#OC: Christine
drawingllamas · 1 year
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While I'm waiting for Baldur's Gate 3 to download, here are my D&D characters + the half-drow character I played in early access!
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Hi! Sirius and Harry bonding are some of my favorite things. Have you thought of where Sirius wants to be there to hire Harry’s first babysitter/Nanny or go to the Meet the Teacher when he starts preschool? Idk how old Harry is in your head.
Thoughts and prayers for all of y'all who need to go to parent-teacher conferences <3 Character credit belongs to @lumosinlove, but Christine is mine!
Christine breathed out. Cold air rushed over her sweaty palms where they laid face-up in her lap; the bit of paper hanging over her desk’s edge rustled. Christ Almighty, she knew that one was going to be rough, but she had sort of hoped Mrs. Newbury would at least look at her like a human being. She didn’t want to know what that kid had been spewing about her at home.
But it was over. With any luck, the Newburys wouldn’t step foot in her classroom until graduation in May. The only good thing about seeing that family tonight was the knowledge that she was halfway through her list.
Christine breathed in. Eleven families done. Eleven to go. Then she could enjoy her pizza rolls and Pride and Prejudice (with bonus features) in peace. Surviving parent-teacher conferences deserved a proper celebration.
Her back ached when she straightened and she let a soft groan slip out—the muffled commotion from the families waiting outside would cover it well enough. She wiped her palms on her jeans and headed for the door again, clipboard in hand and a smile pasted onto her sore cheeks. “Harry Potter?”
Off to the side, a mess of black hair popped up from behind a block tower. “Hi Miss Christy!”
“Hello, my friend, are you ready?” The smile came a little easier when Harry nodded enthusiastically. “Do you have your grown-up with you?”
“That would be me.”
Christine wasn’t sure what she expected from James Potter. Someone who looked more like Harry, perhaps, with green eyes or his round cheeks. Someone who looked like they just got out of a nine-to-five office job and wanted to be there about as much as she did.
(Which is to say, a middle-aged Parent-with-a-capital-P who would rather be doing anything else.)
She was not expecting Tall, Dark, and Handsome to stand up from the tiny plastic chair next to the book nook and offer her a small grin before scooping Harry into his arms like he weighed nothing at all. God, I wish that were me, she thought wildly before tamping it down. “Come on in, you two,” she said instead. Maybe she needed to crack a window. That might clear her head.
“That’s my desk,” Harry informed his father as they entered the classroom.
James made a noise of interest. “I like your name card. Did you make it yourself?”
“Miss Christy helped.”
“Well, you both did a very nice job.” Christine expected him to set Harry down in the smaller chair opposite her desk, but James simply sat in the adult-sized one and let Harry make himself comfortable on his lap. From the casual loop of his arms around Harry’s tummy and the mere moments it took for the preschooler to settle in, it was clear this was common for them both. A wedding ring caught the gentle light and her heart sank only a little. Oh, well. A dream was a dream.
“Christine McAdams,” she said, reaching across the desk for a handshake. James’ hand was warm and rough. A mechanic, perhaps? “I’m Harry’s main Pre-K instructor.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you that he is an absolute dream to have in class.” Harry brightened and she shot him a quick wink. “He was our classroom superstar last week, weren’t you?”
“I remember hearing about that,” James said with a broad smile. “Somebody got to go out for ice cream, ouais?”
“Oui!” Harry chirped.
Just because this one is cute, does not mean you need one of your own. Leave that to the professionals. Professionals like James, it seemed—he effortlessly kept the wiggly child away from the edges of the chair. “Since he’s been such a rockstar lately, I won’t keep you too long,” she assured them. “Harry’s doing really well with his motor skills and interacting with others. Are you a multilingual household?”
“He’s often around different languages, yes.”
“I can tell. His vocabulary is excellent for his age group.” She bit back a grin as James held his fist out for Harry to bump. “Do you read to him at home?”
“I love books!” Harry announced. “Uncle Loops reads for me all the time!”
“I think that answers it,” James laughed.
“It certainly does.” It was unbelievable how her entire evening could turn around with just one family. “Do you go outside a lot?”
“Daddy an’ me go skating,” Harry said before James could get a word out. “And the park. That’s why I like recess.”
“Good to know,” she said seriously. He seemed satisfied with that answer. “Alright, Harry, I’m going to have a quick talk with your dad. Can you wait outside with Mr. Segura?”
Harry’s smile slipped into confusion, but he nodded; James helped him down and watched until he was safely in the hall before turning back to her. “Is everything okay?” he asked quietly, brows furrowing. “Is he in trouble?”
“Oh, god no,” Christine laughed. “He’s great. The kids tend to get bored around this time, so it’s best to let them play.”
The tension went out of James’ shoulders in a rush. “Oh, excellent.”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about, Mr. Potter. I’m so glad you could come tonight—I think we spoke briefly at the start of the year, but I have the worst memory for faces.”
Maybe it was her imagination, but something in his voice sounded…nervous. “The kids’ nametags are more for me than them,” she joked, attempting levity. “I try to have them down by winter break, though.”
“Right, of course.”
Awkward. Pull up, pull up, pull up— “As I said earlier, Harry’s development is right on track.” The curiosity returned to James’ face and she let out an internal sigh of relief. Hopefully he wouldn’t think she was completely incompetent. “He’s ahead of the curve with speech and motor skills, actually. They’ll teach him to read in kindergarten next year, but he’s already starting to sound out names. He’s a very impressive child. You should be proud.”
James’ eyes softened. Christine wasn’t sure she had ever seen a shade of grey that bright. “I am.”
“He’s wonderful with the other kids as well. He makes friends easily and is quite protective of the littler ones. Does he get a lot of socialization at home?”
“He spends a lot of time with extended family,” James answered, though it sounded stilted. “I have to travel for work, so this school has been great for him.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Does your wife work as well?”
Sudden panic flashed over his face. “She—died.”
For a few terrible seconds, they simply stared at each other. Christine wondered if the floor would be kind enough to devour her whole. “I’m…I’m sorry to hear that.”
James remained motionless. “Uh, it was a while ago.”
Silence descended on them once more. She struggled for words—something, anything, you idiot—and managed to croak, “he’s remarkably well-adjusted” before biting down hard on her inner cheek.
“Yes. He is.” James seemed to be having a hard time swallowing. She didn’t know what she’d do if she made a parent cry in her classroom. Usually, it was the other way around. He fiddled with his wedding ring, dark hair slipping down to cover his eyes for a moment. “It was hard for him, so don’t ask about it.”
“I would never,” she said quickly. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” James winced, straightening. “I mean, it’s not—you know. It’s been a bit. But you were saying something about socialization?”
His accent curved around the word. Funny. Christine could have sworn Harry’s file said he was from Boston. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Yes, he’s very social in and out of the classroom. I’m glad you have extended family for support.” She hesitated, then met his gaze. She couldn’t blame him for the wariness clear in every line. “Mr. Potter, if there’s anything our school can do to help your family, please let us know.”
James was quiet for several heartbeats before clearing his throat. “I will,” he finally said. “Yes, of course. Is there anything else?”
This poor man. Guilt reared in Christine’s chest at the memory of her earlier thirsting. “I believe that covers it,” she said with a light cough. “Harry is on track to graduate into kindergarten in May. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
James nodded. “I’ll pass the message along.”
“…to who?”
“Um—our family will want to know.” His smile was slightly strained. “Thank you for your time, Ms. McAdams.”
“It was no trouble at all, Mr. Potter. Don’t forget your jacket.”
“Ah, merci.” The leather looked as cared for as Harry did, sleek and well-loved. He shook her hand again before heading for the door, where Harry waited just outside to be scooped up again with a kiss to the forehead. Christine watched them go with a strange weight in her heart. It was incredible how a family could come back from such tragedy and remain so close. Harry’s adoration for his father was written all over his face.
She jumped. “Yeah, what?”
Dante raised an eyebrow. “The Potters?”
“What about them?”
“The email from Harry’s mother. Did you get it?”
Emails from dead people. This is what I get for having the hots for a widower. “Excuse me?”
Dante gave her an amused look. “She sent an email to admin, like, half an hour ago. Apparently she’s got the flu and Harry’s dad is stuck in traffic. Visiting his parents, or something, but they’ll send his godfather with him. Keep an eye out for some guy named Sirius Black, okay?”
Christine went cold.
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pearlousthetic · 3 months
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clown time
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gardeningfrogs · 1 year
For the uncommon asks:
Chris 30, 35, 7, A, F! Because your DM is biased….
YESSSS, Thank you Morgan.... This is so fun ✨✨✨
Christine/Chris (Any Pronouns) -> You can check them heree
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
I think forests, or elements that remembers about forests, especially since I imagine that they grew up in the green dragon's zone for a good while. It's also where i believe that Christine first met Glyph so its a really important place in general!
It's a really nice feeling, a bit bittersweet, but mostly nice. I think what would trigger nostalgia the most for them would be the smell of areas they visited before too, like, wow this smell reminds me the rain above the trees , reminds me of one beach i spent some times at, the smell of a new book etc etc
30. Who do they most regret meeting? 
I don't have any oc / npc that I can think that Chris regretted meeting yet but I think they regret meeting with Ella just a little bit because they would prefer to stay in ignorance about what happened with [ redacted for spoilers reasons ] for a little longer.... 😭😭😭😭Poor thang...
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
ABSOLUTELY YESSS, they get excited together with the friends and intensifies the feelings lots of times, even if they don't really understand whats being told, they will try to understand or at least listen and be happy with them.
Chris always tries their best to spread the joy and happiness with others, so they re really supportive about that.
A) Why are you excited about this character?
I think they have many complexities to work...and I love that!!! I like how she is a very energetic and happy character, but dont really know much about themselves and his story and probably resent that a lot. I am excited to discover more about them as well, together with Christine!
It's really fun to see how they interact with the world and some of the pressure they feel about the need to be joyful most of the times but constantly having to challenge that when we put them in situations.
Also, They're such a nerd JDJGJE I enjoy their silly moments with Glyph.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
I feel curiosity and excitement. Its like if I am dealing with a box of mysteries right at my front!! I know them but I am also aware that they have so many other sides that i still need to know. >: ]
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pinkstarsims · 2 years
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nach0 · 1 year
Hi Nacho, mind if I ask you about that GOI you made art about a couple days ago? I'd love to hear about it! :]
i'm So good at replying to asks on time mhm mhm
anyway United in War! made by me and @mushroommushy, it's a group that uses anomalies to make their private military. They don't tend to interact that much with the other groups except for maybe MC&D and don't actually use much of their forces.
that is except in a lifted veil scenario because then they can be Very open about how much power they hold to the public
sometimes though they hear about anomalies that other groups hold. and the potential there is too much to resist.
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this is Christine! she's a handler of new anomalies, making sure they... acclimate. in the comic she's the one talking to iris and is in charge of making sure her loyalties have fully shifted.
also her necklace can shift into a whip because it's Cool As Fuck
and that's about all i can remember off the top of my head! feel free to do stuff with it lol i don't have any particular plans
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gongedtornado · 5 months
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Ma Berry 🍓
original concept post here
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nrdmssgs · 3 months
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Masterlist I Commission slots available
Riot from these series belongs to @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot
Eyes black, big paws And it's poison in his blood A big fire, big burn Into the ashes and no return
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vhselixir · 2 months
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christine from super christine world !
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medlilove · 2 months
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(Edited to add headshots because tumblr hates detail) I've etched away at this is a lovely few weeks, so click for full res and all the little details, okay? It's my love letter to the journey I've found myself on
This is long-ish, so its under the cut (but worth reading...)
I had been thinking a lot recently about that double feature episode, you know the one? I half remembered it then, when they chased a bunch of alien spies so fast through the solar system they all got thrown back in time. Half the crew went on a little undercover adventure in Toronto in 2024. It was great because they got completely cut off from the Enterprise, so half of them, well mostly Uhura and Spock if I recall correctly, spent their time collecting as many radios as possible and worked on building their own communications. Uhura and Spock were basically taking turns constantly tweaking radios by the window with wires everywhere. Oh yeah, their base of operations was the whole top floor of a worn out old building looking over a big square. They ended up in the really arty/queer part of town full of art galleries and thrift stores.....??
Chapel and Chekov were sent out to those shops to find disguises for everyone. I loved the joke that Chekov was puzzled and slightly alarmed that Christine just knew everyone's clothes sizes and measurements with no explanation. Later on, they ended up getting separated from the rest of the group and getting held up by B story shenanigans, mostly getting lost and running into culture shocks. It was fun to see them having their own adventures and made for a pretty interesting combo. Spock and Uhura spent most of their time with the tech, accidentally listening to the times most popular music while changing frequencies. Jim and Sulu paired off to search for clues, and getting supplies and spent a lot of time talking to the locals setting up for a Pride parade. McCoy, feeling paranoid and irritable that he had practically no equipment, wandered around with Dr Alfred Nahdi, the Botanist, who kept picking random weeds and talking about how extraordinary the little dandelions were. Oh and together they stole a whole medical bag out of an ambulance?? It was pretty funny.  Anyway, the main issue was they couldn’t risk leaving the area because all these alien spies had assimilated into the population and they had to track them all down and bring them back with them so as not to disrupt the timeline or something. They had to track down the aliens while making sure the aliens didn't pick up on who they were or that they were also out of place. They ended up being there for around two whole ass months, I think. The spies were spread out all over and there were about 30 of them, but it ended up being the Botanist, Alfred (Alfie) Nahdi who found the enemy base of operations by complete accident. Alfred, who had spent most of the time studying all the common flowers and weeds that were so ordinary at that time but were extinct in their time, figured out where the aliens' base of operations was because the big plant shop at the end of the square had a few succulents that could not have existed in 2024. It was a big "woah" moment. And there was this whole thing where he had to act like he hadn’t just figured it out because the florist, who was almost certainly a spy, was watching him and McCoy. But soon after, it all went to hell anyway when a fight broke out and Sulu was straight up shot with the aliens' weapon that had bullets made from alien metal. So then Bones had to perform old school surgery on him in their HQ, with only 2024 equipment. Jim, Spock, and Uhura were out fighting and ran into Chapel and Chekov and were able to finish them off, but it got really crazy because there was a Pride parade in the square at the same time so they had to make sure no one noticed them. While Bones was pulling bullets out of Sulu, with the botanist assisting him until Chapel (who had been sent by Jim) appeared and took over. McCoy said something like, “Christine, I’ve never been so glad to see you in my life,” and they sewed him up all old school. And it worked out! But Bones was a mess because he had to do messy surgery with none of his kit, and so much pressure, and more blood than he was used to... Chapel stayed with Sulu, and Bones and Nahdi went to sit on the fire escape stairwell and had a sweet scene of Bones just full of adrenaline, his hands couldn't stop shaking. They sat hand in hand for a while listening to all the people on the streets below. Then Spock, Jim, Uhura, and Chekov appeared at the stairwell and they all had a happy, albeit exhausted reunion. After a day of everyone recovering from all the excitement, Uhura and Spock used some extra tech they got from the aliens and finally made contact with poor Scotty who was up on the Enterprise losing the will to live. Anyway, their outfits were iconic tbh.
I invented this whole thing to draw Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy in a sweater. I lost control of the situation. I spent a lovely two weeks etching away at this with the support of my lovely ST server, I love you guys. This ones for you.
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vasiliquemort · 8 months
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Ophelia, mortal sense of illusion You've scattered your lilies around places where I've prayed So I shall fall into sleep, and shall fall out of it, and then drop myself into love again Shall drown down into venomous dome once back then. My soul shall split into you, And so - it, me and you, - shall fault then once more.
So, now, give it back, my will give away Begged be, be adjured: Give spirit his way back to me, So pray then I will, round and again.
My ribs are but my mortal tethers, that do gasp and hone adore and love towards most graciously formed, toned ode - that is a @mindimoon's one!<ззз
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ibrithir-was-here · 13 days
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with that Disney + announcement about a Phantom project (😓), figured now might be a decent time to drop a combo of doodles I’ve done of my ideas for Raoul and Christine’s kiddos, Charlotte and Phillipe. I only have little ideas for them now, basically a loose idea of the Phantom coming back into all their lives as an actual ghost but still letting it brew
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dammarchy211 · 2 months
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Per the description of the heartless perk “robots are now confused by you”
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Also chapters 2 and 3 are out for that post game fic I’m writing 👍👍
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pearlousthetic · 2 years
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individual scenes for an animation a while ago, i wanted to make it so they all showed off totally different characters
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carlarosenakilah · 2 months
*WHEEZEE* Waitwaitwait, i need to know how did Mugman manage to blackmailed these two dumdums 😂😂
Its money isnt it?
nice guess, but-
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Amazing comission by the even more amazing @temeyes whose art I love dearly and always make me laugh
I'm so in love with it I don't have words, it's them, their friendship, him being a little shit lmao and her face of "I'm so done". Sibling vibes.
Thank you tim 🫂❤️
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