#OS Avery
cakeinthevoid · 1 year
You Called
Whumptober No. 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Recording | Made to Watch | “It should have been me.” (1, kind of 2)
Content: Transformation whump, forced transformation, removed(??) whump, werewolf whumpee
as soon as I thought I could write short pieces my brain went nope! and also my brain went nope! for all of whumptober so i'm defo not completing it this year. it was fun while it lasted :))
“Kuza, you’re gonna want to see this.” 
Detective Kuza sighed. He really didn’t. 
“Bring it over, then,” he muttered. 
“Stop being lazy and come over here,” Smriti snapped. She had worked alongside the detective long enough to stop tolerating his dramatic apathy. 
Kuza kicked his feet out, pushing his chair back with enough force for it to roll across the room and stop about a meter from Smriti’s desk. 
“You called?” He drawled.
His partner ignored him, simply pressing a key to play a video on her monitor. 
The frame nearly took up the whole screen, leaving room on the right for what looked like a computer terminal on a separate window. 
Kuza turned to Smriti. “Is this the—“
“Shh,” She shushed him, despite the lack of audio.
He turned back in time to see a figure drag in a box nearly his size into the room. Otherwise the room looked bare. Concrete. Grey. 
The figure left hurriedly as soon as they got the box in the centre of the room.
Now that the camera could focus on the box, Kuza could make out a serial number on its edge: LW1X—9K23. 
Shit. Smriti was right. 
There was a few frames of the box in the room where he wasn’t sure if it was still playing. Everything was still. 
And then the box burst open from the inside. A blur of motion, and the huge wooden crate was in pieces on the floor. 
The creature bounced around the room, wall to wall before slowing down and pacing in a circle on all fours. 
Even in his wolf form, Kuza recognized him. 
Avery Muton. One of his closest friends who was currently living in Kuza’s sister’s guest room. Still recovering, weeks later.
He didn’t react. He just watched the tape play. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Smriti trying to glean something from his face. 
Back on the screen, Avery was howling. Then something got his attention; he started sniffing the air. With his head turned upward, Kuza saw a thick metal collar gleaming on his throat. 
Kuza’s eyes went to the other tab on the screen; white code and numbers started to appear, scrolling down. That was Smriti’s area of expertise. 
He could still read though, so when ACTIVATED came up in all caps, he looked back to the main screen in dreadful anticipation.
Avery crumpled and twisted in pain, fangs bared. Kuza found himself grateful there was no audio. The camera became fuzzy for a few moments as his distress increased, and then Kuza came to a dreadful realization, watching Avery paw at his head and snout. 
They were trying to force a transformation. 
“Do you know what date this was recorded?”
Smriti scrolled up in the terminal. “If I understood the cipher correctly, this was October 6th of this year. Or that could just be the date it was uploaded to the folder,” she admitted. 
Kuza moved to stop the playback, but Smriti stopped him. 
“There’s more—“
“Were they successful?” 
“Did they change it into a human?” 
“Technically no, but—“
“Then I don’t need to see it,” he snapped coldly. 
Smriti continued. “Technically no,” she emphasized, “but look,” she gestured to the screen. 
Avery had stopped writhing around. He lay on the floor, panting heavily, ears twitching. 
He flinched at something. Then he struggled to his feet, swaying and trembling. He took a step forward and fell against the wall. He put a paw against the wall, as if he was going to pull himself up. 
Then he started to try and do exactly that; Avery tried to stand on his hind legs and failed miserably, face planting on the concrete. He looked painfully disoriented, jaw opening and closing, his body shuddering—
“What am I supposed to be seeing?” He asked coldly. 
“You can’t see the difference?” 
Kuza side-eyed her, unimpressed. 
“He’s in there,” she said simply. “Partial success,” she read from the bottom of the terminal. 
Good lord that actually explains so much, Kuza thought to himself amid the horror. He needed to let his sister know—if she didn’t already. Avery actually spoke with her. 
“Save it to the case file,” he said tonelessly. He rolled back to his desk. 
He had work to do. 
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avas-wonderland · 12 days
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💕”Oh, Wolfie~”🎶
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ellie-woody · 15 days
Three new f/os added to my list! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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simplaertes · 5 months
guys. do you think perhaps with the fall of rooster teeth dropout can get access to crunch time again and revive my favorite webseries of all time. one of the greatest comedies of our generation. do we think this insane situation could happen. do you think anyone who was in that production remembers it at all. am i alone in having a deeply insane love for the webseries crunch time which ended on an insane cliffhanger and was never renewed. does anyone remember crunch time PLEASE do you think dropout could revive it could you please--
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rattlebear25 · 1 year
All my F/Os 🥰
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Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
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Mettaton EX/Box (Undertale)
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Rouxls Kaard (Deltarune)
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Dimentio (Super Paper Mario) [Supreme Husband]
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Avery (Pokemon Shield)
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Piers (Pokémon Shield)
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King Dice (Cuphead)
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Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
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Grimm (Hollow Knight) (I never played this game but i randomly listened to his boss music and now i want to watch this game lol)
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Daycare Attendant (FNAF: Security Breach)
I realized that all my F/Os are boys. Nice 😏
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@lookingforlibertalia Os und Av am Schmuuu und ein Küsschen für Oscarbär von Averybär. 😍
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lilbirdblu · 2 years
tonight in a nutshell
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ariscats · 7 months
domestic averyjameson hcs (in the time they were living together in collage)
- jameson is the one who does the cooking, mostly bc averys schedule is to full to have time to do a proper meal and bc she sucks at cooking
- avery falls asleep in her home office very often, jameson is the one who carries her out (this one has been repeated so many times in the story os aj hcs that just became cannon)
- every saturday one has to make coffe in bed to the other. its often just a cup of cooffe bc no one can make a whole breakfast every saturday but they never missed one
- SO many inside things. Inside jokes, inside games, storys that they wont tell anyone, secrets that only the other knows…
- they are THAT couple that makes everyone wish they had a relationship like them, they are the ones to give relasionship devices to their friends
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astroyongie · 2 months
Twice July Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly
Love: Her situation is complicated. I don't really know if she is still with her partner since recently there was a huge argument that left her so frustrated and mad. They haven't fixed this conflict and the miscommunication between them yet, however i also don't feel the broken heart here so maybe they are just upset and trying to solve things here
Career: things are going well there, i don't know if it was announced for her second solo, if not well then expect one still this year! Jihyeo is truly thriving on her career right now
Self: i see some emotional unbalance and some restless nights of sleep but this energy here os ºrobably linked with her love life since the argument was pretty intense 
Love: It seems like she is still single somehow, although her and her ex have contact and they see each other time to time Nayeon is actually trying to enjoy this time of being by herself to enjoy her life and leave a very hasty flings
Career: the way her career is keeping with the booms. She will keep growing and be more and more appreciated by people. so far she has brought the company the most money when it comes to her solo activities which is also helping her promote more and be more active all together 
Self: she is doing well, she is healthy both mentally and physically and she is developing her skills. Nayeon is someone who seeks perfection and she wont stop until she gets it 
Love: Her relationship is also going through some short of complications at the moment, there were some lies that have been uncovered and that left her very perturbed. Jeongyeon is probably taking some time for herself to fix all that is going on her mind
Career: at least when it comes out her career she is happy with what she has now and she doesn't seek more. she doesnt want more, she doesn't want the spotlight either, she just wants to live things peacefully as she has been doing so far
Self: there’s some complications here, but it mostly feels about her physical condition. Jeongyeon should be more careful on her condition and her health so it doesn't stains her
Love: Momo had a huge fight with her partner as well, thangully it seems like they have both solved things as they are still together at the moment. there’s still some left over energy of frustration, mostly from her side
Career: she is happy and good with all her career is going. The contracts are doing well and so are all the sponsorships. Momo is getting her bag and her recognition
Self: she is probably feeling a little bit lazy at the moment, and she doesn't feel like working much. Probably just wants to enjoy her money and go on vacations somewhere 
Love: Sana is still single at the moment, however she doesn't seem to be looking for anyone at the moment. she has her flings and the people she sees, and she isn't settling for the moment being
Career: she is doing well with her career, she is being treated like royalty by the company and Sana also knows she has power to turn things as she wants. money is good, work is good and teammates have good relationship so she is happy
Self: she is equally okay. She is being more careful about her physical health all together because she believes she has been sloppy lately. other than that, expect Sana to have a big project coming out
Love: It seems like Mina is in a relationship at the moment ! This is someone more influential than her, it's someone older and with more security than what she has. the relationship seems to be doing well and strong which is  avery positive thing
Career: there’s some things here that isn't working for her. I think Mina is frustrated because she probably also wants to do some solo projects but the company isn't giving her the green light
Self: but other than that she is doing well, there’s a lot of good energy around her. Mina is someone that communicates well and express her feelings ia  healthy way which helps her to have good relationships 
Love: She is single yet not totally? like she isn't dating anyone officially but she is seeing several people at the moment. She has decisions to make and she could be in a relationship but at the moment she is still testing the water and seeing who she prefers.
Career: she is not very happy with hoe JYP is handling her carer, she feels useless because she isn't doing much at the moment and she also doesn't have opportunities or projects that she has been working on
Self: she is okay physically, but I sense a lot of tiredness from her mental state. she probably needs to focus more on herself instead of seeing reassurance on people 
Love: Chae is equally dating someone at the moment and things are going well for her. This is a rather very healthy and stable relationship, one where she can be herself and not be worried about the either. 
Career: she is preparing something for her career, this could be some type of project that she has been working on. probably gonna come out end of summer or end of the year (i don't get the date straight9
Self: she is doing well, working her ass off and trying her best to keep the fans happy and the attention on her
when it comes to Tzuyu my deck didnt wanted to provided any info about her current situation.
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
crimson rivers thoughts (7)
@tastetherainbow290 more!! this one is longer
chapter 12
remus pov!!
LILY MENTION i love you lily i hope we see more of her in this
oh no wait what happened
wolfstar is wolfstarring
oh no the games. ugh.
regulus pov <3 i hope he finds evan
snake jump scare
james pov already wow ok
vanity!!! she lives
them boiling the water they’re so smart i love james
taking a break to eat dinner i will be back later.
ok i am back. (i love that im saying this as if my thoughts are being shared in real time)
“you’re going after regulus aren’t you” right as always, pete.
“stop thinking with your cock” PETER you icon
regulus pov again! i hope he finds james
water!!!!! huzzah
what is this spider 😭
james pov again
omg who died
i know it wasn’t regulus but i hope he is okay
wait is the spider like the wolf things?! that’s terrifying actually
omg irene and mathias hi
james interrogating them about regulus 😭
nice one regulus look at you killing avery spider
the lovers have been reunited!!!!
reggie come on don’t kill james
“he’s absolutely gorgeous” james now is not the time 😭
“you’re hesitating, love” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
james “if i have to tie you up and carry you there, you are coming with me” potter
why is james flirting with regulus right now 😭 read the room james
james going with regulus because regulus wont go with james
“what’s it going to be”
chapter 13
another spice warning for this chapter… more jegulus content?! or is it wolfstar. probably wolfstar. although that’s what i said last time and it was jegulus..
young jegulus ❤️‍🩹
“James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid” yeah that’s james.
james. sweetie. i know you don’t want to kill the cute little family of deer but your only other option is to starve to death.
ok but why is this sad
i guess they choose starvation??
james missing sirius ☹️
“we’re a great big tragedy” that is exactly what jegulus is. you summed it up perfectly, thanks regulus
“do you think we would have gotten married” james 😭
REGULUS TRIPPING OVER THAT you know what you did james
“if it was you asking, you know i would have” ahhhhh
of course regulus ate the snake that tried to kill him. icon behavior.
eeeeeeeee jegulus
THE HANDCUFFS james get your mind out of the gutter
“mum dad look away im having impure thoughts” 😭
james doesn’t have his glasses?! how is he seeing right now
me rn: 💔
i can’t even be mad about it because i love dorcas
omg dorcas!!! she’s safe
slow painful death ☹️ gotta be the worst kind
dorlene <333
why is marlene shocked that dorcas enjoyed the games when she was young. she is literally a hallow. and she was a child??
ok they’re flirting now
eeeeeee they’re kissing
ok more than kissing
“eyes up here sweetheart” dorcas im in love with you
i love dorlene this is a nice break from the arena
noooo the moment has been interrupted
fab and gid ☹️ don’t remind me
and its over.
chapter 14
im scared for this one
i really hope evan doesn’t die
“do fish even have brains” 😭 james please
james shamelessly being in love with regulus ugh i love them
of course james has a knife kink
the story <3
yeah sirius would try to eat rocks
“Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five” jamesss you
THE PARTING GIFT james you’re teasing the viewers
“everything proceeds to go wrong all at once.” oh no
evan?! i hope that isn’t you
james killed him. oh. my.
regulus is os caring ❤️‍🩹
james having a crisis
they’re holding hands omg
“all james wants is him”
run joey run (glee cast version)
ouchie that seems like it hurt (wow. great observation from me.)
“when mulciber has a sword to his throat it’s not sexy at all” i would hope not?!
“he looks rather terrifying in a sexy way” james. babe. keep it in your pants you’re about to DIE
ok regulus
this is stressful. i know they both live but it is stressful nonetheless. 
yes james you go girl
the spear. i’m getting rue flashbacks.
EVAN!!!!!!!! he’s alive and here to save the day
i love that evan calls regulus lover boy
evan is going to die and i am not ready
not regulus thinking of james as his boyfriend
“both” ahhhh reggieeeee
jegulus + evan god tier combo
my face when james calls regulus love: 🤭
is james going to go full peeta and lose his leg too
should i read another chapter….
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miussdiary · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙧.
ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ 𖥔 𓄼 ࣪⠀ ִ ۫ ּ ֗ ִ ۪ ⊹ ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ ִ᳝ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ 𖥔 𓄼 ࣪⠀ ִ ۫ ּ ֗ ִ
Oii, meu amor! É a primeira vez que eu me sento para escrever um texto para você (normalmente eu te digo as coisas bonitas diretamente)... honestamente, é a primeira vez em MUITO tempo que eu me sento sequer para escrever. Sempre tive muito medo de colocar os meus sentimentos para fora, mesmo que fosse em um bloco de notas, sempre tive receio. E confesso que, escrever um texto em que você espera as palavras mais bonitas e românticas me tira da minha zona de conforto porque eu sou horrível com isso (e porque eu quero te deixar feliz com isso, quero que seja suficiente). Sou terrível em colocar o que eu sinto em palavras. Mas, por você, vale a pena. Por você vale a pena todas as palavra mais clichês que existe no dicionário do amor, vale a pena sair dessa bolha que eu criei.
Acho que meras palavras nunca serão o suficiente para descrever o quanto eu te gosto e o quanto você é importante parar mim porque, o amor que eu sinto por você é enorme. Eu sinto MUITO. Eu sinto tudo de bom quando se trata de você.
Devo admitir que me apaixonar por você foi tão gostoso como adormecer depois de um dia cansativo, tão bom como escutar um bebê rindo. Por falar em bebê, você sabe que a Kiyomi te ama, certo?
Eu te aprecio em todos os sentidos, Aslan. Você foi como um anjo na minha vida. Eu amo como você me ama. Eu amo como você me faz feliz e rouba as risadas mais honestas que eu tenho a oferecer. Eu amo como você é um bom pai para a Kiyomi. Eu amo como você é um irmão tão querido e como você deixa tão explícito o quão Adan é importante pra ti. Eu amo como você ama a nossa família. Confesso que até amo as mentiras mais idiotas que você me conta e eu sempre caio (e sempre vou cair). Eu amo cada pedacinho do seu corpo e da sua personalidade.
Por muito tempo eu acreditei que não existe alguém que seja perfeito mas aí o destino te colocou com no meu caminho e quebrou todas as minhas crenças. Também acreditava que eu não encaixava 100% com alguém e que eu nunca encontraria alguém que fosse.... para 𝘮𝘪𝘮. E, como eu disse, o universo te colocou na minha frente (acho que ele percebeu que eu também mereço ser feliz e me deu você).
Eu amo os seus cabelos, eles são sempre tão cheirosos. As suas mãos seguram perfeitamente nas minhas. Os seus braços foram feitos para me abraçar e como a sua boca encaixa na minha. Tudo em você parece ter sido desenhado para combinar comigo. E tudo em mim foi desenhado para você.
Eu te encontrei num dos pontos mais baixos da minha vida mas, assim que eu te conheci, eu não parecia mais estar naquele poço fundo. Você foi a luz que eu precisava e me tirou daquela tristeza enorme com o teu jeito tão único de ser. Eu já disse que eu amo a sua personalidade? Because i do. Acredito que ela combine perfeitamente com a minha e ela foi a minha salvação nos meus momentos escuros. Ela ainda é. Você é a minha salvação. Todos os dias, meu amor.
Eu te dedico todas as canções de amor, todos os poemas românticos, todas as obras literárias relacionadas ao amor.
Confesso que essa coisa de "Amor" nunca foi um assunto que eu dominasse bem mas, a partir do dia que eu te conheci, tudo pareceu tão mais simples. O amor passou a ser compreendido por mim. E te amar é leve, apesar do meu amor por você ser pesado. Tudo com você parece ser mais leve e mais tranquilo. A vida ao seu lado é mais calma e as coisas já não são difícil como antes.
Acho que a esse ponto não existe mais Aslan sem Avery, ou Avery sem Aslan. Somos a metade um do outro que tanto ansiamos encontrar. Mal posso esperar por crescer todos os dias com você e com a nossa família. Você é tudo de bom que eu tenho e preciso, e eu genuinamente amo você pra caralho.
O dia 5 de julho passou a ser o meu favorito pois foi o dia que o amor da minha vida nasceu. Você é a benção do dia 5 de julho.
Obrigado, meu amor, por não ter desistido de mim em nenhum momento e sempre ficar me esperando. Obrigado por sempre tranquilizar os meus pensamentos inseguros. Obrigado por ter me permitido fazer coisas que eu nunca tinha feito antes. Obrigado por me amar. Obrigado por existir do meu lado. Obrigado por me fazer sentir os sentimentos mais bonitos e inocentes. E, obrigado por me escolher.
Eu te escolhi em fevereiro e te escolho todos os dias desde então, o meu coração pertence a você hoje, amanhã e depois.
Parabéns, my sweet saviour. Não seria nada sem você.
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– Da sua garota, Avery.
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avas-wonderland · 1 year
Me: I admire Beowulf a normal amount!
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(eyes pop out of my sockets with heart-shaped pupils, heart beats out of chest before I whack myself multiple times with a cartoonishly large mallet, melts into a puddle)
He’s alright I guess
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entre-livros · 5 months
— A única coisa que sempre me importou e que sempre me importará todos os dias da minha vida é você, Avery. Eu a amo.
📖 A promessa de um duque — Karol Blatt
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lostoneblue · 3 months
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Era Uma Vez... Uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! HÁ, sim, estou falando de você DEVON SAUNDERS. Você veio de PORTLAND, EUA e costumava ser DESENVOLVEDORA DE SOFTWARE por lá antes de ser enviado para o Mundo das Histórias. Se eu fosse você, teria vergonha de contar isso por aí, porque enquanto você estava JOGANDO TÊNIS, tem gente aqui que estava salvando princesas das garras malignas de uma bruxa má! Tem gente aqui que estava montando em dragões. Tá vendo só? Você pode até ser DETERMINADA, mas você não deixa de ser uma baita de uma INDIVIDUALISTA… Se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de APRENDIZ DE JAFAR na história ALADDIN… Bom, eu desejo boa sorte. Porque você VAI precisar!
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Nome completo: Devon Avery Saunders
Gênero: mulher cis (ela/dela)
Sexualidade: bissexual
Data de nascimento: 18 de janeiro, 1996 (28 anos)
Cidade natal: Portland, Oregon (EUA)
Faceclaim: Courtney Eaton
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‎ ‎ ‎ ℑ. ‎ Embora não goste de ser o centro das atenções, Devon cresceu acostumada a ter tudo o que queria na palma das mãos, o que faz com que ela lide com certa frustração quando as coisas não acontecem conforme sua vontade. Prefere trabalhar sozinha e não costuma ser a pessoa mais divertida em eventos sociais. Nem sempre tem tato para lidar com situações delicadas, mas é uma boa amiga para aqueles que precisam de um atento par de ouvidos.
Traços positivos: determinada, calma, inteligente, racional.
Traços negativos: individualista, exigente, pessimista, monótona.
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‎ ‎ ‎ ℑ. ‎ Filha caçula e única menina entre três irmãos bem mais velhos, Devon foi fruto de uma gravidez acidental que, apesar dos riscos, foi recebida com cerimônia pela família. O resultado disso foi uma criação regada a muitos mimos não apenas dos pais, mas também dos irmãos e sobrinhos, que eram também um pouco mais velhos do que ela.
‎ ‎ ‎ ℑ. ‎ Lidar com seus pais sendo protetores na adolescência foi mais fácil para Devon do que ela imaginava que seria. Embora não tivesse dificuldades em mentir e às vezes achasse divertido fazer coisas escondido dos mais velhos, ela preferia passar os fins de semana em casa em vez de frequentar as festas às quais seu grupo de amigos era convidado.
‎ ‎ ‎ ℑ. ‎ Conhecida pela sua aptidão com tecnologia, não foi uma surpresa para ninguém quando Devon escolheu cursar Ciência da Computação na universidade. Após tirar um ano para fazer um mochilão pela costa oeste americana, ela se mudou para Berkeley, onde estudou na Universidade da Califórnia até os 23 anos, retornando à sua cidade natal ao fim da graduação.
‎ ‎ ‎ ℑ. ‎ Apesar de sempre ter amado Portland e de sentir saudades de casa, o principal motivo para ter retornado à cidade em vez de explorar o — muito mais promissor — mercado de trabalho da Califórnia foi para que pudesse ficar mais próxima de sua mãe, que há algum tempo sofria de uma doença grave. Em uma reviravolta digna de um conto de fadas, não muito tempo depois da morte da mãe, seu pai já estava noivo de uma outra mulher, muito mais jovem e detestável aos olhos de Devon.
‎ ‎ ‎ ℑ. ‎ Aos 28 anos, extremamente dependente das novas tecnologias, Devon praticamente se esqueceu de como era viver em um mundo em que cada pedaço da sua vida não estivesse integrado em algum dispositivo smart para otimizar a sua rotina. Sendo mulher, teve que se esforçar muito para tentar alcançar um lugar de prestígio na indústria de softwares gráficos e ela poderia dizer que quase chegou lá. Estava no meio da entrevista do emprego dos seus sonhos quando abriu o livro por acidente e foi enviada para o Mundo das Histórias.
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Nunca assistiu muitos filmes infantis mesmo quando era criança, por isso não reconhece alguns dos personagens no Mundo das Histórias. Tem uma memória especialmente traumatizante dos vilões graças a uma viagem que sua família fez ao Disney World em que a menina passou todo o tempo com medo dos atores fantasiados.
Não é uma pessoa naturalmente ativa, mas, por influência dos pais, sempre esteve envolvida em alguma atividade física. Praticou balé na infância, fez parte do time de vôlei da escola até o seu último ano e jogou tênis na faculdade. Esse último se tornou um hobby que ela pratica até hoje.
Tem um gato no mundo real e talvez sua maior preocupação seja não saber se tem alguém cuidando dele na sua ausência.
Um dos seus hobbies na adolescência era participar de fóruns de discussão online. Quando se sentia muito entediada, Devon até criava contas fake para alimentar teorias da conspiração nas quais ela nem sequer acreditava.
É conhecida nos seus círculos sociais por ser sempre a última pessoa a chegar nos lugares e a primeira a ir embora. Isso acontece, em parte, por não gostar de eventos sociais, mas também porque tem dificuldade de gerenciar seu tempo.
Parou de falar com seu pai desde o casamento com a madrasta, ao qual ela fez questão de não ir. Embora insista que não quer mais manter contato com ele, Devon tem medo de que, pela sua idade mais avançada, seu pai possa falecer sem antes terem feito as pazes.
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averyovard · 8 months
🔥 • 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔯: fechado.
O estômago de Avery protesta audível quando ela se dirige ao refeitório, uma trilha sonora involuntária de sua fome. O cheiro tentador da comida preenche o ar, e ela avança, ansiosa por satisfazer a necessidade após a intensidade das últimas horas.
Ao entrar no refeitório, Avery é surpreendida por um grupo que se coloca em seu caminho. No meio da multidão, ela reconhece Hale, o ex-melhor amigo de Mason. Uma mistura de emoções, desde o medo até a incerteza, percorre seu corpo ao se deparar com o rosto familiar, mas agora hostil, de Hale.
— Olha só quem sobreviveu. Eu esperava que o Parapeito tivesse eliminado os mais fracos, mas você ainda está aqui. — Hale provoca, um sorriso sarcástico brincando em seus lábios.
Avery sente a tensão no ar, e seu instinto de sobrevivência a alerta para a possível ameaça à sua frente. O medo se mistura à raiva, mas ela se esforça para manter a compostura. Onde está Quinn? A pergunta ecoa em sua mente, mas ela sabe que não pode depender da presença constante da irmã.
— O Parapeito não foi feito para todos, Hale. — Avery responde, sua voz firme, mas sua expressão revelando uma vulnerabilidade escondida.
Hale dá uma risada zombeteira e dá um passo mais próximo, como um predador se aproximando de sua presa.
— Surpreendeu-me ver você viva. Pensei que a fraqueza já teria feito você desistir. Onde está Mason agora, hein? Aposto que ele estaria envergonhado de ver o que você se tornou. — Hale provoca, seus olhos brilhando com um desejo aparente de confronto.
O medo de Avery cresce, mas ela se recusa a recuar. Ela mantém o olhar fixo em Hale, buscando forças para enfrentar a ameaça iminente.
— Mason se foi, mas eu ainda estou aqui. E eu não tenho medo de você, Hale. — Avery retruca, tentando manter a confiança em sua voz.
Hale parece prestes a pular em direção a Avery, a agressividade pairando no ar. A tensão atinge seu ápice quando os cadetes ao redor observam, alguns em silêncio, outros aguardando ansiosamente o desenrolar da possível briga.
Avery, consciente de que a batalha agora é não apenas física, mas também para manter sua integridade, aguarda a próxima jogada de Hale, determinada a não ceder ao medo que ameaça envolvê-la.
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tazzymcclazzy · 1 year
tazdrgaoneyetagain -> tazzymcclazzy! first url change lets go
HELLAO! i go by taz, jevil, petco, or if youre feeling sillay, you can call me drgaone! or just dragon. if youre normal. also any variation of the word dog.
☆ he/it/that/bark/woof/any canine-related neo you can fathom but i very much like it/its, transmasc and pan! can't quite describe my exact gender its like caninegender and boygored's evil child it's like the cissest-looking trans man you know its like some shadowy creature in the woods its like a domestic dog. you know the drill. one day ill find a xeno that fits that
☆ furry and therian (black wolfdog) and simultaneously petre because you can never be too canine i guess, otherhearted (dragonhearted of course), selfshipper!!!1!1!
☆ not whatsoever diagnosed with anythin other than a few miscellaneous conditions but everyone who talks to me agrees theres some divergent on that neuro
☆ taken and very loud about it i love bird sm. SO much. im normal im so so normal [dies
☆ chronic epistaxis i am the number one bleeder
☆ also part of the corpoverse! i'm petcotherealest
《FANDOMS :3333》
◇ wings of fire
◇ pjsk/vocaloid
◇ fnaf, specifically the dcas
◇ hfjone
◇ the walten files
◇ chonny's charming chaos compendium
◇ regretevator. its birds fault
◇ kinitopet!!!!
《F/OS !!》
♡ sun (five nights at freddys, romantic f/o)
♡ six-claws (wings of fire, father f/o)
♡ sayori (doki doki literature club, romantic f/o)
♡ shadow bonnie (five nights at freddys, caregiver f/o)
♡ the heart acoustic (cccc, caregiver f/o)
♡ kinito (kinitopet, platonic f/o)
♧ drgaone roars -> og posts
♧ drgaone snarls -> asks and answers
♧ tax evasion -> art tag! i used this one across all my past blogs (@taz-drgaone, and the one i had to deactivate womp womp) so going through a tag for a literal felony is fucking flooded with fruity dragons. in retrospect i should have made it drgaone draws
♧ manatee the silly! -> manatee my blorbo my silly. also used across all blogs but you dont have to scroll past political shit
♧ drgaone scrawls -> vent poetry n fanfic !!!!!!!!! pls dont look there i put those there 4 safekeepin
♧ saveforlater -> imagine me curled up on a pile of these posts like a sleeping dragon atop its horde of treasures
♧ holy shit the images are moving -> animations i post
♧ partnerposting -> me being in love
♤ feel free to send asks requests dms whateva!!!1! i thrive off interaction its my fucking lifeblood
♤ on that note, I AM A MINER. PICKAXE EMOJI. no nsfw but im ok w drawn gore/violence/ect!
♤ ask about my ocs. i beg you. hehe is that a sex reference
♤ on that topic, if it's brought up and ya get confused: carp is a dca au/selfship/crossover thingy invented via dumbassery and roleplay by me, birdic, and realguitarcenter/kaiyadrawzz, and it involves a lot of my wof oc lore (if i infodump to you abt one and redact something due to carp relation that is why), literal satanism, and lotsa heavy topics. if you wanna know about it, i will GLADLY TELL YOU and i have a loredoc in the works. my sona/the guy in my pfp is from carp, as is any characters by the name of austin, avery, or gabe. we hate gabe
♤ my discord is assignedmuckaatblucka PLEASE ADD ME i love makin friends so so so much
♤ tazzerjevil on ao3!!! read my fics boy. but maybe not the smut because it is carp smut. currently workinf on a jashling chatfic im v proud of
♤ not gonna put my triggers here due to An Incident but ask about em via dms or smth if you wish ^^ please do not ask about their origins. i will possibly block you if you try to find out
♤ PRO-PALESTINE. except i cant post much abt it because my zionist mother looks at my tumblr. but from the river to the sea palestine will be free‼️
♤ i am worlds most annoying dog. i will spam you with barking and yap about my partner so much
♤ i have many a sideblag! if you find the petre one, you get a gold star. if you find the other one and ask abt it, you get blocked. i sincerely apologize! but if u find the other one you probably have me blocked anyway so uerhm idk
BASIC DNI SHIT! pls if ur a jackass or bigot or anything do Not follow. also anyone against transspecies people (not one myself but its such a cool concept), mspec lesbians, xenos or neos. also if youre gonna tag me in a reblog chain plEASE dont, but especially dont do one of those ones where it says "tag [insert number of people]" i panic and have no clue who ta tag,,, also no reblog bait please! makes me nervous.
sona refs, theriotype refs, and other such images under the cut
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second one by @/ratboyinastarrycoat!!
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i am simultaneously a large predator and an Oipouy. got a problem with that, liberal?/ref
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