#techpriest cosplay
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Posting this because I badly need some encouragement to finish my techpriest cosplay... I haven't done any building/crafting since I moved house last year T_T
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dryderpunk · 1 year
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Met the celebrity @eleooooooo at con today,
He is peak fashion,
And finally got to roll out the skittle today too,
Both based off @celestial-fang art (he's such a hype artist)
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metashard · 6 months
Blessings of the Machine God upon ye,
Calling all 40k cosplayers! For all of you who have skill with either an instrument or vocals, I'd like to get together a group to record a collab arrangement of *Children of the Omnissiah.* * The plan is to have each of us record our parts in costume, then stitch it together for a video. No real reason, just realized I wanted something like this to exist and was disappointed it didn't already :]
All instruments and vocal ranges are welcome, as long as you can perform in your cosplay. Dubbing over (i.e. record video in costume, record audio in normal clothes) is fine and frankly easier, as I found out while recording this snippet. All skill ranges are welcome too if you can reasonably perform visually**. Here's a copy of the cello score if you'd like to see what I'm asking for.
If you're interested***, please send me a DM here or Discord (@metashard) with your instrument/approximate vocal range and a description or picture of your cosplay. I'll then get you a link to the project server so we can coordinate. I plan to make a new arrangement once I know what instruments we have, so don't get into costume right away! Ideally, between rearranging, getting everyone to record, and editing, I expect this to be about a month before the final video is ready to release.
*And possibly more songs later, though I'm barely into the scheming phase on that. Let's get one thing done first, shall we?
**and frankly, if you get someone else to record audio in your place, I won't be able to tell. Just don't send me a blatant midi.
***or if you know someone else who might be interested, send them my way! I only really hang out on reddit and discord, so if you have Xitter oomfs or whatever the fuck just send them the link to this post
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clockworkcontraption · 6 months
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my first techpriest cosplay. the box on my chest houses a voice modulator i built around an RTS0072 chip and the thingamabob below is a vox amplifier (= portable speaker that i painted in admech colors and stuck a purity seal on top of).
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thamechanist · 11 months
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Hai (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)
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The next time I'm in a position to go to a Con or something in costume, I'm gonna go as a Shy Guy Techpriest.
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flagcaptainart · 6 months
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Finally wearing my Lotara Sarrin cosplay at Adepticon ! Also found some good boi techpriests and a deathkorps trooper ❤️❤️❤️
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Ahriman: Exile Reread 1
So, I decided not to include my thoughts on the samples I read in between Buried Dagger and this the TLDR: Betrayer: I'm definitely intrigued but it felt like it was being unfair to Magnus :/ Angel Exterminatus: McNeill has really upped his game! The Path of Heaven: slaps roof of warhammer this franchise can fit so much chronic pain into it The Crimson King: this is what got me interested in Lucius originally
And now, the main event: Ahriman: Exile was the second ever WH40k book I ever read (first being Know No Fear), and it was basically the make or break between me staying and me leaving.
story begins with a space wolf pov and man i gotta read a space wolf book at some point, i found out there's a book where a space wolf and a thousand son end up sharing a body and then apparently they become besties so like this is a book written just for me future bluejay note: i read the sample at a later point and the book is on the list now
this guy however in the ahriman novels was as i recall my introduction to warhammer cannibalism And at this point I feel like I should maybe put a content warning. Cannibalism mentions ahead, if you've read the book it's fine, I'm not screenshotting those bits and I'm being even less descriptive
haakon (the pov guy) undergoes an experience that sounds a LOT like he has the butchers nails haakon dude r u ok
you know if i had a nickel every time in this book a dude got stripped and hung from a wall in chains and scribbled on with ink pens by one specific sorcerer i'd have two nickels which is not a lot but man, amon, you need better hobbies note from future bluejay: I misremembered oh i also forgot this bit
im sixteen pages in and we are on our SECOND cannibalism this is really gross i shouldn't have read this right after eating i was going to describe a bit and thought better of it even behind spoiler rip haakon you were alive only for the prologue chapter though wait i feel like he showed up again in a later book??? maybe it was a different gross space wolf
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carmenta my beloved blorbo no, self, you have enough cosplays planned her child, for context, is the spaceship she's a rogue techpriest and she's connected to the ship
and here he is the specialest boy the sad wet beast of an evil sorcerer, the platonic ideal of a poor little meow meow
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ahriman is uh, not doing very well how the mighty have fallen literally kneeling for an unsanitary blood covered dude who collects evil sorcerers like jewels
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viva la vida plays in the background this is, to be honest, an uncomfortable scene, but it really works for setting the mood of the book
meanwhile ahriman is just sitting there like "his main sorcerer is going to betray him i could probably do something but what is the point of doing anything i don't know if all my powers still even work" "it was as if a portion of his soul had shrunken to a wasted shell" and meanwhile gzrel is calling him "a whipped dog among wolves" rip wolf reference ahriman doesn't actually react to that at all khayon would but ahriman basically attempts to repress all his trauma and Does Not Think about it he does that about a lot of things so yay ahriman got chosen to lead the attack on the Titan Child, he's being set up to die ahriman: ok and now over to astraeos who is also blorbo there's a lot of great characters in these books
ok so he's part of the remains of a renegade space marine chapter imperium turned on them without saying why we don't find out about this til a lot later and we find out why waaaay later and it's normally a plot i hate but it was kind of okay here because it fits the story thematically somehow he became the leader of what remains but he has no clue what to say also they're guarding carmenta
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Gee I wonder why your powers don’t work any more Do I really need to know about the bloody mucus, French?
the overwhelming message im getting from this is "chaos space marines are gross and unsanitary"
ok i don't remember this either something possessed the dude next to ahriman and now there's frost everywhere it's speaking to ahriman and also everyone else is frosen in time "i am your fate come round at last" spooky note from future bluejay: arc words! arc words!
carmenta: ah my death is here i will be free at last but oops astraeos rescued her ahhh okay so she found him and his brothers floating lost in space and she rescued them and thats why they swore to protect her
ahriman 🤝 carmenta hearing ominous voices behind their thoughts ahriman 🤝 carmenta "you know what just let me die here"
oops ahriman's repression failed traumatic flashbacks to his brother's death time oh yikes rip astraeos he's a prisoner and they took one of his eyes and he's being hung from the ceiling with HOOKS IN HIS SKIN euerrrrgh rusty hooks man french is really going out of his way to emphasize the whats the right term the physical elements and the horrible reality of what it would be like, it's very visceral but also lmao trying to earn the mature rating for the book as if it didn't with the cannibalism
i don't think it's overshooting the horror im just trying to make a joke to lighten my mood because this book gets dark i actually had to take breaks when i was reading it originally because I was in a pretty bad mental place at the time oh yeah ding we have a third character held prisoner naked and hanging from the ceiling though tbh astraeos' situation is worse than haakon's or than future ahrimans will be note from future bluejay: you misremembered, there are 3 times characters are imprisoned and vulnerable and hanging from the ceiling but in only two cases were they naked and cannibalized, no one ate ahriman and he got to keep his tunic. To be fair to past bluejay, it is a weird thing to pop up multiple times in the first place
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both of them they were both betrayed by the imperium that created them and outcast by it
astraeos is unsettling ahriman oh this is why he adopts astraeos isn't it
it's because he reminds him of himself and then he shapes astraeos into himself including his own mistakes…. third cannibalism at least it happened offscreen ahriman feel supernatural fear French does a good job at conveying the creeping feeling of something wrong at your back ;-; ahriman kept all the physical things he could from his time in the TS
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forget bad mental health day ahriman is having a bad mental health millenium
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I can't help but hear this as a riff on the "we should improve society somewhat" meme
so i am STILL not sure if it's the voice of something else in his head or not maybe this time when i finish the trilogy i will have clarity the end got really confusing
oh hey time for him to meet carmenta
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and then he warns her to be careful oh gross not the human tallow candles again this was I think my first encounter with them, but sadly not my last of course they didn't do a good job rendering you think these guys know how to properly render anything it explicitly smells like meat
the visitors are thousand sons ahriman basically has a panic attack
oh ahriman is happy :D visitor is someone he knows and actually liked him
ahriman: i'm not alone :D :D :D meanwhile he keeps having visions oops "the vision slipped into his mind like a razor" i love french's similes tolbek threatens gzrel a bit and then ahriman and him talk via telepathy tolbek: you must come with me ahriman: sorry no tolbek surprise attacks it's super effective
annnnd ahriman awakens his power again
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after centuries of depression, local man finally feels something and it's joy that he's going to kill someone he knew rip and then ahriman turns into a killing machine rip everyone in the room you're all dead also things get trippy with visions
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oh, honey sometimes, having hope is bad because this is wh40k
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but this is where it starts he's at his lowest point but he's going to start to climb oh welp he didn't kill one dude just broke his mind
ahriman: i almost feel bad for him then he remembers that this is the guy that ate astraeos' eye and tortured him ahriman: nvm and then for some reason (vision he had) he doesn't kill Maroth seriously at this point i have to think it was something making him not do it the first thing ahriman does is go to free astraeos
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the thing he does not want to do is he frees astraeos anyways so now astraeos feels obligated because his honour and obligation are all he has left time for carmenta to be a badass
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elmo emoji
anyways the prose is definitely holding up the weird stuff feels weirder, somehow
thinking about how fast ahriman gets attached to carmenta and astraeos but doesn't really admit it to himself which is a repeating pattern in his life thought I had last night: he has the wisdom and critical thinking skills that God gave a slug
let me amend it, that's mean to slugs ahriman does not have the wisdom and sense that God gave a slug i had some thoughts about ahriman and astraeos and some of the themes of this book but they aren't entirely coherent but basically about ahriman being at his kindest when he's at his lowest point mentally and physically and also tbh at his wisest and as he gets in better shape he loses that to his all consuming focus
ahriman is basically the manifestation of that diane di prima poem all he has is a collection of means
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pauliusthemad-blog · 11 months
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Tried cosplaying as my terrible little techpriest out in local comic con Comic Con Baltic 2023.
It was fun, first time in proper con and dies time with fully complete thing (as this thing was used twice before in incomplete state).
Sadly by the end of the day while going home wind ate few of my purity seals but those are easy to fix
P.S. while yes there were more photos those were done by other people and I don't want to post those without their permission
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shoutout to that one guy at deecon who watned a pic of my techpriest cosplay and said he’d make a quick soyjack pose like. highlight of my day
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adeptus-illustratum · 5 years
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Warhammer 40k cosplay of my three OC:  ------------- Anastasia Antonez (Commissar Elizabeth Raivel) - Instagram  Anton Ivantsov (Private Titus Maygram) - No instagram :(  Lubov Zemlyakova (Techpriest Ivarella Van’Kallet) - Instagram  Kristina Borodkina (Photographer) - Instagram
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Just dropping by to say "hi"!
I followed you on twitter cause I recognized your @ as someone who'd left a nice comment on one of my 40k fanfics and then when you said you were making a tumblr I added you here since I probably use it more than twitter anyway.
I'm not in the Tron fandom per se, but the visual design and soundtrack of Legacy especially are *amazing* and I enjoy seeing all of your posts about it
Hi there! I thought I recognised your handle! Happy to see you here too!
Tron is definitely my latest obsession, but I will probably have more 40k posts on here again in the future as I’m restarting work on my techpriest cosplay, and I’m still working on some admech-themed fic!
Feel free to drop in any time :)
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alfhildwindrunner · 5 years
Sneaking on my main girl crush 😍
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true0neutral · 5 years
@thessalian @hyperewok1
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thamechanist · 11 months
Sorta considering putting together a casual/closet/non-armour inquisitor cosplay
Big fancy coat - the more gothicy the better
Inquisitor rosette - am currently designing one that I can 3d print and fit with a small microcontroller to run LEDs and serve a small hotspot/webpage
Half face mask(I really don't like seeing my face) - Probably some cyberpunk-esque respirator, or if I can work out how, maybe some sort of bionic eye/side plate thing
And of course, a suitable belt with pouches and clip for servo skulls
I would also maybe go for a prop power dagger or something, but that might be tricky to explain on a train
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anarchist-rat-swarm · 2 years
Shy Guy wears a red robe. So do techpriests. Why are there no shy guy techpriest cosplays?
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