#Orris Root
smelldictionary · 1 year
White Leather - Bella Bellissima
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Notes from description:
White Guava Blossom, Cedar Leaves, Aromatic Green Agreste, White Cedar, Orris Root, Midnight Jasmine, Rose, Patchouli, Oud Wood, Leather, Sandalwood, Amber, Moss, Vanilla
My review:
Let me set the scene: an up market candy store, one of those that makes aesthetic claims to history but isn't actually; dark wood pastry cases, gleaming brass fittings, the girl behind the counter in a striped canvas apron. The light, coming through the window is golden and thick as honey. A woman stands at the counter, dithering over a chocolate selection. She wears her dark hair up and off her neck, showing off tanned shoulders and the straps of her red sundress. She buys a dozen cherry liquor chocolates, the ones with the whole cherry inside. The box, when the shop girl passes it over to her, is tied with a piece of red twine.
This scent starts like a Birkin in a candy store - all candied fruit and soft leather, a sigh of alcohol, and a dark chocolate depth from the wood. From there it mellows out into sweet oud and true leather; eating cherry liquor chocolates in the passenger seat of a wood-panneled Bentley while driving through the wooded countryside. The last gasp is woody and smoky, less leather and the fruit is long gone from the fore but lingers in the background like sticky cherry liquor on your fingers.
5.5/10 - the vibes? Impeccable. The rest? Meh.
I was not blown away. It was very sweet on me and I definitely didn't get guava. On paper it has a lot more depth but on my skin It's delicious but not to my personal taste. Definitely worth a sample if you like gourmand scents or tend to lean more fruity but want something with more depth. Would make a good evening scent.
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parfumery-wiki · 2 years
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PM (extrait de parfum) Fragrance Du Bois Nose: Shadi Samra
Woody amber
A true “Power Scent” which harks back to the heady days when perfumes could be made with real and powerful ingredients and not guided by budgets and constraints, a new signature scent in the world of haute perfumery.
Embracing clean, spicy junipers, smoky cedarwood and notes of fresh Secret Florals that are exclusive to Fragrance Du Bois.. With a potent pop of the sweetest patchouli and the essence of comforting orris root forming the base, this is a scent for those who like to indulge in the best of everything.
Top notes: Tuberose, Juniper berry, Cardamom, Lemon Heart notes: Patchouli, Leather, Cedarwood, Orris root Base notes: Labdanum, Woody notes, Benzoin, Amber
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salamancialilypad · 1 month
I drew your cat
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nitebloom · 10 months
btw my broke cvs dupe for putain des palaces is layering britney spears fantasy w royal violets the $4 cuban spiritual/baby cologne LOL <3
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
The Last Stand Exam
This file documents the questions administered to the adventuring party known as the Bad Kids during their Last Standard Exam, in their junior year at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. This assessment was produced from a variety of class materials relevant to the curriculum of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy, as submitted to the principal Arthur Aguefort prior to the start of the school year. This list is accompanied by documentation of the creatures the party known as the Bad Kids was required to face as part of the exam.
The exam is graded out of 100 points; the scoring involves the students correctly answering the questions in the appropriate time interval as well as their heroic last stands. The students are expected to simultaneously fight off a horde of creatures and participate in the examination equally; each student in this party must answer two of the twelve questions.
Neither exam aids, nor outside interference are permitted during the examination period--this excludes clerical divine intervention, as appropriately performed by a member of the party in question. By standard, the proctor must be protected--death of the proctor results in a 30 point score reduction regardless of circumstance.
By Solisian School District Standards, this party reports excellent grades and a high level of competency with regard to independent adventuring.* They were allotted a grace period prior to exam initiation for preparatory spellcasting and review of the exam parameters. Based on prior academic achievement**, the students were allowed two chances to defer a question or utilize previous materials in their response. Questions where these materials were used will be marked with a **.
Exam Proctor: Gavin Pundle
Assisting Cleric: Buddy Dawn
Party Members:
Adaine Abernant | Wizard
Kristen Applebees | Cleric
Figueroth Faeth | Bard / Paladin / Warlock / "Barbarian"
Riz Gukgak | Rogue
Fabian Aramais Seacaster | Fighter / Bard
Gorgug Thistlespring | Barbarian / Artificer
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Exam Questions
These will be listed with the appropriate subject as well as the allotted time, and prospective solutions. This is ordered with respect to how the students answered the questions, with the primary respondent indicated.
Investigation: (2 min)
Question: BONY GIRTH
Solution: NIGHT YORB
Primary Respondent: Riz Gukgak
Athletics: (1 min)
Question: What rival Bloodrush team do our beloved Owlbears most often compete against?
A) Buccaneers
B) Hellions
C) Grapplers
D) Scoundrels
Solution: B) Hudol Hellions
Primary Respondent: Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Religion: (1 min)
Question: Which rad Dwarven deity holds dominion over the art of Shredding?
A) Orrie
B) Ollie
C) Ormry
D) Oggie
Solution: B) Ollie
Primary Respondent: Kristen Applebees
Performance: (3 min)
Question: Please compose a limerick, sonnet, or haiku expressing your feelings and emotions relating to the exam you are currently taking.
There was an exam that was hard
But luckily, I am a bard
The demons are slayed
'Cause of how we played
They're hoisted by their own petard
Primary Respondent: Figueroth Faeth
Elven: (1 min)
Question: Please translate the following phrase into Common:
"Pedo Mellon a Minno"
Extra Credit: The word "Mellon" is the root word for which extremely weak form of magic?
Solution: "Speak friends and enter"
Extra Credit Solution: Friendship
Primary Respondent: Adaine Abernant
History: (2 min)
Question: 225 immaculate conceptions occurred on the same day in Solace in reaction to the first public performance of which instrument?
A) The octocord
B) The electric lute
C) The astral piano
D) The hurdy-gurdy
Extra Credit: Nine months later, the newborns were discovered to have been wearing vests in utero. What material were the vests made out of?
Solution: B) The electric lute
Extra Credit Solution: Denim
Primary Respondent: Riz Gukgak
Common: (5 min)
Question: Please write a 300 word essay arguing for a proposed improvement at the aguefort Adventuring Academy in the space provided below.
Solution: We believe a greater amount of our grade should come from the actual good we do in the world. Given the number of times our adventuring party have been put in a situation where the actual fate of our very existence has hung in the balance, it seems only fitting that the result of our efforts impact our academic study. Considering the ultimate goal is to become adventurers, it makes the most sense that actual application of our skills would be most important. If actual adventuring doesn't show our skills, what will? No matter how many class I take, it won't make me a better bard or fighter. I, Fabian Seacaster, son of the great Bill Seacaster, privateer, not pirate... (108)**
Primary Respondent: Fabian Aramais Seacaster
Driver's Ed: (1 min)
Question: What is the proper way to reverse a vehicle's orientation 180 degrees while driving at top speed?
A) Signal the turn correctly
B) Slowly decrease acceleration
C) Engage the emergency brake
D) Rebuild the car facing the other way while driving
Solution: C) Engage the emergency brake
Primary Respondent: Figueroth Faeth
Medicine: (1 min)
Question: What is the most certain way for a wounded adventurer to make a full recovery from even the most grievous injuries?
A) Be healed by a powerful cleric
B) Drink an artifact-level healing potion
C) Receive a greater restoration from a celestial
D) Lie down for eight hours
Solution: D) Lie down for eight hours
Primary Respondent: Kristen Applebees
Arcana: (1 min)
Question: What is the most powerful form of magic?
Extra Credit: What is the easiest object in which to magically trap an opponent?
Solution: Chronomancy
Extra Credit Solution: A Gem
Primary Respondent: Adaine Abernant
Mathematics: (2 min)
Question: Two trains are driving toward one another on the same track. The first train leaves Elmville at 5:05 AM traveling at 60 miles per hour. The second train leaves Bastion City, 135 miles away, at 5:30 AM traveling at 70 miles per hour. What is the exact time that the collision will occur?
Solution: 6:20:46 AM**
Primary Respondent: Gorgug Thistlespring
Biology: (45 sec)
Question: Of the following creatures, which cannot turn its prey into stone?
A) Basilisk
B) Cockatrice
C) Gorgon
D) Manticore
Solution: D) Manticore
Primary Respondent: Gorgug Thistlespring
Written Portion of Exam: Passed (100% + 2 points extra credit)
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Last Stand Monsters
This table documents the monsters faced by the party within the duration of the Last Standard Examination. Note the indicated modifiers for the quantity of enemy combatants and the exam questions.
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Format: Monster - Killing Blow
Otyugh - Fireball from Figueroth Faeth
Ochre Jellies - Fireball from Figueroth Faeth, Word of Radiance from Kristen Applebees
Gorgon - Sneak attack with arquebus from Riz Gukgak
Hydra - Attack with Fandrangor from Fabian Aramais Seacaster + Fire Breath from Hangman
Skeletons - Turn Undead from Kristen Applebees
Mimic - Green Flame Blade from Figueroth Faeth
Manticore - Banishment from Kristen Applebees
Shrimp Dragon - Hellish Rebuke from Figueroth Faeth
Roper - Sneak attack with arquebus from Riz Gukgak
Stirges - Spirit Guardians from Figueroth Faeth
Umber Hulk - Sneak attack with arquebus from Riz Gukgak
Wyvern - Spirit Guardians & Booming Blade from Figueroth Faeth
Crab Man - Attack with Fandrangor from Fabian Aramais Seacaster + Bite Attack from Hangman
Rust Monsters - Spirit Guardians from Figueroth Faeth, Erupting Earth from Adaine Abernant, Fire Breath from Hangman
Pentacorn - Green Flame Blade + Divine Smite from Figueroth Faeth
Purple Worm - Soloed by Gorgug Thistlespring
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Proctor Notes:
Party bard Figueroth Faeth used Disguise Self to assume form of proctor
Proctor attacked by Gorgon, not killed
Significant critical hits throughout combat from Gorgug Thistlespring.
Attendant Cleric Buddy Dawn was killed during the exam by unknown assailants; clarification on this event obtained post-exam and reported to the superintendent.
This party is on record as the first party to complete the Last Standard exam without perishing, thereby understanding Arthur Aguefort's intent for the assessment.
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*Reference files for evaluating adventuring party competency: AAA-BKQ-01-KVX, AAA-BKQ-02-CNK, AAA-BKQ-03-CNY
**This was awarded to Gorgug Thistlespring, for exemplary work as a triple-year artificer student, in addition to the junior year barbarian curriculum
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Plant Correspondences:
This is going to be a long post! This is in no way, a complete list. This is Simply some Popular ones! If you have any other plants, herbs, or flowers you’re curious about, List them in the comments below!
Edit to add: Huckleberry! HUCKLEBERRY (Leaves): Good Fortune, Luck, Dream Work
TREES: • ACACIA ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Visions, Wealth, Protection, Blessings • ALDER ~ Banishing, Transformation, Truth, Power of Water, Intuition • APPLE ~ Dream Work, Enchantment, Fertility, Love, Luck, Harmony • BIRCH ~ Reduces anxiety, Defensive Magick, Increases concentration, Creativity • CEDAR ~ Afterlife, Clairvoyance, Breaks Hexes, Psychic Ability • CYPRESS ~ Binding, Defensive Magick, Comfort, Mental Power, Wisdom • ELDER~ Grounding, Healing, Love, Magickal Power, Success • ELM ~ Intuition, Love, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Stability • JUNIPER ~ Fertility, Happiness, Protection, Optimism, Spirits, Strength • OAK ~ Confidence, Justice, Luck, Money, Success, Independence, Wealth • PINE ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Hope, Prosperity, Self-Work, Releasing • ROWAN ~ Astral Realm, Devotion, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Visions, Spirits • WILLOW ~ Moon Magick, Moon Power, Protection, Knowledge, Fertility • WITCH HAZEL ~ Healing, Inspiration, Willpower, Fidelity, Wisdom
HERBS & FLOWERS: • AGRIMONY ~ Harmony, Healing, Breaking Hexes, Dream Work, Protection • ALLSPICE~ Business, Luck, Success, Kindness, Money • ANGELICA ~ Repels Negativity, Divination, Purification, Success, • ANISE ~ Balance, Energy, Harmony, Purification, Well-Being • BASIL ~ Psychic Ability, Love (Reconciliation), Money, Messages/Omens • BELLADONNA ~ Imagination, Night Magick, Visions, Astral Realm • BETONY ~ Solving Problems, Security, Decreases Anxiety, Protection • BORAGE ~ Beginnings, Business success, Skills, Courage, Awareness • BLUEBELL ~ Kindness, Luck, Love, Manifestation, Overcoming Obstacles • CARNATION ~ Deep Love, Beauty, Communication, Fertility, Harmony, Emotions • CATNIP ~ Love, Luck, Psychic Ability, Spirits, Prevents Nightmares • CHAMOMILE ~ Blessings, Calming, Reduces Anger & Anxiety, Money, Luck • CINNAMON ~ Wealth, Money, Security, Luck, Desire, Attraction, Peace • CLOVE ~ Divination, Prosperity, Psychic Ability, Success, Truth, Visions • CLOVER ~ Grounding, Luck, Marriage, Prosperity, Success, Spiritual Balance • CUMIN ~ Fidelity, Harmony, The Home, Longevity, Love, Repels Negativity • DAFFODIL ~ Afterlife, Fairies, Love (Unrequited), Security, Spirits, Calming • DANDELION ~ Clairvoyance, Clarity, Divination, Communication, Spirits • DILL ~ Defensive Magick, Breaking Hexes, Love, Lust, Sex Magick, Money • FENNEL ~ Blessings, Repels Evil & Negative Energy (from entering the home) • FEVERFEW ~ Healing, Heartbreak, Love, Protection, Strength, Purification • GARLIC ~Banishing, Justice, Protection, Breaking Hexes, Release, Security • GINGER ~ Money, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Moon Magick, Unity, Success • HENBANE (highly poisonous) ~ Astral Realm, Divination, Love (Attract) • HONEYSUCKLE ~ Affection, Destiny, Happiness, Love, Peace, Well-Being • IVY ~ Attraction, Marriage, Love, Stability, Transformation, Fidelity, Omens • LAVENDER ~ Reduces Anger and Anxiety, Love, Manifestation, Luck, Rebirth • LEMON BALM ~ Business Success, Calming, Clarity, Fertility, Relationships • MANDRAKE (Poisonous) ~ Desire, Courage, spirits, Wealth, Omens, Bind • MISTLETOE (Poisonous) ~ Beginnings, Blessings, Business, Luck • MOONWORT ~ Clairvoyance, Divination, Love, Moon Magick, Money • MUGWORT ~ Spirits, Psychic Ability, Astral Realm, Awareness, Psychic Energy • NETTLE ~ Healing, Justice, Luck, Protection, Courage, Confidence • NUTMEG ~ Life, Luck, Love, Money, Power, Attract, Psychic Ability, Divination • ORRIS ROOT~ Astral, Protection, Relationships, Love, Sexual Attraction • PATCHOULI ~ Manifestation, Peace, Luck, Love (Attract), Money, Business • PEPPER ~ Motivation, Lust, Justice, Bind, Security, Strength • PEPPERMINT ~ Dream Work, Divination, Luck, Money, Visions, Healing • ROSE ~ Fertility, Family, Blessings, Love, Luck, Happiness, Beginnings • ROSEMARY ~ Psychic Ability, Psychic Protection, Inner Power, Luck, Afterlife • SAGE ~ Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Visions, Clears Negativity, Business • SANDALWOOD ~ Focus, Concentration, Success, Luck, Moon Magick, Blessings • ST. JOHN'S WORT ~ Strength, Power, Money, Consecrate/Bless, Prosperity • SNAPDRAGON ~ Clairaudience, Emotions, Money, Protection, Assertiveness • STAR ANISE ~ Divination, Psychic Ability, Purification, Consecrate/ Bless • STRAWBERRY ~ Beauty, Desire, Luck, Love, Relationships, Divination • SUNFLOWER ~ Clarity, Dream Work, Solar Energy, Light, Peace, Money, Luck • THYME ~ Healing, Happiness, Increasing, Rebirth, Protection, Calming • WORMWOOD ~ Clairvoyance, Dream Work, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Spirits • YARROW ~ Defense, Banishing, Heartbreak, Marriage, Healing, Release, Strength
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ad-caelestia · 17 days
Botanicals by purpose [long post]
Attraction: adam & eve root, agar, allspice, almond, aloe, althea root, ambergris, angelica, apple, apricot, balm of gilead tears, basil, bay laurel, bee pollen, benzoin, bergamot, bistort, blackberry, bladderwrack, blue violet, buckeye, catnip, cedar, chamomile, chickweed, clover, cloves, columbine, cotton, cowslip, damiana, deer's tongue, dill, elecampane, eucalyptus, evening primrose, frangipani, gardenia, henna, hibiscus, honey, honeysuckle, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, job's tears, juniper, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena [vervain], licorice, lobelia, lovage, mandrake, marigold, marjoram, may flowers, morning glory, mullein, myrtle, nutmeg, oak, olive, orange, orange blossom (neroli), orris root, parsley, passion flower, peony, periwinkle, pineapple, plumeria, safflower, sassafras, strawberry, sweet bugle, sweet pea, thyme, tonka bean, tuberose, vetiver, wheat, yellow dock, yerba mate, ylang ylang 
Banishing: basil, betel nut, black pepper, black salt, cayenne pepper, chamomile, cactus, cloves, dragon's blood, elder, garlic, heliotrope, horehound, juniper, morning glory, mullein, mugwort, oleander, onion, rosemary, rue, sage, sea salt, st. john's wort, thyme, tobacco, vinegar, wood betony, yarrow flower 
Beauty: avocado, beet, catnip, chamomile, evening primrose, flax, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, henna, lady's mantle, lemon, lilac, lucky hand (orchid root), magnolia, maidenhair, myrtle, orange, orange blossom (neroli), orchid, pea, prune, rose, sunflower, violet, yerba santa 
Binding: agrimony, buttercup [crowfoot], calamus, hydrangea, ivy, knotweed, morning glory, skullcap, snapdragon, solomon's seal, spanish moss, spiderwort, vinegar, witch hazel 
Cleansing/purification: angelica, anise seeds, black pepper, cayenne, cedar, citronella, cloves, coconut, dragon's blood, fennel, fern, frankincense, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, guava, honey, horehound, horseradish, hyssop, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, lemon verbena [vervain], lime, marjoram, melon, mesquite, parsley, peppermint, pine, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, sea salt, solomon's seal root, tangerine, thyme, turmeric, vinegar, yucca 
Confidence: basil, bergamot, bindweed, cardamom, cedar, celandine, cinquefoil, coconut, cypress, dogwood, ginger, grapefruit, honeysuckle, motherwort, nutmeg, orange, orange blossom (neroli), sunflower, tobacco, yarrow flower 
Courage: acorn, allspice, basil, bergamot, blue violet, borage (starflower), cardamom, cinnamon, citronella, cloves, clover, columbine, dragon's blood, eyebright, fennel, frankincense, garlic, geranium, iris, ivy, mullein, musk, mustard seed, oak, pokeweed, ragweed, raspberry, rose, rosemary, st. john's wort, sweet pea, tarragon, thyme, turmeric, yarrow flower 
Creativity: citronella, dragon's blood, fig, lavender, lemon verbena [vervain], orange, pomegranate, rosemary, tangerine, valerian, wild cherry bark, willow, yellow pepper 
Cursing: angelica, asafoetida, bayberry, bindweed, blackberry root, black salt, bladderwrack, bloodroot, blueberry, boneset, chicory, chili powder, cinquefoil, cloves, cramp bark, dragon's blood, hemlock, henbane, jezebel root, knot weed, lemon, lemon verbena [vervain], lime, mace, mandrake, mullein, mustard seed, myrrh, belladonna (nightshade), onion, patchouli, poke root, poppy seed, rue, spanish moss, slippery elm, stinging nettle, sumac, tormentil, vetiver, wormwood (absinthe), yew, yohimbe bark 
Divination: almond, angelica, anise seeds, arrow root, basil, bay leaf, catnip, cedar, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clary sage, cloves, copal, dandelion, elder, frankincense, garlic, hazel, holly, honeysuckle, iris root, lavender, lemongrass, lilac, maple, meadowsweet, mugwort, myrrh, nutmeg, onion, orange, parsley, peppermint, pine, pomegranate, poppy seeds, rose, rowan, safflower, sage, sandalwood, star anise, sunflower, thyme, uva ursi, willow, wormwood (absinthe), yarrow flower 
Dreams: anise seeds, bay leaf, buchu, catnip, chamomile, cinquefoil, damiana, dandelion root, elder, goosegrass, grapes, heliotrope, hibiscus, holly, hops, hyacinth, jasmine, lavender, lemon verbena [vervain], lovage, mandrake, marigold, marjoram, mimosa, mugwort, mullein, onion, peppermint, rose, rosemary, sage, st. john's wort, star anise, thyme, valerian, violet, wood betony, yarrow flower 
Energy: allspice, aloe, amber, angelica, belladonna (nightshade), black walnut, carrot, centaury, cherry bark, coffee, cowslip, cramp bark, daffodil, damiana, dragon's blood, fig, frankincense, ham, hawthorn, lovage, mint, oregano, paprika, parsley, peppermint, red pepper, sage, sandalwood, spinach, sunflower, tangerine, vanilla, walnut 
Fidelity: cardamom, chili pepper, clover, cumin, hydrangea, licorice root, magnolia bark, olive, rhubarb, rye, vetch, yerba mate
Fertility: acorn, apple, banana, barley, birch, bistort, cabbage, carrot, celery, chickweed, cucumber, cyclamen, daffodil, egg, fenugreek, fig, ginkgo biloba, grapes, hawthorn, hay, hazelnut, ivy, lily, mandrake, mistletoe, mugwort, mulberry, mustard seed, myrtle, oak, olive leaf, palm, parsley, patchouli, peach, pomegranate, poppy seeds, pork, prickly ash bark, rhubarb, rice, rye, sesame seed, shave grass, squaw vine, walnut, watercress, wheat, yellow dock, yohimbe bark 
Happiness: anise, apple, azalea, banyan, bee pollen, beech, catnip, cherry, cumin, cyclamen, fern, geranium, hawthorn, honey, honeysuckle, hyacinth, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lily, lily of the valley, marjoram, meadowsweet, orange, orange blossom (neroli), palm, peach, persimmon, quince, rose, saffron, st. john's wort, witches grass (dog grass) 
Healing: adder's tongue, african violet, agrimony, allspice, almond, angelica, apple, arrow root, aspen, balm of gilead tears, barley, bay leaf, bayberry, belladonna, blackberry, calamus, carnation, cedar, chamomile, chia, chickweed, cinnamon, cotton, cucumber, cypress, dandelion leaf, eucalyptus, fennel, feverfew, flax seed, gardenia, garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, goldenseal, hops, horse chestnut [buckeye], ivy, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena [vervain], melon, mesquite, mint, mistletoe, myrrh, olive leaf, peppermint, persimmon, pineapple, plantain, plum, potato, raspberry leaf, rose hips, rosemary, rowan, rue, saffron, sage, sandalwood, sassafras, saw palmetto, spearmint, thistle, white willow bark, willow, wood betony, yarrow flower, yerba santa 
Hex-breaking: asafoetida, bamboo, chili pepper, datura, galangal, holy thistle, huckleberry, hydrangea, mimosa, nutmeg, papaya, peony, pokeroot, prickly ash bark, rue, squill, thistle, toadflax, true unicorn root, vetiver, wintergreen, witches grass (dog grass), yew, yucca 
Invisibility: aconite (wolfsbane, monkshood), amaranth, black haw, cherry bark, chicory, fig, heliotrope, poppy seeds, sow thistle, tansy  
Legal matters: buckthorn, calendula flower, cascara, celandine, galangal, hickory, lovage, marigold, skunk cabbage, tobacco 
Love: acacia, allspice (pimento), apple, apricot, avocado, balm of gilead, barley, basil, beans, beetroot, bloodroot, buttercup [crowfoot], cabbage, cardamom, celery, cherry, chestnut, chickweed, chili peppers, cilantro [coriander], coltsfoot, copal, corn, cornflower, daffodil, dates, dogbane, dragon's blood, elm, fig, gardenia, geranium, ginseng, grapes, henbane, hibiscus, high john, honeydew, hyacinth, indian paintbrush, job's tears, juniper, kiwi, lady's mantle, lavender, leek, lemon, lemon balm, lemon verbena [vervain], lettuce, lime, liverwort, lobelia, lovage, maidenhair, mandrake, mango, maple, marjoram, marshmallow, meadowsweet, mint, mistletoe, moonwort, mullein, mushrooms, myrrh, myrtle, nectarine, nuts, orange, orchid, orris root, pansy, papaya, parsley, pea, peach, pear, peppermint, periwinkle, plum, quassia, quince, radish, raspberry, rose, rosemary, rue, rye, saffron, southern wood, spearmint, spiderwort, st. john's wort, strawberry, sugarcane, tangerine, thyme, tomato, turnip, vanilla, vetiver, willow, witches grass (dog grass), wood betony, wormwood (absinthe), yams, yarrow, yerba mate 
Luck: acorn, agrimony, allspice (pimento), anise seeds, arrow root, bamboo, banana, bay leaf, cabbage, calamus, caraway, carrot, cassia, chamomile, cinnamon, corn, cotton, daffodil, dill, dragon's blood, fern, frankincense, galangal, hazelnut, kumquat, lucky hand (orchid root), nutmeg, orange, parsley, pear, peppermint, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranate, poppy seeds, red clover, rose, rue, star anise, strawberry, sunflower, vanilla, vetiver, violet, yarrow flower 
Manifestation/power: acorn, bamboo, balm of gilead, bergamot, black haw, carnation, cayenne, cedar, cinnamon, cinquefoil, club moss, dittany, ebony, echinacea, frankincense, gentian, ginger, goldenseal, lady's mantle, mastic, mugwort, myrrh, rowan, sandalwood, st. john's wort, star anise, sunflower, witches burr, wormwood (absinthe) 
Meditation: acacia, anise seeds, angelica, chamomile, copal, cypress, dittany, eucalyptus, frankincense, jasmine, lemon verbena, lotus, mugwort, myrrh, nutmeg, parsley, patchouli, red willow bark, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, thyme  
Mental clarity: amber, basil, cardamom, cloves, fern, eyebright, ginkgo biloba, lavender, lemongrass, mulberry, rosemary, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, willow 
Mental power: caraway, celery, coffee, eyebright, fenugreek, grapes, hazelnut, horehound, lily of the valley, mace, mustard, periwinkle, raisins, rosemary, rue, sage, summer savory, spearmint, vanilla, walnut, watercress, yellow pepper 
Peace: aloe, apple, apricot, basil, blueberry, brussel sprouts, celery, chamomile, cilantro [coriander], coffee, coltsfoot, cornflower, cucumber, cumin, fig, gardenia, heather, hyacinth, jasmine, kola nut, lavender, lemon verbena [vervain], lettuce, lily of the valley, lime, magnolia flowers, maidenhair, marigold, meadowsweet, myrrh, myrtle, narcissus, olive leaf, orange, orange blossom (neroli), oregano, passion flower, passion fruit, pea, pennyroyal, peppermint, plum, rhubarb, rose, sage, skullcap, sweetgrass, tobacco, tuberose, valerian, violet, willow, ylang ylang 
Prosperity/wealth: alfalfa, allspice, almond, banana, barley, basil, bay leaf, beef, bergamot, blackberry, bladderwrack, cashew, chamomile, cinnamon, cinquefoil, citronella, coltsfoot, comfrey, dill, eggplant, fenugreek, flax, fumitory, galangal, ginger, goldenrod, goldenseal, grains, grapes, green pepper, high john, honeysuckle, horse chestnut [buckeye], hyssop, irish moss, jasmine, kumquat, lavender, lemon verbena, lucky hand, mandrake, maple, marigold, mint, moss, myrtle, oak, oats, onion, orange, patchouli, pea, peanut, pear, pecan, pine, pineapple, pine nut, pineapple, pomegranate, poppy seeds, red clover, rice, sesame, snakeroot, spinach, tangerine, tomato, wheat, woodruff 
Protection: acacia (gum arabic), aconite (wolfsbane, monkshood), acorn, african violet, aloe, amber, angelica, anise seeds, ash, bamboo, barley, basil, bay leaf, belladonna, bergamot, black haw (devil's shoestring), black pepper, blackberry, blessed thistle, bloodroot, blue violet, blueberry, boneset, brimstone (sulfur powder), buckwheat, cactus, calamus, calendula, carnation, caraway, catnip, cedar, chia, chives, chrysanthemum, cilantro [coriander], cinnamon, cloves, clover, coconut, comfrey, corn, cotton, cramp bark, cranberry, cumin, curry, cypress, dandelion root, datura, devil's bit, devil's claw, dill, dogwood, dragon's blood, ebony, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, fern, feverfew, fleabane, foxglove, frankincense, gardenia, garlic, geranium, ginger, ginseng, heather, heliotrope, henna, hickory, high john the conqueror, holly, horseradish, irish moss, ivy, juniper, kava kava, kelp, lady slipper, larch, larkspur, laurel, lavender, leek, lemon verbena [vervain], lettuce, lime, lotus, mandrake, marigold, marjoram, marshmallow root, mimosa, mint, mistletoe, mullein, nutmeg, oak moss, olive leaf, onion, papyrus, peat moss, peony, pimpernel, pineapple, plantain, quince, radish, raspberry leaf, rhubarb, rice, rowan, rue, sandalwood, saw palmetto, sea salt, slippery elm, snapdragon, solomon's seal, spanish moss, spearmint, st. john's wort, straw flower, sunflower, tangerine, thistle, valerian, venus fly trap, violet, witch hazel, wood aloe, woodruff, wormwood (absinthe), yerba santa, yew, yucca 
Psychic abilities: acacia (gum arabic), ambergris, anise seeds, arnica flowers, bay leaf, bistort, bladderwrack, borage (starflower), buchu, butcher's broom, calendula, camphor, celery/celery seed, cinnamon, coconut, damiana, deer's tongue, eyebright, fish, galangal, honeysuckle, kava kava, kelp, lemon balm, lemongrass, lotus, lovage, marshmallow root, mulberry, mugwort, mushrooms, myrrh, rowan, saffron, sage, star anise, tuberose, uva ursi, wisteria, yarrow flower, yerba santa 
Relaxation/calming: basil, blue violet, cauliflower, cedar, chamomile, cucumber, cypress, hops, hyssop, juniper, kava kava, kola nut, lavender, lemon balm, lily of the valley, lime, mandarin, mugwort, narcissus, orange blossom (neroli), parsley, passion flower, rose, tuberose, skullcap, st. john's wort, valerian, vanilla, ylang ylang  
Spell-breaking: ague, angelica, asafoetida, bamboo, basil, bay leaf, benzoin, boneset, brimstone (sulfur powder), burdock, chili pepper, cinquefoil, comfrey, datura, frankincense, galangal, garlic, geranium, holy thistle, huckleberry, hydrangea, iris root (orris root), lemon verbena [vervain], lilac, lily, lucky hand (orchid root), myrrh, oak moss, onion, oregano, patchouli, rue, safflower, solomon's seal, st. john's wort, stinging nettle, squill, thistle, toadflax, turmeric, vetiver, willow, wormwood (absinthe), yarrow flower 
Strength: balsam, bay leaf, beef, bee pollen, blessed thistle, borage (starflower), broccoli, calamus, calendula flower, camphor, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, dates, echinacea, endives, fennel, fig, gentian, ginger, heliotrope, high john, irish moss, leek, lime, marjoram, milk thistle, mulberry, oak, oak moss, orchid, oregano, parsley, pennyroyal, pine, pine nut, red peppers, saffron, sow thistle, spearmint, st. john's wort, stinging nettle, tangerine, tea leaves, thyme, tobacco, vanilla, willow, wood betony 
Success: angelica, apple, basil, bay leaf, benzoin, cedar, cinnamon, frankincense, garlic, ginger, high john, lemon balm, lemon verbena [vervain], lucky hand (orchid root), marigold, mistletoe, mustard, myrrh, oak, onion, sandalwood, solomon's seal, st. john's wort, strawberry, sunflower, valerian, vetiver, wood aloe 
Wisdom: acacia, acorn, almond, angelica, bay leaf, benzoin, cassia, cinnamon, cinquefoil, elder, frankincense, goosegrass, hazelnut, honey, iris, lilac, milk thistle, mulberry, peach, oak, sage, solomon's seal, sunflower 
Wishes: bamboo, bat's head root, bay leaf, beech, black walnut, blowball, buckthorn, dandelion leaf/root, dogwood, ginseng, job's tears, lotus root, peppermint, pomegranate, sage, sandalwood, spearmint, star anise, sunflower, tonka bean, walnut, willow
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drenched-in-sunlight · 9 months
all the love songs this world has to offer (not a single one is written for me)
- Rusty/621
- ABO verse
- Take place after the “Unknown Territory Survey” mission
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Extra of extra: heliotrope and orris roots are base notes of Jo Malone’s “Mallow on the Moor” perfume. It’s kinda flowery but in a grassy way, as my little sister put it.
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bebemoon · 4 hours
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look for the name CHEYANNE (requested by @dreamsofalife) | rosie evans super soft machine knit woollen playsuit w/ hand crocheted neckline, kapital japan button-up jacket in beige (c. 199o's), clyde "dia" wide brim woven seagrass sun hat w/ ties, perfumehead "cosmic cowboy" eau de parfum (cinnamon, galbanum, orris butter, angelica root, tobacco, whisky, amber, black musk, suede and white cocoa), r13 slouchy low rider cowboy boots
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loveofdetail · 11 months
bg3 companions fragrance headcanons because of course i was going to make this post eventually
Shadowheart: Anything heady and lush. We're talking your jasmine amber incense bombs. Patchouli, rose, vanilla, clove and anise, chocolate, a touch of aldehydes for sparkle. She wears perfume to Turn Heads and Make Statements and it works.
Karlach: She likes cheap fruity body sprays and has no desire for anything more "sophisticated"
Wyll: Warm, sweet, woody, and spicy. Gourmands but the more sophisticated kind of gourmands. While he does not wear overtly floral-forward perfumes he DOES love when floral notes play a supporting role. Signature scent: Au Coeur du Désert by Tauer Perfumes
Astarion: Bracing greens. Scents that are so herbal they can edge into bitter/medicinal. Leather as a base note. He would put substantial effort into trying to find a mint perfume that Does It Right instead of smelling like toothpaste or vaporub.
Minthara: Understated and androgynous aquatic, ozonic, mineralic, soapy scents. Signature scent: Narciso Rodriguez For Him
Lae'zel: I honestly don't think she would be interested in scenting herself however she WOULD appreciate when someone else is wearing something bold and daring. If a perfume has a reputation of being "love it or hate it" she probably loves it.
Halsin: Okay this is probably gonna be my most controversial take on this list but I think he would wear macy's fragrance counter fuckboi scents BUT CRUCIALLY he inexplicably pulls it off and they always smell AMAZING on him.
Gale: He likes very complex perfumes where it's hard to identify individual notes because they are just that exquisitely blended and balanced. Also he's rather old-fashioned. Gravitates toward things like oakmoss, labdanum, orris root, civet—basically a greatest hits list of Classic Perfumery even though the average person has no idea what they smell like.
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galacticnikki · 1 month
A Baby Witch's First Grimoire
Grimoire Entry 14 - Protection Herbs
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African Violet
Ague Root
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Balm of Gilead
Betony, Wood
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Cascara Sagrada
Club Moss
Cohosh, Black
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Devil's Bit
Devil's Shoestring
Dragon's Blood
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Irish Moss
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Lady's Slippers
Lucky Hand
Meadow Rue
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Norfolk Island Pine
Pilot Weed
Plum Purslane
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Rattlesnake Root
St. John's Wort
Spanish Moss
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Venus' Fly Trap
Wax Plant
Witch's Hazel
Wolf's Bane
Yerba Santa
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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1ovede1uxe · 2 months
what designer scents would the jojos wear?
about a year ago now I posted one of my first headcanons, which was the bath and body works scents of the animated jojos. i now give you, the classy, upscale, version of whatever was running through my head then
jonathan joestar - gentleman (1974) by givenchy
top notes: honey, cinnamon, rose, tarragon, bergamot, and lemon
middle notes: patchouli, cedar, orris root, and jasmine
base notes: patchouli, leather, civet, oakmoss, vetiver, musk, amber and vanilla
this scent has an air of elegance to it, while still having a warm and rich feeling. it's a timeless scent that never goes out of style. the recent reformulation has it drying down stronger honey-wise, but that's alright, because like jonathan, its got that sweet side. the leather also gives it the "manly" vibe too. overall, it's cozy, elegant, and the scent of a true gentleman like jonathan.
young joseph joestar - dior sauvage
top notes: calabrian bergamot, pepper
middle notes: sichuan pepper, lavender, pink pepper, vetevier, patchouli, germanium, elemi
base notes: ambroxan, cedar, labdanum
if you know anything about this fragrance, you'll know why it's fitting. to me, it really smells like a muskier axe body spray, but a lot of people really like it and claim it's overhated, and here i am giving it to my favorite joestar. he definitely thinks it makes him smell rich and suave and maybe even elegant (because its dior), but he really smells like most of the other guys his age at the club. caesar absolutely clowns him for it, but he doesn't care. this scent comes on strong, some people dig it, some don't, just like joseph.
old joseph joestar - maison martin margiela "replica" jazz club
top notes: pink pepper, neroli, lemon
middle notes: rum, java vetiver oil, clary sage
base notes: tobacco leaf, vanilla bean, styrax
after many years of sauvage, holly came along and got a nose full of it when joseph picked her up, she called out how strong it was and made her nose itchy, and he needed to switch it up because anything to make his little girl happy! this scent is a bit different, leaning more towards his grandfather's choices in the warm and sweetness, but it still has that bite of pink pepper right at that front, you know it's still the same joseph you know and love. a more mature perfume for a more mature man, but still has an air of fun to it.
jotaro kujo - armani acqua di gio
top notes: lemon, lime, bergamot, jasmine, orange, mandarin orange, neroli
middle notes: "sea notes," calone, jasmine, rosemary, peach, freesia, hyacinth, cyclamen, violet, coriander, rose, nutmeg, mignonette
base notes: musk, cedar, oak moss, patchouli, amber
this applies to all parts y'all! his mommy got it for him as a stocking stuffer for christmas and not once has he ever changed it out. it smells fresh and clean without the overbearing spices, and the warmth of musk and amber balances out the citrus and florals, creating a timeless scent. it's quite popular among men, but jotaro doesn't really care, he likes it. the sea notes also fit well with the marine biology. when he's young, he uses it only for important events, but as he ages (and has more money) he finds himself reaching for it more and more often.
josuke higashikata - terre d'hermès
top notes: orange, grapefruit
middle notes: pepper, pelargonium, flint
base notes: vetiver, cedar, patchouli, benzoin
he's gotta spend that lotto money on something! or dad's money! like his father once did, he wants a scent that makes him seem rich and suave and awesome, however, josuke has a little more fun with it as that initial bite is not with pepper, but a bitter citrus. the spices still just tickle the nose, delivering a balanced, smooth, blend. he may have even taken notes from jotaro's citrus scent as well, who's to say? its got a vintage flair, but it still feels modern, its just an overall unique scent, you're not gonna find anyone else wearing something like this.
giorno giovanna - versace pour homme
top notes: lemon, bergamot, neroli, rose de mai
middle notes: hyacinth, cedar, clary sage, geranium
bottom notes: tonka bean, musk, amber
this versatile and underrated scent i feel gives the perfect scent profile for giorno. it may not be overly extravagant, but understated elegance is precisely what makes it so endlessly enjoyable. it can be worn day or night, dressed up or down, and its versatility makes it great for whatever he may do. i had said in my bath and body works post a while ago he'd reserve designer cologne for occasions, but thinking about it now, this is something he'd wear on the daily.
jolyne kujo - gucci flora gorgeous gardenia
top notes: pear blossom, red berries, italian mandarin
middle notes: gardenia, jasmine, frangipani
bottom notes: brown sugar, patchouli
i had a couple ideas for jolyne, but i ended up picking gucci because i thought of the jojo x gucci collab and felt it was perfect. this scent doesn't overpower, but is still captivating in its own unique way. the sweetness of the top notes combined with the white florals offers a fresh scent always is going to turn heads. jolyne is a creative and smart character and does things in her own way, and quite honestly, i feel like this blend reflects that. not much else to it.
i hope you all enjoyed :D i'm thinking about posting a version of this for the jobros too
masterlist <3
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astra-ravana · 2 months
Magickal Herb Sets
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Road Opener
• Yarrow
• Garlic
• Ferns
• Mallow
• Lemon Balm
• Mint
• Parsley
• Rosehips
• Rosemary
• Valerian
• Verbena
• Abre Camino
• Pine
• Five Finger Grass
• Allspice
• High John
• Basil
Astral Projection
• Wormwood
• Blue Lotus
• Mugwort
• Huckleberry
• Bakana
• Valerian
• Narrow-leaf Heimia
• Wild Asparagus Root
• Ginkgo Bilboa
• Damiana
• Lo John Root
• Huperzine-A
• Frankincense
• Nutmeg
• Xhosa Dream Root
• Eyebright
• Calea-Zacatechichi
• Acacia
• Star Anise
• Borage
• Ground Ivy
• Benzoin
• Lemongrass
• Celery
• Althea
• Bistort
• Orris Root
• Goldenrod
• Elecampane
• Agrimony
• Mullein
• Flaxseed
• Broom
• Camphor
Personal Power
• Chrysanthemum
• Aloe Vera
• Eucalyptus
• Peppermint
• Amber
• Cumin
• Bamboo
• Kava
• Calamus Root
• Passionflower
• Ashwegandha
• Bacopa
• Mustard Seed
• Turmeric
• Patchouli
• Shankapushpi
• Dog Rose
• Bay Leaves
• Cannabis
• Holy Basil
• Balm of Gilead
• Dandelion
• Cinnamon
• Lavender
• White Sage
• Lion's Tail
• Dittany of Crete
• Tears of Chios
• Roses
• Saffron
• Irish Moss
• Jasmine
• Alfalfa
• Ginger
For the Fae
• Blue Bell
• Vervain
• Elderberries
• Foxglove
• Honeysuckle
• Hawthorne
• Thyme
• Apple
• Fig
• Primrose
• Orchid
• Rowan
• Echinacea
• Clover
• Mistletoe
• Poppie
• Oak
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the-mortuary-witch · 4 months
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ABUNDANCE: anise seed, bay leaves, bay laurel, basil, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, coriander, ginger, juniper berry, lemongrass, nutmeg, and St. John’s wort. 
AVOIDING DANGER: bay laurel, garlic, holly, mistletoe, parsley, rue, sage, St. John’s wort, thyme, and witch hazel. 
ACTIVATE ENERGY: ashwagandha, astragalus, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, gotu kola, guarana, licorice root, maca, muira puama, panax ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra powder, stinging nettle, Siberian motherwort, tribulus, and white peony. 
ANXIETY: ashwagandha, chamomile, California poppy, catnip, golden root, holy basil, kava, lavender, lemon balm, oat straw, passion flower, skullcap, valerian root, wood betony, wild lettuce, lemon verbena, valerian, ginger root, celery, jojoba, and ginger root. 
ASTRAL TRAVEL: blue lotus, Mexican dream herb, mugwort, African dream root, wormwood, skullcap, yopo, belladonna, henbane, sage of the seers, nutmeg, cannabis, kanna, thorn-apple, blue tea, and calamus. 
AWARENESS: blue vervain, brain tonic, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, holy basil, lemon balm, lion's tail, oat straw, rhodiola rosea, and rosemary. 
ANIMALS (TO WORK WITH): catnip, mugwort, parsley, rose, sage, wormwood, devil's claw, dittany of Crete, horsetail, mullein, plantain, thyme, and yarrow.
BALANCING: ashwagandha, chamomile, kava, lemon balm, passion flower, rhodiola rosea, schizandra, ginseng, valerian, wood netony, chaste tree berry, damiana, hops, angelica sinensis, ginkgo biloba, kratom, maca, St. John’s wort, niacin, and Siberian motherwort. 
BANISHING: mugwort, angelica, hyssop, verbena, peppermint, mint, yarrow, wormwood, parsley, oregano, sage, rosemary, lavender, bay leaf, thyme, patchouli, eucalyptus, pine, St. John's wort, and basil. 
BINDING: bindweed, cannabis, rose thorns, stinging nettle, vervain, yarrow, devil’s shoestring, mugwort, catnip, dandelion, dill, skullcap, rose, and cardamom. 
BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT: alfalfa, allspice, basil, cayenne powder, cinnamon, cloves, dill, pecans, rosemary, and turmeric. 
CALM AND SOOTHE: lemon balm, chamomile, passionflower, lavender, ashwagandha, kava, valerian, St. John’s wort, holy basil, melisa, rhodiola, hops, skullcap, ginseng, and turmeric. 
CHALLENGES / DIFFICULTIES: skullcap, ashwagandha, bacopa, chamomile, passionflower, rhodiola, valerian, St. John’s wort, holy basil, lemon balm, nettle, oat straw, rehmannia, schisandra, and ginseng. 
CHANGES / TRANSLATIONS: dandelion root, ashwagandha, reishi, holy basil, ginseng, alfalfa, nettle, burdock root, and oat straw. 
CLARITY: ginger, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, ashwagandha, bacopa monnieri, rhodiola, green tea, ginseng, dandelion root, holy basil, rosemary, tulsi, brahmi, skullcap, oat straw, and lingzhi. 
CONFIDENCE: peppermint, St. John’s wort, lavender, lemon balm, passionflower, valerian root, bay leaves, cedar, cloves, coconut, ginger, ginseng, hops, honeysuckle, California poppy, fennel seeds, nutmeg, orris root, red clover, rosemary, and yarrow. 
COURAGE: rosemary, calamus, borage, yarrow, sage, milky oats, ashwagandha, cacao, pepper, nettle, basil, chives, horseradish, skullcap, ginger, brahmi, dandelion, St. John’s wort, lemon balm, passionflower, rhodiola, oat straw, lingzhi, ginseng, and tulsi. 
CREATIVITY: damiana, sage, ashwagandha, bacopa, lavender, passionflower, calamus, gotu kola, lemon balm, ginkgo, green tea, mugwort, cumin, ginger, cannabis, basil, and coriander. 
DEATH / ANCESTORS / AFTERLIFE: rosemary, chamomile, lavender, parsley, wormwood, pine, cannabis, mugwort, bay leaves, cedar, belladonna, angel’s trumpet, and wolfsbane. 
DIVINATION: wormwood, mugwort, datura, deadly nightshade, morning glory, valerian, skullcap, blue lotus, wormwood, belladonna, mugwort, and black cohosh. 
DREAMWORK: mugwort, chamomile, lavender, valerian, lemon balm, catnip, yarrow, passionflower, motherwort, and betony. 
FEAR (TO SUBDUE): lavender, chamomile, kava, valerian, passionflower, skullcap, lemon balm, hops, catnip, ashwagandha, and theanine. 
FERTILITY: maca, ashwagandha, black cohosh, red clover, chasteberry, peony, raspberry, cinnamon, shatavari, dong quai, ginseng, liquorice, nettles, saw palmetto, milk thistle, false unicorn, motherwort, and shilajit. 
FIDELITY: bay leaves, chasteberry, white horehound, lady's mantle, jasmine, catnip, vervain, St. John’s wort, damiana, yohimbe, and wood betony. 
FOCUS / CONCENTRATION: ginkgo biloba, rosemary, peppermint, bacopa, gotu kola, waterhyssop, sceletium tortuosum, green tea, and theanine. 
FORGIVENESS: rue, chamomile, rosemary, lemon balm, rose, linden, sage, lavender, valerian, holy basil, yarrow, skullcap, and St. John’s wort. 
FRIENDSHIP: alstroemeria, Adam’s needle, ivy, zinnias, chamomile, tulips, iris, geraniums, calla lilies, thyme, basil, marjoram, dill, sage, bamboo, lemon verbena, hibiscus, jasmine, elderflower, aloe vera, cactus, jade plant, daises, forget-me-nots, sunflower, sweet pea, hydrangea, peace lilies, and yarrow. 
GRIEF / SORROW (TO DEAL WITH): lemon balm, St. John’s wort, valerian, lavender, motherwort, hawthorn, rose, tulsi, passionflower, ashwagandha, basil, milky oats, linden, mimosa, skullcap, and oatstraw. 
GROUND AND CENTRE ENERGY: holy basil, chamomile, passionflower, lavender, rose, ginger root, cinnamon, liquorice root, lemon balm, rhodiola, sage, damiana, kava, rosemary, skullcap, ashwagandha, and valerian. 
GROWTH: shatavari, maca, ashwagandha, alfalfa, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass, tribulus terrestris, ginkgo biloba, sea moss, dandelion, astragalus, and reishi mushroom. 
GUIDANCE: mugwort, bay leaves, wormwood, rosemary, sage, motherwort, blue lotus, hyssop, St. John’s wort, valerian, damiana, gotu kola, blue vervain, lemon balm, yarrow, rose buds, passionflower, and chasteberry.  
HEALING: garlic, chamomile, feverfew, ginger, echinacea, goldenseal, stinging thistle, ginkgo, calendula, dandelion, ginseng, liquorice, and elderberry. 
HEARTBREAK (TO RECOVER FROM): rose, lavender, motherwort, thyme, linden, hawthorn, skullcap, lemon balm, blue vervain, and passionflower. 
HEXES (TO AVOID/BREAK): thistle, marigold, mullein, nettle, horehound, bayberry, mugwort, yarrow, oak, mint, holy basil, rosemary, pine, black cohosh, thyme, St. John’s wort, garlic, yucca, and vervain.
HEALTH: garlic,chamomile, feverfew, ginger, echinacea, goldenseal, ginkgo, calendula, ginseng, milk thistle, St. John’s wort, saw palmetto, and valerian. 
HOME / FAMILY: lavender, basil, yarrow, chamomile, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, hyssop, vervain, and mugwort. 
INSIGHT: blue lotus, mugwort, wormwood, lettuce, yerba mate, damiana, blue vervain, skullcap, passionflower, sage, juniper, sandalwood, and bay laurel. 
INSPIRATION: rhodiola, ginseng, sage, guarana, peppermint, passionflower, rosemary, ashwagandha, gotu kola, damiana, blue lotus, rose, skullcap, ylang-ylang, mugwort, St. John’s wort, and blue vervain. 
KNOWLEDGE / LEARNING: green tea, rosemary, brahmi, gotu kola, sage, lemon balm, yerba mate, ashwagandha, ginkgo biloba, holy basil, hawthorn, linden, chasteberry, dandelion, hyssop, and skullcap. 
LOSS (TO DEAL WITH): ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginseng, fenugreek, cumin, caralluma fimbriata, gurmar, cardamom, dandelion, garlic, lemon balm, peppermint, rose, triphala, tulsi, ashwagandha, hawthorn, and linden. 
LOVE / ROMANCE: damiana, catnip, vervain, rose, yang yang, rose petals, jasmine, ginger, saffron, black pepper, cardamom, sandalwood, bay leaf, lavender, marjoram, linden, bergamot, and fennel.
LUCK: clovers, dandelion, bay leaf, High John the Conqueror, basil, cinnamon, allspice, catnip, St. John’s wort, lavender, lady’s mantle, oak, ginger, mint, chamomile, patchouli, holy basil, mistletoe, marigold, calendula, Irish moss, cloves, and goldenrod. 
MANIFESTATION: basil, calendula, mint, rosemary, sage, lavender, bay leaf, cinnamon, bamboo, mugwort, sandalwood, allspice, yarrow, High John the Conqueror, catnip, and jasmine.
MARRIAGE: rosemary, holy basil, catnip, bay leaf, lavender, marjoram, rose petals, jasmine, bergamot, and linden. 
MONEY: rue, cinnamon, bay leaf, cloves, thyme, rosemary, garlic, dandelion, catnip, allspice, lemon balm, yarrow, black pepper, wormwood, parsley, nettle, chamomile, sage, basil, and oregano. 
MOTIVATION: green tea, damiana, gotu kola, St. John’s wort, ashwagandha, ginkgo biloba, brahmi, sage, liquorice, and ginger. 
NEGATIVITY (TO DISPEL/AVERT/PROTECTION FROM): cedar, sage, rosemary, holy basil, eucalyptus, yarrow, lavender, thyme, peppermint, rue, juniper, mint, hyssop, nettle, bayberry, mugwort, dandelion, clove, basil, and garlic. 
NIGHTMARES (TO WARD OFF/SUBDUE): wormwood, black pepper, skullcap, passionflower, California poppy, valerian, catnip, mugwort, blue vervain, lemon balm, rose, St. John’s wort, lavender, jasmine, yarrow, bay leaf, mullein, bayberry, ginger, and holy basil.
OBSTACLES (TO OVERCOME): hyssop, mullein, gotu kola, lavender, sage, vervain, thyme, holy basil, St. John’s wort, ashwagandha, green tea, brahmi, lemon balm, yarrow, marjoram, rosemary, nettle, chamomile, and bay leaf.
OPTIMISM: damiana, gotu kola, passionflower, skullcap, nettle, black tea, sage, blue lotus, green tea, St. John’s wort, ginger, vervain, mullein, lavender, jasmine, chamomile, bay leaf, lemon balm, ginger, and rose.
PEACE / TRANQUILITY: myrrh, rose, peppermint, chamomile, lavender, skullcap, holy basil, ashwagandha, St. John’s wort, passionflower, rosemary, valerian, sage, Persian silk tree, lemongrass, gotu kola, nettle, thyme, bay leaf, mugwort, and kava.
PROSPERITY / ABUNDANCE: basil, mint, cinnamon, patchouli, chamomile, allspice, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, bay leaf, calendula, honeysuckle, clove, Irish moss, thyme, alfalfa, bayberry, clover, dandelion, nettle, oregano, dill, and poppy.
PROTECTION / DEFENCE: aloe, cinnamon, sandalwood, dragon’s blood, rue, eucalyptus, comfrey, rose, chamomile, St. John’s wort, cedar, mugwort, cayenne pepper, nettle, bay, angelica, thyme, sage, peppermint, lavender, basil, and rosemary.
PSYCHIC ABILITIES (TO ENHANCE): frankincense, wormwood, valerian, thyme, nettle, anise, lemongrass, gotu kola, angelica, bay leaf, chamomile, sage, rose, yarrow, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and mugwort.
PURIFICATION / CLEANSING: sage, cedar, rosemary, lavender, palo santo, basil, peppermint, red clover, dandelion, frankincense, mugwort, nettle, bay leaf, burdock, chamomile, juniper, parsley, copal, sweetgrass, angelica, cilantro, eucalyptus, ginger, and cinnamon.
RELATIONSHIPS: rose, spearmint, lavender, jasmine, basil, damiana, catnip, ginger, patchouli, hibiscus, rosemary, thyme, cardamom, lemon balm, clove, jasmine, fennel, bay leaf, sage, dill, vanilla, ashwagandha, black cohosh, ginseng, calendula, meadowsweet, and cinnamon.
REMOVE / RELEASE: rue, black pepper, sage, rosemary, mint, lemon juice, hyssop, mullein, vervain, wormwood, nettle, garlic, dandelion, bay leaf, catnip, lavender, lemon palm, and parsley.
RENEWAL / REBIRTH / NEW BEGINNINGS: holy basil, gotu kola, rosemary, yarrow, ashwagandha, mullein, basil, chamomile, St. John’s wort, rose petals, lemon balm, vervain, mint, nettle, sage, mugwort, and damiana.
SEX / SEXUALITY: saffron, yohimbe, saw palmetto, chavohuasca, pomegranate peel, musli, chasteberry, longjack, chamomile, fenugreek, shatavari, barrenwort, saffron, damiana, ashwagandha, ginkgo, maca, bindii, and red ginseng.
SPIRIT GUIDES: yarrow, thyme, rose, myrrh, sweet grass, bay leaf, peppermint, nettle, mugwort, frankincense, chamomile, angelica, rosemary, cedar, basil, sage, and lavender.
SPIRITUALITY: lavender, sage, basil, rosemary, angelica, cedar, frankincense, chamomile, mugwort, nettle, peppermint, bay leaf, sweet grass, myrrh, rose, thyme, and yarrow.
STABILITY: ginger, parsley, St. John’s wort, lavender, mullein, catnip, rosemary, holy basil, lemon balm, and gotu kola.
STRENGTH: turmeric, maca, ashwagandha, ginseng, rhodiola, brahmi, shilajit, tulsi, astragalus, cordyceps, ginger, liquorice, gotu kola, astragalus, nettle, schisandra, and green tea.
STRESS: rhodiola, lavender, valerian, brahmi, kava, skullcap, peppermint, milky oats, liquorice, hops, St. John’s wort, turmeric, ginseng, tulsi, passionflower, chamomile, lemon balm, and ashwagandha.
SUCCESS: mint, basil, rosemary, cinnamon, allspice, dandelion, calendula, patchouli, bay leaf, ginger, lavender, chamomile, nutmeg, dill, honeysuckle, Irish moss, lemongrass, nettle, and peppermint.
TRUST: bayberry, lemon balm, rue, marjoram, bay leaf, hyssop, black pepper, damiana, rose petals, yarrow, valerian, wormwood, nettle, lavender, vervain, and jasmine.
TRUTH: mugwort, rue, mullein, skullcap, rosemary, hyssop, bay leaf, holy basil, thyme, and peppermint.
WELL-BEING: green tea, ashwagandha, holy basil, reishi mushroom, lemon balm, chamomile, ginger, liquorice, and turmeric.
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talonabraxas · 7 months
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Planetary Correspondences of the Moon
The energy of the moon is tidal and watery, bringing to mind our deepest dreams, thoughts and emotions and its cyclical nature honors the cycles of our lives and our bodies. The moon shines its light through the darkness to reveal secrets, even those we keep from ourselves.
The moon’s metal is silver.
Stones that correspond to the energy of the moon tend to be white and/or luminescent. moonstone, pearl, white quartz and white or clear crystal spheres.
Lunar Herbs
Lunar herbs tend to be juicy and lightly sweet and with a sweet (sometimes cloying) fragrance. Either they produce watery fruits, or they have succulent leaves or both.
Many moon herbs help to balance hormones, relieve mild pain and/or gently induce sleep. Many moon plants open at night and close during the day or release their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators. Moon plants often grow near water.
White or silvery plants tend to correspond to lunar energy and sometimes these plants bear the mark of the moon even more strongly (see the doctrine of signatures).
Here’s a list:
Evening Primrose,
Night Jasmine,
poppy (sedative, pain relief),
Goat’s beard,
Wild Yam(hormones),
Lunar Fragrances- Incense, Oils and Fumigation Herbs
Almond, clary sage, Orris root
Temple of the Moon Portals into the Multiverse. Talon Abraxas
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gravehags · 11 months
GHOULETTES AS PERFUMES I OWN (or have samples of)
Cirrus - Coven by Andrea Maack
This is a gorgeous forest fragrance with notes of soil, green grass, oak moss, and whiskey. It smells like wandering too deep in the woods one night and stumbling upon something you were not meant to see.
Notes: soil tincture, green grass, oak moss, whiskey, spicy notes, woody notes
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Cumulus - Incense Rose by Tauer Perfumes
This is a gorgeous, heady amber scent with the very slightest hint of floral. Lush and dark like fucking in a church surrounded by myrrh, resins, and roses left as offerings. Sacred filth.
Top notes: Bulgarian rose, clementine, cardamom, bergamot
Middle notes: castoreum, orris root
Base notes: incense, myrrh, resins, Texas cedar, vetiver, labdanum, patchouli
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Sunshine - Electric Sky by Tory Burch
This is a bright, ozonic scent reminiscent of standing in an herb garden just as it starts sun showering and the drops and beams of light hit your face. Notes of blue sage, violet, lavender are fresh and green while palo santo gives the scent warmth.
Top notes: blue sage, violet
Middle notes: cactus flower, lavender
Base notes: palo santo, vetiver
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Aurora - Black Currant Rose by Heretic Parfums
This is a grown up rose scent, a don’t fuck with me even though I’m 4’11” rose scent. A sexy “call me princess one more time I dare you” scent. Bergamot and geranium enrich damask rose and currant leaves, with just a hint of juicy raspberry.
Top notes: bergamot, grapefruit, geranium
Middle notes: damask rose, currant buds
Base notes: raspberry
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Mist - Baie 19 by Le Labo
My new fragrance obsession. This smells like a storm on a forested seashore, the ocean spray mixing with the berries and leaves of the wood as clouds churn above you. Patchouli and juniper berries blend with ozonic notes giving that fresh, almost aquatic scent.
Notes: patchouli, ozonic notes, juniper berries, green leaves, musk, ambroxan
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