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on-a-lucky-tide · 5 months ago
fun things to inflict on a pilot who bases his value on how useful he is to others:
temporary blindness >:3c
141 accidentally pierce an old mustard gas canister during an operation. Nik takes the brunt.
cw: injury, temporary blindness, distressed character.
Price paced up and down the base hospital ward wringing his hands as he waited for news, his heart in his throat. The mission had gone south so bloody quickly, and no matter how many times he retraced their steps, Price couldn't pinpoint the exact action that had caused such a monumental fuck up.
Old world war one bunker. Old old. The perfect place for a terrorist cell to store chemical weapons, or at least a lead to them. They had jumped early that morning with Nik because it was in east Germany and he had the knowledge they needed to break through the security systems. The USSR had used it as a base of operations during the Cold War, so without Nik, getting in would have been like chipping away at granite with a toothpick.
They got in. They secured the intelligence - no bloody weapons though - and were on their way out. A small detachment of enemy combatants had infiltrated through a different entrance that hadn't been recorded on the schematics they were working from. There had been an exchange of fire. A stray bullet caught a canister and...
Nik ignored the most fundamental rule of chemical warfare. You sort your own fucking mask first. But no, the stupid wanker grabbed for Gaz's first, because he was closest to the explosion and had only a split second to react.
Nik had been too slow with his own as a result.
Holding Nik in the casevac had been one of the most difficult experiences of Price's life. The skin lesions across his face had been like second degree burns, his eyes swollen shut, streaming. Anywhere there was moisture, the old gas had attacked. Despite the wounds, Price had seen the terror on his face as he tried to wrench the damp gauze off. He couldn't see.
"John, ya nye mogu videt! John... gdye ty? Gdye ty!" His usually calm, sombre voice, with its laid back drawl, broken and cracked in desperation.
In the end, Price had taken the decision to sedate him in the heli, one of those big hands clenched in his to keep him anchored as the drugs brought his heart rate under control and soothed his panic. He had lashed out at Gaz blindly - "otyebis ot menya!" - but between them they had managed to get the sedative into his thigh.
There were other wounds; bumps, scrapes, but none as serious.
"Sir, I'm sorry," Gaz had rasped, chucking the needle back into the bag. "This is my fault."
"No," Price had shaken his head. "Not your burden to carry. G'won, go eat somethin'."
The door at the end of the hall opened and the doctor summoned him with a flick of the head. "Well?" Price demanded, ignoring the pursed lipped irritation he got in return.
"It's temporary," the doctor said, his arms folding. "The gas was old, degraded. Still potent enough to cause damage, but with the right treatment, he'll get his eyesight back."
"How long?"
"Difficult to say. Four to six weeks for the skin lesions to heal. His body will decide on the rest... uh, captain," the doctor reached out a hand as Price tried to walk past, "there is a risk of long-term dyspnea, respiratory problems, awful stuff mustard gas, it attacks the central nervous system too, it can cause changes in mentation, and I understand from his file that he has a medical history of--"
"--I know what's in the file."
"We may be looking at more damage here than just his eyes. But only time will tell."
When Price stepped through the door, Nik startled, looking in his direction even though the heavy bandages over his eyes prevented him from seeing. Price spoke softly as he closed the door at his back. "S'just me, Nik. Easy."
Price nodded tightly, walked by and shouldered his way into the next ward. He found Nik's room but hesitated outside. Nik was awake. He was trying to grope around the table in front of him, searching.
"Captain, it is... well, I would say good to see you but..." He gestured vaguely at his head, his wry smirk shaky, and then that hand returned to patting around the table.
"Did they explain everything? Did you..." ...understand. Fuck, Price didn't understand half of the medical jargon, so he wouldn't be surprised if Nik struggled in his fourth language to parse what they were saying. Fourth out of eight. Asking felt like an insult to Nik's intelligence. The doctor's comment about mentation lodged in Price's throat like a shard of glass.
"Da. It will heal but there may be some future complications, I..." Nik suddenly slammed his fist against the table, anger twisting his mouth into a snarl, "..blyat, where is my phone? I need.." Nik's voice cracked and his chin tilted down with the shame of it, trailing off into miserable silence.
Price reached for him and tried not to let the resulting flinch shred his heart. Once Nik realised it was Price's hands and not whatever phantom his mind has conjured, he relaxed. Price sat down on the edge of the bed. "You don't need t' do anythin' but heal. We've got yer covered."
The way Nik's jaw twitched, teeth clenching at the back, his shoulders rising a little towards his ears; Price could see the clawing discomfort without needing to see his expression.
"You're gonna have to trust us, Nik. I need yer to trust me."
"I do," Nik croaked. "It is... This is not your burden to carry."
"Even if you weren't who you are, you still got injured in one of my operations."
"I let you down. And now I am useless." Nik's other hand clenched into a fist at his side, making the finger monitor creak under the strain.
"Temporarily out of commission. Not useless."
Nik turned his head away, refusing to hear it. They sat in silence, Price's thumb stroking back and forth over Nik's knuckles, giving him a point to focus on that wasn't his burning skin or the darkness of his vision.
"Nik, short of turnin' me over to Al Qatala, you could never let me down," Price said, finally.
Now was the time. Now Nik needed to hear it more than ever.
"You... mean the world to me. I..." he rubbed at his face, tugging at his whiskers, "...I love you. And when I saw you go down, my heart stopped for a second. The world stopped. Believe it or not, I was glad you were screamin' bloody murder in that chopper, cause that meant you were still here."
Nik drew a stuttering breath, but he didn't say anything. The man who had a one-liner or a bit of sass for every occasion sat in mute silence. It made Price ache in a way he never had before.
"'M not gonna abandon you, Nik. Wouldn't have even if this had been permanent. An' I know you don't believe me. I know. But... 'm gonna show ya. And you can grumble and cuss at me 'til the cows come home."
Nik's head fell back against the pillow and he sniffed, scowling with a muttered curse.
"You olrigh'?" Price squeezed his hand.
"Da. I am crying like little girl and it is stinging my eyes."
Price chuckled, patting their joined hands against his own thigh. "Soppy git."
That had to be a good sign. Tear ducts were what the eyes used to heal and maintain themselves, right? And he could feel the tears. Positive. This was positive. Price lifted Nik's hand to his mouth and kissed his knuckles, lingering there to feel the warmth of his skin.
Nik swallowed, his fingers tightening in Price's grip. "If I had known that losing my eyes would have earned me John Price, I would have cut them out years ago."
"Fuckin' 'ell, Nik," Price said incredulously, always somewhat taken aback by the intensity with which Nik expressed himself when it was just them. He sighed. "Yer've had me all this time. I just... I'm just not as brave as you are."
Nik huffed. "Bravo Six is the bravest man I know."
"Only for some things. Not feelin' particularly brave right now, and you're the one in the gurney."
Nik tilted his head towards Price, so desperate to see his face. Price was glad he couldn't. His damn eyes were watering. "Then, I will be brave for you. This, I can do without my eyes."
Price smiled and made sure Nik could feel it against his palm, promising him silently in that moment that he wouldn't waste a single second more of their time together on this bloody earth. "Sounds like a plan."
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mrsaltieri-real · 2 years ago
Hi! Can I request ethan x reader where he walks in on her getting off and saying his name but she’s not embarrassed about it or anything and they have sex? But he’s a virgin and is really inexperienced when they eventually sleep together?
Like a Virgin (Virgin!Ethan Landry x Fem!AFAB!Reader)
Word count: 2k
Warning/s: NSFW, 18+, langauge, smut, masturbation, caught masturbating, sub!virgin!ethan, dom!reader, oral, (fem receiving) face grinding, praising, teasing, Ethan has NO experience, etc
I’ve been bombarded with Ethan requests since I did them Headcanons and I LOVE IT.
Of course anon. I like this request so much I’m gonna make it a two or three parter so this is part one! Thank you for the req <3
Part 2 is HERE
Part 3 is HERE
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Laid sprawled out on your bed with your hand between your legs, you thought of only one person. Fuck, he really unknowingly made his way into every thought, every fantasy you’d had these last few weeks since you’d met him and it was driving you crazy.
You knew your friends were just sitting in the next room so it took everything inside of you to keep as quiet as you could, biting your lip with such force it’s a shock your teeth didn’t cut into the soft skin.
You curled your fingers inside yourself, groaning as you pictured his long, slender digits instead of your own. The palm of your hand nudged your clit with every fluid motion of your hand, pretending all the while it was all him.
You needed him, you craved him. Your other hand slid up your body to pinch and twist your nipples and your eyes remained closed tight. You pictured his beautiful face looking up at you as he fingered your cunt, his breathtaking smile on his full lips before they’d latch around your clit and felt yourself clench around your fingers, feeling the coil in your stomach about to snap.
“Fuck, Ethan.” You groaned quietly, grinding yourself down on your fingers.
“Hey, Tara was just wondering if- oh fuck, I’m so sorry!”
Your eyes flew open and fixed on the tall curly haired boy standing in your doorway, his own eyes wide and his mouth open as he stared at your naked body touching yourself on your bed moaning his name before blinking quickly and spinning on his heel to face your wall, about to make a break for it.
“Ethan, wait!”
You didn’t feel even slightly embarrassed, your fingers still plugged inside your cunt as you called to him.
“I’m really sorry, I uh… should’ve knocked.” He stood with his back still to you and staring desperately at your wall.
“Come in, close the door.”
You saw his shoulders tense a little as he hesitated for a minute before reaching for the door knob and closing the door, remaining awkwardly standing by your wall.
“Turn around.” You instructed.
He turned slowly, eyes still refusing to look at you. His cheeky were a gorgeously furious shade of pink and you couldn’t help but smile at the fact he was so embarrassed.
“Come here.”
“Wait, what??” He quickly flashed a confused look at you before his eyes widened when seeing you naked again before dropping to look at his feet. He didn’t know what to do, what to say. You weren’t even phased that he’d walked in on you in the most vulnerable situation you could possibly be in. You’d moved a little whilst he was staring blindly at the wall so that you were propped up, hands now resting on your thighs, still completely naked.
“I said come here.” You repeated gently, patting the bed.
He hesitated for a moment before slowly walking toward you, perching precariously on the edge of your bed.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to barge into someone’s room like that?” You chastised him playfully, loving the way he still couldn’t look at you. The bottom half of him was angled away from you and his hands were crossed over his crotch, trying to hide a very obvious growing bulge in his pants.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled again, cheeks flushing an even deeper, prettier shade of pink.
You tilted your head at him, moving to lean over to him, turning his head by his chin so he was forced to look at you. His big brown eyes stared into yours and it sent another shudder of want down your spine.
“Did you like what you saw?” You watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped, noticing him glance down at your breasts once before meeting your gaze again and nodding slowly. “I thought so.” You were quiet for a moment before another smile broke across your face as you asked, “are you a virgin, Ethan?”
“I- what?” Ethan stuttered his words a little, sharply diverting his eyes away from you but you gripped his chin in your hand even tighter so he couldn’t look away completely.
“I said, are you a virgin?”
His cheeks flushed yet again. Were you making fun of him or genuinely curious? He frowned deeply trying to make sense of what the fuck was happening before unconsciously saying, “uh… yeah.”
Your smile turned affectionate as you released his chin, leaning back on the bed again. To him, it was almost endearing how comfortable you felt being this naked and vulnerable around him. The only time he’d seen a naked woman was in porn and this… this was already leaps and bounds above porn because it was you. He felt himself twitch in his pants as he watched your legs casually fall open again and your hand glide between them. He watched intently as your fingers grazed up your thigh before slowly circling your clit. It’s like his eyes were glued to you, unable to even blink at the risk of missing a moment of you touching yourself whilst watching him.
“You wanna touch me?” You asked him, sighing a little as your fingertip rubbed over your already sensitive nub.
“I haven’t… I’ve never….” Again, he couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence, completely captivated watching you work over yourself.
“I’ll teach you.”
This caught his attention and he looked up at your face, his expression an almost amusing combination of aroused and slightly sceptical.
“Been thinking about you a lot.” You said casually, fingers still running over your cunt. “You probably caught on to the fact I was saying your name whilst I was touching myself when you oh so rudely came barging in here.”
Ethan swallowed again, feeling a little embarrassed.
“Just.. fuck… come here.” You were beginning to grow impatient. You’ve wanted this, wanted him for far too long. You felt an overwhelming need to teach him, guide him through it all. You needed to feel him and show him what to do.
He inched a little closer before you removed your fingers from yourself, taking his hand and pulling him between your legs. “You want to start off by fingering me, or eating me?”
His eyes didn’t move from your soaked cunt. He felt a compulsion to do whatever you said, so with a sudden burst of enthusiasm he asked, “can I taste you?”
You smiled down at him, running a hand up his cheek and into his hair, gripping his thick brown curls between your fingers.
“Of course you can,” you said softly. “You want me to talk you through it or- oh fuck!”
You let out a small gasp as you felt his tentative tongue run up your slit curiously, gently lapping at the juices that already leaked during your little solo session. At the taste, he grew more eager, exploring your cunt with his tongue as his arms hooked under your thighs to pull you closer to his face. His sweet inexperience and innocent excitement made you groan, head falling back against your pillow as you bucked your hips, pushing your pussy against his hot, wet mouth.
“To the left a little- up a little-“ you whispered out small instructions to which he eagerly listened to before his mouth finally latched onto your clit, feeling the tip of his tongue press against it curiously. “Oh, god.” You whispered, eyes rolling back as you felt him lap at your clit with his tongue with an excited eagerness.
“Such a quick learner.” You cooed to him, lifting your head to look down at him. Just as you wanted to see, he was looking up at you whilst he ate your pussy, brown eyes wide and needy. Your grip on his curls tightened as you slowly started to grind your cunt from his lips to his nose, his tongue moving along with your hips before he made the decision to plunge it into your soaked hole, halting your grinding motions and letting out a surprised but satisfied moan as he did. His long, silky tongue explored the inside of your pussy and his nose bumped against your swollen clit as he hungrily licked and sucked.
“Fuck,” you couldn’t help but groan, eagerly pushing yourself down on his tongue. For a first timer especially, he was good at this. A little hesitant and out of sync but nothing that wouldn’t improve with a little practice. But just the fact it was Ethan, the guy you’d been fantasising about for weeks now, was the one with his head tucked between your legs was driving you crazy. “You’re such a good boy, aren’t you? Eating my cunt like it’s the best fucking thing you ever tasted.” Ethan nodded eagerly, a mumble was muffled by your pussy as he delved in even deeper, his tongue swiping at your pulsing walls causing his nose to press against your clit harder, rubbing against it with every movement of his head and mouth.
Your head fell back again, not caring who could hear you anymore as Ethan lapped greedily at the juices spilling out of your cunt, eyes still watching you as you felt the coil snap in your stomach and began to cum on his tongue. His eyes widened a little as he felt the juices flow across his tongue but he licked and sucked in every last drop as you rode out your high on his face, moaning out, “such a good boy, such a good boy,” over and over again until you finished.
Your legs were shaking, cunt twitching as you very gently pulled his head up from between your legs, smiling at him with an almost weak satisfaction. He had never looked prettier, chocolate brown curls a wreck, plump lips swollen and his chin soaked and dripping with your juices. He looked happy, practically content and his eyes were almost half closed. He was 100 percent pussy drunk.
“Was that okay?“ His voice sounded a little cautious and out of breath and you laughed a little, nodding your head.
“More than okay, E.” You said softly, swiping your thumb across his swollen bottom lip before pulling his face to yours, taking him a little by surprise as you kissed him for the first time, moaning into his mouth a little as you tasted yourself on his tongue and lips. “Next-“ you said, pulling away from his mouth and laughing lightly as he almost pouted as you did so “-I’m going to show you how good it feels to get your pretty cock sucked.” You said, hands sliding down his torso and reaching for the strained button of his jeans.
Part 2
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hoyabembedreamtime · 4 months ago
Could you imagine the absolute shit storm from the media if the UnitedHealth CEO assassin turned out to be an actual honest to god Communist.
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legendweaver · 2 months ago
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The home is cold, Your fire will drown. Three hearts are left undone, And one heart bleeds alone.
For @traumas-tmntober-2024 Day 30 Pictures on the Walls
1 - 2 - 3 - next
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p3achj3llyf1sh · 1 year ago
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woohooo i figured out the secrets of digital art im gonna take over the world
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imshymorph · 1 year ago
Don’t know how I came to this conclusion but, lumberjack!Soap.
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You’ve just got a promotion on your job that not only gives you better pay but it also gives you the chance to work remotely. In other words, gives you the money and time to fucking finally fullfil the urge™ to move to the edge of the forest and live in a cosy cottage.
So that’s exactly what you do, pack up your things and move to a fairly priced cottage with a nice piece of land and no neighbours that make your life impossible. Unlike the ones that had moved to the flat beside yours last year and had fought every single day since, paper thin walls making it seem like you were sitting between them during their screaming matches.
- - - - -
Instead of that you only share the dirt road that takes from the main road to your cottage with another one, and the ways part about halfway through so it doesn’t even feel like you have neighbours. In fact, you’re not even sure you have neighbours, leaving your home just to do stuff like groceries and so to the nearest town, you don’t really encounter the people who supposedly live in the other house.
That is until a couple weeks in, the weather slowly getting colder as winter approaches but leaving a nice enough day to do a small hike to the forest line and the creek that separates the thicker part of the woods from the sparser one you’re quickly getting used to seeing out of your window.
And that’s when you see him, axe hanging from one hand as he rounds a fallen tree, soon enough finding a good spot to start turning it into firewood. You don’t realise how much you really are staring as his body leans back, broad back and firm-looking chest stretching as his bulky arms swing over his head. One big hand by the head of the axe and another on the end, both of them smoothly slipping to the end of the axe as inertia and gravity make it fall into the tree trunk.
It's the crack that the tree bark makes as it’s broken through what makes you flinch lighty and come out of your trance. A small surprised yelp must have left you because the guy turns around to face you, just a few feet away. His eyes run up and down your body and a small grin appears on his face, “didnae ken tha’ there was a new neighbour.”
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victusinveritas · 6 months ago
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How do you tell if someone is interested in you? Because I met this super cute boy who is so sweet and wanted to i volve me i the conversations and laughed at my jokes ans sat close to me and thought my random facts were interesting and split a cookie with me-
Sos what do I doooooo
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violntfemme · 10 months ago
hey guys aha like uhm uhm uhm........amrev and Saw crossover send tweet
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regardstosoulandromance · 1 year ago
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Allison Janney photographed by Robert Ascroft, hair by Jill Crosby, make up by Marie Del Prete
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milfsiril · 9 months ago
i just had to take a long sip of water seeing a post that was such an incredibly dog shit take about kabru
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regaliasonata · 7 months ago
Hexverse ranger AU
Vampire Scott and Demon Hunter Dillon❤️🖤❤️🖤
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Both are sad boys, also doesn’t help the fact that their magic is powered by negativity and loss so…ohhh boy☠️☠️☠️
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stars-n-spice · 1 year ago
Bad Batch Eve y'all, how are we feeling?
If they do another one of those timeskips things and don't show us the aftermath of what happened on Pabu I'm going to go absolutely feral.
Also, also-
Half of me wants to see Hunter and Crosshair's interaction to either go like,,
Hunter understanding the circumstances and respecting Omega's decision and him reassuring Crosshair it wasn't his fault because that'll show actual character growth for Hunter (Force knows he needs it) and they go on to develop a plan to bring her back.
The other half of me wants to see them fight and for Wrecker to have to break it up or something because they're all emotional and they've got so much going on and I just want all of them to have a collective mental break down and cry together.
Either way!! It will be depressing, I will cry, Crosshair will blame himself and I'll eat my arm.
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ninetypercentspoon · 1 year ago
Another Mikado animation WIP. Definitely had to use a lot of reference for this cuz I haven’t animated much fire.
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soosheeberry · 1 year ago
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fighting hell right now actually
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pageofthemicocee · 6 months ago
Sorry if posts are slow erm uh we're preparing for a brush by of a what appears to be a category 2 hurricane in our area that takes landfall tonight so posting is scarce...
So uh yeah... As if yesterday having two tornadoes wasn't enough....
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