#Ninjago Worldbuilding
pandemonium-kidz · 2 months
Ninjago Headcanons - Fire Element
Some Worldbuilding stuff starting with the Fire element.
So Kai (and fire elementals in general) have kind of an inner flame. This inner flame will vary on intensity in normal days depending on the weather.
If its too hot outside Kai's body temperature will lower to compensate for the weather and avoid overheating but he will feel sluggish/sleepy, when this happens the best he can do is take sunbaths to get the warmth his flame won't give him [Like a Lizard].
If its too cold Kai will felt like he's burning, this will dry his skin and make him incredibly thirsty, it also tires him out more because he's using more energy, he's gonna be a bit more active/awake but if he doesn't have the necessary energy to keep the flame at the necessary intensity then he's probably gonna pass out.
So there's this thing that if his body tried to acclimate too fast to an incredibly sudden change on the temperature then his inner flame will make his temperature clash either giving him fever to the point of Hyperpyrexia or get his temperature so low that causes Hypothermia. (The flame can acclimate, but not suddenly, in the case of trying to do so is not uncommon for said flame to have trouble controlling how much it has to upper or lower the temperature which causes the crash)
This is specially dangerous with snow and water, for the suddenness and quickness is Water, since water is quick to cling to his body and suck the temperature out; the colder the water the easier and faster is for him to get hypothermia, meanwhile Snow works similarly but is effects take more to settle on, however is more dangerous if left without intervention since the cold lasts longer and is more difficult to revert. In these cases the best way to restart the flame is an active campfire.
He's also kinda waterproof and fireproof, the heritage of merlopian genes [I don't care if that book is non-canon] makes him just a bit better at handling water than previous fire masters but not by that much, unlike Nya who definitely benefits more from the waterproof abilities
Here's the thing, he's (and Nya) aren't 100% fireproof, in your daily life sure, they are, but in an hypothetical case you could put him on a very high fire and he would resist... For some time.
At some point if the temperature of the fire is high enough and constant it'll not only overload him (which can also cause a temperature clash) causing his inner flame will also start to go down because is trying to compensate for the temperature outside but his "fireproof" body also will start to wear out eventually making him able to get burn. Think of its like oxidation, a decent amount is fine but it'll eventually break his barriers causing harm.
When he uses his powers he uses a lot of energy he constantly needs water and food (something he shares with Jay), the first because he can enter on a dehydration state very quick and the second for energy, depending for how long he used his powers he might need to moisturize his skin. Also their bones tend to get a dark to black coloration, Kai's particularly are black, Ray's are more dark maroon for example.
Funfact: He didn't had a clash on the volcanoes because he unlocked his true potential which gave him a boost and temporarily immunity, otherwise he would've quickly overheat and his flame would've eventually shut down because of how hot it was.
A lot of this is cause because he's not a pure elemental (See Nya merging with the sea) so his physical form is what causes a lot of these limitations, is the same with the others too, where they able to become their elements most of these problems wouldn't really exist.
Ps. The more he uses his power the better is his body at managing changing temperatures fast and better resistance to high temperatures. It still can hurt him tho but is less likely to happen the more he gets used to his powers, S1 Kai and DR Kai have very different limits.
Ps. 2. He does have an affinity with fire-related animals, this is however tricky as there aren't a lot out there, unlike Nya who has afiinity with general sea animals Kai's pool is limited to creatures like dragons, phoenixes, etc.
This is an affinity, he has an easier time getting to common ground with them, it doesn't mean he can actively let's say, speak dragon.
Ps. 3. Fire (and heat) elementals like the sun, they swear they sometimes hear it whispering to them... Kai thinks the sun is loud and is this close to get a water gun.
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cable-salamder · 6 days
I really wanna know what the realm of Imperium looked like pre-merge, because all that we see is one giant city (which would either be the main city or even just the *only* city) and the Land(fill) of Lost Things. Does that mean everything else is just desolate desert? Were there ever any other civilisations that Imperium wiped out for dominance?? So many questions
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rhysmaart · 3 months
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Hey all, I’m broke and I really need to fix that. Any commissions would be greatly greatly appreciated! If not able to commission would really appreciate reblogs! Reblogs to help my reach w this would be very beneficial!
My pricing is pay what you want with a minimum of 35$, although super complex stuff would have to be discussed.
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un-pearable · 5 months
this may sound hypocritical given i am very much also a superhero fan . but i attribute everything i dislike about the (pre-Dragons Rising) Wildbrain era of Ninjago to the superhero-fication of the ninja. it started with the doom and gloom angle they took post movie but every issue i have with the flanderization of the show can be traced back to seeing the ninja as Marvel-esque superheroes (functioning as cops) rather than mythologic/prophecied folk heroes
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basicallyjaywalker · 7 months
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Good LORD they are working this boy
But wait
What's that in the corner
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Ah, it's Wu having complex parental feelings
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dragon-drop1477 · 7 months
upset that we got the ice emperor instead of the overlord realizing that Zane falling into the neverrealm left him injured, alone, and with a convenient source of incredible power right next to him and deciding to overwhelm him and take control.
it would have tied into previous seasons more, addressed the implications of decoded, not broken Zane’s literal core programming, and probably would have been a cooler overlord return then crystallized
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cyber-geist · 3 months
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Did some fanart for @sunnylighter on Ao3 and tumblr. This is for her Grass is Always Greener series her Morro design. Just a quick little sketch or two, maybe a little coloring. Just a little this and that. Hope you like!
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fandomsnrambles · 7 months
Ok i’m having fun rewatching ninjago and my little peeve rn is how the ninjas get new powers and they’re never used again nor addressed.
Exhibit A: Jay’s true potential includes teleportation, does he ever use that again??? Missed opportunity for battle…m
Exhibit B: Kai’s volcano bubble was so cool because it added a layer of protection to his power. why is that not addressed ever again??? Something, something, Kai is too used to being a protector, his element is wild, warm & protective too.
I’m just saying wasted opportunity. For that matter, do the rest of the ninjas (including lloyd) use their true potential again???
How often does this happen? Including new powers that are never to be reused…
Also, Ninjago also forgets important characterisation too. Jay is an inventor, he built the bounty to fly but after a few seasons i feel like we never see it much.
I’m gonna assume theres other examples of ninjago writers nerfing their characters for plot reasons.
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weekend-whip · 7 months
End of the year fic asks! What's your favorite bit of worldbuilding you did this year?
You're gonna make me pick oooooooone?!
...well, I suppose it's not cheating if its all for the same story >:3
How Fire vs Ice Works
Guardian Lore!
Elemental Attunement! and Part 2!
All That Sweet Ouroboros Symbolism (this one probably actually is my favorite)
Blue Crystals!!
Whatever You Call This
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lara-prism-light · 8 months
Ninjago Rewrite - World Building
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For worldbuilding, thanks to new information provided by Dragons Rising, we have a better idea of ​​how the other realms came to be, but in this case it's important to focus on Ninjago in the moment.
The worldbuilding is a problem because it's as if every supposedly important new place in Ninjago was only introduced in the season in which they are important. For example, ninjas have no way of not knowing about Shintaro since, Apparently...
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Shintaro is located close to Sticks City and The Waling Alps! Both locations introduced in Possession!
[This map could very well be wrong, so don't take it too seriously, this was just the easiest map to analyze]
There's nothing wrong with new locations being introduced in different seasons, but it's a problem because it ends up being inconsistent.
And I know world-building wasn't on the show's writers' minds as it was initially only supposed to be two seasons, but that will be taken into consideration as I'm rewriting Ninjago as if the lore and world-building were already planned.
A more concrete way to introduce these elements that would be important later is to actually give a basis that this universe is broader than we know. Like, we don't know much about the culture of these different kingdoms, just the little that was shown to us and for me it wasn't quite good enough.
Just a mention of other realms like Shintaro and the jade palace might work, speaking of the jade palace...
Man, how I hate the poorly explained inclusion of the palace and the royal family! Like, just including them in the story as background and world-building information would be enough for the inclusion of the palace to be realistic!
We will do it this way, the palace has existed there since the founding of Ninjago, the royal family are the founders who initiated the city and that is why they are so important. The palace is not in the center but very close to the people, they are the ones who guarantee unity in the city, the mayor is the one who maintains order and the Borg family is the one who provides technology over the years. Thus creating a sense of importance for the three groups, thus making their roles as important figures in Ninjago City that much more important, Because ther ancestors were important to the founding of Ninjago City. Both in politics and technological advancement.
Another form of worldbuilding would be an engagement of social statuses for the inhabitants of Ninjago. We only see people from the lower states in Sons of Garmadon and Master of the Mountain, but other than that we haven't seen much of the rest of Ninjago.
Maybe Sticks is a poorer city because it has no connections to Ninjago City and therefore doesn't have the same resources, which would make Ronin steal to bring some of there to his beloved city.
What about the serpentines? We know that they created a society in the sewers of Ninjago City, but even after having helped defeat villains several times, they still live in the sewers?? Why didn't they try to fight for their rights to live with humans on the surface? Honestly this would be a very interesting story line to explore in the show, it could be a message about racism and discrimination, I mean, their story is already about discrimination!
They were discriminated against and treated like monsters for being different, it's no wonder they were ok with the serpentine war!
One more thing is that the island of darkness is very generic and even though it is the same size as Ninjago, it is very empty in comparison. Why after the events of the first seasons don't they try to explore more of the place? Why not become a meeting point for villains? Wouldn't it be interesting to have the villains making a base there already? Since no one goes to that place, much less the ninjas who seem to have simply forgotten about the place? I just think the island needs some use other than decoration at this point.
Why are most important places only known to ninjas or other important characters? Why not other people? Why not Cluth Powers? He's an explorer, isn't he??(and yes I will be rewriting him completely because I think it's ridiculous that they took an iconic Lego character and just made him egotistical asshole!!)
Well, in conclusion I plan to reimagine the world of Ninjago as a whole, kingdoms, cities, culture, important locations, realms etc.
That's it for now, the next part will be about elemental powers and elemental masters.
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pandemonium-kidz · 1 month
Age Headcanons?
Age Headcanons + Birthday Headcanons... kinda + Vague Timeline
I... Let's see how this goes :'3
Long post ahead, you've been warned. And no I'm not following the "canon" statements, Lloyd doesn't start as a 10yr old here.
Kai - June < Solstice
Zane - December < Solstice
Nya - March < Equinox
Cole - April < Spring & Earth's day month
Lloyd - January < Start of the yr and sometimes start of the Chinese new yr (it tends to go between January and February)
Jay - September < Thunderstorm Season & Equinox
Morro - August < Hurricane Season/Monsoon & Spooky Month in Japan
Skylor - November < Birthstone is Amber
Harumi - October < Spooky Month?
Wyldfyre - May < she picked it; Hottest month in some countries
Arin - February < :3
Sora - February < She picked it; shares w Arin tho Arin is at the beginning of the month and Sora at the end
Euphrasia - July < Also Monsoon month (lasts between April and August so)
Riyu: Poofed onto existence one day-
Kai: 13
Nya: P! 11 - S! 12
Lloyd: 9
Cole: 14
Jay: 12
Zane: Since Built probably like 24, he look 16.
Lloyd gets aged up to 13.
Harumi: 9
Skylor: 14
Kai: 13
Nya: 12
Lloyd: 13 (9)
Cole: 15
Jay: 12
Zane: 16 (24)
Harumi: 9
Skylor: 14
Pixal: Looks 17
Kai: 15
Nya: 13
Lloyd: 14 (10)
Cole: 16
Jay: 13
Zane: 17 (25)
Harumi: 10
Skylor: 15
Kai: 15
Nya: 13
Lloyd: 14 (10)
Cole: 16
Jay: 14
Zane: 17 (25)
Harumi: 11
Skylor: 15
Morro: 15 (died at)
Kai: 15
Nya: 13
Lloyd: 15 (11)
Cole: 16
Jay: 14
Zane: 18 (26)
Harumi: 11
Skylor: 16
Kai: 15
Nya: 14
Lloyd: 15 (11)
Cole: 17
Jay: 14
Zane: 18 (26)
Harumi: 11
Skylor: 16
Kai: 16
Nya: 14
Lloyd: 16 (12)
Cole: 17
Jay: 15
Zane: 18 (26)
Harumi: 11
Skylor: 16
Kai: 16
Nya: 15
Lloyd: 16 (12)
Cole: 17
Jay: 15
Zane: 18 (26)
Harumi: 12
Skylor: 17
Kai: 17
Nya: 15
Lloyd: 16 (12)
Cole: 18
Jay: 15
Zane: 19 (27)
Harumi: 12
Skylor: 17
Kai: 17
Nya: 15
Lloyd: 16 (12)
Cole: 18
Jay: 16
Zane: 20 (88)
Harumi: 13
Skylor: 18
Kai: 17
Nya: 15
Lloyd: 16 (13)
Cole: 18
Jay: 16
Zane: 20 (88)
Harumi: 13
Skylor: 18
Kai: 17
Nya: 16
Lloyd: 17 (13)
Cole: 19
Jay: 16
Zane: 20 (88)
Harumi: 13
Skylor: 18
Kai: 18
Nya: 16
Lloyd: 17 (13)
Cole: 19
Jay: 16
Zane: 20 (88)
Harumi: 13
Skylor: 18
Kai: 19
Nya: 17
Lloyd: 18 (14)
Cole: 20
Jay: 18
Zane: 21 (89)
Harumi: 14
Skylor: 19
Merge (+1yr after Crystallized)
Kai: 20
Nya: 18
Lloyd: 20 (16)
Cole: 21
Jay: 18
Zane: 23 (91)
Harumi: 16
Skylor: 21
DR 1 (+5yrs)
Kai: 25
Nya: 23
Lloyd: 25 (21)
Cole: 26
Jay: 23
Zane: 28 (96)
Wyldfyre: 12
Arin: 14
Sora: 15
Euphrasia: 15
Harumi: 21
Skylor: 26
DR 2 (+6yrs)
Kai: 26
Nya: 24
Lloyd: 26 (22)
Cole: 28
Jay: 24
Zane: 29 (97)
Wyldfyre: 13
Arin: 15
Sora: 16
Euphrasia: 16
Harumi: 22
Skylor: 27
Pix looks 30
Extra notes:
Some of these difference are because months have passed so some have had their b-days already and some hasn't.
Technically in Ninjago you can get married since 16 as long as you've got the approval of your parents/guardians.
Nya & Jay doesn't really start a relationship until the redesigns so s8 onward.
A lot of their "jobs" (S2, S3, Skylor Noodle Shop, Tea Shop, etc) are legal, they're not having the full-job time adult, they are contracted as helpers or part-timers. (Ninjago laws are kinda fucked up)
Legally a lot of stuff is at their names but won't oficially receive it until they're 18, for now is being managed at the hands of the state/city, so while the restaurant belongs to Skylor she half-of manages it as the rest is done by a tutor until she's 18.
If you can provide yourself you can emancipate since age 12, Nya and Kai were being constantly checked in to make sure they were doing well, the village is quite closed off to city dwellers including law enforcement but they made sure the two weren't actively dying and they weren´t allowed to live alone there until Kai was like 10, besides the neighbors were always watching.
Zane is built like a tall teen, he gets some changes as the other grow to simulate similar growth.
Extra pt.2:
The Excel tables
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jay-cult · 3 months
rewatching season 1/2 has me thinking about the current lore..... i think the 'only one elemental master at a time' thing could be a generalization or a lie. usually elemental powers do get passed down as a whole to one person/thing and if they have no transfer (aka an EM just dies), they find one person/thing on their own. we KNOW the elements of creation specifically are special. it's possible somehow part of those elements were attracted to the golden weapons and so the rightful inheritors had to use them as a vessel until the weapons' destruction. and that's when they got locked away to be discovered via the temple of light ... ceremony? not really sure what to call what goes on there
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feliks-grayscayl · 3 months
//TW BODY HORROR + eye strain
Ninjago TMA au sketches no one asked for: Darkleys squad
the brainrot is real
close ups under the cut
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rhysmaart · 2 months
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Realized I hadn’t posted this! If anyone here likes my “Lego clash!” Stuff and wants to try their hand at the style, here’s a basic guideline that I use for consistency when I’m coming up with new characters. These aren’t hard rules for the most part, just guidelines.
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Star Wars Animatic | Y-You were putting it in cold WATER???!!!
Another thing the History Crew would 100% do: - Ray, who didn’t know tea’s supposed to be hot (somehow) - Clouse, appalled he didn’t know - Maya, who microwaves tea - Garmadon, who puts his mug on the stove - Wu: “DO NONE OF YOU OWN A KETTLE?!” - Misako, who watches the chaos
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funniest thing abt reading ninjago fanfics is seeing how each writer incorporates the FSM's name into the ninja's swearing. I just love how in the canon show the FSM is never used as an expression, yet the fandom collectively agreed that the ninja would definitely use his name the same way we say "oh my god" or "for god's sake"
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