Hahahahahahahaah, #calledout. Lolz
few things more humbling than the realization that you really do write the same fic(s) over and over again
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Y’know what I wish was a thing?
I wish that, on AO3, and other fic-places, there was…. I guess, a perpetual “like”? What I mean is, yes, I can send kudos, which is awes. But, part of me wishes I could send those same kudos EVERY time I read it, and want to kudos.
Just, I wish there was a simple, unobtrusive way to tell the writer of the fic “yes, this is the 375th time I’ve come back to this fic because I needed the serotonin boost, I just want to show my appreciation again (and again, and again, etc.).”
That would just be… the coolest thing. I just hope I wouldn’t drive certain people crazy with it. Lolz
El Mayarah,
Chlo. 💜☀️
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Reposting for visibility. 🩷🤍🧡
Chlo. 💜☀️
Y’know, what? No time like the present…
First and foremost, Happy Pride!!! 🧡🤍🩷
Second, I suppose a more-proper introduction is in order…
Hi! My name’s Chloe! (I suppose the username tipped you off to that, but I digress.) I am a 30-something trans-femme demi-sapphic woman living, begrudgingly, in the American MidWest.
I am a massive nerd (pop-culture, DC Comics, Music, among others), and well… as you can see also, my chosen last-name is Danvers… so I’m not even gonna lie when I say that my personal inspiration for the kind of person I want to be is Kara (Zor-El) Danvers herself. [Doesn’t hurt that I dumb-lucked into finding my personal Cat Grant… tis the silver-est of linings.💜☀️]
I am a fledgling writer, though I have largely been in a 10ish year slump of writers block… currently trying to claw my way out of it starting with what has been my brain’s salvation these last few years: fan-fiction.
And in that vein, I figure, how better to get to know me, than to talk about my favorite ships, and why they resonate with me. So, let’s do this. :)
Bechloe: My first ship, even though I didn’t realize it at first. I’ve come a long way as an individual, so much so I watched Pitch Perfect the first time and saw 0 sapphic subtext between Beca and Chloe. (That is VERY much not that case now, I assure you. Lolz) So, why them? I’m a sucker for a grumpy/sunshine dynamic (we will revisit this later, I assure you. Lolz) between two women, and especially watching the sunshine warm up the grump a little. ❤️
Also doesn’t hurt this ship’s chances that this Chloe is THE Chloe that my name comes from… aspirationally, that kind of girl is inside me, but life has made me a bit more of a Beca, if that makes sense. Lolz
SuperCat: I could go on for days about them. Once again, Grumpy/ Sunshine, and I mean, I am literally a Danvers, so… lolz. Suffice it to say, they are a pair put on my radar by ‘My’ Cat…. And I have not shut up about them ever since. Seriously, the fact my partner still encourages it is a Raosend. Lolz I won’t go into much more detail, because my writing will do that for them, in spades.. whether it’s SuperCat, or AstraCat…. (No, not Aunt Astra… but consider this a tease for my SG-rewrite. ;) )
Chenrich: “Life is Strange: True Colors” is my favorite game, of all time. I’ve platinumed it, and I’m working on the perameters of a playthrough that gives me different challenges. But all that being said, when I see Steph and got her vibe, I burst out in a laugh and called it my “discount Beca Mitchell dating simulator”.. and I was not disappointed. ❤️ (btw, my canon ending? Alex and Steph stay in Haven Springs, and get the Black Lantern and turn it into a nerd bar… maybe one day I’ll write it. Who knows? Lolz)
Avalance: this is my semi-unexpected one… my brain is almost always in National City.. but these two, they grew on me, so hard. It doesn’t hurt that my partner broke my brain by telling me she saw a lot of Sara in me… and it took me years to finally see it too. (Though I will always, shamelessly, be a Kara… lolz) Co-Captains for life, babe. 💜☀️
Alright, that just may be enough to prolly not tell you all that much. But I’m an open book! And my asks are actually open now. Lolz
Alright, one more random thing, because why not? So… when I world build, I sometimes go to weird tangents… like, I may not have fleshed-out plot-lines… but I have 3 seasons of villian progression, and I’ve created the ice cream flavor made for her by a grateful National Citizen… (it’s “Swirl From The Stars”.. Fic is a lifesaver, swear to Rao. ☀️)
Alright, I’ve rambled on enough. I hope this finds all of you well, and once again, today and every single day ever…. Happy Pride!! 🧡🤍🩷
El Mayarah,
Chlo. 💜☀️
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Pitch Perfect (2012)
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Reposting for visibility! :)
Chlo. 💜☀️
My asks, and anon’s, are open! (I didn’t realize they weren’t, oops! Sorry, awesome writer working on my Secret Santa!)
Both here and my Sapphic Apothecary are open, so by all means, ask away!
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Let’s do this thing!!
Chlo. 💜☀️
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Prompts are out!
If you don't see yours in your inbox, check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there. And let me know ASAP if you see anything wrong with your prompts.
Hopefully everything is good to go, and I look forward to seeing what awesome things are created this exchange!
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Oops! This was meant to be here. Lolz.
Nailed it. Jk jk
Happy Saturday, or “SuperCat Secret Santa Prompt Day’! (to all who celebrate, lolz)
I am eagerly awaiting my e-mail, and hope I didn’t leave my writer too weird of prompts to work with. 🤞
So, in honor of such, and because I have main-lined season 3 of Bridgerton, very much under the guise that Colin and Penelope is subtextually sapphic as fuuuuuuuck, (“She” was Colleen, and ngl, took an episode to clock which one of them were closest to my fav pair of ladies… my brain is an interesting place. Lolz) here is a small moment/ snippet I had come to mind, while on Bridgerton-brain, and biting my tongue heating my ‘room-mates’ on their insert-name-here-phobic bullshit that is usually tangentially attacking something I stand for…. Here is a tiny little monologue, with no person or scene attached to it… but I really, really resonated with it… so I wish the same for any of you who need it. :)
El Mayarah,
Chlo. 💜☀️
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“why does that character have to be queer?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be trans?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be a poc?”
why not?
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Don’t mind this… it’s just “research”.. lolz.
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Centuries ago, weddings on Krypton consisted of the trading of ceremonial headbands, united by cloth to bind their union.
Weddings on Krypton just before its doom consisted of the bride and groom standing on the Jewel of Truth and Honor.  Then, the ancient Kryptonian wedding ceremoney begins, with, “In the name of truth and honor I declare the marriage vows binding upon you! From this day forward, throughout all time and space,even unto eternity…”
They exchange wedding bracelets of a color variation unique to them, that no other couple is allowed to duplicate…
It ends with “Made husband and wife this day–and for all days hence. May the countenance of Rao ever shine on you” and then there is a wedding kiss.
Kryptonian law forbids divorce, so once the couple is married, there is no way to dissolve the marriage.
Perhaps because of that, for one hundred years, Matricomp, a computer who could judge relationships, had to pre-approve marriages to test the couiples’ compatability.  By law, a marriage could only go through if approved by Matricomp, and it was treason to defy its rulings. Until the computer went haywire and Jor-El managed to destroy it, rendering the law invalid.
The marriage of cousins was unlawful, unlike some cultures here on Earth.
It was traditional for newlyweds from all over Krypton to come to the Fire Falls for good luck.
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Saturday cannot come soon enough. 😃 ❤️💙
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Sign ups are now open for Supercat Christmas in July’s Secret Santa!
Fic, art, edits, gifsets, and fanvids are all welcome. Minimum fic length is 1000 words. Sign ups close on May 19th, and prompts will be sent out by May 25th. The deadline to complete your prompt is July 27th.
Follow this blog (supersantafemslash) for more updates, and message me if you have any further questions.
Note: This summer exchange is only for Supercat. The main Secret Santa exchange happening later this year will be open to season one and Supergirl crossover femslash ships.
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Bell’s Hells as textposts 44/???
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Massive co-sign.
They deserved the 🌎.
This pride month… remember Bechloe. They deserve better.
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"15% Remaining"...
"Oh come on... i charged this stupid thing this morning...." Beca muttered under her breath as she sat in her seat, looking at the annoying, familiar sight of her phone saying it was near dying, and she was literally minutes after take off. Smacking the phone with her finger, she showed off her frustration as she tried to get what little she could out of the dying device. She had e-mails to read and reply to and social media to maintain as she flew from NYC to Seattle, where she stayed when she actually had time to not be her busy, popular Record Producer self (which luckily for her, no one really knew producers by name, so she could fly all over the world woithout even so much as a 'Hey, arent you...?' conversations on the plane. She could just settle into her seat, and spend a few airborne hours in blissful, working obscurity.....
... unless her phone was this dead. And of course, she, against her better judgment, checked her laptop... so it was sitting, fully charged, under the plane.
Though, as fate would have it.... a rather laid-back, precocious redhead looked over to see the rather demonstrative finger pecking of the woman across the seat from her. Popping out her earbuds, she casually asked the woman across the aisle, "Excuse me, miss.... what kind of phone do you have?"
Beca, jarred from her irritate fuming, looked up through her long brunette hair towards the voice that was aimed towards her.
"Pixel 3..... why?" she asked, a bit defensively as she looked at the gorgeous redhead that was looking at her with such a warm, soft tone.... enough to be amlost disarming, were she not so irritated by her phones relative deadness.
"Oh, me too!" the warm, fliry redhead smiled. "Need some charge? Im at like..... 87%" the redhead offered, extending her phone across the aisle towards her.
"Dude, seriously?" She asked, partially taken aback, but mostly dumbfounded that this ramdom, pretty girl was literally swooping in to save her flight, single-handedly.
"If by dude you mean Chloe... totes." the redhead smiled, her warmth and smile making Beca uneasy, but not necessarily in a bad way.
"... who's Chloe?" Beca asked, a bit flustered, and even more confused.
The redhead just smiled. "Me.... i’m Chloe..... Chloe Beale." She explained, her tone warm and inviting, even as she watched Beca blush and devolve to the feeling of absolute foolishness as she didnt realize the obvious.
"Oh..... hey Chloe.... im Beca..... Beca Mitchell.." she half smiled, just wanting to crawl into a hole and hide until the awkwardness of her flub disappeared.
Chloe's eyes went wide. "Wait..... Beca Mitchell.... the producer?" Chloe asked, as she played it cool, and didn't fangirl any more noticably than she could hide. "As in.... produced hits for the likes of Swift, Grande, Clarkson, and more?" she asked, trying her best to keep her cool.
Beca swallowed hard. "Yeah.... thats me." she admitted, immediately dreading it. "So, whose juicy secrets do you want to know about?" she deadpannedly asked, as usually most who discovered who she was wanted ALL the juicy secrets.
"No one’s.... you’re like.... a musical genius!" Chloe finally let slip, before blushing almost as deep as her crimson locks.
Beca was noticeably thrown for a loop as she sat there.... she was shocked that when names like Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift were dropped.... that this person cared more about her. Quiet, insignificant her. "I.... I'm not that good.... i just help them be as talented as they are..." Beca played it off.
"Bullshit. Ive heard Ari.... and i've heard Ari when you produce.... girl... she’s next level." Chloe gushed. "Sorry.... I'm really trying not to fangirl... but I’m a music nerd, and i mean like.... for the behind the scenes stuff..." Chloe admitted, opening herself up bare to the Record Producer sitting across from her.
Beca started to respond, then froze, tried to rethink her words, then finally stammered out, "It’s ok.... you'd be surprised how rare this is...."
"Really? You're like.... Da Vinci, or Picasso... just with music..." the redhead blushed, phone still extended between them.
"Oh, sorry...." Beca smirked, extending her phone towards Chloe, the pair touching, and the pairs hands dangerously close to doing likewise.
"It’s ok.... I always told myself I wouldn't fangirl like that..... I'm sure it’s hella-annoying..." Chloe tried to play it off, hoping she didn't manage to make the award-winning producer think she was some crazy-stalker-music-nerd.
"It’s fine, trust me.... you're the first to ever actually treat me like i was Ariana or Taylor..." Beca replied, blush spreading across her cheek. "I usually manage to live in relative obscurity.... until i met you, Miss Beale." she teased.
"Oh please, call me Chloe.... well, for the next few hours until you disappear into Seattle... or elsewhere." the redhead said warmly.
"Ok, Chloe... and please, call me Beca....." the short brunette replied.
"Ok, Beca..... so, can i ask why you're flying to Seattle?" the redhead asked, somewhat submissively, not wanting to make Beca uncomfortable.
"I.... actually live there..." Beca replied, feeling rather good to be so upfront and honest with another person.
"Oh.... that’s great!.... it’s a wonderful city." Chloe smiled. Beca caught just a flash of it, but that image would be stuck in her head for awhile.
"What about you? If i may ask..." Beca added, smiling back... slowly but surely being drawn in by the living ray of sunshine sitting across the aisle from her.
"Oh..... I.... it’s a long story..." Chloe replied, getting a bit choked up by the memory.
"Oh, no, thats fine, you don’t owe me any explanation....." Beca tried to console the emotional redhead.
"No, it’s ok.... i moved out to New York to chase a relationship.... it didn't work." Chloe admitted, shruggung semi-nonchalantly at it all, though it was much more painful, in retrospect.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry...." Beca's facial features softened, and she wanted to hug the hurting girl. "... i’m so sorry he did that to you."
"It’s ok..... SHE ended up being an anchor that tried to sink me.... and i couldn't live that lie.... or that life..." Chloe replied, opening herself bare.
"Her? Oh.... I'm sorry... i just assumed, beautiful woman like you.." Beca blushed even deeper, equal parts for assuming.... and for realizing such a pretty girl was at least Bi, so much so she didn’t even realize how she had semi-flirtatiously ended her sentence.
"Its ok, no offense taken... but yeah.... i haven't dated a guy in like..... 6 years." she admitted nonchalantly, though the fact that Beca Mitchell called her ‘beautiful’ would live rent-free in her mind for a LONG time.
"Girl, i feel you.... i can’t remember the last time i had time to date..." Beca smirked, her heart fluttering inside her chest. Here was this girl, beautiful, warm, and kind..... and she was starting to entertain thoughts of crushing on her like a silly, pathetic school-girl… which usually didn’t bode well for the quiet brunette.
"No guys in New York worth your time?" Chloe asked, intrigued. "I’d think you'd have your choice of any guy you wanted..." the warm, open redhead replied frankly.
Beca began to reply, then smiled playfully, and decided to try the odds. "... i never said i was looking for a guy..." Beca replied with all the bravado of her on the Late-Night talk-show couch, even as she was panicking and hyperventilating inside.
Chloe took in a deep breath, and their phones disconnected for a moment as Chloe processed what she just heard, but she reconnected them almost immediately. "So.... you couldn't find a girl worth your time then?" Chloe asked playfully. "So.... what kinda girl does Beca Mitchell look for?..."
Kudos to anyone who got the hint yesterday! Yes, Bechloe was my first ship, and the Chloe in "Chloe Danvers" comes from her. And in my defense, Cat Grant and Beca Mitchell will ALWAYS have my heart. (They both remind me of you, Maalkhati. 💜☀️)
El Mayarah,
Chlo. 💜☀️
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cat grant, luminary
for @boomboombooom
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Good morning, everyone! :) I have a rare Friday off work, so imma spend it doing, well, housework and laundry, but imma say “whatever I want”! Lolz, feel free to play along with me.
Now, for today, my post is rather short. It was meant to be a small moment that I wrote basically for me.. but I hope it helps someone else who feels, well…. Broken.
(I promise I’m fine, just… my writing is my brains refuge, so it can go a LOT of places. >,<)
So, without further adieu:
“But Cat, look at me…. I’m broken, useless…”
“Kara Zor-El, are you broken? Yes.” Cat said succinctly, but with a warmth and tone that oozed adoration and love, “But I’m here, and I will spend the rest of my life putting you back together myself if I have to. And while I can’t exactly use gold paint to do it, your light will shine through the cracks, and once you’re whole again, what was once broken will and shattered psyche, will be seen as a strength, as a reminder that you can be made whole again.”
Cat reached over and took her hands and squeezed them.
“… and if you can’t put me back together?” Kara lightly protested, tears streaming down her reddened cheeks.
“Then I will spend every day of my life just happy to have you in it. Broken, whole, or anywhere in between… we’re in this together, you know.” Cat reinforced, squeezing her hand as tears of her own began to populate her eyes.
“El mayarah….” Kara replied in soft, but thick Kryptonese, as she finally broke down in tears, Cat instinctively pulling her into her embrace to keep the broken Kryptonian together as she let her emotion wash over her.
“Yes, darling…. El mayarah…” Cat whispered back, her tone heavy, as emotion was swirling around them both like a personal hurricane. “I’m not going anywhere.”…
(And yes, I really, REALLY have taken those two words as a personal anthem. Ngl, it’s something I’d just tell people, face-to-face, unironically. 🤓)
El Mayarah,
Chlo. 💜☀️
Oh! And PS…. My next snippet is actually in a different fandom. My actual FIRST ship I ever, well, shipped. Lolz. Want a clue? Well, fine, but I’ll do it on my own terms, and I mean it when I say…
“Love you, awesome nerds.” ❤️🤓
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