#Omega Liu Mingyan
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asexual-angsty-writer · 1 year ago
More Beta!LQG & Beta!SQH ideas
Once LQG presented fully, SQH was the person that had to guide him through it, much to their shared weariness
- SQH would make soft coo's and chuffs at random, because LQG would unconsciously respond back
- LQG always had a bullied expression when he'd unconsciously respond back
- SQH once reconstructed a nest, while using a manual, because his instincts demanded he do so and put an injured!LQG in it
- LQG randomly chuffs at animals he thinks are cute, without realizing he did
- SQH spent hours 'proofing' the room Cucumber-bro had designated as LQG's guest room
- LQG often goes to SQH after SQQ/LBG leave after one of their visits, as a way to self soothe
- SQH and LQG greet each other by throwing fists, because Beta-Fight-Bonding instincts (SQH can't even be upset because he always feel more relaxed afterwards)
- SQH always wrist-scents LQG during meetings; originally, this was to help keep him calm due to the overestimating nature of their hypersensitivity — now its to get a bullied expression out of him
- LQG had several failed tries at recreating a nest, even under LMY's instructions
- LQG feels embarrassed that he needs to read through books and pamphlets about his subgender — mainly because they started him off with the same collection that are given to newly presented betas (which are typically children with vastly different literacy level)
- LQG felt conflicted during the first time he encountered MBJ after presenting; because he actually thought his scent was decent to be around
- LQG now often barges into SQH's office and asks him to summing his 'Demonic Alpha' to fight with
- LQG refuses to speak about the one time he started a wrist-scenting; SQH cherishes that memory more than anything
- SQH basically vibrates in his seat whenever someone gets LQG subgender wrong; because on one hand he wants to correct them, on the other he wants to see them get blind sided by the truth
- After a sparing match with MBJ, LQG often smells of him and SQH (Much to YQY distress)
- LQG chuffs at his students, which makes them make a sound back (Chuffs from the betas, chirps from the Omegas, and rumbles from the Alpha's)
- LQG does, much to his embarrassment, often unconsciously croon to comfort his students
- SQH (he made it) and LQG (he was forced to participate) have a detailed list of which Alpha's has the most agreeable scent to which one has the least; They both agree MBJ is top 3
- LQG gets into even more fights now — because other betas now smell his scent and their instinctual fight-bond mode gets activated
- It once leads to LQG actually wrestling with a succubus; because Instincts went burr and the Succubus forgot she had asphorisiac bs at their disposal
- They may have started a ritualistic greeting-fight whenever LQG visits Huan Hua because of SQQ
- Beta Huan Hua disciples (Whether human, half-demon or full demon) will follow LQG around whenever he's training; like lost pups
- LQG may have started to give them minor lessons to improve their stances and he may recognize each of them by scent at this point
- SQH didn't mind being paired up with LQG when they were disciples, though he wa svery jumpy, because LQG has the funniest reactions to things
- He loves it even more now, because having the resident War God help him get materials and watching how LQG ends up circumventing so many hidden Plots/his reactions to them is just perfect entertainment
- LQG's face whenever he's hit by some sex pollen that won't kill him + will wear off eventually is just the perfect mixture of resigned disgust and definetly-not-pouting moping
- Ace made it so LQG has the potential of being the 'Asexual-smut-writer' stereotype, if given the chance; Which means the moment SQH let him read anything he wrote, he got roasted by his shidi
- LQG nose thinks the combination of LBH's scent and SQQ's is the most agreeable, but he'll die before admitting to even himself
- LQG has a constipated face whenever his instincts demand he cares for someone, because he's unsure of where to start or how, just knows he *needs* to
- LQG and SQH will, occasionally, sink so much into a beta-equivalent of a subspace that they start making hyena cackles at each other because they deep in their instincts
- SQH keeps trying to gift SQQ some scented candles, to try and help make his and his husband's scents more harmonious to LQG
- But also, never explain that LQG has the biggest cheat sheet when it comes to Wife-plots or plot-pushers because of several unspoken headcannons or details
- No he will not tell SQQ that certain asphorisiacs/sex plans require someone experiencing sexual attraction to work
- No he will not explain that succubus-siren hybrids would be peaceful around LQG because their powers only work on someone that has some amount of sexual attraction towards them
- Nor will he explain that other things work off of arousal and that those are the ones LQG hates the most
- But yes, he will very much be bitey and fight his bro for the right to be the one to help LQG with any plot-points that revolve cuddling
- Beta instincts demand to gift stuff to those they care; LQG hunts rare creatures for SQQ, gets rare materials for MQF and makes good quality ink/brushes for LMY & SQH
- SQH particularly hunted down a creature for their horn, and gifts it to LQG to help with gathering liquid/sap from plants/trees
- MBJ eventually gifted a thick winter coat to LQG because SQH convinced him to visit the Northen kingdom (Did so by telling him about all the strong creatures there)
- LQG, in turn, hunted down a fearsome creature that was making trouble in MBJ's territory and gifted it to him
- SQH likes watching SQQ and LBH fumble in regards of interactions with LQG, because of how everyone else perceives a mated A/O couple interacting with a lone beta
- The demon realm are convinced LQG is trying to court the couple; their hearts go out to the lone beta
- Cultivators find the way LBH postures against LQG kinda... off
- Normal people either theorize LQG is SQQ's beta or that LQG is trying to prove that he should be the couples beta
- SQH may or may have not found a way to get LQG scent all over a certain item to keep in his house (may have found a way to scent an item that's in LQG's house)
- SQH is waiting for SY to either figure shit out or enter a crisis over the entire "But he was really a beta all along" plotline; could go either way iho.
- SQH might be petty a be an obstacle in SQQ's eventual endeavors; just to be a smart ass
- It would be so easy with how LQG ends up smelling like Him and MBJ after a visit/sparing session
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year ago
The problem with SVSSS Omegaverse AUs is if I want to keep it close to canon I have to ignore the fact that in any Omegaverse version Tianlang-jun was definitely the one to birth Binghe
Because I can't imagine an Omegaverse SVSSS where Su Xiyan isn't an Alpha who knocked up Tianlang-jun
Tbh if I was to write Omegaverse SVSSS Demon Omegas would be top of the food chain in the demon realm and omega/omega relationships are common amoungst top demons. Betas are second rank as they are useful for not losing their heads. Alpha's can be very powerful and respected especially when paired with a powerful omega, but most alphas are an oppressed minority and kept as pets by omegas.
Whereas it's more typical a/b/o dynamics in the human realm
And because of Airplane's bullshit Binghe is a human Alpha AND a demon Omega
Shen Qingqiu is an omega because of Shen Jiu angst but a byproduct of Without a Cure is it is basically a suppressant and Shen Yuan spends most of his time as Shen Qingqiu as basically a beta which helps him miss cues
Everyone thinks Shang Qinghua is a beta or they know he's an alpha but forget it because he acts more like a Beta. The only one who is always hyper aware he's an Alpha at all times is Mobei
Mobei and Sha Hualing are obviously omegas
Liu Qingge is a beta. This surprises most people but I argue that's why he's socially clueless
Yue Qingyuan is presented as an alpha because his Shizun wanted him to be but he actually is/was an omega though no one knows. Lots of potential for angst
My Qingfang is a beta
Qi Qingqi Alpha
Ning Yingying - Omega
Ming Fan - Alpha
Liu Mingyan - Alpha (people on the forums speculated that this is why she didn't get any sex scenes with Binghe but also forbidden romance was appealing)
Zhuzhi-lang....Alpha I think. Lends to how he lower rank in Demon society and has low self esteem
Linguang-Jun is a beta. The fact his nephew is an Omega and therefore more respected adds to his hatred
Which is all interesting but if it was Tianlang-jun pregnant Binghe would be raised in the demon realm by both his parents because Su Xiyan would burn down Huan Hua Palace to get to her pregnant Omega
Which means any AU I write is going to be far from main canon
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everytimewetouch-dot-mp3 · 5 months ago
svsss omegaverse secondary sexes because i have brain worms
this was actually kind of hard. on one hand, pidw is a stallion novel written mostly as fan-service, so of course there’s gonna be lots of papapa between the mega-ultra-super-alpha and all his pretty omega flowers. airplane would’ve written it to be the horny drivel that is, in some sense, the beloved heart of omegaverse.
on the other hand, eye personally think omegaverse can be so much more interesting than ‘alpha=masculine powerful manly man, omega=feminine weak submissive and breedable.’ gentle alphas, delicate alphas, powerful feminine regardless of gender. aggressive omegas, assertive omegas, direct and violent and capable omegas regardless of gender. that’s good fuckin soup, and i feel like that probably existed in airplane’s original drafts before he started pumping out the fanservice.
ANYWAYS, this is the list:
shen yuan: omega, much to his chagrin
luo binghe: alpha (obviously)
ning yingying: omega
ming fan: beta
shen qingqiu: alpha (half-bitched, but his condition is managed and no one but mqf knows)
yue qingyuan: alpha (but he’s got a whole thing going on on too)
mu qingfang: beta
qi qingqi: beta
liu qingge: beta (which is the shock of shocks to shen yuan when he finds out)
liu mingyan: alpha
shang qinghua: beta
mobei-jun: alpha
sha hualing: beta
tianlang-jun: alpha
zhuzhi-lang: omega
su xiyan: beta
old washerwoman: beta
old palace master: beta (but he hides it with fake pheromones, medicines, qi manipulation, and magical artifacts)
little palace mistress: omega
gongyi xiao: alpha
qiu jianluo: alpha
qiu haitang: omega
almost all of bingge’s harem: omegas
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skeren · 4 months ago
So like! I was tagging a cute post which I will state for the record has nothing to do with anything here and promptly leaped off the deep end all about my personal interpretation of ABO in the SVSSS universe. I quickly (after about ten long explainy tags) realized that these had nothing to do with the post at hand, so here I am, sharing with all of you instead.
Bonus! This, in many ways, fits very well with my whole Liu Mingyan is Liu Qingge's nascent soul and Ning Yingying is Yue Qingyuan's whole dealio that I made a post about a couple weeks ago. I will now explain.
First up, a little vocabulary for those who haven't gone researching the intricacies of ABO terminology in other languages. I'm gonna say though, I like the meanings of the ABO terms in Chinese better okay? So, quicklike, this is what me and my friend found when we went looking:
乾元 qianyuan = alpha 中庸 zhongyong = beta 坤泽 kunze = omega
I also linked the literal translations of the characters used for them for the curious. I do not, in fact, speak Chinese, before anyone comes for me. But back to the matter at hand now that everyone's on the same page! Sort of!
I already had my own ABO system but the version I went 'hey universe feel free to use this' is more of a general use case that I based initially on Marvel. My version for SVSSS has some similarities but I threw down some changes because, well, Shen Jiu.
I will explain. Basically, I do a crazy amount of RP in this fandom. I don't actually post much fic or anything for it, but I do a lot of stuff okay? It means me and my bestie have experimented. We've settled on some baseline stuff. One, PIDW is (most often) actually ABO from the get go because Airplane thought it was hilarious to get one over on his audience, since everyone has dicks. Everyone. All the genders have dicks. Male and female in this version of things only really exists for animals or the odd really unusual kind of demon.
Airplane just has a lot of really busty people with dicks, because while everyone has dicks, they also have the other half of that too. Everyone also has a vagina. See? Easy for him to play his readers if he just never mentions the dicks.
Anyway, Shen Jiu. In this nebulous situation we have a lot of overly elaborate backstory that's vaguely horrifying for Shen Jiu, because we love him and yadda yadda, things. Basically, he's a qianyuan who is 100% convinced he's a kunze because he had a baby (all those flowers that let ANYONE have babies still exist) but said baby very quickly died, in part because he really really didn't have any of the properly working infrastructure for that to actually produce a healthy child. The other half being that just because he was pregnant didn't mean he was treated any better. Thanks for nothing Qiu Jianluo, you are an awful awful person.
What did Qiu Jianluo do in this situation? Basically, our ABO folks don't actually get labeled with a gender officially until puberty. They can't. They have a facsimile of everything they need to be any of the three genders, after all, you can't just tell by looking! You have to wait!
Side note: People often do not wait and then get mad when their perfect son turns out to be a kunze, or their perfect daughter turns out to be a qianyuan. How dare you not conform to what I need for an heir/political marriage/whatever the heck other social plans some idiot might have wanted!! Also note, because of things like this there's a whole system in place for marrying off your foot bound qianyuan to a battle trained kunze to maintain an heirship in the intended line and stuff. It's awful but it is what it is.
Side to the side note: Three person relationships are considered the ideal, one of each sex, but harems still exist, obviously. It's PIDW.
Back to the point though! Qiu Jianluo, being unwilling to wait and risk -gasp- Shen Jiu possibly being a qianyuan, got his hands on some plants that would force a presentation. Namely, he wanted to put a baby in that and did his best to make Shen Jiu's body conform. It only worked... kinda. He sure looked more girly and things did their best.
Trauma all around.
But years later, this whole situation means that Shen Qingqiu is convinced his ruts (utterly debilitating, leaves him laid out and utterly completely miserable for days in horrible pain which is not normal for anyone) are heats. He is always jealous of kunze whose heats come and go just being overheated and sweaty, honestly. He always thinks he's going to die. Due to Reasons, in verses like this he often spends these with Shang Qinghua (who by our default is actually basically always Airplane with wildly divergent System/memory issues) who he at least trusts not to try anything. Up until he's mad at him for never trying anything. You're a healthy zhongyong! Disrespect him!
Spoiler: Shang Qinghua very rarely in these verses ever disrespects him without outside intervention. Does this cause problems with Mobei-jun?! No, not really, since to him Shen Qingqiu is a perfectly normal (if extreme) qianyuan for his zhongyong and he's a healthy kunze. That seems very balanced and fortuitous to him. (He's less pleased when some other kunze swoops in and steals march on him though.)
So, that's the Shen Jiu side. Which let me tell you, is hilarious when Shen Yuan comes in to take over and be Shen Qingqiu because that guy doesn't even notice he's got a vagina for... a while, typically. And once he does he's just 'huh, this explains so much' and just assumes what he's got in his pants is the weird stuff. However, this also makes Binghe's life both easier and harder at least because Shen Yuan's forever misogyny at least works with him for once. Kinda. Vaguely. In an awkwardly 'I want to shake Shizun' kind of way.
Which brings me to Binghe! Oh Binghe, you early bloomer you. We make him a kunze. Because he's a half demon kunze, however, his day to day bodily presentation is more masculine. Demons have that whole 'the girls are bigger than the boys' thing going on like birds do. They guard the home territory while the qianyuan go out and fight things. Kunze are supposed to be bigger and have a better body for carrying babies after all. Gonna fight real good. Also, big dicks to subdue a rowdy qianyuan putting up a fuss about this or that so that the kunze in question can get their way? Perfectly sensible.
Anyway, little Bunhe starts having heats at twelve, and due to him being ten when his mom died, did not actually get a proper explanation on how he can tell what the heck is going on. Ning Yingying is the one who finds him and explains, and then proceeds to keep it a secret because she only ended up on this peak at all because Shizun's last kunze student was sent off to Qian Cao by the sect leader. No, she has no idea why. She was a Smol.
Everyone knows about it though. Shizun was very upset and it's how he got Ning Yingying in trade, after all. Which relates back to the Yue Qingyuan Nascent Soul thing because he put her on his Xiao Jiu's peak at the first opportunity and look! He kept her! (Nevermind how possessive this man is. He'd keep anything and fight for it too whether he liked it or not.)
Anyway, so Ning Yingying, liking Binghe very much, kept this a secret. Bunhe didn't realize the woodshed had scent suppressors from his Shizun's time there (generational trauma for everyone) but he did know that it sure the heck felt safer than trying and failing to sleep in either of the dorms.
Though, it got increasingly rankling when years later Ning Yingying started coming around on his heat days to try to get him to let her in. What with her being a qianyuan and all. He was Not Amused. He wanted to marry Shizun and he didn't care if it made him super gay! (It would not but it's not like he had any reason to know that).
Anyway, years later, Sha Hualing does her thing! Sha Hualing is very quintessentially a demon qianyuan! Pretty, flashy, light on her feet, smaller and faster than a kunze would be! She wants very much to impress all the pretty kunzes! She's got the spirit but doesn't realize most of the people she thinks are kunze are human qianyuan. She's a demon used to demons, she'll figure it out eventually.
Side note about that: A lot of the reasons demons seem to kidnap men so often is because they think they're kunze. there is a lot of confusion and rancor on both sides about all of this. Also, zhongyong are the most highly prized among demons as they don't really have many. That's mostly a human thing.
Of course, the other 'qianyuan' she fights is Liu Mingyan! Who is... actually a kunze, so sorry, you'll figure that out eventually too, dear sweet confused demon girl. All in all, a very big day for a young demon Saintess.
It should be noted that due to how gender and sex works in this situation, and the inability to tell the sex of a child who might go to Xian Shu, people there are less 'all kunze' so much as 'all feminine.' You will commit to the lifestyle or you don't get to live on that peak! Be pretty, be fabulous, be graceful, and above all, learn the feminine arts! Have issues growing a nice bosom? We'll teach you how to dress to hide that and fill it out.
Circling around and around again to that Nascent soul thing. Thought I forgot didn't you? Liu Mingyan is a kunze. So, well, doesn't it just track that by that logic so is Liu Qingge? Which means that he's a pretty slender person who mostly bounces off to the wilderness so that everyone continues to assume he's a qianyuan and doesn't try to stick him in a box and guard him like they keep trying to do to Shen Qingqiu. Noooo thank you very much. He'll never have a heat where any of you people will hear about it, that's for damn sure.
But, you know, all in all, just some thoughts, nothing detailed, about my take on SVSSS ABO. Questions, comments, additions? I'm curious.
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acernor · 8 months ago
To add other pollen that requires touch + touch starved betas — Imagine Shen Qingqiu's face if he were to go into the room Mu Qingfang left them in and he sees them plastered against each other but in a very suggestive manner — like robes pulled off enough to press bare skin together type of deal, faces in each other's necks, Shang Qinghua's hands not being entirely visible from that angle while Liu Qingge's are in his hair and fisting his robes. Airplane is in so much danger once that whole thing is over with.
There's also the idea of the repeated and slightly awkward attempts from Yue Qingyuan to try to touch and hold Liu Qingge — because as Pack Alpha, he's supposed to mark the beta to make him official in the pack — but he's essentially getting cock blocked.
Beta!Ming Fan has crushes on Alpha's like its no one's business and he's worrying Omega!Ning YingYing. Like please, fix your taste right this moment.
Liu Mingyan keeps coming over to make nests in her brothers house — which he then turned into a burrito around himself whenever he needs comfort. (Oh and their parents had bets about who would present as what — money was coffed up the day Liu Mingyan wrote to them)
(Also, completely unrelated but brain just went: Modern AU Aspect!LQG who's an artist and currently illustrating for Shang Qinghua's stupid novel — Airplane has a lot of self restraint to just not tell Shen Yuan, because it's hilarious to him)
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lavendaers · 2 years ago
going to keep it pretty simple and just do a plain starter call. though if anyone would like to plot something out for the event, feel free to hit me up. i'm up for anything.
alina starkov     \    aware    \    (1/3) malanakin solo     \    aware    \    (3/3) jacen, leia and anakinazriel     \    aware    \    (5/3) mor, rhys, omega and probably elain, also cassianbella swan     \    aware    \    (3/3) alice, jasper and benjaminbelly conklin     \    aware    \    (1/3) scarlettbloom     \    unaware    \    (2/3) stella and naomicrosshair     \    unaware    \    (2/3) elliot and omegagale weathers     \    aware    \    (3/3) sam carpenter, tatum and randygu mang     \    aware    \    (1/3) mo xihu tao     \    aware    \    (1/3) anyajie li     \    aware    \    (1/3) xiao lanhuajing qi/jing beiyuan     \    aware    \    (0/3)kitty song-covey     \    aware    \    (1/3) han yurilang qianqiu     \    aware    \    (0/3)leslie macher     \    aware    \    (0/3)liu mingyan     \    aware    \    (0/3)lizzie saltzman     \    unaware    \    (0/3)matt taylor     \    unaware    \    (1/3) joshmindy meeks-martin     \    aware    \    (3/3) sam carpenter, amber and taramj watson     \    unaware    \    (0/3)nangong shunu     \    unaware    \    (1/3) qi yannesta archeron     \    aware    \    (5/3) rhys, mouse, elain and probably omega, also cassianouyang zizhen     \    unaware    \    (0/3)phoebe halliwell     \    unaware    \    (0/3)prince eric     \    aware    \    (2/3) melody and stitchquan yizhen     \    aware    \    (1/3) xie lianrowan whitethorn     \    unaware    \    (1/3) michael guerinsophie beckett     \    aware    \    (0/3)steve harrington     \    unaware    \    (2/3) nancy wheeler and ahkmenrahtantai jin     \    unaware    \    (0/3)tonia     \    aware    \    (1/3) childevanessa palmer     \    unaware    \    (2/3) lottie and taiviolet sorrengail     \    aware    \    (0/3)xue meng     \    unaware    \    (1/3) mo ranxue yang     \    unaware    \    (1/3) xingchenyan wushi     \    unaware    \    (0/3)yue qingyuan     \    aware    \    (0/3)yushi huang     \    aware    \    (0/3)xiao mei     \    aware    \    (0/3)zhuzhi-lang     \    unaware    \    (2/3) yuri or orpheus and binghezuko     \    aware    \    (3/3) katara, kiyi and azula possibly lu ten
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rarepears · 2 years ago
Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
Masterpost [Aug 2022 1/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 2/3] | Masterpost [Aug 2022 3/3]
sung jinwoo makes a mobile game and lets beru decide the plot and characters of said game au
brainrot anon's shen jiu reincarnates as Yu Ziyuan au
Ibiki is the president of the shinobi district HOA group au
reborn into modern era cang qiong peak lords believe that santa claus is a real immortal au
shang qinghua vs jiraiya: the battle of the better smut writer au
sung jinwoo learns that there are many minor monarchs and rulers out in the world... au
 the married life of sung jinwoo and wen ruohan au
when george and fred weasley become friends with urahara kisuke au
Marvel meets Elder God Sung Jinwoo who's godhood is clearly mislabeled and really should be God of Ideal BoyfriendTM au
beru needs reading glasses au
sung jinwoo gets a stalker by the name of thanos. yes that thanos au
the hulk gets a crush on liu qingge (svsss) au
in which people blame all things weather on thor and thor is Not Having a Good Time On Earth au
shen jiu gets a thirsty onlyfans system so he never goes to cang qiong au
shen yuan and luo binghe transmigrate as wen chao and wen zhuliu respectively au
there are three version of wei wuxian running around in jjk as gojo; toji; and a cursed spirit; meanwhile lan zhan is reborn as getou au
sung jinwoo x sebastian
sung jinwoo signs the shadow soldiers up for dance classes au
where sephiroth believes that sung jinwoo (solo leveling) is his mother au
scarlet (ff7) actually goes and employs a product manager for once au
sherlock holmes is reborn as anakin skywalker au
Shang Qinghua's PIDW monsters are based on dinosaurs au
thor x bruce wayne au
Star Wars Galactic Senate has a long history of physical fights breaking out and if Palpatine ends up dying from one of them... heh. au
the women in the lan clan are taller than the men so the lan males traditionally wear heels... aka lan wangji is shorter than wei wuxian au
pokemon animals in svsss au
Liu Mingyan (Svsss) gets reborn as Sung Jinah (Solo Leveling) and gets reunited with her brother again... with a twist au
orochimaru lands in star wars and accidentally saves the jedi order while being mistaken for a sith au
ron introduces hermonie to the world of magical conspiracy theories and now hermonie has the Need to discover if they are true or not au
Gojo (JJK) is reborn as Sephiroth's older twin brother au
luo bingge goes to kamino to get himself a harem of shiun clones made au
Sherlock transmigrates into a Kardashian type of trashy reality show celebrity au
sung jinwoo somehow ends up dating kim kardashian au
Cultivators meet Jedi (Scum Villain meets Star Wars) au
when that Heavenly Demon physique unlocking itself made Luo Binghe get Pregnant by holding SQQ's hand except he gets pushed into abyss au
shen yuan's 600 children au
Han yoojin (s classes that i raised) transmigrates into sung jinwoo (solo leveling) au
toss a danzo into jjk and then sit back and enjoy the chaos au
ed (FMA) becomes overhaul's adoptive big brother au
the time sung jinah signed up her brother to be the Bachelor au
Sherlock transmigrates into a Kardashian type of trashy reality show celebrity au
aizawa gets put in charge of a deaged angry xanxus who's anything but happy about being in a child's body au
kakashi awakens shinigami (bleach) powers an becomes a substitute soul reaper like ichigo au
in which obi wan goes undercover as bounty hunter rako hardeen who is an omega posing as an alpha au
the many ways to make obiwan's rako hardeen episode 100X harder au
jedi obi wan's deep dark secret: his illustrious film career au
meet percy jackson god of kamino and star wars clones au
system plucks wei wuxian (& wen yuan) out of mdzs & dumps them into mdzs - shen yuan & shang qinghua have a lot of outlandish theories au
in which the system picks up a 12 year old Shen Yuan to transmigrate into PIDW instead au
in which batman turns out to be a potential cloud guardian for xanxus au
checkerface decides to recruit sung jinwoo as the cloud arcobaleno au
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pod-together · 3 years ago
Day 5 Reveals!
Go your own way [text, audio]  (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) written by oddishly, performed by greedy_dancer Summary: "Never left," said Ed. After the Tone  (SHINee) written by halotolerant, performed by knight_tracer Summary: Key leaves a message A (Confirmed) Knight Bachelor [text, audio]  (Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)) written by Verecunda, performed by peasina Summary: Sir Lancelot rather regrets bringing Prince Herbert along on the quest with him. But when the prince is captured by a lascivious brigand, he finds himself faced with a choice that will determine his true quality as a knight. (With apologies to Chrétien de Troyes.) The Late Little Lotus [text, audio]  (魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) written by Ammo_Writes, performed by nonminus Summary: Wei Ying is ten and there is going to be a new Young Master of Lotus Pier. Wei Ying is very excited. He's always wanted to be a big brother. Press L in the Chat (for Love)  (Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)) written by Phoenix_Soar, performed by chamyl, Djapchan, JoseyxNeko, Literarion, SkyAsimaru, snakeandmoon, Starlightdreamerstar, thundercrackpod, WaldosAkimbo, and wargoddess9 Summary: Bickering fan-content creators Aziraphale and Crowley only have three things in common — they are both avid fans of a new revolutionary TV series about pirates, they are popular for their fantastic fanfiction and fanart… and they are members of the same discord server. Neither of them likes the other, but across the chaotic virtual world of a discord chatroom, who knows what can happen when these two unlikely fans are paired up for an exciting collaboration?  Us. We know ;)  Discord Server AU Memory and Desire  (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)) written by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid, performed by PhenomenalAsterisk Summary: Jim presents as on omega on Tarsus and his experiences there color his whole view on his secondary gender for the worse. It takes multiple years and good friends to help him see that maybe heats aren't the worst thing that can happen to someone. Or fiveish times Jim Kirk went into heat alone and despised every minute + 1 time he trusted someone enough to voluntarily share his heat The Haus Official Ship Names  (Check Please! (Webcomic)) written by sweaters_in_the_summer, performed by Amanita_Fierce, cottagepodfics, dairaliz, dessertwaffles, HowOldAreWe, hullomoon, JanuariumPods, Paradoxe1914, petrodobreva, poddingthemost, RattleandHum, sunlightsymphony, and wi22iou Summary: “I’m sorry, what?!” “Hockey RPF, it means real per…” “I know what that means. Before that.” “Zimbits?” he replies with a laugh. “Mmmhmmm.” Bitty narrows his eyes. ———— A highly intellectual discussion of ship names: the real, the hypothetical, the fucking unpronounceable. the story between you and me  (人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) written by deepestbluesky, performed by DOA333 Summary:   Luo-shixiong,  Thank you for all your help with my latest work. Your expertise really helped write some of the key scenes, and I think it will really help make it stand out from the similar works many people are writing now.  I would like to ask for your advice on a different matter as well. Your general has been ambushing me on many of my night hunts. Do you have a suggestion for how I could make her go away?  Thank you again for your help. Liu Mingyan that peace like a river [text, audio]  (Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)) written by hopelessgemini, performed by roseszain Summary: it’s dark. too dark. jesper rolls out of bed, groaning as he does, and lifts the curtains. nothing. no light pouring from the windows of the apartment next to his, illuminating the street below. no soft sounds of classical music, no shadows of movement tracing the shapes of the trees. just darkness, and silence. or, jesper's weird classical-music playing neighbour with no concept of a sleep schedule goes silent, and then he runs into him in a coffee shop, and everything gets gayer from there. Captain Janeway’s guide to dealing with intruders on your ship  (Star Trek: Voyager) written by alchemicink, performed by bluedreaming Summary: Every Starfleet captain has to deal with intruders on their ship at some point. Captain Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager has the procedure down to an artform Elegies and Bittersweet Odes  (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types) written by dragonifyoudare and goneadrift, performed by klainelynch Summary: It's a familiar story: The lost loved one, the alchemist's gambit, and the high, high price. But her stratagem is different, and her price is paid not in flesh but in endless, lonely years. She watches him live and die, and she finds herself unable to do either. And yet, through lives and deaths and centuries, love can carry you home. Intro: Colors True  (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, A Stitch in Time: Andrew J. Robinson) created by BardicRaven and RisalSoran Summary: Color, like truth, is multi-faceted, ever-changing in the eye and mind of the beholder, never with only one way of being. Any competent tailor knows this, as does any skilled operative … and any exile with any hope for survival.
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qem-chibati · 6 years ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngshiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Mò Běijūn/Shàng Qīnghuá Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega binghe, u heard me - Freeform, alpha shizun, what is a protagonist's golden halo, if not a demonically enchanced attraction aura cranked to 900 every time shizun wanders into view, second ch moshang, I REGRET NOTHING, omega mbj Summary:
Was there such a thing as an A/B/O novel that didn't end on an omega being mated by their one true love, their fated partner? That fucking Airplane towards the sky! Couldn't even get the genre he was writing in correct! Yet that was the mystery that had kept Shen Yuan reading! When would Liu Mingyan and the protagonist bone down? Even after they'd had their first five children and the harem had hit the triple digits, Shen Yuan had kept reading lured on by Airplane's glimmers of plot, backstory and writing ability slightly above that of a concussed toddler.
“Of course I couldn’t make Mobei Jun an alpha,” said Shang Qinghua, having the fucking nerve to look pityingly on his best reviewer. “Bro, would three hundred million words have been enough to protect their chrysanthemums from each other in the fanfic forums? I just never mentioned it so it never came up so I never had to decide it. Problem solved.”
Notes: Best A/B/O I have ever read. These lovable IDIOTS.
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qemqemcan · 6 years ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngshiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Mò Běijūn/Shàng Qīnghuá Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega binghe, u heard me - Freeform, alpha shizun, what is a protagonist's golden halo, if not a demonically enchanced attraction aura cranked to 900 every time shizun wanders into view, second ch moshang, I REGRET NOTHING, omega mbj Summary:
Was there such a thing as an A/B/O novel that didn't end on an omega being mated by their one true love, their fated partner? That fucking Airplane towards the sky! Couldn't even get the genre he was writing in correct! Yet that was the mystery that had kept Shen Yuan reading! When would Liu Mingyan and the protagonist bone down? Even after they'd had their first five children and the harem had hit the triple digits, Shen Yuan had kept reading lured on by Airplane's glimmers of plot, backstory and writing ability slightly above that of a concussed toddler.
“Of course I couldn’t make Mobei Jun an alpha,” said Shang Qinghua, having the fucking nerve to look pityingly on his best reviewer. “Bro, would three hundred million words have been enough to protect their chrysanthemums from each other in the fanfic forums? I just never mentioned it so it never came up so I never had to decide it. Problem solved.”
Notes: everything I ever could have possibly wanted in a a/b/o scum villain fic. A wonderful gift to fandom, absolute comedic gold.
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ao3feed-tgcf · 5 years ago
by Yaoilover6666
Sleeping Beauty & Omegaverse AU Luo Binghe falls in love with a omega peasant when he returns to see him on his eighteenth birthday he's kidnapped by Sha Hualing who cursed the omega who is actually Binghe's betrothed. Binghe breaks free beats the evil Sha Hualing and claims his mate.
Prince Philip - Luo Binghe Aurora - Shen Qingqiu Flora - Liu Mingyan Fauna - Ning Yingying Merryweather - Qi Qingqi Maleficent - Sha Hualing
Words: 2111, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Luò Bīnghé, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Níng Yīngyīng, Qí Qīngqī, Liǔ Míngyān, Shā Huálíng
Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū
Additional Tags: Yaoi, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Sleeping Beauty AU, Fluff and Smut, Top Luò Bīnghé, Bottom Shěn Qīngqiū, omegaverse AU
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ao3feed-scumvillain · 5 years ago
Sleeping Beauty
by Yaoilover6666
Sleeping Beauty & Omegaverse AU Luo Binghe falls in love with a omega peasant when he returns to see him on his eighteenth birthday he's kidnapped by Sha Hualing who cursed the omega who is actually Binghe's betrothed. Binghe breaks free beats the evil Sha Hualing and claims his mate.
Prince Philip - Luo Binghe Aurora - Shen Qingqiu Flora - Liu Mingyan Fauna - Ning Yingying Merryweather - Qi Qingqi Maleficent - Sha Hualing
Words: 2111, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Luò Bīnghé, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Níng Yīngyīng, Qí Qīngqī, Liǔ Míngyān, Shā Huálíng
Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū
Additional Tags: Yaoi, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Sleeping Beauty AU, Fluff and Smut, Top Luò Bīnghé, Bottom Shěn Qīngqiū, omegaverse AU
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24099040
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ao3feed-scumvillain · 5 years ago
real person fiction
by verity
In a universe where Shen Qingqiu has a dog, Yue Qingyuan has Shen Qingqiu, and Liu Qingge is blissfully oblivious to his disciple Luo Binghe's giant crush... Liu Mingyan and her friends have some differences of opinion about RPF.
Words: 1534, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of fenfiction
Fandoms: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Yuè Qīngyuán, Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Liǔ Míngyān, Daoist Nuns, Liǔ Qīnggē, Luò Bīnghé, Original Dog Character(s)
Relationships: Original Shěn Qīngqiū/Yuè Qīngyuán, Liǔ Qīnggē/Luò Bīnghé
Additional Tags: Characters Read RPF About Themselves, Established Relationship, Epistolary, The following tags are for the fics-within-this-fic, Virginity Kink, Dildos, Teacher-Student Relationship, Humiliation, Rope Bondage, Voyeurism, Catboys & Catgirls, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Fluff, Deliberate Badfic
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/22703569
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