#ICE Raids
thekimspoblog · 1 year
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What's more appropriate on this holiday celebrating freedom than to be part of someone's liberation journey? We need your help to liberate Monsuru, a gay, Black Nigerian man who has been detained by ICE since early 2021, making this a truly urgent situation!
In his own words, from a 2021 protest behind ICE detention walls,
"The mental torture of not knowing my future is unimaginable,” said Monsuru, a detained Nigerian asylum seeker currently on hunger strike. “I’m therefore pleading for my life. I am really scared. The laws in my country are used to legitimize abuses against LGBTQ people, including widespread extortion, violence, lynching, arbitrary arrest, and torture in detention, both physical and sexual. I am pleading for my life here. I know if I am returned back to my country, from the moment I step out at the airport in Nigeria, it’s over. Please, whatever you can do to get me out of here, I really appreciate it. I hope to be at one of these rallies one day."
“Even when Black asylum seekers are able to reach U.S. land, they are targeted disproportionately for detention and deportation,” said April Newman, Vaccine Education & Empowerment in Detention (VEED) Manager at the California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice. “Today we shared testimony from Monsuru, a detained Nigerian asylum seeker who has been on hunger strike for more than eight weeks. Monsuru is risking his life in trying to save it, because he knows he will be in great danger if he is deported back to Nigeria."
Help save a life, literally. Even $5 can get us towards our goal. Monsuru's ICE bond is set at $15,000-- a high bond, but not insurmountable. Our goal is to raise the funds and get Monsuru free this week. Donate here, and thank you for helping making a difference.
Towards liberation,
PS. You can support our work providing welcome and community to newly arrived migrants by donating to our welcome fund. We've assisted over 120 newly arrived families so far in 2023, and the need continues! You can also support byshopping our wish list-- mattresses, bed frames, diapers, carseats are all big, ongoing needs!
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birues · 4 months
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"They may have gotten off to a rocky start, but I think they'll make quite the pair."
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gruviaa · 6 months
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eled0ra · 2 years
Delibird and Iron Bundle wishes you a merry christmas with many Tera Shards ( ´∀`)人(´∀` )ノ
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dragonofthestone · 7 months
"Tim. Tim..." She whispered, gently shaking his shoulder to wake him. It seemed after some delay due to the snow storm, they had finally arrived at North City. Other passengers around them were already starting to gather their things from the luggage shelf and file out of the cabin, and she didn't want to get caught behind them.
She took a cursory glance out the window, noticing that there weren't as many military personnel stationed on the platform, at least not compared to East City. They could have focused more of their military power at the fort further north, or there may have been officers out of uniform, wearing street clothes to blend in. Either way, she knew that speed and discretion were of the utmost importance in a situation like this, and the more time they spent inside this cramped space, the more likely they were to lag behind and get caught.
They needed to get out in the open, where Anton was waiting for them.
"Come on, it's time to go. We can't afford to linger."
A single reptilian eye opened, if he wasn't already awake the shrill ear splitting was more then enough to do it without her.
"I wasn't 'sleep," He groaned letting out a long hiss, stiffly uncurling his legs having been in the same curled position for the majority of the train ride. Perhaps not the best idea
There was no chance of him sleeping on this ride, the sheer overwhelm on his sense would have seen to that. From the thunderous rumbling and clattering metal of the train racing over the tracks to the thick concentrated scents confined to the car, with a particularly strong perfume that wafted through.
No. Sleep wasn't liable to occur not till he got somewhere safer. Although getting proper sleep was out of the question it hadn't stopped him from taking a moment to close his eyes now then, which was only possible due to Luna's presence offering some safety.
Upon standing up a sharp pin prickling tingle shot up his right foot the moment it touch the floor. Timaeus reached behind to lightly press at the base of his tail around his lower back, which had become quite painfully cramped up without being able properly uncurl and relax the muscles properly for quite sometime.
As he turned his head to glance out the window to get a look at where they were Timaeus noticed from his faint reflection the reptilian appearance of his eye. Damn, he could only guess the exhaustion was making it hard to maintain appearance. Swiftly a gloved hand was raised to make it appear as if he was just rubbing the sleep from his eye upon lowering it had returned to it's human like state.
With everyone so busy trying to get off hopefully that meant no one had noticed his momentary abnormality.
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iron-sparrow · 1 year
elftober 【 第五號 】 FLIGHT
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"How does this thing even fly?! WOO!" — Yein, probably
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pawism · 1 year
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mightiest tearful look
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kingbcwser · 4 months
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             Mischievous laughter.
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atariforce · 7 months
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Atari games I didn't have by Tracey Lynn Tobin
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mrgaretcarter · 7 months
finally downloading all creatures season 4 lets go!
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ladyjadefox · 5 months
With the recent announcement from the UK government that they are going to be doing 2 weeks of mass immigration raids across the UK. This is for their illegal and fucked plan to send refugees and migrants to Rwanda. It us more important than ever that people who are against this know what to do if they see an immigration raid. There are several lovely images of what to do if you see an immigration raid in progress as well as what your rights are.
You do not have to disclose anything to immigration enforcement officers. You do not have to show them your passport. You do not have to tell them your immigration status.
No human is illegal, everyone is welcome here.
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missallanea · 2 months
@sillymuses || cont.
Oh, if only those ridiculous conspiracy theorists could be here tonight. She can already read the headlines in her mind : ALIENS DO WALK AMONG US. NOT TO WORRY, THEY'RE STUPID. How he had managed to make it this far was a mystery, as far as she was concerned, but... considering the sorts she ordinarily finds herself going toe-to-toe with, Demona has to think this is a pleasant enough change of pace.
An alien certainly couldn't be worse than dealing with the fae.
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"The only problem is... however will you discover the correct forest?" The prompting falls easily from her lips, even as her claws dance along the book shelves to the side of the room, quickly scanning over each one until finding what she had come for. The book is pried loose, tucked under her arm before she turns to look back to her strange little companion. "Though I'm certain someone as intelligent as yourself with come up with something."
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formsuperion · 7 months
What do you call a pile of jets?
They've found the sun room and are happily sprawled all together in a tangle of limbs.
Even Air Raid is basking happily, tucked against Silverbolt on one side and Slingshot on the other.
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gruviaa · 6 months
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puppets bunker and ddos attacks have never been so much fun
#me holding my alliance like a squeaky toy and only getting one commend for it#I held you together. I raised u. I saved u and this is the thanks I get#but no I fuck around and find out for funsies and it’s like. six commends#anyway I was telling my friend like. I don’t have to think—#okay both healers die in alliance C and I rez one#I look back at my own alliance and half of everyone is dead. co-healer included#and then a bunch of them die again on the same mech#we almost die to the flyers not being killed bc the other alliances are dying#we get to the alliance split and our tank has an issue come up so he has to afk#so I’m keeping this ninja alive on a prayer#then half of the alliance dies again bc they went the wrong way w the arrow chaser aoes#that happened twice. there was a 30 percent boss health percentage difference going on#the icing on the cake tho was after the phase change in the final boss—boom ddos attack#so many people disconnecting. so many dying#alliance B lost everyone but the dps#it was carnage and I’m sitting here like. trying to keep everyone alive#tho like. Im not mad or upset about it tbh#it’s the sort of healer chaos where you’re sitting there juggling a bunch of stuff#that scratches the peanut of my brain#it’s much better chaos compared to CT raid chaos#mostly bc shield healers are the most fun at those levels compared to regen. to me at the very least#I have more resources at 80 w whm compared to 50 when shit hits the fan#but also pressing more than two buttons is more fun#CT just becomes utterly unbearable when you have people causing problems on purpose#when it is not an agreed upon clown time#ppl always talk about how bosses in nier have too much health when im like#im glad for it bc i like seeing mechanics#I love myths of the realm but when the final boss of the first raid can be killed before the most interesting mechanic is kinda#it’s kinda dogshit#owen talks
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heros-of-kalos · 1 year
@fierymountaineer Fulgora walked up with Corentin, watching her husband go off somewhere else. She got to work with red and blue from Kanto today, having battled them earlier in the week to get that out of their systems
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