#OB my son
rebecca--barnes · 11 months
The TVA four and their canon lives
Loki EP 5 spoilers!!!!!!
Mobius/Don: Jet Ski Salesman
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Hunter B-15/Dr Willis: Doctor
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O.B/ A.D. Doug, Ph.D: Scientist/Author
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Honestly their jobs make so much sense but then there’s…
Casey/Frank: Alcatraz Prisoner
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The sweetest most innocent character is a criminal… well played marvel well played
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suntails · 2 years
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egophiliac · 2 years
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here's a bunch of quick reactions to some of the smaller bits, while I work on bigger things for the bigger bits and obsess over Silver's breakdown some more. don't be fooled -- this is only the beginning of my descent into pure diasomnia hell.
(I also need to figure out how to draw OB Mal better)
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I just…
I wanna give him a hug and a little kiss on the head
I wanna hear him infodump about his interests
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radioactivepeasant · 4 months
Snippets: Free Day Friday
Aka "you've ruined a perfectly good Damas is what you did. Look at him, he's got anxiety"
(For context, I gave Damas a backstory of being last in line for Haven's throne, but also Last Man Standing. This had something to do with Praxis hating "the default king". Long post warning, it's a whole one-shot again)
At some point in his life, the Precursors had decided that Damas was their least favorite Maridius. Any time something went well for him, it had to be immediately balanced by something awful.
He found acceptance and camaraderie that he never had from his elder brothers among the Forward Guard in the war.
And then Menelaus and Nicostratus died stupid, pointless deaths trying to seize glory, leaving Damas the sole focus of his parents' hopes.
He found an escape from the pressures in running the numbers, working out which districts needed food more than soldiers, and which districts needed more protection than most.
And then Father died and Mother shut herself in a convent, no longer interested in anything to do with her disappointing youngest son.
He actually had support from people for focusing on them and not the nest-
And his eldest brother's childhood friend literally stabbed him in the back and left him to die in the desert.
For a time, he'd assumed things would never get better. That the Precursors were tired of reeling him in and out like a fish on the line. But the hook pulled once more and he found himself using the skills he'd learned from the guards who raised him, joining a rebellion against a tyrant and defeating him against the odds.
And then the Precursors let him have ten good years. They let him find love, and family. They let him become a father. And then they ripped it all away in the cruelest way possible.
Damas knew it was foolish to hope that Mar was alive. He knew Phobos had been right to move on from him -- from them -- and throw herself into operating the orphan barracks of the Cliffside district. But he couldn't let go yet.
So he'd endured. Two bitter years he'd endured. And when he found that scrap of a boy in the desert, only to watch him outdo warriors twice his age, he'd thought maybe things were getting better.
Jak was...hard to define. The kid had seen more combat than some of his most experienced scouts. He carried scars on par with the surviving child-soldiers of Atys's reign. And while he shared their distrust of authority in general, he had none of their understanding of ranks and rulers. He just...treated everyone like they were his equal.
And after the kinds of things he must have experienced in his short life, Jak probably had every right to consider himself the equal of any senior Wastelander.
And for a moment, Damas had foolishly let himself hope that the Precursors could leave well enough alone. That they'd just...let him have this-!
Annnnd then Jak had to go and break the one rule. The one law Damas had given him.
Do not compromise the Arena.
Six other candidates had been doing their third trial against the Leucas Freebooters in that Arena. Six other candidates whose results had to be thrown out, who had to wait for full citizenship, because Jak refused to fight, and Sig had decided to waltz into a trial without checking to see what the purpose of the trial was!
Damas was either going to lose his mind, or go fully rogue and declare war on the Precursors. He couldn't discount either option yet.
Deep breaths, Damas. Deep breaths.
Jak knew not to mess with the purity of the Arena. He knew that, didn't he? He couldn't have gotten this far without understanding how important it was to keep the trial balanced for all candidates! He had to have known the consequences for not only compromising the others' trials and putting them at risk of the Freebooters getting the upper hand on them, but open mutiny-!
He wanted to shake sense into the boy. Maybe smack him upside the head and hope it jarred his common sense loose. But he wasn't likely to get that chance.
Even if Sig had caused this, he had all three amulets. Jak only had two. Those two protected him from a lot, but not public mutiny. A challenge in private Damas could have handled.
He knew Jak -- he thought he knew Jak -- enough to make him understand whatever instruction or decision he had a problem with. He knew how to phrase things to make it sound like all Jak had done was ask for clarification.
He couldn't cover this one up. Not with this many witnesses.
Damas knew the name of the creature thrashing beneath his ribs. Terror.
It clawed at his lungs, coiled around them until he couldn't breathe. Kicked at his heart until he felt every beat like a hammer.
I can't lose him too. I won't lose him too!
He didn't know when, exactly, things had changed between them. Was it before he'd admitted that he'd never had a father to teach him- well, anything? Was it before his second trial, when Phobos had pointedly compared the boy to her own students? Was it her less than subtle hinting that he find his closure in helping the boy he'd dragged out of the mouth of death?
Did it even matter?
You've taken enough from me! You can't have him, too!
It was depressingly easy to mask fear with anger. He had been doing it all his life.
In hindsight, so had Jak.
Damas wondered later if that was why the boy didn't seem afraid. He glared at Damas the whole time, but in those eyes was a challenge: I see through you. You don't fool me.
Damas hoped no one else saw through him.
"What have you done?" he demanded, slamming the butt of his staff onto the stone with a ringing clang.
"One of those Freebooters could have shot you in the head -- shot your comrades -- because you threw down your gun! You placed yourself and them in danger!"
I stopped the trial because of you! Do you not grasp how serious this is?!
"Freebooters?!" Sig exclaimed in surprise before cutting himself off.
"And you, you're a veteran of the Arena! You have no excuse for this!" Damas snarled.
He knew he was going to have to set a punishment. If he didn't, the legislative council would. And he knew which of the two offenders they would favor.
"I shouldn't have to tell you the penalty for sabotaging citizenship trials!"
Sig risked a glance at Jak, then set his jaw.
"You're right," he said in a voice as artificially calm as Damas’s was artificially angry. "I don't have an excuse. I take full responsibility. Don't put this on Jak. He didn't know I'd be there."
Interesting. Sig was trying to protect Jak.
But in doing so, he was trying to force Damas into an impossible decision. One that would haunt him the rest of his life if he carried out the known sentence. After everything Sig had done for him, exile felt like blasphemy.
Damas clearly wasn't the only Spargan who thought so.
"Sire, think about this!" One of the Arena guards set foot on the pathway as if he intended to join the offenders.
"It can't end this way, it can't! Sig is one of us!"
One of his comrades, emboldened by his courage, joined him.
"He just came home from assignment!"
"Stop," Sig warned them, but was ignored.
"Lord Damas, Sig’s served faithfully as your spy in Haven two years! Surely it's not that surprising that he might forget to check a roster!"
"Char is right!" The first guard cried, "It's the newcomer who deserves no mercy!"
You'd better shut your mouth-
Damas knew they were just standing up for a fellow Spargan. He knew that if Jak had all three amulets, they'd be rallying on his behalf, too. But it rankled to see them turn on the boy so quickly.
"Sire, if anyone must be cast into the desert, it's him!" Rikard pointed a shaking finger at Jak.
The words were out before Damas had time to plan his next move.
"Absolutely not! I'm not letting him off that easy!"
Oh rot. He had to follow that up with something.
Think, Damas! Use your shiny, spiny, head for once and think like Obed taught you!
He thought of the old captain of the Krimzon Guard -- when that had meant something, when only the king’s honor guard wore those tattoos -- the man who had raised him when his own family hadn't been interested in such a weak channeler.
There's always another way, whelp."
Then you tell me, Obed! I don't know what to do!
He reached for that memory desperately.
*Sometimes, you face your enemy head-on. And sometimes, you wait until you see a weakness. A loophole."
"You're talking about my brothers again."
"Now, did I say that? Clean the gunpowder out of your ears, whelp, before you get me in trouble!"
A loophole. I can do that. I can still save them-!
Damas sucked in a calming breath through his teeth.
"You do make a point about Sig’s record of service. I would not be king if I did not try to keep you all alive."
Let this work, please, Obed, if you're still watching over me, let this work.
"This once, I will give you the opportunity to salvage this. In your absence, metalpedes have settled in Turquoise Canyon and begun harassing our artificact carriers."
He leaned on his staff and hoped no one saw the tension in his jaw for what it really was: fear.
"I want you to drive into the heart of the nest and take out anything that moves."
He turned on his heel to send a hard stare Jak's way.
"Unlike Sig, you get a choice right now: stay here and forfeit your second amulet, or go with Sig and repay the damage you did today with something that benefits your community."
He prayed Jak could hear the emptiness of his threat. That he would know what Damas needed him to do.
Jak was not technology-friendly. Anything that required precision or aiming was more likely to be used as a blunt force weapon. But put him on a turret gun and the boy was a prodigy. If he went with Sig, the odds of them both surviving skyrocketed.
Jak's glare melted into something uncertain, even a little fearful. He was weighing his options. Good. That would sell the act more to the guards -- who were, like all watchmen, incurable gossips.
Damas saw the moment the light clicked on for Jak. He knew that glint.
Jak nudged Daxter, almost too quickly to be seen, and Daxter nodded. To anyone else, it would seem he was responding to Jak.
Damas knew that Daxter was answering him on Jak’s behalf.
Message received.
"I'm not gonna let you send Sig in there alone."
Damas almost smiled. Defiant to the last. Never change, Jak. Unless it's to learn some common sense-!
"Then perhaps something good can come of this debacle. But understand this, boy: coming back from destroying that nest does not mean this discussion is over. I expect you to turn over your gate pass when you return. You're off scouting for three weeks."
"You're grounding us?!" Daxter shrieked.
"Keep talking, I'll make it a full month."
That one wasn't an empty threat. If he'd thought it would keep Jak out of harm's way, he'd keep him off missions indefinitely!
"We're going," Sig said quickly, and grabbed Jak by the arm before he could protest.
"I'd say good luck," Damas said dryly, "But then, luck won't help you."
which is why I'm sending Jak.
The second the elevator was out of sight, Damas dropped into his throne with the most long-suffering, exasperated groan he'd ever made.
"Someone tell me this is a dream and I'm actually dying of boredom in a financial meeting right now," he said sarcastically.
When no such reassurance arrived from the guards, he dropped his head into his hands with another irritated sound.
In the silence that followed, even over the water wheel they both heard him mutter,
"What am I going to do with that boy?"
Rikard was...not a bad guard. He did his job, and he stuck by his comrades. But he had a big mouth sometimes.
"You...favor the newcomer then? Is it his age?"
Damas aimed a tired glare at him over his fingers.
"Boy, if I told you some of the things I did at his age...."
He groaned again.
"This is boundary-testing. I've seen worse. Rot, I've been worse!"
Silence enveloped them again as the two guards stared at Damas, and Damas stared back. He hadn't meant it to come out like that. After several seconds of owlish blinking back and forth, he said simply,
"Crap. I think I adopted him."
Char turned her head quickly to hide the fact that she was trying very hard not to laugh at the king’s slightly stunned expression.
"Do you...think this will be an adequate lesson?"
Rikard winced. At least he knew he was questioning Damas’s choices in parenting. Er, ruling.
"The nest? Perhaps. It's the confinement that's going to get him." Damas snorted. "You know how Wastelanders are about adrenaline. You ground a kid like that? End of the world."
Mar was exactly the same. Gods, if he's as stubborn as Jak at that age, I'm done for. Might as well write the epitaph now: "died of a heart-attack from idiot sons doing idiot stunts".
"As long as he doesn't set anything on fire in the Arena, sounds good to me," said Char, raising her hands in mock surrender. "Are we clear to return to our posts?"
"Can't set things on fire if I don't let him get two yards away from me, right?" Damas grumbled, but he waved a hand in dismissal.
Once alone, Damas dragged his fingers down his face and muffled a scream in his palm. He was going to get Sig for this. Babysitting. Indefinitely. Or maybe make him handle Arena trials for a while, let him feel that stress! And Jak? Jak was grounded. So, so very grounded. If he had to make Jak sit through meetings with him in the throne room to get it through his head, then so be it. No stunts, no racing, no "the Precursors made me do it" nonsense.
Briefly, he glanced up at the statue of the Oracle in his throne room. Gaudy thing, but it did house a lot of parts of the water wheel.
Damas flipped it off.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 10 months
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cosmereplay · 3 months
for this kiss game, not a ship but Sja Anat and young Ren for 30? Like in your Sja/Evi universe, if that’s fine.
I will write a kiss… 30. …as comfort.
Renarin & Sja-anat, 500 words, rated General, Oathbringer spoilers
Sja-anat watched through the mirror as her young charge cried until he was exhausted. She had been watching Renarin in his own rooms, as Evi had requested before she’d left with Adolin. Their yearly trip away was a normal part of the year, like a long slow Weeping, and Evi liked to hear what had actually happened with Renarin while she was away. It seemed she would give no more reports to Evi. She had heard the nursemaid tell Renarin that his mother was dead, and she had seen him retreat into himself. He’d thrown off his nursemaid with a deadly scream, then slowly, silently, marched to his mother’s bedroom, wrapped himself in her sheets, and collapsed completely. Sja-anat was surprised to be so moved. Human flames flickered then passed all too quickly. Her own passions smothered, then burst anew in a seething mass of newly discovered emotion as she witnessed Renarin's grief. Not for the first time, she wished she weren’t trapped between Realms. For Evi’s sake, she wished she could offer her son some kind of comfort.  All she could do, for now, was watch as the young boy curled up with a small block of his mother’s incense and stared at the wall. He was tense, like stone. A thin whine crawling out the back of his throat seemed the only evidence that he was conscious.  Was there something she could do?  Sja-anat had touched a lesser spren before, giving it a bit of Odium’s power (Evi had insisted it was Sja-anat’s own power. Could she believe it?) If it were Sja-anat’s power, she could send it without Odium’s knowledge. Would it work? She could tell Odium it was an experiment, to see if humans could see her corrupted spren.  It was worth the risk. She found a windspren and imbued it with her power. She whispered a command and it flew away, up and up from Shadesmar into the Physical Realm. She found Renarin again as he reached up to light the incense in his mother’s censer. For a moment, he paused to make sure it had caught. Then he ran back to the bed and wrapped his mother’s blanket around him, watching the smoke as it rose in a wavy pattern, fast and harsh at the base, and flowing, almost dripping upward in a slow undulation before catching the invisible movement of air through the room and dissipating. The boy watched with red, puffy eyes, and his lips moved, though he didn’t make any sound.  “Now,” Sja-anat whispered, and the windspren flew to him, leaving a thin red trail behind it. It flew through the boy’s cheek, the spot his mother had liked to kiss him, and out the other side.  “Again,” she commanded, and the windspren tried again, then again, until Renarin noticed the movement of light. His eyes caught the translucent spren flying large circles around him, leaving behind that thin trail of red light. His expression didn't really change, though it softened. Then, in a massive effort expending all its presence, the windspren flew against his cheek, bouncing back, before abruptly disappearing back to Shadesmar. She could already sense Odium's attention moving towards her. Sja-anat moved quickly away through the palace, planning her words. The risk and effort were great, but remembering the way the boy had softly touched his face, Sja-anat thought it was worth it. For Evi's sake.
From the I Will Write a Kiss ask game
(If you'd like to read more Evi/Sja-anat AU you can check out this search on ao3)
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artthoufruity · 11 months
I love O.B more than life itself but I'm fully convinced he's going to be involved in some plot twist
This last episode (#4) he says "like a snake eating it's own tail"
This is the ouroboros symbol
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This is what it means
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"Destruction and regeneration" - the TVA being destroyed and possibly rebuilt
"New life" - the TVA workers new life on the timeline as seen in BTS
Either this is a cool Easter egg or actually means something
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
Sorry for the absolute horseshit you just had to deal with. Some people don’t seem to get that just because you’re getting attacked doesn’t mean that you should openly freak out at others. :/ seriously that was so out of nowhere I can’t even wrap my head around it.
Anyway, any news on Lobo?
I always wonder if it's because I come off as a chill person that people sometimes like to push my buttons not knowing that like, I genuinely enjoy talking to people but the second you come at me with some nonsense I'll do a complete 180 to bites you bites you bites you. The jackal instincts tend to kick in pretty fast ;V
And yes! I'm gonna see him tomorrow morning!!! He's getting his CT scan so the vet asked if I could come look at the results with him after he was done and visit for a bit. He's doing well, has basically been stable or slowly improving over the past few days and I'm really glad I trusted my gut to take him to the ER.
Also they drained 7 liters of fluid out of his abdomen 8(
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byfulcrums · 1 year
The pain of finding an interesting fanfic only to realize it's Ob*kin
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altoskh · 10 months
anyone else love to just download and install programs
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rebecca--barnes · 11 months
No words can express just how much I love these two sillies! 🧡
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They are so brother coded :’) my sons
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suntails · 1 year
I just wanted to say your twst fanart is SO good. All of it is great obviously but every single piece of Diasomnia fanart makes me want to curl up and die (<- extremely positive) and also I love how you draw OB Malleus like. super tall. It's so good. Anyways all that to say is thank you for being the #1 poster of Diasomniaism on the internet.
SHAKING UR HAND AND SPINNIGN U IN CIRCLES UNDER THE MOONLIGHT ANON!!! this is so SWEET?? thank you!!! aaagh i have diasomnia on the brain 25/7 so im glad my stuff is so high ranking in ur head hhhh <3 <3 <3 the diasomnia community is SOSOSO talented and have such galaxy brains, im honored to even BE here
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kick-the-baby · 2 years
I think the biggest surprise of my first watchthrough of South Park is the overwhelming feeling of needing to protect Kenny McCormick
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druidgroves · 1 year
that one post that's like. cats are god's most autistic creatures. so true.
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othercrossee · 1 year
do YOU think yuchea overblot
Hiiiii, I D O. Do note i have very little memories of the canon of things so I'm just using things I could remember reading years ago ☝☝
Yuchea overblot once during his second year, it was very unexpected cuz it happened in the school, however, there were clearly prior events that lead to it. Due to that, some students who witnessed the whole ordeal jokingly blames what happened on Cowley.
AND they're right to do that cuz it did happen due to Crowley, it was their relentless back and forth about the price range for fixing things. chea memories had returned by then, and it was clearly bothering them a lot, combined with various other things like fear of the future and stress, even for the most patient guy, it was just too much.
But the thing is, Yuchea magic was entirely too low to conjured up enough for an ob. Yuchea themself was very weirded out during it, and with those reasons it's probably why it wasn't as destructive as any other.
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