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nickcsbs · 9 months ago
Social Media Policy
By Nicholas Palumbo
The current state of social media ethics-
With every revolution, new opportunities arise while traditional practices are challenged. Today is no exception. The economics of professional journalism struggle as audiences migrate online. The shrinking of newsrooms raises concerns about the future of journalism. Yet these fears also prompt experiments in journalism, such as non-profit centers of investigative journalism.
A central question is to what extent existing media ethics is suitable for today’s and tomorrow’s news media that is immediate, interactive and “always on” – a journalism of amateurs and professionals. Most of the principles were developed over the past century, originating in the construction of professional, objective ethics for mass commercial newspapers in the late 19th century.
We are moving towards a mixed news media – a news media citizen and professional journalism across many media platforms. This new mixed news media requires a new  mixed media ethics – guidelines that apply to amateur and professional whether they blog, Tweet, broadcast or write for newspapers. Media ethics needs to be rethought and reinvented for the media of today, not of yesteryear.
What are two current cases related to social media ethics? (5 pts)
This case was pretty recent as of 2023. A man that goes by “Bubba” Copeland, the mayor of smiths station and the pastor at First Baptist Church of Phenix City. He thought it was a good idea to post social media photos of his dressed as a woman This included lingerie pictures, and the story also said he offered online encouragement to people considering gender transition. Copeland talked to reporters the night of his dress up. He had to say that he wasn’t ashamed of his actions and also displayed erotic meaning he intended sexual desire, for transgender fiction that included the names and pictures of real people. He disobeyed the law of ethics and ended up deceased at a later date that week. To me That makes a man look guilty. When the body showed up, there was evidence that he was making specific threats about other employees or random people. Does the case deserve public attention or do they keep it behind closed doors. In the Second case is about Social media Privacy The plaintiff, who is the person who initiated the lawsuit, claimed she suffered personal injuries after an auto accident that prevented her from playing sports. She also alleged that her injuries became worse during cold weather conditions. However, the defense found public pictures on Facebook showing the plaintiff skiing. Since the date of her accident the defense requested everything on her social media accounts since the accident. The tipping point for the court seems to be the defense finding that photo proving the plaintiff to be lying further exposing her by requesting all of her social media photos. It is also important to have a social media investigator on your side. Courts will dismiss your social media evidence if you cannot prove authorship. You must also meet certain evidence requirements.
Outline the current code of ethics for social media by a professional organization you would be interested in joining as part of their social media staff. (10 pts)
1. Don’t share client information.
Never share information around clients that is not in the public domain  including the names of clients or client employees, commercial information relating to a client’s activities, or anything else that could be used to identify a client without express written permission.
 And only share information that is already in the public domain
2. Protect your colleagues.
Do not share detailed information about team members’ individual roles or contributions to specific projects.
Do not share colleagues’ personal data, including their picture, without their permission.
3. Know the rules.
You are responsible for what you publish.
Read, understand, and follow the company’s Code of Business Ethics, Data Protection Policy, and the Group Cybersecurity requirements, outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy, as well as the Competition Laws Policy.
4. Be secure.
Use a secure password, update it regularly, and never share your login information with anyone.
Do not use your corporate email address to create personal social media accounts.
Never publish images of your company computer screen, security pass, or other identifiable security features.
5. Observe copyright law.
Pictures, videos, copy, and other content owned by others must not be used for our own commercial benefit.
Do not post links to other websites, posts or pages without first checking that such sharing is authorized and that the content is lawful.
6. Be respectful.
Never publish material that is obscene, racist, sexist, pornographic, sexually exploitative, or in any other way discriminatory, threatening or harassing, personally offensive, defamatory, or illegal.
( (5 pts) Support your choice with evidence. What are some takeaways you can bring forth in your own practices? (10 pts)
TOMS’ mission is so central to the company’s branding, it’s given almost as much advertisement  on its website as the products it sells. In fact, it’s almost impossible to navigate through TOMS’ site without seeing further examples of how TOMS helps people around the world.
This isn’t a typically cynical attempt to capitalize on empty gestures or a feel-good sales tactic; it’s the same principle leveraged by brands that use display advertising. Just as many display ads are designed to promote brand awareness and achieve top-of-mind presence among consumers, TOMS’ philanthropic mission is constantly reinforced throughout its website and marketing materials. As a result, it’s almost impossible to think of TOM’S as a brand without thinking of the company’s various outreach projects and corporate giving initiatives. TOMS puts its social and environmental philanthropy on full display in virtually every aspect of its branding. This not only lets potential customers know the kind of company they’re dealing with right off the bat, but also reinforces TOMS’ brand values consistently across all channels.
what main concepts do you feel strongly against and want to make sure you avoid on social media? (20 pts)
The points I feel that I am against most and want to make sure you avoid on social media is a 
Strong passwords/usernames, Use a different password for each of your social media accounts.
Nowadays it's so easy to hack into an online account, using your real information can only make it that much easier for the hacker to get into your accounts. This is important because keeping your information and post’s and messages private because maintaining privacy on the internet is very important to know that your accounts are safe and you aren't at risk of being hacked. With so many followers, many of them may want a piece at all of the work you put together to build yourself up to what you are today and if you aren't careful someone can take it all away with a few clicks. 
2. Don’t Post About Politics or Religion
Unless you work in politics, it’s best not to take any sort of controversial stance on public social media, especially if you’re applying for a job in a sensitive position where you need to protect data, protect client information, or be someone that others go to for advice
 Do Learn to Love Your Privacy Settings
We know what you’re thinking: How are you supposed to have any fun online if you can’t be yourself? It’s fine to be a little looser on Facebook or Instagram—if you keep those profiles private. Either lock down your privacy settings. 
Bullet point 5-10 core concepts that you will follow as a practicing social media professional. Include citations that you used (20 pts)
Focus on responsiveness, and persona;ization to build loyalty
Ensure your team has tools that shorten your brand’s response time leaving more room for quality responses. Also make sure to engage in positive comments too a lot can be given back. It's all about keeping the loyal customers to continue using our product.
Examine My social customer service Approach 
 Making sure our customers are satisfied and happy is our main goal at the end of the day. By prioritizing social media customer care, is where most people turn for assistance. 76% of consumers value how quickly a brand can respond to their needs. The customer’s must be treated all fairly and respectfully if we can approach the situation as positively as we can and look to engage in helping the customer even though it's something as easy as checking the shipping number. 
Be more business-focused and strategic with sharing your social data
Being more business-focused and strategic with sharing My social data is important because it can enhance my brand visibility, attract the right audience, and drive engagement. It helps in making informed decisions, measuring performance, and to achieve business goals effectively. Also, strategic sharing can protect your privacy and ensure your data is used ethically and efficiently.
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nickcsbs · 9 months ago
Raising Funds And Banners For Youth Sports!
Nicholas Michael Palumbo 
To increase their social presence and expand their audience, nonprofit organizations need to create a social media plan that can grow their following and attract donors. The organization's purpose and mission are crucial elements of its branding. Social media channels should align with these goals or related objectives to support fundraising efforts. Often, social media is underestimated as a means to reach a broader audience and find potential sponsors beyond the local community.
   As the decline of youth sports increases, the likelihood of staying healthy by playing sports at a young age is really high. Pactices 2-3 times a week a game a week just is a recipe for kids to stay in shape. Sports can teach kids valuable life lessons, discipline, hard work, teamwork. The rapid decrease in youth sports  For all of their prayers to be answered for their dreams to become a reality. That is what All Kids Play is all about. The non profit organization aims to improve youth participation in sports all around the country no matter what sport, the main goal for them is to create for kids, a place to have fun, and also have access to change by playing sports and character building experience Although their goal is to come together and create teams of young children who may not get this opportunity because of financial restrictions. As a kid my parents didn’t have the funds to allow me to play ice hockey and that broke me so to have this organization out there funding families who can’t afford the luxuries that others may be able to enjoy is truly heartwarming. 
   Finding an organization was easy because as a sports lover I wanted to talk about the youth sports in the world. The vanity metrics for the organization are really low, on a first glance for instagram its 1k followers only about 200 following, which is upsetting because if you're looking to grow to post more pictures and get your information out to the public. The most recent post was february so they are not active on their causing there followage to trend downward. Their presence on Facebook too. The organization only has 780 followers and has not posted since months ago. The brand could improve on these metrics first by defining some clearer goals. Yes they posted their goal but it doesn't seem they follow through weekly as If I could improve it I would have more weekly or monthly posts going out even if it's a reminder to sign up or reachout for some information. If they describe specific attainable and measurable goals the number’s will rise. Especially engaging with followers, on all of theirsocial media platforms they aren't up to date recently enough. This furthermore affects The reactions the customers/followers will feel. Not responding to comments, messages and mentions.  
For their instagram page, I suggest more branding, going around the country trying to promote this brand. Because they haven’t turned the promotion up to the next level. 
Weekly posts need to happen first of all, a weekly basis of promotion will increase the viewership, bring potential followers and drive in more people and opportunities. 
   After analyzing facebook, the organization doesn't put much effort in nowadays to the apps page. Being silent  for the last year or so they haven't been active . The metric here is ruined, they need to show a lot of attention first. The inconsistent posting, no active users isn't gonna get the organization to be more involved as they were in recent years. 
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nickcsbs · 9 months ago
Nick Palumbo- What is Social Media??
For my social media class, our professor asked us to watch Gary's video about Self Awareness. Before answering the questions, I learned from the video that accepting the shortcomings will lead to bigger and better future. The moment you stop B sing who you are your life will go on the offense. Also, knowing yourself is a huge part of our growth as a human being. The narrative is you need to be a 1 (top option) instead of a B or C player. Instead, we should follow our strengths and stick to our journey. that will lead to the most success.
How I would define social media, social media is a wide variety of apps that all have access to spread information, images, videos, memes and quotes and many other options too. It is a way for us to share ideas, create our own path and maybe business. Just mainly a way to get our word or whatever message we are trying to get across to the people we go straight for the social media platform. The growing of social media has just begun, the numbers are rising. As of 2024 5.1 billion users use social media on the daily that is 59 % of the global population. So many daily users including elementary schoolers, and middle schoolers. Kids who should be playing outside now trapped in the mind of social media. Them not knowing any better is the hardest part about the generation that has to grow up having access to the scary world out there.
In the Social World, I am more of a sit back and read people's ridiculous takes. For example, When Jayson Tatum dropped 33 points 12 Rebounds and 10 Assists on 11-25 shooting social media had crazy takes because the Celtics even though prevailing has to deal with the critics from half of the US on social media. One of the biggest distractions sports players have seen in history. Mainly me just scrolling and reading tweets, watching YouTube videos. Not starting anything by giving attention to fake news or by heckling or disrespecting a fellow social media user.
My strength to social media is that I have control over myself to limit my time I spend, respect another user's thought's. Although I cannot find the effective algorithms and strategies for affective post engagement with my post's my ideas are creative, and I can pick up on trends which will help maybe one video blow up and create a following in the future.
What I want to get out of this class Is to learn to effective use strategies, ideas and plans to grow my passion and my idea and turn it into a reality using the information I learned to take the teaching moment's and maybe use that to inspire and help the youth or fellow creator's looking to make a living off social media. I am huge on video games, streaming here and there I want to develop that into a lot of my time. Gaining the knowledge given from your class will help me find my love for social media and hopefully inspire others to chase their goals and dreams.
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