#swtcw fix it au
stealingpotatoes · 11 months
Anakin looking up at future Ahsoka: Ah, okay no I get it now. I see what you were talking about Obi-Wan: So you'll be sorry for rubbing it in my face that you're taller than me? Anakin, with a wide grin: What? No! Now there are TWO of us taller than you! Obi-Wan: I should have joined Dooku when he asked
YOU'RE RIGHT screw the time travel au tho, this can happen in every fix-it au ever as well
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fic-rec-time · 5 months
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
by Livsy 
Star Wars/Complete/Chapters: 13  Words: 36,193
In which Old Ben has time travelled back to the clone wars era, but twenty years on Tatooine have left their mark. Anakin notices.
A tender, heart-wrenching piece. Really leans into Obi-Wan’s position as Anakin’s father figure. A very satisfying read for Time Travel Fix-It fans. Good pacing and SUCH good hurt/comfort. This story doesn’t shy away from the choices Obi-Wan and Anakin have made, or the consequences of their actions, but it isn't a bashing fic. Theres interesting parts about Tatooine culture as well.
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cross-d-a · 4 months
Fandom: Star Wars, Jedi Apprentice Series, Jedi: The Dark Side Comics, The Wrath of Darth Maul, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Star Wars: Rebels
Chapter: 2/?
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Feemor & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Feemor & Qui-Gon Jinn, Feemor & Darth Maul, Feemor/Mace Windu, Feemor & Clone Troopers, Dooku & Feemor
Characters: Feemor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Dooku, Mace Windu, Asajj Ventress, Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Kilindi Matako, Clone Trooper 99, Yoda, Rael Averross, Komari Vosa, Ahsoka Tano, Grand Inquisitor, Bendu, Original Clone Troopers
Additional Tags:  Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst, Fluff, PTSD, Yoda’s Disaster Lineage, Found Family, Enemies to Friends to Family, Darth Maul Redemption, Darth Maul Needs a Hug, Darth Maul Being a Little Shit, Feemor Needs a Hug, BAMF Feemor, Protective Feemor, Protective Obi-Wan Kenobi, Protective Qui-Gon, Protective Dooku, Teenage Terror Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Troopers and Jedi as Found Family, Grand Inquisitor Backstory, Force Shenanigans, Mortis Arc, Mace is having a Crisis, Grief/Mourning, Discussions of Canonical Suicide, Temporary Character Death
Feemor Aylward dies by his Clone Commander’s hand, then wakes up 24 years in the past.
Feemor has no idea what’s going on, but he’s going to do his damned best to fix whatever the kark just happened. Too bad he was never really involved in that whole Skywalker mess. Guess it’s time to actually get acquainted with his crazy disaster lineage.
(Sidious is just confused about how all his pawns keep slipping out from beneath his thumb.)
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Being that Master Obi-Wan Kenobi often fought alongside Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the 501st, and 212th respectively worked together far more often than most battalions.
So when they're requested to join the Resolute, it's not really questioned until the Negotiator comes out of hyperspace in orbit around the moon of some unnamed planet. It seemed a strange place to meet, but the ship hovers beside the Resolute dutifully as Anakin comes aboard with Ahsoka on one side, and Jesse flanking the other.
"Seems a bit strange Captain Rex isn't with you." Obi-Wan comments, a jest that goes unanswered.
"Obi-Wan, we need to talk." The serious tone coming from Anakin now gains Obi-Wan's entire attention, and for the first time since he could ever recall, Anakin doesn't crack some joke. "I'd like Commander Cody to join us as well."
"Is something the matter?" The older Jedi frowned, and something coils in his gut at the way Ahsoka doesn't even smile up at him.
"Trust us, this is important. We have information about a Separatist factory somewhere nearby." Jesse stood at perfect attention, placing one hand on Anakin's shoulder as if to reassure him. "We'd like for you to come to the Resolute, if that's alright, my men have schematics for us to look over."
"Certainly." Obi-Wan doesn't have to look around to see his men are picking up on the energy leaking from the other soldier into the Force, despite Jesse doing his best not to broadcast.
Fear, exhaustion, and pain.
That feeling is only magnified tenfold when the small party returns to the Resolute, and the normally loud halls filled with jokes and laughter are eerily silent as they're led to one of the medbays.
"Why are we in the medbay?" Commander Cody asked, drawing his weapon but holding it down when the door locked behind them. "What is going on?"
"We had to bring you to where there weren't ears listening in." Anakin sighed, shoulders slumping as he takes a seat on one of the beds.
"What do you mean? Has my ship been compromised?" Obi-Wan asked in concern, and Jesse stepped forward with a small cough.
"Sirs, every ship has been since day one of this war." Jesse removes his bucket, and Cody eyes the fresh scar on the right side of the ARC trooper's head.
"Where is Rex?" Cody frowned as he cut right to the chase, and feels dread coiling in his gut when Anakin glances over at Ahsoka with a pained expression. "I haven't heard from him in days, and I don't see him here."
"He's on the moon below." Ahsoka seems finally done with spitting around the bush, and steps forward. "We...we have a lot to tell you both, and it's best we wait until you're...examined Commander Cody."
"Examined? For what?" Cody wasn't sure what she was implying, just frustrated as he watched Kix come out from his office with two tools on a tray.
"They won't say it, so I will. Sir, you are a danger to everyone in this room right now, all of us here on the Resolute were until recently. The longnecks created us to be weapons to kill the Jedi, but we know how to prevent that." The medic pointed to a bed, and after a gentle nudge from Obi-Wan, the confused and stunned marshal sits down. "Everyone, out until I remove his chip."
"I'll stay," Jesse commented, and the three Jedi move to leave the room, the door relocking after the Jedi stepped through it and out into the hallway. "Rex ordered me to make sure he made it."
"I know. Cody, you won't be out for long." The medic grabbed one of the tools on his tray, and injected Cody once he was lying back.
It seemed like Cody had just closed his eyes when he blearily opens them, his head aching somewhat fierce as he sat up with a groan.
"Kote?" Blinking a few times, the room swims into focus as Cody looks around, locking eyes with the person sitting beside his bed.
"Rex?" The two had seen each other only a mere month ago, sharing some time on Coruscant off-duty just exploring a small part of the planet. The man sitting beside him was not the Rex he had spent his time with, this Rex looked as if he had aged twenty years and had the guilt and loss to back it up. "What...what happened to you? What's going on?"
"You know I'd never lie to you, right?" Rex is looking at him as if memorizing how Cody looked, in case he vanished right at this moment.
"Of course." Cody fully sits up as Rex continues to watch him, and knows full well the pain that is swirling deep in his eyes. "Talk to me."
"....I died, vod'ika." Rex swallows as Cody stares, but the marshal commander has enough sense to keep silent and let Rex speak uninterrupted.
What he hears? Cody doesn't realize he's crying until Rex moves to sit with him on the bed, the slightly older clone bringing Rex as close as physically possible while he just listens. He cannot fathom the years Rex lived, and the thought of being alone with no vod to turn to was a thought that made Cody's blood freeze.
He doesn't miss the way Rex flinches when the Jetti enter, instinctively moving to be between Rex and Anakin. The Knight looks slightly ashamed, and Obi-Wan places a tender hand on his shoulder, looking just as horrified as Cody did at the moment. For a moment no one says a word, Cody and Obi-Wan sharing a look that only they know the meaning of.
"Why are we here? At this moon?" Cody finally manages, not wanting any more of the stifling silence.
"This area already strangles any signals that could make it back to Coruscant, so the first move will be to strip the Negotiator," Anakin answered, pointedly looking everywhere but at the marshal. "After we get all of the chips out of the rest of the 212th...I don't know."
"We should try and alert the Jedi Council." Kenobi frowned, hand resting on his chin as he looked at his former padawan.
"We should look into Kamino as well, sir." Cody frowned. "Get the chips removed...the longnecks, they'll know how to stop this."
"Kamino is a good idea..." Anakin turned to head out, motioning for Ahsoka to follow suit. "Come on Snips, we have work to do."
"Yes master." Sparing Rex one last small smile she followed suit, and Rex seemed to breathe a little easier when Jesse followed like an attentive hawk.
"A dead zone isn't the only reason we're here, is it?" Kenobi sat on the bunk opposite Cody's, his tone kind as he watches the captain glance out the viewports on the opposite side of the room.
"The only reason Ahsoka and I survived...after she helped me, we had to fight against every single vod here."
He can still see the look of horror on her face when he couldn't fight the chip any longer, blasters raised and firing in the blink of an eye.
Jesse and his brothers, all bonded by blood and batch, firing when his plan failed. He can still hear their screams as the ship falls, some trying to save themselves while most tried to keep killing them.
Mangled body after mangled body pulled from flaming wreckage, helmets removed to mark graves that would fade away over time.
No one left to mourn the once illustrious 501st and newly formed 332nd.
Rex isn't sure if he said any of this out loud, or if Kenobi did some sort of Force magic, but Cody is hugging him tighter than he ever had. Kenobi has taken one of his hands, and it's the first time Rex had ever seen the older Jetti ever cry. The moon was barren when Rex flew down alone in his old Y-Wing, but he remembered where the fatal crash had occurred, and gave respect to the land that held no dead.
He promised that this wouldn't come to pass, not this time.
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(Another) redraw of my old Knight!Ahsoka design :) Something about this concept is so fun to keep doing again and again and it’s also fun to see how my art has improved over time!
Most recent version:
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Image description: This is a digital fanart of Ahsoka Tano as an adult wearing a maroon sleeveless tunic with split sides over a sleeveless pink mock neck shirt. She is wearing a brown belt with a gold buckle and boots and gauntlets in the same color scheme. She wears her Akul teeth headband and the same pink color scheme as the earlier seasons of the Clone Wars TV show. Her lightsabers are clipped to her belt. She is smiling while stretching. There is text that reads: “Knight Ahsoka, September 2023.” End I.D.
Old Version:
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Image Description: This is a digital fanart of Ahsoka Tano as an adult wearing similar clothing to the previous image in more muted shades of maroon and dark gray. She is smiling and posing with a hand on her hip. End I.D.
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airlockfailure · 4 months
Hi Airlock! :D Are there any scenes or ideas for any of your fics that you LOVED, but they just didn't fit with the feel or current direction of the story, so you couldn't use them? Would you be able to share any with us? And what do you do with those cut scenes and ideas that didn't fit?
AND/OR... Have you ever ADDED a spur-of-the-moment scene that surprised you or wasn't originally planned? If so, could you please share?
Thank you so much!!!!
There aren't really any specific scenes that come to mind that had to be cut that didn't work. Usually when I cut something from a fic it's because the flow is wrong and the scene ends up being reused later; sometimes exactly the same as it was, sometimes with different characters, sometimes the dialogue gets slightly changed if the plot points have changed.
As for adding things...
While I start writing fics with a general idea and outline, the bulk of the story is written on the fly. I then have to keep notes for myself and reread fics a lot to make sure all the details are straight. (We joke about my notes being the tack and string board like the meme, but it's more like a series of spread sheets and word docs that I rifle through whenever my brain forgets something.)
Sometimes I table entire fics, such as Infragilis Et Tenera (Riyo centric fic) because I'm not sure about the idea yet.
But, if I've posted a chapter of a fic, I intend to finish it, it's just I have brain worms for another project instead. The Wooley fic I have is fully outlined, but I haven't worked on it because I'm scared of writing Obi-wan LOL. Et Cum Sola isn't finished because I'm rotating it around like a rotisserie chicken in my mind, but it refuses to stop running pink when I poke it with a fork. :/
lsghskghdk Loses train of thought.
Ahem. Yeah, stuff that gets cut ends up somewhere else. Stuff that gets added is most stuff, actually, because an outline is only a guide. Even super detailed ones. :D There's so much I want to write, but there's just not enough time!!! (This week I'm working 8 days in a row ;-; I've written one sentence of fic this week.)
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bamfahsoka · 6 months
Change of Fate: Ch.5
Summary: You and Palpatine have an unscheduled meeting, and Wolffe and Rex meet up with Cody.
Warnings: No warnings, just good old espionage and treason👍😀 I guess crappy writing could be a warning too though haha😅 I literally just started writing and came up with this in one go, so no planning at all.
The trip back to Coruscant was relatively uneventful. All the troopers who went into surgery had their chips successfully removed with no side effects. You were still suspicious of the Chancellor's motives in ordering you back when both battalions were supposed to be deployed for more than another week. Especially given his interest in Tup. It was unusual of the Chancellor to concern himself with injured troopers or mission reports in general. You had let your men know before stepping foot off the ship that because of what they know, they should not go anywhere alone and never interact with the Chancellor without you there. When the Resolute docked and you and your men were disembarking your ship, it wasn't surprising that you felt the same dark warning in the force. However, what was surprising was that in front of you stood the Coruscant Guard in their red and white armor. The whole 501st stopped immediately behind you, and Wolffe and Rex immediately stepped up to your side. You addressed Commander Fox and the rest of his men, as cordially as you could given the tense atmosphere.
" Good afternoon Commander Fox, may I ask what we did to deserve such an impressive welcoming party."
"General Y/L/N, Chancellor Palpatine has requested a private meeting with you... immediately."
Wolffe, Rex, and the members of Torrent Company tensed.
" I see. Well, he did mention wanting to meet with me once we got back. He isn't wasting any time is he? I do have to ask Commander, is bringing your entire squad necessary to relay this message? A simple comm would have sufficed."
" The Chancellor gave us orders to escort you to his office."
" I see. Well, we shouldn't keep him waiting should we?"
As you stepped forward, with your arms behind your back, you quickly used hand signals to communicate with Wolffe and Rex. Your hand signals displayed: ALERT, OBJECTIVE SAFEHOUSE, PRIORITY TROOPERS. Immediately after you finish, you still your hands and Hound and Grizzer come to cover your back. You stole one last look at Wolffe before you started walking with Fox and the Gaurd to the Senate building.
Once you and the Gaurd were far enough away. Wolffe and Rex turned to the rest of the battalion and ordered them to report to the barracks. Once everyone was in the barracks, the entire 501st went into an uproar, the most vocal, of course, being Torrent Company.
"What the hell, is Fox and the Gaurd doing?! They're treating her like a criminal!" Fives yelled out.
"She shouldn't be alone with the Chancellor, she said it herself that she didn't trust him!" Jesse stated.
" That's enough!!!!" Yelled Rex. "This situation is definitely one of concern, and we will work out a plan. However, the General gave us hand signals before she left that have to be considered. Her hand signals communicated that we should stay alert, initiate operation safehouse, and that the priority should be the safety of the troopers".
There was silence in the barracks and then Tup spoke up. " What's operation safehouse?"
Wolffe stepped up, seething with anger; "Operation Safehouse is a code we established that indicated that something or someone is compromised, and that all information and personelle associated with the mission be relocated to a safe location away from possible hostiles. In this case, the information being the chips that were found and removed from several of you, and the personelle being you yourselves. Also, she indicated the priority was trooper safety, which means she doesn't want you to do anything stupid like try to storm the Chancellor's office in some hair brained rescue attempt. Which will only lead to further confrontation, and make it even more difficult to find evidence of the chips."
"Do you honestly expect us to sit here and do nothing?!" Fives questioned.
"No. I don't" growled Wolffe
You tried to make small talk with the Gaurd, but they are noticeably more on edge than usual.
"If it makes you feel any better, I have no intention of causing you any trouble...Are you boys doing OK? You're not acting like yourselves "
"You don't need to worry about us General" responded Fox in the most monotone tone due to the voice modulator in his helmet.
"I know I don't need to, but that doesn't mean I won't. Believe it or not Commander, there are people who support and care about the clones, including you and your squad."
By the time you were done trying to convince Commander Fox that you actually cared, you were at the Chancellor's door. You were overwhelmed by the intensity of the dark and cold feeling that radiated from the Chancellor's office. You wondered how did any Jedi never question the Chancellor's intentions with this amount of darkness surrounding him. Or was he letting himself be seen by you? What kind of game is he playing?
The sound of Commander Fox's voice brought you out of your thoughts.
" You can go in now" Fox stated plainly.
"Yes, of course" you replied as you entered the office.
In the grand office, the Chancellor stands to greet you when you come in. You bow and reciprocate his greeting pleasantly so as not to make your skepticism too obvious.
"General, I'm so happy you could come see me. "
" Well, I couldn't exactly reject your invitation". You stated with a little more emphasis on 'invitation' than called for.
"Yes, well I know how busy you can be so I wanted to catch you, before you set off on shore leave".
"How considerate of you. Now, if I may ask, what is this meeting really about?" You questioned seriously.
" I just wanted to see how you were healing up, and to see your thoughts on whether this troubled trooper was truly just having a bad day or if it may become a bigger problem."
You immediately understand that he's baiting you, and is trying to get you to tell him how much you actually know. You reinforce your mental shields and ready your response.
"My shoulder is doing well, thank you. I don't think it'll be an issue... Unless you have information that says otherwise. In which case, you would be obligated to share such information with the Jedi and GAR officials, as it would greatly affect the war effort." You stated bluntly.
You knew you were pushing boundaries, and pissing off your primary suspect probably wasn't a great idea, but you needed to stall and try to gather any information of value.
"I would never withold information that could help bring peace back to the people of the Republic".
" Of course not, but if it were to become a problem who would do such a thing? " You asked pragmatically.
" I think you're getting ahead of yourself General, let's focus on what we do know rather than the unknowns". His words came out as smooth as a practiced politician's.
You could tell he was getting close to snapping, and you were also feeling the increasing scream of the force, warning you of impending danger. You knew Palpatine was a force user, there was no way he could project this much force energy, if he wasn't. A thought, a stupid, desperate thought, crossed your mind, and with it a plan that relied on entirely too much luck. You were going to expose the Chancellor as a force user.
Back in the barracks, Wolffe and Rex contacted Cody as planned. They told him about the chips and that Commander Fox and the full Coruscant Gaurd escorted you to an unscheduled 'private' meeting. Cody was in shock, and agreed that another, more efficient way to detect the chips was needed. He also agreed that the bio chips alone were not enough evidence. They needed a name. They needed to know who authorized the implantation of the chips so they could piece together a strong case to take down whoever is responsible. With Cody's help, Wolffe and Rex were able to get in contact with Clone Force 99, aka the Bad Batch. The task of retrofitting droids and scanners fell into one batcher's skillset in particular, Tech. It was also agreed that your hypothesis of the chips being inserted as infants needed to be pursued. However, the only way to make that happen was by going to the source...Kamino.
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George Lucas: Star Wars happened in the past. It can't be changed. Star Wars fans: Watch me!
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electro-strike · 2 years
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I posted 326 times in 2022
That's 296 more posts than 2021!
74 posts created (23%)
252 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 162 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 31 posts
#sw - 28 posts
#swtcw - 21 posts
#star wars the clone wars - 21 posts
#the clone wars - 19 posts
#clone wars - 14 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 14 posts
#cloneshipping - 13 posts
#hardcase - 12 posts
#tcw - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#i am the type of person who’s au’s fix things or are just pure fun and vibes filled with love
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dogma: I hate him
Tup: No you don’t
Dogma: I know! That’s the problem
46 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Rex: Why is it when something happens, it’s always you three?
Hardcase, Jesse, Fives:…...
78 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Crosshair: *doesn’t want raptor*
Bad Batch: *Gets raptor anyway
Crosshair and the raptor:
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See the full post
105 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Aang: Sokka, kiss the prettiest person in this room
Sokka: Suki?
Suki *blushing*: Yes
Sokka: Could you move please I’m trying to get to Zuko
172 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*the gaang in a crowed market*
Aang: We lost Sokka and Zuko
Toph: Hold on let me find them *raises foot*
Katara: No, don’t worry I got this
Katara *yelling*: Zuko has no honor!
*Sokka pops out of crowd*
Sokka: You take that back!
Katara *yelling*: Sokka is useless since he can’t bend!
Sokka: Hey!
*Zuko also pops out of crowd*
Zuko: He is not!
Katara: Found them
211 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ad-hdremix · 4 years
SWTCW- Fix it AU
I recently re-wrote an old AU of mine, one where Ahsoka is adopted by Padme and Anakin, and eventually finds out that she is a big sister. You can read it here.
@captainadwen reblogged it, and added this comment in the tags:
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Fix it AU? You got it.
Ahsoka is adopted by Anakin and Padme. Ahsoka and Anakin practically clear out their entire living space at the Temple so they can move in with Padme. Ahsoka gets her own room; the walls are soon covered in notes and drawings and photos. Regardless of how awful the day was, the three of them get to go home and make dinner together, laugh together.
On one such night, after a horrible mission that kept them apart for weeks, Anakin has an epiphany. He's sitting on the couch, arm wrapped around Padme's shoulders. She's leaning into him, resting her head on his chest, reading from the book on her lap. Ahsoka is on his other side. She fell asleep some time ago. Thanks to faulty intel and a split second distraction, there's a bandage covering most of her back and right lekku. She shakes a little, mumbles something, but a gentle pulse along their training bond is enough to quell the nightmares. The dinner dishes are stacked in the sink, there's three mugs of tea sitting on the table in front of them. And he realizes, in this moment, this is what he wants. All he wants. Forever.
The next morning, Anakin tells Ahsoka he's planning to leave the Order, as soon as the war is over. There's an argument, Ahsoka doesn't want to leave Barriss, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon. The Order is all she's ever known. Anakin tells her that he's insanely proud of her, but she wasn't raised to be a Jedi. She was raised to be a soldier. Ahsoka shuts down, stunned. She doesn't want to believe it.
Anakin leaves her alone with her thoughts. After a while, she goes and hugs Anakin, apologizes for yelling. He apologizes too, tells her that she'll be a great Jedi, that he'll stay until she's Knighted. Padme says she doesn't want to be a Senator forever, but that Ahsoka will always have a home with them, that they'll support her no matter what she wants.
Ultimately, it's Ahsoka who leaves the Order first. She spends time in the Underworld of Corusant, learning from Rafa and Trace. She learns more about what it means to really be a Jedi. She's reunited with Anakin shortly before the Siege of Mandalore, and ends up going with him to rescue the Chancellor.
Upon their return to Corusant, Padme tells Anakin she's pregnant. Anakin is so excited and terrified at the same time. He doesn't tell Ahsoka right away, only that he has to leave the Order, has to go to Naboo and he'll be back as soon as he can. She wants to know what's going on, but Anakin asks her to trust him. And she does.
So Anakin resigns from the Order and leaves with Padme for Naboo. Ahsoka asks the Council if she can return to the Order, and they eagerly accept, still reeling from Anakin's departure. But she has two conditions: that she be promoted to Knight Intiate, a long forgotten rank marking the transition from Padawan-hood to Jedi Knight. She also asks to be assigned to finish her training under Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their relationship is still healing following her trial, but she knows that Anakin would want someone looking after him.
Obi-Wan accepts, believing this whole thing to be another one of Anakin's wild schemes. The Dark Side makes him feel heavy and clouded. The path forward is uncertain, and he is struggling to find a direction.
Anakin is now far away from the influence of the Chancellor. So Palpatine's attention turns to what he believes to be the next best thing- his renegade student, already suspected of treason, thinking it'd be easy to turn her raw power into a tool to be used by the Sith. If he gains her trust, he can easily get Anakin back under his control.
Or so he thinks. Ahsoka is no longer a youngling, worried about being expelled from the Order if she steps out of line. She does digging of her own. With Rex's help and Echo's information, she's able to uncover Order 66. Using her contacts in the Underworld, Ahsoka has an assassin take out the Chancellor. Bail Organa is temporarily put in power, and the Empire is destroyed before it's even begun.
Ahsoka becomes a full Knight within a year. She is Knighted at sunset, the reds and golds of Corusant's sky making the entire chamber glow. As she kneels before him, Anakin removes her Padawan braid, the one he's carried with him since that awful day the Jedi abandonded her, the one she wears to take her Trials. She rises as Ahsoka Tano-Skywalker, Jedi Knight of the New Republic. Obi-Wan and Yoda are teary-eyed, seeing their child born of innocence and raised in war come through strong and smiling. Padme is there too, so is Plo Koon. He's holding Leia, while she holds Luke. And a dozen or more members of the 501st, the 212th, and the Wolfpack that crowded in cheer her on. Their vod'ika finally achieving her dream.
With the Council's blessing (not that she gave them much choice), Ahsoka leaves for Naboo and establishes the New Dawn Jedi Temple. She takes in Force-sensitives that want to develop their abilities but not formally join the Jedi, and Jedi that don't subscribe to the traditionalist values of the Code. Jedi are welcome to marry, have children, leave and resume their service as they wish. Obi-Wan is eventually coerced into joining them, taking the role of Grand Master. Qui-Gon appears to him often, and never leaves without telling Obi-Wan he's proud of him.
Padme and Anakin are allowed to rest, without the pressures of being Queen or a Jedi General or a Senator. Anakin enjoys being a husband, a father, helping others as a volunteer mechanic. He stops having nightmares so much. Luke and Leia grow up learning from their big sister, from all of their "Uncles" in the GAR that move to Naboo or find their own paths across the galaxy.
Five years after Ahsoka's trial, she returns to Corusant to visit old friends. She stops by the Senate, the New Republic is the definition of transparent. The farthest reaches of the Outer Rim no longer feel ignored. While there, she formally petitions for Barriss Offee's release. The new judicial committee are hesitant, naturally, but Ahsoka insists that she will assume complete responsibility for her actions.
Luminara, battle-weary and uncertain, agrees to help Ahsoka. They take Barriss to Naboo, under strict supervision, and Barriss gets the help she needs, learning of what Ahsoka has done and how the Jedi were manipulated into needless destruction. Ahsoka and Barriss repair their relationship, slowly, taking tiny steps. Barriss dedicates herself to healing, and raising the younglings that are brought to the Dawn Temple.
Padme wakes up one morning, finding Anakin's side of the bed empty. She wanders out to the backyard. Sitting there, she finds her husband holding the twins (now 6) in his lap. They're still squirmy, trying to meditate like their Dad. Ahsoka sits next to them, holding one of his hands. Their bond fully open, they begin each day like this, immersed in the Force, in the love that has held their family together. Padme goes back inside to start breakfast. The sun continues to rise, a new day begins. Trouble still remains, as it always will in the galaxy, but for the first time in a long time- there is a new hope that stands uncorrupted.
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Soo in your Star Wars fix it au, if the 501st are the identical uncles and padme’s decoys are the identical aunts, does that make the 212 the identical grunkles?
LMAO YES however the 212 interact with the twins at their convenience, instead of as much as possible like the 501st (they had enough of one skywalker during the war)
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id-be-home-with-you · 2 years
Chapter 12 of towards the sun is up! Hope you guys enjoy!
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theyreondanatooine · 2 years
Happy Star Wars Day!!
Thank you so much for your patience as we got our shit together and took a full year to update.
In this chapter, conversations are had, decisions are made, groundwork is laid, and our characters begin to move forward.
Fic Summary:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Galactic Republic still stands: damaged, but not shattered.
All it took was one person, one decision, to alter the course of the future. Ahsoka left the Order, but she refused to leave her friends. Little did she know that in keeping her attachments, she would ultimately bring about the defeat of Darth Sidious and save thousands from Order 66.
But what happens next? The story doesn’t stop with Sidious’s death. As the Republic rebuilds, the galaxy and its heroes must slowly begin to heal. The war may be over, but the cleanup is going to be just as much work.
After all, it’s hard to plan for a future you were never meant to see.
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
Eh, just an idea that came to mind </3
He's on the Resolute when he opens his eyes.
Well, that shouldn't be even remotely possible, Rex knows for a fact he died on Yavin IV.
He knows he died.
"Rex? Is everything alright?" Shaking his head, Rex is grateful he's wearing his bucket when he turns to see Ahsoka, a young Ahsoka with so much life to her, looking up at him expectantly.
"I, yes, sorry." Rex somehow wills his voice to remain steady, and Ahsoka raises her eyebrow.
"Right...so, are we still going to train with Jesse or what? I'm hoping to get at least an hour in before Master Anakin forces me to try and sleep." The padawan rolls her eyes, missing the way Rex allows himself a shaky breath as he wordlessly follows Ahsoka down hallways that he traveled in his nightmares.
"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Jesse waved when the two entered, and Ahsoka hurried her pace into the training room with a grin. "Hardcase and I are betting who can take you down first, and I plan on winning."
"In your dreams!" Hardcase laughed, shoving him goodnaturedly as some of the other men watched their banter in amusement.
"For the record, he has gotten further than you." Dogma pointed out, and smirked when Hardcase looked betrayed.
"You have to step your game up, otherwise all those delicious ration packs might be eaten." Fives laughed from where he and Echo were arm wrestling, lamenting when Echo managed to take his momentary distraction to his advantage. "Kriff."
"What was that about never losing?" Echo grinned, the expression faltering when he looked behind Fives. "Captain, are you alright?"
Every set of eyes in the room darted over to the door just as Rex's knees hit the floor, and the playful energy in the room vanishes as Ahsoka is the first to reach his side. He can hear her talking to him, but the ringing in his ears drowns over every word as small fingers probe him for injuries that aren't there, skin devoid of the scars he would come to earn later in his life. Kix is kneeling in front of him now, and Rex jerks back when the medic tries to lift his helmet off, scrambling to his feet and away from the mass of soldiers who were extremely concerned at seeing their captain acting out of the ordinary.
"Captain, talk to us." Fives approaches him with his hands raised, and Rex wants to joke about not being some scared animal, but every word he could have said just seem to get stuck in his throat as he just stares. "Please, let us help."
"I..." He sounds like he's been screaming for hours, and motions for Fives to step back as he regards the people in front of him.
"Hey, is everything alright in here?"
The universe stops as Rex turns ever so slightly to look at the other entrance to the training room, and has his blasters out and pointed before he can even blink.
"What the hell is going on?!" Jesse hissed, everyone remaining still as if the slightest movement could trigger Rex to fire. "Are you out of your mind Rex?!"
"Rex, buddy, what are you doing?" Anakin holds both of his hands up, staring back at the man who has both blasters focused directly at his head. While the Jedi might not be the best shooter, he knows when someone is aiming to kill, and more so when they're terrified of their target. The raw fear and anger spilling into the Force from Rex could probably be felt all the way to Coruscant, and Anakin can only wonder what's changed in the last hour since they had successfully completed their latest campaign.
"Stay right there." Rex nearly spits out the words to Anakin, and the Jedi doesn't move a muscle as Rex takes one step forward.
"Rex, talk to us." Ahsoka darted forward before anyone could protest, putting herself directly between Rex and Anakin. "We won't hurt you!"
"He would." The anger is gone from his voice, but his stance hasn't faltered for a moment as he readjusts his aim around her. "Move Ahsoka."
"No, I won't let you hurt Master Skywalker." She stood firm, and Rex finally looks away from Anakin down to her, and the sorrow that suddenly traveled through the Force nearly had her step back.
"Rex...what's happened to you?" Anakin doesn't flinch when Rex looks back up, just keeping his stance as calm as possible. "You can always talk to me about anything."
Rex shakes his head, and drops his arms with a strangled noise no one in the room had heard before, his guns clattering to the floor as he sinks back onto his knees. Ahsoka once again kneels in front of him, and Rex doesn't fight her as she reaches up and removes his bucket, revealing a tear-stained face heavy with loss and exhaustion.
If someone had looked at Rex earlier in the day, he would not be the same man now openly showing his sorrow in front of them, as if he'd been carrying a burden for a long time.
"Rex, talk to us." Echo kneels beside his commander, feeling dread at the way Rex looks at him with a pained expression.
"We lost everything."
The Resolute stands motionless in her post as every single clone aboard is ordered to the hangar, to be addressed by Captain Rex.
He talks to them for hours and tells them of the future, a future he had died as the last clone from the army that had once stood as millions strong. How they were all created to be one thing, a weapon to wield against the Jetti, and bring about an end to the Republic they fought for so dearly. His voice breaks when he speaks of the day they all turned against their Jetti, of how he and Ahsoka became one of the last of the surviving 501st because he had headed Fives' warning and fought against the weapons inside their heads. Rex tells them of the Empire that rose from the ashes of the day they had their free will torn from them, how clones either served and died under the Empire, or were tortured and killed by the same. He speaks of their numbers dwindling in such a short time, until finally, he was the only one left, the only one who had helped bring the Empire to its death.
Rex is staring at Anakin when he speaks of the way he was manipulated by Palpatine, the Jedi looking horrified when he learns he became a Sith that killed too many innocents to mention. Rex is staring at Ahsoka when he speaks of the Rebellion that she helped build, and is haunted when he speaks of the day she died in his arms.
Rex isn't standing by the end, his voice hoarse as he's slumped against Fives, just speaking about everything vital until he finally goes silent. He watches as Kix and the medics all but vault for the exit, and Rex can breathe in relief when he knows that the chips will be found within minutes.
Rex is left with the Jetti alone in the hangar when the men filter back to their posts, all awaiting their turn to be seen by the medics. Ahsoka is hugging him as tight as she can, feeling so horrified and lost at what they had learned, and wanted Rex to feel that he wasn't alone again. Anakin is sitting by his side, one hand on Rex's shoulder, and the other holding up his lightsaber as he stares at it, suddenly finding his weapon fit more for an executioner rather than a Knight.
"Keep it." Rex's voice is barely above a whisper, and Anakin looks at him. "You're a symbol."
"No...not with what you told me." Anakin was a monster, so blind to trust Palpatine, who was using him rather than actually caring for him.
"You have time, use it." Slowly, Rex places his hand on the hilt, and with a hum, the familiar blue blade slides out. "You are a good Jedi."
"I promise to stay that way, I promise." Anakin puts his other hand over Rex's, and for the first time since he had to watch his own brothers die so long ago, Rex feels something.
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AU without Order 66 where Knight Ahsoka Tano takes on Reva as her Padawan!?!? I’m in love and so I drew it. Thanks @loading3percent for the idea!
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skorupiis · 5 years
a new, terrifying concept: the bad batch during order 66
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