#Oceangate titan
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evangelifloss · 2 years ago
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toaarcan · 9 months ago
Oceangate 2.0 isn't going to happen
Alright, so the announcement that another billionaire is going to make a submarine trip to the Titanic wreck in the wake of the Oceangate fuckup has gotten a bunch of people eagerly chomping at the bit for more rich people to get scrunched into goo at the bottom of the Atlantic, and I'm going to have to be the party-pooper here because it's not happening.
The Titan was a uniquely shitty vehicle made by a man who decided he was smarter than the entire submarine industry and then discovered very harshly that he was not.
But one of the key factors in that sentence is that he thought he was being smarter than everybody else that makes submarines, because everyone else that makes submarines follows all the rules he broke and make vehicles that don't implode.
Titan deliberately threw away decades upon decades of submarine design and then became an object lesson in why submarines are designed the way they are.
Larry Connor is not making the same mistakes as Stockton Rush. He's not making his own shitty bean tin, and even if he did, he would have to be enormously stupid to make the same mistakes that Rush did with the design.
Connor's vessel is made by Triton Submarines, the company that designed and built the DSV Limiting Factor, the submarine that reached the deepest point of all five oceans. He's in the safest possible hands.
There's not going to be any billionaire soup this time.
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monstrousliarstold · 4 months ago
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Oceangate Titan
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kid-az · 2 years ago
Worth the quarter of a million!
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haystarlight · 2 years ago
Hey guys, if the people in the submarine die, who gets the money? Do they have children or wills or....?
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90smovieolderbrother · 2 years ago
see, $250,000 would be life changing for me and my family. could buy us a new a/c unit. could use it to buy my nephew a new bike (that was medical equipment and not a regular bike) after his was stolen. could help with a lot of things. $250,000 is chump change to these foos. i’m sorry i don’t feel bad. but not really.
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torillatavataan · 2 years ago
The Hydraulic Press Channel demonstrates what a catastrophic implosion does to a carbon fibre submarine.
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cyarsk5230 · 2 years ago
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And we’ll keep doing it until the rich pay their taxes
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syn0vial · 2 years ago
out of curiosity...
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facts-i-just-made-up · 2 years ago
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FIJMU NEWS June 20, 2023 by Minnie Van Hondodyssey
After a long and desperate search for the Oceangate Titan submersible lost near the wreckage of the Titanic, 102 year old Kate Stewart admitted today that she in fact had the vessel hidden all along. Having made that admission, she threw it back into the ocean and promptly died, or was asleep depending on how you read things.
This oddly mirrors the plot of James Cameron's film "The Abyss." Cameron also notoriously explored the ocean in his own submersible vessel, but he splurged on an Alienware controller to manage the vessel, and didn't get his rich friends killed like he would have with a generic X-Box controller.
Being alive, perhaps he can explain why not a single store here has Avatar 2 on 3D Blu Ray. It was supposed to be out today. WTF.
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citruscloudsandmoon · 2 years ago
2023 seems like an year of death for Pakistanis.
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illusionarywitness · 2 years ago
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ferdifz · 2 years ago
Thoughts on the missing OceanGate Titan submersible
So much "eat the rich" energy surrounding the social media comments around this story...
Meanwhile explorer Paul Henry Nargeolet is not a billionaire.
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IwriteOK on Twitter:
folks complaining that the government or whoever isn't doing enough to rescue the deathsub may not realize that rescuing human beings submerged anywhere near the depth this thing was supposed to be at would be harder than putting a man on the moon
Not quite harder than putting a man on the moon, but hard enough still.
...as in: Each single trip to the moon requires months — if not a whole year or more — of preparation. This rescue needs to be done within the next like 48 hour or so, or not at all.
And how goes the Ukrainian counter-offensive? How goes the Myanmar coup-detat? How goes the Iranian women's-rights rebellion?
All things that continue to cost very real human lives.
Hope this one Tumblr post will be enough to sate my hunger to commentate. And then I can let go of commenting on this issue anymore going forward.
Update, about an hour after original post: US Coast Guard says 'underwater noises' have been detected in search for missing Titanic-tour submarine.
🐦 [Spectator Index] [AFP News-Agency] [the Associated Press]
Update, a few more hours later: Although yeah to be fair (via Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter) :
My god—Oceangate, operator of missing submarine exploring the Titanic wreckage, had a viewport (window) certified only to 1300 meters, as whistleblower complained in a lawsuit, but was fired. So what’s the Titanic wreckage depth? ➡️4000 meters. 🔥
Missing Titanic Sub Once Faced Massive Lawsuit Over Depths It Could Safely Travel To (The New Republic, June 20, 2023)
Update, June 23rd:  "Tail cone of Titan sub found" - US Coast Guard press conference - via BBC News live update web-page
June 24th: Canadian and US officials have indicated there will be investigations into the Titan deaths. Other government agencies are may join in, but it is unclear at this stage which agency will lead the investigation.
June 28th: Pieces of derbris confirmed to be former OceanGate Titan submersible recovered; suspected human remains among the wreckage. (the Guardian)
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k1ranishf4 · 2 years ago
Why watch or read the news when tumblr is explaining everything that’s going on in the world with memes or rage posts?
I have found out about more information this way than I would’ve by following the actual news.
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thestaticonyourscreen · 2 years ago
imagine dying because you decided to take a faulty tourist submersible down to a ship infamously connected to death, could never be me
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cyarsk5230 · 2 years ago
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Full confession: absolutely 0 empathy for billionaires. I will laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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