#Oh yeah yeah heart diseases whatever yeah probably
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echoesofadream ¡ 1 year ago
i dont trust any big scale production of animal products but i think free range organic eggs is the best i can do cause i dont know anyone with hens that can sell me eggs on a regular basis. That would be good though if i could get in contact with a small hen farm. Also are eggs bad for you im only doing this if its good for my body nothing else
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mediumgayitalian ¡ 3 days ago
"It reminded me of you."
Will looks into his cupped hands. He purses his lips. He opens his mouth. He closes it. He opens it again.
"This is, uh." He clears his throat. "It, being this fish skeleton?"
Nico nods. "Yes."
Will waits for an explanation. With none forthcoming, he looks up, intent on asking for it directly, but his tongue does completely numb in his mouth, jaw softly unlocking. From the late afternoon sun behind him golden rays shine directly into pools of what has become spun copper and amber brown; spools of shining wire surrounded by shining white. It takes him time uncountable to register the wide, round soporifics in front of him are in fact Nico's eyes, cradled in the light, watching him.
"What," Will tries, mouth dry, "uh, what? Why. I mean." He holds up his hands. They're shaking. "Fish?"
"That's you," says Nico, crowding into Will's space. Will makes a noise that can be registered only by bats, dolphins, and bush crickets.
Nico's callused hands encircle Will's wrist and his soul ascends, exiting from his body, floating away gayly away until Will snags it by the ankle and yanks it back to his mortal body. Dad, if you can hear me, I cannot stress how much you owe me and how badly I am calling in that favor. SOS. SOS. SOS. SO --
"It's small, see. Delicate."
"I'm -- six two?"
"Yeah, physically." Nico pokes at the tiny little spine. "But you're, like." He makes a squishing motion with his hand. "Crushable, you know? You just go around feeling your feelings at full force. All over the place. Delicate."
Will is pretty sure he's ghasting. Is that what it's called? Flabbering one's ghast? When you just -- kind of stand there, slack jawed, wheezing like a doofus? Maybe he is a fish. "Nico, I've got --" He makes a swooping gesture in front of his nose, trying and visibly failing at indicating a plague mask. "You know? I could poison you."
"Yeah, that's why I picked one that died from whirling disease."
Nico returns to the fish skeleton. He points out the eye sockets. "See here? The fish had shallow orbits so it probably had big eyes like you."
"I have big eyes?"
"Duh. You are ninety percent eye. Everyone looks at you and it's like bam. Blue. All you can see."
Will begs the red to recede from his cheeks. He can hear the echo of his father's cackling, all the way from his stupid dork ass nerd ass lame tryhard chariot, and the red continues to rise.
"You -- like my eyes?"
"Hey, look here. You can see its -- are you looking? -- you can see its heart cavity. Cool, right? Your heart is going really fast."
A high-pitched noise comes out of Will's throat, sourced from somewhere in his kneecaps, probably. They're wobbling enough.
"Yeah, I -- uh, best believe I noticed."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm vibing. Chilling, even. One could even say I'm maxing, relaxing, acting all cool. If there was a basketball net outside of a school I would be totally shooting right now."
"You're acting weird," Nico accuses.
Will laughs out loud. No, like, really laughs, it comes out of his stomach and then his knees give out and he barely manages to catch himself, hunching over, veins hot rod boiling and stomach writhing and face the color of a gently polished tomato. He may have passed.
"Oh, my gods, something kill me."
"Whatever, weirdo. Come back over, I want to show you why the rib cage is representative of your repression issues."
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ultimatesmalltownnerd ¡ 5 months ago
Been thinking about what it would look like if Makoto got the Despair Disease, because it’s literally the perfect angst machine.
Like, yeah there’s the obvious “OH NO!! THE ULTIMATE HOPE IS INFECTED WITH DESPAIR” or whatever, but I really love toying with how much of a 180 his personality might take when he’s sick.
My personal headcanon is that his stress level escalates, and he loses the filter between his brain and mouth, and he starts saying the unhinged rude shit that pops into his head, to his classmates’ faces. But like, in really vicious ways.
Because what sets Makoto apart from his classmates isn’t the lack of despair he feels, or that he is just inherently pure of heart, without a single bad bone in his body- he does feel despair, and he can be pretty mean at times. It’s the fact that he can shove all that aside long enough to pull him and his classmates through their hardships. He’s not perfect, but the love and compassion he holds for the people around him, is stronger than his negativity. He essentially became a life-line for his classmates, whether he really meant to or not.
So like… if you kinda stripped away his ability to control himself, everything would probably fall apart much quicker, and in more devastating ways.
And my evil little angst-loving brain eats that shit up 😋
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heartfullofleeches ¡ 1 year ago
can we get more Fratbro!Darling interaction with creep!yan? it was amazing
They don't belong here.
Why did they even come.
The ice in their cup has melted from the heat of their skin, but the punch's still too strong to drink. With how shakey their hands are, they'd likely spill it if they tried. People are watching them now - probably wondering who let the freak in. They've been in this situation before. Invited to places because it'd be too awkward to invite everyone in the group but them while most of them pray they'll just stay home. Maybe they should have. The whispers are starting again and they're getting closer. Here it comes-
"Oh, hey! There you are! I've been looking for you since I heard you were here. You got a minute?"
Someone pulls them from the obscurity of the crowd - dragging them into the spotlight on wobbly legs. A strong arm holds them steady as the uncomfortable gaze of their peers swallows them, a gentle squeeze to their bicep negating their rising fears.
"This is the person I was telling you guys about - the one that drew that picture you saw on my lockscreen. I'm telling you, Mickey has crazy talent. I'm glad so we met at that gas station a few weeks back... Would you believe they live right across the street?"
It's pretty obvious that nobody really cares, but enthusiasm is an infectious disease. They do their best to answer half-hearted questions and try even harder to smile. It's hard to fake emotions when your attention is elsewhere. Mickey stares at you, arm still locked around their shoulder, like the beacon of light you are. How did you manage to be so different? When you first met they thought you were just another fake. Someone who pretended to be their friend for whatever benefit it gave. You cared. You tried to get them to be more social and showed up at their apartment when they'd be absent for days. You showed genuine interest in their quirky little hobbies and always laughed with them instead of at them. You even wore the crow skull necklace they made for you. It's like you were already dating.
Your grin falters as you look over at your friend, the clacking of their teeth and goosebumps on their skin catching your attention. "Hey, Mick... Everything okay? You're shaking."
Mickey hides their face in the collar of their jacket. "Yeah.... fine. Don't worry about me."
They jump as your palm touches their forehead.
"Nah, dude - you're like really sweaty. I'll walk you home in the morning, but you should lie down for now."
Mickey starts to protest, but as you weave through the crowd, heading for the stairs - their lips are sealed. They always forget you live with this meatheads despite standing beneath your bedroom window every night. Where you taking then to your room? They can feel stares on them even now, but they feel almost... jealous. Mickey likes that feeling. They squeeze your hand tighter - heart stopping as you approach the door with your name taped to it.
Opening the door just a crack, you make sure no one is inside before leading Mickey in. You take their cup as you guide them to the bed. Your bed. They giggle to themselves as you walk away with their cup, pouring its contents down the sink in the bathroom and filling it with fresh water from the tap. You really were the kindest person they've ever met on campus - like any good spouse would be.
"How much did they give you to drink?.... Just drink this water and relax. Remote's in the bottom drawer if you get bored. I'll be back to check on you in a bit. Don't worry about falling asleep I'll just sleep on the floor or the couch."
Mickey blushes as your fingers graze theirs as you past them the cup, and the image of the two of you cuddled up in your bed. They take a few tiny sips before setting the cup on the table.
"T... thank you... I wouldn't mind if you slept with me. It's your bed afterall."
"True, but I wouldn't want you to be comfortable. Relax, we'll talk about it more when I come check on you. Be back in a few!"
Mickey watches as the door closes behind you. They wait for your steps to fade down the stairs, finger on their zipper as they disappear. Mickey unzips and throws off their jacket like it was restricting their air flow. They drop it to the floor along with their shoes as they crawl beneath your blankets - planting their head face deep in your pillows and sheets. They smell just like the conditioner you use. Mickey makes a mental note to raid your bathroom, but there's so much they want to do in such little time.
Your dirty clothes. Your closest. Your dressers. So many places - so little time. What should they do? What should they do- Steal the fragrances you wear so their room always smells like you? Take your toothbrush or a water bottle you've drank from for their first indirect kiss? Steal a shirt or maybe even your underwear to.... now's not the time for that, Mickey - your window of opportunity is getting shorted with every breath.
Mind racing, Mickey decides the best thing to do now is to claim their new territory. Mark your room as theirs just as their entire apartment has been overtaken by pictures of you and the things you've thrown out. They fish through their jeans for their keys - picking the hidden knife discreetly disguised as a key. Having overprotective parents had its perks - such as items of self defense they'd otherwise be put on a list for buying themselves.
They climb out of bed, crouching to the floor. The gap beneath your bed has just enough room for them to wiggle into. Compared to lockers they'd been shoved into it was like a luxury apartment. They lay flat on their back, dragging themselves below the bedframe - knife in hand. Eyes adjusting to the darkness, their hands search for the boards supporting your mattress and drives their knife into the first place plank their nails catch on - drawing the curve of a heart into the wood. Light bleeds into the room as they complete the second arch and angle their blades for the first letter of their initials, followed by startled gasps and halted flirts at the odd sight of feet beneath your bed.
"Is this room already occupied?"
Mickey clutches their key ring tighter.
Mickey shrieks in laughter at the sound of slamming doors and footsteps racing down the hall. They've never raised their voice at anyone like that before. Love is a crazy drug. They carve their initials and yours beneath your bed, slithering from the opening and up onto your bed between the sheets for the best night of sleep they've had since they were young.
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gamerbot-22 ¡ 3 months ago
I always thought Kni would be fascinated with a chubby human. they are soft and squishy and kind even when he’s mean to them and thats not something he associates with humans often so ywah.!
if you cant tell I love this guy.
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YEAAAAA FUCK YEAH I LIKE WHERE YOUR HEAD’S AT—[checks ur bio]—QUEEN. Oh man, I love doing requests so much, y’all come to me with the fuckin’ sickest ideas. Also thank you for handing me a Nai GIF on a silver plater that’s v helpful of you ✨
Millions Knives/Nai x Sweet Chubby Reader
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TW/CWs: Nai is Nai (both /pos and /neg), romance is implied but tbh this could all be read as platonic, written with TriStamp Nai in mind but feel free to slot your favorite version in here if you so choose, the words fat and chubby are used neutrally and interchangeably to describe the reader, Nai has feelings he refuses to unpack, barely proofread but I appreciate spellchecks.
A/N: I was a little stuck on how I wanted to do this but God, once I found that groove it was insane. Like… the physical softness mixing with the emotional softness of the reader? That’s some fun stuff to explore to me, so I really hope you like it!
Likes and Reblogs are always appreciated, Requests are open, and it’s all under the cut!
The dividers in this post were made by @/adornedwithlight ☆
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SO let’s get into it, yeah? I’ve seen crews on the SEEDS ship in both versions of the anime and everyone there is fit as hell so like??? Honestly with his hermit lifestyle, I’d say there’s a non-zero chance of you being one of if not the first fat person he’s ever met personally.
I don’t think it changes much of his perception of you at first—humans are humans, regardless of shape—but there is something interesting about how you just... take it? When he talks shit about humanity? Like he calls humanity a parasite, a disease, and instead of shrinking or averting your gaze from him for the rest of the day you ask him if he’s hungry. Him. Hungry. What??
He’s not shy about his confusion. After a couple notable instances of this he straight up just asks why you’re so unbothered by it when every other human he has to deal with has some kind of sore spot about it. Maybe humans didn’t treat you well either, so you agree with him. He understands. Maybe you want to see what happens with a Plant in charge. He thinks you’re insane, and tells you so, but doesn’t otherwise hurt you (not while you’re still useful and… interesting.) Maybe you just think he still deserves to be listened to despite it all. Isn’t it a basic need to be listened to? That reminds him of some people he’d rather not think about. He probably ignores you for a while after that.
But you can’t even let him ignore you! You still come to him, unlike anything he’d ever seen with your soft hands and body, offering warm words and attention despite his clear (surface-level) distaste for whatever it is you have to say.
You know lonely when you see it, and you’re persistent. An unstoppable force meets an immovable object until one day, when he’s feeling especially raw he just breaks. He doesn’t shatter completely, but there’s cracks in his facade when he lets you wrap your arms around his shoulders and give him a squeeze, assuring him that he doesn’t have to return the embrace if he doesn’t want to. And he doesn’t, for the record, he just wants to… sit in it. Your body keeps heat better than his ever could—it’s the one drawback of being a Plant at times—and you’re soft, both around his neck and in his ears as you just stand there, breathing. He can feel your heartbeat and you’re not even a little frightened, even after seeing first hand the kind of terror he puts in the hearts of your fellow humans.
He can’t remember the last time someone hugged him. Probably not since her. It makes him bitter, but at the same time he dares not push you away. Not yet, at least. You’re a human, and to him you’re either insane or stupid to think he’ll spare you at the end of this, but… you’re still useful for now. He’ll keep you and your soft body within arm’s reach, letting you wrap around him so he could feel the warmth of another body. You can stay until he’s certain he can be rid of you.
Whenever that might be.
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allwormdiet ¡ 7 months ago
Agitation 3.1
Got waylaid by work and brain weather, but we're back to it. Let's see how Taylor's life is going
Her routine has come up before, but it bears saying that I think Taylor's actual superpower might just be that she's a morning person who can hold herself to accomplish daily goals, like goddamn girl
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The constant, casual cruelty that makes up so much of Taylor's history is equal parts saddening and infuriating. I'm sure we'll get an explanation for why the bullies do this to her, I think I've said as much in previous posts, but also as mentioned in previous posts I find it aggravating to endure.
...I don't know if this is quite the right place in my reading to speculate on it, but I'm not sure if Taylor even has a shot at university at this point, even setting aside the cape thing. The bullies are all in her year, which means they'd never be separated from her by graduation. Their constant sabotage and harassment would mean her grades are low, so even if she gets into a college with whatever GPA she can bodge together (and no extracurriculars to pad her application out), she's probably not going to earn any scholarships and money's already pretty tight for the Heberts. That means student loans, and probably shit rates considering the world they're in.
Maybe this is my bitter ass reflecting on how the greatest benefits I got out of going to college were completely incidental to the courses I took or the degree I earned, but... Taylor, I know college meant a lot to your mom, I just don't think that path is nearly as open to you as it used to be. I think it's fine to just learn a trade, and I think it's fine if the trade is armed robbery.
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So you're telling me Taylor's self-image used to be worse? Jeeesus
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I like that Brian knows how to blend into an environment as the situation calls for it. That speaks to a pretty keen observational ability, and also is maybe tied to his need to act more grown-up than he is. And now I'm sad again.
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"I want" is cute, embarrassment is for suckers (I say, easily embarrassed)
I don't even like coffee, but a fifteen dollar coffee had better be the best coffee you've ever had, oh my god
And honestly that must have been weird for every member of the team, just suddenly having money not be a problem anymore. Taylor's holding out for now, although I suspect it won't be that way forever, and everyone else either wants or needs it bad enough for their own ends that I don't think they're gonna think about it too hard (except for Lisa, who has the full context and whose power is thinking too hard)
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Taylor please don't undersell your injuries to your teammates, I don't like you doing it with your dad but I understand it. Here though? Come onnnnn
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Yeah there we go
Violence is an easy language to understand. Cruel, obviously, and painful, but if Rachel is already struggling with other people's words and feelings (five bucks says she's autistic tbh) then getting the shit kicked out of her is probably a better sell on the new recruit than any pretty speech
...Ideally they move past that pretty quick so words can be used again
Also poor Rachel, for real. Ten years in the system and then whatever it was that triggered her powers, which is obviously never good. No wonder she came out the other end more willing to trust dogs than people.
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Ugh, my heart
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Is she showing off for the guy she's crushing on? That's adorable
Curious that the limits of her power seem to be based on complexity of the brain. I assume there has to be a brain at all or else she could just shoot germs at people, although that'd also be a little bit inefficient as a power unless she started getting into disease warfare and holy shit this would be a very different story if Taylor could give people smallpox
Gotta be a weird day for the crab though
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Couple things here
Brian you're not even eighteen yet as far as I know, what the hell
Of course Lisa cheated, she's built to cheat, at that point I'm not sure it even counts as cheating
Knowing what I know about Alec, somehow I doubt he was ever in school to drop out in the first place
...on the flipside I'm a little surprised that Rachel never went during her time in the system, you'd figure that'd be a condition of her fostering but either the guardians didn't give a shit or she fought her way out of ever actually attending
Also, I know it's a matter of course that she'd have a key to the base, but it's sweet all the same
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It's nice of Brian to make this offer, although I'm willing to bet it's because he's the only Undersider who would get up before 6 AM. It's also a pretty smart call to keep her up to date this way
Also very funny that Taylor is like "Oh I like Lisa just fine but she scares the shit out of me"
...Also also, for real, Lisa has to already know what's going on with Taylor right? There's no way Taylor's good enough at lying to bury that one.
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Girl I'm dreading it and I'm just reading about it
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This is just. So goddamn sad. And maddening, to boot.
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Gee Taylor you sure to seem to spend a fair amount of time thinking about the comparative attractiveness of other women
Agonizing, though, for real. Wildbow has knocked every school scene out of the park and I hate it.
I wonder if Taylor's gonna even bother coming back to school at this point. First day she left mid lunch, second day she left right after lunch started, here she's splitting before first period. As much as she clings to this side of her life... I don't know if it's any healthier than full-time villainy.
Go blow off steam with your new friends Taylor
Current Thoughts
I actually don't have any real expectations for this arc going into it. Obviously Arc 1 is the start of... I mean kind of everything, and Arc 2 is made up of the immediate aftermath from those events. This one? I dunno. I was a little worried I'd have to deal with another chapter of Winslow, but it looks like Taylor decided she was sick of that shit
I like Brian, but I think mostly I'm worried for him? This is a lot of effort so far made to seem mature and normal, and I don't know if that's possible for a teenager who goes out to be a supervillain. It's admirable in a sense, but I'm worried about how fragile it leaves him.
I don't love that Rachel seems satisfied by an exchange of violence but that's more bc I don't want these kids beating the shit out of each other, not any kind of "this is bad actually" sense.
Other than that I'm mostly just curious what the rest of this arc looks like. Thank fuck it's not more high school.
Oh, yeah, I'm gonna try and read more at work today, I might take my screenshots then and see if they drive me up a wall, but even if so I'll just retake them when I get home. Fingers crossed work is slow enough for it.
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julyskyest ¡ 2 months ago
you seemed to enjoy Viktor and Dankovsky's ship so here is a headcanon!! Hexcore isn't quite researched yet. I mean Viktor knows a lot about it, but there haven't been many volunteers to fuse their body with this thing solely for being an experiment model. Now, as Hexcore is a source of energy, it might not react well with caffeine, energy drinks and things like that. Brain just gets overstimulated or something. Some meds might also not go well with this substance. Yeah, it can cure, but there must be risks. Unpredictable sentience doesn't help it. Keep in mind Viktor had no access to such substances before, so his body isn't used to such things. Viktor is canonically disabled, probably has chronic pains, and if it's finally possible to medicate it, he would. Oh, if not to mention regular diseases like cold or whatever. And it's Daniel Dankovsky's mission to prescribe him something which won't, you know, literally kill him. It requires all his biochemistry knowledge, everything known about pharmacy to try to calculate all the risks. Yet his heart is clenching every time Viktor swallows another pill hoping it would at least not make it worse.
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almostgigi ¡ 2 years ago
🌹right here, right now🌹
Summary: Eddie and reader are in Mr. Kohl office waiting for their punishments but he's late.
Note: sorry in advance for any mistake there might be, I'm not fluent in English as it is not my first language.
WC: 3.8k
Content Warning: fem!reader, reader likes Eddie but he doesn't know her, smut MDNI, fingering, unprotected piv (don't do that, please be responsible), filthy talk, marking, exhibitionism kink, squirting, breading kink (if you squint), just filthy stuff. Let me know if I forget anything!!
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I was sitting in the principal’s office when he came in, storming into the place like a hurricane. The door almost getting out of it’s place. I flinch at the loud sound and he doesn’t notice. He sits by my side with his eyebrows frowning and a look in his eyes that was kinda scary. I’m on my phone so it’s not awkward and there’s not weird looks in between us. He has his backpack across his chest and grabs it really tight like his life depends on it. I look at him slightly with my peripheral vision and notice his heavy breathing on my ears. His heart was probably going a mile per minute.
“you ok?” I ask without taking my eyes of my phone and the pictures I was watching. He takes notice of me and my question.
“you talking to me?” he sounds raspy like he was fighting to talk.
“do you see anyone else on the room I could be talking to instead?” my response comes out a bit more rude than I expected so I change my face and turn around.
“wow, rude girl, I see” he softens the grip on his backpack and turns too.
“sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that” I really didn't.
“s’okay, I can imagine you got a bad day if you’re here” at least he’s nice.
“so do you right?” anyone who gets to meet the principal’s office is definitely having a bad one.
“you could say that, yeah” I get a confused look on my face as he stares at me. “what?” he asks in between laughs. Cute.
“what did you do?” I ask softly “to be here, what did you do?” I repeat.
“oh, uhm- I shouldn’t tell you, s’gross” he scrunches his nose as he speaks.
“ah come on, it can’t be worse than Jimmy Cooper sticking his used gum on Mrs. O’Donnell lunch last week. Can it?” there’s a little fear in my words as I can’t believe anything worse or more gross than that. He makes a face that indicates to me that it is, in fact, grosser than what Jimmy did. “what the fuck did you do, Munson?” I’m now on the edge of my seat.
“wait, you know my name? how come I don’t know yours but you know mine if I’ve never seen you before?” he’s at the edge of his now.
“you might have this rare disease called “not noticing pretty girls���, s’bad, if I were you I’ll be heading to the doctor right away after talking to the principal” I press my lips together in a fine line when I’m done talking and I nod, then laugh.
“ouch, I’m sorry lady. S’there a cure for this?” he ask with a hand on his chest, he takes it seriously as he can’t take his eyes off of mine.
“probably, haven’t been discovered yet tho. I know, s’shitty, m’sorry man, good luck at the doctor’s appointment anyways” we both chuckle after a few seconds. This is probably the best interaction I’ve had in years.
“no worries, I’ll call you when I get real sick” he says.
“what for?” I get confused.
“gonna need a nurse to take care of me and my poor state” his voice gets deeper as he talks like this.
“you should know I charge more for specialized treatment tho” I raise my brows at him, I’m not easy to get.
“I can pay you whatever way you need or want” he plays with me.
“oh now you’re just teasing. You’re awful Eddie, you killed the vibe” I get a finger in the air, accusing him in an also playful way.
“so there was a vibe, I wasn’t crazy after all” he moves the chair closer to me. “what did you do to be here” his eyes narrow on my way.
“don’t change the subject, I asked you first” I was not gonna forget that he never answered.
“well I don’t wanna tell but you insist so here we go. I got an f on one of my geometry test just because Mr. Larson doesn’t like me, I did good and he failed me, so I pissed his car door” I wish someone could take a picture of my face in this exact moment a frame it to put in the louvre “I told ya it was gross, you asked for it baby”
“don’t call me baby after you said that, eww” I scrunch my nose in disgust “although I think he deserves it, he’s pretty mean to me too”
“ohh we can’t have him being mean to baby right?” he teases again. I throw a look at him, letting him know what I mean. “sorry for the teasing, it’s who I am”
“wanna know what I did now?” I try my best to keep the topic of him teasing me as far as I can.
“yes, please”
“I got in a verbal fight with one of my classmates and I was in the right, but my teacher picked sides with my classmate and told me to shut up so I told her to go fuck herself. You should’ve seen her face, she could not believe what she heard. Was fucking hilarious” my foot was now closer to his, almost touching each other.
“savage” he says in a funny tone, but looking at the floor where our feet were now touching.
“I know, I know, I’m iconic” I joke, trying to make him laugh and I’m successful.
“I think is really brave to stand for yourself with an adult who doesn’t know what respect for the others is” most of his words come out shaky but genuine. I was about to say something to him but the door was opened and the secretary told us the principal was gonna be late for another half an hour, so we had to wait more.
“fucking awesome” I say. I watch as she closes door and Eddie goes to the principal’s chair and sits on it.
“he sure has better things to do right? Such a busy man” he sits straight and begins to talk again. “if it wasn’t for me this school would be a little shit dumpster. All this kids are nothing without me” his voice sounds funny since he’s trying his best to copy Mr. Kohl’s tone. “I’m a man of word, and you should trust when I tell you I’m gonna make this delinquents into decent people no matter how I have to do it” he continues.
“oh sir, but all that work must be so stressful, isn’t it?” I follow his game and he looks at me with open eyes.
“indeed it is sweet girl, why you ask?”
“I thought maybe…” I stand of my place and approach him. “maybe I could help you sir”
“you think you can young lady?” he says. I put one leg on each side of his sitting body. “what you think you’re doing?” he stutters in between words. I feel his body tense underneath me.
“I’m helping you sir, I can make all the stress go away and I’m gonna show you how” it’s not a secret I like Eddie, all of my friends know it. He’s the one that never noticed me, but I never cared; until now, where I find myself about to show him what he’s been missing.
“I-i- shit. I don’t think you shou- oh my god” all he can do is whimper from the way my hips are bucking into his right now.
“come on now sir, don’t you like me?” he probably should know I’m not playing anymore, this is true now. I pout and look intensely into his dark brown eyes.
“s’not that sweetheart, I-you shouldn’t be doing this here”
“you heard the secretary, he’ll be gone for half an hour more, we got time” he doesn’t seem to be comfortable with the situation as he keeps looking at the door. “I find the fact that someone could find us so fun, don’t you? I thought you were cool Munson”
“I am”
“not right now, you’re not being cool” my hands travel to the back of his neck and I kiss him deeply, desire building in my heart.
“fine” he says as soon as he can without stopping the kiss. One of my hands tries to unbuckle his belt with difficulty, and he helps me with his own hands. I lift my skirt to let him see my lilac and already wet panties. “holy fuck” the air I his lungs leaving is my favorite sound until now. Like he’s devoted to my body. I touch him over his boxer and I can’t believe he goes around packing like that. I don’t even exaggerate when I say he’s the biggest I’ve ever had. “found something you like?” I can’t take my eyes away from that part of him but I force myself and look up to him.
“maybe…” I say as I run a finger ever so slightly over his clothed length making him hiss at the contact.
“you’re such a tease” his tone let’s me know he doesn’t like it, he prefers if I just take it. But I’m not doing that just yet. This is too good to be so short.
“well, I was about to be put in detention for a reason sir” I keep my slight touch on his chest this time.
“you like being like this? like being a bad girl?” I nod “you do, right? you adore coming to see me. I bet you do it on purpose”
“I do sir, I misbehave so I can be with you in this tiny room, so I can be in your lap, so you can feel how good I wanna be for you” now where the fuck was that amount of words coming from? It’s like I was possessed and I liked it.
“my God, you��re so dirty baby” his voice is now so low, I can feel how he gets hard under me even more.
“you haven’t even heard half of it sir, I can be so much dirty. You just have to ask me” I put on my best puppy eyes as I look at him. The desire in his face shows. He’s just as horny as I am now.
“well then, I want you to be the dirtiest you’ve ever been, don’t even hold back a word. I want you full package” his hands go to my waist for a moment and then to my panties where the wet patch was. Two of his fingers touch me where I need him the most.
“please” the trail he does burns me.
“please what, baby? I need you to speak to me beauty” he says in a low tone.
“please touch me, I need you now” I can’t contain it anymore. I need his playful hands on my burning body.
“that’s what I like to hear” he smiles at me. The fingers that were dancing over my underwear were now putting it aside “you’re so fucking wet and I haven’t done anything to you. You got this worked up just by fantasizing with me baby?” I nod as that is the only thing I can do right now. He inserts his fingers finally, in an agonizingly slow motion, I watch as he does so. “already got you dumb on me princess? God, you look so pretty all dumb on my fingers” I whimper as my walls close around him. “so fucking hot, you sound amazing”
“i- Eddie i-” my pleadings seem to be satisfying to him as I look up at him and I find him grinning.
“you-you what sweet girl?” he mocks my stuttering and kisses my cheek. I keep whimpering because I don’t want the secretary to hear me. “you wanna cum baby?” I nod frenetically. “ow, then you do so” Suddenly his movements became faster, fingers hooking on a sweet spot inside of me that was making me see stars.
“oh, fuck, right there! yes! right there!” I scream in a whisper.
“right there baby? that’s the spot? how does it feel for you?” he asks, examining my face.
“it-it feels so fffucking good, I wanna cum all over your fingers” my senses are fucked right now, I can’t even think correctly.
“do it princess, soak me please” his dirty words were doing it for me and he wasn’t gonna stop there. “God, she’s sucking me in. Such a greedy cunt you have here” the feeling of release finally traveling to my lower stomach and letting me have the best orgasm of my life. I come undone on his hands as he helps me to come down of my high. As soon as he takes both fingers out from my insides he puts them in his mouth, sucking on them and getting them clean with his tongue.
“fucking hell, that’s so hot of you Munson” no boy ever had the decency of tasting me before.
“you are as sweet as you look, pretty” he says in a sweet voice. He leans in and kisses me, letting our tongues meet and collapse with each other. “I hope you don’t take this personal, but I need to fuck you”
“oh Eds, I take it very personal. Which means that if you don’t fuck me now I’m gonna fuck you myself”
“I’m very hard right now, if I don’t take it out it’s going to burst” his brows frowning and his big doe eyes looking up at me were the prettiest thing to see.
“take it out then, I wanna see it” with a fast movement of his hands and hips the jeans were lowered to the point where it was easier to have access to his boxers. Seconds later I tug the hem of them with my fingers and I set it free. My mouth waters at the view and I can feel myself getting wetter just by the thought of him inside of me. My cunt clenches and he sees it.
“such a pretty pussy, I wonder how it looks with my cock inside” he keeps the words heavy and dirty just for me. I feel hot and bothered just for him. I grab his cock and line it with my entrance, rubbing the tip just a little so it can get wet with my juices. I sit on him slowly and we both moan at the feeling. He’s stretching me so much. “Pussy’s so tight, it’s clenching around me so good” his hand grabs my neck and pulls me closer to kiss me in a feral way. My teeth catches his lower lip and bites it slightly not to hurt him. “get up, bend over the desk, I can’t fuck you properly in this fucking chair” I hear his demand and I obey him rapidly. My entire body trembling from the uncomfortable position I was in just now. I lower my chest in the desk and he takes one of his hands to the front of my right thigh and knee, bringing it up on the table. This way I was more open for him and he could see my pussy on display. I feel a smack on my ass and he grabs the flesh a little. Soon I feel a small source of air near me. When I realize it's his breathing I don't have time to prepare. His tongue runs the whole way down from top to bottom making me gasp at the sensation. “next time m’gonna spend an hour devouring this pussy, mark my words” he lifts from his knelling position and leaves me thinking about that next time. Was he sure there will be a next time? He wanted to fuck me again and eat me out. Fuck. I was looking forward for that next time already and we weren’t even done yet with this one. Aligning again his length to my entrance, he enters me with a hard and erratic thrust that almost makes me cry, in a good way. We were setting a pace and trying not to be heard. Suddenly one of his hands goes to my covered chest and lifts my shirt a little, grabbing one of my boobs and squishing it tightly. There will be marks on them tomorrow but I didn’t mind as I was lost in the moment, he was fucking me hard enough to cause our skins touching to make a sound. He grabs my leg again taking it forward on the table.
“fuck, I can feel you so deep inside of me, you’re so big Eddie” every inch of his cock making me see stars. My gummy walls accepting his length with love and hotness.
“You’re taking me so well baby, every inch. Perfect pussy was made for me, right baby?” again demanding me and I obey as always.
“yes what? I thought I asked to be dirty, you’re not being a good girl right now” his tone was now lower and something in it let me know he was getting kinda mad.
“I’m-I’m sorry. Yes, it was made for you, just you” I mumble. I shake my head in an attempt to get my brain clear and be able to think but his hands on my waist and chest were taking out of my body. It was like I was experiencing it outside of what was actually happening, it was strange.
“that’s better. I love the sounds she makes when I go all the way out and I put it in like this” he says pulling out almost completely just to put it in again extremely hard making me moan into my own hand. The squelching sound my pussy made thanks to our juices combined was delicious.
“o-oh my god”
“you like that? Good. Wanna know what m’gonna do? m’gonna cum inside of you and you’re gonna take care of it” I never in my life had taken pills before, turns out I’m gonna have to start. Truth is, we were fucking raw and as much as I know Eddie hasn’t been with anyone else I don’t wanna be pregnant in a matter of weeks. He continues. “I want you to put your wet panties over this pretty pussy again and keep my cum stored until you get home and I want you to take a picture and send it to me. I wanna see my cum leaking out of you, from her before you clean it, understood?” he had a plan for me, a dirty, filthy plan and I liked it. How could I like this? In the whole year that I’ve spent liking Eddie I’ve have never imagined he was like this. I would look at him in the cafeteria with his friends and think he was sweet, always taking care of the boys in his club and making them feel safe and that they fit. Something that was never given to him. A sense of belonging was what he always needed and never had. Boys at school could be very cruel, even more to a kid that was different and proud like Eddie. I would also stare at him at the library, where I always find him on Wednesdays, looking for a new sci-fi book to devour. Or maybe on the parking lot where he would stop to smoke for ten minutes, probably listening to some music while he does. I loved to watch him smoke, even though I hate people that smoke, I find him really sexy when he does. It’s the way he grabs it in between his fingers ever so delicate and brings it to his lips, sucking and then blowing the smoke away. Like I said, so sexy. I get distracted in my thoughts that I barely remember to respond.
“I’ll be good Eddie, I’ll take care of your cum, please. I feel so full, fuck” his cock had found the spot and the head was now abusing it. I put both my hands on the desk, lifting my ass a little bit more and I feel my stomach revolve. The feeling of release again hitting my lower belly but this time there was something more. The hand that was on my boob releases it and goes to my clit, rubbing fast circles in it applying enough pressure to give me the pleasure I want so bad. A few seconds more and I cum around his cock, I hear the gushing sounds of my wetness and I feel sedated. I close my eyes and let go.
“Fuck baby, you squirted all over my fucking cock, Jesus. Got all over the table baby, shit” so I squirted, that was what I felt. He was fucking me so good it made me do something I never did before. He kept fucking me through my orgasm and I felt overstimulated. “Ah, you keep squirting baby, fucking shit, I’m going to cum so fucking deep inside you”. Once I regain my senses, I started throwing my ass back against his cock at the same time he hit me. “Oh that’s it baby, take it, take it, take it” one of his hands smacking my ass cheek as I did. “Yeah, take that fucking cock” I love this version of him that I didn’t know until now. He was a beast, a menace in the best of senses. If I had a very sweet person like him fuck me like this everyday I’ll loose my fucking mind. He grabs my face and makes me turn to look at him while he keeps pounding me from behind. “Look at me, here baby, I want you to look at me when I fill you up” a good and hard thrusts more and he came inside of me, all his hot, sweet cum shooting inside my walls.
He helps me lower down my leg and slowly pulls out and puts my underwear back in a fast movement. Gives a few pats on my clothed pussy and rubs it.
“I want that picture when you get home” he reminds me of his demand. I nod while smiling and I turn to kiss him. “how many classes you have the rest of the day?” he asks interested. We love around and sit on our places.
“just one, biology 3” I was already thinking about how uncomfortable that class would be with a big load of cum trying to come out of my cunt.
“great, I’m in that one too, it’s gonna be fun” I gasp as I realize he’s gonna watch me the entire time but I have nothing left to say as the door is open now. The principal enters and looks like he’s been dealing with something huge that we don’t know about.
“Okay kids, this day has been extremely tiring and I’m sorry I made you wait so long. There’s no much to say as you both have detention on Friday” he takes some papers from the desk and we turn to leave. Suddenly he yells to the secretary and we can’t help but laugh loudly as we hear what he tells her.
“Susan!? Why is my desk all wet and sticky!?”
Well we hope he doesn’t look at the cameras or we’ll be screwed. Detention would be the last of our worries.
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liebgirl ¡ 6 months ago
new lost ranking post the hurley episode i watched last night. episode 18? maybe. whatever
1. jack obviously. he’s never getting knocked off the top of the pyramid there’s literally nothing anyone else could do to make me like them more than jack…. nothing this show ever does will ever beat do no harm
2. sayid!!! his swag is like. so unbeatable… he just hits different AND he’s a total hottie too woah… loving his paranoid insane freak arc this season. the writers were like what if we killed his girlfriend and made him act insane. and i’m eating it up actually i mean i wish they hadn’t killed his girlfriend considering that was literally my good friend shannon who i miss deeply. but sayid is NOT moving on and i love it… need me a freak like that sorry
3. claire… maternity leave was HUGE… and that’s my friend belle she always ranks higher than she probably should because she’s my friend belle <3
4. hurleyyyyy :) my special little prince and i mean this… i’m such a hurley girl and yeah sure you can also chalk that up to the fact that hurley is the pet character of eddie and adam and i would love anything eddie and adam did forever and ever except that tron movie i could never quite get through watching. heart! anyway yeah i love hurley he’s my guy… hurley is so. me age 19 but different but the same. wow. if hurley could read some of my notes app poetry from 2020 he’d feel seen in a way that would motivate him to seek professional help. but let’s not get into that
5. ana lucia SORRY. she kinda sucks so fucking bad and yes she killed my beautiful girl shannon but that was only her fault as much as it’s a gun’s fault when someone uses it to kill someone. so i’ve never blamed her for that it’s just a bad situation which she will notttt be coming out on top of 😐. but i think she’s sooo cool in a woman who sucks way… and her cunty 2000s ass outfit is crazy… the black tank top and low rise bootcut jeans and chunky belt and zip up utility vest…. i’d dress up as her for halloween if i was the kind of person who dressed up for halloween or was willing to buy an ugly belt for a one wear costume. also her plot with sayid rn is soooo good they’re looking at each other just two paranoid FREAKS going. you aren’t crazy. and neither am i. let’s fucking kill these Others. it’s sooooo good… and she never makes the same mistake twice…
6. eko my good friend eko…. he’s so…. he’s just so kind… imagine having the patience and compassion to be nice to charlie right now. woah
7. kate. in her flop era rn and it’s DIRE. but we love her this is the highest i can put her right now i’m sorry girl you just can’t beat out eko and hurley and ana etc when you’re acting like this….
8. rose and bernard <3 soooooo excited for them next episode it’s not even funny… that’s literally rose and bernard….
9. libby. category five obsessed with that freak disease! she took one look at that loser hurley and was like he’s so fucking pathetic and weird. and i want him so bad. and i HAVE to respect her game. she said oh yeah i’m gonna talk him back from suicide and then it’s ON…
10. danielle rousseau… she literally slayed the house down in maternity leave… sorry queen for never including you in these lists before now my bad fr!
11. sun <3 she’s so. your girl friend who deserves way better but she’s so happy with her annoying and unlikeable man you can’t even tell her to dump his ass no matter how bad you want to
12. michael… where tf is michael… i miss him :(
13. new guy. i can’t very well call him henry now can i. wtf is his name… kinda like his pathetic gay swag. but he’s sooo annoying 🙄 and frankly i stand with sayid’s paranoid freak ass… but he’s kinda fun to have around i admit! love how he’s always playing mind games!!
14. locke admittedly has been slaying lately but i still think all his backstory episodes are lame and bad and also. as we say. an enemy of jack’s…
15. jin. he like. swings wildly between me hating him so bad i hope he dies and me thinking he’s soooo interesting and compelling and cool. the whole truth was a crazy episode in this way when it started i was like wow he needs to kill himself. and then by the end i was like woah why is he the most interesting man on lost island…. the way he literally can’t talk to anyone but sun as a physical storytelling metaphor for his closed off nature that prevents him from ever being truly known… wowie!
16. charlie. he’s flopping soooo hard this season. remember when charlie used to be a top five character. that’s crazy
17. sawyer. goes without explanation
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northwestofinsanity ¡ 7 months ago
Band Incorrect Quote/Scenario -“I Love My Job…” (Hospital AU)
Well, with an incorrect-quote-worthy event at work, here’s another cursed extended band incorrect scenario in the cursed veterinary hospital AU with Styx and Squeeze… This time, rather than the mixed bunch in “Frencho Fryo Time”, or Squeeze by themselves as with the Daylight Savings time, this one features Styx by themselves, and the situation brings out their dramatic dynamic!
-It’s 10:00 AM, and a drug label has come back from reception to the pharmacy lab for the assistant team to refill a patient’s script of liquid furosemide*-
[*This is a diuretic medication, often used to prevent or remove fluid buildup around the heart and lungs (effusion), most commonly for patients in later stage heart disease]
Tommy Shaw: *Sees the label* “Is this a compound? There’s no recipe label printed.”
JY: “No, if you go in the cabinet above Dr. R’s desk, that one is pre-made in a solution, because it’s really unstable if we compound it in-house. All you have to do is just get a syringe and pull out however many cc’s the label says it’s for.”
Tommy Shaw: *Goes and looks in the cabinet* “JY, I can’t find it!”
JY: *Comes in, and finds the two boxes of it, unopened, but on the top shelf, and turned around so the labels face the back of the cabinet, unfortunately positioned in a way that set Tommy up for failure finding it* “There it is.” *Pulls one box down, and flips the other around.*
Tommy Shaw: “Really? Up there, turned around?”
JY: “I don’t know who put it away like that. It’s not supposed to be put away like that. Anyway, do you still want to fill it, or do you want me to fill it?”
Tommy Shaw: “I’ve never filled that one, but it seems easy enough, so I probably should.”
JY: “Okay. It’s not really any different than if you were doing the Cisapride solution.”
Tommy Shaw: *Perks up* “Oh, okay! Yeah, I can do that!”
JY: *Has an odd feeling that something is going to go wrong, despite the fact that Tommy has filled quite a few scripts before and that he usually has faith in Tommy to do things right, so he stays in the pharmacy hall in hopes he can be there to prevent whatever is about to go wrong*
-Less than two minutes later- Tommy Shaw: *Has gotten the compounding bottle and syringe adapter tops at the ready, and is in the process of pulling the correct amount out of the stock bottle. As he is, he’s to get the syringe plunger to pull back due to the viscous nature of the furosemide solution.  On autopilot, he disconnects the syringe and pulls some air into it, then puts it into the adapter top to create some extra air in the bottle to keep the plastic walls from getting sucked inward as the solution is pulled out, but forgets in his auto-pilot mode that he has a rather large, 25cc syringe, rather than a tiny 3 or 1cc syringe, thus, having the plunger pulled nearly halfway back with air is a lot more than usual.  He starts to push the air into the bottle*
JY: *Does a double take, realizing after 5 cc’s what Tommy is unknowingly doing, and can see the sides of the bottle starting to bow outward* “Oh, don’t do that-!”
-Instantly, before anyone can even respond to JY’s warning, the air pressure in the bottle pushes the syringe adapter top out of the bottle neck and causes the solution to spray out of the bottle, across Tommy’s chest and arms, in his face, and all over the countertop and everything on it.  It’s on the wall between the counter and the overhead cabinets, on the cabinet doors, and all over the lab sample tubes in the basket on the counter, as well as in the open box of microscope slides, and soaked into the towel that various bottles of cleaner and lab solvents sit on to protect the counter top from any leaks-
Dennis, John, and Chuck: *All gasp super loud*
Tommy Shaw: *Freezes with a look on his face of being a hundred percent done with everything as he sets the bottle down, which now only has about a quarter of the medication volume left in it, and wipes the droplets that are dangerously close to his eyes*
Dennis DeYoung: *Looks like he’s about to say something, or rather, shout something at Tommy*
JY: *Puts his hands up and very sternly shakes his head at Dennis, then turns and gives John and Chuck a similar warning look* “Don’t say anything...”
Tommy Shaw: *Inhales deeply with a wheeze and lets out a groaning sigh*
John Panozzo: *Walks out of the pharmacy hallway, because he’s trying hard not to laugh and knows he’s going to lose the battle*
Tommy Shaw: “I… don’t even know what I expected would happen when I did that… I don’t know why I did that… or what I was even thinking.” *Sighs again, setting the syringe and bottle down on the counter, and puts his hands down at his sides in defeat*
JY: *Grabbing some hand towels and rags out of the closet in the hallway* “Okay… it’s alright… we’ve got the other bottle.  We’ll just clean all this up, use what we’ve got left in this one before opening the other, and we’ll let Alan Gratzer know that one of the bottles spilled and we’re on our last one.  He doesn’t even have to know how it happened.”
Dennis DeYoung: *Eyes wide* “What do you mean he doesn’t-!?”
JY: *Trying so hard not to sigh in a way that sounds annoyed as he is* “Tommy, if you don’t have a spare shirt in your car, there’s that whole bin of spares in the bathroom.  Please go wash that off and get changed, and we can make sure that goes in the next load of laundry.”
Tommy Shaw: *Looks alarmed* “Is this one of those drugs that are bad if you touch it?”
JY: “No, it doesn’t have effects on skin contact -and even if it did, it would only be an issue if you have blood pressure trouble.  But you don’t need to be walking around covered in it.”  *Waits until Tommy goes off before turning to Dennis* “I just said, it is NOT that big a deal, and Alan has WAY too much to do with tracking inventory -as long as nobody is stealing or consuming the drugs, he DOES NOT CARE how it happened.  He just needs to know that we made a mistake, some was lost, and we need to order more.  End of story!”
Chuck Panozzo: *Looks between both of them* “BYE.”  *Walks off, and with the power of suggestion, goes back to the laundry room to see where the cycle is at and if he can make sure Tommy’s scrub top gets in the next load*
Dennis DeYoung: “Fine, then.”  *Walks away toward treatment*
JY: *Groans to self as he sprays and wipes off the main part of the counter, then goes to get the other bottle of that particular medication solution so that he can fill the script and have that part over with before dealing with the more details areas that got splashed, deciding in his head that he’ll leave most of it for Tommy to clean when he gets back, but will deal with the tedious process of washing all the microscope slides and drying them so they don’t have water stains or streaks* “Ohh, I love my job, I love my job, I love my job… I do love my job. And my coworkers…”
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frostedsugarcookiehearts ¡ 7 months ago
-> main course : chapstick !
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🍂˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚☕️
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tldr ; schlatt x gn!reader + college au (you're a photography major) -> a / n : loosely based off something that happened w/ a boy at school 💌 : mixtape to this fic ; head over heels by tears for fears !
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your eccentric business teacher had dragged the whole lecture hall out of class insisting that -
,, you damn kids just don't go outside enough, with all your interweb stuff and snapgram ! ''
due to his outburst and determination to get the whole college lecture hall of around a hundred people to go on a walk to explore the local businesses surrounding your college, you and all your other classmates were now walking around the neighborhood, being pointed out everything that looked similar to a shop by your professor.
you didn't really know anyone in your class. the business teacher talked a lot, and you didn't even like business since you were a photography & film major. it's not like you were gonna stand up in front of the whole class and proudly proclaim actually teacher, i don't wanna go for a walk! kiss my ass and say goodbye to my business credit, i'm outta here to go take photos of the leaves!
grinning a little at the scene, you shake your head and shove your hands in the pockets of your baggy tan jeans and dark brown sweater, a gold heart pendant necklace lazily thrown on top. you were trying to achieve that casual, chic-fall look, yet you thought you looked more sloppy than mysterious dark academia student. whatever, you huff.
as you walk, you apply a coat of your pumpkin spice burts bees chapstick to really get the whole fall vibe going. as you start to shove it back into your jeans, you feel a tap on your shoulder. you turn to see a guy that towers over you, a gruff beard and messy hair, wearing a yankees sweater.
,, hey, uhh, can i borrow your chapstick ? my lips are gettin' all chapped, and we can't have that while we're on our lovely business walk, can we ? ''
yankees dude shoots you a grin, his new york accent thick as he drawled.
,, sure. ''
you shrug and offer out the small tube of pumpkin spice chapstick. he applies it directly onto his lips, then you both freeze. did this dude directly apply it to his lips? he just touched my lips. okay, cool. don't panic.
,, oh, shit. i'm fuckin' dumb. i, uh.. forgot how chapstick worked. you're not.. you don't got any diseases or somethin', right? ''
he chuckles awkwardly at the last part, leaning down more to my height to whisper as he gulps and shifts his gaze away from you, placing the chapstick in my hand and shoving it towards your palm.
you look around to see if i'm being punk'd or something, one of those old gameshows where they prank people. but nope, no one's in sight, except your business teacher rambling on, probably about his ex-wife or something. hesitantly, you respond,
,, ...no, i'm good. ''
you clear your throat.
,, your, uh.. your lips un-chapped now? ''
he shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets as he starts to walk in unison with you.
,, yeah. that's the good stuff. normally i just buy the cheap ones from the drugstore, ya know? ''
you politely offer a smile , nodding along with him as your two pairs of feet tap against the concrete. you glance down at your shoes, a nervous habit, to look at the parallel: his scuffed up white (but now so dirty they're a light brown-ish at this point) old nikes and your red converse, a soft thump sound as the two of you walk.
,, what, are you too good to go and order one from amazon? ''
i joke. i glance over at him to see him meet my gaze with his brown eyes crinkling up at the sides as he grinned and boasted playfully,
,, yeah. the chapstick should be bowin' at my feet to have the opportunity to have it's product on my lips. ''
rolling your eyes, you let out an amused chuckle.
,, you've got kind of an ego, y'know that? ''
you joke.
,, jeez, you're a budding genius. you a psych major? ''
he jokes playfully, studying your clothes and tote intently to try and size up what you study, as if you'll have a giant shirt that says i <3 psychology !!
,, nah, photography and film. you? ''
to your surprise, his eyes widen, but he goes back to normal so fast you're sure it's a trick of the autumn air or something.
,, comp sci. ''
you snort.
,, oh, so you're a dork? ''
he rolls his eyes and shrugs, snapping his gaze away from ahead to look back at you.
,, that's kinda a generalization, don'tcha - '' you shoot him a look that reads, 'dont lie'. '' fine, i am. ''
he pauses for a second.
,, i like to do photography and film stuff too. just occasionally though. in my free time. after dorkin' out, ya know. ''
he chuckles almost a bit forced at the last part, like he's purposefully leaving out his skill or love for it, but you don't care enough to pry. it's not you're a psych major or anything either.
,, really ? what kinda stuff you film ? ''
that piques your interest, to say the least. and what does even more is his reply:
,, everythin'. i mean, it's just the way film is so much better on a real vlogging camera than a phone, ya know? it has that.. that old-school feeling. hell, i'm gonna be recording my kids' first steps on a digital camera, that's for sure. ''
your face lights up as you chuckle along to his rambling, listening intently.
,, yeah.. i get it, actually. wouldn't be surprised if you were a photography major in disguise. ''
he grins, playing along with your banter as he quips,
,, disguised as what ? ''
the obvious reply to you is:
,, a huge dork. ''
the two of you burst into laughter as the yankees guy shoves you playfully, grinning from ear to ear.
,, oh, fuck off. leave me and my fellow comp sci guys be, yeah? what's your name, photography geek? gotta know who me and my boys are gonna beat up later. ''
you snicker.
,, beat me up with what, their blue shells? ''
you joke and tell him your name without skipping a beat. his eyes widen as a genuine smile spreads across his face.
,, woah, wait, you play mario kart? and, uh, nice to meet ya. i'm jay. but back to mario kart - what? you? a photography major? ''
the two of you seem to light up at the same time.
,, oh yeah! i used to play it with my best friend all the time growing up. why, you play too? ''
jay grins and nods vehemently.
,, hell yeah i play. probably better than you. after all, that's all us comp sci majors do practice mario kart and dork out, according to'ya. ''
you smirk, going along with your banter, trying to not absolutely nerd out about how much you adore mario kart.
,, sounds about right. ''
he surprises you (and himself, it seems), when after a beat of silence he suggests,
,, guess we'll have to play sometime. ''
you pause, then shrug coyly, even though you're doing thrilled gymnastics in your mind. you tease,
,, guess we will. as long as you get yourself your own tube of chapstick. ''
jay's whole demeanor seems to lighten up from his gruff, get-the-fuck-away persona to a more relaxed, chilled one. he flashes you a grin, looking down at you with a sparkle in his eye.
,, deal. ''
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-> tysm for reading ! beautiful banners by @anitalenia . go check out their banners they're awesome sauce !!
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itsmeanyango ¡ 10 months ago
This is how the full moon in Sagittarius is affecting the collective on a health/biological way. Reach out for personal readings whether in clarification of the following or other readings like card pulls, birth charts, dream analysis etc.
Full moon in Sagittarius in your first house is headache and pressure to the head causing occupational hazard. Massage your head and do breathing exercises. Rest please 🙏🏿
Full moon in Sagittarius in your second house is throat problems. Parched, scratchy or sore. Relax your throat, tone down on singing and talking. Tape your mouth when you sleep, cover your mouth when you cough or yawn.
Full moon in Sagittarius in your third house is pain in your hands. If you're an instrumentalist,you're always typing or writing,you may want to take a three day break or more. Teachers, the marking can wait or get taken slower. Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Full moon in Sagittarius in your fourth house is uterus discomfort. If pregnant REST or you risk serious complications that can lead to pregnancy loss. Especially with this Jupiter in Gemini coming on 26th May that will be I'm your 10th House. If you're on your period, it might be a rough one this time.
Full moon in Sagittarius in your fifth house is pressure in your chest stemming from your heart. Stay away from coffee, carbonated drinks, fatty foods, processed sugars. So some little activity and avoid lying down too long. Drink black tea or other non stimulating teas. I know black tea is a stimulant, but at this time it's the best tea for you. Avoid the relaxing teas. Sing your heart out and listen to dancy music like can't stop the feeling from Trolls. This will help relieve the pressure in your chest that's interfering with blood flow.
Full moon in Sagittarius in the sixth house. Stop taking drugs to fix that stomach issue. Chew and swallow a pea size amount of ginger. Put moringa powder in hot water, mix and drink it while warm , 250ml is enough. Drink black coffee to have a bowel movement. Eat a lot of leafy greens.
Full moon in Sagittarius in the seventh house. That flare up in your skin will pass, you don't need all those products. If you have access to breast milk, ask the mother and apply on your trouble areas. Your skin is also probably rejecting your partner and to some, pregnancy. The pregnancy one has a direct correlation with your skin rejecting your partner.
Full moon in Sagittarius in the eighth house. Yeah, you'll need to get that infection in your private parts checked. Don't have unprotected sex or else you'll learn a very horrible lesson and no this has nothing to do with pregnancy.
Full moon in Sagittarius in the ninth house. Don't trust yourself this time. You're always right but this time wait until the New moon in Gemini, your mind will have changed.
Full moon in Sagittarius in the tenth house. Maybe you shouldn't overwork or strain your bones like that? Someone needs to get their sciatic nerve checked and another their femur.
Full moon in Sagittarius in the eleventh house. You're feeling weird because your blood metal levels are high, go get checked. Stop taking iodine and or zinc, you probably have a certain deficiency and these supplements are destroying you. Get a doctor's second opinion, you probably don't have that disease (mostly cancer).
Full moon in Sagittarius in the twelfth house. You see how women with PMDD tend to want to end themselves before their period then they get their period and go "oh, so that's why". That's the same thing here, it's just the full moon in Sagittarius making things feel and seem so bad in such a convincing manner. Hold on, it will pass. However, you are tasked with working through whatever you're feeling even after this transit has passed, otherwise demons of old will haunt you down.
I hope this is helpful because the energy already started and will persist until after as it slowly wanes into and past the sign of Capricorn.
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thegremlinwhowrites ¡ 1 year ago
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B expected an answer. An explanation. One that A could never give, knowing that it would ultimately change their relationship if B knew what they knew. If B understood that A wasn’t such an innocent little soul anymore. The silence that followed could be called suffocating, deafening, a void that needed to be filled, as it was left hanging like a doll on a string. Some image, still, presented itself in their mind. The body; punctured and still-bleeding yet without life that had been discarded as if it were a mere child’s forgotten toy. One that had been loved, and probably could’ve been loved by many more if its fate hadn’t succumbed to this. The body that had been a person. The body that would continue to be left there for the vast majority of its decomposure.
A couldn’t get the image out of their head without willing it away. Previously, before all this shit hit them, they had never needed to ‘will something away’ like they had now grown accustomed to. It came with a cruel, sick disease; black and tarred, chipping away at their sanity slowly but very much surely. They were warned of this, of course, but chose to ignore it with his cat-like curiosity. A would never have that curiosity again. Never.
They swore it.
Their partner stared. Did they have to give an answer? Really? Or was it simple enough to try and cover it up? Surely not, after all this silence had been stretched- only now- uncomfortably long. B was serious now; A could see it in their eyes, how they were searching for an answer that would either be forced out of them, or discovered within the coming weeks. A’s partner had a knack for finding information out of people; prying it even if they were dead. Maybe that was the reality of whoever’s body that was.
And that thought scared them.
Because what if their partner found out? What if, because of their stupid silence, their partner was going to find out that they knew who they were- what they had done- and the threat of their curiosity was now reaching new levels of ’I fucked up’, more than A thought it ever could.
Of course, the possibility of the perpertrator to these crimes finding out about A was a very distinctive, and terrifying, thought that made their head swim for the last couple of weeks. And now they were drowning, knowing that their lover; the one person of whom had always believed them, without any thoughts of doubt, was now the one they were afraid of the most.
That love that they held was suffocating as much as it was frustrating. It was terrifying as much as it was… thrilling? Oh god, why was a part of them looking forward to it?? To the very high chance that they would be killed by their lover savagely, without a thought of remorse.
How else could B look into their eyes with a peturbed love if they had any ounce of remorse?
Just like how A was avoiding their gaze, coffee cup in hand, dreading the mere thought of sleeping in the same bed as them that night. It was like they were being stirred up, their image distorting until it finally smoothed down into one, single line.
Their lover stood with a soft sigh. Shoulders back, tension rushing in crowds to click in between their joints. Crunched. Their words cut through them, dragging them violently from their thoughts and throwing A back down to Earth. “I think its been a long day, too long for the both of us; and you look exhausted.” A nod. “My love,” B began, and at some point they had gotten close enough that their smooth hand was able to gently tip A’s head up, but it wasn’t a dangerous gesture; and somehow, with the calm of their voice and the caring nature shown to them, A took a deep breath and finally reached their eyes and held contact. “Whatever it may be, I’m sure we can figure it out. No matter how long it takes. Okay?”
Not okay. Not okay at all.
“Yeah. Okay.” A felt the tremble in their voice, and how it must’ve felt like a stab in the heart to B. And just like a follower to a god, they wanted to repent for all of their sins in exchange for forgiveness.
This monster had been their lover, after all. Was still their lover. Despite whatever hate may be growing for them now, it would be hard to ever forget the way they smiled when the sun settled for the night. The way they would give them more than just a shoulder to lean on; their whole body. The way that they would leave a room immediately with A if they ever felt too overwhelmed. The way that they were kissing A, so tenderly that it made them want to melt into B’s arms and forgive them for whatever they crime they committed as long as B would stay with them.
@prompts-in-a-barrel I dont know how old or new this prompt is, but I enjoyed writing it to try and get on tumblr again; so thank you. I may or may not have delved into the main plot I was going for (and had planned out) but I do like the way it turned out.
I imagine this to be a gruesome plot, hence the hanging body, with A being the villain's journalist lover that stepped a bit too far into a case that they didn't know involved B.
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feelingsaph ¡ 2 years ago
Dream, being the embodiment of all things fictional, is probably the source of all kinds of fictional diseases. But these diseases aren’t something he created consciously like his dreams and nightmares. They’re his feelings taking form. I wouldn’t be surprised his powers would amp up those feelings and manifest them into something potentially devastating. And because these diseases are a manifestation of his emotions taking over his powers, he can’t just wave it away like he would with his other creations.
An example of a fictional disease he created is Hanahaki (花吐き病). Hanahaki is a disease caused by unrequited love. Flowers bloom in the victim’s lungs and heart, suffocating them and making them cough out petals. There are only two ends for someone with hanahaki: their affections are returned, therefore curing them, or they die from coughing out the flowers and blood or suffocation.
Not a very subtle illness, huh?
Now hear me out;
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After 133 years of not seeing his friend, ending their last meeting on terrible terms, and missing the last appointment (through no fault of his own but his friend couldn’t have known that), Morpheus approaches The New Inn with his heart pounding in his ears. Their old date rendezvous spot has been demolished, leaving only this unfamiliar place. There’s a chance Hob might not be here. Would Hob really be waiting for him in here? Worse, does he still want to see him after last time?
Luckily, the sight of Hob sitting at the corner stopped Morpheus from psyching himself out of there. And when Hob looked up to him with the warm smile he always gives him after all this time, Morpheus’s heart can’t help but flutter. And it’s not just from the relief that Hob still considers him his friend.
All is right with the world. Their talk may have been 33 years overdue, but with Hob’s ever-present sunny disposition and years worth of updates to give, Morpheus finds himself relaxing and smiling more than usual. No, he didn’t grin, and if Hob thought he did, well he’s wrong—
“… And I’ve been seeing someone for the last year or so.”
Morpheus freezes. “Oh?”
“Yeah, her name is Audrey,” Hob chuckles fondly, “She’s the first person I’ve been with since Peg, and who knows how long that’s been. I think you’d like her—“
Of course he’s with someone. It’d be selfish of Morpheus to wish otherwise. After all, they’re just friends, right? It took all of 633 years for Morpheus to finally accept Hob’s friendship, and he wouldn’t want to ruin it now by adding his… whatever this is, into their newly amended relationship. Besides, they’ve got all of eternity to spend together, right? Even though it might never be in that context since Hob has never shown interest in being with him, or other men for that matter…
Oh no.
The intrusive thoughts rushing forward following the sharp pang in his chest causes Morpheus to cough into his hands rather violently. Hob stops his ramble for a second and gives him a concerned look.
“Dream? Are you alright? I’ll get you some water.” Hob slides out of his seat and heads to the bartender before Morpheus could stop him.
Morpheus clears his throat and observes what’s in the palm of his hand. A moonflower petal. Wonder what that could be about…
Now, Dream probably won’t die from this disease because he’s Endless, but I imagine it would be inconvenient as hell to be choking on whole flowers while he’s trying to act natural in front of his ‘friend’.
Or what if, instead of Dream experiencing hanahaki himself, his subjects are the ones getting infected by it and slowly dying like the castle retainers were in Beauty and the Beast unless he deals with his feelings?
There’s a lot to think about here.
EDIT 1: Shout-out to @hellfridge for turning me to Midnight in Bloom by @aeon-of-neon , a hanahaki Dreamling fic with its own sexy twist. Thank you @hellfridge! Guess I know what I'll be reading tonight 😆
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chil2de ¡ 4 years ago
that one scene from csm but make it my favourite haikyuu characters
aka: you give them the lollipop you were eating
featuring: miya atsumu, miya osamu, suna rintarou, sakusa kiyoomi, iwaizumi hajime, tendou satori
“that’s nasty as shit”
“y’all still eat those?” atsumu sneers, slumping down on the bench beside you. he slings his arm over you to set down the drink he got for you. from your peripherals, you watch him screw open a bottle of water before chugging half the contents.
“what do you mean still? you’re acting like you were born three decades ago. have you ever even had one?”
“why would i eat one? it’ll be gone in like a minute” he scoffs, screwing the lid back on.
“that’s ‘cause you’re one of those psychopaths who bite straight into it. you’re supposed to wait for it to dissolve in your m—“
“wait for it to do what?”
“huh? dissolve in your m—“
you turn your attention towards atsumu’s stifled laughter.
“you’re tryin’ so hard to not say ‘suck’ and it’s fuckin’ killing me” he snorts, eyebrows raising in amusement.
“are you a child?” you sneer, gritting your teeth a little into the candy.
“i ain’t got a lollipop in my mouth”
“that’s why ‘samu’s the better twin.” you hum. when atsumu’s mouth rolls into an ‘o’ you take the opportunity to plunge the lollipop into his mouth, relishing the way surprise paints him.
for a second, your thumb lingers on his bottom lip. his eyelids are still blown with shock before he tucks the lollipop away, delicacy audibly knocking against his teeth.
“cute.” you hum, pulling atsumu’s bottom lip down. he jams his lips closed, shooting you daggers in the process. it only fuels you more when he’s left in a pout but his eyes shriek bloody murder.
“shut the hell up, asshole.”
“i mean..”
“here. you wanted this one, right?” osamu opens the grocery bag, rummaging through the contents before leaning over the passenger seat to give you your lollipop.
you lean back over to him, planting a small kiss onto his cheek before murmuring a soft thank you against his skin.
“oh! you got the melon one, too! i heard they’re good.” you hum, working the wrapper off as osamu drives the key into the exhaust.
“probably tastes like melon.” he laughs with a puff of exhaled air.
“you didn’t get one for yourself?” you inquire, turning to face osamu as he leans one arm behind your seat- peering out behind him to back out of the parking lot.
“one of..?” he trails, attention clearly elsewhere for a second.
“the lollipop. you wanna try?”
“(y/n), i don’t want your cooties.” osamu hums in amusement, yet continues to pop his mouth open whilst he’s still facing you. having not tried the lollipop yourself, you quickly give it a few swipes before letting osamu taste it.
“tastes like melon.” he agrees, humming thoughtfully as he straightens himself to face forward.
“right? it’s kinda weird, like there’s an aftertaste.”
“there’s a few extras in the bag, you wanna try those too?”
you sling your arm over your bed, digging and thrashing around for your phone until it falls within your reach. even though suna’s a room away, instead of using your voice, you decide to send him a message. you can even hear the faint buzz and ring of his phone going off in the distance.
it’s a beat, two, three until you can hear rustling ring in the air; followed by the faint pitter patter of suna’s footsteps.
when the door opens, he pops his head through with a look of disgruntlement evident on him.
“are you mute?” he sighs, glancing around to try to figure out what you want before you get a chance to speak.
you grab the lollipop from your mouth, sticking it out in front of you.
“i don’t wanna eat it anymore.”
suna slumps off of the door, taking a few steps forward to extend his hand before taking the candy from you.
“i’ll throw it away for you, doll.” he hums flatly, ghosting a smirk on his lips as he listens to your clamor and turmoil at the newfound information.
subsequently, when suna settles back down at his desk, he sends you a snap. the picture includes him holding the stick at an angle so that you can see the bulge of the lollipop against his skin, ornating his cheek in a small ‘o’. moreover, the caption reads “gotem😎”
sakusa raises an eyebrow incredulously at your morbid proposal, features scrunching into mutiny underneath his mask.
“give it here. i’m throwing it away.” he tilts his digits in a ‘come here’ motion, beckoning for you to hand the lollipop over.
“kiyoomiiii! it won’t kill you!” you guffaw, hesitantly handing over the candy in betrayal. he shoots you a sideways glare, carefully covering the lollipop up with the original wrapper it came in.
“but we’ve kis—“
“—how am i supposed to know that you’re not carrying a disease?” sakusa refutes, warning you to not cause a scene in front of his team mates. if they caught wind that he even allowed you to touch his hand, let alone kiss him, he’s sure that he’ll never hear the end of it.
later that day, as you swing by the gymnasium to catch the end of sakusa’s practice, you spot him halfway across the court- resting on a bench.
with every step forwards, your eyes focus on the foreign object that pokes out of his mouth. it’s a white lollipop stick, the same one you’d given him earlier.
you raise a finger in rebuttal, tone sneering.
“is that—“
he grabs the lollipop, motioning it towards you.
“why? you want it back?”
“couldn’t you have bought another one?”
“iwa-chaaaan! how are your blood sugar levels?”
“iwa-chan?” his face scrunches, clearly disappointed and a little agitated over the downgrade in his pet name. whatever happened to babe? baby? haji, even? he’s not necessarily thrilled that you’re talking to him at the same level oikawa does.
“huh? you good?” you wave your hand out, fanning it in front of iwaizumi’s face to catch his attention.
“yeah, what? i don’t know. i don’t check it.” he huffs momentarily.
iwaizumi’s quick to spot the lollipop sitting in your mouth, tucked away in your cheek so that you can speak properly. you can already see the suspicion crawling onto him, and unfortunately he’s half a step further than you.
“don’t you have another one?” iwaizumi sighs, refusing to meet the puppy eyes that make his heart strings pull.
“why? don’t wanna share with me?” you grin, securing the stick in place so that he can’t grab ahold of it.
“really? you’re not gonna share it with me now?”
before you’re able to start a game of tug of war, iwaizumi steals the candy by yanking it out of your mouth and swiftly taking it for him to taste.
“what the hell?” his features bundle up into disgust and his gaze locks with yours. you can’t help the slight giggles that threaten to spill past your lips.
“you got the orange one? that’s nasty.” iwaizumi mumbles, twirling the lollipop in his mouth as though he might become accustomed to the taste.
“so? no one’s forcing you to eat it. spit it out or throw it away.”
“no way.”
“ehh? you really wanna share it?”
from across the assortment of candy jars that lay in front of him, tendou leans over the counter. he creases his brow in concentration, as though he’s plotting his next move to win a checkmate in chess. in fact, he’s just trying his best to pick what snacks to stockpile for when he’s cuddling with you later.
tendou’s face contorts into disgust and he hisses a low tut when his eyes lay upon the untouched container of black liquorice. he moves his slender fingers towards said container, analysing the amount of content inside.
“satori? you like black liquorice? it’s okay, i won’t tell anyone.” you sneer, digging your elbow into tendou’s side. he uncoils from the jar as though he’s just touched a hot pan.
“eh? do i look like someone who likes black liquorice?” he raises an eyebrow, setting the container back down before grabbing something else and stuffing it into a paper bag.
“i mean.. yeah? you were just fondling black liquorice?”
“whaaaat? there’s some things that i like fondling, but black liquorice ain’t one of them.” tendou hums, snapping his head back to look at you in his peripherals. you send another jab to his side, apologising profusely to the employee for his inappropriate comment.
“satori!” you guffaw, watching the smug grin tilt onto him whilst you’re left speeding away from him out of embarrassment. tendou only reaches his hand out and stops you short by the arm, assertively yet carefully dragging you back to walk alongside him.
“you can’t just say that in public!”
“say what?” he cocks his head, blowing his eyelids open with curiosity. you watch his lips descend into that cute little pout and you’ve almost lost your mind already.
“oh? but i didn’t specify what i was talking about, did i? you’re so diiiirtyyyyy~”
“shut up! whatever— anyways, what’d you get?” you grit your teeth, turning your face away from him.
you can feel tendou’s cold fingertips grasp your chin. he tilts you forward, other hand dipping a green lollipop into your mouth.
“here! this is for you, angel~”
people who reblog r cool <3
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madroxed ¡ 3 years ago
This is an olddd fandom, but Saphael & first bite? :D Interpret however you want!
FIRST BITE [simon/raphael. set post though the truth may vary. @ao3.]
There’s a hole in his chest.
There’s a hole in his chest, and all Simon can think is that he shouldn’t have spent so much on this jacket because it’s definitely beyond saving, and then he’s laughing sat alone with his back against a dumpster that’s probably passing on several communicable diseases every minute.
It wasn’t even a fight. Wrong place, wrong time, and now he’s sat against a disease dumpster with a bullet in his chest whilst a mugger swans off into the night to shoot innocent civilians another day. It’s stupid and pointless and maybe ironic — thanks Alanis Morisette for confusing him about that one — and all he’d wanted to do was take a short cut home for games night with his family.
His family.
Raphael’s going to kill him.
He’s supposed to be home, tucked up on the couch in a hoodie Raphael’s tried to throw out at least three times, laughing every time Maggie accidentally beats them all at something she’s never played and Jagger looks sad and confused, and pretending they don’t see Aarav trying to cheat under Raphael’s approving eye.
Instead he’s going to catch, like, syphilis or something.
If he doesn’t bleed out first. The gunshot missed his heart, he’s pretty sure, otherwise he’d be dust right about now, but that doesn’t mean he’s in the clear. The blood loss to healing time ration does not seem to be in his favor.
He’s screwed.
He should shout out, but if a random Mundane walks into this alley right now, he’s gonna bite them. He’s gonna bite them and drain their blood and maybe kill them, and it doesn’t matter how much he tries not to, the survival instinct is too ingrained. He doesn’t want to kill some poor person who’s just trying to help.
He could call someone, but he’s not sure where his phone is. On the floor somewhere, probably, because he’d been playing Tetris whilst walking like an idiot, and then, boom, gunshot, and, yeah.
There’s probably a few life lessons in here.
It’s kinda ridiculous how he’s died for real but this feels worse. The first time it was some big, dramatic event; players all spread out across the board to win someone else’s game, and Simon had his part and performed it perfectly despite no one asking for his permission. He died and he woke up, and then life kept moving on and on until he took control and carved out a space for himself and the people he’d chosen.
The people he loves.
The people he should be with right now, fuck—
He can practically hear Raphael’s voice, annoyed and impatient and boxed up with worry that Simon’s learnt to unpack and hold close, and God, he feels so shitty for doing this to him, they’d had so many plans, made so many promises—
Simon’s not ready to leave him. He’s not ever going to be ready.
“Simon!” Raphael shouts, and Simon blinks, looks up and, wow, if he’s hallucinating then he’s further gone than he’d thought…
“Hi,” he says, and smiles even though everything hurts because it’s Raphael, even if he is only in his head.
Of course then Raphael’s there, pressing down on the bullet wound, and oh, okay, sure, yeah, not a hallucination if it’s hurts that fucking much, wow.
“How—” he just about manages, because now the delirium’s given way to agony his brain’s a little less capable of processing words, but Raphael understands all the same because of course he does. He always has.
“GPS,” he says. “I’ve had us linked on Find My Phone for months for this exact reason,” he says, which should probably sound a bit stalkerish but mostly just makes Simon love him even more.
God does he love him.
He thinks he should probably say something, give Raphael a rundown of injuries or whatever, but he’s struggling to stay conscious, and besides, Raphael’s already putting pressure on the wound, taking charge the way only a natural born leader can, and Simon wishes he could appreciate it more but mostly he’s trying desperately to just keep what little control he has left and not give in to the dark completely.
“Okay,” Raphael says, and Simon opens his eyes to find him tugging off his own jacket and pulling at the collar of his shirt. “Ready?”
Simon blinks at him.
“Oh, for God’s sake,” Raphael says, and pulls Simon’s head to his neck in one sudden movement.
Simon freezes.
There’s a part of him — the part born in the Du Mort, born of fear and hunger and action — that knows precisely what to do. The same part that’s singing at the very thought, his veins itching for it, and the haze of animal instinct insistent in its drive for survival. It wouldn’t be the first time. It won’t be the last.
It’s Raphael.
“No,” he says, and tries to push away. He can’t, which says a lot about his health right now, and Raphael holds him tight.
“Yes,” he says, like it’s easy. Like this isn’t rocking Simon’s world to the core. “Baby, I know. I know. But if you don’t feed in the next two minutes I’m going to be taking you home in an urn, and I won’t be the one to tell Aarav you died because you were too sentimental to just fucking drink.”
He’s shaking, Simon realizes. The fingers at the back of his neck are running through his hair, and oh, his heart’s beating so fast. He’s scared, but not of Simon, for Simon.
If everything else wasn’t going to shit, Simon thinks he’d be overwhelmed by that level of trust.
“What if I can’t—”
“You will,” Raphael says, total certainty in his voice, and Simon wants to hold him and kiss him and tell him it’ll be okay.
He also wants to taste him. Needs to.
His self-control can only last so long.
“Now,” Raphael says, and Simon does as he’s told.
The skin gives under his fangs, the slightest push, so careful not to tear, and then there’s blood on his tongue, running down his throat, and he’s drinking as fast as he can, feeling his body respond as his chest begins to thread itself back together. He drinks and he drinks and he drinks, and through it all he can hear Raphael’s slowing heartbeat, feel him like fire under desperate, clinging hands.
He thinks this might be what heaven feels like.
Or hell.
He’s not sure it matters either way.
When his strength returns just enough, he swallows one last time, savours the taste of blood, of life, of Raphael, and forces himself to put his fangs away. Laps at the split skin and then presses his mouth there instead, under his ear and up his jaw, searching until he finds Raphael’s lips, slack and a little blue, and Simon kisses him over and over until Raphael’s breathing’s back to normal, his heart steady and loud and every lullaby Simon’s learnt to love, and he kisses Simon back, digging his nails into Simon’s scalp and holding on as tightly as he can, like he’s scared to let Simon go.
“Food,” he says eventually, leaning away, and Simon chases him for one more, two more, three more kisses. “I need food and water and warmth.”
“Yeah,” Simon says, and lifts Raphael to his feet, wraps his arm around his shoulders so they can hold each other up. “I’ve got you."
“Home,” Raphael says, leaning his head on Simon’s shoulder.
Raphael’s blood is still on the back of his tongue and in his veins, like coffee and magic and life.
Home, he thinks, and knows he’s finally tasted it.
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