#Or Thunderfang
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highbookwormofthecentury · 3 days ago
Epic au. Gimme. Gimme gimme gimme (I’ve thought ab this too much-)
Okay so I have many aus but the main one is this:
Odysseus: Garmadon
Penelope: Misako but in this au she'd be Koko because we love Lady Iron Dragon
Telemachus: Lloyd ofc ofc
Anticlea: Either Mystaké or the fsm
Athena: Also either Mystaké or the fsm (probably Mystaké though)
Poseidon: The Overlord
The Cyclops: The Great Devourer
The Sheep: Metals (will be elaborated on later)
Zeus: The Source Dragon of Energy(? Idk)
Hera: The Firstbourne, maybe
Ares: The Source Dragon of Strength
Aphrodite: The Source Dragon of Motion
Hephaestus: The Omega
Apollo: The Source Dragon of Life
Hermes: Antonia OR The Mailman
Polites: Vinny
Eurylochus: Wu OR the Time Twins (two very different elements here (get it? Because they're Elemental Masters—) that would drastically change how the plot goes)
Perimedes: Ray
Elpenor: Libber
The rest of the crew: The Elemental Alliance
Troy & the Trojans: Ouroboros & the Serpentine
The Lotus Eaters: The Islanders
Aeolus: Either Vangelis, Vania, or even maybe Firstbourne
The Winions: baby dragons, maybe? Like Vania’s dragon? Or the Firstbourne’s children? OR—wild take that idek HOW I’d do, but the Darkley’s kids. Might have to add it into one of my Lloyd as Odysseus aus.
Circe: Aspheera
Circe's nymphs: Pyroserpent hatchlings
Tiresias: Quanish the Elder
Calypso: ??? (Maybe the Forbidden Five so I can make Ogygia the Nether-Space)
Charybdis: Wojira
The Suitors: The Sons of Garmadon
Eurymachus: Harumi
Antinuous: Pythor
Sirens: ???
Scylla: Nyad
Sun god’s cattle: ???
The Wind Bag: Bag that holds the Realm Crystal
Troy Saga—Ouroboros Saga: The Elemental Alliance defeats the Serpentine during the last battle of the Serpentine Wars, which takes place in the sacred city of Ouroboros. Instead of imprisoning them in tombs, the Elemental Alliance just slaughters them. Dunno if I’m gonna make Astynax a random serpentine hatchling or someone actually relevant yet. When searching for weapons suitable for defeating possible challenges during the voyage home (as their weapons ended up breaking due to the intensity of the wars), Vinny and Garmadon head over to the Island of the Keepers in search for helpful weaponry (also, the Elementals are exhausted from the wars and need actual weaponry now instead of just their elements, as they kinda overused them during battles). The Islanders warm up to Vinny’s joyous whimsy, while Garmadon is being a bisexual mess traumatized angst lord. Their weapons, however, are made of vengestone, which is poisonous to Elemental Masters, so the Islanders direct them to a cave in the Sea of Sand where ancient weaponry and strange metals allegedly reside. Before leaving, Garmadon swipes some of the vengestone because THE VOICES—he’s also pretty sure it’ll come in handy later. Garmadon begins to allow Vinny’s mindset to settle with his beliefs, so of course MystakĂ© has to come in and be all like “hey wtf are you doing that’s stupid” and snap him back into his Warlord mindset. Once Garmadon is successfully re-traumatized, MystakĂ© stops intervening(no hate to MystakĂ© we love MystakĂ© she’s a girlboss). 
Cyclops Saga—Serpent Saga: Garmadon brings a small group over to the cave, where they find heaps and heaps of Chronosteel and Ninjagian metals, along with Serpentine knives and other Serpentine weaponry scattered around. Garmadon swipes some of the Chronosteel with part of his gi/tunic/chiton (whatever I decide to make him wear) covering his skin, and slips it into a compartment on his belt or in a pack or something (he finds a way to keep it on his person. Source: trust me bro). The Devourer, who is under the sand, feels the shift in vibrations and rises from her place underground. Upon sensing Garmadon, whose Oni blood caused her insatiable appetite, she enters a frenzied rage. But—and imma sprinkle in a fun little hc here—when the venom sterted corrupting Garmadon’s body, mind, and soul, it also altered his biology, so if he pushes REALLY hard he has VERY SLIGHT serpentine abilities. He uses the fragments of Hypnobrai hypnotics and enters a telepathic link with the Devourer, temporarily talking her down and offering her a bundle of Elemental-infused metals, as it should combat against her Destructive hunger. She accepts, and consumes a bundle of metal wrapped in cloth. Then she turns on him and his crew and tries to eat them all. Garmadon attempts to direct his forces to defeat her, but she quickly gains the upper hand after killing Vinny (I’M SORRY, VINNY—). Garmadon, paralyzed by his grief and shock, kinda just stares at Vinny’s corpse while other soldiers are being consumed by the Great Devourer. The Devourer suddenly collapses, and whoever imma have take Eurylochus’s role snaps Garmadon outta his shock. Garmadon reveals he has been stealing small portions of each Elemental’s power, and infused it into a small piece of Chronosteel, which he fed to the Great Devourer—along with some vengestone, which, mixed with the Elemental powers, is a very potent poison. While the Great Devourer’s out, the others snatch up Serpentine weapons from the ground and carefully cut off four of her fangs without getting any venom on them. As the last fang is yanked out, the Great Devourer lets out an ear-splitting wall of pain, awakening once again. Garmadon yells for his forced to scatter, and they discover wild Serpentine from all different kinds of tribes requesting to know who hurt their deity, but because Garmadon’s a little shit and didn’t tell her his real name earlier, she says his alias “Nobody” (you have no idea how much I wanted to change Nobody to Darmagon). The other Serpents disperse; Garmadon attempts to leave with his crew and the weaponry, but MystakĂ© tells him to kill the Great Devourer. Despite her venom, Garmadon feels remorse after invading her home and sawing off her fangs, and not only ignores MystakĂ©, he gives The Great Devourer his name, credit card number, social security number, ip address, area code, address, character profile, etc. with his theater kid ahh speech “I’m the reigning King of Ninjago. I am neither man nor mythical—I am your darkest moment. I am the infamous
GARMADON” or whatever 🙄 because he thought that was a good idea somehow? Then what basically happens is MystakĂ© flames him for his choice and Garmadon flames her for her shitty social life so she dips out, but in her ominous as shit Oni Warlady way.
That’s the plot so far that’s absolute, almost everything else is ever-changing.
Other Established Lore Points:
The Overlord is Poseidon because the Great Devourer is a vessel of his. Also he’s a petty little bitch—
Garmadon uses the Realm Crystal (as it’s a substitute for the Wind Bag) to take him and his crew over to Mysterium, where they encounter Aspheera.
Why is Aspheera in Mysterium? The real question is, WHY NOT—
I felt like Aspheera just fit well as Circe. If you have any ideas for what could take the place of her nymphs instead of pyroserpent hatchlings (which will look more like regular Serpentine instead of the giant serpents they were in S11) please lemme know!
Aspheera charges up the Realm Crystal so they’re able to travel to the Underworld. Because it’s actually in both the Odyssey and Ninjago lore, I don’t have to figure out which realm to sent them to THANK TOMMY ANDERSON—
In Monster, Garmadon embraces the Devourer’s Venom and his Oni Violet eyes turn Devourer Red.
During Wisdom, MystakĂ© takes to mentoring Lloyd, who reminds her so painfully intensely of Garmadon she’s actually freaking out a little.
Also, if you’re wondering how Pythor is there despite being Serpentine, I have two possible solutions to this. A.) Some serpentine who surrendered ended up being allowed refuge in Ninjago, and ended up becoming integrated into society. Remember these are the Serpentine WARS, plural. The wars have been going on for a while, so in this case Pythor would be mixed—part Serpentine, part Ninjagian. OR, option B.) Pythor’s just a full on human in this au.
Btw Eurymachus is the suitor who tried to manipulate Odysseus into not killing them “cut off the Serpent’s head” and all that jazz. A decent portion of the suitors in the Odyssey were actually around Telemachus’s age. Between Eurymachus’s manipulative nature and his close age with Telemachus, I decided to make Harumi take his role, as Lloyd is Telemachus in this au. Harumi idolizes Garmadon in this au as well, but she sees his family as weak and manipulated Pythor into being the one to incite the siege on the palace so she wouldn’t take the fall if it failed. She didn’t anticipate that Garmadon did NOT in fact care for her (like bro he hasn’t even MET you he’s been out fighting in WARS for DECADES).
Calypso’s Island might be the Nether-Space if I make the Forbidden Five take on Calypso’s role.
God Games takes place in either the Ethereal Divide or the First Realm. I might change the Source Dragons out to be mostly Oni Warlords as the Olympian Council instead

Also btw MystakĂ© was HEAVILY implied to be an Oni Warlord, and I hc she’s Decer, Oni Warlady of Deception. I have many points to support this but this is not the post for that rant.
When Garmadon is released from the Nether-Space, he’s sent to a random point in the Realm of Ninjago, far out from the Island of Ninjago.
He goes through his whole ahh journessey and shit, and when he finally is about to reach Ninjago, the Overlord intervenes like a PETTY LITTLE BITCH—
MystakĂ© is fuming from where she’s healing (in an Oni Temple in the First Realm)
The FSM is fuming from his place in the Departed Realm
If Wu’s alive at this point, his brother instincts kick in and he gets annoyed without knowing why. If he’s dead, he’s fuming with the FSM in the Departed Realm
The Overlord redirects the currents and sends Garmadon to the Realm of Madness, where he has amassed a whole ass ocean of Dark Matter. He attempts to blackmail Garmadon into entering of his own volition to become a new vessel for the Overlord. When Garmadon refuses, the Overlord snaps and just manipulates the Dark Matter into pulling Garmadon under, Poseidon style (he has a Crystallized Vengestone sword that he uses to hell him maintain control of the Dark Matter as he manipulates it). Garmadon has a few traumatizing cute hallucinations, and the Dark Matter has a strange reaction with the Devourer’s Venom

Garmadon revives and snatches the Realm Crystal from where it floats beside him. His Oni side goes feral and he breaks the surface of the Dark Matter, wings—that are CANONICALLY APART OF HIS ONI FORM—keeping him in the air as he fights the Overlord. He uses the Realm Crystal ro transport them to the Realm of Ninjago, mid fight. He slams the Overlord into the Dark Island the Ody slammed Poseidon into those rocks. The Overlord’s storm that raged through the Realm of Madness is still raging on the Dark Island. Garmadon picks up the Overlord’s sword and practices a type of weaving that Koko should probably try out on the suitors instead of the shroud (he makes a patchwork of the Overlord’s flesh). The Overlord eventually relents, calling off his storm, and Garmadon works to finish his voyage to return to his kingdom. He faces no obstacles.
Lloyd, who went on a quest to find out what the fuck happened to Garmadon (btw his Telemachy crew was either the Ninja or the Darkley’s kids. I have been roped into a specific hc that Lloyd had friends“acquaintances” at Darkley’s—Gene, Brad, and Sally. You can probably find some of those four being goofballs somewhere in my reblogs), returns home to hear the suitors plotting to kill him and immediately runs to stash all the weapons in the armory without hearing the bit they say about Koko. Garmadon hears, though. Not a single suitor survived the massacre. Lloyd enters in the same dramatic fashion his family always does—theater kid style. Except, in this context he stabs a suitor in partial Oni form (Oni form but his face is his human one with dragon and Oni traits scattered on it). Lloyd is recognized as the Green Ninja when four formidably strong suitors manage to wield a Golden Weapon each. Lloyd then proceeds to let his developing Dragoni traits help him battle against the suitors, MystakĂ© guiding him through the whole thing. When Lloyd shouts “STOP” before that one suitor encourages the others to take up arms, it’s because he has a vision of what they’re about to attempt. When that one suitor says “got him” they stab through a wing of Lloyd’s, and dislocate it by using it to both push him onto the ground and pull him towards them. Garmadon is actually two seconds from disintegrating the entire landmass of Ninjago from sheer rage. The only thing that stops him is the fact that if he did that, his loved ones would get hurt. He executes them all, Odysseus-style. Lloyd is impressed and slightly worried. Well, he flinched each time a suitor was shot. He kinda just looked like “yeah I’m used to it” when Garmadon said “You plotted to KILL my SON”. Lloyd immediately flips his script when Garmadon says what they planned to do to Koko. His Oni side kinda flares up, and he stands up, clutching his injured wing (which is folded towards him) slightly. Garmadon is far in front of him at this point. All previous sympathy for the suitors leaves Lloyd’s eyes, and when an actively dying suitor (who was shot by Garm) reaches out to Lloyd in a silent plea for help, Lloyd narrows his eyes and crushes the suitor’s hand under his boot. (Unknown to both Garmadons, Lloyd’s eyes flash a familiar red for an instant
) Garmadon finishes off the last of the suitors (some stared in horror at Garmadon, others stared in horror at the terrifying creature that was nothing like the kid they terrorized, his aura emitting pure evil and hatred). Then Lloyd instantly switches back to the socially awkward/sassy WRECK that we know him to be, and fumbles his way through his reunion with his dad, but it works out because Garmadon is equally autistic. Garmadon and MystakĂ© have a quick little yap sesh, and they (in their own confusing way) agree to try to mend their relationship. Garmadon reunites with Koko, who’s two seconds from throwing him out the window for even SUGGESTING that he’s not who he is—the man she’s waited on for DECADES—AND for implying that she ever fell out of love with him. She successfully outsmarts him (as always) and they reconcile. Noises come from their bedroom that Lloyd wishes he could erase from his mind, instead opting to clean up the palace with Mystaké’s amused guidance. Stuff happens. And everyone is happy
for now

OH! Also if you’re wondering why Garmadon didn’t just use the Realm Crystal to go to Ninjago instead of going on this whole ass side quest
it’s because he can’t.
Only the First Master (and Lloyd, if he receives training for it—but no one knows this yet) has the ability to control the Realm Crystal. Garmadon is one of the few who can activate it, but he is unable to control its course. Aspheera was a special case, she knew a spell that enabled her to chart a single destination for the crystal. She couldn’t choose Ninjago, as it was too far in distance from Mysterium.
So, this means one of two things. Either A.) the Source Dragons slightly aided him when he used the Realm Crystal against the Overlord, or B.) He just got extremely fucking lucky that the Realm Crystal chose Ninjago.
(Garmadon knows these are the only two ways that his return to Ninjago happened. He doesn’t know if the Sources DID help him or not, but ever since his return, he’s prayed to them every night)
So yeah! Lemme know if you have any other questions about this version of the au!
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taddymason · 11 days ago
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wow final of season 3 leaked, sorry guys
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abraxas-45 · 15 days ago
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a forgotten man will walk the same road as that of the equally forgotten
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nyaskitten · 1 month ago
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the absence of ninjagopaint in these trying times is truly felt by all .
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user-without-a-cool-acronym · 19 days ago
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kitkatmonsterfox · 18 days ago
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He's pretty cool. The body structure is weird, but whatever
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chiropterawr · 16 days ago
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warrior cats ahh name
also our first anthro dragon in the series ! i think !
and why is he built like that
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rainofthetwilight · 4 days ago
honestly tho thunderfang's voice is definitely NOT what I was expecting but I'm not disappointed. like I 100% expected this grave, deep, ground-rumbling voice but yeah sure the zesty gay ass voice works too
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agenericplaceholdername · 18 days ago
Wow, the Ninja really have a lot of threats this season:
The Forbidden Five... whose main thing is using an ability that at least 4 of the Ninja can counter with 0 effort. Kai alone was able to keep up with Nokt until Nokt used two dozen elemental powers he no longer has.
Lord Ras... who was defeated by Arin and Sora alone a season and a half ago and has never defeated any of the original Ninja in battle. He, his personally trained shatterspin warrior, his army, and Nokt all were forced to retreat at the Ritual of the Blood Moon even after getting rid of Kai.
Thunderfang... the shatter dragon of chaos who we know has defeated many Oni (unlike the Ninja who eliminated the entire Oni army) and whose only other feat is terrorizing a bunch of monks until he was imprisoned under a mountain.
Evil Jay/Rogue... who lost in under three minutes to an opponent who spent half the battle angsting about her lost love.
Arin... whose whole shtick is that he doesn't have an elemental power and only joined Ras to find his parents, not to get revenge on the Ninja.
Am I missing anyone?
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scribblue · 19 days ago
Why does this mf look like a furry in a digitigrade fursuit with extra thigh padding
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geoxstxrs · 3 days ago
thunderfag the shattertwink
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snail-noodle · 3 days ago
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wdym rox starts to yearn for the embodiment of good???
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jalluzas-ferney · 2 months ago
hey , hey u . can u draw my humanization of thunderfang (evil scary red one) please <333
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RAHHH RAINE‌‌‌ I love these design s so much you have no idea JIVESNVIUWEN so yes I had a lot of fun making this
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dresh-rx · 7 days ago
I always knew french will be useful once (nah)
Here is the transcript for that new trailer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lloyd: Arin may be stuck(/blocked) alone with ras. At the same time Jay too. (Is missing)
. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .
Wyfy: Look!
....... . .. . . .. . .
Cole: We'll find them.
. . . .. . . . .. . . . . .
Thunderfang: Find the swords! Free me!
. . . . .. . .. . .. .
. . . .. . . . .. . . ..
Thunderfang: I return! / I'm reborn!
Thats it~
(i havent touched french in years so keep mistakes in mind)
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nyaskitten · 19 days ago
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Boy why do you look so dumb.
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user-without-a-cool-acronym · 19 days ago
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