#Ona i On
plonaca · 15 days
Obiecałam sobie dzisiaj się wyspać. I to nie tylko dzisiaj, postanowiłam, że będę teraz maksymalnie o to dbać. Z resztą nie tylko o to.
No i co? No i oczywiście chuj.
Chociaż narzekać nie powinnam, bo miałam ponad 9h, zanim On nie zaczął się budzić. Ale spałam beznadziejnie. Najpierw nie mogłam zasnąć, potem obudził mnie koszmar z ciotką, z którą mieszkałam większość życia, a potem bolało mnie coś pod żebrami. I chyba chciało mi się siku. Nawet nie patrzyłam na zegarek, żeby światło mnie nie rozbudziło jeszcze bardziej, bo za każdym razem usiłowałam zasnąć z powrotem, ale nie był to najlepszy jakościowo sen.
Będę chciała robić sobie drzemki w ciągu dnia. Nie wiem skąd wezmę na to czas, tym bardziej jeśli chcę teraz dobrze jeść, no ale dobra. Dzisiaj sobota, a ja miałam dużo planów.
Rano zrobiłam dla siebie i Niego jajecznicę, bo specjalnie do niej jeździliśmy wczoraj za wiejską. Oczywiście zamiast pomóc i chociaż posmarować chleb masłem poszedł pracować w oczekiwaniu. No, ale też nie mówiłam Mu nic na ten temat. Dobra była, Jemu też podobno smakowała, chociaż czasami bardziej się zachwycał. Może też kwestia obecności Młodego. Dobrze, że Młody nie chciał, bo musiałaby być bez cebuli i byłaby lipa.
Wyszli wcześniej niż planowali, ale to nawet dobrze. Musiałam poodkurzać i jechać na roller. Po chciałam wrócić, umyć włosy, zaaplikować żel i poleżeć chwilę i jechać do znajomej-księgowej, z którą dawno się nie widziałam, a chciałam poplotkować i miałam też kilka pilnych, księgowych rozkmin. On dziś też miał być późno, bo miał zawieźć Młodego do miasta, potem znów fryzjera, koszenie na działce, a potem jeszcze jakieś tam sprawy.
Młody tu dziś już nie wraca, więc z jednej strony jest szansa na rozmowę, a z drugiej przy nim wydaje się być odrobinę spokojniejszy... Zobaczymy, tym będę martwić się później.
Z grubsza wszystko szło zgodnie z planem. Miałam nawet taką refleksję, że kurczę, piszę tu o Nim same złe rzeczy, ale czy trochę nie wyolbrzymiam? Przecież nie zawsze jest tak źle (co wspomniałam już wczoraj). Bardzo dużo też mi pomaga. Ale to temat na inną okazję. Tylko że jak kiedyś nad tym rozkminiałam to w sumie to w jaki sposób mi pomaga nie kosztuje Go zbyt wiele. Dałby coś od siebie, gdyby wyszedł ze swojej strefy komfortu. Poświęcił czas, porozmawiał. Ale z drugiej strony kim ja jestem, żeby to oceniać czy oczekiwać. Z drugiej strony, macie rację, jeśli napiszecie, że niezależnie czego by nie robił nic nie daje Mu przyzwolenia na pewne zachowania. Czy to już coś, że jestem tego świadoma?
Wracając dotarło do mnie, że jeśli chcę dbać o jedzenie to powinnam jeść co 3-4 godziny. Czyli… już. Kurwa. Szybko umyłam włosy, zjadłam malutką bułkę z nutellą i wzięłam sobie do łóżka jakieś mini sklepowe niby-smoothie. Zawsze coś, nie jestem jeszcze głodna na porządny obiad. Położyłam się zrobić aplikację i planowałam zrobić drzemkę, skoro i tak muszę poleżeć, ale na wszelki wypadek wzięłam też laptopa. Na drzemkę zwykle zmagało mnie późnym popołudniem - teraz, po dwóch kawach i odpowiedniej ilości, mimo że kiepskiego, snu, mogło być ciężko.
No i właściwie leżąc nie zrobiłam nic. Za szybko minęło za dużo czasu, a chciałam odwiedzić znajomą. Nie wiedziałam, ile mam czasu, bo nie wiedziałam, kiedy On będzie.
Dobrze, że pojechałam. Nawet nie wiem kiedy minęły nam 3h, ale oczywiście dopiero jak już miałam się zbierać poruszyłyśmy najważniejsze tematy. W międzyczasie On w 2 na 3 telefony mnie wkurwił.
Na początku chciał już kończyć, a ja zapytałam o coś, co miał robić. Powiedział z wkurwem coś w stylu, że wyjebane na to ma, a Jego ton tak mnie zirytował, że się rozłączyłam. Co się raczej nie zdarza.
Za chwilę zadzwonił zapytać, czy organizowałam jakieś jedzenie i czy coś zamawiamy. Tutaj udało się bez większych problemów, zamówiłam, On po drodze odebrał i przywiózł.
Potem zadzwonił, jak się już zbierałam, żebym włączyła mu konsolę. Powiedziałam, że mnie jeszcze nie ma. Będę do 30min.
- Kurwa znowu będę musiał przestawiać auto w tę i z powrotem…
- Co, dlaczego?
- Dobra, nieważne, nara.
I się rozłączył. Szczerze nie wiedziałam o co mu chodzi. Sposób w jaki zawsze staje na podjeździe sprawia, że mnie zastawia i muszę Go prosić żeby przeparkował, jak chcę wyjechać, co Go zawsze wkurwia (bo „mogłam powiedzieć wcześniej”), ale jak On przyjeżdża kiedy mnie nie ma to staje pod garażem i nie ma żadnego problemu, żebym wtedy sobie wjeżdżała/wyjeżdżała. Nie wiem w sumie czemu nie może tak stawać zawsze.
Nie miałam pojęcia czy teraz nagle zaczyna mieć pretensje o to, że pojechałam do znajomej? Wracałam totalnie zestresowana, nie wiedząc czego się spodziewać. Ale jak przyjechałam to był już pojedzony i… normalny. Zirytowały mnie lekko jeszcze tylko dwie sytuacje.
Najpierw zapytałam o jedną sprawę i odpowiedział normalnie, ale na drugie pytanie zaczął się już przypierdalać, że gra i że to nie jest czas na rozmowę. No ok, może ma trochę racji, chociaż drugie pytanie wcale nie wymagało jakiegoś rozwodzenia jak twierdził, też wystarczyła krótka odpowiedź.
- Naprawdę przyjeżdżam tu z dobrymi chęciami, nie chcę się kłócić. No, ale jak. Musiałoby Cię nie być.
- Jak mnie nie było to też przez tel. dostałam zjebę. A tak szczerze to ostatnio właśnie wygląda, jakbyś na siłę szukał powodów, żeby tylko się dojebać.
Ale podobno „absolutnie nie” i „chce dobrze”. Stwierdził coś, że jadąc
zrobił sobie „odprawę” w aucie i postanowił, że się postara i będzie dobrze.
Jakby nie patrzeć to dużo jak na Niego.
Potem jak się golił próbowałam jeszcze Mu przypomnieć o rozmowie, bo akurat trafiła się okazja. Odkąd pamiętam miałam problem ze wstawaniem i On zawsze to krytykował. Teraz chodzimy spać razem i wstajemy razem, a kobieta potrzebuje więcej snu niż facet, więc dlatego szybciej zawsze jestem zmęczona.
- Nie umiesz nawet doby wytrzymać.
Powiedział niby pół żartem-pół serio.
- Zdajesz sobie sprawę, że mam w organizmie przewlekły stan zapalny i jeśli jestem zmęczona to nie wymyślam sobie tego, tylko po prostu moje ciało tego potrzebuje? Sen jest najważniejszy w regeneracji i dbaniu o siebie, a to, tak dla mnie jak dla Ciebie powinno być teraz najwyższym priorytetem.
- A daj spokój.
- O co Ci chodzi? Co jest złego w tym co powiedziałam?
Odpowiedzi nie otrzymałam. Później jeszcze zarzuciłam mu sugestią, bo mówił coś o moim psie, że „psy, PODOBNIE JAK LUDZIE, jak długo o coś proszą i tego nie dostają to w końcu odpuszczają i mają wyjebane”…
Rozmowy oczywiście nie było, potem jeszcze w łóżku znów wspomniał coś o tej „odprawie” - że może nie do końca się udało, ale że już będzie dobrze. Super, zobaczymy. Oczywiście, że powiedziałam, że szkoda, że w tej odprawie nie uwzględnił najważniejszej sprawy, ale nie sądzę, żeby zrozumiał aluzję.
W międzyczasie wymyśliłam, że wyślę mu to, co przygotowałam wczoraj, że chcę mu powiedzieć, ze wstępem, że mimo sugestii, choć miałam mu nie przypominać, od 5 dni nie mogę dostać rozmowy, która jest bardzo ważna i dotyczy Naszej całej przyszłości to wysyłam to, co chciałabym Mu przekazać, w co On z tym zrobi to cóż… tak naprawdę im dłużej będzie się to przeciągać tym gorzej. Niby istnieje szansa, że to zaakceptuje, czy oleje i wszystko z czasem wróci do normy, więc im później porozmawiamy tym gorzej, a myślę że bardzo ważne jest, żeby miał świadomość pewnych rzeczy, które chcę mu przekazać…
Neo (papierosy): ⬆️ 9, ale start po śniadaniu
Samopoczucie: ↔️/⬆️ rozmowa ze znajomą, nowe podejście do choroby
Dbanie o siebie: ⬆️ roller zaliczony, włosy umyte + przyjemności (spotkanie)
Jedzenie: ⬆️ śniadanie o odpowiedniej porze, potem gorzej, ale starałam się
Związek: ↔️ rozmowy się nie doczekałam nadal, były gorsze i lepsze momenty
Choroba: ↔️/⬆️ nada czekamy, ale zmiana podejścia
Praca: wolne, nawet nie myślę
Inne obowiązki: ⬆️ sprzątanie z grubsza zaliczone, więc git
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arogantmusic · 2 years
AROGANT - Ona i On (She and He) [prod. by ArogantBeats] Official Audio 2023 
Follow Arogant : 
bookings, inquiries, beats, collabs, contact: [email protected]
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wosona · 10 days
yeah this is my brand🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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🎃 new twst halloween illustrations + other stuff!! 🎃
***Please note:*** Sharing merch images + news is not intended to encourage and/or to pressure anyone into making purchases. It is up to the individual consumer to be informed and to choose how they spend their money.
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New illustrations for new merch items themed around Glorious Masquerade and Stage in Playful Land! (There’s tons of stuff 💦 I tried to find as many images as possible!) There will be a Halloween Fair from the 21st of September to the 20th of October to show these items, but some are already available for preorder now.
One detail I enjoy is how the seated characters for GloMasq are the characters of higher rarity (the SSRs and SRs). (Edit: NEVER MIND I LIED, I forgot Riddle was the R 😭 I guess dorm leader overrides Deuce…) In the Playful Land artworks, you’ll notice that everyone is posed a little stiffly, almost like they’re puppets being pulled along on strings~ I LOVE HOW THEY INCLUDED GRIM DESIGNS, HE DESERVES IT BECAUSE HIS GLOMASQ AND PLAYFUL LAND COSTUMES ARE SO HECKING CUTE 😭
BHLFUVQVFQWOVDWvCSEFQGVASOUS3178r9bfonoasnfgviuSU I. Uh. Also appreciate that J word looks kinda bitchy and like he's giving you the "talk to the hand" pose... JUST LIEK THAT ONE DRAKE MEME DFIHLABPDSB HE'S SO SILLY....... .. . . .. ..... .. .... . . . .. . And that's with L*ona's expression there 💀 WHY'S JHE LOOKING LIKE THAT, IT'S A WEIR D CROSS BEYWEEN SMUG, RELDAXED, AND VAGUELY LOOKING DOWNA T YOU EVEN THOUG HE'S CLEARLY THE ONE BEING CONRTROLLED OTL
Another favorite is!! How Sebek and Silver especially Silber look posed beside a sitting Malleus. They look just like knights (probably because they are, lol) right out of a fairy tale 🥰 AGAIN, ESPECIALYL VSILVE R BECUASE HE'S GOT THT ONE HADN DOVER HIS CHEST ADBN DIS LOOKIGN RIGFHT AT YOU.... .. . ....... .. . . . . . ...... .. . How noble and valiant...
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TWST is collabing with a Japanese fashion and lifestyle brand called Space a la Mode! They have long sleeve shirts with character motifs as well as fragrances inspired by each dorm as if we don’t already have a ton of those/j.
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Finally, the last thing to note! There’s new Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles artwork in Gurihiru’s impactful comic book style! It will appear in a pop-up event, along with merch using it... including a plate with a Grim design!
There are also plans to make plushies based on the Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles designs. Azul’s forehead is so prominent, it’s sending me— 😭
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your honor I cannot begin to explain just how much I love them.
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also can we talk about ale with her shirt tucked in? I would like a piece of that, thank you.
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alessiasfreckles · 7 months
amnesia (ona batlle x reader)
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You wake up in the hospital with no memory of who you are or anything about your life, but a pretty brunette is by your bedside, so it can't be all bad, right?
warnings: memory loss, car accident mention, hospital
a/n: part 2 here!
“She’s awake!”
Squinting against the harsh light, you slowly opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings. You were lying in bed in a room with white and grey walls and bright overhead lights. The bedsheet covering you was soft against your hands.
You blinked, looking around the room. Four people were stood around you, a woman in a white coat, a man in light blue scrubs, and two young women in everyday clothes. The two women looked on the verge of tears, but you weren’t sure why.
Opening your mouth to speak, you gagged as you realised your throat was obstructed by something. The realisation quickly turned to panic, feeling like you were being choked, unable to breathe. One of the younger women turned to the woman in white, who you were pretty sure was a doctor, and spoke rapidly in a language you couldn’t understand. 
The doctor and the man, who you decided was probably a nurse, quickly worked to remove the tube from your throat. Eyes watering, you coughed and rubbed your throat, glad to be free of it. When you opened your mouth to speak again, the doctor interrupted you gently.
“Careful,” she said. “Don’t strain yourself.”
“Wh- where am I?” you asked. Your voice was hoarse, and your tongue felt like sandpaper. “Is this a hospital?”
The two women exchanged anxious glances.
“Yes, this is the Hospital de Barcelona,” the doctor told you. Barcelona, huh. That explained her accent. “Do you remember why you’re here?”
You frowned, shaking your head. Now that she mentioned it, you had no idea what you were doing there.
“That’s okay. It’s perfectly normal not to remember much. You were in an accident. You were hit by a car. Miraculously, you only broke some bones in your right leg, but you hit your head pretty hard. You’ve been in a coma since the accident, 15 days ago.”
Your mind raced as you took in the information. Why couldn’t you remember any of it? Why couldn’t you remember anything? Not even-
“Now, can you tell me your name?” the doctor asked, interrupting your stream of thought.
Not even your name. 
“I- I don’t know, I don’t know my name, why don’t I remember my name?” you asked frantically. You tried to sit up but stopped as a wave of pain radiated throughout your body, crashing over you. One of the women reached out, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
The doctor stayed for a while, explaining to you again and again what had happened. You’d been hit by a car. You’d hit your head. You’d been in a coma for the past 15 days. You’d been hit by a car. You’d hit your head. You’d been in a coma for the past 15 days. Over and over again, until it sunk in. 
She spoke to the two women before she left, again in a language you didn’t understand, the two glancing over at you with worried faces, the doctor’s face reassuring and kind. Once she was gone, the two women came over to your bedside. Tears brimmed in their eyes, but they were both trying to smile at you.
“Hola, mija,” one of the women said. She had blonde hair with dark roots and kind eyes, but she looked tired. 
“Do- do you remember me? Us?” the other woman asked, gesturing to herself and the blonde. Her hair was darker, and freckles were scattered across her nose and cheeks. Your eyes raked over her sharp jawbones, her angular face. Surely you would know if you’d met someone like her before.
You shook your head slowly. 
The brunette swallowed back a sob, the blonde holding her arm tightly. 
“It’s okay, that’s okay,” the blonde said. “The doctor said there was a high chance of this happening. That she wouldn’t remember us. It’s okay.”
“Who are you?” you asked, voice quiet.
“I’m Ona. I’m, uh, we play together,” the brunette told you, and the blonde looked at her sharply for just a second before looking back at you.
“And I’m Alexia. Your teammate and friend.”
Playing together? Teammate?
“Football!” you blurted out suddenly. You’re not sure how you knew, but you had this deep, innate sense that football is important to you. More than important, it’s your whole life. “I play football, right?”
The blonde, Alexia, let out a laugh of relief. “Si! You play football! We all play together, here in Barcelona.”
She squeezed Ona’s arm, who smiled tearfully. 
“So, I’m guessing we’re all pretty close, right? Surely there’s a reason you’re here,” you said bluntly, wincing at the pain in your head.
“We’re your best friends,” Ona said quickly, before Alexia could open her mouth.
“That’s… right,” Alexia said slowly. “I’m the capitana of our team, and we’re best friends. And you and Ona are also… best friends.”
You nodded, feeling exhausted suddenly. “Thank you both for being here, then. I think I’m going to sleep now, if that’s okay?”
“Of course!” Ona said, jumping up. “We’ll be here when you wake up, okay?”
You were asleep before the two had even left the room. Once they were in the hallway, the door to your private hospital room shut, Alexia turned to face Ona.
“What was that?” Alexia asked her, voice hushed, as though you’d be able to hear them through the door.
“What do you mean?” Ona shifted uncomfortably, not meeting the blonde’s eyes.
“Why did you tell her you’re just friends? Why didn’t you tell her that you’re dating?!”
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wosobronze · 2 months
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her arms are you fucking kidding me?
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bruhnze · 11 days
Quiero un beso,
But there's an ocean of distance between us.
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For the Brasil anon! i love these songs, great idea. This is soft, but maybe not exactly what you meant.. hope u still like it.
Below are my favourite lines from both of the songs :)
"Beso" by Rosalia: Estar lejos de ti e' el Infierno (Being away from you is hell) Tar cerca de ti e' mi paz (Being close to you is my peace)
"Ocean" by Karol G: Y aunque lo intentara no podría sin ti (And even if I tried I couldn't without you) Toda mi felicidad es gracias a ti (All my happiness is thanks to you)
Warnings: bit of angst, bit of fluff, idk i was in my feels, teeny tiny bit suggetive things so still 18+ only pls. Hurt/comfort.
Wordcount: 3k
Three weeks. It had been three weeks since Ona last kissed her girlfriend. She realized this as she scrolled through her calendar app on her iPhone. Another stretch of days where they hadn't touched, laughed face-to-face, or shared the simplest of intimacies.
Tonight, like every night, they’d see each other on FaceTime again, an anchor in the storm of their long-distance relationship. They had already spoken twice today. First thing in the morning and again this afternoon. Ona chuckled to herself, recalling how this morning’s call had begun. They’d fallen asleep on the phone. Her alarm had woken Lucy, eventhough Lucy had another hour before she had to get up.
Lucy hadn’t minded, but Ona had kept apologizing until Lucy, with a cheeky grin, had suggested she’d ‘make it up’ with a front-row view of her shower.
Ona had laughed. Lately, Lucy had become more and more...needy. Not that Ona minded, in fact, she found it cute that Lucy missed every part of her. Lucy had even asked for a risqué picture the other day, a first since moving back to England two months ago. It was endearing how Lucy missed her in that way, but for Ona, it wasn’t just about that. It was the physical closeness she missed, the warmth.
She missed waking up beside Lucy. Every morning she woke up cuddling the pillow that was still holding the faintest trace of Lucy’s scent. During the day she’d randomly pull Coco onto her lap just for some form of comfort. But her dog wasn’t quite the same as her girlfriend. Sometimes in the shower, Ona would close her eyes, letting the warmth of the water surround her, but it could never replace the feeling of Lucy’s touch.
Suddenly, the familiar tone of an incoming FaceTime call broke her thoughts.
"Hi babyyyyy!" Lucy’s voice chimed through, full of energy and excitement the moment Ona’s face appeared on screen.
Ona chuckled softly, amused by Lucy’s bubbly tone. "Hey, babe."
"I love you," Lucy said with a beaming smile, her eyes crinkling at the edges. "One more week and two days, and we’ll have a few days together again." She was counting down, as she did on every call.
Ona nodded, her throat tightening as the familiar wave of longing washed over her. "I miss you," she whispered, her voice more fragile than she intended.
Lucy’s bright expression shifted. Concern filled her eyes as she leaned closer to the screen, sensing the sadness in Ona’s voice. Normally, they tried to keep things light, both agreeing that these two years apart would pass quicker if they kept their focus forward, holding their chins up.
"Are you okay?" Lucy asked softly, trying to filter the worry out of her tone but failing.
"No," Ona admitted, her pout deepening. "I haven’t kissed you in so long, I don’t even remember what you taste like."
She fell back onto the couch, the iPad slipping slightly as she disappeared out of the frame.
"Ona?" Lucy’s voice was gentle.
Ona whimpered softly. "Your pillow doesn’t smell like you anymore," she said, almost accusingly, as if it was somehow Lucy’s fault that her scent had faded.
"Baby," Lucy whispered, biting her lip, her eyes filled with sorrow. She wanted nothing more than to pull Ona into her arms and hold her tight. "Can you show me your face again?"
Ona wiped at her teary eyes and sat up, facing the screen once more.
Lucy gave her a sad, knowing smile, taking in the sight of Ona’s messy hair and red, puffy eyes. "What did you have for dinner?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood, knowing full well that no amount of casual conversation could replace what they both needed.
"I’m not playing tomorrow," Ona blurted out, ignoring Lucy’s question. "I’m going to book a flight."
Lucy’s heart twisted. She knew that feeling all to well herself, the urge to throw everything aside and run to the one she loved. But Ona couldn’t abandon her commitments, not like this. It would affect her career, Lucy couldn’t let that happen, no matter how much she wanted to be with her.
"I’ll come,"
A flicker of hope flashed in Ona’s eyes, but it faded just as quickly. "You can’t, Luce," Ona replied, her gaze drifting to Coco, who was busy tearing apart a tennis ball. "You’ve got a game too."
"I’ll come," Lucy repeated, her voice more determined now. She’d play her morning match and then fly straight to Ona, no matter what. Her knee could hurt, her body could ache - it didn’t matter. For Ona, she’d do it.
"You’ve got a game," Ona insisted, "and I have a game in the evening. We won’t even have time to call."
"I’ll play," Lucy said, more firmly this time. "Then I’ll come home and wait for you."
Ona let out a small laugh, though tears were still brimming in her eyes. "And recovery?"
"I’ll wear those stupid tights under my jeans," Lucy replied, rolling her eyes with a smile.
That got a genuine chuckle out of Ona. "You know that’s not the same as a proper recovery, right?"
"I know," Lucy said softly. "But I want to see you. I think you need a hug."
"I need a kiss," Ona corrected, her voice trembling as tears began to well up again. "And bring me one of your pillows. You can take mine."
Lucy chuckled. "Okay, I’ll do that baby. Anything else?"
"Tell me about your day," Ona murmured, laying back down on the couch and pulling the iPad onto her chest.
Lucy laughed, shaking her head. "I already told you everything this afternoon, and nothing’s happened since. I was just at home, walking Narla, cooking food, you know, laid in bed for a bit."
"In bed? Why? Are you getting sick?" Ona asked, suddenly concerned. Lucy rarely stayed in bed, especially without Ona there beside her.
"No," Lucy chuckled. "I was... I was missing you. I just looked at some photos of you."
Ona’s brow lifted in amusement, finally catching on to what Lucy meant. "Ohhh, I see.’’ She shook her head, ‘’We really are so different," she teased, laughing lightly. "You do that every day, don’t you?"
Lucy blushed. "Yeah... I just miss you so much."
"Sí, but for me, it’s different," Ona admitted. "I haven’t... well, you know."
"Really?" Lucy asked, genuinely surprised. "Nothing?"
Ona chuckled, shaking her head again. "No, not really. I’m just not in the mood. I miss you too much."
Lucy’s voice softened, a bit seductive. "What if I’m there tomorrow?"
Ona’s smiled. "Then I want kisses and cuddles. Muchos besos."
Lucy smirked. "Mhm, you’ll get all the kisses and cuddles you want."
"And maybe more," Ona teased, her voice dropping just a little.
Lucy chuckled, trying to sound casual. "We’ll see."
Ona playfully rolled her eyes. "Now you’re acting like you’re not dying for it."
"I want to do whatever you want to do," Lucy replied.
Ona let out a dramatic sigh. "Sometimes you’re so sweet that it actually annoys me."
Lucy’s brow furrowed in confusion. "What?"
"It’s like a form of cuteness aggression," Ona explained like she was giving a lecture. "But like, sweetness agitation."
Lucy burst into laughter, shaking her head in disbelief. "You are something else."
"Is that why you love me?" Ona asked smiling mischievously, she loved asking Lucy this question because she always got an answer.
Lucy chuckled, her voice full of affection. "Mhm, I love you because of how your brain works, I love everything about you."
Ona hurried off the field, skipping the post-match rituals entirely. She tossed everything into her bag in a rush, taking just enough time to swap her boots for her regular shoes. Jogging to her car and driving off.
Her parking job was more crooked than usual, but she couldn’t have cared less. It was all worth it as she spotted Lucy’s shoes when she opened the front door.
Kicking her own shoes off hastily, Ona dropped her bag in the hallway and darted inside. The moment she saw Lucy lounging casually on the couch, the flood of emotion overwhelmed her. Sobbing, she threw herself into Lucy’s arms.
"Heyy," Lucy murmured softly, immediately wrapping her arms around Ona’s trembling frame. "It’s okay, bub. I’m right here."
Ona’s small body shook as she buried her tear-streaked face into the crook of Lucy’s neck. Her tears soaked Lucy’s skin, but Lucy didn’t mind. She gently rubbed Ona’s back, whispering comfort.
"Shh... it’s okay, honey. We’re together now."
Ona took a few deep breaths, inhaling the familiar scent she had missed so deeply. Her lips pressed a soft, tearful kiss to Lucy’s neck, lingering there for a moment. Lucy’s hold tightened around her, cradling her closer as she carefully sat them both up.
"You’re home early," Lucy chuckled lightly, pulling a few damp strands of hair from Ona’s flushed face. "Didn’t even shower at the club?"
Ona shook her head, not lifting her face from Lucy’s neck. She shifted, wrapping her legs around Lucy and clinging even tighter, as if afraid to let go. Lucy’s brow furrowed slightly in concern, this was different. She hadn’t seen Ona like this before. Ona had always been the positive one, encouraging Lucy, insisting she take the opportunity with Chelsea while she still could.
Lucy’s voice softened as she slipped her hands beneath Ona’s game-worn, sweat-soaked shirt. "I love you," she whispered, her touch gentle and reassuring. "How about we go for a shower, huh?"
Ona shook her head again, pressing herself further into Lucy’s embrace.
"I can join you," Lucy offered with a small, playful smile, hoping to lift Ona’s mood.
But Ona shook her head once more, her silent refusal a testament to how overwhelmed she was. Lucy’s heart clenched at the vulnerability in her usually strong, cheerful girlfriend.
"Can you even still talk?" Lucy teased softly, poking at Ona’s sides in an attempt to draw out even the smallest response.
"No," came a small, muffled voice, barely audible against Lucy’s skin.
Lucy turned her head slightly, pressing gentle kisses to the side of Ona’s head. One kiss, then another, until finally Ona lifted her tearful face to look at Lucy.
Lucy smiled tenderly, brushing her thumb across Ona’s cheek, her eyes filled with understanding. "I know, baby," Lucy whispered.
Ona sighed deeply, her hands finding their way to Lucy’s face. She traced her thumb along Lucy’s lips, as if memorizing the touch she had missed so much. Then, slowly, she leaned in, her lips softly capturing Lucy’s in a kiss. It was gentle, unhurried, filled with the longing of weeks apart, savoring the taste of the person she had craved for so long.
Lucy responded to the kiss with the same gentle, measured pace as Ona, their lips moving softly, carefully, like they were discovering each other all over again. It was almost like a first kiss. Though their actual first kiss had been anything but slow and delicate.
But this moment wasn’t about passion. It was about something deeper, something more intimate. Right now, Ona needed this. Maybe they both did. It was a chance to reconnect, to ground themselves in each other’s presence, to imprint the familiar taste and feel of one another into their minds, knowing it had to last until the next time they could be together again.
Lucy’s hand moved to cradle the back of Ona’s head, her thumb lightly tracing the curve of her neck. She kissed her as though this moment could mend all the days and nights they’d spent apart, hoping that somehow, it could.
As their lips parted, Ona rested her forehead against Lucy’s. Her breath a little uneven. The tension slowly ebbing away. Lucy kept her arms around her, brushing a stray tear from Ona’s cheek.
"You feel a little better now?" Lucy asked softly.
Ona nodded. "A little," she whispered.
Lucy kissed her forehead gently, then shifted slightly beneath her. "I think we both need a shower, though," she said with a small chuckle, the warmth of her touch still lingering on Ona’s skin.
Ona groaned, her head dropping onto Lucy’s shoulder as if just the thought of moving was already too much. "Nooo," she mumbled, her voice muffled against Lucy’s neck. "Don’t wanna move."
"Come on, baby," Lucy chuckled, her tone light and teasing. "You skipped your shower after the game and I’ve been traveling. We’re both a bit… stinky." She said, secretly more so revering to Ona.
Ona pouted, finally lifting her head to meet Lucy’s gaze. "But I just got you back."
Lucy smiled lovingly and brushed her fingers through Ona’s hair. "I’m not going anywhere, promise. We can shower together, okay?"
Ona hesitated, then reluctantly loosened her grip around Lucy. "Okay," she muttered, her lips forming into a reluctant smile.
Lucy kissed her again, brief but tender, before gently pulling her thighter against her so she could go stand. "Let’s go wash you off then, you dirty girl" she teased, holding Ona as she walked her towards the bathroom.
As they entered the bathroom, Lucy stood her girldfriend back on the ground. She reached into the shower and turned on the water, letting it heat up. Ona clung to Lucy’s side, still not ready to let go. Lucy smiled at her girlfriend’s neediness.
"Come here," Lucy said softly, pulling Ona into her arms. She kissed the top of her head, holding her close. "Let’s get you cleaned up, baby."
Ona let out a soft hum, her fingers lazily tracing circles on Lucy’s back. She felt safe here, in Lucy’s arms.
Slowly, Lucy reached for the hem of Ona’s shirt, gently tugging it upwards. She didn’t rush, didn’t push. Just a quiet, unspoken understanding between them as Ona let her pull the sweat-soaked fabric over her head before tossing it aside.
Ona sighed, her body relaxing as Lucy’s hands moved over her bare skin, the cool air of the bathroom a contrast to the warmth that lingered between them.
"Better?" Lucy asked, her voice low and soothing, as she kissed Ona’s shoulder, her fingers brushing the waistband of her shorts.
Ona nodded, leaning into the touch. Her hands found Lucy’s shirt, and with the same quiet reverence, she helped Lucy lift it over her head, revealing the toned muscles that had become so familiar to her. Lucy shivered slightly as Ona’s fingers brushed her skin, her lips curving into a smile.
"Your turn," Ona whispered, her voice barely audible, her eyes flicking up to meet Lucy’s.
Lucy grinned, helping Ona take off the sportsbra. She knew Ona always dreaded to take the tight fabric off of her, especially when it was drained with sweat and annoyingly stuck to her skin.
As each layer of clothing fell away, Ona got more and more peacefull. An unspoken barrier breaking down with every touch, every glance they shared.
When they were both down to nothing but skin, Lucy took Ona’s hand and gently guided her into the shower, the hot water cascading over them. The warmth surounded them both, and Lucy smiled as Ona stepped back into her arms.
"You good?" Lucy asked, her voice soft as she kissed the top of Ona’s head.
"Mhm," Ona hummed, her body finally relaxing into Lucy’s. ''Better''.
They stood there for a while, letting the water wash away the sweat, the tears and the time spent apart. There was no rush.
Lucy moved slowly, tenderly, as she had taken some soap on her hands, her fingers tracing over Ona’s skin with even more care then she usually already had.
"Missed this," Ona murmured, her eyes closing as Lucy’s hands moved across her back.
"Me too," Lucy whispered back, her voice thick with emotion.
For a while, they said nothing, the only sounds filling the room were the steady stream of water and their quiet breaths. Lucy gently washed Ona’s body, her hands moving slowly, deliberately, like she wanted to memorize every inch of her all over again.
When it was Ona’s turn, she took just as much care, her fingers trailing softly over Lucy’s arms, her shoulders, her chest. There was something sacred about this moment. Like they were rebuilding something that distance had tried to take away.
After what felt like an eternity standing together beneath the stream of warm water, their bodies still entwined, Lucy leaned down, her lips brushing against Ona’s forehead in a soft, tender kiss.
Her movements were unhurried as she let her lips linger before trailing down to place a small peck on the tip of Ona’s nose. Ona smiled at the gentle touch, her eyes fluttering closed, surrendering to the intimacy. Lucy continued her slow, affectionate journey, planting soft kisses around Ona’s face.
Finally, Lucy’s lips hovered millimeters away from Ona’s, the space between them so small it felt electric. She paused, her breath mixing with Ona’s as she whispered, "I love you."
Then, softly, she closed the gap, capturing Ona’s lips in a kiss.
"You feel better now?" Lucy asked breaking away from their kiss after a few moments, brushing a strand of wet hair out of Ona’s face.
"Yeah," Ona whispered, her voice barely audible, but smiling genuinly. "Much better."
Thanks to @pinkygirl28 :) she helped me with the ending
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anemonet · 1 year
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stream intros
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bronzeys · 2 months
oh. my. god.
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pic: henr1ette.prv on tiktok
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plonaca · 29 days
Niedziela, po południu
Do ostatniej chwili miałam nadzieję, że jednak nie pojedziemy.
Dopiero jadłam obiad (który oczywiście zamówiłam też dla niego; żeby on tak o mnie pamiętał…) jak zadzwonił, że powinien być za 35 minut. Nie miałam na nic czasu wcześniej, bo mimo wcześniejszej spiny oczywiście prasowałam jego koszulki, sprzątałam, byłam z psami na spacerze i dzień zleciał. Dobrze, że miałam już chociaż umyte włosy.
Luz, 35 minut powinno wystarczyć, żeby dojeść obiad, umyć zęby, podmalować się i ubrać to, co miałam już zaplanowane. Czas, start.
Byłam w trakcie malowania. Miałam jeszcze minimum 7 minut, w trakcie których musiałam dokończyć, nałożyć serum na wlosy, wrzucić potrzebne rzeczy do nerki, zrobić siku i ubrać buty. Minimum 7 minut, bo mówił wcześniej, że może jeszcze wejdzie szybko zjeść
Nie powinno się tak robić, ale zawsze „zapobiegawczo”, przed drogą, idę siku, bo mój pęcherz jest moim najgorszym wrogiem i chce mi się dosłownie co chwilę. Oczywiście zawsze w najmniej odpowiednim momencie.
… gdy zadzwonił telefon. Telefon z pytaniem, co mu kupiłam do jedzenia (tak, mówiłam już wcześniej, ale oczywiście grzecznie odpowiedziałam w pośpiechu) i żebym zapakowała ze sztućcami i wzięła na wynos. Świetnie. Nie dość, że z MINIMUM 7 minut zrobiły się dwie to jeszcze doszła dodatkowa czynność do zrobienia przed wyjściem. Już wiedziałam, że znów będzie awantura.
Ale oczywiście znów nie wybuchłam. Powiedziałam tylko, że w takim razie chwila, skoro mam jeszcze dodatkowe zadanie.
„Wiem, dlatego dzwonię wcześniej.”
Wcześniej. 2 minuty wcześniej. Które zrobiły się dwiema z siedmiu bez ponadprogramowych czynności.
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pinkygirl28 · 2 months
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Well 😮‍💨🫠🥵
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wosona · 2 months
this is the sweetest most beautiful picture of them💕🫠
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um sorry i just noticed lucy is literally pressed up against the railing🥵🥵
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onabat11e · 7 months
i love that people are sharing their favourite tiktok edits. unfortunately, this is mine
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22plus15 · 4 months
l&o cut of this stream from paños' press conference! 🫶
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