all-pacas · 3 months
S1: part one, part two, part three
S2: part one, part two
Hi! I was curious about who on House (besides House) gets the most diagnoses right. Other folks have already run a tally (it's Chase), but I was curious how other factors would influence the tally — whose ideas get run with, who manages treatment, who screws up… So I thought I'd keep score.
1 point for getting the answer. This is almost always going to be House.
.5 points for Valuable Contribution — stuff that isn't the final answer, but either is thought to be the final answer or is valuable to the solving of the case. Stuff like "noticing something on the MRI" doesn't count; things like "figuring out how to treat" does.
-.5 to -1 for Mistakes — stuff that delays or prevents diagnoses, injuring or killing patients, etc.
HOUSE VS GOD DIAGNOSES: Tuberous Scleroses / Herpes
+1 CHASE: Suggests tuberous sclerosis, which ends up being correct. House gives himself a point in the House vs God board for it, but Chase’s idea first. And the way I see it, if House gives himself points for it, Chase gets one too. (Although, I do feel like Chase suggests this one a lot. It’s his lupus.) +1 HOUSE: Realizes the patient has herpes as well. +.5 WILSON: Gets to flex his manipulation muscles again in this episode, both in the poker game and with the patient and his father. Moral points off for fucking one of his own patients, but you can’t win ‘em all I guess.
EUPHORIA PT1 & PT2 DIAGNOSES: Brain-eating amoeba
PART ONE: +.5 CHASE: Immediately guesses CO poisoning despite the guy collapsing outside, and a blood test proves him right, even if it doesn’t turn out to be the problem. Only a half a point because it ended up being an irrelevant win, it had nothing to do with the case. +.5 CAMERON: I’m giving her the point for wanting to go back to the apartment, fully knowing the risk, even before Foreman stabbed her. +0 HOUSE: Thinks Legionnaire’s, which turns out to be correct, if not the issue. He also realizes the patient has been feeding pigeons based on some bread. This would get him a +1, but he also destroys an MRI machine because he refuses to believe bullets are magnetic. Very funny, very dumb. -1 FOREMAN: He stabbed Cameron with a dirty needle! Earlier in the episode he refused to help the patient while the dude was bleeding to death, but that’s OK — Foreman was in the midst of his Giddy Symptoms, not in his right mind. When he stabs Cameron, he’s ‘sober,’ and he while he is guilty he also justifies it as “it saved my life.” Guilt means he knows it was wrong. We count “exposing people to deadly diseases” as a demerit, actually.
+1 HOUSE: Finally realizes it’s a parasite in the water. Was also willing to sacrifice Steve for the cause. +1 CUDDY: Even though House, Foreman, and Cameron give her shit for it, not letting them autopsy the cop after he died was the right move. Like yeah, asshole move, but they didn’t know what he had, and House wanted to give him an icepick lobotomy? +0 CAMERON: Does a good job as medical proxy. Even if she feels guilty about the super dangerous biopsy, it was what Foreman wanted; no demerits. None for him either, as he was actively dying and all.
FOREVER DIAGNOSES: Celiac disease.
+1 HOUSE: Figures out both that the patient has a vitamin-deficiency causing psychosis, that she and her son had Celiac, AND that she has cancer. +0 FOREMAN: House is right to be kind of annoyed with him this episode: he guesses early on that the patient is mentally ill, and is right, and then shrugs and backs off in the name of his new positive attitude. Nothing he does makes things worse, but he doesn’t help much either. +0 CHASE: Although this is his second patient to die this season, this really wasn’t his fault: the baby survived two murder attempts and was barely holding on as it was. BABY REVENGE: In S1 when the baby dies, Cameron is told to tell the parents, and her first response is “Chase should do it.” In this episode, when House tells Chase to biopsy the dead baby, his first response is “make Cameron do it.”
+1 HOUSE: Is it just me, or is this episode just really bad? Anyway, they spend it running around chasing leads and symptoms, only landing on fungus towards the end, and only figuring out which specifically by asking.
HOUSE: 36 (+4) TEAM: 5.5 (+0) FOREMAN: 2 (-1) CHASE: 5 (+1.5) CAMERON: 4 (+.5)
It's still shocking to me how low Foreman is; I'm really starting to wonder if I'm missing something or counting things unfairly. He does do a lot in every episode, it's not like he's not pulling his weight — he just doesn't get a lot of final diagnoses's or guess correctly much. He also makes the most mistakes of the team by far, not in terms of medical screw ups but in terms of "being an asshole and making things worse."
Cameron has remained solid, getting a lot of half points and not a ton of demerits, but Chase, surprisingly, is starting to pull ahead. I say surprisingly because it's a sort of commonly known fact that he does get the most right after House, but I really thought that was due to his upcoming S3 streak. I mean, this is the season where he killed someone!
Team is a hard one to judge, and should maybe be higher. There's a whole bunch of episodes where no one has any strong theories or they're just chasing symptoms; arguably those are team wins since no one person takes the lead. But IDK.
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girl4music · 6 months
So I’m on to Season 3 of ‘Station 19’ now. So very close to meeting the infamous Marina (Maya+Carina). I’ve been binge watching the fuck out of this show just to get to hurry up and get to them before I start work.
Once I am actually up to them, I’ll slow down a little.
Savour the moments of great WLW representation.
I’m hoping. I mean they’ve handled gay/queer representation in general very well so far so why wouldn’t it be for great WLW representation too?
There’s just been nothing significant on that so far because it all happens starting from Season 3. Don’t know what episode but got to keep some surprises.
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kittykatninja321 · 3 months
they match each other’s freak to a degree that is dangerous to the public
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softestaries · 4 months
Violet Bridgerton is truly gods strongest soldier. Every season she tells one of her children they're in love and every season they scoff in her face before causing seven different scandals to reach the same conclusion.
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beguilingcorpse · 4 months
actually hilarious that colin bridgerton returned to london absolutely determined to be in his slut era. he said if there is one thing i am it is a whore. and then one (1) kiss with penelope later he was like neverMIND i am a MARRIED MAN i am MONOGAMOUS life is about LIFELONG PARTNERSHIP ACTUALLY
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acanoeandlifejackets · 4 months
Colin: men are simple creatures, just bat your eyes and wave your fan.
Penelope: *bats her eyes and waves her fan*
Colin (sweating): Fuck she’s good.
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serethereal · 1 year
i have this disease called i will open your message and get distracted and forget to reply and then the notification will be gone so i will not have replied for ages and you will think i am ignoring you but. i am not. it’s incurable
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name a sneakier mom than violet "oh you're too tired to come to the ball? what a shame, you're going to miss sweet Penelope getting engaged. well, anyway dear, feel better" bridgerton. i'll wait.
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love-byers · 4 months
imagine mourning the idea that your crush could ever like you back and then one night at a ball he crashes the marriage proposal you're about to receive, chases down your carriage, climbs in and gets on his knees talking about "PLEASEI I NEED HYOU SO BAD I CANNOT STOP TJIMKING OF YOU IT PLAGUES MY DREAMS I ONKY THINK OF YOU PLEASE PLEASE PELSSE PLEASE" then makes out with you, finger bangs you, and asks you to marry him
all within like half an hour . colin bridgerton needs to be in jail
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Back on the bench
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And again, and again…
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mytimetooutshine · 3 months
Married Anthony is lowkey the funniest character in Bridgerton. His rage is still slowly burning under the surface but his wife waltzes in and goes “don’t worry dear it’ll be fine” and he’s just like “yeah you’re soooo right and soooo hot.” As he should
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sirena-de-lunas · 4 months
penelope is a better woman than me, i would’ve lied and said i got engaged just to see if colin would cry
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girl4music · 4 months
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Damn what a great ending to a GREAT season! Yep, definitely my favourite season of the entire show.
It’s a pity Mama Earp couldn’t be portrayed by Lucy Lawless because that would have been fitting but Megan Follows did really well. Nicole’s got the divorce papers signed so she’s a completely free woman now and the Bulshar Massacre clippings Dolls gave her along with his ring which she doesn’t know actually belongs to Waverly’s dad. Everything is set up well.
And I still stand by my theory that the reason why Waverly could wield Peacemaker that one time to scare off Rosita was because Peacemaker could sense Wavery’s intent. The moment she started getting cocky about wielding it, it burned her instead. It’s a conscious weapon that chooses who should and shouldn’t wield it. Only the Earp heir can kill with it.
*holding Peacemaker*
“Nice gun.
*burns her hand*
Ow! Make up your mind.”
It’s clever really because even if she was half-revenant, she would have still been able to hold it because she’d be half-human too. And they keep this ambiguous enough that you never realize it has actually has anything to do with Waverly being/not being an Earp but rather to do with her being/not being an angel.
And Peacemaker already knows she has angel blood.
It knows what she is. She doesn’t. Very clever, Andras.
This is how you do it. Proper set ups and build ups for the shows entire plot to continue into the next season.
Great writing. They know exactly what they’re doing.
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dailybridgerton · 3 months
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#yapper wife + quiet husband
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darlinglittlemeg · 4 months
Idk if this has been done yet-
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eklixio · 3 months
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ready to be stressed! 🐻🍽️
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