#Not very LS friendly
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mcytegg · 3 months ago
updated my layout on this acc and edited my pinned post . . . feeling good :D
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the-quackity-competition · 7 months ago
We all know Quackity, fattest ass in the cabinet, quadruple engagey, and “Are we in character? I’m in love with Wilbur” HQ
So, how about we hold a little friendly competition between the different ships in the dsmp fandom?
Aim of the game is to get your ship the most points, through creating content for that ship. Here’s the spreadsheet to track points.
Creations may come in the form of art or writing, each of which is worth 1 point
People are allowed to submit more than one piece, actually it’s encouraged :3
The ship must be tagged
You must @ this blog
If you’re being genuinely mean you are getting blocked and anything you make will not count, Ls to all assholes
There is no sign up, just @ this blog and have fun!
How long will this event last?
All of September
What if I want to do multiple ships in the same piece?
Be sure to tag all the ships and they’ll count as a point to each ship! (So the Karlnapity shippers don’t lose only bc of half points)
Does the ship have to be canon? Only dsmp?
Nahhhhh have fun do whatever you want. If you do Foolish x Quackity or Roier x Quackity, for example, they’d get their own rows and get a point
What about comics? Poems?
For the sake of my sanity, a comic only counts as 1 piece, even if it has 100 panels. Same for a collection of poems.
How will we know points?
I’ll have a little spreadsheet you’ll be able to see here in the pinned post
What about nsfw stuff?
it’s allowed as long as it’s tagged with community labels or #nsft, if you don’t tag it you are getting blocked
My friend really likes this Quackity ship. Can I give them this as a gift and also have it counted for a point?
Yes! But do not mix giving events together with this competition, to make it easier on me. I do not know if the event organizer of whatever your event you’re doing is comfortable with that, so best not to do it at all. You can still participate in other events, obviously, but please do not tag me to get it counted when it’s for a different event
Are sketches half points?
nope, every drawing is one full point! No matter how detailed or how simple. This keeps the competition a little more silly goofy, like I’d like it to stay. This is very much intended for fun, not a serious competition
You’re welcome to send asks to ask more questions!
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merakiui · 8 months ago
Riddle getting a summer romance warms my heart ❤️ I love Riddle so much and just want to see him happy and getting all the love he deserves ❤️
I could see Riddle and his summer love meeting again years later and falling in love all over again 💕 or all the steamy stuff they do behind closed doors to rebel against their parents, them running away together ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Or combine this with the Riddle pregnancy story and make it real heart wrenching when Riddle finds out a year later that he has a baby out there that his mother his keeping from him 💔
Oh the possibilities!! Thank you for providing brain fuel!!
- Riddle lover anon
Riddle being happy and in love is my favorite thing (giving him consistent Ls is also fun,, but right now it's only wholesome Riddle love!!! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) no sadness for the beloved!!) There are so many possibilities!!!! Imagining him meeting you again after so much time apart omg,,,,,
Steamy summer romance in which you and Riddle fall for one another so fast and suddenly. Immediate attraction! How did you go from chatting about academics and school to waking up side by side in bed????? orz this is probably Riddle's first ever intimate relationship and he's just so inexperienced, but what he lacks in experience he makes up for in determination and passion and an overwhelming amount of loyalty. He has to learn to loosen up and allow himself to have fun with you, and he's constantly pushing away all of the looming expectations and the harsh voice of reason that is his mother, who would most certainly disapprove of such a flimsy relationship. But to Riddle this is everything.
He talks about you to Cater because Cater is so well-versed in the art of people, the social butterfly that he is. And Cater can just feel the love oozing from Riddle's texts as he goes on and on about you without even realizing just how in love that sounds. He's got it bad.
I love everything about Riddle in a summer situationship!!! Going on outings together that feel so much like dates because Riddle was raised very traditionally and so he over-dresses for every meeting with you, and he's always insisting on doing very romantic and sweet gestures for you even though this is just friendly stuff. "It's what a gentleman ought to do," he'll say with a flushed face and a huff. He's so in love,,,, so down bad..... you pull him into a sex shop so he can pick out something for the next time the two of you fuck and you see a completely new side to Riddle as he deliberates over riding crops and handcuffs and blindfolds and ball gags.
Omg and the way it only builds as the months fly by... summer is such a fleeting season. Soon, you and Riddle will go your separate ways for school and those sweet, sun-kissed days will be behind you.
Or maybe they won't if Riddle decides to confess and make your shaky relationship more stable, finally overcoming all of his worries, fears, and doubts. <3
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Moods that each of my (current) OCS have 😗💫
NOTE: These characters are mine for the ideas that I'm working on for them. I've reposted on other socials of mine (deviantart, X, etc) so if you see it again that's my account unless I say otherwise.
I have deviantart, X, Discord, etc so if you see these characters and can't immediately tell if the account is mine please ask me before doing anything else. Thieves face judgement all the time, I'm chilling haha.
Let's get started on this -
Honestly gives Kaeya from Genshin Impact because super pretty boy who's very capable though then again he's not really interested in someone if he's not talkative when speaking with them.
Can switch from friendly to business mode really quick at times considering he does take keeping his planet safe and the inhabitants on it whether they are from there or not. Just cause any trouble.
Definitely can find him reacting like this when he's frustrated/lightly irritated/annoyed:
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Think of him as someone who hold ls things down as a Lord but one that kinda sits alone in his room with messy hair and baggy eyes wondering why certain people are not his cup of tea.
For the most part he's a kind guide, protective and sassy (though all my characters are sassy one way or another hehe)
Sir Count
Is it a really big ego or is he fully aware that out of all the Lords he's one of the top 4-6 that when decisions need to be made his word can be law?
Gets excited over certain things easily but it's always a surprise on what it is, an even bigger one when no one else expects him to get that way. Likes to practice many things relating to experiencing, a more expressive character with a more bubbly side when calm or simply in a good mood but when pushed can be quick to anger. It's something he hates doing but the power of his voice can be enough to shake the ground below others feet.
When upset or angry please pull back, he'll feel bad about it either way but sometimes the anger is explosive and depending on case can make him seem out of character. In reality he shows the duality of expressing these emotions.
Can be easily embarrassed or flustered from time to time. Please don't tease him but for the most part he's very sunshine/golden retriever energy.
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Lord Raein
Temporary name and might change or become a nickname he follows and listens to depending on who's saying it. A bit more closed off compared to the other two but realistically deep down craves someone to be really close to to protect for the end of time.
Once he has that person he's basically a house husband, willing to do anything and everything for you and to keep you close and safe. (Maybe with some possessiveness added in.) Likes the quiet and to be comforted but is a Lord who definitely would argue about getting up to make it to a meeting especially if he has you curled up to his chest.
Stoic in a way though also gives that energy where you act nice to get things done. It's not to say he's fake but instead that he's usually curt. Kinda giving the "I'm always alone and drunk" vibe but idk idk lololol
Really likes cuddling without many people knowing except for those he feels safe with which also includes certain Lords who he deems worth enough.
Honestly as I'm typing about him he's giving Poseidon from Records of Ragnarok a lil bit.. lolol and it's funny cause he'd definitely want to fight that man.
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Honestly spent many, many years alone so it has affected him in a way. MC can find a way through that though ÙwÚ
Here's a picture/current wip for him!:
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delicateartisantrash · 4 months ago
I've recently found your TF fics, and they are *mwah*
Absolutely gorgeous, love what you've done with the characterisation and the plot, especially when you say when a character *cough Megs cough* just... comes in. I'm just giggling, kicking my feet, twirling my hair.
I also have a question. Or two, if you don't mind my asking.
In the tags for Leaking Spark and Why the Caged Bird Sings, it's stated as a 'Soundwave/Reader'. Does this refer to Butterfly, or Lightshow?
I'm just a little confused on that part, as Butterfly is definitely on for Knockout, and as seen in the latest chapters of Why the Caged Bird Sings, Soundwave really misses Lightshow (breaks my heart every time we see Sounders in a wreck). BUT, in the tags for Leaking Spark, there's 'Eventual Soundwave x Reader'.
So, I'd like to know, what's your plan on that? Or is that a 'lil spoilery? Would you mind giving us a 'lil peak into your plans?
Thanks for reading my questions, hope you have a great day <3
yes hello i LOVE answering questions (even if it's sometimes "teehee spoilers but i can tell u dis instead ;D" is my only non-spoilery answer I can give) about my absolute obsessions. Eeeeeeee!
Easy one to answer, first:
In the tags for Leaking Spark and Why the Caged Bird Sings, it's stated as a 'Soundwave/Reader'. Does this refer to Butterfly, or Lightshow?
In LS and WTCBS, it refers to Butterfly.
If that ever changes, I'll update tags and/or update some kind of notice at the chapter in question so it's not unexpected.
I honestly haven't decided yet if we'll have Lightshow as a total other POV like Soundwave for example has been, or if Meta Readers will get to be a Reader POV for both Butterfly and Lightshow. Do you by chance have a preference? XD
I currently lean towards keeping the "Reader POV" restricted to one character per story series (Gladiators of Kaon is technicaly a prequel to Leaking Spark, but Leaking Spark isn't neccessarily the *only* possible timeline outcome for GOK's origins ;D no i'm not planning a multiverse with my own fics what who me never i'm not THAT insane ha ha ha, I mean....)
Other question time!
I hesitate to confirm *exactly* what the final relationships will look like any time someone asks, because... I don't actually know. There are *so* many moving parts and little details and honestly even a slight interaction can have lasting ripple effects that change the story farther down the line in ways I never could have predicted or expected until I get to that point.
Case in point: Leaking Spark actually exists (and GOK, too, but for slightly different reasons than LS) purely because Knockout was *supposed* to get to be the MC's bestie ride-or-die friend in Star of the Show.... and instead he ended up scaring the ever loving SHIT out of poor Clara and yeah That's Not Happening (at least not anytime soon lmfao).
But I wanted to write a friendly(ier) version of Knockout, so we got Leaking Spark with him being our teaser pony introduction who eventually leads us to Soundwave. (and that mech is a slow burn romance with cryo-frozen molassas)
So... Rather, I know what *qualities* certain relationships will absolutely have, as it keeps me grounded and centered in writing, but that doesn't necessarily mean that character won't *also* end up with someone else before then, or in addition to (poly romance is something I have given up trying not to let creep into my TF fics They Are Very Determined I Guess??? I HAVE NEVER HAD THIS ISSUE BEFORE I AM GENUINELY CONFUSED BUT I LIKE IT APPARENTLY SO????).
So, I'll tell you what I *do* know is for certain;
[mild spoilers below. Topic: relationship outcomes]
-Soundwave is going to end up in a lasting, meaningful, permanent (insofar as they decide it is :P) romantic relationship with Butterfly. He gets his squishy soft Sparked lover. He also gets a not-so-squishy but just-as-soft-Sparked Lightshow... either as a friend or as a romantic partner as well, I genuinely don't know how those two will reconnect but it's gonna be CUTE. AS. FUCK. -Knockout is going to marry/Conjux/get hitched with his gay bae Breakdown and I can pretend TFP never had budget cuts for voice actors and politics that inspired Breakdown's gruesome death and end in TFP it Never Happened Here Okay? (sobbing weeping crying i'm okay I swear). He'll remain friends with Butterfly, and his romantic fling with her is honestly going to be *so fucking good for him* as a learning experience. In short, we're his Practice Girlfriend so he finally fucking treats his husband right. Dammit KO u HAVE HIM RIGHT THERE REEEEE--
-Megatron is gonna end up with Lightshow. So hard. He never stopped agonizingly crushing on her that mech is in LOVE. Obssessive possibly unhealthy love. You know. In that way Megatron does with Literally Everything In His Life, taking things to The Extreme. Lightshow's gonna be good for him is all I'm gonna say there heehee
Lightshow's unofficial job in the Decepticon Army: sex therapy
-Lightshow and Butterfly are going to get along very well and that's all I'll say about those two ;)
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Local Lens Scotland with Ewan & Colin McGregor
Ewan McGregor is coming home. This special episode of Local Lens, where the actor, director and goodwill ambassador reconnects with his brother, Colin, a former Royal Air Force fighter pilot turned instructor, in their homeland in the Scottish Highlands.
Ewan McGregor and his RAF fighter-pilot brother Colin take the trip they always dreamed of in the latest Local Lens episode directed by Stuart McIntyre, produced by production company Somesuch and serviced by production partner LS Productions.​
‘Ewan McGregor: A Brothers’ Guide to Scotland’ The chance to explore the Highlands, where they holidayed with their family as young boys, presented itself via Expedia’s Local Lens video series, and they seized it. The backdrop of the Cairngorms' lush mountains, shimmering lochs, and the majestic trees of The Hermitage forest, the brothers embark on a nostalgic adventure in search of the northern lights—a trip complete with laughs, memories, music, and sheep.
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Ewan McGregor and Colin McGregor after taking to the skies over Scotland in an RAF Tornado jet. DAVID CHESKIN - PA IMAGES/PA IMAGES/GETTY
Produced by Somesuch for Expedia’s Local Lens series, the episode follows the pair as they travel from Colin’s home in Elgin, 175 miles north of Edinburgh, to the Scottish highlands in search of the northern lights.
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​A love of adventure was a force bred strong in the brothers on childhood forays around their home country, forging an intimate bond. As Ewan says now, “When you know someone as well as your brother, you don’t need words.” They would take road trips with their parents, go hill-climbing, vacation on rugged Scottish beaches, and immerse themselves in water so unfathomably cold it fired them up for the rest of the day. “A lot of my memories are of us scrambling across cliffs and looking in rock pools,” says Ewan. “There’s a freedom about being a kid in this rugged, weathered landscape that’s just fantastic.”
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A picnic stop reminds them of childhood: “Then, it was a white roll with one lopsided cheese slice”
The weekend’s adventure across the Cairngorms is no less memorable. Watch as Stuart candidly captures the pair as they bicker. Get nostalgic. Get side tracked. Even have a mishap with sheep and take a dip in a friend’s freezing loch. They stop for fuel and Tunnock’s teacakes, an iconic Scottish chocolate-and-marshmallow snack that transports them back to their childhoods. They have moments of awestruck silence and absolute solitude. But most of all, the episode touchingly records the brothers as they reconnect with each other—and with the spectacular, otherworldly terrain they grew up surrounded by.
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The Cairngorms mountain range contains five of the six highest mountains in Scotland. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
Stuart McIntyre a Canadian director. Recognised for his reverent depiction of sport and natural rapport with high-profile talent, his work is an exhilarating, high-octane style of realism.
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The brothers emphasised spending some time in the great outdoors, hanging out with some friendly local farm animals, hiking through the Hermitage Forest, and trying to catch an elusive glimpse of the Northern Lights. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Guests at the Ewe Bar can expect live music and a jovial, classic pub atmosphere. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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The quaint one-bedroom cottage features a soaking tub, a fireplace, a zip line, and a fire pit. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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"It's a very old, sort of rambly house, and the design of it is beautiful, very rustic and real," McGregor says of the Dell Cottage, where he stayed during the trip. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
I love that they were making this video. This is the best one yet from Scotland. One’s a Hollywood star, the other a fighter pilot. But these famous brothers, have one key characteristic in common. Take in the majestic sights and sounds of the McGregor brothers’ adventure through the magnificent Highlands, on a voyage underpinned by childhood memories and encompassing the true and natural warmth and wit of Scotland. Jumping into lochs. Congrats to Colin and Ewan and Expedia Group who brought this wonderful film to life.
#Scotland #ColinMcGregor #EwanMcGregor McGregorbrothers #Highlands #ExpediaGroup #childhoodmemories #DellCottage #EweBar #RAFTornadojet #pilot #Expedia’sLocalLens #northernlights #StuartMcIntyre #Somesuch #LSProductions #childhoodbesttimeoflife #gettyimages #DavidCheskin #PAimages
Posted 25th March 2024
@hillandglen “Per Ardua Ad Astra” – Through Adversity’s to the Stars ✨
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chimerafflesia · 20 days ago
now that I've slept on it had more time to think about it I wanted to share my thoughts on the post KC cup banlist, as is becoming tradition that this point.
obviously, lets get it out of the way, this banlist was not ideal LMFAO. along the lines of "our expectations were low, but holy fuck." I'm gonna talk about HERO/Dragonic Contact first because that's the main event, and the one I was anticipating the most.
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here's our HERO ban HAHA -_- really quite disappointing that the skill didn't get any changes whatsoever, because that's the real issue. most DC builds are actually a mishmash of nothing without the skill (need to reitierate that nine times out of ten if you destroy/banish the Super Poly they surrender right away because they have no plays outside of "steal my opponents monster and win lol")
I WILL say this does limit searching and actually prevents Liquid Soldier and Stratos from being played alongside other staple hard 3's like Book of Eclipse, Mind Control, Ice Dragon's Prison, Lost Wind, and a big one, Necro Gardna. Gardna is basically just Kiteroid, and banishes itself from the GY to prevent an attack so they can survive another turn. I'm willing to bet most builds will default to 2 Stratos and 1 LS, because while LS has more draw power, Stratos is the better searcher. It also forces the player to potentially play more copies of E - Emergency Call for searching; and E- EC is a UR in a main box, so it actually makes the deck slightly less F2P friendly, which is a bit of a plus. personally, I would've liked to see some hard 2's on HERO cards, to prevent play with Hallowed Life Barrier, which a lot of DC players use to bait their opponent on their first turn to survive, and then play SP on their next turn. so while not ideal, because the free Super Poly and monster set is still an issue, these limits do slow the deck down a bit.
ok now lets do the rest:
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IMITATION BANNED FUCKING FINALLYYYYYY this is actually pretty huge. during the last Duelist Kingdom Imitation FTK was running WILD. horrendous, awful deck. glad to see it gone.
Salamangreat Fowl to 1... is, fine. again, the main issue (the skill) is left untouched, but I was anticipating that solely because it's so new, and Flame just got added about a month ago. this limit will force SG players to add more generic backrow removal into the deck (which is a massive necessity in the current meta) because they can't rely on Fowl's effect, which could potentially lead into more bricking, as well as limiting what they can set in their backrow at the end of their turn 1. most SG players end the turn with three set quick-play spells that let them link summon during their opponents turn and use their effects to destroy the opponents board. (Salamangreat Miragestallio and Pyro Phoenix are the main ones here.)
with that being said I'm wondering if bricking would really be that much of an issue, considering the skill is a free +2 for Salamangreat regardless. kinda just have to wait and see.
here's what's unbanned:
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this is kinda troubling to be honest. definitely feeling like konami wants to shovel in an Invoked meta, which is whatever, but famously this archetype has cards that are very non-interactive. both Mechaba and Cocytus being unlimited feels a little crazy??? especially with the recent addition of Magical Meltdown, a field spell that adds Aleister the Invoker to your hand, and also prevents fusion summons from being interacted with.
Aleister basically engines the entire deck. he searches Invocation (archetype fusion spell that recycles itself and can also target monsters in either GY for fusions.) there are ways to get around the field spell (better have that MST/Cosmic Cyclone ready) (also better hope they don't have too many copies of it) but as far as the beasts that are the Invoked fusion monsters... uhhhh... pray? between HERO Super Poly (non-interactive) and Invoked plays (typically non-interactive) we're in for single player yugioh meta !!! maybe it won't be so bad. we'll have to see.
now for the skill rebalance. there's only one I wanna talk about here
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WINDWITCHES BUFFEDDDD this is actually really nice. the deck really needed this extension. losing a card in your hand for the free search wasn't that detrimental, but the skill now being a +1 instead of a swap 1 is huge, especially if it's snow bell in the hand, because now you can summon it and not have to use the skill to get it on the field. Windwitch players we are up. Rin fans we are up. we deserve this. ❄️
that's really all I have for now. I just had a lot of thoughts on this banlist and I always have so many thoughts on DL in general so I need to shout about it somewhere. I really enjoy keeping up with the metagame and I enjoy playing ranked so I like to know whats goin onnnn :)
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kanna-12r · 1 year ago
Hi!! I wanna know and see your OCs! Tell me more about themmmmm- Lens/Birdie
Birdieee!! 💕
Sorry this took way too long! ;;;;;
I lost this draft a few times so I was about to make it its' own post, but thankfully I found it!
This is a post filled with several tidbits about all eight of my children! Beware, it is very long 💦
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This sweetheart right here is S-2508, with gifted name "Lady" 🤍
She was a frontline medic, now mostly stays as the medbay's psychological nurse/caretaker and [redacted].
Considered 'defective' or valued less due to her being a non-combatant, her inability to disregard distinguish emotions, and unawareness towards danger long before an incident that renders her broken.
Post-incident, she regularly steams out smoke when experiencing negative emotions. This could lead to a full-blown glitches and seizure. (Reference: Barbara Shadow from Shadow House)
Her veil and vial necklace is inspired by Victorian mourning attire. The vial is a memorial piece of sort.
She tends to unconsciously avoid other agents out of habit.
Although it takes a toll on her, Lady spends most of her time watching the live broadcast, sometimes making notes in order to be able to care for injured agents straight after.
The arm cuff on her right arm is a gift from her 1st partner, Faerie.
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This darling over here is C-0209, you may call her "Faerie".
She was a weaponsmith and a battle agent like any other, with a scythe as her preferred weapon of choice.
A polaroid camera-head. In contrast with her peers, she couldn't record or broadcast her views.
Her wings and headwings are her personal customization. You may pet them if you ask for permission.
Capable of at least carrying two people when flying up in the air.
Friendly, but considered as some sort of an airhead and unserious agent.
Has a massive crush towards both Lady and Mystic. She was the one who gifted them their current personal names!
Gave one of her arm cuffs to Lady when they got paired to be partners.
Considered dead non-active post-incident, due to her core energy being shattered. There's a chance for her to be revived, hence Lady's vial.
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This woman right here is TV-1309 with personal name "Mystic"!
She's an supervisor / overseer and Lady's 2nd partner / guardian.
Rather monotone and harsh, only has a definite soft spot crush towards Lady.
The only one out of others that was created prior to the war (as a companion), has met and worked for humans before.
Prone to jealousy, considers herself as inferior against her TV peers due to her original nature.
Dislikes comparison in general.
The dogtag necklace has her serial number and personal names engraved onto it.
Acts rather indifferent towards the Alliance, despite her diligently working for them against the damned toilets. Reasons are [redacted].
If you have no business with her, please remember to never come near. For your own safety.
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This man is a medic cam numbered C-1311, with personal name "Chevron".
The leader of Lady's team. Takes high pride in his job, and is very pressured by others' expectations.
Acted rather apathetic towards his members, adamant with his commands, and prioritized their performance on top of everything else despite the relentless shenanigans that they caused.
Does not acknowledge weaknesses and disregards anything that he deems untrue in his view. Your opinion does not matter, it's better to not fight him.
Similarly to Lady, he does not understand emotions. But in contrast with that, he is similar to Mystic in regards of harboring jealousy towards his comrades.
Post-incident, he lost his pride and swore to keep a closer eye to the surviving ones he has left.
Fought the higher-ups twice due to him refusing to let any of his surviving members being dismantled or thrown away.
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This big guy is LS-1410, and was gifted the name "Ornate"!
The vice-leader, a big softie and gentle man who acts like the opposite of Chevron.
Still a pretty strong and relentless guy, a very good combatant despite his main job as a medic. Why is he even a medic if he has the capability necessary for fighting?
Acted as Lady's unofficial guardian before Mystic. Was valued similarly due to his meek personality.
Post-incident, he begged to be taken away with others for not being able to fulfill his role in the Alliance despite his fixable injuries. His wish was not granted.
He taught Lady on how to deal with her emotions and steaming habit.
Has similar cracks like Lady at the back of his head.
Usually tasked to take care of the non-surviving agents along with Lady. Mostly because they're the only ones who are seen as dedicated enough.
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This sassy-ass guy is S-2110, you may refer to them with their gifted name, "Euphony"!
A speaker medic that thrives from causing chaos and shenanigans within the team, which commonly isn't seen from a medic. Nowadays, they're more melancholic though.
Has an infinite amount of energy that's more fitting to that of a battle agent.
A pretty good combatant. Others wonder why are they even a medic in the first place?
Elegy's lover. Loves dragging him to the crimes they're about to commit.
In contrast with the chaos, they like to sing in a very soft, elegant manner. The one who taught Lady to regulate her singing.
Lost half of their core and both legs during the incident. Their legs got fixed just fine, but now they have trouble staying active for a prolonged amount of time. (Reference: Padparadscha from Houseki no Kuni)
Still helps around as a medic in the medbay along with Lady. Don't piss them off though, they know what they are.
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This guy right here is C-1310, he's gifted with the name "Elegy".
A laid-back cam that loves tinkering and fixing machinery, hence why he fits as a medic, yet also not.
Pretty calm and level-headed, but also an enabler to his lover chaos. Could go batshit insane if it's anything involving Euphony.
Was a battle agent before being sent to the medbay along with Euphony. Reasons are [redacted].
Has personal grudge towards Chevron due to the incident. Or maybe he's just a hater, who knows? Euphony knows.
Ornate is rather intimidated by him.
His favorite pastime is to listen to the speakerheads in his team sing.
Post-incident, he likes to spend his time sorting through the Alliance's collection of documents and records, acting as a librarian or some sort while still helping as a medic.
He could ruin anyone, figuratively or literally.
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Lastly, this big baby right here is "Arete", a clock mimic that is based on the setting from our dearest Cosmica!
They spent their entire young phase alone, with no parents nor guardians, hence their lack of understanding about the world. They still do not have any friends, although they know other mimics exist.
Loves plushies and dolls. They love collecting them within their nest as a form of safe haven.
Their name is a piece of memorial. The necklace and bow were also part of it.
Was found by S-2508 (Lady) during her rare journey outside of the base.
Refuses to talk to anyone else besides Lady, and communicates mainly through acted out signs (usually using a plushy they carry at the time).
Has an irregular 'eating' habits, causing the life energy glow to be all over the place and prolonged sleeping cycle.
These ones are characters that are present in my fic series so far. They're not OCs since they are not intended to be specific individuals with their own backstories, but I'll drop these doodles here just because.
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There are "you" or "y/n", the speaky-cam pair we met in the first chap, our worrywart Scientist Cam, Large Speaky, our big boi Strider Speaker, and our darling TVman (he's not pictured here cause I ran out of place, too much pics).
Idk if I'll actually post 'em anytime soon since most of them are nonsense scribbles, but yea!
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bonefall · 2 years ago
So i haven’t really read through dotc, is there like any moment about bumbles like, name, in there? considering everything i’ve heard about how the erin’s treat her i’m not so sure they named her bumble after bumble bees
I don't remember them explicitly making a mockery of her name, thankfully, but I do remember anticipating it and almost breathing a sigh of relief they didn't go THAT low.
Funny enough, in Sun Trail, she actually shows Gray Wing up a few times in a way that's VERY satisfying. He'll sit there seething like, "pff, this fatass could never get up this tree" and then she climbs right up as he slides backwards down the trunk, RIGHT into the big bucket of Ls awaiting him.
It's... painful. She's the best part of Sun Trail, easily. She's so confident, friendly, and it almost feels like they're going to tell a story about how Gray Wing needs to overcome his spitefulness. He's constantly snapping at Turtle Tail for being friends with Bumble, haughtily announcing that they just Don't Mix with Kittypets and That's That. When Turtle leaves to go live with Bumble, it feels like a triumph lmao. Get FUCKED Gray Wank.
But nope. Nope, you were supposed to be sad that the person that Gray Wing treats like shit left his ass. You're supposed to agree that Bumble was a Master Manipulator or something, and xenophobia is good I guess.
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paperstorm · 1 year ago
Andie what animal would you atribute to each of the LS characters and why?
It took way too long to make this list but here's what I came up with:
TK - this one was easy. Feral cat turned domesticated cat. Back alley scrapper with bloody knuckles to pampered prince sleeping on a silk pillow.
Carlos - A dog but ... not like a golden retriever or something that's super happy and friendly to anyone it meets. Maybe like a husky or an arctic wolf. Solitary at times, stoic, very wary of strangers and outsiders, but fiercely loyal once he finds his mate and his pack.
Owen - Also a dog but not in the same way as Carlos. Maybe more like a sheep dog or a border collie, hard working and hyper active and very dedicated to service. Always wants to help and move and have something to do.
Grace - some kind of bear. Soft and loving when she needs to be, will rip your face off when the situation calls for it. Very protective, an excellent caretaker. Loves getting into other people's business. Do bears love gossip? Idk this bear does.
Marjan - A tiger. She doesn't wear so many tigers on her shirt just for fun it's because she is one in her soul. The queen of the jungle. Regal and fierce and dangerous and mesmerizingly beautiful.
Judd - Capybara. You know how they have that reputation for being so chill that all animals feel safe/comfortable around them? That's Judd. He's protective and strong and loyal and all those things but he also just makes people feel safe with his presence.
Paul - Elephant. Strong but exceedingly gentle.
Mateo - Meerkat. Idk I'm just going with vibes on this one. Small and scrappy.
Tommy - Peacock. Idk much about the personalities of peacock but all her showy hairstyles and outfits led me there.
Nancy - Some kind of sea creature like a whale or a seal. Elegant, goofy at times, illusive. Could do tricks for frozen fish but will not, she is too cool for that.
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blackhakumen · 8 months ago
Mini Fanfic #1214: Home At Last (King of Fighters)
We interrupt this program to bring you Breaking News in the Streets of Southtown!!
News Anchor: The coffee shop owned by World's Famous Pop Idol, Athena Asamiya, is now opened back up for business after it's services abruptly came to a screeching holt once the infamous crimelord- (Shows a Picture of Geese and Billy on Screen) Geese Howard, walked inside with his bodyguard, kicking all of the previous customers out. (Shows a Picture of a Smiling Shingo Yabuki on Screen) It was only thanks to this brave employee making their respective coffees that the establishment continues on to it's regular scheduled program.
Geese: (Being Interviewed Live as He and Billy Walks Over to Their Limousine) That young man was able to make me fall in love with a cup of cappuccino again after ten plus years. It's a shame we can't have him working for us part-time.
Billy: Our line of business is far too unpredictable and dangerous for an honest-to-good kid like him to keep up.
Geese: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Yes, very true. Still, a loss is a loss and I'm willing to accept it. Now of you'll excuse us- (Billy Opens the Limo Dpor For Him as He Takes a Seat Inside) We have a meeting to attend to.
Billy: You heard the boss. (Angrily Grips the Hold of his Red Pole and Uses it to Poke the Camera) If you and your crew don't scram in the next five seconds, I'm gonna TEAR YA ALL APAR-
*TV Static, Lost Signal*
Few Minutes Later at the Streets of Southtown.........
Shingo: (Sighs in Sweet, Pure Relief While Walking Next to Rock on the Sidewalk) Finally! The day is finally coming to a close!.....For the next few hours or so, but still.
Rock: My thoughts exactly, pal. ('Sigh') Sorry my actual dad forced you make coffee for him an excuse to talk to me....
Shingo: (Gives Rock a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Nah, don't worry about it. I'm just glad it all worked out aa well as it did. (Look ls Down at his Hands He's Holding Up) My coffee making skills has REALLY been paying off these days!
Rock: I know, right? You really came a long way if you were able to get Geese, of all people, to be impressed by it. (Gives Shingo a Friendly Bump on the Shoulder) I'm proud of you, bud.
Shingo: Thanks, Rock, I'm proud of myself for keeping everything together. (Stops By In Front of Rock's Apartment) I hope everyone back home wasn't too worried about us though....
Rock: (Walks Up the Stoop Along with Shingo) Given call the text messages and voice calls I've gotten in the past few minutes, I'm surprised that they didn't make a search party on us yet.
Rock takes out a spare apartment key from under a nearby flower pot to use it to open the door.
Shingo: I'll let them know we're-
Before the boys can do anything else, the front door suddenly opens wide as a blue and and white colored blur rushes out of the room and hug tackles Shingo, making him lose his balance and panic.
Shingo: AHH! Whatsonme, whatsonme, WHATSON-(Hears the Sound of Sniffing as He Regains His Balance, Looks Down to See a Very Familiar Face Latching Onto Him) Me? Kula?
Kula: ('Sniff') (Looks Up at Shingo With Tears Running Down From her Sparkling Eyes) You guys are okayyyy!!~ (Went Back to Crying onto Shingo's Chest)
Rock: Kula....(Reaches his Habd Out of his Friend) H-Hey, there's no need to-WOAH! (Gets Pulled into a Very Tight Hug by his Adopted Mother, Blue Mary)
Mary: (Holding her Baby Up While Tears in her Eyes as Well) You dumb kids!~ ('Sniff') We've been calling and texting you two for an hour now! We were so worried!
K': (Walks Over to Mary and Co.) And I had to calm these two down before we decided to come out, looking for you two dorks. (Lowers his Shades Down From his Face While Raising an Eyebrow at Rock) Did your phones died or something, Bogard?
Rock: ('Sigh') No, they weren't. We forgot to text you about Geese and-
Mary: (Eyes Widened in Anger) GEESE!? (Quickly Turns her Head From Side to Side) Where's that rat ass bastard!? Did he hurt you boys-
Rock: (Gently Grabs Under Mary's Arm, Getting her To Slowly Lower Him Back Down to the Ground) Hey, mom? Mom, just calm down, okay? He didn't hurt either of us at all. We just sat down talked for a few minutes until it was time for him to leave. I promise you.
Mary: (Examines Rock's Face For a Bit) I don't see any bruises on you. ('Sighs in Relief') Fine. I'll take your word for it, but call me next time this type of crap happens again, you got it!? You mean the world to me, Rocky, and I'm getting really sick and tired of losing the closest people in my life right now, so- ('Sniff') (Pulls Rock Back into Another Hug Before Tearing Up Again) Promise me!!~ (Starts Kissing Rock On the Cheek)
Rock: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Mary's Kisses) Okay, okay, you got. I promise not to scare you guys like that ever again. You have my word.
Mary: You better. (Gives Rock One Big, Final Kiss on the Cheek Before Letting Him Go) Shingo! Come over here and gimme a hug!
Shingo: Yes, ma'am! (Looks Back Down at Kula, Who is Still Hugging Him) You don't mind if I-
Kula: (Sighs in Defeat Before Letting Go of Shingo) Go ahead. (Gives Shingo a Big Kiss on the Cheek) I love you.
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly as He Gently Ruffles the Top of Kula's Hair) I love you too, princess!~
Kula: (Playfully Slaps Shingo's Hajd Off her Hair) Heyyyy!~ (Pouts at Shingo) No messing up the hair, mister!
Shingo: (Snickers Some More) Right, right. Sorry. (Walks Over to Mary)
Rock: (Walks Over Kula) Can....I get a hug to- (Immediately Gets Hug Tackled by Kula) Ooh-kay!.
Kula: You scared me!~
Rock: ('Sigh') I know. (Gently Rubbing the Top of Kula's Hair) I'm sorry.
Kula: ('Sigh')
Shingo: (Spread his Arms Out For Mary While Walking Over to Her) We're sorry for making you guys worried, Ms. Mar-RYYY! (Immediately Gets Pull into a Tight Hug)
Mary: ('Sigh') It's okay. Just don't scary us like that again. And don't call me miss either! Just 'mom' is fine.
Shingo: (Winces a Bit in Pain) Yeah. (Happily Hugs Mary Back) Sure thing, mom.
K': (Glares at Shingo) Yeah, you better be sorry for giving us a heart attack and shit......
Shingo: (Turns to K' With a Genuine Surprise Look on his Face) Wait, K'. You've been worried about us this entire time?
K': (Scoffs Before Crossing his Arms Together and Turning Away) As if. I knew you two would be fine.....Then again, I'd....(Turns Back Around With a More Worried Look on his Face) Probably be pissed if something bad DID happen to you two in that café. So.....(Shrugs) I dunno.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Awwwwwww~ You hear that, Rock? K' really do care about us!~
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly Along with Kula) Thanks, K'! 'Knew you have a heart.
Kula: You big softie!~
K: (Turns Away Again in Annoyance) ('Tch') Shut up. I wasn't nearly as dramatic about it as you were.
Kula: (Playfully Blows a Raspberry at K')
?????: Shingo!?
K': And speaking of which.....
Mary: (Smiles Sheepishly) We may have called a few folks about this before you two arrived here.
Shingo looks down and see his girlfriend,, Leona Heidern standing in front of the stoops with a very worried look on her face.
Shingo: (Quickly Rushes Himself Down the Stoops-) Leona-san-Woaho WOOOAH! (-Before Tripping Over and Fall into Leona's Arms While Giving Her a Soft Smile) Hi.
Leona: (Hugs Shingo Lovingly) Hi. K' informed me on what happened so I had to get here as fast as I could. Are you and Rock okay?
Shingo: Yeah, we're fine. Rock just had a one on one talk with his actual dad is all. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Meanwhile, I was forced and threatened to make him and Billy's coffee for the time being......
Leona: (Hair Instantly Turns Red in Anger) I'll kill them.
Shingo: (Immediately Place Both his Hands Onto Leona's Cheeks) Nononono! It's okay! They didn't hurt me, I swear! I only made coffee for them the entire time and they loved it. I even managed to befriend Billy along the way too!
Leona: You......(Turns her Hair Color Back to Blue as She Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Are friends with Billy Kane now?
Shingo: Yeah, that surprises me too just thinking about it. He's actually pretty cool once you get to know him more and....if he wants to be nice.
Leona: ('Sigh') I suppose I can take your word for it. (Starts Pouting at her Boyfriend) But you are forbidden from leaving my side for the rest of the night here!~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly While Saluting to Leona) Yes, ma'am! I'm sorry~
The couple leans over and kiss each other on the lips all while K' sticks his tongue out in mild disgust before Mary lightly slaps him upside the head for being rude, leaving Rock to snicker at his dispense along with Kula until-
???????: Rocky?
Rock: (Looks Down to See his Girlfriend, Hotaru Futuba, Standing in Front of the Stoops as Well) Hotaru? (Goes Down the Stoop) What brings you out here?
Hotaru: (Lightly Pouts ar Rock) I came over to see you, dummy!~ I saw the news about you and Shingo back at the café right before your mom called me. So I had to run all the way there and here to come and help, but now you're here, okay, and- ('UGGH') (Gives Rock a Loving Hug) You worried me so freaking much right now, I can't!~
Rock: (Hugs his Girlfriend Back) I'm know. I'm sorry. I'll find a way to make it up to you.
Hotaru: (Looks Up at With Puppy Dog Eyes) You promise?~
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. Promise times in-
?????: ROCK! SHINGO!
The gang turns to see the Legendary Wolf of Southtown, Terry Bogard, sprinting down to his old apartment, exhausted.
Terry: I'm......Finally.....FINALLY.....Here......(Stops Directly at his Destination Before Bending Down and Panting With his Hands on his Knees)
Rock: Terry? You ran here too?
Terry: (Gets His Upper Body Back Up Before Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead) ('Whew') Yeah.....I ran like.....(Points Behind Him) Allllll the way from the other side of the town to get here! (Takes a Ring Out From his Pants Pocket) Where this...dumb ring sent me here.
Hotaru: (Raises an Eyebrow a Bit) A ring got you here?
Rock: It's dimensional.
Terry: Yeah.....(Taps on his Chin While Thinking) I should probably learn how to use it properly......And I definitely need to show you guys around Smash Town sometime- But I-I'm getting ahead of myself. (Turns to his Adopted Son) Rock, what happened? Did that bastard Geese laid any fingers on you? (Turbs to Shingo Next) You too, Shingo. Are you alright?
Shingo: (Gives Terry a Thumbs Up While Still Being Carried I'm Leona's Arms) We're doing just fine, Mr. B!
Rock: (Nodded in Agreement) Geese just wanted to catch up and talk to me is all. It didn't went out as terribly as I thought I would believe it or not.
Terry: ('Sighs in Relief') Good. (Angrily Cracks Both his Knuckles Slowly) I would hate to beat the ever living crap outta him again if he did.
K': (Smirks at Terry) And then what? Get yourself tired out after running over to the coffee shop, old man?
Kula: (Snickers at Terry's Dispense)
Terry: (Glares at K') Oh will you shut up over there, neighbor? I'm still as fit and healthy as I've ever been thank you!
K': Yeah for a soon to be senior citizen- ('Slap') Ow! (Gets Smacked Up Side the Head by Mary Again)
Mary: Quit making fun of my man, K'. (Smirks Seductively at Terry) He's still good looking delectable no matter how old he gets in my eyes~
Terry: (Smirks Back at Mary While Winking and Pointing at Her) Right back at you, sexy mama~
Hotaru: (Giggles Softly to Rock's Parents)
Rock: (Puts on an Embarrassed, Deadpinned Look on his Face) Getting off topic with the flirting.
Terry: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality and Blushes Along with Mary) Oh! Uh.... ('Clears Throat') Right. Sorry. I'm glad he didn't hurt you guys, rookie. 'Hope he didn't try to sweet talk you into joining him or something. (Rolls his Eyes) He's conniving like that.
Shingo: Well, he did try to get me to become his personal coffee maker before leaving!
Rock: Yeah, he really liked that coffee he made for him and Billy. But I'd never let 'em take him away on my watch. Just like how I would never let him sway me into being a part of my life. (Smiles Softly at Terry and Everyone Outside Present) I know who my true family are.
Terry: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as He Pulls Rock into Loving Hug) And we couldn't be any happier to have you a part of it, son.
Rock: ('Ugh') Terry, you're sweaty.
Terry: Yeah, well, deal with it. I did not ran all around to get denied a hug from my own son.
Mary: (Went Back Inside) Hang on I gotta get the camera!~
Terry: Take all the time you need, babe! We have all night!
Rock: (Looks Around to See All his Friends Having Their Phone Facing Their Phones In Frint if Him) Seriously? You guys too?
Hotaru: Rocky, this is a precious moment we're experiencing right now. We can't miss this!~
K': Yeah and how else am I gonna use it as blackmai- (Gets Shoulder Bump By Kula) I mean. How else am I supposed to capture this father and son moment.
Kula: (Happily Nodded in Agreement)
Leona: (Smiles Softly) It's always wonderful to share a photo or two with your loves ones.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah, and have them as your memories for years to come
Terry: (Chuckles Lightly) Why, are you kids sweet? Take all the pictures you need, we're ready!
'Clicks Clicks Clicks Clicks Clicks'
Rock: ('Sighs Heavily') My life.
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spirit-lanterns · 1 year ago
Yet another ask!
(Two in one day?! Woah!!)
Yes it's for trans!March
In your opinion do you think she likes toys or just plain hands?
(I've never really done asks before so there gonna be horrible! Also I don't know what the regular amount of ask ls!)
( ^ω^) -> your friendly meow meow!
I think March likes both! But for toys, she definitely has some preferences <3
For one, if you choose to use sex toys during your sessions, they have to be cute or pastel (usually pink for March’s preference). March is the type of girl to collect toys like bunny dildos, pink pearlescent butt plugs, fluffy handcuffs, etc. So most of the toys you use are very cute looking despite their…usage.
Her favorite toy is a glittery pink vibrator if you’re curious! She loves it when you tape it to her dick and make her hide it underneath her skirt. The risk of getting caught while walking around with it on is just too thrilling for a sweet girl like March 💖💖
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yermes · 2 years ago
Hi Girlies I just payed for my groceries for the week in coins (not really I would never do that to a poor cashier I rolled them up and deposited them first so) ANYWAYS reminders on how to be resourceful even in times of stress.
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Pick a meme
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Art 🛠️
Yesod through Tiphareth, Fire, Sagittarius
This card represents the art of alchemy and achieving an equilibrium. A counter card to the devil if you will. The figure also has the words VISITA INTERIORA TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTUM LAPIDEM. “Visit the interior parts of the earth: by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone” And each starting letter makes V.I.T.R.I.O.L which people believe is no accident seeing it represents a mathematical universal solvent. 726=6 X 112=33 x 22 All these small details represent creation, alchemy, and the great work. While this card is representative of combining two halves it is also representative of splicing two halves apart. Put your DIY mask on and unearth some alchemical truths. Since its a counter card to the devil its less do what you want. More like here are two things. Make em werk.
The Empress 🗽
Chokmah through Binah, Venus, Taurus
Unlike how you may encounter divine femininity in a shadow work session where it slaps you and spits in your face. This card represents a more friendly side to that. Definitely a very matron archetype. A big part of this card is living life with an emotional basis. Use this to your advantage. Do not succumb to delusion but live the reality of it.
Success 🥊
Six of disks, moon in Taurus, Tiphareth in earth
Think of the six like a more mature four. Generally five means disaster but now you entered some form of security and you can utilize that with your knowledge of past disasters for the future. Because knowing us its always something. Use that wisdom queen. We may take some Ls but use those Ls to land on your feet 👏
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jellyluchi · 11 months ago
What are focaccia's relationship with other LS members?
Ohhh I believe I have some of it saved up. As her lore progressed, not much has changed about how I initially felt on her relationships with the rest of LS so here they are!
Risotto: finds him the most intimidating at first for obvious reasons. But as she gets to know him she founds out he's actually pretty kind. He doesn't hurt civilians and gives her a space to stay never forces her and makes his intentions clear plus gives her the opportunity to better her stand. She sees him as a benevolent man eventually, feeling bad about how he got into passion and supporting his cause to take it down. They become good friends after finding out their both prefer silence and a good book in each other's company.
Prosciutto: 2nd most intimidating, mostly bc of is personality. At first she thinks had he not been the way he is she would think he's a nice guy and fall for him. Over time his more nurturing side is unveiled (during 'training') which brings out really strong emotions in her. She's definitely never had a proper mentor figure and she quickly figures out she really likes his approval and praise. She mistakes it for wanting to get better at her stand power but it quickly becomes unrelated to that. Like wanting to make him feel better when he's stressed, wanting to make him laugh, see him smile, kiss him- oh no.
Pesci: Her first true friend! She finds out he's also under Pros' wing and isn't very experienced with his own stand. Plus, he's much more nicer to her than the rest of the guys. They both like drinking milk (Pesci bc of health reasons) and she defends him against the dudes when they make fun of him. She supports Pesci when he's insecure and vice versa so they got a lot of mutual support going on and he likes to bake while she likes to help him during that which is always fun. Hangs out the most together as friends.
Formaggio: She thinks he's the typical sleazy guy and she should stay away from him. But he def makes her laugh quite a lot and she starts enjoying his company. He's one of the ppl that make her feel more comfortable around LS as she gets to know them and she eventually finds a good friend in him too with his laid back nature he's pretty easy to talk to and a lot of the times he initiates contact which is why she eventually doesn't mind initiating contact with him either he kind of brings out the more carefree less reserved side of her.
Illuso: at first bc he's pretty quiet too she thinks maybe they could be similar and maybe she'd find a friend in him but he opens his mouth and his arrogance falls free she doesn't say anything but internally she thinks he's annoying for that but as she gets closer to LS she enjoyed hi company too next Formaggio but she doesn't like when those two argue unless it's a silly argument.
Melone: At first she thinks he's creepy obviously but finds out he's really easy to open up to and talk to. He's not judgmental and likes to talk about literally anything (and also stuff like zodiac signs etc) so she finds herself taking to him for a long long time. It's very unexpected for her to find friendship in him bc of how she saw him at first. Even after finding out how his stand works she still saw a genuine person in him.
Ghiaccio: oh man she's intimidated yes but also irritated as hell she really doesn't kike shouting and she tolerates his presence at best. Usually when he's not shouting he's not bad. But she finds herself walking on eggshells bc of him and she doesn't like that. She has to leave the room if he shouts and makes it clear how much shouting and yelling triggers her anxiety (smth both Ghiaccio and pros work on later)
Sorbet and Gelato:. They don't pay her much mind but are friendly hey enough with her. They're the only two members that confirm to be a mystery to her especially bc she thinks of they're already so wrapped up in each other she couldn't even have space for friendship in there but they've showed her some kindness here and there helping her out sometimes. Though some of the stuff they say still creep her out.
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
Marathoned through what I can find of season 2, here's my thoughts so far:
Nichelle is a queen, an icon, literally the first total drama character to show self-improvement and character growth without being an antagonist. Can't wait to see her continue to show up everyone, though I wish we got to see her form actual friendships instead of just girlbossing 24/7.
Mkulia is more canon than literally all of the relationships. They're so fun to watch as antagonists, and I can't wait to see where the cheating arc goes. The fact that they've shared confessions since they formed their alliance? The lesbians are eating good this season. Also Julia in particular is just really well written and voice acted? She sounds like an actual teenager her age. It's 👌 chefs kiss.
Speaking of the cheating arc, the rift between Bowie and Raj because of the team's under-the-table methods is such an on-the-nose way to play it. The "boyfriend kisser" arc of World Tour handled a literal cheating scandal super poorly, but this season is handling its' 'cheating' scandal really well in terms of how it dissolves trust in a relationship. Can't wait for Bowie's guilt to reach it's apex, we never know what he'll do when it does.
Raj really does see the best in Bowie, unfortunately his glasses are a little too rose-tinted to see that Bowie is more than happy to continue enabling Julia and MK, so long as they keep winning. I'm not sure if this will lead to a breakup or a heart-to-heart, honestly this series could go either way, but it isn't called Total Drama for no reason. Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll work out.
Another relationship I unfortunately saw coming from a mile off is RipAxel, though I can't say I'm upset about it. A lot of people saw Axel as queer, myself included, and Ripper is, well, Ripper. But they had a season one Duncney vibe going on in Axel's brief run last season. Something about the misogynistic guys (Ripper called himself an alpha at one point?) and the competitive latinas 🤷‍♀️.
Their actual dynamic this season is different enough from what I thought it'd be that it's refreshing. I guess it works in a very Roger and Jessica Rabbit type of way (if Jessica Rabbit was a butch teenager), and if you're third eye is opened enough to see it as yuri it's a win. (The poetry scene was really sweet, in a way.)
Prialeb came out of nowhere though. For a character who was essentially a Justin clone last season, I really do like the direction Caleb's character is going in. He's got that competitive mindset, and is trying to flatter Priya into an alliance by being friendly/flirty, but the narrative doesn't really make it clear if he's aware that he's manipulating her Alejandro style or if he really is just oblivious enough to see his approach as platonic/friendly. Holding out for some aro or ace (or aroace 🤭) representation with Caleb if they go with the second narriative, but the "only ever had one girlfriend" line hints more towards him being gay than ace.
I'm predicting Priya's foil being her crush of Caleb. It's gonna lead to her elimination. I love the fact that that, despite being hypercompetent thanks to her upbringing, she's terrible with things like relationships and feelings.
I'm super happy that Emma and Chase ended things again. They're terrible for each other. Also, Emma was way less likable this season? IDK if that's just me. Chase was never likable but he's at least funny to watch, especially when he's taking Ls.
Lauren's antagonist arc is brewing at Playa Des Losers (if that's still a thing?) so she's definitely coming back in the merge Izzy style. That, or she'll pull an Ezekiel and sneak back onto the island.
Millie's brief character arc about learning not to take advantage of people was cute, if undeveloped, but I can't say I liked her this season. Damien didn't deserve what she did, but he did need the reality check it gave him. And some therapy to help his fear of everything- the guy's an anxious wreak, and it's not so much endearing as it is pitiful to watch.
Wayne and Raj are my two beautiful sons who deserve the world. Zee has been delightful as always. No need for elaboration.
Chris is delightful this season. All of his lines are great, and what little we see of Chef is golden too. Good job to the writing team for our favourite geriatric couple.
My only real gripe with this season, which has been more and more apparent since season 1 back in 2007, is that the characters don't really feel like they're in a summer camp. Back in the OG island we had character interactions and dynamics outside of challenges that helped set the tone of the series; it felt like they really were teenagers at a summer camp, the challenges and eliminations came second to the character plotlines.
Whereas now, most of every episode is based in the challenge itself. Every elimination is based around something that character does during a challenge. Most meaningful interactions happen during a challenge. It feels more like a gameshow than the reality tv it's supposed to imitate. The only non-competition based conflict we get to watch is Emma and Chase's thing, which is more akin to influencers beefing than two teenagers at a camp having a rocky relationship (see: Duncney S1, Gwent S2 briefly, whatever happened with Gwourtney). I wish we got to see more of the character as they are, than the characters while they're actively in a challenge.
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zlobonessa · 2 years ago
well since the coup thing here just kinda sorta ended i guess i think this is as good time as ever to tell yall about my silly little modern au because why the hell not. i had this au for a while as a source for jokes but it just kept growing and growing untill. well I'm actually writing fic about (parts of) this but again it's in russian so i just want to outline the ideas. this is totally went off the rails but i like it that way
the catalyst of all is regurein of course
i have several variations of why the hell are they dating but one of my favourites is the one where they engage in passionate fight about twilight saga on the internet
joke about twilight saga belongs to koa. thanks koa.
the second favourite is about coffeeshop au set in two rivaling coffeeshops with questionable work practices and with money laundering probably happening in the background (or something worse?) of one of them
but anyway
reinhard's friends are taking the news very well
which means they are not, in fact, taking the news very well
julius is heartbroken
he has that wlw experience where your infinitely pretty incredibly smart unimaginably cool friend (homoerotic undertone) starts dating a guy who can be characterized only as Human Garbage
out of Friendly Concerns he and the others start the secret operation of Breaking Your Best Friend Relationships
they are not very successful
observing disgustingly sweet and/or horrifying dates with binoculars from the bushes does not bring any results
ferris suggested poisoning several times already
somewhere along the line felt is involved
she is neither the participant nor regurein's matchmaker but a secret third thing
(not entertained by any of this bullshit but forced to observe it)
probably is blackmailing julius
lye is also here
he is tagging along with regulus for some reasons idk i never thought it through
he and felt form unexpected friendship based on common annoyance of being forced to third wheel all this mess
perhaps they start the punk rock band???
the music is terrible
joshua thinks soo too
yes he is also here
he desperatly pretends to be a big fan
that's his late teenage rebellion
felt and lye do not like him anyway but it's not like they have a lot of fans so they keep him to buy them alcohol or something
when julius finds out he almost has a heart attack
and also regulus had some malicious plan all along! oh no!
but oh well he is not the smartest guy yknow
certainly NOT GOOD with being subtle
also has very Weird relationships with feelings
and accidentally catches them for reinhard for real
his mental stability: destroyed
but it's fine and reinhard keeps him anyway because he is absolutely bonkers
again julius is very close to an emergency room
but also in the (failed) attempt to stop this shitshow he Finds His True Love
emijulisuba happens! yay
bonded by spying and perhaps discussion ls of common crush on reinhard
so it's fine. it's totally fine. it's so fine he swears.
the subplot happens. it involves wilhelm.
reinhard informs him that he has a boyfriend and plans to introduce him at the family dinner. in the desparate attempt to repair their broken relationships wilhelm decides that it's time to be An Ally
i'm giving him a lot of credit here but that's also a bit of copium for Me Personally so it's okay
so wilhelm googles "who are.gay people"
accidentally ends up on gay dating app
as an ally
matches with petelgeuse there
as an ally
has sex with him
as an ally
tries to think how exactly he is gonna tell reinhard that he has a new grandma now so he is forgiven
(that was a joke)
so reinhard comes to the manor/apartment/penthouse with regulus
and regulus and petelgeuse recognise each other because of course they do! they are colleagues! (or were something more? who know)
well now this is awkward
do you think somebody gets murdered here
credits roll
scene after credits: emilia finds out that her dead aunt and her somewhat-uncle who went out for milk years ago are actually both alive in complicated relationship and working in the coffeeshop-slash-money-laundering-scheme-slash-sect
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