#One day it gifted you with psionic powers which have ended up being not so imaginary.
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mariana-oconnor ¡ 1 year ago
OK okokok... gonna put this 'I just woke up' thought out there because this is tumblr and what else is it for? Someone has probably already said this and I haven't seen it, but whatever. I will throw it out anyway.
SO... Gale. We've all seen the posts where people quote the Gale lines about being naturally gifted with magic as a baby, a prodigy etc. and then point out that this is sorcerer behaviour.
BUT, what if... you're all right and it is sorcerer behaviour. BUT the orb feeds on weave/magic right? And sorcerers are born with innate magic... so what if he was born a sorcerer, then trained as a wizard, but the orb consumed his sorcerous magic. And that's why he's not as powerful as he once was, because, unbeknownst to him, all this time, he's been using that natural sorcerous connection to make accessing the weave easier. And now that's gone. Eaten up. Destroyed forever by the Netherese void.
And that's part of what's causing him pain. Because an instrinsic part of himself has been taken away. And he feels it like a phantom limb. Maybe he thinks it was actually connected to his relationship with Mystra, rather than a part of him, and that adds to his sense of loss from that relationship.
What if the first magic item Gale fed to the orb was himself and he doesn't even realise it?
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delta-queerdrant ¡ 1 year ago
in a thousand deliciously ill-advised ways (Cold Fire, s2 e10)
Around the time I watched “Cold Fire,” I read an excerpt from poet Maggie Smith’s memoir, which chronicled how, as a writer and primary caregiver to her kids, she found professional success incompatible with the survival of her marriage. “Please don’t,” she tells a friend who wants to send Smith's husband a picture of the line at her book signing. “It’ll just make everything worse.”
The piece made me so sad, the same sadness I feel every time I’m reminded that our culture is terrified of powerful women. We see this in our popular culture, with its recurring tropes of ungovernable female villains, and perhaps more insidiously, female heroes whose own power is their greatest threat. Men and boys are tasked to defeat external obstacles, but women are always struggling against ourselves. 
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“Cold Fire” simultaneously evokes and dodges these themes of dangerous female power in a way that feels very squishy and contradictory. Kes gains access to “dark” Ocampan powers and has to overcome them, but the episode makes the empathetic choice to portray her journey as universal rather than as evidence of a personal failing. “Do not fear your negative thoughts,” Tuvok, Zen master, tells her in the final scene. “They are part of you. They are part of every living being, even Vulcans.” Even Neelix is on board with her self-discovery, earning a stamp in his underutilized “good boyfriend” passport for being genuinely excited about her personal growth.
As the episode opens, Tuvok is leading Kes through a frankly creepy telepathy session (aren’t there mindreading ethics?), when Voyager stumbles on a Caretaker-like array populated by Ocampa. Kes gets to play diplomat to the colony, a fun expansion of her skillset.
Suspiria, the female Caretaker, reinforces the “lawful male / chaotic female” vibe of the episode - while the Caretaker we’re familiar with played divine patriarch to Kes’s people, Suspiria has settled the Ocampa in her own array and gifted them with psionic powers. The whereabouts of the second Caretaker has been one of the chief ongoing mysteries of the show, but Suspiria is frankly very boring - a vengeful, irrational goddess who takes form as a little girl. (Star Trek seems to have a penchant for “tiny blond girls as otherworldly aliens.”) The episode closes with her return being teased, but of course we never see her again.
Under the tutelage of Tanis, who serves as emissary of Suspiria’s tower of Babel, Kes nearly kills Tuvok with her developing psychic powers. Soon after, she nukes the contents of the airponics bay and, doing so, discovers the joy of wielding death and destruction. This is where the episode veers into silliness for me. Jennifer Lien is a great actor, but I can’t buy her performance, because the script doesn't feel, to me, rooted in character.
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Parables about power often make this mistake: “it’s intoxicating!” “It’s like a drug!” But people chase power (and intoxication) for extremely personal reasons. Kes is a character driven by intellectual curiosity, and while she’s totally capable of leaving her friends behind for a sufficiently compelling adventure, I can’t see her being tempted to align herself with an amoral weirdo like Tanis. If people are going to write stories about dangerous women, they should at least take a moment to ask why a woman might want to be dangerous.
Happily, Kes doesn’t have to give up her powers; she uses them to save the day and resolves to find balance under Tuvok’s guidance. But I’m not sure this show ever finds the plot when it comes to Kes’s abilities and what they mean to her. At the end of the day, it’s just kinda an incoherent mess. 
2.5/5 dark impulses.
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cagemasterfantasy ¡ 1 year ago
Sorcerer (Aberrant Mind)
An alien influence has wrapped its tendrils around your mind, giving you psionic power. You can now touch other minds with that power and alter the world around you by using it to control the magical energy of the multiverse. Will this power shine from you as a hopeful beacon to others? Or will you be a source of terror to those who feel the stab of your mind and witness the strange manifestations of your might?
As an Aberrant Mind sorcerer, you decide how you acquired your powers. Were you born with them? Or did an event later in life leave you shining with psionic awareness? Consult the Aberrant Origins table for a possible origin of your power.
Aberrant Origins
d6 Origin
1 You were exposed to the Far Realm's warping influence. You are convinced that a tentacle is now growing on you, but no one else can see it.
2 A psychic wind from the Astral Plane carried psionic energy to you. When you use your powers, faint motes of light sparkle around you.
3 You once suffered the dominating powers of an Aboleth, leaving a psychic splinter in your mind.
4 You were implanted with a Mind Flayer tadpole, but the ceremorphosis never completed. And now its psionic power is yours. When you use it, your flesh shines with a strange mucus.
5 As a child, you had an imaginary friend that looked like a Flumph or a strange platypus-like creature. One day, it gifted you with psionic powers, which have ended up being not so imaginary.
6 Your nightmares whisper the truth to you: your psionic powers are not your own. You draw them from your parasitic twin!
Psionic Spells: Starting at level 1, you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Psionic Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be a divination or an enchantment spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.
Psionic Spells
Sorcerer Level 1: Arms of Hadar, Dissonant Whispers and Mind Sliver
Sorcerer Level 3: Calm Emotions and Detect Thoughts
Sorcerer Level 5: Hunger of Hadar and Sending
Sorcerer Level 7: Evard's Black Tentacles and Summon Aberration
Sorcerer Level 9: Rary's Telepathic Bond and Telekinesis
Telepathic Speech: Starting at level 1, you can form a telepathic connection between your mind and the mind of another. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You and the chosen creature can speak telepathically with each other while the two of you are within a number of miles of each other equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 mile). To understand each other, you each must speak mentally in a language the other knows.
The telepathic connection lasts for a number of minutes equal to your sorcerer level. It ends early if you are incapacitated or die or if you use this ability to form a connection with a different creature.
Psionic Sorcery: Beginning at level 6, when you cast any spell of 1st level or higher from Psionic Spells, you can cast it by expending a spell slot as normal or by spending a number of sorcery points equal to the spell's level. If you cast the spell using sorcery points, it requires no verbal or somatic components, and it requires no material components, unless they are consumed by the spell.
Psychic Defense: At level 6, you gain resistance (Half Damage) to psychic damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Revelation in Flesh: Beginning at level 14, you can unleash the aberrant truth hidden within yourself. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 or more sorcery points to magically transform your body for 10 minutes. For each sorcery point you spend, you can gain one of the following benefits of your choice, the effects of which last until the transformation ends:
You can see any invisible creature within 60 feet of you, provided it isn't behind total cover. Your eyes also turn black or become writhing sensory tendrils.
You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. As you fly, your skin glistens with mucus or shines with an otherworldly light.
You gain a swimming speed equal to twice your walking speed, and you can breathe underwater. Moreover, gills grow from your neck or fan out from behind your ears, your fingers become webbed, or you grow writhing cilia that extend through your clothing.
Your body, along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, becomes slimy and pliable. You can move through any space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing, and you can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled.
Warping Implosion: At level 18, you can unleash your aberrant power as a space-warping anomaly. As an action, you can teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 120 feet of you. Immediately after you disappear, each creature within 30 feet of the space you left must make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d10 force damage and is pulled straight toward the space you left, ending in an unoccupied space as close to your former space as possible. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pulled.
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 sorcery points to use it again.
Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
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borisbubbles ¡ 4 years ago
Character analysis: Vivienne de Fer (Dragon Age Inquisition)
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So, if you’ve wondered where I popped off to the past two months or so, I’m going to give you an answer - I finally bought Dragon Age Inquisition (legit on my gaming wishlist since its 2014 release) and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. 
The main draw to this game however, isn’t so much the gameplay (if you want a game that feels similar but has better gameplay - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is what you’d want instead), but the storytelling and particularly the character development are top notch. All nine companions are fascinating and fleshed out in such a realistic manner I’m still gasping in awe on my fifth playthrough.  Thus, a post on it is in order. It’s a bit different from my usual content, but don’t let that discourage you - clearing my head from Dragon Age will allow me to let Eurovision back in and continue my unfinished 2020 ranking.  In this post, I will be analyzing one of DAI’s most interesting characters - none other than Madame de Fer herself, Vivienne.  Now, I’m under the impression that this is a rather unpopular opinion but I absolutely love Vivienne. And no, I won’t apologize for it. As a Templar-thumping elitist with a icy, sardonic demeanor the sheer ‘Idea Of A Vivienne’ is meant to make your head spin. Dragon Age has always been a franchise in which mages are a socially surpressed group and to be confronted with a socially confident enchantress who likes Templars and seemingly supports the social shunning out of her own ambition is the walking embodiment of flippancy. 
and yet, I feel a lot of sympathy for Vivienne. 
Yes, she’s a bitch. She knows she’s one and she’s a-ok with it. I won’t argue with that. Sadly, the “Vivienne is a bitch” rhetoric also drastically sells her short. Vivienne is highly complex and her real personality is as tragic as it is twisted. 
Madame de Fer
So let’s start with what we are shown on the surface. Vivienne is a high-ranking courtier from an empire notable for its deadly, acid-laced political game. She seemingly joins the Inquisition for personal gain, to acrue reputation and power, and eventually be elected Divine (= female pope) at the end of the game. She presents herself as a despicable blend of Real Housewife, Disney Villain, and Tory Politician, all rolled into one ball of sickening, unctuous smarm. Worse, the Inquisitor has no way to rebuke Vivienne’s absurd policies and ideas. You can’t argue with her, convince her to listen to your differing viewpoints or even kick her out the Inquisition. She has a way with words where she can twist arguments around in such a fashion that she lands on top and makes the other person look like the irrational party.
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“Thus speaks the Inquisitor who has made so many mature and level-headed choices so far. Such as releasion malcontents upon the population without safeguards to protect them should they turn into abominations. Very wise. I rearranged some furniture. Lives aren’t thrown into jeopardy by my actions. Perhaps a little perspective is needed.”
She’s Cersei Lannister on creatine, Dolores Umbridge on motherfucking roids. If you look at merely the surface, then yes, Vivienne looks like the worst person ever created. I love a good anti-villainess however, and she’s definitely one. 
Yet, she never actually does anything ‘evil’? Yes, she is ‘a tyrant’ as a Divine, but 1) the person saying this is Cassandra, whose dislike for mage freedom is only matched by her dislike of being sidelined 2) Divine Vivienne isn’t bad to mages either? (hold that thought, I’ll get to it). She never actually sabotages the Inquisition, no matter how low her approval with the Inquisitor gets. She never attempts to stop them, no matter how annoyed she is. She’s one of the most brutally honest companions in the cast, in fact. (It always surprises me people call her a ‘hypocrite’ - you keep using that word and it doesn’t mean what you think it means.) The ‘worst’ display of character is when she attempts to break up Sera and the Inquisitor and even then - are we going to pretend Sera isn’t a toxic, controlling girlfriend with a huge chip on her shoulder? I love Sera, but come on.  
Vivienne is a character where the storytelling rule of Show, Don’t Tell is of vital importance. The Orlesian empire is an empire built around posturing and reputation. Nobody really shows their true motivations or character, and instead builds a public façade. It’s like how the Hanar (the Jellyfish people) in Mass Effect have a Public name they use in day-to-day life, and a Personal Name for their loved-ones and inner circle. Vivienne’s ‘Public Visage’ is that of Madame de Fer - this is the Vivienne who openly relishes in power, publicly humiliates grasping anklebiters with passive-aggressive retorts, the woman who is feared and loathed by all of Orlais, and this is the Face you see for most of the game.
The real beauty of Vivienne’s character and the reason why I love her as much as I do (which is to say - a LOT) are the few moments when - what’s the phrase DigitalSpy love so much - Her Mask Slips, and you get a glimpse of the real woman underneath the hennin.
This is the Vivienne who stands by you during the Siege of Haven and approves of you when you save the villagers from Corypheus’s horde.
This is the Vivienne who comforts you when you lament the losses you suffered.
This is the Vivienne who admires you for setting an example as a mage for the rest of Thedas.
This is the Vivienne who worries about Cole’s well-being during his personal quest, momentarily forgetting who or what he is. 
This is the Vivienne who, when her approval for the Inquisitor reaches rock bottom, desperately reminds him of the suffering mages go through on a day-to-day basis because of the fear and hatred non-mages are bred to feel towards them and how this can spiral into more bloodshed without safeguards. 
This is the Vivienne who shows how deep her affection for Bastien de Ghislain truly is, by bringing you along during his dying moments. I love this scene btw. This is the only moment in the entire game where Vivienne is actually herself in the presence of the Inquisitor - needless to say, I consider anyone who deliberately spikes her potion a motherfucking psychopath ^_^)
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“There is nothing here now” fuck I *almost* cried at Vivienne, get out of my head BioWare, this is WRONG -- people who delude themselves this is an irredeemable character. 
So, who is Vivienne really?
Understanding Vivienne requires recognizing that the mask and the real woman aren’t the same person. I think her relationship with Dorian is the prime example of this. I love the Vivienne/Dorian banter train, obviously - an unstoppable force of sass colliding with an unmovable wall of smarm is nothing short of a spectacle. However, there’s more to it than their highly entertaining snipes. As the incredibly gifted son of a magister, Dorian represents everything Vivienne should despise, and should be a natural enemy to her. And yet, she doesn’t and he isn’t.. Their gilded japes at each other are nothing more than verbal sparring, not dissimilar to how Krem and Iron Bull call each other names when they beat each other with sticks. In what I think is one of the most brilliantly written interactions between characters in DAI, I present Vivienne’s reaction when the Inquisitor enters a romance with Dorian:
Vivienne: I received a letter the other day, Dorian. Dorian: Truly? It's nice to know you have friends. 🙄 Vivienne: It was from an acquaintance in Tevinter expressing his shock at the disturbing rumors about your... relationship with the Inquisitor. Dorian: Rumors you were only too happy to verify, I assume. 🙃 Vivienne: I informed him the only disturbing thing in evidence was his penmanship. 🙂 Dorian: ...Oh. Thank you. 😳 Vivienne: I am not so quick to judge, darling. See that you give me no reason to feel otherwise.
Madame de Fer can never be seen directly expressing approval to a relationship between the Herald of Andraste and an ‘Evil’ Tevinter ’Magister’. By this subtle, subtle conversation, Vivienne indirectly tells Dorian that she considers him a good match for the Inquisitor and approves of the romance. It’s one of those reasons why I could never truly dislike Vivienne - between the layers of elegant poison lies a somewhat decent woman who never loses sight of the bigger picture. Not a good person maybe, but not one without some redeeming qualities.
The crux of Vivienne’s personality is that she, like all DAI companions, is a social outcast. She’s a mage in a fantasy setting where mages are psionically linked to demons, and grew up in a country where the majority religion has openly advocated the shunning and leashing of mages (’Magic exists to serve man’ - the Chantry is so, so vile in this game.). Vivienne’s “gift” was discovered so early in her life that she can barely remember her parents. Vivienne grew up in a squalid boarding school, learning from a young age that she’s dangerous and her talents need to be tamed and curbed. She is also terrified of demons, as her banters with Cole point out:
Cole: You're afraid. You don't have to be. Vivienne: My dear Inquisitor, please restrain your pet demon. I do not want it addressing me. Inquisitor: He's not doing any harm, Vivienne. Vivienne: It's a demon, darling. All it can do is harm. Cole: Everything bright, roar of anger as the demon rears. No, I will not fall. No one will control me ever again. Cole: Flash of white as the world comes back. Shaking, hollow, Harrowed, but smiling at templars to show them I'm me. Cole: I am not like that. I can protect you. If Templars come for you, I will kill them. Vivienne: Delightful. 😑
Vivienne’s Harrowing is implied to have been such a traumatizing event to her that she’s developed a pavlovian fear of demons ever since. (Hence her hostility towards Cole.). Vivienne is fully aware of the inherent dangers of magic, and projects this onto all other mages. 
Besides, given how Dragon Age has a history with mages doing all sorts of fucked up shit, ranging from blood magic, murder, demonic possession and actual terrorism (yes, *ElthinaBITCH* had it coming, but let’s not pretend like Anders/Justice was anything other than a terrorist), Vivienne’s policies of controlled monitoring and vigilance are actually significantly more sensible than the options of ‘unconditionally freeing every mage all over Thedas’ and ‘reverting back to the status quo before the rebellion’. They’re flawed policies, obviously. When Vivienne says “mages” she pictures faceless silhouettes foremost and not herself. Regardless, unlike Cassandra and Leliana, Vivienne is aware of the fear others harbour for her kind, and how hard it is to overcome such perceptions.  
Additionally, Vivienne’s a foreigner. She is an ethnic Rivaini, a culture associated with smugglers and pirates (Isabela from DAO and DA2 is half-Rivaini). This adds an additional social stigma, again pointed out by Cole:
Cole: Stepping into the parlor, hem of my gown snagged, no, adjust before I go in, must look perfect. Vivienne: My dear, your pet is speaking again. Do silence it. Cole: Voices inside. Marquis Alphonse. Cole: "I do hope Duke Bastien puts out the lights before he touches her. But then, she must disappear in the dark." Cole: Gown tight between my fingers, cold all over. Unacceptable. Wheels turn, strings pull. Cole: He hurt you. You left a letter, let out a lie so he would do something foolish against the Inquisition. A trap. Vivienne: Inquisitor, as your demon lacks manners, perhaps you could get Solas to train it.
This is the only palpable example of the casual racism Vivienne has to endure on a daily basis - Marquis Alphonse is a stupid, bigoted pillowhead who sucks at The Game, but remember - Vivienne only kills him if the Inquisitor decides to be a butthurt thug. She is aware that for every Alphonse, there are dozens of greasy sycophants who think exactly like he does, and will keep it under wraps just to remain in her good graces. 
Finally, there’s the social position Vivienne manufactured for herself, which is the weak point towards her character imo. Remember, this woman is a commoner by birth. She doesn’t even have a surname. Through apparently sheer dumb luck (or satanic intervention) she basically fell into the position of Personal Mage to the Duke of Ghislain. Regardless, ‘Personal mages’ were the rage in Orlesian nobility, and the prestigious families owned by them like one may own a pet or personal property. By somehow becoming Bastien de Ghislain’s mistress and using his influence, "Madame de Fer” liberated herself from all the social stigmata which should have pinned her down into a lowly courtier rank and turned the largely ceremonial office of “Court Enchanter” into a position of respect and power. This is huge move towards mage emancipation by the way, in a society where, again, Mages are feared and shunned and are constantly bullied, emasculated and taught to hate their talents. Vivienne is a shining example of what mages can become at the height of their power. Power she has, mind you, never actually abused before her Divine election. Vivienne’s actions will forever be under scrutiny not because of who she is, but because of what she is. The Grand Game can spit her out at any moment, which will likely result in her death. 
Inquisitor: “You seem to be enjoying yourself, Vivienne?” Vivienne: “It’s The Game, darling. If I didn’t enjoy it, I’d be dead by now.”
Whether Vivienne was using Bastien for her own gain or whether she truly loved him isn’t a case of or/or. It’s a case of and/and. The perception that she was using Bastien makes Vivienne more fearsome and improves her position in the Grand Game, but deep down, I have no doubts truly loved him. Remember, Vivienne’s position at the Orlesian court was secure. She had nothing to gain by saving Bastien’s life, but she attempted to anyway. That Bastien’s sister is a High Cleric doesn’t matter - Vivienne can be elected Divine regardless of her personal quest’s resolution. She loved him, period. 
No, I don’t think Vivienne is a good person. She treats those she deems beneath her poorly, like Sera, Solas, Cole and Blackwall (characters I like less than Vivienne), which I think is the #1 indicator for a Bad Personality. But I don’t think she qualifies as ‘Evil’ either and I refuse to dismiss the beautiful layering of her character. I genuinely believe Vivienne joined the Inquisition not just for her personal gain, but also out of idealism, similar to Dorian (again, Cole is 100% correct in pointing out the similarities between Dorian’s and Vivienne’s motivations for joining, as discomforting it is to her). 
In her mind, Vivienne sees herself as the only person who can emancipate the mages without bloodshed - her personal accomplishments at the Orlesian court speak for themselves. Vivienne isn’t opposed to mage freedom - she worries for the consequences of radical change, as she believes Orlesian society unprepared for the consequences. Hence why she’s perfectly fine with a Divine Cassandra. Hence why her fellow mages immediately elect her Grand Enchanter of the new Circle. 
Hence why Vivienne is so terrified by the Inquisitor’s actions if her disapproval gets too low. The Inquisitor has the power to completely destroy everything she has built and fought for during her lifetime. Remember: Vivienne’s biggest fear is irrelevance - there’s no greater irrelevance than having your life achievements reverse-engineered by the accidental stumbling of some upstart nobody. This is the real reason why she joins, risks her life and gets her hands dirty - the only person whose competence Vivienne trusts, is Vivienne’s own. 
Even as Divine Victoria, I’d say she’s not bad, at all actually. Vivienne has the trappings of an an Enlightened Despot, maintaining full control, while simultaneously granting mages more responsibility and freedom, slowly laying the foundations to make mages more accepted and less persecuted in southern Thedas. Given that Ferelden is a feudal fiefdom and Orlais is an absolute monarchy, this is a fucking improvement are you kidding me. (Wait did he just imply Vivienne is secretly the best Divine - hmm, probably not because Cass/Leliana have better epilogues - but realistically speaking, yes, Viv should be the best Divine and it’s bullshit that the story disagrees.) 
Underneath the countless layers of smarm, frost and seeming callousness, lies a fiercely intelligent and brave woman, whose ideals have been twisted into perversion by the cruel, ungrateful world around her. Envy her for her ability to control her destiny, but know that envy is what it is.  
The flaw in Vivienne’s character isn’t so much the ‘tyranny’ or the ‘bitchiness’ or the 'smarm’. Her flaw is her false belief that she is what the mages need the most. Her belief that her competence gives her the prerogative to serve the unwashed mage masses... by ruling over them. For all intents and purposes, Vivienne is an Orlesian Magister and this will forever be the brilliant tragedy of her character. She was created by a corrupt institution that should, by all accounts fear and loathe her but instead embraced her. It’s that delirious irony that makes Vivienne de Fer one of the best fictional characters in RPG history.  the next post will be Eurovision-related. :-) 
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that-shamrock-vibe ¡ 4 years ago
WandaVision: Dissecting the MCU’s Most Successful Superhero Couple
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Disclaimer: I am only using the term WandaVision as the coupling name for Scarlet Witch and Vision. I am not centring this discussion on the upcoming Disney+ series but rather talking about the 6 year build up to it.
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Despite the fact the likes of Hank Pym’s Ant-Man & Janet van Dyne’s Wasp along with Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman are Marvel Comics’ most prominent superhero couples, Scarlet Witch and Vision have always been that “unusual couple” that became a fan-favourite, didn’t diminish either character’s individual stories and, once the two were officially introduced into the MCU in 2015′s Avengers: Age of Ultron, became a hotly anticipated coupling by fans from their somewhat instant connection.
Not only is this comics-accurate love story finally being realised in the MCU, but the fact Kevin Feige feels as passionate about them as fans like I do that he is giving them their own series to shine, along with Wanda herself being involved in the MCU’s next big arc with exploring the Multiverse, I think it is safe to say that WandaVision have outshone the likes of Ant-Man and the Wasp and other couplings to become the MCU’s It couple.
Well, considering Disney+ released a new behind the scenes series called Marvel Legends last week with the first two episodes focusing on Wanda and Vision, despite them being no more than clip-reels of the characters MCU timeline, I wanted to delve in deeper and discuss how characters that were deemed B-worthy enough to be sent to streaming...which suddenly seems like the place to be...have suddenly become the hottest commodities in the MCU.
The Age of Miracles:
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Wanda Maximoff first appeared in the MCU in an mid-credits scene for 2014′s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, adding the cherry on the top of what was already a glorious cake of a movie by unofficially introducing Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Sidebar, this was, at its time, very confusing for fans who believed that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were owned by 20th Century Fox in their X-Men movies. However, after the announcement of the Maximoff twins in the MCU and Quicksilver appearing simultaneously in 2014′s X-Men: Days of Future Past, it was revealed that a deal was made between Fox and Disney that the twins would only have certain traits in either universe.
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For the X-Men movies, they would be Mutants, have their origins as the children of Magneto and...even though this never happened...appear as members of the Brotherhood of Mutants.
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For the MCU, the Maximoff twins are known as enhanced individuals gaining their powers from the Mind Stone after experimentation from HYDRA. There is no mention of them being Mutants, their parents were indirect victims of Stark Industries, and despite Pietro having his original speed physiology powers, Wanda started off with Psionic Manipulation rather than Chaos Magic as her comic-book counterpart has.
However, it has been confirmed by Kevin Feige that Wanda’s shapeless red energy is magic of the same elk to Doctor Strange, just untamed. Meaning the upcoming alternative sitcom reality Wanda has created in WandaVision restoring Vision, could be an application of her latent reality warping powers.
The Maximoff Twins were officially introduced in 2015′s Avengers: Age of Ultron originally as operatives of HYDRA, before moving on to serve Ultron until defecting from him after realising he was evil and joining the Avengers in their fight to save their home country Sokovia.
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Vision meanwhile was officially introduced at the end of the second act for the movie but his predecessor JARVIS was first introduced in Iron Man way back when in 2008...the movie that started it all.
As Tony Stark’s A.I. assistant, JARVIS was stated by Stark to be a top of the range program that runs more of Stark Industries than anyone other than Pepper Potts as CEO. However, when Stark had the ingenious idea to create Ultron...otherwise known as RDJ wanting to steal Hank Pym’s most famous comic-book storyline...as a peacekeeping program to safeguard Earth from extra-terrestrial threats, in typical sci-fi fashion Ultron goes evil and seemingly destroys JARVIS.
However, JARVIS simply retreated into the server only to return after the Avengers acquire Ultron’s recently created synthetic android. The Science Bros. transfer JARVIS’ conscience into the synthetic body and with the help of Thor/s thunder charge Vision was born.
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I have to say also, while superhero movie trailers do get me excited for said superhero movie, seeing the reveal of Vision in the final Age of Ultron trailer gave me that wow factor moment only X-Men trailers usually do.
Comics to Movies:
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As I have always admitted, I am not as in-depth with the comics as the movies. However, Scarlet Witch and Vision are two characters I have followed pretty since I first found out about them in the mid-noughties as a teenager.
But what cemented the two as my favourite Marvel characters overall, from Comics, to Movies to TV, is the literal creation of the twin sons Wiccan and Speed who became key members in the Young Avengers.
Now yes, both characters have had lives separate from each other because, as I said before, they are still their own characters despite being also known as a couple. But while Wanda has had a somewhat twincestuous relationship with her brother in far comics history, and Vision had his own family of synthetic androids including daughter Viv, who was a playable character in Marvel’s Avengers Academy, I find the best in Marvel Comics writing was actually after their twins were reabsorbed into the demon Mephisto as they were fragments of his soul and Wanda went crazy heralding in the House of M.
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Also, not only is Wanda apparently getting her Scarlet Witch moniker either during or after the MCU Multiverse arc, but also a more comics-accurate costume. Up until now Wanda’s costume in the MCU has been they street-casual which does suit the Wanda of Sokovia. Even when she joined the Avengers and got an upgraded costume it did seem more like something someone could wear for a casual day out...as proof, my sister dressed up as the MCU Scarlet Witch by finding clothes in standard clothing stores rather than costume outlets.
My favourite Scarlet Witch outfit to date has been her full-length red gown complete with headdress from the comics, the headdresses of Magneto’s daughters are so iconic that when Polaris crafted her own out of Magneto’s medallion in The Gifted I was fanboying so hard.
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We already know Wanda will be wearing a Halloween costume inspired by her iconic comics suit in WandaVision, but if the Halloween costume looks that impressive, I cannot wait to see what her actual supersuit looks like.
Throughout the MCU:
Right from the start, I really enjoyed both Scarlet Witch and Vision in the MCU, despite Scarlet Witch still not to be known as Scarlet Witch to date in the MCU. But from when we see cameos of Wanda and Pietro as experiments of HYDRA, that one quick shot of Wanda displaying her powers I was sold.
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Vision meanwhile gave himself a somewhat modified version of his comics-accurate cape because he saw Thor had a cape and wanted one. He could also wield Mjølnir, does this make him worthy? It must do despite the Avengers constant mithering about it. If you can wield Mjølnir you’re worthy.
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Talking from a romance perspective, it was a big tease of the two getting together right up until 2018′s Avengers: Infinity War as while it was teased in 2016′s Captain America: Civil War, a romance wasn’t actually shown until we find them in Scotland.
Interestingly enough in the comics, the couple retire to New Jersey rather than Scotland.
Also, like a lot of heroes, both Wanda and Vision seemed to get an upgrade in powers every movie. We always got teases of both their full potentials in the quieter moments like when Pietro died and Wanda, feeling her twin dying, vaporised the surrounding Ultron Sentries in a moment of distraught heartache and when Vision destroyed the last Ultron Sentry.
But it wasn’t until Captain America: Civil War, where we learned that Wanda could control the Mind Stone powering Vision and Vision could easily severely injure another hero and then in Infinity War when either Vision created a human guise for himself or maybe Wanda did, while Wanda not only made short work of Thanos’ army but could also destroy the Mind Stone and, in Endgame take on and possibly defeat Thanos single-handed, that we got a true display of her powers.
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MCU creatives have stated that Scarlet Witch is in fact the most powerful MCU hero after it was originally stated Captain Marvel was, so when Wanda finally upgrades and realises her true potential this should be fully realised making Scarlet Witch the most powerful MCU character.
WandaVision and MCU Future:
Here’s what we know about WandaVision:
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Wanda finds herself in a sitcom television universe potentially of her own making after not only losing Vision, but not forgetting also Wanda has lost her family including her twin brother as well as friends and teammates Black Widow, Captain America and even Iron Man.
For someone who was late-teens early-twenties at the time of Age of Ultron, this makes her late-20s early-30s by the time of this series, my age, and so obviously all of this loss and grief will play havoc on one’s mind let alone everything else she has gone through.
Also Vision is back but I still don’t know to what extent that is, is he only back in this alternate sitcom reality or has Wanda willed him back into existence in the same way that she willed their twin sons into reality in the comics.
Speaking of which, we know the couple have twins in the series as when they’re in their 80s sitcom setting, we see two bassinettes and it’s hinted we will see them as teenagers.
It has to be Wiccan and Speed, it can’t not be. This would be a massive red mark on WandaVision’s scorecard if it isn’t. I have recently heard rumours they could be human-android hybrids to match the parents and someone even suggesting Viv could be one of the twins...but I can’t fathom why if the Young Avengers are coming into play with the confirmation of Kate Bishop, America Chavez and Stature, why these two core characters wouldn’t be at play.
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The other hotly anticipated character introduction is Kathryn Hahn as Agnes...again if this isn’t Agatha Harkness then it is major tease. Agnes is surely an alias for Agatha Harkness who in the comics and even X-Men: Evolution was Scarlet Witch’s mentor for controlling her powers.
The only difference between the two incarnations is in every other version of the character Agatha is an old woman whereas Kathryn Hahn looks like Kathryn Hahn. It will also be great to see Agatha Harkness in a comedic setting as Kathryn Hahn is hilarious.
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We also have returning MCU characters Jimmy Woo, Monica Rambeau and Darcy Lewis added to the series. All three may not be connected or they all could be working for SWORD which is the successor to SHIELD first seen in the post-credits scene for Spider-Man: Far From Home.
I’m thrilled to have Kat Dennings back in the MCU and considering both she and Randall Park have a history in comedy, the sitcom settings should suit them well.
I’m not sure why any of these characters are connected to Scarlet Witch or Vision considering all three are connected to separate heroes Ant-Man, Captain Marvel and Thor respectively, but any excuse to bring them back I’ll take it.
What is also more or less confirmed is the ending of WandaVision will see a massive witch fight between Wanda and Agnes resulting in Wanda tearing a hole in the multiverse starting the Multiverse arc in the MCU which will be picked up in Spider-Man 3 and resolved in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with Wanda set to appear in both movies.
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As for Vision’s fate post WandaVision, it is currently unknown where he will appear next if at all, and it may actually depend on the success of the series, but we know that Wiccan and Speed will become part of the Young Avengers so they’re staying on.
It is also worth noting that in the Young Avengers, a second version of Vision known as Jonas was a member of the team created through Nathaniel Richard’s neurokinetic armor gaining sentience after having Vision’s operating system downloaded into it.
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Nathaniel Richards is a distant relative to Reed Richards aka Mister Fantastic who is set to appear in the upcoming Fantastic 4 movie, but is also a time remnant of Kang the Conqueror who is set to appear in the upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantummania and may be alluded to in the upcoming Disney+ series Loki.
Nathaniel is also Iron Lad, who forms the Young Avengers as part of the Avengers Fail-Safe program. Do you see how this all ties together?
So basically even if we don’t see this Vision again after WandaVision, we may see Jonas in the Young Avengers.
As for the future for Scarlet Witch post-multiverse, if they are bringing in Wiccan and Speed, I really want the next big arc to be the Children’s Crusade. I know fans want House of M...WandaVision is possibly as close to House of M as we’re going to get.
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Children’s Crusade is how Wiccan and Speed learn about and are reunited with their estranged mother who has lost her memories and is living in wedded bliss with Doctor Doom...who could easily be introduced in said Fantastic 4 movie.
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Whatever the future holds for Scarlet Witch and Vision, no one can deny that this love story has not only been an organic one, but with it set to be the running theme for WandaVision, this love story is most definitely one for the ages.
So that’s my analysis of the newest superhero superpowered couple currently at play in the MCU, what do you guys think? Is WandaVision a couple for the ages? Will they have a place in the MCU after the upcoming Disney+ series?
Post your comments and check out more MCU Reviews as well as other posts and WandaVision starting this Friday (Jan 15).
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satoshi-mochida ¡ 4 years ago
Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots for “Brain Punk” action RPG Scarlet Nexus introducing the game’s world, dual protagonists, and characters Arashi Spring, Shiden Ritter, Kyoka Eden, Kagero Donne, Naomi Randall, and Cullen Travers.
Get the details below.
■ World
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Long ago, deranged mutants known as “Others” began to descend from the sky with a hunger for human brains. Humanity had no choice but to lead an enclosed life on the earth’s surface, but thanks to highly developed science and technology based on “psionics,” extra-sensory abilities that everyone has by nature, all things in world were connected by a large-scale network.
In this world where brain science has developed beyond convention, an army to oppose the Others known as the “Others Suppression Force” (OSF) was formed in New Himuka.
The OSF is an army of soldiers that possess exceptionally powerful abilities called “powers,” and are the only ones with the strength to annihilate the Others.
For the people, the members of the OSF are heroes, stars, and role models. This era was long-lasting, and the Others are now perceived as a natural phenomenon in the vein of thunderstorms and typhoons in that battles against the Others are an unfortunate occurrence that exist as an extension of everyday life.
The OSF will be joined by new recruits against this year. They, too, are forced to fight on the frontlines of the never-ending battle between humanity and the Others.
Experience a deep story of human connection from Bandai Namco Studios and the developers behind the Tales of series.
—New Himuka: A near-future world developed by psionics.
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—The story of superpowered humans with particularly outstanding strength.
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The Others
A threat to humanity that has existed since ancient times. Deranged mutants that descended from the sky with a hunger for human brains.
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Others Suppression Force
A group of humans with powers formed to protect the people from the Others.
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Their standout features are red cables and hoods. They are known as the “Scarlet Guardians.”
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■ Dual Protagonists
Scarlet Nexus has two protagonists: Yuito Sumeragi, whose life was saved by a member of the OSF at a young age; and Kasane Randall, an elite scouted by the OSF who was always at the top of her class in training school. A dramatic story await players from the perspectives of two protagonists who have joined the OSF as new recruits.
Players will start the game by choosing one of the two protagonists. Which protagonist you choose is up to you. By playing as both protagonists, previously unseen truths behind certain events will come to light, such as conflicts between OSF soldiers and the “Red Strings” that hold the key to the story. The fate of the world is at hand.
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■ Characters
Arashi Spring (voiced by Yui Horie)
“Being able to selfishly slack off whenever I want is something a grownup gets to do.”
Power: Hypervelocity
Service Record in the OSF: 29 Years
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As the face of the OSF, she works as public relations and has enthusiastic fans of all ages and genders, but the hard working, cheerful, and sweet girl she plays on screen is only a persona for the camera. In truth, she is a sloth who is more enthusiastic about playing slacking off than she is working. Some of her teammates even tease her with the nickname “Lazy Ara” since as soon as the cameras go off, she loosens up and slacks off.
However, her true abilities are rumored to be on par with those of the “Septentrion,” and she is a also a gifted engineer. If she is motivated enough, her calmness and brilliant mind are extremely reliable assets. She is also the older sister of Fubuki Spring, the commander of the 1st Regiment of the OSF Arm. While she may seem younger than Fubuki at first glance due to the effects of anti-aging drugs, she is in fact the older one.
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Shiden Ritter (voiced by Kengo Kawanishi)
“I don’t plan on being your friend.”
Power: Electrokinesis
Service Record in the OSF: 14 Years
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A twisted and cruel OSF soldier with a sharp tongue. His high sense of pride, slight negativity, and highly strict nature tend to cause problems for his teammates. He did not get along with the commanding officer of his previous platoon and was reassigned to a new platoon where he teamed up Kasane. His ability in combat, however, is outstanding, and his results on the battlefield make up for his bad attitude.
He does not shy away from complimenting those stronger than himself, and both admires and longs to become as strong as the seven members of the “Septentrion.” Above all, he has particular respect for Seto Narukami, who possesses the same “Electrokinesis” power as him.
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Kyoka Eden (voiced by Yumi Hara)
“We can’t just abandon people who need our help. Let’s do what we can.”
Power: Duplication
Service Record in the OSF: 29 Years
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As an OSF member gifted with beauty and brains, Kyoka’s name is widely known. While she has many fans both inside and outside of the force, she herself does not seem very interested in her appearance. She is great at looking after her units and often oversees platoons as a result. She usually has a kind and gentle air about her, but becomes an entirely different and dauntless person in battle.
She considers the members of her unit to be like family, and shows a strong motherly side in that she is devoted to her comrades and subordinates to the point of nosiness. She loves things like jinxes, good-luck charms, and fortune-telling, and cannot help but try out each new one she discovers. She and Arashi graduated in the same class and know each other very well.
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Kagero Donne (voiced by Daisuke Namikawa)
“Man, my invisibility power really saved the day!”
Power: Invisibility
Service Record in the OSF: 12 Years
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A sociable, somewhat frivolous young man. He was scouted by the OSF after becoming an adult, which is much later than usual, and is commonly referred to as the “adult enlistment.” With his handsome appearance and silver tongue, he can get along with anyone and get himself out of any situation. According to himself, he is especially popular with women. The mood maker of the party, he is calm in a pinch and jokes around even in the direst times, but never seems faltered. He is an immigrant from Togetsu, a priest of their faith. However, he does not appear interested in their teachings anymore. His past is the only aspect of his life that he is secretive about.
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Naomi Randall (voiced by Asuka Nishi)
“Kasane is the type of person who is easily misunderstood, so I would worry if I’m not by her side.”
Power: Precognition
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Kasane’s kind and somewhat reserved adoptive older sister. As the eldest daughter of the wealthy Randall family, she grew up comfortably as a princess doted on by her parents. However, she is selfless, treats everyone equally, and possesses the integrity and strength to side with the weak and crush the strong. Although she is the same age as Kasane, she treats the adopted Kasane like a younger sister. She loves Kasane like a real sister and shows her affection from the bottom of her heart. She supports Kasane often, who tends to clash with others.
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Cullen Travers (voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama)
“Don’t waste my time.”
Power: ???
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The commander of the 2nd Regiment of the OSF Army, and the order of the 1st class of the “Septentrion.” Even among the OSF’s most remarkable, his abilities are particularly outstanding. Since he is untalkative, self-confident, and does not mince words, he is sometimes described as arrogant. However, his overwhelming charisma and strength are irresistible assets that many members of the OSF admire.
As Luka’s older brother, they have lived together as siblings without other relatives. He is also childhood friends with Fubuki, the commander of the 1st Regiment of the OSF Army, with whom he graduated in the same class. Together, the two are known as the matchless duo of the OSF.
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Scarlet Nexus is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in summer 2021. Read more about the game here, here, here, and here. Read our in-depth preview here and watch the latest trailer here.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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andrewmoocow ¡ 5 years ago
Steven Universe: The Fantastic Mutants chapter 3: Enter the Brotherhood (originally posted on July 11, 2020)
AN: Sorry this took so long to come out readers. Coronavirus,  online school and all that jazz just had me occupied for a good while.  Hopefully you've been keeping yourselves entertained in the midst of  this quarantine; I've gotten into Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Scooby-Doo  Mystery Incorporated, Cardcaptor Sakura, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic  among others. Anyways, let's get back, at long last, to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning of Gifted Youngsters (or just Xavier Institute or XIHLGY since that name might be a bit too long for some)  and see how the Crystal Gems and their new allies can get out of this one!
A few hours prior to their invasion of Professor Xavier's school, the Brotherhood of Mutants sat around a table examining the exploits of the  Crystal Gems to get a good idea of what they'll be getting into. "Don't  ya think we're in over our heads?" Juggernaut asked his fellow mutants  while watching video footage of Lapis stealing the ocean. "I mean, one of them can literally use 75% of the planet to kill us all!"
"The blue one may have the strongest power, but she is also rather emotionally fragile." Black Tom remarked. "In fact, all of them are pretty unstable once you think about it. Insecure, dependent, obsessed, haughty, cowardly, hotheaded..."
"Quit with the psychology stuff Tommy!" Pyro exclaimed out of boredom. "What I wanna know is how could they brainwash three world-destroying monarchs so easily? Could the same happen to us too?!"
"Well, the boss maybe." Sabretooth answered. "Speaking of which, where is he?"
However when Creed wasn't looking, the master of magnetism was standing behind him with Mystique at his side. "Lemme guess, he's standing right behind me."
"How could you guess? Do you have psychic abilities like  Xavier?" Mystique snarked as she sat down next to the clawed mutant. "I've been discussing plans with Erik for the past few minutes, plans on how to infiltrate these Gems. He chose the water-controller as the one I should masquerade as since it would require that I retain my usual skin color."
"He's got a good point, but why are we hunting these down in particular?" Avalanche wondered. "Is it because of how celebrated  they became for allying with the Avengers?"
"Not quite everyone." Magneto revealed. "Our current ally Doctor Doom wants the child's gemstone for the purpose of creating his own army of half-Gem warriors. And taking care of them will be so fulfilling for me after Rose had left me all those years ago."
In the present day, the Brotherhood had begun their assault on the Crystal Gems, with their archenemies the X-Men caught in the crossfire and the Fantastic Four as well. The mansion was left damaged in their arrival  and the Brotherhood now has the heroes surrounded.
"Now my friends, are we going to make peace by handing the child to me or must  we resort to drastic measures?" Magneto purred threateningly, holding out his hand and expecting someone to shake it.
"Like we'll ever let you have Steven!" Garnet stated. "Just a few weeks ago, he was nearly captured in a situation similar to this one, and we refuse to let it happen again."
"So when I want to do what's right, you try to fight back." Erik pointed out. "Yet when those three Diamonds plotted to destroy Earth, you let them off scot-free simply because they were mourning a bratty child that was no better than them? The hypocrisy is quite strong here!"
"Can we just cut the blabbing about our morality and fight already?!" Amethyst complained while wriggling free from Black Tom's vines and pouncing on Toad, tying his tongue around his eyes to blind him. "Why are you always targeting me?!"
With that, the battle properly began. The Crystal Gems charged at the Brotherhood of Mutants with the X-Men and Fantastic Four by their side, tearing up the mansion even more.
During the chaos, Morph snuck around the  battlefield in the guise of Garnet and tackled Sabretooth from behind, sitting on top of both his arms. "You little shit, get offa me!" Victor  exclaimed in agony while Morph then took the form of Groucho Marx. "I'd have you cry uncle, but you don't really have one as far as I know." He quipped while pretending to hold a big cigar.
Meanwhile Steven  & Connie had formed into Stevonnie to gain a better advantage over  Magneto, but he used psionic shields against their sword. "Gem fusion! I remember that quite well!" the master of magnetism recalled. "Garnet and Amethyst fused much like you to tear Auschwitz apart."
"Auschwitz?! You mean the Nazi concentration camp?" Stevonnie asked. "You must've been one of the Jews locked up there, right?"
"Indeed, me and my parents as well." Erik answered. "But alas, I wasn't one of the lucky ones."
It was October 7, 1944, towards the end of World War II when Erik's mutant powers awakened. When his mother was heartlessly shot dead by the  scientist Klaus Schmidt, Erik promptly went berserk with a loud cry of "NEIN!" followed by manipulating every metallic object in the room, even crushing a pair of army helmets and the heads of the Nazis wearing  them.
Klaus was excited at Erik's potential, but his joy turned to  fear when a loud crash was heard before a massive purple flail burst through the roof of his office. "Mein gott." The mutant ally of the  Third Reich muttered in awe of Sugilite. "Hey small fry!" the brutish fusion grinned while grabbing Schmidt by the collar with two large fingers. "Why don't you try picking on someone your own warped fascist  government?!"
"Please let me go!" Klaus begged for mercy. With a toothy smirk, Sugilite gave her word and dropped the man back through  the hole made in his roof, landing Klaus on his desk and making him too injured to get up. "Puny Nazi." Sugilite sneered before separating into Garnet and Amethyst.
"Bitte, hilf mir." The boy who would become Magneto croaked while crawling out from underneath the rubble, mildly injured but thankfully not comatose. "Bunte damen, hilf!"
Unfortunately, his voice was too hoarse for anyone around to hear. Not even the Nazis carrying away the bodies of his mother and Klaus were able to pay attention to the young mutant. "Is anyone else in here?" the voice of  Rose Quartz called out as she stepped into the ruined office. However, she was able to find a certain young man pinned under pieces of ceiling. "Are you okay young man?"
Still hoarse, Erik was unable to give  his name to the Gem. "Hallo, mein namen ist Rosenquartz." Rose introduced herself in some sloppy German. "Kannst du mich verstehen?"
"Rose!" the commanding tone of Captain America distracted her for a bit. "You have to come with me, they're bringing reinforcements from HYDRA!" he urged the Crystal Gem leader. With a small gasp, Rose turned back to Erik with some comforting words. "Don't worry little one." She assured him in English. "I'll be back for you soon."
But unfortunately for Erik, she never did.
"So you're hunting us down partially because Rose forgot about you?" Stevonnie asked. "Honestly, I'm not really surprised."
"I remember what happened that day!" Pearl exclaimed. "Rose couldn't come back for you because she was poofed during the battle and we had to retreat. I am truly sorry we were unable to make do on her promise."
"Sorry just won't cut it!" Magneto boomed, pinning Pearl to a wall with a steel beam using his powers."And no matter how much she tried to make  amends when we met again, I still never forgot."
Nearly twenty years later in 1963, the Crystal Gems were touring the city on a  sunny day when they found a large group of people gathered before a stage, where a man made a speech. "What are those guys doing?" Amethyst asked her fellow Crystal Gems. "I'm not sure, but I believe we should get a better look." Garnet answered.
As the Crystal Gems blended into the rather blasĂŠ crowd, the man continued speaking. "Despite the fact that you lauded such beings as the late Captain America, you also hypocritically look down upon mutants for possessing similar abilities."
"Uh actually sir," a young news reporter with a fake toothbrush mustache  spoke up. "There is a clear difference. Captain America was given his  powers by science to help win the war. Mutants on the other hand were  born with their powers that could go out of control if pushed too far."
"Did anyone ask for your opinion boy?" the man boomed as he glared at the  reporter. "Please don't take it out on me sir, I'm just a young reporter!" the newsboy nervously squeaked and then high-tailed it out of there. "But thanks for the story menace!"
"Hmph, children." The speaker rolled his eyes before returning to his speech, or he would've  had he not found a familiar face joining his audience. "Wait, I remember you!" he shouted. Using his magnetic abilities, he pushed the spectators away by forming a path straight to Rose using the steel fence that once separated them. "Rose Quartz. How have you been coping with the captain's demise?"
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Rose asked the mutant. "Of course you'd forget about me." He replied. "I am known as  Magneto, the master of magnetism! But I'm sure you'd at least remember me calling myself Erik."
"Oh my goodness, Erik?!" Rose exclaimed. "I am so sorry I didn't come back to you like I promised! There was HYDRA coming for us at Auschwitz, I just didn't have time and-"
"I believe that's enough!" Magneto roared before he proceeded to use the  fences against Rose. "You have forgotten me at the camp, and now I shall  make sure everyone forgets you!" He tossed the fences at the Gem, but Garnet & Pearl quickly deflected them. "Stay away from her!" Pearl called. "Amethyst, get everyone out of here while we take this one on!"
Amethyst gave a comical salute before she rounded up all the human spectators with her whip and dragged them to safety. "I see how it is." Magneto  boomed. "You are just like all of them."
"No, you don't understand  Magneto!" Garnet stated. "We've actually met and fought alongside a few mutants before! There was this Canadian one during the war, and we even met En Sabah Nur as well! The Crystal Gems value all life on Earth, whether they be ordinary humans or otherwise!"
"You can try to rope yourself into my good graces all you want Gems!" Erik growled. "Because nothing can ever change the past!"
"That fateful battle was how we first met Xavier. He had an older team of  X-Men that saved us from him." Amethyst recalled. "Speaking of which, where could they be now?"
"Wrong time, wrong place!" Sunspot  exclaimed while he fired a blast of solar energy at Juggernaut, who was unfazed. "Could this get any worse today?!"
"As a matter of fact, it can." Mystique replied sharply, snapping her fingers to summon a pair  of massive blue and purple robots that towered over pretty much  everyone. "Pink gem detected, pink gem detected!" the machines noted in unison. "Bring boy to Doom immediately!"
"Sentinels?!" Jean exclaimed. "And it seems this time, they've been modified to hunt him down!" Emma replied as the Sentinels held out their hands to trap Steven in a forcefield. "Guys, a little help?" he called out from inside his prison. "I can't seem to get out!"
"STEVEN!" the Crystal Gems screamed while the Sentinels slowly took off into the sky with the boy in tow. "Don't worry Steven, I'll save you!" Kitty exclaimed. "Storm, give me a boost!"
"You got it!" Storm replied, grabbing the younger mutant by the waist and lifting her up high with her flight abilities. When she was let go, Kitty leaped at the Sentinels and used her phasing powers to pass through the forcefield to rescue Steven. "Don't worry little guy, I got you!"
"Thanks Kitty, but I think we might be too late." Steven thanked sorrowfully, making his new friend look up to discover that the Sentinels were headed for a large airship above them. "Aw crud." Kitty smacked her face in irritation. "Guess I walked into that one."
"Now they got Kitty too!" Scott shouted. "Yeah, I think we got the picture!" Lapis said. "Can't any of you fly up and save them?!" Morph suggested. "You seem to love ignoring obvious  solutions!"
Lapis rocketed into the air as she was joined by Angel, Storm, Firestar and Human Torch with intents to rescue Steven & Kitty, but unfortunately they were quickly shot down by the Sentinels, still slowly making their way inside the Brotherhood's vessel and leaving the other heroes behind.
"Let this be a lesson to all of you Crystal Gems." Magneto declared. "You may think just saying sorry will instantly make everything better, but time will never make people forget." He surrounded his Brotherhood in his forcefield and lifted them all up to his ship. When the villains got inside, the ship sped away from the destroyed mansion.
"I can't believe we lost him, just like that." Pearl muttered while on the verge of tears. However, Reed was there to put a comforting rubber hand on her shoulder. "Don't fret, I think I might know where they're heading." Mister Fantastic declared. "They're working with one of our greatest enemies  known as Doctor Doom, which means their next destination will be his kingdom of Latveria."
"Latveria? I've read about that place." Connie replied. "Very good that you know about this place Fraulein Connie." Colossus complimented her. "But still, the combined forces of Doom and Magneto might need more than just our three teams here."
"I think our first step would be calling the Avengers." Peridot suggested.  "But they agreed to let us solve our own problems unless it was absolutely necessary we needed their help." Garnet responded. "Maybe at least a few of their reserve members would be useful, but not the whole team."
"I do know someone who can help us, but I don't think a few  of us are going to like it." Colossus announced, much to Wolverine's irritation. "You don't mean?" Logan growled. "Da, exactly." Piotr replied with a nod and then he turned to Connie. "Connie, the X-Men now have a very special job for you."
"Whatever it is Mr. Colossus, the Crystal Temps will do what we can!" Connie said exuberantly as Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth and Nephrite assembled behind her with goofy grins on their faces.
"I admire your optimism malen'kiy. And  please, call me Piotr." Colossus continued. "I cannot believe I am  saying this, but we need you to find for us," he ordered her. "Deadpool!"
Wolverine giving a loud aggravated moan followed this up.
Well, this sure took a while, hasn't it?
Bitch, a while doesn't even cut it!
Wait, Deadpool?! How did you get here?
I came here to yell at you for prolonging my long-awaited proper debut  for months now! Well I've had it up to here with your lazy-as-shit behavior! Next chapter, you better let me help you out or I'm taking  that "ANDY ONLY" folder on your laptop for myself!
You monster, I worked hard to build up that collection! Okay fine, you can help in parts. Deal?
Deal! And what are you still doing here? Get the hell outta here until next chapter, The Deadpool and Peridot Show! Damn, that chapter title really rolls off the tongue.
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likeafoxdm ¡ 6 years ago
Loot Drop
Ok! Time for Part 2 of the monster loot drop! I personally love it when bad guys have super cool weapons and items that allow them to pull of crazy abilities or deal extra nasty damage. For the most part, bad guys in D&d follow the regular stats for weapon type and damage, or follow the logic that weapons for larger creatures deal double the normal damage (a Planetar’s greatsword deals 4d6 slashing damage, for example), or a huge creature’s weapon might triple that damage. Sometimes there are exceptions though, and some of the coolest ones pop up in Mordenkeinen’s Tome of Foes! These are the enemy items we will be looking at today! 
First up is the Narzugon’s Hellfire Lance! 
       An interesting item, and we’ll get to why but for starters, it operates perfectly as a regular lance. For the Narzugon, it deals an extra 3d10 fire damage, so lets say that if the wielder moves at least 10 feet before hitting with the lance, they may add 1d10 points of fire damage per 10 feet. For a hasted creature or a mounted combatant, this could get pretty impressive! The extra cool part about this lance remains true no matter who wields it - as written in Mordenkeinen’s Tome of Foes: “A narzugon's lances are forged in hellfire. The soul of anyone killed by such a lance is shunted to the River Styx for rebirth as a lemure. Each lance is unique to its owner, bearing the marks of both the narzugon and its master.” Killing with this lance may draw the attention of the Narzugon’s master - and that attention may be favorable... or vengeful. 
Now for some cool Drow weapons!   
     Inquisitor’s Death Lance: Actually a sort of short-spear. requires attunement by a non-good aligned creature. For the Inquisitor, it deals 1d6 piercing +4d8 necrotic, and reduces the target’s hit point maximum for a value equal to that necrotic damage. The Drow Inquisitor is a spell caster, and CR 14 so I don’t mind giving this item straight up to the PCs, who must be pretty high level at this point to defeat the Inquisitor, with the exception that it be attuned by a spellcaster. If we are giving this to just any PC, lets give it 1d8 necrotic, and on a crit, reduces that target’s HP max for the Total damage dealt in that attack. A mighty weapon for an assassin rogue PC! 
     The Drow Matron’s demon staff is a pretty amazing item as well, and for her  it deals 1d6 bludgeoning like normal, plus 4d6 psychic AND forces a DC 19 wisdom save, with the target becoming frightened for 1 minute (with a chance to repeat the save at the end of turns) on a failure. Pretty badass and she is a CR 20 villain, so once again I am totally down with giving this to a PC spellcaster wholly, with perhaps the caveat that we give the staff 3 or so charges to channel that fear effect. Otherwise I could picture a druid turning into a giant ape and just going... well, going ape with that staff. 
  ��  Dropping back into the lower Challenge ratings, we have the Drow Shadowblade, who’s Shadow Sword deals regular shortsword damage, plus 3d6 necrotic PLUS 3d6 poison, AND then lets the drow fill an unoccupied 5 foot square with darkness for 1 minute. This darkness triggers an amazing ability of the shadowblade; If the target of an attack with the sword is within 10 feet of one of those cubes of darkness, the darkness disappears and the target takes 6d6 necrotic damage, once per turn. So I had a cool idea with this one! Requires attunement by a rogue, the reason being that the rogue’s sneak attack damage may now be dealt as poison or necrotic damage, and they get to make that darkness appear when sneak attack is triggered. Lets also throw on that when the attacker is within dim light or darkness, they don’t need advantage to use sneak attack, and when attacking from magical darkness, can use it more than once per turn, but no more than once per target. This will create some pretty strategic use of the darkness.   If we don’t have a rogue PC though, perhaps we can simply stack on a sneak attack-like ability - when attacking from dim light or darkness with advantage on the attack, you may add 1d6 each of poison and necrotic damage, and if attacking with advantage from magical darkness, it increases to 2d6 each, and using the extra damage triggers the magical darkness cubes.       Still in the realm of the underdark, lets take a look the Duergar Xarrorn’s Fire Lance! Unique among the Duergar weapons in MTOF in that it is not an entirely psionic special weapon, but also alchemical. It simply deals an extra 1d6 fire damage, and otherwise is a lance. Even at CR2 I’m fine handing that over to the PCs, but the weapon also has a fire spray recharge ability, that shoots a 15 foot cone of fire, OR a 30 foot line, that deals 3d6 fire damage on a failed dex save, DC12 so not super high. I’d say once per day we can hand that ability over to the PCs as well, IF they can recharge it over a long rest with an alchemy tools test. I really enjoy this idea because I love using tools in a game and they rarely get to be applied.  Maybe they’ll even have the idea to use alchemy to channel some other element types into it! Cryofluid is a good deal easier to make than napalm in the real world, so I’d let a clever PC turn this into an ice lance if they thought of it!
     Stepping away from the Underdark, but not yet into the light, we move on to the Shadar Kai, those agents of the Raven Queen herself. 
    The Gloom Weaver is another high level spell caster with a powerful staff weapon. Their Shadow Spear deals and extra 4d12 necrotic damage on a hit. I would say that when not wielded by the Gloom Weaver herself, this is a regular staff that requires attunement. Once attuned, once per day the wielder may cast a Shadow Blade spell on the staff - causing it to become a spear. The blade deals necrotic instead of psychic damage and the wielder can either cast it at 4th level, dealing 3d8 necrotic, or spend a spell slot of 5th or 6th to increase the damage to 4d8, or else a spell slot even higher level to cause the weapon to deal 5d8 necrotic. 
     The Shadow Dancer is an excellent baddie, who swings spiked chains wrapped around their arm, which in addition to some gnarly damage (2d6 piercing) also force a DC 14 dex save, the cost of failure being either the target is grappled, knocked prone, or takes an extra 4d10 necrotic. This one I’d let anyone who can use a whip wield, and on a hit, force that DC 14 dex save against being grappled if the wielder uses their reaction to make it so. Once grappled, the wielder can use an attack to automatically do that 2d6 again and force the target prone, or they can remain grappled without taking any further damage. If the wielder happens to be a warlock of the raven queen, I’d say they can use the extra 4d10 necrotic once as an Eldrich Invocation against a target grappled in the chain. 
    The last creature gifted with an extra special weapon we are going to look at now is the Star Spawn Seer. The Comet Staff they wield deals extra psychic damage, a hallmark of all the Star Spawn, but also forces a DC 19 con save against incapacitation until the end of the target’s next turn.  The Seer is a decently high CR, at 13, and is usually in the company of a  Star Spawn Hulk, a pretty powerful combination so we can assume a party that defeats them is pretty powerful already. The incapacitate ability is super useful but the Star Spawn have such amazing abilities I cant resist handing one over to the PCs! So that being the case, lets make it a regular staff with a 1/day ability to use Collapse Distance, the Seer’s recharge ability. “The seer warps space around a creature it can see within 30 feet of it. That creature must make a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, is magically teleported up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space the seer can see, and all other creatures within 10 feet of the target's original space each takes 39 (6d12) psychic damage. On a successful save, the target takes 19 (3d12) psychic damage.” Lets say the DC is a solid 16 for the item itself, and make that AOE psycic damage 3d12 as well so it isn’t too too crazy. 
     That’s all for the unique items potentially dropped by monsters from Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes! In part 3 perhaps we’ll look at Volo’s Guide to Monsters or some other sources! If you find these interesting or useful, please let me know! If you think they’re absurd or you have better ideas, let me know that as well! 
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archagentnexus ¡ 6 years ago
Archagent Scenes: Johann and Jakob Talk
(Scene Context + Synopsis: Johann and Jakob are at the top floor of the Archagent HQ tower in the hallway just before the doors to the High Chancellor's throne room. The two are arguing about the future of the Covenant in what direction it needs to go for the good of mankind. In this last half of their exchange, Jakob is appalled by Johann’s suggestion that they dissolve the House of Lords, a parliamentary congregation of wealthy/talented mages that are “elected” to represent their particular country or district of the country.)
[AN: There are a lot of references to the Archagent lore in this. So much so that I can’t really put up a reference page at the moment, but if you’re ever curious about more on the details of the context, just IM me or shoot me an ask!]
"Johann, y-you can't be serious! How could you say that after all we've done to stop the civil war? To put an end to the madness caused by Richtofen and his Eve of Adam?" cried out Jakob in disbelief. 
Johann held a strong posture with his hands folded meticulously behind his back as he was facing the window away from Jakob. "Do not presume to know me, child. I am aware that the Archagents who collaborated with the Eve, regardless of their intentions and personal beliefs, were dangerous fanatics and traitors to our cause. We are in agreeance on this... however..." His stoic expression becomes grim, almost angry when recollecting his thoughts on Eve’s attempted coup. "While I condemn their actions wholeheartedly and shun their New Human supremacy nonsense, the one thing I cannot ignore is their anger... and where it stems from." He turns his head over his shoulder just slightly to address Jakob more directly. "You of all people should have seen and heard what was going on in that battlefield... For on both sides, the Archagents did not just mourn the loss of their comrades, the people who they once called friends and family, but they screamed out in utter confusion... as to why protecting the House of Lords was considered loyal while the Eve's attempts at purging the corrupt Magistrate system was considered treason." 
Jakob bit his lower lip. He knew well enough what Johann was talking about. He was there. He knew where that pain stemmed from, that anger... and yet... "We don't get to decide that, Johann. You know the face of the New Eden Covenant depends on our ability to preserve our own ideals on democracy! We need that balance. We need to be able to divide that power amongst ourselves even if we disagree. How could the rest of the world view the Archagents as 'liberators' if we suddenly decide to become usurpers and act like our own brand of Gods? It's not right, nor is it just-"
“Just?!" roared out Johann as he turn around, picked up Jakob by the collar of his blouse several feet into the air and pinned the frail brunette against a marble pillar with his massive forearm. "Since when has turning a blind eye to the Magistrate's whole history of corruption ever been just?! Our whole civil war was made possible because of their petty factionalist politics, their greed, their exploitation of OUR ideals!" 
After a few seconds of taking deep breaths from the outburst, Johann released Jakob who collapsed on the floor wheezing as he struggled to get up and compose himself upright. "I... I understand why you're angry," said Jakob quietly. "I've read the archives... about the deal that was struck to stop the investigation on the German magistrates for any collaborators of the Hand of Faust in exchange for-" 
"You're too young to understand, child," interrupted Johann. "You haven't lived long enough to have seen that history yourself. You may have your books and your data, but you never had to sit there and watch the very people, the perpetrators to the destruction of your homeland, become part of the most powerful government in Western Europe and then watch them receive praise and gifts as if they were also heroes of humanity... You never had to hold your tongue and had to listen to the mass graves that cry out for justice when you knew you could deliver but chose not to... because you were told that this was for the greater good..." Johann's voice trailed off as he turned away and started pacing to cool himself off.
Jakob frowned deeply as he walked slowly and hesitantly over to the other. "I get it, Johann... I know what that's like. Believe me, I do. I-I know you've always looked down on me... for having been the Optic's branch leader because of the circumstances around Richtofen and the Third Generation... Not once did I ever believe that I deserved to take that position nor did I ever desire it myself, especially not after know who my predecessor was... but even still... the Third Generation was my fault. It was based on my serum, the one I thought Richtofen was going to implement safely with adults who willingly consented--- but ignorance is never an excuse for the lives lost. I know this... and I have to live with that every day, trying to make amends by helping the ones who did survive while ensuring that we never go down this route again... And for a long time, I felt that the burden of guilt was all on me, but I realize that... it's not just about me, but it's about how the Covenant had participated in letting it go this far... That's why for me, it's important that we always do the right thing, so we never have to go down that path again." 
Johann remained silent for a moment then he speaks without moving a muscle. "If you truly believe that, then you know that the right thing to do is to abolish the House of Lords and have the Magistrates subordinate to the Archagent's authority." 
"No! That isn't the right thing to do.... E-Even if we destroy what's corrupt, whatever we do to replace that system, to restructure our society, no matter what, it would be on a foundation of fear!"
"Humanity has always acted in the interest of embracing as well as combating their fears, Bishop. The fear of death, the fear of loss, the fear of being isolated and forgotten... these things drive every human instinct and rationale. It is not an unnatural thing that we should be honest about that. When the Magistrates fall in line, they will do so because being alive and having some semblance of their former power will be in their self-interest... Meanwhile the public will, for the most part, have no qualms about this either. They would be joyous at the fall of a decaying bureacracy set up by the elite Magistrates and would either cling to our promises of security, which we would always uphold justly, or they will quietly dissent amongst themselves, but they know either way, they wouldn't change a thing because we'll still provide for them everything else they need." 
"But you would take away the one thing that the Archagents had promised them from the very beginning, Johann," said Jakob sternly. "You would take away their hope."
"Hope!" scoffed Johann as he turned to face Jakob with distainful eyes. "And what use has hope to do with us now? They should be grateful that they still have hope to see tomorrow in which they are not yet forced under the heels of Angels or Demons! You are a man of science and rational thinking yet you fancied such pitiful thoughts as creating a system of governance soley based on hope?"
"And what is wrong with wanting to preserve hope?" demanded Jakob. "Is it not every man and woman's right to want something better for themselves and the people they love? Is it not our nature to desire the future in which we could be truly free from fear and not bound by it? I do not need to remind you... that the very core of our Psionics, our power, is predicated on the concept of our Willpower... and mind you, I would be damned if such a thing were never influenced by clinging to our hopes and our dreams." 
"Hmph. You speak appropriately for your youth. So silver tongued, yet damnably naive..." 
"And you talk as if you've never had hope once in your entire life!... But we both know that's a lie..." Jakob's expression softens now. "Somewhere in you, you must have believed in that too... at some point in your life, right?"
The muscles under Johann's visibly twinged with a mix of incomprehensible emotion before he snarled at the other. "Don't play therapist with me, child. That pitiful game only works on the broken and the lost, and I am neither of these things... And whatever hope I once felt before has long since past. You surely must have done your homework and read into my tragic history and how I lost my family all those decades ago, but I've since moved past that-" 
"I wasn't referring to that, Johann... I was talking about Sindro... your former apprentice."
Johann froze and for the first time in what seemed like decades, his expression lost color as it displayed shock.
"He and I were close friends you know, so... it shouldn't really come off as surprising in that he has talked plenty about his experiences with you when you mentored both him, Palladino, and Ulysses... He spoke highly of you, you know... and not in the obvious sense of how powerful or awe-inspiring you were as a leader, but how you were... 'coming around' near the end of the apprenticeship... He was proud to have been your apprentice, did you know that? He thought of you as his fath-" 
"Enough," snapped Johann though the anger in his voice trailed wistfully. 
Normally Jakob would have stopped to let the other recover and absorb all this, but the outcome of this conversation was too important to allow Johann's stubborness to reemerge. "Just answer me this. Did you not have high hopes for him at the time? When you got to shape him into the man that we knew and honored?"
"...So what if I did?" growled Johann. "Even then, where has that sentimentality led us? Led him? Six feet under, that's where! He didn't just carry my hopes, Bishop. He carried EVERYONE'S hopes! The day he died was the day... the day I'd failed him... that I let myself believe too much in the pipe dreams of a foolhardy boy who let the weight of his heroic symbol crush him, and because of that, I let him die when I could have been there to save him... It was the day I had to, once again, bury a son of my own making and then carry that pain with me until the day I die!" Johann gritted his teeth and tightened his fists, shouting at Jakob now. "Is that what you wanted to hear? That I’m just some senile old man who’s afraid of loss and pain? That I have no one else to protect while you have everything?"
"No, you're wrong, Johann!" insisted Jakob. "You don't have nothing... You may have secluded yourself from the rest of the world, but there are things that are still here for you. Your other students are still here and alive. Are they nothing? You wouldn't have trained them unless you felt something for them right? Or what about Zep in particular? Sindro's apprentice? His hopes and dreams live through Zep in a new light! Are you to tell me that everything you done to help Zep and everything that Zep has done to prove he's gotten strong enough to stand against an oppressive world means nothing?" 
Johann looked away in defiance as a look of pain and confusion marked his features. 
"And what about Elise?... Your own granddaughter? An individual who had nothing, was born into nothing, and yet she now sits as the new High Commander of the Sword Branch? A seat that you once held! Is she nothing to you?" 
"She is..." Johann started quietly, trying to think how to even answer such a thing like that. "...stronger without me... She always has been." 
"You don't believe that... I know you don't... and neither does she." 
"You talk and pry too much, Bishop... How can you even think to discuss family when you yourself have nothing of the sort?" 
Jakob gives a weary smile. "The Archagents are my family, Johann... They always have been... and that's why it's important, that as a brother-in-arms, that we win this fight the right way. But to do that, we need to... as you aptly put it in many of your speeches 'set the example and stand on which many may dream to stand on'... or something to that effect." He chuckles softly.
Johann scoffed. "Silver-tongued brat... You are lucky I am too old and tired to continue this further... but I will, out of respect for your insolence, contemplate... on what has been said..."
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monstersdownthepath ¡ 7 years ago
Milestone Monster: Ghatanothoa
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CR 29
Neutral Evil Colossal Aberration
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Strange Aeons: The Black Star Beckons, pg. 84~85
Alright, I’m going to level with you here: Ghatanothoa (which, for simplicity’s sake, will be shortened to ‘Ghatan’ from here on out) is ugly. Like, honestly, no-jokes, nauseatingly hideous, owed in no small part for having very specific design elements that personally squick me out. Because of this, his picture will actually be at the end of the article, underneath a nice readmore cut.
Anyway... Ghatanothoa, the Eternal Source, Great Old One of disasters, lost islands, and sacrifice, a horror thought to be one of the Great Cthulhu’s siblings... Or even one of his children! Ghatan is a veritable mountain all by himself, a churning behemoth of flesh and limbs that bubbles and roils as it shifts to grow new appendages to help locomote. To behold the full shape of Ghatanothoa invites his Unspeakable Presence, which causes a twisted version of Medusa’s own stone gaze to occur: Anyone looking directly at the horror becomes cursed, suffering 1d10 Dexterity drain every round until they avert their gaze... At which point they take only 1 Dex drain until they fully evacuate Ghatan’s 300-foot sphere of mummification.
Yes, mummification. Anyone reduced to 0 Dexterity by his Presence is shriveled down to a rough, leathery version of themselves. This mummified victim is cursed to preserve itself indefinitely, requiring no more food, drink, or sleep, rendering the victim effectively immortal but unable to take any action that requires any part of their body to move (psionics and spell-likes still function, though!). They appear to be completely dead unless magically examined, and I can’t imagine a worse fate than watching one’s allies try and resurrect you, trying to channel your soul back into your withered frame, but it fails because you never died. Playgroups not savvy to Ghatan’s curse may simply believe their ally doesn’t want to come back to life, and may end up burying the remains. I’m not sure which would be worse; being buried, or being cremated.
Even if the victim’s Dexterity drain is healed, they remain a shriveled, immobile mummy until Ghatan’s curse is fully broken... Or until he touches them. Any being mummified by his curse is instantly slain by his touch and resurrected as a Mummified creature under his control, retaining all the abilities they had in life but also possessing a new undead vigor. Vigor mortis, if you will. These mummies dutifully serve him until they’re once more slain, and it should be noted that these mummies retain the identities and memories of their former selves, but twisted in undeath into a fanatical servant of the Eternal Source. This can be considered something of a mercy, as it means the victims don’t have to suffer the horror of watching their bodies move without their input, attacking friends and allies. Unless a DM wants that to happen, I mean.
This isn’t the only means that Ghatan has to create a loyal army. He can make up to three bite attacks each round, each dealing 4d6+21 damage and threatening to grapple anyone they strike. Anyone grappled by Ghatan’s many mouths can find themselves pulled right into his horrid bulk by his Fast Swallow, where they suffer 10d6+31 bludgeoning and 10d6 negative energy damage every round. Anyone slain inside Ghatan’s form is transformed into a Mummified creature under his control, which he can regurgitate as a free action on his turn so they don’t take further damage from his churning bulk. 
In addition to his bites, Ghatan can also lash out with six ropy tendrils each round (bringing his attacks-per-round to 9!) for 2d8+10 damage. His tendrils also grapple anyone they strike, but rather than threatening to swallow the targets, it instead constricts them for 2d8+31 damage. Not much better, really. Anyone killed outside his body can also be turned into a Mummy via his at-will Create Undead, so he’s usually just got a whole legion of servants at his disposal, surrounding his immense form. If that’s not enough of an impressive visual, then consider this:
Ghatanothoa enjoys natural disasters generated by powerful magic. His Apocalyptic Dreams can target anyone who’s survived a magically-induced disaster, such as a tornado, or a tidal wave, and as such he’s an expert in causing them. He has Mythic Control Weather at will, Earthquake and the whirlpool-generating Vortex both 3/day, but perhaps one of his most dangerous tools is his 1/day Storm of Vengeance. Normally, a Colossal target like Ghatanothoa is easy pickings for a dedicated ranged fighter, but the Storm of Vengeance prevents ranged attacks of any kind from working at all once five rounds pass. Allowing five rounds to pass at level 25 may sound impossible, but Ghatanothoa has an interesting way of giving himself breathing room:
Mythic Tsunami.
Capable of initiating a battle by hurling half an ocean’s worth of water at his enemies, Ghatan can give himself enough time to set up the full power of Storm of Vengeance, letting him wade comfortably into melee with his nine natural attacks a round. And anyone that survives the Mythic Tsunami can be targeted by Apocalyptic Dreams later on in their life, plagued with visions of the end of the world so vivid and thorough that they become convinced the apocalypse is just hours away, becoming staggered with hopelessness for a full 24 hours. 
You know what else is hopeless? Killing the thing. Ghatan’s own personal brand of Immortality involves everything he’s about, mainly mummification and devastating storms! Killing Ghatan causes its remains to shrivel into a leathery, fleshy boulder with 200 HP and 30 Hardness. For the next minute, an Earthquake rocks the area as Ghatan’s remains destabilize and its essence burrows through space and time towards its island lair. If Ghatan’s mummified corpse is destroyed, then he reforms in a cyst deep within its island, where he remains dormant until reawakened later... But if his corpse is isn’t destroyed before that minute is up, it explodes dramatically and deals 20d6 negative energy damage to everything in a 600-foot bubble. Anything killed by this burst is instantly turned into a Mummified creature, because of course they are, and Ghatan returns to life on his island filled with vim and vigor, ready to go another round.
You can read more about him here.
And now, I give to you a gift: Ghatanothoa’s full appearance.
I warn you, again, that this particular Great Old One looks very nasty. So nasty, I’m going to give you even more warning: Don’t scroll further unless you’re ok with: extreme body horror, insect limbs, bodily fluids, and trypopbobia involving eyes.
Little further down.
And here he is:
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Yegh. You know, staring at him for a while? I’m kind of used to it by now. Ghatan looks glorious, really, and I love him, but I just can’t take it in because of specific details. For those curious, it’s the thick, dripping tears that actually squick me out the most. It’s weird, yes, but I just can’t really handle fluids. I even have a hard time with realistic blood!
Ghatan’s form is so mind-bendingly hideous, by the way, that his Unspeakable Presence actually works through any perfect image of him. While creating a “perfect” enough painting or sculpture requires an appropriate DC 50 Craft check and a Wish from someone who’s suffered from Ghatan’s Presence, a DM can wave away such restrictions for the sake of plot... And no Craft check or expenditure is required if someone projects an illusion of Ghatan, all that requires is for the illusionist to have seen the horror and survived. Ghatan himself can even do this, because he can use Project Image at will to create a “perfect image” of himself from up to 390 feet away, even through barriers! This essentially gives his Unspeakable Presence a range of 690 feet (390 from Projected Image’s range, and Unspeakable Presence being a 300 foot aura)!
Thankfully, at least, the DC for resisting the Dexterity drain caused by his presence is ‘only’ 20, instead of the 39 that comes with the real deal. Still, that’s quite a hefty save that needs to be made every single round...
I know I linked it earlier, but here’s his statblock again.
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crowleplays ¡ 7 years ago
Phobos Deimos
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Name ► Phobos Deimos Nickname[s] ► Pho, PD, Cinders (she does not enjoy this one at all) Blood Color ► Yellow Age ► 14 sweeps Voiceclaim ► Angel Coulby D.O.B. ► March 20 Astrological Sign ► Pisces/Aries cusp Alignment ► Chaotic Neutral Gender ► Female Height ► 5’2” Weight ► 142 lbs Body Type ► Pear shaped, toned but still soft Orientation ► Pansexual but good luck getting her to open up romantically Occupation[s] ► Witch and owner of an occult shop, which sells items of varying magical legitimacy and safety Lusus ► Springbok Antelope Abilities Psionics ► Spiritual & Arcane Perception – Phobos is able to pick up on spiritual and arcane activity and energies, the latter of which she’s generally able to identify the type for. She’s also able to see most ghosts. Other Abilities ► Fire, Sand, Light, and Healing/Growth Magic – She’s a witch it’s her MO. Not obscenely powerful, but enough to be on par with a gifted psionic. Flight – She has wings structured like a hummingbird hawk moth’s, which allow her to fly for short amounts of time. Astral Projection – Her soul was jiggled a little loose during her near-death experience, so she’s able to tug it out and let it roam. The further distance she travels, the more it drains her, and while she’s able to perceive things on both ends if she wants to, it works better if she focuses on the projection fully and zones out physically. Strife Specibus ►  x2 Haladiekind – They are mainly her foci for magic, but can also be used for physical attacks. Doubled edged, double bladed daggers with a central grip and knuckle dusters on the outside. Pistolkind – Sometimes it’s better to not be flashy and just shoot a bitch. PC Info Trollian Handle ► reawakenedTheurgist Typing Quirk ► Replaces L’s with £, stutters when upset/scared/flustered/ect Example ► Tends t'speak with a regiona£ accent an' c£ips the endin' off certain words. I-I-If sh-sh-she's u-upset o-or s-s-s-scared sh-she s-s-stutters.
 ▼ Personality ▼ Formerly a very open, trusting, and bubbly individual, the past few sweeps haven’t been kind to the mindset that Phobos once held. She comes across very blunt, only dancing around her genuine opinions of people and what she thinks when she’s around someone she perceives to be a threat. Even then, she’s not above pushing her luck in certain situations, as should things turn violent she has a considerable amount of magic she can rely upon to take care of what faces her. Or, well, a decent amount of what faces her. At the end of the night, Phobos is focused on one thing and one thing only: survival. If she has to run to save her skin, she’ll do so, and unless someone has endeared themselves to her (or she is required to act otherwise), she’ll leave them behind in the dust. However when it comes to the fight vs flight ratio, Phobos is absolutely someone that will throw down first. Combat is something that she’s grown from hating to enjoying a lot, as it allows her not only to exercise but vent her emotions in a…”productive” manner.
That’s not to say she doesn’t care about other people, of course. She’s just very reluctant to allow herself to be open with people, especially considering the very recent mutation she’s had to hide. Anxiety over many of her past relationships failing also hasn’t helped at all, as she sees herself as an irresponsible and unhealthy individual to be quadrants with. Friends are a possibility, but Phobos requires a lot of reassurance and proof that someone is not only patient enough but can emotionally handle all the chaos that comes along with her life. If she doesn’t think the relationship will work out and could potentially hurt someone, she’s quick to say so and warn them of that fact. She struggles with not cutting people off out of fear of hurting them, often dropping contact with nothing but her first warning to go off of.
Should you ever gain her friendship, though, she’s incredibly nurturing and caring, as well as unshakably loyal once you’ve earned her faith. While she’s struggled with following it, Phobos is also fairly good at dispensing advice and can dip into more pale or ashen tendencies if she believes someone needs that. Of course this is paired with her regular amounts of cynicism and sarcasm; it’s recommended not to have too-thin skin around Phobos. She’ll compliment just as much as she’ll playfully rag on you, likely swearing up and down the entire Alternian language the whole way. She has a filter for this when she’s around children, as she was a teacher in her former life, but the moment she catches them swearing casually it’s gone. Her “old demeanor” is still very much present despite what she’d like to think or say, it’s just hidden behind a lot of walls, suspicions, and anxiety.
Most of what other people get to see, though, is the witch behind the counter of an occult shop. She really likes to play up the mystical aspect and spooky vibes of her job. Helps convince people to buy stuff and spreads the word to bring in more customers. Whether or not they believe her magic is real doesn’t matter; it sells when you make it flashy enough.
▼ Strengths VS Weaknesses ▼
Strengths ► Perceptive | Driven | Honest
Weaknesses ► Cynical | Stubborn | Flighty
 ▼ Likes ▼
✔ General “witchy” paraphernalia ✔ Relaxing near fireplaces ✔ Loose, comfy scarves ✔ Libraries ✔ Incense (Dragon’s Blood and Cedar are favorites) ✔ Bird watching ✔ Anything with an autumn aesthetic ✔ Handmade clothes ✔ Walks in the woods ✔ Honey candy ✔ Cats
 ▼ Dislikes ▼
✘ Subjugs ✘ Too much noise ✘ Sudden movements ✘ Being touched without warning ✘ “Unnatural” silence ✘ Uppity trolls ✘ Generally most trolls blue and above on principle ✘ Any kind of religious zealots or evangelists ✘ Dealing with her bosses ✘ Cheap liquor ✘ Centipedes, to the degree that she’ll panic and shoot at them
 ▼ Extra ▼
 ► While she’s far better at using her magic in combat than to heal, she’s recently been practicing to try and get better at it. It’s a skill she let atrophy after moving away from home, which she regrets doing now that she has to relearn what she was once really fucking good at.  ► She’s willing to tolerate most people if it benefits her, but highbloods will have a harder time gaining her trust.  ► She has a very hard time sleeping fully through the day, usually due to her psionics allowing her to see and hear ghosts.  ► Her wings are bound most of the time, though the way they’re structured allows her to lay them flat against her back naturally and prevents the binding from damaging them too much.  ► Flying takes a lot out of her. She’s only had her wings for 4 sweeps and they’ve only been fully grown for 2.  ► She’s more in-shape and toned than you’d expect for a lowblood. One of her old teachers was ex-fleet and made her do basic training exercises nightly, which is a routine she tries to keep up.  ► That being said, she has very little love for the fleet and is suspicious of anyone she finds bearing the emblem.  ► Before everything started to fall apart, she planned to dodge the draft with her ex-moirail and just travel through space with her.  ► Now she’s set up an occult shop and sells minor enchantments and crystals to goth kids and hipsters. Also some cursed items and magical advice. Really anything that’ll sell, honestly. She needs the money.  ► There’s always at least some kind of notebook on her. She’s very diligent about recording information that she feels is important. It also gives her a way to voice her thoughts without talking to anyone.  ► She grew up with very little exposure to modern Alternian technology for the most part, which has driven her to learn as much as she can about it. The prospect of technomancy fascinates her, though she’s not able to perform any herself.
▼ Quadrants ▼
 ► Moirail: N/A  ► Matesprit: N/A  ► Kismesis: N/A  ► Auspistice: N/A
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▼ Other Relationships ▼
Eeleth Kuvlew [Pure Hope] ► Your ex-matesprit and the source of a never-ending flood of complicated emotions. You hurt him deeper than anyone ever could or has, which haunts you worse than any ghost. Recently, you spoke with him after a sweep of silence, though had your hands not been tied it would’ve been much sooner. Things are still complicated, and you doubt he’ll respond to any of your letters or online messages, but that won’t keep you from writing him about important things. You don’t want to give up talking to him.
Marcel Bradik [Lowered Humanity] ► Your other ex-matesprit, though one of a much shorter time. You don’t blame him for anything that happened; all of that was on you. He taught you a fair few things while you dated, the most important being how to shoot a gun and to carry one on you at all times. The thought has crossed your mind to try and seek him out, but you’ve decided against it due to the fact that he’s a shadowdropper and prone to having a temper. Best to let sleeping dogs lie.
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long-way-down-rp-archive ¡ 8 years ago
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“And ages seemed to pass, and tempests to awake and perish in the folds of our robes...” - W.B. Yeats, Rosa Alchemica
Back again, are we - good for you. Pull up a chair. Get that new body a drink. Life’s too short for just one go around, ain’t it? And too cold to spend every night all alone in your empty bed. Too vast to limit with some ceremony, a mortgage, a pre-nup. Look around, and there it is, on all these long, long faces; that longing. Drawn on in lips pinched by marital misery, cheeks sallowed by loneliness. Fingers missing their rings. Texts gettin’ ignored. Oh, you see it, alright. The wishes, withered, dreams, broken, ambitions, crushed. Egos in need of a pet. Hearts desperate for comfort. And fantasies, shuddering and sighing into shape...
That’s where your sort step in. Take a peek through any pile of myths and folktales, and there you are - at least some version, thereof. Usually none too flattering, but. Pervasive. Like they just can’t get their minds off you, or what they think you are, anyway: seducers and temptresses, demons of all that’s sweet and sensual. Draining the life out of those foolish enough to fall into your arms. Aren’t they just so damn predictable? Humans, obsessed with sex. What it looks like, how it moves, what it wears, who’s getting it and who’s not and who with. Take a walk through this city of ours, why don’t you. They’ve got it plastered all over magazines and TV shows, stacked up in bulk in the dim-lit siderooms of every grimy, leering cornerstore. Sex sells, they say. And Nashville, with all these bright lights and big stars, runs a brisk market. But titillating glimpses and the night of your life, that’s not all a Paramour has to offer. They’ve got it all wrong. What you deal in is indulgence, of all and every kind. Paramours don’t dither and regret the pleasures of life. Never skimp on any sort of luxury. Nope, you dive right in and suck the marrow right outta every moment. Fearless, shameless, reveling your way through the world. What a way to live, huh? Free, like most folks’ve never felt. From responsibility. Expectations. Everybody’s noisy opinions. It’s palpable, shining through each gleaming smile, swinging with your steps. That liberated zest? That’s your spell. And the whole crowd sees something a little different, looking your way.
This is the Paramour’s art: being what people need. Maybe that just looks like a hand to hold, a comforting flicker of contact. Perhaps it’s more like a song or two spent on the dance floor, getting caught up in the glow of the moment. Could be a whisper down the bar, urging along some deep, brewing desire. The darker those get, the better. See, that’s what’ll get somebody damned - those coiling, vicious urges, selfish and cruel. That’s nothing you Paramours make. There’s no need to. It’s all out there, already. Like I was sayin’, humans. So predictable. Don’t need no pushing, no pulling. There’s hardly any work to it. All you really do is... open the door. And look sinfully good on the other side of it, the grinning, glowing patron saint of having a damn fine time. Whether they step on through and strike a silver-platter pose, that’s their call. Their choice. After that, well, hell. It’s all fun and games ‘til someone loses their soul.
Then it’s delicious.
Alongside the usual powers of the Tainted, Paramours have a few tricks of their own, including feeding upon and draining their partners.
The nature of a Paramour’s charms isn’t altogether clear. Among those who debate such things, there’s some who insist these Tainted must have some supernatural appeal; others disagree, believing it’s more a matter of simple charisma, honed over all those hosted lives. The truth is, there’s no compulsion to what they do. Not a drop. Maybe the forces of darkness do swell things for your skin, maybe it’s just a sweep-you-off-your feet personality and great hair.
Of all the New Legions, Paramours tend to be most skilled with the infernal gift of telepathy - particularly, the discerning of someone’s emotional state, and their desires. A less experienced Paramour can catch fleeting fancies with ease. The more versed can suss out deeper things, intimate secrets and drives. And all that, done so softly that their target’s unlikely to realize that somebody’s gone and sifted through their thoughts. Only an experienced Guardian or psionic Practitioner would be keen enough to recognize the Paramour’s intrusion, nevermind be able to deflect or mislead it.
Feeding & Draining
While Paramours don’t hunger, per se, they certainly do feed. On what? The spirit of indulgence, in every flavour, the energy of folks enjoying themselves. Which people tend to be, when they’ve got this kind of company. A Paramour doesn’t have to snack on everybody they spend their time with, but a touch won’t do anybody harm. In fact, when a Paramour makes a light lunch of someone, the experience is, well. Magical. The moment’s warm enough to sink into, complete with dreamy, languid hallucinations to get lost in. And the pleasure’s mutual. Though, the Tainted’s more prepared to get on with their day. The human party’ll be left floating in a sweet haze, utterly comfortable and blissfully happy. Could be for a few minutes, maybe an hour at most. Feels like a beautiful forever, though.
But, when a Paramour spots a real scrumptious dish - somebody ripe with bad intentions, the unfaithful most of all - they do a little indulging of their own. Those meals, they drain. This go around, that lovely, dazed state isn’t so lovely at all, but cloying, consuming, exhausting. After a draining, the Paramour’s partner could be out for hours. And the scenes and somethings that go dancing before their eyes? Not nearly so nice. Could call it a bad trip. It ends someplace far worse, though. The drained have been tagged for later, so to speak; if they carry on causing harm in the world, uncaring and unchanging in their ways, death’ll hand their soul a one way ticket down to the dark, mysterious realm of whoever that Paramour calls boss. Tasty.
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theatlanteanangelofwriting ¡ 6 years ago
A Lost and Forgotten World
It was strange to see the ruins of the remains of an old universe as I wandered around here. Wandering around the so called "dream world" from what Freya says. A world that she will use yet again to train the next hero for the ancient cycle. Yet she also told me that this world was just the ancient remains of a universe from a very long time ago. Long enough that it was only her and Angel at the time. When I questioned her about how that was possible, she said it was due to a child they had. One of six children that inherited the raw power of us Travelers. Even now it is not known how it was done or how it's possible given almost all child of Travelers in almost every single lifetime gain no psionic power or anything from their Traveler parent(s). Yet for a person to have that much power to keep this old remain of a world from a dead universe is frankly, shocking. For there's no other possible reason why this lost world is event around since it was a world of magic. Of fairy tales and such in truth, meaning little amounts of technology. But through magic or something, their world still "alive" and the ruins of the people are here. Despite even time's power as time here is far faster than that on Earth And there I was, wandering this lost world. Merely due to boredom but also to find more about this place. I wouldn't have to look far as I through luck or purpose quickly found a ruined building that went into the ground. With the landscape of mostly flat grasslands but also signs that mountains use to be here. From there I went to the ruin and clear away some of the plants, dirt, and on other things that have since grown and covered it. Revealing it's white marble like appearance with some faded decorations and markings. With that I went around to discover more about this place. With a feeling in my heart that this was a sacred place for some reason that I didn't understand at the time. Soon enough I found "newer" parts of the ruin and with it. Stairs, leading down deep into the ground. And with it, myself as I wanted to know all too much. Even if Freya would say something like. "Monika! That is a place you shouldn't have gone to due to Serenity supposing to go there first!" Or something along those lines, yet I didn't care. I don't know how many times the stairs branch off from different rooms to even hallways with no end in sight. Even when you send a orb of light down them. To be honest it scared me thinking about those hallways. Knowing nothing about them on how far they go, but also what hidden dangers lurk within them if there is any. Which there likely is given that darkness here hides demons, monsters, and other horrible things created by that demonic woman... Yet it didn't stop me, light in one hand and sword in the other I kept going down and down the stairs. Watching my step while trying to figure out the countless symbols and markings that were on the walls and ceiling. Before I knew it I reach the bottom of the stairs, with only one way before me and behind me. In front of me was a room covered in metals like silver and other magical metals. Along with the symbols on the wall of this room being far different than the others. I had to guess this was either a throne room or maybe a tomb. Or possibly another room of great importance once long ago... I took a deep breath and readied my sword for battle before going inside the room. Only hearing the sounds of my footsteps on metal, and my heart beat. Once I reached the middle of the rather small room, it took my breath away. For I was in the tomb of Aeliana Skylight. The first of the six rare Traveler children. Daughter of Keaton and Angel, and also savior of her magical world... Aeliana was just a baby when The Traveler was forced to fled from the world of Telvan. As the people of Telvan went into a war like state over their past. Back when the worlds of man and magic were once linked. Earth and Telvan were like sisters once, with the people of each helping the other in ways they couldn't do themselves. Humankind would help teach the races of Telvan of farming, building, and more. While the races of Telvan help humans with giving and teaching them magic. Along with protecting from what lurk in the darkness. An era of a golden age for both, leading to countless new things that only strengthen their bonds. Then came a day when some of both sides wished to more power. To take control of the power on both sides due to greed, and wishing to conquer the stars above which were getting closer and closer. With this, both worlds were thrown into chaos and war. An era that would last thousands of years until the one known as Angel appeared. For it was because of her that the links between both worlds were destroyed. Bringing an end to the war and chaos, allowing the people of both worlds to rebuild. However nobody foresaw what this would bring about. As Earth would destroy those from Telvan that were trapped there. Then they would forget the history of Telvan, and anything else in regards to it. As if nothing ever happened and if there was never another world linked to theirs. While on Telvan, the humans were forced to adapt and change to their new home. As the other races welcomed them and helped them. But unlike Earth, they would remember. And some of them burn with anger. Due to believing that losing their sister world was a mistake, or due to their greed. It was due to this anger that caused a new war to start, to claim all of Telvan and recreate the link to Earth. To reclaim what was lost and more. From this, Aeliana was born. And was taken to Earth until she grew of age to return. With her return which was only some years for her, was many years for the people of Telvan. Yet the war was going on though horribly for the faction that Aeliana allied herself with. With the use of her training from her father along with her great psionic energy she fought until the war was over. Regret within her heart with every person that was killed in this world. And more so with those that she had killed personally, despite what side they were on or if they were a good person or not. From there, her parents would disappear into thin air as everything was once again balanced. And they had no choice... From there Aeliana would find herself as the leader of this world. Doing whatever she could to keep the peace, and bring down anything that would dare threaten it. The people saw her as a great ruler that wanted only for them to be filled with joy and know nothing of the horrors of life. But they also understand the horrible things she did for them. As even a great ruler must do horrible things for their people in such a world. When her death came, everything simply stopped as if time itself was shocked at this event. Thus the people take the time to create a tomb worthy of what she has done to help them during her time. Even those who knew little of her, to those who where old enough to remember the war she bring an end to. She was laid to rest within her tomb, deep within the earth itself. Covered in magic, runes, and anything else people could use to protect her body. But also to record her legacy within this now sacred place... Then the visions stop, and found myself at the foot of her body. Sitting on the floor like a child, tears running down my face. But even then I could sense her, her psionic energy that still lived somehow, and as powerful as ever. Keeping this world alive that she loved so much... And so much more I'll never know. Once I collected myself from the visions and floor. I took a long look at the room. Seeing the words that record some of her story, along with the words to a song of her. But most importantly the relics from her in the room and herself. Laying on a bed of marble merely as she was asleep. Even now she looked young despite for living as long as a human angel hybrid could live for. Her features nothing short of perfection, and her golden hair laid around her shoulders. With her sword in her hands on her chest. With her silver locket just above it, a gift from her mother. Along with her red and gold dress, her shield, and her crown all perfectly laid out. She truly look like an angel for being who she was. But also a person I would have loved to meet, talk to, and maybe even get a little close to and love. But I did walk to her side and lean down to kiss her cheek. To honor her memory and the traditions of the people once here. As I remember Freya telling me that the people here would kiss each other's cheeks as a sign of loyalty and honor. But also of love. I do not know how long I was down there for, but long live that I woke up. Returning back to Earth, the Earth of Serenity Prince. One that will never know of the world I was once at in my sleep, that was once the sister of it's older self from a dead universe that was once here in it's place. But a world filled with the same anger, the same evil, but also more heroes, hope, and above all. Serenity Prince, the one who will put an end to this never ending cycle known as the Pandora's War.
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