#Omnissian axe
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Posting this because I badly need some encouragement to finish my techpriest cosplay... I haven't done any building/crafting since I moved house last year T_T
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deimos-awaits · 5 months
Dreams of the Chaptermaster
My first little writing from Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita
Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita did not know where he was. This deeply concerned the Chaptermaster of the Ironsong, in a way the few other things did. He almost always knew at the very least where he was or what made his surroundings. To be so unprepared and unknowing of either was troubling. He was not wearing his armor that much he was sure of. The comfortable feeling of tons of ceramite was gone from his chest. It made them feel rather light and airy. The area around them was light and fragrant. Though covered in such a deep smoke or mist that it was hard to tell where anything was really. It reminded him of one of the poetdens on his homeworld of Astraea, at least on the side that devoted itself to the arts.
It took less than a minute for him to take stock of himself. He seemed to be wearing the robes and tunics common on the more wealthy parts of Astraea. He would rather have been in one of the old jumpsuits he had long grown accustomed to wearing. Further he wished that he had a mechandrite harness or any of his armor. Artificer Siderénia felt naked without it, especially without any knowledge exactly of where they were. The last thing that he could remember was celebrating a successful campaign against an eldar craftworld force with the Knightly House of Phobos and the First Deimos Explorator Fleet. The celebration was a subbed event, the heads of the three organizations, themself representing the Ironsong Chapter of Astartes, though he did indulge in specially acquired Fenrisian Ale. Maybe that was the mistake, and the ale imbibed by the sons of Russ. Warpcraft was his second supposition as to what was occurring though he was hoping that wasn't the case. The third most likely situation was he was dreaming.
Artificer Siderénia took one more moment to examine the air around him. It resembled the smoke clouds more often found on the poetdens of Astraea though unlike there, where a simple wave of the hand would result in more clear air with the incense brushing away and the ability to see whatever poet was crooning against the sound of brasswind instruments. He strode forward, though they were unable to out which direction they had initially started facing. Siderénia was confident enough though that the ground beneath was made of marble or some other similar stone. He bent down to feel it and it was as smooth and cold as they would otherwise expect. The smooth surface indicated some form of polishing and the as of yet unidentified light source seemed to confirm it was white stone with gold veining. Artificer Siderénia could Even see his own well kept beard and violet eyes in the reflection from the stone.It felt truly like he was in one of the more gaudy Emperor forsaken poetden. Upon recalling the simple fact about his homeworld’s musical traditions, a soft melody began to play in the air.
It sounded wrong, as if there was a faint hint of static with what was normally a live performance. The melody itself was strange and Artificer Siderénia did his best to try to appraise it before approaching. It seemed to be a strange melange of the work songs of his youth and the more restful ballads of a poetden though he could not make out any district words that either might have. He was put on high alert no matter where he was it was trying to put him at ease and failing.
If only he had his Omnissian power axe.
He was not often given to strong emotions, moderation and balance was after all key to his chapter's survival and thriving but he yearned for it now in this strange place. If this was the result of any of the Magi of Deimos they would learn why to never do this again. With little emotion visible he began to move towards whatever source of the music he could find. Damn Magos Aleph-Gimmel Bellerov-2.0 and her Fenrisian ale for addling their head enough they could not remember where they were. With a simple breath he moved forward, less a man moving forward but a rumbling mountain of steel, flesh, and ceramite moving forward in thundering footsteps. He never was one for subtly though there was an itching in the back of his head that wished that was more the case.
Artificer Siderénia kept walking until the smoke began to clear and his surroundings seemed to take a more solid form. The room they found themselves in was a similar amalgamation of all the poetdens he had ever been in. There was a stage at the edge of his vision where there was a youth of indeterminate gender - not uncommon on Astraea - crooning into a microphone hanging from the ceiling, tables spread out with small arrangements of flowers on them, gilded seats and incense burning everywhere. The song that youth with light hair and even paler skin was crooning was strangely difficult to focus on. There was also no band visible behind them to give the backing music. Dream or warpcraft Siderénia decided. Perhaps both. He was leaning towards dream given how most of the seats and tables present seemed suited to accommodate a man of his size and build and although that was not uncommon on Astraea due to it being his chapters homeworld but all of them being his size or larger? Strange.
He began to walk towards the youth on the stage. The fact that the youth either did not notice him despite seemingly being the only other person in the room or did not care that a nine foot tall transhuman was approaching was troubling. It was further troubling that the youth only had one breast whose swell was visible under their tunic. Warpcraft of what flavor was quickly becoming obvious to him.
Could he use any of the chairs here as a welcome? Were the chairs also similarly tainted? What would he have to do in order to escape this place? His thoughts began to march through his head in ordered fashion trying to discern exactly how to leave this warp spawned nightmare. The Ruinous Powers would not have him.
Siderénia was so focused on that he didn't notice at first the clapping congratulating the Youth's latest unintelligible song. The Youth took a bow before returning to croon in some language that was definitely no form of Gothic Siderénia had ever heard. He turned to see the source and perhaps find any other person here to find a giant of a man even by the standards of the Astartes. He has the same white hair as Siderénia, like the marbled floor and matching violet eyes. Siderénia’s hearts felt as if they had just stopped.
He yearned once more that he had his power axe.
It was impossible to deny who was sitting in front of him and Siderénia would not even begin to attempt to. The other man laughed. The laugh was far similar to the music playing. It was a thousand desires and dreams fulfilled all at once, and ten thousand desires left aching.
A few moments passed between them again with the smell of incense and the crooning threatening to overtake all of the senses. Siderénia simply stared, a gaze that in most cases would have caused any member of the Ironsong Chapter to shrink. The other person simply laughed again. “Hello darling. Are you enjoying the performance?”
Artificer Siderénia simply stared over more at the man begging the Emperor to be wrong about who this was.
“Well. Aren't you going to say something?” The other figure asked as if the few seconds, maybe even a minute, if that at most, of silence had begun already to bore him. The voice was similar enough to the laughing that it made him want to talk and respond. It was oozing with joy.
The other man's broad smile seemed to twitch for a second. “Oh come on, Siderénia, you know you brought yourself here, won't you as least ask who I am? This is modeled after your homeworld after all.”
Siderénia glanced at the crooning Youth. Their performance though still entirely musical had begun to verge into a style that would have never been accepted on Astraea, Even given their relatively progressive standards. He looked back at the figure lounging in front of him. The tunic the other was wearing seemed to be made out of snake skin. “What would you have me say Fulgrim, snake, Gorgonbane?”
The Primarch of the Third Legion's face, Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita own Primarch, laughed again though there was no mirth this time. “First Rylanor, now you. Oh darling, darling. " Fulgrim tuted at him as if he was a child. "When I heard the little whispers the Imperium had decided to make a new chapter with my geneseed I just had to watch you know. It was so fascinating to watch you all grow.”
Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita stood as impassively and emotionless as any proud son of Ferrus Manus would. His chapter claimed their descent from the Gorgon. Now would be no different. “I hope you are disappointed.”
“Disappointed? Oh my dear son, Siderénia, I'm far from it. Your precious Ironsong has been an exemplary finishing force! And while the art you make tends to be more subdued, that can be fixed in time! I'm sure I can find a place for all mechanists.”
“No.” the world around Siderénia began to shudder and shake. It was like a hololith losing connection.
“No? Again that's really quite Dornian or even rather like… you haven't even heard my offer.”
“Snake, I want nothing of what you offer me.” Siderénia Teleiótita count feel the tug within him to submit to his primarch and do whatever the demon and but the chaptermaster held firm.
“I am your father,” Fulgrim stood now white hair cascading down in an impossibly beautiful wave. “I know what you have gotten up to with those Magi-”
Siderénia Teleiótita, against his better judgment, stepped forward and grabbed a chair as he did so. It was no Omnissian axe but it would have to do. “You are not my father. He is buried in Astraea’s soil, and though you are my primarch my allegiance is to the Emperor and Ferrus Manus.”
Fulgrim’s languid and easy attitude had swung towards anger and frustration. The entire poetden seemed to flicker into static. “I do not know by what Warpcraft you think you can escape but you will see,” and the human form he was talking fell away to reveal the demon prince beneath. Writhing scales and four arms reaching towards the all too human history master. “You are my children, you are not his!” one of Fulgrim's claws scratched his chin.
The Youth began to scramble and run off of the stage as the dream world was shaking.
Siderénia Teleiótita had no idea what Warpcraft was happening either. As far as he was aware no one even remotely close to them had access to warpcraft. He swung the chair at the daemon primarch ready to fight to his last here.
Then his eyes shot open.
Siderénia Teleiótita’s hearts were pounding and he was covered in sweat.
A familiar, though a tad forgettable Magos of Deimos, loomed over him. “Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita! Are you alright? Your heart beats were elevated, I was simply coming to ask for your presence at a meeting with the local planetary governor.”
Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita simply looked up at the Magos Tsephor-10.54 and attributed the headache to hangover as that dream faded almost instantly from memory. The rather fat techpriest had the strange ability to be almost forgettable while also unnerving. “I am fine. Aid me in putting on my armor and I will be there promptly.”
Siderénia Teleiótita did not notice the new scar on his chin.
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zestysthoughts · 1 month
Tep Tons: Fictional Weapons (Melee)
10. Edge of Duality (LoZ)
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9. Laser Razor (Saints Row)
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8. Final Cutter (Kirby SSB)
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7. Krug's Cleaver (Heroscape)
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6. Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang (RWBY)
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5. Bloodhoof Runespear (Warcraft)
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4. Omnissian Axe (Warhammer)
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3. Vahki Weapons (Bionicle)
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2. Paracesis (Warframe)
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1. Protoss Psi-Blade (Starcraft/2)
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kit-williams · 9 months
The Savant
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The Mechanicus fic with the OC: H3X, Late 20s to Early 30s, female, autistic/just something wrong (I'm not trying to offend anyone but since it's warhammer I tend to crank things up to 11 and just with her being a mechanicus her mental illness isn't going to manifest normally so the closest thing she is is some form of autistic)
Also sorry if I use transformer fic terms I didn't wanna make stuff up
blaming @konigsblog & @kneelingshadowsalome & @ghouljams for Yrac because good god when I got home today those three were posting some very thirsty Konig and god I channeled that into this nasty man.
tw: Yandere
91-Yrac sat upon his throne waiting for his underlings to bring in the prize. Oh the former Venatorii, Crimson Guard, had embraced the Dark Mechanicus freeing himself of the veil that was placed over his eyes. He watches the Magos stop for a brief moment seeing the Omnissian axe resting in easy reach of the combat framed Yrac.
The Magos' retinue had been depleted leaving only the non combat frames and was he had theorized was aboard... a savant.
Machine Spirits would bend to Savants so easily... their mastery to simply talk to the machine spirits always meant that they would move high into the ranks of the Machine Cult however... they were easy to corrupt. They could easily become heretcks as they struggled with some of the rules meaning that even the highest ranking Savant Magi had to be monitored.
He stood up when he saw the orange robes in the sea of red with their yellow highlights on their robes verses the whites. He could see how her Mechadendrites were entangled with two other priests flanking her... her caretakers.
Her head whipped over to the machine chanting its litany of errors... and then the next... and then the next... and then the next. Oh Yrac was a cruel man having heard there might be a savant coming he did something that was surely going to get them to pull away from the Magos... it was their fixation to fix. He watched the caretaker's Mechadendrites tighten around her own as hers loosened. He could hear her whines as her fingers pulled on her hood. They were doing their best to soothe the savant.
"Magos." Yrac purred out of his vox.
"Heretck." The Magos spat.
Yrac tsked the magos as he rested his chin in his palm, knowing this conversation was a mere farce to get the savant to separate. He watched as one of his men held a strange servo skull, an equine headed one, he watched her push hard against her caretaker reaching out for what he presumed was hers. Perfect he thought as he continued to verbally spar with the magos.
"Mars will not let this go."
"And tell me what has Mars ever done for me? I was born of the Calixis Sector and the wars of the Spinward! Tell me Magos what has mars done for me?!" Yrac snarled as he let out a pulse from his Potentia Coil causing the mechanics to fail for but a moment.
"H3X STOP." The female caretaker cried as her charge slipped away towards one of the machines. His men stopped the caretaker but let her slip through.
The Magos bellowed in binary but he could tell she wasn't listening anymore, her audiles completely still, as she plugged into the machine and sat down looking at a datapad and was working on fixing the sacred texts. Oh yes he had gone into the texts and changed a few bits that allowed them to work but every few intervals they would release their litanies. The air buzzes around as he keeps them from messaging their charge as Yrac stands to his feet.
"Don't touch her!" The caretakers shriek out trying to push their way past the combat servitors.
Yrac looks down as she slaps the floor a few times before typing again and repeating her habit. He dwarfs the small woman sitting on the floor, her bionics are smooth and pleasing to the eyes and optics... he could feel his mouth opening up. Just one little taste. He thought to himself... he wasn't planning on keeping this one.
She looked up at him as she blinked... normally Savants abhor eye contact so Yrac held his breath. "Your pupil looks like the crude depiction of a heart none mechanicus use to express affection. It's also glowing a pleasing purple color... though I like blue too. I'm going to go fix the next machine."
Yrac let out a delighted trill and he watched her tilt her head, "I like how it glows." Was all she said before pushing past him and going to work on the next machine. Oh by the Omnissiah Yrac felt his heatsinks act up as his vents turned on loudly. The Magos and his retinue looked at Yrac in horror as his single remaining biological eye glowed purple with a glowing bright pink heart shaped pupil.
"H3X! H3X!" The female caretaker shrieked as the little savant wasn't listening and she turned her attention towards Yrac, "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!"
"Why?" Yrac purred, "You were on your way to Mars... to let her train there and have her be paired off with some dirty old Magos." He hissed before composing himself, "Who wouldn't appreciate how she just wants to help the machine spirits." He cooed looking back at H3X as she finishes her task.
H3X begins to walk back to the group but Yrac intercepts the priestess, "Where are you going?"
"Back with the others. My task is done."
"I can find you more tasks to do."
"Do you have my equine?" She tilts her head as she looks at her feet, her Mechadendrites being picked at by her little fingers.
"You mean this my sweet spark?" He pulls the horse skulled servo skull out from behind his back and watches her just snatch it from him. Nuzzling the bone lovingly, it was easy to tell on the worn part of the skull where that was something common she would do. Yrac reached out feeling himself grow excited and touched the little priestess and that's when the retinue erupted in anger. They could tell of his intentions with the priestess was beyond just corrupting her from the ways of the cult mechanicus.
H3X all but freezes as it's a flurry of buzzing in her ears as binary and gothic assault her ears. It's suddenly very loud for her as she pulls on her hood. Oh Yrac was very excited to help his darling! He plugged himself into her and manually adjusted her sensitivities as well as giving her a deluge of data to just sort through. He glanced over at the female caretaker whom had privately messaged him on how to soothe her... she just wanted what was best for her charge.
Yrac loomed over her, his Mechadendrites against his back to make him look smaller than he was, as he cupped her face providing distracting stimuli... and that tainted little part of him couldn't stop the way he pulled his rebreather away and let his black tongue slip out. How he ran it over her chin and bottom lip as her eyes and optics were zoned out completely focused on sorting the data he provided.
He accepted each packet she sent back. Yrac placed hard kisses against her cheek as his breathing stuttered and ran a tongue against the delicate fin of her audial. She blinks coming back to and looks at him again cocking her head to the side, "Do you like hugs too?"
He nearly moans but swallows the depraved desperate noise, "Y-yes sweet spark I do. You may always request them from me."
"Your mouth is big." She says before her thought process continues, "Do you have grass? I like feeling it between my toes. When I had toes. I wasn't happy when they replaced my legs. I couldn't feel the grass anymore." She babbles softly and he just coos.
"I'm certain we can fix that for you sweet spark. Lets go find you something to fix." He puts a hand on her lower back and guides her before she stops by the door.
"Wait I'm not suppose to leave the Magos and my caretakers." She said looking guilty and he just cooed.
"You'll meet up with them later I have to talk with them for a bit and it will be quite boring... let me make sure you'll have plenty to do." He purred as he led her out of the room. Oh yes he would be a much better partner than some dirty old Magos. 💗
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skitariiposting · 5 months
Skatros that's just a tech priest waving a skit around on the end of its omnissian axe
It's pretty much an average tech priest and skitarii interaction at this point.
I saw one strapping a comically large firework onto a skit's back to try and make him fly like Buzz Lightyear at the end of Toy Story 1.
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knightinkosherarmour · 9 months
You know from thinking that I'd only be able to afford a kill team to having a 1k army armory entirely painted and fully assembled head been such a weird transition
Deimos First Exploratory Fleet (990 points)
Adeptus Mechanicus
Onslaught (3000 points)
Rad-Zone Corps
Cybernetica Datasmith (35 points)
• 1x Mechanicus pistol
1x Power fist
Tech-Priest Dominus (75 points)
• 1x Macrostubber
1x Omnissian axe
1x Volkite blaster
Tech-Priest Enginseer (70 points)
• 1x Mechanicus pistol
1x Omnissian axe
1x Servo-arm
• Enhancement: Radial Suffusion
Technoarcheologist (65 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Mechanicus pistol
1x Servo-arc claw
• Enhancement: Peerless Eradicator
Skitarii Rangers (90 points)
• 1x Skitarii Ranger Alpha
• 1x Alpha combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
1x Mechanicus pistol
• 9x Skitarii Ranger
• 1x Arc rifle
9x Close combat weapon
1x Enhanced data-tether
6x Galvanic rifle
1x Plasma caliver
1x Transuranic arquebus
Skitarii Rangers (90 points)
• 1x Skitarii Ranger Alpha
• 1x Close combat weapon
1x Galvanic rifle
• 9x Skitarii Ranger
• 1x Arc rifle
9x Close combat weapon
6x Galvanic rifle
1x Omnispex
1x Plasma caliver
1x Transuranic arquebus
Kastelan Robots (200 points)
• 2x Kastelan Robot
• 1x Heavy phosphor blaster
1x Incendine combustor
2x Kastelan fist
2x Kastelan phosphor blaster
Onager Dunecrawler (140 points)
• 1x Broad spectrum data-tether
1x Cognis heavy stubber
1x Daedalus missile launcher
1x Dunecrawler legs
1x Icarus array
Serberys Raiders (60 points)
• 1x Serberys Raider Alpha
• 1x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs
1x Galvanic carbine
1x Mechanicus pistol
• 2x Serberys Raider
• 2x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs
1x Enhanced data-tether
2x Galvanic carbine
Serberys Raiders (60 points)
• 1x Serberys Raider Alpha
• 1x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs
1x Galvanic carbine
1x Mechanicus pistol
• 2x Serberys Raider
• 2x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs
1x Enhanced data-tether
2x Galvanic carbine
Imperial Navy Breachers (105 points)
• 1x Navis Sergeant-at-Arms
• 1x Bolt pistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Power weapon
• 9x Navis Armsman
• 1x Autopistol
1x Autopistol
1x Chainfist
1x Close combat weapon
1x Close combat weapon
7x Close combat weapon
1x Demolition charge
1x Endurant Shield
1x Grenade Belts
1x Navis heavy shotgun
1x Navis las-volley
5x Navis shotgun
1x Power weapon
Exported with App Version: v1.8.1 (33), Data Version: v319
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 3 years
Cursed concept:
Iron hands successor where every single marine is a tech marine. Omnissian axe, servo arms and everything.
They operate so many fucking aircraft and vehicles. All primaris ones get the heavy bolter, since gw decided primaris tech marines get those.
But I really like machines and mechanical limbs and big guns... oh no...
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coolyo294 · 3 years
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I'm making a counts-as vaylund cal for my iron warriors. Per his wargear, he's just a techmarine with a servo harness and a big fuckoff huge two handed thunder hammer instead of an omnissian axe. The deathwatch heavy thunderhammer fit perfectly so all I have to do is strip the red basecoat off and repaint him
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File: ZETA THE ALMIGHTY (Zeta-1a3)
Name: THE GRAND EXPLORATOR MAGOS ZETA! (His name is Zeta-1a3, but he answers to Zeta-Samuel)
Title: GRAND EXPLORATOR MAGOS, MASTER OF THE MOTIVE FORCE! (Magos, and he isn't master of anything beyond 'polishing his staff' if you know what I mean)
Age: NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW! (129, and yet he acts like a frakking Teenager from a deathworld)
Weight: I AM WHATEVER WEIGHT I WISH! (this one is actually true... I don't even know the bastard's weight because it constantly fluctuates)
Height: I STAND TALLER THEN YOU! (He is just a bit taller then a Old Astartes... when the fuck did they start making Astartes in Extra large?)
Reason for Zeta Team: I AM THE MASTER OF DISCOVERING ITEMS! (The Mechanicus got tired of hearing his constant shouting and groxshit, so he got booted out to the edge of the Emperor's light... he scraped us up and formed a team.)
Homeworld: HOLY MARS!
Eye Color: RED
Hair Color: ...BLOND, DO NOT ASK WHERE EXACTLY THAT HAIR IS! ( he kept his full head of hair)
Exploration Loadout: (took over because he started a massive list of the exact properties) 1 Omnissian Power Axe, Four Las-Carbines, Two Plasma Pistols, and a Volkite weapon he recovered from a derelict ship's armory (we also have them but we rarely use the damn things, kick like a mule and we haven't ran into something Rusty can't blow a hole through with his Sun Gun).
Everyday Clothing: (I don't even need to let him say... he wears the same damn Robe day in and day out, and Sasha and I have to yank it off the bastard every time to clean it...)
Apperance: I LOOK LIKE ANY OTHER TECHPRIEST! (Sure if a techpriest looks like a giant multi-legged robotic snake... I didn't even fucking know they could look like that... doubt there are any others out there like that.)
Backstory: I WONT TELL YOU. (He honestly won't talk about his past...)
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Mun is back on his bullshit
(A list of melee weapons from the old rpg I remember off the top of my head. Some are doubtlessly missing, and there’s likely errors
Sword, Short sword, Bastard sword, sabre, Flachilion, shield, combat shield, boarding pike, cutlass, tower shield, axe, warhammer, relic glaive, relic shield, spetum, greataxe, greatweapon, flail, relic flail, reinforced gauntlets, steam drill, kraken’s tooth, parrying daggar, trophy knife, combat knife, scythe, spear, bayonet, brass knuckles, groxwhip, truncheon, Arbites shield, staff, stiletto, sword cane
Razorchain, chainsword, eldar chainsword, chain cutlass, drusian chainsword, chain axe, chainfist, eviscrator, Crimson Crown
Shock staff, shock glove, shock maul, Supression shield,  shock stars, shock spheres, electro flail, neural whip, shock cutlass
Power sword, Mordain pattern power sword, power axe, Loi power axe, buring blade, power maul, variable setting power maul, power fist, cognatine hammer, thunder hammer, Omnissian axe, power longsword, lightning claw, power blade, power discus, prasedium provetctiva
Eldar power sword, mancatcher, Choppa, Eldar biting blade, neurogauntlet, harlequins’s kiss, uge choppa, grabba stick, power klaw, forearm power blades, ghost sword, fractal blade, egarian sharknife, egarian shardgliave, styxis aether lash, rak’gol radaxe, stryxis aether lance, corrupter’s kris, sythian venom talon, gaethite lacerators, nuadeshi twinblade, brazier of holy fire, grapplewhip, drukhari scissorhands, hull breachers, Macrohammer, Inertial hammer, Daemonhammer, Sollux beam sword, softsword, flail of chastisement, sigilite knife, mirror swords, Zayth warblade)
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AU: Royal John, Nurgle Outbreak
(John's family was never betrayed and slaughtered, but a Nurglite Zombie Outbreak has sprung up on the world, and John now wages war alongside his people as Tropa Du Saloc, otherwise known as Knight Wolf)
Wolf rides through the gate on the armored horse of his house, it's armor dripping with gore alongside his Great Axe he held loosely in one hand, a Mask shaped like a howling wolf over his face. He laughs as he turns to the men behind him and says "Another Horde Slaughtered by the Brotherhood of The Steel Wolves! Hold your heads high Brother's, for today we protected the innocent once again!"
Wolf turns around as he hears the Long-House's main door open, his mother rushing out to see him, and he smiles softly at the bulge of her pregnant belly, his father still as fertile as ever. He calls to her as he climbs off his horse "Mother, I am filthy, wait till I'm clean to hug me..." he says with a amused tone.
Tropa's Great Axe: The Wolve's Fang/ A Axe forged by a Mechanicus Adept as a gift for him when he reached his sixteenth year, the Fang is modeled after the Omnissian Power Axe, but instead of the symbol of the Mechanicus, it bears the familiar Crest of his house.
Tropa's Armor: The Hide of Fenrir/ A hermetically sealed set of armor made for him when the outbreak began, Tropa named it Fenrir after the Knight he was to command, which was known as Fenrir's Bite, and has continued to wear it as he goes into battle against the risen dead of a Nurglite Plague.
Tropa's Horse: Long Night/ a Abnormally sized horse, Night was given to Tropa once he reached the towering height of 6'8, the young man dwarfing both of his parents by nearly two feet, which made him quite suitable to riding the towering War Horse.
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skitarii-tribune · 5 years
No matter how perfect the calculations or sublime the formula, combat was unpredictable.  Hive streets were teeming with genestealer cultists. The “Rotating Death Light” was a fearsome weapon until its battery packs ran dry.  Once depleted the weapon simply became a bludgeoning implement more suited to being a paperweight.  
Silvanus sat behind a wall of bodies waiting for the next onslaught.  His combat servo skulls had long ago been torn to pieces.  Every side arm was also empty.  All that was left between destruction and survival was the Omnissian Axe and his mechadendrites.  Shrill screaching in the air indicated he would not have long to wait.  
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dreamofhircine · 6 years
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Quick WIP of an old Dominus that I used as a donor sprue for a lot of accessories repurposed again. I removed the robes beneath the carapace and mounted them on top of a canoptek wraith tail. I'm still working in it, mostly tiny fixes and details but I also need to make a new omnissian axe.
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zestysthoughts · 26 days
Tep Tons: Fictional Melee Weapons (Revised)
10. Edge of Duality (LoZ)
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9. Final Cutter (SSB)
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8. Krug's Cleaver (Heroscape)
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7. Ruyi Bang / Jingu Bang (RWBY)
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6. Bloodhoof Runespear (Warcraft)
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5. Vahki Blades (Bionicle)
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4. Tricky's Stop Sign (Madness Combat)
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3. Omnissian Axe (Warhammer)
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2. Paracesis (Warframe)
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1. Protoss Psi-Blade (Starcraft/2)
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prettykikimora · 2 years
I think in game if a dominis could have both a plasma calivern and a serpent repentia with a omnissian axe they'd just fuck everything up easy so that art is just fluff.
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screamingatthevoid · 7 years
Battle for the Heresy Train’s Brakes
Played a 2k game of 40k yesterday using some model railway stuff as scenery, so we decided that the Aeldari (a mix of Asuryani, Drukhari, and Anhrathe) were attempting to fit brakes to the Heresy Train, while my Iron Warriors (shamelessly using loyalist rules as Iron Hands and Valhallans) tried to stop them.
Behold our makeshift battlefield and half-painted not-even-close-to-WYSIWYG armies:
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Army lists and a half-remembered battle report below the cut.
Army List: Aeldari (2000)
Index: Xenos 1, Imperial Armour Index: Xenos
Outrider Detachment (+1CP): 753
HQ: 178
Farseer Skyrunner: 178
Farseer Skyrunner (154), Singing Spear (14), Twin Shuriken Catapult (10)
Psychic Powers: Smite, Doom, Guide
Warlord Trait: Tenacious Survivor
Fast Attack
Corsair Cloud Dancer Band: 141
Cloud Dancer x3 (75), Brace of Pistols x3 (6), Dissonance Cannon x3 (60)
Razorwing Jetfighter: 190
Razorwing Jetfighter (115), Disintegrator Cannon x2 (60), Razorwing Missiles (0), Splinter Cannon (15)
Scourges: 150
Solarite (14), Shardcarbine (0)
Scourge x4 (56), Dark Lance x4 (80)
Vyper: 94
Vyper (64), Bright Lance (20), Twin Shuriken Catapult (10)
Battalion Detachment (+3CP): 639
HQ: 197
Lelith Hesperax: 125
Combat Drugs: Painbringer (+1 T)
Succubus: 72
Archite Glaive (0), Splinter Pistol (0)
Combat Drugs: Adrenalight (+1 A)
Troops: 326
Corsair Skyweaver Band: 175
Skyweaver Felarch (19), Brace of Pistols (2), Shardcarbine (0)
Skyreaver x9 (108), Brace of Pistols x9 (18), Splinter Cannon x2 (30)
Kabalite Warriors: 93
Sybarite (7), Splinter Rifle (0)
Kabalite Warrior x9 (63), Shredder (8), Splinter Cannon (15), Splinter Rifle x7 (0)
Wyches: 58
Hekatrix (9), Agoniser (4), Splinter Pistol (0)
Wych x5 (45), Hekatarii Blade x5 (0), Splinter Pistol x5 (0)
Combat Drug: Serpentin (+1 WS)
Dedicated Transport: 116
Raider: 116
Raider (95), Dark Lance (20), Shock Prow (1)
Spearhead Detachment (+1CP): 608
HQ: 106
Autarch with Warp Jump Generator: 106
Autarch with Warp Jump Generator (73), Death Spinner (8), Forceshield (8), Fusion Gun (17), Mandiplasters (0), Shuriken Pistol (0)
Heavy Support: 502
Dark Reapers: 108
Dark Reaper Exarch (5), Reaper Launcher (31)
Dark Reaper x2 (10), Reaper Launcher x2 (62)
Falcon: 211
Falcon (174), Crystal Targeting Matrix (5), Pulse Laser (0), Shuriken Cannon (12), Spirit Stones (10), Twin Shuriken Catapult (10)
Fire Prism: 183
Fire Prism (158), Crystal Targeting Matrix (5), Prism Cannon (0), Spirit Stones (10), Twin Shuriken Catapult (10)
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Army List: Iron Warriors (2000)
Codex: Astra Militarum, Codex: Space Marines, Imperial Armour Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes, Imperial Armour Index: Fores of the Astra Militarum
Spearhead Detachment (+1CP): 483
Regimental Doctrine: Valhallan
HQ: 30
Company Commander : 30
Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), Laspistol (0)
Warlord Trait: Grand Strategist
Heirloom of Conquest: Kurov’s Aquila
Elites: 72
Master of Ordnance: 30
Master of Ordnance (30), Artillery Barrage (0), Laspistol (0)
Tech-Priest Enginseer: 42
Tech-Priest Enginseer (30), Omnissian Axe (0), Servo-Arm (12)
Heavy Support: 381
Armageddon Pattern Basilisk: 127
Armageddon Pattern Basilisk (115), Earthshaker Cannon (0), Heavy Bolter (8), Heavy Stubber (4)
Armageddon Pattern Basilisk: 127
Armageddon Pattern Basilisk (115), Earthshaker Cannon (0), Heavy Bolter (8), Heavy Stubber (4)
Armageddon Pattern Basilisk: 127 
Armageddon Pattern Basilisk (115), Earthshaker Cannon (0), Heavy Bolter (8), Heavy Stubber (4)
Battalion Detachment (+3CP): 456
Chapter Tactics: Iron Hands
HQ: 205
Captain in Terminator Armour: 141
Captain in Terminator Armour (105), Storm Shield (15), Thunder Hammer (21)
Techmarine: 64
Techmarine (45), Chainsword (0), Plasma Pistol (7), Servo-Arm (12)
Troops: 251
Tactical Squad: 92
Space Marine Sergeant (13), Chainsword (0), Storm Bolter (2)
Space Marine x4 (52), Bolt Pistol x4, Boltgun x3, Missile Launcher (25)
Tactical Squad: 92
Space Marine Sergeant (13), Chainsword (0), Storm Bolter (2)
Space Marine x4 (52), Bolt Pistol x4, Boltgun x3, Missile Launcher (25)
Tactical Squad: 67
Space Marine Sergeant (13), Chainsword (0), Storm Bolter (2)
Space Marine x4 (52), Bolt Pistol x4, Boltgun x4
Vanguard Detachment (+1CP): 1061
Chapter Tactics: Iron Hands
HQ: 198
Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought: 120
Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought (), Assault Cannon (21), Dreadnought Combat Weapon (40), Heavy Flamer (17)
Elites: 863
Apothecary: 55
Apothecary (55), Bolt Pistol (0), Chainsword (0)
Company Veterans: 172
Veteran Sergeant (16), Combi-Plasma (15), Storm Shield (5)
Space Marine Veteran x4 (64), Plasma Gun x4 (52), Storm Shield x4 (20)
Ironclad Dreadnought: 152
Ironclad Dreadnought (80), Dreadnought Chainfist (46), Heavy Flamer (17), Hurricane Bolter (4), Ironclad Assault Launchers (5)
Ironclad Dreadnought: 150
Ironclad Dreadnought (80), Dreadnought Chainfist (46), Dreadnought Combat Weapon (0), Heavy Flamer (17), Ironclad Assault Launchers (5), Storm Bolter (2)
Terminator Assault Squad: 260
Terminator Sergeant (31), Thunder Hammer (16), Storm Shield (5)
Terminator x4 (124), Thunder Hammer x4 (64), Storm Shield x4 (20)
Teleport Homer (0)
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The Mission
Maelstrom of War: Contact Lost - 6 Objective Markers are placed on the battlefield. Each player generates 1 Tactical Objective at the start of each turn. Each player may have a maximum of 6 active Tactical Objectives at a time.
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I spent 3CP on Relics of the Chapter to give my Captain the Shield Eternal and my Chaplain Dreadnought the Armour Indomitus, recovering 1CP thanks to my Warlord Trait. Aeldari had the first turn, but the Iron Warriors seized the initiative.
Turn 1 - Iron Warriors: 0, Aeldari: 0
My Tactical Objective was to capture 1 Objective Marker for 1VP, or 3 for d3. I pulled two of my tactical squads back to cap 1 & 2, moved an Ironclad to 3, and advanced the other Ironclad & Chaplain into cover. Basilisks knocked a couple of wounds off the Falcon. Master of Ordnance dropped his one shot artillery barrage on the Cloud Dancers in an attempt to score First Blood but only managed to take out 2 of them.
The Aeldari Tactical Objective was to capture Objective 3, I think? The Skyreavers advanced towards my Rhino  (which had moved forward) on the left flank while the Razorwing, Raider (containing Lelith, Succubus, and Wyches), and last Cloud Dancer moved up the right, shooting up my third tactical squad hiding behind a train, but not killing many, and the Raider charged. The Farseer moved up to my Rhino, cast Smite and got 10+ and caused 6 mortal wounds (there’s a Space Marine stratagem that can give a vehicle a 5+ save against mortal wounds for a turn... but I forgot...). The combined heavy weapons of the Falcon, Fire Prism, and Dark Reapers finished off my Rhino and killed an Ironclad. I rolled three 1s for the units inside the Rhino, which were the Veterans (with storm shields and plasma guns! Agh!), Techmarine, and Apothecary. The Skyreavers (and the lighter weapons on the tanks) finished off the last 2 Veterans and charged the Techmarine and Apothecary, beginning a very slow fight that lasted the next 2 turns or so until everyone was dead except one lonely Skyreaver.
Turn 2 - Iron Warriors: 2, Aeldari: 1
I think I got capture Objective 6, which I used a stratagem to discard and generate a new one, which was capture Objective 3 (1VP). I moved my Ironclad off Objective 3 to move towards the Cloud Dancer & Razorwing, moving my Chaplain in to keep the Objective. Basilisks knocked the Falcon down to 1 wound. Between the Ironclad and a Tactical Squad with missile launcher knocked maybe 5 wounds off the Razorwing. My Terminators and Captain teleported in behind the tanks, Dark Reapers and Kabalites but failed their charge. The Ironclad finished the last Cloud Dancer (although he probably should have charged the Raider instead) and the third Tactical Squad charged the Raider achieving precisely nothing.
Aeldari had to capture Objective 4, which the Farseer did for 1VP. Lelith, the Succubus, and the Wyches got out of the Raider and charged my tactical squad, killing all of them (and leaving too small a gap between the table edge and the Raider for my Ironclad to charge them). The Scourges arrived betwen Objectives 4 & 5 and probably shot my Ironclad, doing nothing. The backfield all turned around to shoot my Terminators, killing two.
Turn 3 - Iron Warriors: 3, Aeldari: 2
Tactical Objective gave me 1VP for a unit in enemy’s deployment zone, d3 for three or more. I already had two units there and it was impossible to get a third, so I used 3CP to generate an additional Tactical Objective, which was take and defend Objective 6 until the end of my next turn. Unfortunately, that was where half the enemy army was. Basilisks finished off the Falcon and I think knocked a few wounds off the Fire Prism? Ironclad shot the Wyches to death before chargeing the raider and putting it down to 2 wounds. Terminators and Captain charged the Vyper (killed), the Fire Prism (wounded), and the Kabalite Warriors. Between the heavy bolters & stubbers on the Basilisks and my last Tactical Squad, the Razorwing was taken down to 1 wound.
The Aeldari had to defend Objective 2 until the end of their next turn? Inconvenient as I had a Tactical Squad on it. They got shot up by the Razorwing while the last Skyreaver from that combat in turn 1 snuck up on Objective 2 behind cover. The Raider jumped out of combat to grab Objective 3 for the Tactical Objective from turn 1. The Fire Prism jumped out of combat to shoot my Chaplain, who died thanks to the combined efforts of the Farseer, Dark Reapers, and Scourges as well. It would have been a great time to activate the Armour Indomitus’ force field for the 1-turn 3+ invulnerable save, if I had remembered.
Turn 4 - Iron Warriors: 4, Aeldari: 3
My Tactical Objective was Priority Orders, which is 3VP if the Warlord completes another Tactical Objective (plus the VP for said objective). Since my Warlord was a 30 point Company Commander hiding behind my Basilisks I assumed he would never manage it, but happily I rolled defend Objective 1 until the end of my next turn (2VP), and I was able to get him to it my moving one Basilisk aside and using the Move, Move, Move! order on himself. My Basilisks finished off the Fire Prism and Razorwing, as well as killing two of the Dark Reapers. My Tactical Squad took out the Raider and the Ironclad caught Lelith and beat her to within an inch of her life.
The Aeldari Tactical Objective was to capture every Objective for d3+3VP, which is a lot of VP but he only had about 8 units left to even attempt it. The Farseer and last Skyreaver charged my last Tactical Squad. The Succubus charged the Basilisk that moved out of formation to allow my Warlord out, doing a couple of wounds, while Lelith got splattered by my Ironclad’s chainfist. The Autarch (who had spent most of the game jumping around with the Fire Prism to buff its shooting) and Dark Reaper Exarch shot one of my Basilisks.
Turn 5 - Iron Warriors: 4, Aeldari: 3
Capture Objective 4? Something like that. Not one I was going to achieve. Basilisks did not a lot as one was in combat being slowly whittled away (but no point falling back as I would be unable to shoot), while the others didn’t have great targets, managing only to kill I think one Scourge. The Ironclad charged the Farseer and killed him for Slay the Warlord (1VP). The Terminators finally finished up the Kabalites this turn, not sure if it was in my assault phase or the Aeldari’s. My Walord stayed on Objective 1 to complete his Priority Orders from Turn 4 for 5VP.
I believe the Aeldari got kill the Warlord for d3VP. My Walord was already planning his escape back to behind the Basilisks. The Succubus carried on chipping away 1 wound or so per assault phase. The Autarch and Dark Reaper Exarch killed one of the other Basilisks.
The game continued to turn 6.
Turn 6 - Iron Warriors: 10, Aeldari: 3
Capture Objective 5, which was close-ish to my Terminators, but they didn’t roll high enough to advance close enough (1″ out!) - instead they grabbed Objective 6, which was a Tactical Objective from way back in turn 3. My Captain crushed the Dark Reaper Exarch into a fine paste, and my Ironclad did the same to the Autarch.
No idea what the Aeldari had to do but they didn’t have much left to do it with anyway. Just one Succubus locked in combat with my Ironclad, four Scourges that had proved not great at killing anything, and one lonely and heroic Felarch who didn’t know when to quit.
The game ended and we both got Linebreaker for 1VP each.
Final Score - Iron Warriors: 11, Aeldari 4
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