#OOOOOOOOOO I love this It's so LIVELY
babygirl-diaz · 1 month
To spite the anon hate, what are some headcanons you have for bucktommy?
Oooooooooo thanks for asking, anon! I love talking about my BuckTommy headcanons!
Okay, so, everyone talks about how Tommy is the sugar daddy in the relationship (which fair because he does have a lot going on for him) but I have always headcanoned Buck as having a fortune left to him by a late relative and therefore, HE is the sugar daddy in the relationship. Hehe. I know it's a bit of a stretch.
Hmmm... I was just talking about this with another anon but I think Tommy is really ticklish in the neck and Buck takes full advantage of that. He kisses his neck all the time just to elicit a giggle from him.
What else... Buck likes to swoop Tommy away on impromptu getaways in his Jeep. Sometimes they just drive for hours on the I-5. But Buck's favorite spot is this hill from where you can see the lights of downtown Los Angeles. He and Tommy go up there and just sit on the hood of Buck's jeep and talk about everything and nothing.
Buck and Tommy both love to give each other gifts. Buck has sent gifts to the 217 a bunch of times and Tommy's coworkers tease him relentlessly about it, while Tommy just blushes. One time an edible arrangements arrived and Lucy received it. She read the note and then was like:
Lucy: If that kiss had gone somewhere, I would be receiving this fruit basket right now Tommy: It's not a fruit basket, it's an Edible- WAIT... What kiss?
Tommy loves pop songs and he is currently really into Sabrina Carpenter. One time Buck catches him dancing around in the living room with his headphones on while vacuuming the floors. He may or may not have taken a video.
Tommy is the little spoon and he is unapologetic about it. He loves being cuddled into Buck's arms and Buck loves holding him protectively.
Okay, that's all for now....
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pyr0-kai · 11 months
Josh Futturman x Youtuber/streamer reader
I heard this idea and was like YESSSSSS
headcannons + bad writing
Song inspo vv
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So you’re decently famous, but not like pewdiepie type famous, yaknow?
And Josh is like one of them super fans, like gotta see everything you post ASAP.
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
- You probably met Josh as you were going to the game store to pick up a new controller/gear for your setup or something
- Josh has been a fan of your stuff for a while. And now that he knows you live close by? Happy happy happy!!
- I’m on the fence if he would be the person to be all like
Or to just completely lock up and stare.
Probably the 2nd one.
- He’s a giant dork, but he’s cute so thats a pass
- 100% really awkward at first and thinking like
“why is someone so famous and pretty hanging out with me, system overload…” 😵‍💫
So pls bear with him
- bro is a huge simp, but such a sweetheart too.
- Supports you 1000% however he can, and whenever
- If you cosplay? He is drooling, especially if its a character he likes
- when your fans find put your dating oooooOoOoO…. They spam the comments/chat asking to see him!
- When Josh finally gets the courage to join you on a video/stream… ooo the fans call him a big dork cuz he is but they love him too!
- he gets so excited from all the love of your fans too
- All kinds of posts with him after that
- posts on stuff like instagram after dates, if you get a pet together, anything
- Streaming co-op games together is an absolute must!!!
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hajihiko · 2 months
12, 15, and 18 for the ask game if you haven’t already answered them
Also your art is so wonderful! It brightens my day every time you pop up on my dashboard. Have a lovely day ^_^
i did 12 BUT
12: what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
Aw what a nice question... I guess my grandma's farm. Doesn't really exist as such anymore but it's always gonna be in me somewhere
18: do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
Aliens, yes, no doubt, perhaps in a shape we haven't imagined yet but nonetheless
Ghosts, no, not in the sense of wayward passed souls. I believe in the possibility of time weirdness and ripple effects we can't understand, but not like. Oooooooooo I'm the spirit of this shitass that lived here like 50 years ago and I still remember where I buried the treasure. Or whatever
Have a lovely one yourself! <3
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A great big spiel of Timothy Casket theories—
I love how the combination of Johnny Ghost being an unreliable source for anything from his childhood and the original Cardboard Friend video having a million contradictions about Gregory allows us to come up with basically any theory and have at least one canon statement that lines up.
Example: Johnny Ghost claims his father died before he was born and he lived alone with his mother, but Gregory claimed both of his parents left him (and then his grandparents). So you could headcanon pretty much anything about them. I want to explore the possibility of Timothy Casket being alive, at least until Gregory met Box Friend.
Running with the idea that his father was a bad person, probably with very dark secrets, and if he actually were alive after Gregory was born, he was also a bad parent.
I see some headcanons that he would have been neglectful and cold outside of providing financially. IMO it’s plausible that his dad was also a cruel and unsafe person, but that Ghost doesn’t remember at all. T. Casket was probably the reason why a demon like Cardboard Friend was drawn to the house where Gregory was left alone, I’ll elaborate on that in a bit.
I think Gregory’s parents separated, and he was sent back and forth from his mom’s to live with his dad sometimes because his mom wasn’t as financially stable. I think he grew up a little poor without his father’s income (after T. Casket either dies or abandons the family), as much as Johnny Ghost denies it.
His dad would leave him alone for days at a time, and the house had so much negative energy that it was a beacon for demonic forces which brought along Cardboard Friend. I also think demons are drawn to vulnerable people, such as neglected / mentally unstable children like Gregory.
I think Jimmy Casket is a product of both Timothy being either neglectful or straight up evil and CF driving Gregory crazy on purpose, except it worked way too well and now Jimmy Casket is a paranormal entity manifested by them that CF is terrified of.
I would love to see a fic of PIE investigating a haunted place, and when they see the ghost, it’s an older man with dark eyes, silver hair, a black coat and umbrella, and calls Ghost “Greg.” oooooooooo spooky oogoolaboogaloo
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m0ssycobblestone · 6 months
AAAAAAAAAAA OK so back at it again with more fake Trigun world building
So what if Gunsmoke used to be an ocean planet that overtime dried out into a desert, and there're still little remnants of the Old Gunsmoke left?
An area of desert that is FULL of blue bioluminescent sand like those beaches, maybe with large pockets of quicksand. OOOOOOO pockets of quicksand could have a more steady glow to tell them apart from normal stable sand, could be explained by the pools having more constant movement/and easier time moving like when wet sand gets jiggly. The normal steady sand looks like normal not-glowy sand until it moves, so every step glows, you can see worms moving if they're close enough to the surface, and there's slight little glows of blue as sand is blown across dunes.
GIANT GARDEN EEL TYPE WORMS. THEY ACT LIKE GARDEN EELS. They could call them Standing Worms or something, that'd be cool. They live in big groups and hide in the sand when a predator comes by, but since they're huge humans don't really bother them, so you could go right up to one without it going in the ground. ALSO SINCE THEY'RE HUMONGOUS they end up being like little living patches of forest, but like in the sense that it's a bunch of big tall things grouped in one area you know??? Whenever they do get spooked, they cause little earthquakes in the area bc a group of giant things burrowing into the ground is not gonna be still. AAAAAAAA THEY COULD BE CALLED QUAKE FORESTS THAT'D BE SO COOL. Oooooooooo and the worms could gently sway like they're underwater. Like imagine seeing this in the desert and you're like "oh wow, a bunch of pillars! Huh, these are some weird ass rocks ngl. Oh...OH. OH GOD WHY IS IT MOVING." I think that'd be a lil funny.
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lilisouless · 15 days
Alina: it´s obvious i would be the final girl
Mal: does that mean i die early?
Tamar: wait, why can't i be the final girl? i can use an axe
Nadia: babe, you are gay, you are not living
Tolya: but you can give a hell of a fight and give the axe to Alina, will be more dignified than all of out deads
Nikolai: well i obviously won't die, i am too pretty
Genya:Nikolai, you are good looking, rich,crafty,charismatic, have an out of record birth and people are always wondering if you may or may not had hooked up with a male friend…you’d clearly be the killer
Nikolai: sorry I stopped hearing after “you are good looking”
Kaz: wouldn’t the killer obviously be m-
Zoya: shh shh, the remake group doesn't talk now, we are talking about the originals
Zoya: well i guess the bitch has to die
Mal: you can still live like Monica in Scream
Zoya: her name is...doesn't matter. Yes, you are right,i could get to live. And so will David, the fan favorite until the remake to show the originals aren`t safe anymore
Nina: so Can the remake gang talk now? Because i just want to ask Matthias that when he gets killed after losing his virginity with me to say “I don’t regret it!” as his last words
Matthias: are you going to be the final girl?
Nina: thats the funny part, I will be a minor character from the original to come back so it seems like I’d be taking the lead as the new lead but actually it will be Inej , wait! I already pictured my dead scene:
Inej holding a bleeding but perfectly groomed Nina
Inej crying: no! Nina not you! you are too beautiful to die
Nina: i am…sorry….(dies tongue stick out and with a rose in her hand)
Inej facing the sky: Nina! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (oh bummer,they also killed Kaz) OOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Kaz: wait , Inej is not just going to scream when there´s a murderer around
Matthias: aren't you more concerned about the fact if you are dead it means you are not the killer?
Nina: well duh, the killer is Wylan and Jesper
Wylan: what?!
Jesper: yes!
Wylan: no wait, the killers always die, wasn't there a movie where they said they don't kill the gays? Our remake is in modern times
Jesper: honestly i have seen way a lot of people talk about that but rarely actually commit, most of the ones i´ve seen kill at least one of their gay characters. So if we are going to die, at least we should do it leaving the legacy of gunpowder (yes, thats our name) and how our love made us crazy, Inej; please make sure my corpse gets buried with the remainings of Wylan
Wylan: remainings?
Jesper: she will obviously make you blow up, it´s narratively poetic
Tolya: nods
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy
Summary: Set in an AU where Luis doesn’t die in RE4 and instead joins Leon in his missions, the two of them are sent on a mission to Spain, where they need to travel on horseback. Only problem? Leon doesn’t know how to ride horses. But Luis does, and he’s more than happy to teach him how.
Aka; Leon can’t ride horses so Luis teaches him how, and gay panic ensues. Some cute domestic dialog and humour at the end, too. Already established relationship.
Word Count: 10,000
Trigger Warnings: Discussions of Religious Trauma & Childhood Trauma, Implied Sexual Content (Nothing explicit, I try to keep it as mild as possible)
A/N: “Leon praisekink who”- my partner reading this
This entire fic is basically an Autism infodump about my special interest in horses LMAO. From the moment I saw Luis I thought to myself “oh yeah. That man was a horse boy”
Also quick warning for mentions of religious trauma and just general childhood trauma!! But this fic is 95% just silly flirting and fluffy romance with Leon being a flustered idiot. Sexual content is only ever implied
Also also sincerest apologies for any poor Spanish, I literally used Google for all of this CHBSHDNSXJ
((This can also be read as a sequel to my fic ‘I Don’t Care, I Love You’ https://archiveofourown.org/works/47597077 or as a stand-alone!!))
“ What?! Hunnigan, can’t you drop us off in, like, a helicopter or something??”
Government agent Leon S. Kennedy leaned over Hunnigans desk in shock and annoyance, while Ingrid just sifted through her papers silently, not even looking up to acknowledge Leon's overreaction.
Hunnigan had just unceremoniously given Leon his latest government-mandated mission: a trip to the middle-of-nowhere Spanish countryside, where even further beyond that lay an old, rundown farm. Apparently it was quite popular for locals to spread rumors and campfire stories about the place. But to the government and Leon’s dismay, it was also suspected to be housed to an underground group of rogue Spanish scientists; who were (again, heavily suspected- which to Leon meant basically confirmed) to be using its empty status as a testing chamber for the hundredth new strain of T-Virus. Even more delightful, people in the closest village were reported to be rapidly going missing and were last seen near the farmhouse. How fun.
“Leon, I think you’ll live” Hunnigan finally spoke, rolling her eyes. “It’s only a two-and-a-half day walk from the village you’ll be dropped off at”
“ Exactly, Ingrid! A two day walk!!” Leon said, throwing his arms around dramatically. “Can’t you give us even a Jeep?”
“Leon, a helicopter would be painfully obvious. And there’s no roads to the farm, it’s just empty fields”
Leon huffed, folding his arms and giving Ingrid a glare. Before he could speak up to complain more, though, she’d already shoved a pair of plane tickets and a stack of government documents against his chest. “You and Luis Sera will be leaving in three days. If you’re that worried about your poor old legs, you can have some extra cash to rent a couple of horses”
From behind Leon, a woman spoke up;
“ Oooooooooo , is Mr. Kennedy going on a mission with his boooyfrieeend??” Claire teased in a sing-song voice, mimicking the cadence of a schoolgirl. Leon just groaned and grumbled back a “shut up, Claire”, which caused her to giggle.
After saving Luis from a stab to the back- literally - he’d returned back to America from Spain as a wanted criminal for his involvement with Umbrella. But with enough bargaining (and near begging) from Leon, the president himself was kind enough to pardon Luis. Of coarse, he still had to face consequences; and was begrudgingly forced to work as an agent for the government. He agreed, but on one condition: He’d work with Leon on every mission.
At the time of finding out, Leon couldn’t figure out for the life of him why Luis would want to stay with him. It made his heart flutter and his face flush at the mere thought of it. But after confessing his love for Luis in an underground basement of a mansion (a long story for another day), the two of them became even more inseparable than before.
Luis always had a hand on Leon, and vice versa. There was never a moment where they weren’t together. Which did turn some heads at the office. And Claire obviously wasn’t an idiot.
“ Loo-ees and lee-oon sitting in a tree, k-i-s-“ Claire was rudely cut off when Leon threw his empty coffee cup at her lazily, which she caught in one hand without even having to look.
And so, three days later, Luis and Leon dragged their pre-prepared exhausted bodies back to Spain over a 13-hour flight. Which Leon felt was a bit cruel, but Luis was quick to point out ‘ we’re going back to where we met, mi amor! ’, of coarse that wasn’t exactly true, but he appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
Leon hated airports. But he hated them a little less with Luis by his side, consistently holding his hand and giving him small kisses on the cheek whenever he could. And getting stopped by the TSA for all his rings on his fingers. But that was besides the point.
By the time they’d landed in Spain, an escort car was awaiting the two of them- driving a few hours out of the city into the countryside gave the two men time to take a quick nap before they’d inevitably be thrown into another life-or-death situation. Luis took the opportunity to rest his head on Leon’s shoulder.
To both of their surprise, they weren’t dumped in the abandoned, half-dead wasteland of a village they were expecting: instead, Leon and Luis found themselves walking through probably the most picturesque, quaint little town they’d ever been in. It was situated on a small, rolling valley, with cobbled staircases and ramps dotted everywhere with clear roads and signs mapping out significant locations in the village. Each house felt unique; bright and colorful, most were painted a soft pastel color or, kept their natural brick and stone color- most houses had charming little chimneys and square windows, usually accompanied by some kind of vine or floral arrangement wrapping around the windowsill or creeping up the walls.
Convenience stores and bakeries were commonplace, and the whole place seemed to smell like vanilla and smoke.
Luis had his fingers interlocked with Leons’ as they strolled around the village, staring in awe at the quaint beauty of it all like starstruck tourists. They definitely looked the part at least, with comically oversized backpacks on filled with weaponry and supplies. The townspeople didn't have to know that, though. It was a far, far cry from the run-down village the two of them had first met in.
“Cariño, are we in a rush?” Luis asked, his eyes scanning over the appealing bakeries. “If not, we could perhaps stop and get some Ensaïmadas to eat? My treat” he winked.
As much as Leon would love nothing more than to nod and rush his partner over to the closest bakery to sit down to eat all afternoon with him, the sun was already high in the sky and realistically, he knew that were most likely on a timer. What with peoples lives possibly on the line and all. It took all of Leon’s mental strength to shake his head, “We probably are, unfortunately.” Noticing the small, tired look of disappointment on Luis’ face, Leon leaned over to give him an apologetic peck on the cheek. “I’ll make it up to you when we get home, promise”
Luis just playfully scoffed and rolled his eyes, “What? With those cheap American bakeries? Next time we’re in Spain, I’ll treat you to some real caro español la cena, bonito”
Thirty odd minutes later, Leon found himself at the bottom of the village valley leaning against a wooden fence-post, his head lulled to the side as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the afternoon sun.
Hunnigan was right, the fence backed into what felt like a never-ending sea of long, grassy fieldlands; the overgrown golden grass swayed gently in the wind, stretching on for miles onto the horizon. Leon could just barely make out some large windmills in the distance.
Luis had told Leon to wait at the gate that was supposedly their starting point for making their way to the abandoned farmhouse, telling Leon, quote; ‘ stay right there Guapo, I’ll go grab something that’ll make our trip a lot more bearable’
Leon hoped it wasn’t bakery food. As good as it sounded right about now, he didn't wanna start hiking through long grass with a stomach full of sugar.
A figure walking down the cobblestone ramps caught his attention- he couldn’t make out the details of the man with the sun in his eyes, but he could see they were leading along two horses at the shoulders, and could hear the iconic sound of their hooves clip-. Leon realized he was coming towards him, and as soon as he covered his eyes with his hands to block out the sunlight, he realized it was Luis; smiling at him as he held up the reigns to show Leon clearer.
“Oi! Yankee! Look who I found!” Luis’ grin was wide as he stopped the horses in front of him, looking very proud of himself.
Leon couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him; clearly Hunnigan had been merciful enough to give them some spare cash to rent some horses.
The one on the left that Luis was handing Leon was a dark bay, almost back color. It’s mane was short and shaggy, and despite its rounded young-looking face it was actually pretty big. The horse on the right was similar in stature, but was an off-white color, and had dark gray speckles splattered along its coat. Both horses were fully tacked up in possibly the most detailed tack Leon had ever seen. Not that he’d seen much horse tack in his life, to be fair, or paid much attention to them.
“…Luis, where did you find horses ?” Leon asked, a tiny bit of him expecting Luis to answer with an ‘I stole them’.
“I saw a small ranch on our way in!” He grinned, looking very proud of himself. “Hunnigan gave me some extra cash, so I asked the lady at the counter very nicely for the finest corcel they had”
Leon shot him a glare, “you flirted with the ranch worker?”
Luis gave him a fake gasp in response “what, me? Flirting? estoy dolido!” Leon thought for a moment he was being serious, but when he turned to see Luis fighting back his giggles, he knew his partner was truly being sarcastic. That lifted a little bit of the imaginary pressure off of his chest.
Leon extended a very wary hand to the horses nose- feeling a bit awkward, he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to treat it like meeting a new dog or not. He hadn't exactly been around many horses in his life. Luis must’ve picked up on it, too.
“Don’t be scared cariño, he doesn’t bite” he teased, clearly already well-acquainted with his own steed as its giant head was resting against Luis’ shoulder, looking as if it was about to fall asleep with him scratching its forehead. Leon could feel the warm breath of his horse on his palm as it gave him a curious look. Was that a curious look? Horses didn't really have much… expression to them. But Leon took it not biting his hand off as a sign to go ahead and give its nose a wary scratch.
“Yours’ name is Oso, and mines Flicka” Luis handed Leon the reigns, adjusting his own before pulling out the stirrups from under the flaps.
“Are your stirrups long enough?”
Leon blinked at him, giving him a classic deer-in-headlights look. While Luis was expertly adjusting straps and pieces of leather here and there, Leon just stood there like an idiot; he’s had absolutely zero experience with horses, and no clue how to even ride a horse. Let alone ‘check the stirrups’ to see if they were ‘long enough’.
When Luis didn't hear an answer, he turned around and gave Leon a knowing smile, his hands on his hips as he tilted his head to the side a little.
“You don’t know how to check, do you, cariño?”
He didn't know why, but Leon found himself stammering over his words the second he was put on the spot- if it was anyone else, he would’ve snapped back a witty remark in seconds. But Luis had some kind of superpower to turn his brain to mush and make his face beat up the second he held any sort of power over Leon.
To make matters worse, Luis made a little ‘ tut tut tut’ clicking noise with his tongue, shaking his head, he moved over to Leon’s side, their shoulders pressed against one another’s. Leon suddenly felt very exposed beside him, like they were meeting for the first time again. As if they haven’t literally spent hours at a time cuddled up to one another naked under the sheets. That was just the charm of Luis Sera, he supposed.
“Here,” Luis pulled out the stirrup from under the horses saddle, his voice somewhat low and husky as he murmured into Leon’s ear; clearly enjoying this.
“Just pull them tight and measure them against your arm, they should be the same length”
Luis ran a hand down Leon’s forearm, stretching it out to check if it matched the length of the stirrups. Leon wasn’t sure if he was imagining it, or if Luis was being extra slow and careful with caressing his arm. He silently thanked a god he doesn’t believe in when Luis stepped back to help pull down the stirrups on the other side.
“Need a hand up?” Luis teased, already gathering the reigns on his own horse.
“N-no, thanks,” Leon said, stammering over his own words. The last thing he needed right now was a hand on his knee. Or any more ‘help’ from Luis, for that matter.
‘ Goddamn you and your stupid pretty face, Luis’
Shrugging, the Spaniard was quick to slip a foot in the stirrups and swing his legs over, and Leon couldn’t help but note to himself how naturally Luis took to being on a horse. ‘ Maybe he’s done this before? ’ He thought to himself, eyeing up the way he positioned himself in the saddle with his legs bent expertly on the horses side. He looked far too comfortable to have only done this once or twice, at least to Leon. Who, very ungraciously, grabbed into the front of the saddle and hauled himself up the horse; hearing it let out a grunt of annoyance as he slid his over each side as gently as he could. Leon tried to copy the way Luis held onto his reigns; but he ended up just balling them up in a fist. Which surely wasn’t the correct way to hold them. Also, Was he sitting too far back? Leon didn't feel quite comfortable in the saddle, but he also didn't want to shuffle forward and bother Oso more.
And plus, If Luis actually was more knowledgeable with horses than he was letting on, Leon didn't want to look stupid in front of him.
“You ready to go, Yankee?” Luis called out from just ahead of him, already walking forward. But before Leon could respond, Luis turned around and gave him a half-knowing smile.
“…muñeco, why do you look nervous?”
“I’m not nervous” Leon retorted back, suddenly becoming aware of the way his face was beating up. His- probably inaccurate- grip on the reigns tightened. He turned away from Luis’ eye context, but the other man just turned his horse to walk closer beside him. Luis leaned ever so slightly over his horses side, just enough to break into Leon’s personal space. He looked up at him through his eyelashes,
“Don’t lie to me, muñeco”
“I’m not”
Leon totally was.
He wanted to turn away and cover his face with his hands so so badly, but neither of them wanted to be the first to break eye contact. Even if it meant Leon had to endure his face feeling like it was on fire.
Luis’ eyes drifted up and down Leon’s body; the blonde could almost see the gears turning in that pretty head of his as he examined him, humming quietly to break the awkward silence.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Luis met his lovers eyes again, giving him that crooked smirk that broke Leon every time without fail.
“You don’t know how to ride, do you, cariño?”
Ah, there it was. Luis caught him red-handed. Leon had never even been on a horse before, and this bastard could tell. His silence was enough confirmation for Luis to give him a lop-sided smirk. Leon could hear him whisper something along the lines of ‘ que harias sin mí?’ Under his breath, before he slipped off of his horse and made his way around to Leon’s side, all the while the blonde tried (and failed) to collect his scattered brain and save at least some of his dignity
“W-wait you don’t have to get off-“
“But how else am I gonna show you how to ride?”
Luis gave him an ‘innocent’ look up at him, and something about seeing the handsome man below him, staring up at him through his long fringe made Leon’s whole body heat up and tense. He had to suck in a breath when, even worse, Luis slipped his hands up his calf and thigh; Leon wanted to just die right then and there. He wanted to bury himself in a hole and never have to talk to anyone ever again. He just prayed that Luis didn't notice his (probably inappropriate) reaction.
“Can’t believe Hunnigan sent you out here without knowing how to even ride a horse” Luis gave an exaggerated sigh.
“Can you feel the horses shoulder? You should have your legs sitting just behind there”
All Leon can do is nod like an idiot, wanting so badly to pull his leg away from Luis’ hand, which was very gradually sliding further up as he positioned it behind the horses’ shoulder. But at the same time, Leon was thoroughly disappointed when Luis inevitably took his hand off of his thigh to cross his arms and inspect his posture.
“Now this is gonna feel really weird, but you should only have just the toes of your shoes in the stirrups. Then put as much weight in your heels as you can”
Oh yeah. Luis was actually teaching him how to sit properly. Leon forgot about that. As he was ordered to, Leon moved his foot so just his toes were sitting in the stirrups and he put as much
pressure down on his heels as he could; Luis was right, it did feel odd. He wanted to instinctively slip the rest of his foot back in and flatten it out.
“Point your heels down even more”
Leon did as he was told
“Even more”
“I feel like you’re just messing with me now”
Luis let out a loud, genuine laugh, clearly amused by Leons’ characteristic grumbling. His laugh was so, painfully contagious, Leon had a hard time biting down his own smile.
“I told you it was gonna feel weird!”
“But this just feels like my foots gonna fall out,” Leon complained in response, earning a little tut-tut from Luis.
“confía en mi, bonita, you don’t want a broken heel from this trip, I don’t think that’ll help our odds in the field”
Leon just had to trust that Luis knew what he was doing as he pointed his heels down even further, earning a satisfied nod from Luis.
“Good boy”
Oooooooohhhhhh there it was again. Leon was seriously considering jumping off the horse head-first with his badly his heart started hammering in his chest. He didn't even wanna acknowledge his jeans at this point.
“Now I’m gonna need your hands, muñeco,” Leon dutifully nodded as Luis leaned over to clasp his hands over his partners knuckles’. Leon just prayed he couldn’t feel his hands shaking- the blonde felt a little silly and embarrassed, in all honestly. They’ve held hands a million-and-one times before, why was now suddenly any different??
Giving a little hum of approval, Luis turned Leons’ wrists over so his thumbs were facing the sky. “Have your thumb resting on top of the reigns, and the rest of your fingers around it. Imagine you’re holding a bottle,” he instructed, and Leon moved to rest his hands like he was giving somebody a thumbs-up.
“Like this?”
“Sí,” Luis nodded, before sliding his hands up Leon’s forearms. Leon internally cursed himself for jolting a little in his seat.
“Remember amor, these are your steering wheels; don’t let go of them to hold onto the mane or the saddle,” with his free hand, Luis demonstrated fisting up a bit of the mane in his hand before letting go to pat the pommel of the saddle. Leon did his very best to ignore how close his hand was to his crotch.
“Trust me, if your horse spooks and you go flying, your saddle isn’t gonna do much to save you. You’ll just slip off”
“Gee, thanks for the reassurance” Leon grumbled back, finally gaining enough courage to snap back a witty response. At least he hoped it sounded confident.
“I’m just being honest” Luis laughed, giving his thigh a little pat. “Now, your reigns look short enough, but if for whatever reason you need them shorter, just slide your hands down the leather and adjust them however you want, muy bien? You should always be able to feel at least a little bit of tension in the reigns”
Leon nodded, tugging his reigns ever so slightly, noting that his horse didn't seem to mind; it’s ears were laid back, looking relaxed, if not a little sleepy.
“Now, give Oso a little squeeze with your heels”
A little confused, Leon did as he was told, and was surprised to find that Oso started walking forward; if not very, very slowly. He felt almost sleepy in his movements, and Leon let out a little noise of surprise. He was far too focused on the feeling of Luis’ hands on his legs to remember that, oh yeah, he was meant to be riding the horse. And it was gonna move. Obviously.
Luis began to walk alongside him, not that it was very difficult to keep up with his sleepy horse. “See why I asked you to put your heels down now, amor?”
“Y-yeah,” Leon stammered, shifting in his seat to get comfortable. He wasn’t quite used to the feeling of the horse moving underneath him yet. “I didn't think that’s how you made a horse, uh, go”
“I still can’t believe Hunnigan sent you out here with zero knowledge on how to ride a horse” Luis shook his head, kicking rocks as he continued to walk alongside Leon, who gave his horse another squeeze with his heels to at least speed it up a little. “Yeah, well, it’s not like they cover horseback-riding in military training”
“Maybe they should,” Luis have gave a playful wink,
“But then that’d mean you wouldn’t have me as your teacher”
“How dreadful” Leon scoffed. But he was right, he much preferred getting taught by Luis than some uptight military officer.
“Now, if you wanna get your horse to move to either side, just open your arms out, like you’re opening a door for somebody”
Sure enough, when Leon did as he was told, the horse moved to the right; almost as if it was following his hand instinctively. He couldn’t help but smile at his success a little, and turned his horse to the left to show off a little circle for Luis, which earned him a congratulatory clap.
“Sí!! You’re a natural, Leon!”
“T-Thanks,” Leon smiled to himself, swinging his legs a little like he was a kid again. He liked being praised by Luis, it felt a lot better than any kind of begrudging compliment given by the military officers back home.
“Now, if you wanna stop, just puuuull back your reigns close to your chest, and give them a little squeeze. If Oso doesn’t stop on que, just shorten your reigns up”
Luckily for Leon, Oso stopped right on que, directly in front of Luis, who was already giving the big horse a congratulatory scratch on the forehead.
“And those are your basics!”
“Those were just the basics!? ” Leon groaned dramatically.
“Don’t complain, bonito, we’ll be here all day if you do”
Luis was right, as much as he was uh…. Enjoying the other man’s ‘lesson’, they were on a tight schedule. The sun was already hanging high in the sky, and if they wanted to set up camp at the halfway point, they’d have to leave sooner or later
“Speaking of, we’re probably not gonna get anywhere by just walking” Luis pointed out, almost reading Leon’s mind. He was right, as grateful as Leon was to not have to walk the whole way, these horses walking speeds weren’t any better than his own legs. In fact, he reckoned he could probably walk faster than both Oso and Flicka combined. They seemed very…. Sleepy
“I’ll try to be quick, but ah.. I think you know better than anyone I like to take my time” Luis batted his eyelashes with a faux innocence, shrugging his shoulders and lifting his hand up to place it under his chin, clearly trying to get a reaction out of Kennedy. No shot. Leon was ready to stay stoic in the face of his flirting, even if he could feel his stomach churn a little.
“J-j-just get in with it then.”
‘ Very smooth, Leon’
“Fine, but you’re no fun” Luis fake-pouted. “I’ll get you to start with a walk, but while you’re at it, try standing up in your stirrups and balance. And don’t hold onto the mane or the saddle, remember”
Weird request, Leon thought to himself, but he did so anyways. It was weird, usually he prided himself in being actually relatively balanced for his size, but the movement underneath him made Leon wanted to instinctively reach his hands down and lean on the horses neck for support. But he didn't, and instead kept his eyes in between Oso’s ears, focusing entirely on continuing to move forward or turning in a half-circle every so often. Suddenly the way his feet were positioned in the stirrups made a whole lot more sense; his heels kept his legs a lot more balanced than if he had his whole foot in.
“Now, this part I can’t really… show you, you’ve just gotta feel it”
“ Great,” Leon mumbled under his breath, hoping Luis didn't hear.
“Can you feel your horses gait? It should be a one-two-one-two pattern”
It took him a second of focusing to try and decipher what Luis meant, but he figured out he was probably talking about the horses stride. Sure enough, when he counted the moment each hoof hit and lifted off the ground, he could feel that signature ‘ one-two-one-two ’ stride Luis was talking about. It reminded him a bit of jogging, except obviously, double the legs. He listened out for the clip-clop-clip-clop sound of the hooves, it was a much better indicator than trying to figure out the horses’ stride by pure instinct.
“Yeah, I think I’ve got it!” Leon shouted out, turning around again in another half-circle.
Luis smiled, “great! Now try sitting and standing up and down to the beat”
That was infinitely trickier than just standing up in the stirrups. Each time he sat back down, Leon found himself struggling even more to get up without getting unbalanced- and then he wanted to hold onto the horses mane for support once he was actually standing, and by the time Leon would finally balance himself up, the stride had already switched and he had to sit back down again. Not to mention, it was getting increasingly difficult to focus on holding the reigns correctly, or keeping his legs behind the shoulders. And he was only in a walk still.
“Need a hand?” Luis offered out his hand to Leon, walking alongside the horse as the blonde struggled to get the trick right.
“Would that be cheating?”
“Not if it’s helping”
Leon thought for a couple seconds before taking Luis’ hand; and something about the way he smiled up at him, walking underneath Leon’s usual point of view…
It made him feel….
Maybe he wanted to see Luis underneath him more. Maybe he just wanted Luis to praise him like this more often. Maybe this was just a sign Leon needed to get laid more often. Who knows.
But one things for certain is that Leon was not going to forget this image anytime soon. He wished he had a camera, or some way to take a picture of Luis; he looked perfect to Leon, his hair in loose curls with that stupid toothy grin on his face Leon loved so much. He made a mental note to buy a new camera for next time they traveled.
“Ready to try trotting?”
All Leon nodded, not daring to speak as he turned all of his once broken focus back to the task at hand, taking this ‘lesson’ very seriously.
“Just give him another squeeze with your heels and he’ll be off. Just sit up and down, you’ll be fine. I’ve got your hand if you need me, cariño”
With just a little bit of contact in his heels, Oso was off. Suddenly that ‘ one-two-one-two’ pattern became a lot more exaggerated as the horse rolled forward, picking up its legs and the pace in the process. Leon felt like he was being thrown up-and-down, struggling quite a bit to not bounce around in his saddle. It was a lot easier to stand up and sit back down like this, though, now that he had a clearer moment to sit back down and back up again. Leon almost copied the horses motions with his own, sitting up when the horse moved up, and sitting back down when the horse moved down. At least that’s how it felt.
Luis was jogging alongside him now, hand barely on his knuckles as he gave a laugh of approval, whipping his long hair out of his eyes. “¡sí Sí! lo estás haciendo increíble amor!” He shouted over the rising wind. “¡sigue adelante, lo estás haciendo genial!”
Leon couldn’t help but smile, a wave of confidence rushing through him at Luis’ praise. He tried his best to keep looking forward at the imaginary road in front of him, but he couldn’t help but steal a look from Luis everytime he turned an imaginary corner. God he wanted to lean over and kiss that man so badly.
“Do you think you can go any faster?”
“ Faster?!” Leon snorted, shortening up his reigns a bit in preparation.
“I can try!”
“Good enough for me!”
Leon gave his horse a very nervous squeeze again, and he was off; the trot became bouncier and harder to sit, but Leon was actually doing it. He turned in a large circle, just to impress Luis, who had since fallen behind and was getting ready to mount his own horse.
Leon slowed down when he noticed Luis waving him over, shouting something over the now almost whipping wind, eventually coming back to a walk to meet him at the gate again, his heart thrumming with adrenaline. He noticed Luis was turned around, grabbing something out of his backpack on the grass.
“I can’t believe I forgot about this until now, but look what the lady at the stables gave me for free!”
Leon’s jaw dropped in a look of comedically disappointed shock when Luis pulled out a cowboy hat from his backpack, grinning like a madman
Of coarse Luis got a goddamn cowboy hat for free.
“Luis you got a cowboy hat?!”
“Whaaat you don’t like it?” He cuddled the hat closer to his chest, almost looking a little disappointed if it wasn’t for big smile on his face
“I despise it” Leon was lying. He actually loved it, it was just so corny and so very Luis that he wouldn’t let the Spaniard get away with it. It was actually a very beautiful hat, with encrusted diamonds on either side, accompanying the dark mahogany-coloured stains, Leon was actually a little jealous of the hat. Just a little.
“You should go back to that poor lady and give it back, it clearly doesn’t suit you” Leon bantered playfully
“ Doesn’t suit me? ¡Díos Mío! You hurt me!” Leon grabbed his heart in a dramatic show of pain, leaning his head back to shake the hair out of his eyes for extra emphasis. He slipped the cowboy hat on, too, for good measure.
“I can think of a lot more ways to hurt you”
Did not mean for that to come out sounding sexual.
And of coarse, that meant Luis caught onto it.
“ Oh?” He raises an eyebrow, walking closer to Leon’s side.
“Maybe you’d like to see me with it on in a different position?”
Luis’ hand left his chest to sneak up Leon’s thigh, just ghosting the fabric of his jeans ever so slightly.
Leon completely forgot how to breathe in that moment. Or speak, for that matter. All he could do was stare right back into Luis’ gray eyes, which were staring right up at him through his eyelashes, underneath the wide brim of his hat, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“Well mí amor… you know what they say about saving horses.”
Leon snapped out his teenage-boy brain for a moment to be completely confused. Huh??
“What… what do people say about saving horses??”
Luis bit his lip, smiling, giving the brim of his hat a condescending flick.
“Well, to save a horse…”
Before Leon knew what was happening, Luis had leaned up on his toes to snake a hand around the back of Leon’s neck, pulling him down closer to Luis’ height, and closed the gap between them to indulge himself in a kiss.
Leon didn't need to think twice about returning the kiss, immediately taking his hands off the reigns to slip his fingers into Luis’ long dark locks; grasping at them to bring his lover closer, tilting his head to the side so he had better access to his mouth. Luis returned the favor, squeezing a little at the short hair on the back of his neck he had his hand around. Leon sighed into it the kiss, feeling Luis’ eyelashes flutter against the skin of his cheek as Leon inhaled the smell of old leather and cigarettes. Luis always tasted like tobacco. Two years ago, he would’ve cringed at the idea of kissing somebody who smoked. Now he kisses Luis like the man was his only lifeline.
Unfortunately, though; Luis inevitably pulled back from the kiss, earning a little whine from Leon he didn't mean to slip out.
“…You ride a cowboy”
Ooooooooohh . That made a lot more sense.
Still, though, it caught Leon off-guard regardless. He stumbled over his words, trying to scold, thank and tease Luis all at the same time while his brain turned into mush trying to process all
The words at once. The imagery of “ riding a cowboy ” was unwantedly stuck in his brain now. Not that he minded very much.
Maybe he would like to see Luis with the cowboy hat on more often.
When all that came out were little squeaks of noise, Luis gave him a heart-melting smile, before taking off the cowboy hat to set it atop of Leon’s head; taking the time to brush his blonde fringe out of his eyes.
“You look very gorgeous with that hat on, muñeco”
Leon didn't bother to hide his blush this time, readjusting his hat to sit more comfortably, slightly tilted down. “You think so?”
“I know so”
The two men just sat there, staring up and down at each other for what felt like an eternity; neither one wanting to break eye contact, lest they let go of the moment they shared together.
But… they also had to get moving sooner or later. And Luis took the fall and gave a little awkward cough, turning around to do the walk of shame back to his own horse; it was Leons’ turn to giggle now, watching his lover swing his legs over the white mare and adjust himself in the saddle.
“You alright there, Don Quixote?” Leon called out, the wind suddenly picking up again as he had to raise his voice. This got Luis’ attention clearly, as shot back a very genuine smile at the tiny reference. He always loved it when Leon made little references here and there to the novel he knew off by heart. And was especially fond of when he called him ‘Don Quixote’
“¡Sí, Mí amor!” Luis yelled back over the wind, already beginning to trot past the gate and into the never-ending sea of golden grass.
“Let us save the Princess Dulcinea!”
“Lead the way” Leon smiled, following Luis past the gate- feeling a little bit like they’d just crossed the point of no return, chasing the sunset to whatever perilous dangers they had to face next. For a few moments, Leon could forget about the fact that they were about to face a group of possibly very dangerous scientists, with god knows what kind of supernatural virus bioweapons at their disposal.
For a few moments, Leon could just enjoy the way Luis’ hair blew in the wind, tangling and encasing his handsome face as the pair of them trotted through the long, yellowed grass. Cold wind nipping at their ears and noses as the sounds of their horses’ hooves thumped against the soil, leaving behind a trail of flattened grass in their wake.
Maybe an hour or so had passed before the wind finally decided to die down. The quaint Spanish town behind them growing smaller and smaller, Leon felt the familiar pull of anxiety grip his chest. He was very used to the feeling by now, watching as his only escape back to normalcy fall away into the horizon line. He shook his head, cowboy hat still somehow surviving the wind. It was hard to look forward; the grass surrounding them was almost reflective against the sun, almost glowing a golden hue as it stretched on for miles- it literally looked like an ocean, with the way every blade swayed in motion against any small breeze whatsoever. When a particularly strong gust would come through, it would send a ripple through the grass- almost looking like waves as it passes by the horses legs. It was long. Too; easily tickling Leon’s calf’s.
Oso and Flicka kept an even trotting pace- never far behind one or the other, if not always by the same side. Which Leon was grateful for, it meant he could always be almost shoulder-to-shoulder with Luis; he could spend the time getting into a rhythmic trot staring at his lovers pretty features- his hair, his nose, his skin- as Luis’ eyes scanned the horizon nonchalantly, constantly with a relaxed smile on his face. The sound of the horses hoofbeats synchronizing would be enough to lull Leon to sleep, if he weren’t in the situation he was in. He could really go for a nap right about now. His legs were growing tired from having to stand and sit repeatedly, and the beating afternoon sun was making him sleepy and warm.
Another twenty odd minutes pass, and as precisely according to plans the two men pass by their first windmill; it’s clearly old, wood tattered and worn, creaking with every turn. Luis looked absolutely delighted to see the windmills, though; pointing to them excitedly like a little kid, turning back to Leon as if to confirm he was seeing them, too.
“¡mirar! Windmills!!” He smiled from ear-to-ear
“It’s just like in Don Quixote!”
Leon couldn’t help but smile back at his enthusiasm. “Do you think our horses match, too?”
“Alas, no, Don Quixote had a mule as his steed,” Luis answered back, eyeing up the second windmill they passed. “He thought it was a white stallion. And Sancho had a little pony, if I remember correctly”
“Your horse is a bit of a white stallion, though”
“ Hah!” Luis leaned down to give his horse a big pat on the neck, earning a satisfied snort from Flicka. Leon followed suit, ruffling up his horses’ mane a little.
“These windmills look a lot like the ones back at my old village, though,” Luis changed the subject as they passed under the shadow of the third windmill.
“They were old, too. I don’t think anyone took very good care of them”
Leon was happy to start talking again; the hour of silence was slowly getting to him. Plus, he never turned down the opportunity to learn about Luis’ childhood. Neither of them had…. An ideal upbringing. That much was obvious. But where Leon became closed off and sheltered, Luis seemed to bloom the second he was out in the real world.
“Slightly off-topic, but how do you know so much about horses…?” Leon inquired, careful with his wording when it came to anything about Luis’ past.
“Did your Grandfather own some, or…?”
“Sí, we had some horses grazing on the property our little cottage was in,” Luis started. Leon remembered that cottage; tattered and burnt down, he remembered finding various bits and pieces of Luis’ past in the rubble. At the time, he didn't think to carry any of it back with him. But now he wished he did.
“In fact, the one my Grandfather used to let me ride looked a whole lot like Flicka,” Luis absentmindedly patted his horses neck again, staring out at the horizon, seemingly lost in thought as he didn't even acknowledge the fourth windmill.
“There were plenty of horses around, though, they were our only transport around the village, so it was kind of impossible for me to not know how to ride, y’know?”
“You guys rode horses around?? What, you didn't have cars or anything?” Leon snorted, trying to sound lighthearted. “Did you grow up in a cult or something?”
“Actually amor, yea, I did”
Leon forgot about that. He internally cursed himself every swear under the sun as he should not have forgotten that Luis Did in fact grow up in a real-life cult goddamnit!!!! Leon tried to save himself, his mind reeling with every apology imaginable
“I- I- I- I-I’m s-so sorry-“
“Nono you’re fine cariño!!” Luis assured him with a playful laugh, clearly picking up on the fact that Leon just thought he’d just completely fucked up their relationship permanently “you didint say anything wrong!”
“I feel like I should’ve remembered that, though…” he mumbled under his breath, hoping Luis didn't hear him.
“It’s weird, I don’t mind talking about… that with you as much as I thought I would,” Luis began slowly, also seeming to be careful with his wording.
“I think maybe it’s… because you get me, y’know?”
Leon knew. He didint need to answer with anything, he just knew.
He hadn’t talked about it very deeply witn Luis, but he’d opened up about his traumatic childhood a little in the past. A good portion of it was repressed, though; and he wondered if it was the same for Luis. He couldn’t help but notice some definite religious trauma underneath his suave persona- the way he talked about his experiences with the Spanish church like it was a horrible memory was ever familiar to Leon. But he also noticed Luis hadn’t been entirely shut off from his faith like Leon had; throwing up the Sign of the cross everytime they charged into battle, or the cross chain necklace he hung around his neck- Leon highly doubted he was still a religious man, but old habits die hard.
“My village felt so isolated from the rest of the world when I was a child. I never knew life could look so..”
“..Yeah,” Luis turned his attention back to Leon, breaking away from his gaze over the horizon. For a split second, Leon couldn’t help but wonder if Luis was talking about him.
“I still feel fond about the little things from when I was little, though. I remember my Grandfather used to show me how to fish on weekends, and he used to take me horse-and-carriage riding up to the church on Sundays.”
Leon let him talk, enjoying the way a familiar smile crept up on his face.
“Sometimes he’d let me use his old TV, and I’d just spend hours watching those Vienna Lipizzaners, hell, I used to imagine myself being one of the riders, all dressed up like Don Quixote riding off into the sunset to save his Dulcinea”
Leon laughed at the image of a baby Luis, laying down in front of a rickety old TV like he was watching cartoons after school.
“You were a ‘Horse Boy’?” Leon teased him. “That must’ve been hilarious ”
“Sí,” Luis giggles along, breaking out of his own memories for a moment.
“But I grew up as a girl, so it was a lot less awkward”
“Oh yeah, uh, me too” Leon corrected himself. It weird to think that at some point in his life, Luis presented as a girl; he couldn’t even begin to imagine the beautiful man riding the horse beside him to look any other way than he did now.
“Just Trans things, I guess”
“Truly,” Luis smiled, still staring into Leon’s eyes as they passed by the sixth and final windmill.
Leon didn't notice it at first, too focused on his lovers face; but Luis had reached out his arm, offering his hand for Leon to take. He gladly did. Even if it was a bit awkward trotting along beside him.
“I’m… I’m very glad I found you, amor. I’m not sure how we managed it… but I’m so so very grateful we found each other.”
Leon could easily give a whole speech about how he should be the grateful one; how finding Leon in that dirty, zombie-infested village while desperately searching for Ashley, and narrowly saving him from that stab to the back from Krauser was easily, without a shadow of a doubt, the best thing that had ever happened in Leon’s life.
But Luis already knew that.
So he just squeezed his hand tighter.
“Me too… I know I don’t say it a lot, but I’m dead serious when I say you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me”
Leon could’ve sworn he saw tears welling up in Luis’ eyes, but before he could take the time to check if he was right or not, Luis leaned over his horse to give Leon another kiss. Leon leaned over his side, too, hopefully making the distance between them a little easier to manage.
The kiss this time was a lot less intimate, with Leon finding himself kissing Luis’ teeth half the time as the Spaniard struggled to bite down a smile; and when Luis smiled, Leon was never too far behind. He tried to nip playfully at his lovers bottom lip, scolding him for not being able to keep his grin down- but it was hard to stay balanced as the horses suddenly seemed to want to do everything in their power to throw the two of them off each other. Shaking their manes out and snorting, eventually the two men had to break apart as their horses drifted off to the side.
They were both a giggling mess at the comedy of it all.
“You’re an awful kisser on horseback, cariño”
Leon gasped dramatically, grabbing his hat to keep it from loosening “Ex- scuuuse me, but I didn't think I’d have to practice kissing on a horse to get your seal of approval!”
Luis threw his head back into the wind and laughed, kicking his horse along to speed up; Leon didn't even notice at first he was trying to run away from him before he was already far ahead
“ Oi!!! Get back here!!” He yelled out, hoping Luis could hear him over the rising wind.
“ You’ll just have to catch me!”
Leon was nervous to speed up, cautiously giving his horse another squeeze with his heels or two to just barely pick up the pace- thankfully, Luis slowed down for him, but was still just out of reach. He turned around to meet Leon’s gaze,
“Do you wanna skip the cantering lesson and go straight into a gallop, cariño?”
‘No, actually, not at all’ was what Leon wanted to say back. He was already nervous speeding up in a trot, and he had seen videos of people galloping on a horse before. If he was already struggling to keep balance now, it was highly likely that in a gallop he’d just slip off into the tall grass and never be seen again.
But…. Also, his legs were getting very tired. Riding turned out to be a lot more work than he was expecting. Any relief for his poor muscles would be welcomed.
And, plus… how could he say no to that face? Luis had a hopeful smile, waiting expectantly for his answer.
“…Uh, yeah, sure, I’m down to..” Leon hesitated for a moment, weighing up his options.
“But what if I slip off?”
“Then I’ll be there to catch you,” Luis responded.
Somehow, Leon didn't think that’d be realistic. But the mental image of his lover turning a sharp corner to dramatically save him from instant-death was very appealing.
And he trusted Luis. With every fiber of his being.
“Then tell me what I need to do”
Luis’ smile somehow widened, “attaboy!”
Leon forgot how nice it was to be praised by Luis. He would do any and every dangerous stunt under the sun if it meant hearing him say that again.
“Now, remember what I said about never letting go of the reigns?
“…yeah?” Leon was already getting anxious.
“Forget that. Actually, that’s a lie; keep holding onto your reigns. Just grab onto a part of the mane, too”
Leon did as he was told, grasping a fist of hair gently in his hands
“OK, now what?”
“Stand up out of your seat and lean forward, but not so much that you’re falling over Oso’s neck, just enough to be in a bit of a two-point position”
Luis demonstrated on his own horse, sitting up out of the saddle and leaning forward so that his back was laid out flat. It took Leon a couple tries, with his routinely falling back into his seat; but eventually, he found himself copying the two-point to the best of his abilities. It definitely took the pressure off of his legs, weirdly enough, giving them a well-needed relief.
“It’ll be easier to hold once we’re off!” Luis shouted backwards, his horse already switching gaits from a trot to a slow canter, waiting for Leon to catch up.
After waiting a couple moments to catch his breath, Leon finally sucks up his anxiety and kicks his horse along to move it into a trot. It was almost as if Oso read his mind, because in just a matter of seconds, the two pairs of riders were flying across the yellowed grass fields.
Luis was right; it was a lot easier to hold his position. Leon held onto the horses mane a little tighter instinctively, trying his best to not look down at the rushing ground underneath him, instead focusing on the sound of the horses’ heavy hooves hitting the soil. After realizing that he was not, in fact, actively slipping off the horse; Leon found himself actually enjoying this a lot more than he’d expected.
Leon was even brave enough to take one of his hands off of the horses neck to grab onto his slipping hat, laughing to himself as fringe blocked his vision every so often. It reminded him of speeding on his motorcycle, a bit, but a lot more.. freeing? That sounded cheesy.
Leon turned his head to see how Luis was holding up; and just as expected, his partner was giddy with glee. He even had one of his arms out to catch the wind, just smiling and laughing to himself as he galloped off in his own world.
Leon felt like he was in a corny horse-girl movie, off to save his fathers ranch on the black stallion he tamed with his ‘magical bond’. But he couldn’t care less. Not when Luis looked so gorgeous in the sun, his skin almost glowing and his long dark locks getting tangled and thrown back around his shoulders. Leon could stare at Luis’ body all day, the way his jacket he never seemed to take off hugged his chest and shoulders and hips perfectly. The gold floral accents occasionally glinting in the sun.
Leon could get used to this.
The two of them arrived at their designated Resting Point far sooner than they’d expected to, even on horseback. It was signaled with a long, fluorescent orange flag stabbed into the ground- another agent must’ve previously scouted the area for the safest place for the two of them to rest without danger. Despite their early arrival, though, the sun was still just beginning to set. And with no light pollution or city skylines in the way to full the glow, it almost blinded Luis while they struggled set up their makeshift tent; Leon offering his hat as sacrifice for the poor man’s eyes. The yellow grass didn't help much, either, it’s flaxen feel reflecting off the suns rays.
Eventually, the two men managed to flatten out enough grass to successfully pin up their tent. They only had one, but one was enough. Luis tied the horses off to one of their spare poles with a lead rope he had in his saddlebag, and took the liberty of un-tacking them both (mostly cuz Leon didn't know how). They both gave their respective horses lots of pats on the neck and scratches on the forehead, earning them a loud, heavy sigh. Oso was especially tired, grunting loudly as he rolled onto his side into the long grass- almost squashing Leon in the process. Luis, of coarse, laughed first and helped him up second.
They spent the early hours of that evening mulling over maps and coming up with strategies, sharpening weapons and making sure their guns weren’t jammed and could successfully reload. As the hours went past, the sun started to sink over the grass horizon. The windmills they’d passed earlier only now being tiny dots in the distance.
Leon cooked the both of them as decent of a dinner as he could with the supplies he was given- Luke-warm baked beans on toast. Leon was used to the gross food he was given on missions at this point, but still complained nonetheless. Luis complained alongside him, dramatically describing him all the better meals he could make with just their flimsy cooking pot and a makeshift fire. They ended up just snacking on the candy Luis had stolen off of the plane on the flight in after dinner.
Leon absentmindedly braided his sleeping horses mane as he watched Luis smoke, the sun now gone from the sky, leaving behind the most gorgeous pink-and-purple sea of clouds, the dim cooking fire being their only source of light, aside from the occasional flame from Luis’ lighter. They shared conversations over cigarettes; or at least, Luis did. Leon liked to just rest his head on his partners shoulders, watching the smoke from Luis’ mouth rise up into the air in coils and eventually dissipate. It was oddly beautiful.
Luis was beautiful.
Leon let Luis talk for as long as he wanted to. Occasionally joining in, or giving him a little him to reassure him he was still listening.
Eventually dusk turned to evening, and Leon had taken to laying in Luis lap; his hand running through the blondes hair, massaging his scalp and carding the strands out of his eyes. Leon was close to falling asleep just right then and there; feeling every one of Luis’ rings against his scalp, listening to his lover quietly sing a Spanish lullaby he did not recognise.
Eventually, it got completely dark, and the stars came out, as if they were shining just for the two of them. Leon was lucky enough to be able to experience seeing the milky away and hundreds of thousands of constellations in a remote area like this before, but it never got old.
He wondered to himself if Luis ever looked up at the same stars he did when they were younger.
“…Aaaaand that one’s called the Roosevelts belt”
“ Uh-huh. And that one?” Leon pointed up to a constellation that was very clearly the Great Bear, aka Ursa Major.
Leon knew Luis knew absolutely Jack-crap about constellations or star patterns. Leon had to learn the basics in his military training, but that didn't mean he actually remembered them at all.
Luis wanted to be ‘romantic’ and name as many stars as he could, just like in those old black-and-white Spanish romance movies. But instead of actually guessing the stars’ names, he just made them up on the spot.
“Uh…. The Monty Python,” Luis spat out, clearly making it up that very second.
Leon burst out laughing, slapping his shoulder playfully “Luis that’s a comedy group!”
“ No no es, tonto, it’s a very real constellation . Everyone knows about it,” he tried to make a serious face but to no avail. Even in the darkness, his smile was obvious.
“What do you think it is, then, muñeco?”
“That’s Ursa Major,” Leon said, matter-of-factly
“We had to memorize it in training, in case we ever got lost in the dark, or if we didn't have a compass on hand”
Luis just mocked Leon, clearly having been caught in his lies with a “ mimimimi oooooo look at meeee I know the the names of staaaarss”
Leon fell back into his lap in hysterics, trying and failing to whack Luis in the face to shut him up (gently, of coarse). “You are such a sore looser!!”
“It’s not my fault you’re a…. Uh..” as Luis tried to find an adequate insult to throw back, Leon reached up and swung his arms around the back of his neck, pulling Luis back down into the grass with him.
They laid there for a few seconds, everytime they tried to stop laughing they’d see each others face and just start laughing all over again. It had to have taken them a good few seconds before they caught their breathes again, their laughs eventually slowing down.
Staring up at the stars, neither of them wanted to leave each others sides. Sharing the occasional kiss on the cheek, they knew they had to go inside soon; the fire was already starting to dim.
“…Could you point out any more constellations? For me?”
Luis asked, his voice shy and genuine as his thumb was running over Leon’s palm.
He smiled, “I’m not very good at it, but… sure”
“I don’t mind. I just want to hear you talk”
They stayed like that for easily another hour. Only retreating back to their tents and warm sleeping bags once the cold had started to make Leon sneeze.
They curled up to one another, as close as they humanly could; if it wasn’t for the fact that the sleeping bags were tiny, they would’ve easily slept in the same one.
Leon could feel Luis kissing the tip of his cold nose. He was huddled against him, fists right up to his chin as he tried to stay warm, and he could feel Luis wrap his legs over his underneath the sleeping bags.
Leon was juuust about to fall asleep, seconds away when…
“Leon, do you think Ashley ever had a Horse-Girl phase?”
Leon involuntarily burst out cackling at the totally random question Luis just shot out of nowhere
“ D-do I- what???” He tried to ask in between giggles. Even in the darkness, he could tell Luis was grinning
“I dunno! I just thought of it now!! Ashley just seems like she’d have a Horse-Girl phase y’know??”
“Luis, Ashley spent a majority of her childhood as a boy before she got to transition, so I don’t think she would’ve had a Horse-Boy phase. But I’m sure you could ask her”
Leon could only just barely make out Luis’ wide-eyed shocked expression through the darkness
“ Ashley’s Trans??”
“You didn't know?!?! Luis !!” The two of them completely devolved into shocked giggled, unable to form cohesive sentences
“ Díos mío it feels like everyone I meet is Trans!!”
“Maybe you’ve got sixth sense for it” Leon teased. Luis paused for a moment and Leon hoped that meant he was going back to sleep; Leon was tired dangit.
“… I still think Ashley had a Horse-Girl phase-“
“Go to sleep Luis!!”
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
OOOOOOOOOO for DADWC, can I please get Solas/Altros "noctivagant - going about in the night; night-wandering" (eeeeee city elf Inky!!!!)
atrosss my boy 😭💖 thank you for this! i love writing him, he's a delightful mess :') @dadrunkwriting 541 words cws: none
He could not sleep, which was unusual for him. He could use magic to push himself towards sleep, but it never felt right—he did not dream when he slept in that way, and he was loath to deprive himself of the opportunity, always desiring to learn more, to know more, but also needing to use the time wisely. To continue setting things in motion.
So eventually he sat up and shrugged on his coat, deciding to take a walk around Skyhold. Perhaps he just needed to move around for a while, as he had been reading for quite some time before laying down. However, there was a surprise within the main hall—Atros was seated in front of the fire, glancing up at him with wide eyes as he slowly closed the rotunda door behind him. Eventually the other man grinned, although it looked somewhat forced. “Not used to you not sleeping,” he teased, Solas scoffing.
“Nor am I,” he admitted. He thought that this moment suited the other man, the fire casting a flush across his face, his dark hair tied back in a low tail like normal. The play of shadow and warm light highlighted his strong features and Solas was struck with an urge to paint him, quickly pushing the thought aside. He felt certain Atros would never let him live it down if he did. “I was planning to take a walk, if you would care to join me?” A raised brow seemed for a moment to be the only response, then Atros was shrugging and standing up, grinning as he gestured towards the main door.
“Shall we?” The polite artifice made Solas snort even as he stepped forward, Atros falling in beside him. 
As they descended the stairs into the courtyard, Solas was surprised to realize that Atros was following him. He was not accustomed to this; for all that Atros loathed being in a position of leadership, he still preferred to lead in situations like this. Solas suspected that preference had much to do with his history, with how often he'd been forced to follow. 
He wondered what it meant, that now he followed willingly. Wondered whether it meant anything at all. Perhaps Atros was simply tired, or distracted. But it felt like it meant something. He chanced a look at the other elf, his face cast in shadow, dark eyes gone a warm black. He seemed unusually contemplative.
Solas led them both up to the battlements, stopping in an empty stretch and staring out at the mountains. After a moment he felt a hand wind around his waist and turned to face Atros. He seemed more sure of himself now, free hand—the one with the Anchor—rising to settle on the back of Solas' neck, encouraging him to bend down for a kiss. He went willingly, his own hands settling on Atros’ waist. 
Something was troubling the other man tonight, that much was obvious. But Solas had learned not to press. So long as this remained steady, he would give Atros whatever he needed—whether that was a listening ear or a willing body.
Perhaps they could find their way to a night's peace together.
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mintytealfox · 8 months
Hey, so I kinda have this small concept/AU since highschool and I wanna throw it at you.
So, basically in this universe not only are the Greek gods real, they also interact with mortals more. Here the three Virgin goddesses Artemis, Athena, Hestia got together and built this institution called "The Elysium of Virginity" (real original IK) where people can go to live and swear off either sexual relationships. And while this is nice for the Aces and all, a lot of the time it has been used by overprotective parents and such to keep their loved ones from having a healthy love life.
Back to topic : So basically we have Nortalice being a cute couple and Orpheus just isn't having it. Dude tried almost everything to break em up but it didn't work, so as a last desperate F you to Norton (and a super unintentional dick move to Alice) Orpheus just signs her up for the Elysium. Obvs godly contract didn't stop Nortalice from being together, and bonus point, the three V's know all about it and are literally helping them while discussing ways to deal with Orpheus that doesn't involve murder and brainwashing and shit.
(For more info I kinda made a post about it : https://www.tumblr.com/feministqu33n/695561682345426944/what-if?source=share)
(edit: oh my goossh I thought I had already finished responding and posted it but ITS JUST BEEN SITTING HERE IN MY DRAFTS WHAT THEEEEEEE MY BAD LOOOOL)
OOOOOOOOOO 👀 Love me some good greek lore/gods stuuuufffsssssss 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👀👀👀👀
But oooooohhh this is fascinating
I love that so many gods will be getting involved LOOOOL I can even see Norton being like 'eeyyyyyy Hadessssss buddy ol paaallllll, yeeaaaaaaaa, I've got a situation', with Hades also being the god of hidden wealth and all, I can see Norton trying to gain favor with him for most his life cause of that. (and would also make most people wary of him cause oooooo boi bro is trying to get close with the SCARY god of the underworld?? lol)
*crowd of people harassing Norton about trying to gain favor with Hades* Norton: "he is actually way chill--" -he is telling the truth lol- *the crowd FLEEING the scene fearing Norton about to be struck down for being so informal LOL* Norton: "finally peace and quiet"
but that would definitely add to the 'ALICE you CANNOT be with T H A T GUY"
but that is probably part of what drew her to him in the first place LOL The only person that wants to enter his world and stick around, that actually shows a genuine care for him then Norton being able to appease her curiosity and take her places no one else would dare to venture to. Cause 'as long as you don't mess with the dead you're gonna be just fine' lol two peas in a pod doing their own things together, growing closer as time passes
only to then be ripped apart like thaaaaat 😭
BUT maaaan in the end I can see them being their own constellations together with no more interference from mortal or immortal parties ahhhh
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inabigcoat · 4 months
your thoughts on 'as above, so below'?
pls & ty!
AH I HEART AS ABOVE SO BELOW ive just rewatched it again recently!!
It's a love to hate it hate to love it movie in some ways for me. the hate part is MOSTLY bc Scarlett is such an insufferable asshole and she did NOT deserve the redemption she got as far as the actual in-universe rules go. Like it kills the point the film is making in saying if u run away from your past and the things you did wrong u will be judged to have done wrong in the end. You have to face what you've done, which every character was given a chance to do, and some passed and made it above, and some failed and were kept below. BUT SCARLETT just like. felt bad about ONE of the shitty things she'd done (not being there for her dad before he killed himself) and DID NOT AT ALL honestly acknowledge or truly seek forgiveness for anything else. like putting countless people in danger to go chase the pet anthropology archeology whatever project her and her dad were obsessed with. not as cute as she seems to think it was to do that . or getting George trapped in an overseas prison and literally fucking. abandoning him there. she was kind of like ohhh George im sowwy 3: but it was so long ago maybe get over it.... and she lived while Siouxie died and we never even found out what her deal was.
Scarlett's so privileged and it makes her think bc she's got some degrees that she can do whateeeever she wants to meet her ends. haaaaaate scientists like that in real life too and she reflects them perfectly. like u are not immune to best practices and ethical study design biiiitch lol
that said. i love pretty much everything else about the movie. love symbolism love extended metaphor love Siouxie love La Taupe. so many quotable and relevant lines too. the only way out is down ...... real......
and the setting is i mean. come on. incredible.. combines Cave with Haunted House with religious horror pretty efficiently. trapped in the tight stone belly of earth sinking ever deeper and also OoooOoooOO there is a dead guy ...i wish the catacombs weren't french bc that shit rules
some parts of it were corny but it's religious haunted alchemy treasure hunt cave horror so pretty hard to avoid any corn at all
the scares are pretty good too 👍 it's a fun one. highly recommend if u haven't watched it.
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flurriethefox · 2 months
saw your post about Genie whump. I am asking👀 please go into great detail if it suits you
Oooooooooo Ok there’s not much to go with but at the same time there is? If that makes sense? Like it starts very small but you can branch pretty much any way you want with it.
Why/how are they a genie? Were they cursed by an enemy? Did they accidentally curse themselves? Were they always a genie?
Very, very, very cramped space; the lamp is incredibly small, all the same color, and very, very isolating. You can’t see out of it, but you can hear everything. Perfect for if the lamp is an artifact in a museum, cuz the genie can hear the people but knows they’ll never be freed, let alone have the lamp rubbed.
What kind of attitude does the genie have? Are they fine with being a genie, knowing that they’re making people happy and will eventually, inevitably, be freed? Are they bitter, knowing that everyone that comes across their lamp is greedy and selfish, being forced to grant wishes for money and power over and over again with no hope of being freed? Do they just not care anymore, completely resigned to the fact that whatever happens, happens, and there’s nothing they can do to change the outcome?
How old is the genie? That can determine everything, really, especially their attitude and desires. If they’re brand new to being a genie, are they happy and bubbly, having all that power? Are they upset, because they were forced into being a genie and left behind their life? If they’re an ancient genie, are they still happy and bubbly? Are they still mourning the life they’d lived before this curse?
Then there's the genie rules. The rules define what a genie is. Not the “can’t make anyone fall in love, can’t bring anyone back from the dead, can’t wish for more wishes.” No, rules that apply to the genie and not the user.
For example, what does the genie have to call the lamp’s holder? Do they have any kind of semblance of freedom at all (what they say, where they go (as far as they can), etc)? What about stuff for themselves? Sure, they can’t make their own wishes and wish their freedom, but can they do things with their powers to make their existence a little easier? Or are they forced to deal with what they already have, which might not be great?
And what if the user is cruel and sadistic? What could happen there? Cuz the user has full control over the genie, able to do whatever they want with the genie aside from those three standard rules.
What if the user toys with the genie’s emotions? Says they’ll wish for their freedom, or at the very least, hint at it, and then immediately say something contradictory or something. Make the genie think they’ll be freed, finally be freed, and then take that hope and tear it to shreds.
Is the user just one person, or are their multiple people? The number of wishes they’re forced to grant is dependent on this; each person gets three wishes, and depending on the number of people, that’s a lot of wishes to be granted.
What about the genie’s morals? Knowing that what their user is asking for is wrong, but being forced to grant it anyway, no matter if they want to or not?
And one thing I forgot to mention: the wrist cuffs. Like any other cuffs. Are they padded, to be more comfortable? Are they cold and itchy? Do they chafe? Are there any other restraints that the genie is forced to wear?
There’s so much. So much that can go into it. It’s crazy.
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turntabless · 9 months
hi love!!!!
The Colour and the Shape by Foo Fighters
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🔮 the colour and the shape - foo fighters 🔮
welcome back to turntable takes!!! this week we have a request sent from the wonderful, absolutely lovely @lord-of-the-weird !! love you darling <3 things in my life kinda exploded so i am getting to this waaaaayyyyy too late, but here we are!
genres: alternative rock, grunge, hard rock, punk rock
ohhhhh. the soft vocals through that crackly radio filter in the beginning is so beautiful? and the soft strumming of the guitar is so perfect. ‘doll me up in my bad luck / i’ll meet you there’ is suuuch an intriguing line. the introduction of the drums being louder and then backing off as the clear vocals come in? insane. BASS pretty yummy wowowow. god i swear i wanna eat these vocals. oooooooo soft to RASPY!!!
monkey wrench
OH FUCK this one is immediately different!!! huuuuuge guitar moment at the very beginning of it! such a masterful change in tone and tempo. THE FULL STOP. GOD YEAH. these lyrics and the riff that reappears in between the lines??? yum yum yum. i swear the little bit of whine in dave’s voice especially during the chorus is soooooooo lovely it’s so perfect for the song i think especially when his voice is so raspy for a lot of the song??? OHHH stripped back layered vocals on the ‘temper’ repeated lines?? DAVE SCREAMING? god this fucks!!!! so cathartic!!!!! and right back to the chorus??? perfect. the drums are so solid and the bass and guitar work so well together this FUCKS! adore the repeating ‘fall in fall out’ parts!!
hey, johnny park!
ohoHO drum breakdown to begin. scrumptious. guitars joining in sooooo well with so much crunch??? lovely. OOOOO stripping back the heavy guitars dave’s voice is SHINING with the strumming guitar n full bass. drums there just enough to notice and love. BACK to the heavier instrumentals with soft vocals that move into rasp??? WHEW. also these lyrics hurt as well!!! it’s such an emotive album so far but it’s SO good? OH little falsetto moment in the layered backing vocals. TRULY living for the slight whine in his voice i’m TELLING you. oooooooo cute lil guitar moment. the lead is so Clear and it’s just breaking out of the muddy bass and rhythm. DRUM BREAK AGAIN. RASPIER HEAVIER VOCS this is insane!
my poor brain
oh SHUT UP fade in to this song????? INCREDIBLE. that was SICK!! chaotic distortion of the instrumental and then a quick flip to soft strumming and a nice bassline??? HIGHER VOCALS that kinda melt into the instruments a little bit??? TO HARD HEAVY GUITAR BASS DRUMS and then BACK TO SOFT????????? FOO FIGHTERS ULTIMATE KINGS OF SWITCHING UP THE VIBE !!!! AGAIN this heavy chorus is INSANE and tbh… the drums are doing it for me so much. OOO cute lil electrical/phone(?) noises during a screaming breakdown. lead guitar higher just melting into the mud of the bass n drums so nicely. ‘sometimes i wish that i could change / i can’t save you from my poor brain’ oowwwwwwwwww. this ending instrumental fucks!
wind up
OH. OH YOURE KIDDING. yummy yummy warbling guitar with heavy drums and a SICK riff. this melody too is so cool with the little descending notes?? yum. SCREAM BABYGIRL. truly this is really cool to see how they play with pitch and melody to set the tone??? because the chorus is a bit softer and the instrumentals are more stripped back. DISTORTION AGAIN OOOOOIHHHJ i love when guitar starts Bleating at me like it’s truly TRULY A FAVOURITE THING. MORE SCREAMING GO BABE !!!!
up in arms
oooooooooo fuzzy guitar immediately yummy. soft!!!! slightly echoey vocals and a Very grungy feel with the music until they get stripped back again. yummmmmmm the fuzz is so nice. NO FUCKING WAY. DRUM BREAKDOWN INTO FASTER HARDER GUITAR THIS FUCKS!!!! his voice still between soft n hardcore it’s so scratching the brain. THE WHINE. FUCK YEAHHHHHH. MMMHM. oooooo FUCK GUITAR SOLO THIS FUCKS. feels like a teen movie tbh. niiiiice stripped back ending with some drum beats to break it up
my hero
DRUMS BASS SHINING IMMEDIATELY. THIS IS INSANELY GOOD FOR ME. oooo sexy lil riff. the chorus and the construction of the melody is so intriguing and the lyrics KILL. emotional guitar and you can feel it in the vocals so well!! oooooh. the lil turn of the guitar going slightly flat was such a yummy choice. nah this is so COOL. TEMPO INSTRUMENTAL VOCALS PICKING UP FOR SOME HEAVINESS. scrumptious. this lil ascending riff is sooooo good. oooooo distorted guitar noodling to finish it
see you
acoustic???? moment????? oooooo this is insane. this feels SO GOOD. oh my god. BASS IS SO CLEAR THIS IS IT FOR ME. whine is back and i’m so happy but he has such range and control on these vocs??? oooo instruments picking up slightly. lil more distortion. stripped back down. is this an upright bass also??? it sounds so much like one i’m not sure. LAYERED VOCALS LETS GO!!!! this is really pretty actually :’)
enough space
DISTORTION LETS GOOOOO i love songs that start with some funky noises. SHUT UP THIS BASS IS SO FAT N CRUNCHY this is for ME! heavy guitars let’s GO!!! we’re so back <3 OH that bass is so fucking clear i love it here. scrumptious. RASP YELL SCREAM !!!!! yeah yeah yeahhhhhh. nah they’re tooooo good at switching the tempo. chorus is when shit starts picking up and it reaches that crescendo and is stripped back so immediately after and soooooo well. looooove this guitar as well. insane. so warbled and muddy. fucks HARD all throughout. sharp cut off. great.
february stars
stoooooop are you fucking with me???? isolated piano???? soft vocals????? LAYERED VOCALS?????????? guitar entered. bASS THERE YOU ARE. THE SOOOOOFT SOFT DRUMS so sharp n perfect. YES okay we’re getting more clear slightly rougher but still so stripped back. it’s so intriguing to me how versatile this band is!!! also these lyrics are making me SAD !!!!!!! god my love for this bass in this album cannot be overstated. SHUT UP THEY PICKED IT UP ITS SO GRUNGE POWER BALLAD. SLIGHT DISTORTION ON THE GUITARS SO GRIMY SO BEAUTIFUL. goated lyrics i’m in love.
ooooooooo. OHHHHH. bass drums guitar absolutely melting together beautifully?? the start is so dark and velvety and it progressively gets a little sharper. druuuuums. gorgeous. and these lyrics might actually kill me im SO SAD. also wowow the whine is so back!! also booold choice of including what sounds like vocalizing with the other instruments and it absolutely worked. this is so truly cathartic i’m gonna go scream sing this to myself at 3am. WHISPERING THROUGH THE RADIO FILTER WITH BASS N GUITAR AND THEN IT ABSOLUTELY BREAKS INTO SOARING INSTEUMENTALS AGAIN. come ON!!!! CHORD TO END IT. ohgh.
walking after you
acoustic guitar strumming beautifully with just the loveliest lyrics. there’s something along with the guitar that’s just a little darker and deeper and it does feel so nice. very grunge very beautiful. cymbals slowly phasing in. yummy. they sneak up and its beautiful!!! these vocals too are so insane to me. so gentle so evocative!!! they truly can do it all. why is my heart breaking at this album i haven’t even gone through a breakup like ?!!?!! sorry again so entranced by these cymbal runs. yum. guitar is nice and jangly at some parts but so soaring and clear too?? god.
new way home
WE ARE BACK EVERYBODY!!! fun lil electric guitar riff with some western jangle in it. love. love how raspy n beautiful the vocals are. this sounds much more alt rock than some of the other ones and that is COOL i love it!!!! fun lil bass lines in my eeaaarrrrssssss. so good. oh???? OH?????? whispering with almost completely stripped back instrumental. gradual crescendo with some light higher strumming of a guitar??? this is SICK???? OH SHIT THEYRE SPEEDING UP!!!! TEMPO CHANGE FOLKS!!!! SCREEEAMMM IT OUT WOOOOO!!!! this is so COOL!!! once again insanely evocative but it feels like acceptance to me which is so fascinating and SUCH A WAY to start closing out the album. OOOOOOOOOO lower pitched guitar just beautifully playing and soaring so clearly above the instrumental. FADE OUT !!! LIFE CHANGED!!!!
the colour and the shape
HIGH DISTORTED NOODLING GUITAR TO LOW. SCREAMING. BASS IS INSANE HERE. GOD WHAT????? this is so SICK??? LET IT OUT BESTIE !!!! GOD drums also insane right now just loud enough to be caught and it’s melding so well with everything. CYMBALS. woooooow!!! SHAPE SHAPE SHAPE SHAPE SHAPE!!!! okay i know i said acceptance but this is FULLY a fit of anger and i LOVE IT!!! ohhhhohoho. feedback from the guitar to fade us out. INSANE. ENERGIZING. BATSHIT. wow.
thoughts: foo fighters truly kings of changing up the tone and brightness of the song. like fully switching from gentle strumming and piano to fully-fledged hard rock. muddy grimy guitars and bass to light and flowing power ballad moments. screaming to falsetto!!! how. wonderful. also they’re just so intriguing and creative with riffs and melodies that it’s so lovely to listen and see where the song goes! this album is truly breakup album ever. WOW. thank you kk for changing my neurochemical structure.
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 years
-Slides in very stylishly- So the withc / witchy au....
Oh my god I have so many thoughts already
Okay so FIRST: the amethyst.
Because of the ourple I am already associating it with the rift-- since Grian does illusion magic, do you think one of his abilities with the amethyst could be to send others into a make-believe illusion world? To make them see and 'live in' other hypothetical 'timelines' and possibilities? In Grian's hands, I could see these powers either turning out wondrous or horrific... or a chaotic mix of both.
And SECOND: corvid Mumbo will never not make me go tee hee -kicks my legs back and forth-
God I can imagine him being a very good fit for a witch that runs off of crystals, being instinctively inclined to snatch up shiny things on default. Do you think he has his own personal collection of crystally knick-knacks outside of the amethyst Grian gives him? And when Grian grows those wings in, oh boy... Mumbo is going to have quite the situation in his hands. Teaching him to fly, to preen, to avoid knocking everything on the shelves over every time he turns around.
Anyways, looking forward to the other stuff you come up with for this AU!! I'm very in love with the designs and concept!
I’m trying to do research on like. Dnd and elder scrolls types of magic to get a sense on what is feasible to like, just some self taught witch BUT. I think sending physically sending someone to like, a fake dimension of his creation would be the end goal, for him. At the moment he can probably handle more hallucinatory things? Or hypnotic things? like as long as the target is asleep he can create reaaally realistic images of, like you say, timelines and worlds :] if I were at all informed on any EVO stuff id say theres some watcher influence BUT! Im not ^^; sooo grian just be doing wacky things XD
YES CORVID MUMBO bro I was drawing him with the black wings and I was thinking of you and your vamp grian avian mumbo au XD AND YES! As in my previous post I totally thought mumbo and grian grow closer simply because mumbo’s bird brain gets transfixed on grains crystals :] actually- I considered making mumbo steal some of Grian’s stock and grian turning mumbo into a familiar to stop this behavior but I decided the familiar adoption process has to be consensual… and mumbo had to be nice to Grian’s collection XD after they’re connected tho? Yeah mumbo just puts pockets some of his stuff sometimes XD honestly yeah tho. He probably finds stuff when he goes around flying and I wouldnt be surprised if mumbo brings something back and Grian’s like- dude. How did you get that thats super magically charged. And mumbos like idk shiny :>
IM THINKING SO HARD ABOUT WHEN GRIAN’S WINGS GROW OOOOOOOOOO yeah honestly- I think as mumbo is getting used to his human form he also knocks into things? But quickly adjusts? But once GRIANS wings get big? Yeah no it takes him a while to stop rushing around and knocking alllll his fragile stuff around (me thinking about grian flying for the first time…. That does something to me….)
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ironwoman18 · 5 months
Rather Be - Part 1
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Disclaimer: The characters or the main plot of Spy x Family belongs to me. Only the stories in this fic or the OC I add.
Chapter 1: Exalted in the scene
Yor was determined to be a better wife and mother so she decided to talk to their neighbor. An old lady and her husband were their new neighbors and they were really nice.
They even accepted to be called grandma and grandpa by Anya since Loid’s parents were dead and hers too.
Grandpa helped Anya to study for her final exams and she finally got a Stellar for it so they were thankful for their help.
That's why Yor thought about asking grandma to help her with some cooking classes.
Yor knocked on the door and after a few minutes the old lady opened it “oh hello Yor” she said smiling kindly “what can I do for you?”
The black haired woman blushed softly and played with her fingers “well... Umm... I was wondering if you could... Umm... Teach me how to cook?”
The old lady smiled kindly and nodded “of course sweetie” she said, looking at her and held her hand to let her in “first of all, where are you from?”
“I'm from the south side of the country. Why?”
“I need to know how to help find the tastes of your childhood”
“My mother died when I was little so I don't have lots of memories”
“But there must be something sweetie” she smiled and looked for ingredients. Some of them looked quite familiar to her and realized that her mother used some of them.
The old lady handed her a small book “look for page 10” she nodded and looked for it. There was a recipe.
“Eggs and bacon?” She said blushing a little looking at the woman.
“We have to start with the basics honey” she smiled “Ok first we have to cook the bacon”
The old lady started to instruct Yor on the basics and the young lady nodded taking notes.
Grandma explained what to do and let her do it as was explaining, and in the end they put their eggs and bacon on two plates.
“Let's try” the two women nodded and exchanged their plates and started to eat. Yor looked at the old lady blushing a little nervous “excellent job Yor” she smiled and Yor got excited.
“Yours is delicious as well” she smiled and tried some of her own plate and she realized it tasted very similar to her teacher.
“Try it at home tomorrow morning and you will see how your husband and kid will love it, even that beautiful dog of yours will love it too” she nodded very happy “next day we will learn another recipe for lunch”
“Well normally we aren't at home at lunch time”
“You can do it on the weekends or on vacation” Yor realized how dumb she was and nodded again blushing softly.
“You are absolutely right” she left for work and spent that whole day in such a good mood, she was so happy that people thought she did ‘that’ with her husband right before arriving at work.
The next day Loid and Anya woke up with the surprise of Yor cooking.
“Good morning guy!” Said a very happy Yor “I will cook breakfast today” she smiled and her cheeks were red.
Loid and Anya looked at each other in panic.
‘Oh God... I can't get sick today, I have an important mission’ thought Loid and Anya heard.
She held his hand so her dad relaxed but also to relax herself.
“Let's trust mommy...” Said her unsure but hoping for the best.
When everything was done and they sat down, Anya, Loid and Bond looked at each other with a little drop of sweat on their head.
They ate and we're shocked when the food wasn't terrible, in fact, it was well cooked and tasty.
“Wow Yor... This is wonderful!” Said a happy Loid eating with a smile.
“Mommy this is incredible!!” Said Anya smiling too.
Yor was eating too blushing and noticed Bond rubbing his snob on her leg happy with the food too.
Yor watched this and felt happy and full of hope because her family was enjoying and there's no other place she would rather be than with them, living this moment.
I hope you liked this one. I might do more with more small moments with them showing how there's not place they would rather be than with themselves, Loid, Yor, Anya and Bond as a family.
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hotluncheddie · 5 months
WAAAAHHHHHH gator public stuffing i never thought about that :0 so cute !!!
taking him to one of the diners that he used to stop at all the time back when he was a cop, now with his flannel struggling over his new belly, his hands resting on it like he’s pregnant.
his love sitting him down and whispering to him whenever somebody recognises him or stares at him, making gator whine and blush and lick his lips, then ordering him All of his favourites and a single stack of pancakes with black coffee for themselves, smiling smugly as they neatly cut up their little stack while gator digs in like a starving man <3 - 🐶
OooOoOoOoo back in the diner from when he was a cop!!! omg!!!!!! yes yes!!!!
His love sits them down in a booth, but always likes to be on the same side as gator, so they can whisper in his ear and rest a hand on his thigh. tucking gator into the corner, protective.
It’s not busy, but it is a small town so there are glances, people who remember gator form before. Remember his father and the story of his fall. Know that gator's changed, lives a different life now. Looks different.
Different in a new way this last year. A bigger way.
Gator works his way through the plates, making good progress and leaning on his loves side, their little whispered praises helping him keep eating, trying to be a little neat since he’s in public. But he feels so good and floaty, its hard to remember to wipe his fingers and mouth, not get too messy. His love helping when gator doesn't notice the smear of sauce on his cheek, wiping it away for him 'messy pup' they whisper.
His love orderers a milkshake to go once he’s down to his last plate, gator squirming a little, trying to adjust his shirt. He feels it pulling, his belly pushing it apart. The holes gaping above and below his belly button.
once he's done his love asks if he's ready, ready to show off his belly on the walk back to the car. gator whimpers out a soft little 'mama/daddy', his cheeks pink and breathing a little laboured around his full stomach.
he wants to be touched, but he doesn't want to pop a button here, too embarrassing, even as the thought has him flushing even more, heart rate picking up.
his love slides out of the booth, pulling gator along with them as they stand, gator huffing a little as he pops himself out of the booth, trying not to jostle his belly too much. his love squeezes his hand and he whines, placing his other hand on the base of his belly, its swollen and heavy and he holds is as they leave, swaying out in front of him and he walks so slowly. his love holding the milkshake up to his lips for a sip once they exit, periodically on the way to the car. gator whining another soft little 'mama/daddy', pleading.
his love opens the car door for him, watching as gator sits down heavily, taking a deep breath and pulling the shirt back down after readjusting his belly on his thighs.
'mama/daddy' gator moans.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
I'm just picturing N'Doul in the Early Bird AU. I always kind of imagined him around Jotaro, Kakyoin and Polnareff's age range, could you imagine them becoming friends when they run into each other in the manor??
He's so used to being pushed aside or feared for his disability and Stand and Jotaro and Kakyoin and Polnareff are so eager to be friends with him. He's wary of a trick, of course, but as time passes, these kids never throw stones at him or make fun of him or try to trip him up and steal his cane. Polnareff always begs to read to him, and tells him so many hilarious jokes. Kakyoin and Jotaro include him in games and are very accommodating of his needs.
He ends up super protective of them and is so torn when Dio, the person he looks up to the most, the first man to ever see worth in him, is clearly hurting his friends, and grows more and more worried as Jotaro gets sicker... and soon he has to decide between turning a blind eye (heh) to his friends' abuse and staying loyal to Dio, or helping his friends escape, and getting abandoned and killed by Dio...
Oooooooooo this could be fun to play around with. While Dio probably would have gotten some different adult Users than canon because of the time change, it would make a lot of sense for him to pick up some younger Stand Users who to be not in the best situations
Actually, this would also give a certain amount of logic to Polanreff and Kakyoin’s kidnappings too beyond Plot. Polnareff didn’t have any parents around and lived in the country with only Sherry, and it’s canon that Kakyoin was a very lonely child.
Heck, maybe there were a couple more kids as well, like perhaps a young Oingo and his infant brother, or the Darby Brothers in their early and mid teens or Hol Horse in his late teens and starting off as a mercenary.
And in the earlier days, things are….. not fine, but not awful. Jotaro’s healthy and eager to learn how to get stronger, Polanreff and Kakyoin are allowed to roam the mansion halls, training is simple manifestation practice, and the kids are allowed to socialize and have fun
But then Jotaro starts getting sick. It’s not much at first, just some dizziness and a slight temperature. Dio pulls him aside for more training and he can’t play for as long without resting, but nothing the others can’t accommodate.
Then it gets worse. Then Dio and Vanilla start to get angry. Then they become forbidden to see Jotaro. They can still interact with each other, but the the Trio are strictly off limits
They do like Dio, some of them even love him. He saved most of them from terrible situations they wouldn’t have been able to leave otherwise.
But at the same time…… they can’t erase the bubbling doubt and discomfort. And they don’t know what to do
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