#Once again bashing dick for how mean he was to Tim
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nyxomniax · 1 year ago
jason todd headcanons
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⊱ ── {.⋅ general sfw headcanons ⋅.} ── ⊰ these headcanons are more appropriate for an AU or softer overall interpretation, ala wayne family adventures or similar. they are out of place for storylines like new 52 or rebirth. this is a repost from my old account, @andaworldoftroubles, since i'm migrating accounts and i want to consolidate my stuff.
before his death, jason needed glasses to read. afterwards, he doesn’t, but wears them out of habit anyway, and because he thinks it’s a nice fashion choice.
a lot of people assume his handwriting is like chicken scratch, but he actually has extremely neat and pretty handwriting. he doesn’t write in cursive, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to - he actually is very good at amateur calligraphy.
his favourite thing to do before bed is read. it is his go-to method of relaxing. he has a very fancy reading light he rigged together himself by his bedside table; it is long and flexible and can basically swivel in any direction so he can read while sitting up, laying down, on his side, whatever it takes to get comfortable.
despite his rough and tough bravado, jason is quite pensive and gentle when he is alone. he loves animals and nature, and one of his hobbies is gardening. when he stays at the wayne manor, he is always sure to set up the bird feeders and tend to the gardens. he does this in the dead of night, though, because he loathes it when people watch or ask him about it. 
speaking of animals, jason loves them and they love him. he’s a natural magnet to dogs, cats, birds, all sort of animals, wild or pets. even selina’s most bratty, spoiled cat who hates being touched or looked at becomes a purring lap cat when he’s around.
he doesn’t like to talk about his hobbies, which is why he does everything alone. he doesn’t want the small talk, doesn’t want to constantly go through the pattern of surprise, confusion, then pestering questions and sometimes (well meaning, but still annoying) condescension that comes with it (“who knew you had such a sensitive side?” “i knew the tough attitude was just a mask” “who are you and what have you done to jason?”)
the only hobbies he really does around other people is training or tending to his bike - because they are also necessities, so no one asks stupid questions or makes aggravating comments
in fact, tending to his bike is the only hobby he’s really happy to partake in with others. its a passion he shares with dick and duke in particular since they’re the only ones who actively ride their bikes, and it has become one of his favourite ways to bond with them. bruce sometimes joins in, but not very often anymore. 
jason is a very good cook, and he’s the only one alfred allows in the kitchen, everyone knows this. he mostly only ever cooks for himself - occasionally he will make breakfast for both him and alfred - but once in a blue moon, if he’s in a particularly good mood, he might make breakfast for the whole family. everyone knows not to make a big deal out of it though, because jason hates the attention - the first time it happened, they all made such a fuss he got frustrated with the praise and finished his breakfast in his room. he didn’t cook for them again for almost another year.
in a similar vain - he struggles with praise. immensely. it feels awkward and unnatural, no matter how genuine it is. everyone in the family knows this, so they all have adapted to praise him in their own ways - an approving nod from bruce, a pat on the back from dick, a simple “good job” from barbara. the only exception to the rule is alfred; jason is bashful when he praises him, but he’s the only one jason says “thank you” to when he gives a compliment.
jason is closest in the family to dick, tim, duke, cass, and alfred. aside from cass and alfred, most people would not be blamed if they thought jason actually hated dick, tim, and duke. his relationship consists of dry sarcasm and banter, but that’s just jason’s way. they know how he works and they roll with the punches and throw some back in return.
jason and dick butt heads constantly, but they love each other dearly. their arguments get loud and heated though, and out of all the siblings, they argue the most. jason thinks dick is too soft, dick thinks jason is too rash. but none of the siblings quite understand each other the way jason and dick understand each other.
duke and jason rarely talk or hang out, but they also almost never argue, and duke respects jason as jason, not as red hood or a former robin. jason appreciates that duke treats him like anyone else - he doesn’t sugarcoat things, treat him like he’s fragile, or dismiss him because he’s jason.
most people in particular don’t realise how much jason trusts tim - they originally hated each other and didn’t get along at all. it took a lot of maturity and time for them to reconcile, but they did, and they are closer than ever.
jason isn’t one to ask for help or advice, but when he needs something, the first person he will go to is dick. the second person he will go to is cass. 
he goes to dick, because the two of them are the oldest, and the closest, and while they aren’t ones to announce it, they are each other’s best friends. dick understands jason implicitly and knows the best advice that suits his frame of thinking and how he works. and while they argue and banter constantly, dick actually knows jason enough to know to never pick a fight when his brother is willingly coming to him for help.
he goes to cass, because while they don’t spend a lot of time together, cass understands jason in a way that a lot of other people can't. they do not banter or tease, because cass is always honest with jason and can see through his facade. cass knows exactly what jason needs, what jason wants, how jason works. she knows exactly what should and should not be said to him. she knows his triggers inside and out and knows exactly how to read his expressions and body language. she is the first to know if something is wrong.
plus, jason appreciates the quiet relationship he has with cass; it’s comfortable. they can sit together in complete silence, just reading their own separate books. and jason knows that no matter what he says to her, if he asks for her silence - he gets it, and she will never tell another soul his secrets.
jason never goes to bruce for advice or help. their relationship is complicated. they love each other and will do anything for each other, but this is one cut that never seems to scab over, no matter how hard they both try.
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hyperblue · 1 year ago
you know what, actually have batfamily & co as song from midnights because i LOVE to mesh my obsessions together at any given time
lavender haze — tim timmy timmy boy, with pretty much any of his love interests, although since the song itself is purple coded it mostly feels like timsteph or timtam to me
talk your talk and go viral // i just need this love spiral // get it off your chest // get it off my desk
maroon — the sultryness and the eerie feeling of it makes me think about damian a little beat, so imma say damijon? kind of dark, angsty damijon (they initially feel very angsty to me btw, idk why. like they are either early 2000s romcom funny or just straight up fucked up in a way that is not exactly "right person wrong time" but more like "right person fucking wrong literally everything else")
when the silence came, we // were shaking blind and hazy // how the hell did we lose sight of us again? // sobbing with your head in your hands // ain't that the way shit always ends?
maroon also has a strong dick feeling to it tho
anti-hero — tim's song through and through as i said, especially in his red robin era. i could actually write a whole ass essay that's how strongly i feel about it
i have this thing where i get older, but just never wiser // midnights become my afternoons // when my depression works the graveyard shift, all of the people // i've ghosted stand there in the room
and also
i wake up screaming from dreaming // one day, i'll watch as you're leaving // and life will lose all its meaning // for the last time
like hello??
snow on the beach — timkon & damijon from tim's and damian's perspective
life is emotionally abusive // and time can't stop me quite like you did // and my flight was awful, thanks for asking // i'm unglued, thanks to you
literally obsessed
but your eyes are flying saucers from another planet // now i'm all for you like Janet // can this be a real thing? can it?
you're on your own, kid — look. we all know yoyok is kon's song. look me in the eyes and try to tell me it's not a kon el song i won't listen. might as well argue with the wall. the way those lyrics carry so much loneliness but also so much hope at the same time. the way this songs feels like the most heartbreaking thing you've ever experienced in your life but still manages to also feel like a hug and a pat on the back from a big brother/sister? c'mon
'cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned // everything you lose is a step you take // so make the friendship bracelets // take the moment and taste it // you've got no reason to be afraid
you're on your own, kid // yeah, you can face this // you're on your own, kid // you always have been
midnight rain — the more i listen to it the more it feels like birdflash, even though i'm not the big dick/wally shipper but i like the whole concept of them being best buddies who took a shot at trying to be something more than friends but it just didn't work out in a long run. and they are both pretty much okay with this now but sometimes they can't help but wonder if one thing had been different would everything be different?? if you know you know
'cause he was sunshine, i was midnight rain // he wanted it comfortable, i wanted that pain // he wanted a bride, i was making my own name // chasing that fame, he stayed the same // all of me changed like midnight
question...? — timkon & damijon once again. what can i say, midnights very tim and damian coded. though i feel like this one could be more of a kon's and jon's perspective
can i ask you a question? did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room // and every single one of your friends was making fun of you // but fifteen seconds later they were clapping too? // then what did you do?
vigilante shit — selina & jason. it's bruce bashing o'clock my dudes
draw the cat eye, sharp enough to kill a man // you did some bad things, but i'm the worst of them // sometimes i wonder which one will be your last lie // they say looks can kill and i might try
i don't dress for women // i don't dress for men // lately i've been dressing for revenge
bejeweled — dick grayson & stephanie brown. sorry i will not elaborate on this one. this is dick grayson and stephanie brown
sapphire tears on my face // sadness became my whole sky // but some guy said my aura's moonstone // just 'cause he was high
and we're dancin' all night // and you can try to change my mind // but you might have to wait in line // what's a girl gonna do // a diamond's gotta shine
labyrinth — having hard time with this one actually. either dick or tim i guess, the whole "oh no, i'm falling in love again" narrative seems to feet them the most (i love the way they both love people around them so deeply, to the point where it sometimes becomes painful. like i GET it. you know)
you know how much i hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back // just like that
karma — just batsiblings in general (mostly dick tho i would say)
sweet nothings — timkon & damijon & birdflash. honestly i don't even want to explain, the song speaks for itself in a much better way than i ever could
'cause they said the end is coming // everyone's up to something // i find myself running home to your sweet nothings // outside, they're push and shoving // you're in the kitchen humming // all that you ever wanted from me was nothing
industry disruptors and soul deconstructors // and smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other // and the voices that implore, "you should be doing more" // to you, i can admit that i'm just too soft for all of it
mastermind — top timkon song and top tim drake song fr, i could write essays. with this beautiful plot twist at the end of the song... like it's just them my guys. and the bridge has the most tim-coded lyrics i've ever seen
no one wanted to play with me as a little kid // so i've been scheming like a criminal ever since // to make them love me and make it seem effortless // this is the first time i've felt the need to confess
and i swear // i'm only cryptic and machiavellian 'cause i care
"you're on your own kid" kon-el/"anti-hero" tim drake can be something so personal actually
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oifaaa · 2 years ago
My hot take is that Dick should of been more of a cunt towards Tim after Bruce "died" actually instead of trying to offer Tim some help and guidance Dick should of just said fuck it bye Tim try not to die to me it would of been justified
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andaworldoftroubles · 2 years ago
jason todd headcanons
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⊱ ── {.⋅ general sfw headcanons ⋅.} ── ⊰ these headcanons are more appropriate for an AU or softer overall interpretation, ala wayne family adventures or similar. they are out of place for storylines like new 52 or rebirth.
before his death, jason needed glasses to read. afterwards, he doesn’t, but wears them out of habit anyway and because he thinks it’s a nice fashion choice
a lot of people assume his handwriting is like chicken scratch, but he actually has extremely neat and pretty handwriting. he doesn’t write in cursive, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to - he actually is very good at amateur calligraphy
his favourite thing to do before bed is to read. it is his go to method of relaxing. he has a very fancy reading light he rigged together himself by his bedside table; it is long and flexible and can basically swivel in any direction so he can read while sitting up, laying down, on his side, whatever it takes to get comfortable
despite his rough and tough bravado, jason is quite pensive and gentle when he is alone. he loves animals and nature, and one of his hobbies is gardening. when he stays at the wayne manor, he is always sure to set up the bird feeders and tend to the gardens. he does this in the dead of night, though, because he loathes it when people watch or ask him about it. 
speaking of animals, jason loves them and they love him. he’s a natural magnet to dogs, cats, birds, all sort of animals, wild or pets. even selina’s most bratty, spoiled cat who hates being touched or looked at becomes a purring lap cat when he’s around.
he doesn’t like to talk about his hobbies, which is why he does everything alone. he doesn’t want the small talk, doesn’t want to constantly go through the pattern of surprise, confusion, then pestering questions and sometimes (well meaning, but still annoying) condescension that comes with it (“who knew you had such a sensitive side?” “i knew the tough attitude was just a mask” “who are you and what have you done to jason?”)
the only hobbies he really does around other people is training or tending to his bike - because they are also necessities, so no one asks stupid questions or makes aggravating comments
in fact, tending to his bike is the only hobby he’s really happy to partake in with others. its a passion he shares with dick and duke in particular since they’re the only ones who actively ride their bikes, and it has become one of his favourite ways to bond with them. bruce sometimes joins in, but not often. 
jason is a very good cook, and he’s the only one alfred allows in the kitchen, everyone knows this. he mostly only ever cooks for himself - occasionally he will make breakfast for both him and alfred - but once in a blue moon, if he’s in a particularly good mood, he might make breakfast for the whole family. everyone knows not to make a big deal out of it though, because jason hates the attention - the first time it happened, they all made such a fuss he got frustrated with the praise and finished his breakfast in his room. he didn’t cook for them again for almost another year.
in a similar vain - he struggles with praise. immensely. it feels awkward and unnatural, no matter how genuine it is. everyone in the family knows this, so they all have adapted to praise him in their own ways - an approving nod from bruce, a pat on the back from dick, a simple “good job” from barbara. the only exception to the rule is alfred; jason is bashful when he praises him, but he’s the only one jason says “thank you” to when he gives a compliment.
jason is closest in the family to dick, tim, duke, cass, and alfred. aside from cass and alfred, most people would not be blamed if they thought jason actually hated dick, tim, and duke. his relationship consists of dry sarcasm and banter, but that’s just jason’s way. they know how he works and they roll with the punches and throw some back in return.
jason and dick butt heads constantly, but they love each other dearly. their arguments get loud and heated though, and out of all the siblings, they argue the most. jason thinks dick is too soft, dick thinks jason is too rash. but none of the siblings quite understand each other the way jason and dick understand each other.
duke and jason rarely talk or hang out, but they also almost never argue, and duke respects jason as jason, not as red hood or the former robin. jason appreciates that duke treats him like anyone else - he doesn’t sugarcoat things, treat him like he’s fragile, or dismiss him because he’s jason.
most people in particular don’t realise how much jason trusts tim - they originally hated each other and didn’t get along at all. it took a lot of maturity and time for them to reconcile, but they did, and they are closer than ever.
jason isn’t one to ask for help or advice, but when he needs something, the first person he will go to is dick. the second person he will go to is cass. 
he goes to dick, because the two of them are the oldest, and the closest, and while they aren’t ones to announce it, they are each other’s best friends. dick understands jason implicitly and knows the best advice that suits his frame of thinking and how he works. and while they argue and banter constantly, dick actually knows jason enough to know to never pick a fight when his brother is willingly coming to him for help.
he goes to cass, because while they don’t spend a lot of time together, cass understands jason in a way that a lot of other people can't. they do not banter or tease, because cass is always honest with jason and can see through his facade. cass knows exactly what jason needs, what jason wants, how jason works. she knows exactly what should and should not be said to him. she knows his triggers inside and out and knows exactly how to read his expressions and body language. she is the first to know if something is wrong. plus, jason appreciates the quiet relationship they have; it’s comfortable. they can sit together in complete silence, just reading their own separate books. and jason knows that no matter what he says to her, if he asks for her silence - he gets it, and she will never tell another soul his secrets.
jason never goes to bruce for advice or help. their relationship is complicated. they love each other and will do anything for each other, but this is one cut that never seems to scab over, no matter how hard they both try.
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chibinightowl · 3 years ago
You mentioned you’re not a fan of JayDick, how do you feel about JayDickTim? And that with 54 and 62. (If the ship isn’t your cup of tea, just JayTim with those?)
I've written a JayDickTim fic, a couple of years ago. It was a gift for @iphoenixrising during a rough time to cheer her up. As with JayDick, JayDickTim is a ship I find easier to write when it's in an AU. They're all still three fascinating characters, each unique in their own way that brings a lot to the table. I've got such an AU in my WIP folder and take it out to poke at every now and again (JayDick are a mated mer pair who blood-bonded with a human Tim when they were young, all three swearing to always find each other and be together again).
So in terms of the ask, I can't write it as JayDickTim, but I can as JayTim. I do want to note this isn't a bash at Dick at all. I love Dick Grayson. He's the one who got me into this fandom in the first place.
For the ask! Secret relationship and Love confessor (Char A confessing their love for Char B to Char C).
Jason and Tim-- it hasn't been easy for them. They kinda went about the whole relationship ass-backwards, which really isn't a surprise to anyone who knows them once everything is out in the open. Neither of them exactly have the best role model in that department (looking at you, Bruce). But they have managed to at least stop picking fights in hopes of riling the other up enough for a quickie in that alley, or against the rooftop access door on a building.
They've even gone on dates.
Which... it's mindblowing. Tim still can't believe it. He's dating Jason Todd.
And Jason... He can't figure out what the hell he did to get to the point where Tim easily falls asleep against him, the tension bleeding out of him as he slumbers. In that moment, with She-Ra playing on the TV screen, Jason falls in love.
Of course, this freaks him out. So after he puts Tim to bed and turns off the TV, he runs for it.
He's gone for weeks, leaving the country altogether to go under a deep cover to make some criminal organization regret ever being born.
But Gotham... it's his home. So he returns, not expecting warm welcome, not expecting to see Tim.
What he gets is a punch in the face by Dick.
"Give me one good reason not to shove you off this roof, Little Wing," Nightwing growls in his ear.
A pissed off Nightwing is a very dangerous Nightwing. Everyone with half a brain knows this.
Jason though... he's been through the wringer these last few months, having seen some of the worst that humanity has to offer. Those people won't be a problem anymore, but even as he went on his rampage there at the end, all he could think of was Tim.
"I love him," he chokes out.
Dick doesn't give way, the tip of his eskrima stick still pressed against Jason's larynx. "Then why did you leave?"
"Because I love him."
Dick heaves a massive sigh and releases Jason, who slumps to his knees on the rooftop. "The annoying thing is, that makes perfect sense." The older bird takes a seat beside him. "We're all fantastic at running from the best thing to ever happen to us." He nudges Jason's shoulder. "We really are his sons."
Jason sighs and stares up at the light-polluted night sky. "Is he mad?"
No need to clarify who he's asking about.
"If by mad, you mean working himself near to death and walking out of the room anytime your name is mentioned, then yes. I suppose you could say he's mad."
"How'd you find out?"
"I found him sleeping with one of the jackets you'd left behind."
Dick hauls himself to his feet and looks down at Jason. "I suppose I get to play mediator here."
"You're actually willing to?"
"Yeah. You two are idiots, but I also want you to be happy. Just remember, when the time comes, who helped fix all of this."
"The time comes for what?"
Dick laughs. "When it's time to pick a best man."
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
And here’s the thing - I’m not generally a fan of fics where everyone goes overboard piling on all at once, where its like an everyone hates Dick Grayson angst fest just to make Dick especially sympathetic and highlight him being mistreated, y’know? 
I’m a big fan of nuance, personally, and a little bit can go a long way.....the only reason I harp on certain things SO MUCH is because the issue still has to be actually acknowledged and regarded as an issue OUT of universe before it can ever be addressed to any degree whatsoever IN universe.
So like, I’m not even saying that stories need to or should revolve around characters all realizing they’re terrible people and treat Dick like shit and should all fall over themselves being like oh mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa?
Like, no?
But seriously, even just something like....the next time you catch yourself writing Jason taking a completely unnecessary verbal jab at Dick’s expense or someone making one of the ever present and oh so tired “you’re really living up to your name” jokes, like......why not just pause and let that be a totally organic opportunity to just....write that character using their keen observational skills and sharply honed powers of deductive reasoning to notice a quickly hidden flash of hurt?
They can literally just have a paragraph of realization that oh, hey, maybe I get a little too carried away with the insults and not enough with the compliments, and I take advantage of my brother/friend/son’s WELL established guilt complex to feel better when I’m even a little miffed at him, and I should maybe make more of an effort to like, not use that to be a total asshole? Because chances are, anyone NOT me or innately predisposed to favor my POV as the most sympathetic miiiiiight actually look at MY repeated patterns of behavior and conversation with my friend or brother and think like, no, actually THIS is the douchebag?
And I mean, that could be an in story reason for you to just....make yourself more aware of that tendency to utilize certain characters as mouthpieces for bashing a certain character (since this sort of thing broadly applied does pertain to pretty much ANY two characters with a similar dynamic). So you can like.....be more conscious of when you do that and thus be better informed about your own writing tropes and thus only lean into that particular trope when you WANT to and actually think there’s something to gain from it or there’s some reason you just have to throw that in there.
It could even be an opportunity for characters who tend to have VERY clearly defined views of how THEY perceive Dick and his ‘golden boy or favored son or fearless leader or perfect hero’ status to like....organically open up a dialogue that could potentially reveal to them some of those insecurities of Dick’s that I was just talking about and like...that just naturally lends itself to making him more approachable and relatable to them, someone who doesn’t feel like some untouchable standard they’re forever comparing themselves to and coming up short, but who in fact struggles with the same kind of self-doubts and insecurities other characters struggle with too.
And an added byproduct of that last bit is like.....characters RECOGNIZING that they have a negative impact on Dick’s self esteem with their criticisms and accusations and insults, like.....that doesn’t JUST have to be like a ‘oh no, I guess I’m an asshole’ realization or whatever. Again, that’s not what I’m saying or going for here at all. Like yeah, would be nice to see them couple that awareness of Dick being hurt by what they said with at least a little guilt over an unnecessary comment or jab on their part, but regardless, what else happens when you realize that you just hurt someone with your words? You simultaneously gain or reinforce an awareness that like, the sheer fact that they CAN be hurt by YOUR opinion at all, like...generally means that your opinion, that YOU, like.....matter to them. 
They usually wouldn’t be too upset if you weren’t somebody whose opinion held weight with them. And that very awareness or reminder that like yes, Dick actually does care what his friends and family think about him, like....that by extension means that they occupy a significant portion of his awareness, he’s not oblivious to them or their feelings, he actually GIVES a shit. And given how many times the conflicts between Dick and Jason or Tim or hell even Bruce are due to the other characters doubting that they matter to Dick at all, like they’ve convinced themselves that he never cared about them or cares about another brother more or like has moved past giving a shit what they have to say to him or about him.....like, this very awareness could be key to opening up totally new avenues to explore between he and these other characters, dynamic wise.
*Shrugs* Just food for thought.
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hellyeahheroes · 4 years ago
You know, one would think last 5 years taught Damian Wayne fans to not get overly excited for DC trying to hammer him into roles and niches of his siblings like a round peg into a square hole.
@ubernegro​ made once on this blog a post detailing how Damian has been used as means to undermine and dismiss Batfamily in favor of the idea of Bruce and his “true” son and heir and how much of Damian’s character is built around that. I came to conclusion that the dissonance between how fandom sees Damian and how DC is using him comes exactly from this. Fans of Damian want him to be a real personality, someone who can grow and undergo character development. However, DC sees Damian only as a tool to bash rest of Batfam and thus will never give us that - if he can grow as a person it implies he wasn’t already perfect and thus wasn’t by default better than Dick, Tim, Jason, Cass, Duke or whichever Batfam meber the editor hates this week.
When you look at Damian stories from last few years you’ll see that those that are hated by the fanbase try to slot him into a niche of another Batfam member. Benjamin Percy’s teen Titans run tried to show he could fil lthe role of a team leader for other young heroes, a trait associated with Dick and, to a lesser extend, Tim. To the point the book tried to evoke 2003 Teen Titans cartoon, where the team leader was this weird Dick/Tim fusion, with a similair roster. And it went off like a lead baloon because Damian is a different character and fit to this role like a fist to a nose. And at first it could have been an interesting dynamic, with Damian as a wannabe leader whom Starfire needs to keep in check, but it became clear very fast we’re not qallowed to move away from it and see Damian outgrow this - because DC didn’t see him as a character but a way to bash Dick, he was supposed to be perfect and not allowed to grow. Thus he was stuck int oa role he didn’t fit.
Come Adam Glass run, DC decided to make Damian a “better Jason” isntead and we all know how bad it went. We ended with a story trying to outedge the family edgelord so badly Damian ended up committing heoinous crimes some people will never forgive him for and only went downhil from there and again, he wasn’t allowed to learn his lesson and grow because DC wants him to be perfect to show how much “better” he is. It was most ridiculous attempt at making a better edgelord since Marvel replaced Ghost Rider with Vengeance.
And now Damian got the very story arc Cass fandom has been asking DC to give her for 15 years. DC knew very well how important it was to Cass fandom so the fact it was given to Damian does not feel like a coincidence to me, but an attempt for editorial to now try to show how “better” Damian is than Cass. And let’s be real, he already sticks out in this story like a sore thumb, the whole thing needed to plaster Ras’ stupid face all over the story to cover that up. Because once again Damian is forced into a role that doesn’t fit his character for the sole purpose of telling fans of another Batfam member they should like Damian instead purely because DC editorial is spiteful.
And if you think this isn’t gonna be bad for Damian, let me assure you there is mroe than one reason why I keep using the image of Montreal Screwjob to talk about this storyline, every chance I get. You know, this one
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Because I assure you, after that shit Shawn Michaels would forever be booed whenever he got on stage in Canada. It was so bad he stated to exploit it whenever played a bad guy, going to Montreal and directly antagonizing the crowds. Only making amends with Brett Heart would fix that. And I feel the same way Cass fans are never gonna forgive Damian until amends are made. We may ever seen him insult Cass if he ever pulls a legit heel turn.
There are good Damian stories and in those he is doing things unique to him. Being Dick’s sidekick, being friends with Jon kent, hanging out with Maps or Colin or Maya. But these are always dismissed whenever DC needs to get off to throwing other Batfam members under the bus. And something tells me this story will be no different - just another attempt to make Damian claim a place he doesn’t belong to.
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awhitehead17 · 4 years ago
Whumptober 2020: Day 17 - I did not see that coming
Prompt: Wrongfully accused 
Summary: When all evidence points to Jason killing those people, Bruce doesn’t question it. The accusation hurts Jason in ways he couldn’t describe but thankfully he has other family members there to back him up.
Enjoy! :D
“It wasn’t me! I didn’t do it!” Jason screams at the man. No matter how many times he says it, his so called father wasn’t listening.
“All the evidence the GCPD has collected points to you Jason.” Bruce growls back. “If it wasn’t you then who was it?”
“I don’t know, but I sure as hell knows it wasn’t me!”
“They found your bullets inside the bodies. They have witness reports stating that they saw you leave just after the gun shots stopped. The evidence is pretty clear.”  
“Fuck the evidence, isn’t my word enough? I promised you over a year ago I would stop killing and I have kept that promise from day one. As much as they deserve it, I didn’t kill those thugs in the warehouse last night. It wasn’t me.”
Jason clenches his teeth when he sees Bruce sigh and shake his head. He can’t believe that he’s having this argument with the man. Last night the police reported to Batman that the Red Hood had started ‘killing’ again and how they even had evidence that it was him.
Jason knows for a fact it wasn’t him. He had been on the other side of town doing some research when the whole thing happened. Of course Bruce being Bruce immediately went to the accusing stage instead of speaking about it to him civilly.
He had cornered Jason in the cave around an hour ago and started having a go at him. Getting defensive, Jason shouted back and they’ve been backwards and forwards with the arguments since then. During that time even the rest of the family had gathered around to see what was going on.
“How can I trust your word Jason when dead bodies start piling up again with your signature all over them.” Bruce was glaring at him, the man had his arms crossed over his shoulders and was stood up straight to heighten his authority.
Normally the size of the man would be intimidating however Jason has long gotten become immune to it. He even stands up straight himself, challenging Bruce with his own height and build. He wasn’t backing down, not from this fight.
“I don’t even use those bullets anymore. I haven’t done in over a year, why won’t you believe me?” Jason had honestly thought they had gotten past this. He’s been getting along with everyone too, finally finding his place back in the family, but after this how much of it will be left?
“You’re the fucking detective! Figure it out! I didn’t do it.” He screams again. Why wouldn’t the man listen to him?
Bruce’s glare somehow hardens even more, his face becoming dark and furious. “I don’t need to figure it out because it’s already been figured out. You killed them Jason even after when you said you wouldn’t. How long have you been going behind our backs and have been doing this?”
Jason’s stumped. How could Bruce accuse him of such a thing? “To be fair, if I was going behind your backs I would actually cover my tracks so I wouldn’t get caught.”
Maybe using sarcasm right now wasn’t such a good idea.  
Bruce raises an eyebrow. “Are you implying you have been killing behind out backs and have covered your tracks so we wouldn’t notice.”
Jason has the sudden urge to punch Bruce. Maybe knocking his head against the wall or ground would bash some sense into him. “Jesus Christ Bruce, no!”
“In all fairness,” a new voice speaks up, “the evidence doesn’t look good in your favour Jason.”
It was Dick. His older brother was leaning against the computer desk with his arms crossed loosely over his chest, watching the two of them argue.
Jason narrows his eyes at him. “So what’s your opinion Dickhead?”
Dick sighs and shakes his head, biting his lower lip. “As I just said, it doesn’t look good for you.”
“So you’re siding with Bruce? Accusing me of killing people when I didn’t.” Jason glares at him, feeling hurt by such a thing.
Dick rubs a hand across his face. “No, Jason, I’m not siding with anyone. I’m just saying the evidence is solid and is clearly against you. It doesn’t look good.”
Despite his words Jason knew that Dick would ultimately side with Bruce. His older brother had always worshipped the ground the man walked on, even in the days they themselves where fighting. If Bruce said ‘jump’ Dick would always ask ‘how high’ without question.
Jason turns his attention to Tim, who’s been watching the entire thing from the computer chair. “What’s your opinion on the matter Timothy?”
The teenager jumps at the sudden attention and sits up straight in the chair looking at them with wide eyes. Jason feels kinda bad for abruptly pulling him into the argument but he needs someone on his side. Tim, out of all of them, will look at things logically and think it through. He wonders what his little brother is thinking.
“As it’s been said, the evidence does strictly point to Jason.” Tim says evenly, not looking at any of them. Jason feels like he’s been stabbed in the back from hearing that. “However, I personally think he didn’t do it.”
He takes it back. Tim is his favourite brother.
“Why’s that?” Bruce demands now staring at the youngest in the room.
Tim fidgets in the chair for a moment before answering. “There has to be explanations somewhere. If Jason says he didn’t do it, then he deserves the benefit of the doubt. As for the bullets, the same distributor could have provided them, they could have been found back along when he had been using them.
As for sights, there could be a copycat going around. His costume’s not exactly hard to duplicate. Just grab a red motorbike helmet, a leather jacket and some cargo pants then hey presto there’s Red Hood.”
There’s a long pause after Tim finishes speaking. The atmosphere was full of tension and it felt suffocating. Jason wanted to leave but if he left now then it wouldn’t help his case at all.
In the end Tim is the one to break the silence, his logical brain coming to the rescue once again. “Until we’ve covered the scene ourselves and have primary evidence of our own, we should believe Jason and what he’s saying. Arguing about it isn’t getting anyone anywhere.”
Bruce makes a grunting sound before turning to Jason, once again glaring at him. “You do not go on patrol until this is sorted. I do not want to see Red Hood on the streets until I say so.”
Then without giving Jason the chance to protest the man was walking away, disappearing into the depths of the cave. Just because he’s no longer in front of him, doesn’t mean Jason can’t voice his opinions.
“You don’t control me Bruce! I’ll do whatever the hell I want!”
“Jay…” Tim scolds.
Jason shakes his head and moves so he was stood beside Tim at the chair. He glances at Dick and then at Tim. “It wasn’t me. Please believe me. I didn’t do it.”
Dick says nothing as he walks over to Jason, places a hand on his shoulder to squeeze it and then silently walks away. Jason watches him go until a hand grabbing his own gets his attention. Tim’s looking up at him earnestly.
“We’ll sort it out Jay, we always do.”
Jason reaches over and ruffles Tim’s hair, emitting a squawk form the teenager. “Thanks Timbo.”
He hopes to god that it gets sorted out. If this happened last year he wouldn’t have given a shit, but now he’s found a place within the family and he doesn’t want to lose that.
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northoftheroad · 5 years ago
Dick and Tim – brothers in arms
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So I got this ask. And it’s a good thing I got it the first night of my summer vacation, and the weather hasn't been great ;-)
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Once I started digging for comics with both Tim and Dick, I found several that I've never read. I got the impression Anonymous would like a complete list, so I just kept going. But this means I don't know if they even interact in some of the books, or if they make "blink and you miss it" guest appearances.
I'm sorry if they, by any chance, was asking for reading recommendations for good Dick and Tim moments and not The Complete List... Looking at the number of comics here that I haven't read/can't remember, I'm not really qualified to answer that. But if I had to try, I would mention:  
A Lonely Place of Dying
The New Titans #65
All issues of Nightwing vol 2 with Robin as a guest star, including Nightwing Annual #1 but excluding Annual # 2.
Showcase '93 #11-12
Knightfall Prodigal
Robin vol 2 #10, (DickRobin and TimRobin!) 175
Young Justice vol 1 #22
Teen Titans vol 3 #6
Bruce Wayne – Murderer and Fugitive
Birds of Prey #19
Batman: Gotham Knights # 8-11, 45
Red Robin #11-14
Batman: Gates of Gotham
That being said. Here is, as far as I can find, every comic where both Dick Grayson and Tim Drake have made an appearance (pre-Flashpoint):
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Batman vol 1 #436. By Marv Wolfman, art Pat Broderick and John Beatty.
Batman # 436. (Tim's first appearance, in the circus audience the day Dick's parents were killed.) (1989)
A Lonely Place of Dying. Batman #440-442, New Titans #60-61. (When Tim tries to talk Dick into becoming Robin again but ends up wearing the Robin suit himself to help Batman and Robin.) (1990)
The New Titans #64 (1990)
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The New Titans #65. By Marv Wolfman, art Tom Grummet and Al Vey.
The New Titans #65. (Tim turns up at Dick's place to learn what it is to be Batman's partner.) (1990)
Batman vol 1 #455 (1990)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1-2 (1992)
Superman: The Man of Steel #20 (1993)
Superman vol 2 #76 (1993)
Batman vol 1 #500 (1993)
New Titans #100 (1993)
Showcase '93 #11-12 (1993)
Justice League of America #70 (1993)
Bloodbath #1-2 (1994)
Batman vol 1 #510 (1994)
Robin vol 2 #0, 8 (1994)
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Robin vol 2 #10. By Chuck Dixon, art Tom Grummett and Ray Kryssing.
Robin vol 2 #10 (DickRobin meets TimRobin during Zero Hour. DickRobin is also seen in a panel in Batman vol 1 #511 and Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #4 .) (1994)
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #1-3 (1994)
Detective Comics #676-677 (1994)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #29-30 (1994)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #62 (1994)
Knightfall Prodigal (Dick's first longer stint as Batman. And he takes care of Tim and the Manor on his own!) In Batman #512-514, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #32-34, Robin # 11-13, Detective Comics #679-681. (1994-1995)
Batman vol 1 #515 (1995)
Detective Comics #686 (1995)
Robin vol 2 #23 (1995)
Green Arrow vol 2 #101 (1995)
Contagion (Detective Comics #696, Batman vol 1 #529, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #49, Batman vol 1 #533, Azrael vol 1 #16, Robin vol 2 #28, Catwoman vol 2 #31) (1996)
The Final Night #2-3 (1996)
Robin vol 2 #29, 32-33 (1996)
Catwoman vol 2 #36 (1996)
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #53-54 (1996)
Detective Comics #698-701 (1996)
Marvel versus DC / DC versus Marvel #2 (1996)
Nightwing vol 2 # 6. (Tim and Dick talk and fight crooks.) (1997)
Batman: Bane (1997)
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Ningtwing Annual #1. By Devin Grayson, art Greg Land and Bob McLeod.
Nightwing vol 2 Annual #1. (When Dick fake-marries a girl to investigate if she has murdered her previous husbands.) (1997)
Genesis #1 (1997)
Robin vol 2 #47-48 (1997)
Detective Comics #721, 724 (1998)
Nightwing vol 2 # 20. (Part of Cataclysm.) (1998)
Robin vol 2 #53 (1998)
Nightwing vol 2 # 25. (Tim and Dick talk and ride on train roofs. Dick has decided to become a cop.) (1998)
Batman 80-page Giant #1 (1998)
Brotherhood of the fist (Detective Comics #723, Robin vol 2 #55, Nightwing vol 2 # 28, Green Arrow 3 #135) (1998)
Batman: Bane of the Demon #4 (1998)
Batman vol 1 #554, 556, 560 (1998)
Detective Comics #727-729 (1998-1999)
JLA/Titans: Technis Imperative (1998-1999)
DC Universe Holiday Bash #3 (1999)
Batman 80-page Giant #2 (1999)
Young Justice: Secret Files and Origins #1 (1999)
Batman: Day of Judgment (Zombies...) (1999)
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120 (1999)
Robin vol 2 #71 (1999)
Young Justice vol 1 #7 (1999)
Batman and Superman: World's Finest #10 (2000)
No Man's Land. (Robin vol 2 #67, Batman vol 1 #562, Detective Comics #741, Batman: Shadow of the Bat #95, Batman: Legend of the Dark Knight #120, 126, Azrael: Agent of the Bat #56) (1999-2000)
Detective Comics #741 (2000)
Robin vol 2 #74, 76, 82 (2000)
Superman Y2K #1 (2000)
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Batman: Gotham Knights #10. By Devin Grayson, art Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Rober Robinson.
Batman: Gotham Knights #10-11 (2000)
Batman: Outlaws 1-3 (2000)
Young Justice vol 1 #22 (2000)
Birds of Prey vol 1 #19 (2000)
JLA: Secret Files #3 (2000)
The Hunt for Oracle. (Birds of Prey vol 1 #20-22. Nightwing vol 2 #46.) (2000)
Superboy vol 3 #74 (2000)
Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1 (2000)
Young Justice: Sinds of Youth Secret Files # 1 (2000)
Titans #12 (2000)
Green Lantern: Circle of Fire #1 (2000)
Batman: Gotham Knights #1 (2000)
Harley Quinn #6 (2001)
Birds of Prey # 27 (2001)
Catwoman vol 2 #90 (2001)
Young Justice: Our World's at War #1 (2001)
World's Finest: Our World's at War #1 (2001)
Joker: Last Laugh. (The Joker "jokerize" a number of metahuman villains. In the later part, Joker taunts Nightwing with that he has killed Tim, just as he did Jason. Dick loses it and punches Joker to death, but Batman turns up and resuscitates Joker). (2001)
Harley Quinn #11-12 (2001)
Robin vol 2 #86, 95 (2001)
Gods of Gotham. (Wonder Woman #166-167.) (2001)
Wonder Woman vol 2 #175 (2001)
Nightwing vol 2 #63. (The aftermath of Joker: Last Laugh, where Dick is too depressed to work as Nightwing. Robin and Blue Beetle take his place in Blüdhaven this issue, so they don't actually meet.) (2002)
Azrael: Agent of the Bat #94 (2002)
Young Justice vol 1 #40 (2002)
Birds of Prey vol 1 #37. (2002)
Batman/Nightwing: Bloodborne (2002)
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Batman: Gotham Knights #26. By Devin Grayson, art Roger Robinson and John Floyd. 
Bruce Wayne: Murderer and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive (Batgirl vol 1 #27, Nightwing #68-69, Batman: Gotham Knight #26, 28, 30, Birds of Prey vol 1 #40, 43, Batman #600, 605.) (Bruce is accused of murder and refuses to defend himself, and eventually escapes and intends to drop the identity of Bruce Wayne. Dick refuses to believe that Bruce can be a murderer and it causes a bit of friction with Tim.)
Batman: Gotham Knights #32-36 (2002-2003)
Batman: Gotham Knights #38, 42, 46 (2003)
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day # 1-3 (2003)
Detective Comics #782 (2003)
JLA/JSA: Virtue & Vice (2003)
Batman vol 1 #615 (Part of Hush) (2003)
Robin vol 2 #108-110, 118 (2003)
Batman: Family # 6-8 (2003)
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files (2003)
JLA: Welcome to the Working Week (2003)
Identity Crisis # 1 (2004)
Robin vol 2 #120 (But not really – the issue is about how Tim has been stalking his friends, imagining them as traitors, including Dick.) (2004)
Robin vol 2 #125 (2004)
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Teen Titans vol 3 #6. By Geoff Johns, art Mike McKone and Marlo Alquiza.
Teen Titans vol 3 #6 (2004)
Batgirl vol 1 # 46, 50 (2004)
Superman/Batman #5, 13 (2004)
War Games. (Nightwing vol 2 #97-98, Batman vol 1 #631-634, Detective Comics #799, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #183-184, Gotham Knights #57) (2004)
Detective Comics # 800 (2005)
Teen Titans vol 3 # 21-25 (2005)
Outsiders vol 3 #25 (2005)
Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files (2005)
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Nightwing vol 2 # 110. By Devin Grayson, art Phil Hester and Ande Parks.
Nightwing vol 2 #110. (During a period when Dick left the Nightwing identity.) (2005)
Infinite Crisis.  (2005-2006)
Action Comics # 841-843 (2006)
Adventures of Superman #648 (2006)
Nightwing vol 2 Annual # 2. (I honestly don't recommend this, but in the spirit of making a complete list... Tim is visible in two panels, overlapping with Infinite Crisis where Dick almost dies. Otherwise, it's a retelling of the revamped history of Dick and Barbara, including some things that no-one who likes Dick Grayson would agree is in-character.) (2007)
Teen Titans vol 3 #43 (2007)
Gotham: Underground # 1 (2007)
Wonder Woman Annual vol #1 (2007)
Countdown #43 (2007)
52 #30 (2007)
JLA: Classified #34 (2007)
Robin vol 2 #156 (2007)
Shadowpact #10 (2007)
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1 (2007)
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Nightwing vol 2 #142. By Peter J Tomasi, penciller Rags Morales.
Freefall (Nightwing vol 2 # 140–146). (One of the very best story arcs of any Nightwing comic. It has gruff Bruce, brotherly bonding, Nightwing and Robin infiltrating an island...) (2008)
Batman: Underground # 6-7 (2008)  
Green Latern vol 4 #25 (2008)
Titans vol 2 #1 (2008)
Robin vol 2 #178 (2008)
Batgirl vol 2 #1 (2008)
The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul. (Robin vol 2 #169, Nightwing vol 2 #138-139, Detective Comics #839). (2007-2008)
DC Special: Cyborg #2-5 (2008)
Robin vol 2 # 175. (Some fun panels with flashbacks with Dick and Tim.) (2008)
Batman vol 1 #675, 678, 681 (2008)
DC Universe: Lats Will and Testament #1 (2008)
Final Crisis #3 (2008)
Detective Comics #847 (2008)
Batgirl vol 2 # 5-6 (2009)
Superman/Batman #55 (2009)
Detective Comics #850 (2009)
Nightwing vol 2 # 151. (The issue ends with some family time with Dick, Tim and Alfred.) (2009)
Nightwing vol 2 # 153. (Last issue, Dick moves from New York to Gotham and Wayne Manor.) (2009)
Superman #682 (2009)
Teen Titans vol 3 #75 (2009)
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #5 (2009)
Robin vol 2 #181, 183 (2009)
Batman vol 1 #686 (2009)
Battle for the Cowl # 1-3. (Jason intends to become the Batman "Gotham needs". When Tim can't convince Dick to take up the cowl, he dresses up as Batman himself to fight Jason. In the end, Dick defeats Jason – and becomes Batman.) (2009)
Batman: Blackest Night #1-3 (2009)
Red Robin 1 # 1, 4 (2009)
Batman vol 1 #697, 702, 703 (2010)
Batman: Gates of Gotham #13 (2010)
Red Robin # 11-15 (2010)
Superman/Batman #76 (2010)
Teen Titans vol 3 #88-89 (2010)
Batman: Orphans #1-2 (2011)
Birds of Prey vol 2 #10 (2011)
Gotham City Sirens # 22 (2011)
Secret Six vol 3 #36 (2011)
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1-5 (2011)
Batman vol 1 #708-709 (2011)
Detective Comics #872, 874, 877, 880, 881 (2011)
Red Robin # 22, 23, 26 (2011)
I'm going to skip post-Flashpoint because, well, there's hardly anything there. The worst thing with Flashpoint/New 52, in my opinion, was that it destroyed relationships between characters who used to be family, but ended up hardly knowing or even liking each other. :-( 
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Detective Comics #975. By James Tynion IV, art Álvaro Martínez and Raúl Fernández. 
The only panel worth mentioning with Dick and Tim is from DC #975. Yes, it's sad – one of the best brotherly relationships in DC turned into dust. Here's to hoping future writers will pick up on their wonderful dynamic at some time.
(The pictures in the header are from: Red Robin #12, Young Justice vol 1 #22, Showcase ‘93 #12, Batman #441, Nightwing vol 2 #6, 25.) 
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zayray030 · 4 years ago
I love you because you're human.
Summary: Dick overhears Barbara, Roy, Jason, Tim and Stephanie talk about his ass and he starts to question the things around him. At least until Kori defends him and reminds her boyfriend that she loves him. Dickkori. Mild Barbra Bashing.
“So what was the best part about dating Dick?” asked Stephanie.
“Oh, definitely his ass. God it was glorious.” sighed Barbara, pretending to swoon. All but one stated laughing at her dramatics.
“Must have made it for his far less lovable qualities?” joked Jason.
“Oh absolutely. As long as I got to stare at it I would forget about his stupidity. Hell even before we started going out I thought his ass was enough for me to ignore him.” sighed Barbara.
Another round of laughter went around the group.
“So you got free access to the Grayson ass. Must have been amazing, eh?” joked Roy.
“Sometimes I wish we could still be dating, just so I could have free access to it. But alas, there's so much a nice ass can get you.” joked Barbara.
“Fair enough. Surprised its prettiness managed to last that long.” muttered Tim, over his fifth cup of coffee.
“Hey, Timmy. That amazing could get him away with anything.”
As they all continued to joke around about Dick, they never realised that said owner of such an amazing ass had his comm on and was listening to every little thing. Hurt and betrayed he threw his comm across the room, forgetting to switch it off.
Honestly, Dick didn't know why he was so upset. He knew that he had a pretty ass and it was part of the reason why so many people dated him, but it still hurt when his own siblings and his exes talked about him as if he was a piece of meat instead of human being with emotions and feelings.
Then he started to wonder if what they were was true. Did people only let him get away with things because he had a nice ass and not a nice personality.
He collapsed on the floor, tears falling out of his eyes as he thought, am I worth anything except a quick fuck?
~With the others~
“So did you actually like him, or did you just find him physically appealing?” asked Kori. With anyone else it might have sounded inquisitive, teasing even, but on Kori it sounded threatening. However everyone was too drunk to take notice of the alien princess's tone.
“I mean partially. The guy is nice and all and super intelligent but at times he's just so frustrating that you have to focus on the pretty part of him to make sure you remember why you dated him.” said Barbara dismissively, not realising that she had just opened up a beast.
“So, instead of talking it out like a normal couple, you sexualised him and didn't take his feelings for account?” asked Kori again, more instantly.
“I mean kinda. It isn't like the guy doesn't spend most of his time showing his ass of to everyone else.” she answered, the alcohol making her brain to mouth filter non existent.
“And he can't just be walking normally without being sexualised by everyone, can't he?” Kori asked sarcastically. By now Roy and Jason were starting to notice something bad was going to happen but they decided to stay out of it. They learned their mistake of getting the princess angry once, they weren't going to do it again.
“Not my fault he's pretty.” snapped Barbara defensively.
“Ladies, ladies. Let's not fight.” Stephanie says, trying to play the peacemaker but she immediately collapsed on the floor. Must have had one too many drinks. They heard another thud and they turned to see Tim passed out in front of his computer. Must have had an hour less sleep.
“What does his physical appearance have anything to do apart from the fact that you can't trust the man!?” snapped Kori, her eyes showing anger.
“That anyone would want a piece of him!”
“He's not everybody's type you know!” snapped Kori. Barbara just scoffed and then they heard another two thuds and turned to see Roy and Jason passed out with bruises on their faces.
They must have punched themselves unconscious to stay out of this fight. Pathetic.
“Oh yeah? You dated him princess! You can't exactly say you didn't like him for his ass either!” challenged Barbara.
“Actually I liked him because when I landed on earth he didn't try to take advantage of me! He made sure I was protected and safe! He gave me a home! He never degraded me!” yelled Kori at the other red head. Her hands were starting to heat up and if Barbara didn't know how to keep her mouth quiet then Kori wasn't going to be responsible for her actions.
“What-” before she could continue she collapsed in a thud. Kori rolled her eyes at her before quickly placing everyone in comfortable positions while also cursing them in every swear she knows.
She might be pissed but that didn't mean she was going to let them wake up with a stiff neck and a sore back.
However, while cleaning up she saw Jason's comm and found it open.
“Hello?” she called onto it.
“H-h-hey Kori.” came Dick’s voice after a beat of silence when Kori thought that whoever was there was gone.
“Dick, how much did you hear?” she asked worriedly.
“Enough.” he said, his voice scratchy.
“Where are you?” she asked, already heading out to the balcony of the safehouse.
“My apartment.”
“Wait. I'm coming over.” and before he could protest she threw the comm away and flew out.
~Dick’s apartment~
Dick sat nervously on his couch as he awaited for Kori to come over.
What was he supposed to say? “Hey thank you for sticking up for me against my ex and siblings.”? Like hell.
Dick jumped when he heard a knock on his window and he saw Kory flying there. He quickly scrambled up and opened it up.
“What were you thinking? Do you want people to know I'm a vigilante?” he hissed.
“Or people could think that your amazing girlfriend had decided to come over and see her clearly distraught boyfriend? Take your pick Dick.” she said sarcastically as she lounged down on his couch.
“KORI! I am not distraught!” he snapped, crossing his arms to make a point.
“Of course you aren't Dick. Just do me a favour and sit here.” she said patting her lap. Dick blushed bright red but did as she said, albeit with some insecurity in his movements.
“Did you mean what you said, earlier?”he asked nervously, looking up into his girlfriend's green eyes, full of warmth.
“Of course I did Dick. I won't deny it, you have a nice ass.” Dick looked down at that but Kori placed her hand under his chin and tilted his face up. “But I didn't fall for your body. I fell for you because even though you didn't know who I was you still decided to save me. I love you because despite all your faults you still try and push through. I love you because you care about me and my feelings. I love you because you're human and not a piece of meat.”
With every word she said Dick’s eyes grew wetter and wetter to the point where tears were just streaming down his face. Eventually he collapsed into his taller girlfriends chest and started sobbing. Kori just rubbed her hands up and down his back in a soothing gesture.
Eventually when he was done sobbing he looked up, a light blush on his cheeks. “I love you Kori.” he said shyly.
She smiled softly back and kissed his lips briefly.
“As I love you. Now let me show you just how much I love you.” she whispered seductively before picking Dick up and carrying him to the bedroom.
Dick squealed slightly before wrapping his legs around Kori’s waist.
It was going to be a very good night indeed.
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years ago
The Room That Raised You
Read on AO3
Jason walks through the halls of Wayne Manor like it’s second nature. His sense memory despite the very little amount of time he’s spent here outside of the Batcave since he came back to life still completely intact. Down the hall, up the stairs, right, left, right and three doors down just like it always has been.
He’s only been inside this room once since his return to collect a few of his old things. Today he’s staying the night, family dinner as Bruce had called it was mandatory and surprisingly fun. Time had passed without notice and before he or his siblings and their partners realized it it was well past midnight.
Alfred’s strict no driving after one a.m. unless it’s for crime fighting related reasons rule has never been tested and Jason wasn’t about to be the first one to try and end up on the receiving end of Alfred’s icy, disappointed glare.
So, one by one they’d all made their way back to their old or current rooms, Roy beaming with absolute glee at the idea of seeing the room young Jason had called his sanctuary.
Jason stops in front of the door, tracing his hand along the familiar dent from where he’d been practicing a flip in the hallway and bashed right into it, it makes him feel weirdly warm to see Alfred never bothered to fix it. Happy to keep the silly memory intact.
He grabs the shiny golden handle the shape of it molded to his hand as he twists and pushes open the oak door wide. He gestures for Roy to step in first after flipping the light switch, one of the less ornate light fixtures in the manor coming to life on the ceiling.
Roy kisses Jason on the cheek as he passes him stepping into the room. He looks around taking it all in. Jason takes a deep breath before stepping in fully and closing the door behind him, locking it for good measure, he knows how nosy and against the concept of knocking his siblings can be.
He’s a little nervous sleeping in here again for the first time in a long time, the slew of guest rooms could have been his, but Roy had looked so delighted about seeing this room and his body on autopilot only knew to take him here.
“So this is where the magic happened?” Roy says with a chuckle running his finger along the completely dust free edge of the elaborate bed frame, courtesy of Alfred’s hard work.
“If by magic you mean lots of classic literature reading and practicing Robin backflips then yeah, this is where the magic happened,” Jason says walking over the large windows. He throws open the dark red heavy curtains, the light from the garden that was always nestled below his window shining through. It makes Roy’s red hair almost glow like a halo. A thing he’ll never say out loud to Roy, God knows he doesn’t need to hear how many jokes he’d make about being an angel.
Two strong arms wrap around his waist as he looks down at the garden remembering waking up in the morning and looking down to see Alfred in a large brimmed hat and bright orange gardening gloves picking tomatoes or trimming the weeds away and waving up to Jason with a smile.
He wishes his brain remembered the happy moments like that more often than all the dark and dread his subconscious so likes to bring up.
“You had a nice view,” Roy says resting his chin on Jason’s shoulder. Jason smiles and nods laying his hands on top of Roy’s where they rest on his stomach.
It had been one of the reasons he’d picked this room when Bruce had first brought him home. The view and the already installed floor to ceiling bookshelves calling his name. He also liked the quiet, his room on the other side of the manor far from the rumbling underground of Batmobiles.
A lot has changed in the manor, far more people live here or at least temporarily do than back when it was just him, Bruce, Alfred and on occasion Dick, but the quiet and the garden still remain true. The only other occupied room on this end is Cassandra’s and she likes the quiet just as much if not more than Jason does.
Roy places a kiss to the back of Jason’s neck and he sighs closing his eyes for a moment, the nerves of being in here again falling away with Roy’s gentle touch. Roy pulls away after that, seemingly satisfied at being able to seep the tension from Jason’s bones, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the wall of bookshelves.
“Pick one,” Roy says pointing to the cascading wall of books and leaning on the sliding ladder that Jason would spend hours on sometimes rolling from side to side tossing books on the high end down to his bed to read for the second or even third time.
“Tim had me drinking coffee at midnight little caffeine crazy fiend he is I’m sure he’s already fast asleep, but I require the dulcet tones of your voice to sooth me to sleep now,” Roy says with a smile. He pushes off the ladder running a hand through Jason’s hair pushing the white streaks back from where they slipped onto his forehead. He grips the back of his head putting his lips on Jason’s, he still tastes like coffee with an edge of mint from the toothpaste Alfred had provided for them lingering as well.
He smiles when he pulls back and heads over to the bed pulling back the covers, stripping off his jeans and t-shirt and settling in. Jason watches with interest as Roy settles his arms behind his head, the muscles of his biceps bunching up tightly.
Roy just smirks knowingly so he shakes his head turning back to the shelf. He runs his fingers across the spines of titles he’s a read, a few empty spaces from where he’d taken his personal favorites back a long time ago.
His eyes catch on the weathered spine of a book just above the row he’s skimming across, the cracks in it so prominent he can’t even read the title anymore. He pulls the book from the shelf admiring the ratty looking cover of Much Ado About Nothing.
His affinity for Shakespeare is limited mostly to his comedies, he’s got enough drama in his own life thank you very much, and he can’t believe he overlooked this one when he was raiding these shelves for himself years back.
“How does Shakespeare sound to you?” he asks looking over at the bed where Roy has now shifted to his side, arm bent his hand resting under his chin watching Jason fondly.
“Boring as shit unless you’re the one reading it to me,” he says with a smile. Jason huffs and tosses the paperback at him hitting him square in the face.
Roy makes a fake little offended noise at the action as Jason pulls his shirt over his head and unbuttons his pants. Roy lets out a low appreciative whistle as Jason walks over to light switch turning it off and flicking on the warm low light lamp beside the bed. Jason rolls his eyes at the sound and sort of wants to throw another paperback at him. He crawls into the empty space beside Roy and picks the book up from where it’s still laying on the sheets.
Roy barely lets him get settled before he’s pulling Jason down flat on his back and resting his head on Jason’s chest. Jason puts one hand on the book expertly holding it open and thumbing the pages and settles his other in Roy’s hair brushing through the long strands at the top of his head and scratching at the buzzed ones beneath.
He starts from the beginning, the words practically coming from memory more so than from reading. With each word Roy snuggles in a little closer, his eyes drifting shut. Not even quite halfway through the first act Roy falls asleep. Jason pulls his hand from his hair settling it on Roy’s bare shoulder, he looks over at the time, now nearing three a.m., he should probably turn out the light and fall asleep with Roy in his arms, but one look back at the book in his hand and he’s hit with the memory of being thirteen lying in this bed alone and reading fantastic tales and epic romances just like the one in his hand till the wee hours of the morning.
He smiles pressing a light kiss into Roy’s hair careful not to wake him before turning to the next page.
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goldandbluesmiles · 5 years ago
Joker’s Killer
Chapter 1: What do we do now?
Summary: In the end, it’s not Batman that kills the Joker. It’s Bruce Wayne.
May 29, 1:19: Bruce Wayne walked into Arkham undetected by any security cameras or guards
May 29, 1:25: Bruce Wayne entered Joker's cell.
May 29, 1:35: A guard realized that the hysterical laughter and gurgling from the clown's cell weren't just for show.
May 29, 1:37: Bruce Wayne was found standing over Joker's body with a steel bar in his hand, Joker's head bashed in.
Note: This is an A/B/O fic though the only tropes that are focused on are the protective omega parent and bonding.
TW: Non-consensual bonding (It’s an a/b/o fic)
Chapter 2
No No No
Please Don't
"Little Birdie. You won't get away this time,"
Pain. Blood. Laughter. Hysterical cackling.
"Come on! Come on Little Birdie. Your turn. Take a bite!"
Pain. So much pain. Painpainpainpain.
Jason tumbled home, assaulted by his memories and barely keeping himself upright. How he got from the cafe to his safehouse without someone stopping him was a mystery but one that he was grateful for.
Once he got inside, Roy was there, helping him up and calming him down.
"Jesus Jay! What the fuck happened?"
And really, Jason couldn't blame for the shock in his tone. He had gone out to have a late lunch with Bruce and while they still had their disagreements, the two omegas rarely had any problems outside of their vigilante personas. And even those were small, resolved within an hour.
Jason should not be coming back from lunch this out of it, barely reeling in his scent of distress.
"Jason! Come on talk to me! Don't make me call the Bat,"
Jason took a shuddering breath at that and tried to talk, tried to get something around the clog out of his throat.
"He asked- the bite-he-he"
"And you told him about the bite?" murmured Roy, gently leading him to the couch
Jason nodded.
"Jason," said the alpha, voice low and soothing, "What did Bruce do?"
Jason tried to answer but dissolved into sobs just thinking of the blank look the older omega had gotten.
"He left, Roy! He just left," whimpered Jason, "I told him what that thing did to me and he just got up and left. Didn't even say anything! Why would he do that, Roy? How could he just leave?!"
Roy's arms tightened around him.
"He said, he promised- He's my dad, he's supposed to-supposed to- take care of me! He just left me there, Roy!"
Jason could smell he anger starting to come off of the alpha. Anyone else, Jason would be getting ready for a fight but this was different. Roy was the one alpha who's scent didn't make him run. Even Dick had to reign himself in around Jason, but not Roy. Roy was the one alpha Jason knew would never hurt him, knew his anger was for him and not at him.
"We're going to fix this. Remember the plan. Next time he comes out we'll kill him and you'll be free," said Roy and Jason sunk low into the promise, let the words wash over him and calm him down. They had a plan, they would fix this.
"And screw the Bat," added Roy
Yeah, screw the Bat.
Bruce didn't come back for dinner. Alfred was not particularly worried.
The only time the man felt compelled to come home was when Damian was there and the young boy was spending the weekend with his eldest brother. Timothy was also with his friends. With the house empty of any children and Bruce having been banned from the cave by Alred for a forced 'vacation of vigilantism' it wasn't a surprise that the Master had opted to stay out a little longer, maybe gallivanting around the city with Selina Kyle.
Good for them. They needed some time together. She was a good influenced on him.
He got the call at 6:38 PM.
"Hi, Alfred. It's Jim. I'm so sorry about this. If I had been told right away I would have called much earlier-"
"Commissioner, if you could please get to the point," said Alfred, dread rising in him
The man on the other end of the line took a deep breath.
"Bruce Wayne had been arrested for the murder of Jack Napier, otherwise known as Joker,"
Dick and Damian were the last to arrive at the manor.
"He really did it?" Dick asked Alfred as Cass whisked their little brother away
"So it would seem," said Alfred
"This has to be a mistake!" Damian yelled from the other room, "Father wouldn't do that! Batman doesn't kill!"
"Except it wasn't Batman that did it," said Stephanie, sounding almost regretful.
Dick decided to intervene before the whole thing blew up in everybody's faces.
"Look, guys," he said stepping into the room, "As far as Jim's told us and Barabra has confirmed, Bruce was found standing over Joker's body and there was no one else there,"
"So he really did it?" murmured Tim from where he was curled up with Cass.
"Where's Todd?" said Damian, swiftly directing his anger and confusion elsewhere, "I thought he would be here singing and dancing out of happiness,"
Dick looked over to Alfred who just shrugged.
"Master Bruce was supposed to meet Master Jason for lunch. I held off from informing him. I thought it might be a good idea to figure this out first,"
"Father was meeting him for lunch," said Damian, "Well obviously something happened!"
Dick sighed, "Damian-"
"Uh guys," said Stephanie, "Leslie says to turn on the TV,"
The TV in the room was turned on and the first thing that popped up was-
Billionaire Murders Joker in cold Blood
"Bruce Wayne-"
"The Joker had been-"
"Arkham inmate-"
"Shit," muttered Damian. No one scolded him about his language.
"What do we do?" murmured Tim
Dick took a deep breath. It was time to take charge. He could freak out later.
"Everyone chooses someone to call fro the league before we blow up with calls, then Alfred and I will talk to Jim. I'm gonna ask Barbara to go meet Bruce and I'm going to talk to Jason myself. He was the last one of us that talked to Bruce and considering everything, there is no way that's just a coincidence,"
As everyone started to disperse, Dick held Damian back.
"What?" said Damian
"I know this is scary and confusing-"
"Master Jason!"
Dick stopped and looked up to see Jason standing in the doorway. The first thing that registered was the smell. He reeked of an Omega in distress. The second thing Dick noticed was how dishevelled he looked. Hair sticking up, red nose, puffy unfocused eyes.
"Jason wait up!" someone called from behind Jason and Dick straightened as Roy came into view.
"I tried to get him to call first," said Roy, "But he got really worked up and Dick-"
"It's my fault," said Jason
"Jay we talked about this-"
"No!" said Jason, starting to tremble in Roy's arms, "It's all my fault, my fault, all my fault, my fault, my fault, my fault,"
Dick quickly moved toward his younger brother as Roy and Jason slid to the ground.
"Jay I'm gonna touch you," said Dick and when Jason nodded Dick carefully curled into the side Roy wasn't on.
"What do you mean it's all your fault?" asked Dick
"I told him," said Jason, "I told him about the bite. Joker's bite,"
Dick froze. He heard a soft gasp from where the rest of his siblings had also gathered back in the room.
"Jason," whispered Dick, devastation colouring his voice, "Jason, are you saying..."
Jason whimpered and tucked his head against Roy's chest.
"Jason," and that was Damian coming closer to them, "Jason can I sit with you?"
Damian kept his voice soft and low, almost childlike compared to his usual gruff and formal way of talking. When Jason sought out the voice, Dick realized what his little brother was doing. While the teenage omega wasn't a pup anymore he was still young enough to elicit a reaction from his oldest omega brother.
"Dami?" said Jason, eyes coming into focus for the first as he looked at his little brother
"I want to sit with you but the floor isn't very comfortable," said Damian, "Maybe we could move to the couch and maybe get some blankets to get warm?"
Jason blinked a few times and then nodded, making a small motion with his hands. Damian nodded and carefully tucked himself against Jason's front. As soon as Jason calmed down, the rest of the family leaped into action. This part they were all very good at. In less than five minutes the carpeted floor had been turned into a small nest with Jason in the middle and everybody else cuddling around him.
"Tell them," murmured Roy once everyone had settled down
Slowly, ever so slowly, Jason started telling the story of what had happened last time Joker had been apprehended. How Joker had taken him alone, and how the alpha had bitten him and then forced him to bite back.
"It was awful," muttered Jason, "He kept hitting me and hitting me and I didn't want to but there were other people in the room and I just-"
He choked off with a sob and Damian gently nuzzled his cheek.
"He made me bite him and bond. He made me-"
Jason stopped, crying too hard to continue.
"It's okay," said Tim, "It's okay,"
Jason just cried harder.
Dick knew the story from there. Bruce and he had dropped off Joker at Arkham. They had tried to get Jason back at the cave but Artemis and Roy had already been there and while none of the bats particularly liked their explosive way of doing things, they had to admit the Outlaws had Jason's back.
So they had let him go and then Jason had called them, saying he was fine but needed some time. That was three weeks ago and while they had stayed in communication via text, none of them had seen him.
Until Bruce today.
"I wasn't gonna tell Bruce," said Jason, once his sobs quieted down, "I wasn't gonna tell him but he saw the mark and he started teasing me about it and I just...snapped, telling him about the Joker-I still can't believe no one heard us and he got this weird look and then he just walked away and I was mad and hurt and dizzy and I-I should've-should've gon' af'er him. I should-"
Jason dissolves into sobs again and Dick could only rub his arm.
What else is he supposed to do?
It's late when he finally called Barbara.
"I don't know how to say it so I'm just gonna come out with it," said Barbara, "He did it, Dick. There's no other way around it. He used his training to get around the security system and he seems pretty out of it like he's on autopilot. Almost catatonic but he most definitely did it,"
Dick sighed, "Thanks Barbara,"
"Dick," she said quietly, "Do you need me to come over?"
Dick shook his head, looking to where Roy and Kori were sitting together at the other end of the cave, having left Jason to the rest of the family.
"No, I'm good," said Dick, "Your dad's gonna need you. We also need someone to deal with Wayne Enterprises and the Press and it's not gonna be us with the mental space everyone is in now. Coordinate with Lucius?"
"Yeah," said Barbara, "I'll get on it. Take care of yourself, Dick,"
"You too," said Dick and then hung up after a quick goodbye.
"So?" asked Roy as he went to sit near them
"He did it," murmured Dick, "He did it. God!"
It was only when Kori put her arms around him that he realized how badly he was shaking.
"Hush, Dick," said Kori as she pulled him close. Roy moved to his other side and gently started rubbing his back.
"We were going to kill him," Roy said after a while, "Me and Artemis. We had a plan. Next time Joker broke out, we would make sure he died, severe the bond. Artemis wanted to break into Arkham to do it but we decided it would be too much exposure,"
"But then Jason went to meet Bruce and..."
"He probably thought it was a sex mark," said Dick
Dick remembered when he had first started having sex. He had come down many times with a 'temporary' bite mark and Bruce had teased him every time he had seen it. Still did it sometimes.
"That makes sense," said Roy, "And then Jason told him the truth and he snapped,"
"Maybe he went into that state you speak of," said Kori, "When an Omega is protecting their pup,"
"Maybe," said Dick, too tired to even think of the logistics. Thank God for Alfred otherwise, he would still be up there comforting his siblings. It'll probably be his job to do it in the days, weeks, maybe even months to come but for now, he just need a minute, a little time to breathe, he needed-
He needed Bruce. Bruce would know what to do.
Except Bruce wasn't there.
"What are you going to do?" Roy asked in a soft voice
He didn't know. He had no idea what he was going to do.
And then finally, Dick let himself cry as Roy and Kori pulled him close.
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lyz-fics · 5 years ago
Jason Todd X FEM! Reader: But I’m Not Pregnant…
Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
This is a special Fic I wrote especially for @just-me764. I hope you enjoy it, my baby. We all love you very much and are wishing you good luck and wisdom for your piano exam last? (a few? Long-time?) week.
Word Count: 4,074 Words
Summary: after an attack on the city, Jason comes to your apartment with…your sons?
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You lie awake in your bed dreaming of someplace else, someplace that was safer than this. Safer for the both of you, while the storm rages just outside your window. It was always stormy in Gotham but this night was different. The hail seemed to pelt down with force, desperately trying to rip the pipelines off the side of your apartment and shatter all of your windows. The wind howled through the silence of the night, coming in from under the door and piercing your ears with it shrill noise. Cop cars wailed and people were shouting, you were scared; Jason was out there tonight.
Suddenly interrupting your thought, your window flew open, it bashed against the walls as the wind continued to push it. A figure flew through your window, covered by darkness they edged closer and closer to the end of your bed. Heavy breathing filled your ears as you heard a release of gas when the figure removed his mask. You let out all of your pent up breath as soon as you heard the man’s voice. You reached over to your lamp to turn it on so you could properly see the face of your love.
“New suit?” you asked him seductively, “You look pretty good.”
“Please, (Y/N),” he was practically gasping for breath, “we have a bigger problem at the moment. The boys are in some pretty deep shit.”
God, way to kill the mood, Jason. Whatever – you would help him anyway.
“I’m sorry…we?” you questioned him, “I’m not a robin.”
“It's not that kind of help, please. I’ll tell you more once they get here.”
“Wait, they're coming here?” you were shocked, you can't be seen like this, your room was a mess, you and Jason haven't cleaned in weeks.
Before Jason couldn't even say another word there was a knock at the door, it kept repeating itself as if someone was trying to bust the door down. Jason ran straight for the door without even asking any questions as to who it was.
“Take the baby before it pukes on me again!” a boy yelled.
The young boy at the door practically threw the baby at Jason and stormed around the room or a few seconds looking for the bathroom. As you walked over to Jason about to ask him to shut the door so you two could talk a smaller boy came running down the hallway crying. He latched onto Jason and flopped onto the floor as he cried into Jason's boots.
“Richard,” Jason screamed. You bolted backward when he did shielding your ears, damn that oy can yell. “How dare you leave Timothy!”
You knew he must be mad now, he seemed to be using first names.
“Whatever, asshole. My parents are dead, you can't tell me what to do.”
This was getting too confusing for even you. you had to know what happened, what's going on now, and what's going to happen to these young boys.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
“So you’re telling me,” you paused for a deep breath before you continued, “someone-“
“Some villain,” Jason corrected you.
You looked at him harshly before continuing. “Some villain, was able to study and harness the power of a cryogenic sleep chamber and was able to reverse engineer it to make the boys children again?” you tried to sound like you understood what he had explained to you but truly you were just repeating what he had said. You had absolutely no clue how this had happened and how you were meant to help to fix it.
“You’re telling me those three boys are Dick Grayson, Timothy Drake, and Damian Wayne?” still shocked, you were only able to wrap your head around the thought that these were the boys. “Wait,” you needed to know one thing before anything got any more complicated “but who’s who?”
“Uhh, this machine still seems to obey the laws of time so Dick is still the oldest, meaning he was the angsty teenager you saw storm into our bathroom, Tim is the next one, and Damian is here.” He said the last part softly as he was rocking the baby boy in his arms.
“Time? What laws of time Jason? This thing obviously doesn’t obey any laws, period.”
Jason was stumped now, he didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know the first thing about taking care of children. That’s why he brought them here; he thought you could be able to help.
“I thought you might be able to help,” it was hard to get out the next part for him, “ya know because you’re a girl.”
“I'm a girl. Great,” you threw your hands in the air as you rolled your eyes and leaned back in your chair. “I can magically fix this because I'm a girl. That’s perfect Jason.”
“Arent you meant to have some sort of maternal instinct or some shit,” Jason questioned. You were all starting to get a bit angry now.
“Shit!” Timothy chimed in.
You both turned around to see timothy propped up against the side of your chair trying to cross his arms like you had them, and look angry like Jason. You and Jason both winced, you would definitely have to make some lifestyle changes if you were to accommodate these children.
“Okay, new plan,” you sighed, “we get these boys in bed and figure everything out in the morning.”
“I'm completely with you,” Jason started hesitantly, “but where are we all meant to sleep?”
You looked around your house with a concerned look adorned on your face. You and Jason would have to sleep on the couch if the boys wanted to sleep in the bed. The plan was set, you and Jason got the boys into bed. Although dick was a pain to convince, he ended up sleeping on the edge of the bed away from the other boys. Arguing about who would look after Damian, you both decided it would be best if you left in the bed with the boys. Sleeping on the other edge of the bed you kept Damian up by your head, wrapped in your blankets and secured in place with pillows. In the middle of the bed was Tim, he stuck close to you through the night and something about having these boys in your bed made it somewhat easier to sleep.
Out like a light, Jason came and brushed your hair out of your face as he planted a goodnight kiss on your forehead. He walked over ad situated himself on the couch, covering himself with blankets and wrapping some extra clothes up to make an extra pillow, everyone was straight to sleep.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
Awoken from your sleep so abruptly, you groaned as you had to use your arm to prop your self up. Looking beside you could see Damian squirming in his blanket, looking close to you you couldn’t see Timothy, now you were really worried. Looking all around the room frantically while you tried to pick up Damian carefully you finally found him. In the night, Dick had rolled over and wrapped his arms around little Tim, almost concealing him from sight completely.
“What's wrong?” Jason asked with a groggy tone.
You swung your legs out of bed as you held Damian close to your chest, he flung his arms at you as he used his hands and tried to claw at your chest. You walked over to Jason, maybe he could help you.
“I don’t know what he wants,” you said sleepily.
“isn’t there a list for this kind of stuff?” Jason asked. “ya know, food, drink, burp, play, shit?”
“No swearing!” you reminded him.
Although he was right about the things that a baby needs, you had gone over a special list with him as to what you can and can't do while the boys are children. One of the most important things being that you two were not allowed to swear while the boys are children as you could already see that Tim was picking up all the bad words that you two were saying to each other.
“Okay,” you started, “if you can take him into the kitchen and feed him that would be great. I think there’s some applesauce in the fridge for him to eat. If he doesn’t want to eat warm some milk up for him and feed to him in a syringe if there is any left in the medicine cabinet.” You started to walk off to get a cloth from the bathroom that you could use as a diaper until you were able to go to the store and get the proper supplies that you needed. “Oh, about the milk,” you suddenly remembered something, “I read something about testing the temperature on your wrist first to make sure it's not too hot for the baby. It should be a luke-warm temperature because that is most like the stuff he would naturally get.”
Damn, Jason was right about girls having a motherly instinct, you guess it just needed time to kick in. after you had found some soft cloths you walked back into the kitchen to find Jason trying to feed Damian some applesauce, it looked like he was getting very mad. Quickly you placed the cloth down and took the small spoon from Jason's hand, you twirled the spoon in the air to get Damian interested while making whooshing noises with your mouth, the oldest trick in the book – here comes the airplane.
He hed the food in his mouth for a few seconds, giving you just enough time to look at Jason cockily as if to say “I’m gonna be a better parent than you.” he started crying again before he opened his mouth and let the food plop out onto Jason’s shirt, Jason was degusted, he was a brat from birth he knew that much now.
“Why you little-”
Before the bay could come to any harm you chirped up. “Well, that just means he must need something other than food.”
At that moment the microwave beeped. You looked down and through the window to see the small glass of milk. You opened the microwave and took the milk out, sticking your finger in it and letting drop onto your wrist you determined that it was an okay temperature. Placing the cup down you picked up Damian so Jason could wipe his shirt off. Walking over the cupboard with Damian held close to your hip you found a syringe and walked back to Jason. He took the syringe from you and sucked up some of the milk. Alas, Damian didn’t want to go anywhere near that plastic monstrosity.
It was far into the morning now and you and Jason had tried everything to get Damian to stop whining and start to settle down again. By this time timothy and Dick had woken up and now had headaches. Jason had set up the TV for the boys while you went out into the hallway of your apartment. You tried everything and you were starting to get tired, you were relieved when Jason finally came out into the hallway. You rushed over to him and handed him baby Damian.
“We’ve tried everything!” you were the one whining now, “I’m starting to think he really is just a brat!”
“We haven’t tried everything..” Jason said hesitantly.
“What, Jason,” you were yelling at him now. You were so tired and worried at the same time. “what more can we do?”
“Give him propper milk,” Jason said softly as he stepped closer to you and pushed at your collar bone.
“What the hell Jason?” you covered your chest and took a huge step away from him, “No way!”
“Bruce said they won't have a memory of any of this anyway so I'm sure you’ll be fine”
You sighed, right now you just wanted to go to bed. At this point, you would try anything. You held your hands out to him and he passed you the baby. He opened the door for you as you both walked back in, him going to sit with the boys on the couch to watch…what the hell is even on tv at this time of the night, wait was that Godzilla? Nevermind, you walked down past the kitchen and into the bathroom, closing the door behind you you sat against the bathtub and started to breastfeed baby Damian.
Finally walking out of the bathroom with a sleeping Damian you placed him back into bed and collapsed onto Jason. You saw that Jason had put Dick and Tim back to bed and the TV was switched off. You took your place in bed huddled with Damian. Now you were able to go to sleep properly.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
You were violently shaken awake from your sleep to see a small blue-eyed boy bouncing on top of you. You tried to roll over but the small boy followed you down as he continued to giggle.
“I want breakfast,” he sang, “what's for breakfast?”
You rolled over with your face stuck into the pillow, screaming into it you now realized that last night hadn’t been some crazy dream. The boys had all been reverted back to their younger selves and were now demanding you make them breakfast.
“Jason!!” you yelled for him hoping he would already be up but you only just then remembered that he would have gotten a terrible night’s sleep on the couch. “Go make breakfast!” you yelled louder this time thinking you had to wake him up.
“Richard,” you heard him groan, “make breakfast.”
Realizing that Jason wasn’t wanting to get up either you practically rolled out of bed and hobbled over to the kitchen. Taking Jason's jumper off the back of the couch as you walked past him you put it on over the top of your spaghetti strap top, it was just long enough to almost cover your shorts.
Looking into the fridge, you pulled out some waffles and chucked them onto the counter. Ripping the box open you put then into the toaster to defrost as you scoured the cupboard for honey or maple syrup. Timothy bounced over to the counter as Dick wandered over with his arms crossed against his chest.
“I don’t like sweet things,” he grumbled.
“Then starve,” you sassed him.
Walking over to the crying baby in your bed you picked him up and rocked him in your arms as you brought him to the counter. You got the applesauce out of the fridge and brought it over to where the boys were eating. There you joined Timothy, happily chewing on his stacked waffle sandwich, and Dick, chewing a tiny piece of waffle with a disgruntled face. Carefully feeding Damian you waited for Jason to get up before you went into the bathroom again to feed him some more.
“What are we gonna do today momma bird?” Jason sang.
“Get some proper clothes for these boys,” you said in a grumbled tone as you looked Jason up and down.
“What's wrong with the clothes I gave them?”
“They're yours from years ago”
“You had a terrible fashion sense years ago,” you said as you rolled your eyes. Jason gasped at this; he knew it was terrible but he always loved to play the dramatic one in the relationship.
“Leather jackets will always be in season and you know it,” he sassed you as you walked off to change into something you could wear out to the shops.
Cleaning up after boys, you took everything you needed and put it in your backpack. Carefully taking Damian you were able to make sure Dick was in sight as he continued to play on his phone. Jason picked up Tim and carried him as he quickly got tired of walking and ‘needed to be carried or his legs would fall off’. Walking into the first store you went straight to the baby section and picked out some onesies for Damian. Looking through what the store had you picked out a few plain onesies that he could wear, nothing too fancy. You didn’t want to get carried away; he wasn’t going to stay like this forever after all. God, you would love if they stayed like this. Well…Dick might be a bit of a pain so he could change back.
After meeting up with Jason again you looked through what he had picked out for Tim and Dick. Tim had helped him pick some nice tops as well as some cargo shorts and some shoes that would fit him, as well as the necessities. Dick, of course, had picked some jeans and a few grunge tops, he obviously wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
Quickly, you paid for the clothes and headed for the next store. Just a normal pharmacy, you picked up some proper formula for Damian and some diapers too. You walked to the counter quickly and picked up a small rattle on the way. Paying for everything once again you loaded everything into Jason's car and started to contemplate what you were all going to have for lunch. Taking a vote you all decided on mall food for lunch.
Walking back into the mall with the boys you spotted a bunch of reporters on the way in but thought nothing of it. Suddenly you heard one of them shout and run towards you and Jason. Flashing cameras blurred your vision as you bumped into Dick.
“Jason, Jason,” The people yelled at you both, “Jason Todd, is this your wife? Is it your girlfriend? How long have you been hiding her from the public eye? Are these your kids? What are their names? How old are they? Jason, what's her name? Jason,” they were throwing questions at you a million times per second and you were starting to get dizzy at how much you had to turn your head to listen to what they were actually saying
Your eyes were going blurry from all the cameras flashing in your face, taking gapped steps you accidentally bumped into Dick or was that Tim? Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder guiding you towards the front of the group of reporters. Looking behind you dizzily you could see Jason leading you, holding Tim in his arms as he curled into his shoulder to avoid the bright lights. You tried to keep looking around, where was Dick? Finally catching sight of him you realized he had finally put down his phone and started paying attention to his surroundings. In his hand was the corner of Jasons Jacket – leather of course – balled up in his fist.
Continuing to push you forward, Jason led you all down the crowded hallway until you found an elevator. Quickly running in he slammed the button to close the door and pressed the top floor – the parking roof, although this wasn’t where they parked it would be a temporary escape from the paparazzi for now until they could make it back to their car or until they could find another way out. Putting Tim down in the elevator, Jason pulled out his phone and began to dial a number.
He waited for an answer, “Yes, Hello? Alfred?” Jason asked, “I need you to come and pick us up from the mall on 97th street, by the park.” Jason paused as he listed for a while, you weren’t bae to hear what they were saying. “Yes, apparently moving to the other side of the city wasn’t enough to stay away for the public eye for long. Thank you so much for the help, Alfred.”
Reaching the top floor, you all got off and started walking around the parking lot to try and get to the ramp exit when Alfred would be coming to pick you all up. They only had to wait a few minutes before Alfred had arrived, he was, after all, conveniently out on a shopping trip for Bruce. Pulling up in the car, Jason got into the front and you hopped in the back between Tim and Dick with Damian curled in your lap. Driving off, you passed the paparazzi on your way out, you heaved a sigh of relief, thankful that you might not ever go through that again.
Finally arriving at the Wayne manner, you followed Jason in as he went to go and speak to Bruce. Hopefully, he had some way to turn the boys back to normal. Talking with him for a while you were relieved when he told you that you would be able to leave them at the Wayne manner for tonight as the aging chambers would be ready for all three of them by the morning. Although you were happy to have the three of them out of your hair you were somewhat sad to see them go.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
After Alfred took you back to the mall to pick up your car you and Jason haded straight home, you both had had enough drama for one day and you both agreed that you didn’t want anymore. Both collapsing onto the bed of your shared apartment you cuddled up next to Jason – after all, it had been a whole 2 nights since you were able to feel his body warmth. You sighed as you felt all of the tension in your body melt away, his chest heaved up and down as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.
“Well that was fun,” he whispered to you with a small giggle, “I can't believe what those reporters were asking, can you?” he cleared his throat as he put on his high-pitched squeaky voice, “Jason, when was the wedding? Why wasn’t I invited? Are these your children? Ha” he scoffed at the final sentence, “like we're at that stage of our relationship.”
You hummed in response, why was he being like this? Should you tell him what you really thought of the time you spend with the boys and him?
“Babe?” he asked, he must have been concerned about you when you didn’t give him an answer like you usually do. He pushed back now when you didn’t even answer his call, “(Y/N), what's wrong?”
“Hmm? Oh, it nothing,” you sighed as you rolled over pulling his arms back around you as you scooted back into his chest to become the little spoon. You should really tell him. “Ya know, Jason,” you started softly, “looking after the boys was really nice, don’t you think? Especially Damian, because he was so young. Have you ever thought of having a child like that?” you instantly regretted saying something.
“Well yeah I've thought about it but what of it?”
“What if, ya know,” your voice started to get softer and softer now, “a child might be good for us? Maybe we would want to have children together.”
Jason sat up from where he was laying, he cocked his head to look at you, “Do you want to have a kid?” he asked – almost judgementally.”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know.”
Jason rolled you over to face him and he lay back down close to your face as he whispered softly, “it sounds like you do know but you just don’t want to tell me for some reason.”
“Well, you just went on about how you think we aren’t ready for that so of course I would be scared to mention it to you.” rolling over again you just wanted to escape from the argument you had created.
It was silent for a few moments before you could fell Jason's lips press agoing the back of your shoulder softly, carefully working his way up past the nape of your neck to your earlobe.
“Maybe a child would be good for me, for us.” He whispered into your ear.
You rolled to face him as you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring his face closer to you as he wrapped his hands down and around your hips to pull you forward. He gave you a long kiss on the forehead before he rolled over with you as he laid on his back. He pushed his arm behind your head as you brought your arm up to place it on his chest next to your face. Your legs intertwined with each other as you drifted off to sleep. Maybe this whole shenanigan had a good ending after all.
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friendlylocalwriter · 6 years ago
thank u, next pt. 2
Pairing(s):Timothee Chalamet x fem!reader
Warnings: angst (i love pain what can i say), kind of fluffy? (my idea of fluff is just softer angst fmknfsknfns)
Word Count: 2,043 
author’s note: ok im ACTUALLY back this time LMAO. yall wanted, so yall shall receive. enjoy :-)
p.s. it’s not essential to read part 1 before reading this as i wrote it as a stand alone, but if you want a little more context check out pt. 1! :)
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It was early on a cold Sunday morning, and I had just stopped into my local cafe for some much-needed caffeine. I stuffed my frozen fingers into my coat pocket and rushed inside to escape the chilling New York air, and was immediately bombarded with the bustling sounds of the shop.
“The usual?”
I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked up to see the barista smiling widely at me, already plugging in numbers. 
“Yes, Vivian, thanks,” I said softly, fishing out a crumpled ten dollar bill from my pocket. She handed me my change with a bright “Coming right up!”, and a few minutes later I was standing with a bagel and a coffee in my hands, wondering where to eat. 
I ended up deciding on the second-floor seating- the designated study area. It comprised mostly of adults typing away furiously on laptops, quickly downing shots of espresso and periodically letting out exasperated sighs. I sat down at a little table in the back and took a bite of my bagel, people-watching. My eyes laid on two teenagers in the corner seated on a little beanbag chair. The boy’s fluffy hair meshed with the short pixie cut of the girl he was laying beside, both nose deep in a book. The girl pointed at something in the thick novel, and the boy nodded, quickly jotting down something in a journal. Curious, I inch towards them to see if I could get a glimpse at the title, and my body freezes when I read it. “The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe.”
“’ The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe? Could you get any more pretentious?”
Timothee let out a hearty laugh as he settled into his chair and brushed his brown locks away from his face., He watched Y/N thumb through the stacks of books arranged haphazardly in his bedroom, lingering on those she found interesting. His eyes trailed down her body, settling on her dirty, doodled-on Converse. 
“Sick shoes,” he chortled, feigning surprise when she flipped him off. 
It was only the second time Timothee and Y/N hung out, and Timothee impulsively asked if she wanted to come over after they spent hours walking around the NYC streets, talking about everything and nothing. He realized how much it sounded like he just wanted to bang her, but (although he did want to do that eventually) he genuinely just ached to spend more time with her. She was funny and blunt and made random weird jokes and just made Tim feel warm and fuzzy all over.
“Huh. Never really pegged you as a self-help book kinda guy,” she muttered, so quietly that Timothee almost couldn’t hear her. But he did.
“Well, what kind of guy do you peg me as?”, he asked, leaning forward in his chair with a grin on his face. Y/N turned around, rolling her eyes when she saw that shit-eating smirk.
“The kind who probably asks every girl he likes to come over to his apartment so they can ‘talk about books.’“ she says with air quotes, walking towards him. Timothee rolled his eyes as she stationed himself in front of him, her legs pressed together in between his spread ones. He said nothing, lightly grazing his hand on the fabric of her jeans. 
Y/N looked down at him and instinctively started running her hands through his hair, her nails scratching at his scalp. He looked up at her with a confused yet entertained look on his face.
“I can’t help it, I like your hair” Y/N giggled, letting her hands sit at the back of his neck.
“Well, I like you,” Timothee said, moving his hands from his jeans to her hand, gently interlocking their fingers. Y/N said nothing for a couple of moments and Timothee looked up at her, nervous.
“Shit, that might’ve been too soon, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-” 
Timothee’s words were cut off by Y/N pressing her lips against his.
“Hey, lady, your phone is ringing,”
I shook my head and realized that my phone was, indeed, ringing at full volume and every person within a 5-foot vicinity was giving me the death glare. I scrambled to stuff my bagel in my purse and let out a rushed “Sorry!” as I grabbed my coffee and sped down the stairs and out of the cafe. Once I was outside, I let myself rest on the window and looked to see who was calling.
‘An unknown number. Weird,’ I thought. ‘I’m pretty sure I blocked all those telemarketers.’
I answer the phone call with a short “Who’s this?”
The line is silent for a few seconds until I hear something I thought I would never hear again.
“Hey, Y/N it-it’s me, Timothee.”
My breath hitched and soared back into my body. Everything came running forward- the late night talks, getting McDonald’s at 4 A.M, the kisses, the hugs, the night he left. 
Left. He left me.
“What the hell do you want?” I spat. Silence fell again, and I shifted against the cafe window, ready to hang up the phone. Then, I heard a deep sigh through the phone and something I didn’t expect- crying. 
“Please, can we talk in person. I ... need to see you,” he choked out. I shut my eyes hard, feeling tears welling beneath my eyelids. No matter what, him crying always made me cry. Always.
I wasn’t going to crack, though. 
“I don’t deserve this, Tim,” I laughed with no humor. “I just started to get used to having a life again, and you just call me out of nowhere asking to see me? You ruined me, T. I don’t owe you a damn thing.”
“Of course you don’t, that’s not what I meant, I-I’m sorry this was stupid. Sorry, sorry,” he rushed out with a quiet voice and the phone call disconnected. I let my head hang and a shuddered breath left my mouth, trying to wrap my head around what happened in the last minute. 
I knew I didn’t deserve this, so I deleted his number and went on with my life. I found another boy who cherished me, respected me, and loved me. I had kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. I had peace.
I wish that were the truth.
Paul Anka’s “Put Your Head on Your Shoulder” was the first thing I heard when I pushed open the double doors to my local diner. The 50s-themed restaurant was a favorite of mine, and the food was to die for. I glanced over at the modern-style jukebox to get a glimpse of the time.
2:14 A.M. Jesus.
The diner was empty, and the bored teen behind the counter looked at me with lazy eyes when I approached him.
“Table for two, please,” I asked kindly, giving him a small smile. 
“You with the weirdo?” he questioned unenthusiastically, pointing over to a booth in the corner. I turned, confused, to see Timothee hunched over a cup of coffee. I felt my pulse quicken when he looked up, his dark eyes meeting mine.
“Yeah, sadly. Thanks,” I mumbled, dragging my feet as I trudged over to the booth. I took in a sharp breath when I saw Timothee up close.
His eyes were bloodshot red, dark circles prominent coating his undereye area. His face was sunken and his cheekbones were a lot more prevalent than I remembered. His billowy shirt barely hung on his frame, his collarbones peeking out from the top. I cringed; he looked so unhealthy and broken that I couldn’t bear to look at him anymore. I settled into my side of the booth and kept my eyes on my hands in my lap.
“I know I look a little rough around the edges,” he muttered, a bashful tone to his voice.
“Well, little isn’t exactly the word I would use,” I joked, not being able to stop myself. Timothee looked up at me and laughed, his hair bouncing along with him. I chuckled along, looking him in the eyes. I’m not sure how many moments passed where we were just gazed at each other, taking it all in.
“Are you guys ready to order, or...,” the teen from before came up to our table with his hands crossed over his chest and an annoyed look on his face.
“Uh, yeah, I’ll take a slice of cherry pie and a root beer,” I said, glancing at Timothee from above the menu to prompt him to order.
“I’ll just take another coffee.”
“Don’t know why’d you come to a diner just for coffee but whatever,” the teen said before snatching our menus and walking away. Timothee shook his head and I couldn’t help but snort at the kid’s actions. 
“He’s probably pissed that we are coming in to eat at two in the morning,” Timothee hypothesized. I hummed in agreement, the smile on my face falling when I remembered the situation I was in. 
An awkward silence took over the booth and I focused my eyes on anything except for the curly haired boy in front of me. 
“Look, Y/N, I know this is kind of shitty for me to ask you out to eat and bring up all these bad memories but I just needed to talk to you. I’m not even asking for forgiveness, or for us to get back together, I just,” his voice trailed off and I peeked at him, his head low and his lips pursed together.
“I feel like shit. Like, absolute shit for what I did to you. Not only did I make the biggest mistake of my life, but I was a huge dick about it. I’m sure nothing I say can ever make it better, but I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry. God, I’m so fucking sorry,” he cried, pushing his hair back and violently shaking.
“Christ, Tim, relax, you’re gonna make yourself sick breathing like that,” I hesitantly placed my hand on his face, making him look at me.
“Breathe, T. Breathe”
Timothee closed his eyes as he focused on taking in healthy amounts of air. I moved my hand to take it off of his face and he quickly reached up to put his hand on top of mine, leaving it on his damp cheek. 
“I love you, Y/N. With everything I have, every bone in my body,”
“Then why did you cheat on me?”
I think he was shocked I actually brought it up and said those words out loud. I jerked my hand back and put it back in my lap.
“Hmm? That’s why we are here, remember?” I sneered.
He took a big breath and his head bobbed against the back of the booth as he leaned back. 
“Honestly? I have no fucking clue. You had all these great opportunities at university and you were out so much and I felt so... neglected, I guess?”
“So, it’s my fault. Incredible,” I scoffed, grabbing my purse.
“No, no, no, of course not, wait- don’t go yet. Please” he scrambled to grab my hand.
I yanked it back and stood up.
“It was good to see you, Timothee. But I never need to again,” I tried to get out the sentence without crying, but I choked on the last word.
“Please, remember when you said we can fix this? I need us, I need you. I can’t live without you,” he begged, tears flowing down his face. I closed my eyes and exhaled quietly in an effort to catch my breath. In a few quick moves, I pressed my lips against Timothee’s temple, then dug fifteen dollars out of my purse and threw it on the table.
“That should cover the food. Goodbye, Tim,”
My name left Timothee’s mouth multiple times with increasing despair as I turned my back to him, making a beeline for the store. 
“The food’s about to be ready, dude,” the teen behind the counter said as I had the handle on the door. “You can’t wait a couple minutes?”
“Give it to the weirdo for me, please,” I said over my shoulder as I walked into the night, not knowing that would be the last time I’d ever see Timothee. 
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
I’m still laughing my ass off over that one post that was going around a week ago with the fanon depictions of the Batboys vs more canon-accurate depictions, and the various ‘defenses’ people leaped to for why fanon is so much better, and its just like....yawn.
See, its not like fanon can’t be better, and isn’t better with some characters, its not that it can’t ADD nuance.
None of that’s the problem.
The problem is when people ONLY use it to DETRACT nuance and then are like ‘wow, whats the problem, whats the issue.’
Let’s take for instance the infamous matter of Dick’s alleged asshole behavior to Jason back when the latter was Robin, because of Dick’s issues with Bruce at the time.
Here’s the thing - even though that’s not what happened, it IS a fairly plausible examination of what could have happened, so its not like there’s no reasoning or justification whatsoever in exploring it. Its that....its not ever explored. Its just used to one-side a situation and render Dick unsympathetic while Jason’s propped up as having been victimized by him and Bruce is largely kept off-stage entirely.
But because quite frankly we just didn’t see much of their interactions back then, period, theoretically, adding more conflict in this vein still COULD have fleshed out that time period and added nuance every bit as much as my preferred additions of more positive interactions between them.
But people don’t add in these conflicts simply to add nuance, they add them in just to add BLAME.
The fanon isn’t the problem there. What you do with the fanon and why is the problem.
Its like my issues with the Jason-Kori-Roy friendship. It’d be one thing if Roy and Kori’s presence in Jason’s life was used to PUSH BACK against Jason’s belief that Dick hated him or didn’t mourn him or even just to provide more understanding or context about Dick’s position or side of things at the time to Jason when he gripes about him, so he’s a little more inclined to be understanding of what that was like for his brother thanks to the viewpoints of people whose POV he values and who in turn have always valued Dick’s POV and position in things. 
But instead everything about the years of sympathy and understanding and insight Roy and Kori have always had for and in regards to Dick are flushed down the drain in order to have them join in with Jason when it comes to bashing and griping about that asshole Dick Grayson. Once again....perfect opportunity to add more nuance and complexity to a situation and a character dynamic, with it almost universally being pounced on to provide the reverse...to TAKE AWAY even MORE nuance and complexity from a situation by erasing anything and everything Roy and Kori might actually feel about what’s being said or believed of this other person they have a history of valuing a great deal.
Or like I was just saying earlier today about how its almost completely forgotten or erased that Dick was shot in the head upon Bruce’s return from the timestream, and was in an eminently sympathetic/hurt position for Bruce and Tim and others to come together around and put aside their own invididual resentments at least for the time being, in order to support Dick throughout an extremely dangerous and debilitating wound and recovery period. The issue with erasing, ignoring or invalidating Dick’s many traumas isn’t that ‘oh we just don’t like all the characters angsting 24/7, sometimes its too much, we like fanon happy-go-lucky Dick because he’s different,’ its like.....lol no, because if you’re still capable of and looking to rip into that depiction of Dick for....get this....not being able to get/grasp/empathize with the kinds of and degrees of trauma you still uphold for all the others, you’re really just looking to make him look unsympathetic in comparison, and shift focus away from their LACK of support and understanding for him when he really justifiably needs it in order to keep that focus instead on their contempt or bitterness for him no matter what else SHOULD have been taking place for him at the same time.
For example....going back to the Dick and Jason’s early years scenario.....I talk all the time about the Brother Blood situation, but guess what else that situation has? A time frame that’s pretty directly applicable to this Dick and Jason enmity scenario so many of you posit, given that the first two times the Church of Blood had Dick captive and were literally said to have released him back into the world secretly under their control....he was still Robin! And the third time, when he finally broke free thanks to the others (and Jason) rescuing him, it was only then that he was Nightwing. Meaning all of that is PERFECTLY positioned to be a fantastic and compelling additional underlying cause of Dick’s alleged early issuers/grievances with Jason.....the same mental turmoil that led to him lashing out against the other Titans like Donna in that infamous fight, could just as easily be said to have contributed or even been entirely behind any shitty interactions with Jason you want to posit happening back in the day. 
And look at how tragically dysfunctional that makes all of that instead then....Jason resents Dick for something that ultimately, isn’t actually his fault since he was never lashing out while in sound mind but as an unknowing reaction to a mental battle against conditioning he didn’t even know was there at the time.....and this being a surprise revelation to Jason years later making him mentally reframe all their history, because Dick never said anything about this earlier because due to his guilt complex he felt it would have just been him making excuses or trying to let himself off the hook instead of a valid and understandable added layer of context. 
That’s SO much more compelling and interesting than just a one-sided ‘one brother is an ass to the other for no real reason whatsoever, at leat not one we’re willing to acknowledge as being anymore relevant than a random footnote’.....but the problem isn’t that people go off fanon vs canon, the problem is REGARDLESS of whether people are using fanon or canon, people just don’t WANT Dick’s position in any of these times to be sympathetic or understandable, they want him JUDGED for it, condemned. They’re not TRYING to craft interesting, compelling dynamics or situations, they’re trying to make him the bad guy, always the bad guy, and the other person just unilaterally his unfortunate victim.
Just like with Tim and Red Robin, for all that even when people are like ‘nobody was really at fault/its not like Dick had another option with Damian, etc’ in PRACTICE there’s literally no distinguishing between this take and ones where Dick is just wholly irredeemable for his unforgivable choice, because despite even lip service paid to the idea that Dick had his reasons for what he did, there’s no actual PAY-OUT ever given to the idea that he’s anything less than terrible a brother to Tim for it...like, fanon is never the issue here, its just straight up canon....being willfully picked apart and reframed to make the issue entirely one-sided. 
People pile on all the additional reasons Dick’s terrible for not taking into account Tim’s headspace at the time, like all the other people he’s lost in the last couple years comic book time, but again, at most there’s lip service about how Dick was going through a lot to, but its never added in to any degree that MATTERS or lessens the characters’ or readers’ vilification of him....while at the same time, there’s a willful disregard of and refusal to engage with all the other things and people Dick had lost in the same time frame, comic book time, like oh.....every single thing that happened in Bludhaven with Blockbuster, Tarantula and Deathstroke, given that the former was literally concurrent with Stephanie’s death and the latter right after Jack Drake’s death. 
There’s never allowed any resentment from Dick towards Tim for not giving a single shit about what he was going through at the time, or for assuming he had no idea how to relate to the depth of Tim’s grief as though Dick hadn’t literally gotten a front row seat to his entire city being nuked by Chemo in that exact same time frame, with it still being touted that Dick just didn’t have any understanding or empathy for Tim’s many losses of the time. There’s never any frustration allowed from Dick about how much Tim resents him for making him give up Robin when at the same time, it was Tim and mostly Tim alone who pushed Dick to give up being Nightwing and assume the Batman mantle when even Bruce’s will had expressed to Dick that this was not what he wanted for him. 
Again, never even time or focus given to Dick being shot in the head on Bruce’s return before using that to call in Bruce as reinforcements for Tim yelling ‘how could you do this to me,’ let alone any acknowledgment of the fact that Dr. Hurt, the very same villain that shot Dick in the head there, is the very same villain who had Dick locked up, straitjacketed, drugged up and on the verge of a lobotomy in Arkham for a week just BEFORE Bruce’s assumed death.....because lolol, it’d make people look pretty silly for taking Dick’s one comment about asking if Tim maybe needed to take a break and look after his mental health in Arkham to the extremes they did, if forced to acknowledge that at the time, Arkham was a TOTALLY different proposition due to how extensively Dick was invested in its rebuilding and overseeing its running thanks entirely TO that time, just before Arkham blew up and needed rebuilding from the ground up in Battle for the Cowl....because of the fact that Dick himself had just spent a week locked up and straitjacketed and drugged to the gills and on the verge of a lobotomy thanks to the oh so tender mercies of Dr. Hurt’s accomplices having the run of the place.
Because end of the day, the problem with this fandom and Dick Grayson is not fanon, and its not canon, its fandom. Its the willful DESIRE to not have any minimizing or mitigating context on display ever, so as to only keep the worst possible interpretation of Dick’s actions - either drawn from canon or fanon, whichever is most handy for a particular scenario - front and center. 
So yeah, the idea that fanon adds nuance or context to Dick’s dynamics with any of his family is hilarious, not because it CAN’T, but because too many people are just entirely too unwilling and uninterested in allowing it to, just as they’re uninterested in any interpretation of actual canon that provides Dick with a smidgen of empathy or understanding for his positions or choices.
Like, that’s the POINT of most of your fanon for him. To strip AWAY nuance. So how are you going to be out here acting like you’re really contributing something to his character that canon doesn’t provide, when really, its all the same to you across the board: Dick Grayson is never justified let alone sympathetic ever? 
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caffeinatedtimdrake · 6 years ago
Just saw your latest prompt list :) how about no 11 “Hold on, you died.” “Yeah, well it didn’t stick” for Jason? Maybe he and the reader used to be a vigilante team when he was still Robin and now they’re reunited when he’s back as Red Hood? :)
ahhh ilysm I hope you like it!! about 1.5k of Jason x Reader fluff. sorry for the wait! (p.s. the reader’s vigilante name is going to be Claw and i’m sorry if that sounds silly and i agonized over it for a while but i only had so many  options for a former Catwoman trainee)
11. “Hold on, you died.” “Yeah, well it didn’t stick.” 
“Red Hood is Jason?! What?! That’s who I’m working with tonight?” You nearly shriek, tumbling into the alley in the same way that you’re tumbling into disbelief. 
A sharp stab of pain grazes your bicep, a blade whipping past your face and landing firmly on the wall across from you. 
“Claw, move!” Oracle’s voice crackles forcefully in your ear and you’re jolted back into reality. 
A rush of adrenaline cascades down your spine, propelling you down the alley and over a chain-link fence. 
“W-where do you want me?” You warble breathlessly, hoisting yourself onto the fire escape and charging up the stairs to the rooftop of the dilapidated apartment building. 
“Perpendicular, on the grocery store. Red Hood is getting there.” 
You hear his voice and it makes you a little dizzy as you wind up a grappling hook. “Headed over now.” 
The name is burned into your mind as you stealthily launch yourself over the edge of the building because it echoes with the ghost of a boy who was a young hero, a bright flame, and a victim to a cruel fate. You can maneuver past the bewilderment enough to feel the first inkling of agitation because everyone on your team failed to mention that you’d be dismantling a drug ring with a young man you’d formerly believed to be dead. You didn’t need all the grisly details of his reincarnation, but a warning might have been nice.
You land on the roof of the grocery store with a thud – who would have thought diapers could hide copious quantities of illegal drugs? – and you roll to soften the impact, gravel piercing the gash across your arm. 
Red Hood pops up near the edge, agile yet rugged in the way he flips onto the rough and approaches you. He’s stepping lightly on the roof, but you feel as though he’s applying pressure to your chest, sharp and aching. He stops in front of you and you dig your nails into your palm, eyes wide beneath your mask. 
Rather than a warm welcome to the living world, like melting ice, you whisper-yell, “Hold on, you died.”
His face is hidden beneath a heavily armored red, but you can hear the bitter smile in his voice. “Yeah, well, it didn’t stick.”  
“Focus, kids.” Nightwing lands on the roof gracefully. 
You swallow hard and turn away from Red Hood. “What’s the plan?” 
“Claw, enter through the vent on the east side. Artemis is waiting for you in there. Red, you and I are taking a stroll down the stairs.” 
“Where’s Robin?” The title is strange on your tongue. Now it means Tim, but for a long time, it translated to Jason Todd. 
Dick flashes a charming smile. “Keeping our friends who tailed you occupied.” 
You squint, ambling towards the edge of the building. “Is that supposed to be a pun?” 
“You used to be Catgirl. I don’t think it’s unreasonable.” 
Your tone is flat. “I think we should focus on the present moment, not the past.”  
“Agreed.” Red Hood.
You almost want to tell Red Hood, except for you, but prodding into his recent past would have to wait. There were lives at stake then and there are lives at stake now.
The mission goes off without a hitch. The team receives bountiful intel on the gang’s connections, you help them kick butt, and Tim safely destroys the drugs. Nightwing congratulates the team with a beam as you stand around the Batcave, thrilled with the success of the mission. 
“Same time next week?” 
“You’re funny, Grayson.” Artemis grumbles.
“I’m just kidding. Crime doesn’t have a schedule.” 
She groans and shifts the bow on her shoulder, bidding everyone a good night. 
“I should head out too.” You say quietly. You haven’t taken your mask off yet and you can feel the Kevlar chaffing the skin on your cheek a little. 
“Thanks for all your help, Y/N.” Barbara tells you earnestly. 
“Yeah, Y/N.” Nightwing pipes up, shuffling some papers. “You’re the best,”
“Anytime.” You shrug, bashful because Jason is looking over at you and you’re still unaccustomed to all the handsome, rugged angles of his face across the five-o-clock shadow and calculating, celestial eyes.
You’re halfway outside when you hear his voice, like a warm, gentle hand against your cheek. “Let me give you a ride.”
You freeze. “Do you even have a driver’s license?” 
He laughs low in his throat, a sound that makes your skin flush. You turn around slowly and pinch the inside of your wrist because he’s arching an eyebrow and smiling at you crookedly, startlingly alluring in a way you hadn’t know before. 
“Do you always follow the rules?” 
You think about the toaster and the coffeemaker you had in your dorm room and how you used to steal bananas from the cafeteria and all the evenings you spent with Jason after curfew, out on patrol or eating sandwiches on rooftops. 
You purse your lips. “I will not get on that motorcycle.”
“I WILL NOT GET ON THIS MOTORCYCLE EVER AGAIN.” You shriek as Jason pivots left, night air heavy and adrenaline heavy in your bones. 
Jason laughs, simply accelerating.
You cling tighter to his waist and bury your face in that weathered jacket, mint and Cherrywood. 
It doesn’t make much sense that you’re scared by a motorcycle ride considering your expertise in jumping off of buildings and into life-threatening ordeals, but you’re hurtling towards your apartment complex – towards home with a boy turned man who once felt like home and that leaves you feeling unsettled. 
It might be three years or three minutes until the motorcycle crawls to a stop in front of the bricked building. Regardless, your eyes are still squeezed shut and your limbs are still squeezed tightly around his body several moments after the roaring motor quiets to steady rumble. 
“Next time, I’m driving.” You say breathily, cracking open your eyes and slowly relaxing your limbs. 
“Oh? There’s going to be a next time? In that case, let me tote you around in a kiddie wagon.” 
Your giggle is a wheezy sound and Jason has to help you off the seat because your body feels like one giant, overcooked noodle. You kind of despise the way your skin tingles when he places a hand on the small of your back, but you can’t help the sentiment of serenity his steady touch brings you. 
A lump forms in your throat when he drops his hand, trailing for maybe a second too long against your waist. 
“May I?” He then raises his fingers to the same level as your cheekbones and you nod slowly, flushing deeply as he hooks his thumb beneath the edge of your mask. His rough fingers drag against the soft curve of your face and you can’t quite breathe as he lifts the taut Kevlar above your forehead because he touches you with an intimacy you’ve never known, like earth and ocean and stardust. 
You can’t stop gazing at him and Jason can’t seem to tear his eyes from the haunted look in yours. Swimming in sharp cognizance, he sees a world of unanswered questions and unrelieved longing. His hands cup your face now, holding you like you’re the most delicate of flowers, and he looks at you so intensely, he doesn’t think he could ever forget the slope of your nose or the curl of your mouth, lifetime after lifetime. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner. I was…looking for myself. I still kind of am.” Jason tells you, mouth pulling into a tiny frown. 
You shrug. “It’s okay, Jason. Coming back from the dead is probably a little overwhelming.”
He snorts. “You have no idea.” He pauses for a moment, glancing at you hesitantly through his lashes. 
“What is it?” 
“Is it silly if I ask for a hug?” 
This wrenches a peal of borderline hysterical laughter from your chest and he blushes. 
“I’ve heard sillier things.” You open your arms and he nearly falls into your embrace, engulfing you in the scent of a spring morning and an autumn evening. He feels like home.
It’s funny that you two still fit together so well, after all these years of life and death, but it makes Jason wonder if you and he were always meant to be like this. 
“Whelmed?” You chirp. 
“Dick isn’t even here, don’t let him mess up this moment.”  
“It’s a fair question.”
“The answer is no. I will always be overwhelmed unless I can get at least one Y/N hug per day.” 
You tighten your arms around him and sigh happily. “That can be arranged.”
(What neither you nor Jason know is that Dick slapped a bug to Jason’s jacket to keep tabs on you two. He and Barbara were currently cheering from the Batcave, already planning double dates.)
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