#Odin crack
reegis · 1 year
your loki brings me great joy
she has seen The Horrors
thank you!!! loki & sigyn are 2 of my favorite characters i love my doomed space lesbians..
loki, experiencing the Horrors:
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
There’s zero chance Loki and Hela having so many similarities is just a coincidence. And even though we’re most definitely never getting a full explanation for it, I’m so curious as to what you guys believe the reason is. Do you think:
a.) Loki’s a shapeshifter who can see people’s memories when he touches them. So when Odin picked him up as a baby, he saw Hela in Odin’s mind and shifted himself to resemble her.
b.) Loki and Hela have the same biological mother.
c.) Hela is Loki’s biological mother.
d.) Odin changed Loki to look like Hela when he first held him, because he missed her.
e.) Hela’s biological mother is jotun, and she and Loki both have black hair/pale skin/green aesthetic/etc because that’s just what frost giants look like when they take an asgardian form.
f.) Hela and Loki are both adopted, both children of Laufey. Odin took Hela centuries earlier, then when he realised Laufey’d had another child, he took Loki too.
**I’ve listed these in order from the ones I find most likely to least likely, if you’re curious. Tell me which headcanon you prefer, I wanna see.
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seratonin-dose · 4 months
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magnusmodig · 2 months
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at least he doesn't 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤 to LIE &. CHEAT.
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mischiefmodig · 5 months
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❝ if you don't have the will to die, how can you possibly expect to have the will to live, either? ❞
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
not to start another post with "kinda want to write a fanfic about" and then not write the fanfic but I kinda wanna write a fanfic where Loki feels so bad about the role he played in the Jotunheim invasion and the punishment Thor's facing because of it that he jumps through the Bifrost after him. and since he wasn't just yeeted out of his home, he's a lot less disoriented so he helps Thor get his shit together and they both absolutely expect Odin to call them back (or at least call Loki back like he wasn't officially banished) but he doesn't so they're pretty much stuck here now. Loki still has his powers so he's able to inadvertently prove to Jane and co. that they're gods pretty easily, and Jane obviously decides they gotta take them in. Loki and Jane really hit it off because they're both booksmart people and Thor and Darcy really hit it off because she's weird and Thor's more than happy to go along with it and they're one big happy sciencey/magical family. and then a few days later after Odin's decided they've both learned their lesson, he brings them back to Asgard. he still needs a successor, after all, and he can't do that if they're both banished. except??? they don't really wanna be king anymore??? like yeah Thor misses his hammer and his lightning and all but tbh he really likes Midgard like there's so much less pressure to make something of himself he just gets to have fun. and Loki's always kinda known deep down that he never stood a chance at being king and at this point he's very obviously a last-ditch effort but he's having so much more fun working with Jane and Selvig than he would on the throne and actually if he could just go back to his room he has a really good textbook that Jane would like to see—
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Seal fight for a necklace
I’m not saying we should've gotten a seal fight between Atreus & Heimdall, but we should've gotten a seal fight between Atreus & Heimdall. HEAR ME OUT PLS. In the OG myth Loki steals Freyas necklace under Odins orders and Freya gets Heimdall to get it back, in GOW it would happen in reverse.
Freya talks about this necklace she had but Odin still has it. She misses it but never says anything about going back for it. Atreus hears this, and promptly goes to steal it back from Odin. Surprisingly he gets away with it while everyone is sleeping. Of course, Odin eventually finds out and gets Heimdall to get it back, (it has no value to Odin he's just petty). Cue the funniest fight in the realms, they fight all the way to Vanaheim. Kratos n Co. see this mess, Thrudd and Skoljr are cheering for ‘Loki’ to win. Everyone is even MORE confused, eventually the two seals shift into people and what in Fayes name WHY ARE ATREUS AND HEIMDALL FIGHTING. 
The fight is scrappy, Atreus bit Heimdall at some point with enough force to break his arm. Sending his ass home wounded in more ways than 1 Thrudd bullying him all the way back home. Atreus gives Freya her necklace and promptly passes out cuz it’s been a long night and he's tired. Next morning, he explains the whole thing over breakfast, everyone is in disbelief except Brok who is a very proud uncle atm. Odin!Tyr is bitterly impressed and us wondering how Atreus snuck into Asgard so easily....[END]
dam I gotta get back into writing lol
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laslow · 6 months
w-w-aswow??? hewwo??? c-can yuo heaw me?? waswow aw yuou there??? uwuw waswow pwease! caww out my dawk nawme!!!
So far, he's avoided most of the shenanigans going on around the monastery today. No time like the present to catch up on grading assignments! (Which, he could have finished earlier, but this last failed date left him more melancholy than usual. Probably something to do with the lovely lady throwing a perfectly good piece of lemon cake in his face.)
Even now he can still taste the chocolate frosting that landed on his lips. The things he endures for love are worthy of epic ballads!
Laslow sets his quill down, then stretches out his wrists. He eyes the remaining stack of papers; not so many now that he can't enjoy some fun before returning to the grind.
Standing, he's about to scoot his chair in when he hears it. Eyes narrowed, he pauses, waiting for it to sound again--
He sighs. That voice is unmistakable, even in whatever tone that is. "Odin, I have never wished I couldn't hear you more." Laslow creeps closer to the door. "Careful, now, or my--" Damn, how did Odin come up with names on the fly? "My Dazzling Door Opening art will knock your socks off!"
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mii-cherry · 9 months
I have the extreme U R G U to write something ror related
I wanna write about the gods and Einherjar getting stuck on modern day earth with their divinity and valkiries not with them so they are stuck just humans with no money, no idea what to do and no divine powers.
They have to get along to get back, while the valkiries try and get this solved and maybe they encounter some people that could help them get back,
I also just wanna see them work at McDonald's or sm,
Maybe they get involved with things like the mafia and fighting Karen's at Walmart
idk, I just want them to have some fun in the modern day.
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valistheanshield · 2 months
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Anonymous sent : When Ifrit cums, does he cum like... lava. What is the deal there. Unhinged Anon Time || Accepting!
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"I....What?" Confused, he just stares for a moment, before finally managing to choke out a response. "You think I've wasted precious energy to fully Prime, and then just masturbate??? I have no fucking idea what happens when Ifrit cums!"
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dashing-fandral · 2 months
AU where instead of attacking Hela, Fandral just flirts with her and she keeps him around for eye candy/entertainment
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eclipsecrowned · 3 months
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witnessed a probably easily disprovable theory about how people try to figure out if freyja is a mistranslation/another title for frigg that also posits freyr is a creation of later mythology and all that he is, freyja had dominion over instead.
feels all of that ooze out of my brain to instead consider genderfluid freyja.
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[TOUCH] The sender caresses the receiver's back, attempting to entice them back into bed.
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Prompts from Post-Cotial, In Bed, or Honey Come Back memes -> Accepting
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As the autumn leaves turn to crunches under their feet, their apartment's thermostat has been turned up to keep the home toasty as they wait out for the first of the season's storms. Snowfall already began, and every year like clockwork; clint turns his home into an oven. Blankets gathered over years and years get pulled out from storage; some being a thick woolen knit identify for outdoor use and others softer fleeces acquired more recently.
Each blanket has a distinct smell to them, or at least the ones he's had since he was in his twenties. Even as the mornings begin frost with them, making the hardwood floors unappealing for frozen toes to touch; his training could not go on for hibernation.
Clint knows his worth, his value to New York City, and it's that of being one of its heroes. Finest heroes might he add, along with being the best master marksman in the world. He's been in this business for years, with no retirement plan in sight, and the way he keeps on top of that is getting up in the mornings.
Early mornings, despite the rebellious and somewhat depressive part of his brain wanting to remain curled up in a dark warm hole shut odd from the world, were when he spent the time honing his skills. His two to four hour workout regime that keeps him fit and absolutely to keep up with heroes like Captain Marvel and Thor.
In the last few years, there has been on hindrance to this work out regime which hasn't affected his skill set, but did distrupt his sense of discipline with himself. That hindrance had one name and that was Peter Benjamin Parker, of whom was currently curled tightly into the flannel sheets swapped in for the wintry months.
Clint had been in the process of sitting up, stretching out his arms above his head and spine before he got out of bed (letting his legs savor the warmth) before he was up and going to slip himself out of bed and descend the loft staircase. He had reached a hand to pull the sheets and covers higher over Peter, tucking him in tight.
However, Peter doesn't keep himself tucked in that way. NO, Clint finds that out when two fingers start to walk up the back of his spine, fingers warm against his skin as Peter had slipped his hand underneath the sleep shirt that Clint's been sporting since the cold spell had hit the city.
The archer finds himself stalling, in fact more than stalling, Clint was actively leaning back as Peter's fingers continue to trace up and down his spine. A few moments he just breathes with the lines drawn on his back until he feels Peter start to spell out words on his back.
What's one missed morning? echoes in the back of his mind, it's a phrase he's thought often since Peter B. Parker has wormed his way into his house and bed.
First, S-T-A-Y is spelt along his spine but Peter doesn't stop there and he had already been convinced. It's thr next thing that Peter starts to write out along his spine as well.
I-W-O-R-K-U-O- and Peter doesn't have to finish that as Clint twists around to go kiss Peter's lips, whose peaked his head out of the blankets and he's looking at Clint with a gaze. He supposes that he could tuck himself back under the blankets.
I'll work you out is what he imagines Peter was implying, and the look in the dork, his dork's eyes was warm, inviting, and Clint likes the idea he was suggesting. He speaks only for Peter, with a whisper as he gets under the covers and lays his body over Peter's. His lips finding his lips again, ❝ And I'll keep you warm. ❞ He promises as his lips go for Peter's throat and Peter's hands are tucked back under his shirt.
This may be his preferred way to get sweaty, he'll thinks later after they have removed their clothes and kissed his way down Peter's body, currently working the both of them out.
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lokijiro · 2 years
Thor : Father, I’m bored.
Odin : Find yourself an occupation.
Thor : Like what?
Odin : Why don’t you practice your swordplay?
Thor : All right. *leaves to go practice in the yard*
Odin : Good parenting.
Loki : Father, I’m bored.
Odin : Find yourself an occupation.
Loki : All right. *leaves*
Odin : Good parenting.
Odin :
Odin :
Odin :
Odin : *smells smoke*
Odin : No!
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magnusmodig · 6 months
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what is the nature of this ' b o o p '
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mischiefmodig · 3 months
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Loki sits alone on a bench, reading a magazine in his lap. Seemingly unassuming of his surroundings. However, on the pavement in a few feet away is a crisp 10 key note.
How curious.
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