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penny-penzilla · 2 years ago
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Is it map Monday already? 🗺️
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lachoco · 3 months ago
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Notebook: Lined Pages with Decoration
Are you looking for a new notebook? Do you like old books? If yes, this notebook will be perfect for you. It contains 120 double-sided lined pages. Each page is decorated with a geographical motif to bring uniqueness to the notebook. The cover is stylized on an old book and will stand out among others. This notebook will be perfect for writing notes, thoughts, or dreams.
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axellaniez · 7 months ago
Stamford Raffles
Sir Stamford Raffles, born in 1781, was a British statesman best known for founding modern Singapore. In 1819, Raffles arrived in Singapore, recognizing its strategic importance as a trading post. Negotiating with local rulers, he established a British port, transforming the island into a vital hub for commerce and trade.
During his time in Singapore, Raffles implemented policies that promoted free trade, attracting merchants from around the world. He laid out plans for the city's development, emphasizing urban planning and education. Raffles' vision and administrative skills were crucial in setting the foundation for Singapore's growth into a major global port.
Raffles left Singapore in 1824, but his legacy endures. Often celebrated as the father of modern Singapore, his contributions paved the way for the island's transformation into a thriving metropolis.
Axel Laniez
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vizcart · 2 years ago
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With this map of Mt Cervino and Mont Rosa we say goodbye to Italy, at least for the time being, to shift our attention to Great Britain. This map is a real gem in its definition and colouring, the original sheet dates back to 1928 and was produced by the Touring Club Italiano cartographic office.
If you like our work, want to see our daily updates (or want to say hello to our studio), consider to follow our Instagram or Twitter account. Otherwise if are interested in our prints or have a custom request check our shop.
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oilgasenergymagazine · 2 months ago
AI and Historical Maps Unite to Locate Abandoned Oil Wells
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Source: newscenter.lbl.gov
Category: News
The Hidden Legacy of Abandoned Wells
AI and Historical Maps are proving to be a game-changer in identifying and addressing the environmental hazards posed by undocumented orphaned wells (UOWs). The United States is grappling with the environmental consequences of its long history of oil and gas extraction, particularly in the form of undocumented orphaned wells (UOWs). These abandoned wells, many of which have been left without a responsible operator or official documentation, pose significant threats to both the environment and public health. From methane emissions that accelerate climate change to the contamination of water supplies with toxic substances, the dangers are clear. Yet, pinpointing the locations of these hidden relics, estimated to number between 310,000 and 800,000, has long been a daunting challenge.
Combining AI and Historical Maps to Find UOWs
Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have provided a promising solution to the problem of locating orphaned wells. In a groundbreaking project, researchers have turned to historical maps, some dating back as far as 1884, to help identify the sites of former oil and gas operations. These topographic maps, digitized by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), offer valuable insights into early drilling activities. The challenge, however, is sorting through vast archives of these old maps.
Fabio Ciulla, a postdoctoral fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has been instrumental in leveraging AI to analyze these maps. By using a U-Net convolutional neural network, an AI algorithm designed to recognize oil well symbols, researchers can now identify potential UOW locations with remarkable accuracy. The system was trained on manually labeled maps and applied to regions with significant oil production histories, such as Kern and Los Angeles counties in California, and Osage and Oklahoma counties in Oklahoma. In these areas, the AI identified over 1,300 potential orphaned wells.
Verifying AI Findings and Expanding Detection Efforts
While AI has proven effective in identifying potential well sites, verification remains a critical step. Researchers use satellite images and historical aerial photos to search for visual signs of abandoned wells, such as pump jacks or storage tanks. In cases where surface evidence is lacking, magnetometers are deployed to detect buried metal well casings. The accuracy of the AI is impressive, with wells being located within an average of 10 meters of their predicted positions.
AI and Historical Maps represent a significant leap over traditional approaches, such as manual record searches or on-the-ground surveys, which are often slow and geographically limited. However, the project doesn’t stop at map analysis. As part of the Consortium Advancing Technology for Assessment of Lost Oil & Gas Wells (CATALOG), the effort includes a range of advanced tools, such as drones equipped with methane sensors and magnetometers, to detect leaks and locate buried wells. Additionally, researchers are working on cost-effective solutions to monitor methane emissions, an essential step in mitigating the environmental impact of orphaned wells.
The CATALOG initiative is also tapping into citizen science, encouraging individuals to use smartphone magnetometers to help locate abandoned wells. This crowdsourced approach expands the reach of detection technologies, providing valuable data while complementing professional surveys.
A Cleaner Future Through Collaboration and Innovation
The AI and Historical Maps-driven efforts spearheaded by CATALOG offer a glimmer of hope in addressing the legacy of America’s oil boom. By integrating historical data with modern technology, the project not only improves the accuracy of orphaned well detection but also lays the groundwork for more effective remediation. Collaboration with local communities, including Native American tribes and environmental agencies, is crucial to the initiative’s success. As researchers continue to refine their techniques, they are not only tackling the immediate environmental risks posed by orphaned wells but also contributing to broader climate mitigation efforts.
As Sebastien Biraud, a scientist at Berkeley Lab, notes, finding solutions to limit emissions is essential for the future. By combining AI, cutting-edge sensors, and community involvement, researchers are uncovering a hidden legacy of the nation’s energy history while paving the way for a cleaner and safer future.
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qualitycigarboxes · 5 months ago
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A personal favorite. Presenting the El Viejo Continente Salomon wood cigar box. Painted a shining gold, it's great for modern day cartographers, charting their own course! It even comes with removable dividers that are great for art and/or office supplies and much more! 🗺⛵
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მიმდინარე წლის 8-11 სექტემბერს ავსტრიის დედაქალაქ ვენაში, საერთაშორისო კარტოგრაფიული ასოციაციის ეგიდით, გაიმართა საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია EuroCarto2024. კონფერენციას უმასპინძლა ვენის ტექნიკურმა უნივერსიტეტმა. სამეცნიერო ფორუმის ორგანიზატორები იყვნენ: საერთაშორისო კარტოგრაფიული ასოციაცია (ICA), ბრიტანეთის კარტოგრაფიული საზოგადოება (British Cartographyc Societ), ჩეხეთის კარტოგრაფიული საზოგადოება (Česká kartografická společnost). კონფერენციის საორგანიზაციო კომიტეტის ხელმძღვანელი იყო საერთაშორისო კარტოგრაფიული ასოციაციის პრეზიდენტი, ვენის ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტის პროფესორი, გეორგ გარტნერი. კონფერენციაზე მუშაობდა 20 თემატური სესია: კარტოთეორია, დიზაინი, გეოვიზუალიზაცია, მდგრადობა და კარტოგრაფია, CartoAI, რუკების გამოყენება, გენერალიზაცია, განათლება, ატლასები, თემატური კარტოგრაფია, კარტოგრაფია კატასტროფებსა და მენეჯმენტში, ანალიზი, ისტორია, VGI და კარტოგრაფია, მდებარეობაზე დაფუძნებული სერვისები, შემეცნებითი კარტოგრაფია, Web კარტოგრაფია, აპლიკაციები, ხელოვნება, დიზაინი და კარტოგრაფია, ტოპონიმიკა და ტოპოგრაფია. კონფერენციის მუშაობაში მონაწილეობდა მსოფლიოს 50 ქვეყნის 350 მეცნიერი. კონფერენციის მუშაობაში მონაწილეობა მიიღო ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის მეცნიერთა 6 წევრიანმა ჯგუფმა ასოცირებული პროფესორის, ალექსანდრე ასლანიკაშვილის სახელობის საქართველოს კარტოგრაფთა ასოციაციის პრეზიდენტის, თენგიზ გორდეზიანის ხელმძღვანელობით (დელეგაციის წევრები: თენგიზ გორდეზიანი, გოჩა გუძუაძე, გიორგი დვალაშვილი, მანანა შარაშენიძე, თინათინ ნანობაშვილი და რომან კუმლაძე). კონფერენციას სტუმრის სტატუსით ესწრებოდა ასოცირებული პროფესორი რობერტ მაღლაკელიძე. ქართული დელეგაციის წარმომადგენლებმა კონფერენციაზე წარადგინეს 7 პრეზენტაცია (2 ზეპირი მოხსენება და 5 სასტენდო მოხსენება). ქართველ მეცნიერთა მოხსენებები ძირითადად შეეხებოდა კარტოგრაფიის ისეთ მიმართულებებს, როგორებიცაა: კარტოგრაფიის თეორია, ატლასური კარტოგრაფია და თემატური კარტოგრაფია. ქართველ მეცნიერთა ჯგუფი მომავალი თანამშრომლობისა და განვითარების ნიშნით დატვირთულნი დაბრუნდნენ სამშობლოში. წარმატებები ვუსურვოთ ქართულ ��არტოგრაფიულ მეცნიერებას, რომელსაც ძალიან მდიდარი ტრადიციები გააჩნია!!!
ზუსტ და საბუნებისმეტყველო მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის, გეოგრაფიის დეპარტამენტის ასოცირებული პროფესორი, ალექსანდრე ასლანიკაშვილის სახელობის საქართველოს კარტოგრაფთა ასოციაციის პრეზიდენტი, თენგიზ გორდეზიანი
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alchemisland · 3 months ago
Maps so old they’ve got mould  Holes in which I stored things I stole Epping Forest tomorrow  Ditch a body Bring a stove  Shallow grave Pitch up on it Life I stole head I stoved Out as I roved Going where none are  Nest, ineptitude’s reprieve  Eden out of reach  Sparks reach me, here I’m best Alone and still competing question begs  Who wins the race  Them who stayed or them who…
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peachrosato · 11 months ago
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kansas city, the older part
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blue-belta · 1 year ago
#地図 塗り絵。
#art #coloredpencil #fabercastell #polychromos #色鉛筆 #ダーウェントアーチスト #1日1絵 #イラストグラム #今日何描こう #今日何描いた #絵を描く暮らし #map #塗り絵教室 #oldmaps
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busaccagallery · 2 years ago
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For Sale 🔥 Rare Old Map 1700, America Settentrionale, California As An Island.
🔥 See some of the important maps from the early history of cartography at 🔥 Busacca Gallery.
#Cartography #AntiqueCartography #OldMaps #Maps #AntiqueMaps #RareMaps #AncientMaps #America #California #OldMap #CaliforniaMap #OldCalifornia #MapCollector #MapCollections #MapGallery #BusaccaGallery #ArtMap #MapPrint #MackDesign #InteriorDesign #FramedArt #FramedMap #HomeDecor #OfficeDecor #Luxury #LuxuryDesign
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teatoast-n-tarot · 2 years ago
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Pond for ducking witches. Witch Wood. Next time your mind turns to moptops and the Ferry ‘Cross the Mersey, maybe you’ll remember that one of the most infamous incidents in American history, and a #global religion with as many as eight-hundred thousand #adherents (according to www.adherents.com) were also #birthed upon the banks of that river. So much of our modern concept of witchcraft has its #roots buried deep here in the #Mersey mud. Gerald Gardner was born on the 13th June 1884 in a small northern town called “Blundellsands” Liverpool, England. Born of Scottish descent into a well-to-do family. His grandfather is reputed to have married a witch, and he claims others of his distant family had #psychic gifts. Gardner believed himself to be a descendant of #GrissellGairdner who was burned as a witch at #Newburgh in 1610. Of his ancestors, several became Mayor’s of Liverpool, and one “Alan Gardner” a naval commander, was later made a Peer of the Land. #wiccaman #witchcraft #blundellsands #mediaeval #stoneage #folklore #mythology #olivegreene #jennygreene #jinnygreenteeth #goddess #aleistercrowley #leila #laylah #esoteric #esotericknowledge #scire #yebok #oldmaps #oldworld #oldreligion #athenaeum (at Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcjQO3MA4V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jblandomaps · 3 years ago
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Six days late via FedEx and missing the Con completely, my “Northern Lands: Imperial map” from the Witcher Universe map order finally came in… and they did a great job!. . This is available in my shop as a large poster print, link in my bio! . Traditional Gouache and ink on stained watercolor paper, with digital coloring via PS CS4 and Wacom Intuos Pro tablet. . . . . Check out my Patreon! : https://www.patreon.com/JaredBlando . . #witcher #witcher3 #inks #inksketch #thewitcher #Jaredblando #cartographer #mapmaker #thewitchernetflix #ghouache #traditionalart #oldmap #dndmaps #ttrpgs #illustrationartists #oldmaps #artistofinstagram #map #cartography #painting #fantasyart #artist #magic #Westernlands #worldmap #watercolor #fantasy #kaermorhen #poster #rosecitycomiccon https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0Ek0MB8hM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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secrets-et-ancetres · 4 years ago
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FAVIGNANA ? Vous connaissez ? c'est une petite île située à la pointe Ouest de la Sicile ☀️ Lieu de vie des CALI-GARSIA et terre de mes ancêtres ��🌳 Retrouvez leur histoire et celle de l'île sur mon site www.secretsetancetres.wordpress.com - Lien en description 😉 Base de carte @gallicabnf #oldmap #ancêtres #sicile #ancêtressiciliens #sicilia #favignana #carteancienne #pointer #localisation #familyhistory #familystories #ancestors #geneabloggers #genealogy #genealogia #généalogie #cartographie https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbuhrXMilu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vizcart · 4 months ago
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Pyrenees, shaded relief geological map.
Carte géologique des Pyrénées / dressée par Emm. de Margerie ; et Fr. Schrader, Annuaire du C. A. F. 1891, Hachette (Paris). Source: Gallica.
If you like our work, want to see our daily updates (or want to say hello to our studio), consider to follow our Instagram or Twitter account. Otherwise if are interested in our prints or have a custom request check our shop.
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helga-mareritt · 3 years ago
Cattober+Inktober, day 16: Compass
Treasures of Meow island. =)
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