brucer33 · 2 hours
She does not care about!
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brucer33 · 2 hours
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brucer33 · 2 hours
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brucer33 · 2 hours
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brucer33 · 2 hours
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brucer33 · 3 hours
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brucer33 · 3 hours
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brucer33 · 1 day
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brucer33 · 1 day
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It’s the only way they can crash the dollar and revert the country they hate so much to Socialism.
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brucer33 · 1 day
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brucer33 · 1 day
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brucer33 · 2 days
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These people are too fucking stupid for words They are too stupid, to know how to use a remote to change the channel. 🤪😂🤣🦇💩🤪
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brucer33 · 2 days
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brucer33 · 2 days
Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation" She says, "There needs to be deterrence."
The question is WHO determines what so-called "mis-information" is? The government? The same government that lies, and lies and lies some more?
I'm sure there are plenty of people that would like to see government and media officials locked up for their terrible lies, mis-information, distorted truths, and coercion of the public when it comes to the LIES they pushed during COVID, so I suggest we start there.
Thank God this witch is out of public office and will NEVER hold the position of President or real political power.
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brucer33 · 4 days
There are 500,000+ missing migrant children in the USA
Many are being trafficked for sIave labor in businesses.
The Biden/Harris administration is doing nothing to stop it. Their policies of open borders encourages MORE of this child sIave labor.
“City of Dreams” is a movie which is based on what is happening in the USA right now. It is in theaters now, go see it this weekend. That is a small part of the shit is happening, they are evil, doing that only for a cynical gain small amount of new voters.
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brucer33 · 4 days
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brucer33 · 4 days
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