snailfen · 1 year
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i forgot i never posted these.... sinnoh trio scugs real
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
20 Asks! Thank you!! :)) 🎩
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@holly-opal (Sent after this post)
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I'm still working out the kinks of my AU- but I've got a few ideas in mind for Wally!
First off, he has terrible sleeping problems. :( He can only sleep for a few hours at a time before waking up with heart palpitations and feelings of anxiety :((
He's very casual about these problems and will talk to anyone who asks him about it, The neighbors will ask things like "have you tried this?" or "Have you tried eating this?" And he tries it all, but it never works.. he's not sure why :(
This is my in-world explanation for why Wally talks soooo slowly and has droopy eyes. The poor guy cant get a good nights sleep!
Now what Wally doesn't know, is that his Home is some kind of living entity.. its intentions with Wally are uncertain.. but at night while Wally is sleeping... it watches him.
The aura Home creates causes so much anxiety in Wally that he wakes up. And the feeling of another presence somewhere nearby creates so much anxiety that he cant go back to sleep.
He doesn't really recognize that these feelings could be legitimate. He just thinks to himself "No one is watching you, don't be silly!" He then double checks that his house is all locked up tight and finds a comfortable spot to rest until the anxiety subsides.. (..until home stops watching him..)
I've been experimenting with different ways that Barnaby could find out about just how severe Wally's nighttime anxiety is. And what he would do to help him.. but I haven't settled on an idea yet <:0
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I have not.. :( but after googling it, the art style looks really cool!! :DD
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XDD This ask made me laugh, and it was really sweet! Thank you!! :}}
I would love to dip my toes into welcome home a little more, I'm just a bit thin on ideas <XDD
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<:0 Sorry what?
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<XDD I cant tell what Wally is supposed to be. In canon he's the same height as other characters, dresses rather grown up, had his own house?? Yet so much fanart draws him/portrays him as really young or a child..? With all the neighbors treating him as a child?? <XD Which one is correct??
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Not any that I can remember.. I haven't interacted with that fandom for a while <XD And when I did, I mostly stuck to my own blog and my own ideas-
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Bloop!! :))
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Oof, its sad to hear that's how you found me.. 😔 But its nice to hear that someone feels the same way! :))
As for your question, that's totally fine! :D
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Thank you so much!! :DDD And to be totally honest I never really think of the environment the sky animals/beasts live in <XD I usually just see the cool mask and imagine what the rest of the creature would look like! :00
Not sure for any specific advice... I'm not great at explaining art things <XDD
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Yeah I have her holding an everstone XD and if she evolved she'd look like a man 💀 Which is why I'm keeping her as a cute little baby Kricketune :))
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Oh cool! :DDD
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@minnesotamedic186 (Sent after this comic)
That's right! And its a SEAHORSE MASK?? Huh :00 I didn't realize!
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Oof, thanks for letting me know.. and it sucks to hear that my art is on your board, that's not good. 😔
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Oof, thanks for letting me know..
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👀👀👀I cant wait to see it! :DD
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Season of Abyss was a literal and figurative game changer for me. Adding swimming mechanics to sky?? That beautiful ocean(?) to swim in?? I loved it so much and it added so much more playability to the game for me.
..However..... the season of Aurora was mind blowing. Haven't cried that hard at a game before. That's gotta be my favorite season. 🥺💞💞
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@stupid-thatsme (Refencing this post)
Man... 😔 I'm so sorry.. 😔😔😔
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I'm not sure! :0
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XDD Nope! They Ingo and Emmet!
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SNake! :D
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(Referencing this post)
Same here 😔
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XDD Well I do have a few side blogs, but my sona is only on this blog!
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You'll find someone my frien :(
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@neo-metalscottic (Master post trouble)
AAHHH THANK YOU!! :DD I was really proud of that gut punch so I'm glad you liked it! :))
As for if the animatronics have their own show.. I'm not sure :00 I made my AU without them having a show in mind.. but that's not to say they don't have one! Maybe its played on TV outside of the pizzaplex so the main animatronics don't really know about it..? :0
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@kittysuicoffee (Sorry for the late reply! <XD)
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XDD That's me!! :))
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waywardstation · 5 months
I was just looking again at your small comic with Phione Akari hiding under Ingo's hat and I also love how he has a bit more fluffy hair in your version.
Ever since the artbook was revealed everyone gives him no hair at all or balding hair. It's very refreshing to see that there is a bit less but there is less emphasis on this. After all you had a fic revolving around his hair and how Akari encouraged a bit of a makeover to him.
Other than that as I was looking I was wondering what kind of "thank you" Akari might have in store for him. While he wasn't the quickest to realize it's her and he had a hard time understanding her in other times the lengths he went to help her get back to normal are so enormous. He deserves a small thank you once everything is over. Even if he probably doesn't think much of it since he sees it as his duty to help as much as he can.
Thank you!! I do try to make it look a little more like hair, and a little less like sheet metal shrinkwrapped to his head lol. But I do still very much appreciate Ingo with his receding hairline!!
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I’m kind of on the side where I headcanon he just doesn’t bother with it too much and it does grow out (also because short, shaved hair would make for a very cold head and neck in the highlands/icelands) It is not much of a concern to him until moments like important photos perhaps, like in the fic you mentioned!! Then he wants to get it cut and shaped up lol.
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AND OH MAN once the whole thing is over and Akari gets her body back, Ingo wouldn’t be able to stop her from thanking him repeatedly. There would be nothing he could do to stop her from going out and dragging bags of coffee grounds and cans of creamer out of space-time distortions for the next month, a keurig included lol.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
*SPRINTS IN* REQUESTS ARE OPEN?? okayokayokay uuuummm How about.... Vampire submas realizing you are their mate, and trying to woo and seduce you? Powerful vampire twins who are used to people throwing themselves at them, suddenly desperate to catch one human's love and attention? :3c Both happily greeting you at the station, and sometimes when you are out and about at night even. Your very own silent protectors people would kill to have them look in their direction. -Silver Anon
🥺 my jam right here, the homies gotta be my favorite brain cells.
The subway bosses of Gear station are an odd duo, while they keep up public appearances, not much is truly known about them.
It adds to the charm of them.
They never seem interested in partners, or romance, only focusing on their work, and ignoring those who beg for a date.
The twins spent their time doing paperwork, and using synthetic blood to get by.
They don’t need anything else.
However, Ingo does dream of a life with a mate, someone to go home to, someone to love on.
And Emmet dreams of someone who adores his affection, of someone he can dream around Unova, and go on fun dates.
No suitor meets their standards.
A part of them doesn’t even know what they are truly looking for.
Until you walked off the subway.
While Emmet was helping with the traffic of people, he couldn’t help but whip his head around, trying to find that intoxicating scent.
His keen sense landed on you.
And he felt his undead heart being pulled to you.
But he couldn’t reach you, couldn’t stop you from leavening as he has a job to do.
Emmet nearly weeps when your scent is gone.
“Oohh brother it’s terrible!”
He laments in their office, leaning back in his chair.
“They smelt sooo good! I was pulled to them!”
Ingo, at first wasn’t interested in this, but that caught his attention.
“A pull?”
“Yup! Like in those dorky romance books you read so much.”
“They are not dorky! They are informational!”
They forgot about it for the time being, believing it was just a one off thing.
But Emmet couldn’t stop thinking about you.
He may have only caught a glimpse of you, but it’s been playing in his mind in loop!
It wasn’t until you showed up on the multi line, a friend of yours as your partner.
They could barely get through their speeches, fully focused on you.
Your smile, your laughter, your enthusiasm for a challenging battle, your scent.
Their eyes widen, realizing they found you.
Their mate.
They never thought this would happen! Most vampires go their whole lives, without every meeting their bond mate!
It’s visible that they can’t stand still, both almost vibrating in place, they can’t help it, they are just so excited!
They can hardly focus on the battle, their eyes hardly leaving you.
Watching the excitement on your face, as you and your friend won the battle. They felt themselves freeze, just seeing the joy on your face.
They want to see it again, to see more.
“Bravo! Such wonderful skill!”
“Such a strong challenger!”
They didn’t mean to ignore your friend, honest! Just they can’t help themselves.
They ignore you and your battle partner’s confused gazes to each other.
“Oh, thank you! That means a lot coming from you two. But honestly, I wouldn’t have been here if not for my friend.”
Ah so modest too! So sweet!
Oh how they are swooning for you, dreaming of the day to officially make you their mate.
How Emmet dreams to pull you into his embrace, swaying to soft music as he twirls you around the living room.
Just so he can see your smiling face, and hear your melodic laughter.
And how Ingo longs to be in the kitchen with you, cooking something together, anything! He just wants to be close to you, to lean against you and steal kisses from you.
Or to see your lovely face covered in flour, laughing at the silly situation.
It was odd how they look at you, so lovingly, so full of adoration.
You find it weird, yet somehow, you feel more, your heart beat picks up.
Something they can hear. Surely you must feel it too!
And you do, you feel something with them, something you can’t quite place, yet you don’t bother with it.
Only thanking them, and moving along.
Please, you have to feel something!
So they make it their mission to be a part of your life, wanting to have and to hold their mate.
Greeting you everytime you walk to the subway.
“Hello dear passenger! How are you this fine evening?”
“I am Emmet. Do you need help with anything?”
They walk with you to your train, and always wait until the subway has left before returning to their duties.
The second you return, they are running, tripping over themselves just to get to you first, wanting to greet you, to see you!
“Ah you look stunning tonight.”
“As radiant as ever!”
Your heart is pounding against your chest, as they swoon over you, praising every inch you.
You feel like you should tell them to stop, but you love it, wanting more.
You aren’t sure why, but you want to be around them, your heart aches when they aren’t there.
And they are into you, aren’t they? With how they fawn over you, walk with you anywhere in the station, and praise you.
You aren’t aware of the figures following you, just to make sure you’re safe.
How they coo at you from a distance.
How they nearly cry when you tell someone, you’re going to confess to them.
Finally! Finally they will have their mate! You can move in! They will take care of you, anything and everything you need!
Anything for you!
They love you!
They dream of the day you let them drink from you.
You already smell sooo sweet! They bet you taste even better.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Time to have your inbox flooded. But congrats on finishing them all! 🎉🎉🎉
Can we have Warden Ingo with a partner who gives godly massages?
At this point of time your relationship hasn’t been solidified yet, so the both of you are skirting around each other and acting like awkward teenagers. And the massage, well… it may lead to something steamy.
Seeing Ingo’s bent knees and hunched posture makes you cringe so badly. He must be aching. So after a lot of fumbling and hesitant pauses, you offer to give him a massage for the first time. You’re absolutely genuine in your offer, with no ulterior motives, but then Ingo pulls his shirt off.
Of course, you’re far too shy to make any bold actions, but that doesn’t stop you from glancing at his physique and ogling. He lays on his stomach, and you can see the dips and curves of his spine, the strong shoulders and shoulder blades. Muscles are stretched taut across his back, with the occasional scar marking the skin.
You start at his neck and shoulders, feeling the knots of muscles tightening and relaxing in your hold. You slowly work your way through down his body, appreciating and tentatively feeling his muscles, and when you reach the small of his back Ingo groans. Make no mistake, he was absolutely huffing and puffing before, but DAMN he really let loose with this low and deep sound - almost a growl.
And because you consider yourself a very thorough masseur and want to help Ingo, you very shyly ask him to turn over to lay on his back. Ingo’s in a far too blissed out state to think it over much, so he just follows your request without prompting.
And then you’re greeted by the sight of his absolutely chiseled torso. His full front out on display, exposed to your lingering gaze. You find yourself glancing away repeatedly, but your eyes keeps dragging itself back to marvel at the specimen before you.
With him finally facing you, you can see what he looks like under all his layers of clothing. A full view of his front. The muscles that were hidden - pecs, abs and biceps.
Oh no. Oh Arceus. How are you supposed to work like this???
(Oh wow, I totally went over the rails with this one. Does this count as an Ask?? Did I write too much??)
It’s very in-depth! Which I appreciate because it’s a delight to read! I’ll pick up where you left off, alright?
Perhaps you were a masochist. As your hands roam and dip into the firm muscles of your favorite warden, your mind scolds you for thinking you could handle this. Sure, perhaps you appear more collected that you feel, but you fear the calm won’t outlast the storm.
Not with the deep, rumbling groans he releases as your hands massage his pecs and shoulders.
“Better?” You ask, to distract yourself from your own torture. You’re delving down to his belly, rubbing over it in the way you know helps with digestion. You ignore the heat of his skin, the sturdiness of his hidden abs beneath the warmth that the layer of fat provides.
How easily he could lift you.
“Yes.” Ingo hums from deep in his throat. You close your eyes to beg Arceus for mercy. “Your hands. . . are divine.”
You have to smile. “Thank you.” You massage along his ribs, gazing up past the glistening silver chest hair to meet sparkling silver eyes. He’s staring at you. “Yes?”
Ingo darts his gaze away, head turning. “Sorry. Continue, please.”
Your smile widens. You continue, moving down to massage his legs. Ingo obliges you again, sliding off the thick pants he wears. His legs are as chiseled as the rest of him, but tensed from all his hiking and climbing.
Ingo huffs as your fingers dig into his thighs, then his calves. You listen to his pained noises, grimacing but continuing on. He’ll feel better once you’re done. It’s just getting there.
Ingo hums once you reach his ankles, face softening considerably as you wordlessly slide off his shoes for him.
“I love you.” He says on a sigh, only to stiffen when he realizes what he said. His eyes snap open, darting down to you.
You’re smiling, thumbs rolling along the arch of his foot. You flick your gaze up when you feel his eyes on you, and smile sweeter than anything Ingo’s ever seen.
He relaxes back again.
“Your turn next.” He says.
You just hum.
Ta da!
Hope you have a good night doll!
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Arezu thinks that because they're both wardens and wearing Clan uniforms that she and Ingo more similar to each other than they are to the other two. She is sadly very mistaken. Actually, does she even know that Ingo isn't native? Sure he's the weirdest person in Hisui, including the protag, with weird clothes and turns of phrase, but that's easily handwaved as prophet bullshit. Unless the Pearl Clan kinda rolled him out like, "hi, thank you all for coming, this is Ingo, he's our newest warden and... drumroll please... a prophet of Sinnoh who fell from the sky onto our lands! Boom our Sinnoh is clearly the correct one since they blessed us with him and not you, suck it haters." But yes, Arezu is really the only one on this trip who actually cares about their god, aside from maybe Lilligant and the protag. Even Sneasler, a noble descended from Sinnoh's champions, is just here because that's where her dude and the entertainment are. Ingo and Cyllene are most definitely in the "not my god" camp.
Yes, oh my god, and now I also can't help but think that in OoP she was pretty bummed out that she was tasked with keeping Rei out of the fray when Emmet turned out to be a really good battler who made that fight look awesome lol. Wait, okay okay, so we know that when you fight Ingo with his own team he says part of Emmet's pre-multi battle lines. What if, were he to battle against another person with Sneasler as either his ace or a 1v1, he did part of Emmet's pre-super double battle lines instead? Telling them to give it their all, because if a battle is not serious, it is not fun.
Well, my thinking re: catching pokemon to break the frenzy, was because when you catch an alpha pokemon in the game it's completely chill afterward. Fighting them to a k.o. might work too, since part of breaking the nobles' frenzy is wearing them down enough for the bags of comfort food to actually work their magic, but if the option is fight or catch, catching is probably easier in most cases because it won't completely exhaust their pokemon. And also catching in pokeballs is really the only thing I could think of that could be even vaguely vaccine-esque that'd also work with arceus sending a teenager from the future to fix things, especially if we keep the seek out all pokemon mandate. Maybe arceus gives the protag the ability to like, imbue pokeballs with a bit of their power or something, idk.
If battling can break the frenzy if they're knocked out, then the best case scenario would be for Lilligant to frenzy first, because should the others somehow not be able to stand up to her, Sneasler would be on her level and also super effective against her. The frenzy would give Lilligant an extra boost, so it likely couldn't just be Sneasler though. If battling on its own doesn't work and the nobles have to be caught somehow... well that might cause problems with the clans, for one thing.
LOL YEAH... sorry arezu you might have been right if you were paired with Literally Any Other Warden but nope you got the weirdo one instead. and HMM that's a good question... lol you know what would be funny is if the other wardens don't really know not bc ingo intentionally didn't tell them but bc he. didn't realize it was news. like everyone in the pearl clan knew immediately bc they were There when he got there, but the diamond clan wardens? everybody just forgot to update them on it. but that might not be super believable either... it might be like ounce of prevention's adaman, where she knows he's not native bc that's fairly obvious just from talking to him but didn't realize he was from The Sky. or maybe not idk!
wkwjhwjh YEAH she mighta been huh. and. OOOOH... aaaa man that little bit of trivia still hurts my heart so much and this spin on it is SO good... yes yes i love it. also the fact that he presumably remembers the multis lines in canon bc he would have been hearing those semi-daily when they battled together, but if the super doubles lines are also so close to hand then that means he's also heard those really frequently, maybe bc they spar battle each other in different formats a lot too which is already a hc of mine and YEAH. I LIKE IT
no no yeah i think the reasoning for this au works i was just saying that it's kind of. a goofy decision on the part of canon to make that work shksjhskjh. i think to make the "seek out all pokemon" thing more plot relevant it's actually a very elegant solution!! and ooh "imbuing pokeballs with divine power" is a cool thing... then i wonder if instead of balms, it works functionally the same way but you're hucking blessed pokeballs at them instead? hmm
ooh yeah, maybe sneasler's battling to keep her attention and wear her out, and then the protag is busy lining up a throw? but YEAH problems with the clans is a fair point... although lilligant's warden would be there to sign off on it so maybe that would give them some legitimacy? idk
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sunshine-vx · 10 months
Across Space, Time and Dreams (ASTaD) (Ch. 19 - Part 2 of 2)
(Blankshippers DNI)
(Please refer to the beginning of chapter 1 post for complete list of CWs/TWs)
(Link to ch. 19 animation W.I.Ps! (Again, my apologies for the poor quality.)Once again, thank you so much to @moonlightalpha666 for helping me with it!)
(Reblogs are appreciated!)
Emmet's smile grew soft. As if he liked the idea of describing it.
"At first, I was in the void again…I was scared. I was terrified that I was back to square one. That maybe what happened never did. That I had lost you again…and so I wallowed in despair…until I heard you." Emmet explained.
Ingo kept listening.
"And you were there. You looked…fearful. And confused. And sad. I was scared to approach you, in fear that you would disappear…but you did not. And the closer I got to you, the brighter my surroundings became. It was like a parade of light. Wisps painted my surroundings beautifully."
Emmet continued, "And when I got to you, the painting was complete. We were in our city. We were having fun. Chandelure was with us. I offered to go on the Ferris Wheel…you asked if I was sure, because I liked the Pokémon Competitions more. But I insisted. And so we went."
Emmet turned to face Ingo again. "And that is when I woke up."
Ingo blinked, in awe. These dreams…it was as if they were one in the same, except from each twin's point of view. 
Ingo spoke now,
"My dream was similar. It had almost the exact end."
Emmet listened intently. 
"I also was alone, at first…I was scared. And confused. And sad. I was afraid that everything in the past few days had been a lie, and that I'd wake up and none of it would have been real..until the same thing that happened in your dream happened, except slightly different. Bright colors began to paint the void around me, until it made a complete picture. Right before it was complete, you approached me, your hand on my shoulder. Chandelure was with you. We were indeed in a city. One I recognize. And I did indeed say that you prefered the Pokémon Competitions."
Emmet smiled. He was astounded, but in the best way possible. "What did I say to you first?"
"You said…'Ingo! I am Emmet, are you okay?'" Ingo answered, also amazed
Emmet's replied, "And then you said, 'Yes, I am okay, just got a bit lost in thought'."
The twins went on to describe how they saw their dreams to each other, until they reached the end. 
"And then.."
"We saw.."
The twins said in unison,
"A flash of our reunion."
The two brothers stared at each other, shocked, relieved…and comforted. The concept was strange, and they'd definitely have to expand upon it later, but one thing stood out now, one very important thing; this whole time, even when space and time themselves tried to separate them, there had been a connection between the two. There always would be. That much was clear.
Chandelure approached them both and made comforting noises, nuzzling them. Emmet smiled, Ingo chuckling.
Suddenly, all three of them realized. Emmet and Ingo jumped onto their feet as quickly as they could, Chandelure floating quickly upwards.
"Oh my gosh! We are here! How did we get so distracted?!" They shouted in unison.
Ingo's heart rate went through the roof. He smiled wide, almost dancing. "I'm in my origin world! I'm home! I can finally…remember who I am."
Ingo looked at Emmet, who flapped his hands and smiled wide, his eyes sparkling.
Emmet and Ingo took each other's hands, jumping up and down together.
"We are here! We are home, you are home!"
"I'm home! Oh, I wonder what it's like!"
"You will have such a good time!"
"I'm so excited! I can't wait!"
Chandelure spun around and its flames were bright, accompanied by excited whistling and clinking noises.
Ingo, Emmet and Chandelure all took a moment to celebrate before calming down.
"Okay, okay!" Ingo spoke, "So…we woke up here."
Ingo examined the tunnel thoroughly.
"Where are we?"
"We are in one of the Subway Tunnels. You disappeared in one of these very tunnels." Emmet replied.
Ingo thought for a moment, "This place reminds me of..Wayward Cave. It was a cave in Hisui that I would put torches in and guide people through. Wayward Cave always gave me comfort.."
"Perhaps it is not this tunnel that reminds you of Wayward Cave…" Emmet started.
Ingo continued, "But Wayward Cave reminded me of these tunnels…even if I did not know it…"
"We ran this Subway together," Emmet said, "do you remember what a Subway is?"
"It's a…vehicle used for transportation…made of many metal boxes..that carries passengers inside…"
Ingo looked around, spotting a train.
"That! It's that! Oh wow, it's amazing!"
Ingo ran towards the train, Emmet and Chandelure following suite.
"Wow…I have a deep connection to these, I feel…" Ingo said, "do we..?"
Emmet nodded, "Yup! We do."
"I'm already feeling a stronger connection to this place…"
"That is verrry good!"
Chandelure whistled in agreement, and Ingo drew a deep breath, sighing. He smiled.
"I'm already so happy to be here."
"I am verrrry glad. I am so happy you are here, too." Emmet exclaimed, "But, before anything else..we must report you to the Nimbasa City Police Station."
Ingo seemed a bit confused, and Emmet continued.
"You are dedicated as a missing person here. I must report that I have found you. It will be a lot..I am sure this is already kind of a lot. I am sorry. But there are others who are missing you, and letting it be known you have been found is the best first step."
Ingo nodded, "I understand. Although I'd like to be informed on what I should do…I'm not quite sure."
"Of course." Emmet responded, "One moment. I must gather something important before we go."
Emmet approached one of the train carts, opening the door and stepping inside. Ingo glanced at the interior in awe. 
Emmet opened one of the drawers inside, rummaging through the contents for a moment, before taking out a few papers, closing the drawer, and returning to Ingo, closing the cart's door behind him.
"Alright!" Emmet said, "Follow me! The police station is near. These papers have important information on them, and I will show you them as we go, so you can be more informed. It is important you know."
Ingo nodded in understanding. "Although, I need to do one thing- it will not take but a moment." Ingo stated, before turning to Chandelure.
"Chandelure, how about you return to your Pokéball for now? I don't want you to get overwhelmed- of course, you may come back out whenever you'd like!" Ingo spoke as he took his ace's Pokéball out of his coat.
Chandelure whistled in the affirmative, floating towards the Pokéball and bumping against it gently. Chandelure turned into a bright red light as she entered the contraption.
Ingo smiled at the Pokéball in his hand, gently placing it back in one of his coat's pockets. He turned back to look at Emmet.
"Now, let's go."
Emmet nodded and smiled, before he began to walk down the tunnels, Ingo following by his side. 
As they walked, Emmet showed Ingo the papers he had brought with him.
"Here. Look." Emmet said as he handed one of the papers to Ingo. Ingo held it in front of him and scanned it carefully. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped ever so slightly.
"Have you seen this man?
Ingo Sokomasu
Age: 28
Gender: male
Height: 6'0 ft
Weight: 160 lbs
Date of birth: June 28th."
That was the contents of the top of the paper, with a picture of…himself. Right under.
It was him. But somewhat different. Ingo looked less tired, less..lost. His outfit was pristine, and his stature was tall and straight. Just like at the end of his dream, the effects of living in Hisui were not there. 
Under the picture listed more information. 
"Last seen in black Subway Boss uniform. Individual was seemingly performing routine inspections on train carts, located in the Nimbasa Battle Subway Tunnels. January 7th, 2010, 9:27 PM."
Under those words was a phone number listed, the text encouraging anyone with information to call.
"This…is me." Ingo murmured.
Emmet nodded, "Yes, it is. It is your missing person's flier."
"What..what else is there?" Ingo asked.
"Look at this." Emmet replied, before he put his arm out in front of him, leaning it towards Ingo. He pulled up his coat's sleeve, revealing a watch-like device on his wrist. Emmet tapped on it a few times, before the device began projecting video footage into the air in front of the two brothers. Ingo watched closely. It, again, was him, in the same state he looked to be in the picture on the flier. He was walking down the sidewalk to the side of the tracks in one of the subway tunnels. He approached a cart stopped on the track, looking like he was beginning to inspect it. After some moments, it seemed as if something down the tunnel caught Ingo's attention, and he turned to look at whatever it was. A second later, Ingo took a step back, as if he was wary, or confused.
Then, the video footage was cut out with a second of static, and when it cleared up to show the very same scene, Ingo was gone. His Pokéballs had been scattered across the walkway. 
After that, the footage ended.
Ingo blinked. He was in shock. He turned to Emmet, who wasn't smiling anymore.
"This was the footage of your disappearance the police sent us- it was caught on the tunnel cameras. Nothing else showed up. This is all that could be found." Emmet explained, turning off the device, pulling down his sleeve, and putting his arm back to his side.
"How did you end up finding me..?" Ingo questioned.
"I..found something that gave me a lead. In the last place I would ever expect it." Emmet replied vaguely. "I..am sorry for dropping all of this on you so suddenly, I just wanted you to know…"
"No, don't apologize," Ingo innsisted, "It's okay. I'm glad you showed me. It just..may take me a little while to fully process it."
"Do not worry, that makes sense. It was the same for me." Emmet averred, "I will show you what else I think you need to know later. We are nearly at the police station. Is that okay?"
Ingo nodded. 
After a few more moments of walking, Emmet stopped, Ingo doing the same.  
There was a set of stairs leading to a door, exiting the tunnels.
"The stairs." Emmet said simply. He climbed them swiftly, Ingo following suite. 
The twins rushed out of the door. Now they were in the outdoor part of the subway station.
Emmet scanned their surroundings, before raising his arm and pointing at a building across the street. 
The police station.
Emmet grabbed Ingo's hand and wasted no time, running across the street and towards the station's doors. Ingo followed, feeling and mirroring Emmet's urgency. 
Finally, Emmet stopped his sprint at the double doors, pushing them open and stepping inside, Ingo beside him.
Emmet didn't even waste a second before announcing his presence.
"I am Emmet. I have found Ingo."
The officer at the front desk looked up from their computer. Their eyes widened, and they froze as they saw the twins in front of the doorway. The officer reached for their belt and raised their radio up to their mouth.
"Lieutenant, we have a report of a solved missing person's case at the Nimbasa Police Station 2A."
Chapter 19 (Part 1 of 2)
Chapter 20
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shadowxforce · 2 years
@deimantaimis (continued from here)
Volo's hand falls to lean naturally on his hip as his other combs through his damp hair in an attempt to make it somewhat more tolerable now that he's out of the storm raging wildly outside. Without the rain showing any signs of stopping in a reasonable amount of time, he suspects they might be trapped here for a spell. But, oh, he can't say he minds when the company he's stumbled upon is so very interesting. Perhaps luck, or some twisted act of divine intervention, is on his side for a change, but only time can truly tell. So, carefully, observes Adaman's reaction to him, or rather, lack thereof. If anything, he seems somewhat caught off guard to hear his name on Volo's lips. And Leafeon doesn't display any signs of familiarity towards him either, nor any distrust for that matter. He calls how Ingo, a man who had the misfortune of being thrust into Hisui through one of the rifts torn into the sky, had no recollection of his life prior to arriving either. It appears the same applies to Adaman in this case.
The corner of his lips quiver upwards into a smile as his hand falls softly to his side. 'It wounds me to hear that you don't remember me, Adaman." If Volo were an actor, he would have no-doubt been one of the best Pokestar Studios had ever seen. His tone is sincere--his voice disheartened, and his expression crestfallen. And, while Togekiss harbors mixed feelings about her partner's actions and goals, she echoes his sentiment with a soft coo as she floats downwards to land in front of Leafeon--as if she, too, is saddened by the realization. "My, I know it's been a while, but I'd like to think I have a fairly memorable face. An unforgettable one, I would even argue." Using his index finger he points at his own cheek while staring at Adaman, as if he expects doing so might trigger some sort of recognition in the man, even if he's perfectly aware of the fact that it won't. "But alas, it seems even my dear friend, Adaman has forgotten about all we've endured!"
With a dramatic flare, he slinks to the ground with a soft plop. His hefty backpack bangs against the earth when it collides with it, and he shrugs it off with a roll of his drenched shoulders, allowing it to fall to the ground with a loud thud. "While you might not remember me, I could never forget you! And I'd like to believe fate brought us back together today, so it seems I have no choice but to wait out this storm with you, my good friend, and jog that unreliable memory of yours while I'm at it." He leans against his bag, the wet leather clings to his soaked shirt, and he longs for a nice, warm bath or, at least, a warm towel, but he can't claim he's unused to having to brave storms in far worse situations than this. To him, the memories of centuries ago are still fresh in his mind no matter how man years have passed.
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Togekiss, seeing Volo lay down, waddles over to him and nuzzles uselessly against his arm. Her poor snout already fairly wet, and her short fur sticks up uselessly in almost every direction. Absentmindedly, he runs his fingers along her wet feathers as he stares up at the dark ceiling looming above them. "Ah, we used to explore ruins together often…" he sighs, despondent, as if Adaman had just rejected him, but he shakes his head, and perks up a bit, tilting his head back so he can look the other man in the eyes. "But truly ruins and all of their secrets are fascinating! My heart is racing with excitement even thinking about what discovers are still waiting to be uncovered!"
He harbors some knowledge about the former Diamond clan's leader, after all, the Guild had been a cherished resource by most when Sinnoh had still been known as Hisui. He can's begin to claim they were close, but he is confident he knows enough about the other to weasel his way through this conversation, and test the waters of the boundaries he can push, and how much Adaman is willing to trust his claims. But he wasn't exactly lying either--they did know one another, and they had been on friendly terms, as Volo tended to be with everyone, at least for the vast majority of their exchanges before he found himself rejected by Arceus once more. But oh the desire to meet with the God he once worshipped is far from dead, and Adaman's appearance here is a rare of hope--a beacon of something more to come.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Okay so. As o continue to try and flesh things out I completely missed a crucial thing with the PLA plotline: Silver is the Chosen of Celebi and is often pulled into time shenanigans.
It would feel almost neglectful for me as a writer to not mention this before. So how do I want this to work?
So, PLA takes place over 4 years, since I believe catching pokemon for the pokedex and effectively writing it takes time. The 4 years are also going by in the present. So there's 4 years where ingo and Kiran are missing.
I think the best way to add silver into this is to not have him find the fallers immediately. He just doesn't know the specific time period that they could possibly be in. And for that matter, they don't know either. I think the only tell that Danica got that Kiran was in the past was when She saw a picture of him in a very old photo that her mom had ( possibly stored in boxes in their attic ) and fucking ran to Barry when she found out.
I'm realizing the last paragraph is constantly contradicting itself, since I was literally putting the puzzle pieces together as I go lol. So basically, no one even knew that Kiran was in the past until Danica found that very old photo, which was possibly a year or so after Kiran first went missing. They continue to do research for a bit ( Barry and Zora have been studying their asses off ever since Kiran first went missing and gathered the police aren't gonna be much help) until Danica decides to call Silver ( or call Kenji/Aiko/Beryl to call Silver) and asks him to help her find Kiran( and Ingo)
This is the part where I feel like there's a lot that could be done. Do I want Silver in Hisui? How would that work with the plot? While Celebi is rather young, by the time Kiran disappears, it and Silver are both pretty experienced. I don't think Silver has a lot of time to do time shenanigans though, being the head of the battle tower in Johto( newly appointed too). Plus the fact that Silver is still human,and can't constantly go time hopping without some consequences to himself or the entire timeline( Celebi can do whatever just fine, it's Celebi, but Silver is a slightly more fickle case). So again. It will take some time. And even then if silver finds Kiran immediately,bringing the amnesiac home would probably be difficult ( knowing Silver, Kiran would probably think he's getting kidnapped)
There are also other factors I want to add in. Volo and Zero, for one. Volo sees the missing poster for Kiran and goes "fuck". Zero sees the missing poster for Kiran and goes " oh....no.." and is glaring at Volo. What can they do when Silver is doing the ( admittedly limited) time jumps into the past? Not entirely sure now, other than helping Barry, Zora and Danica with their research? Hmmmm.
Also yeah Giratina could give them information but I think he's been pretty cagey about the whole thing since it reminds him of his past. I think he's worried about Danica losing respect and affection for him if she finds out all the stuff he helped with back then :(
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godonthetraintracks · 3 years
do emmet and ingo ever just. sit down and talk it out? or is that something ingo avoids out of sheer terror
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Ingo is still having a hard time adjusting, and Emmet is reaching his limit. Hopefully he and Akari can figure something out soon...
[Image ID: A greyscale comic without panels. In the first image, Emmet is attempting to talk to Ingo, who looks nervous.
Emmet, cheerfully: "Hello, Ingo! I see that you are going somewhere. May I come with?"
Ingo: "Oh, uhhhh... well, this is official Warden business, Emmet... Perhaps you can come along next time?"
Emmet: "Oh, sure!"
Emmet, later, looking more unsure of himself: "Um... hey Ingo, could I talk to you about something?"
Ingo, looking away: "I'm afraid I am preoccupied at the moment with... tasks. Perhaps we could connect at a future stop?"
Emmet: "O-okay..."
Emmet, looking dejected: "Ingo...?"
Ingo, whipping around to walk in the other direction: "Oh! I think I just heard Clan Leader Irida calling! If you will excuse me..."
Emmet: "...Right."
Emmet stands alone, tearing up and looking very unhappy.
Second Image. Akari approaches Emmet, who has his head down.
Akari, lighthearted: "Hey, Emmet. What'cha up to? Looking for something on the ground?" Emmet sniffs. Akari realizes something is wrong. "Wait... Are you crying? Hey, what's wrong?"
Emmet suddenly realizes she's there, and whips around to face Akari: "Ack-! O-oh! Hi, Akari! I am fine! Nothing is wrong! Tooooootally fine, yup. W-why do you think otherwise?"
Akari looks entirely unconvinced, and gives Emmet a disapproving look.
Akari: "Wow. You know, for a guy who's always smiling, that was amazingly unconvincing."
Akari sits down next to Emmet, and raises a hand nonchalantly. Emmet looks down at her with his arms crossed, looking unsure.
Akari: "Well. You certainly don't have to talk to me about anything Uncle Emmet-" Emmet interjects with a small "U-uncle Emmet...?", "-but I'm here if you want."
Third Image. A closeup of Emmet with a strained smile on his face, only one eye visible. Akari says: "Why don't you talk to Ingo about it?"
Emmet turns back to Akari, sniffling: "I-I can't... No. Ingo does not want to talk to me. Ingo does not want to see me."
Akari: "Really? ...So that's why you're upset?"
Emmet, eyes downcast: "...Yeah. It's just... none of this is what I wanted. None of this is what I imagined would happen..."
A poster of Ingo can be seen, taped to a wall. Above his head "MISSING" is written in unown lettering.
Emmet: "Ever since my brother went missing 5 years ago, I've spent practically every day looking for him."
The missing poster is seen again, but now faded and peeling away from the wall. It's obviously been there for a long time.
Emmet, continuing: "...Long after everyone else stopped looking. I became willing to do anything," A pre-transformed Emmet can be seen looking up at Arceus, "Anything, just to see him again... And I made a mistake."
A side view of Emmet can be seen, with a somewhat manic smile and obvious tears in his eyes: "Even so, I thought... "It will be okay. I will get to see Ingo again. So everything will be okay."
Emmet's smile drops, and he holds one hand to his face, the other going to his chest: "But... It's NOT okay. Nothing is okay!" Emmet sniffles and sobs through his words. "I am so far from home. I do not like it here. Everywhere I go I am called 'Almighty Sinnoh' or 'Arceus'. I am not the Almighty Sinnoh. I am not Arceus. I am Emmet. I am the Subway Boss of Nimbasa City..." Emmet sniffles. "I am A Subway Boss, together with Ingo. But Ingo does not remember me... He does not believe me when I tell him we are a two-car train."
Emmet rubs his right eye, tears streaming down the left side of his face. He raises his lower arms in a pleading gesture.
Emmet: "Why, Akari? Why doesn't he believe me? I-I've sacrificed so much..." He pauses, sobbing, "Just to be here... and it hurts. This body is s-so painful... It's hard to get up in the morning... hard to stand, sometimes... I am not meant to be like this." Emmet sniffles. "But I get up anyway. Because I am just so happy to see Ingo again. But he does not want to see me. I mean nothing to him now."
Akari looks saddened, muttering "Emmet..."
Last image. Akari scoots over to Emmet, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a tight squeeze, surprising him.
Akari, looking downwards: "Emmet... I have no idea how you must be feeling, but... I think I might know how Uncle Ingo feels... I don't remember where I came from very well either, and I don't know if I would recognize the people who were most important to me right away... The idea of forgetting something like that is really scary..."
She looks up at Emmet with a small smile on her face, trying to be reassuring: "So, um... be patient with him, alright? Ingo, I mean. It seems like you two were really close, so there's no way he's forgotten you forever. And, I bet if you took him back to wherever you two came from, he'll remember something! So... I'll help you figure out how to get back there. Maybe we'll find a way to get your old body back, too! And maybe I'll remember something..."
Emmet looks at Akari with a slight smile, grateful: "Akari..."
He envelops Akari in a four-armed hug, returning the gesture.
Emmet: "Thanks, kiddo..." /.End ID]
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fourphoenixfeathers · 2 years
Submas AU Masterpost
Feel free to use/do anything with my ideas (as long as you credit me for the au or inspiration or whatevs. I'm not stressed about it.)
These are my babies. My asks are always open!
Mirror AU:
Even separated by time and space, Emmet and Ingo somehow manage to match each other in more ways than just their appearances. It's entirely accidental... Until half a year after Ingo's disappearance when they realize that they can see each other in mirrors. From then on, they are a lot more hopeful about their futures. Nimbasa City, however, is not hopeful as the Subway Boss speedruns a transformation from a poor little meow meow to a full blown cryptid.
Prophet and Heretic AU:
Before he can join the Pearl Clan, Ingo goes to the rift on Mount Coronet for answers. Palkia and Dialga are too busy throwing hands to hear. Arceus does, though, and oh geez he should have thought things through before appearing before a mortal. By the time Ingo recovers from his holy fainting spell, he has all his memories back, spooky god powers, and a new headmate. At least Arceus promised to return him home in return for completing some quest to save the world...
Centuries in the future, a very lonely and remorseful Giratina approaches Emmet with a deal.
Paper Lantern AU:
When Ingo gets torn from his own time, he gets torn from his body as well. With nothing but his human soul, he possesses a paper lantern and invents a regional variant of Chandelure. His ace would be so proud. Meanwhile, Emmet is left with Ingo's alive but verrry much comatose body.
Ditto Emmet AU:
I just wanted to hit one of the boys with a shape shifter beam and Emmet is my favorite. A lot fun shape shifter things here. Like family fluff and body horror! And also Emmet copying the incarnation of time itself, hehehe-
Ghost Train AU (Danny Phantom Crossover):
The Distortion World is really just the Pokemon world's name for their version of the Ghost Zone. Ingo and Dawn get eaten up by a couple of natural portals, and two newly formed halfas arrive in Hisui a year apart. Arceus won't touch ghost child Akari with a ten-foot pole, but it all works out in the end anyways because Akari can't not help the nobles, and the Distortion World/Ghost Zone is a great medium for traversing time and space.
Submas Fusion AU:
Ingo and Emmet went to hisui together, but the distortion world said they can't have nice things. A man with no idea who or what he is woke up in a black and white coat in the coronet highlands, with only a handful of Joltik to protect him. He couldn't remember his name, but E and I came to mind. So, he guesses his name is Ei now...
Gear Session:
Homestuck au!
Arceus found a copy of Sburb in the Pokemon world and thought "that's not good" and sent the Nimbasa trio plus Akari on a mission to destroy the incipisphere from the inside out. No reckoning destroying the earth or frog breeding here, but there is a lot of temporary death. You know. Prototyping dream selves and questbeds and all that.
Fluff and Scales AU:
Hybrid au, but Ingo and Emmet are legendary hybrids.
Ingo and Emmet were born with black and white dragon wings. No one recognized them, so it was chalked up to a couple undiscovered species of pokemon and life continued as normal. But Drayden always suspected there was something more to them than that.
His suspicions were confirmed during the Team Plasma invasion, after which everyone and their mother knew what the dragons of legend looked like. And anyone who had ever been to Nimbasa could recognize the white fluff and black scales.
Also featuring Arceus hybrid Jackie and Absol hybrid Beni.
Tron AU:
Ingo got eebied to the grid instead of Hisui! He runs around the computer systems of Unova for about a month thinking he's a program, until he finds Gear station. The train autopilot programs, called ATOs, help their poor amnesiac User remember who he is, while someone unexpected brings Emmet into the digital world to help.
Thrice is a Pattern:
There were three skyfallers in Hisui. The first was an accident. The second was a failed rescue attempt. The third was the one who saved them all. Trainer Dawn never makes it back home after entering the distortion world, ending up in Hisui instead. Ingo is sent to the past to make it right, but he forgets his mission before he can even start. It's up to Lucas, now.
Kabaneri au:
Crossover with Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress! Instead of frenzies, Giratina unleashes a corruption on Hisui that turns people and pokemon into mindless zombies called Kabane. Arceus sends Dawn to cleanse the region, and promises she will be immune to the curse. He fails to mention that to do so, he will have to take away her humanity first.
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rosebloodcat · 3 years
What if transfer error Ingo only found out he could shapeshift when he sneezed one day.
Like he went back to work, and in the middle of a tag team battle (so Emmet is there), he sneezes from the dust kicked up.
And hes a Sneazel again.
Emmet caught him.
Somehow they won that battle (was Emmet more ruthless than usual in his worry? Yes), how Ingo doesn't know.
He really wants to be human again and leaves the poor trainer wondering if they imagined things when he turned back right after the battle.
He definitely figured it out after that.
No more accidental transformations.
(Elesa can prove how much of a lie that is. She has pictures.)
So just. Every so often, you get to battle a trainer Sneazel in the subway now. Or Ingo with claws.
(He's having fun with it now.)
XD Oh, I love that idea. It’s probably a bit more than just a sneeze, though.
I’d say becoming a sneasel is also a little bit of stress/nervous response. He can hide/protect himself better as a Sneasel. He can understand and even talk his way out of conflict with pokemon as one. It’s almost safer, when dealing with pokemon, to be a sneasel instead of being a human.
So he might subconsciously start to change when he’s very worried/anxious/stressed.
Maybe it’s his first time battling on the subway as a Boss in a long time and his nerves are going a little haywire. He can feel something going on with him but can’t put his finger on it yet. But he can’t disappoint his brother or the waiting trainers. (And beside, he wants to battle again!) He’ll puzzle out the weird itching under his skin and the twinges in his fingers later.
Then an attack comes a little too close and it kicks in his reflexes from Hisui, while also sending a puff of dust up his nose, and he changes during the following sneeze. Upon realizing that “Oh, shoot. I’m a pokemon again,” he lets out a Distressed Sneasel Noise that Emmet has come to immediately recognize.
Emmet ends the battle as quickly as he can, and helps Ingo calm down enough to change back again. (There’s also a bit of at-home testing to figure out why that happened.)
But once they get a hold of it, it becomes Just Another Thing that happens on the Battle Subway.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
hii I really enjoy your fluffy prompts so I thought I'd send a short and sweet one!
the submas twins have their crush/significant other be a sleep talker. and hears their name and saying they love them in their sleep. and maybe asking if what they said was true the following morning.
have a nice day!!!
Thank you so much! You’re too kind☺️, I hope your day is well. I went with their crush if that’s okay.
Asks are open
You usually spend the night. He remembers you telling him you never really liked being at your place much. But he never had a problem with that.
Granted he does like his down time but you never make a fuss. You two can exist in the same room and he loves that, your presence is so calming to him.
Ingo walks out of his home office and finds you asleep on the couch. He lets out a content sigh, you look so cute.
Walking over he grabs a throw blanket and carefully placed it over you. You turn to lay on your side facing him, holding the blanket close.
If only he could come home to this, or just you all the time.
Ingo freezes when you make a groaning sound.
He figures he woke you up and speaks softly “yes?”
“Mm…love you.”
Ingo gasps and quickly slaps a hand over his mouth, his face bright red as he stares at you in shock.
The longer he looks at you the more he realizes you’re still asleep. Were you dreaming of him? Is that what you really thought of him?
He figured he’d ask you once you woke up, but how should he go about it? He took the time to think about this.
It was hours later when you woke up from your nap, finally that headache was gone. Stretching and pointing your joints you fall limp against the couch with a loud groan.
“Good evening, sleep well?”
You crack an eye open and see Ingo walking in from the kitchen, he hands you your favorite drink and sits on the love seat.
“Thanks Ingo, I feel much better after that nap, what did I miss?”
You watch curiously as he messes with the sleeves of his shirt.
“Did you have a nice dream?”
That’s odd, you don’t remember dreaming about anything.
“Not that I can recall.”
You try your best to think but nothing comes up, did you say or do something?
“Did you not mean it then?”
“I’m very confused, did I say something?”
“You said you loved me…do you?”
You choke on your drink. Did you seriously out yourself in your sleep!? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
“Um….which one doesn’t ruin the friendship?” You’re hoping that half assed attempt at a joke will lighten the mood.
“…..I’m sorry Ingo, I didn’t mean for you to hear that from me yet, I was wait until, ya know a good moment, not in my sleep.”
You look away in shame. You hear him stand up and walk over to you, thinking he is going to ask you to leave when suddenly you’re wrapped in a hug.
“I’m so happy you feel the same!”
Oh you could die right then and there and be happy.
You and Emmet have constant sleepovers, ever weekend unless something comes up. It’s his favorite part of the week! He gets to see you!
Like right now, you two had stayed up most of the night, finally getting tired after winding down with some video essays playing in the background.
You two had fallen asleep.
But he woke up around three in the morning to use the bathroom. Coming back to his room after finishing up he crawls back into bed with you.
He sighs softly. He is so happy you are comfortable with him, he loves being able to share a bed like this, he just wishes he could wake up to you everyday.
He glances at you when you start shifting. You’re probably just getting more comfortable.
“Lo..ve you.”
Emmet feels his face bloom in color, did you really just say that? You love him!? Do you really love him like he does you!?
He couldn’t sleep after that. He was trying not to vibrate in place and wake you, he cautiously cuddles up to you.
He has always been a cuddler, so it’s not unusual to wake up face buried in his chest cause he wouldn’t let you go.
“Good morning!”
You whine and bury your face further into his chest.
“S’too early.”
He laughs and holds you tighter.
“Please tell me you meant it.”
You lazily look up at him. There are bags under his eyes but those same silver eyes look so filled with joy.
“Mean what?”
“That you love me! You said it!”
“What? I did not!”
“You did! You absolutely did! You said so in your sleep, so do?”
You whine loudly, you know there is not denying anything with Emmet, he heard it and he will pester you until he gets an answer.
“……yeah, yeah I do.”
Your back cracks when his grip tightens, ears ringing at the sound of his delighted squeal.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you! This makes me verrrry happy! Oh I can’t wait to take you on a date! Oh! I got just the place to there is-“
You happily listen to him ramble on about a new café that opened up that he wants to take you to.
Laughing when his speech starts slurring and his words delayed before he falls asleep.
How long did he stay up after hearing you say that?
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
big wife (ingo x zisu ^_^ because im projecting) PROSHIPPERS DNI I WILL EAT YOUR BEDSHEETS.
Emmet had always known Ingo would come back home.
But he wasn't expecting him to come home with a woman nearly a foot taller than them both.
"Um. Ingo? Who is this?" Emmet says eloquently.
"This is my wife, Zisu!"
Ingo had been gone in the past for nearly 5 years, shows up out of thin air and brings his WIFE?!
Emmet feels like he's going to pass out. Scratch that, he is in fact passing out.
Emmet falls to the floor with a soft thud, and Ingo just. Stares at him.
"I feel like I should have explained."
Zisu laughs. "Yeah, probably."
Ingo had been in Hisui for about a year now. The rift above Mt. Coronet had dissipated a while ago, but he couldn't say he actually went that far up the mountain often anyways. Mostly because Lady Sneasler wouldn't let him, which was just a tad disappointing. But he was alright with it.
Besides, he much preferred going to Jubilife Village now. There wasn't any particular reason (a lie), he just enjoyed going to the dojo to help new trainers (another semi-lie. he really did enjoy helping them, it just wasn't the main reason he was there.)
The dojo was nice. There was shade when it was needed, and it was just far enough away from the bustle of the rapidly growing village to be comfortable. There (usually) weren't many crowds in the dojo, except for when Akari came to battle him or other trainers (because everybody wanted to see the hero of Hisui fight!) but Akari wasn't there today, as she was trying to focus on completing the pokèdex.
So, it was a relatively slow day. Which left Ingo, other stray security corp members and...
Ingo was not uncomfortable with Zisu, in fact it was quite the opposite. He was embarrassed to say, but he definitely had a big dumb crush on the woman. Which was not remedied by her being nearly a foot taller than him. (Unfortunately, he had a type.)
She was a boisterous, strong and kind woman. She was gentle with her pokèmon and other trainers, and she was also very, very pretty. And Ingo was a mess. He was fully(?) aware that his appearance was...Disheveled. At best. But, he unfortunately couldn't do much to remedy that. Besides, it kind of fit his whole "man living in the mountains with a bunch of poisonous babies crawling over him all the time" thing he had going on.
Suffice to say, Zisu was very much out of his league. He was alright with that, however. He knew in his heart that he didn't belong in Jubilife, let alone Hisui as a whole. He was slowly realizing he was most likely from the future, as odd as that was to think about. And, the most important memory was that he had a brother. A brother he needed to get back to as soon as possible.
Romance, no matter how unlikely it was, would only hinder that. But that didn't stop his stupid heart from fluttering like a butterfree when she smiled at him.
God, Ingo was in too deep. Zisu abruptly smacked him on the back, his spine cracking like a glowstick (what is a glowstick?) before patting him on the shoulder.
"Ingo! Ya alright there? You got that 1000 mile stare again! Also, I think you need to fix your posture, because that was NOT a healthy noise for your spine to make!"
"Ah, my apologies. I was just...Thinking. About things. And stuff."
Eloquent. Verry smooth. Ingo resisted the urge to facepalm, and also to jump in a hole.
"Well! Thinking can be hard sometimes, so I get it. Especially with how hot it is!"
Oh. Ingo hadn't even noticed the heat until Zisu had mentioned it.
"I hadn't even noticed until you pointed it out, but it is very uncomfortable outside right now." He looked over to Zisu, and tried not to choke.
She had taken off the outer layer of her uniform and wrapped it around her waist, muscles on full display. She could probably break him in half.
Sneasus christ.
Though, it was in fact absolutely miserable outside. Ingo never did well in the heat, being much more partial to the cold. He was lightheaded.
That wasn't good, probably. Especially with the way the world seemed to be tilting sideways. Wait, no, that was him.
"Ah. That's..not good." was all he could say before fainting.
He woke up in a stream. Or river? Ingo didn't know the difference, he was never good with nature terminology. He was in water. Not all the way, just up to his knees.
Zisu was staring at him. "There you are! I gotta admit Ingo, you spooked me real bad when you just collapsed like that! You should drink some water by the way, here!" She handed him his waterskin, which he accepted gratefully. While he was drinking his water, she plopped a wet towel on his head.
"I apologize if I frightened you. I...Have never done well with the heat. My brother was the opposite, however."
Zisu gasped.
"You have a brother? You never told me!"
Oh. He didn't.
"I just recently remembered him, shortly after miss Akari closed the rift. I am older by exactly 20 minutes. He...He is not here." His heart clenched in his chest painfully. Ingo tried to ignore the stinging in his eyes.
"Oh..That's very sad. But!" Zisu stood up. "I know you'll get back to him! Heck, I'll even help! Might be useful to have another person on your team!"
Oh no.
Oh no no no. Ingo was absolutely, positively smitten. He was fucked.
It had now been 3 years since Ingo had arrived in Hisui, and the 1 year anniversary of him regaining all his memories. It was bittersweet, the relief of knowing who he was and where he was from tinged with the grief of what exactly he was missing. He missed his brother, he missed Elesa, he missed Iris and uncle Drayden, and he most of all missed indoor plumbing. (That was a joke. He really, really did miss showers though.)
Zisu had been very helpful with helping him regain his memories, her kind words helping him through the worst of his grief. When he had truly, fully remembered Emmet he was devastated to say the least.
They were a two car train, and he had been forcefully separated. He was nearly inconsolable. He had been gone for 2 years, unable to remember anything but small snippets for nearly half of those. But most of all, he was afraid. Ingo was afraid that his memories would slip away yet again, but when he told Zisu..
"Well I'll just have to keep remindin' ya until you remember for good then!"
His heart had skipped a traitorous beat, but he was also reassured.
"Yeah! I'll keep reminding you too!" Akari had chimed in, and Ingo realized that even without his brother or family back in Unova, he wasn't alone in Hisui.
It was a realization he should have had earlier, but it hadn't ever stuck with him until then. A fond smile found his face as he reminisced.
"Whaddya got that sappy look for?" Zisu teased, (lightly) elbowing him in his shoulder. "Ah, I was just remembering the times when I realized I was in love with you."
Zisu blushed and sputtered. Zisu, who was his girlfriend (!!!)
She picked him up by his armpits and dangled him around. "You don't get to be smooth outta the blue like that!!"
He laughed. "You're holding me like an unruly sneasel, dear."
"You basically are one!" She laughed as she pressed a kiss upon his forehead. Ingo's heart swelled. She sways him lightly. "Do I even weigh anything to you?"
"Nope!" she pops the p. "It's like holding a handful of pecha berries."
Ingo had figured. God, was he lucky.
The thought of 'Almighty Sinnoh, I want to marry this woman' flitted through his mind.
But he did. He really, really wanted to marry Zisu.
"Ingo? You there?" She swayed him more.
"Sorry, was just thinking about wanting to marry you." What.
He did not just say that.
"Y- Me??"
Oh arceus, he did.
"I. Did not mean to say that out loud. I do mean it, tho-??" He was cut off by Zisu nearly breaking his spine with her hug.
"Me too! Not a conventional proposal, but we aren't very conventional anyways!" She sniffled a little.
How in the world did he get so lucky?
"That was verrry sappy. I am Emmet, and I am almost impressed with how full of sap that was." Emmet poked Ingo on the shoulder. "But! I am not against having a sister in law suddenly! It is just more sisters for me."
"Oh, like Iris and Elesa weren't enough?"
"There can always be more!"
Ingo laughed.
"You weren't kidding when you said identical! Though, now that I'm really looking...Emmet looks like you but." Zisu makes vague motions with her hands. "Flipped?"
"We are mirror twins." Ingo starts.
"We are the same, but flipped! It is verrry hard to notice unless you look closely." Emmet finishes.
"That means you are perceptive, yup!" Zisu beams.
"Always have been! In fact, I knew Ingo was crushin' on me from the start!" Ingo sputters, flushing bright red. "You didn't need to tell him that!"
Emmet gets an evil look in his eye.
"Tell. Me. Everything. I need blackmail."
"Oh, I'd be happy to!"
Ingo, despite his embarrassment is just happy that Emmet and Zisu are getting along. Even if it is slightly at his expense.
His eyes get a little misty, but he ignores it.
"Brother?! Are you crying, whats wrong?"
Ingo pats Emmet's hand reassuringly. "I'm fine, just...I'm glad to be home and with my family."
Ingo gets crushed in a hug from both sides, but he doesn't mind. It feels warm, safe and loving. He missed this.
He really is glad to be home.
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Omy God, noooo, them holding onto the hats - BOTH their hats!! - is gonna make me cry! And it reminding Lady Sneasler of her nest, probably complete with Smells Of Ingo, which is familiar and comforting to her, and Smells Of Emmet, which is familiar and comforting to Ingo. It helps that like, to humans smell is typically the sense that lingers the longest and deepest in memories, and also that as Clamberclaw Lady Sneasler's sense of smell is amplifies Ingo's. So being in a soft nest with smells associated with safety, in an area that feels safe to Ingo, and having already ran themselves ragged, is a very good recipe. They just went from 100 in terms of bad stimulation and feeling like they're under attack, to a flat 0. Finally, what they need, finally a place to hide.
And then Emmet comes! And he is Very confused!! But again, this is someone who reads as a complete non-threat to them. Even though Emmet is expecting a fight and is all tensed and poised to throw out his very powerful pokemon to subdue this creature, they just... have exactly zero intention of doing anything violent towards him. If it were literally anyone else they might feel kind of cornered, even with the frenzy having died down some from exhaustion, but Emmet? They're more likely to drag him into the nest than scare him off the train.
Meanwhile, Emmet is so unprepared for literally all of this lol. Poor guy, he has no idea what to expect, but I love that he's already coming up with various strategies to account for various responses. Presumably the train has been stopped as soon as people started panicking, but I winced at the thought of something being so freaked out they tried to go out the front of the car.
Although, if the subway car was dark, did they like kill the lights? Or is this actually a battle car that wasn't being used so the lights were off or on low? Not great for seeing if he needed to battle them, but better for making them feel safer and calming them down. Like hooding a bird lol or letting a cat hide under the bed. The hard part isn't going to be calming them down, it's going to be coaxing them to come out and leave!
re: lights, i think what most likely happened is one of their moves went wide and broke something and took out the lights, probably just to the one front cabin? in my head this scene has to be mostly dark (and pls kill those bright lights for their sanity...) but this is the only way i think that would work
anyway they just want to sleep forever now thanks. they feel like shit mentally and physically, their brain still feels vaguely on fire from the frenzy, but it's soft and sheltered and there's a Good Person that they trust (that ingo trusts) more than anything to not let anything else bad happen to them. so. time to rest. emmet's still bracing to get ambushed, but then he gets a better look at them with the dim light filtering in from the last car, beaten and bruised with fur matted by sweat and blood, pinprick pupils and heaving breaths, and realizes this isn't some aggressive predator, this is something that's disoriented and possibly sick and scared out of its fucking mind.
what hopefully happens, once the frenzy's receded enough that it's not overwhelming, is that ingo can regain enough control over the fusion to Make Words Happen and try and explain what's going on. the most important part i think is communicating a) they're a fusion and b) even if he could, he doesn't want to disconnect from lady sneasler until he's sure she's unfrenzied (and also just, calmed down and reassured in a regular sense as well), for the safety of everyone else in the city.
(maybe he also mentions that he hunted this place down bc it felt familiar? that emmet has the same effect at a much more concentrated level? or even just his name. ...and maybe emmet remembers hearing about plasma's experiments in the P2 Laboratory, wretched biological-modification experiments on pokemon, and... oh, oh god, is this where his brother's been all this time?)
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grismavessel · 3 years
Coming out as Trans Headcanons? Anyone?
Being thrown back into the ancient past and being trans might be a problem. There’s no hormone treatment in Hisui, so whether or not gender dysphoria will happen since it’s a time and place where gender identity isn’t the biggest issue, defending villages from pokemon sieges really are the spot light.
My oc Gris is non-binary, being afab to transitioning to be more masculine in appearance. Being thrown back in time is not a fun thing since eventually someone will ask about the scars on his chest or why they have certain materials in their bag at least once a month if they aren’t dating anyone. Or why they like being called they/them instead of strictly he/him.
Here’s some ideas I have on how some of the characters would react if Gris came out to them about it:
Irida’s entire clan is based around space, recognizing it and how little they truly are in the vastness of it, so the concept of changing space isn’t too foreign.
Irida doesn’t have a hard time at all, realizing that that space changes all the time from the forests to the ocean tides and people do as well.
Gris has always been Gris, but just looks more like Gris now than in the past.
Very chill about it.
Thought it was a joke at first.
“Why change your form when it took so long to be created just how you are?”
He’s confused, not understanding why anyone would put so much time into looks when there was much bigger things to get done. Then he thought back to Melli and became even more conflicted.
Shocked at first, eventually understands after a couple of conversations and some deep thinking.
The poor woman thought she would have to do more paper work because of it.
Wasn’t bothered by it at all, in fact wasn’t surprised either.
“Whether or not you were born one way or another, all I care is that you are in good health and can complete your tasks.” Was her way of saying she supports them no matter what, as long as they don’t do anything drastic that could compromise their health.
Very much interested in how the process worked, asking questions that borderline on personal privacy breach.
“Does that happen often where you are from? Tell me, is it like a pokemon evolution?” Maybe he was a little too open about the discussion.
Very accepting. He’ll keep it in mind for any future recruits or any signs of it happening with pokemon.
They couldn’t imagine Gris being anything but themselves. Weird looking but a cooler older sibling.
They hadn’t thought of the idea before, Akari fine with being cis, Rei on the other hand keeps the thought in mind.
“So you paid money to go through a bunch of treatment to look like you haven’t shaved in weeks?” Akari joked.
Very cool about it. 
Mesmerized by the idea. Changing to be who and what you’ve always been inside. He thinks its an amazingly grand thing.
“It’s like you took it into your own hands to become a better version of yourself. The old you be damned! That’s amazing!” He got the spirit at least.
He’s a little bit too supportive.
He remembered meeting plenty of trainers and people who were trans as well.
“Oh, well good to know I suppose.” He’d say. “But if you need help with, um, shaving” He’d point to their unkepted facial hair. “Don’t be afraid to ask.” 
Very much accepting.
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