#Obi-Wan finally accepting his new Dads
Cool questions!
1: when playing, does the duo re-act stuff from movies? Like anakin vs obi wan or when Shrek is escaping from the dragon?
2: what’s one thing that one does shocks the other? Like Chris disliking bananas on pancakes? (Read that from an earlier post of yours)
3: for the superfamily, what’s one story you would write for them?
4: what’s one story you would write for Chris for his own book?
5: same as Jake?
Phew! Took me a good while but I finally was able to get to answering this one @pin-crusher2000 . Thanks for the ask
1) Oh most definitely Chris and Jake would reenact so many Star Wars duels, especially Obi Wan vs Anakin as they can float around which make doing those fancy acrobatics all the easier. Bonus points if they utilize those cardboard tubes and paint them to their lightsaber colors and Jake using his speaker’s speakers to play the music in the background
Otherwise, they certainly would also do the Dragon Escape but most tellingly if Meredith was watching them, reenact kaiju battles
2) Oh, Jake putting Milk Before Cereal which horrifies not just Chris but also Mar’i and Dick
Also, Chris not minding the dumb fun of the Bayformers films as much as Jake does
3) I think I can have Clark, Lois, Kara, Conner, Chris and Jon get blasted across space and time, across multiple time periods, alternate histories or possible futures of Metropolis during a big battle against the Time Trapper. For example, Lois winds up in Metropolis in 1889 during the height of the Gilded Age, her mini adventure being to expose a corrupt all powerful banker while Conner is sent into a Metropolis that’s controlled by Germany in a scenario should they had won the Second World War. The finale for the arc would see the Superman Family reunite at the End of Time itself coming face to face with the Trapper, but it won’t be just the family as many of their new friends they met all across their little adventures assemble to help as well.
4) Less of an entire story and more a one to two issue arc involving Nightwing Phantom taking on a cosmic being in a game of wits and intelligence rather than fisticuffs, all for the sake of saving reality itself. Think this being akin to say A 4th Dimension Imp like Mr Mxyzptlk or more overtly the Celestial Toymaker from Doctor Who. The real meat though is whatever thoughts and emotions are transpiring inside of Chris’ mind space as I place this after he has his reaffirmation from Dad Clark of him belonging to Earth in light of Zod’s invasion. He thinks about this planet he’s trying to truly accept as his home in spite of his origins and how much he must defend it from this entity while also trying to reaffirm himself that he belongs with his real family the Kents despite Zod’s words permeating his thinking space.
5) Here, I take some inspiration from the Batman TAS episode “The Underdwellers” in which like in that episode, Jake would be investigating some recent pickpocketing going on across the Bludhaven streets, all of them being committed by street urchins and runaways, a lot of them around his age range doing such under the tyrannical rule of a supposed caretaker who treats them rather horribly. After running into one of the urchins and rescuing them from an incoming subway train, Jake and the kid become friendly with each other to where the kid can lead our hero to the whereabouts of his comrades. Coming along for the ride is one of Jake’s rouges, long time best frenemy Cody Cunningham aka Lion Master, who also had caught wind of the pickpocketing so he comes along with Skybird in this investigation, forming something of an alliance between them. This proves handy as like the Sewer King in “The Underdwellers”, the villain has vicious sewer gators that serve him which Cody’s lions are able to fend off while Skybird persues and eventually captures the villain. With that, the orphans are finally freed from his reign, taken in by the Services and able to see the light outside once again. Throughout this story, we not only can get glimpses into Jake’s head as this in a way is deja vu with his history of failing to save street orphans from a supervillain once before but also once Lion Master enters the picture, the two can have talks about each other’s deal and how Lion Master in many ways just wants a place to call a home after surviving in the streets for so long and his sympathies for Jake’s situation in light of this case.
As the two were successful working together and Cody realizes he feels much better doing some actual good rather than remaining a small time thief with a gimmick, he finally takes up Jake’s offer to renounce his old life as a rouge, first turning himself in to the authorities and spending some time in Juvie to make up for his robberies (his lions we’re thankfully tamed enough for the authorities to keep in that meantime) then once he gets out of his sentence for good behavior, moves into the Grayson Apartment complex with a place of his own. A new fresh start for him, especially when his new landlord, Dick Grayson, drops by and hearing of his skills as a lion tamer offers him and his feline companions a job at Haly Circus.
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I am currently in the train going on a three-day international city trip with my students but if you thought I wouldn't sneak away to watch the episode as soon as it dropped you're dead wrong
Fr I am actually taking a different train so I can watch the episode before joining up with them after an hour
(I should clarify that these are adult students btw lmao, I did not leave a bunch of kids unattended)
Anyway, we know the drill; time for me to scream into the void again
Before we start: Favreau pls I am begging you to make Kalluzeb canon ;-; Or at least show us the hot ex-Imperial and let us fill in the gaps 🥺 I literally don't care how; David Oyelowo's voice acting is so iconic that I would accept his physical differences to animated Kallus in a heartbeat, even if it would ruin all my fic moments in which I have Zeb excessively and in detail simping over Kallus's looks ;-; As long as he has the sideburns though, those are vital ofc
Are they gonna recanonise the original Thrawn books?
MOFF GIDEON WHY DO YOU HAVE SPIKES ON YOUR HELMET??? Are we gonna bring Maul back from the dead yet again? Cause ngl that would be funny as hell
Entering fucking space with a jetpack, that’s badass
How did nobody notice Grogu sneaking away btw??? Awful babysitters those Mandalorians
I love how much of a dad Din is. Both too Grogu and to R5
God fuck I love what they did with the main theme there. Those triplets are everything, and the instrumentation ;-;
I love military action so much, they all shine now
Axe no 😭
I hope they’re actually gonna kill Gideon this time. I’m sick of his face, I don’t wanna sit through another season with him
The ray shields are still fucking rad
Love how Din just collects weapons as he progresses
Are we gonna get a Thrawn reveal here? A hologram or whatever?
That cloning room is disturbing
Predictable jump scare and it still got me rippppp
Oh that cave is beautiful ;-; New hope for Mandalore
LIFE WILL FIND A WAY *Jurassic Park theme starts playing*
Yes Armourer you go girllll!!! Now smooch Bo while you’re at it pls
Armour is hot yes yes
*Obi-Wan voice* Use the Force, Grogu
Kallus is not gonna show up, is he? 🥺
That energy whip thing is supercool and I want one
Bo girl that scream was FERAL and I am living for it
Huh, that’s an outcome I had not seen coming, but I support it wholeheartedly. Even though the darksaber was cool and Sabine should have gotten it
Bo shielding Grogu I am weeping
The parallel with Kanan no ;-;
Now please have Sabine return there too
Grogu tames the mythosaur ofc ofc
Din sitting on his porch watching Grogu play I love it 😂
God okay this was a good season finale damn
Not me desperately scouring the end credits for Kalluzeb
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comicgeek2003 · 3 months
Archnemesis Dad
A father or father figure who also happens to be a prime candidate for the title of a character's Arch-Enemy.
Some will abandon their kids. Some will come to betray their children at a crucial moment. Some are just downright abusive. A select few will go the extra mile to take every action and every opportunity to foil their children's plans and ruin their lives. Some will even go so far as to try kill they own children. They could be anyone on a story whether he's the Big Bad, The Dragon or something else entirely, any story featuring him is likely to be emotionally charged at the least.
It's not necesary that the father and child in question has to be bad and good respectively; both could be villains or antagonists, but they also tries to fight with each other for any reasons.
Normally this will be a personal case, and may well tries to convince him/her to ally with them, but not always — particularly cold-hearted fathers may declare that they have no children and treat the child in question as just one more problem to be solved.
Aquaman: Black Manta to his son, Aqualad. Black Manta has vowed to one day gut his own son like a fish just to torment Aquaman.
Inside Job: The source of most of the problems in Reagan Ridley's life is no one more than his father, Rand Ridley. In the Season One Part One finale, reveals that he erased Reagan's memories of her only Childhood friend, Orrin Cartwright to force her to focus on her academic work and be his "insurance" in Cognito Inc makes it clear that Rand is a selfish, narcissistic piece of shit who only views Reagan as an extension of himself, and doesn't actually care about her, and after Reagan tries to cut him out of her life, he ends up being the new boss of Cognito, Inc.
Star Wars Original Trilogy: Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker to his son, Luke Skywalker. For years, Luke believed that Darth Vader was the one who killed Luke's father, not knowing they were one and the same. In addition, Luke personally witnessed him killing his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his friend, Biggs Darklighter. On the flip side, Vader believed Luke never existed due to Padmé Amidala supposedly dying by Vader's hand. After learning the truth, Vader spent years attempting to convert Luke, doing several act such as: harming Luke's friends, cutting off Luke's hand, and traumatizing Luke by telling him the truth about his heritage. Fortunately, after accepting the truth, Luke becomes determined to redeem Vader.
Avatar, The Last Airbender: Zuko and Lord Fire Ozai. During the eclipse, when Zuko renounces trying to be the son Ozai wants, Ozai reveals that he was willing to kill him when he was not even in his teens.
Game of Thrones: Tywin Lannister to Tyrion Lannister. Tywin despises his son for "killing" his beloved wife and being a whore-mongering dwarf, while Tyrion despises his father for treating him with contempt.
Metal Gear: Big Boss is the main antagonist of the first two games titles and is revealed to the player in Metal Gear Solid to have been Solid Snake's father (though Snake himself seems to have known this much earlier).
Once Upon A Time: Peter Pan to Rumplestiltskin a.k.a. Mr. Gold. His father even threatens to murder Rumpelstiltskin's lover and son just because it would spite Rumple. Peter also tries to take the heart of his great-grandson Henry for immortality, even though this will kill Henry. It'd later revealed Peter Pan/Malcolm abandoned his son so he could regain his youth in Neverland, and later says he always saw his son as a burden.
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes: In the aptly-named episode "Big Reveal" we learn that Professor Venomous is the former hero Laserblast and KO's father.
Castlevania: when Dracula's human wife Lisa was burned as a witch, he went on a revenge against humanity. However, their son Adrian chose to honor his mother's last request not to hate humans, and took the name "Alucard" to show his opposition to his father's ways.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2: Peter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lod finally meets his biological father, Ego, a cosmic entity and a omnicidal who Peter and his team have to stop from destroying the universe and turn it into an extension of himself. And let not forget that he willingly killed Peter's mom and all his children he had with different women cross the universe because they had no his cosmic powers.
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON AHSOKA- Part 3 "Time to Fly"
My first thought: it was much better than the first 2. Altho, I wish it had been a tad longer, even if the length is somewhat consistent with the Mandoverse shows.
As a Rebels fan, I feel fed. I finally got to see 1 character out of the 4 I want to see, so there's hope that soon I'll see the rest. Right, Filoni? RIGHT?!!
Hopes aside, let's get to the details of this episode.
I loved Sabine's training session, both with Huyang and Ahsoka. It reminded me a lot of The Trials of the Darksaber. The constant callbacks are impossible not to have them. And Huyang, please!! 🤣
Also, I loved the music during that scene (and throughout the whole episode). Well, is Kevin Kiner, what else could I have expected but greatness?
Honestly, I knew that the meeting with the senators and Mon Mothma was going to go as exactly as it went. I knew Hamato Xiono was going to be that jerk, and the rest of the senators wouldn't be any better. What I did love was Mon asking for Jacen (!!! which gave me hope to see him soon) and joking about the chaos the kid and Chopper surely were causing. My headcanon is that Mon is just remembering their shenanigans in Yavin 4 or Hoth or whatever else Hera has been stationed since then.
And I'm glad that they pointed out that even Hera believed Ezra is dead, she still looked for him. As I said in my review last week, I think Hera made herself believe that, otherwise she couldn't have lived her life, and raise Jacen and fight in the rebellion and now help with the new republic. The uncertainty of someone's disappearance is much harder to bear than their death.
Oh my gosh! The scream I let out when Jacen appeared!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭 He's so precious!!! With his green hair and saying Aunt Sabine (that means he calls Uncles Zeb and Alex/Sasha/Kallus, right?) and wanting to be a jedi just like his dad was (Would have been too much to name Kanan, just once??!!) Anyway... we got live-action Jacen!!!!!!
I love the conversation about the force between Ahsoka and Sabine. It put to rest some of my doubts about the whole Sabine being Ahsoka's padawan thing. How they explained it is pretty much how I think the Force works, so it felt good to have it explicitly confirmed in canon. And like it has been said, just talent isn't enough, just like in real life. Some people have a natural talent for an art or anything really, and if they cultivate it, then they'll excel at it. But that doesn't mean that other people less talented cannot reach the same level of excellence; they just need to work harder to get there.
And the opposite is also true. If a talented person doesn't work on their talent, it can become stagnant or even lose the ability altogether. With the Jedi, we've seen it with many Order 66 survivors. Obi-Wan, Kanan, Cere, Cal, Grogu, etc., they cut themselves from the Force either on purpose or as a trauma response, and all had to work to gain the control of his powers back.
Also, I think seeing the Force this way, it recognizes the different religions and presentation of the Force throughout the galaxy. People like Sabine or Chirrut Imwe or even Han Solo, or entire species like the Lasat or Chiss that for whatever reason the Force works different for them.
About the comment about the standards that Jedi had to accept younglings in the Order, I mean, I get it. The jedi couldn't accept everyone. They had to focus on those who had better chances to keep up with the training. Not just that, those were also at a greater risk to misuse the Force if they managed to gain some control over it on their own or under bad influences.
Huyang mentioning the disaster lineage was the best!!
The dog fight was great. Marrok finally spoke, and as expected, the baddies in fighting couldn't be left out. And I love that when Ahsoka and Sabine started to work together is when they shot down the fighters. And Ahsoka going outside in a space suit felt taken out of an episode of TCW. Really cool!
PURRGIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have Purrgil!!!!!!!!!!!! I love those space whales/squids things so much. My only complaint is that they should've destroyed at least one of the fighters. I mean, aren't the Purrgils famous for destroying ships that come in contact with? I'm just saying!
Like I said in the beginning, I love this episode, and it has my hyped for what will come next! 👉👈 Is it Tuesday yet? 🥺
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Okay, so I’ve decided that I AM going to talk about this, just not on that post since it’s only like, maybe barely tangentially related
Okay so, the thing is-Obi Wan loved Anakin. That is, to me, his defining feature for pretty much the entire time he exists in canon, his love for Anakin and the lengths he would go to to protect his padawan’s legacy and name, even long after he’s been turned against everything that Obi-Wan ever taught him. To me, that’s the reason he lied to Luke in A New Hope, he loved Anakin and he wanted someone to remember him as he was, not what he became; he loved Luke, and wanted to protect him from the truth of his father; and finally, he was lying to himself, because he loved Anakin too much to accept what he had become, to reconcile the boy that he had raised with Darth Vader, scourge of the galaxy. You’ll notice that Yoda wants Luke to fight Vader, Obi-Wan only wants him to be trained.
And yeah, maybe the first thing he said about Anakin is to call him a ‘pathetic lifeform’, maybe he’s a bit pissy at him during Phantom Menace, but honestly? If your semi-neglectful Jedi dad grabbed a random kid off the street and started saying that he was going to grow up to be the greatest Jedi who ever lived? If he told the JEDI COUNCIL that he would push you through the Trials just for the chance to train this kid who, according to everything you’ve been told your entire life can’t even be a Jedi? Yeah, I’d be pissed too. But they got past that, by the time we see them in Attack of the Clones it’s obvious that they care for each other, they banter and snark and tease each other through the whole movie. Anakin is torn between protecting the woman who he obviously thinks of as the love of his life, even at that stage in their relationship (whether their relationship can really be described as that, whether it’s healthy or not overall, is a conversation for another day and another post, I’m here to talk about Obi-Wan), who he was specially ordered to protect and whos safety could have major ramifications for the galaxy at large, and abandoning her to save his master. 
Even in a tie-in graphic novel I have that takes place only a few years after Phantom Menace, when Anakin is a moody preteen, and probably a general pain in the ass as he deals with hormones and unresolved trauma and adjusting to his new life that is so different from his old one, we see that Obi-Wan cares for him, is concerned for him, worries about why the Chancellor wants to see Anakin so much and frets that he can do nothing about it.
And yes, we could talk about how Anakin might have some issues about Obi-Wan being his ‘master’, and about how those would affect their relationship as a whole, but I honestly don’t believe that Anakin would ever tell Obi-Wan about that. And Obi-Wan, for all his wisdom and love for his padawan, is just not in a space where that would ever cross his mind.
Anakin and Obi-Wan love each other, it’s obvious in how they talk, how they treat each other, how Obi-Wan says, “I will not kill Anakin, I cannot do it!” in Revenge of the Sith. Obi-Wan loves him, and I think to imply that he doesn’t, to ignore the tragedy inherent to his story-to both of their stories-does a great disservice to their characters, and the story of the Skywalker family as a whole.
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swbumblebee · 3 years
Plo Koon entered the rooms he knew almost as well as his own and allowed the serene Force presence he’d been projecting hard to fall away, with a sigh he felt down to his very bones.
It was Dhikraa; the Jedi day of mourning. Of course, each departed friend, comrade or sibling received their own funeral, and were mourned and missed dearly by those they left behind. But on this day, one day each year, time was made to acknowledge and remember all those they had lost, to embrace the grief for a short while and to take a moment to be grateful for all they given to their brothers and sisters and to the Galaxy.
It had been a long day. He couldn’t imagine how Mace was feeling. As Master of the order the expectations on a day such as this were high; His presence was expected at every ceremony and gathering, at all the different species-specific rituals and the various meditation sessions.
Plo was sure his friend would much rather have hidden in these very rooms, with a few nice bottles of something expensive and the privacy to let his shields slip, just a little. Force knew that’s all Plo wanted to do.
Sure enough, the Korun Master was sitting quietly in the dimly lit room, on a cushion on the floor. His back resting against the sofa and eyes still closed, despite Plo’s presence.
He knew better than to ask if he was alright. Simply making his way to the kitchen Plo exchanged his mask for one that allowed him to drink and took his time pouring two glasses of their favourite.
Neither said anything as Plo quietly sat down next to his friend and handed over the glass.
“Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la” he said softly after a moment, raising his own drink in a toast. Not gone, merely marching far away. It was something he’d picked up from the clones, that first time around. And whilst those they missed weren’t exactly dead (some hadn’t even been born) they were very, very far away.
“Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la” Mace repeated, his voice a little horse.
Wolffe, Ahsoka, Comet, Sinker, Adi, Nahdar, Qui-Gon…the list of those he missed was almost too long.
In a rare slip of shields from the man next to him, Plo received a vivid image of young Caleb Dume sitting on a familiar kitchen counter, skinny legs swinging in excitement. And then a blink-an-you’ll-miss-it flash of Depa, grinning as she braided the boy’s hair.
Plo put a hand on his friend’s knee, projecting understanding into the Force around them. It wasn’t only those who weren’t with them they missed, it was the people they were by the end. It was almost unspeakably difficult to be around people, yet still miss their older selves. People changed a lot in thirteen years.
Mace signed, visibly pulling himself together.
“Sorry, long day” he explained, taking a long sip of wine.
“I know” Plo shrugged. “Its over now.”
Mace nodded slowly.
“Have you seen the boys?” he asked, with an air of breeziness that didn’t fool Plo one bit. He shook his head.
“Obi-Wan is very private, he may have wanted to stay away from all the activities. And Anakin is very young” he dismissed.
His heart ached for the two. Both had lost so much this year.
Mace shook his head tiredly.
“Maybe we should-“
He froze mid-sentence, frowning in confusion, and Plo did the same.
There were two very familiar presences on the other side of the door.
Mace made a slightly delayed move towards it when it appeared to open of its own accord.
“Anakin you can’t just-!”
“Master Mace? Master Plo? It’s us!”
Both Masters blinked in confusion and stood up as an excitable ten-year-old barged in, swinging a bag of vegetables around as his slightly harried Master followed lugging a huge container that smelt like gravy.
“Apologies Masters, we- we hope you’re not too busy” the twenty-three-year-old Knight Kenobi managed to somehow keep hold of the vat whilst yanking his charge back by the tunics before he had the chance to run any further into the room.
Plo felt himself grinning.
“No of course not, you are both very welcome” he gestured to Anakin, who was let out of his Master’s grip to run in for his customary hug.
Mace hurried to take the large container out of Obi-Wan’s hands
“Obi-Wan Kenobi did you hack my door?” he asked in mock outrage.
The serious young Knight shook his head.
“I did not.”
Mace’s eyebrows rose skeptically.
“I did!” Anakin chirped happily from where he was depositing the vegetables on the kitchen side. Plo could almost feel Obi-Wan’s urge to facepalm and chuckled.
“Really Masters, if you are busy we can come back another time” Obi-Wan looked at them unsurely, a slight hint of trepidation in his face.
Plo opened his mouth to reply when he was beaten to it.
“Of course not Obi-Wan”
Plo struggled to keep the surprise off his face when Mace actually patted the young man on the back as he led them into the kitchen. The container floating cheekily next to them, to Obi-Wan’s clear amusement.  
“What have you brought with you?” he asked conversationally. Plo hung back a little, content to watch the all-too-rare appearance of Mace Windu; Grandmaster. Caleb would be a lucky boy indeed in a few years.
Anakin was already laying out the various root veg on the side, carefully getting them in order and looking around at the various tools hanging on the walls of the tiny kitchen. Obi-Wan caught his wrist with lightening quick reflexes as the boy reached for a carving knife.
“We thought you might like some stew” the Knight explained as if nothing had happened. He looked at the huge vat that Mace had placed on the counter (still with a firm hold on the pouting child’s arm) and gave the Masters a wry smile. “Bant was kind enough to make it for us and well…there’s rather a lot.”
Mace smiled, a genuine happy smile Plo saw all too rarely, and he felt a bubble of happiness in his own chest.
“Yeah there’s loads, and todays like, a really…” Anakin paused and glanced at his Master “significant day” he finished, clearly concentrating on his words “and we just thought maybe you miss Master Qui-Gon too. And your own Masters” he added hurriedly “and maybe we could be together and like, help each other miss…him” the boy was flushing a little by the end of his sentence, clearly embarrassed by the halting explanation.
Plo glanced towards Obi-Wan, feeling durasteel shields locking down over a turbulent Force presence as the young man swallowed subtly and looked away, focussing intently on the vegetables.
“That sounds very wise Anakin” Plo commended softly, nodding encouragingly.
“I couldn’t have put it better myself, Padawan” Mace joined in approvingly.
Obi-Wan offered them a rather shaky smile as he felt both of them reach out with fondness in the Force, and to Plo’s immense pleasure, began reaching back ever so carefully.
Finally! He could’ve cheered at the shy but definite response.
Mace clapped his hands together, breaking the moment.
“Well, stew sounds excellent. Anakin why don’t you set the table and then run and fetch Master Plo’s other mask” he instructed “Plo if you could get the pudding out of the freezing unit we’ll start defrosting it, and I will supervise the chef.” He paused. “And get the emergency teams on standby.”
“Yes Master Mace!”
“Hey! I’ll have you know I have prepared many a meal with no injuries or property damage!”
“Fibbing is not the Jedi way, young Kenobi.”
Plo felt as if he’d had a heavy robe removed from his shoulders, a lightness had entered the dark rooms. He stood back and allowed himself to bask in the suddenly gloriously chaotic atmosphere, banishing all other thoughts as he ruffled Anakin’s hair as the child dashed back and forth creating a centrepiece out of all manner of things.  
“Master Mace can I put this candle on the table?”
“What are you doing? It’s this in first”
“What? No I’m sure it’s- Master Plo which goes first?”
“Plo would you grab the pudding?”
It was, of course, important to keep those who were marching far away in their thoughts. To remember the lessons they left and to look forward to a time when they would meet again. And undeniably, they had all lost a lot. But as he looked around the now crowded, noisy, messy flat, Plo was nothing but infinitely grateful for everything they had right here, in this moment.  
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Okay but so one of the Clone Empire AUs (AU where the clones take charge of the republic, usually from the seat of Mandalore and take over the galaxy but keep the Jedi but sorta… like pets??? But spoiled pets, not like the senate kept them) but told from the POV of the Jedi being currently kept inside the temple. They’re not really allowed out of the temple, NOT because they’ll run, but because the clones are paranoid af of them getting hurt (90% of the reason the clones took over was cause they were horrified at the senate treating THEIR Jedi like that) but they’re letting certain senators stay to help pick up the pieces of the galaxy (Anakin is in a pretty bad depression in the temple because Padme is allowed to leave to go to the senate but he isn’t allowed to leave without escorts and usually Rex basically putting a child leash on him and it’s giving him some bad feelings about it all) and the Jedi being nervous about it all.
Thing is. The force is CONSTANTLY telling them this is the correct thing to do. They’re supposed to give control to the clones. Clone empire will save the galaxy. But also, they’ve started talking in Dai Bendu around the temple almost constantly, shiftily walking away when the clones come over to talk to them if they’re in groups, just nervous stuff, like skittish cats.
Cody had to get Alpha 17 to come by to talk to Obi-Wan and Anakin before either of them would stop hiding in Obi-Wan’s apartments all day. Obi-Wan hasn’t cuddled with Cody in a month and that’s VERY concerning. Not that they’re together, it’s just that Obi-Wan likes using Cody as a bed and Cody is addicted to seeing Obi-Wan sleep for once. Alpha had to come by like a concerned dad and gently coax them out of hiding and back to being regular temple inhabitants.
Rex, in a move of desperation, drags them off to the temple salon (beauty, not tea in this case, the temple does and should function as it’s own city which means food and clothing production as well as other things like that) and makes them both get massaged till they’re purring piles of Jedi Goop and is pleased with his babysitting duties. A new haircut and getting rid of tension does wonders. They’re fairly normal after that. Obi-Wan goes back to teaching an Alderaanian poetry class (and supervising kiddo art classes) and Anakin is building a new security system that he’ll integrate soon, and Rex is smug to have gotten them the most normal so far.
The Jedi are skittish tookas who want to hide after this blow to their safety and lifestyles, but the newly instated council (which involves doubling the numbers so the clones can discuss the changes and how things will work with the Jedi) is working on a way to get them back to their true calling: peace keeping.
Basically, the clones start their own empire and use a very firm hand on the Jedi to get them to stop being attack dogs and start accepting love and help now. They are never forced to go on a mission with less than 20 clones from then on.
Bly and Aayla get married in the Room of a Thousand Fountains and Quinlan was delighted to give his baby girl away. Here, take her, she’s very annoying. Obi-Wan and Anakin finally get into a long awaited fight about how Ani got married but never invited his master and Obi-Wan is still hurting from it. Rude. Yoda is terrorizing the frog population with Initiate Grogu. Yaddle has more class than those idiots. Qui-Gon’s force ghost shows up and Fives is the only clone in the room that can see him and won’t stop staring at him with big dumb tooka eyes and Qui-Gon is gonna make him shit his pants he just knows it. Rex and Cody are trying to placate their idiot Jetii (Ahsoka was dragged back to the temple and dropped in Anakin’s lap and it was the most normal he’d been in years and they are inseparable now but Ahsoka ain’t getting in the middle of that lmao) with cuddles and hair pets. Padme is throwing up in a bush because she doesn’t know she’s pregnant and this is the start of a lovely bought of forever sickness. Ugh. Anakin and Obi-Wan finally settle their differences when the clones decide they’ll have another ceremony next month for Ani and Padme. Fox is drunk and dosing on a bed of flowers with a fully grown nexu guarding him, having decided he’s his cub now. That’ll be an interesting relationship. Alpha finally picks Obi-Wan up under his armpits like a cat and says if he can’t stop being grumpy it’ll be naptime. It’s very annoying. One of Bly’s troopers shows up with his foundling he got on Concordia when they were raiding a Death Watch camp, named Din, who has managed to catch Grogu and is cuddling and kissing him into submission. Grogu is delighted, and has found his soulmate.
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boimgfrog · 4 years
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hey @pantoranprincess​ i uh. i wrote it <3
full fic under the cut
The two men were seated at a table, enjoying lunch despite the… cozy size of Luke’s office. Conversation flowed easily, albeit mostly one-sided.
               “anyways, that’s when I saw Obi-Wan, my first master-” Luke paused, noticing Din’s helmet tilt slightly at the name, “you do know who Obi-Wan was, right?”
               Din froze, not expecting the Jedi to pick up on his confusion, “the name sounds familiar… Bo-Katan mentioned him once,” he took a sip from his straw, “said he was a sister-seducing- man-whore? Was he some kind of escort?”
               He waited as his words washed over Luke. The jedi blinked twice, a smile flickering past his lips.
               “yes,” Luke nodded, “he was, excellent job,” he spooned more soup into his own bowl, hiding his smile behind its large spoon.
               “and he was your master?” Din asked, tilting his head forward.
               “mhmm,” Luke set the spoon back into the bowl, matching din’s gaze through his lashes, “taught me everything he knew,”
               Din coughed, turning his attention back towards his lunch. he sipped at it, ignoring the blush that crept under his helmet.
The jedi huffed, eyes twinkling. Something told Din that maybe, just maybe, he’d lied about the Obi-wan thing.
The back of Luke’s head hit the ground, pulling a wheeze from his body. Above him, Din stood poised, cradling a very fussy green toddler. He extended a hand toward the fallen jedi, but Luke waved him off, leaning up on his elbows.
“’s nothing, no offense but,” he gestured to Grogu, who had calmed down some, “he’s no Vader, I’ll be fine,” this time, he accepted Din’s hand, hardly dwelling on how easily he pulled him up.
“Vader?” Din asked, shifting the baby to his hip, and pocketing the darksaber he’d previously been using.
Luke looked up at the Mandalorian, tilting his head with a smile, “Darth Vader? The emperor’s right-hand man?”
Din’s helmet betrayed to hint of recognition. Unbelievable. No way, there’s no way he was this clueless.
“big cape, scary helmet? Red lightsaber?” Luke tried, wracking his brain.
“oh, you mean like the guy on those old recruitment posters?”
“those- the recruitment posters?”
Din nodded, “I’d see ‘em plastered up in bars and stuff, back before the empire fell,”
Recruitment posters. Din, one of the best bounty hunters Luke had ever met, king of Mandalore himself, had only heard of Darth Vader via recruitment posters. Luke felt his chest flutter. He nodded along with whatever Din said next, mind elsewhere. If he hadn’t heard of Darth Vader… what else had he managed to miss?
“Din!” Luke called from down the hallway, footsteps tripping as he ran inside Din’s ship, “Din! My sister’s here,” he said, knocking on the solid metal hull, “She wants to meet you!” his voice made it sound like an important event, though Din could hardly see why exchanging niceties with the sister of a backwater jedi warranted such flare.
“mm,” Din pulled back the door, peering down at Luke who was bouncing on his toes, “why?”
Luke ignored him, grabbing Din by his gloved hand, and dragging him towards his office, “this could be a big opportunity for you,” he rattled on, eyes shining beneath his mess of dust-streaked hair, “it’s good for you to make connections like this, given your newly-found title-”
“connections?” Din interrupted, “what do you mean?”
Luke spared a confused glance back at the Mandalorian, still steadily walking him towards his sister, “my sister? Leia Organa?”
Din offered up no response, but Luke was enamored by it nonetheless. He could understand not knowing much about galactic history, after all, he was under the impression that Din lead a particularly... sheltered childhood. But things that were happening now? The new republic?
“she was the princess of Alderaan? She helps lead the New Republic?”
“Alderaan...” Din paused, “that’s the one that blew up, right?”
“yes,” Luke dropped Din’s hand, unhooking the tarp that shielded his office from view, “yes, it’s the one that blew up,”
“mm,” Din hummed thoughtfully, “is she a jedi too?”
“sort of, I’ve been helping her train,” Luke said, checking his hair in the gleam of Din’s helmet.
“must’ve been why they blew up Alderaan then,” Din held still, “they were trying to kill her before she got too powerful,”
Luke’s hands stilled. He stared up into the Mandalorian’s visor, “huh,” he said, unable to stop his lips from twitching, “maybe so,” Luke turned around, brushing the tarp aside for Din to enter, hiding his smile behind the fabric.
It was almost cute, how little Din seemed to know about the galaxy he lived in. it didn’t really matter, of course. Most of it was just history lessons, nothing that would seriously impede him on a mission or in battle. And he wasn’t stupid by any means. He could speak more languages than Luke could count on his hands, flesh and robotic, and had flight skills that could rival even the most trained X-wing pilot. Still, it was hard not to feel fond when the Mandalorian only just now realized that Luke and Leia were twins.
“how was I supposed to know!”
“Din, starlight, our father would’ve been found out the second one of us was born, how exactly did you think he managed to swerve the jedi code to have another baby?”
“listen-” Din huffed, biting back his argument when he saw how ecstatic Luke was over this whole ordeal. Luke only nodded along expectantly, crossing one leg over the other. He was nothing if not encouraging.
“to be fair,” Din started, scowling at Luke’s twinkling smile, “she’s a princess, and you grew up on Tatooine,” he huffed, “and you never mentioned your dad was a jedi,” he added quickly, hoping Luke would miss it in his euphoria. No such luck.
“Din,” Luke stood up, reaching to cradle the Mandalorian’s helmet in his hands, “Anakin Skywalker? Did you think that was a coincidence?”
“it’s a big galaxy, there’s like half a billion ‘Djarin’s out there,” Din answered, but the bite had left his voice. It was hard to be frustrated when Luke was so close, all soft smiles and saying “Din” like it was a prayer.
Din leaned into the jedi’s touch. He’d blame it on the weight of his helmet later, and Luke would play along, teasingly offering to hold the helmet if it ever got too heavy. It was only ever teasing though. Luke never asked for more than Din was willing to give.
 They were pressed together, Din’s arm wrapped lazily around Luke’s waist, the jedi’s head leaning against his cold, armored shoulder. The beaches on Luke’s planet were nothing special, but the sunsets, oh the sunsets were spectacular. Grogu had been poking at Luke’s brain all day, playing memories of beach days on coruscant and building sandcastles with the crechemasters, until Luke finally caved and suited the baby up for a day in the water, inviting Din along.
Grogu had the time of his life, taking turns force-throwing sand at his dad and splashing his master until they joined in the fun. After a full day of entertaining the little gremlin, though, the two men had decided to impose Nap Time on the kiddo, sprawling out together on one of the many beach towels Luke had brought. (“you didn’t grow up on Tatooine, Din. Trust me, sand gets everywhere”)
The baby was fast asleep against Din’s armor, wrapped up so his head didn’t get bruised by the beskar.
“this was nice, huh?” Luke asked, shifting to look up at the Mandalorian. His eyes brushed over the thin stripe of exposed facial hair before he pulled his gaze away, embarrassed. Even the smallest of glimpses got his heart racing. Ridiculous, honestly.
“mhmm,” Din absentmindedly rubbed circles on Grogu’s back with his thumb, “could’ve done without all the sand in my armor, though,”
Luke laughed, “ugh I know,” he shifted again, pulling his arms from the poncho he was wearing, “I always get so much sand and dust in my hand, it’s the worst,”
Din tilted his helmet, “in your hand?”
“yeah,” Luke fiddled with his glove, pulling it off before tugging on one of his fingers, revealing the intricate system of wires, “you didn’t know?”
Din knew he was staring, and he knew that wasn’t polite but he just- “you’re… part droid?”
Luke laughed at that, a full, hearty laugh, one that had him gasping for air and rolling on his back. Din reached for his hand, holding it up so that it didn’t hit the sand as Luke fell back.
“yes,” Luke said, catching his breath, “I suppose that’s one way to put it,” he flicked his finger again, closing the wiring hatch. Din hadn’t removed his hand, so Luke twisted their fingers together, “you really didn’t know?”
“how was I supposed to?”
“the lifting things six times my weight didn’t tip you off?”
Din sputtered, “you’re a jedi??? You lift things six times your weight all the time???”
That got Luke laughing again, eyes twinkling in the setting sun. He was teasing Din, yes, but he was also so, so deeply fond of him. This, Luke asking questions, Din answering truthfully even though it made him look silly, this was everything to Luke. Luke trusted the Mandalorian, of course he did, and this made Luke feel like Din trusted him as well. just the thought alone was enough to make the Jedi smile wider, letting his head fall against the Mandalorian’s shoulder once more.
Luke paced around Din’s ship. It was bigger than his last one, and somehow even harder to navigate.
“Din, where’s your holoprojector?” Luke had promised to tell Leia when they were getting close, and they’d be closing in on Coruscant within the hour.
“don’t have one,” came the response from the dashboard, stopping Luke in his tracks.
“don’t- do you at least have a data pad?” no holoprojector? Maybe Din was poorer than Luke thought.
“yeah,” Din shuffled around for a moment, before handing Luke a beat-up data pad that was at least a century old.
“Din this thing is ancient,” he said, frowning at the actual layer of crust on the screen, “does it even have holonet?”
“wh-“ Luke was dumbfounded, “how do you get your news? What if something big happens??”
“if I need to know it, someone will tell me,” Din said as if it was the most obvious thing in the galaxy, but the thought left Luke reeling.
“Din, starlight, you didn’t know who Darth Vader was,”
“I did so-”
“yeah, from recruitment posters-”
“it still counts-”
“no it doesn’t-”
They fought like that for a moment, back and forth, until it dawned on Luke.
“holy stars,” he said, cutting Din’s rant short, “Din, is this why you didn’t know about Obi-Wan? And Anakin being my father? And Leia and the new republic?” Luke sat down in the co-pilot’s seat, scooping up Grogu and setting him in his lap.
Din grumbled, turning his attention back to hyperspace, “it wasn’t important,”
“starlight it was Darth Vader-”
The two started arguing again, bickering in that old married couple kind of way. Luke couldn’t help but smile at the situation. All this time, all these silly little accidents and conversations, all because the Mandalorian hadn’t bothered to install a holoprojector in his ship. It was amazing, really.
“I don’t see what the big deal is, you don’t know anything about Mandalorian culture,”
“Din no one knows anything about Mandalorian culture,”
Din slumped in his seat, hands gripping loosely at the steering controls. Luke leaned forward, bumping the Mandalorian’s with his head until Din faced him, pressing their foreheads together softly.
“hey,” Luke said in hushed tones, “for the record, I thought it was kinda hot,”
Din let out a breathy laugh, pulling back slightly to look in the jedi’s eyes.
“that says more about you than it does me, Skywalker,”
Luke matched his laugh, Din joining in before resting his forehead against Luke’s again. They were gonna get an earful from Leia when they landed without a party to welcome them, but for now they would simply rest, all shiny armor and gentle curls, bathed in the glow of hyperspace.
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comeandreadawhile · 4 years
Au: Boba gets adopted (pt 2)
Part 1
Boba was adjusting.
Perhaps as well as could’ve been expected, having to learn to live in the stronghold of his ancestral mortal enemies as the child of the only Jedi he’d been acquainted with, but Anakin—his new ori’vod, he guessed, who had first come to the temple around Boba’s age—had also taken a while to settle in. He finally had the option to play with children his own age, who weren’t twice his size, and at least the education modules he was given were similar to the ones his dad—
Boba was trying to adjust.
Boba had clung to Kenobi as soon as the man had set down the clanking bundle he’d brought back to the ship with him, and had held fast from the moment they’d left Geonosis’ atmosphere—even as a medic was fussing over Kenobi’s leg, the redhead simply shifted Boba out of the way, half onto Anakin, who’d sat next to the pair on the flight to Coruscant. (Somewhere in the back of his mind, Boba noted how the teen’s attention was torn between him and his new caretaker, and the older girl closeby also being fussed over by a medic.)
Kenobi was certainly trying to make the transition easier. Becoming a High General in the newborn war with the Separtists, in addition to finding out his current padawan had just weeks ago lost his own parent while they were separated, had certainly given Kenobi enough to deal with without unceremoniously adopting a child. Yet he had, and here they were; two grieving, angry children and an already exhausted Master Jedi.
The Jedi bigwigs—council, Kenobi said—hadn’t taken his impromptu claiming of a child lightly.
He was clinging still when they’d arrived to the temple; an emergency meeting of council members to discuss Kenobi’s findings and their concerns of the dawning war had been called. Kenobi had made no move to separate the child from his person and did quite the opposite when the matter was immediately brought up. Boba remembered thinking that if he held on any tighter, he risked choking his new-found guardian. Kenobi simply shifted him a bit higher on his hip, a better hold, at the deep-voiced inquiry. Over Kenobi’s shoulder, Boba noticed an old Master—surely, the person must’ve been one—with a long snake’s tail instead of legs, peering at him kindly from under a thick mane of white hair.
“He’s mine,” was the explanation Kenobi had given. “I will raise him.”
The same deep voice, that had already sounded tired to Boba, now sounded tense. “You already have a padawan, Master Kenobi.”
“Then it is good that I have no intention of keeping him as a padawan,” Kenobi, replied coolly. “I’ve claimed him as a foundling under Mandalorian law.”
“We are not Mandalorians, Obi-Wan,” said a different voice, less deep than the first and oddly accented. Boba could only see a large pink ear in that direction from where he was hiding in Kenobi’s throat. “I would’ve expected this behavior from your master, but not from you.”
Boba did not need the Force to feel the righteous fury the remark inspired in his guardian. A woman—a togruta, his father once called her people—turned slowly towards the pink ear’s owner.
“Master Piell,” she spoke lowly, “that was uncalled for.” The few other people Boba could see looked similarly indignant, and he felt the tensed arms holding him relax minutely at the woman’s admonishment.
The first deep voice spoke again, “Be that as it may, Master Piell is correct in that we are not Mandalorians.”
“The bounty hunter was, and this boy is.” Kenobi responded as if the last minute hadn’t happened.
“We do not take in civilian children, Kenobi, and that doesn’t change because of your fondness for Mandalore’s people.”
“What would have had me do? Leave him on Geonosis?”
“The Republic’s foster system would’ve been alerted of the boy.”
“—and he could sit in the sand by himself, grieving, until they picked him up? You know how difficult it is for older children in that system to find homes.”
“We,” a pause fell that Boba guessed was spent sending a look to a certain Master, “are not attacking you, Master Kenobi. Even if we could adopt every orphaned child into our fold, there is also the issue of attachment.”
“Are we not honor-bound to help those in need?”
“This is not a simple matter of helping! You know that this goes against our code,” The deep voice replied sharply. Boba felt Kenobi tense again.
“You would choose to abide by our code so strictly and whole-heartedly even if it conflicts with the interests of a child?” There was a chill to Kenobi’s tone that made Boba hope to never receive it. A new voice, old and squawky, huffed.
“Both of you, enough. Argue like children, you do. A bad example, this sets.” A cushion shifted. “On this matter, what does Skywalker say?”
Kenobi shifted his feet a bit before answering, “Anakin’s recently lost his own mother; he’s struggled with his attachment to her the entire time I’ve trained him. It’s my hope they will help each other work through their grief in ways I might not be able to. He’s accepted this boy already, Master.”
The ancient voice hummed, a Boba heard the airy taps of wood against tile. “Master Koon,” the voice sounded undecided. “Helpful, your view may be.” The lilt at the end of the sentence, and the quiet sighs of some councilors gave Boba the impression there was a joke he wasn’t getting. A new voice—not unlike the horns the Cuy’val Dar blew on special occasions, noble and deep despite their hollow resonance—joined the fray.
“There is already a strong connection in place,” this Master stated. “It would most likely prove more traumatic for the boy to remove him from Master Kenobi now.” Another cushion shifted, “Besides, who better in this Order to raise a Mandalorian than Obi-Wan?”
“Matters, does it not, that coming, a war is?”
“From my understanding of their customs, certain sects of Mandalorians took their children to war about this one’s age. Am I correct?” The question must’ve been for Kenobi, because he turned his body and answered.
“Yes, Master. Their coming of age rites are performed at thirteen, but most clans start training and going to war as young as eight. I am familiar with their fighting styles and customs, enough to get this boy through his Verd’goten.” Kenobi turned back to the first, critical, deep voice. “Even if I must do so without the approval of this council. I will not go back on the vow I made.”
The voice like strong music hummed thoughtfully, “An admirable conviction, Master Obi-Wan. Your master would be proud of your morals.” The air suddenly felt warmer to Boba, and the voice sounded resolute as it continued, “A Jedi of this Order killed this boy’s father, so a Jedi of this Order will raise him in his father’s place. That is my opinion on this matter.”
The togrutan woman spoke softly, “Exceptions have been made to the code before now, surely they will again.”
“A vote, we shall have,” declared the squawky voice; in the next terrifying minute, silence filled the chamber as hands were raised or stayed, with the blood pumping loud enough in Boba’s ears he wasn’t sure whether or not they’d announced their decision and he’d missed it until the deep voice from the beginning spoke, tight and stern and tired.
“This council has ruled in favor of you keeping your foundling, Master Kenobi. Raise him as befits this order.” Two sighs of relief echoed into the chamber, and Boba saw as the man with the snake tail nodded, smiling under his beard.
“Before we begin Master Obi-Wan’s debriefing...” the voice like horns chimed in, trailing off behind the sound of linens shifting. “It has been some time since a Mandalorian youngling was within these temple walls.” The voice was closer now, and Boba startled as a hand landed on his head. Turning around in Kenobi’s hold, he met eyes—or assumed so, with the mask between them—with a being he’d never seen before. Boba’s first thought was ‘ugly’, and then immediately felt a pang of guilt for such a thought toward the one who’d spoken so in favor of keeping him and his new guardian together. The clawed, orange hand resting on his head gently ruffled his hair before retreating into the Jedi master’s sleeve.
The togruta had made her way over to them as well, peering down at Boba with wide, steel-blue eyes; she swept a gentle hand over his head much as her fellow master had done. He did his best not to scramble as Kenobi made to put him down. “We should give you a proper introduction, then, shouldn’t we?” He kept a grounding hand on Boba’s shoulder as he spoke. “Masters, this is Boba Fett. Boba, these masters are…” and Kenobi went down the line, first beginning with Masters Ti and Koon, who the. Went back to their fancy chairs, and then turning to go around the circular room. The squawking voice had apparently belonged to an odd little green creature, and then Boba met eyes with his neighbor.
He’d have liked to throw up as cold dread wrestled with hot fury in his gut.
Kenobi quieted, he and the other masters going tense and stiff at the boy’s vast and sudden emotional shift. The one Kenobi called Yoda crossed his clawed hands over his cane and spoke as if he expected Boba to bolt; Boba had half a mind to. “Quite distressed, you are. Why?”
Boba wasn’t quite sure how the words got out with how tight his throat had become. “He killed my dad.”
He’d have spat the syllables had they not been choking him. “He killed my dad with a purple lightsaber.”
Boba remembered little of what happened next—torn between running away and lunging at the jedi master’s neck as Kenobi scooped him up and practically ran out of the chamber—somehow ending up in a garden with a winded Anakin to wait out Kenobi’s debriefing. They’d talked, both of them trying to distract the other from recent losses; Anakin even taught him how to blow off steam by skipping stones in one of the larger fountains. Upon his return, Kenobi snatched Boba up and apologized profusely, not having known Mace’s connection to the boy.
They’d gone back to their quarters, Kenobi promising Anakin they’d spar the next day and discussing plans for latemeal with Boba settled back on his hip. The lull in activity only allowed the boy’s mind to wander back to the events leading to his current situation, and both jedi noticed the spike in Boba’s grief and frustration; Kenobi gave him a gentle squeeze as the first sniffle came. “Any ideas for latemeal, little one?”
“Neither of us have spent much time in the temple the last couple weeks but the commissary will be open for a while if nothing else,” Anakin chimed in, sarcasm threading the edges of his tone. Kenobi gave a small ‘tsk’ in response.
“There were plenty of shelf-stables when we left,” Kenobi pointed out. “Besides, a large loud room full of strangers is the last thing Boba needs at present.” He repeated his previous question, and Boba was more than happy to turn his thoughts to potential answers.
“Something warm...and salty, maybe?”
Kenobi nodded beside his head, “There’s a start. What else?”
They carried the conversation on until the trio reached a door set into the wall. Entering the small apartment for the first time, Boba had been struck at the differences, as well as the similarities, to the dwelling he’d been raised in. The jedi clearly weren’t material people, but compared to the sterility of Kamino’s white halls, the room awash in afternoon sun was extremely inviting despite its foreign nature. Plants, slightly wilted from their master’s absence, littered the space’s windowsills, with books in neat piles and rows within several bookcases nearby. Blankets draped over some on the furniture that Boba could see, and the glimpse of a table around a corner hinted at the location of the kitchen.
Anakin had been tasked with showing Boba around the living space while Kenobi went about the kitchen’s stock. He’d been all too happy with the excitement Boba had shown while admiring his collection of ship models, and once latemeal was well underway, Obi-wan had been relieved to pop in and find, despite recent events, his nineteen year old wasn’t too old to play starfighters.
Boba slept in Anakin’s room that night, a belly full of warm soup—it had been just what he needed—and grateful his first night in this foreign place wouldn’t be alone.
The next few days had been a flurry of activity, between the Jedi preparing themselves and their padawans for war, barely being instructed on how to lead the men they’d be assigned—who Boba tried not to think of—and bouts of quiet, where Boba tried to become more comfortable with his new home. Obi-wan, who insisted Boba call him that instead of ‘Kenobi’ his second night at the temple, had begun trying to teach him to meditate, saying it would be a good tool for when he felt stuck or frustrated. The Jedi master said they would pick up Boba’s training soon from where his dad left off.
Boba missed his dad. It certainly leant to his hatred of being alone, and despite the newness of their situation Boba couldn’t help feeling paranoid whenever Kenobi left to attend to some matter or other. What if something happens? What if they change his mind? Will someone else take me? Would someone else want me? What if Obi-wan never comes back?
Yet, each time Obi-wan would return with a tired smile and hug, asking how he and Anakin got along that day. There had a time within the first weeks, with warning of course, that Obi-wan had been gone for a couple of days, and after Boba’s anxiety at their separation came to a head the first evening, Anakin had pulled out a holocomm. He’d pulled Boba onto his leg and suddenly a blue hologram of Obi-wan, unfortunately soaked, sprung up from the device. They’d called again the next night, too. Boba had run to the door the next day when it opened, and was briefly halted. He’d used to run to the door when his dad came home from a hunt; was he forgetting his dad by showing this Jedi the same excitement?
He filed the conundrum away for later when said Jedi called his name. The man’s arms were filled with boxes, with more trailing behind him. “I’ve got some things for you,” he’d said.
To say Boba could’ve cried at what was in those boxes would’ve been inaccurate. Because he did, in heavy sobs, when he opened the first and pulled out one of his dad’s shirts. Going through the boxes with tear-filled eyes and an almost frantic determination to make sure, Boba found that everything personal from the Kamino apartment was in those boxes; his and his dad’s clothes, his dad’s books and even some that had belonged to his ba’buir, and the entirety of the armory his father kept apart from Slave I, among everything else. He tackled Obi-wan’s legs in a hug, wet hiccups making him unsure which language his stuttered thanks was given in. He’d slept in his father’s shirt that night, clutching two more like lifelines.
Boba began his education modules shortly after Obi-wan’s return, content to do them while Anakin went through his saber practice or as a distraction when Obi-wan was busy in with the council. Grief was difficult, especially so sudden a loss, but he was adjusting while working through it. He and Anakin sometimes swapped stories of Jango and Shmi, and it felt good to talk about them even if it left the boys misty-eyed afterward. Boba was trying to adjust.
Then details of Obi-wan and Anakin’s first deployment came.
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spell-cleaver · 4 years
Weakly, Luke attempted to shift himself further back on the cot, only to let out a pained hiss. The noise finally stirred the Sith Lord into action as he finally strode into the tiny imperial cell. Almost immediately Han moved to block his path "Don't you dare touch h-" he was cut off as he was thrown into the wall of the cell by an invisible force, a groan exited his lips but Vader paid him no mind. Eventually he came to a halt in front of the cot and stared down at the injured Luke. After what seemed like an age, he finally spoke; "Who harmed you young one?"
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DAY 30: ANGSTOBER: Trapped @angstober
Set in the same AU as this ficlet and this ficlet!
Weakly, Luke attempted to shift himself further back on the cot, only to let out a pained hiss. The noise finally stirred the Sith Lord into action as he strode into the tiny Imperial cell.
Almost immediately, Han moved to block his path. "Don't you dare touch h—"
He was cut off as he was thrown into the wall of the cell by an invisible force. A groan exited his lips, but Vader paid him no mind.
Eventually he came to a halt in front of the cot and stared down at the injured Luke. After what seemed like an age, he finally spoke:
"Who harmed you young one?"
“Your men did,” Luke snapped, “when they stalked Han to Tatooine and shot at us there!”
Vader clenched his fists and Han watched him physically restrain himself as he growled out, “They were not supposed to.”
And Han was struck anew by the awkwardness of Vader—the same man who’d stood before him and confessed to a lifetime of mistakes hoping for a son’s absolution and acceptance now stood in front of his true son, with no idea of how to reply. Luke was still clutching his side desperately, tears leaking from his eyes, and it hurt Han to look at, he wanted to go back and shoot those troopers right through their bantha crap helmets before they could take aim at Luke. He wanted to go closer—it was obvious Luke needed someone to hold him, a hand to squeeze in the hopes it would make the pain go away—but when he tried, Vader just shoved him back again.
Han’s head hit the wall, hard; all he heard was Luke’s shout. “Han!”
He forced his eyes open, not liking the dizziness he was feeling suddenly. “…s’alright… sweetheart…” he got out. “I can take him.”
Luke was definitely glaring at him. “You’ve been conscious for ten minutes, stop picking a fight!”
Yes. Yes, Han had only been conscious for ten minutes, because he’d been knocked out by a stun bolt the moment he took a step out of the docking bay and trussed up as bait for Luke to come rescue, and then he’d woken up to his boyfriend in a cell next to him groaning about his wound, and—
Luke didn’t know.
Han hadn’t been able to tell him.
Han needed to—
Luke turned that belligerent glare of his on Vader. “Leave him alone,” Luke snapped.
Vader clearly picked up on something then, stiffening, turning to observe Han and Luke, head tilting this way and back. “What…” He seemed to be struggling for words just as fiercely as his vocoder was struggling to interpret the cadences he was going for. “What is the nature of the relationship between you two?”
Han laughed. “Oh, now you’re interested?”
“Just leave him alone!” Luke said. “What does it matter and what do you care? It’s got nothing to do with you.”
“It has everything to do with me, young one—”
Vader stepped forwards, looming, and Han went, “Nope.”
He inserted himself between Luke, still half-hunched over on the bunk, and Mr Tall, Dark and Paternal, doing his best to hold his gaze stubbornly. “Leave Luke alone. I know why you want him and I know that you’re just kriffing things up for yourself!”
“If I wanted your opinion, Solo,” Vader growled, “I would ask for it.” He lifted his hand, clearly about to toss Han into the wall again, when he stopped. His mask was angled down, to where Luke had grabbed Han’s hand, tightly enough it was bruising.
Han set his jaw, raised his eyebrows at Vader, and interlocked their fingers.
Vader said, “I should kill you for this alone, Solo.”
“That’s not very parental of you,” Han shot back. He was pretty sure Luke thought he had a death wish.
“I’ll tell you what, Your Asthmatic Lordliness,” Han said. Luke hiccupped—maybe that was laughter, maybe it was a gasp of fear, Han had no idea. All he knew was that Luke was hurt, shit was about to go down, and the sooner Vader stopped being eerie and cryptic the sooner they could both get Luke to a medbay. “Stand outside the cell. I’ll break the news to him gently. Then you can come in here, be the… role model…” He gave Vader a sceptical look. “…ya always wanted to be, and get this kid to a medbay before his injury gets worse. We got a deal?”
Vader stared at him for a moment, as if he could not imagine someone was that stupid. “I will tell him,” he growled. “I deserve to—and you are lucky I do not behead you where you stand, Solo, particularly considering what you know, and what you have done—”
“What are you going to tell me?” Luke said sharply. “What’s going on? Han—”
“Obi-Wan lied to you, Luke,” Vader boomed.
“Yeah,” Luke snapped back, “I guessed that after what Han said over the comm. What I want to know is what about. What are you—”
“Everything.” Vader folded his arms behind his back and paced the tiny cell. Perhaps it was stress-relieving for him, but Han and Luke just exchanged a look; it was a small enough room that the cape whacked their legs with every turn, and it just felt very threatening. “He is a liar and a traitor—a prime example of why the Jedi were weak and needed to be exterminated. Nothing he said to you can be trusted, particularly not—”
Han leaned into Luke and whispered, “Vader is your dad.”
Vader stopped pacing. Clearly, he’d heard that.
Luke stiffened. The hand that wasn’t grasping Han’s released his side and grabbed Han’s arm, smearing it with blood. “What!?”
“He used to be Anakin Skywalker. He made a lot of mistakes. Gave me a whole sappy speech about it when he thought I was you. He didn’t kill your father; Ben Kenobi lied. He is your father.”
Luke blew his eyes wide.
He stared at Vader. “Is this true!?” To Han, pleading: “Tell me you’re having me on.”
“It is true, Luke,” Vader said. He stepped forwards, reaching out a hand for Luke’s face; Luke watched him warily, like he was ready to bite one of Vader’s fingers off, but he let Vader brush a finger down his face. “Obi-Wan stole you from me. I have been searching for you from the moment I learned your name.”
“I see. And you thought Han was me?” Luke raised an eyebrow.
Han got the sense that if Vader was anyone else (and in a larger room) he would have taken a step back. “I…” he said weakly. “There were holos of the Rebel medal ceremony after Yavin. He… was tall…”
Han looked at Vader—a two-metre-tall monster—and then at his tiny, blond son. He couldn’t quite stifle his guffaw.
Luke just glared. “You’re my father?”
“You had your men shoot me?”
“They were not supposed to. They will be facing severe consequences for this.”
Luke’s face was beyond confused.
But he said, “Then take me to a medbay. I’m your son. I’m injured—unless you want to keep me trapped in here until I bleed out?”
Vader stood in stunned silence for a moment. Han couldn’t help but feel pettily pleased.
Vader clearly hadn’t planned on Han. He hadn’t planned on Luke being injured. He hadn’t planned on resistance.
Vader was a kriffing idiot. This was his situation—if he wanted to value some dramatic entrance over just shooting first, getting it over with and doing damage control later, Han wasn’t about to stand for that.
Luke needed him here, clearly.
“…yes,” Vader said finally. “I will take you to a medbay, son.”
He put emphasis on the word. As if either of them had forgotten.
Han rolled his eyes, and took Luke’s arm.
“C’mon, kid,” he said. “Let’s get you checked up.”
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
TT SW Fic #2.1
The Trio gets sent back to the CW universe. When this happens affects what happens from there. But, and here's the Big Thing: the three are separated from each other.
They get sent back just after ANH
Luke is currently still new to the whole "rebellion against the tyrannical empire" thing. Han has decided to stay, but not really, because he's been paid, but also he has to or the kid will get himself killed, but then he's leaving, but also not bec- And Leia is busy proving that she is as good a leader in politics as she is in war.
So when they get sent back in time, Luke is at full "Aw Shucks" with a little "Why is everyone staring at me?" thrown in. He wakes up in the middle of an unknown place, likely one that either was just battling or is currently a battlefield. He's very Shook at the sight of a Jedi general fighting alongside several clone troopers against B-style droids.
Leia ends up found by a very strange and very clumsy Gungan. He says he's a representative in the Republic. Leia puts two and two together. Then she calmly begins figuring out the best way to take down Palpatine without raising suspicions. It helps that anyone who sees her with this Gungan seems to assume she has good intentions by virtue of her tolerating him. And he is rather endearing in his amusing clumsy way.
Han wakes up next to Mace Windu in a prison cell. The Jedi has been captured. Han does not know that he's back in time. All he knows is that the Jedi says he magically appeared in the cell. He isn't chained. He helps the escape, wondering how he can get back to his friends and his girl, and Leia, too. Windu is wondering what the Force is up to, besides coming up with a strange way to get him out of prison.
Luke gets fully discovered by troopers, who he tries to befriend and succeeds as much as a random person with a lightsaber can when there was a battle not even ten minutes ago. Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan are brought to meet Luke. They assume he's a rogue Jedi. He does not dispute this, instead too preoccupied by the fact that he doesn't know much about the past and also Leia is gonna kill him.
Leia meets Senator Amidala. She begins her important work while aided by the one her parents always told her about.
Han figures out he's in the past. He does have a brief moment where he internally panics that he just freed an Imperial officer. Then he sees the lightsaber and the not-the-kid attached and finally puts it together. Windu offers to take him back to Coruscant, and expresses that the Council will want to meet him. Han decides that if there's Jedi, the kid'll find him eventually, so he might as well go.
Luke manages to keep the future a secret, but he also tells a lot of stuff that makes everyone take a step back. Like how he lost his entire squadron a short while back, not to mention his mentor, his family, his home, and now he doesn't know where his friends are. Granted, this is given over the course of at least a day, and he does get questions about the whole "fighter squadron" part, but still.
He also scrunches his nose at all the "weird" rules of the Jedi. Anakin mentions the no attachment rule and Luke gives him such a weird look that they manage to drag Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and three different clones into a philosophical debate that ends in "so long as your fear doesn't overwhelm you, attachment is okay." Basically just everything in moderation.
Leia manages to get access to the inhibitor chips. She also takes down several plots to give Palpatine more power. She befriends many senators she'd only heard about, or ones who would one day be as helpful as they could in an Imperial senate. She smirks when she hears about the rogue Jedi who keeps reprogramming droids to have free will, and getting various Separatists to desert through the power of ~friendship~ and ~sunshine~.
Han does not accept Sage Jedi Words. Not without much sass and argument. Every time Windu tries to say something about "A Jedi does not do x" or "Y is the way to z" Han responds with his own experiences. Using attachment as an example again, Han tells Windu that it's stupid.
In a war, attachment is how you remain sane. Yeah, it can make you worry and fearful because there's a kriffin' war going on, but if you learn that fear and worry are natural, learn that they're just like when you're excited or angry, then you learn to live with it. You learn to just take a deep breath and keep going. Also, if you don't properly teach emotional control, you end up with repressed adults who will break at the worst possible moments. This is all said in the most casual way possible, with lots of salt and sass, but still said.
Luke, being peak Sunshine Farmer from Two-Sun Tatooine, manages to give Ventress a headache from his bright, unshielded Force presence. He befriends ALL THE CLONES, and also that Separatist, and those droids over there, and that one feral loth cat, and also that bear. By the time they get to Coruscant, most of the army is willing to die for Luke, who would rather die than let that happen.
Upon arriving on Coruscanat, Anakin decides that he needs to save Luke from a meeting with the Council. He takes the kid to the Senate building, so he can meet Padme's new friend and Anakin can also 'say hello'. Luke enters the building with his father-who-doesn't-know-he's-a-father and goes to meet what he assumes is his mother because Anakin talks about her just like Leia talks about Han. They make it to Senator Amidala's office.
Anakin and Padme suddenly lose their hearing. Luke squeals, legitimately squeals, and rushes to hug Leia. She's not squealing, but she is ecstatic to see her friend. They start babbling to each other, and it sounds very much like a code to the other occupants of the room, but it's just because they're talking about "the Empire" and "Rogue One" and "Vader" and "Death Star". A lot of what they say makes no sense outside of context.
Luke: It's so weird to be away from the Empire but it doesn't feel that way. I nearly thought the clones were stormtroopers!
Leia: I know! And here, the Senate can actually do things, even if it's just as corrupt. But Palpatine's the Chancellor.
Anakin, about to interrupt to ask what that's supposed to mean: Wait just a minute, what's so bad about-
Luke, ignoring his father: At least he can't send Vader after us!
Leia: Yeah, and no Death Star to blow us all up.
Luke: And there's Jedi! They even have a temple! It's so cool!
Leia: You could actually be a real Jedi!
Etc. They talk for awhile.
Han makes it to Coruscant, and actually gets to meet one of his childhood heroes, Obi-Wan "The Negotiator" Kenobi. Who looks alarmingly like- Oh, kriff. Ben. The old spice-using hermit was his childhood idol. Kriff it all.
Ben tells him that the kid was here, but got dragged off by Han's other hero, Anakin "The Hero Without Fear" Skywalker- kriff, that's the kid's dad. He'll have to make a good impression. But apparently the Skywalkers took a trip to visit a senator. Leia's probably there. She was a senator until the whole Death-Star-and-Rebellion stuff.
Ben goes to comm them. Han can hear Luke and Leia in the background. Han snatches the communicator and starts yelling.
Han: *breathing heavily into the comm*
Luke, a little muffled: Sorry, Han.
Leia, also a little muffled: Didn't know the nerfherder was a Mama Bantha.
Han: Oh, is that how you wanna play? Listen here, you sh-
Anakin, speaking really fast: I'll have them back at the Temple by midnight, they love you, bye!
*comm clicks off*
Ben: ... Want a drink?
Han: Kriff yeah.
Palpatine fails because 1) Leia is a horrible goose 2) Luke is Tatooine's third sun 3) Han has common sense, no filter, and a will to live.
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Eli can i get *shifts in their place* dadvader recs? 👀
For you, my friend, always!
24 Hours Instead of following the Millennium Falcon, Vader ends up following Luke to Dagobah. When he finds a certain Jedi Master there, he gives Luke a terrible ultimatum: join him within 24 hours, or Yoda dies. Yoda, and therefore the Force, has different plans for the Skywalkers...
A Collision of Skywalkers Leia, once the Princess of Alderaan, now the Emperor’s Hand, is sent to the Executor to figure out what Darth Vader is up to. A collision with Vader is unavoidable, and his aide, one Lieutenant Luke Lars, is suspiciously eager to offer his assistance.
Between the Light and Shadows: Luke & Vader One-Shots One-shot collection focused on Luke and Vader. All AU.
Darth Vader Goes to School Darth Vader gets bored with killing people and decides to get a degree in Engineering. He develops an interest in his classmate, Luke Lars. Poor Piett becomes the awkward middle man.
His Imperial Highness Luke Amidala Darth Vader discovers a boy in the deserts of Tatooine while hunting down Obi-Wan Kenobi. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Luke Skywalker is his son.Luke grows up under the obsessive over-protection of his Father and it changes everything.
How To Reinvent The Stormtrooper Armor To Make Your Surrogate Father Proud And Shut The Naysayers Up For Fun And Profit When Luke Skywalker—operating under the name of Luke Lars—accepts a job offer from none other than Darth Vader to become the next Head Engineer aboard his flagship, The Executor, a.k.a. The Lady, he hardly expected his life to take as much of a turn as it did. Learning how to navigate his way through the microcosm of culture that is the Lady, Luke finds that life is far from quiet in his new home. Friendships and rivalries are made, inventions and politics throw everything into disarray, and throughout it all, Luke and Vader slowly find themselves drawn closer to each other, much to the relief and awe of many of the Lady's crewmembers.
Interruption Lord Vader is the fearsome Commander of the Imperial Navy. When Captain Roderick is called before him, the last thing he expects is an interruption in the form of a five year old boy.
Luke & Vader One-Shots This is just a collection of Luke and Vader oneshots. Summaries and warnings will be at the start of each chapter.
Missing and Presumed Dead Three months after ESB, Luke Skywalker is still reeling from the revelation of his parentage. When he finally cracks and tells Leia, she comes up with a plot to get Darth Vader off his back: stage his death. However, neither of them know that Darth Vader actually cares for his son, so the news ends up creating a Sith Lord hell bent on destroying anyone even remotely involved in Luke's demise. But when Leia tries to contact an in-hiding Luke, she finds that something terrible has really happened, and now no one knows where he is. Meanwhile, Darth Vader starts getting a mysterious, unwilling visitor in his dreams... 
The Boy Upon investigating the Rebel spy captured in Tatooine, Vader is surprised to find a thirteen-year-old boy, seemingly a ghost from a life that he'd rather forget...
The Dad Vader Chronicles A series of one shots centered around Vader as he attempts to raise two Force Sensitive children. In no particular chronological order. Dad Vader is Best Vader! Originally posted on Tumblr.
The Miscellaneous Adventures of Vader Senior, Vader Junior and Vader Junior-ette A collection of drabbles, nearly always angsty, but is that a hint of fluff I see on the horizon...?If you want Dad Vader BAMF-ing out in one fic but blabbering on about Tatooine super-healing soup in the next, you've come to the right place.As I get more Vader plot bunnies out of my system, this series will grow. That's basically it. Welcome to my brainfart dump!
The Tooka Debate Luke's attempts to sway Vader to allow him a pet.
to gain a son After falling into a trap laid by the Empire and being captured by two Inquisitors, Luke Skywalker wakes up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar man watching over him.
And if I may be so bold to rec my own fanfic:
every planet, every star, every single grain of sand In which Darth Vader finds 9-year-old Luke on Tatooine, proceeds to have a breakdown, kills Palpatine and makes his preteen son Emperor, as you do. Otherwise known as the Adventures of Teeny Tiny Emperor Luke and his Royal Dad Guard Darth Vader. 
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Star Wars x Percy Jackson
Okay so this was a LOT harder then I thought it was going to be on the account that literally everyone in the GFFA is related to one another. So for the sake of my sanity (and yours) let’s just assume that no one is related so I can figure out what kriffing Olympian attributed to them (also we are keeping them all Greek to save me that headache)
Also to keep my sanity I split everyone up by Trilogy/TV Show so just assume each each are a new generation (with some overlapping)--
Also I’m not doing everyone because there is way too many kriffing characters so get ready for highlights and personal favorites. If you have anyone to add, comment or feel free to add! (Last “also”, promise! I stuck mostly with the big twelve to, you guessed it, preserve my sanity!)
Yoda is from Dionysus cabin--FIGHT ME ON THIS. I could not figure out why he talks like he does and came to the conclusion is he is definitely “drunk” on Kool-Aid. Also I like the idea of him growing vines and plants because of Dagoba. He is a camp councilor that’s been around for longer than anyone can remember by Chiron likes him well enough.
Mace is a child of Hades. ... I honestly don’t know why, but as soon as that image popped into my head I accepted it. Maybe it’s because of his stoic personality or maybe the fact he fights in a very angry style, to which I say, “skeletons ripping up from the earth”.
Qui-Gon-- for some bizarre reason the idea of Hypnos popped into my head and I now I cannot get it to leave me alone. So Qui is from Hypnos cabin. He gets a lot of sleep and even more visions of the future (such as a very powerful half-blood coming to camp and he’s now determined to find that kid)
Obi-Wan was tricky. I debated between a lot of cabins and none of them seemed to work for him. I finally settled on Hephaestus, which seems weird but let me explain. Obi-Wan feels like someone who would totally be into arts and crafts, if he could have. Hephaestus cabin usually has a good head and are quite smart
Anakin is from Zeus Cabin. Did you expect anything less? This kid is Mr. Lightning summoning, sword wielding, insane power with way too many emotions. (It was either that or Hephaestus but... “Chosen One” and all that)
Padme is 100% from Athena cabin. That’s it. Fight me.
Palpatine is a weird one because I’d usually just make him a monster or something like a Titan but... eh. I’m going Hermes because this boy knows how to lie and trick people (a lot like Luke, now that I think about it...). A friend of mine also suggested the child of Nemesis, the goddess of Revenge which could also work so pick your pick.
R2-D2 and C-3PO are satyrs. Very annoying, very loud, satyrs. 3PO goes on and on about the importance of nature and R2 follows behind him creating his own form of chaos. Most people avoid them.
Clone Wars:
Ahsoka is also from Athena cabin. I just like to picture her fighting with two knives and flipping around like a gymnast. But she’s more chill then Ares cabin--although she does love hanging out with those boys. She’s unofficially adopted by Ares cabin as a sister in arms so that’s cool.
Ares Cabin just consists of all the clones, okay? It was either that or Hermes but I just couldn’t imagine my boys without their military structure. Cody’s head of the cabin and has to try and keep all of his siblings in line-- very poorly, but he’s doing his best.
Satine is in Demeter Cabin. I wasn’t sure where else to put a pacifist but I thought it suited her well enough. Ex-girlfriend of Obi-Wan but they are on friendly terms (and there is a running bet on when they will get back together)
Kanan was really hard to figure out. I decided to make him Poseidon’s kid because he’s usually really chill in the show. For the most part, he’s really laid back and doesn’t use any water abilities unless he has too. Prefers to fight with a sword, but can use a crossbow surprising well. Has a street kid background so he gets along with the Hermes cabin really well and has kind of “adopted” one of the kids there (three guesses as to who)
Hera has to fly, okay? She has to be able to fly either a Pegasus or actually fly which leaves either Zeus, Apollo, or Poseidon as the main picks, which I don’t think any of those scream Hera. In fact, flip them, she’s a mortal that see’s through the Mist. She somehow got dragged into this world of monsters and demi-gods and is now chilling at the camp just for the heck of it. It may or may not have had something to do with her now-Boyfriend Kanan who may or may not have been on a quest at the time when he accidently destroyed her apartment because of a stupid hellhound.
Ezra is in Hermes cabin. This tiny little thief is wonderful and is a cute little blueberry. Kanan kind of unofficially adopted the kid so Ezra is usually drenched from swimming in the lake.
Zeb is from Athena cabin. Very skilled with a staff and very into battle meditation. Not super into the “intelligent” side of Athena, but he is in no way an idiot. Get’s into a lot of trouble with Ezra because why not?
Sabine I could totally see being the child of Apollo, but she joined Artemis Huntresses (maybe out of spite to her Dad but also because a bunch of warrior women? Heck, yeah!). Very artsy, excellent shot with a bow, and is much, much cooler then her dad.
Chopper is a very lazy, very stubborn Hellhound, fight me on this (and may have been the Hellhound Kana was fighting when he met Hera, but he’s now attached to this strange mortal woman who literally told off these two for destroying her house).
Luke was almost a child of the big three (specifically Hades for some bizarre reason--don’t ask me why, I don’t know how my brain got on that) but then I remembered that Hecate was a thing soooooo... Luke Skywalker, the son of Hecate, goddess of magic. He manipulates the mist and stuff like that. Also likes to fly Pegasi.   
Leia... okay, this is going to sound really weird but I kind of see Leia as a child of Aphrodite. Not obsessed with how she looks and all that stuff, but more like Piper. Very strong willed, determined, and keeps your attention. She fights for what she believes in (loves) and can kick butt. It was either that or Athena but... eh, let’s turn that on it’s side, shall we?
Han is Hermes. What did you expect?
Chewbacca is a satyr. I don’t know if you expected any differently, but I’m picturing Coach Hedge just not... insane. Very much likes to fight monsters and is very protective of Han.
Lando is... tricky. I’m going to go with Dionysus simply because of the party factor, but don’t cross him. He can mess you up.
Rey is unclaimed. She chills in Hermes cabin and has no idea who her Godly parent is... which she mopes about a lot. ((I literally could not figure out who’s daughter she would be because that’s kind of the whole Trilogy. And then it hit me like an out of control Pegasus.))
Poe is from Apollo cabin and can usually be found on a Pegasus. His favorite is nicknamed BB and is white with “orange” spots. Very good at flying and shooting a bow at the same time. Yes, he’s a show off and yes, he’s very good in a fight.
Finn is in Ares cabin. But he’s more like Frank in the sense of he’s definitely nicer then most of his cabinmates. Excellent fighter but does not have that stupid Ares temper... most days (don’t cross Finn or he will mess you up)
Rose gets to be a child of Hephaestus. She’s smart and is an engineer, simple as that.
Kylo/Ben is in Aphrodite cabin simply because I want him there. He’s prissy, full of himself, and a jerk and if that isn’t Aphrodite, I don’t know what is (I’m sorry, I just hated Aphrodite in the books and Kylo was kind of a “meh” character soooooooooo...)
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ad-hdremix · 4 years
SWTCW- Fix it AU
I recently re-wrote an old AU of mine, one where Ahsoka is adopted by Padme and Anakin, and eventually finds out that she is a big sister. You can read it here.
@captainadwen reblogged it, and added this comment in the tags:
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Fix it AU? You got it.
Ahsoka is adopted by Anakin and Padme. Ahsoka and Anakin practically clear out their entire living space at the Temple so they can move in with Padme. Ahsoka gets her own room; the walls are soon covered in notes and drawings and photos. Regardless of how awful the day was, the three of them get to go home and make dinner together, laugh together.
On one such night, after a horrible mission that kept them apart for weeks, Anakin has an epiphany. He's sitting on the couch, arm wrapped around Padme's shoulders. She's leaning into him, resting her head on his chest, reading from the book on her lap. Ahsoka is on his other side. She fell asleep some time ago. Thanks to faulty intel and a split second distraction, there's a bandage covering most of her back and right lekku. She shakes a little, mumbles something, but a gentle pulse along their training bond is enough to quell the nightmares. The dinner dishes are stacked in the sink, there's three mugs of tea sitting on the table in front of them. And he realizes, in this moment, this is what he wants. All he wants. Forever.
The next morning, Anakin tells Ahsoka he's planning to leave the Order, as soon as the war is over. There's an argument, Ahsoka doesn't want to leave Barriss, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon. The Order is all she's ever known. Anakin tells her that he's insanely proud of her, but she wasn't raised to be a Jedi. She was raised to be a soldier. Ahsoka shuts down, stunned. She doesn't want to believe it.
Anakin leaves her alone with her thoughts. After a while, she goes and hugs Anakin, apologizes for yelling. He apologizes too, tells her that she'll be a great Jedi, that he'll stay until she's Knighted. Padme says she doesn't want to be a Senator forever, but that Ahsoka will always have a home with them, that they'll support her no matter what she wants.
Ultimately, it's Ahsoka who leaves the Order first. She spends time in the Underworld of Corusant, learning from Rafa and Trace. She learns more about what it means to really be a Jedi. She's reunited with Anakin shortly before the Siege of Mandalore, and ends up going with him to rescue the Chancellor.
Upon their return to Corusant, Padme tells Anakin she's pregnant. Anakin is so excited and terrified at the same time. He doesn't tell Ahsoka right away, only that he has to leave the Order, has to go to Naboo and he'll be back as soon as he can. She wants to know what's going on, but Anakin asks her to trust him. And she does.
So Anakin resigns from the Order and leaves with Padme for Naboo. Ahsoka asks the Council if she can return to the Order, and they eagerly accept, still reeling from Anakin's departure. But she has two conditions: that she be promoted to Knight Intiate, a long forgotten rank marking the transition from Padawan-hood to Jedi Knight. She also asks to be assigned to finish her training under Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their relationship is still healing following her trial, but she knows that Anakin would want someone looking after him.
Obi-Wan accepts, believing this whole thing to be another one of Anakin's wild schemes. The Dark Side makes him feel heavy and clouded. The path forward is uncertain, and he is struggling to find a direction.
Anakin is now far away from the influence of the Chancellor. So Palpatine's attention turns to what he believes to be the next best thing- his renegade student, already suspected of treason, thinking it'd be easy to turn her raw power into a tool to be used by the Sith. If he gains her trust, he can easily get Anakin back under his control.
Or so he thinks. Ahsoka is no longer a youngling, worried about being expelled from the Order if she steps out of line. She does digging of her own. With Rex's help and Echo's information, she's able to uncover Order 66. Using her contacts in the Underworld, Ahsoka has an assassin take out the Chancellor. Bail Organa is temporarily put in power, and the Empire is destroyed before it's even begun.
Ahsoka becomes a full Knight within a year. She is Knighted at sunset, the reds and golds of Corusant's sky making the entire chamber glow. As she kneels before him, Anakin removes her Padawan braid, the one he's carried with him since that awful day the Jedi abandonded her, the one she wears to take her Trials. She rises as Ahsoka Tano-Skywalker, Jedi Knight of the New Republic. Obi-Wan and Yoda are teary-eyed, seeing their child born of innocence and raised in war come through strong and smiling. Padme is there too, so is Plo Koon. He's holding Leia, while she holds Luke. And a dozen or more members of the 501st, the 212th, and the Wolfpack that crowded in cheer her on. Their vod'ika finally achieving her dream.
With the Council's blessing (not that she gave them much choice), Ahsoka leaves for Naboo and establishes the New Dawn Jedi Temple. She takes in Force-sensitives that want to develop their abilities but not formally join the Jedi, and Jedi that don't subscribe to the traditionalist values of the Code. Jedi are welcome to marry, have children, leave and resume their service as they wish. Obi-Wan is eventually coerced into joining them, taking the role of Grand Master. Qui-Gon appears to him often, and never leaves without telling Obi-Wan he's proud of him.
Padme and Anakin are allowed to rest, without the pressures of being Queen or a Jedi General or a Senator. Anakin enjoys being a husband, a father, helping others as a volunteer mechanic. He stops having nightmares so much. Luke and Leia grow up learning from their big sister, from all of their "Uncles" in the GAR that move to Naboo or find their own paths across the galaxy.
Five years after Ahsoka's trial, she returns to Corusant to visit old friends. She stops by the Senate, the New Republic is the definition of transparent. The farthest reaches of the Outer Rim no longer feel ignored. While there, she formally petitions for Barriss Offee's release. The new judicial committee are hesitant, naturally, but Ahsoka insists that she will assume complete responsibility for her actions.
Luminara, battle-weary and uncertain, agrees to help Ahsoka. They take Barriss to Naboo, under strict supervision, and Barriss gets the help she needs, learning of what Ahsoka has done and how the Jedi were manipulated into needless destruction. Ahsoka and Barriss repair their relationship, slowly, taking tiny steps. Barriss dedicates herself to healing, and raising the younglings that are brought to the Dawn Temple.
Padme wakes up one morning, finding Anakin's side of the bed empty. She wanders out to the backyard. Sitting there, she finds her husband holding the twins (now 6) in his lap. They're still squirmy, trying to meditate like their Dad. Ahsoka sits next to them, holding one of his hands. Their bond fully open, they begin each day like this, immersed in the Force, in the love that has held their family together. Padme goes back inside to start breakfast. The sun continues to rise, a new day begins. Trouble still remains, as it always will in the galaxy, but for the first time in a long time- there is a new hope that stands uncorrupted.
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threadsketchier · 4 years
I think sw hits different when you grow older and your view of the world changes. As a child I envied Luke, he went to crazy adventures with his bffs and became a hero. But now I just feel really sorry for him. Everyone tried to rule his life, his destiny. And even though he controlled his own destiny at the end it still painful. In the end, Luke isn't a glorified hero, he's just a battered and bruised soul who had to grow up so fast and has many scares. Now I understand Yoda better
when 900 years old you reach, feel as good you will not
wars not make one great
(sorry I’m excavating an ancient ask)
The primary themes/takeaways of SW is compassion and the reward of holding out hope in darkness, but the “war is actually kinda hell” theme isn’t far behind.  This is basically the meat of Luke’s entire arc.  He’s the naive, fresh-faced, idealistic farmboy who gets bitch-slapped with the ambiguity of reality.  (So was Leia, who knew what she was getting into far more than Luke and yet was still fundamentally altered by the genocide of Alderaan.)
Everybody was pinning hopes on somebody else in this saga - Leia called Obi-Wan her “only hope,” and then Obi-Wan called Luke their “last/only hope” twice.  There was a whole lot of expectation thrown around that wasn’t always met, for better or for worse.  Obi-Wan and Yoda wanted Luke to overcome the Sith and save the Jedi from extinction just as much as Luke himself wanted to become a Jedi for the sake of his father, a motivation that started out with blatant vengeance.  Vader wanted Luke to be the justification of his deeds and the strength he needed to overthrow Palpatine, while still remaining on the Dark Side - aka, having his cake and eating it too.  Palpatine wanted to use Luke as either the means to crush what was left of Vader’s soul or totally replace him with a shiny new apprentice.
Yes, Luke surmounted all the confusion and doubt and fear in the end, and made the right choice at the right time.  But it did take his father sacrificing his life to both save him and finally YEET Palps.  He got the inner peace and contentment of knowing his dad was in a better place now and reconciling with him...but that doesn’t completely abolish the pain, of both the immediate loss and all the horror that came before it.  He lost both his mentors - yes, they’re not totally gone, they’re in the Force, but they’re largely inaccessible.  His aunt, uncle, and best friend were all killed.  He’s stuck with the massive burden of rebuilding a Jedi Order he hardly knows anything about.  That’s a whole lot of shit for this kid:
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to go through.  Who in his ignorance definitely didn’t sign up for it.
That’s the whole thing, the TL;DR: growing up sucks.  It hurts, in one way or another.  Life is not a clean, shiny, fun pew-pew adventure.  People lie or disappoint you, either out of actual malice or because they themselves are damaged or you just need a hard, ugly wake-up call about how the world actually works.
Now, here’s the other thing: Luke is both a glorified hero and a battered, bruised, scarred soul.  He’s at the both ends of the spectrum:
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freshman year to senior year’s pretty rough ain’t it
There are people who will always laud and view him as a Big Damn Hero™.  Destroyer of the Death Star, He Who Conquered the Emperor and Darth Vader.  Even those who see him as he really is still consider him a hero in the truest sense because they know his heart, they know how much he cares, that he’d give the shirt off his own back and lay down his own life for just about anyone.  And then we have stories like Shadows of Mindor where Luke nearly drowns in self-recrimination.  Everyone else around him, even the jaded Geptun, paints him as a hero while Luke refuses to accept that, focusing on all the losses instead, all the lives he couldn’t save, all the destruction he couldn’t stop, how his personal decisions tend to result in mass death.  That’s not a healthy mindset and he obviously gets out of that hole eventually, and per Legends EU Luke also passed through times where he didn’t necessarily view himself as a hero per se, but the responsibility burden kind of went to his head in a way where he viewed himself as having to do things himself, of needing to control things, and there’s a certain arrogance in that, in losing himself up his own “Jedi Master” ass.  Gotta go learn the Dark Side so I can maybe gank Sheev-O 2.0 once and for all.  Gotta gather a bunch of people in a Jedi Jungle Friendship Camp who maybe needed some psych therapy first because the galaxy needs the Jedi again.  Gotta rebuild one of my dad’s emo goth castles with my mind and go mope in it because I’m having a pre-mid-life crisis and can’t talk to my family like a normal human being.
Luke is in the best place when he finds the middle ground, the semi-happy medium in-between confidence and humility.  Battlefront II did such an elegant job of showing that ideal balance - a Luke who accepts there are losses in battle, including the ones he has to dish out himself, but doesn’t fixate on that and focuses on just quietly helping others.  And it took the pain of his experiences to forge him into that kind of person.  Luke was a nice kid when he started out, but everything he went through sharpened his empathy into the well-honed weapon he wields later on.  So while it sucks that he did have to suffer a lot to get there - and I’d personally want to wrap him in 1000 blankets and give him a half-gallon mug of hot chocolate - in the end Luke wouldn’t want people to feel sorry for him, because he was able to make something good out of all the bad.  Still, it’s a sobering thought in the vein of “be careful what you wish for.”
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singswan-springswan · 4 years
Guys wait wait so I’ve been thinking. You know the Chosen One prophecy? How this one person with no biological dad would bring ultimate balance to the Force? Well we all know it was Anakin Skywalker, right? The whole “there was no father” “literally conceived by the midi-chlorians” thing was kind of a dead giveaway. So if Anakin is the chosen one, him killing Palpatine and then himself dying was supposed to make the siths go extinct and restore balance to the Force. At least, that’s what all the Jedi seemed to think. It’s one of the last things Obi-wan says to him on Mustafar: “They said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!”.
ONLY THAT’S NOT WHAT THE PROPHECY SAYS. If we are to go word-for-word, nowhere in the prophecy are the terms “Sith” or “Jedi” ever mentioned. Only “ultimate balance”, and that is left to the interpretation of the reader. Now, we know how the Jedi would interpret “ultimate balance”. They clearly meant for it to establish the complete end of the Sith, and all aspects of the Dark Side in the galaxy. But then would that really be balanced? The entire galaxy on the side of light? Now, that’s kind of a tricky question, so let’s clear a few things up.
The Jedi have established concepts of the Force to fit their ideology, separating it into two distinct personalities: the Light, and the Dark. But I don’t think they did this because the Light or the Dark was exclusively good or bad. Their interpretations of the Light side are some of the most strict understandings of the mind and its nature. Order, peace, selflessness, rational thinking, detachment, discipline, humility. Some of these things are good, and all of them are easy to comprehend from a pragmatic point of view. Each aspect of the Jedi code is designed to translate simple, reasonable parts of the Force into something that people can embody by dedication and choice, and subsequently use to harness power. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have “Dark” qualities, or concepts that are harder to wrap your mind around. Passion, fear, anger, worry, vengeance, sadness, pain, and any kind of strong emotion. Are these things bad? In their own time, yes. But can they also be good? Absolutely! Passion for your work, fear of something that can harm, anger at injustice. These feelings are misused more often than not, however, and so have become associated with bad character and evil deeds. But if you really want to break down the difference between “Dark” qualities versus those of the “Light”, the former are simply more difficult to rationalize. Think pathos versus logos.
I’m pretty sure this is the reason the Jedi began discriminating against certain qualities and their “Dark” nature. It was hard to reason, and hard to understand, so they categorized them with darkness, as something obscure and unknown. In doing so, they created an imbalance in the Force, focusing only on half of the aspects of the mind, and nurturing only one half of a character, teaching that their emotional, unpredictable side was evil and needed to be subdued. They taught that anything causing emotion, such as relationships or victories and failures must be regulated closely, or completely purged from one’s life. They forbid strong feeling of any kind. If a young Jedi had any “negative” emotions, such as anger or fear, they were trained to stamp it out instead of acknowledging the cause and dealing with their problems. I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty toxic. To take away emotion is to deprive a person of part of their nature. It’s in our nature to react and respond to things with intensity. We’re physiologically, biologically, and mentally designed this way. Instead of denying this aspect of what it means to be a person, it’s far healthier to learn to guide feelings and emotions. They aren’t something we can switch on and off; they’re assets of the mind, and they need to be treated as an equally valid resource as the ability to puzzle and analyze.
I’m not saying that emotions should dictate all of our actions and thoughts. I’m not saying that just because you feel something, it’s right. What I mean, is that instead of suppressing this key part of a person like the Jedi did, it should be trained and carefully pruned so that it can inform and help process, as it was meant to.
Okay, sorry for the long rant. Now that we have that out of the way, can it really be said that “ultimate balance” is the destruction of the “Dark” side and absolute reign of the “Light”? I say no. I think balance comes when the purest aspects of both sides come together in a way that seeks to eliminate real evil, and bring true good through harmony in the Force. That being the case, does this mean that Anakin fulfilled the prophecy when he chucked Sheev down a reactor shaft and electrocuted himself to death? Again... I don’t quite think so.
Obviously Anakin died, bringing about the end of the Sith in his time, but the Jedi had also suffered a heavy blow when Order 66 happened, and all their teachings and history became extinct (sort of. Yoda and Obi-wan didn’t exactly train Luke in the strict ways of the Jedi. They adhered more to the teachings of the Light than anything). So even though Luke then tried to bring up a new generation of Force-sensitive children in the ways of the old order, it didn’t quite work out. Why? Without compounded years of the Jedi’s indoctrination, their beliefs and teachings fell flat. Because you can’t deny yourself the need to feel, and to be felt. It’s who you are. Suppressing half of your brain’s function doesn’t work.
This in particular was something I really appreciated about the sequel trilogy. Over the course of the three movies, Rey learns that not everything is black and white. That both sides have taken something good and twisted it to their own devise. We as an audience learn that both things cannot be ignored as part of our being, and that we need to acknowledge both in a healthy, proper way. What if the struggle that Vader experiences in the original trilogy was his indirect expression of the dissatisfaction he’d experienced on both sides? He hated the Jedi for taking away his right to love, but being a Sith didn’t fill the void in his heart, even for all the unlimited power he had. Luke can recognize it easily enough, but the only way he knows how to put these things into words is by using the terms he’s been taught by dead Jedi masters. Make no mistake, I love Yoda and Obi-wan, but they pass on flawed concepts that still discriminate against feeling of any kind. Didn’t they tell Luke not to go to Cloud City even if it meant saving his friends—to let go of the people he loved?
It all eventually comes to a mount with Rey, actually, who seems to be the first to realize that she can get the best of both worlds without hurting herself or anyone else. Literally in her first official battle with Kylo-Ren, she reaches out to the Force with her emotions, and that’s how she wins. But not with anger, or pain, like her opponent does. She uses fierce loyalty, and countless different kinds of love. Rey builds off the mentorship of her mother-in-law and uncle to get a foundational understanding of what it means to be connected to the Force, but then through her own adventures and findings, she learns the rest on her own. It helps that she has good morals. And that her character arc is almost a direct parallel to Luke and Anakin’s. Somehow, she makes it work, and finally, eventually, when everything comes full circle and Rey accepts the last piece of who she is—her name—there is finally balance. Not just within her. Throughout the force.
Finally, the last of the twisted teachings, cults, and practices have been extinguished, and the Force is simply the Force again. It isn’t Light or Dark, it just is. Rey just happens to connect to it—that’s all. And this, I think, is where the prophecy is finally fulfilled. It’s a little strange, you say, because Anakin wasn’t the one in Rey’s position, but it’s understandable that it took so long, because the Sith and the Jedi and everything in between had lasted for thousands of years. And Anakin did have a cornerstone role. He was the first to really challenge the concept of Light versus Dark. He was the first to take aspects of both and use them for good. And of course, he started a family that literally shook the foundations of the galaxy and eventually led to Rey (not to mention he was a Force ghost for the entirety of the sequel series, able to interact with the physical world as well, and no doubt being able to influence the senses and experiences of some more direct characters).
Anyway, wow. That was a really long rant. Thanks for reading; I’m sorry if I bored you. I just really needed to process a bit myself lol. I mean I complain about writing papers for school but—anyway. So yep! That’s my breakdown of thoughts on the prophecy, and Anakin’s involvement and all that. I hope you enjoyed, and once again thank you for coming to my TedTalk *insert lenny face*
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