districtx-hq · 4 days
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: / / RESERVED . . .
935: huh yunjin [le sserafim] "LIM SEBIN" / dream walking / urbane residence #301 / PENDING REVIEW
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districtx-hq · 6 days
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» OCCUPATION: streamer and pinnacle institute student » ALSO KNOWN AS: ame » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: north side, x palace luxury apartments #301
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second daughter of first generation a-tier enhanced agents myth (jang shinwoo) and polaris (lee yoorim)
in the spotlight from a young age due to parents' popularity
singlehandedly caused two different nannies to quit
primary ability manifested at 9 years old
saved her parents from assumed assassination attempt via mirror portal
accepted into the pinnacle institute at 21. nepotism?
does not show same dedication to training as her older sister did
streams online under the username 'jjangame'
very charming and popular despite questionable personality ??
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
she’s able to manipulate reflections using any reflective surface – mirrors, glass, water, particularly shiny jewelry, etc. if you can see the reflection of something in it, she can manipulate it. this includes making you see something in the reflection that isn’t physically there, but also making those reflections “real.” they’re just illusions, and she can’t maintain them long-term, but they can appear quite realistic. she can even make reflection illusions of people speak, though if she hasn’t heard them talk herself, they will sound strange. she can’t make them appear out of thing air, though – they always emerge from the reflective surface. there are a surprising amount of applications for this power, including harnessing light that reflects off of a surface. for example, if she’s by water at night, and moonlight is reflecting off of it, she can manipulate that moonlight into something more tangible, like an orb of light she can carry in her hands to light up darker areas. the farther away she gets from the original reflection, the harder she has to focus to keep manipulating it. she has also redirected sunlight off of a surface outside directly into someone’s eyes and blinded them before. one of its most useful applications, especially at her time at pinnacle, is her ability to reflect other people’s abilities. to do this, though, the ability has to be visible in a reflective surface. she always carries a compact mirror with her and wears shiny jewelry for this reason. in the case of psychic abilities, or other abilities that can’t be seen, she’s not as consistent. she has to be aware the ability is being used, and the person using it has to be visible in a reflective surface. it also takes additional focus on her part depending on the ability and the user’s skill with it, so she’s working on it. when she "reflects" an ability, it does essentially "uno reverse" it back onto the person that used it. how it effects them depends entirely on how the original user's ability works.
PORTAL CREATION she can create portals, but only through mirrors. she can only control where she’ll end up after going through a mirror portal if she can remember the location of another mirror. otherwise, she can picture a general area she wants to go, and wind up coming out of a random mirror nearby. it’s made for some awkward moments. she can take up to two people with her through a portal, but she has to be touching them.
CHARISMA MANIPULATION she’s able to quite literally “turn on the charm,” but only for herself so far – not for lack of trying. there are plenty of likable and popular people she has tried to make less charming, but she’s never noticed a real difference. she gets tired the longer she uses this ability. she uses it often at public gatherings and while she’s streaming, and she can’t stream as long as many other streamers because of it. in theory she could go into a social event without using it, but she feels significantly more insecure when she doesn’t.
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districtx-hq · 13 days
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: / / MUSE REMOVALS . . .
the following muses have not responded to the interest check posted yesterday and have been removed from the directory. the faceclaims are free to be reserved or applied for by anyone.
none! remember that removals will start after the october interest check.
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districtx-hq · 13 days
hi! current mun here! just want to say how much i love the rp so far! looking forward to future plots and events!
thank you so much!! we're really looking forward to move fun things coming soon for everyone <3 in the meantime, watching everyone start to develop their characters and flex their creativity has been amazing and we can't wait for next steps!!
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districtx-hq · 14 days
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the following muses have not posted in two or more weeks and are in danger of being removed. please message the main within 24 hours of this post if you would like to stay in the directory.
! NOTE: because this is our first interest check and it hasn't been long since we opened, everyone gets a free pass this month and no one will be cleared unless we're notified that they want to drop! normal removals will begin in october.
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districtx-hq · 14 days
will there be any events dropping in the near future?
absolutely! we've got things planned, we're just taking our time to deliver something we're excited to share and to let everyone settle in and start getting a sense of their muses since we opened relatively recently.
keep an eye out for events coming soon!
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districtx-hq · 19 days
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» OCCUPATION: tier c enhanced agent » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: east side, top view towers officetel unit #203
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orphaned when she was only seven years old, caused by an explosion that killed both her parents and they were merely collateral damage to a villain attack. only one to make it out alive thanks to their sacrifice, but the public does not know that specific family that was killed.
adoptive parents are highly trained spies. doha is the odd one out right now due to her mental state being in a not so good condition half the time.
doha has made it as a tier c enhanced agent but has recently went into a short leave of absence in order to recuperate from a recent honey trap mission that ended rocky.
does not easily make friends because people think she's crazy, occasionally seen talking to herself.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
to put it simply, doha has the ability to clone herself numerous times, however she's limited to replicating two with a time span of three minutes in between. in addition to creating clones of herself at will, she is able to recombine them whenever she wants but it can be tricky to the farther the clones manage to go. her clones typically inherit doha's personality, her demeanor... but unfortunately can develop other personality traits; for example, one could be much more harsh than the other and bring the worse part out of doha but nothing terribly out of the ordinary because technically her clones are still her. when doha herself becomes stressed or if any changes happen in regards to her mental state then the changes will naturally affect her clones too. worst case scenario is when one of the clones get seriously hurt, it affects herself too and it will eventually cause that one clone to return back to her. her clones are less durable than compared to herself.
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districtx-hq · 19 days
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» OCCUPATION: metallurgical engineer for n.e.p.a. » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: east side, top view towers officetel unit #103
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orphaned after his parents' tragic death, daehyun was raised in a government-run orphanage.
manifested his magnetism abilities at a young age, leading to early isolation and control from authorities.
struggles with asperger's syndrome (asd, level 1), rendering social interactions difficult and contributing to his sense of alienation.
trained at the pinnacle institute.
lives a double life, secretly aiding resistance groups in district x while serving nepa as an engineer.
known for his meticulous nature and cold precision in missions, often misunderstood by colleagues as aloofness.
suffers from frequent sensory overloads due to the intense demands of his double life and his asperger's/asd.
has a deep-seated resentment toward the government for exploiting mutagens, especially after losing his parents.
his favorite way to unwind is by manipulating small metal objects, finding comfort in their predictable movements.
despite his cold exterior, daehyun is deeply loyal to those he cares about, even if he struggles to show it.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
the ability to manipulate magnetic fields. it allows him to attract, generate, repel, control, and reshape ferromagnetic substances like iron, nickel, and cobalt, and influence the flow of electric currents. he can levitate metallic objects, create electromagnetic pulses (EMPS) that can disable electronics and form defensive, protective magnetic barriers. he can also change the magnetic properties of objects, like creating temporary magnetic poles or disrupting magnetic fields around his surroundings. while his power is strong in both offensive and defensive scenarios, there are limitations surrounding his environment. his powers are effective in areas where there are metals or electromagnetic field presents (like outer space); without this, his abilities are significantly reduced. non-metallic/non-magnetic materials are not affected by his powers. also, he is susceptible to fatigue with prolonged use. strong electromagnetic interference or advanced technologies created to disrupt magnetic fields can weaken or neutralize his powers. sensory overload can also affect how he uses his abilities.
ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM MANIPULATION AND SIGHT he can perceive and manipulate various wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum, this ranges from visible light to radio waves, infrared/ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays. this gives him the ability to generate electromagnetic pulses to disrupt electronics, create protective energy fields and track heat signature or energy emissions that are not visible to the naked eye. he can also detect hidden threats by seeing beyond the visible spectrum. since this ability can be intense, the use of this power requires focus and energy, overuse can lead to chronic to severe mental and physical exhaustion, leaving him vulnerable.
RESISTANCE TO IONIZING RADIATION this provides daehyun with a natural defense against harmful radiation that would be lethal to most people. it allows him to endure significant exposure to ionizing radiation such as gamma rays and x-rays, enabling him to operate in hazardous ambient like nuclear fallout zones or radiologically contaminated areas without immediate harm. while, he can endure higher levels of radiation than an average person, prolonged or extreme exposure will eventually overwhelm his defenses, leading to potential physical damage and long-term health effects. this resistance is specific to radiation and doesn’t protect him for other environmental hazards like toxins, or chemical agents.
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districtx-hq · 19 days
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» OCCUPATION: underground fighter » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: south side, urbane residence apartments #201 » ALSO KNOWN AS: axel
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tw: mass family death, wrongful conviction, comatose.
born in the states as the youngest son to the wealthy and renowned hwa family, wesley dean hwa quite literally had it all.
his family was well known for their advocacy in rights and equal treatment of mutagens in the liberal states, having built and leading one of the biggest organizations supporting mutagens.
they had a picture perfect family of two sons and a cherished daughter. where drama existed in exaggerated films and televised media, the hwa family lived in peace and genuine support of each other. each child of the prestigious has family was raised and nurtured with grace, poise, and sincerity.
at 8 years old, axel first manifest his ability of time manipulation. the public almost made a scandal out of this since this was clearly not the abilities that his father or siblings had showcased however, it had been a family secret that his mother's side of the family came from an old line of mutagens with time manipulation.
wesley grows up with a prestigiously normal life where everything is as it's meant to be. that is up until he turns 22 and graduates from university.
during the middle of the night, the hwa family estate erupts into flames and by the time authorities have arrived, wesley is the only one alive. with evidence manipulated against him, wesley is wrongfully convicted for the murder of his entire family under pretense of wanting to gain the family inheritance. he is sent to a detention center with a life sentence without parole.
2 years after his sentencing, two well-known laywers of the hwa family surface after having disappeared following the tragedy. they fight for wesley's innocence and are able to have the case reopened. it took a year of investigating for new evidence to be found before wesley was released and cleared of all charges.
soon after his release, wesley was immediately admitted into a hospital after there was an attempt on his life. wesley falls into a week long coma before awakening and immediately disappearing.
the person who had attempted to take his life had mentioned his mother's family and district x. this lead to wesley leaving for south korea to find out the truth. however, upon arriving in south korea the reality of everything was too much for wesley to handle.
wesley quickly adopts an entirely new identity and falls into the underground scene where he becomes a fighter, essentially abandoning his will in searching for the truth unable to properly face his trauma.
it's been two years since wesley has established himself as a rising fighter in district x. he has yet to contact anyone back home to receive his family inheritance and settle all records. he has yet to find anymore information on his mother's family and the killer as well.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
the ability to manipulate and control time, from the indefinite progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present and into the future majorly in relation to his own being and experiences. Major Applications: Mental Time Travel: ability to reconstruct past events or imagine future scenarios. axel is able to reconstruct past events of his own memories. to be able to access memories of others or objects, axel must establish physical touch with his target. as soon as a connection is broken, axel will lose access to the vision and memories being projected. as for future scenarios, axel is unable to determine if what he is seeing will be the absolute future or is just a possible outcome. Time Slip: ability to slip into past timelines from his life. depending on where axel is, he is able to slip into moments of his past as a non-influential observer. he is unable to interact directly with anything from the past and does not make any direct impact on changing the timelines and typically functions in a way that allows axel to learn from his past or rediscover something he had forgotten or never perceived the first time around. this ability usually allows him to remain in the past for up to 3 hours before he reintegrates to the present. Time Relativity: ability to move around while leaving a temporary echo of axel’s image that will disappear after catching up with time (10 minutes max) or disappear upon axel’s return. axel is able to leave behind an echo of himself that is essentially an illusion of his form as he leaves the premises whether to make an escape or to snoop around. if axel chooses to leave the premises, the echo will fade after 10 minutes and it will be as if axel just disappeared. if axel chooses to return to his echo, it will be as if he was there the entire time and he’ll be able to perceive everything that happened in the time he was away from what was imprinted on the echo from the environment. when an echo is left behind, however, it will be completely passive - either sitting as if it’s compliantly listening or repeating whatever action axel was doing previously. the echo is unable to speak or interact in any other way with its surroundings. Time Contortion: ability to create or destroy the probability of a possible outcome. paired with his ability of mental time travel, axel is able to create or destroy aspects to influence the probability of a certain outcome happening. he is unable to create or destroy every aspect leading up to an outcome however as his ability only affects the probability of making something more or less likely to happen depending on what circumstance he has changed within his direct means. axel is able to have more influence over his own probabilities in comparison to someone else. (ie. axel would be able to guarantee himself winning a contest however might only be able to set someone else up to win second or third place). Time Stop: ability to stop time within a 50m radius. in a sense, axel is able to adjust time to his individual movement making it seem like people have come to a complete slow or frozen state. axel is able to maneuver freely in this radius however he has only been able to implement it for up to half a day maximum. the radius is set from the point he implements the ability and is not relevant to him as a center (the radius of time stopping does not travel with him). Unending Loop: ability to create a loop within a 100m radius. anything within that radius will become stuck in a specific time interval of wesley’s choosing from 10 minutes to a day. no new circumstances may enter the radius and nothing within the radius will be able to leave due to the restraints of the loop. though wesley is able to implement the loop, he is unable to control what happens within the timeframe of the loop such as people’s actions/influence as he only controls the time and thus every loop can end differently by the end of the day despite environmental circumstances remaining the same.
SELF-SUSTENANCE physical needs are greatly diminished extending from breathing, sleeping and rest, to food and drink, bodily evacuations, and environmental effects. axel is able to go a maximum of five days without food or sleep. these needs are not completely negated however and he does require eating and sleeping to be able to obtain full rest and energy. this ability only applies to axel does not work if he is already in an exhausted state. luck derivation: becomes the driving source of luck. axel becomes a conductor of luck and influences anyone nearby with either good or bad luck. he is unable to control who directly gets affected by this and not everyone near him will experience the effects of this ability. he is also unable to control how long the effects last for others compared to himself.
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districtx-hq · 23 days
mwf? please and thank you!!
all of them. no, it's so hard to decide! for a few ideas, we'd really love to see any of the following:
katseye sophia or manon
snsd im yoona
meng jia
kwon eunbi
lee sunmi
red velvet park sooyoung (joy)
imada mio
tu tontawan
lola tung
blackswan fatou
ju jing yi
shen xiaoting
hopefully this list can help get you started! and our members might also reply with some of their favorites!
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districtx-hq · 24 days
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here’s the facts: mutagenic humans were a danger to our society. with unpredictable and uncontrolled powers, they wreaked havoc in our beautiful city. it wasn’t their fault; many of them had no idea they were even different until they burned down their apartment building or toppled over their schools, classmates and neighbors alike unfortunately caught in the crossfire of their unchecked abilities. district x was built not only to keep us humans safe but also to protect the mutagens from themselves. no one wants to be a villain, after all.
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districtx-hq · 24 days
you guys have some power suggestions or any interesting ones that would be wanted here? i had some originally in mind but now i'd like to start with something else!
we have a few suggestions that might be fun! and if our members have any ideas, they're welcome to comment on/reply to this post as well to get some more ideas rolling in.
telekinetic constructs
any type of element immunity
slime form/physiology
siren song
dermal armor
appendage generation
different types of animal physiology are so much fun to play with too, especially using some really weird animals with crazy biological abilities built in like echolocation, color changing and camouflage, incredible strength, the ability to scale vertical or near vertical walls, etc.
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districtx-hq · 24 days
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» OCCUPATION: disaster management house x firefighter, tier c enhanced agent (temporarily suspended) » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: south side, urbane residence apartments #102 » ALSO KNOWN AS: cain
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born as the eldest son to the yeon family alongside two younger siblings, his grandmother was a hero that inspired him to become one.
graduated the pinnacle institute as one of their top students with a promising future.
demonstrated a high proficiency in his ability, he knows how to bring out its full potential, especially in crucial times where the common people are involved.
in an undisclosed incident, he disobeyed orders while undergoing his tasks and is currently suspended of his enhanced agent activities at the moment. he was not expelled due to his remarkable contributions as an enhanced agent.
due to sustaining heavy damages during the incident, his ability has been weakened by approximately 50% and he’s currently in the process of recovery.
does not express any form of dissatisfaction from what has happened to him and continues his life as a firefighter meanwhile, optimistic that he’s still able to contribute to society in some way.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
the ability to create armour around his body and shape it from solid energy for protection that gives an overall physical boost. armour durability is largely dependent on the user’s stamina, mental fortitude, and visual imagery; the stronger and clearer they are, the higher the defense capabilities. he can also create the armour for other people and objects, protecting them for as long as his body can hold up. moreover, hwaryun is excellent in shaping armour into other forms as long as he has good visual image. in particular, he is excellent in forming a sword. extended usage of the ability will cause damage to the body and mind. hwaryun would not be able to make full use of his ability and has to recuperate for a long period of time. sometimes he sees sparks of energy in his vision, or his brain not being able to comprehend some people/objects, appearing as invisible to him for some time in the worst case scenario.
LIGHT INFUSION the ability to infuse only objects with light energy; typically used to empower and energise them, or to simply make them glow. infusion lasts for approximately 10 minutes at a time; the larger the object, the lesser the duration.
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districtx-hq · 26 days
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» OCCUPATION: research assistant at factor x » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: east side, top view towers officetel unit #303
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she was raised by a single mother and her father is a well-known n.e.p.a agent (but he’s also emotionally a deadbeat).
she has a pet cat named tang who she found on her way home from work one night despite her allergies.
she suffers from intense migraines at times and is often in a rather cranky mood due to this, coming off as much moodier than she really is.
she’s always been interested in health care due to her mother being a nurse and thrived in scientific topics while studying, leading her to go into research.
she’s well-off due to not only her own income but her father’s contributions towards her whenever he returns. her relation to him did help her get hired but she hates being called a nepotism hire.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
she has the ability to read people’s mind and can read their thoughts, desires and emotions and will hear them as voices in her own head. her ability only works when she either looks into someone’s eyes or holds eye contact with someone, the mutual eye contact allowing her to read their thoughts with more clarity. despite having a power with such capabilities she has decided to not learn how to utilise it properly and lacks any true understanding about the limits to what she can read, avoiding practising due to the headaches it gives her.
LIE DETECTION she can detect lies people tell her occasionally even if not reading their mind. unlike normal people, she doesn’t need context clues and just has the intuition to know but this ability only works sometimes due to how weak it is.
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districtx-hq · 26 days
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: / / ACCESSING FILE . . . OH SAE ›››
» OCCUPATION: toast & coffee 24-hour diner manager current » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: east side, brick stay villas apartment complex, #c101
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is also a criminal.
often spotted with new bruises here and there, sometimes a stain of blood on his hoodie.
his father is an inmate at the mutagenic high detention center. known as "the batman of red lane" as he often patrols the nearby areas of his workplace, hunting down bad guys and punishing them.
records show he was expelled from the pinnacle institute for harming another student.
there are always weird rumors about him.
some are scared of him, and some think he's cool.
he's cool. locals at the restaurant can confirm that. the kids love him but he makes terrible soup.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
sae can cause any animated or inanimated object around him to explode by accelerating its molecules and atoms' speed to the point that they combust. he would first have to concentrate on the matter in his surroundings before being able to sense the target's molecular movement. however, sae's only capable of detecting particles within a 3-meter range and is inactive to entities that could block him from manipulating their molecules.
he can control the size of his explosions and their scale also varies, ranging from small tasks of breaking locks to more complex ones, his biggest achievement being a truck. still, the bigger the object, the harder it is for him to control its particles, leading sae to experience a severe headache (and a bleeding nose) that prevents him from causing any more explosions temporarily. equivalently, generating explosions continuously for a short period results in the same consequence.
another drawback of this ability is its user's emotions. when put under extreme pressure or anger, he might lose control and cause accidental explosions. furthermore, sae isn't immune to his own works; he still feels the force and heat of the explosions.
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districtx-hq · 26 days
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» OCCUPATION: firefighter at fire and disaster management house x » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: east side, top view towers officetel #101 » ALSO KNOWN AS: jae
: / / READ MORE . . .
born in sydney, australia
parents were a notorious duo of criminals; kang woohyun & kang rina
during an intervention to capture them both, his father got killed and his pregnant mother fled to australia where she gave birth to him months later
attended district x public school 
applied to join the Fire and Disaster Management House as soon as he graduated
due to his background he’s often summoned by the police/protection agency for a few interrogations to assess his intentions and ensure that he has no desire to follow in his parents' footsteps
only government authorities are aware that he is their son, as his mother kept her pregnancy hidden from the public.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
jae is able to generate, shape and manipulate fire. he can produce flames from his hands, feet and mouth and he has the power to direct and mold them at will using either his body movements or his mind. he has full control over the intesity of his flames, thus can adjust the intensity of heat in his surroundings. while there’s technically no limit to the amount of fire he can manipulate, there is a time constraint. the larger or heavier the “object” he manipulates, the more effort it takes to maintain it for an extended period of time. his ability is oxygen dependant and is significantly weakened by water or cold environments. he’s fully aware of the potential harm his power can cause and remains highly focused whenever he uses it. prolonged and intense use of his abilities leads to migraines and fatigue.
FIRE AND HEAT RESISTANCE over the years, jae has developed a strong resistance to fire and heat, allowing him to withstand higher temperatures and exposure to flames better than the average person. however, there are still limits to what he can tolerate, and he often gets burned by his hottest flames.
THERMAL VISION he can sense heat signatures from living beings but only within a 10m radius.
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districtx-hq · 26 days
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» OCCUPATION: veterinary technician » LAST KNOWN LOCATION: east side, brick stay villas apartment complex #d201
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his dad is a highly respected environmental philanthropist, who uses his ability of nature manipulation to further his cause.
his mother, a shapeshifter, was once a villain named feign. she repented after imprisonment, now works in law enforcement.
despite both of their strengths, mujin lives up to his namesake. he was—and still is—inexhaustible. the energy he possesses is immense. mom likes to claim he’s been untamable since birth.
he’s a good son, though. he lives an independent lifestyle, but has learned positive life lessons from his parents and loves them a lot.
don’t even ask him about school, he hates structured learning. he tried the whole pinnacle academy thing, but that did not last long.
instead, he spends a lot of time in nature, raises a small family of pets, and works primarily as a veterinary technician. he’s there to communicate with the animals and perform basic treatments.
mujin, due to his animal empathy, eats a strictly vegetarian diet.
he’s not one for commitments, but is the drummer of a band.
kind of just does whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
he’s had run-ins with the law, but no worries. mom’s got his back.
: / / ABILITY(IES) . . .
mujin can transform into all non-extinct animals within the animal kingdom. advantages are aplenty. he has access to flight; swift swimming and breathing underwater; camouflaging himself; maneuvering through small spaces; attaining enhanced levels of strength, agility, flexibility, heightened senses, and many others depending on his form.
limitations are that he adopts all weaknesses of the animal he’s transformed into (fear of predators, tiny size, massive size, color blindness, intolerance to many elements and types of weather, etc.); he cannot speak human languages while in animal form; he cannot transform from one form into another, he needs to transform into a human, then giving himself a cool down period (roughly ~5 minutes) before shifting into another; he is susceptible to faunakinesis.
ZOOLINGUALISM due to his primary ability, even in human form, he can communicate with animals. he can read their thoughts, feel their feelings, and often forms very strong familial bonds with many of them. he calls them his brothers and sisters.
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