dogposts · 2 years
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Would you boop?
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thatgirlonstage · 9 months
sometimes a show throws a scenario at you that you could see coming a hundred miles off but that in no way is gonna prevent you from going absolutely feral over it. Anyway I binged all of Link Click in like three days and I'm going to start chewing furniture about the end of S2
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virgovirgo · 6 months
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sentientsky · 3 months
"And that's hard, Scully… suspecting everyone, everything. It wears you down. You even begin to doubt what you know is the truth."
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olessan · 1 month
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Rings of Power from August 29 through to October 2nd
Final Fantasy XVI on September 17th
Dragon Age Veilguard on October 31st
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snifferz · 2 years
no genuinely i fucking quit writing novels bc my english teacher always gave me a grade under everyone else bc the plotline was too complex or it was too much
my writing was decent AT LEAST like i poured my heart out into that shit and it was usually a form of allegory for something that i went through
shoutout to miss ayub /s
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
// If you ever feel bad about your writing just remember the line
"I've had this knife of sadness in my heart." - made it into the movie Blade Trinity and someone thought it was both cool enough and emotional enough to remain in there....
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I think the funniest option for the 'rescue mission' plot is reginald adopted yet another group of babies and all the other hargreeves are like 'oh we are absofuckinglutely not doing this again' and set out to kidnap them before he can start another superhero team
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billthedrake · 3 months
This started out as a fan fiction story, but the name has been changed.
"Hey Miller," Scott Morrison greeted as the third member of their informal work posse sat down to join them at the fast casual restaurant in midtown Atlanta. "You dropped a dime to HR yet?"
Jason Miller flashed his pearly white teeth in a killer smile that got him a lot of tail in his college years. Of the three jocks-turned-businessmen, he was the youngest at 23 and he still had that collegiate affect, a slightly boylegged gait that balanced out his soccer-jock poise. "Dude, I think it's just a fucking rumor."
Pete Andrews was the oldest of the three. At 28, he was the only one of them who didn't start out at the real-estate development company right out of college. "Cmon, bro, look around the office and tell me Cap doesn't have have a type."
"Cap?" Scott laughed.
"What? That's his nickname," Pete said defensively.
Scott shrugged. "Yeah, but I just call him Mark."
Jason blushed as he admitted. "Guys, it's always Mr. Crawford for me."
Scott nudged Jason's knee with his under the table. "Someone's trying to be office favorite," he teased. Of the three, Scott had the meatiest body, an ex-tight end build that made his goofy affect seem more kid-like somehow.
Pete shook his head. "That's Campbell. Still." Wyatt Campbell had been assigned on a special project with the ex-MLB star. It was an open secret what that involved.
"Mark will grow tired of him," Scott said with a strange sureness.
Jason still never knew when his work buds were joking and what was real. "So guys... maybe this is a fucked up thing to ask.... but would you for real? You know if he...." The soccer stud felt dumb for even asking.
But Pete didn't miss a beat. "Would I let myself get Cap-ed? Absofuckinglutely."
"Jesus, bro," Scott hissed. But he was more surprised at how laidback Pete got all slutty on them.
"You wouldn't?" Pete challenged. "I mean.. c'mon."
"Yeah, probably," Scott hissed. "But fuck..."
"I think it'd be hot," Jason chimed. He bit his lip and decided to admit how crushed out he was on Crawford. "You know I was a huge Yankees fan as a kid... I even have a signed ball from him."
Scott smirked. "Well you never know... like you say, bro, could be just a rumor."
It was happy hour in the Midtown bar and Jason and Pete found themselves standing alone.
"Think Morrison's upset with us, man?" the younger guy asked.
Pete shrugged. He'd been a little crushed out on Jason Miller, in a kind of big-bro, little-bro way lately. If Scott was being a dick to Jason, Pete was gonna have words with him. "I don't know, man. He probably just got weirded out by all the talk about the boss, you know?"
Jason seemed to take that in. "I wish I could say it was joking around," he admitted. He looked into Pete's blue eyes. The ex-baseball player was blond and hunky, aging into his more adult looks real well.
"You don't have to pretend with me, buddy," Pete said, placing his arm around Jason's shorter frame. It was forward as hell, even as he tried to pass it off as a friendly gesture.
Jason kind of leaned into the embrace, then his body tensed. "Oh shit, he's walking over."
Pete slipped his arm off and stepped back into a normal distance from Jason. He expected a wisecrack from Morrison, but instead the guy had a Cheshire grin on his face.
"Hey guys," Scott said. "Next round's on me," he boasted.
"Someone's in a good mood," Pete wisecracked.
Scott nodded, his puppy dog brown eyes looking playful and excited. "Fuck yeah I am.... what did you call it, bro? I just got fucking Cap-ed."
"What?" Jason asked. He looked across the bar and there was Mark Crawford, talking casually to another partner, standing with upright posture in his suit and dress shirt but no tie.
Scott's eyes darted over to where Jason was looking before looking back at his buddy. "You heard me," he said.
"Just now," Pete half-said, half-asked, incredulous. "You got Cap-ed."
"Yep," Scott replied, enjoying the reactions of these guys. "Just now. In the stall of the men's room."
Jason was getting excited now. "Jesus, Scott... how was he?"
Scott grinned. "Pretty fucking huge.... fat." He took a sip of his beer then lowered his voice some. "But he opened me up a lot last night."
"You dog," Pete said, giving Scott a soft punch to the shoulder. "That's why you've been working late."
"Yeah, man, that's why I've been working late."
Jason was eating this up. "So, bro... you like, his favorite now?"
Scott laughed. "Don't think so.... Mark's a total fucking player," he said. "I mean, last night, guys, he invited me over, you know to talk about the project stuff and just to get to know me. Of course he put the moves on me and within twenty minutes I was getting my cherry busted."
"Fuck, that's hot," Jason hissed, thinking of his own virgin jock hole. He blushed as Pete smirked at the response and winked.
"I know, right?" Scott said, still riding the excitement of his full Cap experience. "But like right after we're lying in his bed and he picks up his phone to invite another dude over."
"Shit, for real?" Jason said. "That sucks."
Scott shook his head. "Was hot actually. Dude's a total stud. I hope I have that kind of stamina when I'm 44."
Pete didn't have the puppy love crush on Crawford that Jason did, but he was getting turned on hearing Scott talk. Imagining the 6'5" ex-tight end taking Cap's cock. And coming back for more. "So bro..." he asked Scott. "How big we talking about?"
Scott grinned. "Hall of Fame cock for sure, man. I dunno, 10, maybe 11? And this wide..." The 25-year-old hunk held up his hands forming a circle with his fingers to show the girth. "Real fucking fat dong." He seemed to reflect back on his experience. "I didn't think I'd enjoy it, actually."
"But you did...?" Jason piped in, a hopeful tone evident in his voice.
Scott grinned. "I came like a motherfucker on that huge dick." He was outright boasting now, and he had an almost wistful look as he glanced back at Crawford.
"Damn, bro," Pete said. "And you were making fun of me for wanting it."
Scott turned back. "Sorry, bro... I didn't even think I'd go there, but Mark has some smooth moves."
Jason was chubbed up in his work khakis. "He wouldn't even have to use them on me. For real, guys."
Pete laughed. He clapped his arm on Jason's shoulder. "All right, drinks on me. I'm in the mood to fucking celebrate."
He went off and got the next round while Jason and Pete talked.
"You think he's bullshitting us?" Jason asked. He was new to the company and still didn't have a good read on Scott Morrison.
"I don't think he is, buddy," Pete said. He tried to read the soccer jock's face. Jason had sandy-brown hair, ruddy cheeks, and a total boy-next-door vibe. "What about you? You really are crushed on Cap, aren't ya?"
Jason nodded, a little ashamed. "Fraid so... you think less of me, Pete?"
Pete shook his head and held up his fingers, close apart. "Bro, I was THIS close to making the move on you myself," he admitted before he lost his courage.
That made Jason's hazel eyes light up. "Yeah bro?" He was clearly taken by surprise.
Just then Mark Crawford walked up, almost strutting though in his "boss" mode. "Andrews... Miller... how are you gentlemen?"
"Doing good, Mr. Crawford," Jason said, dumbly, blushing as he could tell Pete was smirking.
Mark smiled, his bright smile matching Jason's. "Good to hear." With a casual ease, he reached over and massaged Jason's trap muscle through the slim cut polo shirt. He even let his fingers graze the nape of the ex-jock's neck. He made small talk with the two employees but didn't let go over his touch. Jason was nervous and excited at the same time. Mark fucking Crawford seemed to be making the moves on him.
Finally the baseball star pulled his hand back and slid into his suit trouser pocket, making his crotch lump move visible. "Why don't you see me in my office tomorrow, Miller? 9 AM. I have a project I'd like you to start work on."
"Yes, sir, Mr. Crawford."
Mark laughed at his eagerness. "All right, good." He finally peeled his eyes off Jason and acknowledged Pete. "I'm heading out... but have a good evening fellas."
"Yes, Cap," Pete said. "Have a good one."
Both young men watched slack jawed at Mark's fine jock daddy form strutting out of the bar.
"What did I miss?" Scott asked when he came back with three drinks. He'd seen the interaction from afar.
"Miller here is gonna get Cap-ed," Pete deadpanned. "That's what you missed."
Turns out Crawford did do favorites. Pete and Scott barely saw Jason Miller the whole next month. The newbie hire spent lunches in Mark's office and evenings in Mark's bachelor condo. It wasn't like their buddy had given them the brush off exactly. But Jason was definitely coy, more coy than Scott had been. The two young ex-jocks had no idea if Jason Miller was shacking up with the pro star and big boss. But he was definitely taking Cap cock on a regular basis.
"Think he's having fun?" Scott asked when it was just him and Pete at lunch.
Pete seemed wistful. "Probably. Yeah," he said. "I wish I'd made my move when I had the chance."
"On Cap?"
"On Miller. God help me, I'm in love with that guy."
That caught Scott off guard. "I didn't know you were wired that way, Pete." The ex-baseball player was the last guy Scott would peg as full-on homo.
"Well I am," Pete said defiantly.
Scott felt bad. "Hell, I'm pretty sure Cap will get sick of him. Like I say, he's too much of a player."
"I guess," Pete replied. "Thing is I don't want Miller's heart broken either. Dude worships the ground Mark walks on."
"I can see that," Scott said. He seemed more thoughtful these days. His fling with Cap has opened his eyes for sure. "You ever have something serious with a dude, Pete?"
Andrews nodded. "Once. A younger player on my college team. I took him under my wing. I guess I like that vibe."
"Maybe that's why Cap hasn't made a move on you, bro," Scott said.
"Whaddya mean?"
Scott shrugged. "I dunno.. you've been here, what, three years? And you're practically the only male employee Cap hasn't nailed."
"Maybe he only likes the younger guys," Pete said. Then realized that wasn't true. Wyatt Campbell just turned 32.
Scott shook his head. "Cap likes being in charge... maybe he reads you in that category too."
Pete Andrews seemed to mull that over. Then he asked the question that had been lingering in his mind for a while. "Tell me the truth, Scott. Did it hurt?"
That brought out a big grin on the goofy guy's masculine face. "At first, yeah," he said. "Thing was, I trusted him. And that made it work."
It was fifteen minutes till quitting time, and Pete was engrossed in a spreadsheet when Jason walked up to his cubicle. "Hey bro," he said, snapping Pete's attention from the work focus.
Pete's blue eyes lit up. For all the second guess he'd had for two months, he was still majorly crushed out on Jason Miller. "Hey man. What's up?"
"I'm heading over to Cap's after work... was gonna see if you wanted to join me."
Pete's heart pounded. He wasn't the stereotypical dumb jock and he put two and two together. "Is that you inviting me or Mark?"
Jason grinned and leaned in. "Cap likes fresh meat... I've already introduced him to my former fraternity brothers. He's been wanting a go at you, Andrews."
This is not how Pete imagined it going down. "I figured Cap had the moves to approach me directly."
Jason anticipated this. He continued in a whisper "He thinks you'll pull some top bullshit. I told him you're not like that, bro."
"So.. I go with you... and I get Cap-ed for the first time."
"Yep. Probably not the last time either."
Pete pushed his chair and leaned back some. He was getting chubbed. "Tell me Miller, was Scott lying about the size?"
"Nope," Jason said. "Not a bit." He gave his buddy that killer smile. "That affect your decision?"
Pete shook his head and gulped. "Give me fifteen minutes OK?"
Jason grinned. "You got it, bro." He paused and patted Pete's meaty shoulder through his button-down shirt. "Listen, Andrews... sorry I haven't been there for ya."
The two young men communicated so much through their eyes. Jason knew how Pete felt, and Pete knew he didn't have to hide or explain it.
"It's OK, Miller. I get it.... thanks for inviting me today."
Jason gave one last squeeze of Pete's shoulder. "Of course... It'll be fun. You'll see."
"Yeah," Pete replied. "I just figured I'd be the one to take you under my wing, is all. Not the other way around."
Jason gave a soft laugh. He stepped back and was about to leave the cubicle when he stopped.
"Um... if anything, bro, Scott sold Cap short. Just warning ya."
Pete took in that knowledge. His imagination was starting to get away from him. "Cool."
"In fifteen?" Jason asked. Confirming.
"In fifteen," Pete replied.
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
Hear me out
Old!Price trying to take nudes for the first time
Oh Absofuckinglutely 🧎🏻‍♂️ price redoing the pics til he’s practically sweating and his limbs are aching from all the posing finally settling on one pic before sending you it, nibbling on his bottom lip and fidgeting with his phone waiting for your notification and when they do arrive it’s a whole string compliments, encouraging words, some texts so lewd it has his whole face burning and his replies are so sweet and reserved short “yeah?” To your paragraphs but you don’t mind you’ll happily shower him in praises while he listens to each and every word you say and eventually sweet thing gets so excited because you’re being “way too kind” to him, so much so his hand sneaks between his legs, slowly stroking his half hard cock while looking at the pic he sent you, remembering how pretty you found his soft stomach and thighs, thumb stroking his tip as he looks at the sun spots and scars you so eagerly “want to kiss” and “map out” sweet thing losing himself in pleasure he forgots to reply back and you’re asking him if everything’s alright and he’s sends a clunky “‘m doing it” back hearing those words coming from anyone else would have a laugh tumbling from your mouth but coming from him it’s so sweet and endearing
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joszns · 11 months
hii i love your writing so much i cannot even function❤️!! do you think you can write about reader having an attitude which ellie HATES and then reader mumbles smth like “then get rid of it” and ellie hears so she fucks the attitude out of reader w her strap🤭🤭
OMGOGMGOGM absofuckinglutely
This was sm fun to write Ty anon!!!!
warnings: overstim, pet names (babe, baby), ellie going craycray w it
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ellie was sick of you.
not you as a person per say, but that damn attitude you had all day long. it was bothering her.
to begin, you had woken up late. not that it’s her fault, ellie tried to get you up when you had asked but you just flat out refused. that seemed to kickstart a day full of sassy remarks, quips, eye rolling, and “whatever you wanna do, I don’t care.”
the last straw for ellie was dinner.
“hey babe, how was class?” she said as you walked in the door.
“fine. professor martindale is still a bitch. what’s all this?” you asked flatly. ellie furrowed her brows with slight annoyance.
“i made us dinner since i know you’ve had a bad day.” ellie matched your tone in her response, the pot of your favorite soup still warm on the stove.
“what’s with your attitude all of a sudden?” you asked, setting your things down.
“oh?? you wanna talk about me? i should be asking you that. all day long, all you’ve been doing is snapping at me. i love you, but i do not love that attitude.”
you sighed. “damn, then get rid of it.”
“what was that?”
ellie stepped closer to you.
“nothin’ ellie. thanks for dinner.”
“i think you and I both know what you said.” she replied, her calloused finger hooking on the belt loop of your jeans and pulling you closer.
“i think i know just how to put a stop to this nasty behavior of yours.”
and stop it she did.
ellie thrusted into you relentlessly, her strong hand pushing your upper back into the mattress.
you were a mess beneath her, incoherent apologies and curses falling from your lips repeatedly. she was hitting it nonstop and-fuck-!
“m’sorry!” you screamed as ellie brought her hand to your stomach, pressing hard on your lower abdomen and pulling your hips into her.
“yeah? you’re sorry? you learned your lesson?” ellie grunted out, the base of her strap creating delicious friction on her clit.
you moaned in response, desperately trying to get away from her relentless pace, it was too much, it felt too good.
“im sorry!”
“see baby, this is all you need,” her hand moved down and began rubbing your puffy clit, “a good-fuck-a good dicking down. cmon babe, yeah, cum all on my dick.” ellie said, watching you get closer to your peak.
“so sweet now that im filling you up…” she grunted, and you came for the maybe 7th time? you had lost count.
you cried her name out, body trembling like a leaf as your orgasm ripped through your body. your legs clamped shut over hers, holding her hips to you.
“please please-i can’t-ellie please!” you sobbed.
“im sorry, baby. i just hate when you have such an attitude, i got rid of it the only way i know.” ellie said, pulling out and slowly helping your hips relax into the bed.
“it won’t happen ‘mgain.” you mumbled. you lay there, twitching occasionally, absolutely fucked out and in bliss.
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.she absolutely would do this though?? it’s canon??
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
MK INTROS; Mothers Edition
Summer: *Sharpening Sundered Rose* So you admit you're a Mother?
Raven: *Swoops in, transforms* I would never Deny it.
Summer: *Twirls SR, Loads Magazine* Is that so?
Raven: *Putting her mask on* ... Yes. Yes it is.
Raven: *Steps through portal* Summer?
Summer: *Turns, pulls hood down* I'm proud of you for changing, Raven.
Raven: *Selecting Blade* ... I can't replace you like you replaced me.
Summer: I never Replaced you. We simply made something new. So you'll have to make something new for yourselves.
Willow: *Doing stretches* It's a Pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Belladonna.
Kali: *Pulling a pistol out* I've wanted a meeting with you.
Willow: *Loading Dust into her hammer* Well ... Let's see how this one goes then.
Raven: *Steps through portal* Hey ... Prismeya ... It's been a while ...
Mama Arc: *Planting Halberd in ground, rapping her Chestplate* Oh, the little Birdie has seen it fit to show her face.
Raven: *Putting Mask on* So you're still sore about the whole ...
Mama Arc: *Flourishing Halberd* Trying to kill my husband thing? AbsoFUCKINGlutely!
Mama Arc: *Tying hair back* Kali? Kali Belladonna?
Kali: *Pouring tea into a cup and setting the kettle aside* Yes! Are you a fan?
Mama Arc: *Checking Dust*You're a very brave Woman! Of course I am!
Summer: *Enshrouded in White Petals* Willow! How've you been?
Willow: *Scratching a Beowolf Summon* Summer! My Goodnes- I've been- I'm better than I have been in a long time.
Summer: *Readies SR in Axe mode* That's wonderful to hear, Willow.
Kali: *Putting Piercings back in* So You're going to be my Co-Parent in Law?
Raven: *Swoops in, transforms* It ... Sounds That way, but it may be early for them to marry?
Kali: *Running Fingers through hair* Oh? How quickly did you marry Tai after Beacon?
Raven: *Selecting Blade* Negative two months. LET'S FIGHT!
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h3llenwrites · 8 months
Can I request Alastor baking for the reader? Like making their favorite baked good because it was available in hell? Thanks! Remember to eat a snack and drink water!
A/N: Absofuckinglutely you can :3 !!! I haven't written in a while so excuse my rustiness ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
Alastor x reader : Valentine's gift!
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It was Valentine's day and Alastor was strolling, taking a look at what he could get (Name). He would find something, but eventually he'd change his mind a few seconds after. Until, he remembered they mentioned something to him. An edible that they dearly loved to have back when they were alive and truly missed, (*Insert Baked good*). Suddenly, an idea popped in his head.
Alastor quickly made his way to the bakery, in hopes of finding it there. He spotted the snack and quickly purchased it. The Radio Demon was quite pleased with himself.. until he changed his mind again. It's a great idea to give (Name) this.. right? But wouldn't it be better if he made it himself? Filled with all the love he's legally allowed to give! ^_^ Alastor made his way back to the hotel, he quickly checked on (Name), peeking into their room. Of course, sleeping. (Me on weekends tbh) The demon gave a quick peck on their cheek and went ahead downstairs. He prepped up the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients needed, putting on an apron to avoid the possible mess, although of course he's not messy when cooking, but you never know. After briefly reading the instructions, he got to work! A bit of splatter here and there, (Which he quickly cleaned, you can't convince me this man isn't a neat freak)he may or may not have sneaked a pink finger in 3 of them, but those are for him to taste. While he was baking, Angel stopped by to get a drink. The spider took a sip of the soda, leaning on the kitchen island while eyeing Alastor. "Never seen you this busy, what's the occasion?" He stayed quiet for a bit before getting what he needed done. "Oh nothing, just a bit of a surprise I'm making!" Alastor smiled, Angel shrugged and walked off. After a few batches, he was finally done. And the kitchen was sparkly clean! (He kept messing up because he kept cleaning istg) Told you he never makes messes. He took the apron off, and decided to finally wake (Name) up from their slumber. They were sound asleep, a bit of drool escaping. He shook them gently, (Name) gently opened their eyes to be met by the sight of Alastor. They blinked a few times before rubbing their eyes and sitting up. "Oh.. Good morning-" (Name) yawned before continuing their sentence. "-Alastor.."
"Good morning, my dear! I have a surprise for you."
"Oh, that's nice..."
(Name) is still half asleep by the time they were downstairs, but the familiar smell brought them to life almost instantly. "Smells good, did you make something for me, Al?" "But, of course! I figured you'd want it since you mentioned about dearly missing this nostalgic snack of yours." He brought out the baked goods. (Name) instantly grabbed one and took a bite. "Mm.. It tastes so good! Thanks Al," They smiled at him, and he smiled back.
A/N: and then the others ate the remaining batches :] Someone took one of Alastor's though so that was... Unfortunate. (it was Husk)
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vide0-nasties · 8 months
1. Were you named after anyone?
To the best of my knowledge no, at least for my real name! My internet name, Rags, I actually just ended up snagging from one of my OCs - a washed up rockstar named Cosimo Ragatz, who was a recovering drug addict that founded an indie record label with his wife.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh god, it was some time last week?? So much real life stuff had piled up and I think it was honestly some kind of mini-break or smth, god only knows. But I’m feeling better now lol.
3. Do you have kids?
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOT LMAO. My mom passed when I was young and I raised my younger siblings, I’ve done my time in the child rearing mines and I’m never doing it again.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
For a really long time I rode horses and I was a really good three day eventer. I also really loved archery and swimming. I also rode dirt bikes too, and I’d love to get back into it!! 🥰🥰
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes indeed!! But I’m not sure that I use it as much as I used to. Not for any particular reason, I don’t think dgheh.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I’m boring and predictable and I pretty much always notice height first 😂😂 I do also notice face shapes and noses, though!!
7. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown that leans pretty close to black dfhjd.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Each have their own benefits and negatives!! A time and a place for everything 👏👏
9. Any talents?
I’m a good writer, and I’m pretty good at accents! I also like to think I’m the funniest asshole in any given room at any time 😂😅
10. Where were you born?
Commonwealth of Virginia babeyyyyy 🦩 there aren’t cardinal emojis, but I’m still barely south enough to be southern lol.
11. What are your hobbies?
I like posting video games, writing, playing dnd, a lil bit of digital art. Painting my nails. Dfhjd. Running outta stuff here, uhhhh. Panicking trying to remember my meds, but that’s more a full time occupation lol.
12. Do you have any pets?
Four dogs (a cocker spaniel, a border collie, a pit bull, and a boxer lab 🥰🥰), some barn cats, and a little grade paint horse named Rooster who’s a complete ASSHOLE.
13. How tall are you?
5’6” or 5’7”, it depends on how tall I want to feel that day dghjd
14. Favorite subject in school?
History and English!!! I really wanted to be a historical researcher for a career when I was in school and I still think about it. I would’ve liked to study Appalachian history from pre-Civil War to present.
15. Dream job?
LOL 😂😂 historical researcher, possibly an author, or a rare and antique jewelry shop owner siiigh. I really fell in love with fine jewelry at my last job, and I would DIE to be able to do it again, but in a much more niche fashion.
No Pressure tags: @smoggyfogbottom @brilliantblasphemer @dotcie @kastlequill @skinnyazn @snail-eggs @lunarvicar @siriusleee 💖💖
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ihavemanyhusbands · 6 months
The constant brain rot about being in a relationship with Will Graham. And at first you get the impression that he's super submissive in bed. Letting you be on top and call the shots. But then he comes home from a rather difficult case. He's got into the head of a killer and he's frustrated and angry and him just doing a complete switch 🤭 rough hands pinning you by the throat. Him biting on the inside of your thigh so harshly it leaves teeth marks....
All I'm saying. He looks like a puppy... but god I just know he could go feral 😵‍💫
Oh absofuckinglutely, you remember when he jumped out of the back of that van??? Feral look in his eye, teeth bared??? Yeah…….. can u imagine the chase that would ensue after that? AUGHHHH Primal play with him just always seems soooooooo appealing (with consent always in mind pls and thank you)
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theuselesshistoryweeb · 3 months
PENS headcanon time, painting edition!
It’s basically “what type of pretty are they” but I describe it with paintings/painters
For Port he’s got some serious Pre-Raphaelite vibes. Waterhouse comes to mind. I think he’d love to do a replica photo shoot of himself as a siren or something. Just long hair, elegance, and bodies of water. He wants to drown dramatically and beautifully. Though I think he’d also appreciate being compared to a Botticelli painting.
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For England it’s 100 percent Leyendecker. He’s got the face, the vintage vibes, the put-together perfection. Suits, angles, lots of blond men (lol). Art Deco by Lana del Rey is about him. He’s got the type of face you’d see on your matchbox or tea ad, humble at first glance yet earnestly handsome.
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For Ned I’d say comparing him to a Rembrandt or Van Gogh just doesn’t seem right to me. Also I hc him to be a painter, I’d say the other hcs would be his ‘interpretation’ of his friends/lovers(? 😏). But he is definitely giving neo classical. He’s into the anatomy (he’s probably jacked as asl let’s be real), the rawness, the humanity. He loves deeply studying and appreciating humans in both real life and in painting. and I do find the second picture to bear quite some resemblance.
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For Spain… oh absofuckinglutely some Caravaggio (and anyone inspired by him) shit. The blood, the catholic imagery, the anguish. Yes to pomegranates and gaping wounds. Yes to dramatic lighting and inherent homoeroticism. And the curls and coloring of these two paintings just remind me of him. This boy is just a bit angsty.
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Sorry for the super long post. this was fun to make though
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