#Nutrition for increased stamina
hopkinrx · 1 year
Stamina Building Diet: Boost Your Stamina With Proper Nutrition
Introduction When it comes to stamina building diet to improve your stamina and endurance, following a well-balanced diet plays a crucial role. Just like a well-tuned car requires quality fuel to perform optimally, your body needs the right nutrients to sustain energy levels during physical activities. In this article, we will explore the importance of a stamina-building diet and provide you…
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boltnutrition · 2 years
RISER PRE WORKOUT is an effective kick start pre workout formula designed to offer Energy, Focus, Pump, Endurance, and Performance to take your workout to the next level. RISER A KICK START Pre workout Formula is a blend of proven workout enhancers. Per serving consists of 300 mg caffeine, 1000 mg beta-alanine, and 2000 mg Citrulline Malate which boost your energy levels in order to enjoy longer workouts with more intensity.   
Boosts energy and focus.
Enhances Muscle Pump.
Enhances strength, power, and endurance.
Accelerates muscle recovery.
Powerful and effective ergogenic aid.
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prettieinpink · 1 year
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based on a health link article
Cycle syncing is when we match our menstrual cycle to our health lifestyle, such as nutrition and exercise. By using your menstrual cycle as a guide of your health throughout, you become in tune of your hormonal needs
Our menstrual cycle has 3 distinct phases excluding your period, which occur over a month.
Follicular(menstruation happens in this phase). Lasts for 6-14 days. Estrogen and progesterone are increasing.
Ovulatory. Lasts for 15-17 days. Estrogen is at its peak, testosterone and progesterone are increasing.
Luteal. Lasts for 18-28 days. Estrogen and progesterone are high, but if the egg stays unfertilised, the hormones decrease and the cycle repeats.
Your hormones are at its lowest, so light exercise and cardio is better suited for your stamina here. Yoga, walking, stretching, jogging
Hormones are increasing, so high intensity exercises are suited for this phase as your energy is higher. gym, cycling, skip rope, running, HIIT
As your body prepares itself for another cycle, energy may be low, so light or moderate exercise is best. Pilates, ab exercises, any strength training
Your Estrogen will begin to increase in this stage. Drink warm beverages to help with cramps. Despite your cravings, limit fatty/oily foods, caffeine and watch your sodium intake. Eat foods that help with metabolising your estrogen.
broccoli, sauerkraut, cabbage, high quality meats, cauliflower, spinach, sesame seeds, flaxseeds
Your estrogen is the highest so opt for foods that support your liver, protect you from environmental toxins(as they can impact your hormones) and are anti-inflammatory.
Leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, legumes, high quality meat & fish, garlic, almonds, whole fruits
Estrogen and progesterone are high, but will begin to decrease. Magnesium rich foods to help fight fatigue, and foods that help with serotonin are best.
Leafy greens, quinoa, buckwheat, dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, beans, avocado
This is the phase when your cycle is beginning to repeat, so you want to ensure that your diet is optimal. Avoid caffeinated drinks, sugar, deep fried foods and high amounts of dairy.
To start implementing these changes to your lifestyle, track your cycle and begin to identify how long each phase lasts for. Pay attention to how your body responds to each phase.
with that, I wish you luck 💖🎀 i hope we all stay healthy and happy together 👏
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tss-whumper · 2 months
please believe me - a sanders sides whump one-shot
summary: roman has always been a little bit more fragile than he wants to admit. he gets dizzy spells and vertigo, and struggles to walk often because of this. but when he discovers that he can use a cane to better his mobility, he's amazed and delighted...until he tells the other sides, who do not take this well.
word count: 4.3k
content warnings: internalized ableism, ableism, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, bullying, emotional abuse, concussions, dry-heaving, all of the sides except for roman, remus, and logan could be seen as unsympathetic.
Roman liked to consider himself strong. Though he knew that all of the other sides were stronger than him physically, he also knew that he had a lot of stamina and fortitude of his own. After all, he was the only side who would regularly go on adventures of his own imagining, slaying pretend dragons and running through the forest. He also knew that he was often the one asked to do strenuous tasks, because he was the only one who had the energy to go from start to finish without slackening even a little.
But lately, that energy had been burning out quicker than usual.
Roman would be walking through his imaginary forest, and then suddenly, his vision would blur. His head would hurt. His heart would pound. And he would stumble and fall, gasping to catch his breath as his heart raced. But by the time he realized what was happening, he was on the ground, and it was going away. At first, Roman thought nothing of it. Probably lack of nutrition. So he ate more. It helped a little, but not a lot. Lack of sleep? He got his beauty sleep, ten hours a night. But even when he increased to eleven hours, the dizzy spells did not stop.
The longer it went on, the worse the spells got. They would last longer, and be more severe. There would even be times where Roman had to stay on the floor for minutes at a time, just to get his heart to stop pounding and his body to stop trembling. He was always thirsty, always hungry. No matter how much he ate and drank. And he started to grow wary of going into his forest alone. What if he collapsed and couldn't get back up? Each time he fell, it grew harder and harder to pick himself up. It started to feel like his bones were becoming brittle and useless.
Until one day.
He went for a little walk after a frustrating argument with Remus, making sure to keep close to his bedroom door, just in case. But this time, when his vision blurred and he teetered to the side, he held out his arms, grappling for something to keep him upright. And his hands wrapped tightly around a branch of a tree. The dizziness was still there, and Roman could see the world around him moving. But he was still. And he knew that he was still, because the branch did not move. The branch kept him steady, and helped him figure out where to slowly and shakily move his feet to keep walking. The branch made things feel less terrifying, like he had more control over his body and the situation.
It was revolutionary.
Ever since that day, Roman started to cling to branches and trunks and whatever he could to keep himself upright. And it went from being whenever he felt dizzy to all the time, that way, it didn't take him by surprise, and he would know that he had something to hold onto if the dizziness came on in a flash, as it tended to. And Roman felt so safe and secure, and more than anything? He felt brave again.
"Janus, your cane is so pretty," Patton marveled one day as all the sides gather for a movie night, "You never did tell us what it's for. Is it just for decoration?"
"Not really," Janus shrugged, sitting on the couch, "It's to help keep me from putting too much weight on my weak joints. It's just easier to walk when I'm holding onto something."
Roman's eyes went round as saucers when he heard this. He stared at Janus' cane, black polished wood, with a curve on one end for Janus to hold onto, and a flat base on the other for it to keep his body steady on the ground.
"You mean you just use the cane, and it keeps you from falling down?" he blurted before he could stop himself.
Janus wrinkled his nose, clearly confused by Roman's fascination with his cane and his disability. He pulled his cane closer to himself.
"I don't fall down," he said, "But it does help with keeping me upright when I'm feeling a lot of pain."
The other sides asked their own questions about Janus' cane and his disability, but Roman couldn't hear any of it. All he could think about was that cane. It was just like the tree branch in the forest. It kept Janus grounded, it gave him something to support himself with when his body gave out. It was perfect.
Roman gracefully excused himself, rushing to his room, stumbling inside and falling to the ground as another dizzy spell hit him. But he didn't mind being splayed out on the carpet, grinning like a child in a toy store as he started to conjure up a cane. The perfect cane. It wouldn't be black like Janus'. It would be red, so Roman could always find it. And instead of having a curved area for the hand, it just went out horizontally a few inches, and the handle was a nice plush material that was nice to hold. The bottom was flat like Janus', but it was wider. Roman thought about the strong trunk of the tree, how the wider the foundation was, the stronger the tree stood. Roman made the bottom of his cane about two inches wide, so that there was plenty of sure flatness for him to lean upon.
And then, it was finished. Using the cane, Roman struggled to his feet, clutching the cane tightly. Getting up was much easier when he had something to hold onto. The world rocked and spun around him, but as he gripped the plush handle of the cane, Roman didn't feel so scared. He didn't feel like one wrong step would cause him to crash back down. Slowly, he dragged the cane forward, and then, he took a step. He did not lean heavily on the cane, but he did rest about half his weight on it. The cane was perfect for orienting himself. Letting his body know where it was in space.
It was amazing. Roman almost cried from joy. How did it take him this long to figure out such a simple solution to his problem? Now, he would never topple over from a dizzy spell again!
The very first day Roman walked to the kitchen with his cane, he was all smiles. He dragged it gently in front of him, the way he had in his bedroom. Now, it was decorated beautifully. Roman had gone to the forest and delicately wrapped chains of dried flowers around his cane, making for a simple but elegant decoration. Roman felt as if he was glowing from the inside out. Every step was so certain. Every step felt like flying.
"Roman, what the hell is that?"
Air deflated from Roman's chest as he heard the intense hostility in Virgil's tone.
"It's my cane," Roman said, smiling at Virgil as widely as he could, though fear danced in his eyes. "It helps me walk. I get dizzy a lot, and I've been falling over. The cane keeps me from falling."
"You fall over," Virgil repeated, very deadpan in his delivery, "I've never seen you fall over."
"Well- yeah, it mostly happens in the forest," Roman explained, "When I've been running and playing for a while. But sometimes it comes on all of a sudden. I'm glad I found the cane before it happened in front of any of you guys. It's very unbecoming of a prince to be collapsing at random!"
But Virgil did not laugh at Roman's lighthearted remark. His gray eyes narrowed and he stared at the cane for a long time.
"You know, I hate Janus," he said slowly, "You know that. I hate him more than Thomas hates carrots. But there are some lines you can't cross when making fun of him. I can't believe you'd do something like this, Roman. It's a real jackass move."
"What...?" Roman felt tears form in his eyes, "What are you talking about? What's a jackass move?"
"This! All of this!" Virgil cried out, gesturing to the cane, "Faking some dizzy thing to try and get attention? To try and make some sort of mockery of Janus' literal disability? That's not cute, Roman!"
Footsteps could be heard, and Patton and Janus entered the hallway from the kitchen. Patton was holding a mixing bowl. Janus was holding a spoon in one hand, and his cane in the other. Roman was trying his hardest not to cry, biting his lip so hard that he could feel blood dripping down his gums inside his mouth.
"What's going on in here, kiddos?" Patton asked, "It's a Saturday morning, there's no need to yell."
Then, Patton laid eyes upon Roman's cane. And Janus did too.
"It's another one of Roman's little ploys for attention," Virgil hissed, glaring murderously at the creative side, "He must have seen Janus' cane yesterday and gotten all pissy. Because the attention wasn't all on him."
"That's not true!" Roman choked out, desperate for support as he gazed imploringly at Patton, "I swear, it's not true- I- I've been getting dizzy for weeks! Before I even knew about Janus' cane, I was struggling with this- why won't you believe me??"
"If you were struggling, why didn't you tell us?" Janus asked quietly, "Everybody knows that little Princey can't keep a secret to save his life. Why now? Why this?"
"I..." Roman choked on air. "I didn't want to worry you guys. I didn't know what it was, and- I was trying to fix it on my own. I don't understand. The cane helps me walk, just like it helps you."
"Roman, honey," Patton said gently, approaching Roman and placing a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure you do get a little dizzy from time to time. That's normal for somebody as active as you. And your diet isn't exactly the healthiest, what, with all that fruit you eat. So much sugar, and you barely eat anything at mealtimes."
"I eat plenty at mealtimes," Roman tried to reassure, "I swear it. This isn't something that can be solved by that stuff- at least, I don't think so."
"I know you want people to pay attention to you," Patton interjected, his voice gentle, but his eyes glistening with a warning, "I know you like being the center of everyone's focus, buddy. But you're a big, strong prince! You're Roman. You're supposed to be a valiant and brave prince. Don't you want to be a prince, Roman?"
"Of course I do," Roman whispered, a tear rolling down his face.
"Can you name any princes who use a cane?" Patton asked sweetly, and when Roman faltered, Patton continued, "Exactly. You're a big boy, Roman. You don't need stuff like this. Let's leave the canes to the actual disabled people, alright? It's the respectful thing to do, sweetheart."
Roman started to feel dizzy. He was not sure if it was from a dizzy spell or from the extreme overwhelm of emotions that were weighing him down. Perhaps it was both. All he knew was that he needed to get out of here. He gripped his cane and turned to go, but he found that something was keeping him there.
Virgil's hands were holding tightly onto Roman's cane, keeping him from moving it. Roman's fragile, trembling fingers were no match for Virgil's strong and certain ones.
"Please," he whispered, "Give me my cane."
"No," Virgil glowered, "You can walk ten steps to your room by yourself. I know you can. I've seen it. You're being a real dick, Roman. I just want you to drop the act, okay? I'm not asking for much."
"I need my cane, please," Roman begged, more tears dripping down his chin and his upper lip. "I feel dizzy."
"Of course you do," Janus muttered, rolling his eyes, "Of course you magically feel dizzy while we're calling you out. And here I was thinking I was Deceit."
Janus turned and walked back into the kitchen. But Patton stayed standing in the doorway, and Virgil stayed holding Roman's cane.
"I'm not backing off from this," Virgil said, "Go. Walk."
Roman realized that he was outnumbered by a long shot. Nobody pitied him. Janus was giving him the cold shoulder. Patton was staring at him with such disappointment in his eyes. And Virgil looked ready to kill him. There was nothing Roman could do. No other way to escape.
Slowly, his grip on his cane loosened. Immediately, Virgil snatched it from underneath Roman, causing the dizzy man to stumble. He caught himself, but it was clear that Roman was trembling wildly, not just out of fear, but out of fragility. His vision was going blurry, and it kept blacking out on him. His heart was pumping blood through his body so fast that Roman felt as though he might burst from the inside out.
But he had to walk. He had to escape.
Slowly, he put one foot in front of the other, even though he couldn't tell which way was truly forward. The ground seemed to zig-zag and contort. But Roman closed his eyes, hoping that the lack of vision would help him better figure out how to move in a straight line. It did not. He only felt more unsure. But when he opened his eyes again, he felt his knees give out, and before Roman could get his bearings, he had crashed down onto the bright white carpet of the hallway.
He didn't even hear the thud of his body hitting the ground. But what he did hear was the cruel, barking laughter of Virgil.
"You can't fool me, Roman!" he called out, "That's some good acting, though!"
"Roman, come on, honey," Patton goaded, "Walking is not hard for you. I've seen you do it hundreds of times. No more of this silliness, okay?"
Maybe Patton and Virgil were right. Maybe Roman was faking all of this. Slowly, he tried to sit up. His head hurt so badly. A whimper escaped Roman, but he kept going. He had to keep going. He had to get away from the laughter, from the stares.
So he pressed his hands tightly onto one knee, and tried to prop the other upwards. So he could try to stand up. But as his body lifted off the ground, shaking like a fawn's, the walls and the ceiling swirled around him in such a confusing and dizzying haze that Roman fell right back down again. White hot pain burst through the wrist he fell on, and a sickening crack resounded through the hallway.
Roman waited for more laughter and taunting. He waited for more critiques, more chastising. But none came. Only a deep bellow from a voice that was typically so composed that it sounded like a computer.
"Give me the cane, Virgil."
Roman blinked blearily. He was facing away from where Patton, Virgil, and now, Logan, were standing. He could not tell if Logan was mad at him like the others were, but he could hear Logan's quiet footsteps moving towards Roman's shaking body.
"You gonna beat him with it?" Virgil sneered, "I guess I wouldn't expect anything less from Mr. Anger Issues, but maybe Roman deserves it. He's being such a bitch about this whole thing."
"Maybe he needs a little punishment," Patton agreed solemnly, "I'm not a violence guy. You know that, Logan, but- well...Roman isn't listening to us any other way."
Roman froze up for a moment. Was Logan really going to beat him with his cane? There was not a lot of strength left in Roman's body, but what little he had, he used it to curl up tightly, protecting his neck with his hands, and tucking his head between his legs. He held his breath and waited for the first strike.
But none came.
"This is ridiculous," Logan snapped, "Utterly ridiculous."
The logical side leaned down towards Roman, trying to make eye contact. Roman looked up, but everything was foggy and hazy. He could see three Logan's, but at the same time, he couldn't quite make out the details of any of them.
"I'm sorry," Roman mumbled, "'m so sorry...I didn't mean to- to make fun of anyone, honest! I just- I- I just wanted- to- to-"
"Shut up," Logan whispered to Roman, "You're a bit dilated...you hit your head on the floor, didn't you...?"
Roman didn't know what to say. He didn't know what the right answer was. He opened his mouth to try and say something, to try and plead for mercy, but when he did so, a wave of violent nausea passed through his body, and he retched, dry heaving in writhing spasms on the floor. He had not eaten yet, so nothing came out of his body except for a few globs of saliva.
"He's concussed," Logan mumbled to himself, and before Roman could figure out what was happening, he felt himself being lifted into the air by two large and soft arms. Instinctively, Roman leaned against the touch.
"Oh, please," Patton said with a little laugh, "I never knew you as somebody to coddle, Logan. Especially Roman. You've got to know he's faking. In all the years you've known him, have you ever seen him get dizzy?"
Roman whimpered as he waited for Logan to change his mind. To stop with his kindness and drop Roman onto the floor, joining in with Patton and Virgil.
But no.
"I have," Logan snapped, "I have seen it, and if either of you had a speck of intelligence, you would have seen it too. Roman's been compensating his whole life, probably before he was even aware of it. Don't you remember when we were younger? Roman would always cling to the stair rail when going up and down stairs. Ever wonder why? In the kitchen, every single time I've seen Roman in the kitchen, he's leaning against the counter and gripping onto the side of it."
"If all of this is true, then- then why haven't you ever brought it up?" Virgil snapped defensively.
"It's not my business, first of all," Logan shot back, with just as much ferocity, "And second of all, Roman's a stubborn idiot. He would never admit to having a physical problem, especially because of the torture you two are subjecting him to the second he tries to do something about it! If I'd known that you two would react like this if I had a disability, then I would never tell you anything!"
"K- kiddo, that's not what happened," Patton stammered, "You've got it all mixed up! We weren't doing anything akin to torture, that's- that's such a nasty word, and-"
"Yeah? Is it nasty?" Logan asked, "Well then, consider yourselves nasty. You really thought I would beat Roman with his own cane when he's already showing signs of a concussion? He collapsed right in front of you, and you still don't believe him? It's clear that you don't care at all. And the problem is not the disability. The problem is that it's Roman who has it. You call Roman a fake? You're the ones that are faking, pretending that you care about him. If Roman has any sense in his head, then he'll never trust either of you again after today. Though knowing him...he'll likely give you a lot more mercy than you deserve."
And with that, Logan turned on his heels and marched out of the room, carrying Roman and holding his cane tightly. Roman could not speak. He could not move. Everything was fuzzy and far away, like he was being shoved farther and farther towards the center of the world's largest teddy bear. And throughout it all, his head throbbed, each pulse stronger and more agonizing than the last.
"It's alright, Roman," Logan mumbled, setting Roman down on a surface that he recognized as his bed.
Roman blinked and let out a soft noise as he felt his soft red comforter be pulled over his trembling body, and an eye mask be put over his tear-filled eyes.
"Sleep now, Roman," Logan goaded gently, "You need rest. I'll be here with you. Don't be afraid. Just let yourself sleep."
So Roman let himself sleep. And soon, the room was silent, other than Roman's soft snoring echoing off his bedroom walls.
When Roman woke up, his head hurt, and so did his wrist. And the very first thing he saw when he took off the eye mask was Logan's face, staring down at him with an immensely worried gaze.
"Hi," Roman said, a bit awkwardly, "What's going on?"
"Seriously...?" Logan asked dryly, "You get your cane stolen from you, you fracture your wrist and get a concussion due to Patton and Virgil's mistreatment, and the very first thing you have to say is hi? What's going on?"
"What am I supposed to do, make a royal proclamation?" Roman quipped softly, groaning as he tried to sit up. "Why did you say all that stuff to Patton and Virgil? Now they'll be mad at you. Besides, they're right. I am faking. This stupid cane was just a way for me to get attention."
Logan glared sharply down at Roman, causing the man to shrink back against his numerous pillows.
"Don't you ever say that again," he snapped, "You are not faking. And you did not make the cane to get attention. Perhaps you were looking for positive attention when it came to the decorative aspect. But you were not using your disability as a ploy or a game. Don't let the others convince you of something that is so nauseatingly untrue."
"Don't talk to me about nausea," Roman mumbled, "I feel like I'll throw up just looking at food."
"Well, that tends to happen when you're concussed," Logan replied, "But don't worry, Remus is coming back as we speak with some medication that should ease that. But we need to talk, if you're feeling up to it. We need to do something important."
"I'm up for important," Roman said, "Anything but more sleep."
"Alright," Logan said, and he picked Roman up, soon setting him down on a strange cot-like appliance.
Roman winced as he felt straps tighten around his form, keeping him tied down to the table. And he did not remember much after that. He just remembered feeling everything tilt up and down, up and down, over and over. Like a hazy, torturous roller coaster. Throughout it, Roman wondered if this was Logan's special way of punishing him. If Logan had been waiting until Roman trusted him to harm him the way Patton and Virgil wanted him to.
But when Logan was finished, he quickly unstrapped Roman, and placed him back onto the bed, waiting a few moments for Roman to reorient himself and feel well enough to listen and speak again.
"I'm sorry about that," Logan said, "But that was a tilt table test. I was monitoring your levels while moving the table, to check a theory I have about you. And I was correct, as I tend to be."
"A theory...?" Roman mumbled blearily, "What theory...?"
"Roman, it looks as if you have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome," Logan said, "Otherwise known as POTS. This is a medical disorder that would explain your, as you describe them, dizzy spells."
"You mean...there really is something...?" Roman asked softly, "I'm not faking it...?"
"Yes," Logan said, "There is something. But even if there wasn't something, you are not and never was faking anything, Roman. Mobility aids are nothing more or less than what they are defined as. Items that aid mobility. It does not matter the medical conditions of who uses them as long as they actually help the person in question. If you were getting dizzy spells and you found that a cane helped you in day-to-day life, then whether or not you have a medical disorder, that is a valid thing you can do."
"But Patton and Virgil said-"
"Patton and Virgil are wrong," Logan said firmly, "And so is Janus. It was abundantly clear that you were not mocking or making fun of anything. You were not playing a prank. They were merely uncomfortable with the idea of you being more fragile than they expected. They didn't want to challenge their preconceived notion that you were some...invincible, endlessly strong caricature."
"Princes are supposed to be strong," Roman murmured, his eyes dimming, "Patton's right. There isn't a single prince who uses a cane."
"You are very strong, Roman," Logan protested, "Regardless of whether or not you have a cane, your physical and mental fortitude are unmatched. Why, I don't know anybody else with so much energy, even in the morning. I don't know anybody else who has the determination to live out each day the way you do. It's...astounding. It's admirable. The cane is inconsequential. All it does is help you. The amount of help you need from an inanimate stick does not determine your strength."
"Thanks, Logan," Roman said after a long moment of bewildered silence, "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
"I know we have our qualms," Logan admitted, seeming a bit embarrassed, "But nobody deserves the abuse you endured. The abuse you've been enduring. You shouldn't have to hide your struggles to be treated with respect. I won't agree with you on everything, but...I'll always believe you, Roman, if you come to me with a personal problem. I trust you."
That was the only thing that Roman had wanted to hear in the whole wide world at that moment. By the time the door opened and Remus was there with medicine, Roman was crying, and Logan's eyes were a little bit teary, and Remus was admiring Roman's cane and threatening to light it on fire, the way that siblings tend to.
"I love you both," Roman sobbed, a wide, grateful smile on his face, "Thank you so much. Thank you for believing me."
(hee hee. yes i have pots and i am projecting onto roman. hush. also, i will be coming out with a part two on this one if i remember to, so stay tuned for that!)
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poiseandprogress · 1 year
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Poise & Progress: My Fitness Goals
*Trigger warning: This blog posts discusses body image and fitness goals.*
Before we begin here, I understand that the topic of fitness goals and body image can have varying opinions and may also trigger others. In a world that bombards us with curated images of idealized bodies, it's crucial to remember that beauty comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes. Each individual's journey toward health and fitness is deeply personal and unique. While my aspirations may focus on building strength, stamina, and feeling my best, I recognize that these goals might differ for others so please take that into consideration while reading. Self-love transcends numbers on a scale or inches around the waist.
Okay now we can begin <3
Body Goals
Weight: I am currently very happy with my weight. I tend to stay within the 120-125 range which works for me.
Physique: Maintain a flat stomach but work on definition of abs. Also aim for toned legs and thighs.
Stamina: I want to increase my overall endurance and performance during physical activities. (At the moment, I become out of breath doing the most mundane of taks)
Flexibility: Work on improving my flexibility over time. (Not a main priority but it would make my Yoga sessions a lot less challenging)
Lifestyle Changes: Incorporate daily exercise, maintain a step goal of 8,000 - 10,000 steps, reduce meat consumption (excluding seafood), and focus on a balanced meal plan.
Plan to Achieve My Goals
Commit to daily exercise, including a mix of cardio and strength training.
Incorporate core-focused exercises for defined abs.
Incorporate leg and thigh exercises for toning and definition.
Gradually increase workout intensity and duration to improve stamina.
Follow a balanced meal plan that includes a variety of food groups.
Focus on lean proteins (including seafood), whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
Limit processed foods and added sugars to maintain energy levels.
Opt for natural sources of energy, such as complex carbohydrates and high-fiber foods.
Include regular stretching sessions or yoga practices to gradually improve flexibility.
Prioritize flexibility exercises after workouts or as a separate routine.
Stay adequately hydrated throughout the day to support energy levels and overall health.
Rest and Recovery
Ensure sufficient sleep to aid in muscle recovery and overall well-being.
Tracking Progress
Keep track of my workouts, steps, and measurements to monitor your progress.
Adjust my plan as needed based on results and feedback from my body.
While these goals are pretty specific to my body and aspirations, feel free to take from this post whatever you can to help with your journeys as well.
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How much caffeine can a gallifreyan body handle at one time before the incursion of significant consequences? (my gallifreyan is trying to push their limit of minimum required rest so they can marathon a show)
How much caffeine can a Gallifreyan handle?
🧠 Gallifreyan Physiology and Caffeine
Gallifreyan bodies are very resilient and can process substances more efficiently than humans. Here's a quick breakdown:
Enhanced Metabolism: Gallifreyan metabolic rates are significantly higher, allowing them to process and eliminate substances quickly.
Advanced Detoxification: They can break down toxins more effectively, reducing the risk of adverse effects from high caffeine intake.
Stamina and Energy Management: A more efficient energy management system allows Gallifreyans to naturally stay alert and active for longer periods without needing rest.
☕ Caffeine Tolerance
Given these physiological advantages, here's how much caffeine a Gallifreyan might handle compared to humans:
Humans: The average safe limit for humans is around 400 mg of caffeine per day (roughly four cups of coffee, a limit I do not stick to).
Gallifreyans: Considering their superior detoxification and metabolism, they could probably safely handle approximately 4-5 times this amount, potentially up to 2000 mg per day.
⚠️ Potential Consequences
While Gallifreyans can tolerate more caffeine, there are still limits:
Mild Overconsumption (2000-3000 mg)
Symptoms: Increased heart rate, jitteriness, anxiety, insomnia, psionic weirdness.
Management: Staying hydrated, meditating, and taking short breaks can mitigate these effects. A quick nap in the Zero Room can work wonders.
Significant Overconsumption (3000+ mg)
Symptoms: Severe restlessness, palpitations, high blood pressure, psionic madness, and potential strain on their double cardiovascular system.
Management: Immediate rest and possible medical intervention, especially if symptoms worsen.
🚀 Optimising Caffeine Intake
To push their limits safely:
Moderation: Stick to under 2000 mg to avoid significant consequences.
Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help process the caffeine.
Nutrition: Consume balanced meals to support metabolic processes.
Breaks: Short, periodic rests or meditation can prevent caffeine from accumulating excessively.
🏫 So ...
A Gallifreyan pushing their caffeine limits could safely consume up to 2000 mg of caffeine daily, with careful monitoring and appropriate self-care. However, even they have limits and should ensure adequate rest to avoid severe consequences.
Are there any foods that Gallifreyans can eat that humans can’t?: What foods Gallifreyans could eat that humans don’t, with some theoretical examples.
How much sugar causes hyperactivity In Gallifreyans?: Overview of the sugar metabolism in Gallifreyans and theoretical limitations.
Factoid: Are there any fruits my Gallifreyan should avoid in their diet?
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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Do you have any advice on how to navigate recovery burnout? I am 9 months into recovery and I am...exhausted. Not just the physical exhaustion that comes with recovery, but I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. I want to have a normal life, but instead, I spend every day thinking about nutrition and meals and schedules for meals, on challenging the ed voice, diet culture, and fatphobia. The therapy to get to the root cause of my ed so I can fully recover. I try to escape into TV shows but there is often fatphobic messaging that I then have to mentally challenge. I do not want to give up. I have come so far. I'm just burned out.
Anon, this has sat in my inbox for longer than I expected because I'll be honest, I had to think really hard about how to answer it. Because honestly, this is something I struggle with as well. Sometimes it's hard to keep a continuous pattern of meeting my recovery needs when those become exhausting. So, you know, you're not alone?
First and foremost, I might suggest reminding yourself that it won't be this hard forever. People who work on a consistent treatment plan and invest in their healing tend to improve and have an easier time enjoying the benefits of whatever healing work they've done. It may not be much comfort now, when everything feels so hard, but just know it likely won't always be like this, that you do have more to look forward to. It might at least help increase your sense of hope.
I might engage restful hobbies that don't involve TV if you need breaks. It's hard because materials for hobbies often cost money, but crafting, painting, drawing, journaling, hiking or other activities that get your body outside and engaged with the world (if these are accessible for you) might help you get away from fatphobic messaging. You know, I bet you could also probably find groups of people who've made lists of media they like to watch that maybe has more body-neutral messaging? Sorry to give you more work to do at a time when you already have burnout. Come to think of it, this could possibly be something I could try to feature in a post, though I'm not honestly sure if I'll muster the stamina for that soon. I'm working full-time and going through some family drama (nothing serious or unsafe, just emotionally taxing.)
Do you have any passions or interests you could turn into a hobby, something outside of TV? I know a lot of people find TV to be their go-to decompressing method, and it really does suck that there's so much body negativity in all our media.
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optimal-living-lab · 5 months
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Unlocking Vitality: The Importance of Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked in our busy lives. The heart and circulatory system play a vital role in sustaining life, delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body. In this article, we will delve into the importance of cardiovascular health and explore how maintaining a healthy heart can enhance longevity, vitality, and quality of life.
The Foundation of Vitality: At the center of our cardiovascular system is the heart, a powerful muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. The health of our heart and blood vessels, collectively known as the cardiovascular system, is essential for optimal functioning. When the heart is strong and efficient, it can deliver oxygen-rich blood to tissues and organs, supporting their growth, repair, and metabolic processes.
Preventing Chronic Disease: Maintaining cardiovascular health is crucial for preventing a range of chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. These conditions are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, yet they are largely preventable through lifestyle interventions. By adopting heart-healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management, individuals can reduce their risk of developing cardiovascular disease and enjoy a longer, healthier life.
Enhancing Physical Performance: Cardiovascular fitness, often measured by metrics such as aerobic capacity and VO2 max, is a key determinant of physical performance. A strong cardiovascular system enables the body to efficiently transport oxygen to working muscles during exercise, improving endurance, stamina, and overall athletic performance. Whether it's running a marathon, cycling up a steep hill, or simply climbing stairs without getting winded, a healthy heart is essential for optimal physical performance.
Boosting Energy Levels: Cardiovascular health is closely linked to energy levels and vitality. When the heart and circulatory system are functioning optimally, oxygen and nutrients are efficiently delivered to cells throughout the body, fueling metabolic processes and supporting cellular energy production. Individuals with good cardiovascular health often report higher levels of energy, improved mood, and greater resilience to stress. By prioritizing cardiovascular wellness, individuals can experience a sustained boost in energy levels and overall vitality.
Supporting Brain Health: The link between cardiovascular health and brain health is well established. A healthy heart ensures an adequate supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, supporting cognitive function, memory, and mental clarity. Research has shown that individuals with poor cardiovascular health are at increased risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. By maintaining a healthy heart, individuals can support brain health and reduce their risk of age-related cognitive decline.
Promoting Longevity and Quality of Life: Perhaps most importantly, cardiovascular health is closely associated with longevity and quality of life. Studies have consistently shown that individuals with good cardiovascular health tend to live longer, healthier lives compared to those with poor heart health. By adopting heart-healthy habits and prioritizing preventive care, individuals can enjoy a higher quality of life well into their later years. Whether it's spending time with loved ones, pursuing passions and interests, or simply enjoying everyday activities, a healthy heart is the foundation for a fulfilling and vibrant life.
Conclusion: Cardiovascular health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, impacting every aspect of our physical, mental, and emotional health. By prioritizing heart-healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, stress management, and preventive care, individuals can enhance longevity, vitality, and quality of life. Whether you're striving to prevent chronic disease, improve physical performance, boost energy levels, support brain health, or promote longevity, investing in cardiovascular wellness is an essential step toward unlocking vitality and embracing a life of health and happiness.
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bharat-moringa · 8 months
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Title: Unveiling the Green Marvel: Moringa's Impact on Overall Health and Wellness
Introduction: In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, individuals are increasingly turning to nature's bountiful offerings to meet their nutritional needs. One such powerhouse of nutrients that has gained prominence in recent times is Moringa oleifera, often referred to as the "drumstick tree" or simply "Moringa." This remarkable plant has been celebrated for its exceptional nutritional content and numerous health benefits. In this blog post, we delve into the myriad ways in which Moringa contributes to the overall development of health.
Rich Nutrient Profile: Moringa is a nutritional powerhouse, boasting a diverse array of essential vitamins and minerals. It is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and iron, among others. These nutrients play crucial roles in supporting the immune system, maintaining bone health, and promoting overall vitality.
Antioxidant Properties: The leaves of the Moringa tree are loaded with antioxidants, such as quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and beta-carotene. These antioxidants help combat oxidative stress in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases and aging. By neutralizing free radicals, Moringa aids in protecting cells from damage and supports overall well-being.
Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Chronic inflammation is a root cause of many health issues, including heart disease and arthritis. Moringa possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and alleviate associated symptoms. Regular consumption of Moringa may contribute to a lower risk of inflammatory conditions.
Blood Sugar Regulation: Research suggests that Moringa may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a valuable ally for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. The plant compounds in Moringa have demonstrated potential in improving insulin sensitivity, contributing to better blood sugar control.
Cholesterol Management: Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is crucial for cardiovascular health. Studies have indicated that Moringa may have a positive impact on lipid profiles, helping to lower bad cholesterol levels while promoting the increase of good cholesterol. This dual action supports heart health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Nutritional Support for Malnutrition: Moringa is an excellent source of nutrition, especially in regions where malnutrition is prevalent. The plant's leaves are a cost-effective and sustainable solution to supplement diets with essential nutrients, addressing nutritional gaps and promoting healthy growth, particularly in children.
Enhanced Energy and Vitality: The combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in Moringa contributes to increased energy levels and overall vitality. Regular consumption may help combat fatigue, boost stamina, and promote a general sense of well-being.
Conclusion: Incorporating Moringa into your diet can be a simple yet impactful step towards enhancing your overall health and well-being. Whether in the form of Moringa tea, powder, capsules, or fresh leaves, this versatile plant has much to offer. However, as with any dietary supplement, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have existing health conditions or are on medication. Embrace the green marvel that is Moringa and unlock its potential for a healthier, more vibrant life.
Certainly! Here are some hashtags you can use to amplify the reach of your blog post on Moringa's health benefits:
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fitnessnirvana · 2 months
How To Improve Stamina And Endurance For Running?
When trying to increase your running endurance, there are two important factors to keep in mind: how you're nourishing your body with food and how you're strengthening your body with exercise. When it comes to running farther, quicker, and longer, these two will be crucial.
The Best Diet And Foods For Improving Running Endurance:
Building stamina and endurance when running requires a balanced diet because this is how you provide your body the vital fuel and nutrients it needs to heal and grow. In addition, a healthy diet lowers the chance of disease and injury while enabling runners to regularly exercise and exceed their personal boundaries.
 But in summary, these are the best diet and food tips for running stamina.
Fuel with carbohydrates: Your body uses carbohydrates as its primary energy source, particularly while engaging in high-intensity exercises like running. Therefore, a few hours before to your run, eat a full meal like wholewheat pasta, rice, or bread, along with fruits like bananas.
Protein Intake: But don't skimp on the protein—it's satisfying and aids in muscle growth and recovery, which reduces the likelihood that you'll feel peckish throughout your run. Increase your protein intake by eating more chicken, fish, or beans, or by consuming a protein smoothie just before going for a run.
Healthy Fats: Slow-burning fuel, such as the healthy fats in nuts, seeds, and avocados, can provide you with a consistent flow of energy while you run. Furthermore, research indicates that runners who consume a diet higher in healthy fats have a lower risk of injury, which may be related to their increased energy levels.
Hydration: Drink lots of water before, during, and after your run to stay hydrated and avoid weariness. Water is your lifeline and dehydration can kill your stamina. When going on long runs, think about sipping sports drinks to help balance this, especially in warmer weather when electrolytes are not as abundant.
Mid-run snacks: Think about mid-run snacks like energy gels, energy bars, or even just a handful of gummy bears if you're going to be running for longer than an hour. They assist you avoid the dreaded "wall" and provide you with a fast energy boost to keep your engine going.
Iron-rich foods: Fatigue and subpar performance might result from an iron shortage, which aids in the body's oxygen transportation. Conversely, reduced iron levels are more common in those who engage in physically demanding activities regularly, such as jogging. To maintain optimal performance, incorporate a variety of iron-rich foods into your diet, such as lean meat, beans, leafy greens, nuts, and fortified cereals.
Supplements as needed: Your main source of nutrition should be a well-balanced diet, but occasionally you might need a little assistance. The top vitamins to take to increase running endurance are:
Electrolytes to stay hydrated during long runs
Protein powders and shakes to boost muscle recovery and strength
Running gels to provide quick energy for a sustained performance
BCAAs to aid muscle recovery
Caffeine to boost alertness
Omega-3 reduces inflammation and supports muscle recovery
Multivitamins to fill any nutritional gaps and for general wellbeing
How To Train To Increase Stamina And Endurance For Running?
The correct type of training can help to develop your body's physical ability to enable you to run longer and in more difficult settings, while food will support endurance from a fuel and energy viewpoint.
Among the best exercises to increase your running endurance are:
Consistent training: In running, consistency is essential. It's more important to run consistently than it is to run quickly or far. Running once, twice, or more a week is not as important as maintaining a consistent regimen that works for your schedule and degree of fitness. A solid foundation of endurance is built by regular running.
Increase mileage gradually: The best strategy for extending your distance is to go slowly but steadily. A sudden increase in speed from 0 to 100 may result in injuries. Increase your mileage gradually to allow your body to acclimate and lower your chance of overuse issues.
Get plenty of sleep: Since the body heals and adjusts during recuperation, the actual magic may occur during the quiet moments after a restful night's sleep. Better sleep also gives you more energy for your next run.
Interval training: If you're prepared to take your running to the next level, incorporate high-intensity interval training into your regimen. During your run, these brief yet strong bursts of exertion improve both your endurance and speed. It's important to include HIIT gradually so that your body can adjust to the higher intensity. 
Cross-training: Adding different workouts to your program, such as swimming, cycling, or rowing, can help you become more fit overall with a lower danger of overtraining. It's similar to taking a vacation from your running muscles while maintaining your physical fitness and developing strength for running.
Strength training: Exercise with strength is not limited to bodybuilders. It increases muscle endurance and improves your body's ability to withstand the strain of running. Running will become more effortless for you, and you'll experience fewer injuries.
More than just catchphrases, stamina and endurance are the keys to realizing your running potential. Whether you're competing at a higher level or just trying to reach personal goals, you can build a strong foundation for a successful running journey by paying attention to the nutrition and training advice offered here.
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ankitkhola112 · 5 months
Unlock Earnings! Promote Pineal XT! Supplements - Health
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Pineal XT: A Gateway to Enhanced Wellbeing and Limitless Earning Potential - My Personal Experience
For years, I struggled with a nagging feeling of stagnancy. My health wasn't terrible, but it wasn't optimal either. I felt sluggish, unfocused, and lacked the drive to truly push myself further in both my personal and professional life. Then, I discovered the life-changing combination of Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT.
Unlocking a Sharper Mind and a More Energized Body
I started with Unlock Earnings!. This comprehensive program provided invaluable guidance on health and wellness optimization. The easy-to-follow tips on nutrition, sleep hygiene, and stress management were a revelation. I learned how to make small but impactful changes to my daily routine, and within a few weeks, I noticed a significant difference. My mornings were brighter, my energy levels soared, and I felt a newfound mental clarity.
Introducing Pineal XT: A Supercharge for Cognitive Function
Fueled by the positive changes brought on by Unlock Earnings!, I decided to explore the Pineal XT supplement. This natural, scientifically formulated product specifically targets cognitive function. The results were nothing short of phenomenal. My brain fog vanished, replaced by a razor-sharp focus. I could concentrate for extended periods, recall information with ease, and felt a surge of creativity I hadn't experienced in years.
Enhanced Wellbeing: A Catalyst for Limitless Earning Potential
The newfound vitality I gained from Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT had a profound impact on my professional life. My improved focus and mental stamina allowed me to tackle complex tasks with greater efficiency. My ability to learn and adapt to new situations skyrocketed. This newfound confidence translated into tangible results, leading to increased productivity and a significant boost in my earning potential.
More Than Just Supplements: A Holistic Approach to Success
Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT are more than just supplements; they're an investment in your overall wellbeing. The program's holistic approach, coupled with the powerful cognitive boost provided by Pineal XT, has empowered me to reach new heights in all aspects of my life. I now wake up each day feeling excited and energized, ready to conquer whatever challenges come my way.
A Recommendation from a Satisfied User
If you're looking to unlock your full potential, both physically and mentally, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT a try. This dynamic duo has been a game-changer for me, and I'm confident it can be for you too.
Supercharge Your Income and Wellbeing with Unlock Earnings and Pineal XT!
Having recently embarked on a journey to improve both my financial security and overall health, I've been thrilled to disc... Draft 2
Supercharge Your Income and Wellbeing with Unlock Earnings and Pineal XT!
Having recently embarked on a journey to improve both my financial security and overall health, I've been thrilled to discover the incredible impact of Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT. Let me share my experience with these life-changing products!
Unlocking Earning Potential: A Dream Come True
For years, I felt stuck in a monotonous job that offered little room for growth or financial prosperity. Unlock Earnings! presented a welcome ray of hope. This program provided me with the tools and strategies I needed to explore new income avenues. The easy-to-follow guidance and insightful mentorship opened my eyes to a world of possibilities, empowering me to take control of my financial future.
Effortless Learning, Exponential Results
Unlock Earnings! wasn't just about throwing information at me. The program was meticulously designed for effortless learning. The step-by-step approach, coupled with clear and concise modules, made it incredibly easy to grasp even complex financial concepts. I particularly appreciated the emphasis on practical application – the program didn't just teach me, it equipped me with the skills to navigate the real world of business and income generation.
From Foggy to Focused: Pineal XT Takes the Edge Off
While working towards my financial goals, I also realised the importance of maintaining a healthy mind and body. That's when I discovered Pineal XT. This natural supplement has been a game-changer for my mental clarity and focus.
Sharpened Focus, Enhanced Productivity
Prior to using Pineal XT, I often struggled with brain fog and difficulty concentrating. This impacted my work and overall productivity. But since incorporating Pineal XT into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. My thoughts feel sharper, and I can tackle tasks with renewed energy and concentration.
Natural Ingredients, Powerful Effects
What truly impressed me about Pineal XT is its reliance on natural ingredients. The combination of herbs, vitamins, and minerals felt gentle yet effective. Unlike some synthetic supplements that leave me jittery or anxious, Pineal XT provided a natural boost without any unwanted side effects.
The Winning Combination: Unlock Earnings & Pineal XT
Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT have become a powerful duo in my journey towards personal and financial success. Unlock Earnings! equipped me with the knowledge and tools to unlock new income streams, while Pineal XT ensured I had the mental clarity and focus to give my all to my endeavours.
If you're looking to take charge of your finances and well-being, I highly recommend giving Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT a try. This winning combination has transformed my life for the better, and I'm confident it can do the same for yours!
Pineal XT: A Gateway to Enhanced Wellbeing and Financial Freedom - My Personal Experience
For years, I struggled with maintaining a healthy balance between my physical and financial well-being. I felt sluggish, lacked focus, and the constant financial pressure wasn't helping either. Then, I stumbled upon the life-changing combination of Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program.
Unlocking New Levels of Energy and Focus
Prior to using Pineal XT, my days were plagued by fatigue. Simple tasks felt like a chore, and maintaining concentration throughout the workday was a constant battle. However, within a couple of weeks of incorporating Pineal XT into my daily routine, I noticed a significant shift. The brain fog began to clear, replaced by a newfound sense of mental clarity. I could power through my work with renewed focus and felt a surge of energy that lasted well into the evening.
A Natural Approach to Cognitive Enhancement
What truly impressed me about Pineal XT was its natural formulation. Unlike other synthetic supplements I'd tried before, Pineal XT relied on a blend of herbs and vitamins known for their cognitive-boosting properties. Ashwagandha, a key ingredient, is renowned for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, which I believe significantly contributed to my improved focus. Additionally, the inclusion of Lion's Mane mushroom, known for its neuroprotective qualities, instilled confidence that I was not only enhancing my cognitive function but also supporting my long-term brain health.
Financial Freedom through the Unlock Earnings! Program
While Pineal XT was revolutionizing my physical and mental state, the Unlock Earnings! program simultaneously empowered me to take control of my financial future. The program provided a clear roadmap, equipping me with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the world of remote work opportunities. The guidance offered was invaluable, and the sense of community within the program fostered a supportive environment that kept me motivated throughout my journey.
A Winning Combination for Overall Well-being
The synergy between Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program was truly remarkable. The cognitive boost from Pineal XT allowed me to dedicate myself fully to learning and implementing the strategies outlined in the Unlock Earnings! program. My newfound focus and energy translated into increased productivity, which ultimately opened doors to new and exciting remote work opportunities. Financially, I found myself on a path towards achieving the freedom I had always craved.
More Than Just Supplements and a Program
Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program are more than just supplements and a program; they're an investment in your overall well-being. By addressing both the physical and financial aspects of a fulfilling life, this combination has empowered me to reach new heights. If you're looking to enhance your cognitive function, achieve financial independence, and unlock your true potential, I highly recommend giving Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program a try. You won't regret it.refresh Regenerate drafts volume_up
Pineal XT: A Gateway to Enhanced Wellbeing and Limitless Earning Potential - My Personal Experience
For years, I struggled with a nagging feeling of stagnancy. My health wasn't terrible, but it wasn't optimal either. I felt sluggish, unfocused, and lacked the drive to truly push myself further in both my personal and professional life. Then, I discovered the life-changing combination of Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT.
Unlocking a Sharper Mind and a More Energized Body
I started with Unlock Earnings!. This comprehensive program provided invaluable guidance on health and wellness optimization. The easy-to-follow tips on nutrition, sleep hygiene, and stress management were a revelation. I learned how to make small but impactful changes to my daily routine, and within a few weeks, I noticed a significant difference. My mornings were brighter, my energy levels soared, and I felt a newfound mental clarity.
Introducing Pineal XT: A Supercharge for Cognitive Function
Fueled by the positive changes brought on by Unlock Earnings!, I decided to explore the Pineal XT supplement. This natural, scientifically formulated product specifically targets cognitive function. The results were nothing short of phenomenal. My brain fog vanished, replaced by a razor-sharp focus. I could concentrate for extended periods, recall information with ease, and felt a surge of creativity I hadn't experienced in years.
Enhanced Wellbeing: A Catalyst for Limitless Earning Potential
The newfound vitality I gained from Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT had a profound impact on my professional life. My improved focus and mental stamina allowed me to tackle complex tasks with greater efficiency. My ability to learn and adapt to new situations skyrocketed. This newfound confidence translated into tangible results, leading to increased productivity and a significant boost in my earning potential.
More Than Just Supplements: A Holistic Approach to Success
Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT are more than just supplements; they're an investment in your overall wellbeing. The program's holistic approach, coupled with the powerful cognitive boost provided by Pineal XT, has empowered me to reach new heights in all aspects of my life. I now wake up each day feeling excited and energized, ready to conquer whatever challenges come my way.
A Recommendation from a Satisfied User
If you're looking to unlock your full potential, both physically and mentally, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT a try. This dynamic duo has been a game-changer for me, and I'm confident it can be for you too.
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anuzgad123 · 4 months
Health Gainer - Natural Way To Gain Weight
Pharma Science Health gainer is a miraculous Ayurvedic product, curated to fuel your body with the power of exclusive, precious, and rare herbs. It is a Trademark, GMP, Halal and ISO certified Ayurvedic product promoting health and perfect body functioning in a natural way. Fortified with only natural herbs, this product strengthens your body systems and improves your immunity, without using health-hazardous steroids or artificial proteins. 
Having a perfect body and balanced health is a dream of all, yet the current lifestyle has made the goal unattainable for most of us. Right nutrition and perfect absorption are the keys to a healthy body, and this is made possible with our most worthy product Health Gainer. Unlike the artificial supplements inundating the market, this product is derived from the ages-old secrets of Ayurveda and is 100% free of any artificial ingredients, proteins, or steroids.
Health gainer is a Halal weight gainer supplement that not only increases weight but helps in improving your overall body functioning and health. You will have more energy, better immunity, and impressive stamina with the right dose of Health Gainer.
It will also help you streamline your diet for a sustainable healthy body. Fortified with rare herbs, this miraculous product enhances your food absorption to make your body healthier while promoting weight gain. Health Gainer powder is ayurvedic, natural, and perfectly safe for use.
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marcovolta · 11 months
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BASE ~ Maroon & Gold Uniform
Reinforced Hide: Resistant to magic and durable, the maroon material was handwoven and manufactured to withstand high temperatures while keeping troops dry and protected from the elements. The retired tunic was once standard issue for Senate Marshals and was revitalized and modernized for the coming war. Emblazoned in gold embroidery across the back is the sigil of the roman senate, the eagle with its wings spread. Breathable and malleable, the tunic sits well beneath any armour and is a standard requirement for all members of the Allied Senate Forces.
Scaled Under Armour: Shock absorbent and flexible, the craftsmanship of the Alstroemeria Coven lives on in the war. Found amidst their reliquary, the scaled armour will deflect nearly any spell that comes into immediate contact with it. Made from an unknown alloy, the senate unearthed it after Erik's disappearance, aware only that the sovereign had been preparing for some kind of war.
Gilded Finishings: Finely crafted, the buckles across the belt were carved by runes courtesy of the Amaranthus, when paired with the standard issue gloves the buckles can conceal weapons or carry many different forms of artillery at once, allowing soldiers to cycle through as the need arises or change.
Adaptable Stitching: Flexible, woven threads from the Pyramid of Cestius replaced the old stitching within the marshal's standard uniform. Shapeshifters will find that it adapts with their body no matter what form they take, so they'll remain protected from the elements and magic regardless of their shape.
Arcana Scrolls: Spells formed, written, and imbued with reserved magic by members of the Amaranthus Coven. When paired with the Allied Senate Forces' standard issue gloves, even individuals who are not capable of utilizing magic are able to cast the spell within. There is one scroll from each school of magic per soldier: lightning from destruction, binding from alteration, a barrier from restoration, a reverse summoning back to base camp from conjuration, and a fake double from illusion. Each scroll is single use and was handwritten.
Red Potion: An advanced healing potion, this will stimulate regeneration in the body through the blood, close major wounds, render curses inactive, and will get a person back on their feet in the body. Manufactured and provided by the Narcissus Coven, if ingested just before it'll prevent death from an attack that would have otherwise been immediately fatal.
Orange Potion: A potion for vitality, provided by the Ivy Coven, ingesting this potion will give the drinker a temporary but exponential increase in magical capacity, ability, and knowledge. Imbued with intelligence and power, the drinker's skill in combat and mana will temporarily expand.
Food Pills: Provided by the Dahlia Coven, the Volta family recipe is blended with restoration and alteration magic to restore the magic, vitality, and stamina of those who ingest it. Loaded with nutrition, the specially designed food pills supply all the essentials while providing satiety. Each was handmade by Marco Volta with love.
Bag of Holding: This is just a bag that looks small but holds all of your things, designed with illusion and alteration magic in mind it will intuitively know what you're reaching for when you open it and will bring it to your hand.
Manacles: A staple within the senate, reinforced and redesigned by the Ivy Coven, these manacles will seal the soul of the person they are bound to and prevent any creature from using any magic whatsoever. Unbreakable, their metal is resistant to all spells and can only be removed with the associated key.
Arcana Gloves: Imbued with the power of alteration, these gloves will telekinetically return your weapon to your hand if you're disarmed. Designed by the Amaranthus Coven to be paired with their arcana scrolls and gilded finishings, while using these gloves you can interact with magical items specially designed for them without need for attunement.
Golden Ring: The Otherworld is a dangerous place and it's easy to get lost within, rings created by the Dahlia Coven will lead those who find themselves lost back to the base camp.
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healthylifefamouse · 7 months
How does it feel like to have a shaped body?
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Having a shaped body can evoke a range of emotions and sensations, both physical and mental.
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Here are some common feelings and experiences associated with having a shaped body:
Confidence: One of the most noticeable effects of having a shaped body is increased confidence. When you feel good about your appearance, you're more likely to carry yourself with poise and self-assurance in various social situations.
Pride: Achieving a shaped body often requires dedication, hard work, and commitment to healthy habits such as regular exercise and balanced nutrition. As a result, many people feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments and the effort they've put into sculpting their physique.
Energy and Vitality: Maintaining a healthy body weight and muscle tone can contribute to overall feelings of energy and vitality. When your body is in good shape, you may find that you have more stamina for physical activities and daily tasks.
Improved Health: A shaped body is often associated with better overall health. By adopting a lifestyle that supports physical fitness and proper nutrition, individuals can reduce their risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
Clothing Fit: Having a shaped body can make shopping for clothes a more enjoyable experience. Clothes tend to fit better and flatter your figure, allowing you to express your personal style with confidence.
Increased Attention: People with shaped bodies may receive more attention or compliments from others regarding their appearance. While this can be affirming, it's essential to focus on internal measures of self-worth rather than external validation.
Body Awareness: Achieving a shaped body often involves becoming more attuned to your body's needs and capabilities. You may develop a greater awareness of how different foods, exercises, and lifestyle choices impact your physical well-being.
Maintenance Effort: It's important to recognize that maintaining a shaped body requires ongoing effort and commitment. This may involve regular exercise, mindful eating, and prioritizing self-care practices to sustain your desired physique over time.
Overall, having a shaped body can lead to a variety of positive experiences, including increased confidence, improved health, and a greater sense of self-awareness. However, it's essential to approach body shaping with a balanced perspective and prioritize overall well-being above external appearances.
find out how my clients and friends lose weight within 7wks HERE…..
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vermilionhealth · 1 year
5 Foods that Make You Happy!
Low mood and sad feelings are experiences that sadly, all too many of us are familiar with. But there is good news available.
While it can sometimes feel as though a low mood dominates your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, this does not have to be the case.
Small, subtle changes can make a significant difference, and this includes paying close attention to your diet.
Read more: Top 5 Ways to Add More Vegetables into Your Family’s Diet!
Making small changes to the things you eat can have a huge impact on your mood and emotions. In this guide we take a closer look at five foods you can enjoy to lift your spirits and boost your mood.
1. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate has been shown to improve mood in those who suffer from depression, and studies suggest that eating dark chocolate may also help reduce stress levels.
The flavonoids found in cocoa beans are thought to increase the level of serotonin (a brain chemical) in the body. This helps to regulate mood and makes you feel happier.
Keep a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge, and enjoy a square or two when the low moods hit.
2. Salmon
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
They are also rich in vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron, which are essential nutrients for healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Eating salmon regularly can help keep your immune system strong, and protect against heart disease and stroke.
Salmon is also an excellent source of protein, so if you’re feeling tired or run down, try adding some fish to your diet.
3. Blueberries
Blueberries contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that support mental health. Anthocyanins are believed to help fight free radicals, which are harmful compounds produced during normal metabolism, and this means that blueberries can help to prevent memory loss and dementia.
As an added bonus, blueberries are also a superfood!
4. Bananas
Bananas are packed full of potassium, which plays a key role in nerve function and muscle contraction.
Potassium deficiency is associated with anxiety and panic attacks, so eating bananas regularly can help to calm nerves and ease tension.
Bananas are also packed with vitamin B6, an important element in synthesizing feel-good neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which help you to feel great.
5. Oats
Oats are another food that is great for fighting low mood, as they contain magnesium, which is vital for helping muscles relax and reducing stress.
Magnesium is also needed for energy production, so eating oats regularly can give you more stamina throughout the day.
If you want to add extra fiber to your breakfast, try making porridge from rolled oats, water, and milk. It takes just minutes to cook. This is easy to prepare ahead of time. You can even freeze it, then pop it straight into the microwave for a quick, warm bowl of goodness.
6. Berries
Berries are high in antioxidants, which are beneficial for maintaining eyesight, protecting cells from damage, and boosting immunity.
Antioxidants are also thought to play a part in preventing cancer, so berries are a fantastic way to maintain good health - including lifting your mood and combating high levels of stress.
Try mixing berries with bananas and yogurt for a tasty snack that is packed with goodness and nutrition.
Final Thoughts
Mood swings are common, and can be difficult to manage.
But the good news is that there are ways to manage them naturally. Try incorporating these foods into your daily diet to boost your mood and get back on track.
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furrbbyx · 1 year
Asking for a friend: at least in Sable's case, are there any magical side effects to drinking unicorn milk?
Ah yes! Unicorn Milk from unicorns in my universe IS magical. Here's a few of my favorites. 😘
Hypno-milk 🥛😵‍💫: mesmerizing beverage that makes you a mindless sex toy. Best as a milkshake. Side effects include empty head, no thots, drooling, being irresistible to tops and doms, and you may gain an obsession with edging. Prolonged use can also transform your body.
Unicorn Cream🍼🦄 : A delicious full fat beverage that resembles a rainbow shimmering through fluffy clouds. Whipped and best served with lots of sprinkles a black sugar drizzle. Side effects include weight gain, rapid expansion, and an increased appetite. You may become addicted to the feeling of unicorn cream in your mouth and guts.
Pony Yogurt 🍦: This is a special concoction for those who want nutrition, probiotics, and a big boost of protein in a versatile substance. This yogurt has a delectable holographic sheen and a clean taste. Be careful serving this to friends because of it's bold effects on libido and energy. This is a great option for workouts since it increases stamina and fertility. Side effects include increased feelings of thirst, leaking from excess sperm production, fat pum-pum syndrome, and gender euphoria.
If you're intolerant then watch out, unicorn milk farts are dangerously unpredictable. You might fart yourself into a dimension with horny minotaurs.
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