#Origin of the Rom part 6
ask-de-writer · 9 months
I would like to thank
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@little-red-rabbit​ for READING and LIKING
Part 6 of 6
MLP Fan Fiction
Origin of the Rom series
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Dear fellow Professor Layton fans! I’m writing this post to explain the timeline of events about the search for Mansion of the Deathly Mirror to clear up any misconceptions or missing information you may have.
To start, Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror (レイトン教授と死鏡の館 ) is a game in the Professor Layton series that was exclusively released for mobile. It was available on Professor Layton Mobile. The game features a brand new story formed by 6 chapters in total. Each chapter was his own i-appli, and they were released every two weeks starting from October 2008. As of June 2024, a translation of the original version is in the works, with the first chapter already released and as of September 2024 all 6 chapters have been preserved
Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirror -Remix- (レイトン教授と死鏡の館 -REMIX-) is an updated version of Professor Layton and the Mansion of the Deathly Mirroravailable to i-Mode devices through the Professor Layton Mobile and Mobile R portal. This version has different puzzles, slightly better animations and slightly different dialogues compared to the original version.
Professor Layton and his number one apprentice, Luke Triton, are invited to a party hosted by famous author Drevin Murdoch. At this party, he reveals to be in possession of a mirror that allows the attendants to talk to the dead. However, after Murdoch is found dead the following morning, it's up to Layton and Luke to find out the truth behind the Deathly Mirror, and the secrets Murdoch's Mansion holds.
(Credit: Keitai Wiki)
Chapter 1: A Single Piece
In 2014, a streamer managed to record the first three chapters of Deathly Mirror. A little while after, the streamer began to be harassed by multiple fans, eventually leading them to take down the videos. Due to the lack of preservation efforts at the time, the videos weren’t saved.
Years later, bits and pieces—such as screenshots, articles, and press videos—were found, but nothing concrete.
Chapter 2: A Picture Forming
In May of 2023, a Japanese fan posted the first part of what would become a complete playthrough of all six chapters of Mansion of the Deathly Mirror Remix. This was monumental for the Layton Lost Media (LLM) scene. However, during the 11 months it took to release the full playthrough, there were some difficulties with Western fans. The issues included harassment of the player for more videos, begging for the ROM (despite the player clearly stating they were afraid of Japan’s strict piracy laws), and other forms of harassment.
This period caused uncertainty and worry throughout the Layton Lost Media community, leading the community to strictly instruct members to cease any future contact with the player to prevent the playthrough from being lost before its completion. Around the same time, in February of 2024, thanks to the help of the user @/ponkikipon on Discord, we were able to preserve the ROMs of the original chapters 1-3. In April 2024, the playthrough of Remix came to an end with the release of the video for the sixth chapter. This allowed for the formation of Team Enigma, which sought to fully remake both the original and remixed versions of the game into one package, translate the original game into English, and expand their efforts into other translation projects. Chapter 1 is currently fully translated and available.
Chapter 3: The Final Piece
In September 2024, Keitai Wiki and a user by the name of @/yuvi on Discord managed to locate chapters 4-6 on a junk phone, marking the full preservation of the original Mansion of the Deathly Mirror. This allowed Team Enigma to bypass multiple roadblocks in the development of the remake and translation.
Please show your support by supporting Keitai Wiki, Team Enigma, and Team Professor Layton Archive.
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artsyfartsypaige · 2 months
Guess who saw the A.R.T production of Gatsby the other night?!?!?! It was truly an amazing show (I legit cried during it) and I would love to bring up some of the highlights. In a few scenes, my only thought was “the tumblr is gonna love this”. It was a phone free show so I don’t have photos of the stage or actors but I’m happy with discuss.
1) The stage was made of metal car parts, glittery string curtain and two black marble staircases. It was kinda split between Gatsby’s world and the Valley of Ashes.
2) The actor for Nick, Ben Levi Ross, was probably the funniest actor in the show. He had great line delivery. He was also super short and literally everyone towered over him.
3) on everyone’s costumes, there was a coating of dirt/rust at the bottom. It was such a cool little detail.
4) Nick has a small panic attack when fireworks go off at the party and this is how him and Gatsby meet. They sit together on the bottom of the stairs and it legit felt like a rom com meet cute.
5) yes, Nick makes out with McKee. He spends every party scene from that point on flirting with some guy or making out with a member of the ensemble.
6) I’m not totally sure if Gatsby is still a bootlegger in this version but they show him killing a man so he’s definitely involved in some sketchy business.
7) Wolfsheim signs a song called “Look like heaven but feel like hell” which was my favorite. It’s him explaining Gatsby’s fake origins to Nick. Gatsby gets to do a full dance number and quick change into his pink suit.
8) They added some backstory to Myrtle and Wilson that they lost a daughter in the Spanish flu. It was a sad but sweet detail as to why they’re the way they are.
9) In the tea party scene, Nick pushes Gatsby back onto stage after he runs out in a panic.
10) Gatsby doesn’t die in the pool, Wilson shoots him on the staircase.
11) Gatsby’s father is indigenous which is LOVED! I’ve always imagined Gatsby to be indigenous and so seeing that others had the interpretation was amazing.
12) overall beautiful music. A lot of raw emotion and a wide range. Wolfsheim’s song and “The Damage you do” by Tom and Daisy were my favorites.
Let me know if have any questions about anything!!! I really want to discuss the show!! Here’s the book I brought signed by the cast!!!
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breathe-2am · 6 months
hey idk how to tell u this but the big cliffhanger in s1 isn’t the crew being separated it’s stede going out to find ed when ed has fallen so deep into heartbreak and self-loathing that he’s destroyed stede’s ship and split up their crew. the cliffhanger is about “how will ed and stede fix their relationship after stede broke ed’s heart and ed went off the deep end?”
bc what’s going on with the crew is not the main storyline. the main storyline is the romance between ed and stede, djenks has said this many times. the main plotline is the development of ed and stede’s relationship. the show didn’t “shove most of the characters into 1 minute scenes between much longer gentlebeard arcs” in 2.04, the crew was just part of the B plot that episode, which is to be expected because they are all side characters who are always in B or C plots if they’re not part of the plot with the main characters (ed and stede). the main A plot of 2.04 is ed and stede making up now that they’ve finally been reunited, and the show develops this storyline in a rewrite/adaptation/homage to the play who’s afraid of virginia woolfe.
it’s fine if u don’t like gentlebeard or if your main enjoyment from the show is izzy/the crew, but if that’s the case for you then unfortunately you’re always have a harder time enjoying ofmd bc the writing in the show is always going to prioritize gentlebeard over the other characters. the crew reuniting was always going to be much less important than ed and stede reuniting and making up. that’s what david jenkins meant when he said “the show is the relationship.”
Heyo! I see my meme has breached the side of ofmd tumblr I usually interact with, which is really cool! Thanks for stopping by haha
I think your response is so emblematic of the shift the show went thru from season 1 to season 2- namely, that season 1 was an ensemble show and season 2 was not. Stede was the main character, yes, and he got more backstory and focus than a lot of the crew, but the story of the show in s1 was that it was a bunch of people with conflicting personalities shoved onto a boat together. Stede’s the center, but every other character gets focus as well. This show, by djenks own admission, was not originally intended to be a rom-com romance between stede and ed. He said that he didn’t commit to actually have them be together until filming season 1 episode 6- more than halfway thru the story of the first season, and that it was mainly due to rhys and taika’s acting that made him change it from an unrequited love to a relationship. So while the story is a lot about gentlebeard, saying that every other character is secondary to them and their romance isnt true.
I think a great example to bring up would be season 1 episode 7, the episode that solidifies (via lucius) that yes, this is happening. This is a very relationship heavy episode, but crucially gb isn’t the only focus.
Here's a breakdown: we start w a 1:00 gb scene, then roach comes in asking about the oranges, which leads to a 2:00 scene w the whole crew that sets up the episodes plot (swede has scurvy, we need to get more oranges). Jim protests going to st augustine, which is followed by a 1:00 scene between jim and olu, including a jim flashback. Stede and lucius return with the treasure map, there’s 1:30 more of the whole crew, then we go into the captains cabin for 1:00 of stede, ed, and lucius. 6 minutes into the ep flashes to the crew on land, a 0:50 conversation between jim and olu, then 2:00 of the whole crew, ending then nana invites them all to eat some cake at 8:15. We then go to stede, lucius, and ed in the marketplace until the 9 minute mark (abt 0:45), then back to the church where olu and jim talk to nana for 1:15, including more jim flashbacks. Back to the adventure w stede ed and lucius, which is 2 scenes back to back, totally about 3:00 (the “oh my god this is happening” scene). Then back to the church for jim olu and nana, a 1:00 jim flashback inside a 3:00 scene. Then back to the captains and lucius for 1:30, then to jim and olu, more jim flashback, then the a and b plots converge at the 2:30 mark when jim sees stede digging up their tree. Stede, ed, and lucius exit the scene after 1:30, jim and olu have a conversation for another 1:00. We see the crew leaving, then olu and nana talk, which all takes 2:00. Back on the boat, ed and stede become co-captains in a 0:45 scene, then the final 1:30 of the ep is izzy at jackie’s with 1:30 credits
Gentlebeard: 9:00, whole crew: 5:30, Jim and Olu: 11:35, Izzy: 1:30, credits: 1:30
I would say that s1e7 is the most overtly gb episode before the kiss in s1e9. But as you can see, it’s not just gb. There’s a lot of focus on jim, who gets multiple filmed flashbacks, there’s scenes w jim, olu, and nana, there’s scenes of the whole crew together, stede and ed are really only oncscreen together for abt 9 minutes- not even 1 third of the episode. And this is the ep that says directly to the audience “yes, they have a romance building”. I’m not trying to say w this that every member of the crew needs to b given equal screentime, bc that didn’t happen here obv, but everyone is doing something, and the plot is moving forward propelled by more than just the gb relationship.
Now this is very much changed in season 2.
S2e4 starts with 0:20 of stede waking ed up, then 0:45 of stede and the crew, 0:30 of ed and buttons, izzy’s w the unicorn for 1:00. The crew kick ed off the boat in a 1:15 scene. Now at the 2:25 mark we get to the plots splitting. Ed has a 1:15 scene on land, 0:45 is spent talking to a bunny. Stede and buttons find anne and mary’s antique store after 0:45 of walking. The scene in the antique porch is 2:15. Back to the revenge where there’s a 1:00 scene where wee john, roach, and pete talk about how the kraken crew, lucius, and izzy are different, and the kraken crew thinks they’re plotting to kill them. Already we go back to anne and mary’s where theres various conversations for 3:00. We go back to the revenge for a 0:45 scene where the revenge crew scare the kraken crew and lucius by trying to surprise them. Back to land, where anne and stede and mary and ed talk for 2:00. Back to the revenge for a 1:45 scene w the crews, izzy enters at the 1:00 mark and then crawls away. Well that’s that, we go back to the dinner on land for 1:00, then ed storms out and he and stede have a conversation on the couch for 2:15. Anne and mary reenter, followed by a 3:00 argument that ends with anne burning down the house and they don’t kiss for some reason. We have a 0:20 scene of the crew preparing the unicorn leg, izzy is in his room and received the leg in a 0:40 scene, and well it’s been a whole minute on the revenge, time to go back to ed and stede for 1:00, ed and buttons talk end when buttons turns into a seagull after 1:30. Ed and stede talk for 0:30, and then we end w izzy the new unicorn for 0:45. Credits are again 1:30.
Gentlebeard: 19:50, whole crew: 5:05, Izzy: 3:10, credits: 1:30
To illustrate my point, i made some graphs
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You don’t even have to think very hard to see the change in distribution of screentime season 1 vs season 2. And i’d argue that this is absolutely to the show’s detriment, because that ensemble cast is given way less time to shine, grow, or even speak. Notice how for the second chart there isn’t a jim and olu section? Yea that’s cause Jim has 10 lines this whole episode, and Olu has 5. Two characters, whose relationship, backstory, and plot takes up more screentime than gentlebeard’s in season 1, have a combined 15 lines between them, only 4 of which are longer than 1 sentence- 2 for jim, 2 for olu, and those lines are two sentences long. god bless us every one.
I get that there’s a large subset of the ofmd fandom that only cares abt ed and stede. I get that that’s how u find enjoyment in the show, and u know what? All the power to u. I’m not saying stop liking the show, stop liking gentlebeard, stop caring abt these characters. I don’t like gentlebeard, but i used to, and i remember really really loving ed and stede and their relationship in season 1. That changed in season 2 because of ed’s abusive actions and stede pivoting from being an independent character to just basically following whatever ed says (but that’s a story for another day).
But let’s be honest with each other, and with ourselves: season 1 was an ensemble show. Season 2 narrowed its focus to gentlebeard, while also making it (for some people) harder to like. That’s why a lot of people (myself included) didn’t like season 2 as much as season 1.
Also, just to focus back in on the original issue, the meme was not about gentlebeard. It was about Anne and Mary. And there is literally no way you can convince me that they were used as well as they could have been, or that they were implemented into the story in a smart, necessary, or even respectful way.
Because i'm a nice person, i made a brand new updated meme just for u, anon!
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thequiver · 2 months
Who is...Sam Guthrie | Cannonball? - A Reading Guide
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Sam Guthrie is an X-Men and Avengers affiliated mutant from Marvel Comics. Sam is the oldest of the nine Guthrie children and is the definition of parentification having dropped out of high school to work in the coal mines that killed his father (in either a mine accident or through black lung depending on your preferred retcon). Sam's powers would manifest during a mining accident and allowed him to blast through the rock to safety. Sam would then join the team he's most associated with, the New Mutants. Sam's story is one of overcoming adversities, determination, and of healing. Some of Sam's earlier stories show him being groomed by Lila Cheney and the adults in charge of his safety enabling her.
Sam is also excellent Appalachian representation and is one of the first Appalachian main characters to not be ashamed of being Appalachian while simultaneously not being based on hillbilly humor.
You'll find a reading list under the cut! The list will need to be posted in multiple parts due to length, subsequent parts will be added as reblogs.
Part 1 below!
Introduction and New Mutants Era
Sam's first team immediately after introduction was the original New Mutants (1983). Throughout this period Sam develops the close bonds he's known for, particularly with teammates Roberto Da Costa (Sunspot), Dani Moonstar (Mirage), and Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane). New Mutants was written by Chris Claremont and while wonderful, drops the ball in many places, one of which being the way that Sam's dialect is written and the sort of general understanding of Appalachia, as well as a refusal to acknowledge that Sam's relationship with Lila Cheney was based upon grooming. The issue that introduces Lila to Sam's story will have a red asterisk and a trigger warning next to it.
Marvel Graphic Novel (1981) #4 New Mutants (1983) #1-12 Marvel Team-Up (1972) # Annual 6 New Mutants (1983) #13-21 Rom (1982) #Annual 3 New Mutants (1983) # Annual 1 * (TW: Grooming) New Mutants (1983) #23-25 Marvel Team-Up (1972) #149 New Mutants (1983) #29 (Lila is in this issue) New Mutants (1983) #30-34 New Mutants Special Edition (1985) #1 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #201 (definitely not a necessary issue, but it's one that highlights that Sam IS smart, he's just really bad at technology) New Mutants (1983) #37 Firestar (1986) #2 New Mutants (1983) #38-40, 42-44, Annual 2, 45-51, Annual 3, 52 Fallen Angels (1987) #1 (this issue is a good look into Sam and Berto's relationship) New Mutants (1983) #53-66 Spellbound (1988) #4 (Lila's in this issue and you can see the way she almost treats Sam like an accessory) New Mutants (1983) #Annual 4A-B, 67-76, Annual 5A, 77-92, Annual 6A Wolverine: Rahne of Terra (not incredibly Sam focused and it's a bit..different, but what there is of Sam I like) New Mutants (1983) #93-100, Annual 7A
X-Force, X-Men, and X-Force Again
After the end of New Mutants, under the direction of Cable, Sam helped found the team, X-Force, and would be appointed Cable's second-in-command. While in New Mutants we got to see a Sam Guthrie who was coming into his powers, X-Force really gives us a glimpse of a Sam Guthrie who is starting to really apply those powers and who is starting to highlight why the character has come to be known as a powerhouse. During this period we see Sam go from a member of X-Force, to becoming a fully fledged X-Men, and then see him re-join X-Force until the team is disbanded. The change from X-Force to X-Men to X-Force are not represented in different sections as there is still overlap in Sam's character interactions and throughout his period on the X-Men, his former X-Force affiliation is an important factor that helps inform his choices and his outlook on situations, although I have tried to signify the changes with breaks in the text block.
New Warriors (1990) # Annual 1A Uncanny X-Men (1981) #Annual 15A X-Factor (1986) #Annual 6A X-Force (1991) #1-3 Spider-Man (1990) #16 X-Force (1991) #4-5 X-Factor (1986) #77 X-Force (1991) #Annual 1C, 6-15 X-Cutioner's Song Event (this links you to a reading list I made for the event) X-Men (1991) #17 New Warriors (1990) #31 X-Force (1991) #19-26, Annual 2, 27-29, 32-33 New Warriors (1990) #46 X-Force (1991) #34-37 Cable (1993) #15 X-Factor (1986) #106 X-Force (1991) #38 Excalibur (1988) #82 X-Force (1991) #39-45 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #323-325 Wolverine (1988) #93
Uncanny X-Men '95 (1995) #1 X-Men: Clan Destine (1996) #1 Wolverine (1998) #96 X-Force (1991) #48 X-Force and Cable '95 (1995) #1 X-Men vs. The Brood (1996) #1-2 X-Force (1991) #51 X-Men (1991) #48 Wolverine (1988) #99-100 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #332 Wolverine (1988) #101 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #334 X-Men (1991) #54 Onslaught: X-Men (1996) #1 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #335 Cable (1993) #36 Beast (1997) #1-3 X-Men (1991) #59 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #340 X-Men (1991) #60 Wolverine (1988) #111 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #341-342, Annual '97 The Incredible Hulk (1962) #455 X-Men (1991) #62-66 Wolverine (1988) #115-118 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #350 X-Men (1991) #70 New Mutants: Truth or Death (1997) #1-3 X-Men (1991) #71-72, 75-76 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #355 Alpha Flight (1997) #9 X-Men (1991) #77-78 Uncanny X-Men/Fantastic Four Annual '98 (1998) #1 X-Men (1991) #79
X-Force (1991) #83-84 X-Force/Champions Annual '98 (1998) #1 X-Force (1991) #85-93 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #375 (Sam's only in the beginning of this one) X-Force (1991) # Annual '99, 94-98 Cable (1993) #73-75 X-Force (1991) #99-117
Part 2 to follow soon as I've hit the link limit!
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chaos-company · 1 year
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It’s time for Swoon June once again!! 
Please post only your own original works. Use the #SwoonJune2023 and post with the following format: #SwoonJune2023 #Fandom #CreationType #Day #Prompt . For Example: #SwoonJune2023 #StarWars #Fanfiction #Day1 #Dreams
You don’t have to post for every single day to be a part of the event, but those that do will get a shout out at the end of the event if they send in an ask!
We also have an ao3 collection: Swoon_June_2023 so don’t forget to add your Swoon June ao3 works to the collection!
Our mods this time are @ilonga​ & @starkskypines​ If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask on the Chaos Company tumblr!
Text-only version of the prompts below: 
1. Dreams 2. Role reversal 3. Domesticity 4. Star-crossed 5. “Would you go with me?” 6. Soulmates 7. Dancing 8. Pouring Rain 9. First Kiss 10. “You’re it for me.” 11. Forced Proximity 12. Fantasy au 13. Date Night 14. “Do you trust me?” 15. Enemies to Lovers 16 Cooking 17. Reading Together 18. Enchanted 19. Movie Watching 20. “I’ll be here as long as you’ll have me.”   21. Royalty au 22. Growing Old Together 23. “I never pick favorites, but, darling, you’re mine.” 24. Destiny 25. Forehead Kiss 26. Love languages 27. “Who did this to you?” 28. Eye Contact 29. Battle couple 30. Festival
Taking care of each other Hug Flower language Rom-Com Pride
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starcrossed591 · 9 months
KDrama Year in Review 2023
While I watched more KDramas this year than CDramas, none of them consumed my heart and soul quite like this year's crop of CDramas did (CDrama review post here). And I dropped KDramas more readily than I have in years past, in part because there were so many more things to watch than I had time for (also I had to finish my dissertation and graduate, etc etc). Still, there were definitely some that I really, really enjoyed, so here's this year's KDrama round up:
16. My Lovely Liar: Started strong, got boring real quick. Dropped for homophobic murder plot. Still, glad to see that Hwang Min Hyn can actually act (although full disclosure, I did still enjoy him in Alchemy of Souls, wooden as that performance may be). Hoping Kim So Hyun can catch a break and get a role in a drama more worthy of her in the near future.
15. Crash Course in Romance: Excellent performances and chemistry by the ML and FL. Romance between two middle aged people instead of youths is also a treat. Dropped around ep 12 because of the unnecessary, homophobic murder plot. Pass.
14. A Good Day to Be a Dog: Surprisingly stronger than the goofy premise suggests, largely on the basis of Park Gyu-Young's performance as the FL who turns into a dog upon being kissed. Pacing problems in the third act around the origins of the whole dog curse thing. Can't say I recommend unless you're really in the mood for some shenanigans, but largely inoffensive if a little silly. (Also it turns out Cha Eun Woo *really* leveled up his kiss game for this one!)
13. Love to Hate You: Perfectly serviceable rom com. Nothing too special, but a nice weekend binge if you're in the mood for that. Also a good way to see Kim Ji-Hoon's v handsome face and that *hair* without having to deal with everything involved with his rather murderous run in Flower of Evil.
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12. Joseon Attorney: A Morality: Perfectly serviceable law procedural/Joseon historical. If you don't like either of those genres your mileage may vary, but I had missed having Bona on my screen, so it worked well enough for me.
11. Welcome to Samdal-ri: I seem to like this one more than literally everyone else I know, and I fully admit that my enjoyment of this drama is more vibes-based than plot-based. I guess I have a soft spot for Shin Hye Sun yelling at people at Ji Chang Wook going a bit unhinged over a woman who ran away from him (see also: Lovestruck in the City).
10. My Demon: Very much enjoying Song Kang as a cranky demon falling in love with a human. Very tropey in the best way, and feels like a return to form for the supernatural romance genre. Remains to be seen if they'll land the ending as of this writing, but enjoying as it goes.
9. Doctor Cha: A contribution to the slate of divorce comedies I watched this year (see also: Strangers Again (KDrama) and Let's Get Divorced (JDrama)), a surprisingly touching story about growing older when you've devoted your life to someone who has not done the same for you.
8. Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow (Part 2): While Ko Joon-Yung never quite managed to replace Jung So-Min as the FL for me, I definitely still enjoyed the closer to this fun fantasy series. Special shout out to Shin Seung-Ho as Prince Go Won and his pet turtle
7. Strangers Again: I didn't see a ton about this one on tumblr as it was airing, but I found this rom com? melodrama? divorce procedural? makjang? story about relationships and why they end unexpectedly profound. I tuned in expecting mindless makjang hot mess, and instead got a thoughtful meditation on divorce. Left me feeling unexpectedly melancholy at the end, but glad I watched it.
6. The Secret Romantic Guesthouse: Very fun sageuk! Probably won't knock your socks off, but it does what it does very well. Bonus points for a B couple as compelling as the A couple. I've also been a big Kang Hoon fan since Little Women, and there are a couple of other actors in here that I'm always glad to see working.
5. Perfect Marriage Revenge: Tour de force makjang. Came out of nowhere and blew me away. Hits all the right beats, and unexpectedly fun (and was a nice break from the heaviness of My Dearest for me). This was a good year for jaded and slightly unhinged transmigrated FL's back for their #revenge (see also: Story of Kunning Palace in CDrama land), and I was here for it. Also features one of the spiciest make-out scenes of the year, 10/10 recommend
4. See You in My 19th Life: Absolutely loved this haunting, melancholy, and sometimes unexpectedly goofy reincarnation drama. I loved the webtoon and had high expectations, and this drama largely met them! The continuing relationship between sisters Ji-Eum (Shin Hye Sun) and Cho-Won (Ha Yoon Kyung) was a special highlight for me, and while Shin Hye Sun is already a never-miss for me, I'm especially looking forward to whatever Ha Yoon Kyung does next. I prefer the ending of the Webtoon to the KDrama, but I'm still delighted this drama exists and am glad I watched it.
3. The Interest of Love: Look, I loved this drama. Even though it seemed on the surface like nothing but *mess* in the interpersonal lives of these characters working at a bank on the border between a rich and poor neighborhood in Seoul, it nonetheless had some of the most searing class commentary of the year for me. I also love an FL who will (spoiler) pack up her things and disappear at the drop of a hat, even if no one else will understand her decision to do so, because she just cannot deal anymore (see also: the FL in Lovestruck in the City, whom I also love but everyone else hated). This drama kept me gleefully coming back every week in a year where not a lot of others did.
2. Call It Love: A revenge slice of life melodrama that I found unexpectedly touching in its deep melancholy. Loved not only the main couple, but the relationship between the siblings and their pharmacist bestie. A lovely character study. (Also I somehow ended up watching this at the same time as Till the End of the Moon and Li Susu as Ye Xiwu's hidden identity/revenge plot, which was unexpectedly stressful! Had a very "it's the same picture" moment despite two dramas in two genres that could not be further apart.) If you missed this one (and since it aired on Disney+, you might have--Disney+'s effects on the KDrama streaming ecosystem will be the death of me), it's worth seeking out!
1. My Dearest (Parts 1 and 2): Kind of feels like everyone has said everything there is to say about sageuk of truly epic proportions, but it blew me away as well. Epic romance? Check. Twisty political machinations? Check. Heartwarming friendships between women? Check. Strong ensemble cast? And my top FL of the year, Lady Gil-Chae, played to perfection by Ahn Eun-Jin. I've adored her since Hospital Playlist, and am delighted that she's getting the attention and the roles she deserves. Namkoong Min also a top contender for ML of the year as Lee Jang-Hyun. Part 2 dragged for me a bit in places after a nearly perfect Part 1, but such a great drama overall.
Favorite Drama of the Year: My Dearest. See above.
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Favorite Female Character: I mean, it's gotta be Gil Chae from My Dearest, right? She starts out as such a spiteful, spoiled noblewoman, and then turns out to have a core of pure steel. Turns out all her conniving and strategizing, which went towards causing mischief in the village, really just needed a proper outlet. While I would never want to be in the circumstances in which she found herself, if I did, she's exactly who I would want on my side.
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Favorite Male Character: Everything's coming up My Dearest this year, because this one is Lee Jang-Hyun in My Dearest as well. Checks the box for my competence kink, and has a knack for showing up just when Gil-Chae needs him, even at great personal cost. Also a smart-ass, which I probably like a bit too much in a man.
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Favorite Secondary Female Character: Cho-Won from See You in My 19th Life. Her relationship with her reincarnated older sister was almost more compelling to me than the main romance sometimes, and really helped develop how the ties that bind us are not just romantic ones. Also she was just super cute
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Favorite Secondary Male Character: Could have picked anyone from Team Himbo in Alchemy of Souls, but gonna have to give this one to Go Won, himbo prince of my heart
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Favorite Ship: Again, it's gotta be Gil-Chae and Lee Jang-Hyun in My Dearest. Sometimes, there are drama couples that nearly cause me pain when they are apart, and these two quickly became one of them. Though their relationships is hardly functional for much of it, through all that push and pull, they ultimately learn how to show up for each other. Also, their *chemistry* is insane!
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Favorite Secondary Ship: I loved Hye-Seong and Sung Joon, the B couple in Call it Love. Seeing the SFL grow more comfortable with herself after a truly shitty ending to her previous relationship was a nice respite from the hidden identity stress of the A couple in this one. I'm also a sucker for a good romance where you start to see someone you've long taken for granted differently. (Close Runner Up: Cho Won and Do-Yun in See You in My 19th Life)
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Favorite Platonic Relationship: Gil-Chae, Eun-Ae, and their maids, Jong Jong and Bong Doo, in My Dearest. I loved loved loved the relationship between these women in this drama, and part of the reason the second half of the drama suffered a bit for me is because of how far it moved away from this core relationship. They were ride or die for each other more than the majority of the men in their lives, and I loved that for them.
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Trope that Needs to Die: While I find murder plots in rom coms tedious at the best of times, homophobic murder plots are really not it. Quit it, y'all. It's not cute.
Dramas I Missed: Moon in the Day, The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, and Tell Me That You Love Me (grrr Disney+ on this one) are on the list for next year. I'm probably missing others.
Non-2023 Drama Spotlight: Finally went back and watched Do You Like Brahms? for a hit of Park Eun-Bin. A lovely, if also melancholy, slice of life romance that's just as much about what to do when a (career related) dream that you've worked really, really hard for just isn't going to come through as it is about the main romance. Also made me fall in love with Kim Min-Jae and his lovely deep voice, enough so that I also then went back and finally watched Dali and the Cocky Prince, which was also a treat. Recommend both.
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Most Looking Forward To: I continue to yearn for a Yumi's Cells 3, and who's to say if that one will ever come through, but I'm putting it out into the universe anyway. More realistically, I'm looking forward to the surprisingly stacked line-up of sageuks coming up, including Captivating the King and Love Song for Illusion.
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sylvyspritii · 2 months
Oh I didn't realise it had to be a question question, sorry!
I do have a question then: you're a music creator right? And you did some work for SiIvaGunner? There's some ideas I have often for doing some instrumentation swapping in music I hear, making one song have the instruments/sound font from another. However, I'm really not experienced at all in music production and it can feel a bit daunting trying to understand it, I'm not sure where to start.
What are some resources you'd recommend to someone trying to start music work like that? Both the editing software itself (is GarageBand still a thing? Does it cost money?) and also how to go through songs and figure out stuff like what instruments they're using to repurpose them?
No worries! I just prefer actual questions over random meme pictures, i have no idea what i can add to those or how i could respond besides "ok" Yes, i'm part of SiIva, but i was more active in the earlier years I'm mostly busy with original compositions for games nowadays If you want to make melody/soundfont/MIDIswaps, the first thing you will need is a DAW, Garageband will work fine (i think?), but i can't say for sure, i use FL Studio myself, so i'll answer with my knowledge based on using FL Studio primarily For the sake of this tutorial, we will focus on games that used sequenced music, which usually means MIDI files and soundbanks/soundfonts (for more advanced non-sequenced/MIDI recreations, you will usually have to recreate songs from scratch, or invest in expensive hardware in the case of Touhou music for example) There is an FL Studio demo available, it's pretty good, but personally i just reccomend obtaining it legally since it's pretty cheap (and if that is not an option, then, well, yarr harr, you know (note to cover my ass from a legal perspective: i am a professional and i do not use pirated software)) Download VGMTrans (and the ROM of the game you wanna fuck around with, legally of course (wink wink)), it's software that can extract MIDI (the notes) and .dls (the instruments) files (you can also extract .sf2 files, which are the more traditional "soundfont" format, but .dls is easier for editing existing songs from games since the MIDI data and the .dls can get imported together to be more accurate, more on that later (basically, export .dls for accuracy, export .sf2 for fucking around if you just want 1 instrument from a game)) Okay, so now you have a DAW (we use FL Studio in this example), the MIDI file, and the .dls file So, now, open FL Studio, drag the MIDI file in a new project, and then it will ask you what you want to import it as (do not use FLEX, use MIDI OUT with LSD) (fuck FLEX all my buddies hate FLEX) Then you will see this thing
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Okay so click the little folder icon on the top left, and then select the correct .dls file you exported for that MIDI file with VGMTrans Then, if you did everything correctly, you will hear the MIDI file WITH the correct instruments from the game, and it will sound (mostly) like how the original game sounds From there, you can start, then, you can edit the little bits, change the instruments easily, change the notes, and add funny fleentstones if you want So, tl;dr quick version: 1. Download FL Studio 2. Download VGMTrans 3. Throw ROM file in VGMtrans 4. Export the MIDI and .dls data from a song from the ROM 5. Throw MIDI in FL Studio, choose "MIDI OUT with DLS" 6. Choose .dls soundbank file with the little folder icon 7. The song will now sound like how it is in the game (or at least, close enough), so now you can go crazy and replace instruments and/or melodies and have fun
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salt-hag · 6 days
fall 2024 cdrama + kdrama check-in list
haven't done a check in/wrap up post of dramas watched in a while so wanted to do one before the end of the year ✨ hoping to have finished a lot of these and have a list of reviews at around new years
dramas watched
story of kunning palace (cdrama)
8.5/10 for me. This is my year of loving costume period cdramas and I kicked it off with sokp. Really enjoyed the time travel/redemption plot line and Bai Lu as a somewhat reformed evil empress.
the legend of shenli (cdrama)
9/10 for me. A little slow in places but this goes down in my list of fav drama romances. Badass and admirable female lead and quirky oddball male lead who simps for her (as he should). I found the fantasy somewhat goofy but lovably so. This is a *comfort* show for me now. Has the best happy ending/post finale last episode I've seen up to now.
the double (cdrama)
9.5/10 for me for the sheer melodrama. Is this technically a better drama than the legend of shenli? No, of course not. Is it entertaining as hell? Yes, so it's gets a .5 boost. Costume period one-woman's-revenge, absolutely delicious. Hilarious male lead who loves the drama of it all and is very handsome. I was telling a friend about this and she was confused. Weren't you just watching this earlier this year? No, dear reader, she had the revenge stuff confused with Story of Kunning Palace. I have a type, and that is conniving women getting what they want in beautiful period costumes while a handsome, competent man answers their beck and call and simps all the while.
currently watching
RIGHT NOW: Are You the One (cdrama) - ep 22/40
This started out as costume period brain popcorn for me but now there's intrigue and back-stabbing and a clever woman out-scheming men in power so. yeah i'm enjoying this i guess whatever...
RIGHT NOW: Cinderella at 2am (kdrama) - ep 3/10
I haven't watched a kdrama in a while and I wanted a comforting, brain-popcorn modern rom com. I think this will deliver.
My Journey to You (cdrama) - on ep 20/24
I am DETERMINED to finish the gorgeous scheming assassin ladies period drama. I WILL. It's just the main plotline made me snooze a bit at ep 20 so it's taking me a while.
The Princess Royal (cdrama) - ep 6/40
Snowfall (cdrama) - 17/24
dropped or on hold (I'm a mood watcher)
[on hold] Love Like the Galaxy part 2 (cdrama) - ep 12/29
[on hold] Meet you at the blossom (uncensored period BL, Thai) - ep 4/12
[on hold] Lost You Forever season one (cdrama) - ep 17/39
[on hold] In Blossom (cdrama) - ep 22/32
Another one I am DETERMINED to finish!! But I don't vibe with the main actress. I loved the one who played the female lead before the body swapping. Otherwise this drama has everything I would ever want: costume period murder mysteries, a very beautiful man who devotedly simps for his nice wife, a clever female lead with quirky interests, BODY SWAPPING AND IDENTITY SHENANIGANS.
[can't decide to drop or not] Only For Love (cdrama) - ep 21/36
I can't really stand modern-setting cdramas, I'm sorry. I was watching this one for Wang Hedi. I somehow made it to episode 21 despite the cringe. Might finish watching this while pmsing.
[can't decide] Tale of the Nine-tailed 1938 (kdrama) - ep 9/12
Idk why but I just found the plotline kind of boring?? I loved the extra character and world lore. But I had problems with the original TotNT too so.
[dropped] Till the End of the Moon (cdrama) - ep 20/40
This was gorgeous but I like sweet romance, I'm sorry. This was too dramatic for even me. I wanted Bai Lu to love her problematic malewife!!
[dropped] Miss Night and Day (kdrama) - ep 2/16
Loved the concept, found the show too painful to watch.
anyway hoping to get back into kdramas this fall or in 2025. we'll see!!
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ask-de-writer · 9 months
OF THE ROM : Part 6 of 6 :
MLP Fan Fiction
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Part 6 of 6
MLP Fan Fiction
Origin of the Rom series
he noted :
It was rteally lovely to see just how the princesses became Rom. Now they can rule as Equestria needs, but slip away and be free for a while when they need to. Sadly, I think they will be very busy for a while, undoing the damage that these idiot nobles were getting away with behind their backs!
Thank you. You are correct, this will give them some precious times of freedom from the strictures of Court. You are also right that straightening up the now revealed mess will take some time and "some doing."
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spoonbenders · 5 months
top five very specific game consoles
rubs my hands together like an evil fly. these are in no specific order i love them all equally. Below the cut because its long
vectrex console set (released november 1982) vector display based console with a built in CRT TV. early models were said to be very obnoxiously loud due to poor tube grounding. only had 28 games made for it. was killed decisively by the crash of 83 and later the advent of the gameboy.
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2. super a'can (released october 1995) released only in taiwan and china and only has 12 games confirmed to have been released for it. based off of the motorola 9000 chip used for the sega genesis. the company that made it (funtech) lost over 6 million dollars because this was released around the same time as the playstation and n64. funtech had all development and production materials destroyed and the remaining consoles were sold for scrap parts.
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3. terebikko / see n say videophone (1988 JP, 1989 US)
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well obviously its shaped like a phone. how it was SUPPOSED to work was that you connect it to your TV's audio jack and throughout the interactive video you would receive "phone calls" from characters onscreen who would react differently and steer the game in different directions based on if you gave good or bad answers. fairly advanced for the time! only 25 games were ever released for it though
4. watara supervision (released 1992)
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look at this freak. it sucks. BUT it had tilt controls which is more than could be said for the gameboy. could only play monochrome games from ROM and was a commercial failure due to having barely any games.
5. cybiko (released 2000)
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a combination PDA and handheld console. could play games from PC download and had 430 games released (all of them free). the cybiko xtreme (a less colorful revision that failed to address several problems with the original) released and then 9/11 happened.
HONORABLE MENTION: vtech creativision (1982)
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this thing is called Dick Smith Wizzard in australia and new zealand.
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fruity-phrog · 1 year
How do you think Issac reacts to Colin coming out?
Okay you know this is a good question to answer.
Isaac...well, the painful truth is Isaac is canonically, at least slightly homophobic. He, a grown man, uses gay as an insult. As a negative connotation. While the others may laugh at this, he's the one to say it. That he is Colin's closest friend on the team...
Obviously, he will want to be there for Colin. Those two are clearly very close. Isaac's little "Are you alright?" when Colin got benched proves that. Isaac can recognize when Colin is feeling uneasy (most of the time) which stems from a long relationship. So he will want, or need, to be there for him.
On the other hand, Isaac has clearly been brought up on the concept of toxic masculinity and patriarch. He needed an entire episode to remind him that football is a game. He threw a chair at a tv when the news was talking shit about Richmond. And, like I said, he makes less-than-ideal jokes. He obviously doesn't think of himself as homophobic, but he makes Colin feel uncomfortable and unwanted without meaning to. A part of him will feel repelled and confused when Colin comes out.
However, I think he will beat himself up when Colin comes out. He clearly puts a lot of pressure on himself (again, as seen in Rom-Communism) and feels the need to hold himself accountable since he stopped bullying Nate. I think the main reason he will take some time to "accept" Colin is that he will immediately remember the stuff he said. Those jokes that previously were funny banter are suddenly unkind and uncool. Isaac will feel bad for them - of course he will, he's Colin's best mate - and I think that might cause some misunderstanding plot where Colin thinks Isaac is more homophobic than originally thought but really Isaac is just dealing with his own emotions. I'm really not a fan of misunderstandings plotlines, but I think I could let that pass because I would be euphoric about correctly theorizing something.
Anyway, that's the gist of it. Of course, in the end he will accept Colin, but he will go through a mini-journey to do so and by GOD I hope that's in episode 6.
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ansbobcar · 7 months
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“I’m doing this for the win-win-win situation between the Bunnies, yourself and I, alright? We can all live comfortably without losing nutrition and I can get closer to you.” “To ‘me’?” “Yes.”  “Shit.” 
SYNOPSIS. If Love was a School Subject, Darren Randel would barely pass it as she has only just fallen in love recently for a sincere rabbit obsessing guy. With a grand plan in clutch, she’ll make the most of her chances to have her feelings returned! Unfortunately, her already tumultuous life ramps up alongside these new feelings.
NOTES. Title refers to song by stayc. Set 10 months before the canon mashle plot. Same universe as my Orter fic lol (I developed this fic first :D) but not necessary to read (hopefully), probably contains canon divergent content and worldbuilding.
WARNINGS. Cringe rom-com, they're kinda ooc (especially Rayne), Darren is basically a Mary Sue, slow-burn romance (like frustrating levels), badly executed love triangle? and second male lead syndrome, VOL 1 is on the lighter side compared to VOL 2
_ _ _
Introduction Arc
EP 1. Introducing trouble
EP 2. Rabbits are a terrible excuse
EP 3. Blackmail? I didn't do that to him!
Term Finals Arc
EP 4. Compromises are the best if you do it right
EP 5. Omens of the future
EP 6. Kindness often doesn't reward pleasantly
EP 7. Flunk them. Your grades don't matter to me
Summer Internship Arc
EP 8.
Candidate Exam Arc
Divine Visionary Induction Arc
_ _ _
We are so screwed. This might be longer than my other fic. Which is scary now that I think about it but this fic covers a lot of original content that is necessary to develop the character narrative I made for this girl unfortunately. So I'm aiming for 2k-3k words per chapter instead so I don't overwhelm people with like 40+ chapters for a single Part. Due to the complete overhaul of the plot, I won't change/update and publish Darren's character profile because it spoils a lot AHAHAHHAH.
The Arc names aren't set in stone. I just dunno how else to call them.
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My McSpirk Master Fic Rec List
A List of McSpirk Fics I Recommend
Sharing a bed, where everyone dreams by LadyPolyester
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,692
Tags: Established Relationship, Sharing a Bed, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Love in a shower, Mutual Pining
Summary: "Oh, oh come on, Spock, let yourself go!." Jim began tickling the Vulcan and giggled like a naughty child. Spock shuddered and, although he tried to remain calm, he tried to dodge Jim's attacks by rolling on the bed. The captain did not let go of his prey. Suddenly, he rolled harder onto the edge and ended up on the bedroom floor.
Leonard opened his eyes with a mixture of surprise and bewilderment. "Really,Jim,you have a knack for kicking people out of your bed." He rolled his eyes.
A Case Study in Empathic Somnambulism by fleurofthecourt
Chapters: 2/2
Words: 3,185
Tags: Sleepwalking, Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Fluff
Summary: Kirk, Spock, and McCoy all end up sleeping in Spock's quarters, but it is not entirely on purpose and, honestly, kind of a problem.
AOS McSpirk One-shots by Klmeri
-> Collection
Words: 163, 258
Tags: Threesome - M/M/M, Established Relationship, Pre-relationship, Humor
Summary: These are standalone one-shots of McSpirk in the Alternate Original Series. Both Established relationship and Pre-relationship!
Could Only Handle So Much by maifai
-> Series
Words: 233,920
Tags: Tarsus IV, Angst, Trauma, Slow Build, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, PTSD, Developing Relationship, Pre-relationship
Summary: Star Trek fics that can each be read as stand-alone, but are also intended to feasibly coincide chronologically.
Prepare for the SLOWEST of slow burns. It's going to take literal years (both irl and in the story). End game will be McSpirk.
love, actually, is: the final frontier by esspresohno
Chapters: 6/6
Words: 15,713
Tags: Romantic Comedy, Ensemble Cast, Fluff, Humor, Holidays
Summary: it's Love Actually, but it's on the Enterprise, and on a starship the 12 month calendar doesn't exist, and it's in the 23rd century so the holidays don't really look the same, but it's Love Actually
ensemble rom com fic with classic Chuhura pining, a ship I invented between Pavel and Ensign Syl (from st beyond), Hikaru and his husband in a loving marriage, Gaila/Scotty with an entirely new Gaila characterization which i also pulled out of nowhere, Spones because i think my own jokes are funny, background Spirk, and a McSpirk finale because i don't write enough of that ship
Emotional, physical, and mental by TFALokiwriter
Chapters: 16/16
Words: N/A
Tags: Humor, Hurt, Trust
Summary: There are three things that can hurt some-one when pushing them to their limits or making them feel pain: emotional, physical, and mental. Sometimes the last part can hurt more than the physical, and sometimes, just sometimes, but perhaps rarely this ever happens, you get the wrong version of the mind inhabiting it.
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 3 months
Shes The Man
by wlwendgame Kate Whistler loves soccer. When the girls’ team at her school, Oahu Prep, gets cut, she decides to impersonate her twin brother and to go out for the boys’ soccer team at Oahu’s rival school, Aloha. Along the way, she meets a cute girl and some unlikely friends. Words: 1135, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Kacy Rom-Coms Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Kate Whistler, Lucy Tara, Noah Whistler, Cara (NCIS: Hawai'i), Skylar (NCIS: Hawai'i), Jane Tennant, Ernie Malik, Alan Liu, Jesse Boone, Kai Holman, Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Lucy Tara/Kate Whistler, Lucy Tara & Kate Whistler Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Boarding School, Soccer, Everyone Is Gay, Romantic Comedy, Fluff, Happy, Fun, No Homophobia via https://ift.tt/lPKB0Y7
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Bust-A-Move 2 (aka Bust a Groove 2) on Game Players magazine Vol.99 (Video game magazine)(Hong Kong)(24/04/1999)
Translation in English:
ACT 2 Players MEM Corresponding ANALOG CONTROLLER (vibration) Manufacturer: ENIX Release date: On sale (April 15th) Price: 5800 Yen Capacity: CD-ROM Memory: 1 BLOCK
BUST A MOVE 2 - DANCE PARADISE MIX The original dancing music ACTION game is back!
"BUST A MOVE", known as the original dance music ACTION work, was well received by the outside world when it was launched on PlayStation last year because of its novel gameplay and concept. However, after a lapse of one year, music-themed games are popular today, and the sequel of "BUST A MOVE" "BUST A MOVE 2 ~DANCE Paradise MIX~" is finally released. There is still a gap in the same type of work "Dance Dance Revolution", but the gameplay is definitely not inferior.so if you haven't encountered the BUST A MOVE series before, now is the best opportunity for you to experience the fun that makes it so different from the others!
Operate method
Arrow key - MENU selects or enters the DANCE COMMAND input. START button - game start, stop BATTLE or RETRY □ and △ button - DANCE COMMAND input X button - Deselects items, DANCE COMMAND inputs, and avoids interference techniques in EASY MODE. O button - cancels selection of items, DANCE COMMAND input, and use of interference in EASY MODE. R1 button - interference R2 button - Interference Avoidance
DANCE COMMAND Input method
← First beat → Second beat ↑ Third beat O Fourth beat
Three times
One time
※ Before the first three beats, you can input both in sequence or according to the rhythm; however, up to the fourth beat, you need to input both according to the rhythm or the time status.
Speaking of the basic gameplay of "BUST A MOVE", it is actually very simple, as long as you input specific commands within the time of four beats.The DANCE COMMAND BAR is composed of two parts, green and red.When the first three beats are in progress, the green part will appear three times. However, the player needs to input the arrow key commands displayed in the DANCE COMMAND BAR; as for the red part on the right, it will not appear until the fourth beat, which is used as an input arrow key or button, resulting in different COMBOs.
Example 1) When the instruction is → → ↓ ↓ O
-Enter in sequence in three times (beats)
-Need to enter at the same time as the glow (reaching the fourth beat)
Example 2) When the command is ↑ ← O
-If the wrong number of direction key commands is not more than two, the above DANCE COMMAND can also be established
-On the other hand, if you input the wrong arrow key command three times or more, the DANCE COMMAND will be lost immediately.
"DANCE COMMAND SELECT" is to select the way of inputting DANCE COMMAND, and there are three different levels of difficulty: "EASY", "NORMAL", and "MIX". Among them, "EASY" only requires the player to use the arrow keys as the entire DANCE COMMAND; "NORMAL" is the basic mode, which requires the use of the arrow keys (the first three beats), 〇 and X buttons (the fourth beat) at the same time; as for "MIX"The basic form is the same as "NORMAL", but DANCE COMMAND adds two more buttons, △ and □ (corresponding to the fourth beat), which makes it the most difficult.
When the DANCE COMMAND is continuously and successfully input, it will cause a COMBO, which will increase the DANCE LEVEL, and the input COMMAND will gradually increase and change the character's dance steps.
If the timing of the input button is just right in the fourth beat (the red part glows), you can get more points and go to a higher DANCE LEVEL.
The new system in this game, there are red, blue and green color squares at the bottom of the screen, which represent "COOL" (green, more than 4 COMBOs), "CHILLIN" (red, more than 6 COMBOs), and "FREEZE" (blue, more than 8 COMBOs). As long as each side obtains more COMBOs in a row, the number of color squares for the corresponding level will increase, and if either side fills up the three color squares first, it will be able to obtain the BONUS POINT, and the special show will appear
Battle Tips Interference Technique
The attack means to prevent the opponent from scoring points, as long as the fourth beat in the DANCE COMMAND input, it will appear successfully, which can force the termination of the opponent's COMBO and DANCE LEVEL, all over again, mainly used in the SOLO PART to use, so that our side to achieve higher scores.
Avoiding Interference Techniques
When an opponent attacks with a interference technique, enter it in the DANCE COMMAND on the fourth beat after it appears to automatically avoid the interference technique, and the ongoing COMBO and DANCE LEVEL can also be saved.
Bounce interference technique
Just like avoiding interference skills, as long as you input the DANCE COMMAND on the fourth beat after the interference skills appear, you can return the opponent's attack to yourself, and you can also get points from the opponent at the same time.
Bounce interference technique scoring formula 1000+200 x (number of anti-bounce interference techniques)
The newly added system "Battle Opponent Divide" is based on the player's performance in each battle to determine the content of the subsequent battle or the opponent's performance.
When selecting a character, press the START or SELECT button to use 2P's special costume.
After completing the game with any character, you can freely choose the scene setting performance in DANCE VIEW
When you reach a certain number of points in each stage, the "FEVER TIME!" dance event will appear.
Corresponding! "Dance Dance Revolution CONTROLLER"
In addition, "BUST A MOVE 2 ~DANCE Paradise MIX~" also corresponds to the "Dance Dance Revolution CONTROLLER" dedicated controller for the KONAMI game "Dance Dance Revolution" launched at the same time. but the only problem is that it only applies to EASY MODE.
Simultaneous PART DANCE LEVEL COMMAND process
Basic Character
Hidden Characters
Like the previous work, this episode "BUST A MOVE 2~DANCE Paradise MIX~" also has different hidden characters. In addition to the BOSS CHARACTERS "ROBO Z-GOLD" and the mysterious character "COLUMBO", there are also several undisclosed hidden characters. If you want to know how to use other hidden characters, please pay attention to the next issue of "Secret Technique Workshop"
ROBO Z-GOLD How to use: Complete the game with any of the six basic characters
COLUMBO How to use: Complete the game once with SHORTY
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