#Node 65
my-favourite-zhent · 2 months
Node 65
Thanks again. We'll head out as soon as we've caught our breath.
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
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... >>{Defense.Logging} Sector A5: [[FATAL ERROR]] [[OFFLINE]] >>{Defense.Logging} Sector A6: [[FATAL ERROR]] [[OFFLINE]] >>{Defense.Logging} Sector A7: [[FATAL ERROR]] [[OFFLINE]] >>[Administrator Node 04-256] {Query}: Don't you ever tire?
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ymustutortureme · 8 months
Israel has violated 191 ceasefire agreements, 10% resulted in death and 42% resulted in injuries and detentions.
Israel has broken 65 UN resolutions.
Some war crimes committed by Israel since Oct 7:
- Genocide
-Intentional Harm of Protected Persons
- Cutting off Food, Medical Supplies, and Humanitarian Aid
-Violation of Treaties Regarding Vulnerable Individuals
-Forced Displacement and Land Annexation
-Disproportionate Response
-Desecration and Mutilation of Corpses
-Destruction of Cultural Property
-Defaulting on Obligations as an Occupying Power
Source: https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/165492
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"The 200+ Symptoms of Fibromyalgia"
(Note: Some symptoms may overlap)
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema (Oedema)
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain - widespread
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Lightheadedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding - "Bruxism"
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder - "Angry Bladder Syndrome"
191. Irritable bowel syndrome - IBS-C, IBS-D
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain - unexplained
197. Weight loss - unexplained
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain - "Interstitial Cystitis"
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMDD)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack - "Costochondritis"
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
​249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
252. Need for early hysterectomy
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Misaki’s Cancer: CW for mentions of cancer, scars, and treatments - BD E10 SPOILERS!
I wanted to look a bit more into Misaki’s cancer. I am not an expert on this topic at all, just going off of info I find online, so anyone who is more informed, please feel free to add your thoughts, more info, etc.
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The only thing we really have to go off of in regards to it is the scar, which looks similar to a scar after thyroid cancer removal:
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Most of the thyroid cancer scars you find online are post-two weeks, so I’m going to assume that is the same for Misaki’s scar or, at the very least, that that is the youngest the scar is. She could have had the surgery a bit further back as well. How prominent/dark and how faded a scar looks can also very a lot from person to person for a variety of reasons.
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We also have Misaki saying, “The cancer spread to here.” Now, I’m not sure if this means that she has had cancer in other parts of her body, and has had it removed, and then it has spread up to her throat, or if this is talking more about how some types of thyroid cancer can spread to other tissues in the throat, such as the lymph nodes.
When Rei asks Misaki if she is going to die, she doesn’t give a direct answer, instead saying:
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“God’s so cruel.” And:
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“After everything I’ve been through already,”
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“he throws this on the pile.”
To me, that isn’t her confirming a death sentence, but more so just implying that her life has gotten more complicated and the cancer caused a lot of general upheaval in her life that wasn’t present before (though before there were a lot of other issues as well, but that’s a different story). 
After all, even though she has had the thyroid cancer removed, there are still other things she would have to worry about. Such as:
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“taking lifelong thyroid hormone replacements,” possibly “supplements to balance your calcium levels,” and other treatments to ensure that the cancer has not returned or spread elsewhere. 
When looking into thyroid cancer, however, it seems that this cancer isn’t generally a super fatal one, especially for Misaki’s age:
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70% of all thyroid cancer deaths occur in patients who are 65 years and older, with an average age of 73 years. Most forms of thyroid cancer aren’t fatal as well:
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As the text in the image above notes: Most thyroid cancers can be cured, especially if they have not spread to distant parts of the body. If the cancer can’t be cured, the goal of treatment may be to remove or destroy as much of the cancer as possible and to keep it from growing, spreading, or returning for as long as possible. 
The survival rate is also quite high:
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Text: “In the United States, the 5-year survival rate for people with thyroid cancer is 98%. However, survival rates are based on many factors, including the specific type of thyroid cancer and stage of the disease.
Of course, the above information is United States based. Japan’s thyroid cancer survival and death rate are a bit different (survival is lower and death rates higher), though this may be due to having a larger elderly demographic (as noted above, with most deaths occurring in those 65 years and over).
Now, based on what Misaki said, we know that there has been “spreading.” But does that mean that the cancer spread into the thyroids or does that mean that cancer from elsewhere spread into her thyroid? If it’s the former, then her survival rate is still rather high:
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It would be Stage 2 Regional Cancer which, according to this graphic above, has a 97.6% survival rate. Though, it should be noted that she may have anaplastic thyroid cancer, which is a very aggressive form of thyroid cancer and often results in death (and not much time to live afterwards).
Also, if the cancer’s source isn’t the thyroids and it spread there from somewhere else, then that means she has Stage 3 Cancer, can vary or range depending on the kind, but is generally a lot lower. 
We still don’t have a 100% clear picture on this aspect, but Misaki’s cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence. It might have just been a very painful and life altering wake-up call. Hopefully that life-altering wake-up call will ultimately be a good one and that she will end up with a good survival rate. But, I’m not going to rule out more aggressive types, other cancers, and so forth, which may lower her overall survival rate/length of time as well.
Especially since I’m not a doctor or nurse or anyone with actual medical knowledge and experience with cancers (outside of family members who have had cancer, some of whom are still very much alive). So, once again, if you have more knowledge in this area, please feel free to add to this! 
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1rakus · 9 months
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"Israel's war of mass destruction has not resulted in making Palestinians less likely to support Hamas or the use to arms, it has resulted in the exact opposite. Palestinians do not want to be led by the leadership Washington wants to engineer for them either."
Palestinian-American political analyst Yousef Munayyer summarizes a PCPSR poll on current Palestinian opinion in a thread of tweets on December 13, 2023.
"The latest PCPSR poll of Palestinian public opinion is out and I am going to share some of the highlights from this poll looking at Palestinian attitudes in this historic moment.
First, a couple words on this poll. PCPSR is the gold standard as far as Palestinian public opinion polling is concerned. Nothing is perfect but it is by far the best we have got for analysis.
This looks at Palestinian respondents in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem (that's not all Palestinians of course) so understand what population the sample represents.
Also note that it is incredibly difficult to do polling in Gaza now. The poll notes it was conducted during the brief truce to ensure some modicum of safety for the researchers.
The majority of respondents 81%, believe Hamas' attack on 10/7 was a response to longstanding Israeli attacks on Palestinians and their holy places and aimed at releasing prisoners.
The majority of respondents 72%, believe that the decision to launch the attack on 10/7 was the right one despite the costs that followed. (82% in the WB and 57% in Gaza)
The popularity of Hamas has gone up significantly (pretty common during Israel's wars on Gaza) More respondents say they are satisfied with the role of the Hamas movement (72%) than any other Palestinian actor. Mahmoud Abbas gets 11%.
In terms of satisfaction with the role of regional actors, Yemen is the most popular with 80% support. Saudi Arabia the least 5%.
As far as international actors go, respondents are not very satisfied by any. The position of Russia (22%) and China (20%) is most popular. No surprises about the least, the US (1%)
88% of respondents want Mahmoud Abbas to resign. Reminder, this is the man Biden says he wants to put in charge of Gaza
If elections were held today, 51% of respondents say they would vote for the Hamas slate, 19% for Fatah.
65% believe the two-state solution is no longer practical. 69% support a return to armed confrontations (up 11% from September).
The number supporting armed struggle in the West Bank alone 68%, has doubled over two years.
Bottom line: Israel's war of mass destruction has not resulted in making Palestinians less likely to support Hamas or the use to arms, it has resulted in the exact opposite. Palestinians do not want to be led by the leadership Washington wants to engineer for them either.
Link to the entire poll is here: pcpsr.org/en/node/961"
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skid-fit-detector · 2 months
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Have my three! :>
Beep... Boop...!!!
Frantic Stagehand Hood - Season of Performance - 48 C ( + 5 C Prev Node Cost) or 10 SC and 10 USD
Light Whisperer Hat - Season of Flight - 45 C ( + 5 C Prev Node Cost) or 14 SC and 10 USD
Nodding Muralist Mask - Season of Enchantment - 30 C (+ 5 C Prev Node Cost) or 6 SC
Crab Whisperer Cape - Season of Lightseekers - 70 C ( + 10 C and 2 AC Prev Nodes Cost) or 18 SC and 10 USD ( + 42 SC)
Talented Builder Outfit - Season of Flight - 70 C ( + 10 C, 2 AC and 3 Hearts Prev Nodes Cost) or 24 SC ( + 48 Prev Nodes Cost)
[Travelling Cost]: 288 C, 4 AC, 3 Hearts
[Seasonal Cost]: 10 Perfomance SC, 6 Enchantment SC, 60 Lightseekers SC, 86 Flight SC and 30 USD
Anxious Angler Mask - Season of Abyss - 35 C (+ 3 Hearts, 2 AC, and 5 C Prev Node Costs) or 8SC and 10 USD
Marching Band Hat - Days of Music - 43 Tickets ( + 20 C Prev Nodes Cost)
Triumph Saxophone - Days of Music - 102 Tickets
Feudal Lord Cape - Season of the Nine Coloured Deer - 26 SC and 10 USD ( + 24 SC Prev Nodes Cost)
Hunter Outfit - Season of the Nice Coloured Deer - 8 SC
Melancholy Mope Face Accessory - Season of Passage - 6 SC
[Travelling Cost]: 60 C, 145 Days of Music Tickets, 58 Deer SC, 6 Passage SC, and 10 USD
[Seasonal Cost]: 20 C, 145 Days of Music Tickets, 58 Deer SC, 6 Passage SC, 8 Abyss SC, and 20 USD
Light Whisperer Hat - Season of Flight - 45 C ( + 5 C Prev Node Cost) or 14 SC and 10 USD
Light Whisperer Outfit - Season of Flight - 65 C ( + 5 C and 2 AC Prev Nodes Cost) or 28 SC ( + 48 Prev Nodes Cost)
Crab Whisperer Hair - Season of Lightseekers - 42C ( +5 C and 2AC Prev Nodes Cost) or 18 SC ( + 42 SC Prev Nodes Cost)
Hunter Cape - Season of the Nine Coloured Deer - 34 SC (+ 56 SC Prev Nodes Cost)
Ocean Blue Scarf - Days of Nature - 40 Tickets ( + 5 Prev Node Cost)
Thoughtful Director Mask - Season of Rhythm - 42 C ( + 5 C Prev Node Cost) or 16 SC and 10 USD
[Travelling Cost]: 241 C, 90 Deer SC, 40 Nature Tickets
[Seasonal Cost]: 90 Flight SC, 60 Lightseekers SC, 90 Deer SC, 16 Rhythm SC, 40 Nature Tickets and 20 USD
[Currently Unavailable To Purchase]: Literally all of it
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aitsf-local-group-asks · 11 months
5%… 20%… 65%…
95%… 99%… Synchronization Complete.
NEW SOURCE NODE TRACED, PRIVATE GROUP [] (ERROR) - All’s Seen Under Authority, Nine X at Lozenge, (unknown)
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NXAL: Connection Established.
NXAL: Authority’s Broadcast… peculiar…. How did she do this?
NXAL: ……
NXAL: …*Fascinating.*
NXAL: ……
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Greetings, Authority’s audience. I am designated Nine X at Lozenge. Authority was making use of my communications arrays for her event, and there is no concern, I will continue allowing her to do so."
However, I have noticed some… interesting details from my incoming signals. This is of interest to me. As such, I shall be opening my broadcasts for you all. In exchange, I will provide you information you seek. Make use of this opportunity.
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trapastrology · 6 months
Readings I Offer
Birth Chart~$65
North Node Persona (how to get the best out of life)-$60
Beauty Reading(how to enhance ur beauty)~$40
Relocation Chart~$45
Child Chart Reading-$40
Solar Return~$50
Profection Year~$45
How to manifest based on ur chart~$38
I also do custom readings where u tell me what u want and & i'll set a price. For any further questions about what each reading includes inbox me! I hope u support!
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Looking at the numbers on Fang the Fire-Sharpened and she might actually end up quite good.
HP: 2,226 ATK: 570 (+70 from Trust) (+25 from Pot 4) (+65 from Module Level 3) (730 Max Possible Total) DEF: 360 RDT: 70 sec (-10 sec from Pot) (Actually it's been a while since we've gotten the -10 sec pots huh) DP Cost: 12 (-2 from Pot) (-3 from Talent) (-1 from Module Talent Upgrade) Attack Interval: 1 sec (0.95 with Module Level 3)
Some things to note off the cuff immediately from looking at her is, one, her insanely low DP cost for a Charger, which can be as low as 6 DP. This is not a niche Chargers exist in now, where its more the realm of Pioneer Vanguards, both a cool node to Fang's original talent and class and also potentially really good for her. She also has the second highest ATK stat of the entire Charger class, barely beating out Reed. This alone wouldn't make Fang good, the Charger class is pretty flawed, but it's her S2 that is remarkably strong.
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This puts her ATK to 1,606, her DEF to 504, and makes her a mini centurion, and it's an automatically activated on-deploy skill. That's really strong for 6 DP and honestly a pretty great way to open a stage, especially if it has a lot of opening pressure.
It does technically have a 60 second cooldown because you would need to retreat Fang and redeploy her, but I think about contexts like, for example, Integrated Strategies where getting redeployment time reduction relics could make her scarily strong. She'll only ever cost a max of 12 DP no matter how many times you deploy her which is really cool.
EDIT MOMENT: Sometimes you should read. She'll cost the standard 15 and then 20 DP on her subsequent redeployments since her talent only affects her first deployment.
I'm not saying she's like, better than Pipe or anything that's simply not the case (Texas didn't automatically outclass Siege or Saga either), but wow this is cool.
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my-favourite-zhent · 1 month
Node 24, Node 114, Node 65
24. Zarys: Any luck finding my people?
98. Player: I saved them. They'll be along soon.
114. Zarys: Then I'm in your debt - or will be, once I see him and his cargo.
65. Zarys: Didn't think you'd get your coin based on spinning some tale, did you?
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mx-metronome · 8 months
Sky: Checklist of the Light has been updated!
Ver 1.10.1 (January 18, 2024)
- Added prices for this week's Traveling Spirit, Anxious Angler
~ Hair: 45 Candles
~ Mask: 35 Candles
~ Cape: 70 Candles
~ Outfit: 65 Candles
- Rearranged their table to better reflect the order the nodes are unlocked on the spirit tree
- As this is this TS's debut appearance, the WL Calculator has been adjusted, bringing our total maximum to 227.
Nothing like a fresh TS from a season you accounted for in a spreadsheet’s infancy to realize that the TS’s pants have been missing from the sheet for ages and I’m only just getting to realize it lmao.
I’ll, uhh, I’ll add the icon later hhhhhhh
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About Canon Events:
I have some things to say about the Canon Events in Across the Spider-Verse:
(Edited because this got flagged as mature for some reason)
1. How on every Earth was Peter B. Parker on Miguel’s side regarding Miles at any point? Like… the dude said that the reason he stopped being a pizza hobo, got back together with MJ, and had Mayday is an anomaly who shouldn’t have been Spider-Man. And if Miles wasn’t Spider-Man, Peter and him don’t meet (or at least don’t stay together long) and Peter just stays his loser self. Or… desurvivalizes. And doesn’t have a family. I’d get it if Peter was like “look, I’ve personally seen screwed up stuff when Canon breaks, but I’m just trying to figure stuff out for myself since my world apparently broke Canon when we met and is still fine, so something’s a miss”, but he doesn’t do that.
2. The model Christopher Miller put on twitter makes even less sense.
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If this model of the multiverse as a web with lines representing realities intersecting at nodes representing Canon Events is to be taken as correct, then…
1. Only a finite number of realities must go through each Canon Event, not every reality as Miguel claims.
2. Each reality must go through exactly two Canon Events, not all of them as Miguel claims.
This “Web” doesn’t even align with Miguel’s claim that all Spiders must go through all Canon Events. That’s not even a Web, that’s a bundle of cables.
3. The morality of the Spider-Verse trilogy is dictated ENTIRELY by how the rules of the multiverse work.
Look, every Spider is a hero, even Miguel. The reason the Spider-Society is against Miles trying to save his father is because they think it will wreck his universe and the entire multiverse, and the only reason Miles thinks it won’t is because he thinks he can “do both”. You’d want to root for Miles, but you need to know what happens if Miles saves his father to see who’s right in this. If nothing bad happens, Miles is right and the right thing to do is save his father and the multiverse. If something bad happens (that can’t be fixed), Miguel is right, Miles can’t and shouldn’t save his father, the Spider-Verse trilogy and it’s hypetrain end with a confirmation that Miles shouldn’t be Spider-Man, and Miles probably has like 3 months tops before he gets fridged/retconned in comics. And just for the record, if the choice is ABSOLUTELY between saving one person and an entire world, Spider-Man will save the entire world. Just ask Insomniac Spider-Man, who let his Aunt May… desurvivalize… so they could work out the antiserum to Devil’s Breath. Once we know how canon works for real, the moral dilemma becomes resolved immediately, and this feels like it could be a weak point.
4. We don’t know enough to confirm or debunk Canon yet.
Okay, yes, we know that Earths 65, 616, 1610, and 42 are all intact despite their Canon being broken in a number of ways, and that’s enough to motivate people into taking action against Miguel, but…
On Earth-50101, after Miles saves Inspector Singh and the quantum hole opens up, the Spider-Society IMMEDIATELY moves to contain it, knowing exactly what it is. And back on Earth-928, Miguel confirms that, if nothing else, THIS is something the Society has dealt with before to varying degrees of success, and Miguel correlates the quantum holes with Canon violations. This indicates that, if nothing else, there is some correlation between the Canon, quantum holes, and perhaps the Spot, since you can see a darkness encroaching upon Earth-50101’s Alchemax before Miles saves Singh and maybe even before Spot gets his power boost (I only saw it once in the theaters). This lead to:
5. What IS the case with Canon?
No idea. You could say that it can only be people within a specific reality who can affect that reality, but that doesn’t explain how Dr. Ohnn stopped Miles Morales of Earth-42 from being but without repercussion. It’s possible that Spot caused Canon retroactively (as in, somehow overheard talk of it, realized it was BS, but decided “Hey, why not try to make this true to be a jerk to Spider-Men”), but time travel is a can of worms, tense trouble, and Internet fights BTSV may want to steer clear front. They might even go with the comics’ Spider-Totem route for all anyone knows.
6. For that matter, how can Miguel predict anything to any degree of accuracy? There are thousands of realities with equally many variables. Being able to predict ANY Canon Event shouldn’t be possible by the mathematical laws of probability.
I may add onto this later, but my point is that Across the Spider-Verse makes its audience ask a LOT of questions that Beyond the Spider-Verse needs to answer to be satisfying.
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lordofdapies · 14 days
I got sick suddenly and degenerated rapidly. It took me five years to get a diagnosis and guess what my first diagnosis was?!
I don’t have fibromyalgia but that’s the diagnosis they give to AFAB people when they don’t know what’s wrong
Check out the list of symptoms
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Light headedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder
191. Irritable bowel syndrome
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain
197. Weight loss
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
Cardiovascular (Heart)
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Transiting Mercury enters Retrograde Zone
Timeline (current events in bold)
Friday, August 4, 00:03 UT - transiting Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow, 8°12’ Virgo
Thursday, August 10, 05:54 UT - transiting Mercury’s greatest eastern elongation, 14°44’ Virgo
Tuesday, August 15 - transiting Mercury enters Storm
Wednesday, August 23, 20:00 UT - transiting Mercury stations retrograde, 21°51’ Virgo
Wednesday, September 6, 11:09 UT - Mercury-Sun inferior conjunction, 13°37’ Virgo
Friday, September 15, 20:21 UT - transiting Mercury stations direct, 8°00’ Virgo
Wednesday, September 19 - transiting Mercury exits Storm
Friday, September 22, 13:18 UT - transiting Mercury’s greatest western elongation, 11°37’ Virgo
Saturday, September 30, 05:16 UT - transiting Mercury exits post-retrograde shadow, 21°51’ Virgo
As someone whose day job is in the education field, I really must protest starting the new academic year during a Mercury retrograde! Ugh. I’m kind of expecting the students’ schedules to be a mess, for a while. At least people who follow astrology will be prepared.
That’s one of the Mercury-specific areas that can experience snafus - preK-12 education - along with the daily commute, how we gain/distribute information, neighbors, and siblings.
More specific to Virgo are problems with anything dependant on being organized (a big Virgo thing). Multitaskers, beware. People with too many irons in the fire are going to run into difficulties. Some of us may experience health issues, perhaps because we’ve taken on too many responsibilities and are stretched too thin.
But I’m thinking the main deal will be recognition of some personal deficiency in a particular skill, and how we go about addressing the issue. What kind of skill? We have to look to the house(s) involved and the aspects Mercury will make to our natal planets. (The entire zone is in my natal 10th, and will square my natal Sun-Mercury-Vesta Gemini/8th stellium. Some kind of training for my job, methinks. Also authority issues but at age 65 I do not acknowledge anybody’s authority!!)
There are a couple of aspect “clumps” between now and the next part of Mercury’s Rx Zone:
Friday, August 4 - Mercury/Virgo semi-square Juno/Cancer; Saturday, August 5, Mercury/Virgo sesquiquad Eris Rx/Virgo
Mercury here is basically an irritant for that Juno-Eris square. Angry women making themselves heard? Trying to get people to be sensible (Merc/Virgo) but just making everything worse?
Tuesday, August 8 - Mercury/Virgo sesquiquad North Node/Aries, semi-square South Node/Libra; conjunct Pallas Athene/Virgo; sesquiquad Pluto Rx/Capricorn
The conjunction to Pallas Athene is wonderful, but (again) this is acting as an irritant to something a little bigger and more dire, namely the ongoing square from Pluto to the Lunar Nodes. There may be some practical strategic survival skill we want to learn. (Like me and my yarn, making hats and scarves and mitts and blankets.)
Wednesday, August 9 - Mercury Rx/Virgo trine Jupiter/Taurus
Maturing about five hours before Mercury’s greatest eastern elongation (marking the next portion of the Zone), this may be a little reminder - back in April/May 2023, Mercury had a retrograde zone in the exact same degrees as Jupiter’s current retrograde zone. Was there something back then we wanted to, but couldn’t or didn’t?
All of the above will be revisited during the actual retrograde, and again after Mercury stations direct. For now, just be aware - take note of what (if anything) happens, and jot down the information you think is important.
13 notes · View notes
macgyvermedical · 7 months
Oof lol
Pages 65 and 199
Mobility aids and the sinoatrial node (the part of the heart that generates the electrical stimulus for a beat).
5 notes · View notes