#Nydia Velázquez
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corrupcionenpr · 4 months ago
Nydia Velázquez y AOC dominan la discusión pública a tan solo tres semanas de la elección
Anibal Acevedo Vilá dice las cosas como deben de decirse, y muy bien que no haya titubeado para decirle al partido Popular las cosas como son.
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lacolonia · 5 months ago
¡El Cambio Va!
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Por: Pamela Hernández Cabiya
Publicado: Oct 16, 2024 01:32 PM
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Juan R. Costa / NotiCel
Las congresistas Nydia Velázquez y Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) endosaron a los candidatos de La Alianza del MVC y el PIP
La Alianza entre el Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana (MVC) y el Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP), fue endosado hoy por las congresistas Nydia Velázquez y Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, asegurando que Puerto Rico necesita un cambio inmediato de gobierno.
Según se expresaron en conferencia de prensa junto a varios militantes de la Alianza, el endoso llega luego de entender que el Partido Popular Democrático (PPD), no representa los mejores intereses del pueblo puertorriqueño.
“Yo creo que este es un momento histórico para el pueblo de Puerto Rico. Estamos aquí para dejar inequívocamente claro que las campañas de miedo no nos amedrentan ni a mi ni a los cientos de miles de puertorriqueños que sueñan con un Puerto Rico diferente”, expresó Velázquez.
“Hoy de frente abrazo la esperanza y doy mi endoso a Juan Dalmau para gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ana Irma Rivera Lassén para la comisaría en Washington, Manuel Natal para alcalde de San Juan y el resto de los candidatos de la Alianza”, añadió.
Velázquez, que siempre se ha proclamado popular y quien fue impulsada por el propio exgobernador popular, Rafael Hernández Colón como directora del Departamento de Asuntos de la Comunidad Puertorriqueña en los Estados Unidos, resaltó que es una idea errónea la campaña de la llegada de la independencia si Dalmau es el electo por el pueblo.
“Algunos pensarán que mi presencia aquí se da como consecuencia de las expresiones que hice en contra de la desesperada campaña de miedo que han lanzado contra la Alianza y Juan Dalmau sobre la llegada de la independencia de forma automática…”, sostuvo la congresista.
“Los puertorriqueños ... no van a perder el Medicaid mientras ella (Alexandria Ocasio) y yo estemos en el Congreso”, prometió.
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Juan R. Costa / NotiCel
Mientras, la congresista Ocasio Cortez que representa el Distrito 14 de Nueva York, añadió a las palabras de Velázquez que era momento de escoger líderes que trabajen por el pueblo y no para su propio beneficio.
“Estoy aquí porque yo se que Puerto Rico está listo para el cambio. No tengo que decir que el pueblo de Puerto Rico ha sufrido apagones, tormentas y dos tipos de desastres, porque hay dos tipos de desastres: los desastres naturales y los desastres de corrupción y liderazgo deficiente”, apuntó.
“Ya es momento de elegir un gobierno que trabaje para todo el pueblo y no para unos pocos privilegiados. El pueblo de Puerto Rico merece un gobierno libre de corrupción y escándalo. La corrupción nos ha costado demasiado…”, comentó.
Tanto Manuel Natal, candidato a la alcaldía de San Juan, como Ana Irma Rivera Lassén, candidata a comisionada residente, agradecieron el endoso y expresaron que este endoso es una muestra más de que van por buen camino.
Video: Juan R. Costa / NotiCel – [email protected]
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1americanconservative · 2 months ago
These awful people all need to be voted out, either in the primaries or the general election. They sully the Capitol Building with their presence.
THESE ARE THE 158 DEMOCRATS WHO VOTED AGAINST DEPORTING SEX OFFENDERS Alabama: -Terri Sewell California: -Pete Aguilar -Ami Bera -Julia Brownley -Salud Carbajal -Tony Cárdenas -Judy Chu -Jim Costa -Mark DeSaulnier -John Garamendi -Robert Garcia -Sylvia Garcia -Jimmy Gomez -Jared Huffman -Ro Khanna -Sydney Kamlager-Dove -Barbara Lee -Ted Lieu -Zoe Lofgren -Doris Matsui -Kevin Mullin -Grace Napolitano -Nancy Pelosi -Katie Porter -Linda Sánchez -Adam Schiff -Brad Sherman -Norma Torres -Mike Thompson -Maxine Waters Colorado: -Jason Crow -Diana DeGette -Brittany Pettersen -Joe Neguse Connecticut: -Rosa DeLauro -John Larson -James Himes Delaware: -Lisa Blunt Rochester Florida: -Kathy Castor -Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick -Lois Frankel -Maxwell Frost -Darren Soto -Frederica Wilson -Debbie Wasserman Schultz Georgia: -Sanford D. Bishop Jr. -Lucy McBath -Henry “Hank” Johnson -Nikema Williams -David Scott Hawaii: -Ed Case -Jill Tokuda Illinois: -Sean Casten -Danny Davis -Jesús “Chuy” Garcia -Jonathan Jackson -Raja Krishnamoorthi -Robin Kelly -Delia Ramirez -Janice Schakowsky -Mike Quigley -Bill Foster -Brad Schneider -Lauren Underwood Indiana: -André Carson Kentucky: -Morgan McGarvey Louisiana: -Troy Carter Maine: -Chellie Pingree Maryland: -Steny Hoyer -Glenn Ivey -Kweisi Mfume -Jamie Raskin C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger -John Sarbanes -David Trone Massachusetts: -Jake Auchincloss -Katherine Clark -Bill Keating -Seth Moulton -Ayanna Pressley -Richard Neal -Lori Trahan -James McGovern Michigan: -Dan Kildee -Debbie Dingell -Rashida Tlaib -Shri Thanedar -Haley Stevens Minnesota: -Betty McCollum -Ilhan Omar -Dean Phillips Mississippi: -Bennie Thompson Missouri: -Cori Bush -Emanuel Cleaver New Hampshire: -Ann Kuster New Jersey: -Andy Kim -Rob Menendez -Donald Norcross -Bonnie Watson Coleman -Frank Pallone New Mexico: -Melanie Stansbury -Teresa Leger Fernandez New York: -Jamaal Bowman -Adriano Espaillat -Hakeem Jeffries -Yvette Clarke -Gregory Meeks -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -Jerrold Nadler -Nydia Velázquez -Paul Tonko -Dan Goldman -Ritchie Torres -Grace Meng -Joseph Morelle North Carolina: -Alma Adams -Valerie Foushee -Deborah Ross Ohio: -Shontel Brown -Joyce Beatty -Greg Landsman Oregon: -Earl Blumenauer -Suzanne Bonamici -Valerie Hoyle Pennsylvania: -Madeleine Dean -Mary Scanlon -Summer Lee Rhode Island: -Gabe Amo South Carolina: -James Clyburn Tennessee: -Steve Cohen Texas: -Greg Casar -Veronica Escobar -Joaquin Castro -Sylvia Garcia -Lloyd Doggett -Lizzie Fletcher -Al Green -Jasmine Crockett -Marc Veasey Vermont: -Becca Balint Virginia: -Donald Beyer -Gerald Connolly -Jennifer McClellan -Bobby Scott Washington: -Suzan DelBene -Derek Kilmer -Rick Larsen -Marilyn Strickland -Pramila Jayapal Wisconsin: -Gwen Moore -Mark Pocan Source: Newsweek
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 1 year ago
Signers include:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Pocan,Betty McCollum, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, James McGovern, Mary Gay Scanlon, Raúl Grijalva, Pramila Jayapal, Joaquin Castro, Delia Ramirez, Henry Johnson, Greg Casar, Jesús “Chuy” Garcia, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Nydia Velázquez, Ayanna Pressley, Jonathan Jackson, Barbara Lee, André Carson, Jamaal Bowman, Summer Lee, Veronica Escobar, and Ilhan Omar.
If any of these are your Congresspeople, call to thank them!
If your Congressperson isn't listed here, call to say you want them to support a ceasefire.
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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justinspoliticalcorner · 30 days ago
Adrian Carrasquillo at The Bulwark:
IN CHICAGO, PARENTS WHO JUST SAW ICE raids hit their neighborhoods have begun worrying about picking up their kids from school. In New York City schools, the official policy is for security to alert the principal if ICE agents arrive at the school doors, but some school officials are considering having the principals stall to alert teachers of any students in danger, a Queens teacher told The Bulwark. In Austin, Texas, white parents are thinking about how to tell their children about what could happen to some of their classmates without scaring them. In Denver, news that a parent was detained by ICE near a school sent a chill through a meeting organized by the Colorado governor’s office, state agency officials, and community immigration and legal groups, according to a source at the meeting. And in Virginia and Maryland, administrators have stopped touting “Know Your Rights” training sessions being held by lawyers and advocates, for fear of retribution from Trump. A climate of fear and desperation—relayed in interviews with teachers, principals, parents, teacher’s unions and lawyers—has rapidly emerged as the Trump administration has ramped up immigration enforcement efforts. What’s shaken communities is how quickly schools themselves have become one of the main battlegrounds. “This is just so heartless,” Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) told The Bulwark. “By targeting schools for immigration enforcement, this administration is destroying that sense of safety. This is not just policy—it’s cruelty, plain and simple. They say they’re targeting dangerous criminals, but let’s be honest: Who in a classroom is a criminal? Who among the parents dropping their kids off in school is a murderer or a rapist? There is no evidence to back up this claim.” The idea that schools could be thrust into the forefront of the debate over immigration enforcement was something that immigrant rights groups warned about prior to the election. Under the Biden administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had been prohibited from going into sensitive areas, including schools, churches, and hospitals. But Trump was expected to rescind that memo. And within days of taking office, he did. The impacts of that decision have, nevertheless, been profound.
In my conversations with educators, parents, teacher’s unions, and legal experts from New York to Baltimore, Chicago, Austin, Virginia, and Denver, I could sense a palpable psychic toll. Those individuals still had an appetite to fight Trump’s policies. But they also seemed to recognize that they must do so quietly to avoid drawing undue scrutiny from the most retributive administration in American history.
ICE’s raids into schools are a moral disgrace, sponsored by Trump Misadministration’s henchmen Stephen Miller and Thomas Homan and the Donald himself.
Read the full story at The Bulwark.
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spicyseal · 1 year ago
18 Representatives out of 435 Representatives and 100 Senators.
That's how many U.S. Congresspeople support a ceasefire in occupied Palestine. That's how few of our leaders want peace. 18 Representatives and 0 Senators. Not even Bernie Sanders, the most progressive Senator, who campaigned for President on stopping endless wars, supports a ceasefire. Likelihood is, all of your elected representatives support Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.
It is abhorrent, and yet not surprising, that the leaders of the United States have still not learned from this country's genocidal history. In fact, the people of the United States support a ceasefire even as our elected representatives do not:
A Data for Progress national poll conducted from October 18-19 found that 66 percent of voters in the U.S. support a ceasefire and de-escalation of violence in Gaza. Specifically, 80 percent of Democratic voters support a ceasefire, 57 percent of Independent or third party voters support a ceasefire, and 56 percent of Republican voters support a ceasefire. Americans support a ceasefire.
Ask yourself, why aren't our representatives following the will of the people who voted for them?
The only Representatives who support a ceasefire are:
Cori Bush
Jonathan Jackson
Jamaal Bowman
André Carson
Jesús "Chuy" García
Summer Lee
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ilhan Omar
Ayanna Pressley
Delia Ramirez
Rashida Tlaib
Nydia Velázquez
Bonnie Watson Coleman
Gregorio Casar
Pramila Jayapal
Barbara Lee
Alma Adams
Maxwell Frost
Those Representatives are the ones who actually care about the lives of innocent Palestinians and who are actually listening to their voters. If your Representative is not on this list, take that into account when the 2024 primaries and general election come around. Your Senators are all not on this list, so take that into account as well. "Vote blue no matter who" and attitudes like that don't make your representatives work for you, because they know they have your votes anyway.
If you want your representatives to fight for the Palestinian people's freedom, then you must push them to. Tell them to support Palestine, and if they won't, then elect people who will. The vocal support for Palestine on social media is important, but voting accordingly would do even more to push the United States to end its support of Israel. At the end of the day, the United States is Israel's most powerful ally, and without U.S. support it would be much harder for them to continue their genocide.
Free Palestine.
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xxxjarchiexxx · 1 year ago
As of October 16, Hamas claims that twenty-two of the Israelis they took hostage have been killed by Israel’s air strikes. Though it’s impossible to know if this is true, it’s difficult to look at the massive destruction being doled out in Gaza and not think that at least some hostages have died in the bombardment. While Israel continues to bomb innocent Palestinians as well as the hostages they’re supposedly trying to save, the Israeli state has circulated images of stolen children around the globe in an attempt to justify its war crimes. Last week, after New York congresswoman Nydia Velázquez signed onto a US congressional resolution calling for a cease-fire, pro-Israel activists protested outside her office to get her to abandon the pro-peace position. The activists displayed posters bearing the faces of Israeli hostages with the words “Nydia Supports Terrorism” printed in big bold letters. Similar images of Israeli hostages can be seen postered around New York City subways, college campuses, and other public spaces. The aftermath of Hamas’s release of some hostages last week illustrated the importance of the captives to Israel’s framing efforts. One of the freed hostages, eighty-five-year-old Yocheved Lifshitz, gave a press conference at the Ichilov Hospital, where she was treated after being released, and said she had been held in good conditions. Afterward, a nurse treating Lifshitz reported that hospital staff had been instructed to not speak to the public about the treatment Lifshitz received in captivity, and Lifshitz’s family claims they received the same instructions. None of this is to suggest Hamas is necessarily treating all of the captives well, or that the hostages shouldn’t be released immediately as part of a cease-fire. But if Israel was serious about rescuing its hostages, it would not be bombing them or cutting off their access to food, water, energy, and medical care. It would not be refusing to trade any of its thousands of Palestinian prisoners for them. (The Iranian government also claimed on October 16 that Hamas would be willing to give up the hostages in exchange for an end to Israeli airstrikes on Gaza.) There are other reasons to doubt the sincerity of the Israeli government. It took until October 15, over a week after the hostages were taken, for Netanyahu to meet with representatives of their families. At the meeting, an attendee unknown to the other family members argued in favor of Netanyahu’s scorched-earth approach, telling them, “[I love my relatives] no less than the rest of you love your own family members. But at the end, we have to look at the people of Israel and the future of our existence here.” Many of the family members in the room and others in the Israeli media have since accused the attendee of being planted to shore up support for Israel’s war policy. In an interview, Yasmin Porat — an Israeli inhabitant of Kibbutz Be’eri, one of the kibbutzim attacked by Hamas on October 7 — testified that she and other hostages were held by Hamas for two days, until the arrival of the Israeli Defense Forces on October 9. She said that the Israeli soldiers killed Hamas militants and Israeli hostages alike, and an Israeli tank blasted buildings where hostages were held. During the fighting, according to another resident of the kibbutz who was away at the time, “at least 112 Be’eri people were killed.”
29 October 2023
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alex51324 · 15 days ago
As others have said, this is now believed to have been an action by Elon Musk's team of handpicked fuckboys.
Do go ahead and comment on the NPS's feedback form, but keep in mind as you write that you are not confronting an enemy; you're supplying encouragement and ammunition for an ally to take on the actual culprit.
In addition, the relevant oversight committees for the National Part Service are the Committee on Natural Resources in the House, and Energy and Natural Resources in the Senate. They would also be in a position to do or say something about this significant, yet also weird and petty, overreach by the Trumpelon administration.
The House Committee on Natural Resources includes the following Democrats:
Jared Huffman, California, Ranking Member
Raúl Grijalva, Arizona, Ranking Member Emeritus
Joe Neguse, Colorado
Teresa Leger Fernandez, New Mexico
Melanie Stansbury, New Mexico
Val Hoyle, Oregon
Seth Magaziner, Rhode Island
Jared Golden, Maine
Dave Min, California
Maxine Dexter, Oregon
Pablo Hernández Rivera, Puerto Rico
Emily Randall, Washington
Yassamin Ansari, Arizona
Sarah Elfreth, Maryland, Vice Ranking Member[5]
Adam Gray, California
Luz Rivas, California
Nydia Velázquez, New York
Debbie Dingell, Michigan
Darren Soto, Florida
Julia Brownley, California;
And the following Republicans:
Bruce Westerman, Arkansas, Chair
Rob Wittman, Virginia, Vice Chair[4]
Tom McClintock, California
Paul Gosar, Arizona
Amata Coleman Radewagen, American Samoa
Doug LaMalfa, California
Daniel Webster, Florida
Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Pete Stauber, Minnesota
Tom Tiffany, Wisconsin
Lauren Boebert, Colorado
Cliff Bentz, Oregon
Jen Kiggans, Virginia
James Moylan, Guam
Wesley Hunt, Texas
Mike Collins, Georgia
Harriet Hageman, Wyoming
Mark Amodei, Nevada
Tim Walberg, Michigan
Mike Ezell, Mississippi
Celeste Maloy, Utah
Addison McDowell, North Carolina
Jeff Crank, Colorado
Nick Begich III, Alaska
Jeff Hurd, Colorado
Mike Kennedy, Utah
These links go to their Wikipedia pages (because that's where I copied the list from); go here to get links to their House.gov pages, which include their contact forms.
Contact info for the Republican part of the committee as a group is here, and for the Democrats is here.
The Senate Committee on Energy and National Resources has the following Democrats:
Martin Heinrich - Ranking, New Mexico
Ron Wyden - Oregon
Maria Cantwell - Washington
Mazie K. Hirono - Hawaii
Angus S. King, Jr. - Maine
Catherine Cortez Masto - Nevada
John W. Hickenlooper - Colorado
Alex Padilla - California
Ruben Gallego - Arizona
And the following Republicans:
Mike Lee - Chairman, Utah
John Barrasso - Wyoming
James E. Risch - Idaho
Steve Daines - Montana
Tom Cotton - Arkansas
Jim Justice - West Virginia
David H. McCormick - Pennsylvania
Bill Cassidy - Louisiana
Cindy Hyde-Smith - Mississippi
Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
John Hoeven - North Dakota
See here for links to their Senate.gov pages & contact forms.
The phone number for the committee's front office--shared by both the Majority and Minority--is 202-224-4971. Their FAQ says that there is an email link for this office on their homepage, but I am having trouble finding it.
There is a fax number, (202) 224-6163, and the mailing address is
Energy and Natural Resources Committee Office 304 Dirksen Senate Building Washington, DC 20510
(Also I think it would be 100% hilarious if a few people who live locally to the Stonewall National Monument use the Volunteer Form to offer to hang around and shout "and trans!" at appropriate moments during tours and presentations, when actual employees are not permitted to say it.)
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Not to be dramatic but this is a massive fucking deal and I legitimately hope every single politician dies.
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kynndr3dd-synn3 · 2 months ago
-Terri Sewell
-Pete Aguilar
-Ami Bera
-Julia Brownley
-Salud Carbajal
-Tony Cárdenas
-Judy Chu
-Jim Costa
-Mark DeSaulnier
-John Garamendi
-Robert Garcia
-Sylvia Garcia
-Jimmy Gomez
-Jared Huffman
-Ro Khanna
-Sydney Kamlager-Dove
-Barbara Lee
-Ted Lieu
-Zoe Lofgren
-Doris Matsui
-Kevin Mullin
-Grace Napolitano
-Nancy Pelosi
-Katie Porter
-Linda Sánchez
-Adam Schiff
-Brad Sherman
-Norma Torres
-Mike Thompson
-Maxine Waters
-Jason Crow
-Diana DeGette
-Brittany Pettersen
-Joe Neguse
-Rosa DeLauro
-John Larson
-James Himes
-Lisa Blunt Rochester
-Kathy Castor
-Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick
-Lois Frankel
-Maxwell Frost
-Darren Soto
-Frederica Wilson
-Debbie Wasserman Schultz
-Sanford D. Bishop Jr.
-Lucy McBath
-Henry “Hank” Johnson
-Nikema Williams
-David Scott
-Ed Case
-Jill Tokuda
-Sean Casten
-Danny Davis
-Jesús “Chuy” Garcia
-Jonathan Jackson
-Raja Krishnamoorthi
-Robin Kelly
-Delia Ramirez
-Janice Schakowsky
-Mike Quigley
-Bill Foster
-Brad Schneider
-Lauren Underwood
-André Carson
-Morgan McGarvey
-Troy Carter
-Chellie Pingree
-Steny Hoyer
-Glenn Ivey
-Kweisi Mfume
-Jamie Raskin
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger
-John Sarbanes
-David Trone
-Jake Auchincloss
-Katherine Clark
-Bill Keating
-Seth Moulton
-Ayanna Pressley
-Richard Neal
-Lori Trahan
-James McGovern
-Dan Kildee
-Debbie Dingell
-Rashida Tlaib
-Shri Thanedar
-Haley Stevens
-Betty McCollum
-Ilhan Omar
-Dean Phillips
-Bennie Thompson
-Cori Bush
-Emanuel Cleaver
New Hampshire:
-Ann Kuster
New Jersey:
-Andy Kim
-Rob Menendez
-Donald Norcross
-Bonnie Watson Coleman
-Frank Pallone
New Mexico:
-Melanie Stansbury
-Teresa Leger Fernandez
New York:
-Jamaal Bowman
-Adriano Espaillat
-Hakeem Jeffries
-Yvette Clarke
-Gregory Meeks
-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
-Jerrold Nadler
-Nydia Velázquez
-Paul Tonko
-Dan Goldman
-Ritchie Torres
-Grace Meng
-Joseph Morelle
North Carolina:
-Alma Adams
-Valerie Foushee
-Deborah Ross
-Shontel Brown
-Joyce Beatty
-Greg Landsman
-Earl Blumenauer
-Suzanne Bonamici
-Valerie Hoyle
-Madeleine Dean
-Mary Scanlon
-Summer Lee
Rhode Island:
-Gabe Amo
South Carolina:
-James Clyburn
-Steve Cohen
-Greg Casar
-Veronica Escobar
-Joaquin Castro
-Sylvia Garcia
-Lloyd Doggett
-Lizzie Fletcher
-Al Green
-Jasmine Crockett
-Marc Veasey
-Becca Balint
-Donald Beyer
-Gerald Connolly
-Jennifer McClellan
-Bobby Scott
-Suzan DelBene
-Derek Kilmer
-Rick Larsen
-Marilyn Strickland
-Pramila Jayapal
-Gwen Moore
-Mark Pocan
Source: Newsweek
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corrupcionenpr · 5 months ago
Anticipado endoso de las congresistas Nydia Velázquez y AOC a candidatos de la Alianza
Aquí las reacciones al anticipado endoso que las congresistas Nydia Velázquez y Alexandria Ocasio Cortez darán a los candidatos de la Alianza
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lacolonia · 4 months ago
El peor enemigo de la estadidad
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Cómo NO lograr la estadidad para Puerto Rico:
• El que decide si un territorio se admite como estado es el Congreso.
• No hay plebiscito que obligue al Congreso hacer absolutamente nada. El Congreso es soberano.
• Los Republicanos del Congreso ya han declarado que ellos no votarán para darle la estadidad a Puerto Rico. Punto.
• Las congresistas Demócratas Nydia Velázquez y Alexandria Ocasio Cortez acaban de hacer público que no apoyan en nada al PNP.
• Los Demócratas del Congreso no votarán en contra de lo que digan Velázquez y Ocasio porque ellas tienen voz y voto en el pleno del Congreso. No te equivoques, boricua. Fíjate siempre cómo se bate el cobre en la realidad.
Conclusión: La estadidad no se le concederá a Puerto Rico mientras sea el PNP el que pretenda traerla.
Usa tu catrueca, estadista. El peor enemigo de la estadidad es el PNP.
No permitas que esos jaibas te sigan cogiendo de zoquete.
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alex51324 · 13 days ago
Once again:
As others have said, this is now believed to have been an action by Elon Musk's team of handpicked fuckboys.
Do go ahead and comment on the NPS's feedback form, but keep in mind as you write that you are not confronting an enemy; you're supplying encouragement and ammunition for an ally to take on the actual culprit.
In addition, the relevant oversight committees for the National Part Service are the Committee on Natural Resources in the House, and Energy and Natural Resources in the Senate. They would also be in a position to do or say something about this significant, yet also weird and petty, overreach by the Trumpelon administration.
The House Committee on Natural Resources includes the following Democrats:
Jared Huffman, California, Ranking Member
Raúl Grijalva, Arizona, Ranking Member Emeritus
Joe Neguse, Colorado
Teresa Leger Fernandez, New Mexico
Melanie Stansbury, New Mexico
Val Hoyle, Oregon
Seth Magaziner, Rhode Island
Jared Golden, Maine
Dave Min, California
Maxine Dexter, Oregon
Pablo Hernández Rivera, Puerto Rico
Emily Randall, Washington
Yassamin Ansari, Arizona
Sarah Elfreth, Maryland, Vice Ranking Member[5]
Adam Gray, California
Luz Rivas, California
Nydia Velázquez, New York
Debbie Dingell, Michigan
Darren Soto, Florida
Julia Brownley, California;
And the following Republicans:
Bruce Westerman, Arkansas, Chair
Rob Wittman, Virginia, Vice Chair[4]
Tom McClintock, California
Paul Gosar, Arizona
Amata Coleman Radewagen, American Samoa
Doug LaMalfa, California
Daniel Webster, Florida
Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Pete Stauber, Minnesota
Tom Tiffany, Wisconsin
Lauren Boebert, Colorado
Cliff Bentz, Oregon
Jen Kiggans, Virginia
James Moylan, Guam
Wesley Hunt, Texas
Mike Collins, Georgia
Harriet Hageman, Wyoming
Mark Amodei, Nevada
Tim Walberg, Michigan
Mike Ezell, Mississippi
Celeste Maloy, Utah
Addison McDowell, North Carolina
Jeff Crank, Colorado
Nick Begich III, Alaska
Jeff Hurd, Colorado
Mike Kennedy, Utah
These links go to their Wikipedia pages (because that's where I copied the list from); go here to get links to their House.gov pages, which include their contact forms.
Contact info for the Republican part of the committee as a group is here, and for the Democrats is here.
The Senate Committee on Energy and National Resources has the following Democrats:
Martin Heinrich - Ranking, New Mexico
Ron Wyden - Oregon
Maria Cantwell - Washington
Mazie K. Hirono - Hawaii
Angus S. King, Jr. - Maine
Catherine Cortez Masto - Nevada
John W. Hickenlooper - Colorado
Alex Padilla - California
Ruben Gallego - Arizona
And the following Republicans:
Mike Lee - Chairman, Utah
John Barrasso - Wyoming
James E. Risch - Idaho
Steve Daines - Montana
Tom Cotton - Arkansas
Jim Justice - West Virginia
David H. McCormick - Pennsylvania
Bill Cassidy - Louisiana
Cindy Hyde-Smith - Mississippi
Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
John Hoeven - North Dakota
See here for links to their Senate.gov pages & contact forms.
The phone number for the committee's front office--shared by both the Majority and Minority--is 202-224-4971. Their FAQ says that there is an email link for this office on their homepage, but I am having trouble finding it.
There is a fax number, (202) 224-6163, and the mailing address is
Energy and Natural Resources Committee Office 304 Dirksen Senate Building Washington, DC 20510
FYI the national park service has removed the T from LGBT on the Stonewall Monument page
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there is a form at the bottom of the page for public feedback ("Was this page helpful?" click No and provide details)
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1americanconservative · 2 months ago
These awful people all need to be voted out, either in the primaries or the general election. They sully the Capitol Building with their presence.
THESE ARE THE 158 DEMOCRATS WHO VOTED AGAINST DEPORTING SEX OFFENDERS Alabama: -Terri Sewell California: -Pete Aguilar -Ami Bera -Julia Brownley -Salud Carbajal -Tony Cárdenas -Judy Chu -Jim Costa -Mark DeSaulnier -John Garamendi -Robert Garcia -Sylvia Garcia -Jimmy Gomez -Jared Huffman -Ro Khanna -Sydney Kamlager-Dove -Barbara Lee -Ted Lieu -Zoe Lofgren -Doris Matsui -Kevin Mullin -Grace Napolitano -Nancy Pelosi -Katie Porter -Linda Sánchez -Adam Schiff -Brad Sherman -Norma Torres -Mike Thompson -Maxine Waters Colorado: -Jason Crow -Diana DeGette -Brittany Pettersen -Joe Neguse Connecticut: -Rosa DeLauro -John Larson -James Himes Delaware: -Lisa Blunt Rochester Florida: -Kathy Castor -Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick -Lois Frankel -Maxwell Frost -Darren Soto -Frederica Wilson -Debbie Wasserman Schultz Georgia: -Sanford D. Bishop Jr. -Lucy McBath -Henry “Hank” Johnson -Nikema Williams -David Scott Hawaii: -Ed Case -Jill Tokuda Illinois: -Sean Casten -Danny Davis -Jesús “Chuy” Garcia -Jonathan Jackson -Raja Krishnamoorthi -Robin Kelly -Delia Ramirez -Janice Schakowsky -Mike Quigley -Bill Foster -Brad Schneider -Lauren Underwood Indiana: -André Carson Kentucky: -Morgan McGarvey Louisiana: -Troy Carter Maine: -Chellie Pingree Maryland: -Steny Hoyer -Glenn Ivey -Kweisi Mfume -Jamie Raskin C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger -John Sarbanes -David Trone Massachusetts: -Jake Auchincloss -Katherine Clark -Bill Keating -Seth Moulton -Ayanna Pressley -Richard Neal -Lori Trahan -James McGovern Michigan: -Dan Kildee -Debbie Dingell -Rashida Tlaib -Shri Thanedar -Haley Stevens Minnesota: -Betty McCollum -Ilhan Omar -Dean Phillips Mississippi: -Bennie Thompson Missouri: -Cori Bush -Emanuel Cleaver New Hampshire: -Ann Kuster New Jersey: -Andy Kim -Rob Menendez -Donald Norcross -Bonnie Watson Coleman -Frank Pallone New Mexico: -Melanie Stansbury -Teresa Leger Fernandez New York: -Jamaal Bowman -Adriano Espaillat -Hakeem Jeffries -Yvette Clarke -Gregory Meeks -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -Jerrold Nadler -Nydia Velázquez -Paul Tonko -Dan Goldman -Ritchie Torres -Grace Meng -Joseph Morelle North Carolina: -Alma Adams -Valerie Foushee -Deborah Ross Ohio: -Shontel Brown -Joyce Beatty -Greg Landsman Oregon: -Earl Blumenauer -Suzanne Bonamici -Valerie Hoyle Pennsylvania: -Madeleine Dean -Mary Scanlon -Summer Lee Rhode Island: -Gabe Amo South Carolina: -James Clyburn Tennessee: -Steve Cohen Texas: -Greg Casar -Veronica Escobar -Joaquin Castro -Sylvia Garcia -Lloyd Doggett -Lizzie Fletcher -Al Green -Jasmine Crockett -Marc Veasey Vermont: -Becca Balint Virginia: -Donald Beyer -Gerald Connolly -Jennifer McClellan -Bobby Scott Washington: -Suzan DelBene -Derek Kilmer -Rick Larsen -Marilyn Strickland -Pramila Jayapal Wisconsin: -Gwen Moore -Mark Pocan Source: Newsweek
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noticiassomosponce · 4 months ago
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walohd · 4 months ago
En este episodio de exploramos las sorprendentes declaraciones de la congresista Nydia Velázquez. También, revivimos los tiempos de los memes en Twitter y las tensiones dentro del Partido Popular Democrático (PPD), todo bajo el característico humor ácido que distingue a Walo. ¡Prepárate para un recorrido lleno de risas, reflexiones y controversias políticas!
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srcsandra · 5 months ago
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