strahd von zarovich from curse of strahd is a little guy
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Strahd Von Zarovich from Curse Of Strahd is just a little guy!
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synchlora · 2 years
ur dnd character or like idk c!tubbo?
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ID: a pencil drawing of my D&D character, Stryx, and his horse Eris. He is walking alongside her, holding her by the reins and glaring towards the viewer. End description
POV u said some dumb shit abt horses or something
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malartsorte · 7 days
Did another one! This time is Angustia's turn, he's a Tiny and a Worry Doll (like a borrower type character, set in a DnD toonkind universe.)
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As a God, he's behind the whole backgound of existence. Literally. Always on the next page of the comic. Limitless, he is now too big to appreciate the smaller things. He doesn't fit in the physical reality so he can only interact by puppeteering his old body.
Here is the left picture because I actually kinda like how it came out. The world is so big and so full of adventure for this little fella.
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Also! The template is from here!
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unsleepingtales · 11 months
Burrows end ep 4! It’s an insane week but I love this season so much so we press on <3
I love this bit
Ooooh people’s makeup is so nice
The desperate need to rationalize the unknowable hits so hard
Tula <3
Looney toons ass bullshit
Erika always goes so hard with their look
I cannot wait to see art of Jaysohn floating
Don’t get what doors are, but I do get adhd. Hard same.
Oh I feel like something’s about to go wrong
Aabria you’re so smart
Chill vibes :) we’re just looking around :)
Mammalian grooming time once again
Pleasantly menacing is such a good way to describe that
Pour a couple out for Jaysohn
The sisters have the best tired mom vibes
Like the noise Murph was making during Rosamund’s intro level eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Holdup what the fuck
Okay but how does the lightning not spook the animal
Yayyyyyy Jasper
Everyone is so happy for him it’s so sweet
Electric BLUEgaloo
😏 ey
New npcs alright fun
Where are Olliver and Teedles rn
Last Bast ok
I LOVE them
Infected with whattttt
Love the spark notes of the first four episodes
Children are just like this yeah
Especially when a slightly older person is perceived as cool this is what kids do.
“Look at how kind people who have everything are” but it’s not a pleasant thought. People who are not hungry are acting like they’re not hungry. God it’s about class divisions right now. I love when Dimension20 is about class division
Take your shot baby!
The gore of this season is wild I was not prepared
Ohh the analogies
Minus FOUR
Magic? Oh?
Oh they fully are breeding things that’s wild
Introducing the concept of handshakes!
Hmm. Interesting.
I love the physicality of dnd rp. Like yes we’re around a table but also we’re hugging
Tula and thorn friendly moment! Yay!
Fuck yeah babe
They want friends so badly
😏 ok ava
A bunch of stoats drove humans out of a building that’s fucking wild
Aabria Iyengar everybody!!!
Oh okay that’s creepy
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floralcavern · 1 year
Continuing the adventures of my sapphic dnd characters
Lox wrapped around her long braid into a braided bun before flipping her hood up. 
“Ready to get going, Princess?” Titania asked, flicking her pocket knife in and out as she leaned against the willow tree they’ve been camping out near for about a week. 
They had been on a constant move for a matter of months, never staying in one place for too long. 
Lox rolled her eyes. She’s given up on getting Titania to stop with the nicknames. 
“Ya, I’m ready.”
Titania smiled and put her pocket knife into the holster on her leg before pulling her mask up. “Wonderful!~”
“You’re mask makes us look like bandits..” Lox said, exasperated. 
“I am a bandit!”
“I- Well, I’m not! And people may associate me with you!”
Titania giggled and reached up to poke Lox’s cheek. “People already do, princess~”
“I mean..! In our civilian forms!” She said, her pale face a strange shade of red. “People will think we’re suspicious and that we’re going to rob them!”
“Oh, calm down. We’ll be fiiiiine!”
Lox pouted and Titania shrugged before running ahead and flying into the trees, jumping branch from branch. 
“Ughhh!!” Lox hated when she did this. It made it harder to keep up with her. “I get it! You’re talented in gymnastics!” She yelled, chasing after her. 
She was panting as she tried to keep up with Titania. Wherever she got this much stamina was a mystery to Lox. Most likely her wings giving her an extra boost of wind. 
She reached the end of the forest and into the clearing that led to the local village. “Titania?” Lox called, not seeing her anywhere. “Where are you?!”
Titania poked her head out from the tall grass, yelling “Boo!” and scaring the bageezus out of Lox. Another annoying thing about Titania. Being a fairy, she was able to hide easily because of her height and scare the hell out of Lox. She was grateful that Titania was only half fairy, otherwise she’d be even smaller. 
She karate chopped her head in a panic. “OW! Shit, Loxxie!”
“Sorry, instinct!”
“Ugh. Whatever. Cmon, let’s go get our groceries.”
The two waded through the crops and tall grass on the outskirts of the village, passing by farmers who gave them anxious looks. 
“A whole village of Tabaxi!” Lox said in wonder. “Based on the farmers we’ve seen, I thought only a few of the people living here were.. but.. wow!”
“Hey, quit staring.” Titania bopped the back of her head. “They’re not a circus. Just people.”
“R-right!” She said, her face flushing from embarrassment. She quickly turned away from the villagers. She knew what it was like to be ogled at. But she still found herself being that way to other’s. Tabaxi are thought of as exotic. She’s always been disgusted by the stereotype, but still found herself being fascinated with them. 
“All right. What’s on our grocery list?”
“Nothing specific. It really depends on what they’re selling..”
She looked at the vendors and mainly looked at the fruit. “Ohh! They have dragonfruit!”
The man selling the fruit chuckled. “Yes, I bought them from a Dragonborn.. friend of mine..” he brushed his claws through his dark gray fur. 
“Hmm.. let’s see..” she picked out a couple of apples, dragonfruit, and bananas. 
“How much?” Lox asked. 
The vendor thought for a moment. “30 pieces of silver. 
Titania slammed her fist onto the counter. “You serious?! For some fruit?!”
“Hey, sorry, but this stuff is hard to come by,” he said. He didn’t seem sorry though. There was this mischievous flint in his green eyes. 
“Well then, surely if the guy supplying you your fruit is your friend, he’ll understand why you had to sell some stuff for cheaper. Maybe a couple of bandits came in and.. caused some trouble..” she said, reaching for the knife on her leg. 
“Titania, don’t!” Lox said, grabbing her arm. 
The people in the market place turned to look at them curiously. Lox blushed brightly and pulled down her hood in embarrassment. “We’re sorry, sir. We’ll be in our way.”
The vendor watched as they left, a smirk of curiosity on his face. 
They reached a secluded alleyway. 
“What were you thinking?!” Lox yelled at her. “Threatening him?! How idiotic do you have to be?!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, princess! But we’re outta food, and that guy was trying to scam us!”
“Who CARES?! We can just go to the next village and see if they have cheaper prices there!”
“The next village isn’t for miles! We wouldn’t make it!”
“Hunting is always an option!”
“W-well, ya, but-!” She blushed angrily. “I figured you’ve gotten tired of eating the same thing for months! You got so excited by the market, I-! UGH! Forget it!”
Lox stared at her, wanting to know what she meant by that, but she didn’t get the chance to when a bunch of curious Tabaxi  came over when they heard the shouting. 
They quickly sped walked away from them, avoiding eye contact. Two farmers, seeming to be brothers based on their matching tabby pelts and ginger fur, were holding two pieces of paper and looking at Lox and Titania, squinting their eyes at them before they jumped. 
“STOP THEM!” One of the brothers shouted. They lifted the papers, revealing Lox and Titania’s wanted posters. 
Everyone gasped. Some ran to protect themselves or their families. Some looked around for weapons. 
“Run?” Lox recommended. 
“Run,” Titania said in agreement. 
The two turned and dashed, Titania being much lighter on her feet and faster, as usual. 
A mob of angry farmers chased them, waving pitchforks. They turned, trying to escape into the grassy fields of their farmlands. But it was hard to escape them, with their sharp sense of smell. 
One came up close to them, one of the ginger tabby brothers. 
He was about to jump at Titania, but Lox pulled out her sword, which she had hidden behind her cloak. 
The sword was pure white with gold veins running through it. The hilt was silver and gold. There was a symbol on the hilt. Three ruby studded 4-pointed stars, the symbol of the royal court. 
She slashed her sword, intentionally missing, allowing for him to stagger back. She planted her sword into the ground, a large, golden bubble surrounding her and Titania. She let go of her sword, letting it stay in the ground. 
“The shield won’t last for long,” Lox said. “We gotta think of a plan to get out of her. Any ideas? No bad ideas!”
“I got nothing! I’m a bandit of the NIGHT. In the night, I can easily escape!”
Lox was panting and looking around desperately, trying to think of something. “We’re gonna die..” she whispered. 
“Not if you actually fight. Cmon, Loxxie! I know you can beat all of them with one strike of your sword!”
“I’m not going to hurt a bunch of innocent villagers!”
“Innocent?! They’re trying to capture us!”
“Still not gonna hurt them!”
She hesitated. “You run for the forest. I’ll keep them distracted.”
“You’re way faster than I am. Or you can just fly away.”
“You think I’m just LEAVING you?!”
“We have no other option!”
“But I won’t! I won’t!!”
“Titania, I’m not messing around here!”
The bubble began to flicker, revealing a group of farmers trying to stab through it with their pitchforks. The spell was about to wear out. Titania grabbed her hand. “Loxxie, I can distract them and you run!”
“We both know I won’t survive out in the wild without you!”
“My, my~” said a voice, echoing. The voice didn’t sound physical. Almost like it echoed in their heads. 
“Who’s there?!” Titania yelled. 
The voice giggled. Outside of the bubble, they could hear a loud “BOOM!” And then a light chime. 
Lox immediately knew it was magic. She could feel the aura of the spell through her bubble. Magic stronger than her own. Her sword jutted out of the ground before flying into the sky, the bubble disappearing. Lox caught her sword by the hilt as it fell back to the earth. 
All the farmers seemed to have been knocked out. 
“What happened..?” Titania said, lightly kicking one of the farmers. 
“I have no idea..” she said, sheathing her sword back in her back. 
There was a light wind coming from the tall grass, and out stepped a prowling Tabaxi. His grey and black striped tail swayed and his ears pricked from under his hood. 
“You..” Lox said. “YOU’RE THAT VENDOR!”
He smiled and laughed. “Yes I am~ I’m Wilting Willow. But I’m ok with just Wilt.”
“How did you..” Lox murmured, looking at the sleeping guards. 
“Oh, simple sleep spell. Not too much work.”
His tail swayed back and forth. “I had a feeling you two were the ones on those wanted posters.” He laughed lightly. “Cmon. Come with me to my hideout. You can eat there.”
The two exchanged looks. “I don’t trust him..” Titania murmured. 
“I do..”
“You trust everyone.”
“Cmon. He saved us.”
“Ugh.. fine..”
The two followed him to a cave near the village. 
“So you don’t, like.. have a house?” Titania asked. 
“Oh, no. I don’t live in that village. Just come by to sell my goods. Villages and society really aren’t my thing.”
“I feel that,” Titania said, nodding her head. 
The cave was cozy. A bookshelf in the corner with a lectern holding a thick book with mysterious runes and symbols. A couple of sturdy shelves that allowed Wilt a way to get to the bed hanging from the ceiling. 
A fire was blazing in the center of the cave with a pot hanging over, cooking a vegetable stew. 
“Welcome to my humble abode,” he purred. 
“Cozy..” Titania commented. 
“Thank you!~” he said happily, standing next to the fire, soaking in the warmth. He stroked his grey fur and let out a relaxed sigh. 
He walked over to a box sitting on an empty shelf. He tossed them both a dragonfruit. “Here, ladies. Apologies for the price earlier. Man has to make a business. And I promised my.. supplier.. that I’d get a lot of money for him with those dragonfruit.”
“It’s.. no problem..” Titania murmured. 
Lox was about to bite into it, but stopped when Wilt started laughing. “Don’t eat it like that! You cut into it. And save it for later. I’ll give you girls more supplies later. Just sit down. Dinner is almost ready!”
They hesitated, but Lox plopped down next to the fire. 
He grabbed a bowl and spun the spoon around in the stew. “My supplier gets me only the best vegetables!”
“Your supplier must be a cool guy, getting you all this stuff.”
He giggled mischievously. “I suppose you could say that.”
There was stomping near the cave entrance. “Oh! There he is now!”
There was a Dragonborn standing at the entrance. His jade green scales shimmered and his yellow eyes glowed. 
“Lecid!” Wilt said happily. He rubbed himself against the Dragonborn, Lecid, purring happily. 
“Wilt,” he said, standing still and not acknowledging the affection Wilt was displaying. He dropped a bag full of apples to the ground. “This week’s supply.”
“Oh, thank you! Say, why don’t you stay for dinner! I have guests!”
Lecid looked at the girls with a blank expression before grunting a greeting and sitting next to them. 
“Wow..” Titania murmured. “He is hot!”
“Titania!” Lox said. 
Lox pouted. She didn’t know why she was so mad. “It’s rude to just say that to a stranger!”
“It’s a compliment!”
“Enough fighting!” Wilt said. He sighed and handed a bowl of stew to everyone before sitting next to Lecid, staring up at him with a smile. Lecid ignored him and stared ahead as he ate. 
“So..” Lox murmured. “That spell that you performed earlier.. how did you..?”
He smiled, tilting his head. “A simple spell.”
“Are you.. a wizard?”
He laughed. “What did you think I was! Silly, silly Paladin.”
She jolted up. “Don’t you insult me like that!”
“Who said I was insulting you?”
“I-it was insinuated!”
He laughed again and finished up his stew before jumping onto one of his shelves, then the next, then the next, before jumping into his bed. It swung back and forth for a moment before he settled. “You girls make yourselves at home. Oh, Lecid! If you want, you can join m-“
“I’ll be leaving now,” Lecid said before standing up. 
“Aww.. w-well, thank you for the apples!”
Lecid turned to leave, flowers seeming to bloom from behind him as he left. 
“Cold..” Lox said. 
Titania shook her head. “I’m guessing he’s a Druid. Look at the flowers. He’s into him. Just repressing it. But his feelings are coming out through the flowers.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve dated a Druid or two.”
“Of course you did..”
The two curled up next to each other. They were used to this. Titania ran her fingers through Lox’s hair and they breathed out a sigh. It’s been a while since they’ve had a proper meal. 
“Night, Titania..”
“Night, Princess.”
“Night, girlies!” Wilt said from his bed. 
“Um..” Lox murmured. “Night, Wilt.”
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tea-and-secrets · 5 months
I feel violent jealously whenever my roommate’s parents show up to drop stuff off for them or take them out for dinner or whatever. Their dad is a DnD DM and their mom put together a fucking homemade scrapbook cookbook with them. Shoot me. Shoot everyone fuck this shit. I woke up around lunchtime on my day off last week and my mom told me she wasted her money sending me to school and she wishes she had a different kid. When my roommate fucks up and gets upset they call their parents and cry and their parents comfort and reassure them and shit. It makes me want to break things because my mother would tell me my life is actually really easy compared to hers and when she was my age she was in the military and I need to suck it up. It’s not fair. I want to break everything in my flat. And I know “ohh no parents are perfect you don’t see the whole story” I DONT CARE IVE SEEN ENOUGH I WANT THAT LIFE SO BAD IT HURTS
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red-eft · 9 months
✨-🍀 🧊🎓 for BUG!! :D
my bug !! thank you for the ask!
✨: how did you come up with the oc's name?
i couldn't think of a good name for her so i just shortened bugbear to bug.. fits as a cute nickname especially since she can't remember what she used to be named :o
🍀: what originally inspired the oc?
ohh.. despite bug not having a story or any major development compared to my other ocs, she's deeply personal to me because of how i made her.
at first, i read about how broken a bugbear barbarian/rogue multiclass can be in dnd. i came up with her initial concept- an outcast that set out adventuring in search of someplace she'd belong.
that idea somehow became the question "what if bugbears were physical manifestations of emotion?" i chose loneliness for bug because it was the emotion i felt most at the time and felt the need to direct it somewhere. she embodies the despair and fatigue that constant isolation brings. she wants to break out of it, but can't bring herself to do it since self-isolation is part of her core being. she's basically the dog behind the fence in that art by anna haifisch:
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but lately i've found out that shit really does get better, so maybe it'll get better for bug, too... :> !!
🧊: is their current design the first one?
yep! tbh i've drawn her twice and. haven't drawn her since oops. i think when i draw her again someday i'll use the gift art a friend made of her as a ref, i love how he drew her ^^
🎓: how long have you had the oc?
since july 2023!
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mxmasters · 1 year
ohh! thanks for the response! if you don’t mind me asking, who is tanya? (they were in the dnd story, I saw! which was a joy, by the way.)
hey it's my pleasure. ask away. The author tends to interrupt when I get into spoiler country. speaking of...?
Just say whatever comes to mind. It's not a spoiler, it's a preview. (And thank you! I really enjoyed writing it!)
sick. deets under the cut.
Tanya Miller! "twilight_tone", or just TT for short. sort of an in-joke that stuck. Trans woman, (she/her). couple years younger than me. significantly taller (sorry, I'm bad with feet and inches). sorta looks like uhhh Raven from Teen Titans? i don't watch that myself. anyway, we are dating.
lol yeah, surprise! girlfriend! polyam girlfriend! we met years back at a flea market... actually, no. wait. First, we met in a dream. THEN we had the physical meet-cute at the flea market.
sounds weird, right? agreed! Coincidences happen a lot but not like that. We started talking, realized we're both magicians (of a sort), and ended up hanging out for the rest of the afternoon, sifting through interdimensional bootlegs. Then we bailed, and I crashed at her apartment, and I, uh... got that second taste.
see... Tanya is a Dreamer with a capital D. She's not hooked up to Oneiroi or w/e, she just sorta falls asleep and roams the collective unconsciousness, all wild and strange. Sometimes she finds art. Sometimes... nightmares.
or maybe memories?
hard to tell sometimes.
...ANYWAY. turns out she's pretty accepting. We've been dating ever since. We're good at keeping each other grounded.
uhhh what else what else. TT sculpts dreamscapes every so often but she's mostly a visual artist. does lots of normie commissions in between naps. Drew my fursona more than once. OH and she's into Jojo! bc of course she is. Stand users, fated to meet, blah blah. Silly shit. But the fun kind! Mostly.
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baladric · 1 year
Ohh which dnd alternatives would you recommend? I'm new to all these types of games so I only really have a lil bit of experience with dnd
hmmMM depends on what you're looking for!! the lovely thing about indie ttrpgs is there's a system (or 10) for everything—high fantasy, cyberpunk, steampunk, apocalypse, teen drama!!
my top recs are:
high fantasy: burning wheel, dungeonworld, world of dungeons, mouseguard
cyberpunk: i've heard good things about shadowrun from the crowd that enjoy suuuper crunchy games (d&d and pathfinder are good examples of what i call "crunchy"—lots and lots of rules and dice rolls, as well as lots and lots of pre-written campaigns and homebrew classes), a lot of avery alder games can be run in a cyberpunk lens (dream askew, dream anew, basically their whole belonging outside belonging system is created specifically for malleability of tone—DMless, table-collaboration games where you build a world from scratch as a table, based on things you're interested in exploring together, and things you want to avoid)
steampunk: the only one i have on mind for this is blades in the dark, which is arguably steampunk—i call it that bc my closest touchstones for it are six of crows and peaky blinders! the world is built up really efficiently for you, like a super vivid, well-developed city and broader landscape, and you build a criminal gang on top of your individual character and then you Do Crimes (can be a gang of thieves, traffickers, creepy cults, assassins—you name it!) easily in my top 3 games
apocalypse: again with avery alder, like god their games are genius and so, so intimate to play, specifically apocalypse world (which is a game system that's suffused the market of indie games, like many writers take the basic mechanics of AW and twist it to their own means, and it RIPS like every single time)
teen angst: monsterhearts!!! monsterhearts monsterhearts MONSTERHEARTS my fucking beloved—you play a teen monster just trying to keep their shit together, and each of the monster playbooks play with various traumas and personal/interpersonal issues like anger, isolation, fawning, performativity, the developmental bent towards manipulation. it's a game that can either go so fucking hard, or be a lovely little jaunt, and that depends a lot on your group—and it's another avery alder game, based on the apocalypse world system, which are all typefied by a dedication to protecting the players at the table And the GM. specifically, you're encouraged to lay out your soft no issues, and your hard nos. eg my group alwasy nixes alcoholism, graphic abuse, and we tend to try to steer clear of manipulative magics (the classic touchstone for this is the d&d spell Charm Person, but monsterhearts' Vampire playbook is largely sculpted around that kind of compulsion/thrall, and we tread very carefully with those). plus they introduce the X card, which you can throw down on the table at any point, for any reason if you run into a surprise trigger or a situation goes too hairy for you to interact with, and you're under no obligation to explain your reasons, aside from like. "can we steer this in a different direction". touchstones: mean girls, heathers, riverdale
urban: monster of the week! think buffy, think supernatural, think charmed, sabrina, etc. you play a team of ppl goin after monsters for whatever reason (personal vendettas, responsibility to protect your town/family, money, whatever) and it's honestly such a joy to be adapting to new monster problems every session or every few sessions, but keeping the throughline of the same characters and the same brewing relationships.
and just for simplicity, my TOP 3 indie games:
Blades in the Dark
Monster of the Week
all of these games heavily feature player-character relationships, and lean into the actual improvisational roleplaying in a way that people always want d&d to do, but end up having to homebrew it and fudge rules to make work the way they want—and why bother going through that work as a GM (often arduous and time-consuming) when there's a game for literally every direction you and your table want to go! these games often feature a specific "zero session" in which you build your characters at the table with your group, and often build the world around them, too. and especially monsterhearts and AW systems, you're also defining your relationship to your fellow player characters with prewritten concepts like a desire to protect them because you see them as needing protection, or they saved you from past harm and you owe them your loyalty, or you just think they're shiny—and also you can write your own! it's all a conversation, which to me is the most important part of a game.
like for example, i had a blades in the dark game last night that we tied off in a scene with my character and an NPC which didn't go the direction i wanted it to go, not because of a failed roll on my part, but bc my GM didn't pick up what i was laying down—a miscommunication we figured out after we'd ended for the evening. me: jay just wanted to get her in bed UGH GM: wait were you trying to seduce her me: yes!!!! GM: oh shit ok i did Not put that together, ok we're gonna re-do that scene at the top of next session
because it's a conversation!!! this isn't a guarantee that the scene will go the way i want it to, but it'll leave less of a disappointed taste in my mouth—because i always want shit to either go perfectly, or go completely, utterly to shit, as does everyone i play with, and that scene had landed us in a really boring middleground that would have concluded in a very boring approach to the job we were hired to do (steal from the general i wanted to seduce—og plan was for my character to get her into bed and knock her out w a sleeping agent our alchemist brewed, and then let my crew into the headquarters through a side door—but the way that final scene panned out, we would have just had to regular old stealth our way in, which is BORING and also VERY LIKELY TO GO WRONG in bland and predictable ways.)
ANYWAY! all this to say! dream big! there's stuff out there for everyone that doesn't involve trying to squish d&d around to fit your desires, and avoids the issue of getting real bogged down in combat. most of these games play by the general idea of combat that lasts longer than 15 seconds putting you at an extreme disadvantage, so you get a couple fast and strong moves and then you have an aftermath of injuries or conflict or success to play with!! and ALSO you're still definitely allowed to like d&d!!!! a lot of indie tabletop ppl love to shit on d&d, and my table does do that, but i personally love that people do what they want w every game—so do what you love! games are meant to be fun and fulfilling, and whatever gets you there is perfect!!!!!!!
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
The Last Inn P3
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Media IRL X Fantasy DnD 
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster (Elf)
Couple Thomas x Reader
Rating Flirty Af + adorable
Concept Tavern
I grabbed myself a fresh fluffy towel and headed down though the almost empty inn and out the backdoors onto the courtyard filled with rocks and sweet pools all overlooking the little River that ran beside the inn, the hot steam rising from the pools immediately made me excited to climb in but I stopped short as I noticed the little singing comic from the pools, I looked around the rocks and saw y/n her hair up in a tight twisted braid pinned up to her head, gently singing to herself as she used the hot magic enriched waters to rub up and down her bare arms and chest anything important hidden below the water but still. She stopped her song as she saw me and she smiled "oohh hello Thomas"
"Uuuhhh hi y/n"
"You coming in?" She asks
"Ohh uhh I don't want to be a bother"
"It's no trouble, nice to have someone to talk to"
"You sure its okay? For me?"
"Of course, come on" she smiled moving to the other side of the pool and kicking her foot to splash the water at me so I slipped my towel away and climbed into the pool with her immediately feeling warm, soft and revitalised
"It's nice Isn't it"
"It is, were the pools here before the inn or the inn built the pools?"
"Before it's why I choose to built the inn here beside such sweet pools and of course the rivers ever so beautiful"
"It is, it's a really nice place here y/n"
"Thank you worked really hard to make it this nice"
"It's paid off, really it has, this is probably the only place in the world that I feel happy in,"
"Well… the rest of the world isn't as kind to people like me as you are"
"I don't see why'
'yes you do. You know what I am you know people aren't exactly fond of me"
"True. I don't know I don't see why they do your always ever so sweet"
"I'm always sweet to you, your always kind to me"
"Thats because you're lovely" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss which turned my face bright red "I know things aren't easy for you so I like to make sure you feel comfortable have somewhere nice to go whenever you feel a bit burdened by it all"
"That's very kind of you y/n, honestly this little Inns the only place in the world I feel… at home anymore"
"Really, I always plan my trips to come back here. Whenever I'm away huddled in my cart away from the rain I think about how nice it would be to be here warm at the inn with you. Anytime that i get upset or hurt about how the world treats me I just remember how sweet and kind you are to me. I always make my way here, because it feels like coming home"
"Awww Tommy that's so sweet, well I like taking care of you and if you liked you could make the inn your home"
"I could?"
"If you liked, I could always do with a hand in the bar and all your more then welcome to move things up to your room more permanently"
"You'd really do that for me?"
"Of course, if you wanted to say that is"
"I'd love to stay y/n. Thank you so so much" I smiled hugging her tightly then I remembered "ohh uhh sorry" I blushed
"it's alright" she smiled "if you like you'd be welcome up in the top apartment?"
"Ohh uhhh... really?" I stuttered
"If you'd like too"
"I'd love too, if that's okay"
"Absolutely, I've head good things about you boys and your bed warming capabilities" she giggled giving my cheek a kiss before she swam across the other side
I stood behind the bar cleaning the glass in hand as y/n was busy pouring some tankards of ale, I glanced up as I heard a loud shout as some goblin boys began fighting throwing a chair over the other
"Hey!" I yelled to him "put the chair down"
"what you gonna do about it!" One yelled
"Oi! take it outside" Y/n yelled
"Screw you tavern girl!" the other yelled
"Okay your cut off get the hell out!" I told him "Both of you"
"Or what?"
"Okay you little shits" she yelled putting the drinks down and grabbing her sword
"Ohhh No. I'd recommend you run"
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allerod · 1 year
What characters do you currently like? Do you have any original characters?
ohh boyy what a can of mental illness worms you're opening with that question.
i like paganel a completely normal amount (unironically. i am genuinely normal about this). for the past month i've been rewatching the in search of captain grant series, and i'm currently starting to read the book. he's just so he he silley funney, and what an adhd icon! and of course his relationship with mcnabbs is. neat.
and diego de la vega I Guess? i've been consuming zorro media for almost a year now, and we're going through a rough time currently bc of shit he has been pulling in a specific adaptation, but that's fine. it's fine. other diegos are still my friends.
and then there's um. the. the. charles ix king of france as pictured by alexandre dumas in his book "la reine margot". my scrungly brungly son who has every disease. he's been occupying my brain for months at this point, he's so pathetic and miserable and his family is so so toxic, i genuinely feel sick and unwell thinking about him. and the rest of the last valois too, and catherine, and henri of navarre. there's a lot to overthink in that book (and in the other two too, i guess) and you can be sure i Have been overthinking it!
as for oc, i don't really have any, it was never my thing. there was kurzo, my d&d character, a halfling sailor cleric, who liked drinking and was afraid of water :') but ah. i'm not playing dnd anymore. and there was nicolò, a biotechnology student from palermo (as in studying in there. i never decided from where he was actually from, it was not important) who skipped classes to go paragliding. but as you can guess, that was less of an oc and more of a coping mechanism. i guess i just prefer to put characters i already know in situations, instead of inventing a whole new guy :>
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merrigelblogs · 1 year
Hell yeah, thanks for the tag @alienjaes !! ✨
1. Are you named after anyone? - Oooghgh boring but not that I know of? So I’ll sub in something similar but funnier- I’ve gone by Kat since the 8th grade because my username on the fockin Animal Crossing Forums that I loved as a child was katelynkat and thus got shortened to Kat, and I liked it so much I brought it to the meatspace LMAO
2. When was the last time you cried? - Bro I just moved internationally and am now Extremely far away from p much every not-my-gf person I love, I Shrimply cannot have this question posed to me rn (like. two days ago.)
3. Do you have kids? - Nah, but we might adopt someday!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? - Yeeaahhh,,, I try not to be Mean about it but being a little asshat runs in my blood, my whole family is like this!!
5. What is the first thing you notice about a person? - Usually their hairstyle, or if they have any really striking clothing/jewelry! They’re my go-tos for compliments since they’re things that people like... Choose, y’know? So they usually seem happy to be complimented on ‘em!
6. What’s your eye color? - Blue! 
7. Scary movie or happy ending? - Yes! This is a wild dichotomy! I’m a weenie tho so it depends on how scary the movie is
8. Any special talents? - Uhhh define special? I uh... I can do :3 irl!
9. Where were you born? - North Carolina babey!
10. What are your hobbies? - Oh goddamn. E. everything. Reading (mostly fantasy/thrillers), playing video games, drawing (ironically less now that it’s my job but y’know), playing dungeons and dragons with my best buds, whatever craft I can get my grubby little mitts on the materials for, doing puzzles, baking, etc etc etc! 
11. Do you have any pets? - Noooo but we wanna get a cat sometime soon!! After we do our travels this year maybe! In the meantime, our dearly departed family dog Finn is forever in my heart
12. What sports do you/have you played? - Okay so I’m an uncoordinated and outta shape lil shit, but I used to LOVE sprinting and (hilarious bc I was So Small) basketball! Ohh badminton too... Nothin’ now tho, got no time or energy or place to go or-
13. How tall are you? - 5′5″, 5′6″ish? Somewhere in there!
14. Favo(u)rite subject in school? - Love that lil concession to the british there LMAO, uhh obviously I loved art but! I also really enjoyed english and psychology! I actually gave myself a bit of a headache in college bc I tried to do all my science credits in psychology and accidentally went past the “this will not count do a class in another subject” limit LMFAO
15. Dream Job? - I mean... I just recently kinda Got it? I’m currently doing my first job as a storyboard artist!! Though the reality is it’s been... Well. Got kind of a tough gig for my first one! Anyhoo, I truthfully do not dream of labor, but if I must then the best thing would be to make enough to live on by FINALLY making that graphic novel of our pirate DnD campaign that I’ve been wanting to do for YEARSSS
Bonus: any significance to your blog's name - Yes and no! No in that it’s a nonsense word, yes in that it’s a nonsense word I made up out of a mishmash of silly references to my favorite things- mer for the sea, and rigel for a star out of my favorite constellation!! Append “blogs” to it to tie this to my art blog (since this is my Main Spot) and badaboom! A personal brand that’s always available bc who else would use this username!
Ooohh tags.... If y’all wanna, I’ll hit up @ramblerogue , @frenchy-and-the-sea , @in-a-hat , @tricklesnitz , and anyone else who wants to!!​
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lastwave · 2 years
do all the asks for dnd renfield i double dare you
1: How did you come up with your OCs name?
tha dracula special interest
2: Does your OC have a theme?
OH I JUST TALKED ABT THIS!! we decided that this piano of sigmas theme is very him
3: What is their Class?
SOULKNIFE ROGUE. he was going to be a college of whispers bard but then his charisma needed to be shit. also soulknife is cooler and directly tied to the dracula curse (haven't figured out the exact details)
4: What is their Race?
human. lol
5: Are they from a Module or a Homebrew?
the Heckna! module :)
6: What TTRPG are they from? (D&D, VTM, or something else?)
7: Have you gotten to actively play them/introduce them to the story yet?
ive rped as him so ya!
8: What do they look like? (Do you have art of them? Are you open to fan art?)
ohh ok ok. so u know my dracula renfield design? that but he has multiple outfits and he dyes one half of his hair brown because he has trouble coming to terms with the fact hes old LOL
9: What is their personality like?
answered this bad boy
10: What’s their relationship with their parents like?
oughhhh god. ok. he has very mixed feelings on his birth parents. they did what was best to keep him safe as a kid but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt (see iliveinprocrastination's ask abt number 11 for context). he has had a lot of parental and mentorial figures in his life tho and i think he loves all of them. and misses them very deeply
11: Where did they grow up? Do they miss it? Would they ever go back if they could?
answered this one<3
12: Did they have any backstory adventures before joining the party? If not, what were they doing before they were introduced?
ehhhhhh? they werent really adventures but he did have an eventful life pre campaign due to being a traveling act (escape artist & contortionist)
13: What is their alignment? What would THEY say their alignment is? Does it matter to them?
answered this bad boy too
14: Are there any secrets to their backstory you know, but they don’t know yet? (Secret parentage perhaps?)
not that i know of. unless the dm has plans i dont know abt
15: Do they have a favorite food?
onion soup 👍
16: Least favorite food?
17: What means the most to them? (Not a person)
18: Who means the most to them?
hrm. thats a good question. i dont know<3 out of living people probably elaine? first long-ish friendship in a WHILE.
19: Do they hate anything? (Not a person)
gooey textures ?
20: Do they hate anyone?
dracula LOL. he Will hate heckna later but he hasnt gotten there yet
21: Are they currently in a romance? (NPC or PC)
this man is ace/aro (probably more greyromantic but yanno. under the umbrella) so no
22: Do they have any romance in their backstory? If it ended, how did it end?
midlife crisis where he tried to convince himself he enjoyed dating and hookups
23: Do they have a favorite school of magic?
he does not know that humans can do magic yet
24: Least favorite school of magic?
see above
25: Have they ever lost someone important to them?
yea. sorry for putting u in the blender old man its for the themes and motifs and plot
26: If you had the choice, would you rather they have a happy ending, a bittersweet ending, or a tragic ending?
27: Are they a liar? Do they lie to the party, or only to others? Do they usually think they have a good reason?
liar is a strong word. he will if he feels its in his vested interest in survival to. hes not a good liar, but hes very good at avoiding truths.
28: What’s the worst thing they’ve ever done? How do they feel about it?
he used to be like. really mean when he was younger in the whole. scaring people department. he probably did a pretty mean spirited joke on someone that didn't end well. i think he feels bad about it.
29: What’s the best thing they’ve ever done? How do they feel about it?
oughhhhh u know? whatever good hes done for other people i dont think he recognizes it because for the longest time he was never able to see the results. im gonna have to think abt this one
30: Who is their favorite NPC? Or PC if they’re an NPC?
bailey counts as an npc right
31: Least favorite NPC? Or PC if they’re an NPC?
unknown at the moment but it will prooobably be heckna
32: If they suddenly lost their class and had to pick a new one, what would they choose? What would YOU choose for them?
he would choose ranger probably. id choose abberrant mind sorcerer because it fucks
33: If they played the TTRPG they’re from, what would they play as?
34: What is their biggest flaw?
answered this and the next one
35: What do they think their biggest flaw is?
see above
36: What is the best thing about them?
he cares a lot for the people around him. he doesn't make it known verbally but u can tell by his actions
37: What do they think the best thing about them is?
he thinks hes soooo funny
38: What would happen if they suddenly appeared on Earth?
he would simply go back to sleep because it would be a dream 2 him
39: If they suddenly appeared on Earth, what time period would you place them in? What location? Why?
victorian era london. puts him back in his habitat
skipping 40 because idk ❤️
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officerdougeiffel · 1 year
🗺️ + ✨
Heya gamer :D
🗺️- podcast world you’d most like to live in?
ohh this is hard. probably welcome to night vale or spirit box radio. they're such fun universes with interesting characters and fun rules. wtnv seems like a dream place to me, there's really no societal pressure for anything at all and you can do or be whoever you want to be. and I love magic and the arcane in our universe so to be somewhere where it is real and common would be awesome.
✨️- podcast in a different genre than what you usually listen to
I listen to almost all types of fiction podcasts so I'm just gonna put my nonfiction podcast loves
brain leak is crankgameplays and jacksepticeyes podcast where they mostly just talk about whatever their adhd tells them. it is so funny and I love it so much but it is Deeply hard to keep track of at times
safety third is William osman, nilered and the backyard scientist talking about science, chemistry and such but they're all YouTube scientists so it's a lot less proper and more joking than normal science podcasts
and honorable mention is the only dnd/ttrpg podcast I like - kollok 1991/kollok. kollok 1991 is a horror podcast about teenagers in small town kollok Washington where weird shit is starting to go down and it turns into an interdimensional eldritch adventure type of thing. (kind of wtnv meets tma)
kollok is the third season of kollok 1991 which takes place 30 years after kollok 1991. no child has been born after the events of the season 2 finale and the world is a wasteland near appocylipse. the kids from kollok 1991 have all grown up to adults and have their own plot line, but there is another plot line of a group of 'ascended' (the kids born on the last day kids were ever born). it's counted as a separate thing since watching kollok 1991 isn't mandatory to enjoy this
it's available to watch on YouTube and very recommend it. the visuals in this go so hard and it is so deeply underrated
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zevranunderstander · 2 years
rpg games that have stats that fit their system and their world > rpg games that use the str/dex/const/cha/int/wis stats from dnd just because everyone knows them already despite some of them making super little sense in the game and the game needing to come up with reasons why you would want to invest into e.g. a wisdom build
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munsonzgf · 2 years
“eddie (munson), my love” | eddie munson x reader
what happens when you dedicate a song to eddie? extremely fluffy, so be warned :)
Tumblr media
it was a peaceful saturday in hawkins. you would hardly believe there were normal days again.
you stayed the night after attending another one of eddie’s big dnd campaigns. it was entertaining as always, you loved seeing your boyfriend so enthusiastic to play one of his favorite hobbies with his friends. his bubbly personality shining brightly when he directed his club members in the game. an additional wonderful memory added to your mental scrap book of him.
you were sitting by him on his bed, while he practiced a song on his guitar. you watched his fingers strum on the cords. all you could think about is his chunky rings. rings. after quickly pulling yourself out of your thoughts, you finally noticed the tape was over, so you got up and walked over to his stereo.
“can i play a song?” you already know his answer, but it’s always polite to ask.
he smiles, “of course! what’s mine is yours now. choose whatever your heart desires, m’lady.” as he bows slightly to you. your heart flutters. he may look scary & imitating to others, but he is actually a big, romantic softie when it comes to you.
once the melody started playing, he rolled his eyes dramatically, “ohh my god, really?”
you always put on “eddie my love” by the chordettes, just to tease him because you love it when he is flustered. he always complains about it being old & boring, but you know he secretly loves it.
you grabbed his hand quickly to pull him to his feet, “ahh ah ah wait-“ he places his guitar carefully on his bed, & turns, ready to give you all his attention.
you put his hands on your hips & you put yours on his shoulders, & attempt to slow dance with him, but he stumbles over his own feet & he even steps on your own.
“oh shit! i’m so sorry! i didn’t mean to- oh my god, are you okay?? i’m sorry! i never did this before..” eddie looks down, suddenly nervous because he is embarrassed that he never learned to dance.
he is still so nervous around you. it’s adorable. you fall more in love with him every single day. it’s the little details.
oh gosh, you did love him so much.
“it’s okay, i promise, just follow my pace, babe.” you giggle & kiss his chin. he nods with a small smile, & guilds with you. after a few seconds, you smile once you notice he is getting the hang of it. he isn’t so bad after all.
you leaned your head close to his ear, enough to give him goosebumps, & softly sung the last chorus,
“eddie my love, i love you so”
you could hear his breath hitch in his throat, and the feel the warmness radiating off his left cheek. you press a loving kiss to it, and giggle, happy to know you had him wrapped around your finger.
as the song ends, he let’s go of your waist & gently grabs your chin, the coldness of his beloved rings made you shiver, “i love you so so much.. you have no idea.” your eyes meet his.
those pretty dark brown eyes. you’re in absolute awe.
“i love you so so so much more, pretty boy.” you tore your gaze from his gorgeous doe eyes, & stared at his lips. his cheeks turn more rosy tinted at your nickname for him.
both of you slowly leaning in, until you meet in the middle to an intense, but passionate kiss.
true love.
author’s note: hi! this is my first time writing, so i hope it isn’t that horrible. this man has a deep hold on me, i couldn’t stop myself from thinking about this scenario, and not writing about it would be considered a crime. also, ik this song isn’t exactly about a romantic relationship, i’m only focusing on the chorus.(& ik this is eddie kaspbrak’s song but they can share it <3)
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