#Oliver my beloved
nopiedraws · 1 year
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Tag you're it !
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kiilttis-art · 2 years
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Rats rats we’re the rats🐭
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everyone-with-a-para · 3 months
shoutout to everyone with a para who's a serial killer
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artfennec · 2 years
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I felt like drawing the “Welcome to dreamworld episode 7” thumbnail in my style :>
(The one with my logo is my art and the original is by Derpygirl_draws on instagram)
I’m not sure if I’m supposed to put a “blood warning” on this or not…
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kissandships · 1 year
“Can I get you anything? Coffee? Water? A swift kick to the dick?”
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beatricebidelaire · 1 year
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Get yourself a person who looks at you the same way this cat boy does
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undeserved-halo · 11 months
everything sucks rewatch<3333333
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hyliascommonwealth · 2 years
((Okay I am so unbelievably curious to see what you have to say about Oliver. 👀💕))
Sexuality Headcanon: I see him as being homosexual, in the way that a homosexual neighborhood mom adopts every queer child within a 14 block radius. He’s got the pins, the flags, and so so proud! Monogamous, he’s very VERY devoted to the one he loves, and it would take no less than the world ending to jeopardize that loyalty.
Gender Headcanon: He/him fluid
A ship I have with said character: can’t help but ship him with Arthur, your muses just have such great chemistry! Plus i see those simping hours
A BROTP I have with said character: I’ve enjoyed a lot for interactions I’ve seen with Oliver! I think it’s a tie for Alfred and Francis? They just seem to mesh well in a playful way while still feeling well flushed out and comfortable
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm, i can’t say i have one as of yet? Honestly he’s got such a vibe i think it would be hard to find a real NOTP for me
A random headcanon: I’m not sure if it has any basis in reality, but i feel like he loves to teach others how to bake, and might do weekly baking lessons at any given senior center / community He just seems so patient and bubbly, I love to imagine him just gladly teaching those who are disadvantaged how to bake?? It just vibes so hard in my brainspace.
General Opinion over said character: I have only had Oliver for 15 minutes and if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. He’s so smol! But he’s also got a great wit and sass! Like, he’s such a well balanced muse, i love how you portray him!! It is always a pleasure to see how he interacts with those around him. There’s just a really powerful charm, and warmth to him, like even when he seems a bit exasperated, there’s no sense that he’s going to snap, or break over it, but like he’s genuinely considering what brought any given encounter to this point.
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lazy-gay-frog · 2 years
I knew I had to cosplay Oliver when I've learned that he is the same height as me >:3. Anyways, for the last two days one of my best friend that makes cosplays has been helping me make a phone head and teaching me to craft stuff at the same time. I hope we will be able to finish before summer
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heavilykaffeinated · 2 years
Help I’m desperate I need more content
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azereii · 2 years
babe wake up its Oliver Nerida time-
(OC i made for a school project and got emotionally attached to)
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2x18 | 3x1 | 3x6 | 7x5
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whosoldherout · 3 months
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EVAN BUCKLEY IN SEASON SEVEN ↳ I mean, sure, I'll check out a hot guy's ass, but that's normal.
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llove-me-anyway · 6 months
Buck being held at gunpoint *mildly inconvenienced*
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Buck being caught by Eddie on his “first date with a dude” *life and death flashing before his eyes*
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Curls | Bucktommy
In the bathroom, Buck is grimacing in the mirror, swiping his hands back and forth over his freshly cut hair. His eyebrows are furrowed with indecision; was this a good idea? He hears the front door open.
“Evan? Where are you?” Tommy voices rings out.
“Up here,” Buck calls back, he closes the bathroom door most of the way before Tommy gets up there.
“Oh there you are, what are you doing?” Tommy tries to push open the door but Buck stops him.
“I got a haircut from the place Hen suggested. You’re not allowed to laugh, okay?” Buck’s voice is hesitant.
“I promise I won’t laugh, did they botch it?” Tommy replies with total sincerity. This time Tommy can open the door and step into the bathroom. He examines Buck’s hair, very relieved it actually isn’t botched or a buzzcut.
Tommy takes it in and can’t help the smile that spreads across his lips. His boyfriend looks damn fine; curls in full force and not reigned in like how Buck usually styles it. The hairdresser added a fade making his neck look a lot longer.
“What? It’s awful. Your silence is making me nervous,” Buck rambles out.
Reaching a hand up, Tommy carefully pinches a wild curl and is surprised how soft it is, not at all crunchy with gel. His hand slides down to touch the equally soft hair on the back of his head. He absolutely loves it. “It’s definitely not awful. I always love your curls, babe. I like seeing your natural hair be free for once, and it’s so soft too. You look really really hot actually. It’s trendy for sure, but not in a bad way.”
Buck is still frowning at the mirror and rubs his fingers on the side of his face. “She even shaved off my sideburns,” he pouts and Tommy laughs.
“They will grow back in no time.” He wraps his arms around Buck’s waist and rests his chin on Buck's shoulder, watching him still fuss with his hair. “You know, it does make you look undeniably not straight, if that’s what you were going for.”
”Not really my intention, but I mean I’m not, so I guess it works?” Buck huffs drops his hands. “I’m itching for my gel, I feel so naked without it.”
“Don’t you dare. It’s just new, it’ll grow on you.” Tommy smiles, catching Buck's eyes in the mirror.
“Hey, what about your natural curls, huh? I don't see you easing up on the hair products.” Buck turns his head to look at Tommy.
“Shhh we're not talking about me right now,” Tommy replies and slides a hand up to cup Buck's jaw and kiss his lips. “I'm sure there's something in the pilot handbook about hair regulations,” he mumbles against Buck's mouth then promptly leaves him in the bathroom.
When Buck walks into work the next day he’s greeted with a wolf whistle from Hen, “Damn, Buck! I knew my girl would make you look fresh! You’re looking damn fine.” And he can’t help but smile at the praise. He gets compliments and light teasing from the rest of the crew. Maybe he can live with it.
One of their calls is at the famous gay night club, The Abbey, in Santa Monica. One of the cages that the dancers was in fell with the dancer trapped inside of it. Buck and Eddie had to break out the saw to get the dancer out, luckily he walked away with minor injuries.
They attracted a small crowd of the other dancers- all in skimpy speedo like underwear. Most of them had their eyes on Buck, giving him flirty compliments and asking if he’s ever been there. At first Buck was confused why he was getting most of the attention from these objectively hot men, especially when Eddie and his stache was right there.
Oh right, the hair, he thinks. The ‘undeniably not straight’ hair style he is sporting right now. He couldn’t help feeling a small blush creep into his cheeks.
His attention gets pulled back to one of the dancers, “Are you single? I know it’s really forward of me, but I thought I’d shoot my shot.” At least he’s polite about blatantly hitting on him.
“Oh wow I’m really flattered but yeah, I am taken,” Buck says proudly. He takes out his phone and shows the dancer and his friends his phone lock screen - a selfie of him and Tommy from one of their recent dates. Buck is laughing and Tommy is smirking at the camera with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Oh my God! I know that guy! That’s Mr. August from the 2019 LAFD calendar! I’ll never forget that year,” one of the dancers muses.
“Lucky bastard,” another one says to Buck, which makes his smile grow wider.
Tommy’s phone pings with a picture from Chimney, which there is no doubt this was his idea. It’s of Buck in the middle of a row of speedo clad club dancers. He doesn’t have his jacket on, so it’s just the fire T-shirt with red and yellow suspenders and the turn out pants. He’s holding an ax resting on his shoulder with the cockiest look he could muster; a sexy smirk on his lips with his left eyebrow cocked. The dancers around him are all looking at him, hamming it up for the picture acting like he’s the hottest thing on earth. Tommy couldn’t agree more and immediately makes it his phone background.
Yeah, the hair is growing on Buck.
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