shikai-the-storyteller · 10 months
I'm at work waiting for something to save and glanced at my phone and literally felt my heart stop when I saw the words "Richarlyson" and "death" in the same sentence. I forgot they all have 2 lives now, for a moment I LEGITIMATELY thought he was gone forever and I was about to burst into tears in the middle of this damn office building.
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thebluester2020 · 7 days
I wonder how sdv bachelor's would react to you getting mad at them for forgetting your (relationship) anniversary?
Getting Upset At SDV + RSV Bachelors For Forgetting Your Anniversary (For the Umpteenth Time And You Decided To Leave Them For It)
Warning(s): Angst (Especially on Shane's part lol, I'm a hater), No happy endings, Reader goes in on Shane and Alex in their individual parts,
Side note(s): Ik you were probably expecting something decently light anon but I just remembered that I haven't ratted on Shane in a minute so I thought some good ol' fashioned angst was in store.
Also, I picked who I wrote angst for because I teared up thinking of writing angst for my favorite emo or writer. Still, though, I hope you like what I've written anon (and sorry it took so frickin' long 😔)
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Shane | "Another Bottle"
You were so excited for tonight, you could hardly stand in place as you waited for Shane to get home!
Tonight would be your third year with Shane. A year that (in your mind) would symbolize the trials and tribulations the both of you had gone, as well as shared with one another. And for the last week or so, Shane had been talking almost non-stop about the plans he had for the both of you at the end of the week! He hinted at eating some fancy dinner cooked up by Gus at the Stardrop Saloon, and although he didn't mention it verbally, Shane had been spending a lot of time with Elliot lately.
The two had almost nothing in common so, butterflies erupted in your stomach at the thought of the extra things your husband was preparing for you.
Shane had also mentioned taking a walk on the beach at the end, and once the night had concluded? A nice wine on the porch whilst listening to a playlist of you and his' favorite songs.
All of it was straight from a dream, a fairytale even that...admittedly, you thought would never happen. Especially since...he had forgotten your first anniversary, the second one too—but, you were nothing if not forgiving.
You had to be.
Your husband dealt with a lot. He had mental health issues as well as a drinking problem that he was still fighting to curb to this very moment! When you married him—nay, when you first started dating him. You knew that you would have to be patient and constantly show him that you were with him through thick and thin, come Hell or high water. You'd stand by Shane's side and walk with him through any troubles he may have faced or had roaming around in his head.
Therefore, that's why, as soon as the clock in your shared bedroom ticked to five o'clock. You practically burst out of your bedroom and out to the front porch to wait for Shane like an eager dog waiting for its owner to return home after a long day! In any minute, he'd walk through the small gates that led onto the farm's property...maybe with a bouquet of flowers? A tired expression at first perhaps? One that would immediately melt away at the sight of you like it always did...you couldn't wait to see for yourself.
Six O'Clock
You had decided to sit down on the steps of the porch, constantly standing in a pair of heels was bound to hurt your feet sometime or another as you continued to wait for Shane to go through those gates. He must've been held up at work, maybe spending a little extra time getting your date ready! Something.
Anything other than the thought your mind was threatening to settle on.
No, anything but that.
He was late but you were going to have patience, after all, all the best things in life were worth waiting for, right? You were willing to bet that he was going to appear at any moment now.
Eight O'Clock
You had lost the bet with yourself, that much was obvious as you quietly took off the outfit you had put together for tonight and debated whether you should simply take a shower and go to bed or if you should comfort yourself over a nice glass of wine. On one hand, you wanted the former, anything that would help you forget this night but...this time? You just couldn't bring yourself to do it.
This would be the third time that Shane had forgotten your anniversary. Last year, you had let him slide with his excuse that he was caught up at work, even though he worked at a grocery store and the place had a set time for when it closed! The second year, that time around, Shane had claimed that Jas suddenly wanted to spend time with him! You wouldn't have minded Jas tagging along for your anniversary date, she would have made it more lively, so that year as well, you let it slide.
This time though...as tears started to well up in your eyes and your chest tightened. You didn't know if you had it in you to let another anniversary slide.
And that's when you heard the front door open and close.
Even from the bedroom, the scent of alcohol was strong and all too familiar. The lazy movement of Shane's footsteps...the way he groaned and grumbled drunkenly in search of you.
He had forgotten your anniversary...all so he could get drunk?
You saw red. "Where were you?" You immediately questioned your husband when you rounded a corner and into the living room.
There he was, lying down on the couch with the stench of alcohol radiating off of him. You clenched your fists so hard at the sight, that you almost worried they'd bleed. "Out." Shane finally answered.
You could feel a vein threaten to poke out as he slurred his words.
"Out?" You said in exasperation.
"Yes, out."
"I thought you were trying to quit drinking," You stormed up closer to him. Shane barely even flinched, you were hoping he'd give you something, anything that said he had remembered your anniversary but was just too drunk and stupid to remember it. "Why—"
"I needed a break from work!" He grumbled. "Get off my back."
"But—" You took a breath. "Shane." You continued. "Our anniversary...you—you promised." When that word made its way out of your mouth, Shane could barely give you the decency to look embarrassed. To look ashamed that he would miss his only spouse's birthday. The one person who had stuck with him through everything, listened to him when he was at his lowest, had made sure he was at Dr. Harvey's in a heartbeat the second you noticed he was too drunk to even stand. You had even gone out of your way so many fucking times to make sure that you had did some things for him, anything that made his recovery easier and swifter.
And what could he do to thank you?
Easy, begin to fall asleep on the couch whilst he still smelled of alcohol. Even as tears started to burn your eyes, he still couldn't wake up for you.
So, you decided that was that.
You wouldn't go through this again for a fourth, fifth, or even sixth time in a row!
You were done.
"...I guess you were right before Shane," You said to his passed-out form.
"You are nothing but a drunk. And that's all you'll ever be." You continued with venom dripping from each word before you stormed off to your bedroom. Immediately, you tore open the closet before you practically ripped and tore his clothes from the hangers, snatching pants and everything else he owned from the drawers and other places he kept his things before you carried them all to the living room before dropping it at his feet.
Still, he barely moved an inch aside from snoring obnoxiously.
You wanted him gone first thing in the morning and you wouldn't hear another half-assed apology or even an excuse that he was "still healing" or "just had a momentary relapse". It was a fine fucking time to have a relapse on the day you were looking forward to for an entire week! And you absolutely hated him for it.
But...soon you'd have your peace back, free of any disappointments too.
Once he was up and gone tomorrow.
Alex | "High Ambitions"
Alex's gridball career had been going extremely well as of late.
You always knew that his efforts, the constant hard work he'd put into the sport, would pay off one day. You always told him that! You just wished that...it wasn't at the expense of you sometimes, compared to how he was when the two of you first started dating, Alex was gone almost all the time. From sun up to sun down, he'd either be training or taking a bus down to Zuzu city at the crack of dawn in order to train further with his coach!
You didn't have enough fingers to count how many times you woke up by yourself. The spot where Alex should have been cold and empty, but Alex had promised you that he wasn't letting his ambitions and his budding career get in the way of you two! He'd always come back and hug you, stating that you were the reason why he was playing in the first place and trying to make it big.
All so that he could fund and take care of the both of you, deliver you a lavish lifestyle that would allow you to have more time to do the things that you and he liked to do rather than most of your day being spent with farm work and running around! And while that was all fine...your current lifestyle, was something you enjoyed.
And you enjoyed it even more when you did it with Alex.
Yet you had bit your tongue and nodded your head, you were happy for him and wanted him to succeed! So long as he didn't forget about you, you were happy and content. Besides, you'd have all the time in the world to make up for lost time with him tonight! It was your anniversary and the second he got back from practice, you wouldn't hold back from being a little greedy with him.
At least...that was the plan.
Until two hours went by.
He was supposed to be home at 8 o'clock.
Now? It was just barely reaching 11:00pm. And as the minutes continued to tick by, your anger at your husband only grew. He promised you that he would be home on time, that he wouldn't let practice take over you being his number-one priority. Clearly, that was one huge lie. However, as you heard the rapid jingling of keys at the door all of a sudden...you couldn't even find it within yourself to make up an excuse for him like you had many times prior.
No, it was clear where his priorities were as of lately.
And you weren't a part of them in the slightest.
"Y/N!" Alex called out as soon as he entered the house, his eyes quickly finding you sitting on the couch. Back straight and eyes forward, you hadn't even reacted to the sound of your name aside from a brief glance over your shoulder.
Oh, he knew he was in trouble.
"Sorry," Alex said bashfully, flashing you a boyish smile that would always do just the trick of melting your heart a little in the past. "I got caught up with practice, I scored three touchdowns today!"
"Do you know what day it is today?"
His eyes widened a little, his mouth opening to ask you to clarify as he desperately racked his brain. Only then, did horror wash over his features the second he remembered. "Y/N...I'm so sorry-"
You suddenly stood up. "Don't bother," You said sharply with a sigh. "It's the third time you've missed our anniversary!" You laughed emptily.
"All for fucking gridball practice. The same thing you told me wouldn't get in between us."
He rolled his eyes. "You know this is the one thing I've been working towards my entire life." Your husband huffed. "Why can't you be happy for me? I'm doing this for the both of us!"
"The both of us?" You scoffed. "You're doing this for you. I told you the second you started practicing to not let sports come between us, to at least take the time to remember me!" You shouted as you quickly got in his space, your chest heaving as your hands found their way to your hips.
"And what do you do? The exact opposite."
"Well, what about you?"
Oh, he was not placing the blame on you.
"You're always working on the farm, that or rushing off to the mines for the third time in a night!"
"How the- that's not the same! And besides, you're barely here to begin with! I'd rather be in the mines with the ghosts to keep me company than lay in an empty bed for the fourth night in a row!"
Your husband only blew you off with a scoff at your words, turning on his heels to walk away from the conversation. And that single act, it only made the pain worse. So much worse that...you couldn't even believe that you had married him in the first place. In the beginning, you were absolutely smitten with Alex, admiring his determination for gridball as well as his drive to be the best at it! Even now...you still want to support him at it, see him become the very best but...not at the detriment of you.
Not at the detriment of your marriage.
If he couldn't be bothered to remember the simplest things about you such as an anniversary.
Then it was best if you left the picture completely.
You took a deep shaky breath. "...Pack your bags tomorrow Alex." You said, your breath barely above a whisper but still loud enough to where Alex stopped in his tracks completely.
"Pack them," You repeated. "You want to focus on gridball? Fine, but it won't be with me playing second fiddle to it." Then, you turned around to walk to the bedroom and shut the door behind you.
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stellamancer · 2 years
shopping trip (implied bakugou katsuki x reader)
notes: tooting my little horn! first fic of the year! it’s for an exchange we did in the teahouse server for a wonderful person nyall may know as @willowser​. i was super excited to get willow... so excited that i rewrote the piece like 4 times in hopes of achieving perfection... i don’t think i hit it but i think this ineration is pretty okay!! i apologize that this is very, very late, but i hope you like it willow!
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“This is so freakin’ dumb.”
Katsuki gripes loudly beside you, vocalizing his annoyance, but you seem completely and utterly unfazed by it. By this point you’re probably used to it, just like the other extras.
“The exchange?” you ask, clarifying as the two of you enter the department store. “Honestly, I think it sounds kind of fun, or at least Casper made it seem like it would be.”
Katsuki snorts derisively. Casper. Right. That’s the name of the damn extra that’s responsible for all this. He’s some two-bit Pro-Hero that’s in Japan on exchange from America who wouldn’t shut up about all the ridiculous Christmas traditions people in the States have and some other brilliant idiot thought it’d be a great idea to adopt one of them.  Personally, Katsuki thought it would have been a better idea to blast both shitheads straight into the new year rather than participate in some dumb gift exchange but he was, unfortunately, overruled.
“It sounds like a waste of fricking time,” Katsuki retorts. He’s always hated shopping. It reminds him of when he was a kid, forced to accompany his mother on outings that would last hours and hours as she sifted, searched and socialized her way through stores whilst little Katsuki trudged after her, bored out of his frickin’ mind. Now, as an adult, Katsuki does most of his shopping online. In fact, he can’t remember the last time he stepped into a store for something other than groceries.
You cast a sidelong glance in his direction, your expression still neutral. “You didn’t need to come along with me, you know.”
“You’re the one who begged me to come!” Katsuki says with a scowl, thinking about earlier how you’d crawled up to him once work was all done for the day, your eyes wide like a pathetic little puppy. How the hell was he supposed to refuse when you came to him looking like that ?
“And, for that, I thank you,” you say dramatically. Katsuki grumbles, but doesn’t say anything further, so you continue, approaching a display as you ask, “So who did you get?”
The frown on Katsuki’s face deepens and he doesn’t answer.
You glance back toward him, confusion clear across your features. “Bakugou?”
“...’m not telling,” he mutters, almost sounding like an indignant child. “Ain’t it supposed to be a secret?”
“Probably to the person you’re shopping for,” you answer nonchalantly, moving to another display table. “But I think it’s probably fine if it’s someone else— in case you need help.”
Sounds reasonable enough, but still, Katsuki doesn’t say anything.
You turn fully toward him and shoot him a cheeky grin. “It wouldn’t happen to be me, would it?”
That earns you one of Katsuki’s patented glares, but you just laugh it off.
“Alright then, Mr. Sourpuss, keep your secrets,” you say. “I just wanted to help you out if I could, but since you won’t tell me, guess you will just have to suffer.”
Katsuki scoffs, pretending that you didn’t hit the nail on the head right there. Truth is, he’s at a complete loss at what to buy you and the whole reason why he’s here is to see if he can get an idea of what you might want.
Not that he’ll tell you that.
“Well, for your information, I got Kirishima,” you say almost haughtily.
“Good for you.” Katsuki’s voice is almost mocking, and you seem to notice, if the look you shoot in his direction is any indication. “Shouldn’t be that hard. Don’t know why you begged me to tag along.”
You circle around a display of shawls and scarves. “You guys are practically best friends, right? Figured it’d be good to get a second opinion on a gift.” You reach down and grab a deep red scarf. “What about one of these? It’s been pretty cold lately.”
Katsuki stares at the scarf. You’re right— it has been pretty cold lately. A scarf would be a pretty good idea, but you just bought one last month. He hums thoughtfully and your eyes light up as you take the sound to mean some kind of approval.
“I could knit one too… It’s been a few years, but I’m pretty good at it. I think it might be nicer than just buying one…”
At the suggestion, Katsuki’s chest starts to feel uncomfortably tight. Buying a scarf for Broomhead wouldn’t be the worst idea, but making one for him? “No.”
You blink, confused. “No? I shouldn’t make him a scarf?”
Katsuki rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. “No, idiot. If he opens that handmade scarf in front of everyone, what do you think all those fuckin’ extras are gonna think?”
You stare, blankly, and Katsuki swears that he can see the gears turning in your head. After a minute, your eyes go wide as you finally realize. “....but isn’t that just some shoujo manga trope?”
Katsuki shrugs. “Maybe, but you ever see someone give a handknit scarf to someone as Christmas gift?”
“....yes,” you answer, almost sounding shameful.
“....they were dating.”
“...you interested in Shit Hair like that?”
You shake your head and Katsuki feels an odd sense of relief that he doesn’t voice. Not that he cares who you’re interested in. Even if neither you nor Broomhead are interested in one another, some dumbass is going to spread rumors around the agency and that’s the last thing anyone needs. “...maybe not a scarf then.”
You keep shopping, drifting from one display table to the next, but you don’t seem to find something you deem worthy. Katsuki, who has been secretly noting the things you stop to look at, is still at a loss himself. It doesn’t help that on your little slip you’d written that you’d be fine with anything. If Katsuki had to bet, he figured you wrote that to make it easier on whoever drew your name, but all it’s really done is just make things harder.
Honestly speaking, when he drew your name, Katsuki actually thought it’d be easy, you’re his secretary, after all, and he likes to think that he has a good handle on the things you like. The only problem is that…
“Oh… gloves…” you mumble quietly and Katsuki sees you holding a pair of gloves that are obviously not for Broomhead.
“Oi!” Katsuki hisses and you jump a little and turn toward him with an sheepish smile, but Katsuki continues to frown at you. “I thought you were shopping for the stupid exchange, not yourself.”
Your lips pucker in a pout and Katsuki’s eye twitches. “I am… I just… need gloves....”
This here is a prime example of the problem Katsuki has been having: anytime you need something or even want something you go up and buy it yourself. Normally, it isn’t that big of an issue, but it makes it that much harder for someone to buy you shit.
“What if yer damn Secret Santa or whatever buys you gloves, huh?” Katsuki demands, but you continue to pout, clutching at the gloves like a lifeline. He continues to glower at you,a silent threat, and slowly, finally, you yield and put the gloves down. Once free of your grip, Katsuki commits what they look like to memory. He’s probably not going to buy them for you, but if he can’t find anything better then it’s a better option than nothing.
Katsuki’s decided that whatever he gets you has to be perfect. Some of the annoying ass meddlers who harassed their way into finding out who Katsuki has have made suggestions; shit like nice file cases, fancy pens and portable chargers. And while Katsuki can admit that everyone’s pitched something that you’d definitely use, he's not giving you some lame ass, generic gift: it has to be perfect.
“What about this?”
Katsuki snaps back to attention at the sound of your voice and finds you holding up what he’d consider one of the stupidest looking shirts he’s ever seen. The front has cartoonish lines across it, drawn to look like an excessively chiseled and muscular chest. Frankly, the damn thing looks like it belongs in some cheap souvenir shop rather than in a fancy department store like the one you’re shopping in now.
You peek out over the top, the stupidest grin on your face. “Doesn’t it scream ‘manly?’ I think he’d like this, don’t you?”
It looks garish as fuck, but unfortunately, Katsuki has to agree that it probably would speak to Shit Hair’s fashion sense. Reluctant, he nods and you cheer, having found the gift you were looking for.
“Now you’ve found your gift, let’s go.”
You stare at Katsuki in confusion. “Go? But don’t you still have to get something? I can help, you know, even if you won’t tell me who it’s for.”
Katsuki gives you a pointed look. “Thought you were gonna let me suffer.”
Your eyes grow wide and Katsuki snorts. Looks like you forgot you said that. You look flustered as you try to backtrack a bit. “W-Well, you’re not the type to put stuff off so I figured we could still try and find something. I’ve still got time, unless you have plans."
He doesn’t say anything. You don’t know it, but when you begged to go shopping earlier he made sure to clear the night of any plans he had.
“...we can keep shopping for your gift for a little and…” you trail off, looking a bit conflicted, but then after a moment you pick up the sentence where you left it. “...and if you want we can maybe go get dinner? My treat.”
Your words are a bit slurred together as if you forced them from your mouth. Katsuki stares at you blankly, absorbing what you’ve just said.
You stare at him, wide eyed as you wait for an answer. Katsuki’s not too keen on shopping more, because the longer you shop together the more likely you’ll find out that he’s your Secret Santa. But he doesn’t mind the thought of staying out with you a little longer.
Finally, after what feels like forever, Katsuki sighs in resignation, “Fine, but we’re not eating at some shitty fast food joint, ya got that?”
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recurring-polynya · 8 months
Writing Update/Art Update 1.16.2024
Well, I did finish that scene I was fussing about last week, but only on a technicality. The first thing that happened was that I thought of some other scene I wanted to write, and I let myself do that. It's 1800 words of zanpakutou nonsense that is currently slated for late in Chapter 8. I mentioned that I felt like another chapter was creeping its way into my outline, so I just went ahead and rearranged a little. I feel better about the outline, although I'm not sure a second extra chapter won't try to sneak its way in there.
Then what happened was that my friend had a Bake-Off themed birthday party, so I spent several days planning a bake and baking things and being consumed with anxiety and then actually going to the party and then being very, very tired. (In case anyone was curious: Earl Grey roll cake with blood orange curd fill, covered in chocolate ganache, then decorated with Earl Grey whipped cream, candied blood oranges, and raspberry-swirl macarons. It was really good. For the record, the other bakes were on the same level. My friend has some really intense friends 😂)
I went back to The Scene and looked at the outline again, and I realized that I needed to do a POV swap, but I didn't have a scene change. This is tricky business, so what I did was roll back about 1000 words and have Rukia do an exit stage left. That lets Renji take over the narration and Rukia can come back in later. I started the Renji-part but didn't get very far into it, but that was a separate bullet on the outline, so I feel justifying in checking off the Rukia-bullet.
My kids had off yesterday and then it snowed, and they got a snow day today and I am still very tired.
How is the drawing going, P? Well! The second week of prompts was all themed around "packaged food" which was significantly harder to do in a quick and easy way. Then, I mentioned that I wanted to do a Rukia-drawing. I did the sketch and I spent an hour and a half on coloring it. I decided it would look good in pastels, even though I don't know shit about how to use the pastel brushes. In any case, I realized that it was going to take another million hours of work and I simply did not like it enough to put in another million hours of work, so I gave up on it. I can always pick it up again later if I feel like it, but I have too much else to do. So, in other words, I did spend some time drawing on at least five days of last week, which is what my goal was, but I did not have a whole lot to show for it. Like I said last week, I have been posting my daily art to the art club forum, but Wedsday's prompt was "Pickle Jar" and decided to do some Between Tides fanart (by the loosest possible definition of fanart) and show it to you folks instead. This was so frickin' hard, but I really like the way my lil daikon came out!
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Anyway, new week, word counter goes back to 0, hopefully this one will be a little more focused and maybe I'll actually be able to make some progress on Chapter 7.
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What I'm Watching 2023: March
This year is already moving way too fast, istg. Between watching the radar for tornadoes and getting reasonably stoned on cold meds, this is coming in late, but oh well.
The Last Of Us
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ALL HAIL PIANO FROG! I'm not a gamer, so I have no prior attachment to the source material. I only started watching after seeing my dash blow up with gif sets and the like. That being said, I have no regrets. The performances and the production values are great, and I cried on several occasions. Bonus points for using Pearl Jam in the soundtrack. The pacing is a little uneven sometimes, but it's not such a big deal it detracted from what I enjoyed. My only other gripe is that the season was so. Effing. Short.
Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil
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A friend recommended this to me years ago, then I recommended it to a different friend, and we had a blast watching it. If you're not in the know, this one is a horror comedy dealing with stereotypes and the assumptions people make about each other, and a LOT of miscommunication and misunderstanding. Think of it like Three's Company, but a slasher. In hindsight, it's hard to think this came from the mid 2000's, when the genre was full to capacity with the stereotypes this film calls out. And maybe I'm overthinking a movie where half the cast gets killed off in increasingly idiotic accidents, but at the end of the day, I had a good time watching. And that's good enough for me.
New Nightmare
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First of all, isn't she pretty? 😍 Second of all, I'm saving the majority of my thoughts for later, but out of the franchise as a whole, this one is somewhere in the top three.
This Is Where I Leave You
I would never have chosen to watch this of my own accord, as it's outside of my usual preferences, but I kinda liked it anyway. Funny, sad, and sweet, and it didn't end the way you probably would expect. Bonus points for using Pearl Jam in the soundtrack.
Scream (2022)
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We'll have to agree to disagree, Sidney.
The Phantom of the Opera (1989)
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TWO distinct fandoms are sleeping on this one, and it's a damn shame. Phantom fans, this is the only adaptation to actually include the violin in the cemetery! (It's a sore point for a lot of us...) Slasher lovers, it's Robert frickin Englund! Literally everyone else, if you don't like POTO or horror, it's still on point with the music and the cinematography, and is generally underrated, IMO.
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We are finally, FINALLY, a Gerard Butler household. 🤣 I favor his dramas over the action flicks he's been doing the last few years, and this is more drama than action, so...yay? I'm not a huge fan of disaster movies in general, but I honestly think this would have worked better as a miniseries. It felt rushed and underwhelming at the same time, and yet the potential is there. On the other hand, Gerry finally, FINALLY, gets to use his own accent.
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I've seen this one several times over in bits and pieces over the course of three decades, but only straight through and from beginning to end once. Well, twice now. I grew up on the animated series, tho, so while I've cooled off on Tim Burton, I'll always have a soft spot for Beetlejuice.
Shadow and Bone
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I haven't seen any book fans throwing too much of a fit about season two, but I'm sure they're out there. Granted, I blew through all of it in one day and a lot of it is a blur, but I appreciate the deviations. They pulled my attention back whenever I zoned out, and I'm more excited for season three (if we get one, because Netflix) to see how the rest of the story pans out.
Glass Onion
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You know why I hate most mysteries and detective dramas? They all take themselves soooooooooo seriously. There is always a ton of extra baggage to unpack from one case to the next, and I'm getting to really dislike series that require you to sit through EVERYTHING to know what's going on. I love this one because it doesn't do that. It's fun, dammit! Everyone has already picked this one apart and yelled over the good bits, and all I have to add to the noise is that watching this movie felt like being a kid reading the Sherlock Holmes stories for the first time, or watching Miss Marple episodes on PBS with my grandparents. It's going on my list of comfort movies, and it's going to stay there.
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Speaking of comfort, I'm a season into my umpteen hundredth rewatch of my number one comfort show. And planning on catching up with the reboot once I'm done! What's not to love about a bunch of modern day Robin Hoods taking down corrupt officials and billionaires? Bonus points for featuring Mark Sheppard for best recurring character (again).
It Chapter Two
Strangely enough, this is a rewatch, which would have been unheard of not too long ago, as far as anything Pennywise related goes. Even stranger, it put me in the mood to revisit Doctor Sleep. Strangest yet, I already want to do a double feature. 😂
Kung Fu Panda
Don't act like you don't love this movie. It's fucking brilliant.
This has gone on long enough, so I guess we'll meet back here next month!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
So tomorrow I have to complete two analysis of two different history documentaries for extra credit that I will definitely need and I have to study the whole weekend so much because next week I start exams (we have three on one day, of two hours each)
Not to mention I have to present a play of frickin Hamlet on Monday that I got into for some class I enter only for extra credit that I also needed and I ended up leading it somehow😭 I managed to make a whole script in a day and that makes me feel so badass😎
And I have two complete like two projects more, besides another project for my french classes... AND I have cramps holy shit jdhdudid
I would like to say I will be taking a break from being here and that I will come back next week, but I would be lying. Do feel free to tell at me if you see me here bc I definitely shouldn't!
Anyway, these next 7 days will probably be hell, but I've decided to reward myself by making myself crepes for breakfast on Monday and I'm looking forward to it!!! It's my first time making them so and I love trying out new recipes!!!
How are you doing?? Anything new lately? hope you are doing ok💙
I will be sending you my progress as a chef!! I mean, lot to brag but I do cook and bake pretty well...
First of all, how much extra credit are you doing djncsk
it's going to be an intense week indeed. make a list. that shit helps during crunch time. tick off things easy you can and be mindful of things you keep pushing back. and remember to take rest. there is no point in studying so so so much if you don't give your brain time to store all that information.
ps - the only thing new in my life is a migraine lmao.
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myaheartsmarkie · 2 years
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addicted - chapter three
word count: 12.9k
playlist: from time by drake, late at night by roddy rich, i want u around by omar apollo, wasting time by brent faiyaz, best you had by don toliver, luv is dro by jack harlow, and party by sik-k!
genre: smut, so much. mild one sided pining, jealous! jeno, angst, fluff (im team jeno yall lol), fwb! to lovers, student athletes! yn + jeno. the boyz! and dream + 127 member make side role! appearances. jaehyun is trying to fight jeno lol, haechan and kevin stir up trouble as per usual
warning(s): smut! smut! smut! (pls, if you're a minor - leave.) lots of swearing!!, jeno is toxic, and boy oh boy does it show. choking, spanking, slight public sex! (they're fucking in the locker rooms again lmaooo), teasing, dom! jeno, sub! reader, face fucking, spit play, cum play, oral (f! + m! receiving), tons of sex talk, established height difference (im not even short so lets not jump to conclusions, but the dominating role i wrote in for jeno imo calls for a significant height difference. im the author so pls respect it. if you don't like it don't read it. thanks.) reader has a smart ass mouth (if you're sensitive? ig..lol my mouth is reckless too so it feels normal) mentions of violence (jaebae isn't taking no shit in this chapter lmao), use of pet names (baby, angel, princess, etc..) jeno can be rough at times in some scenes, but not violent, some dry humping, slight size kink, i think that's it...lmk if i missed anything!
note from mya: ITS FINALLY HERE YALL!! omg this took so frickin long D: im so very sorry & i pray to every god that its worth it ! i worked hard lol. also i had originally written 14.8k but last night it got deleted bcus we had an outage & i guess it didnt back up properly :( but yea, you guys already know. no minors. if you're legal, happy reading :) taglist is posted at the bottom <3 . & of course this isn't revised lmao...fuck that. thanks for your patience & support, ily!
© myaheartsmarkie 2022 — all rights reserved !
“yn?” kevin said softly, knuckles grazing the frame of your door. 
he sighs when he receives no response in return. he looks back at jaehyun with a sad expression. jaehyun lets out a sigh, chest heaving angrily. 
“i’ll fucking kill him” he mumbles, turning around and stalking to the front door. 
kevin scurries to sit the plate of food down and catch his best friend before he reaches outside. kevin grabs jaehyun’s shoulder, halting his movements. 
“we don’t even know if it’s because of jeno,” kevin starts. 
“i know it is—god, i never liked that dickhead” he says, hands going to grip his hair out of frustration. 
“ok…but your rep too—you can’t just beat up the baseball captain and get away with it” he tells jae. 
jaehyhun sighs, moving to sit on the couch. he tugs his phone from his pocket, quickly finding your contact. 
jaebae: hey…ik you don’t wanna talk rn but me & kev are here for you, ok? you know we always are. so whenever you’re ready, we’ll be here waiting. i love u. 
jaebae: …and if it was that fucker j*no i promise you these hands are rated e for everybody, especially if they hurt you. 
you smile at the text messages. you love your best friends but right now…you weren’t up for any kind of communication. you were glad they knew that as well. hearting both of the messages from jaehyun before you turn your phone off again, burying yourself under your duvet. 
it’s been a long ass week. 
missing three days of class, constant crying, and using up your vacation days to sulk in bed can be very exhausting. luckily sungchan has been sending you his notes, filling you in on what you’ve missed. he was god sent, truly your guardian angel. his notes were filled to the brim, jotted down sentences in multiple different pen colors, he was so extra. the last photos he sent to you was yesterday. three pictures of his college ruled white paper concluding with a quick selfie of himself with a thumbs up, ‘get better, i miss u!’ drawn across the screen with a tiny heart. 
you haven’t thought about him. not today at least…but have you thought about him since the whole ordeal? yes. yes times a thousand. you can’t help it, your mind does its own thing. it doesn’t listen to you, no matter how hard you try to not do so — your mind betrays you. pictures of his stupidly handsome face, his stupid buff arms, and his stupid stupid stupid (very good) dick game. you can’t help it! 
you’re surprised with yourself though, the fact that you’ve actually mustered up the courage to block him and not text or call him back. it truly takes a ton of work and you’ve done well these past few days. the countless missed calls from the ‘no caller id’ contact and constant texts from the said man. begging for you to come back and his meaningless apologies. you’ve read them…hell fucking yeah you have, but have you replied? nope. 
you sigh, reluctantly sitting up in your bed. you eye the time, 11:06am. you have class at 12…if you get ready now, you can make it on time. you purse your lips in thought, do you really wanna go to class today? you shake your head, tugging the blanket from over you and make your way to the bathroom. 
jaebae: im going to practice and kev is at sunwoo’s. lmk if you need anything, sweetheart. 
you see the text from your roommate, eyes drifting from the mirror to your phone screen. you read it and smile. tooth rotting sweet as usual, what more do you expect from jae? you pick up your phone, texting him back. 
you: ok!! thank u but im good rn :) luv ya 
you lock your phone, continuing your activities. you press the plus sign on your speaker, upping the volume trying anything to get you into a good mood. mumbling some lyrics here and there while you get ready. once you’re done you twist the door of your bathroom, but you come to an abrupt pause. the house is empty now…which means you have no ride. you facepalm. you can’t text jae now, it’s been like 10 minutes since he left. you internally whine, moving to sit on your bed. you lay back dramatically, huffing as you wonder who the hell you could call. kevin’s free but probably tipsy…afterall in his world it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere. jaehyun and sungchan are at practice, jieun…we’re not even gonna think about her. who else even is there…? 
you sit up in a flash as his face pops up in your head. if you remember correctly he has a 12 o’clock class as well, so it shouldn’t be much of a hassle, right? you hurriedly grab your phone, scrolling until you stumble across his contact. 
you: hey bestie :D !! i need a ride to class, can you pick me up ? 
you cringe at the message, swiping up and out of the app. you bite your lip…were you being too forward? is this crossing any lines? was it too soon? 
you: if not it’s cool!! don’t worry about it lol..
you chuck your phone backwards onto your bed. palms covering your face as you groan loudly. was it always this awkward? like…texting? you don’t know, but what’s done is done. mainly because you can’t unsend it. 
you flinch at the sound, reluctantly picking up the cellular device. 
eric :) : sure!! be there in five :) 
eric :) : ps…cus you’re cute i won’t charge you for gas money :P thank me later
you roll your eyes at the second message, you’re glad he’s not being awkward about it. you were already emotionally fucked up…you didn’t need another problem added to your plate right now. you sigh happily, gathering your things and moving to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. settling on a green apple, you bite the fruit scrolling through your fyp while you wait. 
eric :) : i’m here 
you make your way out the door, clutching your bookbag strap tightly. why were you so nervous? you weren’t even this nervous when you and him went on your first date! this is so backwards. 
watching your shoes as you hop down the stairs, making your way to his black jdm. you’re glad he’s not standing outside the car like usual, you’d be too embarrassed to look at him face to face. you grab the handle, pulling the car door open. slinging your bookbag off before you climb in. hand running down the back of your skirt to make sure it doesn’t bunch up when you sit. you close the door before turning to look at eric. when you do you let out an audible gasp. 
“o-oh my god!” you say, eyes wide with shock. 
eric laughs, running a hand through his hair. 
“when the hell?” you say, hand moving to touch his newly dyed hair. 
“two days ago, you like it?” he asks, body turning towards yours. 
your finger runs through his hair, admiring the new color. his eyes are on you, watching you with curious eyes. you were still so damn pretty. 
“i do…it suits you” you smile, retracting your hand from his head. 
“thank you m’lady” he grins, hands moving to start the car. 
you shake your head, buckling yourself in before he pulls off. 
you make your way through the hallway, squeezing through the many other bodies. you clutch your book bag to your side, trying your best not to bump into anybody. you stand atop your tiptoes trying to glance over the many heads. you eye your classroom, trying to push your way through in
the direction of your class. you successfully make it to class, pushing through the door and hurrying to make it to your seat. you sit down with a huff, head falling onto the table. if you knew it’d be this stressful you would’ve stayed home. 
you sat up, eyes curiously searching the classroom. there were a few other students scattered everywhere, but it wasn’t 12 yet…so more people are sure to show up. you didn’t see sungchan though, you pouted picking up your phone. 
you: HEY FUCKER!! WYA???
bambi: ??? you’re in class ??? 
you: YES
bambi: i’m almost there, save me a seat pls
you thumbs up his last message, sitting your bookbag on the seat next to you. in the last minute or so at least ten or twelve more students poured into the class. you rest your face on top of your open palm, blowing a breath out from your mouth obnoxiously. you really didn’t wanna be here. 
you and sungchan stretch in unison, fingers reaching towards the ceiling. you guys turn to face each other, laughing loudly. you both gather your things making your way out to the hallway, thanking the professor on the way out. you loop your arm through sungchan’s skipping side by side down the hallway. 
“you wanna get some food?” he asks and you nod happily. 
“ok, i gotta get my keys from my locker, come on” he tells you, leading you in the direction of the elevator. 
the two of you step into the elevator, pressing the number four. you both wait patiently, stepping out once the doors open for the two of you. 
“you wanna wait right here?” he asks, pointing at the bench outside of the locker room. 
you nod, un-attaching yourself from him and sitting down politely. you cross your legs, folding your hands over your lap. you watch sungchan walk away, both yours and his book bags slung over his figure. you slightly smile, you loved him so much. your left leg bounces, nerves going a little crazy – worried jeno would randomly pop up when you least expect it. you find your nail in between your lips once more, chewing nervously. 
“yooo! haven’t seen you in awhile,” a voice shouts from behind you. 
you jump, eyes wide as you look over the figure. he walks up to you, hand resting on your shoulder. 
“woah, didn’t mean to spook you” haechan laughs, welcoming himself to sit next to you. 
“you fucking dick,” you roll your eyes, punching his arm. 
“ow! why’re you sitting out here? waiting for jeno?” he asks, teasingly wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
you huff out, rolling your eyes at him. you lift your hand again, but haechan grabs your balled up fists so you don’t hit him again. 
“it was a joke, i’m kidding” he tells you.
“i’m waiting for sungchan, we’re gonna go eat”  you say to haechan, tugging your hands from his grip. 
“—and jeno and I are no longer acquainted, thank you very much” you huff, turning your nose up. 
“wait, really? why, what happened?” haechan asks, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“don’t wanna really talk about it, but he can’t keep his dick in his pants to save his life” you mutter with a roll of your eyes. 
haechan makes an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, nodding his head in understanding. you nod as well, turning your head to the sound of the door opening, haechan peeking around your shoulder. sungchan walks out, spinning his car keys on his finger. you stand up, brushing your skirt down. haechan follows suit, standing up as well. he daps sungchan up and gives you a kiss on top of your head. 
“i’ll see you guys later,” he yells out, holding the locker room door open. 
the two of you waved goodbye to the boy, turning around to make your way to the elevator. 
“yo sungchan! i forgot to ask—” his sentence is cut short as he sees who is standing in front of him. 
you and jeno make eye contact, your mouth drying up at the sight of him alone. you shift on your feet nervously, swallowing hard. jeno’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion and anger. 
“hey roomie…what’d you need?” sungchan asks with a nervous laugh. 
“so you’re too good to text or call me back because you’re hanging out with my best friend?” jeno asks, looking past sungchan at you. “hey…i’m both of your guys’ best friends.” sungchan says. 
you roll your eyes, turning your gaze elsewhere. you didn’t have the energy to deal with this right now. not only did you not come here for this but you’re hungry as hell. not a good mixture. 
jeno scoffs when he realizes you’re not going to reply, “oh so you really think you’re too good, huh? can’t even speak to me.” he says, mockingly laughing at you. “fuck off jeno,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever, are you coming back to the crib tonight?” jeno asks, turning his attention to sungchan. 
sungchan thinks about his question for a bit, but he shakes his head no. “i’m going to haechan and yuta’s for the tournament…they want their asses whooped in mario kart again,” he chuckles lightly. jeno nods in understanding, smacking sungchan’s back with his palm. “i’m having jieun over, I needed it empty tonight” he winked at you. 
you scoff loudly, can you believe this fucking asshole? you can’t believe you used to like him. 
“you’re a dick, fuck you” you say, not breaking eye contact with him. jeno shrugs, leaning down towards your face. you back up in disgust, not wanting to be anywhere near him at all. “let me know when you’re done being petty and I promise I’ll take you back, princess,” he whispers, curling a piece of your hair behind your ear. you smack his hand away angrily. “never in a million fucking years,” you say through gritted teeth, turning away. 
you make your way to the elevator, pressing the down arrow. sungchan follows suit, nervously fiddling with his fingers. you huff out, blowing the stray hairs in front of your face away. you were beyond livid right now. 
[ the (3) stooges ] 
you: jeno fucked jieun. 
you: and they’re meeting up to fuck again 2nite
you: feeling suicidal :) 
you: i wish i was fucking lying. 
kev: what an asshole…that’s so disappointing
jaebae: i’m omw
[ you and kev ‘?’ this message ] 
kev: where are you going??? 
you: ^
jaebae: to fuck him up . 
[ kev hearted this message ] 
you: no?? wtf???
kev: ignore her, go fuck him up!!! beat his ass!!! 
[ jaebae liked this message / yn disliked this message ] 
you: i’m so serious, what if you lose your scholarship :( 
[ kev disliked this message ]
jaebae: sigh
kev: fucking party pooper, boo tomatoes boo!! 
you: thank you i love u guys 
[ jae + kev hearted this message ] 
you lock your phone, sitting up off of sungchan’s lap. you make your way to the kitchen to grab a drink. twisting the cap on the bottle of water, you take a few sips as you walk back into the living room. 
“who the FUCK threw that bannana?!” haechan asked and yuta smirks in response to his outburst.
“what are you gonna do about it, huh?” yuta asks, throwing another banana towards haechan’s character. 
sungchan is quiet throughout the game, eyebrows crinkled in sheer concentration. you eye the gold number one in the corner of his screen. all the other boys moan out in agony as he crosses the finish line. haechan throws the switch controller down onto the couch angrily. 
“fuck you” yuta says, flipping your best friend off. you and sungchan laugh at the boys' reactions, finding them amusing. 
you guys all looked at the door confused when the doorbell rang. yuta gets up to answer the door, and you all look curiously from your seats. 
“eric? what’s up!” yuta says, unlocking the door for him and his friends. 
you turn to sungchan with wide eyes, sungchan smiles at you. 
“take your mind off jeno for now…he’s my friend but he’s being a dick right now” he tells you, ruffling your hair. 
“you invited them?” you ask, and sungchan nods. 
“i swear i’m—” you start but you close your mouth abruptly when you hear your name being called. “yn? is that you?” eric asks, you turn around slowly with a sort of awkward smile. “i didn’t know you’d be here, would’ve come over sooner,” eric joked, sliding into the open seat next to you. sungchan rubbed your back before he stood up to walk away. 
“you met my friends, right?” he asks, pointing back at his two friends. sunwoo and juyeon wave at you with a smile. “is this your girlfriend?” juyeon asks, you and eric blush madly. sunwoo elbows him in the side, offering a small apologetic smile. “s-sorry, it’s just–when you guys were at the club…i-i thought” the black haired boy stutters. 
“it’s fine,” you smile, hands holding your blushing face. eric is just as red as you, coughing at the now awkward environment. “we’re not dating, jackass,” eric says, running a hand through his hair. 
“you guys want in?” you hear haechan ask.
sunwoo and juyeon’s eyes light up at his question, practically running to grab a controller. you watch them, laughing at their excitement. yuta then makes his way back to the living room, speaker in hand. what was a small quiet get together is now a very noisy party of seven. 
“do you wanna go outside?” eric asks, leaning down to whisper the question into your ear. with blushing cheeks you nod yes, following him out the front door. 
haechan looks at sungchan both of them sharing a nod before sungchan pulls his phone out. 
[ bsb bozos ]
hae: wooooah yn went with him outside ;)
sungchan: lol fr? just them?
hae: yuuuup
jeno: ???
hae: oh shit
sungchan: wrong gc, fuck.
hae: yea my bad jen lmao
jeno: who are you guys talking about?
[ read 11:34am ]
jeno: you little shits better answer me 
[ haechan liked this message ]
hae: i love aggressive men <3 
hae: yn went outside with eric :)))
sungchan: stfu omg you can’t hold water for shit. 
hae: im sorry D:
jeno: are you deadass?? im omw you fuckers better watch her, if he touches her istfg 
hae: you got it daddy— boss!
sungchan: i meaaaan…
jeno: chan don’t fw me rn
sungchan: no bcus you literally told her you were gonna fuck her now ex bestfriend…
sungchan: but now you want us to watch her?? because she went outside with someone?? 
sungchan: it’s ass backwards…you can stick your dick in anything that walks & she has to be ok with it but when she’s in the vicinity of another man you’re losing your fucken mind. make your mind up jeno, we’re not kids. if you want to be with yn, then tell her AND show her that. stop making shit complicated. we all know you want her. 
hae: ok, but it’s giving poet…modern shakespeare if you will 😫 .
sungchan: LMFAOOO stfu haechan 
jeno: im not responding to that shit in full, you talk to damn much. but ik im in the wrong, but im selfish ass toxic mf and she knows that. im omw rn, you don’t have to watch her…but i am taking her home so you don’t have to worry about us. 
hae: oh we’re not worried abt y’all…were worried for eric
sungchan: ^ yeah…will he be ok? his team still needs him lmao..
jeno: i won’t touch him…
sungchan: im not buying it, where’s the rest
jeno: if he’s not touching her, i’ll be cool. 
hae: alright lee, stop texting cus ik you’re driving.
sungchan: ^ adios 
“wait wait, so you didn’t always live here?” you ask, and eric nods. “nope, i just came back this year.” he confirms, and you nod with a slightly agape mouth. “how are the states? is it as fun as people make it seem?” you question, eric holds his chin with two fingers trying to figure out how to answer. “i like the states…different—very, but it’s enjoyable.” he replies and you nod. “you wanna go?” he asks, referring to the states and you nod excitedly. “ugh, it’s my biggest dream…but i
haven’t gone yet,” you pout, bottom lip slightly jutting out. you wrap your arms around yourself, seeking warmth from your hands. 
eric notices and slips out of his hoodie, offering it to you. you shake your head, waving your hands. “it’s fine,” you say. “wasn’t asking, yn” he tells you, already putting the hoodie over your head. you reluctantly push your arms through the holes, pulling the oversized sweater on. eric slides his hands under your hair, lifting it from under the sweater. he curls some of it behind your ear and you look up at him with a sweet smile. “uh, thank..you” you say, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. eric looks back at you, with kind eyes, loving how you look in his sweater. he bends down slowly, inching towards your face. you bit your bottom lip, contemplating whether or not you should let this happen. it’d be wrong, right? to lead him on, you know you don’t like him…not more than a friend. so why let him do this? it’ll only hurt him again. before you know it, he’s centimeters from you, his lips so close to yours. you sigh, squeezing your eyes shut. you wait for his lips to touch yours, squeezing your hands together. your nails dig into the skin of your palms. 
before his lips could touch yours, you’re being tugged away from his grasp. your eyes shoot open, you’re now staring at the back of a tall figure. 
“the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?” the man says, his grip on your wrist was tight and unwavering. 
“jeno?!” eric says, astonishment evident on his face. you and him both were just as surprised at his presence. 
“w-when did you get here?” you ask quietly, trying to pull away from him. jeno turns to you, eyeing the sweater on you. “take this shit off,” he tells you, pulling at the sleeves. 
if you didn’t do it yourself he was going to do it himself. you tug the sweater up and off of you, wrapping your arms around yourself. you guys may be on bad terms but you know better than to aggravate an already angry lee jeno. eric scoffs loudly in response to the scene unfolding in front of him. 
“yn, what the fuck is going on right now?” eric asks and you open your mouth to respond. “don’t fucking talk to her.” jeno seethes, looking at eric angrily. he throws the man his sweater back and turns away. he grabs your hand, tugging you away from eric. you shriek, looking back at eric slightly waving as jeno drags you along. 
“j-jeno, my wrist..it hurts” you say quietly. 
jeno stops walking, causing you to run into his back. you stumble, holding your nose from the impact. you look up curiously, wondering why he stopped walking. “you know how angry i get when you do shit like this,” jeno whispers, and your eyebrows crinkle. “w-what do you mean?” you ask. “don’t play dumb.” he tells you, pinning you against the wall. you flinch at the way it feels against your skin, but you couldn’t care less right now. 
“everytime i see you with someone that isn’t me,” his hands snake around your waist. “i fucking hate that shit…and you know it” his hands grab your ass, squeezing it until you moan out. “i’m selfish, and you’re all mine baby” you bite your lip, looking up at him with glazed over eyes. 
“w-what about jieun…” you whisper, needing to know. 
“i fucked up, and i’m sorry..” he tells you curling a piece of hair behind your ear. you nod in response. “did you…” jeno shakes his head, finger grazing your lips shushing you. “no baby, we didn’t…i promise” he tells you, bending down to kiss your head. you nod in response.
you’d rather not talk, it's been a long night. you’re relieved to say the least though…you’re glad they didn’t sleep together. you don’t know what you would’ve done or said if he said they did. 
“take me home,” you say, turning your head away from him. 
jeno nods, grabbing hold of your hand. “let’s go baby,” he says, leading you towards his car.
[ the (3) stooges ] 
* ‘kev kev’ added ‘bambi’ and ‘hae <3’ * 
you: there’s 5 of us now, gc name is incorrect. 
hae <3: omg girl stfu
[ you changed the gc name to “yn for prez :D” ]
bambi: lmfao tf kind of name
kev kev: i hope you know i would n e v e r vote for you :)
you: rude asf. 
hae <3: yeah yeah, shut up. what happened yesterday ?!
kev kev: oh yeah! how’d it go last night??
bambi: ^
you: ??? wdym
kev kev: did you get dicked down last night?
you: wtf?? no. 
hae <3: mission: failed
kev kev: fat ass sigh
you: wait a damn minute…
you: i knew it…jeno literally just popped up. 
[ bambi + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
bambi: stfu you’re a fucking liar
hae <3: jus because i helped doesn’t mean i was involved :(
you: i’m gonna fuck you two up
[ kev + hae <3 liked this message / bambi disliked this message ]
bambi: yn, i love you 
[ you liked this message ] 
bambi: it wasn’t me D: pls believe me 
[ you liked this message ] 
you: <3 
[ kev + hae <3 disliked this message ] 
kev kev: in FRONT of me ?! 
hae <3: ^ ong, ur so fake bro ):
kev kev: fuck u yn :( 
jaebae: can you guys shut the fuck up?? i have a game tmrw u asshats 
you: sorry :(
kev kev: im shutting the fuck up. 
bambi: aye aye captain 
hae <3: yes daddy. 
you skipped down the hall with jaehyun, his arm slung over your shoulder. he insisted on walking you to class today, you were a bit taken aback but you let him do so. 
“so, what’s up after class?” he asks. “i go back to practice today—i’m excited” you reply back, a glint showing in your eyes. jaehyun looked down at you fondly, he adored you. “should i be worried..?” you ask, turning to look at him. jae shakes his head no, petting your hair. “just didn’t want you running into him again alone,” he tells you, a small smile spreads across your features. 
you wrap your arms around his middle, buying your face in his chest. “thank you, jae…i appreciate you” you tell him, he chuckles lightly. bending down a bit to press a kiss to the top of your head before he turns you around to push you through the classroom door. 
jeno watches from afar with an annoyed expression. his fists at his sides, jaw clenched tightly. he hated seeing you with other guys. fuck everybody that wasn’t him. though he knows everything between you and jaehyun is all platonic, it still bothers him. 
jae turns around, making eye contact with jeno. he rolls his shoulders back, jutting his chin in his direction slightly—silently greeting him. jeno doesn’t nod back, he just stays still—fists still shaking with rage. jaehyun smirks slyly, turning away from jeno clutching his book bag strap.
you sat in class quietly, jotting down notes every now and again. you were mainly zoned out though—pondering on what jeno was doing right now. you pushed the pen into your cheek, clicking the button in and out. you wondered what he had on right now, or if he was listening to music, or if he was thinking about you too. you didn’t know why your mind drifted off to jeno lee, but you couldn’t help it. after the encounter with him last night, he’s been heavy in your head. 
j: come to me after class. 
what are the odds, lol. you say to yourself in your head. you pick up your phone, clicking the notification. 
j: and you better have me unblocked or else yn. 
[ you disliked this message ] 
you: stfu i do what i want
you: where and why
j: don’t question me & stop being funny.
j: locker rooms, right after class. not a minute later.
j: don’t make me fucking wait. 
you rolled your eyes, leaving him on read. a little riling up never hurt anybody…well, never hurt you at least. plus, you already know what’s going to go down—why not get him all worked up beforehand? he deserves it after all, that little stunt he pulled at the club. 
you rock back and forth on your feet in the elevator. you were a little nervous. you fiddle with your fingers, rubbing over the acrylic on your nails. it was just jeno…why are you worried.
you: um…im up here, wya?
j: come to the back. 
you lock your phone, nodding your head. you push through the swing doors, making your way to the back of the locker rooms. you take a deep breath before you twist the doorknob. you peek from behind the door, everything looks the same. same chair, same desk, same jeno. 
“took you long enough” he says through gritted teeth. you don’t respond, you just step fully into the small room before you close the door behind you. “come here,” he tells you. 
you slowly make your way to him, eyes on the floor. he’s shirtless, leaning against the desk. sweat is collected above his brow, you wonder if he’s fresh out of practice. jeno’s index finger curls under you chin, jerking your head up. though he’s leaning against the desk he’s still towering over you. his intimidating features and size make your legs tremble. you look up at him, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. 
“don’t be so scared love..” he whispers, bending down to be closer to you. you gulp down hard, both your mouth and your throat suddenly dry. “i-i have practice…a-at 2:30” you tell jeno and he smiles down at you. “we’ll be done by then, but i don’t know if you’ll be able to stand.” jeno loops a finger through your belt loop, tugging you into him. as your body collides with his he bends down to catch your lips in a kiss. your hands are awkwardly pressed against his chest, not really knowing what to do with them. one arm is holding you in place, the other placed at the back of your neck. “i missed you,” he tells you through small kisses and breaths. “didn’t miss me when your tongue was down jieun’s throat,” you spit back, slightly pushing him back. 
jeno laughs, looking up at the ceiling before his eyes fall back onto you. you cross your arms over your chest. you were going to let him get away with it, but you can’t let it slide. not after what he told you that same day. even after what he showed you? you needed answers. 
“yn…come on, i already apologized.” he tells you, hands moving to touch you again. you jerk back so he doesn’t touch you, jeno sighs in response.
“jeno. you told me you loved me, then you went and made out with jieun that same day!” you tell him, and he holds his face in his hands, an exasperated sigh falling from his mouth. “you went outside with eric and left me there by myself, how do i know you didn’t make out with him?” he shoots back at you. you scoff rolling your eyes at his response. “i broke it off with him for you,” you tell him. “ok…and jieun came onto me and i wasn’t thinking straight” he tells you, walking towards you…wanting to hold you. “i was watching you and eric that night, why do you think i was so mad?” he says, eyebrows furrowed in slight anger. “when i came up to you at the bar? that wasn’t when i first got there,” you look up at him, expression full of confusion. “i seen him help you down the stairs, watch your drink, hold your purse—all that shit,” he says to you and you’re rendered speechless. “that should’ve been me…and i swear if i could go back in time and go with you, that night—i would.” he concluded his statement, hands holding your face softly. 
you stand on your tiptoes to capture his lips in a kiss, you knew you would fold and forgive him…all you wanted was a proper apology. you couldn’t stay mad at him for too long…
“are you still mad at me?” jeno asks after he pulls away from your lips. you respond silently, bringing your hands up to show ‘just a little’ with your fingers. the both of you laugh, going back to making out. jeno’s hands grip your waist tightly, if he’s speaking honestly he’s afraid of letting you go. he feels that if he lets you go he’ll lose you again…and he can’t risk that, never again. 
“don’t leave me again…” he whispers, lips barely grazing yours. “never leave me…please” he’s practically begging right now. “don’t do shit to push me away then jeno,” you tell him, arms wrapped around his shoulders. he nods in response, arms wrapping tighter around your middle. he squeezes you softly, inhaling your scent. 
the last few days have been hectic to say the least. you and jeno have been in contact, very much so in fact. you’ve been over to his place a few times but you haven’t brought him around jaehyun yet. you feel kind of bad, he tried so hard to protect you from him but you went right back. so you don’t have the heart to tell him you guys are on good terms just yet. 
jaebae: im waiting outside, sungchan is here too !
you: okaaay, im coming rn just have to grab some things from my locker. 
[ jae liked this message ] 
“look at you, what have i done…” jeno says into your ear, licking the back. “you were such a good girl, where’d she go? hm?” you don’t respond, you just look up at him from your place on the floor. your pretty eyes are glazed over with wetness from your previous activities. 
“you just do everything i fucking tell you too, huh?” jeno’s hand goes back to your hair, gripping your locks firmly. “such a good little slut for daddy,” he praises you. your bottom lip is caught between your teeth, biting down hard enough to draw blood. you look up at him wanting for him to do something so badly. jeno looks down at you slyly, smiling at you sickly. “you want my cock, baby?” he asks rhetorically, bobbing your head up and down for you. “yeah? huh? you want it?” he asks, making you nod your head again.. “p-please…” you whisper, looking up at him with teary eyes. jeno groans audibly, grip tightening on your hair. he jerks your head in the direction of his pants, squishing your face against his clothed boner. you whine, hands going to grip his legs to stabilize yourself.
“unzip em, now” he tells you. 
you nod, hands shakily moving to unzip him. jeno jerks you back by your hair again, and you yelp. he bends down slightly, getting close to your face. “use your fucking mouth” he says, unoccupied hand squishing your cheeks. he hallows them out, forcing your tongue to poke out. he stands back up to his full height, moving you back to in front of his bulge. you open your mouth teeth grazing the cold metal of his zipper. you grab the zipper with your teeth, pulling it down—unzipping him. 
“such a good slut for me,” jeno praises once you free his rock hard cock. “open.” he demands and you obey. lolling your tongue out of your wet mouth, waiting patiently for your treat. jeno strokes his dick a few times, thumbing the tip. he spreads his pre cum around, making your anticipation and need for him run wild. he leans forward, spitting into your open mouth.
“you ready for me?” he asks and you nod, mouth still hanging open.
he slaps the tip on your tongue, grinding against you a few times. low girthy groans leave his mouth, loving the wetness of your mouth. your arms are politely crossed behind your back, knowing you're not allowed to touch him unless he says so. 
“fuck, i missed this” he moans out, pushing deeper into your mouth. his tip is hitting the back of your throat making you gag but you couldn’t care less. jeno’s other hand goes to your hair, pushing further down your throat. you gargle around his length, choking on his size. jeno loves the sound of you choking, ego boosting a bit as it reminds him how big he is. he looks down at you, sweat dripping down his bare chest and forehead. hot tears roll down your face as you look back up at him. he fucks into your mouth a few more times, nearing his orgasm. you shut your eyes tightly, letting him abuse your throat roughly. “f-fuck—shit” he mumbles, biting his lip as he empties his load down your throat messily. a mixture of your salty tears, spit and cum drips down your mouth and chin. jeno bends down to look at you closer, eyeing the slick mixture of nastiness as it drips down. it all pools atop your cleavage but you were too busy trying to catch your breath to care. you gasp in and out, chest heaving. jeno smiles sickly. god he loved ruining you. 
“you’re so hot, i fucking love you” he whispers, crashing his lips onto yours. 
“hey! what took you so long?” jae greets you with open arms. 
you slightly smile, accepting his free hug. he holds the back of your head, his other hand rubbing your middle. you sigh out of sheer habit, you were a sucker for hugs like these. may or may not have to do with you liking to be dominated…but who cares? 
“mmm, my bad…ran into an old friend” you mumble into his chest. jaehyun just nods, still holding you. 
“alright fuckers, we’re hungry. let’s go!!” haechan yells from his seat in sungchan’s car. 
you and jae laugh, parting from each other. he opens the car door for you, and you accept happily. 
j: stop letting that fucking asshole touch you. 
you: why are you even watching us???
j: that’s how i hold you after im done rearranging your guts, he’ll never be me.
you roll your eyes at his jealous texts. the toxicity is real. 
you: what are you on about?
j: fuck jeong jaehyun that’s what. 
you: omg. bye jeno. 
j: don’t play with me, i’ll fuck you in front of him. 
you: is that a threat or a promise?
j: you into that ?? such a nasty little slut. 
you: your slut. now get off my phone, im with my friends. 
j: i love you
[ you liked this message ] 
“so~ what you been up too?” haechan asks you. you roll your eyes, biting the fry in your hand. 
you were seated in between haechan and jaehyun. the six of you guys occupied the booth in the back of the burger joint. it was just the four of you guys, but you guys ran into eric and sunwoo so haechan extended the invite. 
the more the merrier you guessed lol. 
“not much, i had practice yesterday…haven’t been there in awhile” you say, haechan nods in response. 
“ahh, fun. you like being back?” he asks with a full mouth of hamburger. you don’t even flinch at it, you guys are more than comfortable with each other. “i like it, I missed playing,” you respond.
you fiddle with the straw in your cup, you’re very full and kind of bored now. you watch everyone talk and chow down. haechan and sungchan are talking about some new girl on the cheer squad, sunwoo and jae are talking about god knows what. but eric…is looking at you. you hold eye contact with him, you wonder what he’s thinking. 
eric: can we talk? 
you look down at the text and look back up at eric. he nods at your phone, telling you to text back. 
you: …about?
eric: yk what yn…come on. pls?
you: idk eric…i don’t have anything to say.
eric: what? we almost kissed that night
eric: i gave you my sweater dude
eric: none of that meant anything? none of it? 
you: eric, i already told you…i like you as a friend. 
eric: you were gonna let me kiss you that night 
you: i know..and i shouldn’t have, i’m sorry
eric: i don’t want your sorry 
eric: i want you
eric: please, give me a chance yn
“can you take me home?” you whisper into jae’s ear. you clutch the bottom of his shirt tightly. 
“wha? are you ok?” he asks, too loud for your liking. you look at eric out of the side of your eye, he’s staring at the two of you. you were never good with confrontation, but in your defense you already shot him down. one time should be enough. 
“ok, babe let’s go.” he tells you, holding your hand. 
he guides you out the booth, helping you stand up. you clutch his hand tighter, just wanting to be home at this moment. “yoo, where are you guys going?” haechan slurs, obviously having had one too many beers. “i’m—” you cut him short. “s-say it’s because of you,” 
“i don’t feel too well, and she’s sleepy,” he lies with a pretty smile.
 you couldn’t have asked for better friends. 
eric looks like he’s about to say something but he doesn’t. he watches you quietly, walking away hand in hand with jaehyun. 
“so he made you feel uncomfortable?” kevin asks, fingers running through your strands. 
you nod, nuzzling your face into his lap, sleepiness overcoming your senses. “i know it’s kind of my fault—i shouldn’t have let him almost kiss me..” you confess. kevin hums in response, still rubbing your head. it was putting you to sleep, relaxation was inevitable due to his motions. 
“it was still a dick move though, i’m glad jae was there.” kevin says and you hum, agreeing with his statement. 
“so what’s up with you and lee?” he asks, figuring you would like a subject change. 
you shrug. 
“not sure, we’ve been fucking…a lot” you mumble, finger tracing the plaid pattern of his pajama pants. “—and he tells me he loves me, but i don’t know kev” you continue on. 
you didn’t want to ramble but you have lowkey been pondering on where the two of you will end up. especially since he’s been more open with his feelings and focusing on you more than he has ever before. there was just a tad bit of an issue.
!! lee jeno doesn’t date !!
duh! this has been the issue since the first time the two of you fucked, yet it feels different now…you can’t deny that. something deep down is telling you he’s going for a different approach but after what he pulled last time you’re not so sure. you don’t wanna be the dumb girl that continues to give your heart to the asshole that keeps breaking it. but then again, you’re a grown ass adult and can make your own grown ass decisions. who’s going to say something about it? 
“jeno, stop it!” you whined, kicking your legs like a child. 
you’ve been trying to do your homework for the past hour or so now and jeno keeps on bothering you. tickling, biting, licking, kissing, you name it, he’s done it. you’re splayed across his bed, laptop in sight but certainly not in use. jeno is standing in between your legs, looking down at you. 
“nooo, fuck your homework…cuddle with me” jeno whines. 
his hands trace your bare thighs, the pads of his fingertips tracing the faded hickeys and bite marks left by his mouth. you shiver at his cold touch.
“i dont think i’ve fucked you in this position” jeno whispers, gripping your waist as he bends down to be face to face with you. “um, yeah you did actually,” you tell him, mind dating back to that day he cuffed you and fucked you for not listening to him. you press your finger to his forehead, pushing his face away.
“i don’t remember…” he whispers, making his way up to your ear. “...i guess i’ll just have to do it again,” he says slyly, kissing your ear softly. 
jeno traces your skin with his nose, dragging it from your earlobe and down your neck slowly. he licks a stripe up your throat. you bite your lip, but you have to hold your own. 
“no jeno, not right now…later” you say, your voice betraying you. “you don’t sound so sure of yourself,” jeno laughs, pecking your cheek. “shut up, get off me” you roll your eyes, pushing at his chest knowing you can’t push him if your life depended on it. 
“gimme fifteen minutes, come on” he tells you, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“come on pretty…you know you want me too” he teases, grinding down on you with a sick smirk.
you did want him. when did you not? you roll your eyes at him, letting your head fall back onto the mattress. 
“good girl,” he snickers, kissing your nose. 
“yeah yeah, get on with it” you say. 
jeno falls to his knees, hands automatically grabbing your thighs. he hoists your open legs onto his shoulders. he eyes your panties, leaning forward to kiss your clothed heat. he looks up at you but your looking away. too embarrassed to watch right now. no matter how many times you guys fuck, you’re always shy. 
“look at me babygirl..” he says, voice muffled because his mouth is pressed against you. he pushes your panties to the side, tongue immediately going to tease your clit. you clutch the bedsheets under you, still refusing to look at him. jeno chuckles, arms wrapping tighter around your thighs. his hands squeeze your inner thighs, pinching the supple skin. jeno licks a stripe up your slit, moving his tongue in a circle atop your clit. you moan quietly, not too loud. 
He eyes you again, but you’re still looking away. he breathes out, teeth grazing your thighs. he bites down, sinking his teeth into your inner thigh. you jolt, sucking in a breath. 
“oh my god!” you shout, sitting up onto your elbows in a flash. “fucking listen to me” he says, licking over where he bit you to soothe the pain. a whine comes out your throat as you lay back down. jeno just laughs. 
“now…back to my meal,” he snickers. 
he continues to eat you out like a starved man. you learned your lesson, watching his every move. 
“fuck,” you stutter, struggling to keep your eyes open. jeno loves it. 
“keep em open, baby” he tells you in between licks to your heat. 
he sucks on your clit, middle and ring finger moving in and out of you quickly. your fingers dig into the sheets, gripping tightly to the fabric. you moan out loudly, thankful that the apartment is empty. 
“are you close?” jeno asks, and you nod furiously. 
he fastens his pace with his fingers, unattaching his mouth from you so he can get a good look at your face while you cum. a free hand goes up to squeeze your boobs, rolling your nipple in between his fingers. you let out a shaky moan as you feel that familiar fuzzy feeling in your gut. 
“i’m close–so close” you manage to say. 
jeno nods, licking his lips. he dips back down to your heat, sucking on your clit again. you arch your back at that, thighs squeezing against his face. jeno pushes your legs back open, a small grunt leaving his mouth as he does so. he twists his tongue every which way, getting you to your high. “f-fuck” is all you can mutter before you cum. 
jeno laps it all up. his saliva, your juices and release all mixed together making a slick mess. you push him away weakly, whining because your sensitive. jeno keeps eating though, not bothered by your weak attempt to get him to stop. 
“always so sweet,” he says with a toothy grin, wiping his face with the back of his hand. 
you don’t respond, just flipping him off. jeno rolls his eyes, grabbing your hand. he uses it to flip you over on your tummy. a small squeal of surprise leaves you, you weren’t expecting that. 
“you got your release, now i want mine” he tells you with a small smack to your ass. 
he climbs atop his bed, hands holding your hips. he pushes his clothed cock against your ass letting you feel how hard he is. you bite your lip in response. you were still sensitive. nonetheless you grind against him, rubbing your core against his boner. jeno lets out a low moan, pushing up against you too. you let your head fall against the mattress, hands laid flat against it to keep yourself upright. you swivel your hips, pushing harder against him. 
“fuck, im about to cum in my pants” jeno says and you laugh lightly.
jeno slips out of his sweats with a quickness, wanting to at least be in you for a few before he actually cums. he aligns himself with your hole, pushing all the way in. 
“a-ah, fuck” you say, looking back at jeno over your shoulder. 
“you’ve been taking my cock all week like a good girl, you don’t need to adjust anymore,” he says, pushing in and out of you at a quick pace. 
you can feel every vein on his cock, it’s making your head spin. he grips your hips, steadying himself as he drills you from the back. you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping the sheets under you tightly. you feel like you’re about to cum already. he fucks you fast and hard, his head thrown back girthy moans coming from his throat. sweat drips down his bare chest, a work of art he is. you were sure your hips were gonna bruise though as hard as he’s holding them. 
“always so fucking tight, i love it” jeno says, bending down to be right in your ear. 
he uses a hand to grip your thigh, pulling it forcing you to spread your legs wider. you yelp in surprise. his other hand presses to the small of your back, telling you to arch. 
“f-fuck, there you go–-good girl” he leaves a smack to your ass, fucking into you even harder. 
he’s no longer holding your hips. both his hands are holding the headboard, using it as leverage so he can drill you as hard as he wants. you let yourself go, not even bothering to say you were close. clenching down onto him as you release yourself. he moans at that, feeling the extra wetness. he doesn’t stop though, he keeps going. you feel your nerves going crazy, you were sensitive before but now you were extra sensitive. 
“i’m sensitive, jeno” you whine, using your hands to try and push his hips to make him stop. 
“move your fucking hands” he sneers. 
he grabs both your wrists, pinning them to your back. he continues to fuck you mercilessly. hot tears run down your face, pooling onto the bed sheets. he climbs up your body, making his way to your face. “cum for me, princess” he whispers to you. he kisses your face a couple of times. 
“come on, you can do it” he tells you. you shake your head vigorously. “i know you can do it baby,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek lovingly. 
it blows your mind how sweet he’s being. kissing on you while he fucks the shit out of you. backwards, but makes complete sense as far as lee jeno goes. you let go, that little knot in your tummy coming undone. jeno continues to push in and out of you, allowing you both to ride out your highs. you breathe heavily as you try to calm your nerves. you just came three times in a span of an hour. man he’s good. 
“you did so well,” jeno says as he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“you’re not touching me for the next two weeks” you say, flicking his forehead. 
“now you know damn well,” jeno laughs, laying down next to you. 
“i wanna tattoo” jaehyun says. 
“woah, really? you’d look so hot” haechan says with a mouth full of food. 
“on everything, where do you want it?” you asked, sipping on the drink in front of you. 
you and the regulars were currently on a “once a month lunch date”. your very own friend holiday that you guys created to make sure you guys always stay in contact. today haechan and sungchan crashed you guys, but it’s fine. they’re basically your roommates too. 
“i’m thinking about the forearm” jae answers and you nod. 
“everytime you play everyone will be able to see it, good spot” kevin agrees. 
“do you know what you wanna get?” sungchan asks, jaehyun shakes his head no in response. 
“regular you already gets all the girls, now imagine when he’s tatted” sungchan jokes, you guys all laugh. “man, but i never see you with any” haechan says, looking at jae for answers. “kid you not, as long as we’ve been staying together he hasn’t brought one girl home—ever.” kevin says and you nod. “i can second that statement” you agree with kevin.
jaehyun rolls his eyes in response. “you guys are so embarrassing” he groans, toying with the food on his plate. “it’s true!” you and kevin say in unison. “kev brings home a new girl every week,” you start. “yeah, and yn used to bring jeno over everyday” kevin jokes. “haha, so funny kev. it was not everyday.” you give him a dirty look. “oh please, the man was practically living there,” he follows up. “oh my god, it was like…once or twice a week!” you defend yourself. jaehyun shakes his head with a laugh. 
“it was like everyday…” jae says, scratching the back of his head. 
“fucking traitor,” you mumble with a pout. 
“speaking of jeno…” kevin starts. 
“conversation over.” you shut him down right away. 
“come on, let’s talk about your potential baby daddy,” haechan teases. 
you roll your eyes in response to their teasing. 
“damn, no rubber? you’re wild yn” sungchan says with a laugh. 
“plastic is bad for the environment, you should be thanking me” you joke. 
the table erupts in laughter at your joke. 
“get the bill so we can get the hell out of here” 
you and jeno were cuddled up on the couch, flicking through selections on the TV. you were stuffing your face with the popcorn while he tried to find an anime you guys haven’t watched. 
“what about death note?” he asks. 
“love it, but i just rewatched it” you respond. 
“anohana?” “menma is kinda annoying,” “boruto?” “nah, the manga is better,” “full metal alchemist?” “i’m sleep already,” “oh my god. what about jojo’s?” “character design is trash as fuck, hard pass.” “I GIVE UP” jeno says. 
you look up at him like he’s crazy. 
“the hell is your problem?” you say with a mouth full of popcorn. 
“you’re so picky!” jeno sneers, handing you the remote. 
“next time i give you head i’m gonna bite the tip” you say, snatching the remote from him.  
“shut the hell up,” he laughs, wrapping an arm around you and leaning his head on your shoulder. 
“ew get off me, i’m mad at you” you tell him, jabbing your elbow into his middle. 
“just find something baby, damn” he whines, holding your arm in place so you don’t hit him. 
“the holy grail itself,” you say with a wide smile. 
“this? this is what you chose?” he says with a look of disgust. 
“i don’t take cowboy bebop slander, you can shut the fuck up” you say, waving your finger in his face dramatically. “you chose this over all those other choices? really?” his mouth is agape.
“you must’ve never seen this one,” you retort. “hell no, it’s old as fuck!” jeno laughs.”shut up and watch it, you’re gonna love it” you press play on the first episode. 
“someone’s been living the good life, huh?” yuta says with a smirk. 
jeno looks back at him confused. 
“huh?” yuta shakes his head, turning him around in the mirror. 
the red scratch marks and bite marks decorated all over his backside. yuta laughs, patting his shoulder. “i’m tryna get like you” sungchan laughs, joining in on the conversation. 
“different girls?” yuta asks and jeno shakes his head no with a disgusted expression. 
“haven’t so much as looked at another girl since i got mines,” he tells yuta, pulling his jersey over his body. 
yuta nods with an impressed expression. 
“so…we’re all thinking about the same girl, aren’t we” haechan says and all the boys start laughing. 
“tell yn we said cut her nails” yuta jokes, slapping the back of jeno’s head before he makes his way out. 
“go figure, look who’s calling me” sungchan laughs, turning his phone so everyone can see. 
jeno sits down on the bench slipping his cleats on. 
“what’s up babygirl” sungchan says when the call connects. 
he laughs at jeno’s glare. 
“wait what? slow down,” sungchan tell you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
jeno perks up at his serious tone. he motions to his ear, sungchan tosses him his airpod case. 
“i don’t know, i just—can you come here, please?” you say, voice shaky. 
you sounded scared but jeno didn’t know why. he needed to know. 
“where is she at?” jeno mouthed and sungchan nodded. 
“where are you at, baby? send me your location, i’ll come get you” he says and you nod, doing as you were told. “okay, i sent it” you sniffled. jeno was losing his damn mind. why didn’t you call him? 
“don’t tell jeno, please…” you say, and sungchan looks up at him. 
jeno shakes his head no. 
“babe…i have to tell him,” he tells you. 
“no! please don’t, please chan…i’m begging you” you plead and sungchan nods. 
“ok, i won’t. i’m coming right now, don’t go anywhere.” he tells you and you shake your head yes. 
“ok, thank you…love you” you say before you hang up. 
“let’s go, now.” jeno says, grabbing his keys. 
“i told you not to tell him, sungchan!” you said, stomping your foot. 
you and sungchan were standing a few feet away from a pacing jeno. not super far but just out of earshot. 
“i couldn’t not tell him yn! he was right there when you called me,” sungchan said, defending himself. you groan, hands flying to your face. you sink down to the ground, shaking your head back and forth. sungchan rolls his eyes at your dramatic actions. he crouches down to be at your level, joining you on the floor. 
“he’s gonna fucking kill me” you mutter, squeezing your eyes shut. “come on, it can’t be that bad” sungchan tells you, rubbing your back. “i came here with eric!” you whisper shouted, looking back to see if jeno heard you. “oh….yeah you’re dead” sungchan says, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile. 
“come here yn,” jeno says. 
you swallow harshly, standing to your feet. you stuff your shaky hands into your sweater pockets. shuffling towards where jeno stands, your eyes watch the gravel under your sneakers. once you're in arms length, he grabs your forearm, tugging you towards the back seat. he opens the door aggressively, jerking his chin forward telling you to climb in. you do so, sitting in the middle seat. you fold your hands and rest them on your thighs. jeno tosses sungchan the keys before he climbs into the back seat. 
the air is thick. awkward and super quiet. even though there’s music playing it still seems super quiet. you look over at jeno. he’s staring out the window, jaw clenched tightly. even the grip he has on your thigh is strong. 
“j-jeno?” you whisper. 
he doesn’t respond, he just turns to look at you. 
“if you’re not gonna tell me why you were here, i don’t wanna hear shit from your mouth” he sneers. you flinch, his words hurt you. he’s never talked to you like that before. 
“i-i was here with someone…but something came up! i j-just needed a ride home” you lie, believably so at that. jeno wasn’t buying it though. he knows you too well. 
“you’re lying. don’t fucking lie to me, yn” jeno says, he raises his eyebrows at you. 
his serious expression made your stomach churn. 
“i was here with eric…” you admit. 
“i knew it! i fucking knew it—dammit!” jeno yells, fists flying full force to punch the passenger seat in front of him. 
“why? why were you with that son of a bitch?” he asks you, rage evident in his voice. 
you hiccup, trying to calm yourself down and steady your nerves. you scoot back from him, sliding into the seat on your left hand side. 
“it wasn’t anything like that! he wanted to talk, and that’s all we did…” you started. jeno rolls his neck from side to side. jaw still clenched as he stretches his muscles. “he didn’t like my answer to him, so he kicked me out of his car and left me there” you shrugged. 
“he did what?!” sungchan and jeno shouted at the same time. 
“this is why i didn’t want to say anything!” you whined, hitting your head on the back of sungchan’s seat groaning. 
“sungchan take me home, please” you say to your friend. he nods, picking up his phone to type your address in. 
“you don’t wanna come home with me?” jeno asks and you shake your head. 
“i think we both need some time alone,” you tell jeno. “fuck that, i wanna be with you.” he tells you. “did you not see how you just reacted?! you need to blow some steam off, away from me” you shake your head, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“whatever yn,” jeno scoffs. 
“fucking kids” sungchan laughs, continuing to drive. 
“ow! stop, i’m sorry!” kevin cried as you pinched his ear. jeno and the other boys watched in amusement as you inflicted pain on the boy. “twist it!” haechan yelled out with a laugh. sungchan giggled, slapping haechan’s arm as he snorted loudly. 
“are you gonna do it again?” you ask tauntingly, kevin nods vigorously. “no, i swear to fucking god–just stop” kevin cries out, and you let him go. he pouts, hand flying to rub his throbbing ear. 
“and fuck you, haechan!” kevin sneers, chucking a pillow in his direction. 
you laugh as you make your way over to jeno. you climb onto his lap, making yourself comfortable on his lap. you snuggle into him, his hands wrapping around you. 
“you’re a little bitch,” jeno whispers, kissing your face. “mhm, what are you gonna do about it?” you stick your tongue out at him. he shakes his head, pinching your thigh. you whine, pushing his hand away. “yeah, that’s what i thought, don’t act tough with me” jeno says and you giggle, nodding your head. 
“haechan would be a really good name for y’all kid” hae says, tossing a pillow at the two of you. jeno catches it, throwing it back his way. “i don’t know why the fuck you thought our pitcher wouldn’t catch that” sungchan deadpans. 
"can you like shut the hell up? i like you better when you're not talking" haechan says, flinching at the taller boy.
“fuck no, kevin is a way better name!” kevin shouted, slapping the back of haechan’s head. “all i know is…i wanna be the godparent,” sungchan says with a wide smile. 
prev | part iii | next
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if i missed you pls let me know !! there was a lot of ppl that wanted to be added, so i might've missed a few.
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hobivore · 3 years
What the water gave us
#1: It’s Only Frickin’ Tuesday
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↠ PAIRING: water ghost!MYG x reader (f) (+ neighbour!JJK x reader—it’s a little complicated, y’all)
↠ WORDS: 3.2K
↠ GENRE: ghost AU, strangers to lovers
↠ RATING: explicit (18+)
↠ SYNOPSIS: What was supposed to be a quiet Tuesday night in the middle of a hectic week is ruined by the sudden arrival of a strange man. 
The worst part? He doesn’t want to leave your bathtub.  
↠ WARNINGS: mentions of death by drowning, they’re lowkey idiots, slight enemies to lovers vibes, a bit of everything (fluff, angst, eventual smut)
Chapter warnings: none in particular
↠ A/N: This story is part of the In the Spoop collab for Halloween 2021, hosted by the lovely @wwilloww. A big thank you to Willow and @hobisuniverse, @augustbutwinter, @sahmfanficbts​, @kkulfm​ and @xjoonchildx for the fun times and the support. Don’t forget to check out their amazing stories! And special thanks to Calix @calixwrites and August & Evie for beta-reading this chapter. 
Happy Halloween everyone! 👻
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© madseok Do not repost, translate or use my stories without my permission.
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The door closes behind you with a heavy thud. 
Ignoring the water dripping off your raincoat and onto the laminate floor, you toe off your sneakers and shuffle towards the kitchen, arms full of groceries. 
A slender body curls itself around your calf and you nearly stumble head first into the wall. 
“Shi—Gimbap!” you shriek. “Watch out, you dodo.” 
Gimbap ignores your struggle and meows, rubbing his head against the fabric of your jeans. 
“Yes, yes,” you mutter, dropping the bags on the kitchen counter. “I’m hungry too. And tired.”
The white cat stays glued to your heels, whiny meows raising in pitch as soon as you get the bag of kibble out. 
“There you go.” 
You stroke Gimbap’s back and sigh, watching him chew his food. Your whole body aches and your brain feels like cotton candy; sweet and pink and utterly useless, melting away at the smallest thought. 
These days everything slips through your fingers like water. Hours, days, weeks—you stopped keeping track of them a long time ago. These days, you measure time in projects.
You look at the clock on the microwave. 8:37 pm. You’ve always valued being able to make your own schedule, but it’s simultaneously the privilege and drawback of working from home. Lately work seems to be getting ahead of you and it’s winning the race, leaving you behind with a sprained ankle and no way of catching up. 
A quick glance at your phone tells you it’s Tuesday, October 31st. A bunch of notifications clutter the screen and you open the chat. 
Iseul🥀: drinks at 10
Iseul🥀: get your game on 🧛‍♀️
Iseul🥀: let’s meet at hapjeong station
Hyunjoo: 👻👻👻🍷
Someone is typing…
The pings come in quick succession and you groan—you’d completely forgotten about Halloween, and there’s no way Iseul will let you get away with wearing that ugly witch costume for another year. 
A tightness wraps itself around your chest. The costume isn’t that big of a problem, but you have a project due on Thursday and you’re not going to make it if you don’t pull an all-nighter coding. 
You will yourself to take a deep breath, shivering in your damp jeans and hoodie. The October chill seeps into your bones through the tile floor and the wet strands of hair still plastered against your forehead. 
Sending an apology to the group chat about not making it tonight, you throw your phone on the kitchen counter and bend down to scratch Gimbap behind the ears. 
“Don’t judge me,” you huff as he pads after you through the hallway. You know he can’t hear you—Gimbap was born deaf, one of the reasons why he has spend half his life in a shelter—yet it feels like he understands you sometimes. “I’ll join them next time. Promise.”
It’s cold and rainy outside anyway, you tell yourself, ignoring the pang of regret when you leave your buzzing phone behind. 
If you work a few extra hours tonight you can finish the project. You’ll throw a meal together and eat it in the comfort of your bathtub with a glass of wine and your laptop. 
“Stop whining,” you squint at Gimbap’s blue, judgemental eyes, “you should be happy I’m staying home with you tonight.”
You turn on the bath tap, adjusting the temperature—scorching hot—and rummage through the soap baskets while the bath slowly fills with water. 
Your bathroom is stuffed to the brim with a potpourri of colourful bath bombs and soaps, courtesy of your sister, who runs a small soap business. She regularly sends you boxes full of handmade soap with the most ridiculous names. 
Most of the packages are accompanied by loving but slightly passive-aggressive notes reminding you to ‘relax and get out more’. 
She’s right, of course, although you’d never admit it to her face. 
Your eyes skim over ‘Marmalade Madness’, ‘Unicorn Rainbow’ and ‘Lavender Love’ until they fall on a bright yellow and orange bath bomb, ‘It’s Only Frickin’ Tuesday’ printed in bold letters on the label. 
You snort. How fitting. 
The bath bomb dissolves with a fizzling sound, colouring the water with bright orange streaks and filling the room with the sweet and zesty smell of tangerine and citrus. 
Stepping over Gimbap—who’s still complaining loudly—you head back to the kitchen. Maybe you’re not going out tonight, but the least you can do is have dinner before the looming presence of work starts breathing down your neck again.
It’s tempting to climb behind your laptop and order takeout like you’ve done for the past two days. Or was it three? You don’t remember. 
Your eyes fall on the spring onions you bought earlier and you sigh. You should take the time to cook something. 
There’s some leftover rice in the fridge and a jar of kimchi, enough to make a quick bowl of fried rice. You force yourself through the familiar motions of chopping up the onions and frying the eggs. The smell of the food and the heat of the stove clears your head, your body carrying out the tasks without thinking. 
You roll your shoulders, adding a spoonful of gochujang to the pan—and nearly dropping the entire dish when a loud splash makes you jump.
“Bap!” you shout, even though the cat won’t hear you. “Please don’t break something again.” 
It stays suspiciously silent. 
“Why can’t I have just one moment to myself,” you grumble, taking the pan off the stove and wiping your hands on a towel. 
The bathroom door stands ajar and the faint sound of splashing water greets you from across the hallway. 
Did you forget to turn off the tap? Did Gimbap fall into the bathtub? Panic bubbles up in your chest and you rush towards the door until a low humming stops you dead in your tracks. 
It’s a soft voice. A human voice. 
The hair at the back of your neck rises and a cold shiver runs down your spine. 
There’s someone in your bathroom. 
Vaguely, you recognize the tune—an old trot song you don’t remember the name of. Your hand hovers in the air above the handle, body hidden behind the door. A small sliver of light falls into the hallway but you see no sign of movement, no shadow. 
The voice changes to another song, dropping until it’s little more than a soft murmur, barely audible above the sound of water splashing against the edges of the tub.  
How did they get in? Did you leave the front door open? 
You look at your empty hands. There’s a tremor, nothing like the familiar 3 a.m. caffeine shakes—no, this is all twitching fingers and cold sweat that dampens your palms. 
Slowly, you take a step backwards, mind racing. Get a knife. Get your phone. Get something. 
The door bursts open and you shriek when it hits you in the face. A white blur darts between your legs and you slap a hand over your mouth, but it’s too late—the humming has stopped, and all you can hear is the blood pounding in your ears.
You stand there, frozen in silence, for what feels like eternity. 
In the stillness that descends over the apartment your thoughts are deafening; a void filled only by the rapid firing of neurons. Small blips that begin to crescendo until you’re wondering if maybe you’d imagined things. 
It had probably been Gimbap attempting to eat the bath bombs again, knocking over one of the baskets. If the cat had any flaws—other than being deaf as an adder and not realising the volume of his own screams—it’d be his complete disregard of the measly three lives he still possesses. 
Or perhaps he’s down to two now. 
You step around the door and nearly stumble over the threshold—
There’s a man sitting in your bathtub. 
He is fully clothed, dressed in black with two pale feet propped up on the edge of the tub. His eyes are closed, head tilted back and his dark hair sticks to his forehead. 
The stranger turns his head and cracks one eye open. “Nice soap. Tangerine?”
“Wh—who are you?” you croak. Your heart pounds against your ribcage, a disparity with the fresh and brightly coloured soap stacked against the walls.
The man sits up and brushes the curls out of his eyes. “I’m Yoongi.” 
His voice is deep and a little scratchy, matching the dull look he gives you. 
You blink. Twice. 
He doesn’t ask for your name. In fact, he doesn’t say anything at all, leaning back instead until only his head remains above the water. 
Your gaze sweeps down to the wet floor before settling on his face—he has closed his eyes again and you huff.
“How did you get into my house?”
The man—Yoongi, apparently—slides a hand along the edge of the tub and gives a shrug so lackluster you’d have missed it if it wasn’t for the rippling of the water.
“Don’t know.” 
He does not seem to notice your agitation, or if he does, he doesn’t seem to care. He rests his hands on his thighs and starts to hum the same tune you’d heard earlier. 
The once brightly coloured water has now turned a muddy brown and annoyance flares up in the pit of your stomach, smothering your initial fear.
“You need to get out.”
He reaches a hand behind his head, adjusting your bath pillow. 
Your jaw clenches. The audacity of this man to show up in your house, sneak into your bathroom and use your tub with his dirty clothes on. 
You inhale deeply through your nose in an attempt to throttle your exasperation. Instead you’re hit with a stale, murky aroma that slowly replaces the fresh scent of citrus and only fuels the fire. 
“I said you need to get out.” You raise your voice, pronouncing every syllable with clarity. 
“Shh,” the stranger shushes. 
Your eyebrows nearly disappear into your hairline. 
“Fine,” you grit out. “Stay here then. I’m calling the cops.” 
He doesn’t react so you bite your tongue, swallow your irritation down and stalk out of the bathroom. 
“Who the hell does he think he is?” you mutter to yourself, reaching for your phone on the kitchen counter. Your eyes fall on your half-cooked, cold dinner and you shoot it a sorry look. “Some kind of—” 
Your words are cut off by the flickering light, a series of sudden glimmers before the lamp fizzles out. You blink in rapid succession to adjust your eyes to the darkness—a fruitless attempt—and stumble towards the light switch to flick it against better judgement.
The room stays dark. 
Turning on the flashlight on your phone, you walk towards the front door and poke your head outside. The hallway is pitch black; the entire building must have lost electricity. 
You angle the light into the apartment behind you. There’s no sign of movement but the idea of the stranger being somewhere inside makes you shiver. 
The man didn't seem aggressive or dangerous—mostly just annoying—but here, in the dark, an uneasy feeling frays at the edge of your thoughts. 
You pat your pockets; no keys. You must’ve left them inside. For a moment you hesitate, throwing another glance over your shoulder, then stepping outside instead and pressing the #1 on your phone. 
A bright beam of light nearly blinds you and you throw your arm up to shield your eyes, vaguely making out a dark shadow in the door opening across the hall. 
“Oh—sorry!” The figure angles the flashlight down. “Hello neighbour.” He grins, eyes glittering in the dim light. 
“Hi, Jungkook.” You try to keep your voice steady. “Everything’s down?” 
Jungkook nods. “Seems like it.”
Your eyes sweep over his figure before you quickly avert them and settle on the dark shape poking its head around his leg. 
Jungkook notices your wide-eyed stare and holds the light a little higher. “Hey. You okay?”
“There’s a man in my bathroom,” you whisper. 
“There’s a what?” He tilts his head, confusion written all over his face. 
“A man,” you point towards the dark hallway behind you, “in my bathroom.”
Jungkook frowns and studies your face, half-hidden in the shadows.
Your heart skips a beat.  
Maybe he thinks this is some sort of Halloween prank—you can’t blame him, with how crazy you must sound. You pull down the sleeves of your hoodie, trying to hide the tremor in your fingers but he catches the motion. 
“Wait,” he grabs something from behind the door and hands you the flashlight. “You hold this. Bam, come here.” 
The big dog follows him into your apartment and you hurry after them, angling the flashlight around Jungkook’s back. 
“What are you doing?” you hiss. “And what’s that thing?”
Jungkook pokes around your coat rack. “A scythe—well, not a real one, but the wood is.” He taps it against the wall. “It won’t break.”
The living room is vacant and so is the kitchen. It’s not until you reach the bathroom, the door still standing wide open, that Jungkook finally slows down.
“Bam, here,” he whispers. The Doberman sticks to his side, his floppy ears pointed intently. 
You grasp the back of Jungkook’s rough sweater and aim the flashlight at the tub.  
It’s empty. 
In the stark light the white porcelain gleams even brighter. There’s no water in the tub and the floor is dry and clean. 
Jungkook pokes the scythe between the baskets of soap. “No one’s here,” he shakes his head. “Let’s check the rest of the house.”
You follow him around—head spinning and vision blurry. Jungkook opens every closet and every cabinet, but there’s no sign of Yoongi. 
Where did he go? 
Doubt starts trickling in again. Had you imagined things? 
When was the last time you had a solid eight hours of sleep? Or five even? 
It wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened. Not the first time you had seen things that weren’t really there. 
Jungkook pushes your bedroom door open and Bam barges forward, barking loudly. 
“Bam, no!” Jungkook shouts. Gimbap darts outside and jumps on the kitchen counter, back arched and hissing loudly. Bam hops around in front of him, his tail wagging in excitement. 
“He still doesn’t like you, Bam.” You pat the dog on his head. “You better watch out, one of these days he’s gonna scratch you.” 
Jungkook comes back and takes the flashlight to check your closet and underneath your bed. “Everything’s clear.” He walks towards Gimbap, who’s still eyeing Bam with a wary look. “At least he likes me.” 
The cat sniffs his hand, rubbing his head against its tattooed back. 
“I’m sorry,” you force a smile. “I must’ve imagined things. It was probably just a shadow in the dark.”
Jungkook beams back at you and you can’t bring yourself to tell him the encounter happened before the lights went out. He doesn’t need to know how messed up your sleep schedule really is. 
“It’s okay, it’s pitch black in here—I’d see ghosts too.” He chuckles. “Do you have any light besides this?” He waves the flashlight around. 
You grab a lighter from a drawer and light a few candles. They illuminate the living room with a cozy, warm light, and for the first time this evening you get the chance to take a proper look at Jungkook. 
He is dressed in a large, black cloak and pasty white make-up with dark circles around his eyes. 
Belatedly you realise you’re still wearing your frumpled hoodie and two different socks. You suppress the urge to look down at your feet and fix your gaze on the little mole under Jungkook’s lip instead. 
Which only makes focussing on your next words harder. 
“Going out for Halloween?” 
“Just Tae’s place. I’m the reaper. Me and Bam.” He pats the dog on the back, his black-and-tan fur covered in white paint. 
“Explains the scythe.” You grab the tool from where it rests against the kitchen counter. In the candlelight you can see the blade is made out of soft plastic, but the wood feels heavy in your hand.  
Jungkook laughs. “Not really something I’d have laying around otherwise, no.” 
You grin. “I’m a little disappointed.” 
“You haven’t seen the rest of my home yet.” He cocks an eyebrow and your stomach does a funny flip.
Heat rises to your cheeks and you cough. “You did a good job with the skeleton.” Bam catches you looking at him and starts wagging his tail again. 
“Thanks. It’s pet friendly paint, of course.” 
A long silence falls between you. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? I mean, I can stay if you want, or you can come—”
“No, I’m fine,” you hastily interject. 
An image floods your mind, of the time he’d stayed over for dinner. A movie playing in the background, his body pressed into your side, his hand on your thigh—
You blink, hard, willing yourself to focus. “Really, it’s fine. Don’t worry about me.” 
Jungkook tilts his head but doesn’t object. “Okay. You know you can always text or call me, right?” 
You smile at him. “I do. Thank you.” You pat his arm before quickly retreating your hand. 
Jungkook stares at his sleeve as if you left behind a permanent mark. 
“I—um, see you around. Because we’re neighbours. Since,” he plucks at the cord around his waist, eyes trained on what appears to be a particularly interesting patch of white paint on the top of Bam’s head, “we, uh, live in the same building…”
“Yes!” you chirp, a little too enthusiastic. “Say hi to Tae from me. And Bam, be a good boy.” 
You bend down to plant a kiss on the dog’s head, missing the way Jungkook’s eyes follow your movement. 
“Call me if something’s up, okay?” He smiles at you. “And keep the flashlight for now, I don’t need it anyway. I don’t know when the electricity will be back on.” 
“Thanks, Kook. I mean it.” You smile back at him, an honest one this time. “Don’t take too many souls tonight.”
Jungkook laughs and you close the door behind him, sinking to the floor with a deep groan and burying your face in your hands. 
You are alone again. There was no stranger named Yoongi, just you and Gimbap—an ordinary night like any other. 
Except for completely embarrassing yourself in front of your cute neighbour. 
You should probably go to bed. You’d finish the project tomorrow; you’re of no use walking around sleep-deprived and hallucinating. 
Dragging yourself into the kitchen, you throw your half-cooked dinner into the trash. You’re not hungry anymore. Your limbs feel heavy and your eyes are tired; the only thing you want now is the solace of your own bed. 
You walk over to the window. The apartments on the other side of the road are dark like yours, some of them lit up with candles or makeshift lights. With the rain still beating down on the facade it feels oddly homey. 
“Is dog boy finally gone?” 
“Ah!” You jump at the sudden voice. Yoongi is standing next to you, his wet clothes plastered against his body. In the faint light his pale skin almost seems to emit a soft glow. 
“Looks like the entire street is down.” His sharp eyes find yours—big and rounded in shock—in the window’s reflection. “Well,” he shrugs, sounding entirely unconvincing, “that’s inconvenient.” 
“W—where did you go?”
“The drain.” He cracks his neck. “You need to descale your pipes more often.” 
He turns around and makes his way back towards the bathroom, leaving you standing dumbfounded in a small puddle by the window, the muddy water seeping into your socks.
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Thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed this chapter please consider reblogging and leaving a comment or an ask. I’d love to hear from you. Your feedback means the world to me and keeps me going!
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simeonisalesbian · 3 years
Hello Shannen! Hey, I was curious, What do you think the Obey Me Boys would do in this scenario: They enter a room after being busy for the whole day, they hear a soft intake of breath and then Their name in a very soft and adoring voice, as if to just themselves, the MC being surprised that they got to see them and it just gives them all the fuzzies 💕💖 (I find myself doing this sometimes when I haven’t seen my loved ones in like a day and I didn’t expect to see them for longer 💗)
Oi that is so frickin cute anon. I fuckin melt for soft stuff like this it's so cute and wholesome 🥺
he's busy most of the time honestly
It's just something that you have to become accustomed too
He usually just holes himself up in his office to finish his work up in peace
so you usually don't see him unless you go to check in on him yourself
However, he had to meet up with Diavolo earlier so he ended up missing dinner.
The plan was to eat when he got home but he was given a pile of papers the prince insisted were urgent
so now that those were finished he was starving
When he stepped into the kitchen though he heard a gasp followed by his name whispered in an all too familiar voice
He glanced over to see you over by one of the cabinets with an expression somewhere between excitement and surprise
His heart practically melted and he smiled softly.
"Hello Mc. I was about to grab something to eat. Would you mind joining me?"
He's practically glued to your side 24/7 so it's odd not having him around for a while
But he caught a molding gig that pays well despite the fact that it was planned to run all day long
and of course the Avatar of Greed couldn't turn down a job to earn a bit of extra cash
And sure enough he didn't get finished with the shoot until a bit after dinner.
He walked into the house, planning to go look for you
but as soon as he got through the door he heard a small gasp and his name mumbled from the stairs
His heart skipped several beats seeing you sitting on the steps staring at the door waiting up for him
"We're ya waiting on me? Of course you'd be waitin' on the Great Mammon! Come on I'll tell ya all about the shoot!"
- It's rare that the otaku snake boy ever left his room
but unfortunately when you're Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy, you have to actually do official Navy business or whatever
So Leviathan was actually out of the house for once
He got back pretty Late but Luckily he was back before the newest episode of the latest anime he was watching aired.
He had it set to record just in case but it's always so much better to watch it as soon as it airs
But he didn't expect to hear your voice softly muttering his name when he opened the door to his room.
he forgot he said you could play some of his video games while he was gone
"Oh Mc! I didn't expect to see you today. Not-- Not that I mind! It just started me. Did you want to watch the newest Ruri-chan episode with me?"
You actually aren't entirely certain where Satan went.
You saw him earlier that morning and it looked like he might have been plotting something with Belphie but you didn't bother to ask not wanting to get mixed up in whatever prank they were plotting.
Sure enough the Anti-Lucifer duo did plan a prank earlier that day and since Lucifer was at a meeting it was the perfect time to execute it
He and belphie had spent most of the day taping and gluing everything directly to Lucifer's desk
now all that was left was to avoid punishment from the eldest who would no doubt be pissed.
His plan was to grab a few books then head out to a cafe or something
but when he hear you gasp slight and whisper his name he got butterflies in his stomach
"Ah hello Mc. I haven't seen you all day. I was just about to head out actually would you like to come along?"
The ever so popular avatar of Lust is constantly out and about
whether it be shopping or meeting his fans or just straight-up partying all night
today was no different he had texted earlier asking if you wanted to go out shopping with him
but you had an important test coming up and if you didn't want Lucifer to skin you alive you have to study
Of course Asmo was out late though. He just gets distracted by succubi who want a picture with him and there are so many different outfits to try on
shopping is an entire event for Asmo
He did manage to make it home before dinner for once though
So after dropping his many shopping bags off at his room he heads over to your room
He practically beams when he hears your voice softly speaking his name
"Mc Darling! Did you miss me? You'll never guess who I ran into earlier today!"
He is pretty good at letting you know where he'll be for the day if he's going somewhere
So you were well aware you wouldn't see Beel for quite a while because of his sports practice and the game he had later
However a bit over halfway through his game it started to storm pretty badly.
so the game ended up getting postponed due to dangerous weather
So he stopped by Madam Scream's on the way home picking up something for you too
When he got home he found you sitting in the common area.
Before he could call out to you he heard you softly say his name leading him to widely smile at you
"Hey Mc. The game got called off. But I got us some cookies! I only ate one of yours sorry..."
the most mysterious thing about Belphie was where he would disappear to for half of the day
You could never find him no matter how much you looked for him
at this point it was just easier to wait for him to show up whenever he feels like it
Of course the fact that you can't find Belphie is because he simply doesn't want to be found by anyone
Sometimes it's just better to hide and have guaranteed peaceful naps rather than having to deal with someone waking you up
so after hiding under the kitchen sink for hours on end Belphie decided it was time to find a more comfortable spot
when he went up to lie in the attic though he heard you say his name so softly he thought he imagined it at first
"Hi there Mc. I was just about to take another nap. You're going to join me right?"
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 142
Another late chapter... I’m really batting a thousand lately, seems like.
So, work has been insane, but @baelpenrose reminds me to post when I forget, thankfully. And this is SUCH a fun chapter.  I hope you all enjoy!
I dropped into a seat in Mess Hall Seven with a groan, so exhausted that I barely managed to get soup and a grilled cheese from the console.  Tyche yawned and nodded in agreement before poking at her sushi bowl idly. It was six Von-days after the last drill, and between coordinating increased training schedules for Shelters Three and Seven and helping Charly plan kink-night at the Undine, we were wiped.
“People are ungrateful,” she muttered before managing to barely balance a piece of salmon into her mouth.
I muttered something that hopefully sounded like agreement before I scooped up a bite of my soup with one wedge of sandwich, too lazy to even bother with the spoon. “Remind me why we don’t have Vati and Hannah handling the practice schedules?”
“Because they are handling the extra evacuation drills with Jokul and Arthur.”
Personally, I thought they were getting the better end of this deal, but since the raging success of their first Food Festival, it really was only fair. “And the relocations for those who need it,” I admitted. “Except mine.”
“Conor may actually strangle one of them if any of your plants don’t make it,” she pointed out, gesturing with her chopsticks for emphasis after having given up and using her fingers to eat her lunch. “Not to mention I wouldn’t wish packing with Maverick on anyone.”
“He’s letting me pack the books and textiles.” I shrugged in acceptance after taking another bite of soup-dipped sandwich.
We picked at our food in silence after that, grateful for something resembling a reprieve, before we were interrupted by a flurry of grey hair and enthusiasm landing in one of the nearby chairs with a heavy thunk. “Good afternoon, Madams Reid.”
“Hey, Jokul,” I muttered as Tyche just waggled her fingers at him. I really think I liked it better when he was trying to kill me. Right now, I might even let him do it.
“I know you are both on your meal period, but I wanted to test the waters on potentially scheduling a community activity,” he rushed out.
Tyche guarded her lunch with an almost feral aggression, having heard what happened the last time Jokul had interrupted my lunch. “That should really be something you run by Al-”
“Worthington, yes, I know,” he interrupted. “However, I know you are both quite busy and I wanted to be respectful of your time. As such, I will make this as brief as - ow!” He snatched his hand back away from the other half of my sandwich, rubbing where I had slammed my spoon down onto it.
“I have no idea where the food stealing comes from, but don’t,” I warned him.
“Rude, got it,” he nodded in a terrifying impression of Charly’s normal demeanor. “As I was saying, I recently learned a new type of game from Terra, from the Before.  It involves teamwork, and encourages creativity and escapism, and I think it would be a very good community activity - “
I surrendered to my urge to groan. “We are not doing a redux of Settlers of Cattan. Arthur stabbed someone last time.”
“I didn’t press charges…” Jokul pouted, glancing at the scar on the back of his wrist briefly. “Besides, it was only a fork. Clearly he didn’t mean it, there were four knives in arms reach counting my own.”
Tyche cocked an eyebrow at me. Seriously?
I pursed my lips and wrinkled my nose in response. Yep.
“So what game is it this time?” I asked hesitantly.
I was reward-bombarded with a grin. “It’s called Dungeons and Dragons! Somewhat like a video game, but with more people, and using writing implements and paper. Oh, and different kinds of dice, very important. One person is something of the narrator, to give the game a kind of structure, while the other players act as characters in the game… Ivan introduced me to it, and it is quite challenging with the right people.  The dungeon master - that is the narrator - has to re-evaluate the story based on the actions of the other players, but the players themselves don’t know what the dungeon master is going to do. It is very much a social diversion, and there are many classes….”
As Jokul continued to gush, he was rather oblivious to the fact that Tyche and I were stuffing our faces as quickly as possible to avoid interrupting him or laughing. We had both played when we were younger - in fact, we had been introduced to the game by our mother.  There had even been a very overwhelming pop-culture movement in our youth around the game, which further emphasized just how far out in the boonies Jokul had grown up.  As shocking as it was that he was just now discovering the game, it came at exactly zero surprise that he enjoyed it so much - it was right up his alley of interests.
About fifteen minutes and two more grilled cheeses into his retelling of the campaign he was part of, Charly and Arthur squeezed in with us, their own lunches in tow.  As seemed to be a growing trend, Arthur reached over and snagged one of my sandwiches before I could react, shoving half of it in his face.
That was apparently enough to snap Jokul out of his story. “Hey! Why didn’t you hit him?”
“His deathwish, not my problem,” I shrugged.
Around the remains of my lunch, Arthur managed to enunciate. “Told you, Noah fissed the dairy allergy.”
“Bleargh,” I gagged comically. “It’s okay, think I’m done anyway.”
Jokul’s hand swatted Arthur’s out of the way to steal the rest of my food. “As I was saying, Ivan was quite clever with his resolution to deal subdural damage to the player who was very much ruining the storyline by insisting his character was immune to magical sleep…”
“Oooooo! I love tabletops!” Charly squealed, bouncing in her seat. “What setting are you playing in right now?  My favorite was always Exalted…”
“Miss Harper, I think we are discussing different activities.” Jokul sounded supremely confused, but my heart broke a bit.
Arthur shook his head. “Maybe not Exalted, but what about Ebberron? Swordhaven, maybe?  Just tell me it isn’t Ravenloft… I know you haven’t been fucking around in a Dark Sun, but I beg you to tell me you aren’t playing Ravenloft.”
“I’m not sure what those are… Ivan introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons. There is only one setting.”
“So… Greyhawk or homebrew,” Arthur nodded. “Best place to start, get the basics down.”
Jokul’s head pivoted toward me and Tyche, squinting in annoyance. “You knew, didn’t you? And you let me prattle on…”
“You were so… happy….” I explained plaintively. “We didn’t want to ruin that for you.”
Tyche nodded. “We both remember how fun that first campaign is. And honestly? We’ve been having a kind of crappy day.  It was nice to hear someone be excited about something that isn’t work related.”
“But I came to you to discuss making it a ship activity…”
“Originally, yeah,” I shrugged. “That was maybe the first thirty seconds.  After that, you were doing what literally every tabletop roleplaying person has done since the beginning of time… telling stories about the fun, dramatic, and frankly stupid shit the people in your party are doing.”
“Says the two-foot eight halfling rogue,” Arthur scowled.
“I rolled it at random, it was fifteen years ago, get over it!” I threw my hands up dramatically. “At least I wasn’t mated to a frickin’ deity.”
Charly giggled uncontrollably while Jokul goggled at us. “Exalted is broken in all the fun ways.”
“You literally sacrificed, and I quote ‘all of your fucks to give’, for necromancy.”
“That was your idea!”
Jokul turned toward Tyche, waiting for her to say something. She just held up her hands defensively. “I was a murder monk-bunny.”
Arthur snorted. “You were the Black Rabbit of Inle….”
“Well if my wife would have just stopped dying…!”
“At least none of us were the Platinum Knight who pissed his pants every time he confronted his favored enemy,” I laughed. “He never did live that one down. Every. Single. Dragon. He would crit fail his roles.”
“Oh, please,” Arthur intoned drily. “Did I ever tell you about the time one of my players managed to make ‘Notice me, Senpai’ into the most terrifying in-universe warcry imaginable?”
Charly choked before swatting his shoulder. “Not in front of my pasta. Please.”
Jokul, however, looked both horrified and intrigued, egging Arthur on. “Barbarian whose entire clan worshipped a god named The Senpai…. Just imagine, a barbarian in a rage, bellowing ‘NOTICE ME, SENPAI!!!’ before just scything down thirty men with a broadsword.”
At this point, I was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down my face. “Please, please tell me there was a kilt and pigtails involved….”
Jokul touched his own hair, before straightening as seriously as possible. “They are warrior’s braids, Councillor.”
That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore. I just put my head down on my folded arms and waiting to either pass out from laughing so hard or from exhaustion.  A few deep breaths and a spinning head later, I managed to wipe my face on my sleeve and realized the conversation was continuing without me.  Just as I was clearing my throat to let Jokul know he should be fine to start organizing something and to send me a rough outline, Arthur dealt the final blow.
Leaning over, he whispered over my shoulder. “By the way, the barbarian’s name was Drystan of the Doki-doki tribe.”
I was proud that I managed to get up and dash into the hallway before collapsing against the wall in maniacal laughter.  I barely registered Hannah’s voice behind me asking everyone at the table if I needed medical assistance, and that did not help.
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sodasback · 3 years
ER Nurse Rafe x ER Nurse Reader
Reposting from my deleted account. 
TW: Mentions of drug overdose, CPR, death, panic attack
One of your guy best friends in high school, Chris, died of a drug overdose. And you were the one who found him. You tried to do CPR, but 1. you didn’t really know how to do CPR when you were 16 and 2. it was too late even if you did know how to do it correctly. This traumatic experience did 2 important things for you. You became a total straight edge, scared to death of drugs. And it made you want to save everyone. It’s probably why you became a nurse. 
Tonight, you and Rafe were working in the ER together. Rafe was off taking care of patients on the other side of the emergency department, when the Charge nurse told you a cardiac arrest was coming in. She assigned roles to you and a couple of other nurses. You were assigned compressions. 
“What’s coming in?” Someone asked. 
“16 year old male, OD’d on unknown substances, found pulseless. ETA is 3 minutes.” 
Your throat went dry. Of course you have dealt with drug overdoses in the ER all the time. But so far, none of them had been teens who were found pulseless. It just hit too close to home. You considered backing out and asking someone else to take your role. But then you realized: this is why you’re here. You’re here to give this kid the best chance at surviving this. You nodded your head to yourself and decided you could do this. 
“Do we know his name?” You asked.
“No, not yet.” 
By this time, Rafe had heard about the call coming in and he transferred and discharge his last couple patients, so he popped over to see if there was anything anyone needed. 
When he saw you getting ready by the empty gurney and setting up the step stool you would stand on to be able to give proper compressions all the dots connected for him. He realized you were about to give compressions to a 16 year old who OD’d, just like your friend in high school. 
“Y/N” he got your attention as a handful of people scurried and danced around each other preparing the area for this resuscitation attempt. 
You looked up at him wondering what he wanted. “Let me do compressions” He said with some authority. 
“It’s fine Rafe. I got it.” You shook your head at him. 
“Y/N” he said more sternly. No one seemed to notice the exchange going on between you two as they busied themselves with their tasks. 
“I said I got it.” You said aggressively. Rafe came over next to you so he could talk to you without anyone else hearing. 
“Y/N you don’t have to do this. You shouldn’t.” He said with a hand on your hip, ready to physically pull you off the stool. You pushed his hand away roughly. 
“I’m fine, Cameron” you said coldly. He recoiled at your tone and the use of his last name in a non-teasing way. 
He backed away silently and stood out of the way to watch the resuscitation and be there as extra hands ...and to be there for you. 
Then, the gurney came crashing through the doors. The medics who brought him in got him transferred onto your gurney. 
“What’s his name?” You asked as soon as you got the chance.
“Michael” The medic replied and you nodded. 
“Good to take over compressions?” the medic asked you. 
“Yep” you stated confidently and he lifted his hands away from the boys chest. You replaced his hands with your’s. With your elbows locked and fingers laced together you used your body weight to push down on the kid’s chest, pumping his heart for him so blood would circulate his body. 
You could feel Rafe standing nearby with his arms crossed, gloves already on in case he needed to jump in. Someone would have to take over compressions for you eventually no matter what. No one is supposed to do compressions for more than 2 minutes, because you get tired and start to not be as effective. 
You knew the chances for this kid were not good. He was already dead. Someone found him dead. Who knows how long he had been that way. Narcan had already been given. His heart didn’t have a shockable rhythm. All you could do was compressions, breaths and give him epinephrine in hopes of starting his heart again. 
“Come on Michael” you whispered over and over again. 
“Let’s do a pulse check.” The code leader called out. “Pause compressions”
“Stopping compressions” you confirmed as you pulled your hands away from his chest. Rafe was already by your side, pushing you out of the way with his body. 
“I’ll take over compressions” he announced to the entire room, so you couldn’t argue with him. You rolled your eyes and stepped out of the way. Even though you were mad at him for being overprotective, you knew someone would have had to take over for you soon, because you were getting tired, so you let it go. 
Because it was a 16 year old kid on the table the team tried for almost 2 hours to resuscitate him. Rafe and one of the techs took turns doing compressions.
 Finally, the team leader said, “One more round of epi and then we need to call it.” Rafe was the last one to give compressions.
The last round of epi was given and then there was a final pulse check. 
“Still no pulse.” The nurse who was checking stated solemnly. 
“Time of death 2347″ the doctor announced. 
Rafe instantly looked at you. You were staring at Michael laying on the table as everyone started to back away from the gurney and clean up the area for when his family came in. Your stare was blank, your body was numb. Rafe was helping pick up all the discarded supplies and position Michael in a way that was appropriate, but he kept looking up at you. And you just kept staring at the gurney. 
You felt your eyes get wetter. Finally, the room cleared out almost completely. One nurse stayed with Michael’s body. Rafe came over to you. 
“Let’s go outside.” He said to you, trying to be gentle and firm at the same time. You finally broke out of your trance. 
“What? No. I’m fine. I have other patients.” You said sniffling and shrugging off Rafe’s arm that he was trying to wrap around you.
“No, we have plenty of coverage. There’s no admits. We’re fine. Come on.” He said a little more sternly. 
Before you could reply and before Rafe could get you to move from the trauma bay where Michael’s body was still laying in a gurney, his parents rushed in already in tears. Already grieving the loss of their son.
That’s when you felt your chest explode. Your legs felt weak, but something was holding you up. All of a sudden you were outside and everything was blurry, but you didn’t know how you got there. You were sobbing for a while before you realized Rafe was holding you against his chest. 
“Breathe” Rafe was telling you calmly but you could hear concern in his voice. He was stroking your hair. “Y/N I need you to breathe.” You heard him again. 
“Here, were gonna sit” Rafe guided you down to the ground to sit, he sat behind you with a leg on either side of you. Another nurse came outside, “Is she okay?” He asked. 
“Yeah man, can you just grab a paper bag for her? She’s just hyperventilating a little. She needs to hold on to her CO2″ Rafe told him. 
He placed his fingers on your shoulders, “Open up your chest, baby.” He told you gently, pulling your shoulders back. “Breathe ... slower ... breathe with me. Breathe in... good, hold it for a sec. 1, 2, 3, 4. Okay exhale. Slow slow. Good love. Again, slow.” 
“Here ya go man.” The nurse handed Rafe a paper bag and went back inside. But you were breathing better now. Rafe moved so he could see your face. You took a deep breath and looked at his worried expression. 
“It was just like Chris, Rafe. I just wanted to save him.” You cried and you weren’t sure if you meant save Chris or Michael or both.
“I know baby.” He said. “We can’t save everyone though.” 
“And see?! I know that. We frickin watch people die all the time! I shouldn’t be out here crying on the sidewalk. There’s patients in there that need stuff and I’m out here crying.” 
“You’re allowed to cry over it. There is no one inside who needs you right now. The census is low, they’re probably going to send someone home anyway because were overstaffed right now. ...And you’re allowed to get upset over it sometimes. This is a tough job, babe. And we all have patients that hit us a little harder sometimes. You don’t need to be a robot. Part of what makes us good at our jobs is that were human, ya know? You care, you have a huge heart. The world is a better place with a nurse like you who treats every patient like someone you care about. That was a tough loss on everyone, love, but we tried everything we could.”
You nodded, really soaking in his words, knowing Rafe was right. Everyone has especially hard days when a patient hits a little too close to home or it’s a patient you’ve bonded with and things don’t go the way you want. 
“Yeah, I know” You gave Rafe the tiniest smile and sniffled. “Thanks Rafe”
“Of course, baby.” He leaned forward and used his thumbs to wipe the mascara stained tears from your face. Then he stood up and pulled you up. 
“Do you wanna see if you can be the one sent home?” He asked. 
“No, I’d rather stay and be distracted.” You said. 
Just then, an ambulance pulled up and medics jumped out with a patient who had a table saw accident. You and Rafe looked at each other. “I’ll apply pressure.” You said already stepping towards the patient. 
“I’m paging the blood bank and surgery.” Rafe said putting his phone between his shoulder and ear helping push the gurney into the trauma bay while you held pressure.
Taglist: @moniamaybank @abbyj1822 @october-cameron @hernameisnoell @railmerafe
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fbfh · 4 years
percy relationship and intimacy headcanons pt 2
this is kinda smutty but not terrible,,, here’s part 1 if ur interested,,, i have demisquad brain rot but when don’t i lmao
requests + asks r open ily all,,, let me know who else u want =u=
800 something words
As with all steamy/nsfw works all characters are aged up to 18+/college era <3
where were we
His accent comes out more during heated moments
It does a real number on you
And he fucking knows this
So sometimes you’ll be minding your own business and he’ll lean in real close to your ear and say some shit like
“You ‘n’ me latea, sweetcheeks”
i can not type accents for shit we all know this
And do some sort of growl or purr or something and like bite your ear a little
And then you don’t have a brain for the rest of the day
But like deadass who could blame you
It came up in conversation late at a party one night and he did a growly purr thing and everyone lost their shit
Half the people in the room were all over him 
One of them just pulled out their phone and was like wait do it again
He was like soz I only do that for my babe
He tightened his grip on you and was like want me to do it again
And you know what that means folks
Sometimes on bad days you kiss and run your fingers over his scars
He finds it so touching and comforting
He has one scar on his lower back from the whole achilles thing 
He really likes when you touch his lower back in general, mostly because of that
You have called him daddy exactly twice
Once as a last resort when you were drunk and horny and he was helping you get to sleep
It caught him very off guard and he almost dropped you
The other time he was just being so. Goddamn. Much. 
It was like he knew exactly what to do to make your heart go boom boom
He squeezed your waist in just the right place and nipped your neck at the exact same time and you jus
Reached your boiling point
You just kinda moaned it out and he froze in place
He let out a chuckle, his teeth still on your neck
You felt that through your entire body
He was very flattered
It def fed his ego more than a little bit
There’s kind of an imbalance/specific power dynamic that goes along with that nickname and he’s not into that
He views you as his sexy amazing powerful equal
So babyboy/girl + daddy, those nicknames aren’t really his deal
He does call you babe cause like,, look at you
You’re an absolute babe
There’s no other way to say it
He has a v e r y decent amount of drive and stamina 
I mean he’s so frickin athletic 
So even though he can and will pull you into a closet at the drop of a hat 
It’s happened before
That’s not the only thing he’s focused on
Smwn said he’s seen a bunch of romcoms with his mom and honestly
I can’t disagree
He’s a romantic at heart
He wants any and all forms of intimacy with you to be special 
But the thing is that it’s always special 
Every single time
That comforts him so much
So going along with that he loves to plan out and set up romantic dates with you
It’s really an art form
I’m talking picnic on the roof watching the stars
Private fancy dinner and slow dancing
Spending all night in the city trying every (insert food/activity) you can before morning
Pizza, arcades, ice cream, roller rinks, hot dogs
Once you had like four pizzas made of a slice from each place you went to 
Sometimes these amazing romantic dates lead to ~other activities~ and sometimes they lead to a kiss good night
And he’s equally happy with both
He’s also the type to occasionally instigate without expecting anything y’know??
Like if you’ve had a hard day he’ll kiss your neck and rub your shoulders
Then wrap you up in a blanket and let you vent/cuddle/help you feel better
or bang if that’s what helps
i mean
He just wants to know that you’re okay
And knowing that he makes you okay makes him happier than words can describe
A l s o
Pls praise him
Like it hits all the right places 
His heart, his confidence, his crotch
Positive reinforcement!! 
He is not above trying to make out with you in his bedroom when you guys visit his family
“Percy your mom is in the next room!”
“So we’ll be quiet,” 
“I just miss you…” 
He’s a little more touch starved than he’d like to admit
Not too crazy, he just needs a little extra contact and closeness to you now and then
Making out is a favorite way to get that closeness 
He is also good with cuddling
Omg play with his hair
He loves it so fucking much
Make sure you treat him good cause he treats you like the most important thing in the universe
Cause you deadass are to him
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demon----dean · 2 years
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
thank you for tagging me @lowkeyanakin
currently reading: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo I can hear you all say I am way late to the hype train but hear me out. :D I’ve known about this book for years, I think it’s really become a part of pop culture in a way and everyone is aware of who Marie Kondo is. But I had never read it. So since I am planning to move this fall and I had a severe depressive episode and couldn’t leave my apartment for a month I decided it was time to find some motivation and reduce the clutter in my life. I watched many youtube videos for inspiration and people often talked about the Konmari method so it got me curious again and I decided to see from the first hand source if her advice could be useful to me. I think we all have heard about the “keep the item if it sparks joy!” portion of her method but its actually surprisingly deep and spiritual attitude she represents where you need to review your life and your goals and understand why you are holding on to so many things. 
last song:
last movie: The Lobster 
last series: Our Flag Means Death – I saw it all over tumblr and it really was funny and good. Legends of Tomorrow – just finished season 7 (and as a result had an awesome action packed dream about Sara Lance. :D). Tribes of Europa – watching rn, it has some good stuff but also some cliches. Costumes and sets are great tho – I want to have a post apocalyptic larp so bad right now.  
sweet, spicy, or savory: Spicy! I am the monster always going for extra jalapenos and tabasco sauce. I come from a family were salt and some black pepper were the only spices used so I have no idea where my love for kick comes from. 
coffee or tea: Coffee! It gives me life. Whenever there’s a multi day event I am bringing my own pack of coffee to be sure I am set. 
three ships: Obikin is my main one for sure. I also like Quinobi and Thorki.
first ever ship: Winchest
currently working on: I am pruning apple trees but since weather is shit it’s on hold until tomorrow. So rn I am plucking away at my writing and trying to catch up to reading all the great fic out there. 
favorite piece of clothing: Black military cap and Ahsoka t-shirt
Tumblr media
comfort food: Shawarma
favorite time of year: Autumn. Everything is dying, colourful leaves, sweaters and crisp mornings. 
fav fanfiction: But Then, My Homework Was Never Quite Like This by nyxocity
Omg, this story! It goes deep into the BDSM relationships and philosophy and I frickin love it! Reading that one really changed me and gave me a new perspective on how good and transformative fanfic really can be. It is glorious: 
He struggles, pride fierce, like a dragon inside him, mind a flimsy thing against its power.
You're in control. You've got the choice to walk out of here, so get up and walk out. You have the power; show him.
He could… he can see it. See himself getting up, saying goodbye. For just a second, it seems possible, something maybe even, that he needs to do; life stretching out into a future without Jensen… and he'd… he'd… what? Would his life end? Would he die? No. He'd be okay. He'd live. Maybe not happily for a long time, maybe not ever. But his life would go on.
The realization hits him like an explosion, sudden and perfect. He could. He really could. That choice exists. And maybe he even should make it, but he also has the choice to stay here. If he wants to. He has a choice. And this is… this is so huge, something beyond pride and the petty need to assert himself.
But, you also have the ability to decide, on your own terms, to indulge in a want. The difference is in understanding that you have a choice, being aware of what you're doing, rather than simply giving in to an urge blindly.
Yeah. But how can you tell? Because… sometimes it starts as a blind urge, then you think about it, and decide to do it anyway. How do you know you're just not tricking yourself?
The answer strikes him suddenly, and it feels like a blow to the head, brain pitching inside his skull.
Because you know you don't have to do it. Because you also have the choice not to do it."
He looks at Jensen, eyes wide.
Then, who is in control here?
"I am," he says. "I'm in control. But I'm…" he searches for the right word, intensely aware of Jensen's eyes on him. "I'm… allowing you to have control."
Jensen's brows rise over the rim of his glasses. "But how do you know that's true? That you're not tricking yourself into thinking that because you want it?" Jensen throws his own question back at him.
"Because I also have the choice not to," Jared says, meets that gaze head-on. "When I came to your house, I didn't even see that I had a choice not to go. But I did, and I do." He's light-headed with the understanding. "It's… it's the weirdest thing," he says, suddenly struck by the impulse to laugh, and he does. "It's like… it's like being free."
no pressure tags ❤️: @wibzen87 @dilfdarthvader @journen​ @war-of-wrath​
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It has been a DAY, let me tell you people
After waiting for almost an hour after our appointment time at the pediatrician we finally got in and had the pleasant surprise of actually getting to see my son’s doctor instead of another doctor at the practice, he promptly diagnosed the ear infection and wrote a prescription for antibiotics, great.
Normally we use a pharmacy that delivers, but when the prescription came through shortly afterwards, they had no delivery windows open til tomorrow afternoon. Which like...no, not waiting that long to start antibiotics. This actually happened to me a different time, also with antibiotics, and that time I called customer service and they were able to squeeze me in that day. So I decided it was worth a shot trying that again.
They were not able to do that this time, so they offered to transfer the prescription to a different pharmacy so we could get it today. I gave them the information for the closest pharmacy to us, which was a mistake, because I should have KNOWN something would go wrong. At least some small minor thing has ALWAYS gone wrong every time I’ve used that pharmacy, which is why I stopped using it and switched to this other one. But we had a cranky as heck toddler to deal with, and going further out of our way to a different pharmacy seemed inadvisable.
That was all in the car on the way home. After we got home, my husband went to do some errands near that pharmacy and stopped in to see if they had the prescription yet. They told him to come back at 5:00. This was about 3:15.
At 5:00 I called the pharmacy. I said, “Hi, I have a prescription that was being transferred to you and I wanted to see if it was received yet.” The woman asked for the date of birth, which I gave her, and the last name, which I gave her. She said, “Yes, I see it, it came in today.” I said, “Great, when will it be ready?” She said that it has to be mixed so I said ok, when will that be done, and she clarified that it has to be mixed at the time of pickup so whenever we come to pick it up they will mix it and it will take about 5 minutes for it to be ready.
At about 5:45 my husband showed up at the pharmacy to pick up the prescription and was told they did not have it. One of the employees claimed that I called and asked about the specific medication, and coincidentally they had just received a different prescription for the same medication, but I never gave my son’s DOB or name and so they didn’t realize it wasn’t for him (which was framed as my fault). Which, first of all, if that had been what happened, that still would have been a screwup on their part? You should not confirm that you have received a particular patient’s prescription without finding out who the patient is?? But also, it’s not what happened. It played out exactly as I wrote above. I DID give his DOB and name and I DID NOT ask about the medication by name, mostly because I do not frickin know how to pronounce it so why would I try.
Anyway my husband keeps trying to talk to various staff for a while and Pharmacist 1 (of 2, to be relevant later in the story) then adds to the story to be that they have been trying to get in touch with the original pharmacy and have not been able to and that my husband should call them. So my husband calls the first pharmacy and they say that they left a voicemail for this pharmacy, which Pharmacist 1 says was not received. Pharmacist 1 then proceeds to give the other pharmacy a completely different phone number than the one publicly available for this pharmacy.
My husband waits a bit longer and then Pharmacist 1 tells him that he needs to call back the first pharmacy because they haven’t done some administrative mumbo jumbo with the prescription that would allow it to go through with the insurance. By this point it is after 6pm and the first pharmacy is closed. Pharmacist 1 tells my husband there is simply nothing they can do today.
By this point I was flaming mad and in full mama bear mode because my husband had been telling me about the whole thing and I couldn’t believe the way they’d lied about my 5pm call and were taking zero responsibility for things (if they had told me at 5pm that they didn’t have the prescription, we would have had 45 extra minutes to sort it out with the first pharmacy, but no, I was told we could walk in anytime and walk out 5 minutes later with the medication). I was also staring at a second night in a row of basically no sleep with a toddler in pain taking up half my bed thanks to this incompetence. So I grabbed my son and ran out of the house with him, met my husband halfway to hand off the toddler so I wouldn’t have to take him into an enclosed public space, and headed into the pharmacy.
At this point I had no hope that we were going to actually get the antibiotic today, but I wanted them to own up to the fact that they screwed up and at least make some attempt at rectifying the issue (like, “we’ll get on this first thing when we open tomorrow morning and call you the moment it’s ready” or something along those lines). Now, there were 5 staff in this pharmacy, 4 of whom could theoretically have answered the phone per their positions. Of those 4, 2 were men and so definitely did not tell me at 5:00 that they had my prescription, and 2 were women. One woman had a heavy accent. It was not her who I spoke to. So I basically 100% knew when I walked in the door who was responsible for this issue (this is not a place that has a zillion staff running around, and they close at 7, so it wasn’t a new shift from 5:00). 
I waited in line and when I got to the front, to the woman who told me at 5:00 that they had the prescription, I said, “Hi, my husband was just here asking about a prescription for my son and I need to follow up with someone about what happened.” This woman acted like she had no idea what situation was being referred to even though my husband had left maybe 10 minutes ago max, and politely requested my son’s information like it was the first time she was dealing with it. She then told me they did not have his prescription. When I related the 5:00 call (without letting on that I knew I’d spoken to her - and now I was even more sure because I recognized her voice), she just said she didn’t know who I’d talked to but they didn’t have it, and refused to take any responsibility either personally or institutionally for what I’d been told. 
At that point, Pharmacist 1 jumped in and related the same story she’d told my husband and told me that she couldn’t fill a prescription that she didn’t have. I told her that I understood that at this point it seemed we were not getting the prescription tonight, but what I wanted to address was the fact that I was told at 5pm that I could walk in and walk out 5 minutes later with my son’s medication and now he was going to start his antibiotics a day late. She continued to tell me over and over that she couldn’t fill a prescription she didn’t have, no matter how many times I reiterated that what I wanted was not for her to do that, but for the pharmacy to just take responsibility for the fact that they screwed up and because of that my toddler was going to have to suffer an extra night. This kept going back and forth with no headway being made, just getting more and more heated, until she got sick of talking to me and handed me off to Pharmacist 2. With whom I initially proceeded to have the exact same exchange of “we can’t fill a prescription we don’t have” “I’m not asking you to do so, I just want to speak to someone who will take responsibility for what happened here” “well we can’t fill a prescription we don’t have” “I KNOW I AM NOT GETTING THIS PRESCRIPTION TONIGHT, I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENED AND RECTIFY IT”
....and then suddenly he’s like, “well if you just give me the doctor’s name and number, I can try to get the doctor to send a new prescription directly to us.” OH. OKAY. IS THERE SOME REASON THIS IDEA DID NOT OCCUR TO ANYONE BEFORE I HAD TO DRAG MYSELF OVER HERE AND TAKE THE TIME TO YELL AT ALL OF YOU??? Like, you know, when my husband was there?? I don’t actually enjoy yelling at pharmacy staff or just at people in general! This is not a thing I go around doing! In fact, I had never done it before and if the medication were for anyone other than my sick small child I probably still wouldn’t have! And apparently you had this super sensible, doable, easy solution the whole time but we had to go through all of this crap and me making a giant scene* to get there??
7 minutes later they have the prescription and 8 minutes after that I’m walking out the door with the medication. 🤦🏻‍♀️Pharmacist 1 rang me up at the register and told me that it was ok that I yelled at her because she would have done the same thing for her child in my shoes. People. We didn’t even need to do this!!! You literally could have just called the doctor when my husband was there without my ever setting foot on your awful premises! Why!!!!!!
Anyway then I FINALLY got home and my son was a cranky, exhausted, snotty-faced mess and we still had to actually get him to take the medication, which did not go well. I’m not sure how much he actually swallowed. Really need to figure out a new strategy going forward, but he has no appetite so mixing it into something is unlikely to work. So I asked for advice in a group and while I did get some workable suggestions to try, I also had a rando stranger ask me why he was prescribed antibiotics, as if perhaps her judgment might be that they were not necessary depending on the reason and perhaps I might weigh that more heavily than our literal doctor 🙃(I responded that he was prescribed them because our doctor deemed it necessary)
*my husband’s friend, who knows me as a relatively quiet, calm, and collected individual, was in the pharmacy for the duration of this encounter and I’m sure he was like WHAT THE HECK who knew she yelled like this??
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ushirinryn · 3 years
Chapter 1
“Hey, hey, hey”
Who is singing that, and what are they singing? It’s not like any of the songs I’ve heard before, wait where am I? Literally, it’s just a road surrounded by trees, am I in the forest? Dear lord, it's so dark!
“Hey, hey, hey”
It sounds like a kid. Why the fuck is there kid in the forest at night!? Are they lost and don’t know where their parents went? But why would they even come here in the first place, this forest is beyond creepy! 
“Hey, hey, hey”
The voice is getting closer. It’s like they're right behind me, but I can’t move or turn around. Everything then goes black.
“Hey, hey, hey. Hey! It’s time for you to die! Heehee!”’
“Oh it’s so cute that you're just sitting there doing absolutely fucking nothing bitch. Wake the fuck up Rin, and get dressed up or Erick will yell at us for being late!” 
I jolted up on my bed to my colleague, roommate, bestfriend, my soulmate, Vaelyn, who was already dressed up in her suit and formal skirt, screaming at me for sleeping in. 
“Shit, shit shit! I slept through my alarm!”
“Probably because you spent the entire night crying over your toxic friend, Atina,”
“Let’s not talk about it now, okay?” I said getting out of the warm covers and heading to the bathroom.
“Rin, this is the fifth time she said such horrible shit to you. She literally said that you were being a horrible friend when you politely said that you couldn’t come to her party that she was throwing for no frickin reason but to show off her wealth to everyone because you were busy”
“Let it be Vae! It doesn’t matter besides we’re late, come on let's go!” I said as I came out of the bathroom, fully dressed in her trousers and white collared sleeved shirt with a loose messed up tie. I walked towards my bag which I already packed up the night before just like I always do while putting my hair up in a messy bun.
“Aren’t you going to eat anything?”
“I’ll grab a small protein nut bar and eat it in the car. Now come on, let's go!” 
We both grabbed our bags and walked out of the door locking it before we left.
Real name: Rilia; legally changed her name to Rin
Age: 22
Siblings: none
Parents: Alive, not in contact
Roommates:  Vaelyn (Rin’s soulmate)
Dating: being courted by Jay
Job: A video editor and choreographer and part time producer of DRAGONSWAN Entertainment
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, rapping, producing, video editing, working out, boxing, spending time with her close friends
Extracurricular: Youtube channel, posts music/dance covers with Jay
Personality: Sweet, caring, loving, forgiving, does not have a driver's license, introverted, overthinker. Has depression and anxiety, puts others before herself.
Age: 22 (5 months older than Rin)
Siblings: Two; younger sister and older brother
Parents: Alive; in contact
Roommates:  Rin (Vaelyn’s soulmate)
Dating: Denry
Job: Head of the wardrobe/make up/theme/concept/ department of DRAGONSWAN Entertainment
Hobbies: Making aesthetics, photoshopping, video gaming, watching horror movies, playing piano,  taking pictures, spending time with her close friends
Extracurricular: Youtube channel, writes stories, videographing
Personality: Cute, caring, precious, loving, tidy, introvert-extrovert, funny, understanding, ex med student: knows a lot of things that can be very helpful in emergency, has trust issues, protective over her friends.
3rd person pov.
“Rin are you sure that nut bar is gonna be enough? That’s all you have been eating for every single breakfast since last month and it’s not a regular sized nut bar it's a mini bar not to mention that you only eat an apple for lunch too” said Vaelyn driving the car while Rin was eating her bar and putting on some light make up on her face.
“It’s fine Vae, I need to lose weight anyways”
“I’m fine! I’m taking care of myself, don't worry about me!”
“Okay, but don’t get mad at me for saying “I told you so” if you pass out one day!”
Rin sighed and put her makeup away. She never liked to go extra with her make up but she didn’t like showing her bare face in public, so she just puts on some foundation and some eyeliner, nothing more. 
When the two young women entered the building, they went their separate ways  according to their schedule for the day. Before Rin could enter her office she was stopped by a young man. 
 “Look who is late…again!” 
Age: 26
Siblings: two younger sisters, one younger brother
Parents: Dad; dead, Mom; alive; in contact
Roommates:  Jay (Ericks best bro)
Dating: Tilana
Job: Head director of DRAGONSWAN Entertainment
Hobbies: Boxing, working out, training friends, video gaming, cooking, saying “CUT” and “ACTION” very loud, spending time with his friends.
Extracurricular: Trains Rin in boxing, sometimes helps direct videos for his friends videos outside of DRAGONSWAN
Personality: Father Figure, smart, knows when his friends are upset, gives very good advice, worries a lot, has good leadership, sometimes he knows too much, is reserved, doesn't open up a lot, antisocial,  is tired most of the time because he is the oldest and the dad of the friend group but is back to being a kid when he is playing video games
“Literally, the tenth time this month, in a row, is the music deafening your ears to the point where you can’t even hear your alarm ringing in the morning!?” said Erick referring to the point that no one can spot Rin without her earbuds off her ears
“It’s not that! I just haven’t been sleeping well!”
“Now I know that this time it’s because of Atina!”
“How did you-Vaelyn!”
“Don’t blame her, I told her to tell me because I saw how you were acting last night”
Rin’s eyes widened knowing that if Erick tells you to do something that is father like him, you should never say no.
“But, I’ll be lecturing you on that later, what I really want to know is why you haven't been sleeping well for the past times this month which is continually causing you to come late to work, have you been taking care of yourself?”
“No, I've just haven't been having the best dreams,” replied Rin, trying to avoid the topic of taking care of herself so she didn’t have to tell him about her unhealthy eating habit.
“That usually happens when you're stressed. Rin I know you do more than one job here but try not to overwork yourself okay! I’m letting you go easily because we have to start working now, okay just go easy on yourself,” said Erick as he was walking away to start his schedule for his day.
“Okay,” said Rin
“And I haven't forgotten about the lecture about Atina!” 
Rin sighed looking down. Suddenly she heard a small laugh from behind her. 
“Looks like some got Erick’s dad talk” said Acean coming out from his hiding spot where he had been eavesdropping. 
Age: 23
Siblings: none
Parents: Alive, in contact
Roommates:  Derek (Erick’s younger brother)
Dating: Currently no one. Plans on being single forever and be the cool uncle that all the kids love in the family.
Job: A rapper in DRAGONSWAN Entertainment
Hobbies: Rapping, producing, writing songs, running, video gaming, sleeping,  roasting and teasing his friends for absolutely no reason, a master at chess, spending time with his close friends
Extracurricular: Youtube channel vlogs for his fans, posts rap covers from other rappers  with Jay and Rin
Personality: Kind, introverted-extroverted, cares for his friends a lot, savage; especially towards haters, has a strong vibe check, looks like a person that can kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll.
“Shut up Ace!”
“Well someone is cranky. Damn you really haven’t been sleeping well. What dreams do you have because it’s been going on for awhile”
“It’s been the same dream over and over again every night. I don’t know what is really happening but it’s all weird, unusual, and vivid,” said Rin feeling a shudder travel through her spine at the word vivid. 
“Since when did they-
“Ace, where have you been! You need to be on set in 30 minutes!” screamed Acean's manager from the other side of the hallway.
“Yeah, I'll be there, don't worry!”
“You better get going or you'll be the one with getting Erick’s dad talk” 
“That can’t happen, I’m the favorite child of this group”
Rin rolled her eyes.
“Okay, I gotta go. I’ll see you tonight at Jay’s and Erick? You'll be there early right?” asked Acean
“Okay Erick and I are gonna come late though, so you and Jay gonna have some…alone time,”
“Go to work Ace,”
“I’m not giving up on you two! You guys are gonna be official one day! I know!!” Acean replied while walking out
“Shut up and go to work!
With that being said, well more like yelled, Acean ran away to work knowing how scary Rin can be when she is angry.
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yourdorkiness · 4 years
More Fire Force Opinions That Literally Nobody Asked For (pt.2)
Guess who finished the manga~ Guess who finished the manga~ This gal~ I’m surprised that my Fire Force rant/essay meta was so well received by the fandom, thank you guys so much!!! Anyways, today I’ll be discussing some a lot of my ideas, opinions, thoughts, future predictions, and commentary on moments from the Fire Force manga.
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Warnings: Spoilers for future Fire Force Season Two arcs, and for the Fire Force manga. Read at your own discretion! Now that the warnings are over, onwards! ヽ(ヅ)ノ
(I’m actually trying to order my opinions via arcs, but I feel that this is really important, so I’m putting it first.) 
1. There are no iPhones in the Fire Force. 
This is so sad? My favourite characters don’t know the joy that is staying up late, scrolling through social media, watching YOUTUBE, having MEMES, KNOWING👏THE👏GREATNESS👏THAT👏IS👏VINES!!!
I’m slightly disappointed that Vulcan, who is literally named after the god of forging himself, who can make frickin’ HOLOGRAMS, didn’t bring back any of the pre-Catalysm technology to recreate, improve, or experiment with. As an expert engineer (I say this 0.2% seriously, with the two years of high school engineering course experience under my belt), I would’ve been interested to see what kind of gadgets Vulcan could whip up. *insert ‘Inspector Gadget theme song*
Please have this very sad Jigglypuff to show how sad this is.
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2. Sister Iris and Religion in the Fire Force Storyline
In the beginning of the Fire Force series, I’ve accepted the fact that Iris' role as noncombatant, meant to act as the religious and public face of the Eighth Company. I think it is a fascinating role, because it allows the story to explore the idea of religion and belief in depth, which I was really looking forward to. I was excited how the author would handle Iris’ character, but I’m somewhat disappointed that it took so long for us to see Iris and other side characters like Maki and Tamaki become more fleshed out (I’m not counting Iris’ and Hibana’s backstory in Season 1. I felt that was more backstory to flesh out Hibana’s character rather than Iris’).
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Throughout Fire Force’s story, some of the things I looked forward to the most were the religious elements, motifs, themes, and questions that are sprinkled throughout the story, one of my favourites being the portrayal of the dichotomy of religion. In Joker’s backstory, we see the darkness of the Holy Sol faith, and what happens when any religious belief is taken TOO far, without any regard for human life or rights. This idea of viewing humans as a collective, no regard for the individuality and feelings of a single person in the pursuit of faith is embodied by the captain of the Shadow of the Holy Sun, Joker’s former captain and abuser. However, we also get to see the goodness religion and belief can achieve in Iris’ mini arc, which focuses on Iris’ internal struggle as she struggles with her faith after being informed of the Evangelist’s part in the founding of the Holy Sol’s religion. Shinra and Huo Yan Li, the bucket hat 1st Brigade lieutenant (Seriously, which is the correct way to pronounce this guy’s name? Huo Yan Li?? Foien Li???) interaction in the Iris arc really summed up the arc and Iris’ character beautifully. Religion and belief gives people closure, hope, and strength to keep on moving forward. Seeing the anime adaption was an amazing experience. Fire Force’s animation was the reason I decided to watch it in the first place (before staying for the intriguing plot and religious side plot), but this particular episode?? Pure art. The colouring, ambience, storytelling? So good\\ ٩( ᐛ )و //
Like, the little detail of the burning nun in Iris’ eyes? (lmao sorry for the extra trauma, sweet child) *chef’s kiss*
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The importance of belief is also hinted in the Asakusa arc, where all the district’s inhabitants believe in Benimaru, and expanded upon in later manga chapters, when we learn that Adolla is linked to humanity’s perception and beliefs about the world around them.
I would’ve liked Iris a lot more if we got to further explore her character and the affects of religion on others more deeply, perhaps see Iris visiting the Infernals’ families and loved ones, trying to help give closure through the nation’s (mostly) shared faith in Sol. They mentioned offhandedly in both anime and manga that Iris visits the deceased’s families, and I felt it would’ve given the deaths more significance and depth if we get screentime of how families are affected by the death of their loved ones. It would have also given the Holy Sol’s religion more depth and meaning if we saw believers of Sol’s actions due to their religion, (also giving more impact when we learn surprise surprise! The Holy Sol temple is founded by the Evangelist!) since belief without actions is just lip-service.
I would have also liked to see how Iris’ prayers affect others in the Eighth company. We do get to see this, 140+ CHAPTERS LATER in the mini Iris arc does Shinra (finally) mentions how Iris’ prayers helps him not lose sight of why he serves as a firefighter and kills Infernal. I’m glad that we got this scene, because better later than never, especially since Iris’ and Shinra’s discussion and overall the entire Iris mini arcs shows the power of prayer, but I would’ve like to have this topic discussed sooner.
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2. Obi’s Sole Flaw
I think that Obi was an okay character, but they kind of pushed the boundary of his “normalcy” when we saw him topple pillars and rip railways out of the ground with “brute strength”. There are limits to the human body, it is fragile, and it doesn’t matter how much conditioning or “going beyond your limits” you do. People do experience boost of adrenaline, which is probably what the very anime-like titled “Pressure of Death” is based on, since life or death situations can heighten your performance and strength. However, I do understand that this IS shonen, and it isn’t meant to be realistic.
What made Obi’s sole flaw (and a physical flaw, at that!) was his “normalcy” while surrounded by more powerful individuals then he, and having to make up for something he can’t help by working twice as hard as everybody else. Now, although I was disappointed that Obi didn’t have any character/moral flaws, what made Obi’s character mediocre to me wasn’t the choice of Obi’s sole flaw. In fact, I could see how this could be an interesting character narrative IF WE LEARN MORE ABOUT OBI’S BACKSTORY, THEREFORE EXPLORING HIS CHARACTER MORE!!! (We only know Obi was a regular firefighter, being decorated twice, and then having his titles revoked for prioritizing the lives of citizens before becoming the captain of the Eighth.) No, what I didn’t like about Obi’s character is that we never see him STRUGGLE with his flaw, how others were born “superior” to him thanks to there invulnerability to flames, how he lives knowing one day he could just burst into flames. There’s SO many interesting things about Obi’s character, that could explained further, making him so much more interesting!!!
On the other hand, Obi’s character is a great role model for what a “normal” person can do (while jacked up on adrenaline, and when they manage to overcome flight reaction in fight or flight). He works hard, training to the best of his ability, doing what he CAN do, pushing his limits so that he can go above and beyond, overcoming the “Pressure of Death”, and staying true to his ideals, something very hard to do in a world where you might burst into flames at any given moment. I know that if I were to wake in a world where I could die any second (I mean, I could die tomorrow in Real Life™, but what are the chances of that?), I would definitely find myself struggling with my faith, and staying true to the morals I admire and was taught by my parents, especially if I was putting myself in danger despite of this weakness.
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3. Asakusa Showdown Arc and Shinmon Hibachi
The Asakusa Showdown arc. Yes. Just yes. I-
It was amazing, periodt. The art, the overall aesthetic, the storytelling. *Cue violent fangirling* I took SOOOO many screenshots of the fight between Benimaru and Hibachi, I’m pretty sure my camera roll is 95% manga caps now. I love how the author actually gave a (fairly) valid reason for the cool Japanese aesthetic of this arc, in that Adolla is slowly gradually colliding with the Fire Force universe, causing people’s perception of the fight to seep into the universe. Overall? It. Was. Amazing. Albeit not my favourite arc, (that honour goes to the mini-Iris arc) I think that the Asakusa Showdown arc is easily in my Top 5 Fire Force arcs.
The Asakusa Showdown Arc mirroring and showing the ideals taught in the Mini Iris Arc was quite clever, though I’m not sure if this was purposefully done Okubo, or if I’m just scrabbling at crumbs.
In the Mini Iris arc, we see how religion and belief gives closure; a stark contrast to Asakusa with its proto-nationalist/atheist values. In THIS arc, centering around Asakusa and it’s proto-nationalist inhabitants, we see what happens when there isn’t enough effort to emphasize or give closure in what happened to Hibachi, and his subsequent death. 
Shinmon Hibachi, as the leader of the neighbourhood fire watch, understood the significance of killing Infernals; of taking somebody’s life. But because of the unwillingness to let others (i.e. the inhabitants of Asakusa, that one kid who stabs him) understand the weight of killing Infernals and gain closure through understanding the reasons behind his harsh actions, Hibachi shoulders the consequences of both his and the actions of his predecessors’ ALONE, therefore leading to his demise. 
The kid who stabbed Hibachi was still a CHILD, and children don’t always have a comprehensive understanding of death and the consequences of responsibility (no matter how much that kid believes he was ready to be an adult and support his mother).
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3.5 Extra Worldbuilding Questions About Asakusa
I also have so many questions about Asakusa in general! How is Asakusa powered without being supported by Amaterasu, which is the country’s (and isn’t that mind boggling, that a whole country is supported by one power source with no backup source or other forms of energy/electricity, because of patriotic pride in a machine that might one day shut down, cough manga readers where u at?) I’m assuming that Asakusa mainly use coal, candles, and lamps for energy and lighting, since we did see one example of lighting in Asakusa (an ancient oil lamp), but I’m not sure if that would be sufficient to support a whole district of people. People were able to do that in the olden days, but back then there was a smaller concentration of people, and power necessary to support them.
Is Asakusa a district that is mostly atheist or polytheist? Do the inhabitants believe in no gods, not just the Sun god brought by the White Clads and Raffles I, including the Shinto or Buddhist gods from before the Catalysm, or do they believe in multiple gods/ancestor worship and they just don’t want to worship the Sun God like the rest of the Tokyo Empire because they’re unwilling to accept the new culture, immigrants and religion caused by Amaterasu, wanting to keep up the old Japanese traditions?
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4. Arthur Deserves Better Parents 2k20 (Hint of Arthur’s Secret Ability?)
When Team Vulcan + Arthur found Arthur’s parents in the sewers Nether... Honestly, I don’t want to touch on them much, since I want to be (fairly) logical in my opinions on them, not letting my personal feelings twist my hypotheses for what may happen in the future of the Fire Force storyline.
Putting aside Arthur’s parents obvious neglect and bad parenting, I’m curious if Arthur's dad is actually a prophet or did he just get lucky with his delusions. Is this related to how Arthur can notice the difference between dopplegangers and real people? Perhaps because Arthur’s delusions of knighthood are so different from how he truly is (an abandoned child who deluded himself as a knight), therefore allowing him to notice the difference between dopplegangers and Adolla, as they are created by people’s perception of a subject.
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5. Let Sho Be a Normal Kid at the End of the Show 2k20
Please let the small child be happy at the end of the manga. I mean, being raised by a cult underground isn’t exactly a Hallmarks childhood. For example, in the beginning of chapter 231, look at how Sho looks longingly at those kids on scooters and was so happy when he got a balloon from the firefighter mascots! (bruh, same balloons bring me so much joy)
I hope that in the end of the manga Okubo lets Sho, Shinra, and Eighth have some quality time. In one of the early arcs (with the first speaking demon, Minamoto?) Shinra saw some kids going to school wearing school uniforms, mentioning that if Sho was still alive, he’d be old enough to go to school. I’d be so sweet if at the end of the manga, Sho would have the chance to go to school, maybe the Fire Force academy (if it’s still running if by the end of the manga they’ve discovered the reason behind Human Combustion), makes friends and beat up anybody who badmouths the Eighth.
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6. Cool Combat Medics!
I’d love to see more of the cool combat medics from the Sixth! We only saw the captain, Kayoko Huang, in action with her Asclepius staff pyrokinesis, which, might I add is a fascinating and terrifying ability. Think about it, she’s controlling CELLULAR DIVISION!!! She could start creating tumors in the bodies of her enemies! Could disintegrate people cellularly and no one would know, because fire snake, so no fingerprints!
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Anyways, that is all I have right now. Thank you for reading my opinions about “Fire Force”, and for the nice response I got when I published my first opinion piece! Bruh, it took so long for me to edit this... 😔 I’m thinking of doing another meta going more in depth with my theory on Arthur and how he’s able to distinguish the difference between people and their dopplegangers, but that’s for another day. Feel free to discuss about your own ideas or thoughts in the chat, or tell me what you think! I promise I don’t bite. Have a wonderful day!
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