#Ok now the Kevin report:
pyrepostings · 2 months
I so can't do cringe comedy. I'm on the irl episode for supernatural and I just can't get past the Sam and Dean can't act scene.
Just read the lines! This is your life! You act your asses off every job you work just do the thing!
Theres forgetting specific lines or thinking Misha is really Cas but pull it together on set. This shouldn't be that difficult for you two.
Theres also the aspect of this isn't entirely new to them. They've met their fans before. Why aren't they treating this like prophet shenaniganry and using it for recon? The initial shock shouldn't last this long. They've also been on set before- Dean got a headset and everything.
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queenlua · 2 months
ok, this Kevin Woo guy is the most fantastic chad i've heard of in a while:
The journalist who exposed Lambda School wasn't a journalist by trade. Vincent Woo was a successful entrepreneur best known for CoderPad, a collaborative coding website used extensively in programming job interviews. After he sold CoderPad for millions of dollars, he focused on the public interest, such as housing activism.
Woo's work on CoderPad gave him expert insight into the programming job market, and in 2019, Austen's outrageous hiring numbers set off red flags. Whenever pressed for more details on his outrageous claims, Austen said a full report was coming soon, but six months would pass without any updates.
Woo obtained an investment memo Lambda School sent out to Y Combinator titled, "Human Capital: The Last Unoptimized Asset Class." In it, they disclose, “We’re at roughly 50% placement for cohorts that are 6 months graduated,” contradicting the very front page of their website.
Where did the 86% on their homepage come from? In 2018, Lambda School submitted a single report about 72 graduates to CIRR. CIRR is an organization formed by the boot camp industry following the boot camp crackdown of the 2010s, to cleanup their image. Bootcamps are supposed to submit their hiring stats every six months, in one standard format, to prevent underhanded boot camps from fudging the numbers. In two years, Lambda School had produced nothing beyond that single, small report.
Woo reached out to Sabrina Baez, Lambda School's former Director of Career Readiness. Baez oversaw job placement in those early days, and Austen had reprimanded her for low hiring rates. She told Woo that probably only 50% to 60% of graduates found jobs.
Finally, Woo obtained private communications with investors revealing the quiet deals with hedge funds. This flew in the face of their marketing's, "We don’t get paid until you do," and Austen's now-deleted tweet, “We never, ever get paid upfront for ISAs.”
With all the damning evidence, the story was ready. Most reporters would now email their subjects for comment, but Woo elevated the story to performance art. He asked Austen for a recorded interview, without revealing its nature. Austen, lulled into a false sense of security by tech press puff pieces, agreed. What followed was the most riveting hour of tech journalism I've ever heard.
Austen: "Our goal right now, is that if a student is endorsed, call it graduation, that we place 80% within 120 days."
Woo: "Why did you tell investors 50?"
Austen: "What… I don't know… what communication you're referring to."
The interview went downhill from there, as Austen scrambled to invent excuses.
bonus: check out this dude's hilariously understated linkedin:
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(also, the whole article's worth a read. i'd been following the Lambda School saga for a while but there's a bunch of new fuckery here that even i didn't know about. smh)
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puckpocketed · 3 months
good morning puckpocketed it is @wehaveagathering from my main blog! I was wondering (and if you have already talked about this link me!) what your feelings are on the sharks upcoming offseason, who you're hoping for them to draft, who you're excited to see play either in their nhl or ahl roster, anything! :]
first of all. hello wehaveagathering dot tumblr my sour gummy candy my bespoke watchface my press-on nails....! thank you so much for dropping by <33 hearing from you is like oughh hello microcelebrity who decided i was cool... !!!! ok. deep inhale. I present to you:
puckpocketeds sharks offseason roundup
I am of two minds with Sharks hockey:
Nothing will ever go as I expect/predict because Mike Grier works in mysterious ways (Hertl trade was a wild day) and given I am following the San Jose Sharks ...we are here for a laff first and foremost. At least until we're competitive again. No point in thinking too hard because it ain't that serious and i have 0 control over what happens <3
On the other hand . kljsdalkjsdkl I am reading Elite Prospects' draft guide like the morning paper and absorbing massive amounts of data about my little guys and listening to podcasts and also following juniors games (you may have seen my very regular and hinged Memorial Cup Posting) and, yes, I even watched college hockey . I am unofficially the prospects slide maker for the Sharks Primer that I haven't opened in a week.
You may have asked the one person on tumblr who can give you an unskippable cutscene i hope ur ready for an unskippable cutscene !
General Off-season stuff/contracts
i am being fed off the scraps of Henry Thrun + Devin Cooley interviews in scf post-game shows and stalking all of our beat reporters. i have all of them with notifications ON and they keep doing really funny stuff like suggesting Draisaitl coming to the sharks. also . wekky and keebs are hanging out with Alex Holtz this summer and it is THEE best thing ever. matching slides for you in these trying times? feeling very deprived of sharks hockey but sustaining myself by having little breakdowns about it with friends :3
Couture is the biggest question of the off-season to me. The plan rn is that he will be ready to play by opening night, if all goes well during his rehab. He's our captain, the team looked visibly improved when he was on the ice for the gorgeous 6 game stretch that he played with us last season (Coochie era you will always be famous), and honestly I think his contribution to morale is more valuable than anything else he brings to the ice. There's no chance he gets moved right now given his contract and health, but there's a chance he never plays another NHL game... his health and readiness to play determines who the Sharks target for acquisitions and what our team looks like down the middle (where our two biggest prospects, who are both centers, will end up). so much hinges on whether or not Cooch is healthy!! but at this point I'm just rooting for his long-term health no matter what happens with the team !!
To preface any contract talk; the vibe about Mike Grier is he’s wary of giving out long term stuff in light of his predecessor leaving behind the husk of Marc-Edouard Vlasic (said with deep affection) and several other nearly immovable contracts. pundits don't really see him giving anyone term unless they’re Confirmed Core Players and i agree! other than that... i don't have serious takes or predictions about term/dollar amounts. HOPES and DREAMS and PSYCHEDELIC VISIONS, on the other hand...
We're gonna lose some of our guys to free agency because they're. um. untradeable and not very good </3 (Hoffman, Labanc, Barabanov <- this one is a special case, Barbie's deal fell through because the Hertl trade happened and we're using our last retention slot on him) and whilst I do love the ongoing Bit of uncle Mike and sweet cousin Kevin, this frees us up to go looking for some guys who can mentor our young core!! (I hope Labanc gets a second chance somewhere and shows everyone that the sharks monumentally fumbled the bag on yet another ex wife !!)
The doors are open for free agency acquisitions... Everyone's throwing around big names but I think they're forgetting the fact that we actually gotta convince them to come to San Jose LMAO. cost of living + basement team unlikely to be serious about a cup run for at least another 4-5 years = not the most appealing place to go. We have seen speculation about FAs ranging from Stamkos to Marner lmaoooooo and i'll be honest I don't want to add to all that. I just hope whatever old man we staple to our youth he's fun and NOT a criminal !
For our other UFAs:
I'd like to see us re-sign Justin Bailey because he worked really hard for us down the stretch. we poached him from the cuda early on because all of our forwards were exploding and never gave him back even when everyone started getting healthy again! Maybe he can go help our cuda not flop <333
Jacob MacDonald holds a very special place in my heart because we like making multi-class jokes (he was forced to play forward for a big chunk of his time w the sharks even though hes a d-man LMAO) . I find his work ethic charming <3 he's done everything they've asked of him, and he's honestly done it Not Terribly. I would LIKE for the sharks to offer him a place here due to sentiment and i sort of think he's a sleeper depth pick…. but it seems less and less likely given that we’re going to market for d-men and we’ll have more forwards healthy next season.
Ryan Carpenter is another cuda acquisition we never gave back and is our beautiful returned shark son <33 he was a steady 4th line center throughout the Horrors. however, we were trying out one of our younger guys in that position (hello jack studnicka!!) towards the end of the season and im really wondering if we'll see him up with the sharks again. He's a great AHL player and I see him helping the cuda become competitive if we bring him back!
Devin Cooley my beloved. our junior shark. our silly rabbit. some context: the sharks org is doing something very strange and deeply funny with their goalie situation. we have like 6 of them and i genuinely have no clue where this is going. Optimistically, Cooley gets a something thrown at him because he's shown the ability to grow under the limited tutelage of our Very Good Goalie Coach Thomas Speer + he's a great feel-good story !! less optimistically... he gets traded on the draft floor because we can't have shit in san jose (KNOCKING ON TEN MILLIOB WOOD)
Our RFA sitch is a mixed bag:
Luke Kunin absolutely comes back. barring offer-we-can't-refuse type deals... they love him here. Is he GOOD? well no <3 analytics-wise, he is our worst performing forward and actively makes his lineys worse. but (and i imagine this is whats going on in sharks front office discussions) must a goonwag do silly things like "play hockey"?? can't he just get all snarly when our guys are pushed around? can't he play leg weight to our beloved prized prospects? teach them how to drive a line despite being hamstrung by the sloppiest turnovers ever? cant he just be sophia's less accomplished trophy husband...........???? also in his defence, he should never have been our 2nd line center. but everyone else exploded so !!! anyway I think he would flourish with fewer minutes and easier match ups on the 3rd/4th line. i want to see him hanging out in a depth position next season and goonwagging it up <3
I watched Thomas Bordeleau really work to solidify his place in the lineup towards the end of the season. I love his absolute determination to finish every game fighting. I am SO proud to call him a shark and he's become one of my favourite little guys <3 I knowww everyone knows him from the Narratives but EYE got to know him through his hockey and I am WRETCHEDLY endeared by it. He will stare down a 0-4 scoreline and keep playing hard no matter what, he has sprinted down the ice with seconds on the clock to make a play and ough ough oughhhhhghgh he is SO special to me okay !!!! okay. And I truly think that gmmg has to see that. They're trying to build culture here... something about being hard to play against, having will and size and skill.... Bordy doesn’t fit the Big Boys vision that Grier is open about chasing, but he does bring the attitude and work ethic… I want him to stay forever <3 next year is his breakout year MARK MY WORDS!!!!!
Henry Thrun was a bit up and down but honestly who on this accursed roster wasn't?? Some nights he was unironically our most effective d-man (as much as one can be on the 23-24 sharks) other nights he was competing in a flop contest with Pickles <3 i would like to see him get more pp minutes next season and work on being consistent, which I absolutely believe he can achieve. our beautiful draft dodger + harvard double major <3
Ty Emberson is a complete mystery to me. I've seen him play like 3 games. he's been very injured this season. I liked what I saw when he was on? Making his slides was SO hard ill be honest, there's so little out there about him. but i have a soft spot a mile wide for reliable stay at home d-men, i hope he gets a fair shot. also hes mackblack's bestie and nobody knows that and i need everybody to know that he has a special bond with his goalie like his defensemen forefathers . thats our defensive defenseman and his goalie okay . okau.
Calen Addison is . listen okay I love our little guy. let him say fuck!!! but he hasn't done well this year and this was sort of supposed to be his fresh start. what I want is that he stays on the sharks and turns things around and goes on to blast all his haters. I'm not very sure any of that will happen.
I can't be objective about Filip Zadina. I will not lie. I want him to succeed very badly but also I love our failwife dearly regardless... high draft pick who was touted as a goal scorer... can't let go of that identity... every coach hes ever had psychoanalyses him and is a leeetle obsessed with nursing him back to health like a sickly baby bird <3. gmmg give him 8x8 ! his place on this roster is very uncertain given that this was his 'prove it' year and it didn't go super well. i dread losing him. every day that ticks by where we don't hear about him re-signing leaves me less and less hope
Jack Studnicka compels me so much. We call him Dave . dont ask. He's in the process of shaking off his previous identity as a playmaking center and his anxieties/insecurities about uhhh having to fill the gaping hole in the Bruins' forward core left behind by a bunch of their veterans leaving. He's learning how to drive a checking/energy line and I feel a tenderness for him I can't describe... he's almost almost made it to the show and he will do whatever it takes to stay.
regarding certain trade rumours
There is once again trade buzz around Mario Ferraro.
...i think the rest of the league is under the impression he’s a top 4 calibre d-man. this is very funny and also i’m terrified that gmmg will trade him because of this. You truly don’t get a feel for how little any given team’s media pays attention to other teams - how little the national media pays attention to the western conference good GOD — until you follow the cali polycule.
if any disappointed Leafs fans are reading this after it was suggested they aren't looking to acquire him anymore . my brother in christ. Mario only eats those minutes because he’s got seniority here by default !!!! we simply do not have anyone else because they’re injured or they suck!!! i would go to war for our youtuber ,hes the greatest gamer and d-man in the entire league in my heart BUT i do have eyes and as the kids would say . he has improper crosshair placement and can't mulligan to play on curve </3
And for nuance…. perhaps there IS something to the fact that Mario was like .the only one who survived the 2019-2023 San Jose Rookie Woodchipper/Meatgrinder/Hydraulic press. idk. i wasn't there. He’s had a career high year this year (not that 21 points is that high asdljkasklj but. again. 23-24 sharks) so maybe he’s just waiting for the right conditions to break out, a team where he isn’t solely responsible for gluing the shambles together, and all the chatter about him being a prime trade target is true and this summer will be when his trade value is at its highest. it still doesn’t change his value to this team as a locker room personality and leader. He’s made zero statements about wanting to leave. the current regime does do Personality Hires and Intangibles (see Luke Kunin and i suppose now the Goodrow acquisition??), we can’t have our upcoming d-core thrown into the deep end without some mentorship and it certainly isn’t gonna come from Pickles — not that he can’t, i just believe in Marc-Edouard Vlasic’s right to be a bitch in peace! no one is untouchable but im 90% sure Ferraro stays.
The Sharks currently hold picks 1, 14, and 33. 1OA is spoken for <3 so 14 and 33 are the ones we care about here. (we have a bunch of later picks to play with as well — 42, 85, 116, 138, 143, and 194 if anyone was curious <3) And okay okay so,, Mike Grier was hired 2 days before the draft in 2022, which means 2023 was his first real draft year and this year will be his second. realistically, we simply do not have a lot of data for his drafting tendencies, nor will we know his 'hit' rate until years from now. our current pool, while thin, is looking... good? tentatively? the class of 2023 did very well. more on them later. so accounting for lack of data... i truly have NO idea whats going on except maybe we're leaning towards deepening our defensive prospect pool + throw in a goalie, and a slight preference for physicality and size but like thats every headass GM on the planet right now??? (as i type this out, ozzy weisblatt has been traded away for a someone over 6ft tall!! the mike grier big boy plan strikes again….)
so. i won't speak to who i think the sharks will draft but you will get to hear a very rough essay fragment i don’t think i’ll ever finish:
something i’ve been thinking about lately between reading all of these prospect draft profiles (and to an extent, making prospect slides for the sharks) is how few guys make it to the big show. these 17-18 year olds have dense paragraphs written about their puck handling and skating and hockey IQ — i enjoy the stylish ones that say stuff like “he’s the most creative forward in this year’s draft, he’ll dangle your best over a cliff” the most — but how many of them will pan out in the end? here, i could pull up the numbers. i don’t need to. we all know there are only so many nhl contracts to hand out, and only so many stalls in a locker room.
i’ve grown attached to a few names though their draft profiles. there are little threads of narrative you can catch from reading their game reports in chronological order. some of them visibly gain confidence month to month as they solidify their identity within the system and team they play on, some of them master board battles, some of them find their scoring touch. i am charmed by the interview fragments i’ve seen, their stupid answers to "what animal would you be?", the silly facts livetweeted by scouts at the combine. many of them come highly touted — the 2nd-12th project as almost certain NHLers. i’ve seen them shine in their juniors and ncaa matches. I feel like they must be destined for greatness.
Yet, i go back into the histories — a year ago, two years ago, five years ago, thirty years and beyond — and the histories tell me that no matter what was being said the day they got drafted, anything could happen. 7th overall buried in the press box. 123rd overall breaks a scoring record in his d+1 year. 29th overall carves out a regular spot on the first line and goes on to score 40 goals. 1st overall never scores more than 62 goals in the NHL. it's probably not smart of me to become invested in so many when, statistically, a whole lot of them will fail to live up to their projections. in the back of my heart, right behind all the inadvisable sentiment, lives a scream of frustration. it isn't fair that for the majority of these kids, the draft is as close to the nhl as they'll ever get. i hate that not everyone will get to reach for the stars. my heart will be broken when one or more of my favourites inevitably burns out of the league. and the real horror is knowing all this hasn't stopped me from becoming endeared.
my current draft favourites, no thoughts head empty if i could have any of these guys on the sharks:
Berkly Catton absolutely will fall to 14th overall in my HEART!!! this stupid league and its stupid preoccupation with tallgirls. doesn't matter that some of the best players hockey has ever seen were under 6ft tall <3 doesn't matter that high impact nhl players RIGHT NOW are hanging out around the 5'10 mark. Berkly Catton is elite stock by so many metrics except for his size (5'11, ~163lbs) and THAT will ensure he falls in the draft. and the dream is if he falls to 14th we snap him up and he comes to hang out in cali <3 i love his fish-eyed blank stare. he said he'd be a dolphin because they're slippery <3 and here's the short version of what I've read per his draft profile: he played on a bad team, with heavy minutes, being targeted by every opposing team as the only threat, and still doubled his output during his draft year. all of this while he worked hard in his own zone, dedicating himself to the more 'boring' aspects of the game. like he will hustle for a backcheck god BLESS. i love when skilled guys are defensively responsible SO MUCH. what little i've seen myself of his raw skill is incredible. magical hands maintained with speed. i also like how much he scans. i love being freaked out about a highlight, wondering how he knew where his teammates were, scrubbing the video back and seeing him scan the ice regularly. its beautiful. just like playing league of legends jungle . ahaha <3
if not Catton, then Andrew Basha at 14th, and if not then 33rd. Despite how high some draft boards have him, the reviews are mixed as hell due to the Spectre of Gavin McKenna and Cayden Lindstrom that hangs over him. It did not stop him from having an incredibly strong season in the WHL. fast, skilled, works hard. puck mover. in learning about hockey, I have come to love transition forwards SO much. Troy Terry was my favourite Duck to watch when he wasn't exploding <3 Controlled zone entries are soooo gifable to me. i got no clue if Basha will be available at 33 - a few are predicting he falls to the second round - or if the sharks would want him even then, but I would love to see him on the Sharks! if his speed and skill on breakouts can translate to the NHL it would be bitchin!!!!!! also, I have this idea in my head that he's already used to playing with elite talent and so wont be swallowed up by the huge shadows celebrini and smith will cast. maybe he can manage egos, maybe he's just really good at working around prodigies, maybe he's a prodigy himself, who knows!! I am compelled though!!
for d-men... Zayne Parekh. There are serious concerns scouts have with this guy's game. he is described by some as thee boom-or-bust prospect of this year's draft. dynamic as hell offensive defenseman, does things no other prospect in this draft would even think to do and . um. sometimes that thing is turning over the puck <3!!! or, as a random red wings podcast i was listening to this afternoon said: With Parekh, you might get Erik Karlsson, or you might get Erik Karlsson. and listen if you made it this far down you gotta understand that im a deeply unserious person about these things and this DID convince me that we GOTTA get him somehow. tbqh i wanted the Ducks to draft him because he was tragically separated from his bestie Pavel Mintyukov and i think a reunion would bring about an unprecedented era of world peace. but also. if they were on RIVAL TEAMS in the BATTLE FOR CALIFORNIA!!!!!!! oh that would be delicious <3 There's absolutely no way Parekh falls to 14th but this list isn't about realism its about my silly little dreams <3
Cole Hutson at 33 or 42 purely because i'm a fan of Lane Hutson (so so so jazzed to watch him play next season on either laval or montreal!!!!!) and they are similarly shifty and small. there is NO way mike 'you must be this tall to ride' grier drafts another 5'10 puck mover (<- more on this guy in a min). a fella can dream though <3
prospects who are my special little guys
Luca Cagnoni
ok quick recap. mike grier drafted Luca Cagnoni at 123rd last year. he is 5'10 (generously <3) and he's so special to meeeee <3 He's always been an offensive ROCKET!! so smart. WILL break ankles. great puck mover. great distributor on the pp. he's been working on his defence this year.
NO ONE THINKS HE'LL MAKE IT IN THE NHL BECAUSE HE'S LITTLE BUT EYE DO!!!!!!! If you go and check the Luca Cagnoni tag its literally just me and 1 other person. that 1 other person is now my friend. sometimes, my other sharks compatriots join in. but such is the nature of adopting a special little guy !!!
I get all misty-eyed thinking about how far he's come, from being undrafted in the WHL, falling to the 4th round in the NHL entry draft, and going on to have the strongest season a d-man in the WHL has had in 30 years. and yes he WAS the 123rd overall pick i was referring to earlier. He signed his ELC and it was the event of the offseason (to ME). it was more meaningful to me than the will smith signing i will be so real right now . I am hoping and praying that Luca gets a chance on the Sharks and flourishes.
sorry. sorry. i will NOT shut up about Luca Cagnoni. mike grier took a huge swing at the fences for him, he is so out of the gmmg wheelhouse its hysterical and i am genuinely shocked we drafted him. i wasn't there for it obviously but what was the draft floor like that day?? were people asking him Are You Sure, Sir. I'd have asked. i'd have knocked on his bald ass head to check if it was hollow (i, a bald person, can say this <3)
despite this. Luca Cagnoni WILL make it. ON GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kasper Halttunen
ok you saw me mem cup posting. this one isn't as deep!
i think he's got that dawg in him. him and his nepobaby london knights team were fun to watch!!!
i liked that he was squeezing denver barkey like a chew toy (gifed it, even!!!)
i am genuinely obsessed with the comments he leaves on other prospects' instagram posts. i've only looked around at a couple but yeah he's sure got a sense of humour <3
i would LOVE to see him develop out his 2-way game a little more and refine his beautiful bomb of a shot even further. i am excited to see how he progresses!!
bring him to the AHL as soon as possible gmmg i need to watch him squeeze the life out of his fellow sharks prospects
Macklin Celebrini
Alright this one seems so obvious because he's 1OA and automatically special BUT you guyyyyys. you guyyyyysss.... he's soooo good. I watched a couple of his college matches. I went back and watched some of his worlds matches. i have devoured so much literature on him. remember when I said i love when skilled players are defensively responsible?? Macklin Celebrini is that guy !! he is just so Shaped. the shape is Round. he is well-rounded like the beautiful sphere . the sphere where we will be drafting him. <3 yay !!!
no joke he IS a bit of a goon. finished his checks with a surprising amount of brutality in all the games i watched !! and like he had to be, I imagine he was getting targeted to hell and back in the NCAA. being 17 and playing against grown men. i like that he's got a bit of bite!!
listen, when the scouts and journos and pundits and coaches say he's "got a motor", what they mean is HE IS RELENTLESS. HE WILL NOT GIVE UP ON A PLAY. HE WILL RUN YOU DOWN AND THEN TURN AROUND AND SCORE ON YOU. HIS TEAM FOLLOWS HIS LEAD.
I just... I get the feeling he raises the people around him up to his standards because they can't help but want to match his intensity. I get the feeling that he is, aside from a great player, a great fit for the kind of culture the Sharks are trying to build. the Never Say Die Team. the We Will Eat You Team. i am completely, utterly endeared by his work ethic.
I think his little :^| face is so funny. i have posted about this before but when he smiles it looks like he has a few too many teeth and its GREAT. our shark. OUR SHARK!!!!!!
Honourable mentions:
Danil Gushchin: undersized creative forward with soft hands heloooo i love uou. mwah. unseat one of our girlfailure depth players next season i want to see u in the nhl <33
Shakir Mukhamadullin: Shak my noodleshark . he will absolutely see NHL ice full time next season if we remain bare on defence, so im not sure he counts anymore as a prospect. i believe in him so bad!!!!!!!!!!!
Georgi Romanov: unironically I think hes our only realistic hope for a Goalie of the Future. please survive the sharkuda experience my love <3
Will Smith: ROBBED of the hobey baker by our very own macklin celebrini. doesn't matter because he scored a dicktrick at hockey east finals and that shit was funny as hell. i think of him in terms of his boybestfriends BC Line which is forever shattered by his decision to sign with the sharks which means hes the driver of tragedy which makes him ELITE in my eyes.
honourable mentions 2 (obscure non-sharks edition):
Isaiah George: i fear i will actually have to watch the NY Islanders soon enough when they play him . i was watching the London Knights for Kasper and, as I do sometimes, I was struck by lightning after seeing him do something really interesting. I think I can probably go find the exact tags from when he first caught my eye. anyway! i am invested in him now and there is 0 current coverage on him !! ough my smooth skating defensive defenseman <333
Aatu Jamsen: a high skill/flashy forward the la kings signed to his ELC not too long ago <3 excited to see him play for the Ontario Reign. his lore is incredible. not to shill my own blog but i did a small post about him here and i am BEGGING everyone to go find out about him he moonlights as a RAP MUSICIAN!!!!. lak do not to bury him in the AHL forever im on my KNEES
Xavier Simoneau: les habs and their prospects got me. little guy (5'6) who is a bit fight-y. can and WILL go to battle against huge opponents for a puck and WIN. i look at him and slap my knee and i think. god damn he might actually do it. he might actually make the NHL.
Okay I think I will stop here before i start goin off about all the little guys i have tucked away...!! thank you for your time. thank you for handing me a mic and an excuse to yell about my little fellas. wehaveagathering dot tumblr you are thee flyers source to me. our failteams will soon share a shade of oranmge. I am very excited to fall in love with them!! <3
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Meow meow meow.
Part 5: The Hanged Man
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Part 4
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cusssing, weapons and guns(the pew pew), threats, yes its Ruby's weapon(I love it), all caps for screeching dialog, mentions of blood, mention of some drunks being gross ⚠
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You woke up to find Vash gone.
"He left?", you asked, still half asleep.
It didn't bother you much, knowing he was the type to leave without saying goodbye. Especially with Nai still looking for him.
I get why but its kinda rude. You think as you start packing up.
The suns were barely starting to rise when you started walking again, wanting to give Kevin a little more time to rest before having to carry you again.
At some point you saw a car pass by.
Is that the reporters? You squint at the car with something hooked up behind it. If I catch up to it I'll be able to tell what episode I'm in.
Hours passed and the suns were high in the sky.
Now riding on the Tomas, you were looking at the map and holding the reigns.
"So if I remember, the moons..", you mumble, looking back and forth between the map and the sky. "Shit."
You were lost.
"Mother fucking-!", you scream in your throat and tighten the hold on the reigns, wanting to throw something. "Great."
Then there's a sound of a car coming from the right.
"Hm?", you look over and see the car stop just a little ways away.
A small group of guys come out of the vehicle, running towards you but staying just a few feet away and point their guns at you.
"Give us everything you got!", one says, you're guessing the 'leader' of this small group.
Are they for real?
"I'm not going to ask again!", the guy says and racks the big gun.
It takes you a while but then you grin like a crazy person.
I finally get to release some pent up anger.
Getting off of Kevin, you walk forward and pull out the weapon you had custom made. The red scythe shines in the sunlight as you unfold the weapon by swinging it open.
"What'll it be boys? I can be your doctor or your torturer."
"Do you know who we are!? We're part of the Bad Lads gang!", one of the ones in the back of the group says.
All you do is let out a creepy laugh.
Vash looked out at the sand dunes before him.
He had left the angelic looking person in hopes that they wouldn't get tangled up in his terrible luck and have a safe rest of the journey.
I hope they're doing ok. He thought and looked to the sky.
There was a few vulture bugs flying around.
Before he could try to swat some away from pecking him, he heard footsteps in the sand and voices.
"Ok, so I know he's The Humanoid Typhoon but is he like..a real guy?", a feminine voice asks.
A sigh comes from the other person.
"How have you made it this far?", the voice of an older man.
As the two keep talking the blonde stays still and waits for them to take notice of him hanging upside down.
"Dead ahead.", the older man says, being the one to take notice of the hanged man in red.
"Looks like the work of the Bad Lads gang.", the man continues. "Yeesh, they did a real number on that poor slob."
When one of them walks up, the vulture bugs fly off of him and go onto the piece of metal to rest on instead.
Vash decides to have a bit of fun.
Moving his prosthetic arm, he does a peace sign before letting it drop down, surprising the person. They reach over and hold his hand, the movement making it detach from him.
"Need a hand?", he asks.
"AAAH!", the woman screams out in surprise and tosses the metal arm before running back to their companion.
The vulture bugs fly off and the blonde begins laughing like a mad man as he slowly turns to face the two strangers.
"What a creep.", the small woman in white says.
"You got that right.", the man in the brown suit jacket says and starts walking away. "Let's go."
"DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING FRIENDS!", Vash says in a panic, having been hung up for hours.
"We can't just leave him here.", the little lady says and goes to untie him.
"Appreciated.", Vash says in relief and lets the woman turn him as needed to get the ropes off.
You made it to Jeneora Rock.
After beating the shit out of the group of men, you asked for directions and they were smart enough to listen. Leaving them in a slightly bloody pile on the sand.
Before leaving Lowland, you had taken time to practice shooting and using the scythe. Also having learned how to fight when a few drunks didn't leave you alone or tried to touch you without your concent.
I didn't kill them but I made sure that they regretted it. You smirk and take a sip from your cup of water. I should write to Dr. Thomas.
You were in the "diner", more like a saloon, taking a much needed break from walking around and restocking some needed items.
Kevin was resting at a nearby Tomas stable.
I wonder when the first episode is gonna start. You think as you're going to drink from the cup again.
There's a sound of someone entering but you ignore it, taking a gulp of water.
"Yep! I knew we'd find her here."
And then you hear a familiar voice.
"Pffft-!", you have a spit take and quickly wipe your mouth before looking over at the three characters that just entered.
"Vash! You're here!", the brown haired woman named Rosa says and makes her way over to the man in red.
"Working on baby two Rosa?", the humanoid typhoon asks.
You stare in shock.
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And now I rest. At least until I have the energy to write more.
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 6
@summerdazed @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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lol-jackles · 1 year
So now Kripke is shading Taylor Sheridan for saying that he didn't want to collaborate with other writers on his shows. Sheridan said that he was OK with the guilds hashing out a minimum number of paid writers on staff, he just doesn't want to work with them. That may be arrogant, but it's hard to argue that his methods haven't worked for them. & I doubt that unwillingly overworked showrunners would have available staff & NOT use them. So why does Kripke care? https://deadline.com/2023/06/taylor-sheridan-wga-staffing-demands-kevin-costner-yellowstone-1235422063/ https://deadline.com/2023/08/supernatural-eric-kripke-interview-picket-line-writers-strike-residuals-writers-room-1235533157/
Link and Link.
If Taylor Sheridan doesn't want to use the writers, then he shouldn't have to, let the studio pay for those extra writers. There are well known creators who wrote most of their show's episodes: Joe Strazynski wrote or co-wrote on almost every episode of Babylon 5. Aaron Sorkin wrote some 75% of the The West Wing episodes during his tenure. Sam Esmail wrote most of Mr Robot episodes. David Kelly wrote most of his shows i.e. Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Legal, and Pickett Fence. Gene Roddenberry only wrote the Pilot for Star Trek,but he re-wrote a lot of scripts without credit, like the excellent "City on the Edge of Forever".
Taylor Sheridan: “My stories have a very simple plot that is driven by the characters as opposed to characters driven by a plot".
Maybe that struck a nerve with Kripke. The Boy's first season was character driven and that made it very good. But by season 3, the characters were driven by the plot and it showed.
KRIPKE: There’s no way that one season can come out of a single person’s head. It’s a collage, and that’s the best part. Whatever Mr. Yellowstone and all this stuff about like, ‘I don’t want to have a room’ or ‘I don’t need a room.’ My feeling is, you’re missing out on the best part of this job. All of it is a grinding sh*t show. Except you get to hang out with the smartest people you’ve ever met at a cocktail party that never ends. That’s the best part. So I don’t understand why that’s even an issue.
What Krpike said before this is he implied having a big staff means he gets to live in his state of choice ("I don’t want to f*cking live in Toronto") and have time with his family. Writers visit the filming location and then report back to the showrunner. Carmen McKenzie was apparently criticized for visiting the Roswell set too often. In other words, Kripke treats writers like interns who do all the grunt work so he can still have a life of his own.
Or maybe this is the reason why Kripke took a potshot at "Mr. Yellowstone".
Taylor Sheridan vs. Eric Kripke.
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lnights · 1 year
Ok Electric Callboy concert report! It's gonna be long and I have a lot of photos and videos that I'm going to make separate posts for.
We got there about an hour after doors opened because of work and there was still a line out the door, but it moved pretty fast and we were in the venue about half an hour before the show.
Conquer Divide kicked off the show, I hadn't listened to too much of their stuff before, but they were good! They had a few mosh pits over their set.
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Their new CD comes out Friday but they were selling it at the merch booth for $15 so I decided to pick it up. After their set both vocalist and their guitarist was at the booth and they signed it for me. They were super nice with everyone stopping by.
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The pit was so crowded that I couldn't even get back to my SO when I went to the bathroom, so after we got our merch we headed up to the balcony section to watch Solence.
I had no clue who they were tbh, but it was cool to find out they're a Swedish band and they're definitely on my playlist now. High energy pop-rock/ rock and was generally just a lot of fun. They had a paramedic theme going.
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The interlude music leading up to EC was great, had the whole crowd singing. Shot through the heart, I believe in a thing called love, Don't stop me now, Thunderstruck, Jump, etc.
And then:
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They banged out with Tekkno Train 🚂 and it immediately got the crowd going.
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Like I said at the beginning of this I have a lot of photos and videos I'll post, but they have officially become my favorite live band of all time. Kevin and Nico are fantastic frontmen and they banter with each other and the crowd so effortlessly. A confetti cannon was set off between Kevin's legs.
Kevin was constantly making dirty jokes and I'm here for it 😂 they got the whole crowd to say shiza, got the pit to open up to dance in pairs for Hurricane, told us about schlager music, and declared we were now 10% German. 🤣
A guy behind me yelled at Kevin to bear his children and honestly, mood.
I saw Kevin literally spin like a princess to kiss Nico 🥺
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They pulled out a keyboard and Kevin played (with one of the Daniels on acoustic guitar) while Nico sang Let it Go and Tell Me Why.
David had a whole drum solo of Sandstorm before Hypa Hypa
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They didn't lose their energy the whole set, they just kept going with giant smiles on all their faces. They had a three song encore and ended with We Got the Moves.
Also have to just say there were so many people dressed up and I loved it, there was a lot of neon, a couple people in space suits, a lot of people in workout gear and fake mullets and bowl cuts. It was awesome.
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tameimpala222 · 11 months
Wowww I was on this fan forum from 2006 where they were speculating about Justin and Britney’s relationship post breakup, and all my theories and speculations about them in 2006-2007 are confirmed!
Britney literally left out a whole chunk of stuff that happened between her and Justin in 2006-2007 (right before her meltdown) in her memoir and acted like he was already out of her life by then, BUT weirdly enough all these events between them were captured in Justin’s 20/20 Experience part 2 album (2013).
I mean… all of the tabloids and rumors and gossips posted in this thread (it goes on for another 3 more threads until mid 2007) were basically confirmed in Justin’s album. Like the craziest part is that the fans were posting all these stuff in like, 2006 and Justin kind of confirmed these stuff like, 7 years later lol. I am feeling so vindicated now!!
Some points:
1. Daily Mail tabloid about Britney bombarding Justin with 10-20 calls everyday after her divorce with Kevin and him having mixed feelings about it because he tries to be there for her but feels like she’s using him as a crutch and wants her to get herself together and come out on top —> Justin sang about it in ‘Only When I Walk Away’ in 20/20 part 2
2. OK Magazine reported that Justin was seen going to Britney’s pre-birthday celebration in a club with JC and the MMC gang in Dec 2006 (after divorce from Kevin) and she was caught on video dancing to SexyBack, other reports saying they hooked up (he ended things with Cameron in Dec too), other tabloids saying he flew down to Manhattan when Britney called him saying she ended things with a boyfriend and stayed at his rented flat until 4am —> TKO in 20/20 part 2
3. OK Magazine reported they saw Justin and his mom driving into Britney’s Malibu house right after her breakdown to meet up with her family despite him being busy on tour for FSLS, reports of him asking his mom to keep watch on Britney’s condition until she gets better, Justin sending a letter to Britney while she was in rehab telling her that he wishes they met when they were older because they would probably be married with kids by then and told her he’s rooting on her to get better - Pair of Wings, Blue Ocean Floor in 20/20 part 1 and part 2
4. There are other stuff like Justin and Britney saying in one interview that they haven’t spoken to each other for 2 years or since the breakup, then in other interviews Britney would say she talked to him once or twice after the breakup, Justin would say he called her up after her breakdown to ask if she was ok, Britney was papped leaving his house in March 2003, Fred Durst telling an interviewer that Britney ditched their date to visit Justin in London, tabloids of Kevin and Britney arguing because she and Justin still talk on the phone, etc. They’re literally contradicting themselves so I say they’re just lying about not contacting each other. - ‘Amnesia’ on 20/20 part 2 was written due to these conflicting feelings about her I guess.
I think there’s more but I need to listen to 20/20 part 2 again to see if Justin has addressed some of the tabloids/rumors in his songs.
But yeah… sus af that Britney conveniently left out this entire chunk from her book. I mean, she didn’t even mention about him trying to talk to her after the disastrous 2007 VMAs performance backstage but was stopped by her team (their mutual friend Nikki Deloach actually confirmed all this on her podcast actually so it did happen).
If one day Justin decides to tell his side of the story about his relationship with Britney, I hope he will address this ‘black hole’ period of time, but then again he has technically already told it in 20/20 Experience part 2 so…
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luvnotpercival · 8 months
He is still holding a knife opinions -
- the eye of the tiger
- Ah yes.... DOOR DASH
- drop kick the child Tamika DROP KICK THE CHILD
- I swear the boy is begining to worry me now
- "problem solving dialogue" cecil no that's not what that is THIS IS TAKING PLACE IN YOUR STUDIO CECIL
- ooh "whiskey by rumour hill" I like
- Cecil you are so cute!
- Ah yes " speaking as an objective reporter"
- oh shit who's the specific person
- Oh shit "one Kevin"
Loved this episode! Made me angry a lot but I liked it a lot
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hope this is ok to ask but if you’re willing to spill would you mind talking about some of your spn fic opinions 👀👀
DISCLAIMER: Everyone who writes fic is awesome for doing it and should do what they want and my opinion doesn't matter because who gives a fuck what I think??? Write what makes you happy!!! It doesn't matter!!! If someone doesn't like it they can read something else or write their own fic!!!! I will jump to the defense of an author whose work I don’t even like if they get a bitchy entitled comment from some jerkweed who thinks every fic should be written exactly how THEY want.
That said, in MY opinion *breathes*:
Need more of Cas being a bitch. Cas can be cool sometimes yes and sometimes he can be awkward yes but also he doesn't answer the phone, and when you call him out for ghosting you he just shrugs and says he was busy. He rolls his eyes because you're exasperating and your voice is grating. He ate his own siblings a few times and also said he wanted them all to die because they were so annoying about free will in season 6. Like yes he does little puppy dog eyes and says “sorry” but then he does that same shit again for the 12 billionth time to everyone around him. 
Need more of Dean being that guy. The "I was right about the thing and you didn't listen to me and it blew up in your face, idiot" guy. Like a lot of fics that are Dean centric seem to focus on Dean's self worth issues and his belief that no one loves him and he doesn't deserve happiness because he is a Loser and Stupid and a Weapon and is parentified which is a thing that Dean deals with feeling, but he is also THEEE most annoying hoe when he is right about something and he will NOT shut the fuck up about it. There is a lot of "Nobody will ever love me I am not smart like Sammy ;_;" and I would love to read more "I am literally the actual psychic in this family and I can sniff out how this stupid plan you came up with will fail with the accuracy of a bloodhound looking for a corpse that is just 2 feet away and I will tell you exactly how dumb you are then the universe will prove me right after you go behind my back and I WILL remind you about it at least 5 times." Yes Dean has self-worth issues but also yes Dean will endlessly shit on beings who could kill him in the blink of an eye and will tell everyone they are fucking stupid. 
Nobody can write Sam. Not you, not me, not his fans, not his haters. If, by some miracle, a person CAN write Sam accurately, then they write the best Sam ever written in the entire universe and there are galaxies exploding in your brain as you read his inner monologue... until you get to the part where Dean or Cas becomes relevant and then you immediately have to click out of the fic because this author put every single stat they have into Sam Understanding and apparently there’s are Cas Understander and Dean Understander penalties for doing that of like negative 5 trillion. Worst takes you have ever seen in your entire life. It is too painful to continue reading. Horrible crimes are being committed.
If Kevin appears in a Sam-centric fic there is a good chance the author is mean about him. 
Now that we can exclude things from search results on AO3, I need a tag called: #Everyone gets an A+ on their Mental Health Report Card after the decades of torture and/or lobotomies except Dean who is the Only Fucked Up One Because He Just Can't Manage Like Everyone Else Can And He Is Explicitly Treated As A Burden For Having Trauma Instead Of The Idea Of Him Being A Burden Being Subverted. 
Fics where Cas shows up in the fic to randomly bring dues ex machina from randomcountry and then disappear again as unobtrusively and robotically as possible "You're welcome my friends Sam and Dean Winchester beep boop" *flies away on wings ignoring canon wing loss timeline* are just????  
I notice many authors don’t care/remember when Cas does and doesn’t have certain powers in canon and he flies everywhere and it leaves me very disoriented. Like who even IS a Cas who never lost his wings? That is a different guy.
Every time someone writes "Dean finally pulls his head out of his ass" in the summary of their destiel fic a cute baby animal gets swallowed up by quicksand. 
Making Benny evil is a self-report that you don’t know how to write a friend or love interest for Dean that is better than him and that fact lives rent free in your head. 
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shanie · 2 months
Since I have been reliably informed that nobody would ever care to actually read a fanfic about Generico’s backstory in Mexico, I have compiled a short(ish) list of info about Generico and his family that I want to share (because they are the bits that are IMPORTANT to the Generico!verse).
CW: Canonical character death/Parental death (obviously), Alcohol and Drugs (implied), Adoption, Family trauma (canonical), Poverty (Canonical), Homelessness (Canonical), Catholicism (Pretty sure that’s also canonical) Like, this is the most depressing backstory ever, but then, like, so is the canon. Generico!verse content and backstory under cut (but no actual spoilers for future stories. This is ALL BACKSTORY)
First and foremost.
List of Generico’s siblings as it pertains to the Generico!verse, with their ages at the date of their father’s death
Generico: 14  Rosa: 14  Michal and Tomás: 13  Miguel: 12  Maríe and “Ría” (María): 11  Daniella: 10  Joseph: 9  Ana: 8  Solandro and Luna: 8  Isabella: 6  Cedro: 5  “Liví” (Olivia): 4  Note: There are two children younger than Livi. Their names are never given, but one is about 2 and a half and one is a little over a year
Ok, now that that is out of the way.
Generico’s mother dies first. She gets sick after giving birth and never recovers. It’s a short but brutal illness, and when she dies, only her husband is with her. The children are at the house where Generico and Rosa are keeping them from having to watch their mom die. Oh, and it’s sort of implied that part of the reason that Generico’s mom dies is because of the cumulative damage caused by her having far too many children in too short a span of time and, well… she just runs out of luck. And, as for why there were so many children? Something something Catholic something in love but no birth control something. You know. That. In case you were wondering where that whole thing about Generico kind of having a grudge against God and preferring to believe in fairies comes from. Also, RE: this, do NOT worry, outside of if I ever decide to write a Christmas story, the happenstance fact of both Kevin Steen and El Generico being Catholic in this universe is never made a thing. Ever. This is a safe space. It’ll come up MAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE in passing. If I feel like it. I probably won’t. Kevin is lapsed at best and Generico really does have a grudge against God. It would take a HELL of a lot to get either one of them into a church. If anything, they’d have a moment bonding over how much Catholicism SUCKS. It does. Sorry not sorry, raised by a devout Catholic father who forced my mother to give up both her beliefs and her family to be permitted his hand in marriage, and the both of us have suffered our whole lives because of him and the bullshit his faith installed in his brain. I also hold a grudge, as it turns out. ANYWAY…
Generico’s father dies one year later EXACTLY. Never getting past the mourning of his beloved wife, on the anniversary of her death, he tries to drown the pain and… well… *drowns*. It’s Generico who finds him in the middle of the night, unresponsive, and there’s no way to save him. He’s too far gone. The only thing Generico can do is try to hide the cause of death so his siblings never find out what he did, and… well, funny thing, his brain decides the best way to keep from ever having to talk about how his dad died is to just NEVER TALK AGAIN. … Funny how that works.
Immediately after Generico’s father’s death is reported and cleared, the two baby siblings are taken from the rest of them by “caring” family members. Generico freaks out about this, realizing that his family is going to be broken up, and in the middle of the night, gathers up his remaining family, and escapes into the night into the city.
Generico first shelters his family in an alleyway, but it’s far too conspicuous. And not safe. So before long, Michal and Tomás (the oldest twins) discover that there is a “room available” at a historic, abandoned hotel, and Generico takes the family and “moves in”.
Michal and Tomás are identical twin brothers btw. They are so mischievous and resourceful. Absolute tricksters. I swear their first mission in life is to help care for the family, but the second mission is to fulfill the first with as much chaos as possible. These are EXACTLY the sorts of twins who would spend a week attending each other’s classes at school to see if anyone would notice, and then they would only get found out when one of them gets their family called into the office for the latest attempt at chaos and THEY realize “Wait, that’s TOMÁS, not Michal!” Michal and Tomás also are both AroAce. They have no time, desire, or need for romantic relationships, but later in life do develop a close friend circle. However, if you tried to separate them, you would fail. They have Usos levels of connection. You could put a whole ass continent between them, they would STILL SENSE EACH OTHER. You wanna talk about a case of “Soulmates aren’t just romantic?” Here you go. Most of the “nice” things that Generico and his family had in the hotel were provided by these two and the fact that they knew how to exploit their “Twin Magic” to rob establishments BLIND.
Rosa is only 9 months younger than Generico, and she was a premie. She’s the “Mom” of the family who stays at him to raise the kids (while Generico washes dishes). Probably the most intelligent, practical, and nurturing teenager you will ever meet, she was already wise beyond her years when her MOM died.
Correction, the most intelligent teenager you will ever meet is Miguel. Miguel is straight-up GIFTED… but in the way that he’s not really the most street-smart. One of those “High intelligence, low wisdom” types. Miguel spends as much time as he can at the library and will bring books back to the hotel for Rosa to read. As far as someone trying to act as a “teacher” for the rest of the family? That’s Miguel.
Marie and Maria (Ria) were named by Generico’s dad who had an… interesting sense of humor. They’re fraternal sisters and quite different in personality, but if you were ever wondering why Generico doesn’t think anything is odd about Carla’s best friend being named Carlos, this is why. To him, they’re just names. Nothing strange about that at all. (KEVIN on the other hand…)
Solandro and Luna are fraternal twins, one brother, one sister. When Generico (then 8) found out that his mom had both “a boy and a girl in her belly”, Generico commented like it was having “Both the sun and moon inside you at once”. When the babies were born, it was in the middle of the night. A difficult labor, there was a full 40 minutes between the babies… enough for the date to turn, meaning one was born at night, and one in the morning. (Somewhere, in typing this, I can hear The New Day getting into an argument, YES THEY’RE STILL TWINS!!!!) When this happened, Generico’s mom remembered what he said, and named the first twin “Moon” and the second twin “Sun” (Luna and Solandro).
This has NO bearing on the story or universe at this point outside of just another nice anecdote about Generico and his mom.
If there is any one sibling, however, who has the most relevancy to the plot… it’s Livi.
Livi, short for Olivia, is autistic like Generico, but also learning disabled. Only three when their mom died, she never saw the inside of so much of a PRESCHOOL by the time Generico took them to the streets. Barely verbal at all or able to communicate, she is the most loving, precious child you will ever meet… and Generico, upon realizing that Livi was like him, IMMEDIATELY WAS ATTACHED.
Generico became instantly super-protective and caring for Livi in a way he wasn’t really with any other of his siblings. In return, Livi bonded with HIM, and yeah. They just UNDERSTOOD each other.
However, a child like Livi…  doesn’t do well on the streets. As such, nothing Generico could do could keep up with her needs and, when she reached age 7 and still couldn’t really talk or read or do much of anything that 7 year olds should be able to do, her inability to take care of herself led to her getting into something she shouldn’t (use your imagination on that one, I’m not going to write that part out it’s too depressing) and Generico had to rush her to the hospital. When the doctors realized there was this 7-year-old who clearly had never seen the inside of a school, was horribly malnourished, and wearing filthy clothes, they IMMEDIATELY called social services. Generico was confronted about her and, with his street smarts, immediately realized what was happening, fought his way free, and fled into the night knowing he would never see his sister ever again.
When he got home and managed to communicate with Rosa what happened (the best he could) they realized together that, like it or not, Generico’s under-the-table job and the twins’ theft would never be able to provide their family the life they deserved. So, THAT is what inspired Generico to run away to Canada and become a luchador. So that none of his other siblings would suffer the same fate as his beloved Livi.
Livi does very much survive, by the way, and she gets taken in by a loving family who actually fully adopt her and give her the life she never had, while also doing everything in their power to accommodate her special needs, as well as the trauma of being taken from her family. Don’t worry, that story has a happy ending planned, I just gotta GET there!
Emilio. Emilio (mentioned already) was a friend of Generico’s father before he died and, when he did die, Emilio did everything he could to help out. He was a single guy on his own, barely getting by as well, but DAMN if he didn’t care about those kids. So, he managed to convince his boss at the restaurant (NOT the one Generico’s dad worked at) to let Generico work under the table as a dishwasher. In return, Emilio acted as a mentor to Generico, helping him grow from a scared, traumatized child into a very resourceful and capable young man. Most of the life skills that Generico has when he gets to Canada are because of Emilio. And, when the realization came that Generico had to leave, Emilio was the one to give Generico the funds to get to Canada as well gifting him with something that he’d wanted to for months, in the hopes that it would allow Generico to fulfill his dreams.
A luchador mask.
And, when Generico got to Canada at the age of 17, it was through Emilio that he was able to provide for his family, as Rosa was still too young to establish a bank account on her own.
Really, Generico hasn’t had a whole lot of allies in his life, but there are at least a few people, like Emilio and Carla (and Kevin) who saw him, and immediately their hearts went out to him and they just HAD to help.
Anyway, sorry if this all seems really depressing. Truth is, El Generico as a character, whether you want to admit it or not, has hands down one of the most DEPRESSING backstories of any wrestling gimmick ever. Like, lololol, he’s an orphan who raised his family on the streets of Tijuana… you DO realize that means he buried both his parents as a CHILD and then spent the rest of his childhood HOMELESS???
Sometimes I think people like to say that stuff about being a street urchin without ever thinking about how truly HORRIFIC a situation that would be.
He came out of it as a shining ball of kindness and light but that’s just because of the strength of his character that survived despite the hardship. He has Seen. Some. Shit. And LIVED. THROUGH. MORE. SHIT. Give credit where credit is due about him not coming out of it a complete mess, too traumatized to function.
He lost his voice. He didn’t lose his soul. And we should all be grateful for that.
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warrantyissue · 1 year
Oklahoma's governor is horrifically racist towards Native Americans
OK governor Kevin Stitt constantly makes attacks on tribal sovereignty, which often involves racist stereotyping and blatant lies. Recently he has put out videos attacking tribes' rights to set laws on reservation land, vetoed a bill that would allow tribal students to wear cultural regalia when graduating (thankfully this was overturned), fought native people's rights to hunting and fishing, and many other things.
He lies about Indigenous people getting easier prison sentences and even stated that they "have different speed limits."
Stitt's family actually was allotted land from the Cherokee nation when his ancestor faked tribal membership through bribery. He has personally benefitted from the tribe but now wants to take away rights from actual Cherokee people living in Oklahoma today.
I'm a white person living in Oklahoma and am not sure how best to combat this issue, but I thought I'd make a post about this POS because I don't hear him talked about enough. The links I have are only some examples of his actions. Settler colonialism is an ongoing process and as fascism rises Indigenous people will see attacks on their autonomy.
Fact-checking Oklahoma Governor's claim that Indigenous, non-Indigenous drivers have different speed limits | KOSU
NY Times report questions Kevin Stitt's tribal ancestry... - The Lost Ogle
Gov. Kevin Stitt won't renew hunting, fishing compacts with OK tribes (oklahoman.com)
Oklahoma Governor vetoes graduation tribal regalia bill | KFOR.com Oklahoma City
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crossover-enthusiast · 3 months
i know i already sent you a progress report BUT FORGET THAT ONE IGHNORE IT
ok "finished" is generous im most likely gonna go back and redo a few i dont like but for now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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Also omg I JUST noticed OP Kevin and Frank are swapped compared to the original art, that's so good
Also didn't know OP Moloch had spikes on his back, neat
I also like all the horn variety, it's neat :]
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alaffy · 1 year
Riverdale 7x04 - Love and Marriage (are not to be found in this episode, also spoilers)
Normally, I write these things as soon as the episode ends, but Christ on a Cracker I needed a break. This is going to be painful.
So, Jughead and Ethel are arrested for the murder of Ethel’s parents.  Veronica talks to Jughead at the station and they realize that all they need to do to prove, at least, Jughead didn’t do it is to get the Coroner's reports and find out when the parents were killed.  If it was during the dance, well, there are several witnesses to the fact that Jughead was there the whole time.  Veronica gets the reports, but no Dr. Curdle Jr. (he’s Betty’s special friend).
Archie finds out Cheryl has told her family that they slept together.  However, she tells him that her little lie is protecting her from her family and he chooses to play along.  Of course, as soon as he gets home, he finds out that his mom has talked to Cheryl’s mom and now they’re all going to have dinner together to fix this mess.  
Betty wants to have sex.  Kevin wants to wait until marriage.  They break up.  Later, Toni will take Betty to the underground Coffee Shop, where Betty will see Kevin dancing with Clay.  Betty goes home and has a talk with her mother who...fuck me...well, I was right that Alice suspected Kevin.  She’s not at all shocked about Kevin dancing with another man, says men sometimes have urges, and presses Betty to steer Kevin back in the right direction.   
Veronica gets Jughead out of jail and they go to Pop’s to celebrate.  Jughead tells Veronica that he was able to find out that, after her fight with her parents, Ethel did leave the house and...God, long story short, Julien Blossom was a witness to Ethel’s whereabouts when her parents were killed.  And Jughead convinces him to tell the truth by punching him in the face.  One of the few good moments of the show.  Ethel is released back into the care of the Cooper’s.  
Meanwhile, The Blossoms and the Andrews have their dinner.  Oh look, Clifford’s back and, apparently, he’s the Mayor.  Clifford insults the memory of Fred by saying that Archie reminds Clifford of Fred.  Then, Clifford and Mary decide that Cheryl and Archie must get married.  And, just cutting to the chase, it seems like they’re going to get married.  And then Archie thinks they can Elope and run away and maybe they learn to love each other.  And, in the end, Cheryl backs out because Toni talks her out of it.  Cheryl suggests Archie write Betty a poem, which he does.  Toni gives Cheryl a book.  And Archie goes to give Betty the poem...only to find Frank standing in the dining room.  Fuck.
Ok, a little bit of honesty here.  I checked out halfway through this episode.  Here’s why.  See, They decided Fang’s needs a storyline.  How about knocking up Midge?  Except they don’t know if she’s truly pregnant.  But don’t worry, Toni has a way to tell.  So they.....I need a moment.
They all meet in the biology room that night and Toni tells them....that the surefire way to find out if Midge is pregnant is to inject Midge’s pee into a toad and if the toad lays eggs overnight, she’s pregnant.  
Everyone, I present an accurate representation of what went through my mind at this moment.  
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Seriously, this scene from RWBY Chibi encompasses everything I feel about this episode.
Anyway, to wrap this shit show up.  Betty talks with Kevin, but it seems she’s going to be a friend and not listen to her mother’s advice.  Betty starts to fight back against Alice, who demands to know where Betty got the sex book.  Ethel admits it’s hers.  Later, we find that Alice has burnt the book and sent Ethel to the Sister of Quite Mercy (Ethel can’t ever catch a break).
Meanwhile, Jughead finds his place trashed and Hot Dog gone.  Veronica lets him stay in her apartment for the night.  Then, she helps him get back Hot Dog and does an Extreme Home Makeover on his Train Car.  At the end of the episode, Jughead and Veronica end up kissing.  Which, compared to everything else in the episode, is...it won’t last, but it will be interesting.  At least, it’s one thing that’s interesting.
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Song Rec: Kids with Guns by Gorillaz
Part 9: Networking 1/2
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Part 8
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cussing, insomnia, sleep deprived Reader, car hitting someone(Wolfwood), blood, mentions of death, what the fuck is vore? Does this count as it? Idk ⚠
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The car bounced slightly as it drove on the sand.
You were half asleep because insomnia could be a real bitch sometimes. Vash was dozing off, sitting at the other end of the back seat.
Meryl had asked to accompany both of you, mostly to get the blonde's story.
Not wanting to drag Kevin around, you let the big bird stay with the people of Jeneora Rock, knowing that they would need the bird more than you. Also handing over a letter for them to give to the doctor.
So here you were, in the back seat of the reporter's vehicle while the news was going on, struggling to stay awake.
Maybe I should sleep. You think, too deep into your thoughts to notice that Roberto and Meryl were talking about the worm cluster up in the sky.
Then the car jerked into a sharp turn.
"Ah!", you yelped, grabbing onto the top of the seat with one arm and the other darting over to keep the blonde from flying forward, having to get closer to keep him safe.
Car having stopped, everyone in the let out a breath before getting off.
The small dark haired woman sprinted to the figure lying in the sand and the rest of you followed.
"Hey! Are you ok!?", Meryl asked the person she hit.
You went next to her, holding a small first-aid kit and recognized the poor accident victim making pained noises.
"Wolfwood?", you were a little more awake now thanks to seeing a familiar face. "Hey Star boy, help me lift.", you say and pocket the kit before crouching down to grab the man's legs.
"Right!", the humanoid typhoon rushes over to help.
After getting the man in black into the car, it was a little cramped but at least the injured person wouldn't get his head hitting the side windows. Meryl was speeding through the dunes, the car bouncing even more than earlier. "There's no dying on my watch mister!", she said panicked.
You and Vash held onto the man so he wouldn't get even more hurt, but with all the movement he was still in constant pain. Both you and the blonde looked at Wolfwood worriedly since he looked a little braindead.
Thankfully with the fast driving, the car made it to a plant stop.
Meryl jumped out of the car and rushed over to the building while you helped Vash get the injured man out of the car.
"We need supplies! This man is injured!", she said before getting a good look at the state the place was in.
"Hold on.", you mumble to the blonde and let him take hold of Wolfwood before going into the building, seeing the blood and dead bodies inside.
The other two followed you both in and also took in the scene.
After the bodies were buried and Wolfwood was up, you stood next to the kid as you watched the undertaker in black stuck the heavy cross into the sand.
"Uh.. Heavenly father, lord in heaven..", he started, taking a drink from the bottle in his hand while squatting down. "Forgive us our sins oh lord as we forgive those who sin against us.", he said and started sprinkling the water on the makeshift graves.
You rolled your eyes, too tired for whatever gibberish the man in the suit would say next.
"Please welcome their souls and all the faithful departed into your..into your.. What is it?"
Vash and Meryl look up from their sad gazes after hearing that.
"Welcome them into your humble abode?"
The two look at the black haired man in confusion as he continues to guess what to say next. And then the cross starts to tilt and fall, making the man scramble to catch it.
"Uh..make sure there's some empty chairs. They're kindom coming so..", Wolfwood says with his hands in a praying position.
"That's enough!", the small reporter says, making the undertaker stop. "You're not really a priest, huh?"
"No, I'm not.", Wolfwood says standing up. "I'm an Undertaker."
Shovel, shovel. Bury, bury. You thought with a slow blink.
You didn't pay attention until the man in black walked over and took a knee, handing the kid a lollipop.
"I want one..", you mumble to yourself.
Damn. I am out of it. You thought and rubbed one of your eyes.
Looking over to the three, you are just in time to see the check scene. Vash in total shock at the price before shakily showing it to Meryl. Then Meryl starts to argue with Wolfwood and the other reporter walks up, taking the check before scoffing.
There was a sudden light ring in your ears, making you wake up just a bit.
Isn't this when-
You don't get to finish that thought as everything starts shaking and you grab onto the kid so that you both don't fall over.
Even though I know they're the cause, here I am making sure they don't fall.
The shakes continue and that's when the sand dust starts to form when the worm gets closer. At the moment you wonder if you should feel terrified or in awe.
Then it hit you.
Ah, I've hit my sleep deprivation insanity.
"It's a grand-worm!", Vash yelled out before the giant worm swallows the plant station whole.
Everyone screams as all of you go down the dark and odd throat of the worm, eyes widening when seeing the high fall after entering another part of the worm.
All of you groan after hitting the bottom, sitting up or standing from the fall.
Meryl had held onto you and the kid while falling, then she pulled both of you back when a large piece of metal fell just a few inches away.
"Incoming!", Roberto yelled out as more of the plant station started to fall down, even the car.
"Nope, nope, nope.", you started moving the two next to you and felt someone squish you between the two while bringing all of you away from the danger. "Oof-", you sounded as all of you landed.
"You guys aren't hurt are you?", the humanoid typhoon asks.
"No.", you say and shiver in disgust when feeling sand in your clothing, sitting up quickly and shaking/pulling at your clothes.
You stand up and grab onto your coat, also shaking the sand off of it. And as you were doing that, you heard Wolfwood saying something about watching your step.
Then a flying worm crawled out of a skull.
"I've heard something about worms being interconnected.", the small reporter said.
"You heard right.", the older reporter confirmed.
Vash and the others watched as the worms communicated. Light bouncing off the walls of the worm as the small one flew farther and farther.
"That's its detached electron network. The bigger the worm, the more detached electrons it holds.", the older reporter says. "Judging by its size, this guy must be a pillar of its community."
"Which means?", Meryl asked, turning to look at her partner.
"Which means we're in the head honcho.", Roberto replied.
The blonde was still looking up at the bug before snapping his attention to the two figures going deeper into the worm.
"Hey!", he said and ran after the two.
What is the angel doing!?
"Come back!", the small reporter shouted.
They stopped when the two were climbing, the kid jumping over while the medic was still going.
"What are you doing?", he asked as they kept climbing.
They looked over their shoulder and down at him with a serious gaze, not missing a beat with their response.
"Going after the kid, duh.", they said and continued climbing.
Well, that makes sense. He thought and started climbing.
Then after the climb, he found them standing in front of four tunnel like openings.
"Uh..", the medic turned to face him and the reporter with a nervous smile. "I think I lost the kid..?"
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Sleep? What's that?
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 10
@summerdazed @lunar-archangel @+?
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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emypony · 2 years
Honkai Idol AU
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this is all ur fault @spectral-claws IDOL FELIS BE UPON YE
I will now proceed to go ahead and post my rambles, thank you to @izzyandviolins for letting me ping her all the time and just dump all the brainrots I have whenever
Idk how much sense these will make AND i will put more specific stuff at the end for everyone else who would just like the general AU idea at the start
EDIT: This actually got hella long so I will be putting it under a read more, oh my god I am so sorry
Now for the groups:
1. there's obviously our 4 main girls: Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua
Himeko is the coach / choreographer, Tesla makes props and Einstein does Costumes / Makeup, Welt is the Manager (this is REALLY. im well aware theres a ton more ppl behind idol / kpop groups but you know its just. ITS JUST WHAT IT IS WITH THE CHARACTERS THAT WE HAVE, OKAY)
2. Senti's main group consisting of!! Senti (obviously), Sirin (HoV), Seele, Veliona (they're a package duo), Sushang and Carole (yes she is here, no I will not elaborate --- ok maybe I will)
3. A few flamechasers: Pardofelis (which is a!!! New Idol!! She's the main focus of this group atm since the stans love her to bits--- catgirl charm. I promise there is a reason for this statement) Elysia, Eden, Mobius (I am not that familiar with her so she would either be part of the group OR maybe act like the on-set medic or whichever), Sakura, Vill V AND Aponia (maybe, there's a 5th group I'm thinking about however it's kind of still an idea so I will leave her here for now)
4. The GuysTM: Kevin, Su (the most marketable out of all of them), Kalpas (shocking, I know. I hc he's in gacha debt from genshin impact) and MAYBE Adam and Lyle but only bc Carole is there I'm putting them with a ?
I don't know where to fit Kosma, Griseo and Teri or Durandal and Rita (im sorry fellas im not that acquainted with them but you're 100% free to suggest something for them)
Now a bit about relationships between members of the groups or other groups:
Seele and Bronya are Dating so Seele (and by extension Veliona) are always hanging out with Bronya's group (though Veli might stay behind sometimes because she gets on relatively alright with Senti)
Sirin and Senti have a one sided rivalry from Sirin because she wants to prove she's the best and always challenges Senti to dance battles or. whatever it is that Kpop / Idols do (idont know dont ask me) but Senti is distracted by her own one sided. Rivalry (and it is NOT towards Fu Hua LOL) They're just dummy but they are a nice combo together when dancing
Speaking of Senti and Fu Hua, I see them like a past dance Duo that was supposed to compliment each other however after Senti was mostly cast and categorized by the fans as a twin / copycat of Fu Hua, she got fed up and went to develop her own solo style. things were mostly tensioned between them however Fu Hua doesn't hold resentment over what Senti did and she also feels like her new spot with Kiana, Mei and Bronya is better, and she also really likes Senti's own evolution apart from her own. Whenever Senti gets dragged along to Kiana's group and meets up with her, she's a bit awkward, but Hua is able to get past that and manages to get her talking (Senti doesn't start a conversation when they meet up, even if she does seek out Hua more than Hua herself, although she doesn't mind. It doesn't take much to go "so what's the recent idol group news" and then Senti goes off abt things the media reports on and other things and. she just starts talking and doesn't stop. Hua listens and gives advice but mostly lets Senti talk about whatever she's dealing with and maybe figure things out on her own by voicing them out loud. She values her as a more awkward friend (compared to her original hard go getter attitude from when they were a duo together) so she doesn't mind listening to her (mostly funny and unhinged) rants about the world of idol / media since she doesnt keep up with whatever drama is going on
+ Senti has got a funny friendly rivalry with Kiana at least and they're able to enjoy themselves ((compared to Sirin and Kiana who have REALLY got their own more serious rivalry))
Mei hangs out with Ely and Eden frequently enough to hold a friendly relationship with them as well as the rest of the flame chasers group and the guys. Elysia keeps begging their managers to let Mei Collab with them much more often.
Carole and Fu Hua go way back before their Idol days and Carole isn't shy whatsoever in jumping Hua whenever she gets the chance. She's way more into fashion and makeup and skincare and all of that and while Hua loves that she's so energetic, she can get a bit much but thankfully Carole knows when to step back a little and focus her energy beam on someone else. (They are great friends that don't talk on the daily but they can catch up without issues)
Li Sushang has a more ... mmm whats the word. Cordial? Relationship with Fu Hua? I'm a bit lost where to place her, mostly because I see her as Fu Hua's dance duo that didn't work out so she got relocated to another group better suited for her style. Unsure if this was before or after Senti teamed up with Hua, but Sushang does hold a bit of animosity towards Senti for that (nothing too bad, but she does wonder how the hell could they have been a dance duo when Senti seems like the complete opposite of Hua in regards to what she does - because she is a little bit crazy at times especially if left alone with Carole). They do have a general ok relationship and Sushang enjoys hanging out with everyone
Senti finds Carole a bit much at times (shocking, I know) but she is fun to hang around with and do mischief (Especially when Veliona joins in. They are banned from the kitchen along with Kiana)
Most of the Flamechasers and the guys keep to themselves BUT Carole will bother Kalpas to no end and he's so pissed off about it except she works out and he cannot beat her in an arm wrestling contest or anything for that matter so he has to rightfully suffer the wrath of a girl with 17 steps of bedtime skincare routine <3
NOW HERE IS WHERE WE GET INTO THINGS THAT ARE INCREDIBLY SELF INDULGENT FOR ME mostly because they are Sentifelis so. I do apologize but also I tried to keep most of it towards the end
OK SO AS I'VE SAID PARDO IS A NEW ADDITION TO THE FLAMECHASERS IDOL GROUP AND THE STANS ARE OBSESSED WITH HER !!! She's literally a catgirl with a cute aesthetic, it's a recipe for success
the funniest part: SENTI HATES HER (at the beginning at least) because until her, she was kind of one of the top spots on the 'idol leaderboard' or whatever (idk if thats a thing, people like diff idols / kpop artists etc but like. POPULARITY POLL?) and she's out there with Elysia BUT AS SOON AS FELIS CAME SHE JUST BULLDOZED RIGHT THROUGH ALL OF THAT and she's UPSET (or thinks she is anyway)
Fans also started comparing them a lot because of their different dance styles - Senti has more of a street dance type, and Felis is good at doing very fluid motions (mostly because of her tail) and fans love them both
Felis actually admires Senti so much as a fellow idol and somehow even after working with the group for a while she doesn't get to meet Senti at all and that's kind of her dream she just wants to 🥺befriend Senti she thinks shes SO cool
Senti would rather die before admitting that she actually thinks that Felis is really cute and isn't surprised that she's garnered such a large fanbase even though she hasn't worked as an idol for as long as the others, she finds her dance moves really nice ESPECIALLY because of her tail. BUT SHE IS GOING TO DENY THESE TILL THE END OF TIME (or so she claims) -
Like Sirin will just come to her on the daily to ask to practice and dance battle and will get completely brushed aside. See:
Sirin: "Today i will!! finally be top center stage instead of Senti!! i will finally beat her in the popularity poll!" She tries to get a rise out of Senti by claiming she is better and such but there's nothing, because Senti is just. too busy scrolling on her FYP on Tik Tok.
Senti: "Can you believe people made Fancams of Pardofelis AGAIN??? WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T!! I HATE HER SO MUCH!!" (real 100% not clickbait) SHES TOO BUSY GOING OFF ABOUT "HATING" THE MEOW MEOW
Veliona: "you watched like 20 different fucking fancams. i thought you hated her"
Senti: "I DO I HATE HER SO MUCH ugh look at how they added a green sparkles and a neon cat ears and whiskers filter to this one. She looks way better in pink."
Veliona, giving a look to Seele who just smiles and waves her hand to leave them be (insert 'I know what you are' dog meme here): 🧍‍♀️
I'm not sure if this ever happens in kpop 'biz' but imagine the 4 groups end up under the same publishing company so now they will all be living closer to each other (I have no idea wtf housing looks like for kpop stars or idols LOL) and collab more often and just meet at the workplace. SENTI HATES THIS OBVIOUSLY and like!! Felis definitely notices the cold shoulder she is given 🥺. She tries to say hi to Senti because she's super excited but Senti thinks she's just there to. Like show off that she's somehow better?? With her cute flicking ears and waving tail and her painted nails and her mismatched stockings BYE Senti cannot deal with this (she is confused and just hides it all behind an unfriendly facade)
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Poor Felis is sad because she thinks she's done something wrong and she was so looking forward to meet Senti 😭😭😭
The same kind of behavior continues, because Senti can't really bring herself to be mean to Felis and tell her to get lost (especially when she's got that sad puppy look on her face) and always attempts to flee to another place instead. Their fellow idol coworkers DO notice, but most of them console Felis and say that's how Senti usually is with newcomers and that maybe she will warm up with time.
BONUS: There is a tiny part of the fandom shipping them - as you would and while they never got to get an interview from Felis about it, Senti is SHOCKED to find out that there's ppl making fics and fanart AND FANCAMS OF THEM (which are mostly taped together bc there's barely any interaction between them in media lmao). Like who in their right mind!! This is inconceivable to her!! She is so pissed about that too bc shes like "WHY ISNT PARDOFELIS SAYING ANYTHING TO THE PRESS ABOUT IT ... WE ARE NOT A THING!! WTF!! THIS IS ALL HER FAULT" (does not actually think its her fault and actually wonders where the fuck did fans get that impression but people will be people. ALSO no I don't condone rpf or any of that with actual real people, these r just fictional characters. and this is fanfiction inside a fanfiction)
Meanwhile I believe Felis would have a secret account on all social medias at least taking a look at that side of their fandom / fanbase and seeing what the people think in regards to that (she cant figure out why Senti won't be her friend, so maybe others will??? The theories and speculations people come up with are so funny though)
Afterwards, I would love to have them all taking a trip somewhere - to ... celebrate the fact that the companies and groups have merged or whatever (preferably the woods or. SOMEPLACE. Maybe with Caves? Yeah I'm pulling the 'stuck in a cave with no reception' trope on them, what will you do about it?) and that's how they finally get to have a 1 on 1 together, mostly because Felis is going to get a bit scared and thinks there's no way out of there.
Felis: "oh my god im too young to die!!! i didnt even get your autograph yet in my journal And I still have curry leftovers in my fridge that I didn't eat and I was so looking forward to them!!!"
Senti: "what."
Felis: "what ?"
Senti: "You...want my autograph?"
Felis: "Of course!! 🥺👉👈you're my biggest inspiration I admire your dance moves so much you look SO good on the screen and in concerts I I don't know how you do it I freak out all the time and think people can notice it BUT YOU LOOK SO CALM AND COMPOSED AND COOL-" and she has to stop herself because she's gushing dfjkghfd
With this they finally have a heart to heart and Senti apologizes for being so cold to Felis, she (begrudgingly) admits that she felt kind of threatened by Felis's onset popularity from the get go. Felis doesn't mind at all and is rather relieved that Senti doesn't ACTUALLY hate her and now they can be !!! friends!!! (Senti is actually overjoyed at their new friendship and hopes to hang out with her a lot more BUT she's incredibly trash at managing her feelings so it still comes off across as a little aloof and 'well, whatever...' but Felis doesn't seem to register that at all and has now resorted to holding Senti's hand because THEY ARE STILL TRAPPED IN A SCARY CAVE AND IT'S DARK
Obviously they are rescued a little while later because people noticed they were missing and such, and while still awkward around each other (mostly Senti, because she is now suddenly RECEIVING A LOT OF ATTENTION from a girl who she will never admit she finds cute, it's still a lot to get used to on day one but she powers through for the sake of it.
After this their friendship and such get better and Felis is no longer a stranger to their group, because she starts hanging out with Senti A LOT MORE once they get back. (and neither of them will tell the others what happened for that change)
Also I like to think Felis barges in Senti's room all the time to give her updates on the. ON THE FANS SPECULATION ABOUT THEM LOL
Senti: "what fic"
Felis: "OF COURSE I DO. SOME ARE REAL GOOD... Someone wrote an Alternate Universe where we're like magical knights fighting against some unknown forces called 'Honkai' !"
Senti: "These people will make up just about anything, I swear"
Felis: "Btw did you know our ship tag is called Sentifelis"
Senti: "Our what."
Would love to draw a few of them in idol / kpop like outfits.
me about to tag every honkai character known to man:
(jk i wont do it I know how tag spam works, I will do my best to be courteous and put the most important ones)
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mothytheghost · 1 year
Gonna add some character stories here because I think I wanna share things
Reminder this is all an au. This will have head canons and other stuff
Suckers real name is Lollipop. He doesn't like that name because of personal reasons
He use to have a dog. They were best friends. But now he holds on to him and hasn't let go of him.
He is heavy hearted. He is a really nice kid but not around other kids. Everytime he caused Cobs to cry. He tries to hold his emotions.
He is a bit scared of Mechintosh. He knows he is very dangerous when people mess with Cobs. He even talks to his mom about the situation. (They might get someone to take him away... Oops)
Windmill notices Cobs hangs around in the candy store (where he works) more than other kids.
He loves mechintosh's personality a lot and calls him " The Down Key "
He was inspired by Kevin from Spooky month
He is Fan's dad later in life lol
Paint Bucket
He is the officer of the Town. He is very aware of Mechintosh. Mechintosh is amazing to the public. But he has carried over three hundred volts of power in anger. Hearing a report from a young kid who hurted Cobs by mistake.
He is the oldest character in the au
He doesn't like summer. It's gross to him
He is nothing but a shit post in the au
Ronnie Cobs
He is Cobs Step father. His real dad was... Ehh..
He never gets along with Mechintosh. He thinks he's controlling his son and putting a danger to the family. He has the urge to beat him with a metal bat lol
Steve Cobs
He is overwhelmed with many emotions. To him Mechintosh was a comfort when he's upset
In the au Cobs was a lonely child. He never really had any friends or siblings. And Mechintosh was the most closest thing to him.
When he gets scared his tail puffs to the point he's able to hide like a bush
He thinks reality shows are Boring because they have no fun in them like cartoons do.
He is the smartest kid in math. But he's bad at English
Angela Cobs
She was a country singer in the past. But because she had Steve. She prefers to take care of her son rather than continuing her career
Her voice claim is Elle King. A real life country singer lol
She loves Ronnie. But she noticed some difficulties in the relationship to the point later on in the story she didn't trust him around Cobs.
In the future she thinks Inanimate insanity is a cute show but she doesn't watch it much. She is very Unaware of the background
She likes glam fashion
Ok I'm done I'll do more later
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