
“You be good for your daddy, alright? And for Tio Cesar.” You said as you zipped up the backpack. Holding it in your hands, you and Y/D/N walked out of her room and into the living room. She took a seat on the couch and you set the backpack down beside her.
“I know mommy, I know.” She said, giving you that sassy attitude. You raised an eyebrow, an amused smile coming to your lips. That fiery little personality of her’s would never cease to amaze you - if there was one good thing that came from your relationship with Oscar than it was your daughter. You wouldn’t have traded her for absolutely anything in the world.
“Okay carbrona.” You chuckled softly. “Get your shoes on.” You walked over to the front door where the shoe rack was and grabbed her converse, walking back over to her and kneeling down, helping her in putting them on, but because your little girl insisted that she was so independent, she wanted to tie them herself, completely focused and concentrated.
“What are you gonna do mama?” She asked as she undid her shoelace and tied it again when she didn’t like how it turned out. It took a few more tries before she got it, moving on to the next one. “Are you gonna talk to Sad Eyes again?”
The question had thrown you for a few seconds, you looking down at her with a raised brow and slightly agape mouth. “What? What do you mean, baby? Why are you asking me that?”
“You get happy when you talk to him on the phone. Your face turns all red like a tomato!” She teased. You chuckled softly, but you couldn’t deny it because you knew it was true. When she was done tying her shoelace, you sat down on the couch beside her and pulled her close to your, an arm wrapped around her slender shoulder. You leaned down and pressed a small kiss to her head.
“Do you like it when I talk to him? How does it make you feel? Happy, sad, confused?” You asked. You were still navigating this whole single parent thing even though you had raised her on your own when Oscar was in prison; this time around, you and Oscar were both around but you were no longer dating. Now, another guy was in the picture. Your daughter pursed her lips as she pondered, a sheepish little smile coming to her face as she was put in the spotlight.
“I don’t know..” She said. “Sometimes I still wish you and my daddy were together.” She said. “I wish we still lived with daddy and tio.” She said, and your heart broke because you knew the situation was entirely confusing for her. “But.. I like Sad Eyes. He’s nice.”
“And if he started coming around more? Not just at your daddy’s house, but here, with us.. how would that make you feel, mamas?” Again, your little girl pondered the question, lips pursed up as she thought about it. “Would you like it or would you not like it?”
Y/D/N nodded her head slowly. “Yeah! I’d like it!”
The conversation soon ended because you heard the familiar rumble of Oscar’s impala outside of your home, shutting off seconds later. Only a few moments after that, there was a knock on your front door. Standing up from the couch, you walked over to the door and answered it, seeing Oscar standing there.
“Daddy!” Your little girl said as she caught sight of him. She immediately jumped up off the cough and ran over to him, jumping into his arms. Oscar’s lifted her up, holding her. “Look, I tied my own shoes! Just like how you and Tio Cesar showed me!” She lifted one of her feet and showed him her tied up shoelace. Oscar grinned, dimples on his cheeks prominent.
“What? Nah, you didn’t tie them bebita. I know your mommy tied them for you.” He said. Your little girl, getting that same look you did whenever someone said something you didn’t like - it was at times like this that your remembered just how much she looked like you both. Somedays, she’d have her father’s expressions down to a T, other times, she was all you.
“No! I tied them cause I’m big already!” She said. Oscar chuckled softly, leaning in and kissing her temple.
“I’m just messing with you, Chiquita. Good job, eh?” Walking into the house after you held the door open for him and stood aside, you shut the door, walking over to the couch where the backpack was. You picked it up and handed it to Oscar.
“Her stuff is in there - coloring books, a barbie, a few other stuff. Tell Cesar not to give her his phone a lot.” You said to Oscar, knowing Cesar was a complete sucker when it came to his niece, and whenever she asked to use his phone to watch YouTube, he could not say no.
“But mama!” Your little girl whined. Oscar tsked, giving her a look that had her quieting. Then he sniffed the air, looking in the direction of the kitchen.
“Something smells good.” He commented.
“Just making some dinner. Speaking of dinner, she already ate some Mac and cheese, but she might get hungry so make sure she eats something before she goes to sleep okay? No junk food, Y/D/N.” You said, pointing at your daughter. She pouted but nodded, remembering the countless sorties you’d told her about how if she ate too many sweet then she’d get cavities and have to keep visiting the dentist.
“Alright, come on. Let’s go, babygirl.” Oscar said. “Say bye to mommy.” He set your little girl down on the floor and she walked over to you and hugged you. You bent down slightly and pressed a kiss to her head, smiling.
“I’ll see you on Monday, okay? Be good for your dad and Tio. I love you.”
“I love you too, mama.” She said. After the two of your said your bye’s, you walked Oscar and your daughter to the front door, walking as they walked hand in hand to his cherry red impala, your daughter going on about how she couldn’t wait to color with her Tio.
“I’m serious Oscar, you better not give her too much junk food.” You called out to your ex. He merely looked over his shoulder and gave you that infuriating yet devilishly handsome smirk that you didn’t know if you loved or hated.
“Chill Y/N. I heard you.” Yeah, he’d heard you.. but it went right out the other ear.
After watching him get her settled into the car, after watching as the car pulled out of your driveway and down the road, you shut the door and let out a little breath of air - Jose was due to be there soon. You’d already gotten started on making dinner, now all you had to do was get ready.
Turning on the music from your phone, you walked into the kitchen and set the stove on low, after which you walked to your bathroom, phone in hand, to get ready. You turned the water on and let it get hot, setting your phone on the counter as you undressed. You sang along to the words of the song, but your mind was elsewhere. Now that your daughter was with Oscar, you kept thinking about how the night would transpire. Your first date with someone else other than Oscar and you didn’t know how to act, what to do or even what to wear.
After your boiling hot, what seemed like an hour long, shower. You walked into your bedroom and began looking through your closet for something to wear. You didn’t want to get to fancy considering it was just dinner at your house, but you hadn’t wanted to make it seem like you weren’t trying either. You kept searching and searching until finally you came upon the perfect outfit.
You’d lathered yourself up in some of your favorite lotion, making your skin softer and smoother. After you’d done that, you’d gotten dressed, looking at yourself in the mirror, smoothing your hands over your body. The next things that you did were your hair and makeup. Again, you didn’t want to do something completely extravagant and fancy given that it was a simple dinner date at your house, but you didn’t want to make it seem like you hadn’t put in effort.
You slipped some heels on, giving you a little bit more height - Jose was tall, probably just as tall if not taller than Oscar by at least a few inches or so. You sprayed a little perfume on yourself and looked in the mirror to survey the final product. You looked good, you felt good, albeit nervous.
It was about thirty minutes later, you were in the kitchen, getting shit set up, when you heard a knock on the front door. Your heart practically leaped into your damn throat. You smoothed your hands over the skirt that you were wearing then walked on over to the front door, pulling it open to reveal none other than Jose standing on the other side. He wore a pair of dark pants as well as a black button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up. A few of the top buttons were undone, revealing a little bit of his chest, that chain resting against his skin. And of course, his Santos cross tattoo, similar to Oscar’s, contrasted against his skin.
His dark eyes fell on you and a little smile came to his lips as he looked you up and down, taking you in. You felt the heat creeping up to your cheeks all the way to your damn ears. “Damn mamita,” He began.
“You look fucking beautiful.”
Dinner had gone great. Better than great, in fact. You’d talked, you’d laughed, you’d gotten to know each other on a deeper level. It wasn’t just getting to know each other through text messages or phone calls. For the first time in a long time, you actually felt like somebody besides your daughter could make you happy. With Oscar, of course you’d never be able to wash away all the memories you shared with one another, not that you wanted to, but with Jose.. it was different. It was.. refreshing. And you definitely, definitely, could not wait to see where things would lead you.
You stood at the sink, warm water running as you washed the dishes. Jose had asked to help, but you told him that it was fine, that he could sit and finish drinking his beer. However, he’d insisted that he help you, saying his mom would beat his ass if she knew that he hadn’t helped you wash the dishes and clean up.
“Thank you for helping me clean, by the way.” You’d said to Jose as you set one of the plates on the dish rack beside the sink. You felt him come up behind you, his chest brushing up against your back. His arm came around you and set the dirty plate in the sink, but you didn’t pay it much attention, not with how close he was to you. Not with the way you could feel his breath against your ear as he leaned down.
“You don’t gotta thank me, mami.” He said to you, voice deep and gruff. It sent pleasant little tingles throughout your body, straight to your core. You shifted slightly where you stood, your thighs clenching ever so subtly to try and find some form of friction. “Seeing you lookin’ like that.. it’s enough for me..” He said. He reached out and shut the water off, then trailed his fingers up your arm, creating goosebumps in his wake. Upon reaching your shoulder, he gently grabbed you and spun you around until your ass rested firmly against the counter.
“Jose..” You said softly, hands immediately gravitating to his shirt, fingers gripping the fabric. He started moving closer and closer until there was not even an inch of space between the two of you. He leaned down, leaned down and then leaned down some more, until you could feel his hot breath fanning your face.
“Tell me to stop and I will, bonita..” He said, voice but above a whisper.
“Don’t stop.”
His lips were on yours in mere seconds, and you were pulling him that much more closer to you. His hands were on your hips, your hands had wrapped around his neck to bring him closer to you. The kiss.. god, the kiss. It was.. you couldn’t describe it. You had never really envisioned kissing anybody else other than Oscar for the rest of your life. Before your relationship had fallen into shambles, you thought you’d marry Oscar. You thought he’d be the only man that you’d kiss.. but kissing Sad Eyes.. shit.. it awoke a slew of feelings inside of you that you were desperate to chase down.
The two of you pulled away only when you needed that breath of air, but even when you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes. A little smirk came to his kiss swollen lips - you were sure yours looked the same. “Damn Y/N..” He began. “Was that dessert?” He asked.
“Maybe.” You answered, biting your bottom lip softly.
“I think you can do better than that.”
“Why don’t you find out?”
His eyes darkened with lust, the atmosphere in that room had shifted considerably - it wasn’t just an innocent little kiss after dinner anymore. No. You both knew the meaning behind your words and you knew that once you went there, there was no going back. But you both wanting each other. You desperately wanted to feel Jose pressed up against you, you wanted to feel him kiss your body.. You wanted it. You needed it.
Without giving you warning, his strong hands went right to your ass, cupping and kneading through your skirt, sending pleasant tingles straight to your soaked core, before they settled upon the back of your thighs. He lifted you up, muscles bulging beneath the fabric of his shirt. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, your arms still around his neck.
Your lips met once again in a kiss that was so much more heated than the first, so much more deeper and lustful. He took your bottom lip between his teeth and tugged on it ever so softly, and when he released, his lips began forging a path down your jaw, to your neck. You moaned softly, tilting your head back, closing your eyes. You could feel his cock growing hard beneath the fabric of his pants, and it only made your panties grow wetter with every passing second.
“Jose.. the bedroom..” He didn’t need to be told twice. With his lips still on your neck, kissing and nipping at every single inch of skin possible, with your still in his arms, he walked you out of kitchen, down the hallway and into the bedroom that was yours. He shut the door with his foot and walked you both over to the bed. He laid you down on the soft mattress and for a few seconds, he stared down at you, eyes taking in your body.
“I’d never hurt you like Spooky did.. Imma take care of you.” He said. Jose reached his hand out, running his fingers from a little below your thigh all the way to your knee. He did the same to your other leg, and all you could do was stare up at him with your heart beating so rapidly in your chest you could hear it in your ears. Using his hold on your knees, Jose pushed your legs open, revealing those lacy little panties you had on underneath your skirt, soaked to the brim with your arousal.
“Fuck..” He muttered under his breath. You could see the prominent tent in his pants down, his cock desperate to be free, and he hadn’t pried your legs open, you would’ve rubbed your thighs together for that friction.
“Like what you see?” You asked. Deciding to take things a step further, you pushed yourself up ever so slightly and grabbed the hem of your top. You took it off and tossed it to the side, leaving you with nothing but your lacy bra on, your breasts damn near spilling out of the cups.
Jose gave a low, sexy little chuckle, the sound reverberating in his chest. He climbed on the bed, crawling between your legs, pressing his hardened length against your soaked core and you let out a little sigh of pleasure.
“I fucking love it.” His lips met your skin - he kissed your skin like he was trying to memorize every single inch of you, like he was trying to savor you. His hands’ slithered up your thighs, up to your stomach and breasts. There, he cupped them in his hands, squeezing the supple flesh. But it didn’t last long, because they soon disappeared behind your back and you felt him toying with the strap of your bra. He fumbled a few times, drawing a few little breathless giggles from you, before he finally managed to unclasp it.
You aided him in getting the straps past your arms, but before you removed the bra completely, he stopped you, giving you a serious look. “Are you sure you wanna do this, baby? We can stop.”
You were giving him the most sacred thing - you were giving him not only your mind and your heart, but your body too. Something that no one but Oscar had ever had access too.
“I want this, Jose.. I want you..” You’d said as you removed your bra and tossed it off to the side like you’d with your shirt.
His eyes fell to your chest and he let out a small groan. His hand once again came to your breasts and he squeezed the supple flesh, taking your nipple between his fingers and gently pulling it, rolling it with his fingers. You gasped softly, arching you’re back against him.
“Like that?” He asked and you nodded. Your hands fell on his chest where you made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt, him stopping what he was doing just so that he could get it off and set it aside.
Bringing his mouth down on your chest, Jose kept his eyes locked on yours as he pressed kisses, working his way further and further down until they reached the tops of your breasts. With your eyes still locked together, he took one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking it between his lips, nipping at it softly and gently. Your quiet moans grew a little louder, your hips began moving against his hips, grinding on his hardened length.
“Let me hear those pretty little sound, mamacita.” He’d said, shifting his attention to your other nipple. You could feel his hands sliding down your body, stopping once they reached the bottom of your skirt. He pushed the fabric up, leaving your thighs and panties exposed. Hooking his fingers into the waistband of those lacy panties, he began dragging them down your legs. He stopped what he was doing, leaving a glistening spot on your breast from his saliva, as he kneeled on the bed between your legs, still pulling those panties down.
You lifted your legs, bringing them together so that he could finally take them off of your body. You followed it up with removing your skirt as well. Now, you were completely exposed. You had nothing on except your high heels, and Jose found that incredibly hot as fuck. The way he was looking at you? It sent a flurry of feelings inside you. A stampede of emotions. But the strongest one? Desire.
Jose hoisted you further towards the pillows, making sure your head was comfortably propped up, making sure your eyes were solely fixated on him. Slow movement forged his journey down your body. Slow, lingering kisses. Slow touches running up and down her sides. Slow burning desire as his tongue circles her belly button. But it wasn’t long until Jose’s head was right where you wanted it, positioned nice and comfortably between your legs.
Strong hands smoothed your thighs for a moment, before pushing them a little further apart, exposing your glistening, sopping, pussy, every inch of it screaming for stimulation. But not yet. Not quite yet. Not while he could take his time loving on the supple flesh of your inner thighs, gently peppering them with kisses, relishing when the muscles tightening beneath his lips.
“J-Jose,” You stammered, driven mad, desperate at his teasing. “Please.. Te necesito. I can’t take the waiting. I need your mouth on me.” Jose watched as your lips quivered with every passing word. The handsome Santo raised a brow, nudging your thigh with his nose, while a single index finger traced the outline of your folds, then dipped downwards to perform the same trick at her entrance.
“What was that, Chiquita? Tell me what you want. What do you want me to do to you?” He asked, voice deep, thick like honey, forming perhaps the sexiest whisper that you’d ever heard. Your bright eyes clamped shut, a whimper hot at your lips.
“I want your mouth on my pussy. I want you to suck my clit until I can’t remember my own name. I want your tongue to fuck me. I want to cum all over your face. Please, I need you.” Your voice was drowning in desire, in deep longing. A longing that he simply couldn’t refuse.
Hovering his lips over your most sensitive area, Jose dared to press a featherlight kiss to your pearly clit. “Lay back and relax.. let me take care of you..”
At first, he gave it to you easy. The tip of his tongue barely touching you as he parted your folds, flicking the muscle nimbly against your clit. Hoisting your legs even closer apart, the tattooed Santo examined his most favorite meal that evening. Your slick pink folds. Your throbbing clit. Your entrance so close to dripping delicious arousal down to your asscheeks. The way you tasted was so sweet and he found himself already addicted to you. Addicted to the way you’d mewl at the simplest of touches. He wanted to find out about everything that made you simply cry out in ecstasy. What you liked, what you didn’t like. He wanted to be the one to make you feel that good. God, Jose felt his cock harden even more at the very sight of you.
He couldn’t wait much longer to taste you on his tongue, for he darted and engulfed your pussy as if his life depended on it. His tongue explored your core, gaining it’s first mouthwatering glimpse at your sweetness, though it darted straight back behind his lips as he sucked you in nice and deep.
Hungrily, Jose pushed your knees further forwards, forcing your ass to elevate a little into the air, bringing your core far closer to his face. Slick lips dialed in upon your little clit, pressing his tongue hard against it, before enveloping it in his mouth and sucking gently. One hand propped your ass upwards, allowing his thumb to reach over and tease the tight rim of your entrance before dipping it entire length inside.
You clamped a hand over your mouth to muffle the onslaught of musical moans. You rolled your hips, moving in rhythm with the movements of his mouth and thumb alike. Jose’s digit pulled out for a moment, now drenched and shining, before diving straight back in again, forming a quick pace of swift thrusts.
“O-Ooh, fuck.. Jose… Faster, baby.. Shit, you’re so good at that.” Were among the endless stream of curse words mingled with praise that spilled from your mouth. Your fists balled up the veil-thin bedsheets in a tight ball. Quivering hips rolled, shook, pushing yourself even harder against his eager lips. And it was then that Jose opted to fight off all his restraints.
Nails dug deep into your thighs. Your knees were pushed so far apart that you couldn’t possibly hope to halt his incessant actions. His tongue lapped at your clit, sucking the nub so hard it throbbed feverishly. Finally, he slipped his thumb out of your soaking pussy, instead replacing it with his mouth. Jose darted his tongue deep inside of you, while his arm wrapped around your thigh to give finger easy access to your pearl, which he rubbed with the most delicious pressure and the most rapid of speeds. Your inner walls tightening around his tongue, your moans growing louder inside your bedrooms.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He moaned loud against your pussy. An action that caused your hips to jerk suddenly. “You have any idea how amazing you taste?” Jose sighed, his lips and chin glistening bright with your juices. You responded with a shaky whimper, a desperate beg for more, so you could finally, finally reach your peak. And Jose certainly did not disappoint. His tongue continued to plunge, his fingers resumed their unrelenting abuse towards your clit, and you became unable to keep yourself still.
You bit down into the pillow beside your head, your hands coming to rest on top of his head, fingernails slightly digging into his scalp, your thighs were shaking so hard the muscles would hurt like hell the next morning. But you didn’t care. All that you wanted was that sweet release. Grinding yourself hard against his mouth, you felt your inner walls clench around his tongue, felt your clit light on fire with unbearable pleasure, felt your entire body launch into a blinding, uncontrollably, indescribable orgasm.
“Jose! Fuck..!”
Back at the Diaz house, Oscar sat on the couch watching as your daughter and Cesar sat on the floor, hunched over the coffee table coloring away in the coloring books that you’d packed away for her. The t.v was on and playing in the background, cartoons, but it wasn’t like your little girl was paying attention. Both she and Cesar were way too concentrated on coloring.
Cesar was drawing a picture of Lightning McQueen meanwhile Y/D/N was drawing a picture of Elsa and Anna from her Frozen coloring book. Cesar seemed to be way too concentrated and into it and it amused Oscar to no end - but it also made him appreciate his brother more, just because of how good of a Tio he was, and how much he genuinely wanted to spend time with his niece. When Cesar first found out about the breakup between you and Oscar, he’d been pissed - he knew there was problems between the two of you but he didn’t know it had gotten that far. Cesar couldn’t understand how Oscar could be so dumb and ruin a good family. Cesar missed you and his niece living with them just as much as your daughter missed living with daddy and tio.
“Damn Mano, you’re really into that. Gotta get you your own coloring book.” Oscar commented, laughing softly as Cesar looked up at him and gave him a deadpanned look.
“Whatever.” He said.
“Look Tio! Isn’t it pretty?” The little girl held up the drawing she did and it was certainly a little messy, drawn outside of the lines, but Cesar grinned and so did Oscar.
“So pretty baby! It’s better than mine.” He pouted, holding up his own drawing of Lightning McQueen. “You need to teach me how to draw and color like you.”
“Okay.” She beamed.
“So, are you excited about having your own room at your mommy’s house? Are you excited to decorate it?”
“Yeah! I’m excited to see Sad Eyes more too.” She said, drawing the attention of Oscar and Cesar. The younger Diaz sibling turned to look at his older brother, only to find him looking at his little girl with a raised brow. “And so is mommy.”
“What do you mean, mamas? What do you mean you’re excited to see Sad Eyes more and so is your mommy?” He asked, sitting up straighter on the couch. The little girl looked up at her daddy and gave him a shrug.
“Mommy talks to Sad Eyes on the phone. She gets happy when she talks to him and she asked me if I wanted him to come to our house more.”
Oscar felt this simmering anger grow inside of him at the sudden revelation that you and Sad Eyes talked to each other. His mind immediately drifted off to the day where he and the Santos were helping you move your things into your house. At the way you and Sad Eyes interacted with one another, at the way you smiled up at him. The way you looked at Sad Eyes was the same way you looked at Oscar when you first started dating.
For the sake of not blowing up in a fit of rage in front of his daughter, Oscar grabbed his phone and stood up from the couch. “I’ll be back, okay? I need to call your mommy really quick mamas. Stay here with your Tio.” The young girl nodded, oblivious to the anger that was brewing inside her father. But Cesar knew. He could see it. He could see the fire burning in his eyes.
Stepping outside, shutting the door behind him, Oscar clicked on your contact, calling your number. It rang a few times but it went straight to voicemail. He called at least another two more times but received the same.
Unbeknownst to him, you were a little far too preoccupied. Your phone sat on the kitchen counter, ringing and vibrating with every missed call and text message that Oscar sent you. All the while you held Sad Eyes close to you as he pounded between your legs, sending you into another never-ending wave of bliss.
tagging: @spookysmujer @ugh-jalynn @lovleyajoitee @curly-haired-holland @babienay @harringtoncastle @spookysnena @eggshaustedd @firebenderwolf @clemmingstylins0n @xiomarlyn @lana-loves-stuff @dolanackles @briskiiat420 @lossantosprincesa @princesstiffxoxo @xbrujababyx @juul4jesus @audreydiane96 @angelreyesgirl100 @khiaraaa-in-spacee @poppaxannie @deviilbby @mrs-spookyd1az @eriksjournal @socialistavocado @pananegra @demure-doll @skathan-omaha @kingbouji3 @animesstuffsposts @moanlightbaby @thenameishayley248 @cheshirecat107 @bellaguarneri @liaari @cedricheart @amethyst09 @flamingweasley @littlxmiss @mellisophilia @fairygardenss
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wisteriaandwafers · 4 years ago
Best Friends in love Collection. Or Best Friends to Lovers.
This is one of my favourite tropes and I read and reblog a whole lot of them so here’s a small list of some of them
Tumblr media
Mayans M.C
Angel Reyes - He has the the most because he’s the most popular from the show so...
Plan b by @calif0rnia-lovers
I confess I haven’t actually read it but everything else they’ve written is great so...
Oneshot by @mrsmarvelous1995
This one’s very cute and I’ve read it multiple times
The dress by @blackmissfrizzle
One of the very first Mayans fics I ever read
The truth 2 by @yourwonkywriter
This ones just fun and they’re childhood besties
This by @everyhowlmarksthedead
Sort of...
Ez just seems like best friend material, at least early season Ez.
No missed opportunities, my plus one 2, let me sleep 2, game night by @drabbles-mc
@/drabbles-mc writes best friend Ez so well so there’s multiple
I’ll take your man(s) by @blackmissfrizzle Ez/Miguel
Except not really? We don’t know yet
This drabble by @breanime Miguel Galindo
This one’s very adult and missed/wrong moments but ends so very adorably
Other Characters
Just friends by @clearlydiamondz Erik Stevens
Except not really? For this one as well. It was just lovely
Crazy by @biisexualemma Oscar Diaz
I don’t know I just enjoyed it
Lovesick by @charcoocheurie Oscar Diaz
I also like the saviour trope(to a certain extent) and there ls an additional touch of that in here
Best friends by @bjornswoman Hvitserk
Just because I’ve been reading a lot of Hvitserk fics on my other blog recently
My best friend, Jensen by @drabblewithfrannybarnes Jake Jensen
It’s a series and it’s great!
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jayankles · 4 years ago
Bec's Kinktoberfest Masterlist
This is my completed masterlist of @becs-bunker Bec's Kinktoberfest Challenge, this was such a fun challenge, even if half of my things didn't even post when they were supposed to. But anyway, thank you again, I loved writing for a multitude of fandoms and thanks for giving me the opportunity to explore these different characters.
I Need More - Mutual Masturbation - Billy Russo x Reader
Protection on Vacation: Smut Drabble - Sneaking Around | Forbidden Love - Bodyguard!Dean x Princess!Reader
They’re Gone - Voyeurism | Exhibitionism - John Winchester x Reader
Blood and  Ice - Hot/Cold Play - Frank Castle x Reader
Teasing Texts - Sexting/Phone Sex - Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Piss Me Off - Angry or Hate Sex - Jake Peralta x Reader
Dad Joke Seduction - Comfort Sex - Scott Lang x Pregnant!Reader
Teach an Angel New Tricks - Dirty talk | Size Kink - Castiel x Reader
Folded Chair - In front of a mirror - Ruby 2.0 x Reader
The Little Princess and her King - Toys | Praise Kink -King!Brunhilde x Reader
Spelled Eyes: Part 2 /Spelled Eyes: Part 3 - Threesome/Moresome - Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Cas x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Hands to Himself - Sir Kink | Bed Sharing - T’Challa x Reader
Call Me Out - Public or Semi public sex - Sam Wilson x Reader
All for Show - Filming Themselves - Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Reader
Little Peter - Caught Masturbating - Peter Parker x Reader
Dino Nuggets - Daddy Kink - Daddy!Jared x Momma!Reader
The Ladies Room - Casual Sex - Danneel Harris x Reader
Sweet Tasting Demon - Touch Deprivation | Somnophilia - Sam Winchester x Ruby 2.0
Lucy Gives Up - Oral Sex - Wanda Maximoff x Powered!Reader
Selfish Hearts - Make Up Sex - Diana Prince x Reader
Stupid Plans end in Exciting Lessons - Teasing - Thor Odinson x Reader
Don’t Waste Perfect Lingerie Sets - A/B/O | Lingerie - Anael x Reader
“It’s not illegal if you pay for it.” - Camp fire - Rough Sex | Camping - Hunter Hardon x Venus Ryder (Pornstar!Dean x Pornstar!Reader)
Make it Up To You - Shibari | Bondage - Regina Mills x Reader
Save Me, Supergirl - Roleplay - Kara Danvers x Reader
Only at Home - Orgasm Denial - Finn Balor (Fergal Devitt) x Reader x Seth Rollins (Colby Lopez)
So Close to your Reward - Spanking - Adrian Chase x Reader
Imperfectly Perfect - Body Worship | Nipple Play - Killian Jones x Reader
Don’t Drown while I’m Trying - Aftercare - Carol Danvers x Reader
I Can Last Longer - First to come loses - Henry Cavill x Poc!Reader (aesthetic)
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl - Dealer's Choice - Jared Padalecki x Reader x Genevieve Padalecki
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chasing-classics · 4 years ago
It Takes A Man- Ray Diaz x Reader (2)
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Pairing: Ray Diaz x Reader
Warning(s): Language, angsty feels, mentions of cheating, SMUT
Summary: In the aftermath of your night with Ray, you struggle to move on from the Diaz men, but find difficulty in forgetting the man in question. What happens when you reunite?
A/N: This will not be a full-length story, I think it’ll just be a fun little miniseries that I’ll work on between drabbles and oneshots, but so many of you loved the first part that I couldn’t help but post the sequel earlier than anticipated. Enjoy, my little deviants!
 Part 1
 You huffed, barely making it through your front door before the handfuls of grocery bags collapsed at your feet. You cringed, shaking your head upwards at the thought of how all the fresh fruit you just bought at the corner bodega was now bruised. Shuffling your feet, you prodded the cans of various sauces and whatnot out of your way, casually closing the front door with your foot and tossed your purse on the nearby sofa.
 Your new apartment had finally been put together in your hasty move from the Diaz household. The drive was not so bad, it was long enough to put distance between Oscar and yourself so that you two could avoid any awkward/angry confrontations on the street. But you were relieved, as was Cesar, that it was no more than a 15-minute drive, 25-minute to half hour walk in case the youngest Diaz brother and his friends ever wished to stop by. The pang in your chest whenever your thoughts drifted towards Cesar was still an entirely fresh wound. The way he yelled and cried in your arms the night he came home still made your e/c eyes well up with tears. You would never forgive yourself for the role you played in the separation. Oscar was by no means innocent; his actions were unforgiveable. He cheated on you more times than you would ever care to admit. He made a fool out of the one person who held him down, the one constant in his life. And you would be lying if you said you weren’t still bitter.
 Cesar knew the breakup was looming, in the months leading up to that fateful night you and Oscar had gone for each other’s throats. Initially he only left the house to take care of ‘’Santo business’’ but the smell of cheap perfume contradicted that immediately. Despite your valiant efforts, Cesar walked in on you once or twice just crying your eyes out until they became so painfully puffy. History certainly repeated itself in the Diaz house. The only difference was that you managed to get out in, mentally exhausted but physically fine, while his mother had overdosed not two years after Ray was locked up. Cesar partially felt betrayed by everyone involved. Oscar, Ray, and even you. But Oscar had been the real target of Cesar’s anger and hurt. Had Oscar not made Cesar join the Santos, Cesar would’ve had a normal life and possible ticket outside of Freeridge. Had Oscar not been a complete jerk to you, Cesar could’ve had some resemblance of a family left. He still had you, he still had Oscar. But it was never going to be the same.
 That said, what you and Ray had done was anything but innocent. ‘’Fuck,’’ you huffed, tossing your keys in the dish by the entryway. As much as you probably should’ve forgotten all about that night. As much as you tried to dismiss the reminiscing, you found yourself in a losing battle. About the way Ray had felt filling you. The drag and pull movements of his manhood along your velvety walls. You involuntarily shivered and cursed yourself as your mind clouded over in a haze of lust.
 ‘’No. . .no, we aren’t going back there,’’ you chided, working to tidy up the place. ‘No matter how much I may long to. . .’ you mentally noted as your actions quickened in a pathetic attempt to block the mental image of Ray hovering over you, filling your tightness. The familiar pitter patter of butterflies in your abdomen alerted you of your arousal. The blush that steadily spread across your cheeks did the same.
 Ray and you had seldom spoken in the nearly 40 days it took for you to find an apartment in a safe part of Freeridge (upon Oscar’s insistence, to your shock) and for you to gather your belongings and move out (thanks to the efforts of Sad Eyes and Tito, also upon Oscar’s insistence and your shock). When you had said a quick goodbye to your ex of five years and the boy you practically raised since he was a small fourth grader, the longing look in Ray’s eyes was not lost on you. Whereas Cesar walked you to your car, Oscar hung back on the porch trying his best to seem unbothered, Ray leaned against the side gate of the house. A cigarette hung loosely between his lips as he made sure to stay out of Oscar’s line of vision. You didn’t need to look up at him to know he was watching you. To know that look in his eyes. You had the same look as you drove way, only concealing it as to avoid another fist fight between Oscar and his father.
 The apartment itself was nice and homey. Your job in real estate, selling mostly houses in Brentwood, made sure that you could afford nicer furniture, a stocked fridge, and lunch money for Cesar. He would alternate, opting to camp out on your charcoal gray couch while Oscar enjoyed the benefits of a newly single life back home. You feigned ignorance or uncaringness whenever Cesar showed up late at night with a sympathetic look in his deep brown eyes, but every time you thought about the girls drifting in and out of the only home you had truly known the past five years, your heart clenched in your throat.
 Sad Eyes had been another figure who graced your doorstep every now and then. He insisted it was because of the friendship you and he had maintained since high school, but something told you he was keeping tabs on you. The one, single one night stand you had partaken in a few nights ago just so happened to be cut short (too short) when Sad Eyes conveniently began pounding on the door. The situation had Oscar’s hypocritical jealous antics written all over it. Nonetheless, Jose was a good friend of yours’ and he along with Tito and the other Santos were a big help in setting up the place to your liking.
 As you drifted around the entertainment area, around the balcony, and around the kitchen watering your various plants, your brows furrowed. The one person who hadn’t really visited you, aside from Oscar of course, was the one man you couldn’t stop thinking about.
 Your night with Ray was far too passionate, or so you thought, to be just a one-time thing. As sick and twisted it might be, as horrible of a person that made you, you couldn’t help but yearn to have another night with the Diaz patriarch. Subconsciously, your hand drifted to your collarbone, sighing through your nose as visions of his strong, rough hands exploring your flesh resonated within you. Part of you shrunk back into your shell, your subconscious telling you that Oscar had clearly taken after his father when it came to breaking hearts. That Ray probably hadn’t been with a woman since being released from prison. That you were just an easy fix, a convenience for him in the form of an insecure and emotionally exhausted hyna. He didn’t see you anything other than a tight hole to keep his dick warm. You bit your lip, hands clutching the kitchen counter until your knuckles turned nearly pale.
 But the other part of you felt in your bones that it was not just an easy fix. That, yes lust fueled and spurred his actions, but there was something about the way he looked at you as you drove away from the house. Something that screamed ‘’more.’’ An enchanting, debauching look. Interest, maybe, but still more all the same. More.
 Your fingers danced down the valley of your breasts, down your abdomen, until your fingertips made contact with the top of your leggings. Admittedly, you had forgone wearing underwear this particular day, out of laziness, but you were certainly not complaining as your fingers met the wetness of your tight folds. An airy sigh escaped your lips, eyes closed as those fingers danced along your sensitive folds like little ballerinas.
 Your other hand began kneading your still clothed breasts, becoming rougher in an attempt to mirror the way Ray had done. Whether it was the forbidden, sinful nature of that night or not, no other man, not even Oscar had made you feel so erotic the way Ray Diaz had. Your eyelids fluttered shut as your moans steadily flowed past your lips like a gentle choir. The middle finger curled in the depths of your core, your index finger gently rolling the sensitive pearl above. The faster your digits worked, the easier it became to imagine Ray’s touch. The smell of his shampoo with the slight musk of his sweat from working out in the front lawn. The way he grunted every time he slammed into your core. The way his eyes went nearly black from pure lust and primal desire when he looked over your quivering form.
 ‘’R-Ray,’’ you whimpered to yourself, panting as your fingers worked diligently.
 ‘’Don’t stop, nena.’’
 Your eyes flew wide open, your mouth following suit as the man of the hour stood in your front door, learning against the frame. That infamous, lopsided Diaz smirk left no room to question where his boys got it from.
 ‘’Don’t stop on my account,’’ he repeated, uncomfortably shifting his weight to his other leg, a very noticeable bulge catching your attention immediately. You gulped.
 ‘’How the f-fuc. . .wha. . .why?’’ you screeched, hand quickly retreating from your pulsing, needy pussy much to your discomfort. You were convinced that he could feel the heat of your blush from across the room.
 ‘’The front door was unlocked. I know it’s a safer neighborhood, but you still need to-‘’
 ‘’I meant why the hell are you here?’’ you didn’t mean to sound as bitchy as it had came out, but you were slightly jilted from the way he had ignored you the pas several weeks.
 No calls. No texts. No surprise visits. Until now.
 The smirk faded from his handsome face, becoming more serious although his eyes showed the slightest hint of a mix of shame and sorrow.
 ‘’Y/n,’’ he sighed, eyes turning to look down at the floor. It was amazing how, for a split second, the father of two and former Santos member had morphed into a nervous young man. You could almost pinpoint what he looked like younger.
 You stilled, heart still racing violently in your chest. He had rarely called you by your name before. Even before you two had sex, it had always been ‘’nena’’ or ‘’mamacita.’’ In fact, you were sure he only used your name once. When he came inside you and sealed your fate. You suppressed a shiver, but Ray quickly caught the effect he still had on you. He regained some of his courage, standing up straight. Your eyes quickly surveyed the way his muscles automatically flexed as his arms folded up and crossed his chest. Damn him.
 ‘’I’m sorry I haven’t called or visited. . .I wasn’t sure if you wanted anything to do with me considering. . .,’’ his thoughts trailed off, not wanting to discuss the way Oscar had blown up after catching you. One thing you admired about Oscar, that despite his temper he never laid a hand on you. He would rage and toss some furniture in the opposite direction and yell like a madman. But his rage was mostly directed at Ray that night.
 ‘’We need to talk to you, hermano,’’ Oscar’s deep voice cut the silence as you resisted the urge to glare at the Santos’ leader.
 ‘’Okayyy?’’ Cesar offered an awkward smile, sitting at the dinner table. The same dinner table that just moments prior had been flung on its’ side as Oscar raged throughout the house. You had barely tossed the scattered food into the trash can before Cesar walked in.
 Ray cleared his throat and retreated to the side door of the house, probably smoking a cigarette to calm his nerves as the ‘’adults’’ had their talk.
 ‘’Cesar,’’ you started, reaching across the table to gently grasp his hand. When had he gotten so big? You never once tried to be the mother he had lost to drugs as a five-year-old. You never took away the authority figure that was forcibly bestowed onto Oscar. You were just Y/n; his brother’s girlfriend. But you knew you were the closest thing Cesar ever had to a mother/motherly figure. And you had fucked it all up.
 ‘’What’s going on?’’ his thick brows knotted in confusion. You hesitantly glanced at Oscar, him biting back a glare towards you as he sighed.
 ‘’Y/n is moving out,’’ he mumbled and if you didn’t know Oscar any better, you could’ve sworn there was a hint of sadness in his voice.
 ‘’Wait.. . what?’’ it broke your heart hearing the confusion and panic in Cesar’s voice.
 ‘’Cesar, it’s ok. I’ll still be here whenever you need me. It’s just,’’ you trailed off, your own voice wavering as you tried to muster up the best way to explain things.
 ‘’No it’s not ‘ok.’ Why are you leaving us? Leaving me?’’ Cesar’s voice steadily rose, yanking his hand away from you. The gesture made you wince.
 ‘’Cesar,’’ Oscar’s tone slowly shifted to that of Spooky.
 ‘’No! Tell me why she’s leaving. Why is she really leaving!’’ Cesar stood up abruptly, nearly knocking the chair to the floor. Somewhere outside Ray coughed on a nicotine coated cloud. The room filled with uncomfortable silence.
 ‘’Cesar. Sometimes, people just fall out of love. Things happen. Life happens. Sometimes even adults make really shitty decisions and they change on each other,’’ your voice remained soft as you sadly looked up at the boy you helped raise. You resisted the urge to look at Oscar’s gutted expression, knowing that if you did you would surely lose it. It had been that exact moment you regretted not leaving the house as soon as Ray walked in just hours before.
 Cesar’s gaze softened as he looked down at you, but once his chocolate brown hues fell upon his brother, they quickly hardened with anger.
 ‘’You did this. . .you fucking had to get your dick wet that bad that you didn’t even consider her! She did everything for us! For you! She was there for me when you weren’t! You were too busy being Spooky that you couldn’t be fucking bothered!’’ he snarled.
 ‘’Watch your fucking mouth, Lil Spooky,’’ Oscar steadily rose on his two feet, towering over Cesar. You stood as well, ready to jump into the lion’s den if necessary.
  Cesar scoffed, a mocking smile on his lips before it quickly gave way to the coldest glare. He looked nearly identical to Oscar. ‘’You’ve given Ray so much shit for leaving us and abandoning his family. . .in reality you’re no better.’’
 Oscar lunged forward, the two brothers tangled up as fists were flying.
 ‘’Oscar stop!’’ you screamed, throwing yourself into your ex, dodging fists left and right. Ray barged back into the house, getting a grip of Oscar as you shoved Cesar in the opposite way. The sound of Oscar’s fist coming into contact with Ray’s jaw echoed throughout the house.
 ‘’Get the fuck off of me! Get the fuck off of me!’’ Oscar snarled, desperately trying to shove his father off him to no avail. What Ray lacked in height when it came to Oscar, he made up with in strength. You could see Ray struggling to rein in his anger and maintain his grip on his son. Tears filled your eyes as well as Cesar’s as the two of you fell to the floor, watching the two men struggle.
 ‘’Had enough?’’ Ray grunted. He still smelled like you, and that more than anything broke Oscar.
 Oscar managed to shove the Diaz patriarch off, falling back against the wall as he huffed, tears clouding his vision. His eyes fell on you and for once, he saw the damage his infidelities caused blow up in his face. His baby brother crying into your arms, begging it all to stop as you cried to yourself in the corner. Both of you looked so small, you looked so defeated. He had fucked up. You met his broken gaze, shaking your head as if you could will all of this to evaporate. You had fucked up. The next morning, you began looking around Freeridge for apartments. The next few weeks, Oscar helped you load up your car as you moved twenty-five minutes away from the only home you knew. The day after that? You gathered the rest of your belongings and bit back a sob as you held Cesar in a crushing hug. As you looked over his shoulder, you saw Oscar leaning against the porch’s structure, biting his lip as he looked down at you, fighting the urge to ask you to stay. To work through it. But he quickly realized that was what he had been asking of you throughout all of these years. And that is why he remained silent as you pulled out of the Diaz’s driveway. He didn’t move until your car was out of sight.
 You shook your head, leaning against the island in the middle of your kitchen. Your hands rubbed and massaged at your temples, biting down on your bottom lip to prevent the tears from falling. ‘’That was on me,’’ you whispered, voice croaking with emotion. You jumped when you felt Ray’s strong hand on your shoulder. You gasped as a jolt of electricity passed through the two of you. Judging from the quick intake of breath, Ray felt it too.
 ‘’I’m so sorry,’’ he whispered. You straightened out, looking up at Ray despite still only reaching his collar bone. The inner struggle was clear as day in Ray’s eyes. He was undoubtfully attracted to you. But more than that, he admired you. The way you cared for his sons. The way you managed to handle the lifestyle of the Santos while still obtaining your classy demeanor. You were capable of holding down a family. And although you were insecure thanks to what his eldest son had put you through, Ray wanted nothing more than to reassure you of your worth.
 You hesitated for just a moment, before lunging upwards and meeting Ray in a passionate kiss. A kiss that conveyed all the words you wished to say, but didn’t have the strength to voice. His hands clutched your hip and cradled the side of your neck as he returned the kiss tenfold. Whether it was lust, genuine interest, curiosity, or some weird concoction of all three you found it entirely all too easy to throw caution to the wind around this man.
 You nipped at Ray’s bottom lip playfully, biting back a grin when you solicited a low moan from him. Pride be damned. Morals be damned. You had no obligation to Oscar anymore. Cesar didn’t need to know about this. It would just be a secret between the two of you.
 The whimper that escaped your lips as he forcefully tugged off your top sent shivers down Ray’s spine. He grunted when his eyes feasted on the exposed skin. Without him even asking you, you unclasped your bra and stood topless in front of him. He dove down, expertly taking your nipple into his hot mouth and began twirling his tongue around your hardened bud. You moaned mewled, hands running through his short hair and roaming his broad, muscled back. Your eyes rested on the faded Santos cross on his arm, whimpering when he nipped at your sensitive skin.
 ‘’R-Ray,’’ you moaned lowly, mouth falling open when his hand made contact with your ass in a playful slap. You had no time to recover before he pulled away from you, gently turning you so that your front was pushed and pinned against the cool surface of the granite island. You hissed as your already hard, sensitive tits pressed against the freezing surface. You rested your cheek against the counter, shivering as Ray yanked down your leggings.
 ‘’Fuck,’’ he moaned, seeing your wet core fully exposed and presented to him.
 ‘’You’re going to be the death of me mami,’’ he whispered, pressing his bulge against your gaping hole. You bit your lip at the heat that emitted from his still clothed cock. You knew what was awaiting you and your insides coiled at the anticipation.
 Each of his massive hands took a firm hold on the globes of your ass, gripping them and spreading you apart so that you were on full display under him. You let out a shaky breath between panting when his hot saliva met your tightness. His thumb spread it against your folds, teasing your clit before diving two fingers into your awaiting cunt. Ray all but growled at the way you gripped his digits. The delicious way you pulsed and clenched excitedly around his middle and index finger. He found himself constantly thinking, ‘I could get used to this.’
 ‘’Ray,’’ your needy voice broke him out of his thoughts as he folded over you, you feeling ever muscle of his chest against your bare back as he pressed light kisses against your shoulder before finally meeting your cheek and then your plump lips.
 ‘’I need you,’’ you whispered, leaning into his kisses and sighing when you heard him pull himself from his pants.
 ‘’You have me, princessa,’’ he grunted, working himself with one hand as the other tangled with yours’. ‘’You have me, all of me,’’ he groaned thrusting his hips forward and filling you with a brutal, singular thrust. You cried out, the burn of him stretching your tight canal was familiar and slightly painful, but divine all at once. His hand clenched yours, as if assuring you that you were ok, his lips still kissing the tears that threatened to escape the corners of your eyes.
 ‘’Fuck y/n,’’ he groaned, savoring the feel of his cock dragging within your tight pussy, pulling you back towards him as bit, only for you to bounce forward as he thrusted back into your core. He set a fast, brutal pace as the sounds of his thrusts echoed off the walls. You were grateful that your neighbors were at work, the wanton mewls and cries that escaped your lips would’ve surely caught their attention. As his hand held yours throughout the entire time he fucked into you, the other had a firm grip on your shoulder. Pinning you down so that you couldn’t slip from his cock and pulling you back to impale yourself on to his thickness.
 You attempted to burn the sounds of his grunts and groans, as well as the squelching of your tight core every time his hips snapped against you from behind, but soon became overwhelmed. He was heavy and hot inside of you. You could feel exactly where he was every time he was seated inside of you. Your body bounced in tune with his movements, but the feeling of his heavy, throbbing manhood in your cunt was something you’d always savor.
 Before you could even speak, waves of euphoria crashed within you as your release fell over his still hard cock. You could only cry out his name, panting it out as his hold on you tightened. He pressed fully against you, curling over your back as his cock throbbed and pulsed violently, painting your insides with his release.
 His arms wrapped around your front, dragging you so that you rested against his chest, impaling you on his still solid dick. With awkward movements he led you past the kitchen, into your bedroom while every step you took resulted in another jolt as you practically balanced yourself on his cock.
 Ray only pulled out briefly, laying you on your back on your mattress. He hovered over you, panting as his eyes glazed over at the sight of you. Your hair sprawled out like a crown around you, chest heaving with your labored breath and the post-orgasm tremors that shook you. What really caught his attention was the sight of your pretty pussy, still impossibly tight, dripping with his load onto your sky-blue comforter.
 ‘’Ray,’’ you whispered, reaching up for him. He laid over you, crashing his lips against your lips, seating himself back inside you. Your hands clawed at the white tank he still had on, only or him to pull away slightly and yank it off, tossing it carelessly into the corner of your room. His sweatpants were next along with any other article of clothing he had previously worn. All that was left was himself, bare and all.
 Your leggings had been long abandoned in the kitchen and the moment his bare skin met yours, your fates were sealed. It was hot, passionate, deplorable, mind-blowing, wicked, otherworldly sex. Your nails embedded themselves into his back and shoulders, your legs wrapping around his hips as they crashed into you. Your moans mingled with one another, lips and teeth occasionally clashing against each other as he moved in you.
 ‘’It’s been too fucking long without this tight pussy, princessa. My pussy,’’ he growled, hammering into you as you struggled to keep up with his thrusts. Your clutched the comforter beneath you as that familiar coil began curling and tightening within you. He was reaching new depths, exploring new parts of you that you didn’t even know existed. And all you could do was lay there, moan out his name, and take it.
 ‘’Fuck, Ray, yes, fuck it feels so good,’’ you whined, throwing your head back as he began nipping and sucking on the column on your neck.
 ‘’Cum for me, mi reina,’’ he grunted, every muscle flexing as he moaned and panted above you. His hands were wrapped around your hips, dragging and pulling you upwards to meet his thrusts. The coil was impossibly tight, tears running down your cheeks and falling onto the bed below from the sensation of it all.
 But came you did, violently around his manhood. You shook underneath him, mouth warped into an ‘’o’’ shape as you sighed and moaned under him. His thrusts sped up, to your shock, and it all came to a close the moment he pulled you to him, tucking his face into the base of your neck as his hot, thick load filled you once more.
 As he pulsed within you, your pussy clenching and unclenching from the aftermath of two mind-blowing orgasms back to back, you simply laid there. You basked in the aftermath of it all, shivering when his load began dripping out of you and pooling onto the blanket, leaving a quarter-sized dark spot in its’ path. Once your breathing returned to normal, Ray met your eyes, a softness in them. His mouth met yours in a comforting, warm kiss. He was still inside you when you closed your eyes and fell into a satisfying, deep sleep.
  When you had opened your eyes, it was visibly night-time. The orange glow of the streetlights illuminated your bedroom from your sheer curtains. Ray was knocked out beside you, one muscled arm thrown over your side in a protective manner. A small smile graced your lips, widening when you felt the strangely satisfying soreness between your legs.
 You quietly got out of bed, maneuvering around the apartment to get a glass of water while trying not to disturb Ray. You had no idea where this was going to lead you. You weighed the possibilities. To date your ex-boyfriend’s father just seemed so ridiculous and wrong. No matter what Oscar had put you through with his infidelities, to go ahead and enter a relationship with his father just seemed cruel to you. And what would Cesar think if he were to catch you and Ray together? At the same time, you didn’t want to say goodbye to Ray. Aside from great sex, you felt a genuine connection with him. He was older, yes, but he made you feel things that nobody ever had. You huffed, sipping on your water as you felt the beginnings of a headache approaching. A sudden knock and turn of your front door startled you to the point you nearly dropped your glass onto the hardwood floor.
 ‘’Y/n,’’ Cesar’s voice was muffled, but clear as day through the door.
 You gulped, body stiff with shock and fear. From your bedroom, the mattress creaked as Ray sat up, eyes groggy with sleep.
 ‘’Y/n?’’ he called out, getting up to check what the commotion was.
 ‘’Fuck me,’’ you sighed, mind racing and heart rising to your throat once more. You were so fucked.
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