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hazzmat-shelter · 4 months ago
Ok! It's been a while! Godoctober days 5-8 were spent working on the guards' brains to make it so that they can come after the little rat. Took me a bit since I took a break Monday to watch Look Back(please watch Look Back). Read on if you want to know more!
If the guards hear a sound, they will begin their search at the location of the sound. It's fairly easy to lure guards away, they aren't the smartest. If they happen to see you, they'll chase you down and squeaky-toy you unless you're able to stay out of their vision long enough.
If you manage to slip away, they'll continue walking past you to check the next room/area for you. If they can't find you there, they'll search the last place they saw you. After that they'll give up and go back to their original positions for now, but I plan on adding alternatives for them if I've got time. They'll stay on high alert for some time after they get back, so you'll have to be careful if you see them again!
Once we start building the levels out, I'll make the different vision cones and mess with the detection values until everything feels nice and crisp, but the systems are in place!
Also don't get grabbed, it isn't comfortable.
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nolimitsongrace · 4 years ago
October 23: The Applause of God
The Applause of GodOctober 23, 2020
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. — 1 Corinthians 4:5
Located in the very heart of Moscow, Russia, just minutes away from the Kremlin, is the world-famous Bolshoi Theater. It hosts some of the finest opera and ballet productions in the entire world, and world-class singers and dancers regularly grace its stage. My wife loves opera, and I occasionally take her to the opera as a gift.
I am always in awe of the wonderful, God-given talents of these performers. However, one aspect about these operas that has always impressed to me is the response of the audience when they hear a singer who gives an outstanding performance. When the performance concludes, the enthusiastic crowd rises to their feet and boisterously thunders, “Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!”
*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]
As they shout their approval, they also clap their hands together in unison to give a mighty applause that seems to go on forever!
When the evening’s performance finally draws to a close, the singers return to the stage for one last bow to the audience. As they walk past the curtain, the crowd rises to its feet and begins to riotously cheer and applaud once again, and from all over the front of the auditorium, patrons vigorously fling huge bouquets of flowers at the feet of the artists. Within a few moments, piles of flowers are scattered across the front of the huge stage. As the applause and adulation begin to wind down, beautifully dressed ushers walk onstage to personally deliver magnificent bouquets that were bought for the singers by devoted fans who wanted to show their appreciation through an extravagant gift.
At the end of the night when the curtain falls for the last time, the singers return to their dressing rooms to change out of their costumes and have their cosmetics removed, and the audience files out of the theater to go home.
Ultimately, this experience persists only as a memory in the minds of those in attendance. The rounds of applause, praise, approval, and adulation were wonderful while they lasted, but they never last long and are soon forgotten. However, there is an applause that will last for all of eternity — and that is the applause that comes from God Himself.
A day is coming in your future when you will be called on stage before God to give account for your life. Sitting in the audience, He will watch as the activities of your life are reviewed. In First Corinthians 4:5, the apostle Paul wrote about that moment, saying, “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.” This verse clearly reveals that the secrets and motivations of your heart will be made known as you stand before God on that day.
Notice the last phrase of First Corinthians 4:5, which says, “…And then shall every man have praise of God.” This word “praise” is translated from the Greek word epainos, which actually means applause. However, it isn’t singers, ballet dancers, or entertainers who are being applauded in this verse — it is believers who have lived holy, consecrated, dedicated, obedient lives.
Paul used the word epainos to evoke a very strong image. By using this word, he let us know that a day is coming when we will give account for our lives. On that day, if we have lived right before God and the motives behind our service were pure, we will receive praise from the Lord Himself. It will be as if He rises to His feet to give a round of applause and a standing ovation! In fact, Paul’s imagery is so strong that the verse could be loosely interpreted, “…And at that time every man will have the applause of God.”
Think of God rising to His feet to give a standing ovation! Can you imagine the thunderous sound of His hands clapping as it reverberates and echoes throughout all of Heaven! That is precisely the picture the apostle Paul paints for that day when faithful believers stand before Him! The magnitude and nature of that divine applause will far surpass anything given by a human audience!
The truth is that much of your hard work and preparation unto the Lord is done in secret behind closed doors. When you accomplish something for Him, people are often unaware of your actions or perhaps simply forget to show their appreciation. However, according to Paul’s teaching in First Corinthian 4:5, a day will come when God Himself will personally rise and thank you for everything you have done in the name of Jesus for the advancement of the Gospel.
There is a massive, silent army of believers today whose work for the Gospel goes unrecognized in the public eye. Yet they are the engines that drive the Church and empower the advancement of the Gospel. Although they remain unseen, unrecognized, and often neglected, the fruit of their work is eternal, and Jesus sees it all. And a day will come when they receive the great applause from the King of kings Himself as He personally thanks them for their service.
The applause of men is a reward that is very short-lived and soon forgotten, but the applause of God lasts for all eternity. If you do what Jesus has called you to do and you do it with a right heart, you, too, will receive His eternal reward. As you stand before Him on that glorious day, any hardships you may have endured will dissipate before your eyes, and you will have the eternal gratification of knowing that you pleased the Lord. And as Jesus gives you His version of a standing ovation, I guarantee you that it will be the ultimate reward!
Father, You see everything. You are not unjust. You know how I have worked for You and how I have shown my love for You by caring for other believers. When I am tempted to be discouraged and to think that no one appreciates me, remind me that You know exactly what I am doing and why I am doing it. I know that You take note of what I do for Your Kingdom, and Your approval is what I desire. Holy Spirit, You are my Helper. I receive Your wisdom, counsel, and might to do my work for Jesus in the most excellent, professional manner possible. Thank You for Your power that enables me to serve the Lord in such a manner that one day He’ll rise to give a round of applause for what I’ve done and how I’ve done it.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!
I confess that I work as unto the Lord, whether or not men see my labor. Although it is nice to be thanked, I don’t work for the applause of men. Rather, I am laboring to please the Lord, and my priority in life is to serve Him in a manner that is honoring of Him. I devote 100 percent of my energy and efforts to glorify Jesus in all I do. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I purpose to satisfy His heart with my service and my heart motives behind my service. On that day when I am called to give an account for my works, I will stand boldly and unashamedly before Jesus because I will know I’ve given my best here in this life.
I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!
Do you have times when you feel that no one acknowledges the hard work you are doing for the Lord? In moments like these, are you tempted to feel unappreciated?
Can you think of other believers who are giving every ounce of their energies to serve the Lord but are rarely thanked for their service? Have you ever gone out of your way to express your gratitude to them for what they do?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to take a few minutes today to list the people you should thank for their service to the Lord? It would take you only a few minutes to make this list, but if you thank these people, it will mean so much to them. Wouldn’t it mean a lot to you if someone went out of his or her way to say thank you to you today?
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hazzmat-shelter · 3 months ago
Ok, so the month of October decided to go crazy and I haven't been able to work on the game consistently for some time now. BUT! I was able to figure out how I want the visuals and gameplay to co-exist. The walls now fade away as you get closer to the room so that you can spot guards or other disgusting creatures hiding behind them. Should make the stealth aspects feel much nicer.
Choosing to do a 2D game with fake 3D space/perspective was likely a grave mistake that will continue biting me in the ass until long after the game has been shipped, but I will persist! It wasn't even something I'd set out to do, it just kinda happened because that's what I'd seen in my head. Good luck @glitcheli
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hazzmat-shelter · 4 months ago
Ok, late post for yesterday (Day 4 of Godoctober) but I got the guards' vision working. They have eyes now!! Long story short, a guard's vision is made up of one or more of VisionAreas(Area2Ds) that contain a vision modifier variable that can be unique for that specific area. This means that certain areas of the vision can have lower visibility than the others, like peripheral vision, while the center can have a higher vision capability.
When the goblin is in a vision cone, a ray is cast to it and if there is nothing blocking the guard's vision, the guard checks the light visibility of the goblin.
The guard starts with a base vision threshold, we'll say 50 for this example. This vision threshold is multiplied by the VisionArea's vision modifier variable, in this case 1.3 which makes the new vision threshold 65. This modified threshold is then multiplied again by the alert state of the guard. Since the guard in this example is vibing, he's in a low alert state which will set this modifier to 1.3 again. We multiply the modified threshold by that to get 84.5. We then take this twice-modified threshold and compared it to Little Goblin's light visibility at the time of being seen. (This number is explained in a previous post but it's basically just a number from 0-100 representing the goblin's illumination in the scene). If Little Goblin's light visibility is lower than the guard's modified vision threshold, the guard cannot see the goblin.
This should make building out the lighting in the levels and getting to stealth through them super fun! Even more fun is that I set it up to be modular, so I can create as many custom cones as I want, made with as many vision areas as I want, and I can change the modifier values on all of them. This'll let me make different cones for the guards' different alert levels, different activities, and whatever else I want! I also made it so that these vision cone nodes can be added to whatever else I want to give vision, from animals to cameras to sentient brooms.
Another mechanic is down and I can't wait to start building out the levels for Little Goblin!
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hazzmat-shelter · 4 months ago
Taking a break from Reincarnation Trial to do Godoctober! We're making a short stealth game I've had in mind for a while called Little Goblin. Day 2 and I was able to put the system in place to modify sound as it passes through certain objects.
Thank you, Defoko and Rei, for singing in the background to make it easy. The song I used for testing is below.
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hazzmat-shelter · 4 months ago
Godoctober days 9 and 10 were spent making a quick and easy pause menu and then creating the inventory, items, and interactivity. My list of tasks for Little Goblin is slowly disappearing and soon I'll be able to start working on levels and content!
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hazzmat-shelter · 4 months ago
Day 3 of Godoctober progress was huge! I made it so that guards can hear player-caused sound effects based on the distance to the sound and the muffling of objects between the sound and guard.
I ALSO figured out the light detection bit. The square on the right is showing the view of a sub viewport, where there is a camera pointed at a white sprite. When I am in light the sprite is bright white, but when I enter any shadows it will darken accordingly.
The left square is the average color of that camera's view. I use it to get the luminance of the view, which turns into a handy number from 0 to 1 that I can use during the guard's vision checks to see if the guard should be able to see the Little Goblin.
The little freak's game may actually be playable by the end of the month
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nolimitsongrace · 5 years ago
October 23: The Applause of God
The Applause of GodOctober 23, 2019
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. — 1 Corinthians 4:5
Located in the very heart of Moscow, Russia, just minutes away from the Kremlin, is the world-famous Bolshoi Theater. It hosts some of the finest opera and ballet productions in the entire world, and world-class singers and dancers regularly grace its stage. My wife loves opera, and I occasionally take her to the opera as a gift.
I am always in awe of the wonderful, God-given talents of these performers. However, one aspect about these operas that has always impressed to me is the response of the audience when they hear a singer who gives an outstanding performance. When the performance concludes, the enthusiastic crowd rises to their feet and boisterously thunders, “Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!”
As they shout their approval, they also clap their hands together in unison to give a mighty applause that seems to go on forever!
*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]
When the evening’s performance finally draws to a close, the singers return to the stage for one last bow to the audience. As they walk past the curtain, the crowd rises to its feet and begins to riotously cheer and applaud once again, and from all over the front of the auditorium, patrons vigorously fling huge bouquets of flowers at the feet of the artists. Within a few moments, piles of flowers are scattered across the front of the huge stage. As the applause and adulation begin to wind down, beautifully dressed ushers walk onstage to personally deliver magnificent bouquets that were bought for the singers by devoted fans who wanted to show their appreciation through an extravagant gift.
At the end of the night when the curtain falls for the last time, the singers return to their dressing rooms to change out of their costumes and have their cosmetics removed, and the audience files out of the theater to go home.
Ultimately, this experience persists only as a memory in the minds of those in attendance. The rounds of applause, praise, approval, and adulation were wonderful while they lasted, but they never last long and are soon forgotten. However, there is an applause that will last for all of eternity — and that is the applause that comes from God Himself.
A day is coming in your future when you will be called on stage before God to give account for your life. Sitting in the audience, He will watch as the activities of your life are reviewed. In First Corinthians 4:5, the apostle Paul wrote about that moment, saying, “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.” This verse clearly reveals that the secrets and motivations of your heart will be made known as you stand before God on that day.
Notice the last phrase of First Corinthians 4:5, which says, “…And then shall every man have praise of God.” This word “praise” is translated from the Greek word epainos, which actually means applause. However, it isn’t singers, ballet dancers, or entertainers who are being applauded in this verse — it is believers who have lived holy, consecrated, dedicated, obedient lives.
Paul used the word epainos to evoke a very strong image. By using this word, he let us know that a day is coming when we will give account for our lives. On that day, if we have lived right before God and the motives behind our service were pure, we will receive praise from the Lord Himself. It will be as if He rises to His feet to give a round of applause and a standing ovation! In fact, Paul’s imagery is so strong that the verse could be loosely interpreted, “…And at that time every man will have the applause of God.”
Think of God rising to His feet to give a standing ovation! Can you imagine the thunderous sound of His hands clapping as it reverberates and echoes throughout all of Heaven! That is precisely the picture the apostle Paul paints for that day when faithful believers stand before Him! The magnitude and nature of that divine applause will far surpass anything given by a human audience!
The truth is that much of your hard work and preparation unto the Lord is done in secret behind closed doors. When you accomplish something for Him, people are often unaware of your actions or perhaps simply forget to show their appreciation. However, according to Paul’s teaching in First Corinthian 4:5, a day will come when God Himself will personally rise and thank you for everything you have done in the name of Jesus for the advancement of the Gospel.
There is a massive, silent army of believers today whose work for the Gospel goes unrecognized in the public eye. Yet they are the engines that drive the Church and empower the advancement of the Gospel. Although they remain unseen, unrecognized, and often neglected, the fruit of their work is eternal, and Jesus sees it all. And a day will come when they receive the great applause from the King of kings Himself as He personally thanks them for their service.
The applause of men is a reward that is very short-lived and soon forgotten, but the applause of God lasts for all eternity. If you do what Jesus has called you to do and you do it with a right heart, you, too, will receive His eternal reward. As you stand before Him on that glorious day, any hardships you may have endured will dissipate before your eyes, and you will have the eternal gratification of knowing that you pleased the Lord. And as Jesus gives you His version of a standing ovation, I guarantee you that it will be the ultimate reward!
Father, You see everything. You are not unjust. You know how I have worked for You and how I have shown my love for You by caring for other believers. When I am tempted to be discouraged and to think that no one appreciates me, remind me that You know exactly what I am doing and why I am doing it. I know that You take note of what I do for Your Kingdom, and Your approval is what I desire. Holy Spirit, You are my Helper. I receive Your wisdom, counsel, and might to do my work for Jesus in the most excellent, professional manner possible. Thank You for Your power that enables me to serve the Lord in such a manner that one day He’ll rise to give a round of applause for what I’ve done and how I’ve done it.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!
I confess that I work as unto the Lord, whether or not men see my labor. Although it is nice to be thanked, I don’t work for the applause of men. Rather, I am laboring to please the Lord, and my priority in life is to serve Him in a manner that is honoring of Him. I devote 100 percent of my energy and efforts to glorify Jesus in all I do. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I purpose to satisfy His heart with my service and my heart motives behind my service. On that day when I am called to give an account for my works, I will stand boldly and unashamedly before Jesus because I will know I’ve given my best here in this life.
I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!
Do you have times when you feel that no one acknowledges the hard work you are doing for the Lord? In moments like these, are you tempted to feel unappreciated?
Can you think of other believers who are giving every ounce of their energies to serve the Lord but are rarely thanked for their service? Have you ever gone out of your way to express your gratitude to them for what they do?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to take a few minutes today to list the people you should thank for their service to the Lord? It would take you only a few minutes to make this list, but if you thank these people, it will mean so much to them. Wouldn’t it mean a lot to you if someone went out of his or her way to say thank you to you today?
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