#Nyan can't relate
Lya made me love boobs, also insecure about my already kinda big boobs but they aren't as big as hers, I want big boobs and be a whore and wear that dress she wears.
So what I understand is: You wish your boobs were even bigger than they already are, as big as Lya's, so you can be a full-fledged whore and wear that dress she wears?
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I mean, I'm flattered, but... uh... well yes bigger boobs sure are nice but don't you fear your back would hurt more? O(-( Like, I don't have boobs so I can't know for sure, but I heard huge boobs hurt your back...
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princeasimdiya12 · 7 months
Bucchigiri Utena Parallel-The Greek Chorus
In many plays and stories, the Greek Chorus refers to a group of characters that either commentate on the main storyline or have their own subplot that parallels or foreshadows the main story that appears. It's rare when they actually interact with the main characters but their role is meant to emphasize the meanings and plot events that occur.
In Bucchigiri, we have Nyan Nyaight Love which is their version of the Shadow Play Girls from Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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For those who aren't familiar with the Shadow Play Girls, they serve as an actual Greek Chorus in the Utena anime. Every episode, the girls put on a cryptic and bizarre play with a message that correlates to the ongoing events or conflicts that Utena, Anthy and the Student Council deal with throughout the series. Some are straight forward and easy to understand, others are straight up wackadoodle and have layers of meaning to comprehend. But each skit contains a hidden but vital message that relates to the main storyline in Utena.
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While Nyan Nyaight Love may not be as complicated or bizarre as the Shadow Play Girls, they still do their part in paralleling the Bucchigiri storyline.
Episode 1: Introductions
The first episode features the customer contemplating whether he should go into NNL or if he should leave. It isn't until he sees Arajin being chased down the street by the NG Boys that he enters out of fear of being spotted.
The customer serves as a parallel to Arajin. He too is a wimpy, unappealing, jittery, hopeless, mopey, delusional everyman. And just like how the customer was unsure as to whether he should enter a shady, controversial place like NNL, Arajin also struggles with entering the dangerous and colorful world of the Ichizu Gangs. And his involvement in their lifestyle has mainly been a forced reaction, as in he jumps into the fray while fearful for his safety. The NNL Receptionist can also be seen as a parallel for the colorful banchos and bad boys that Arajin, and the audience, meet in their upcoming encounters.
In the world of Revolutionary Girl Utena, one of the ongoing themes was fairy tales and stories that are told from one person to another. The Shadow Girls fit that theme by putting on plays for the audience about their own stories. So there are clear parallels of the main storyline.
And then we "meet" Jasmine.
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Just like it's the customer's first time in a place like NNL, it's also Arajin's first time in the world of Ichizu's gangs. And his meeting with Jasmine is a clear parallel to him meeting Mahoro for the first time. This is more apparent when you take in the Disney movie with Arajin (Aladdin) meeting his beloved Mahoro (Jasmine).
It's also worth noting that the customer asks if he can use the honorific "chan" which is mainly used for people/girls that someone has a close relationship with. And despite meeting her for only one day, Arajin is the one who proposes that it is "fate" that brought him and Mahoro together and how they're destined to be lovers. Clearly he's skipping multiple steps in the relationship making process expecting Mahoro to feel the same way.
Episode 2: I Couldn't Stay Away
The second time, the customer returns and is scared into entering the building after Senya drags along Arajin. Despite some hesitance, he asks the Receptionist for Jasmine again.
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So it's pretty obvious, the customer is in "love" with Jasmine and is hooked onto her. Even when she starts to "cling" to him.
At this point, Arajin has fallen head over heels for Mahoro and can't get her out of her head. His new motivations begin and end with conquering Mahoro's heart so he can use her to lose his virginity. And to conquer her heart and be as close to her as possible, he's more than willing to go through a shady and morally ambiguous place like the gang life.
Though the clingy part comes off as self-delusion since Mahoro absolutely hates him and wants nothing to do with him. Even making it clear constantly from this episode onward. Yet Arajin isn't bothered and is eager to make her his.
However, this does set up as it's first example of foreshadowing for the following episode.
Even though Mahoro hates him, she decides to play along with his infatuation with her when he's recruited into Siguma Squad. She's "clinging" to him in order to sway and manipulate him so he'll be able to take over Siguma Squad as it's new leader, forcing her brother to graduate so she can have him all to himself. Or so Arajin will get beat up badly, she's down for whatever. And because Arajin is stuck in his self-delusion about Mahoro and their destined love life, he doesn't see the red flags and falls for her claws. Eager to continue hanging out with the violent happy SS regardless of the peril he may face.
Episode 3: This episode did not feature a NNL segment.
Episode 4: Please Forgive Me
The customer is once again contemplating whether he should go in or not, even saying that he should just quit. Alas, a chubby Arajin scares him inside where he once again asks for Jasmine. Only now he's in hot water for having left her for so long.
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While normally this would be a stand in for Arajin and his hopeless love for Mahoro and how he's failing her, this time, the customer represents another character.
In this case, it's Matakara.
Earlier in the episode, he gets into another conversation with Arajin over the upcoming Gang War and how they should stop it. But it soon turns into another plea for him to rebuild their friendship and how he wants to become Honki people with him like before. Despite his efforts, Arajin tells him to get over it and orders him to leave him alone. Just like a cat turning her back on the customer after their absence.
And just like the customer blames himself for her anger, Matakara believes he's at fault for their friendship failing. Because he was too weak to fight the thugs who beat him up which is why Arajin abandoned him. And much like how the customer never viewed at any other "cat", Matakara has his eyes and heart only for Arajin. Even after making new friends in the Minato Kai club, his idol has always been his childhood friend who inspired him when he was just a weak boy so many years ago.
And he'll make that fact known to Arajin everytime they meet; reminding him that he's someone of great importance in his life and that he just has to believe him. No matter how many times he's turned away, Matakara still holds him dearly in his heart.
Episode 5: The Next Level
The customer returns and declares that it's a big day for him. This time he gets scared in by Kenichirou and the Minato Kai Gang making their way to the upcoming warzone.
Hoping to patch things up with Jasmine, the customer presents a gift.
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The way I interpret this scene, it comes off as taking his relationship with Jasmine to the next level by giving her a choker. For pets, giving them a choker can be considered the same as giving them a collar. Usually to signify your bond as master and pet. Or in this case, it comes off as the customer treating his precious Jasmine to a gift in the hopes of raising her mood.
For this scene, I see it as a parallel to everyone's relationships and how they're moving on to the next level.
This takes place during the Gang War two parter with both gangs going at each other only for the NG Boys to stage their attack. The fighting persists until Arajin steps in to protect Mahoro from being killed by Akutaro. And while fighting, he gains a major power boost from Senya as his merge rate increases as a result.
And once he defeats the NG Emperor, everyone's mood cheers up for the better and their relationships improve as a result. The rival gangs are more friendly with each other and are able to get along in spite of their rivalry that's lasted for years. Matakara gets to have a bonding moment with Arajin which is a huge step compared to how coldly he's been treated in the past. And Senya is super excited that the merge rate between him and Arajin has increased.
Everything and everyone is in better spirits now.
To bad it won't last for very long.
Episode 6: This episode does not feature an NNL segment.
Episode 7: A New Cat???
The customer is once again worried about whether he should enter NNL and is scared into coming in when Arajin rushes by due to being late for the Group Date.
The receptionist welcomes him into the establishment and asks if he wants his usual. But to his surprise, the customer has someone else in mind.
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It's hard to say why exactly the customer decided to go for a new cat instead of Jasmine. Perhaps it's because he's become used to the NNL environment and is bold enough to try someone different.
But what strikes me fancy about this part is not so much the change in cat but the receptionist's reaction. All this time, we've seen him as a silly catboy who loves to tease the customer and rolls with him coming to see his precious Jasmine. But it's the change in cat that causes him to react this way. He loses his silly front and shows actual shock and maybe concern over such a drastic change. He doesn't even revert back to his playful self as it cuts straight to the customer meeting Pu'er-chan (Fun fact: Pu'er is a type of tea that's specially grown in China. And taking Jasmine into account, the cats at NNL are all named after Chinese tea flavors).
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So he goes on with meeting the new cat even though he still has feelings for Jasmine. And he's greatly surprised to see Pu'er accept him with relative ease based on his elated reaction.
So to start, this segment is ripe with foreshadowing as it features the customer deciding to take a break from his old cat of interest and goes for a new cat. The customer changes his old cat for a new one. And who do we know who's interested in choosing someone new at the end of Episode 7?
"Do you know? Do you know? Do you know who he chooses?"
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And mixed with the receptionist's reaction of shock and concern, the series itself has underwent a change in tone based on everything that happened in Episode 8. The comedy and jokes are significantly toned down in order focus on the more serious and heartbreaking elements of Matakara's brother being suddenly hospitalized and Arajin confessing that he was a coward all along which all leads up to Matakara falling into the palms of Ichiya, our presumed villain of the show.
Another things I want to mention/theorize is that when the customer brings up how he couldn't get Jasmine out of his head, that was a parallel to Ichiya being unable to get Senya out of his head. The two genies have a long, hidden but deep history with each other and it's implied that Senya did something to warrant his wrath. And given that Ichiya has a grudge in his heart that he intends to resolve, his goals in using Matakara are all but stated to be part of his masterplan of taking revenge against Senya.
And the last part with Pu'er fully embracing the customer will be foreshadowing of Matakara accepting Ichiya's proposal and power with minimal hesitation. With him at the brink of despair and with no one to turn to for emotional support (sorry Minato Kai boys), he'll be desperate and eager to follow Ichiya's will no matter how questionable or corrupt it may be. It isn't clear as to what type of wish Mataraka will make or what Ichiya will offer him to go along with his revenge, but the boy is clearly at his most vulnerable and weakest. He'll accept anything and fall into Ichiya's hands just to make the pain more bearable.
The Nyan Nyaight Love segments are meant to serve as a Greek Chorus for the Bucchigiri series. Paralleling the dynamics and conflicts between the main characters (Arajin, Matakara and Mahoro) while also providing foreshadowing for events to come. Much like the Shadow Play Girls and how they would parallel and foreshadow the main events in Utena. And under the assumption that we'll get more NNL segments, then the scenes with the customer and the receptionist will foretell more of what will happen throughout the show and the relationships between the characters.
And those are my thoughts on this nonsensical skit. What do you guys think? If you have your own interpretations for these segments or if there was something that you agreed or disagreed with, please feel free to reblog this and share your comments. It's worth mentioning that the plays that the Shadow Girls held had various ways of being interpreted so there's really no wrong way to go about this.
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overdevelopedglasses · 11 months
Sunday Six
Le gasp, I've been tagged by @carbonatedcalcium for Sunday Six! Found the time to read through your stuff and *mmmm*
Since I actually have people in mind to tag, let me snag the normal and somewhat-new mutuals I'm typically tagged by/alongside: @fire-tempers-steel, @woundedheartwithin, and @passthroughtime. All your guy's stuff is phenomenal and I can't get enough of it <3
On my end, Tojoctober is drawing to a close (and I'm too busy to write these last prompts ahead of time), however I still want to share something RGG related. So, here's an excerpt from a prompt I will probably continue with when I have free time.
It's Kaito and Yagami because I can't get enough of them, and we need more wholesomeness on our feeds anyway :3
Yagami lets out a breath and peers through the door into his agency. With the view the large window provides, he can see someone with gray pants lounging their legs on the table. The rest of their body is obscured, meaning they were sitting on the couch. But that's not what clues Yagami into the figure's identity.
It's that they're wearing an unmistakable pair of black socks with orange Koro-Nyans plastered on them.
Yagami would start laughing if he wasn't immediately wrought with confusion. How did Kaito get a hold of those? Yagami shakes his head, amused at having another mystery to solve, and composes himself before opening the office door.
The named individual looks over his shoulder at Yagami, and a burst of warmth soars through his body. It's something that's happened every time he drew his partner's attention with just his name, but the feeling still hasn't dulled after all this time, something Yagami is very grateful for. He steps into the office and shuts the door before he asks the question that's been on the tip of his tongue since Kaito came into view.
"Are those my socks?"
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gremlin4goro · 1 year
Thanksies @desruc <3 Gonna go through your songs now 'cause you always play such bangers on osu!
When you see this, post 5 songs you actually listen to and tag 10 of your favorite followers/mutuals!
katagiri - Reso*nyan*ce Fever
If you need a soundtrack of what it sounds like in my head, this is it.
Okita Soji - Samurai Ondo
Best Yakuza karaoke track, hands down. And of course I need to include something Yakuza-related here.
My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade
I wouldn't be the same person if I never heard this song. It helped me to just live my own life and say fuck the haters.
S3RL - Fan Service
I'm just a filthy weeaboo who loves happycore. Simple as that.
Leevi & Leavings - Poika nimeltä Päivi
Gender is a mess. Sexuality is a mess. I got bullied a shit ton by someone called Päivi. Funniest part is, she was actually the headmistress of the school. That's got nothing to do with this song, I just wanted to include this to get some Finnish going on in here as well, and overshare some trauma since I'm gay and all.
I'll tag uhhh... I can't think of ten people. Let's go with @mcrmadness 'cause they love to talk about music and @hikari-yumi and @ally-i-guess my besties from another country.
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beehivesystemsillys · 5 months
Hello! :3
First post, wanted to make a sorta intro!
We are an undiagnosed system, likely Osdd-1b, we don't experience amnesia! We are also Autistic and Adhd, among other things, and use things like tone tags and communication card/emojis. We are also a mobility aid (cane) user! Just some important lil side notes!
This is one of our main blogs (for personal reasons, we'd like to keep them separate and not share the other blog names, but alters go on other blogs and the system name is the same everywhere, so can't really stop that). This blog is made mostly for our system little and pet-regressor, so we'll mostly post/interact with content like that, but other alters may show up on here from time to time.
Due to severe social anxiety, we may not talk/post much, but who knows, maybe we will! :3
We'll try to stick to tagging posts appropriately so we'll use:
"#silly rambles" for posting abt/saying random stuff
"#[insert front tag/emoji] likes this post" for reblogs that certain alters rlly like or relate to
And we'll add more tags here when we make other posts and need a different tag for them.
Some other info:
We collectively go by many names, but mainly Bee and Moth. Our system name (we decided on this very recently) is the Beehive System or Beehive Mosaic (in reference to the way we view our plurality). We are also bodily a minor, so no funny business!(/silly but /srs)
The main alters that will be on here are:
Little—The system little/age-regressor.
Pronouns are: He/they/bub/plush/doodle/🍼/🧸/🫧/🔆/🩵
Uses masculine and neutral terms.
Signs off with 🍼
Pup—The system pet-regressor. Usually, puppy regressed, but sometimes other animals.
Pronouns are: He/it/they/pup/paw/kit/meow/woof/bark/wag/fluff/🐶/🐱/🐾
Uses masculine and neutral terms (or just animal terms).
Signs off with 🐾
Tism—The system's symptom holder? Unsure. Also, tbhcreaturekin sometimes. (Name seems very direct, but all of our alter names are like that. Want to clarify that we are all autistic, Tism just personifies our autistic traits and experiences them much more noticeably.)
Pronouns are: He/it/they/boing/bop/vwoop/bonk/stim/wag/yip/yippee/paw/thing/X3/🍬/🌈/🎉/♾️/🦈/🪸/🐠/🫧/🪼
Uses masculine and neutral terms.
Signs off with 🎉
Default—System host/gatekeeper and more. Basically always fronting.
Pronouns are: He/they/it and any neos/xenos
Uses mostly neutral terms, sometimes masculine terms, and rarely feminine terms.
Signs off with 👍
Those are the main ones, but others that may pop in are:
Scene Qween—Unsure what they do, but very silly and Scene. Has a couple of typing quirks that may be hard to read (Stuff l1k3 th1z).
Pronouns are: She/he/they/it/Rawr/XD/X3/:3/:D/X]/:]/X0/:0/xe/nyan/kandi/🌈/🎶/💜
Uses mainly neutral terms, but fine with any.
Signs off with 🎵
Neon—Also unsure what they do. They just sensory seek a lot (bright stuff, loud stuff, etc).
Pronouns are: They/it/neon/bright/glow/rainbow/💖/🩷/❤️/🧡/💛/💚/💙/🩵/💜/💫/⭐️/🛸/🦋/🪼/🫧/🩻/🎉/🎨/🚦/🌈/🍭/🛼
Uses neutral terms.
Signs off with 🌈
Plush—Fragment? Really loves plushies and collecting.
Pronouns are uncertain for now, so either they/them or just use their name.
Unsure on terms, use neutral for now.
Signs off with 🧸
Sunny—System Caretaker.
Pronouns are: She/they/sunshine/honey/fun/🔆/🌻 (Mainly she/her tho)
Uses feminine terms.
Signs off with ☀️
Toony—Unsure of role, but cartoonkin.
Pronouns are: He/it/they/boom/whizz/toon/cartoon/silly/boing/bonk/💥/✨️/🎉/❗️
Uses masculine and neutral terms.
Signs off with 💥
Weirdkin—Nonhuman alter? Weirdcore-creaturekin. Has typing quirk (l1k3 s0)
Pronouns are: It/thing/that thing/that/creature/odd/eye/tooth/👁/🦷/they/he
Uses mainly neutral and nonhuman terms, but is fine with masculine aswell.
Signs off with 👁
Anyways, that should cover most info but we may update/redo this later! Anyways, remember to be nice and have fun! :D
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the-geek-librarian · 10 months
4,10,15 for lolopechka :D
Thank you for the baby bean asks :33
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, etc, anything, what would you put them in?
Ok so, first up Pokemon. No questions asked, she can fit into the world just fine let it be the games or the anime. Speaking of the Anime, stupid bullshit crossover Au where Lolopechka is Likos big sister and has 30 panic attacks when she learned that some Men in Black looking mf came after her sister. Also she would have SO much Beef with Diana (Likos grandma) and the RVTs for a lil bit.
Another game she just fits into perfectly is Yo-kai Watch, (yes I'm still going ape shit abt it) it's just a clumsy ass girl with her 100+-year-old Komasan (Gajah) and yo-kai cat (Vaninyan my beloved) that can potentially just kill everything in Japan but they can't bc they have been reduced to marketable lil guys. Its- it's just such a vibe honestly. I just know She would LOVE Jibonyan or well ALL the Nyans!!
10. Could you be best friends with this Character?
Uhhhhhh Yeah most likely, we'd both have the reputation of the "weird kid" no one what's to talk to except on the accession or to yk,,, be made fun of but moving on, I have the tendency to attract the most DUMMASS motherfuckers on the planet to me, so i'd be adding another one to my collection
15. What's your favorite ship for this Character (dosn't matter if it's canon or not)
Uhhhh I have two in mind that I really like so I'll just name those. (for reference, Lolo is a the biggest Pansexual EVER.)
On number one we got my beloved rear pare Vani x Gajah x Lolo. Yup, those three mf put together I get that they aren't everyone's cup of tea but I think there funny as shit together honestly
Now this is a three in one bc I'm indecisive as fuck but moving onnnnnnn. Vanica x Lolo, Gajah x Lolo (ofc my baby's oh my GOD) and Stella x Lolo, for the ppl who dont know Stella is @funky-sea-cryptid and @t-f-t Oc from there BAGING fic "The Blood of both is my Limdo"!! on AO3 highly recommend you check it out!!
Lolo is either looking at Gajahs ass or at Vanica's and Stellas tits. At times both bc she said "why have one when I can get both?" she has the right idea the lil shti
Anyway, Asking for more Characters is always open!!! Black clover related or not!! (looking at you Horizons fans, give me the baby Liko)
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
May I request Mizuki, Rui, and Mafuyu with an S/O who does witchcraft. Like constantly burning incense, making potions, buying crystals, talking to stray animals (the animals respond back positively)? Sorry if that's too much
I don't want to enter AU territory, at least not yet, but about the stray animals thing, I can offer you this:
Mizuki, Rui and Mafuyu with a catlord S/O
Akiyama Mizuki
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Mizuki probably screamed out of cuteness when they found out about you being a catlord.
They would want to bring you to spots where stray cats usually are so they come closer and they can pet them.
They also think it's very cute how cats climb on you and curl up to your face pleasantly
Will probably save you on their phone as a cat related pet name like neko-nyan :3 or kittycat🐱 and gift you cat related goods when they have the opportunity. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. They are going to do it anyway.
"Hey, look at this cat beanie! I think it would look sooo cute in you~" "Eeh? that would surely attract even more cats to me, do you want me to die??"
Kamishiro Rui
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Rui actually finds quite endearing the way cats are attracted to you as soon as you come into their radar.
He feels like he can understand why cats like you much, but will still be surprised about how many can gather just to be around you.
He is a little of a catlord himself, just not to your extent. He has had a few time stray cats following him home. He has recently finished a robo-food-dispenser for them.
Will absolutely take you to a cat cafe you just to tease you. All these cats staring intensely at you while you are trying to drink your cup of tea.
"Hehe~, seems like you are hogging all the cats of the shop." "You... hey, those two are actually looking at you, you can't trick me."
Asahina Mafuyu
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Mafuyu was very confused the first time stray cats gathered around you.
You did nothing out of the ordinary, yet the cats seemed drawn to you for no reason, even climbing to your shoulders and meowing loudly on your cheeks
She noticed you seemed to enjoy it, despite sometimes getting overwhelmed by the amount of stray cats in you personal space.
Mafuyu has never own a pet so she doesn't have strong opinions about them. But she felt curious about cats when you compared them to her.
"You are not that different from them, you know? Didn't you mention you didn't quite know why were drawn to me?" "Yes, that's right. I guess we have that in common..."
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luxthestrange · 3 years
Ringtones The brothers have for you+Your's too
Lucifer: We belong together
He actually likes to image YOU the one who sings the song...This song calms him down when you are away, Dealing with his brothers...Or being questioned by a hyper Diavolo, Being served by the ever-perfect butler and annoying angel and wizard
Your's: Paramour
I honestly think this song fits lucifer and Your relationship, Lucifer couldn't feel more proud when you explain the meaning to him why you choose it...-NO YOU CAN'T FIGHT HIS FATHER
Mammon: Genius
Oh, he has fallen alright...He has fallen for you, Can't you see he got everything you need, He IS a genius(He is, He just burnt out), HUMAN-No! Asmo probs changed the ringtone to this one-Ok...he choose the song for you
Your's: Good Old-fashion lover boy
Imma be honest...This just sums us, Singing this on your occasional insomniac nights while waiting for the noodles to soften to eat ramen(Beel lowkey shipping but then being pampered with his own noodles by mammon and you)
Leviathan: Aishite Aishite Aishite
You can take his love song as Bottom Yandere(cuz he is guys)that he is, Or the Bottom otaku that he is and choose that song for you when you call...thank Diavolo you still haven't heard it...
Your's: Say so-Rainych version
The lyrics are there IF YOU WANT, SAY SO DAMMIT YOU STOOPID SNEK-You gotta straight up just say...course have something to cushion him if he faints..or paper cuz when he reads the lyrics...there be blood
Satan: Love like You
Ok, you may have the Nyan ringtone, but this song after...true crime is done you guys watched this cartoon called...Stephen universe, He in a way can relate to the child...and the lyrics struck into his cords...when he watches you sing the opening...What makes you think he is special...Not a copy of lucifer
Your's: Nyan cat
....You need me to explain? Hell no.....You and he were actually fighting who gets to have that ringtone for one another(given you confused who phone was ringing), YOU WON
Asmodeus: Never ever getting rid of me
He knows the lyrics and the meaning but loves cutting the lyrics to
"Wherever you go, I won't be far to follow Oh, I'm gonna love you so You'll learn what I already know I love you means you're never, ever, ever gettin' rid of me"
Your's: Boss B*tch
He is A BOSS, BITCH, THE QUEEN! (or princess given his princess persona)He loved your ringtone and actively just calls you to show off when others are around
Beelzebub: You are my honeybunch
He heard it once seeing it on his trips to the human world and INSTANTLY thought of singing it to you...He panicked when you started holding your chest and crying
Your's: The bigger The figure
The bigger the figure, the better I like him The better I like him, the better I feed him The better I feed him, the bigger the figure The bigger the figure, the more I can love
Belphegor: Coffee
He just wants to be in a never-ending embrace with you(With Beel)-WHY YOU CHOOSE THAT RINGTONE FOR HIM!?
Your's: La vaca
He hates it.....And You thrive
part 2?
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viad0 · 2 years
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An umbrella term for people who have an opinion that can't be described normally by society. Coined by @nyans-eyebleach-and-mogai, flag by me
An opinion related to cats, best described as a cat or that is a cat
Requested by anon
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thatonegayship · 2 years
Mabel :3
Favorite thing about her: She's been blessed with some of the best, most quotable lines in the entire series. You can tell the writers had a lot of fun with her!
Least favorite thing about her: There are entire blogs dedicated to what's wrong with this girl. I'm not even gonna explain it.
Favorite quote: "Today, I learned that morality is relative!"
BrOTP: Mabel and Waddles (aw hell yee 😎)
OTP: Mabel x Mermando
NOTP: Incest hurts my soul.
Random Headcanon: I have no doubt in my mind that Mabel can ride a unicycle. That, or she can't, but rides one anyway.
Unpopular opinion: I'm honestly not super interested in Mabel as a character. I enjoy writing about her because it allows more range, but in canon she spent a lot of the series as either comedic relief, or the catalyst for many issues ('Catalyst' as in she presents an obstacle, not necessarily as the root of the problem). When she wasn't being funny, as a kid, I just found her obnoxious.
I couldn't relate to her much growing up, and watching everyone else go through character arcs and get satisfying resolutions to their own personal hangups (Dipper's struggle with masculinity, Soos' absent father, Pacifica rebelling against her controlling parents, etc.), Mabel's big finale 'Summer's Over' moment just didn't hit home for me, despite being the thing many of us hoped she would learn by the end. Even with everything that happened, I couldn't help but feel Mabel was left unchanged.
Song associated with her: Ievan Polkka (Cover) by Hatsune Miku (or) 100 hours of Nyan Cat
Favorite picture of her:
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blackcatarts · 7 years
Hey issa I had an amazing Pippin- related idea but I don't know anyone irl who cares about Pippin so i am sharing it with you instead: the show starts as usual, and it comes time for Pippin to make his grand entrance- but instead of "Corner of the Sky" he busts out singing Africa by Toto. The question is how does the leading player react to this
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Not Pleased™
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bossmommay · 5 years
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Ang istoryang eto ay nagpapa-totoo na, "No Man is an Island". 💕
Isang lalake ang nag-asawa ng isang magandang babae.
Mahal na mahal nya eto.
Isang araw nagkaroon ang babae ng matinding sakit sa balat.
Unti-unting nawala ang kanyang ganda.
Dumating ang isang araw, kailangan umalis ng lalake para sa isang paglalakbay.
Pabalik sa kanila, nagkaroon sya ng aksidente at nawala ang kanyang paningin.
Pero nagpatuloy pa din ang kanilang maayos na pagsasama.
Paglipas ng panahon, tuluyan ng nawala ang ganda ng babae.
Na hindi nalalaman ng kanyang bulag na asawa kaya wala pa din pagbabago sa kanilang pagsasama.
Nagpatuloy pa din ang kanilang pagmamahalan.
Dumating ang araw, namatay ang babae.
Ang kanyang kamatayan ay nagdulot sa kanya ng matinding pagdadalamhati.
Tinapos lang nya ang lahat ng kailangan sa pagluluksa at gusto na nyang lisanin ang bayan nila.
Isang lalake ang nagsabi sa kanya na, "Paano ka na makakalakad muli ng mag-isa? Noon ay palagi kang tinutulungan ng iyong asawa."
Sagot nya, "Ang totoo nyan, hindi talaga ako bulag. Umarte lang akong bulag dahil kapag nalaman nya na nakikita ko ang malaking pagbabago sa itsura nya, masasaktan sya ng sobra kesa sa kanyang sakit.
Kaya nagkunyari akong bulag.
Napakabuti nyang asawa.
Gusto ko lang syang maging masaya."
Moral of the story: Kung minsan, mas mabuti na umarte tayong bulag at huwag pansinin ang kahinaan ng isa't-isa para maging masaya.
Kahit ilang beses nakakagat ng mga ipin natin ang ating dila, palagi pa din silang magkasama sa ating bunganga.
Yan ang kagandahan ng Pagpapatawad.
Kahit hindi nakikita ng ating mga mata ang isa't-isa, nakakakita, pumipikit at umiiyak sila ng magkasama and that is Unity.
May the Lord grant us all the spirit of forgiveness and togetherness​.
1. ''Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'talk'.
2. "Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can celebrate.
3. 'Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh'.
​That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations. We are nothing without each other​.
The razor blade is sharp but can't cut a tree; the axe is strong but can't cut the hair.
​*Everyone is important according to his/her unique purpose, never look down on anyone unless you are admiring their shoes. 💕
Translated to Tagalog by
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concernedcitizendvo · 6 years
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There are so much things in life that Senator Antonio Trillanes IV can't be trusted, same goes with his co-Magdalo guy Congressman Gary Alejano who are high critics of President Rodrigo Duterte's administration and the government itself. Well, likely, they do much collateral damage in order to make the government worse, just so they can do the things they want to do, desparately. Literally.
How can a soldier and his company do in making much collateral damage to the 2 coup attempts in order to oust then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo because of their needs that is quite questionable that still remains questionable. Why, because of their illicit mindsets in which, they're like heroes of their own field, for which they had failed with the 2003 Oakwood Mutiny, and the 2007 Manila Peninsula Siege in which after they made their demolition job, it was like they are cowards when they surrender, and part of which all of the utensils, the drinking glasses, the things inside the hotel... they took it all.
In Duterte's speech in Qatar: "Kasi ginamit ni Trillanes, isa pa yung gago... di naman napalaban. Yun yung gagong nagwara-wara dyan sa Makati? Kasi mag-revolt daw sila, tapos sinira yung Peninsula... ninakaw lahat ng tinidor, baso, lahat ng inumin bago nagsurrender sa pulis. napakagago..."
"Kaya nga tinanong ko, 'Bakit ganun itong si Trillanes?' Sabi ng isang Navy, 'Sir, ang sikreto nyan, may alam ang doktor namin.'
Tinawagan yung doktor, ano bang problema na nandito (sa utak)? 'Eh sir hindi dito (sa utak) Mayor, sa ibaba.'
'Anong problema nya diyan sa baba?' Bihira, it's a very rare that the course about every 200,000, isa lang ang bayag."
"Kung totoo ka, ah, it's an abnormality. It occurs in every male population, 200,000 (two hundred thousand), may isa dyan. Ang problema, natanggap pa sa Navy, hindi hindi po yung..."
In Duterte's speech in Thailand last March of 2017, he said when referring about Trillanes: "Anong ginawa ng putang ina nya? Di ba nagrebelde? Dyan sa Makati nagwara-wara ng mga baril? Nagmartsa dun, inagaw yung Peninsula na hotel? Nagbarricade dun... pagdating ng pulis, ang mga duwag na ulol nagsurrender kaagad. Tapos naging senador, akala mo nagmamakalinis ang gago (referring to Trillanes)."
"Nagkokolekta yan sa mga malalaking negosyante. May writ, parang yan ang abogado na hindi abogado. Abogado, may retainer yan. Totoo yan, mga malalaking negosyo. Natatakot sa ganyan, napakaduwag yang putangina matakot kayo? Pagdating ng pulis, surrender kaagad? Akala ko ba makipagpatayan ka?"
Pagkanalang. If I'm not mistaken, when he was in prison last 2007 he ran for Senator as a guest candidate of the Genuine Opposition and won. On the same year, Trillanes walked out in the hearing at the Makati RTC for the case of rebellion, then the troupe took over the Manila Peninsula hotel when the negotiations failed referring to the ouster of then-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Tssss. That's how stupid they were when they easily surrender like they were puppies. Spoiled brat pero atras galore ang lola nyo (referring to Trillanes).
2010, the Grant of Amnesty for Senator Trillanes made by then-President Noynoy Aquino... in which former Secretary Voltaire Gazmin had signed the Certification of Amnesty, the same year when the toy soldier freed from prison, then in 2011, the Senator had applied the amnesty in the DND Ad Hoc Amnesty Committee and admitted the crimes he had committed, but in which they had not declared the admission of the 2 coup attempts.
Now, President Duterte had revoked the Amnesty of Senator Trillanes, because it is VOID. VOID because it is invalid, the PNoy had signed the Amnesty of which he didn't -- instead, Gazmin had signed for it. How come? (Si Gazmin ra diay ang Presidente ato nga time niadtong nag-file ug Amnesty? MeysKowt.)
Now, the people in which they are involved in the life of the toy soldier-Senator... including his family. His mother was involved in the transactions of the military and earned money as a dealer, and also... his father. (May pinagmanahan pala ang Sundalong Kanin ah) His father had gambled all the money in which it was intended for the publication of the AFP-PNP Telephone Directory.
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"Trillanes belonged to the most junior and last class of PMA cadtes I handled at PMA as instructor in Engineering subjects. His father- Antonio Sr - PMA class 1959 - was the Asst J-6/ Deputy Chief COMMEL, AFP when I was the Commander of PMA COMMEL Company and the COMMEL Staff officer of GEN BIAZON during his stint as PMA Superintendent. Antonio Trillanes Sr always called Dumbguard Trillanes IV to report to my office after asking the PMA commandant - General Victor Garcia and General Narciso Abaya to release Antonio IV from any duty during Saturdays and Sundays. While his mistahs were dying in the hallways of Melchor Hall during company level punishments or mase-mase, Antonio IV was enjoying in my office cooking and eating lots of boodles along with his 3 room mates. Medyo may pagka shabby/ swapang rin ang mokong na ito. Yung tatay at nanay nya ay palagi umaakyat sa Baguio, sa kwarto ko sa office natutulog. Libre lahat - hatid sundo ko, pakain ko, etc. They usually arrive late Friday afternoon and depart early morning of Monday. When I reported for duty at the Office of the Chief COMMEL. AFP upon request of the Chief COMMEL, AFP. Antonio Trillanes Sr just retired and was a "dealer-supplier" of various items at GHQ, AFP. During those times, conversion and ghost deliveries were rampant and his father was able to convert DBM SARO to cash - the budget intended for AFP-PNP Telephone Directory publication. Unfortunately, that money was used as a bet in the casino and mahjong where Antonio Sr lost everything in a blink of an eyelash. Being new to the office, I never had any idea of what was going on in my office..... My first task then on my first week of duty was how to produce P 1.5 million cash to print the AFP Telephone directory at the time that the converted cash was already lost from Antonio Sr's gambling activities. Pagkamalas ko naman, kagaguhan ng Tatay ni Antonio IV ako ang nautusan maghanap ng pera kapalit sa nilustay ng kanyang tatay...I accomplished my task to produce funds and print the AFP Directory using funds I solicited from various commercial companies. This was upon orders of my superiors and all money solicited to the last centavo were properly accounted for. Swerte nya, perang nilustay ng Tatay nya, napalitan, ang kanilang kagauhan napagtakpan. His mother earned money as a "dealer" . She allegedly made magic bidding documents to corner contracts and convert SARO to cash..of course, she did these things .in cahoots with some crooked PN personnel.”
See? Even Senator Trillanes wouldn't admit the crime his family had committed, likely making up stories that his family is very kind-hearted, that they are not.
And the bald guy named Alejano, still makes critical attacks against the current government we have today. Likely, they don’t ever want to feel the change that President Duterte is trying to do for the Filipinos, and if they think they wasted the time and effort of our beloved President, well their supposed to-be President and sympathizers are wasting their money making desperate moves to oust the current administration.
What Alejano did to the country? Nothing! Same as Trillanes. Joined with the coup, same scenario, blah blah blah... Alejano is a military man but vying for power and being a part of the opposition, and joining the destabilization plot vs. President Duterte just so they want their president to continue the corrupt practices made by the Liberated LP Party... Tuwad na daan susmaryusep.
Anyways, back to Trillanes, President Duterte had revoked the Amnesty of the toy soldier because the Amnesty filed is really VOID. The revocation of the Amnesty of Senator Trillanes under Proclamation Number 75, series of 2010 (under PNoy) was signed by President Duterte under Proclamation Number 572, series of 2018:
WHEREAS, Section 19, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution expressly authorizes the President of the Republic of the Philippines to grant amnesty;
WHEREAS, by virtue of Proclamation No. 75, series of 2010, an amnesty was granted to all active and former personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine National Police as well as their supporters who have or may have committed crimes punishable under the Revised Penal Code, the Articles of War or other laws in connection with, in relation or incident to, the July 27, 2003 Oakwood Mutiny, the February 2006 Marines Stand-Off and the November 29, 2007 Manila Peninsula Incident who shall apply therefor, provided that amnesty shall not cover rape, acts of torture, crimes against chastity, and other crimes committed for personal ends;
WHEREAS, Section 2 of Proclamation No. 75, series of 2010, an Ad Hoc Committee of the Department of National Defense (DND) was tasked with receiving and processing applications, including opposition thereto, if any, for amnesty pursuant to this proclamation and determining whether applicants are entitled to amnesty pursuant to this proclamation. The final decisions or determination of the DND shall be appealable to the Office of the President by any party to the application;
WHEREAS, Proclamation No. 75, series of 2010 provides that the concerned AFP and PNP personnel and their supporters are required to file an application for amnesty under oath with the Department of National Defense (DND) ad hoc Committee;
WHEREAS, Sections 5, 6 and 11 of the DND Amnesty Committee (DND-AC) Circular No. 1 dated December 21, 2010, "The Rules and Procedures in the processing of Amnesty Applications pursuant to Proclamation No. 75, series of 2010," requires the applicants to personally fill up and file the Official Amnesty Application Form and expressly admit their guilt for the crimes committed during the Oakwood Mutiny, the Marines Stand-Off, and the Manila Peninsula Incident. DND-AC Circular No. 1 further requires the applicants to recant all previous statements inconsistent with the requirement of admission of that guilt;
WHEREAS, Section 14 of DND-AC Circular No. 1 mandates the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, JI, AFP, to provide and create a Secretariat to provide adminstrative assistance to the Committee in receiving and processing of applications for amnesty and any opposition thereto and the recording of minutes, reception of evidence and other documents presented during deliberations and hearings;
WHEREAS, the Supreme Court in the case of People of the Philippines vs. Vera, et al, declared that "a previous admission of guilt is necessary in amnesty since the invocation of amnesty is in the nature of a plea of confession and avoidance, which means that the pleader admits the allegations against him but disclaims liability therefor on account of intervening facts which, if proved, would bring the crime charged within the scope of the amnesty proclamation";
WHEREAS, at the time Proclamation No. 75, Series of 2010 was issued former LTSG Antonio Trillanes IV, O-11797 PN, was facing trial for a non-bailable offense of coup d e'tat in Criminal Case No. 03-2784 pending with the Regional Trial Court, Makati City, Branch 148;
WHEREAS, at the time Proclamation No. 75, Series of 2010 was issued former LTSG Antonio Trillanes IV, O-11797 PN, was also facing trial before the Military Tribunal for Mutiny or Sedition, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and Gentleman, and all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, and all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service defined and penalized under Commonwealth Act No. 408, as Amended, otherwise known as the Articles of War;
WHEREAS, former LTSG Antonio Trillanes IV, O-11797 PN, a grantee under Proclamation No. 75, did not file an Official Amnesty Application Form as per the Certification dated August 30, 2018 issued by Lt. Col. Thea Joan N. Andrade, Chief, Discipline, Law and Order Divistion of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, J1, stating that "there is no available copy of his application for amnesty in the records";
WHEREAS, former LTSG Antonio Trillanes IV, O-11797 PN, never expressed his guilt for the crimes that were committed on occasion of the Oakwood Mutiny and Peninsula Manila Hotel Siege, stating that "they were not admitting guilt to the mutiny and coup d'etat charges lodged against them both in the civil and military courts" and "I would like to qualify that we did not admit to the charge of coup d'etat or anything na i-finile sa amin kasi we believe na hindi iyon ang nararapat na i-charge sa amin";
WHEREAS, despite former LTSG Trillanes IV's failure to apply for amnesty and refusal to admit his guilt, his name was nonetheless included among those granted amnesty pursuant to DND Ad Hoc Committee Resolution No. 2 approved by former Secretary of National Defense Voltaire T. Gazmin;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Section 19, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution, do hereby DECLARE and PROCLAIM:
Section 1. The grant of amnesty to former LTSG Antonio Trillanes IV under Proclamation No. 75 is declared void ab initio because he did not comply with the minimum requirements to qualify under the Amnesty Proclamation.
Section 2. Effects.
1. As a consequence, the Department of Justice and Court Martial of the Armed Forces of the Philippines are ordered to pursue all criminal and administrative cases files against former LTSG Antonio Trillanes in relation to the Oakwood Mutiny and the Manila Peninsula Incident.
2. The Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police are ordered to employ all lawful means to apprehend former LTSG Antonio Trillanes so that he can be recommitted to the detention facility where he had been incarcerated for him to stand trial for the crimes he is charged with.
Section 3. Effectivity. This Proclamation shall take effect immediately.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this Proclamation and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed to it.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 31st day of August in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Eighteen.”
Nganga na ang sundalong kanin. He cowardly don't want to take arrest because of his 'urong-sulong' tactics and the lamest excuse of not to come out of the Senate is "he is sick". Seesssss hilom dong oy! Pailad pa ka naa na kay something nga magtapang-tapangan ka oy unay manalawan ka? Don't us! We know your numerous alibis, just when you thought you have helped the country, you're not. And when you thought that you have filed almost all of the Senate Resolutions including the increased salary of the military and the police, think again. It is not only you, but other Senators who have initiated to file a Senate Bill for the increased salary, parehas kayo ni Bam Aquino credit-grabber.
Never again. Never again to the dilawans and the MagdaLOLs.
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