r7inyz · 4 months
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yeah I'm probably a few days late to this BUT HELLO WHAT
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ruins-posts · 10 months
Ok but then if Sukuna likes you (romantically) I bet he is extremely loyal. If he had concubines, he gets rid of them and to solely focus on you, worships you like a true goddess but never says it, just shows. He brings you gifts, things he found that reminds him of you or something you know you’d like when the was out terrorizing a village. If you express a desire to learn a craft, writing, art, garden, sewing. He will get you the materials and find someone to teach you, he might even try to teach himself if he knows what’s he’s doing. He gives a lot of freedom, you can leave his home and wonder around so long as you come back and under a watchful eye.
And I bet he gets really jealous. Someone who looks at you completely enamored or shows you a HINT of romantic interest he will give them a stare that could kill. He will bring you close, hold you or even carry you. He might even cover his love so that only he can see them. If he’s frustrated he might do all even if it’s in his personal chambers.
And a foolish mortal even tries to steal you from him, well they won’t be alive for long.
…I went overboard….(should I start writing fics?????)
My dear anon, please get to work immediately. I'm so in love with you. And PLEASE HURRY.
I totally agree with you! Sukuna is very true to himself, so I think he'd be very true to his lover! In a highly unlikely scenario where Sukuna does fall in love, he's gonna be a good one. Your desires are his desires since you're his now. You'd be the only one allowed to look at him, speak him, touch him without his permission. You're the only one who gets to sit on his lap, giving him occasional smooches which he loves secretly. He often reminds others of their places, and you're no exception— except that your place is by his side.
Now since you're his, there's no way anyone is allowed to look at you either. If he catches someone doing so, they're done for. Only he can look at you now, just like you're the only one who can look at him. He's not jealous, he's stupidly petty and all like "if they're not allowed to look at me, they're not allowed to look at what's mine."
He's also soft for his lover. At nights, when you're in his bed, he holds you close to him, taking in your warmth and scent, letting you kiss him and confess your love to him, kissing your head softly as you fall asleep.
Suku is also accepting. He's gonna help you improve yourself. He's gonna be a supportive lover. He can be a bit rude sometimes, but he only wants his lover to thrive. You're gonna have a supportive Suku by your side no matter what you do.
Well...even I went a little too overboard. But damn, anon please do tag me if you get a fic written. Thanks for your wonderful insight. Lots of love ❤️
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solarwoniii · 1 year
heyyy!! just wondering if i could request “zb1 legal line reaction to catching their s/o masturbating” hehehehheheehehe if not all goodzz 💗💗
reaction to catching you touching yourself ! zb1 legal line
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smut, crack, some fluff ! includes jiwoong, zhanghao, hanbin, matthew, taerae and ricky
contains ; dacryphilia, punishments, i think thats all? lmk if i missed any T^T
jiwoong ;
would laugh at you but not in a cute funny quirky silly way
that low kind of dominant chuckle that makes you realise.
you fucked up.
he'd pull up a chair beside the bed and insist for you to continue in that same scary tone ur mum talks in when u forget to wash the dishes 😰😰😰😨😨
and then he'll force you to make yourself cum until you're crying while he sat there and watched because you're not allowed to stop until he says.
then he'll finally touch you.
with his fingertips.
just to fuck with you more because he's a petty little bitch
edging you until you're shaking, eyes rolling back, body arching
and then, and only then will you get to cum.
zhanghao ;
finds it cute that you think you're so big and strong now
puts ur ass in its place so fast 🫣🫣
love bites all over you
your body is his canvas and his marks are his art 😵😶
actually, this timing is perfect
he'd been waiting for you to misbehave so he could try out the new vibrator he got for you
edges you again and again, just to rip away your orgasm and have you crying
when you finally cum you both know damn well it's not over 💀 keeps the vibrator in that exact spot and refuses to move it until you cum another three times.
i'm sorry i just think mean dom hao is extremely accurate and attractive
hanbin ;
i think he would genuinely laugh at you 💀
and you would try to be mad at him for laughing at you but his stupid laugh is unfortunately extremely contagious 😭😔
when he's done laughing at you he'll come and help you
i think it would be all giggly and fluffy and cute though
and then you would cuddle naked (i feel like hanbin wld enjoy this so much during aftercare esp idk) and gossip LMFAO
matthew ;
quickly closes the door behind him before anyone else can see what he's seeing
'd-do u want me to . . .' 'o-oh ok'
he's flustered but he will help you feel good 😭
turns into a cute little mutual masturbation session after u notice the boner building up in his pants from the sight of u T^T
when you both finish he'll clean you up and then be a little cutie patootie
'uhmmm there was this disney movie i really wanted to watch with you so could we maybe do that now ? 👉👈'
taerae ;
just smiles and locks the door behind him when he realises what you're doing
'do you need my help baby?'
he'll sit beside you and replace your hand with his
helps you reach the best orgasm of your life with his skilled fingers
idk i genuinely don't think he would get mad
but he'll remind you that you can always come to him if you're feeling needy.
so many kisses
he'll give you more than his fingers after as well if you still want more ;))
ricky ;
when he walks in i think he'd get flustered but he'd quickly cover it up because being seen like that by you hurts his precious ego
AGAIN LOW DOMINANT CHUCKLE he takes after jiwoong because he aspires to one day be that cool and strong but u already know he's a cute little softie
'if you wanted me to treat you like a little whore you could've just said so, baby.'
gets you up on all fours and spanks your pussy until it's swollen and dripping.
then he'll mark your body up and take photos of you for his little collection 😨
eats you out (prolly makes u sit on his face too bc he's a little freak)
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nothingenoughao3 · 2 months
hai i'm curious about what twin peaks is, can you explain it to me (preferably without spoilers) /nf
Oh, is it my birthday?! Yes I can do that!
I will say that I generally do not consider things that happen in the pilot or first episode of a TV series to be "spoilers" so much as "premise". So anything I say here that's direct plot-stuff will only come from the pilot. All right? Let's dig in!
Twin Peaks is a surreal/magical realism/police procedural/drama/horror/soap opera produced by David Lynch and Mark Frost. It had two seasons of 30 episodes total, a film (Fire Walk With Me), and a third season that came out 25 years later in 2017.
In the pilot episode, a teenaged young woman who everyone in town knows, Laura Palmer, is found murdered. The town reels to cope with her demise and the investigation. A second young woman is found alive and wandering--and she crossed state lines as she wandered. The police call in the FBI, since it's now a multi-state case, and in walks Special Agent Dale Cooper.
As Cooper begins his investigation, he discovers that there's far, far more going on in Twin Peaks than he'd first anticipated.
[NOTE HERE that Twin Peaks covers a LOT of extremely tough and triggering topics over the course of its run. DoesTheDogDie should have a list of all triggers, although those will come with spoilers. The main one to be aware of is that sexual assault, domestic abuse, and rape are discussed. The aftermath of these crimes is depicted. It's 1990, so it's not graphic as in Law & Order: SVU, but it is very much present. Please take care of yourself first!]
It is a vital historical work of art. Twin Peaks revived the police procedural, popularized soap operas as an art form, launched and relaunched multiple acting careers, introduced surrealism to multiple generations of TV watchers, taught basics of Buddhism, helped spread awareness of the Free Tibet movement, and inspired countless references and imitators. When you watch Twin Peaks, you'll feel like you've seen it before... because you've almost certainly seen something which only exists because of Twin Peaks.
David Lynch is Autism Patient Zero who does not compromise his writing or his vision for NT audiences. He writes dialogue and directs actors in a way that can only be described as "everybody's got the autism accent", and it is a DELIGHT to experience.
The visuals are, often, so strong that you will forget how to breathe. Many of the sets and locations are treated like characters in and of themselves.
The title, Twin Peaks, ties into the show's central themes about identity, which is one of my favorite themes in fiction. What makes you who you are? If there was someone who looked a lot like you, would that compromise who you are? What if they have the same name as you? Are you no longer who you are if you can't remember your past? Is it sometimes a good thing to change your identity? What if everybody thinks you did something unforgivable, but you don't remember it? Does society require all of us to have public faces and private faces? Does anyone really know another person's private face?
When I first watched it, nobody shipped Trucoop (Cooper with the local police sheriff, Harry S. Truman). Now it seems like everybody does and I am not alone, yaaay.
Features one of the very few trans characters in media at the time who was unambiguously positive!
Watch an episode, then pull up the IMDB and see who everyone is. I guarantee that you'll almost always find SOMEone who was famous for other stuff. If you like Star Trek, you'll find that half the damn cast was either on TNG or DS9. It is honestly astounding to me that Jeff Combs wasn't on the series (because, I assume, he was shooting Bride of Re-Animator and other stuff).
The subtitling in some versions of the show (on DVD specifically) is really bad and unreliable. I found that the Netflix subtitles were OK. If you don't know about OpenSubtitle, I recommend using them to find better subtitles in case you need them.
As stated above, the show gets into really dark themes, and it does not shy away from them when necessary. I feel that these things are addressed in a sensitive way and frequently related to plot, but it hits everyone different.
The music... eh. I like the electro/late 80s theme and the instrumentals that back most of the scenes. But every time someone sings, I get the cringe. I've never been able to get on board with what Lynch thinks good music sounds like. But a lot of people do, so that could just be me.
It takes a lot of work to watch this show. Since so much of it is visual, it is absolutely a show you have to watch with no distractions. I found it to be worth it--past a certain point, I didn't want any distractions. But I get where it's a sacrifice of time and concentration.
If you watch it and enjoy it, you will probably end up with Lynchian Syndrome, where you are compelled to watch every other thing David Lynch has ever made and develop elaborate hypotheses on how they're all in the same universe and suchlike.
So yeah! I hope this gives you an spoiler-free idea of why this show is so special, and if you had any other questions about it, let me know!
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podfeels · 1 day
Podfeels Adapt8ion Notes: Episode 2
hello! dare again, and i know that last time i said we'd be releasing these gradually in "the coming days", but, well, life happens. specifically, life happened to where i was unable to write these notes at all. as such, i passed the duty on to another dedicated member of the team. im gonna let them take over from here, and god Damn she was so much more thorough than i wouldve been, but whenever theres a place where my input is needed, ill pipe in with purple text like this! now to get to the real shit:
hey it's luna stagelights here for some adaptational notes for podfeels. i'm only really here to talk about script differences, i can't exactly speak for art and sound design because i wasn't involved in that part of the process. ill pitch in with sound design when necessary, but art was mostly covered in the general S1 post we had the first time.
anyway letsa go
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so episode 2 is interesting from an adaptational standpoint because it was the first episode we had to do basically entirely on our own. for episode 1 we had sarah’s changes already, and the decisions she made from there served as as a sort of guideline for what we’re doing from now on, although as time went on we found our own sort of groove for this sort of thing, and we’re not super tied down to the way sarah did it as much i think.
on the topic of the actual changes though: chapter 1 of godfeels 2 part 1 begins with a flashback to pages 5283-5288 of homestuck, with John and Jade watching Con Air, with John declaring that “this movie fucking sucks!”. the episode begins a bit before that, with some noise from the movie itself, specifically audio synced to the footage on screen in the original comic. this change isn't really that major in the long run though, mostly just adding detail to help sell the scene better.
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left is the original, right is what got put in the episode. there are a few inconsistencies between what i show here and the scriptlog shown in the episode , but i re-edited the doc to match what you hear in the actual episode.
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lot of narration cut and replaced with sound. this is going to be EXTREMELY commonplace as we go forward. 
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ok so this line wasn’t actually changed but I do distinctly remember there being some discussion about this, as john says “w8ke up” like “waitk up” here, which i thought felt awkward, however we came to the agreement that john is the kind of dork ass nerd who would say typing quirks like this aloud. but this does actually bring up an issue we’ll see a lot later on, and that is “how the fuck do you vocalize typing quirks”, especially with the inordinate number of gags that rely on presence of a typing quirk. the answer we’ve come to seems to be “on a case by case basis”, but usually characters don’t talk as if their typing quirks are a factor unless theres a good reason.
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more lines changed from “texted” to “called” to reflect the change done from texts to calls as it’s an audio format, in line with sarah’s adaptations in episode 1.
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“delete that message” was replaced with “forget i said that”, because it’s a call and that wouldn’t make sense.
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another minor adaptational hurdle was dealing with emoticons in text. it’s another case by case thing, sometimes it can be just a little sound, sometimes if theres an emoticon at the end of a line we can just remove it and factor it into the delivery of the line, but with lines like this we just simply added terezi doing a little laugh to convey a similar emotion to the emoticon.
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the “whoops shit” was added along with a sound of rose snoring, evoking the effect of being too loud on the phone while a friend is asleep, to reflect that it’s a call
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the >:x is represented by terezi making a little ‘zzzp’ sound.
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this is another answer to the emoticon problem, sometimes you just add a line there instead. 
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text does a fun thing with color here, but we couldn’t do anything about that. I think there was discussion about having the va’s for the character who’s colors are represented in the text saying the line, but there was no way to get that to sound even remotely good so we just left the line as is. sometimes when adapting shit things like this will just have to be cut.
oh now THIS is a fun bit.
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dare mentioned the talkpogs in the adaptation notes for episode 1, i can’t exactly go too into that part myself because it’s not my wheelhouse, but there is an INCREDIBLY fun bit in the youtube version of this, where terezi does her trademark scribbles on her own talkpog, just for the bit. in the audio-only versions, this bit is missing, and the scribble sound effect as she scribbles on her talkpog are also absent, because they’re a part of a joke that’s simply not there. the bit is still *kind of* there in the audio only version because in both versions terezi clears her throat. its also the first place where the talkpog coloration rules are demonstrated! in our talkpogs, the inner circle is their name color, and the outer ring is their text color. so when she draws on the hey dweebkid this you face, her outer ring shifts to john's text color!
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another minor change, just having it be a more natural end to the phone call by adding some words.
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after the call we added a new bit of dialogue here, as a way to more naturally transition between chapters, as this episode covers 2 chapters of the original fic. as time goes on and chapters get longer though, covering multiple chapters in a single episode becomes less feasible, often leaning towards us having some later chapters being planned to be multiple episodes.
the rest of the episode is basically entirely made up of narration, and there were actually no adaptational changes made in the narration! 
but there is one last moment. the text originally ends with a section break and then a text of vriska saying “there you are”, and for this episode we simulated that paragraph break by leaving in a bit of silence as if we’re going to cut to credits, before having vriska show up. in the video version, we also had that texton top of 7 dots, reminiscent of vriska’s spidery left eye (or the pokemon registeel, if you’re like me and for some reason that was where your mind wandered to first)
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so thats it covered! thank you to stagelights for doing the breakdowns for these episodes! tomorrow we'll have episode 3's breakdown released as well! (and this time i mean it for certain, because i scheduled it at the same time as this post >:P)
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (06/08/23)
"huh why is zom ep4 here wasn't that last week's?" yeah but it got delayed to monday. "oh ok. what about ep5 of it then?" it got delayed for a week, unfortunately they seem to be having production issues 😔 also FINALLY after months of waiting they added gokurakugai on M+ so got to read that
green - new series/new to me
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Pokemon Horizons Ep16
the conclusion of this mini arc and the final member of the starter owner trio AND dot's first battle. it was a nice episode, looked better than the average one, tho not as much as I expected it would from what mega said but my fault for getting my hopes too high. dot finally told riko she's gurumin too (since riko is a damn fool) so it's good that's out of the way now too. ALSO they revealed some more villains, including 2 girls and both their designs and voices are great so looking forward to when it's their turn to hound the protags
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Atelier Ryza Ep6
yooooooooo she said the thing anyway it's crazy for me to think that we're already halfway through the season, time's fucked up this episode marked the building of the hideout and the first little act of the story so we should be getting some more adventuring and such for the rest of this, dunno if they'll cover the whole game but we'll see, doubt they'd do a S2 but could be wrong
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Zom 100 Ep4
well on ep 1 I said I the show looked great but I was worried about the studio being able to keep it up since they're new, and then ep 4 got delayed a day and now ep 5 got delayed to next week so that's... worrying, hopefully doesn't become a constant thing. tho despite the delay ep 4 still looked as good, but we'll see how it is for ep 5. as for the ep itself it was nice, nothing really impressive other than the explosion near the start, I'm just waiting for the foreign girl to show up up and them all to get together and start traveling. also also, saw some spoilers for the newest chap of the manga and it's very HUH, hope that the next chap shows it didn't really happen, or something happened after the cut cause otherwise it'd be very weird and make it hard to keep motivated to keep watching
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Gokurakugai Ch1 - 10
I've been waiting for this got get added to M+ since damn march 1st!!! it got picked up for viz so I was like "oh should be on m+ soon enough" but apparently not smh. coulda've read it on viz but that'd require some work arounds and I was lazy + thinking it wouldn't take that long.
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but ANYWAY this series. yet another exorcist series in the ever growing sea of them, tho that's not the reason why I decided to start reading it. it's cause the designs slap and the art's extremely good, but what pushed me over the edge was this incredible qt. anyway it's good tho, wasn't expecting much but was plesantly surprised. started off just being a monster of the week thing introducing the charas and world but it just ended the first lil arc and it was good. seems like next up will be a training arc (?), tho waiting til next month for the next chap is gonna be rough.
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Blooming Love Ch10
I said p early on that for a romance series this was moving p fast but I didn't expect them to be at this stage already. since there's not really other plot points to follow and whatnot idk what they could do next, so maybe it could end soon, but we'll see
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Kill Blue Ch16
what the hell???? is it getting axed?? it's very weird for this to be happening out of nowhere like this when a big part of the plot was to find a way to revert his age again. guess we'll have to wait for the next chap to really have an idea but no jump next week so gonna be a hard wait
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Spy x Family Ch86
it was quite the long arc (2nd longest after the ship?) but now it's over. it was good overall, had been a while since some twilight action, a lot of neat stuff happened but it doesn't feel like it moved the main plot forward, we'll see how the aftermath for it goes tho
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch17
tenmaku has been good, as usual, just a shame that it's on the way to getting axed, they're already almost done with filming so just like 3-5 more chaps should be enough to finish? it's a shame readers didn't like it more, I think it's really good (helped a lot by it being a veteran duo) but oh well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts
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Blue Box Ch112
very good chap, not only has it been a while since hina was around but she came back "recovered" from being rejected only to find out about them dating and going back to hurting all over again, this needed to happen sooner or later but I'm glad it was sooner. totally expecting her to date kyo tho but it's prob gonna be a bit til that (tho I could also see ayame dating him since the author has been teasing that for a bit)
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My Hero Academia Ch396
you know a chap was good when you get to the end thinking it was too short and wanting more, had been looking forward to this fight, wondering how the hell he was even gonna do it but this is really cool. hype for the rest of it, also predicting that he's gonna take AFO down with him cause there's no way he'll live past this lol
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Akane-banashi Ch73
I can't believe how right my prediction from months ago was... I jinxed my poor akane (tho I said hikaru would get 96 and akane 93 but close enough). great chap tho, the last few pages hit really hard too. hang in there akane I believe in you
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Why Each Character(s) Were Chosen, or, Why These Sillies Are Special To Me - CHAPTER 1 of ??
This is a series of posts documenting why each silly in this bracket is in this bracket & why they're each special to me.
These will be getting fairly personal & I may ramble on too long but I want to be sincere so I won't hold back my overly silly manner of typing if need be.
These will be covered in order of appearance on the brackets from first to last contestant(s).
#1. Wario & Waluigi
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Wario is straight up my favorite mario character. No cap. He's number 1. His character, his games (Wario Land is peak 2D platformer with the only series beating it in existence being Donkey Kong Country), his moveset. He's a king if you ask me. Waluigi is by all accounts my other fav. I'm so mad they refuse to use him in the Wario land games. The one series he SHOULD be in. I demand they treat him better. Anyways love these two goofballs & they've always struck a chord with me. I'm all about the goofy rivals. Wario & Waluigi are just pure fun. Love em. Also play Wario Land 4 because it's literally peak. I promise you it's worth your time.
#2 Calvin & Hobbes
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Back when I was a wee lad, the thing that made me wanna do art in the first place? That was comic strips. In particular, Calvin & Hobbes, & Garfield. These two series are why I'm an artist. I owe it all to these two along with that fat orange cat. But we'll get to Garfield later, for now, let's focus on Calvin & Hobbes. They were the first ones I was introduced too. I didn't read Garfield til a few years after I met Calvin & Hobbes. I loved these two. And their comics are timeless. The writing is just out of this world with how smart & hilarious it is. It doesn't matter that it's from the 80s or 90s, they still ring true now. They're still God damn hilarious. These guys made me wanna make my own comics. Which led to me making my own characters. Which led to me becoming an artist. Thank you Calvin & Hobbes. Thanks for shaping who I am today.
#3 Squeek
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Ok so there's not much to cover here. Squeek here is from a game called Oddworld: Squeek's Oddysee. Never heard of it? Yeah of course not, it was canceled. Like many Oddworld games sadly are. See the teason I have SO MANY oddworld reps on this bracket is 1. Yeah oddworld is extremely special to me. But 2. I'm hoping it'll cause more people to give the oddworld games a shot. They're so underrated. Legit my favorite story, world, lore & narratives in all of gaming. Squeek is a character who from what little we know, he's got so much potential. His lore is tragic and depressing but that makes you want to see him beat the odds like how Abe & Munch did. Squeek was meant to be our third protagonist. And maybe someday he'll get that chance again. Anyways please I implore you guys to give this series a shot. They're not perfect, but there's so much to love.
#4 Zoey
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Ok Zoey is a character who I need to get personal to explain why she was a special enough OC to be in this bracket. So this is gonna be a long one. Zoey has been around for a while now. I mean like a while. She was created back in March of 2016. Yes I actually remember the exact time she was made. So yeah, that's her origin. The very first artwork of Zoey ever made has the original time saved on the upload date. Lucky us, bc we know her time of creation.
Zoey was officially created on March 3rd, 2016. Here was the first drawing of her. Comparison to her current look included :)
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Now I know what you're thinking, yes this does look awful. I was not nearly as good at art back then. 2016 was a terrible time. But after that Zoey was just left forgotten, never had a real idea what to do with her. Until this past year, I uncovered her. And with a new design and finally having a solid personality to give her, she was given life. My life. Because the personality she ultimately found was just mine. She is quite literally the definition of a self insert. When I write Zoey I am literally just writing myself. Or to be more accurate, I'm writing a very cartoonishly exaggerated version of myself.
The fact people vote for her at all, it genuinely got me to cry more than once. It means so much to me. Bc Zoey means so much to me. So, thank you. And Zoey thanks you all too, she's humbled & would hug all of you if she could (and if we both were more open to physical contact but autism yknow yeah)
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Next Chapter of this coming idk anyways Polls are still open so voting is still here for group 1 & 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kirstenonic05 · 2 years
Ok so basically about that comment about the human flower. So that girl is in the visual novel game Your Turn To Die (you've probably heard me talk abt it before, definitely seen me post and reblog abt it I am going insane over it,) and she's called Kanna, and in one of the routes of the game she dies.
So because they're in a death game (self explanatory imo), all participants have these collars on them and they uh. They can do a lot of things! They act as a sort of way to keep anyone from stepping out of line, and in some cases can be used to kill people. One guy called Mishima got his head straight up burned off his body because it heated up to a ridiculous degree (what a unique way of beheading someone!) and they can also explode! Neat! Anyways when Kanna dies in the route she dies in, her collar plants these specific seeds in her that rapidly grow in her body and turn her into a human flower. It is extremely painful. Like. The game is done with drawn sprites and pixel art but god it was pretty horrifying to watch unfold. And if you thought that was bad she uh. She is also a lil twelve year old!
Anyways with that out of the way I'm curious abt that OC you mentioned :3
Oh damn! That's really morbid! D: That's something that would totally keep me up at night! Things like that, like parasites or anything to do with the insides of a person, I really can't deal with!
Sorry for the late reply, I had to gather all of my info on this OC XD His name is Bluebell and I made him with @dremyink06 as a part of an original story called The Bluebells Sound Death, or TBSD for short! (I sometimes call it the Bluebell Saga, since the sequel is called Sunflowers Spring Forth Day)
I'll put brief summary of it under the read more!
The Bluebells Sound Death is set in around the 80s probably, Ink and I haven't fully decided on the date.
The main character is Sun Fowler, who is from a wealthy family and lives in a mansion surrounded by a lush garden he looks after. He finds that his prized bluebells keep getting eaten, so he asks his mother, Rossette, what animals would eat bluebells. He soon finds out bluebells are poisonous and goes out to figure out what had been eating his bluebells.
He soon comes across a guy lying down in his bluebell field, hiding from him. They introduce themselves and he finds out Scilan Dumort, some random guy who lives next door, has been eating his bluebells as his late mother told him that it would heal him. By the fact that he wasn't dead yet, Sunflower believes him. and invites him over for a proper dinner.
They find out they go to the same school and become very good friends, along with a girl at school named Poppy. Both Poppy and Sun nickname Scilan, Bluebell, thanks to his love for eating bluebells.
Eventually, Sun learns that Bluebell has had a curse since birth thanks to his parents' knowledge of witchcraft. They died to the curse while Scilan has a few years to live. The bluebells act as a remedy and keep him from dying but he didn't even realise he had a curse. His mother had simply advised him to eat bluebells every day.
Not only was he just a weird person in general, but Bluebell was constantly bullied for being gay. Late in the story, he confessed to Sunflower, but Sunflower mistook the confession as a joke and got arrogant about it. Heartbroken, Bluebell took the lonely path home. But, he began coughing out flowers on the way and he soon falls. Sunflower ran after him to actually say that he loved him but found Bluebell dying in the bluebell garden. Sun mourned his death. As they say goodbye Bluebell tells Sun to feed him a bluebell but Sun refuses, thinking there would be a way to fix this. In the end, Bluebell eats it and passes soon after.
Luckily, Bluebell comes back later as a ghost thanks to their strong love. But, he is completely covered in bluebells thanks to where he died and from eating bluebells. But don't worry, they live happily together :D
The blue haired guy is him as a ghost in Miitopia with his friend from another original series! (And me in the top left and Ink's OC Morty in the top right XD)
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This all started out as a Caejose Hanahaki RP that spiralled way out of control! I actually have the original version of the Hanahaki AU written out, but it was when Ink and I were new to the fandom so I'd like to rewrite it someday.
I also wrote a song for this series! Maybe I'll post it sometime? Who knows XD
But yeah! That's a quick summary of TBSD!
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jade-everstone · 2 years
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The yearly tradition returns: 2022's Summary of Art!
And hey, I did something a little more design-y than my past ones! Will admit it was a bit tricky to fit each month's pics into the frames this time but I'm glad I tried a different look than usual 
thoughts on each pic + reflection on the web + how I want to handle art going into the new year below:
January - Iri Intro!
From a somewhat short-lived thing I wanted to try out: Doing sketches of OCs just to serve as an introduction reguardless of quality. The good thing is, because quality's not a factor I can do these whenever in whatever format or polish. I just prefered doing larger pics this year
Febuary - A 'Cereal' Debate (comic short)
Ok, but she's got a point when you think about it.
From a comics class I took spring this year. The only prompt was "conversation"... well, heated debate in this case.
March - The School Mystery (comic short)
Another one from that Comics class and goddamn I think the panel featured here alone is one of the hardest things I drew that semester. That's pen and ink with minimal digital edits and damn hoping one day I could somehow make a longer comic with a similar style bc it was really fun to ink honestly.
April - The Fish Project
Ok but for the real context, this was an April fools project I had in the works since 2021. I turned all my active art accounts at the time into an OC Fishing irony page and sent Jade, Iri, Risa, Jpeg, and both Prisma's on a fishing trip. Not sure how I'll top that in the future... I'm not revealing until April >:)
May was when I redesigned & revealed Io to the public! They got a bunch of art this month, but the CN challenge art is my favorite of all of them.
Huh. Suprised I didn't immediately burn out because that semester was extreme in terms of work. I guess wanting to draw Io was that strong.
June - Life, After Wither
A pre-Artfight 2022 pic: I was Team Wither! I like doing splash pics for my own page for Artfight and this stayed my main banner for just about most of the year.
The mini-story I made up for this is these three teamed up across dimentions or something to visit this forest.
July - In the Studio, fr
I don't normally do post-Artfight related pics, but Moog ended up getting the most attacks this year and I wanted to give her an extra pic based on it.
Seems she kept a souviner from the forest in the last pic.
August - B-Hold! The Portal King!
For Clockday on Newgrounds, Strawberry clock the portal King himself!
Kept getting swept up with other things to jump on Newgrounds events, I wasn't gonna miss one of the bigger ones!
September - //  DIRECTION //
(outside of being gay for the robot-) I just wanted to draw Alia tbh. With a similar energy she had in her older art too.
Featuring Io's true/original form + their 'powered-up' state
November - The Fowl Pest (Mock-Cover)
The last two are for my Digital Illustration class. This one is a mock-book cover based on a worldbuilding project of mine (still need to organize it before sharing).
Though tbh if I do want to do more art for said project I might go tra-digital or use a grittier style. During crit I was told this looked "middle-grade"... when the world is "older-YA/Adult"... still like the pic, but damn.
December - Lan Party!
*Sigh* Always wanted to go to one of these! But alas, me and my irls are all busy these days. This is based off a different project I'm working on.
I ended up debuting some different designs for my OCs for said project (notably; Iri, Risa, and Human!Midi) but separate pics for them will have to come next year. In terms of digital lineart, this was the most intense I did this year (traditional lineart comes easier to me than digital).
So... 2022. Jesus Christ
This year was rough for me on things personal, and things non-personal. I mean jesus christ every other week something came out that was hostile to artists one way or another on top of some rough patches in my life. I don't want to jinx 2023 or leave things on this note though...
I think my biggest takeaway from this year is I need to rethink a lot of things. How I want to do art, where I want to go, or even my 'digital wellbeing'. This year, I realized keeping art a Hobby or staying "part-time" (as in small gigs & private comms only) might be healthier for me in the long run. I've already had my doubts with a lot of "professional" practices when I was shooting for it (a tl:dr it felt like "no fun allowed" half the time). But realizing how horribly i've treated myself and my art with this chase? That was another thing.
I think i've done a lot of strong pics compared to past years. Especially in terms of backgrounds and not being afraid to draw them (though I could always use more practice, lol). But I've also come to terms with I've been affected by social media without realizing it and how it hurt how I do art. Basically, for the past two years I've been working under the fear of being boxed into doing one thing. Be it fanart, genres, etc. To the point I stopped doing things to force a "brand". Specifically, I stopped doing fanart unless it's oc-centric. I hid straight-up fanart, and started getting irrationally upset over the metrics fanart gets over my original works.
And I hate it. I hate how I let myself judge the value of my work over "numbers and engagement". I hate how I boxed myself in trying to avoid being boxed, because of chasing this corporate measurement of worth. And most importantly, I hate that I nearly forgot that I enjoyed making fanart, because of some dumb culture caused by social media numbers and algorithms. I'm exhausted. So for 2023, I think I want my main resolution to do better with my online life & how I treat myself and my art. I want to pull away from social media a bit more (ironic considered i just came back here heh), spend more time on the slower web & offline if possible, and break that cycle of letting numbers judge my self-worth. And maybe help others do the same. It's much easier said than done, but I don't want to do nothing about this toxic hellscape that is how art is treated online, I want to do something even if the only person I directly help is myself.
And for what it's worth, focusing on my site so far has been cathartic. It's somewhere I can set up my art, projects, weird shit, etc. on my own terms, how I like it. It's quieter over there. And I'm glad I kept working on it beyond just a "portfolio site".
But I guess I have all of 2023 (and what's left of 2022) to process that. For now, I could use some extra time to pretty-up my website some more and take a few more naps before the year ends.
extra note: this post is a (slightly modified) mirror of a post over on the everlogs:
Website Version Here!
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iridescentparkers · 3 years
serendipity - ap art design
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pairing: tasm!peter parker x reader
summary: secrets are all y/n has ever known, it’s what her family was built on. her mother and father pretending to be perfect and happy. but one day, an incident makes the white picket fence built on lies come crashing down. all that she had ever known burns to ashes and happiness is far out of the question for y/n.
transferring to a new school senior year adds more stress to y/n’s plate and after a series of her portraits go viral local ‘vigilante’ known as spiderman, y/n manages to obtain a job at the daily bugle to pay for college. this alleviates some of her worries but money and perfect grades just aren’t enough. luckily though, there is an art program, perfect for y/n’s resume. the only problem, the one kid in all of her classes, and always manages gets on her damn nerves, peter, is going up for it too.
y/n and peter are always at each other’s throats. arguing and fighting with every chance they get, but somehow, they always end up together. school, work, you name it. but this closeness, this pull, somehow makes them open their eyes, and realize they are not so different after all. and somehow manage to hate each other, a little bit less. tw’s: alcohol use, drug abuse, violence
word count: 1.5k
warnings: swearing; extremely quick mentions of death and arguing. 
a/n: so for reference, i have no idea what the principals name is in tasm so, if anyone knows feel free to lmk :)
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November 7th, 2014: Peter Parker 
“You sure you don’t want to stay home, Peter?” His Aunt May asked, quirking a brow inside of Peter’s doorway. Peter sat buried three feet deep in his blankets on his bed, his teeth clattering as he glanced over at his aunt.
“My god, it's like a furnace in here!” May exclaimed as she walked over to Peter’s window to draw back the blinds, letting the dimly room drink up the morning sunshine. Peter’s eyes, did not want a sip, for he flinched as the sun poured in. Peter thought he was on the verge of death.
What if this is what dying would feel like?
Last night, the bite on his neck looked concerning, two tiny teeth marks indented in his skin. Moments later, he was sweating more than the average pubescent teenage boy and felt like he was going to pass out. So, Peter did what any other concerned kid these days does and turned to…the internet. Pictures flooded his computer of bug bites, infections, and people even reaching death.
He couldn't exactly go to a doctor or tell his Aunt May because he had been snooping around in one of the most high-tech companies New York has ever seen. Being a convicted felon wasn't a good extra curricular to his college application.
11 people die per year of spider bites, and Peter was sure it wouldn't end like this. Would it?
His aunt opened his bedroom window and watched as the city bustled in front of her. “Can you close that it’s freezing in here!” 
Peter squeezed his body tighter against the covering above him while rolling his head back in his position to face his Aunt May. “Peter, the thermostat is the same and always has been, just how your uncle likes it.” 
 May stopped, glancing down at Peter as she realized what she had said. With a saddened sigh, she walked over to Peter’s bed, putting her hand in the one that had slid out of his mountain of blankets. “You don’t have to go to school today if you don’t want to, Peter. I know things have been rough.
“No, I’m going. I’ll be fine,” Peter stated. “How are you?” 
“Worse,” she laughed, running her hand along with his. “But don’t you worry about me, I’m going to be ok. Are you sure about school? I don’t want you getting others sick, dear.” 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, Aunt May. It’s just some allergies,” he smiled, May then returning the gesture. The crinkle in her eyes paired with her smile seemed missing, Peter wishing for their return. 
“Did you shower?” She leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his forehead, “Cause no offense, but you are sweating like a pig, and it’s starting to smell.”
Her lips remained near his forehead as she spoke, and Peter dropped his lower lip as she pulled away. “Aunt May!” 
The universal communicator for all things Midtown is the community bulletin board, amassed with an array of colored copier paper to keep everyone in the know. 
Every once in a while, some teacher would stick up a new club or opportunity on the corked surface, Peter being the first to see it every time. Then the local jocks swing by and carelessly pin up their recruit posters. Despite the animosity and ceaseless swarm after the jocks come by, Peter never understood what the hype was all about. As long as you’re pretty no one cares about your talent.
Peter entered the building and made his first-morning rounds to the board. Peter gripped his skateboard tightly, brisking down the hall, his camera dangling around his neck. He ignored the students who came and flew through his line of sight. Stepping closer and closer, Peter kept his vision on the board, watching as it became more visible and legible. He noticed a figure wandering nearby as he approached the board.
The figure had dark brown curls tied into a high ponytail, her hair staying there with a colorful scarf. Once in focus, Peter could see all of her. Her ribbed white top and long sleeves covered the rest of her arms. Her jeans hung low on her hip, revealing a few inches of her torso. He clenched his jaw as he rested in the place next to her, not even bothering to acknowledge her.
He moved to put his camera in his crossbody bag, slowing down as he approached his destination. The girl, however, was reading something, muttering under her breath as Peter reached in his pocket to grab his reading glasses.
She was reading something, muttering under her breath as Peter reached in his pocket to grab his reading glasses. A crisp and clear view of the student appeared from the corner of his eyes. 
What was she doing here? This was his spot, his place for golden opportunity. She had taken everything from this school from him. There had to be nothing left to retrieve.
“Savior?” She murmured, fidgeting with the loose strands that had fallen to her face. 
Or not. 
He curled his lips upwards, lowering his lids as he pushed his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose. He attempted to look at the board like he usually does, looking for new things to do. Y/N turned her head, then looked back to the board before looking again and readjusting her eyelids, “No, back off, Parker. This is mine.” 
Blankly, his gaze remained fixated on what was in front of him before gripping his board tighter. “Deadline is in a month, and I've been at it for 3.”
Both Peter and Y/N were going on about the spring break internship at Rochester. The 2-D art program there is outstanding. Students who entered were required to make a portfolio of any art of their choosing as long as it went along with a very vague theme. This years theme was Savior. The only problem, one person, per school, can get in. And that person was going to be Peter.
 “You did three months of what? You have zero artistic ability.” Y/N remarked as she looked at Peter, but he was determined to stay focused on what was ahead of him. “Maybe except mastering the art of a stick up your ass.” 
“You mean the stick so far up that no one else seems to notice but you?” Peter questioned, “How are you so far ahead in your math class, yet you can’t even seem to notice the common denominator here?”
“Because ever since I’ve got here, you seem to be the only one to treat me like shit.” 
“Or, better yet, I’m the only one who can see how much of a pain you are.” 
Continuing to look forward, he noticed her roll her eyes from out to the corner of his own. “I still never even see you do so much as to even pick up a paintbrush outside of art class.”
“I thought I told you not to worry about me?” Peter asked, lightly jutting his head back as he attempted to analyze the board. “Stick to making art with skills you obtained in overpriced, mediocre at best, art classes, while I will utilize my natural-born abilities to get that internship.”
“Did you ever think and consider that I maybe have some sort of artistic talents-” 
“No, not really. Nor have I ever cared to.” 
“You know what, have fun completing your cute second-grade art project while I go out and get an internship that will look great on my college resume.” She seethed, adjusting the straps on her bag before readjusting her feet in her stance. 
Falsely, Peter smiled, briefly turning to Y/N’s face, “Will do.” 
Y/N scanned her eyes up and down across his body, and Peter could practically see the frustration seeping from her own body, making him chuckle a bit, “May the best man win.” 
“Already have.” He states, putting his board to the ground before skating down the hall to his left. 
Parker: 1 Hart: 0 
Gliding through the hallways, he was met face first with a chest, “You want to keep that board, Mr. Parker!”
Peter gathered the papers and items that had splattered across the floor, resulting from him landing face-first into the man in front of him.
“Yes, sir,” he assured, moving his eyes anywhere but the teacher in front of him.
“Then wheels up, Mr.Parker.”
“Yep, wheels up, Mr. Park-” Peter then looked up, meeting eyes with Principal Jones. “Principal Jones, sir.”
His lips curled inwards after he finished his stammers, and Principal Jones walked in the direction of his office. Peter’s eyes traveled down the hallway of where he once was, watching as Y/N snickered with her arms crossed, later walking off in the opposite direction.
She saw all of that, didn’t she? 
The bell rang, alerting Peter to move as quickly as possible to his next class. He walked off with his head to the floor, pulling up the hood of his sweatshirt in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. 
Tie Game… Tie Freaking Game…
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mcfanely · 2 years
ok about this post got any recs? i have like a mini heart attack every time i see a fic with those tropes they satisfy something deep inside of my heart
*cracks knuckles*
My time has come
Subdue by B_O_M_B
I can't scream about this fic anymore than I constantly do to Fluffy on a daily basis but PLEASE go and read this, it is perfect for each trope I mentioned! I've reread this so many times, yesterday in fact! I was also extremely lucky to have been able to do the cover art for this fic too, and I've done some manga of this fic as well, so this one is definitely dear to me!
Claim by Manfedzku
Amazingly written, one of the ones I commissioned a sequel for too! Very blessed by Fedz and their amazing skills and I go back to it constantly! Such good angst! MMMMMM mind control💙💙
Dis(associate) by BeyondTheClouds777
One of the first fics that I read when I entered this fandom and actually one of them that I'll actively blame for my adoration and my love of white haired Izuku, it's complete and PERFECTLY written, paced beautifully and characterised to the nines! Thank you Cloud!
Kamino's Ward by Tunafishprincess
Tuna my love, and an AWESOME AND REKNOWN FIC in this fandom! So damn good, it's written so amazingly well, Izuku is so good and it's got all your white haired needs - I was also lucky enough to be able to do some art for this piece too so that was extremely fun and I am blessed
Tell Me Lies by LiteralPieceOfTrash
I scream every time, because this is kinda like a different spin on the horrors of All for One but in the best way! You just have to read it!! It's got a lovely outside perspective that just *chefs kiss* adds to the angst
And i'm nothing like you by Aloneintherain
Again, another fic I read extremely early on in my traipse into this fandom! Just a lovely contained fic with Izuku and Shinsou, some great use of mind control and I am in love every time I read this!
Serendipity by McFaneLy
SELF PLUG because I love these tropes so much I had to write something myself!
Angst, plot, I've been told the characterisation is good! And I loved writing this so much so yeah, if you'd like to, then please read - I always love hearing what people think!
These are some of the recs I have, and I'll definitely add to this as and when I think of/find more! THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to provide these recs, and if you want to scream about them after you've read them, DM me because I love making friends and I love talking about my favourite fics!
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regina-del-cielo · 3 years
I was thinking about Copley’s Murder Conspirancy Board (mostly to deal with the absolute rage that the scene with Andy Copley and Booker gives me because ‘UGH THESE MEN ARE SO S T U P I D’), and... I may have a Theory about it - which mostly delves into how much Booker and Copley were in actual contact with each other before the events of the movie.
TL;DR: the Murder Conspirancy Board was built with a contribution of Booker’s information, and Copley was Very Confused on the workings of the Guard’s immortality
(the Essay(TM) is under the cut)
This excellent post expounds on how these two Grieving Dumbasses Definitely Did Not Think Their Plan Through, but still what little they did plan was not done in two days. And I would like to think that Booker would have required more than One (1) Persuasive Speech to get him to potentially get his family outed and put in danger for the (tiny) chance of getting a cure for their immortality.
So they’d been in contact for a while, possibly for almost the whole ‘break year’. Copley has lost his wife two years before the movie, so when he and Booker met again he’s one year into mourning. If Andy needed a break from their jobs, I can’t imagine in what mental state Booker must have been.
Copley probably started looking into the Guard because man, that Surabaya mission was a masterpiece, and how come these guys aren’t mercenary superstars? But they’re like ghosts, and the IDs don’t really match their supposed ages... and dealing with his wife’s death made him go into a Nerd Spiral. And then he finds Booker.
So this is how I think it went: they meet again. They talk. Copley is a grieving widower, Booker goes ‘man don’t I relate’. Booker is probably drunk a lot of the time (maybe so is Copley, misery loves company and all that). They enter a positive feedback loop of sharing grief over lost loved ones. Copley probably spills that he knows something, that they’ve done great things and they have a gift obviously. Booker probably answers along the lines of ‘fuck the gift, it sucks. Didn’t save my children when they needed it’. Copley goes ‘well, medicine is much better today. What if you could do it now?’ And the rest is history.
A) Booker ‘helped’ with the Murder Conspirancy Board
We know for a fact that the Conspirancy Board contains information about the Guard ‘from the last 150 years’ which is, approximately, the time photography’s been around. And it makes sense - photos are pretty easily accessible, and Copley knows their faces. He probably scanned them from one of those fake IDs and then used a facial recognition software to find them in historical photographic archives. But we know (and by the end of the movie so does he) that the last 150 years is a nothing in their lifespan. And while going backwards Copley may have found Booker’s original birth and/or marriage records, nothing of the sort would exist for Joe, Nicky and Andy.
Despite how much we joke about the Guard’s faces being Everywhere in museums and art galleries around the world, we can assume that they wouldn’t leave so many traces of them behind. The two known art pieces representing Andy in an obviously recognizable manner, her portrait with Achilles and the Rodin, are in the cave in Val d’Argent. I don’t believe Nicky and Joe wouldn’t have similar storage places, especially for Joe’s own art. Without photographic evidence and before newspapers, trying to pinpoint the three of them across history would be harder than finding a specific needle in a haystack of needles... unless someone tells you where to look. 
When Andy enters Copley’s living room, he calls her ‘Andromache the Scythian, the eternal warrior’. But how could Copley have known that Andy’s “real” name was Andromache? It’s not on her IDs, and it’s not the top choice for a full name that has Andy as a nickname. It’s a literary name, of course it would appear through history in poems or plays or novels. And how could he have associated Nicky and Joe precisely to the Crusades with what he knows of them from the last 150 years alone? For all he knew, they could have been as old as the Punic Wars, or as young as the Battle of Lepanto. Assuming he’d actually caught on on them being together together.
Well, I think Booker told him. Maybe just a thing here or there, while Commiserating on How It Sucks being an Immortal, like ‘Andy’s been around for so long she doesn’t even remember her true age, that’s exhausting’ or ‘Joe and Nicky are ridiculous for two people whose first meeting consisted of killing each other during the fucking Crusades’. And Copley fell into another Nerd Spiral that brought him to understand that holy shit these people are much older than I thought what the fuck.
B) Copley is Very Confused on How Immortality Actually Works
Copley talks to Andy by calling her ‘eternal warrior’ and talking of her immortality as if it was some kind of gift that can somehow be transferred from one body to another (debatable, but... ok). But he’s also flabbergasted by her not healing from Booker’s shot, and later with Nile he says ‘but then why would the immortality leave?’, which is... well, it makes it sound like he thinks the immortals are some sort of Chosen Ones.
Which means that Copley knows nothing about Lykon. He had no idea that at some point the Guard will stop healing.
But why would he not know, since I just conjectured that Booker told him enough about immortality for him to pinpoint the origins of the eldest members of the Guard? Why would Booker not have told him such a central detail of their “power”? (Booker obviously knows about Lykon. We see Andy telling Nile, and you can bet that ‘is this thing permanent?’ is probably the third question Booker ever asked when he met the others. He can’t not know)
I think it’s because despite having bonded over their grief, they are approaching this ‘discovering what the fuck is up with immortality’ from two extremely different sides. 
Copley wants to know if there is some biological aspect to their immortality that may be ‘transferred’ or ‘activated’ in any random human being. He’s gotten into his head that their regenerative powers can end all diseases. Which. I could probably write another entire separate post on how this is far-fetched at best. Point being, Copley never thought his endeavour as taking the immortality from the Guard to give it to someone else. He thinks Andy and the others are going to live forever and ever.
Booker knows their immortality is not forever and ever, theoretically. He knows that at some point, in the future, he’s going to stop healing and die. But he Wants to Talk to the Manager about it, damn it. He wants his death to be a certainty he can quantify, not something that may happen in another five thousand years based on the data he’s got at his disposal. He wants to have the choice to end it tomorrow or in fifty years - if discovering what causes his immortality saves other people, well that’s an undeniable bonus, but it’s not the focus of his motivation.
Just like Booker and Copley didn’t cover all the potential ways in which Their Plan Could Go Wrong (and honestly, has Booker not learned yet just how fast they revive on average? He tells Nile that ‘big wounds take longer’, and still he revived from the grenade in three/four minutes!), I think they also didn’t Delve into their motivations for seeking that knowledge. Booker probably thought that Copley knowing of their immortality being relative was irrelevant, because of course the doctors will find something (the thing that makes them stop healing), and then he’ll die anyway, so who cares? 
And Copley... Copley was probably Convinced that the Guard was a group of superheroes that just needed to be suggested a new investment plan for using their powers, because saving individuals during wars and natural disasters is very noble and good, but come on, it’s inefficient as hell, they can do much better!
(It absolutely sends me that Copley saw the kind of accomplishments reached by the people that the Guard saved, or by their direct descendants, and STILL it didn’t occur to him that there was a pretty decent chance that sometime in the future they would save someone that would find the cure for ALS and/or other shitty diseases! HE’S LITERALLY HINDERING THEM!!!) 
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
Demon Outfits Discussed
The wait is over :) thank you for your patience and all the lovely comments on the casual discussion!!
I feel like it got longer this time, so I hope it’s all an enjoyable read!  Also, I apologize for the ugly pictures--it was the easiest and fastest way to both have all the design in one image and also prevent it from stretching so far.
Like last time, please don’t take this too seriously; we love these boys and Justin doesn’t know them but has no grudges against them.  We’re just harping on their fashion sense.  Absolutely no hate is intended towards the boys or the design team!
Participants in the discussion were
Jo ( @jodaneko ), our art major with storyboarding/character design experience, who finds they have more in common with Satan each passing day.
Justin ( @justinlester0629 ), our fashion expert, who dressed up and filled a wine glass with water for the occasion.
Noodle (Me), our untrained eye who owns the Barbie as the Island Princess video game on three different platforms.  It’s not even that good.
Featuring emergency guest star Megan ( @maggo77​ ), my sister who is physically near me as we look at the backs of their designs for the first time.
Edit: Distracted by the pretty jacket, we made a mistake when putting in Levi’s silhouette rating.  It’s the worst.  2/10, not 6.
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“Boy looks like he’s about to swing open the doors of an expensive mansion during a debutante party and give some SCATHING NEWS.” —Justin
“Short shoulder cape and a long split butt cape lol” —Jo
Jo has realized that based on both outfits, Lucifer doesn’t want people looking at his butt.  Possible reasons are: he doesn’t have one, or Diavolo someone was getting distracted.
His shoes match his outfit.  After last time that’s all I care about.
A triple popped color, and how many layers is the middle one?  Is that a book?  Dude has like 27 collars.
The forehead diamond is very important and it’s great that there are diamond buttons to match it.  But uh.  How about those red diamonds on his sleeves.  They.  They sure are there.  (I actually like the red accents and that they match his gloves; I just can’t take the diamonds seriously.)
  Lucifer 🤝 Some Horses Diamond on the Forehead
The peacock motif is HERE and we’re all living for it.  HOWEVER, the feathers on the cape and coattails should have matched, OR there should have been more lime green because there’s so little of that color.
The pants have a pleat in the front, which Justin says means he responsibly irons his clothes, and Jo says only heightens the fact that under the capes this is a marching uniform.
Can he fly?  Jo says these are baby wings that can’t support his weight, and his cape has a hole for the top pair but blocks the bottom pair?  Can’t believe Lucifer handicapped himself for the sake of fashion.
The red makes it regal and the wide flowy design makes it imposing.  Good job, Lucifer!  I might actually be intimidated if I saw you.
Definitely the classiest outfit.  You can tell they put care into it.
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The whole thing does amazing with only three colors.  We’ve noticed the trend of black and white + one color, but I mean hey.  It’s working so far.
Damn those pants sit low.  No wonder literally all of you wear belts.
The leather jacket?  The studs and harness?  Bless.  Justin calls it “the perfect blend of stylish and ‘I’ll see you tonight *wink*’”.
Kind of don’t like how the belts connect to the pants, though.  It looks better in the back.
“He found a really cool jacket, but it didn’t pair with anything so he just didn’t wear anything.” —Jo
Honestly though?  We’ve all made fun of Mammon for having big hoe energy in his outfits, but like, he knew he had wings and planned his outfit to accommodate for that.  He’s the only one who didn’t cut holes in his outfit.  Maybe Mammon was the smallest hoe after all.
Also if there’s a motif it repeats elsewhere, like the studs and diamonds on his jacket and pants.  Did he and Lucifer have a “tastefully putting diamonds on my outfit” battle?  Because Mammon definitely won.
One of the charms broke off the belt loop and he never bothered to replace it, and honestly thank god there isn’t two of those anymore.
Torn between wishing the boots were tighter to match the rest of the outfit and saying “yoooo they’re open in the back!!!”
Ok so so far we’ve said generally only good things, but there is one major issue with the design: Its gravity.  Everything points down, his tattoos, the diamonds, even his wings.  The center of gravity in the image is his shoes.  Bitch loved his shoes so much he made his whole outfit point to them.
Either way this was universally considered the best and I mourn Justin who doesn’t know how far Mammon’s standards are gonna fall from here.
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Diagonal zipper
“Levi what the fuck.” —Megan
He looks like an e-boy.
Honestly it looks like he borrowed something from Justin’s wardrobe for Pride but he didn’t know how to put it on.
APPARENTLY the biggest hoe.  Abs that he shouldn’t have coming through a mesh t-shirt.  I thought Mammon’s pants were low, but Levi’s whole-ass ass is out.  Ok Levi, I see you.
The shirt pattern is good but he probably leaves it partially unzipped because it’d look really dumb fully closed.
Justin loves the funky pants pattern and Jo likes the pants but not with the outfit.  It’s because the devs were too coward to give him a thick tail base so his pants had to fill that role by sharing the pattern.
The shoes are good, and not just because they incited Justin’s deep-set hatred for Christian Louboutin and his uncomfortable red-bottom shoes.
Justin is offended that he’s hiding his suspenders; either show them completely or not at all, no in between.  Jo’s not fully convinced it isn’t just one suspender.  What are his suspenders doing?  What are they attached to?  Are they holding anything up?  Apparently not.
Jo pointed out that if you squint the belt on his waist looks like fangs and the orange dots on his sleeves looks like eyes so it’s like theres a snake head on his outfit.  Cute!
The gloves are throwing us off though.  Why is Levi of all other brothers need gloves?  I bet he has sweaty hands.
Ok really, does his sweater unzip all the way into two pieces?  Or does it hang by that tiny thread underneath the tail hole?  There’s even a button, just in case.
Can’t believe this antler-sporting, suspender-wasting nerd went diagonal zipper on us because we beat him at a trivia game.  Should have just zipped his hood.
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“I hate everything about this.” —Megan
First of all, he’s straight up wearing Lucifer’s casual shirt.  Does it only button down the back?  Can he take it off?
Then he spilled bleach on his pants.  Like I get what they were going for but with the white on black that is literally just bleach stains.
Incredibly differing opinions on the belt.  He got it in the cowboy department.  Justin adores it.  Jo despises it.
And are those… athletic slip ons?
And now the elephant in the room.  The ribcage made of ribbons.  The ribboncage.  The idea is great!  I love that they gave him a skeletal theme without throwing him into a Hot Topic.
But if you take the ribboncage and feather boa off he’s literally just wearing a dress shirt and some nice jeans.  And that’s the problem with Satan’s demon form.  Not that it looks goofy.  It’s that they took risks but then hid all the risks behind business casual.
Also Megan said that the back of the ribbons look like a rock climbing harness.  Someone (probably Justin) said the front reminds them of the underbelly of a green cockroach.  Ew.
The feather boa would look better if it was over something you wouldn’t literally wear at the office.  (And also didn’t look so much like worm on a string.)
“He is going to Dragcon 2020 and is definitely going to take a picture and ask to lip sync, but accidentally start beef with Acid Betty.” —Justin
On a good note, loving how the tail fades to highly radioactive green.  Feels dangerous.  Megan pointed out that it’s a pretty wimpy tail, though.  Jo enjoys the self-conscious posture it expresses.
That’s basically the only good thing we have to say, though.
I just????
Merry Christmas.
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The kanji on the picture is just saying that the coattail is the same on both sides.
Ok now with that out of the way, HONEY.
I’m sure he says that to others but I hope he says it to himself too when he looks in the mirror.
Starting with the good.  The wings?  Adorable.  The heart-shaped hole to accommodate them?  Adorable.  One of the only good adjustments.
And I love that the tips of his horns look venomous, like a scorpion tail!
We love a good floral design and a good twin tailcoat.
But once again, the shirt just has too much going on.  The flowers.  The buttons.  The brick-pattern stitching.  The brooch.  The long collar.  The fact that if he closed the last button it’d end in a diamond covering his crotch.  Sometimes less is more, Asmo.
That scorpion brooch is the best thing to ever grace my computer screen and it shouldn’t have to share the spotlight with the rest of his shirt.  It should have wrapped around his arm and been paired with some more jewelry.  Then he could have ditched those giant cuffs.
The bleeding heart tattoos are a really good idea!  But they should have been angled better and not like someone else put them on at the roller rink.  And maybe they shouldn’t have been outlined in pink.  Those aren’t tattoos, those are gaping holes in his arm.  Is he ok.
I’ve been avoiding the pants, but.  The pants.
“Oh dear god. Oh no that’s… I thought you were a designer…” —Jo
One side is buckled the ENTIRE way down, and then the other side is COMPLETELY plain.  It’s too extreme on both ends.  It should have been only half a leg of buckles.  Not whatever this is.  I still don’t think he can bend that leg.
The shoes are ok but they COULD have been a stiletto so.
Jo is DONE with these demons’ inability to wear socks.
We expected better from you, Asmo.  I hope you have to fasten all those buckles every morning as retribution.
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He said “how many belts can I wear on one outfit.”
Justin said it’s like Barry B. Benson and Post Malone had a beautiful baby boy, and Obey Me! is cancelled for creating a sequence of events that could lead to me hearing that with my own two ears.
The jacket?  Stunning.  “It’s steampunk mixed with Jack Sparrow, mixed with Billie Joe Armstrong,” says Justin.  It’s got puffy sleeves!  And there’s objectively too much going on with the jacket, but since it’s a leather jacket I can forgive it.  Justin and Jo can’t.
I’m not sure why they keep giving him weird jacket collars but I prefer belt number 9 to fur.
“Why is it bucked in the back?  Couldn’t it have just been a jacket?” —Megan
Good that the black tank isn’t only black, but he has so little color on his outfit that it would have been nice for it and the matching pattern on his boots to have been a color besides gray.
I don’t mind the belts down the leg because they’re not too in your face.  Jo wants the white belt to be thinner.  Justin wants him to just pick one and go with it.
Poor Beel, he can’t do his lil thigh pat pose without his right hand being assaulted by studs and that bear trap-shaped buckle.
Justin feels like the cowboy boots are too wide up top and it’s probably because they’re FAKE cowboy boots.  I don’t know why he didn’t just get cowboy boots instead of putting fake coverings over his dress shoes.
Can’t fault the twin belt, though.  And the wing hole isn’t terrible.
Idk I guess.  They knew what they wanted to do at least.  
That seems to be the pattern with Beel: they know what they want to do, but something weird happens in the middle of it.
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“I don’t know which Teletubby let their son go through the it’s just a phase mom phase, but they should be ashamed.” —Justin
A toddler who just learned how to cut holes in paper got a hold of his hoodie.
Is it a hoodie?  A jacket?  A poncho?  The cow print actually isn’t terrible.  At least it had the decency to be unique in its spotting.  And the actual presence of blue is very appreciated.
On the topic of colors, Jo is calling the devs out on their apparent fear of color.  “Put the pink elsewhere, cowards,” they say.
We actually don’t hate the horseshoe, and using it for the belt buckles is actually really clever.  Even if 75% of them are doing literally nothing.  Feel like he didn’t need that many.  Could do without the bottom one, maybe even bottom two.
There’s a teeeeny tiny cowbell on the back?  Megan apparently finds that VERY important.  Why do they go to such great lengths to remind us that Belphie’s a cow?  Beel doesn’t rub his hands together 24/7.  Mammon doesn’t even get bird wings.
Just like Satan spilled bleach, Belphie has tar pants.
It’s nice to see a change in pant style, but.  Am I biased because I hate harem pants?  Maybe.  Are these harem pants too short on him?  Yes.  Maybe they were supposed to be parachute capris?  But it just looks he outgrew them too fast and Lucifer won’t buy him new pants yet.  At least they look comfy.
If he puts his keys in those pockets will his pants fall down?  Probably.  That’s a problem considering his are the only pants that look like they could hold any keys.
The shoes are fine.  I can enjoy a high topped sneaker.  …Is that a security tag?  Did he steal his shoes.  Belphie stole his shoes.
On the tiny tail hole, I appreciate that Belphie went for modesty.  But I hope it’s impossible to wear these outfits outside of demon form because I don’t want him walking around with a tiny hole right above his ass.
Honestly he doesn’t even look like a demon?  He just looks like… a cow.
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There’s one more aspect of their demon forms that I didn’t feel comfortable forcing into a smaller space than it deserved: Silhouettes.  Jo puts a lot of weight on silhouettes and their role in character design.  Is it dynamic?  Is it recognizable?  Jo ranked them as such:
1. Lucifer: 9/10.  Care and effort were put into this design and it shows. 2. Mammon: 7/10.  Points deducted for most of it being form fitting but otherwise still manages to get a passing grade. 3 (tied). Beelzebub: 5/10.  His wings have actual mass but his horns being mostly hidden by his head reduce his score. 3 (tied). Belphegor: 5/10.  Evens out since his clothes aren’t as form fitting as the others but they also kind of turn him into a blob. 5. Asmodeus: 4/10, and only because he’s got multiple wings and that his tailcoat breaks up the bottom half. 6. Satan: 3/10, for the fact HIS BOA carries most of the work in altering his silhouette. 7. Leviathan: 2/10.  The tail and horns prevent this from being a total flop.
Our (surprisingly unanimous!) ranking of their outfits (not counting Megan her opinions deviated) were:
In conclusion, any M-rated fic that doesn’t have it take demon Satan 20 minutes to take off his shirt is too unrealistic.
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rieson · 4 years
Too Tired For This
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[Art credits]
Pairing : Portgas D. Ace ✗ Reader
Genre : Fluff, Humor, One-Shot
Content Warning : Strong Languange
Word Count : 830
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─ sleeping in the same room with ace is proving to be extremely annoying to you because at 2am, you'll be trying to sleep and ace would randomly start singing "this is halloween" from the god damn nightmare before christmas like it isn’t the middle of fucking august.
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Today was a very eventful day, if i dare to say. And by 'eventful' i mean :
1.] Ace making his division scream "WE WILL ROCK YOU!" at incoming enemy marines ships
2.] Followed by the Marine's terrified screams when Ace walked into their battleship buck naked. Reasoning that the weather was 'too hot' even though he's literally f i r e
"Ace what the hell-yoi?!"
"Don't 'what' me, why the fuck did you go there without ANYTHING on?!"
"It was getting too hot for my liking!"
"Ok and???"
3.] You had to like?? Bail ace 6 or 7 times out of the water everytime he fell over the railings.
4.] And the chaos doesn't stop there. Ace whined and practically begged marco to let him breed a set of den den mushi so he can get a baby one and name him 'squishy' , quoting :
“I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my squishy”
5.] He overheard Izo talking about something along the lines of ‘Sugar Daddy’ and when he found out what it meant, he would NOT stop calling pops ‘Sugar Daddy’
“QUIT referring pops as ‘Sugar Daddy’-yoi! He is in no way shape or form a Sugar daddy!”
“I beg to differ.”
6.] Ace practically dragged you out of your cabin to go explore an island that was getting near via striker.
7.] And when you both got there, you were greeted with a giant oh not so friendly looking werewolf bat furry thing. Leading to a unnecessary human chase and a now burnt forest.
“What the hell is..that thing?”
“How the hell am i supposed to know?! You dragged my ass in this mess!”
Ace averted his gaze to you and gave you his trademark grin that SCREAMS trouble.
“..Whatever youre thinking… dont.”
“I didnt even say anything yet!”
“You dont need to say anything when your face is a literal open book to read! and i am NOT liking what your face is displaying right now.”
Ace turns towards the beast and reached a hand out to pet them, “Awh come on! Dont you just wanna pet this cute little anima-”
As if on cue, the furry friend lunges towards ace and almost took one of his fingers off, causing ace to have a little bleed on his finger due to the beast’s sharp canines.
“WHAT THE HELL?!” Ace stumbles backwards
Your jaw dropped in shock
“Wait.. it left a graze?? Aren’t you a logia user?”
The beast growls again before lunging towards both you and ace
“DOES THAT THING KNOWS HOW TO USE HAKI?!” Ace yelled as he starts to make a run for it
8.] When you arrived in the Moby Dick, covered in dirt, mud, tree branches, and some banana peels (it somehow got stuck on ace’s hair and made him look like marco), needless to say.. The first division commander was not happy of the magical sight that was infront of him.
“What the hell happened-yoi?!” Marco groaned
“Furry beast happened.” You and ace replied in unison.
And now, here you are. Laying down in your shared bed with Ace.
Who was currently singing ‘This is halloween’ on the top of his lungs.
Finally done cleansing yourself from all the things that got stuck on you when you were on a chase with Ace, you put on a simple oversized white t-shirt with comfortable cotton pants.
Exiting the bathroom, you immediately rush to your bed to get some shut-eye.
Noticing Ace already on the bed, you welcomed yourself as you cuddled with him. Looking for warmth.
“Hey now, since when was i your personal heater?”
“Since you asked me to go out with you.”
Ace merely chuckled in response, “Riiiiight. Goodnight honey.”
“Night.” And with that, you closed your eyes to get some shut-eye that you deserved.
Atleast thats what you thought.
Because not even 10 minutes later, just when you were almost going to dreamland, Ace fucking decides it would be a good time to sing.
“Boys and girls of every aaageee~”
Oh god.
“Wouldn’t you like to see something strange?”
Oh please no, have some mercy
“Come with us and you will see--”
He stops singing for a second, looking towards my direction before sending me a look of confusion, “What?”
Sending him an annoyed look, i throw a pillow at his face.
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Thats what you get for bleeding my ears out.”
Ace chuckles in response as he placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Soorry~ I was bored”
“Why cant your narcolepsy kick in already..” I grumbled
“Alright, alright! I’ll stop, now go rest.” He nuzzles his face onto my neck
“Alright.. Goodnight..” I started dozing off again.
“This, our town of hallowee-”
Said man was laughing his ass off.
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officialwittek · 4 years
pt. 4
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*gif is not mine* 
word count: 2,101
Ever since my little conversation with the girls I haven’t been able to really be myself around Jeff. Now I notice the side glances, the lingering touches on my thigh, the way his breath hitches when I get pushed a little too close to him at parties, and everything else I haven’t noticed before. My friends were adamant that he liked me back but I couldn’t see it. Slowly I distanced myself from them, for one my manager thought it would be a good idea to release some new music soon so I was extra busy and I can’t really be around my friends without feeling like my heart is going to explode. Of course they started noticing and not a day went by where I didn’t get texts from at least three of them asking where I was and why I stopped coming around. Even Jason and Josh dropped my apartment to make sure I was still alive.
Three weeks have gone by since my sleepover with Jeff. We still talk but not as much as before. Carly and Natalie were constantly calling and texting and I truly felt bad, but it would seem like such a bullshit excuse to say it’s because of my crush on Jeff.
“Sage, this is... this is real good work. I’m thinking we finish it up, and be set to release it in two weeks” James, my manager, said listening to to the final of three of the songs
“Thanks dad, I think today we’re recording the last song. I’ll email you our final version by the end of the day” I reply, he ruffles my hair and nods, leaving for another meeting while the producer and I talk about the last track
We record for about four hours, fine tuning every last detail. After the two of us finally felt good about it we sent the file to James who also gave the approval. We sent it in the the higher ups who also gave us the ok. All the promotional pictures were finished, we had an album cover chosen, now to put it all together and make this my first serious piece of art. After the long morning I decided to head straight to my apartment. I wasn’t particularly hungry anyways. I parked my car and took the elevator up to my apartment.  
I noticed shushing and brushed it off, thinking it was just Carly and Erin messing around. I unlock the door and see all of my friends crammed into this fairly small apartment. No one had their cameras out and they all had their arms crossed I sighed and put my things down before shutting the door.
“Before you even say anything. No I’m not on drugs, I don’t hate anyone, and I actually have been working on my music. My first EP is coming out in a few weeks” I explain, their faces relax and Carly walks up to me
“Don’t you ever try to ghost us like that again. We hated it” She said, wrapping her slender arms around my shoulders and I nodded, our friends came around and we all had a sweet group hug
“Well a congratulations are in order. I think we should celebrate tonight” David says, laughing loudly
“Fine, I’m stealing a Red Bull from your fridge though” I say, we all go downstairs and I finally notice some of their cars parked there
We all head to David’s house and I grab a Red Bull. We all sit in the living room. Filming dumb bits and getting ready for tonight. David wanted to throw it at his house since he wanted to keep it relatively small. Natalie, Carly, and Erin went to stock up for the night, asking me about all my favorite things. It took about an hour and a half for them to come back. Everyone helped get things from Nat‘s car and set up. We were finally ready and decided to start drinking before everyone got here.
“May Ilya and Zane stay away from the hospital. Amen” I yell, all of them cheering in response as we take our shots
After a few rounds of shots I was already pretty tipsy. I sat down at the couch, answering a few congratulatory texts from others. I talked to a few of our friends here and there. Jeff was nowhere to be found. I frowned a bit, but who can blame him? After all, I’m the one who made the decision to not talk to him.
“Do you think we could get a sneak peak?” Jason asks, taking a set next to me but I shake my head
“I want to keep it a complete surprise. Plus I’ve been thinking about having a release party and showing everyone there” I said, Jason actually thought that was a much better idea than just playing it
We made small talk here and there, apparently Wyatt has been dying to see my new studio. I loved Jason’s kids like they were my own family, especially since Wyatt and I have such a love for music.
“I’d love to have Wyatt at the studio. He can even record some things if he wants to. I know how to produce as well” I said, Jason damn near cried at the suggestion and we set a date
“Someone looks a little sober” Zane yells from behind us, I laugh and allow him to take me to the kitchen where the others were taking shots or making their best interpretations of different cocktails
After sampling everyone’s horrible attempt at a blackberry mojito it’s safe to say I was one shot away from exiting the physical realm. Especially since Zane decided it was appropriate to just dump nearly an entire bottle of rum in the drink. After a few minutes Todd headed to the door and let someone in. I heard the familiar accent and my heart dropped to my stomach. Jeff is here.
To be fair, I’m probably the only one who really cares that much, especially since I’m drunk as hell and I have a crush on the dude. I try to run and hide in a corner but there’s a lot more people now. I finally see an opening and head straight for the backyard. Thankfully no one noticed because Zane was too busy doing something extremely dangerous. I sit in one of the chairs we reserve for smoking, hitting my puff and scrolling mindlessly through TikTok, trying to get the thoughts out of my head. I hear the sliding door open and look up to see David.
“Alright what’s wrong? You look like we threw a party because we killed your dog” David jokes, my lips spread into a light smile
“Nothing, I’ve just been so exhausted lately with everything going on.. that’s all” I lie, I mean I’m not really lying, just not telling him the whole truth
“So it has nothing to do with Jeff showing up and you’re definitely overthinking and avoiding him even more. C’mon I’ve known you for forever, you can’t lie to me” He replies, his tone suddenly being serious
And it’s true, I’ve known David since I moved out here. He was my first real L.A friend. He’s seen me at my absolute lowest moments, and someone I could always go to whenever something was wrong. I hated that he could read me like a book.
“Fine, the Jeff thing is a contributing factor. But I’m being honest about the exhaustion” I say, crossing my arms like a child
We sit and talk, something we haven’t done in forever. It felt nice to have someone listen to me. After about half an hour of just talking we decide to head back inside. I felt too sober again and took some shots with Natalie and Toddy. I could feel Jeff’s eyes glaring a hole into the side of my head, but I was too sober to deal with anything right now.
At around 1:00 am. I got hungry and ordered DoorDash for everyone. All the other guests had left so it was just our main group scattered around the house. Jeff was surprisingly still here. Todd had whispered to me earlier that the only reason he was sticking around this late was to make sure I got home alright. I smiled at the sentiment, he was always making sure my drunk ass was safe.
Our DoorDash arrived and we all ate while watching some movie David found on Netflix. Jeff took a seat next to me, the look in his eyes was telling me he was going to ask for my permission so I simply nodded and scooted over so he could be comfortable. After we ate David wanted to get some last minute bits before we left for his vlog tomorrow.
“Jeff are you attracted to Sage?” David asks, my breath hitches in my throat, making me choke on my water
“No, I’ve blocked her out. Since she’s part of the friend group I don’t want to make anything weird” He replies, I can tell the answer even made David a little upset
Jason makes a joke to lighten the mood before there’s any tension which I greatly appreciate. Although Jeff’s words struck a cord, while I sit there repeating what he said it hits me. He’s right, I can’t guarantee that if Jeff and I were together that it would be for life and I can’t lose my second family. He’s right, it would never happen. Before I know it I feel my eyes watering and Natalie gently grabs my hand before leading me to her room with the rest of the girls in tow. When she closes the door I finally let it all out
“It’s ok princess, let it out” Mariah says, the girls wrapping me in a group hug
“It’s so stupid, we’re best friends before I let this stupid ass crush ruin everything but just hearing him say that out loud made it so much more concrete that we will never be together” I cry, resting my head on her shoulder
We have a little talk and I clean myself up before we all go back outside. At that point  David was done filming and was looking through the footage on his camera to pick out some clips. Jeff was waiting patiently on the couch before Corinna spoke up.
“Hey Jeff, I’m gonna take Sage home. We have some plans tomorrow and it would just be easier if I stay over” She says, it’s sort of true, Corinna has some meetings in the morning and they’re closer to my place but she isn’t staying over
“Oh ok, I should head out then. I’ll see you guys later” Jeff says, saying his goodbyes and leaving
“So was anyone else uncomfortable with Jeff’s answer or was it just me?” David asks, the group agrees, it’s definitely in his right to say that I mean no is mad
“Yea, I wasn’t mad cause it’s his own opinion and Jeff is a big boy, but he seems to sort of lead you on for him to turn around and say that he doesn’t even see you like when we ask him about Natalie and Corinna” Heath replies, everyone nods in agreement and I just sigh
“I’m not mad, I mean I have been sort of ghosting everyone these past few weeks, maybe he’s just upset” I explain, Heath and Todd give me the look
“Baby that’s bullshit and you know it” Heath laughs, Todd agrees with him and taps my leg
“To be honest, he was very stressed out while you were gone” He says, I know he’s trying to make me feel better but it doesn’t really help
Corinna and I leave shortly after we have our little group talk. We caught up during the car ride and before I know it we’re at my apartment. We say goodbye and plan to meet for lunch tomorrow before I head up to my apartment. I knew Carly was probably fast asleep so I tried to be as quiet as possible.
I get ready for bed and climb into my warm blanket, wrapping myself like a burrito. I browse TikTok on my phone for a few minutes before setting my alarm. Just before I let sleep take over my phone buzzes on my nightstand.
Jeff: I missed you.. I’m sorry for being an asshole tonight. I had no idea that I was leading you on, but I didn’t know you had a crush on me..
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mayraki · 4 years
“Never have I ever”
jj x reader
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not my gif! credits to the owner.
a lovely anonymous requested; for a jj request i would love literally any kind of smut!
summary: things get heated after playing a game of ‘never have I ever’
note: ok! this is it. my first smut. it’s going to be simple because english is not my first language so I’m not very familiar with every term for... this. I hope you enjoy it!
warning; smut
“Never have I ever... got so drunk that the day after couldn’t even remember anything.” Sarah asked while we were on John B’s house playing the game Never Have I Ever. You were on the couch, with JJ’s arms around your shoulders.
JJ, John B and you drank from the beer bottles. They all turned to you expecting to tell the story.
“I had a party with my cousins last year, yeah, let’s say that my mom wasn’t so happy about it.” You said and everyone laughed.
“Never have o ever, had sex on the beach?” Pope asked. John B and Sarah drank from the bottles and everyone turned to them.
“Now we know what it’s happening when you two disappear.” JJ joked and Sarah tried to hide her smile by hiding under John B’s shoulder.
“Ok!” You said trying to save Sarah from this embarrassment. “Never have I ever, been on the bottom.” Everyone drank from their bottles expect JJ. You turned quickly to him and he shrugged his shoulders. “What?”
“Never.” He shook his head.
“Never?” Kie asked still surprised.
“Nop.” He said.
Let me change that tonight. You thought and your stomach turned. You couldn’t help but let out a little smile at your thought but hide it by drinking your beer.
“Ok, guys, I’m going. It’s getting pretty late.” Kie said and stood up.
“I’ll go with you.” Pope said and followed her outside after saying goodbye to everyone.
“Alright, I’m going to bed too. Tomorrow a have work.” John B said and then looked at Sarah. “Coming?” She nodded.
“Can I sleep here tonight?” You asked John B “I don’t want to go all the way to my house tonight.”
“Of course.” He said and then disappeared with Sarah into his room.
“Are you staying here?” You asked JJ and he gave you a little smirk.
“Why you ask?”
You shrugged your shoulders and then finished your beer. You had to be honest, you really wanted him to stay there. The thought of him being in the other room made your insides go wild.
“Damn, after all of this sex talk I really need to get laid.” You said.
“Well, my door’s always open.” JJ said and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“In your dreams, pretty boy.” You said. JJ winked at you and then headed to his room.
You sat down more deep into the couch and sighed. You bite your lower lip and looked to where JJ left. You always thought of JJ as a really, really hot guy. And you knew he was extremely good in bed, he had the experience. And the fact that you haven’t been naked with another man since you broke up with your boyfriend a year ago, made you the courage to stand up and walked towards JJ’s room.
He had left his door slightly open. Like he knew you were going to change your mind and go after him. You slowly opened the door and a shirtless JJ was laying in his bed, with his hands behind his head.
“Is your door still open?” You asked.
He gave you a little smirk and shook his head “It was never closed.”
You walked towards his bed and layed next to him. You let your head rest in his chest and he gave you gentle kiss on the forehead.
“JJ.” You called his name and he responded with a simple ‘mhm’. “I was just wondering. Did you really never been on the bottom?” You asked and lifted your head so you could look at him.
“No.” He said almost in a whisper and you felt like his eyes were penetrating yours.
“Would you like to change that?” You asked. You didn’t know where this courage came from but you didn’t care to think about it. Since your lips were already into JJ’s.
His lips were worm and immediately felt that in yours. It was strange how your lips fitted perfectly with his.
He grabbed your waist and when he was about to pull you down so he could go on top of you, you stopped him and finished the kiss.
“I’m in control tonight.” He got closer to you and bit your lower lip. You got on top of his hips and immediately felt his erection between your legs. “That quickly, huh?” You asked him and he let out a smirk.
You started to kiss him and his tongue went inside your mouth. Your hand went down his pants until you felt his erection in your hands. You grabbed it and JJ let out a little moan.
“Be quiet.” You said in a whisper and started to kiss his neck. The hand that was grabbing his erection went to his shorts and started to undo the button. He lifted his body so you could take his shorts off and because you wanted to get over with that, you took his underwear too.
You went into his lap once again and felt his dick between your legs once again. You let out a little smirk and he sat down on the bed, so his face was closer to his.
“You’re such a tease.” He said and you went to his neck and started to leave little kisses. He went to your waist and started to pull up your shirt, and then in a matter of seconds, your shorts and your underwear were off too.
“Wow” JJ said in a whisper and looked down at your naked body. He was looking a it like it was a piece of art.
He helped you go on top of his lap once again and pulled you up so he could go inside of you. Once he was fully inside, he layed down on the bed to let you do your thing.
You started to move slowly against his body and felt your body getting wormer. You bit down your lip trying to not let out a moan when you started to move faster. You closed your eyes shut at that feeling and felt your legs getting tired, but you didn’t want to stop.
JJ let out a little moan and quickly covered his mouth with his hand. You locked eyes with him and felt you were going to finish. He knew that so he sat down and you wrapped your arms around his neck, hiding your face in his neck.
He grabbed your waist with strength. You looked up at him and grabbed his cheeks. You closed your eyes again and felt your lips move against his.
You felt your legs tense when you finished that it was extremely hard to stand still on his lap. He let out a moan into your neck so you were the only one who could hear it.
You two stayed in that position because you enjoyed the closeness of each other’s bodies. All you could hear was the heavy breathing and the air blowing outside.
He gave you a little kiss on your shoulder and layed down on his bed. You got off his lap and layed next to him. All you wanted to feel right now was his body next to yours.
“Please, thank yourself from the past for asking that never have I ever.” He said and you let out a laugh.
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