#expect to see many many many more rambles for Ninjago
fandomsnrambles · 8 months
Ok i’m having fun rewatching ninjago and my little peeve rn is how the ninjas get new powers and they’re never used again nor addressed.
Exhibit A: Jay’s true potential includes teleportation, does he ever use that again??? Missed opportunity for battle…m
Exhibit B: Kai’s volcano bubble was so cool because it added a layer of protection to his power. why is that not addressed ever again??? Something, something, Kai is too used to being a protector, his element is wild, warm & protective too.
I’m just saying wasted opportunity. For that matter, do the rest of the ninjas (including lloyd) use their true potential again???
How often does this happen? Including new powers that are never to be reused…
Also, Ninjago also forgets important characterisation too. Jay is an inventor, he built the bounty to fly but after a few seasons i feel like we never see it much.
I’m gonna assume theres other examples of ninjago writers nerfing their characters for plot reasons.
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ampasmen · 1 year
Hello I gave you another fanfic! This time is short and fluff, so enjoy!!
Crazy cat man
If there's one thing that paleman loves the most in this world is definitely a cat. He loves and adores cats, he likes to pet them, cuddle them, feed them food, heck he even likes to play with cats all the time. And don't even start that he adopted a few of the cats in his apartment, that's why the other elemental likes to call him "crazy cat man" because he really loves to bring cats whenever he sees them. And whenever there's a meeting between the ninja and the elemental master, he always brings them to the meeting. That's the reason they have a cat room whenever Paleman comes and brings his herd of cats.
"And this is Ms. Nibbles, she really likes belly rubs. Oh! And this is perrywinkle, he is a sassy cat I tell you"
"Dude as much as we love to hear you ramble about your children, we have a lot of things to discuss" tox said to her bestie as she was about to begin the meeting with the others as paleman continued his rambling. "Well karlof likes paleman stories about his felines friends" karlof said enjoying the story a little bit too much
"Please don't encourage him more karlof…" Griffin facepalm his head as he is already tired with the all child-cat story he hears. As much as he loves to hear the story, it was really becoming more endless than before, "Oh comeon guys! My story is not done yet, I have a lot of stories of my children to tell!" He said happily as the others groaned hearing this. This is such an endless one.
Paleman also really loves stray cats, whenever he sees them his first instinct is to kidnap them and bring them to his apartment. But the others always said no more cats in his apartment, and another reason is they don't want to babysit his cats. Paleman really has bad habits there.
"Here kitty kitty… I brought some treats"
"Come here now psst psst, let me cuddle with you~"
"Aren't you a cute one? You are my child now"
"DUDE STOP ADOPTING EVERY CAT YOU SEE!" Chamille scream at him as she tried to stop him to pet every cat he saw in street
"Elijah, you have so much cats in your apartment better stop that now" Ash called him as he tried to stop too from adopting every cat he walk through
Right now the others are trying to restrain paleman from everytime there's a cat in their way, with paleman trying really hard to free himself from his friend's hold. "LET ME GO! I HAVE TO PET IT!!"
"Is he always like this whenever there's a cat in our way?" Seliel asks the ninja as she witnesses something random in front of her eyes.
"Yeah, you're going to get used to it" Cole explained to her as he was enjoying the riot infront of him as he was eating some popcorn in his arms.
"Ninjago people are really… unique in some way," Bentho said as he didn't know how to process this new information he got with his own eyes.
"Well that's a normal thing in ninjago. You've seen so many villains in here and that's normal for the people here" pixal explain to the others as they agreed with her, seeing it was maybe the most normal things that happen to them in life.
You expect normal from ninjago city, well this is normal per say.
Well that was a normal thing in ninjago.
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anileahvictoria · 2 years
Hi!! I'm a friend of @laughingphoenixleader's and I happened upon your blog while scrolling hers and let me just say, you seem VERY cool!! I saw that you're into KOTLC and Star Wars-- same here!! If you don't mind me asking, what are some of your other interests, fandom or otherwise? (also you should definitely expect an ask about your OCs shortly after this)
Oh my gosh, hi! Thank you so much for reaching out. It made my day coming home from class to find my inbox full of new friends 🥰!
*Le gasp!* I haven't had someone to talk about KOTLC with, in forever! I'm not super active in the fandom as of late, but we should still talk about it!
Other interests? I'm the kind of person to pick up new hobbies/interests pretty quickly. I'll put a lot of time and money into them then lose interest before I can get good or have a sizable knowledge base. It's frustrating when it ends but hella fun in the moment. A few of these hobbies/interests (still active in and otherwise) are: Theatre!, music, crochet, digital art, writing, orchid care, jewelry making, micro mosaic, singing, contortion, film making, character design, psychology, disabilities, veganism, religion, illustration, languages, theatre, accents, cultures, and forging food 🙃.
As for other fandoms, I'll get sucked into anything tbh. I'll be obsessed with a fandom before I even see any content (*cough cough* Doctor Who, Star Trek, and many more). But here are the ones I've been a part of and/or still active in: Star Wars (all film/tv media), Percy Jackson, How to Train Your Dragon, Tangled the Series, Fantastic Beasts, Harry Potter, Avatar the Last Airbender, Newsies, Marvel, Trollhunters, Dragon Prince, Little House On the Primary, Disney, Encanto, DC, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Narnia, Artemis Fowl, BBC Sherlock, Les Mis, KOTLC, Voltron, Rangers Apprentice, Ninjago, Miraculous.
Dang, that is a lot to read through. Sorry, I'm just thrilled to ramble to somebody 😁. And hey, if we've got any of these in common, feel free to ramble with me!
I am looking forward to those OC asks! Give me a bit to devour your content, and I'll shoot some asks your way!
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (4/4)
Here we are! What a journey, and while perhaps this season wasn't at MoM level it was REALLY good, with great new villains/allies, great little throwbacks and an awesome story! 🤩
How to get this was very good to great? Give me a very good ending Seabound!! 💕💕
Alright, here we go!
I genuinely got too much into this remaining four episodes and forgot to put any general thoughts 😅 So you'll see me rambling at the end, see you there 😉
This title really summarize my feelings so far, like, I'm seriously wondering how it will move on from now, but I do expect the outcome to be CRAZY 🤯
Aaahhhh, yep, the one in Shintaro is a fake 😅 I wonder when did the change happen? How did Kalmaar pulled that off, wow
Heeeeyyy, it's youuuu... huh... *watch scribble on hand* google snake guy, huh... Glucose... yep, good old Glutine and everything 😅
Are we having a "I may have made a mistake being evil" with this guy?
Jay: ah, Prime Empire! I was in that game you know! I fought for my life and the ones of all of Ninjago and I've seen my best friends and the love of my life die before my eyes... good times 🙂
Jay and Nya having fun at DDR has to be one of my favorite thing, they are so in sync and so lovable ❤💙❤💙
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MY SHIP 💙❤💙❤ They even gave each other high gives... this is neat, and it means something awful will happen right 🙂
Commissioner: he's saying something about a giant snake... and the end of the world... didn't we already have something like that?
Okay yep, he did the trick while fighting Nya, dang Kalmaar is sneaky! Not too shabby... but I gotta say, the summoning of the Great Devourer was a lot more dramatic 🤣🤣 Props to the serpentine, still my favorite snakes 💪💪
Wojira seems to be a little smaller than the Devourer maybe? His head way bigger than the bounty, while hers is not that massive even in comparison with Kalmaar
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I might be wrong but at first glance, I stand by my opinion and by the superiority of the OG giant snake 🤷‍♀️
Yep Glutine guy did have a change of heart, better late than never 🤷‍♀️
You're telling me that Jay doesn't do engineering anymore, okay... HOW IS KAI A BETTER SOLUTION??? 🤣🤣🤣 Lol look at the messy brothers, love Lloyd and Kai so much I miss them interact 💚❤💚❤
Thank you Kelly for the alert 😗
It makes me wonder if they actually do have simulations of evacuations often, it would be pretty smart considering the city 🤷‍♀️
OKINO IS THERE HI DUDE!!! 😍 I hope he's doing great! 🥰🥰
Gail Gossip! Been a while!
WOW, this is going Deluge like, my first Spinjitzu Master! 😱 How... how do we go with three episodes from here? Like, I'm guessing Nya will have to do what Nyad did before her (which TERRIFIES me), so are they going to struggle trying to find another way? IDK BUT I'M IN LET'S GO!! 🤯
Alright, pretty straightforward title, let's see what we got here!
Tourists?... that actually makes sense, I mean, I would want to visit all the places where history was made on this island 😍 Aww nice to see they remember the battle against Garmy of Hunted, also that it is known that Jay was the one who faced Unagami 👍👍
DARETH!!! 🤎🤎🤎
Where have you been you knucklehead, I've missed you! 💕 I think I've last seen him in a commercial from the Fire Chapter?
This is a terrible guide 😵 Not knowing the brown ninja? Owner of the dojo the Green Ninja had trained in? Brief commander of the Stone Army? Master of makeup and puffy potstickers? Unforgivable, someone fire this woman ASAP 😡😡
LOOK AT DARETH TAKING CHARGE!!! 🤩 He's right, he should get involved every once in a while, come on guys!
Ah okay good, I'm not the only one struggling with that google snake name 😂
Yay Bentho is fully integrated with the team! He is a great addiction, like, I know he'll probably take the throne at the end or something but I do hope we'll need his help again in the future! 💙
Sometimes I forget how much I love Kai and Zane interacting 🤣 The brainiac and the airhead 🤍❤🤍❤
Oh right, Cole came back from Shintaro! So... now in this extremely secret city there is a fake amulet hanging into a highly secured place... how is it always Shintaro the keeper of flukes? 😂😂
A bath as a boat but it has a whole 😂😂 I love this show's randomness
What ears are they supposed to cover 😅
I LOVE THIS ATMOSPHERE!!! 😍😍😍 Between the gray sky of storm and the sea underneath, this is the perfect scenario for Wojira and it's not even forced! I love how they are handling backgrounds for Ninjago recently, I really hope it gets as good as in the finale of Prime Empire 💙💙💙
AAAAAAHHHHHhhhhh okay for a moment I was scared Wojira was going to eat Jay 😅 After The Island this is already the second time Bluebell risks it... STOP
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NUUUUU WHAT NOW??? 😱😱😱 We have two more episodes, how is this going to end? I DON'T KNOW AND I REALLY WANT TO PLEASE GIVE ME A GOOD FINALE SEABOUND!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Daaaang she can just float on that? She got super good at controlling water! Now I want her and Kai just randomly flying around with their powers 😂😂 Kai got missiles in his hands come on 🔥🔥🔥
What would Kai do? WHAT WOULD KAI DO?? DID YOU DECIDE YOU WANT TO DIE JAY WHY WOULD YOU THINK OF HIM??? ... although technically Kai is the only one with Jay who didn't straight up die before coming back to life in a dramatic moment... huh... Kai might be the most reasonable choice after all 😅
We grew up from Ninja never quit to NINJA AREN'T IDIOTS AND KNOW WHEN TO GET THE HECK OUT 😎😎 Even our motto got a character development 💪
BENTHO YAAAAAAASSSS 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Did I ever say that I love shark boy? BECAUSE I FREAKING DO!! 💙
Master prankster Wu once again, take that empty ship Calamari head 😎 Although the poor bounty doesn't deserve to get destroyed as many times as it did until now, it's my favorite ship... pun intended 😜
Ah more ninjajan, wait a moment
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"Auto Pilot". Fair enough, although I was hoping for a "psych" or something 😂😂
But Cole running to his best friend immediately? HECK yes 🖤💙🖤💙
NYA CARRYING HER BOYFRIEND BRIDAL STYLE THIS IS THE RIGHTEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!! ❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙 Gosh this season gave me amazing Jaya moments, I've been fed 👌👌
Okay Lloyd pacing back and forth? Kai already mad at their enemies? All the guys eager to help Jay? MY FAVORITE NINJA FAMILY BABY!!! 😎😎
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Oh... oh gosh I knew Nya doing the Nyad thing was meant to happen, but this way? My heart is melting already 😭
I remember a post that said that Jay told Nya that he loves her many times, while she never did. Tommy reponded that she lets her actions speak... boy do I see it now, I see all of her love 😢😢
I never felt such conflicting emotions for a villain like I do for Kalmaar, like, he caused so much pain to Nya... but he is voiced by Giles... but he is the reason Jay is hurt... but that startle gag 😂😂😂
Okay this? Is adorable?
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What the HECK? The police in this city is generally not very helpful, but the Commissioner is very wholesome 💜
Nyaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭 I didn't think it was possible to love her even more, she was ignored for so long during the show, but now we finally see all of her. She is an amazing warrior, a selfless person, and a real hero 💪💪 And coming from such a mature girl that doesn't like to act irrationally, this means so much more
Jaya grew up so much, it went through some very questionable phases yes, but what they have here? It's the result of all they had lived together 💙❤💙❤
I have chills, this is amazing so far, I'm legit scared of going further 😱
SHE SAID IT!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Okay this moment, everything, EVERYTHING, is absolutely marvelous. Nya said I love you without a voice, alone, showing again that she values the actions more, but still her feelings are 100% truthful. Then the transformation (THERE IT IS HER BEAUTIFUL WATER FORM 😍😍😍), Jay getting saved, the realization of what she just did from everyone... DANG IT IT'S ALL BEAUTIFUL HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO THINK OF THIS SCENE???
*slow clap for Bragi, Tommy, and the Ninjago crew*
Jay and water Nya with their hands together gives me big The Form of Water vibes... LOVE THAT MOVIE WHO'S READY FOR AN AU??
Jay wants to help her, I had no doubt 💙 They always help each other in these BOUNDs seasons 😍😍😍
Kalmaar: where are the ninja??
Commissioner: I don't know, they are ninja!
Oh, curious title? It feels a little vague, I don't really know what it could be
YES GIRL GO GET HIS CALAMARI BUTT HECK YES!!! Just how cool can you be for walking slowly while the attacks go straight through you? 😂
Hey Nya still recognizes Jay! 😃😃
HEY NYA GOT VAPORIZED WTH 😱😱 It's too early, I don't believe that's it!
WHOA JAY WENT BERSERK JUST NOW!! I don't think I've seen this before, this is the coolest thing! 💙💙💙 I just love when he shows how strong he is, you can be a comic relief AND kick butts 😎
What the- was... was that a cameo of the lightning chicken? Ninjago what the HECK I love your randomness 😂😂
BENTHOMAAR TAGS IN!!! Showing off why he is best boy of the season 💙 These fightings are very cool but I can't help imagining Wojira just chilling while there are midgets getting very angry at each other onto her head 🤣🤣🤣
WHOA, CALAMARI BITE! Kalmaar got the Pythor treatment... might change color by next season if he returns 😅
(Please return I loved having Giles' voice in this season 💙💙💙)
NYA IS A DRAGON!!! I REPEAT NYA IS A DRAGON!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I was wondering where the dragon moment was, this is Ninjago after all 🤷‍♀️
Head empty, just Jay smiling softy at Nya because he loves her 💙💙💙
IT'S RAINING NYA, HALLELUIA IT'S RAINING NYA, HEYE!! ☔☔☔ This fight is MASSIVE! We had finales with big creatures before but now one of the ninja is big enough to face them and that's 🤯
NYA DID IT!!! 🤩🤩🤩 ... now onto the angst that I KNOW it's coming
Kai being unbelieving is tragic, and Jay's "don't leave me" broke my heart. Please end this misery, where is the deus ex machina that solves everything?
Wait she left?
Omg the grief in this is beautiful, nice to see Jay and Maya so close to each other! Also Kai leaning onto his mom while Cole is comforting his best best friend? Amazing, they really do these scenes great 👌
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EVERYONE SHOWED UP I LOVE THIS CITY SO MUCH 😭😭😭 Aww Ed and Edna, wasn't this such a sad situation I would be so much happier to see you guys 🥺
Master Wu even mentioned that she built Samurai X, you really want to make me cry now do you? 🥺🥺
Omg look at Cole being there for his best friend, he is amazing 🖤💙🖤💙
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I have such Rebooted vibes from this... is it hopeful? That Nya comes back like Zane? She's no nindroid but still... oh my gosh they got her symbol on the vase I just noticed, I need more tissues 😭😭
"In loving memory of Kirby Morrow". Always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
I'm speechless... like that's true, have A LOT to write over here 😅
This type of plot twist reminds me of our early seasons. Zane sacrificing himself, Garmadon giving up his life, those moments that made me so curious and excited about the following. I have no idea what will be the outcome for this, but I can't wait to find out
With that out of the way, AMAZING SEASON 😍😍😍 I think this finale beats MoM's, just because it was really unexpected and opens up a SEA of possibilities... yeah too soon 😭
I'm still shaken, my world, they did something HUGE and I do hope it will be a good shake to the entire Ninjago plotline. Nya is "gone", we still don't know about the person behind all that vengestone, we haven't heard from Garmy in forever, there are so many good ideas out there now that they've set the ground for more 🤩🤩
Voice acting was *chef's kiss*, not only for the villain which I already stressed enough about, I think Kelly reached a new level of emotional intimacy with Nya and I'm so happy she showed her skills 💜💜
Animation is TOP, there's little to no point into saying anything else since they showed it very clearly in the latest season ☺
This was the emotional, witty and engaging writing I was looking for! Good jokes, meaningful dialogues, emotional scenes, everything was really good and I'm gonna rewatch some scenes especially for that 😍
It turned out having Maya and Ray back was kind of a distraction to fool us all 😅😅 Well played actually, and it was very cool seeing them again in any case 🙋‍♀️
And now? Jay lost his love, I have no idea if the show will work on him getting over her or hold onto her memory (thinking of Jay probably the latter, although I do think that handling the first would be an interesting idea). KAI LOST HIS SISTER 😢😢😢 I have no doubt he's gonna beat himself up for it, like he did when Zane was gone too. Everyone lost their friend, she had become such a vital part of the team and now she is not here anymore it will be hard...
They are back with the four plus one green savior formation, I sincerely don't know how I feel about that 😅 I'm always happy when we get the OGs, but this is about going on without Nya... maybe Skylor will be called? Or Pixal will be more active? That could be interesting to see, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Gosh, how are they going to handle the next season? It will have to give A LOT of answers to the millions questions we all have right now. Man I can't wait, it could be anything!!! This is a Ninjago revolution!
But if I have to mention a little complain, and I'm a fangirl so I absolutely have to, Kai didn't show much of a reaction to Nya's "departure". Okay, she didn't straight up die like in Skybound (I'm gonna fear all BOUND seasons from now on 😱), but he's her brother and he loves deeply his family. Either we're gonna see him go all out next season, or the writers really did only focus on Jaya. A tiny bit salty... but you got me a fantastic finale so I'll move on 👍
Outstanding, I'm blown away. Whenever I think I'm used to this show they do stuff like this. I'm so glad and sad you guys 😅 But mostly happy that despite everything I still get very strong emotions while I watch this long time favorite show of mine 💜💜💜
What else can I say at this point? ONTO NEXT SEASON!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Thank you for reading me freaking out over LEGO spinning ninja as always! It helps me calm down but this time it might be harder thant the others... *sobs*
I need to lay down and process all of this, I'll be on my way 😂😂 BYE!!! 💜
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razzle-zazzle · 3 years
1371 Words; Six Ninjas, One Hero
Blame the discord for this one
“So this is what the fearsome Ninja looks like,” Tim said, harshly gripping Cole’s jaw. “It’s less than I expected.”
Cole snarled. He flexed against the handcuffs securing him to the wall. Were it not for the vengestone, Cole wouldn’t be in this mess.
“I noticed you were using geokinesis today.” Tim drawled, pacing back and forth in front of Cole. “I wonder what it would take to see your other powers as well.”
Cole said nothing. He couldn’t give this guy anything. He was not going to be the one responsible for revealing the secret.
“Of course, I don’t expect you to actually tell me.” Tim mused, “You might not even know how your own powers work.” He scoffed. “They’re certainly not persistent.”
Cole shifted awkwardly. He had to get out of this situation on his own, before Tim realized that geokinesis was pretty much all Cole could do.
Before the others had to break the facade to bail him out.
No, Cole would get out of here. Tim would have to take off the vengestone to see Cole’s powers in action, and Cole could knock him out and get away then. The fact that Tim had seen his face was a problem, but it could be dealt with later.
“Well!” Tim smiled, hands clasping together, “There’s no time like the present!” He stalked over to Cole, his trench coat swaying ominously. “Let’s get you to the testing chamber, then, and see if we can’t draw out some of your other abilities.” He smiled, face splitting in a way that promised only pain.
But there was also an opportunity, here. Tim would have to unhook the handcuffs, and to do that, he’d have to undo at least one cuff. It may not grant Cole his powers, but it would give him dexterity.
Cole waited with baited breath as Tim moved closer, and closer, and closer—
Something pricked Cole’s arm. Tim stepped back.
“Don’t worry, little Ninja,” Tim grinned, “I intend to make things as painless as possible.”
Cole was dizzy. Why was he dizzy?
And then it hit him. Oh. Tim wasn’t taking any chances.
As Cole slipped away from consciousness, he wondered how he was going to get out of this situation.
Tim stood in the observation deck, waiting for his guest in the test chamber to wake up. It had been a simple matter of moving Cole to the chamber—well, simple when Tim ignored how heavy Cole was. But that was to be expected of a guy with a strongman build.
Finding out Cole’s name had been easier—all Tim had needed to do was run his face through several databases until he found a match. Digging into the background of one Cole Brookestone-Loure had yielded interesting results. The son of a famous performer who was himself unknown to the public. A good cover, for the revered Ninja of Ninjago.
But something about Cole wasn’t adding up. It was right there, on the tip of Tim’s tongue, but he just couldn’t place what it was, exactly, that was bothering him.
Well, Tim mused to himself as his guest began to awaken, I have all the time I need to figure out this puzzle.
And oh, did Tim love puzzles.
Cole awoke with a start, panic rising in his chest at the unfamiliar surroundings.
It was a simple room, with no discernible doors or windows. Slats in the ceiling provided ventilation.
Cole stood up, trying to shake the pins and needles from his limbs.
An unseen speaker crackled. “I see you’re awake.” Tim drawled, from somewhere outside the room.
Cole glanced at the walls again, searching for any hidden cameras.
There, in the corner.
Cole glared at the camera, crossing his arms.
“I notice there’s no loss of attitude.” Tim commented wryly. “Regardless, let’s not waste any more time, alright? I’ve got a few tests to go through and only so much time to do them today.”
Cole continued to glare.
“Now,” Tim began, “You’ll notice there’s a metal band around your neck. If you’re capable of putting two and two together, which I’m sure you are, you’ll realize it’s extra… motivation.”
Cole’s hand traced along the edges of the collar.
Tim continued to ramble, noting how a shock collar would be ineffective on a Master of Lightning, and how it was designed to deliver pain in a different way. Once Tim slipped into discussion of the design, Cole tuned him out, moving over to the walls, tracing his fingers along them to search for any sign of a door.
His earth sense extended an inch or two before cutting out. Probably vengestone. It was the same for each of the walls as well as the floor; Tim truly wasn’t taking any chances.
“...but of course, that’s enough rambling.” Tim said, as Cole tuned back in. “Now then, let’s get on with Test #1: Geokinesis.”
A portion of the ceiling opened up, depositing a small pile of sand before closing.
“I wonder,” Tim mused, “Can you only manipulate specific kinds of earth?”
Those seemed to be the only instructions Cole was getting. It was obvious what Tim wanted.
But then an idea occurred to Cole. Why should he comply? Why not pretend that his powers had left him entirely? He moved to sit down, ready to wait it out—
Something pricked at his neck, which was the only warning Cole received before his head seemed to split open, pulsing pain pounding away like a jackhammer.
“The sand, Cole.” Tim warned, as the pain receded.
Cole stared at the pile of sand, hands shaking. He wasn’t sure he was willing to risk another dose of whatever that was.
With great uncertainty, Cole called upon the powers passed onto him from his mother, letting the sand slip into focus. A quick move of his hand, and the pile reared up like a serpent, coiling and twisting through the air as Cole thoroughly demonstrated his mastery of the earth.
“Direct the sand into the funnel, please.” Tim directed, as the wall opened up to reveal another chute. “I’d hate to accidentally bury you alive.”
Cole did as directed, focusing on the thought of freedom the entire time. He would get out of here, and he would keep the facade intact.
Cole just wasn’t entirely sure as to how.
Another chute opened up, dropping loamy soil. Cole took control of it quickly, shaping it into a sphere before depositing it in the refuse chute.
Another chute. Gravel. Easy.
Quartz. Granite. Basalt. Marble. Obsidian. Andesite. Diorite. Clay. Silt. Pebbles. Rhodochrosite. Kyanite. Some fossilized shells. All types of earth, deposited one by one, for Cole to manipulate.
Tim was probably learning a lot about Cole’s powers. More than Cole was comfortable with Tim knowing. But it was better that Tim knew about Cole’s geokinesis than that there was more than one ninja.
Eventually, it stopped. The speaker once again crackled to life.
“My my, how the time has gotten away from me. I had more tests planned, but I suppose they shall have to wait for tomorrow.” Cole wasn’t sure how Tim managed to convey a shrug over speakers, but he did, “Now, if you’ll just relax, you will be rendered unconscious promptly and returned to your quarters.”
Indeed, Cole was already beginning to feel woozy.
But that was okay. Presumably, his cell wouldn’t be nearly as scrutinized as this room, allowing Cole opportunity to escape.
And he had to escape, sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.
And with that thought, Cole blacked out.
Tim was practically vibrating with excitement.
So many villains had tried to take down the unpredictable Ninja. So many had tried and failed. But now he, Tim, was in possession of the greatest puzzle in Ninjago! He was the one to have finally figured out the Ninja’s weakness, he was the one to have finally captured the Ninja who had so easily slipped out of others’ grasps!
Furthermore, the Ninja’s powers were simply fascinating. How did they work? What triggered them? Why could he only draw on one set at a time?
It was such a complex puzzle, and Tim intended to figure it out.
And Tim was very good at solving puzzles.
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To the two people that care about this~
Now that everyone that doesn’t care is gone, let’s get tot rambling! 
You know what? I decided the best way to do this is to just post the fic I started.
He knew something didn’t go right the moment he saw red.
Smoke cleared and instead of the legendary green ninja, Len saw a boy he didn’t recognize wielding a golden sword.
“Who has summoned me?” the boy asked.
Or maybe he should be called a man? He seemed to be on the edge between the two. Either way he was older than Len. It didn’t matter who he was, what mattered was that he wasn’t who Len was trying to summon.
“You’re not the green ninja.” Len said flatly.
He made no effort to disguise his disappointment and distaste.
The servant in red narrowed his eyes harshly. He had a light scar over his face and all the marks of a seasoned warrior. Len knew he hadn’t gotten a total dud, but still was trying to figure out where in the world he went wrong.
“Of course I’m not.” What was clearly a Saber servant scoffed, sheathing his glowing weapon on his back and crossing his arms.
“I was trying to summon the green ninja.” Len said with confrontation in his voice.
Saber looked Len up and down then snorted in something akin to disgust.
“You’re not worthy of summoning Lloyd.” He said, with a bite to his words.
“How dare you! Do you know who I am?” Len demanded.
“Do you know who I am?” Saber retorted effortlessly.
Len grunted in frustration. Just his luck he’d gotten such an indigent servant. He toyed with the idea of using a command seal right then and there.
“I am Len Garmadon, I am a descendant of the green ninja. I share his blood. I can think of nothing ‘worthier’ then that.” Len said snidely.
“You didn’t answer me.” Saber said, showing no other reaction.
Hands finding their way into his hair, Len let out another frustrated groan. He bet Haruki wasn’t having these problems.
“No. I don’t know who you are. Would you care to enlighten me?” Len tried, being as civil as he could, but still sounding condescending.
Saber gave another dismissive sound.
“So, you don’t recognize me, but you think you’re worthy of summoning Lloyd? No wonder you failed.” Saber said.
Len growled.
“I’ll be back when you call my name, until then, you’re not worth my time.” Saber said before disappearing into his noncorporeal form.
“HEY! You can’t do that! SABER!” Len yelled.
Saber didn’t respond to the name of his class, so Len assumed he was meant to call Saber’s true name. But how could he do that when Saber never told him? It was clearly a test; one Len didn’t have the patience for. At this rate Haruki was going to win the Grail while he was stuck arguing with his stupid servant!
He could use a command seal, but he only had three and he got the feeling that his servant would refuse to appear without him using them until he fulfilled the silly request. So, he had to figure out what servant he’d summoned in place of his ancestor.
Len took a calming breath and listed what identifying traits he knew in descending order of helpfulness.
1. Saber used a golden sword.
There could only be so many golden swords in history and legends. That would surely narrow it down.
2. Saber wore red.
With how much of it he wore, it was clearly a distinctive color that he may be symbolically tied to.
3. Saber had a scar on his face.
It wasn’t the most prominent of scars, but it was identifiable.
4. Saber appeared to be a male.
While it wasn’t unheard of for servants to be different genders from what their legends said, it was worth starting with male legends.
Len was ready to bang his head on the wall at the task in front of him before he remembered a very telling quirk Saber had displayed.
He called the green ninja by his first name.
Saber seemed personally offended at Len’s demand for “Lloyd”, so clearly Saber, whoever he was, must’ve been a hero that knew the green ninja personally in his life.
That was a much more specific starting place.
“You called?”
The spikey haired ninja appeared before the sound was even done echoing around the library.
“You’re the master of fire. The green ninja’s protector. That’s the sword of fire you’re wielding, right?” Len asked as he calmly closed his book and got up to put it away.
Kai gave him a nod. The kid was much less snotty now and Kai felt less like hanging him on a street sign. Perhaps that was just a Garmadon trait though? Being an insufferable brat and then warming up on people.
Len didn’t look unlike Lloyd. He had Lloyd’s blindingly blond hair, and that Garmadon jawline that made girls go nuts, but Len’s cheek bones weren’t as full and projecting as Lloyd’s were. His eyes were that breathtaking emerald, but not the overly round shape Lloyds had been. Lloyd’s face had always had a round and young look to it. Len’s face was longer and more angled.
The biggest difference was the smile though. Len had a bit of a proud tint to his. Lloyd’s had always had a devious edge to his. It could be uncomfortable to see on his overtly innocent face, but he’d always had a sharp smile that hinted at some underhanded cunning. It was a trait Lloyd rarely, if ever, used, but having been raised the way he was he could never shake that sardonic touch in even his most innocent smile.
“I guess we’re stuck with each other.” Len sighed, placing his book heavy back on the shelf.
It seemed more amused and resigned than his previous sighs though, so Kai let it go.
Jaden was bouncing on the balls of his feet gleefully holding his package. It had taken a lot of money and work to get it, but he had it now.
It was an important piece of the original Samurai X suit. With it, Jaden could summon the mysterious warrior to be his servant in the Grail War. Not to mention meet his hero.
Jaden ripped open the package and found his prize. A red gem set in some twisted gold metal. It was unrecognizable now, but Jaden was assured it had been an important piece of the first suit. Perhaps it was a decorative emblem? Or maybe it belonged on the hilt of a weapon? It could’ve belonged on the helmet. Jaden could spend all day theorizing, but he was rather eager to summon the samurai.
Jaden had no workshop, so he was preforming the ritual out in the woods behind his house. It was not the most secure location, but Jaden wasn’t too concerned. Nobody would dare start attacking before all the servants were summoned.
The red stone was placed into the circle and Jaden began the summoning ritual.
Hands shaking, breath paused, Jaden waited for the smoke to clear. He was about to come face to face with the real Samurai X. The excitement was enough to make him faint, but also enough to make him refuse to, not waiting to miss the reveal. He was about to explode when he saw a figure form in the haze.
Then it all came crashing down into confusion and disappointment.
“Who has summoned me?” came a high pitched and delicate voice.
A girl, a pretty girl, but a girl stood in front of Jaden with expectant eyes. She wore the red gem Jaden had been assured belonged to the first Samurai X mech suit around her wrist in an elaborate bracelet.
Jaden deflated. He’d been conned.
“Are you ok?” the girl asked gently.
“Yeah, I just wanted to summon someone else.” Jaden said, trying not to offend the servant he did get.
“Oh. Well I’m sorry you were unsuccessful in that, but I assure you I’m a more than capable servant. I will win the Grail for you.” She said
Jaden smiled a bit. At least he’d gotten someone nice.
“I’m Jaden, if you don’t mind me asking….?”
“OH! Nya. I’m a Rider class.”
“Well at least I got that right.” Jaden was always the type to hold on to positives.
Nya…Rider laughed lightly.
“So, what can you do?” Jaden asked.
“I’m the master of water. I was one of the legendary Ninja.” Rider said proudly.
“Oh? That’s great!” Jaden was a great deal less disappointed and worried after hearing that he’d summoned one of the ninja.
“I’m glad.” Rider said with a smile.
Taylor was tired and wanted to leave. Her dad talked to Caster, making plans for the upcoming war while she sat there like a third wheel. She had to stay though, because Caster was technically her servant. Not that it really mattered, her dad called the shots, she just had the command seals.
“And the target on my back” she thought bitterly.
She was the one the other masters would be trying to kill, not him.
Still, her father always got what he wanted, and he wanted the Grail. Taylor had no choice but to do his bidding, as she always would.
She still fantasied about using her command seals to make her servant off himself and drop out of the running right there. Her dad would be so mad. He’d probably lock her in the dungeon.
Maybe it would be worth it anyways….
Gerald looked at his command seals proudly. He’d managed to summon one of the most feared Assassins there was. The last of the Anacondrai, Pythor. With such a deadly servant he was sure to win the Grail.
It had been hard to do the summoning without getting caught, but the attic in Darkley’s was secluded enough during classes. The kids that skipped chose more interesting places to be, and the kids that got caught were taken back to the classrooms in the lower floors.
About to call Assassin to kill whoever had snuck up on him in panic, Gerald stopped his mouth in time when he realized it was just Bradly, his dormmate.
“What do you want?” Gerald asked, adjusting his glasses to hide the tremor in his hands.
He had really thought one of the other servants was about to kill him for a second there.
“What’s up with your hand?” Bradly asked.
“None of your business” Gerald snapped.
He was going to need to find a better excuse if he wanted to keep being in the Holy Grail War a secret, but it was just Bradly for now. Gerald could just intimidate him into keeping his trap shut.
Meanwhile, in noncorporeal form, Assassin cursed his luck. He was doomed to constantly get stuck with clueless boarding school brats, wasn’t he?
“I want my father back.” Zack said.
Cole was startled. For many reasons. No small amount of his unease came from Zack’s appearance. He looked too much like Zane.
Zack was less centered than the ice ninja ever was though and was tearfully declaring his wish to be bringing the dead back.
“That’s your wish?”
“It is all I desire, Lancer.”
Cole cringed again. He didn’t particularly like being a lancer. He used a scythe not a lance. But the Grail deemed it close enough and brought him back as a Lancer class to fight in the Holy Grail War.
“I’ll do my best.” Cole finally said.
He had a feeling this kid wasn’t going to get the happy ending he wanted.
Len shot up, his blankets finding their way to the floor and his heart planning it’s escape from his chest, coming face to face with Saber’s far too gleeful face.
“What is wrong with you!?” Len yelled.
Saber just laughed lightly, putting is hands up in a pacifying motion.
“Don’t be too mad, I made you breakfast.”
“What? Why?” Len asked, running to the kitchen to see what awaited him.
Saber never did answer him. Not that Len noticed. He got to the kitchen and was now had a new question.
“Are those chocolate chip pancakes?”
“I had a feeling you had a sweet tooth.” Saber shrugged.
Len bit his lip and swallowed. Saber was right, and as much as that should’ve freaked Len out, he was too busy forcing himself not to cry.
“This isn’t worth being upset about, let alone crying. Stop it Len!”
Mentally scolding himself for a moment, Len managed to keep his tears unshed before sitting down and putting food on his plate. Honestly, he didn’t know why he nearly cried. So he hadn’t had chocolate chip pancakes since his tenth birthday, what part of that was worth crying about?
“You alright?”
“I’m fine.”
Len hoped Saber didn’t notice his emotional reaction. It wasn’t like there was a real reason for it and he definitely didn’t want to have to explain something so senseless so early in the morning.
Luckily Saber took his answer and didn’t test it. He sat down and started to load his own plate with food and eating.
Len relaxed. As rude as his wake-up had been, it was nice to have a warm breakfast for once. There were song birds outside and sunshine pouring through the window, setting a pleasant morning setting. It was the type of morning Len hadn’t had for a long time.
“Where are your parents?”
And his happy moment was gone.
“My mom works.” Len said sharply.
“Your dad?”
Len both stabbed and chewed his next bite of food with a more strength than needed. To make his anger about the topic known? To blow off some stress from it being brought up? Who could say?
“Do you wake up alone a lot?”
Len’s teeth ground together.
“Why are you asking so many questions?”
Saber had the decency to look away and it was quiet for a moment while the two finished eating. Len broke it and sighed after he rinsed off his plate.
“Just so you know, there’s another Master at school. We have an agreement. The Grail War stays outside the school grounds. So, don’t freak out, ok?” Len explained.
He was not looking forward to Haruki’s taunts when she found out he failed to summon the green ninja. Maybe he could play it off like he’d wanted to summon Kai? No. She’d never buy that. He was just going to have to suffer through her laughter.
“How much do they know about you?” Saber asked.
“We’ve been rivals since we were little. She comes from a different mage family and we’ve both been groomed for the Holy Grail War for as long as I can remember. We’ve been in the same class every year since we started school too, so she knows a lot.” Len listed, tying his shoes.
“She knows you’re a descendent of the green ninja?” Saber had a calculating look, looking at the wall like it had a battle plan painted on it.
“Yeah, why?”
Saber’s eyes snapped their intense focus to Len.
“Do not tell her who you’ve summoned.”
“Wasn’t planning in it. I’m never gonna hear the end of it when she finds out I failed my summoning.”
“I’m serious Len. I will stay with you in noncorporeal form, but I won’t show myself unless I absolutely have to. She’s probably going to assume you summoned Lloyd and we’re going to let her think that, alright? Her thinking she knows who your servant is, is going to be a huge advantage.”
Len blinked.
That was smart.
Len hadn’t realized that by failing, he’d gained the element of surprise.
“Haruki’s probably been strategizing assuming I succeeded. She’s getting ready for the wrong opponent!”
“And we’re going to let her keep doing that. See if you can get her to slip up and tell you any hints about who she’s summoned, alright?”
Len nodded, wide eyed.
“And by the way,” Saber said, putting his hand on Len’s head “You didn’t fail.”
“But…. I did though.”
Saber just smiled and shook his head. He gave Len’s head an affectionate rubbing then disappeared.
Len Stood there for a few seconds trying to figure out how the heck Saber thought that before realizing he needed to get heading to school.
By the time he slid into his assigned seat though, he settled on Saber just being an ego maniac.
So that introduces the set up pretty well.
Archer is getting killed by Pythor before much happens. Not important. Caster is Clouse.
At some point Not-Gene, or Gerald is going to get his command seals and servant stolen by Not-Chen, or Taylor’s father.
Not-Jay, or Jaden figures out that he did summon Samurai X when Nya uses her Nobel Phantasm.
Len will have to use a command seal to get Kai to attack her.
Not-Harumi, or Haruki summoned Morro as a Berserker.
Not-Lloyd, or Len didn’t fail his summoning. Lloyd himself made the decision to send Kai in his place, Kai figured out why he was there when he got a read on Len’s issues. Hence him taking on a care giving role.
That’s about all I have planned/figured out
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dorizardthewizard · 4 years
TLNM musings, part 2
Okay, here I ramble about problems with the movie. Ended up adding more stuff since I first wrote this :’P
Screentime and characterisation of the other ninja:
One of the biggest complaints from fans... they're all introduced individually with very different personalities, they’re told they each have a special element they control, making you feel like they should each get some moment to shine and affect the plot of the movie, but then none of that happens. Ultimately you could take out all the ninja and the story would be the same, you don't even necessarily need them for Lloyd's character since his journey of reconnecting with his father and bringing his family together can still work without them. It's so sad because if you read and watch extra material, you can tell thought went into their personalities, but we never get to see this as they're all just lumped together, mostly there to support Lloyd's development.
For someone who hasn't seen the show, it must feel a bit off seeing characters with distinguished personalities and no payoff for it; take Zane for example. Imagine not knowing anything about the characters and seeing one of them is a robot, for some reason? You wonder why he's a robot, what significance that has for the plot and why it's important for his character (I mean they missed a big opportunity to develop Zane from always trying to fit in and seem like a “normal teenager” to accepting that he's different but that that doesn't mean he's less valid), but then this really specific characteristic is never expanded on except for comedy purposes. People probably thought “oh, guess it makes more sense in the show”, but this just detaches viewers and makes them feel like they're missing something if they haven't seen the show beforehand.
Sigh, still gotta give the crew credit for fitting in a load of little subtle details about the ninja, I had to rewatch it a couple of times because there were things I didn’t notice at first, like Kai sliding down a bannister in the Temple of Fragile Foundations and falling off :’D
Group dynamic:
Another thing that bothered me is that the movie isn't that good at making you care about them as a team. They're already established as friends but I wish there were more material showing us how much they care about each other. The Kai hug scene was 10/10 but then when Chen and the other cheerleaders started picking on Lloyd, nobody said or did anything? In merchandise it said Kai is a hothead who isn't afraid to speak up or stand up to people, then show it in the movie! Him and Nya should have been on the verge of tackling that guy to the floor! Ok, I can see Lloyd asking them not to get into fights as it makes people hate him even more and he probably feels guilty if one of the ninja gets into trouble because of him. This would still have given more emotional connection between the characters but we're never shown it, except in the novelisation where Cole tries to block Lloyd from his locker so he doesn't see the insult written on it, I think. But again, we shouldn't have to read/ watch extra material for that.
Instead of moments showcasing the ninja’s friendship and close bonds, we got the opposite- everyone turned on Lloyd incredibly quickly for one mistake. Sure, it was a pretty big one and resulted in Garmadon taking over the city and their mechs being wrecked, but Lloyd was the only one doing anything about Garmadon at the time and he didn't exactly know what the consequences of using the ultimate weapon were; it's not like he knew it could potentially hurt his friends. In fact, how did the ninja know he used it anyway? That would mean they already knew about it and what it could do, yet Lloyd was not told? In which case, how can they blame him?? Damn it Wu, why couldn't you just tell Lloyd that using the weapon would unleash a cat that could destroy the city, instead of vaguely saying the weapon can be dangerous in the wrong hands. That's taking too many pages from TV Wu's book!
Honestly, it's like the ninja were just one character either shunning Lloyd or supporting him, depending on what the plot needed :/ That scene where they're talking with Garmadon while carrying him through the jungle really rubbed me the wrong way because first, no one seemed to care that Lloyd is so snippy because he's been forced to work with the man who made his life hell, and second they joke about Lloyd with that very same person and imply they don't respect Lloyd as leader, as Jay says he doesn't usually want to listen to him when he's talking? What??
 Lloyd and Garmadon’s relationship:
I mentioned this in part 1, but they really didn’t execute this well- I feel like they had so much fun playing up Garmadon being the worst dad in the world that they forgot to give him redeemable qualities. It took me a second viewing to realise his relationship with Lloyd was actually pretty messed up, because they played off his despicableness as comedic and glossed over it by suddenly giving him a flashback to make it seem like he’s sorry. They wanted to go for the father-and-son-have-issues-but-reconnect story, and had Lloyd say “I wish we didn’t have to fight all the time” in his emotional ending, but that’s a line usually present in a daddy-issue story where both have a part to blame and there's issues with communication. In this, though? Lloyd did nothing wrong! It was just Garmadon being trash, and there wasn't even a particular scene of him recognising and apologising for his actions- not the bit about driving Misako away, but how he treated Lloyd after.
The message is all mucked up - hoping to find some good in neglectful parents is just gonna get you hurt, and in a story like this it would make more sense for the protagonist to realise they don't need validation from this guy, shouldn't feel like they have to keep connected with toxic relatives just because they're family, and that they should focus on the friends and family who actually love them (although, whether Lloyd's friends were even portrayed as liking him is a different story). I mean, Koko could just teach him to throw and catch! Does he have to have two parents just for that?
 Tone and humour:
I think another main reason this movie didn't do as well was its more childish tone and dialogue; unlike the previous two movies, it was marketed at younger children. One of the main reasons TLM and LB were so successful is because of the self-aware jokes that could actually be enjoyed by adults too, while in this movie I may have properly laughed only a couple of times. Plus, in its effort to connect with kid's humour it just got cringy in some parts, like the Ultimate Weapon compilation. It would have been funny if it was ironic, like Amazing World of Gumball style, but it just didn't come across like that, so I can see why many jokes fell flat for older audiences.
People probably had different expectations for the overall tone as well- everyone loved the previous LEGO movies because of their constant barrage of action, witty jokes and a ton of references. This was never the selling point of Ninjago, but TLNM didn’t manage to capture the show’s dramatic style and deep lore-driven plot either.
The writers:
Okay last thing. This movie had three directors, six producers, six screenwriters and seven people working on the story. Compared to most animated movies, that's a lot, and its shows. It feels like they had a few different ideas and themes and couldn't quite patch them together, with vague messages like “looking at things from a different point of view” being thrown in as well to try and link it up. I guess at the end of the day, this is a father-son story, and that makes it very difficult to fit in a power-of-friendship plot at the same time, but still. Also, the shifting plot and ideas is really clear in the trailers, I mean half the stuff there wasn't even in the movie, it's as if the entire story was changed!
 Final verdict? I think an overall theme with this movie is that the writers wanted to overhaul Ninjago to introduce it to new viewers, but also wanted to keep the fans happy so shoehorned in lots of elements from the show without giving them enough development. This just disappoints fans and alienates general audiences, which is a problem since Ninjago doesn’t have a huge following already backing it up like LEGO Batman did, and could have been the pilot for more original LEGO lines making it to the big screen. It was a technically amazing movie, with beautiful animation and visuals, an epic soundtrack and stunning voice acting, but it was also such a waste of potential.
 The only other thing we can do is think about how it could have gone differently, so here's some of my ideas :'D
NOT using the deleted time travel plot. I know that after being disappointed in a movie you welcome any alternative, but giant mechs were already a big deviation from the ninja theme; flinging in time travel as well would be too much for non-show watchers. Plus, I thought we were all complaining about how time travel in Ninjago always just messes things up :'P
Also not following the show closer. We have over 10 seasons of the show, the whole point of a movie is giving a fresh take; using a giant snake or the Overlord possessing Garmadon again would just be boring.
Delete the first act? One of the best parts of the secret high school heroes trope is seeing how they juggle both lives, if you're gonna drop it after half an hour there's not much point of it being there.
Could instead just have Garmadon attacking again, the last invasion attempt being ages ago. Maybe the ninja rediscover a rich history of elemental masters protecting Ninjago when Wu decides to get a new team together to fight the new threat?
Make it about learning master building instead so they build their mechs at the end, and then gain elements in a sequel?
Or don't mention anything about elements and have every ninja individually go through an obstacle to obtain an elemental weapon, then they all lose them but don't know they're not necessary, so it's actually a surprise that the power is inside them? Everyone gets a sort of true potential moment?
Ninja having to warm up to Garmadon's son, so we have a plot of Lloyd slowly gaining their respect and becoming leader?
Higher stakes at the end, make the Shark Army more threatening and have them turn on Garmadon using Meowthra, so there's still an intense climax of the ninja fighting the army before Lloyd reaches Meowthra and gets his emotional ending?
Get rid of the live action sequence, or make it fit the message of the story more?
Feel free to add any ideas/ thoughts!
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kelphero47 · 7 years
Drop pop candy - Lavashipping
Back again with another songfic of my OTP. Based on the song by reol. Check out the companion picture done by shelbot98.
This is so stupid.
Kai knew this was stupid.
The Ninja had been called to help catch a mysterious figure who had been attacking young girls in a local park in Ninjago City. They had made a plan to lure them out. Nya had originally volunteered to act as bait but after they learned the attacker had a thing for targeting short brunettes. Jay had then stepped up, having already been dressed up like a girl before, yet he was too tall to fit the description. So, the task had been given to Kai, the shortest of the group (much to his annoyance), and he was not at all pleased.
Kai  had been dressed up in an outfit Nya helped him pick out to help make  him look younger and makeup which helped covered his scar while making him look 'cuter' as his sister put it. The worst part however was the fact that the others had made her brush his hair down so that his fringe covered his right eye. The icing on the cake being a large bow attached to the top of the back of his head to complete the look. He looked like a girl. He didn't feel pretty though.
That plan brought him to his current situation as he was standing out in the rain with his umbrella. Waiting. The short skirt blew in the breeze as it brushed past part of his knees not covered by his socks. He was walking around the area by himself as the others hung back to watch if anything happened.
It was so boring.
Kai sighed as he turned a corner to a more unused section of the park. The rain pitter-pattered against the leaves of trees before falling gracefully to the ground. The sound was constant and calm. Until it was interrupted by something a lot more interesting. He followed the noise to a stray box on the ground, damp from the downpour.
Inside  said box was a kitten no bigger than his hand. It was the most adorable  thing he'd ever seen. It made small sounds at his arrival as raindrops  hit its head. Kai smiled at the tiny creature. He took pity on it and  placed his umbrella down over the box to shield it.
Amefuri demo kasa wa sasanai no  'Even when it's raining, I don't use an umbrella'
(Hajimemashite to neko wa naku)  '(The cat meow "It's a pleasure to meet you")'
Okiniiri no hiiru o nurasu no  'My beloved high heels get soaked'
He  kneeled down in front of it as the raindrops began to soak into his  clothes. The heels he was wearing scraped across the floor, they were  going to be ruined after this. Kai reached out a hesitant hand towards  the kitten which it sniffed before nuzzling into the outstretched  appendage. He  laughed when it began to lick his fingers, "Hello there." He cooed,  almost sweetly, which made the kitten meow loudly in response.  
"What's  your name?" He asked as he picked up the small creature carefully in  his palm and brought it in front of his face. It was a pure black with  soft brown eyes that stared at him in wonder. It reminded him of...
Thinking  of the earth ninja made him smile more. He had also been displeased  with the decision to use Kai as bait but had been quite happy seeing him  in his current clothing, despite his earlier protests. The two had yet  to start dating as Kai was too nervous to make the first move, in case  he was wrong in reading the others feelings about him, so he waited. Sometimes he was tired of waiting.
Nanigenai you na nichijou ga ima hora  'See now, how the run-of-the-mill everyday life'
Kawaritai to aiiro ni somari dasu   'Is being dyed in blue as if wanting to change'
It was the same every day.  The same longing stares, the same nervous interactions, the same   lingering touches. But, somehow neither of them had made any move to   take it further. Kai blamed himself for that. He was hesitant.
He  was brought out of his thoughts by the kitten shifting in his hands and  move closer to his face. It leaned forward to the point it could lick  in nose. Kai giggled at that as he brushed his thumb over the kitten's  cheek, which it seemed to enjoy.
Mizutamari ni utsuru ichibyou kan  'That one second when it appears in the puddle'
Tada ichido kono me de mite mitai dake nano  'I just want to see it one time with my own eyes, that's all'
"You  know what? You remind me of someone." Kai explained to the kitten,  despite knowing it wouldn't understand him. "Yeah, he's strong and  considerate and always looking out for me. We're just friends at the moment, but you  know... Anything can happen." The kitten seemed to respond as it gave  another loud meow. "You'd like him and he'd like you, hopefully."
"And I'd like you."
Odoru yo sekai ga yuraide mawaru no!  'I am dancing, the whole wide world shaking up goes round and round!'
Todoku yo sokudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's pick up the speed'
Kai  jumped at the new addition to the one-sided conversation between him  and the kitten. The voice was silky smooth and smug to the point it sent  shivers down his spine. He turned around to see a man slightly older  than him leant against a tree leering at him. For obvious reasons he  didn't like that look. Kai held the kitten closer as he stood up to fully face the stranger, "Hello."
"You lost, Hot Stuff? You're a little off the beaten path." The man questioned giving Kai a not very subtle look over. "And wet."
"Well... I.. Um..." Kai hesitated in responding as the other stepped forward into his personal space, "Could you back up a little bit?"
"I don't think I will." The man smirked as Kai tried to back away himself only to stop when his heels hit the box behind him, "The name's Jonah. What's yours?"
"Kai."  He glanced around hoping the others were going to make an entrance  soon. This guy had to be the attacker, he could feel it.
"As in 'water'?" Jonah asked jokily as he re-enter Kai's personal space.
"As in 'fire'," Kai explained as the kitten in his hands gave a loud meow.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo asayake mo inai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Although the guy from yesterday isn't here in the early morning light, that's okay, that's all okay'
"What's that?" Jonah reached for Kai's hands  before the ninja took off running. He didn't trust that guy. Said guy  smirked at his actions as he muttered to himself, "Oh, she'll do  nicely." Kai didn't look behind him as he ran for the main path and out  of the dense tree canopy. Where were the others? Why weren't they here  yet? They said they'd be just out of view for when he needed them, well  he needed them right now.
He  heard Jonah's footsteps calmly walking behind him. God, why were his  legs so short? He hated tall people sometimes, and Jonah was a good  couple heads taller than him. He was almost as tall as...
zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi o kimi o  'I love you more and more! With every day, with you'
Why  was everything reminding him of Cole today, he sounded like a love  struck teenage girl. Uh, now was not the time. Kai finally looked back  at Jonah to find him not even there. He slowed down almost to a complete  stop as he surveyed the area around him. His focus was broken by  another loud meow from the small creature nestled safely in his arms.
This  lapse in concentration meant he didn't notice the presence behind him  until it was pressed up against his back. Kai spun around to come face  to face with Jonah's chest which made him stumble back. The wet floor  allowed his heels to skid and his legs to fall out from under him. He  met the ground with a thud as Jonah loomed over him.
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou o omoi aeteru  'By doing this we can again love one another today'
The kitten escaped his grip to stand on his lap. It hissed at Jonah as he crouched in front of Kai. He swatted the animal away making it skid across the floor until it hit the dirt the other side  of the path. Kai moved to go help it until Jonah wrapped a hand around  the back of his neck to hold him in place. He kept still as the other  moved closer so that he was once again pressed up against his back. He  felt his breath on his ear and heard him inhale deeply through his nose.  "You smell wonderful..." Jonah sighed as he tapped the bow on the back  of Kai's head. "All wrapped up like a present for me to open... And I think I will."
Before Kai could respond a foul smelling rag was placed over his mouth and nose. He held his breath for as long as he could until the need for air became too strong and he was forced to take a deep, gasping breath. Without him wanting to, his vision began to fade to total darkness.
*Time skip*
Jay had been sent to check up on Kai as the others hung around at their temporary  base at the park caretaker's shed. Nothing had happened yet so they  were preparing to give up for the day when he came back in a frantic  mess. All they understood from his rambling were the words 'Kai' and  'gone' before they were out of the door.
The group of ninja   didn't stop running until they reached the quiet path where Kai once   stood.  His umbrella rested on the ground above a box but the area held no other evidence of his existence there. Cole was the first of them to go for the object, as the others spread out around the area, before he heard a quiet noise beside him.  He glanced down to see a ball of fluff shaking on the wet floor. It let  out another pitiful noise as he crouched down beside it.
He registered it was a kitten by the meow it let out when he touched  it. Cole tentatively picked it up to bring it in front of his face. It  looked up at him with curious eyes and he smiled at it. He knew it was  stupid but he couldn't stop himself from asking, "Have you seen my friend, Kai?"  
What he didn't expect to happen was for it to meow loudly as if responding to him. He knew it was crazy, "You have?" He almost cried  when it meowed again, "So do you know where he is?" It fell at that  question and Cole actually felt tears rolling down his face at that  point.
Hoho o tsutau kanojo no shizuku wa  'The water droplets that are trailing down along her cheeks'
(Mite minai furi neko wa naku)  '(The cat meows pretending not to see)'
Utsumuita sink taikutsu narabeta  'Looking down the sink the boredom starts piling up'
"Cole... Are you talking to a  cat?" Lloyd's concerned voice came from behind him as he clung to the  tiny animal in his hands. He could hear the entire group behind him  before he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Cole looked over his   shoulder to see Zane crouching next to him as the others all held   expressions of confusion, "Are you alright?"
"No...  I'm not." Cole held out the feline in front of him, "He doesn't know  where Kai is." He explained as the others looked between themselves,  unsure what to do.
Yasashisa de tsumugareta uso demo  'That we're spun out of the yarn of kindness'
Kanashimi ni irodorareta jitsu demo  'And even the truth that has been taken by sadness'
"Why... Would a cat know where Kai is?" Jay asked chuckling nervously at the end.
"I  don't know." Cole shrugged before resting his hands on his lap in  defeat. He felt so useless. Useless to help the sweetest person in his  life. The person he loved. They just didn't know it yet. "He was taken  and we weren't here. We promised we'd be right here, protecting him!" He  yelled making the others wince, they knew what he said was true.
They stood there in an awkward silence as their friend broke down on the ground. Nya leant her head on Jay's shoulder seeking comfort, "What are going to do?"
Mizutamari ni sawagu amatsubu no  'The raindrops acting out in the puddle of water'
Fuchi o sotto yubisaki de nazoru you  'As if your finger tips are gently tracing the edge'
Cole  looked up at this point to seek answers from the group at Nya's  question. Lloyd decided to step up at this point with a determined look  etched on his face, "We're going to find him."
"But how?" Jay questioned as he patted Nya on the side of the head.
Egaite kanadete kirameku negai ga kanau yo!  'Draw it out, play it out. Sparkling wishes will be granted!'
Todoku yo koudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's raise the altitude'
"It would be logical to assume whoever took Kai would have to live nearby. After all,  for Kai to be taken he would either have to overpowered drastically to  point he wouldn't put up a fight or somehow knocked out." Zane concluded  as he surveyed the area, "With  the surrounding area still being intact we can assume no major fight  went on and he was mostly likely surprised allowing the latter option to  occur. Either way carrying around an unconscious person would be  suspicious so their home would have to be close as not to draw too much  attention."
"That's right!" Lloyd smiled as he reached to help Cole off the floor while addressing the entire team. "So, all we have to do is ask around the neighbourhood for... What was their description again?"
"Authorities presume the attacker to be a male, large build and possibly in his late teens to early twenties." Zane listed off word for word.
"A person matching that description and we're bound to get leads." Lloyd explained hoisting the earth ninja to his feet.
*Time skip*
Kai had woken up in this dark room hours ago. He had been placed on a surprisingly soft bed in what  looked like a completely ordinary bedroom. Except the door was made of  what seemed like steel and his wrists had been chained to the bedposts. Jonah had yet to make an appearance, much to Kai's relief, as he lay on the bed.
Kakenuketai no uchuu made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and make it into space in one fell swoop'
Ukabeta hoshi mo tsuki ni mo aenai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Even though I cannot go and meet the stars and moon up above, that's okay, that's all okay'
The only indicator to anything outside of the room was  a window on the far wall which shone with moonlight. He flinched when  he heard a click echo through the room as the door was opened from the  other side. Kai didn't look in his direction when Jonah entered the  room, still leering at him, "Evening Beautiful."
"F**k off." Kai snapped as he pulled on his restraints, "Where am I?"
"Somewhere  safe... Where we can be alone." Jonah waved off his questions  nonchalantly as he moved to sit beside Kai on the bed. He raised a hand  to the exposed skin of his thigh to caress it lightly with his thumb.  Kai's breath hitched as he moved the offending appendages  under his skirt to feel more skin, "Such a vulgar mouth you have  though... I wonder what other kinds of naughty noises it can make."
"You dare and I'll kill you." He growled as the other continue to slide his hand up further.
"As if you could in this situation." Jonah laughed as he grabbed his ass, "Just enjoy yourself, I certainly know I will."
"Y-You know I'm a g-guy, right?" Kai stuttered as his face heated up at the others unwanted touches.
"I know..." Jonah leaned in close to whisper in his ear, "And that just makes this better." Kai shivered as he blew against the shell of his ear. He felt them lick it before moving to do the same to his neck causing him to gasp, "Looks like someone's sensitive."  
He  tried to think of anything other than being in that room, under the  control of this nutcase. He thought about the kitten he met earlier, his  friends and Cole. They all must be looking for him by now. The thought  warmed his heart. Cole was trying to find him.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi to kimi to  'I love you more and more! With every day and you'
He  wished Cole was here instead of this guy. Holding him close and making  him feel safe. Unlike the sicko feeling him up at the moment making him  feel dirty and ashamed at his own reactions. Kai felt tears roll down  his face as Jonah continued to caress his thighs and lick the expanse of  his neck and shoulders, "P-Please stop."
Isso uzukumatte nankai nakijakutte  'And just crouch down, then cry your eyes out many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou to meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"I  don't think I will." Came Jonah's sadistic response as he moved to look  the brunette in the eyes, "Not when you're already crying so sweetly  for me, just begging for it."
"No..." Kai gasped as the hand on his thigh moved the grab onto his underwear but before they could do anything more he screamed at the top of his lungs.
*With the others*
Cole wandered the streets of the small neighbour with his family as they searched for their missing brother. He cradled the now sleeping kitten in his arms, not having the heart to leave it anywhere. He looked up at the sky to admire the moon and the star as they lit up the night sky.
Boku o terashite buruu muun  'Shining brightly upon me, blue moon'
From speaking to various people in the area they had narrowed down their search to a much smaller radius. However,  the late hour meant they had no else to question making the remaining  search harder. He just hoped Kai was okay, wherever he was. Cole had  spent some time during his search thinking about the object of his affections. His smile. His laugh. His passion. All of them warm, like him.
Nagai yume kara mou sameta  'I've already awoken from a long dream'
Asu no hougaku e tsuretette yo!  'Take me away along towards the path of tomorrow!'
Cole didn't have much more time to think about Kai as his thoughts were broken by a blood   curdling scream ripping through the air. That sounded like... "Kai!" He took off in the direction of the sound with the others close behind   him. He just hoped he wasn't too late.
Sokudo o agete  'So let's pick up the speed'
*Back to Kai*
Kai began kicking his   legs about the moment Jonah flinched at his scream. He managed to nail   him in the face before his ankle was grabbed. "Little B***h, can't stay still can you?" Jonah growled as he reached for something under the   bed. Kai turned pale when it turned out to be rope which was used to tie  his ankles together. Jonah laughed as he leaned over him again to get closer to him face, "There we go. Now just stay plenty quiet so I won't have to do the same to that pretty mouth of yours."
"Bite me." Kai could feel his fire bristle at his fingertips, he didn't want to use it this close to a flammable objects.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo yuuyake mo inai kedo sore de sore de iino  'Although the guy yesterday isn't here in the late evening glow, that's okay, that's all okay'
"Don't mind if I do." Jonah smirked as he moved to bring  his lips to Kai's neck. He was about to mark to clear, tender flesh  there when a loud crash came from downstairs. His head shot up towards  the door before he glanced between it and the body underneath him.  Sighing, he got up and left the room but not until after he gave the  other a sly warning, "Try to escape and the next part won't be  pleasurable."
Kai  wanted to throw up when the man went out of view, leaving him alone. He  pulled on the chains again, listening them creak under the strain but  not giving way. Instead he turned his attention to a faint conversation  going on far   outside the room. Whoever it was seemed to have pissed off Jonah as he   was far louder than those responding to him. Then it happened.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Another voice yelled back at him in syllables he recognised. It was Cole and he sounded angry. A crash followed the shouting before it sounded as if someone was running up the stairs. They stopped close to the door but made no move to open it. Kai yanked on his restraints once more as he called, "I'm in here!"
The metal of the door proceeded to creak as his rescuer forced open the door. It gave way suddenly to reveal a heavily breathing ninja in black.
Motto aishiteru! Hibi mo kimi mo  'I love you more and more! With each day and you too'
"Kai!" Cole rushed over to the side of the bed, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..."  Kai sighed as he looked away blushing, "Just get me out of here,  alright." He pulled on the chains around his wrist, "These kind of  hurt."
"Sure." Cole easily broke the metal around his wrists then picked him up bridle style without hesitation. Kai made no move to protest as he buried his head in the crook of the others neck. He was shocked when Cole placed his head on top of his in comfort, "Are you sure you're alright?"
"No..." Kai hiccupped he began crying onto his shoulder, "H-He did things..."
"What kind of 'things'?" Cole questioned, his tone turning darker to match the scowl on his face.
"Like licking me and touching my thighs..." He sniffled clinging to Cole's gi, "And he tried to..."
"To?" Cole coaxed as he felt a wet patch begin to form in the fabric of his uniform. That guy was going to be dead when he was finished with him. When Kai didn't respond he sighed and stroked the back on his head. "Come on now, it's okay. Just tell me what he did?"
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
"He tried to touch me 'there'." Kai explained as he tried to pull down the hem of his dress. It took Cole a few moments to understand where 'there' was. When he did however, he felt something in his own head snap. He was almost completely silent as he carried Kai carefully down the stairs and placed him the arms of a bewildered Zane.  
He  then turned his attention to the guy cowering on the floor in front of  the group, "How dare you..." Cole grabbed Jonah by the front of his  shirt to drag him off the ground to rest eye level with him, "How  f**king dare you!"
"Cole, don't-" Lloyd rested a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"No!  This piece of trash deserves what's coming to him." Cole narrowed his  eyes as the man he was holding gripped his wrist in fear.
"He's  not worth it... Just look at him." Lloyd scowled as the man looked at  him desperately, "It's better if we leave the cops to deal with this,  and take Kai home." Cole glanced over to the small teen in the ice  ninja's arms as Nya and Jay began trying to comfort him. He felt his  grip loosen to the point the man fell to the floor.
Sou yatte mata kyou mo meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"You're  right... You're right." Cole chuckled dryly at his friends before  moving past him to the others. He watched Nya smooth out her brother's  fringe despite his weak protests. He got closer to stand beside her and  address Zane, "Can I have him back?"
"Of  course." Zane smiled sadly as he gently placed Kai into Cole's waiting  arms, "I took the liberty of removing the rope from around his ankles."
"Thank  you," With those words Cole made his exit out of the front door leaving  the others behind to take out the trash. He smiled as he felt Kai rest  his head on his shoulder and relished in way his eyes were half-lidded. "Is someone tired?"
"Mmmm."  Kai groggily nodded against his shoulder so that his hair tickled his  neck. He shifted so that he was better facing Cole so that they could  look each other in the eyes. Cole couldn't help himself as he kissed Kai  on the top of the head in an affectionate gesture, "Wha-"
"Kai listen,  I've liked you for a while now and today just put into perspective how  easily I could lose you." He explained as Kai made a small frown, "So  please, give me a chance to show how much you mean to me."
"Yes."  Kai smiled as Cole moved in closer to initiate a kiss. They were an  inch apart when a soft noise interrupted them from the confines of the  earth ninja's gi.  "Is that what I think it is?" Kai laughed when Cole blushed reaching   into his uniform to take out a small ball of fur. He giggled when it   uncurled itself to reveal the kitten he had found earlier, "Oh my gosh. You shouldn't have."
"It's nothing."
Omoi atte iku korekara zutto  'Continue to love one another from now on and always'
Do make requests for songs and ships if you want. I like a lot of ships.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal Ninjago season 13!!! 🤩🤩 (3/4)
I am enjoying the season A LOT. The reveal has been thrown already, everything seems to be leading towards something special about Rock Mom and I couldn't hope for something better!! I know Lou will be back so I guess a flashback?... I'M SO EXCITED 💕💕
Alright, let's start!!
Side note, we're past the season and no Nexo Knights reference. Me sad, but me not quitting like ninja!! 💪💪
Korgran of METALONIA?!?! WHERE KARLOF COMES FROM!!! Oh you just love to feed me with good throwbacks, now do you Ninjago crew 😍
Plundar the thief, yeah, the attire gives it away although it is nice. And Fungus... huh... well that explains the mushrooms on the hat I guess 😅
Yep, there we go, a party of adventurers, the DnD situation promised 👈👈 He said loot, I saw a 20 faced dice, nice nice
In these recent seasons adventurers just won't like to do adventures for one reason or another, first uncle Powers, now these guys? I mean Ninjago is in danger every freaking time and you risk your life at every step and there's a new formidable villain every like five seconds but... huh... what was my point again?
THE ANIME STYLE IS BACK 😂😂 Oh boy I can tell we're in for a train to crazy town
I'm thinking this dude looks a lot like He-Man... of course he does, the HECK, am I noticing this just now? 😑
I do agree with mister Korgran's father reluctance about talking like that (I saw too many anime characters like that 😂), but Karlof uses the third person too. Either it's common in Metalonia, or there's a general lack of education there 😅 (I LOVE METAL BOY I MISS HIM 🖤🖤)
Talking axe that doesn't talk, nice 😂
Okay... okay, I need a moment
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This is too cute. I know her head is a bit too big but LOOK AT THEM 💛🤍💛🤍 Has Chompy never grown?... wait he did got big that one time... okay... okay, never mind
Well that's a pretty nice party, you got your barbarian, your magic user and your rogue. Kinda misses a healer but still... tomorrow I'm doing a DnD session with my friends and I wanna sound like I know stuff 😂
I just noticed that I haven't seen hidden trap doors like that since Chen, the ABC of villains right there my friends 👆
So the King didn't become evil just because of the skull, he actually wished to obtain it and use the dark power. I get that he wants to defend the city but he is basically remorceless about everything else, so he is guilty. Also DRAGON ABUSER 😡
Poor Vania, but she overcame her Skylor situation very quickly. Proud 💛
There we go with the encouragement, you go Rocky!! We have a crazy Skull dude to turn into dust!! 👿👿
Wait, a promise he made a long time ago? Rock mom?
Oh holy FSM, my heart 💔
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MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH. Cole as a kid, Lou is back, Rock Mom IS SICK AND WILL DIE, all the drawings, the picture of them together 😭😭
I cannot, freaking, this kid doesn't want his mom to be sick and he's gotten into troubles at school and she wants him to fight and be strong and right and SHE HAS HIS SAME EYEBROWS 😢😢😢😢😢😢
This scene was really heartbreaking, such a genuine situation with a kid that wants her mom to be fine and proud of him 🖤
Just looked at her VA and it's Erin Matthews 🤩 So first I'm counting it as a Nexo Knights reference just because MACY AND ROBIN ❤🖤❤🖤 Second, wasn't "the mom" going to be voiced by Jillian? Is it... is it Maya? Is she coming back? MAYBE NEXT SEASON??? NYA SEASON?!?!? 🤯🤯
Oh, we're moving on? So... so there's still the stuff about Rock Mom's past to uncover, still unsure if she was the one of the blades for the two tribes
The connection between Cole and his mom is the earth itself, I'm loving this concept so much. It's true that he never found himself this deep into his element before, the Caves of Despair were mines but never this deep. This really is rock bottom... HECK YEAH
Well Cole...
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Welcome to the colored eyes because of elemental power ninja team!! 💚❤🧡 (without counting the forbidden scroll moments) I LOVE WHEN IT HAPPENS!!! I'M GETTING SO PROUD AND EMOTIONAL!!! I'M PROUDOTIONAL!!! 🤯
Aww, Cole saving his son sensei, very nice. They did save each other a lot 🤷‍♀️
This place reminds me a lot of the Fire Temple where Kai got himself into trouble in season 1 but then saved Lloyd, one of my favorite and most memorable episode of the show... I'M TOO NOSTALGIC RIGHT NOW LET'S MOVE ON
Wu's spinjitzu!! Always nice to see it 😊 And yes Adam is a good boy, and for my arachnophobia is a little freaky saying it 😅
Ah, good Plundar, Cole needs all the appreciation of the world because HE IS SUCH A GOOD PERSON AND AMAZING WARRIOR AND I LOVE HIM AAAAAA
This is probably my favorite episode for now, got Rock Mom, got elemental powers, got a lot of Cole in all of his glory: the leader with a clear smart mind able to lead even strangers, with big heart for what's important 👏👏
I feel like this season is giving him glory, I'm curious about how it will end!!
Okay I know it's the name of the dragon... and it gets me a little antsy 😅
Back to the munce! Still doing as good as ever I see! 😅 And lol, you can't blame Nya for not being nice Jay! Although she is kinda best friends with Ronin who double crossed her multiple times... okay, I see your reasoning Bluebell
There we go, Nya making them listen. I honestly could have seen her just grabbing one of them and make them fly through the the room, still cool though 😎
Back to the geckles! Also doing as good as ever! 😅 These little purple guys are so dang cute, seeing my flame babe trying to lead is so PRECIOUS, and even more PRECIOUS is Zane giving him support... and a rock in the face 🤍🤍
Gotta say
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I'm more and more fascinated by their culture 😂😂
Aww little Gleck, everything had started with him after all... wait... HER NAME IS LILLY?!?! ROCK MOM HAS A NAME!!! AND SHE IS GILLIE/MILLIE!!! I KNEW IT!!! 🤩🤩
I think I saw the name somewhere, didn't think it was actually her. I always headcanoned her as Gaia, but Lilly is a very sweet name too 💕
It is pretty nice that even though we as viewers didn't know what happened to Lilly, the ninja knew. It's obvious, they've known each other for so long, but still. It feels nice to see this 😊
Oh-oh, Skull dude is up to something... and he said the title 👈👈
Zane keeps being the sweetest thing ever created, le cute dude 🤍🤍 Never thought I'd see Tin Can and Hothead discussing about lies while two slugs race each other...
I don't know if it's the new animation but the armored suits look CRAZY GOOD, the metal and the details are awesome!! I approve the suits of this season 👍
Pff, they are talking down his sister, if he knew they would be literally toasted 🔥
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HUG HUG BEAUTIFUL LEGO HUG!!! And she lifts him up, omg the Smith siblings are back and they are so CUTE 😍
Yep, only he can talk down his sister... and possibly be annihilated right after 😅
Oh, the dragon that almost destroyed the two tribes... OH THE DRAGON THAT ALMOST DESTROYED THE TWO TRIBES!!! 😱😱
The cringe Kai, the cringe never leaves you alone you beautiful idiot ❤
I cannot believe the animators managed to make Lloyd's LEGO hair swoosh, I must applaude them 👏👏👏 Also POOR BABY ON THE GROUND GIVE HIM A VACATION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
Well aren't things getting even more complicated 😅 Where is Cole? We need season superstar pronto!
Awww, major throwback to the show's most famous motto right in the title! NINJA NEVER QUIT!!! LET'S GO THEN!!! 🤩
The upply team! With the lava beast back... I could easily make comment about how it could be a representation of Cole's feelings since it's LAVA with EARTH and FIRE, and he is running from them... I'M JUST RAMBLING MOVING ON 🖤❤🖤❤
Cole misses the Caves of Despair maybe, he wants to have a round with the carts like in Possession 😂 Was that why he knew it was going to work eventually? That would be histerical, especially since back then they all almost fell into the lava 😅😅
The Heart of the Mountain? Secret temple of the masters of Earth? Possibly hidden in Shintaro? Spinjitzu Burst? Wu, let me ask you this... just in case... is there... perhaps...
He is definitely and officially old, only reason why he keeps forgetting to warn people about stuff 😑 I mean, it's not major like with Morro or Aspheera, I guess it's an improvement?... kinda?
So you learn spinjitzu burst if you're surrounded by your element, that sounds pretty awesome! I wonder how it could be with all the others, this can open up kinda like a quest for the true potential but with different places and lots of OP powers and I'M INTO IT 🤩🤩🤩
Okay season, I get it
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YOU WANNA MAKE ME CRY 😭😭 I love this aztec vibe, so cool and appropriate she looks STUN 🖤
I didn't expect this much introspection about Cole, I thought it was going to be kinda last minute like with Jay in Prime Empire. I'm so thankful it's not like that, freaking yes. YES. GO COLE BURST OUT!!
... okay, take your time sweetie, no rush. The other ninja are just going to be fried but eh, happens all the time 🤷‍♀️
VANIA MAH GIRL 💕 I understand Wu, I mean the guys kinda learned all they needed already back when they started to train Lloyd. Ever since then, they had been not master and students, but just family. And you always need family, no matter how far you go 🖤
Awwww, Wu! You got your own development too! 👍 So nice to hear "ninja never quit" again, can't be too sure but it's been a while 😍
Let's hope the guys are doing fine resisting while Team Cole arrives 😎😎
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (1/2)
So, I'm keeping this during all of season 12 to put down my thoughts as they appear. It's mostly for not ranting every single time a new episode comes out so please don't mind me too much 😅 I'm following the English release so please no spoilers 😙
I'm gonna split it in two, since apparently the season has 16 episodes. So this is the first part, enjoy my rambling 💜💜
It's the 30th of March and here we go!
I'm so, SO HAPPY, we have a theme for this season. For my experience apparently silly themes (tech ninja, ghosts, pirates) had brought very surprising results so I'm SO DOWN FOR THIS 😍😍
It seems that they fixed the mood, there is a specific mystery and a specific mission to follow. I like it too
I'm really glad there are plenty of references to past episodes, comebacks are my jam
The only thing that still kinda bothers me is the length of the episodes. It's not all bad, I just think the 20 minutes format was better. One thing is splitting 20 in 10 minutes, another is putting together 11 minutes of important stuff. Doesn't bother me too much, I just wish there was more time for my favorite show 🤷‍♀️
Is it normal for me to feel really old after they made the "what is a VCR?" joke? Like, I'm a uni student so still pretty young, but I lived through the transition from that to the DVD so... eh, I laughed anyway👵
Jay is smart, I really believe he is. Yet I saw him putting a possibly corrupted motherboard into a legendary game randomly found into a villain's lair, and I was like "Of course he did that, I love you you dumb*ss" raising my glass of juice towards him 😎
Okay, I'm down for this Lloyd. I'm down for a season with Lloyd being creeped out just because, being silly, just a ninja helping his friends and- (remembers there's a Harumi avatar in the sets) I'M NOT READY
The ending was actually nicely creepy. Cool nods in approval
THAT INTRO THOUGH, THAT WAS EPIC! Love the techno sounds, love the clear gaming connection, I rate it 10/HECK YEAH LONG LIVE THE FOLD
I was scared about how the shorts were supposed to play along with the season, but it looks fine so far with the mechanic and later for Scott. Good 👍
Ah, Fist to Face, that game came all over from the nostalgic season 1. That's what I'm talking about 😎
So they just associated that Unagami is probably Dyer's avatar like that? Like sure, I thought about it, but it looks a little rushed. Mm, I wonder if there's something more behind it?
Cyrus Borg is back and he TALKS!!! Finally, he gets some action! Go tech dad!
I'm so happy he referenced the Digiverse, I would have been very disappointed if he hadn't. Time flies Borg...
Not gonna lie, I thought the next to follow up Jay's spot as best in videigames was going to be Kai or Lloyd. It's not disappointing though, since pretty much all the ninja have been seen playing, and to be honest I like the implication that Cole and Jay probably played a lot together. As bruiseshipping or as BrOTP, I still love them together no matter what 💙🖤💙🖤
Ooooohhhhh, that's why Zane and Pixal are left behind. It makes sense, sure, but I don't understand the implication of the plan: they saw Dyer entering Prime Empire, so why looking for him in real life? Mm, maybe they will investigate about his life and what happened... PIXANE ON THE CASE 😍
Already saw Prime Empire's world in the shorts, of course it looks DOPE, still very happy to finally being there!
I don't know why, but Kai questioning the double jump made me laugh. Also poor him, he just got his powers back from last season and they're already gone again 😂
And of course. Them. Wow. It must be the most amazing and CURSED thing I've ever seen so far, the League of Jay 🤯 I'm so happy they exist and they freaking use past seasons' suits!!! Awesome!!! Never thought I was going to see Jay's old plain haircut again... yeah, he got better with the curly one, but I'm feeling nostalgic 🤷‍♀️
Their nick are histerical omg, Jaybird, Dee-Jay, Jaywalkin, I'm loving this way more than I should 😂 Also they freaking screamed "JAY-NJA GOO!!!" and I don't know what to do with that, it's too great for me to comprehend 👏👏
And then, THIS happened:
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Your Honor, I would like to confirm this as THE MOST SECRET DREAM I'VE EVER HAD FOR THIS SHOW FINALLY COMING TRUE!!! A NINJA FROM NINJAGO DOING THE NARUTO RUN!!! 🤯🤯🤯 Done, I'm done, conclude the season, this is more than enough for me 😍
First Kai gets hit and fall from a building, DYING, then Lloyd gets desperate for his brother (MY BROTP 💚❤💚❤), then Kai respawns and Lloyd looks so relieved and Kai is all panting while slowly realizing it's a game and MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE THIS MUCH OKAY???
As a very passionate Kai fangirl I always expect the cringy moment, it really is inevitable for my favorite hothead. I love that idiot so much it's unbelievable, even if it's an absolute and costant suffering 😅 Holy Garmadon it was painful seeing his VERY slow realization that in this game you only have four lives
Okay, I did not expect to hear about Mr. Cuddly Wamp ever again since Hands of Time and BOY if I'm happy it was actually a password, I love this show 😂
Okay, for as long as it is not debunked, I will hold onto the Scott is Jay's brother/twin theory. I'm sorry but: his jacket has dragons AND lightnings on it, they have very similar skin in avatar mode, he said he was waiting for him in the short, he could very well have his same hair under cap and hoodie and he's a mechanic too. I know, I know, they could have the same skin because Scott helped him for the avatar, and there might be shadier reason behind the 'I was waiting for you' thing, and there are tons of good mechanics in Ninjago... STILL HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE??? 😍
SCOTT HAS ONE LIFE POINT TOO??? NO! NOOO!!! NOOOOOOO!!! Don't you dare appear and steal my heart only to die at the end of the season, come on!! 😭
So for now it seems like he just wants to survive. Can we actually confirm he's an avatar and not an NPC? I mean he could be, but I don't see the point of an NPC self aware of his life points. Idk, maybe I'm overthinking this 🤷‍♀️
Lol, Kai is the only one weirded out by the Jay-con all around him. Probably because he hasn't heard from his fans since Skybound 😅 (I'M STILL HERE MY FLAME BABE, ILY ❤❤❤)
And in all of his glory, freaking Superstar Rockin' Jay!!! 😎😎 Okay, I loved the design since the first time I saw it, but it looks possibly even better in the show 😍😍😍 And Jay looks absolutely adorable in it, and he's got a guitar, and he was waiting for his friends, and he hugs them (I'm weak for LEGO hugs for some reason) and he is so happy and AAAHHH 💙💙💙💙💙
I'm very curious about how Scott will play into the situation, clearly he will provide some kind of insight about Prime Empire. I can't wait to know more about him!! 😍
I did not expect this when I saw this Okino guy in the trailer... and I'm so happy I was surprised, I love him 👌
And he's voiced by Alessandro Juliani?? HECK YEAH!!! With all the hype about the DnD 13th season, and consequentially the knight theme, I really miss Nexo Knights and having Aaron's VA around makes me happy... any hope to have Giles Panton as well? I miss Clay the most 💙💙
This is what I'm talking about, the game theme needs this stuff! I was already happy to see life points, double jumps and respawns, but this? The NPC guide? Awesome 👍 It's nice to see the take on the matter, the guide seeing so many players getting killed, first because they did not listen, then because they were actually just unlucky. The touchy matter I always expect watching Ninjago 👏👏
At least I THINK he's an NPC? For now I don't really see a way of knowing, and it doesn't look like it matters. He didn't show life points so maybe? Does this mean he can't die? I have questions people
Which brings me to the cube thingies. That's what happens to the dead players? I mean, I would understand if they just become pixels, but there's also the drone that takes the datas every time. Idk, feels like there's more behind it. And honestly? It looks like great material for angst, like one of the ninja dies but then they discover they just need to get where Unagami stores all of the players! I hope it's something like this!
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They designs of the players are really cool, I already saw them in the other episodes, but seeing them this close just confirmed it. Between this and Jay's awesome avatar, I see lots of great cosplay ideas coming 😍 I wonder when will Kai and Lloyd use their avatars, and why would they since I'm guessing Jay did for disguise and to distinguish himself from his fans
PLEASE TELL ME WE'LL SEE SCOTT SOON, I ALREADY MISS HIM!!! 💙💙💙 I have too many theories about that tech dude, I'm so excited about who he might turn out to be!
I was a little skeptical about the new ninja suits, but seeing them in the show convinced me, very cool! Especially on Nya 💕💕💕
Alright, Okino is indeed an NPC. Cool the fact that at first he could not understand the fact that he was in a game, but when reality changed he was forced to. Welcome into the crew! 😙
I'm kinda worried about it though, either they will shut down the game and he will stay inside or he will sacrifice for them. He's a very loyal samurai, I can see that happening and I'm SCARED
I WAS SWEATING BULLETS AT THE AMBUSH!!! I 100% saw it coming, we all freaking saw it coming, even the ninja did but where like 'we can walk and die or we can risk and die so might as well'. But still, my babies DYING and respawning so fast was not pretty 😱😱
Nya got the scariest death until now in my opinion, holy Garmadon Dyer DOES have a twisted mind...
Seeing Kai so scared of being in a new situation and with one HP reminds me A LOT of the Digiverse, and that's actually a nice touch. Give him a cellphone, hothead is a social media expert, but put him in a game and... huuhhh... 😅
Have I mentioned I love the ninja's new emoji masks??
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BECAUSE I DO!!! 😂😂😂😂
So Unagami knows about them trying to stop him and he sent the rat people because of it. Considering how little we know about this guy, I'm wondering what we are about to discover
Alright, going to the next challenge, very curious about this adventure. So... beware of the rats, ninja? Still not sure what I think about the rats 😅
I would like to say Okino is the edgiest character of the show I've ever seen... but I've seen MORRO. But still poor guy, he got a case of the Matrix
Oooohhhh, the major question in videogames: better go grinding for more money to get the better stuff but while losing lots of time, or get the least expensive just to go on with the story but definitely risking to lose lives?
Ah there we go, so the energy cubes mean something! Also reference to the Sushimi guy of the set (gosh that name, I can't 😂). So do people actually die in Prime Empire or they are just kidnapped kinda? Can the ninja just bring back? ANGST POTENTIAL
Cole please don't die please don't die please don't die for the love of Garmadon please don't die somebody help-
Nya giving Kai a sweet look after seeing her brother is okay, that's what I live for 😍
So apparently Unagami is trying to build some kind of device using the energy cubes of the dead players (sounds kinda creepy like this 😱) to create some kind of portal? To Ninjago? I don't understand, if Unagami is Milton Dyer then why this? Just to bring his army and conquer? I mean I guess, sounds a little simple though. Then again, if it turns out it's not Dyer, it could be Unagami wanting to be real and get into his creator's world? Mm...
I like the message, having the ability to choose your own path. Very fitting for a game themed season, I hope it gets explored even more!
More for the "I love the ninja emoji masks of this season"'s compilation 😂😂😂
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Duuuude, Jay being good at mazes comes all the way from Possession, the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master! 😍 ... or maybe I just rewatch this show too much... could be both really 😅
Unagami is NASTY!
Confirmed the thing about going into the real world, what scares me is how much powers Unagami seems to actually possess. Like, can he do the block thingy whenever he wants? Just straight up pause and do whatever? Wow...
Jay being extra 😎
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I mean, of course he is, he's got better statics! 😂 I like how he seems so focused and in charge, I still hope we see more of him... and Scott... WHERE IS SCOTT???
I love dragons, this metal one is cute 😍
So now we have two ronin: a samurai looking for a path on his own in a digital world... and a shady guy named Ronin 😛 Total respect for Okino, he really showed the values he believes in. No matter he was programmed his way, I hope he finds what he's looking for. Better come back for the final battle!
One Keytana down, two more to go. I know one is the price of the race, while the last one... I don't really know.
More of the masks because I love them 😂 Here we have Vegeta Lloyd and Kawai Cole ✌✌
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kelphero47 · 7 years
The Marvelous Adventures of Echo Zane - Chapter 2
Another chapter for you guys to read and enjoy.
TMAoEZ - Chapter 2:
Ninjago City's port was the busiest Echo had seen anywhere, granted it was the first place he'd seen other than the lighthouse, but it was still busier than what he was used to. Everyone was really loud as so many things happened at once and people milled around constantly. It was kind of intimidating. Echo knew no one there but his brother was in the city somewhere so that must count for something, at least to him it did.
Sherwin assured him that people in Ninjago City were quite friendly and that he had nothing to worry about. That didn’t stop him being hesitant to actually talk to people. The sailors had given him some of their clothes to help him blend in. Apparently, androids were common here just not ones of his model and so he would be safer in disguise.
The city beyond was nothing like Echo could have imagined. It was huge. Every building around them was as tall as the lighthouse with some being even taller, "So Zane, how do you like the city?" Kim smiled, walking beside him with a spring in her step.
"It's big."
"That it is..." Doug spoke in front of them with an air of discomfort.
"Are you alright? You seem as if this place is not to your liking."
"You're perceptive Kid, I don't like the city much. It's too closed in with everything shoved together in a way that makes it feel..."
"Exactly, I prefer the sea. All the space a man could need with no end in sight." Doug looked at his shipmates to see them nod in agreement, "Of course life at sea isn't for everyone, and that's why we are going to help you find your brother."
"You are?"
"We are?!" Sherwin and Kim yelled at the same time, one out of confusion and the other joy (you can probably guess which).
"Yep, and I happen to who the address of the Ninja's manager. Strange guy, trust me." Doug seemed lost in thought for a second before shrugging, "But he owes me a favour so I may as cash it in."
"You don't have to do that." Echo stopped walking, "I couldn't ask you to do that at all." He looked distressed, "I barely know you and-"
"Kid, calm down." Doug placed a hand on Echo's shoulder, "I like you a lot, and consider this payment for letting me tinker with your little friend." Speaking of Gizmo, the small robot had to be put in rucksack that Echo was carrying. His small size meant he couldn't keep up with the group and could easily get lost.
"If you say so... Thank you." Echo looked at the ground before Doug started laughing causing him to look up.
"That's why I like you kid, so well-mannered." The group continued on their journey before Echo stopped yet again. He was looking curiously at a small playground with what looked like a group of kids and their caretaker playing on the various apparatus. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves, despite the caretaker looking kind of tired.
"What's the matter Zane?" Sherwin was first to notice the android's absence, closely followed by the other two.
"What's that?" Echo pointed at the play area causing the trio to notice it as well.
"That? That's a playground..." Sherwin looked at his friends, "I guess you wouldn't have had them on that island of yours, right?" His question was answered by an unfocused shake of the head, "You wanna..."
"Could I?" Echo turned to face the trio with the most excited expression they'd seen him have so far.  
The group looked between themselves before Doug sighed, "It isn't too far from my friend's place, I could probably drag him here if need be." With those words Echo walked happily towards the playground, "You two keep him company, I shouldn't be too long."
"Wait, we're on babysitting duty." Sherwin questioned as Kim ran after Echo with more enthusiasm than the android.
"Pretty much... Have fun." Doug then proceeded to continue his journey down the path leaving Sherwin alone in his place.
"Come on Sherly! There's a slide!" Kim yelled from where she had been explaining the slide to Echo, "It's fun, trust me."
"How?" Echo tapped on the metal slide, expecting it to do something.
"Well you climb up here..." Kim demonstrated as Echo watched curiously, "Then you sit at the top of the slide part and let yourself slide to the bottom." Continuing the demonstration, she slid down the metal slowing as if emphasising her point, "And then you do it again... If you want to."
"That's it?" Echo copied her actions to the point of sitting at the top of the slide.
"That's it." Kim nodded encouragingly, "Just try it." Without much prompting Echo went down the slide with a mostly blank look on his face. "So, what do you think?"
"It was... Nice."
"Take him on the swings!" Sherwin joined in the exchange from his seat on a nearby bench.
"That's a great idea Sherly!" Kim ignored the grumble in response as she focused back on Echo, "Come on, you'll definitely like this." She spoke as she dragged Echo by the hand to the next piece of apparatus.
**Meanwhile with the Ninja, at Darreth's place**
"So... You wanted to talk to us?" Lloyd asked their currently pacing 'manager' who had yet speak after their arrival.
"What?" Darreth snapped out of whatever train of thought he had been having, "Oh... This is about last night." The group tensed at the others out of character tone, "Why didn't you guys tell me about Zane's brother sooner?! This is great!" The Ninja didn't have a chance to answer as he continued rambling, "I mean not as great as Nya and Jay getting together, but still gossip worthy! I can already imagine it now, 'Mysterious brother of ninja found after all this time'! Everyone wants to know about this guy, your social feed is already filled with questions about him. Do you guys know anything?" With his attention finally focused on them the Ninja took a moment to process what he'd actually said in his overenthusiastic word dump.
"Um..." Jay was the first to say anything, looking at the others for support.
Zane thankfully came to his rescue, "We know very little about my brother, other than his location, name and description, we don't have much information to give you... Or the public."  
Darreth visibly deflated at those words before springing back to life in a couple of seconds, "We'll keep it vague then... Really drive home that whole 'mysterious' thing, my only question is: When are you going to go and get him?"
"As soon as possible." Zane answered without missing a beat, which caused the rest of the Ninja to look at him.
"Wait... What?" Cole looked worriedly at his friend, "We haven't even talked about this yet." He received nods from Nya, Jay and Lloyd.
"Zane's right though." Kai spoke up at this point, "I mean Jay did mention about 'Echo Zane' having being left there alone for who knows how long. Why wait to go get him?" Zane smiled at his friend's agreement and willingness to help him.
"But-" Cole next few words were interrupted by a knock at the door.  
Everyone turned to the front door, "I wasn't expecting company today." Darreth shuffled over the door before opening it a crack to look through, "Hello?"
"Long time no see, Darren." An older voice said smugly from the other side.
"You know it's Darreth, I hate to remind you Dog."
"Haha, just like old times... Can I come in or...?"
"Oh... Um..." Darreth looked at the Ninja for confirmation and got a nod from Lloyd, "Sure, come on in. I have company so..." Without much more he opened the door fully for the newcomer who then proceeded to pat him on the shoulder.
"Since when do you have company?"
"A lot changes in six months..."
"Yeah, but you don't." It was at this point the newcomer took notice of the other people in the room, "You weren't joking about having company, I just never expected..."
"The Ninja?"
"Yeah..." 'Dog' turned his attention fully to the group of ninja currently sat on Darreth's floor, "I'm Doug, pleased to meet you all." The Ninja didn't give much of a response for a few seconds other than blinking, "Um..."
Kai was first to answer this time, "Sorry, it's just kind of mind-blowing that Darreth actually has..."
"Friends." Jay finished before Nya elbowed him in the stomach, "Ow."
Lloyd shook his head at his friends, "I apologise for those two, it's nice to meet you Doug. I'm Lloyd, that's Jay-"
"I know who you are, I live with one of your fangirls..." Doug smiled good-naturedly as the group seemed to cringe, "But it was actually you six I came to talk to."
"Why come to Darreth then?" Cole asked crossing his arms.
"My friend told me how hard you guys are to get in contact with and I knew this idiot-" Doug pointed to Darreth who gave a yell in protest, "Had connections with you. So I thought find him, find you guys."
"And why do you need to talk to us?"
"I have information about that one's brother." He pointed to Zane who visibly stiffened, "Thought I'd be nice and share."
"What would that information be?" Zane narrowed his eyes at Doug who just crossed his arms in return.
"Let me start with the fact that he's currently hanging out with my crewmates at a playground near here."
"What?!" Seven voices responded to his statement followed by a flurry of other questions, "How did he get off the island? How long has he been there? Why is he with you? When did-" Said questions were stopped by Doug raising his hands to get everyone else's attention.
"My crew found him yesterday, he was on a makeshift boat in the middle of the ocean. We were heading to the mainland anyway and brought him with us. We also offered to help him find you guys, which is what I'm doing right now." A long silence fell over the room as they thought over this new information.  
Zane was having an internal conversation with PIXAL, 'He's here...'
"That's what he just said Zane."
'PIXAL, he's here.'
"You already said that, it's going to be a new thing with you? Repeating things?" PIXAL gave him a deadpan look which made Zane smile.
'I can go and see him right now.'
"Yes, yes you can." PIXAL smiled back, "Now say something to your friends, they are beginning to notice your sudden change in demeanour."
"Zane?" Nya clicked her fingers in front of his face.
"Is he dead?" Jay asked from behind her causing Cole to elbow him in the side, "You too? What is with people and hurting me today?"
"Maybe if you didn't say stupid things we wouldn't have to." Cole joked as Jay hit him on the arm.
"I can assure you my friends, I am definitely alive." Zane smiled at his friend's antics which made them all smile at him.
"Not that this isn't touching, but I don't trust my crew to handle themselves alone in public." Doug interrupted looking anxiously at the door.
"Sherwin and Kim still sail with you?" Darreth asked surprised.
"I thought you would have thrown them overboard or something by now."
"There have been moments..."
**At the playground**
The pair of sailors were tiredly sat on the bench as Echo continued to try and build something in the sandpit. They had helped Echo try everything in the playground, then had to try and stop his running after a dog when he got curious about it. Distracting him with food had worked at that point when Kim persuaded Sherwin to buy them Slushies (she insisted they were the best thing ever when Echo asked what they were). Said Slushie session had ended with a giant purple stain on Sherwin's T-shirt, a sheepish Kim and Echo obliviously enjoying the treat despite the mayhem that had previously occurred behind him.
"When do you think the Cap' is coming back?" Kim sighed leaning back on the bench.
"Soon I hope..." Sherwin glanced over at Echo then looked at the sky tiredly.  
"Who knew taking care of a single android would be so tiring?"
"You know the main reason we're tired is because you tried to force that sugar filled food dye down my throat." He grumbled crossing his arms.
"You should have just tried it, I mean what would been the harm in just trying a little bit. But nooo, you had to whack the thing out my hand and down yourself." She threw her arms in the air as if to emphasise her point.
"I didn't know I was going to get it down myself!"
"You wasted a perfectly good Slushie too." Kim pouted crossing her arms as well, "You know grape's my favourite."
"What are you two talking about?" A third voice joined in the conversation behind them making the pair jump to their feet. Doug stood behind them smirking and behind him were the Ninja (in their civilian disguises) looking confused at the pair of sailors, well more at Sherwin's stained T-shirt than anything else. "I see you have been having fun, anything to report?" He spoke in a mock authoritative tone.
"Negative Captain", Kim answered saluting him. "Except Sherly here murdered my Slushie."
"I can see that..." Doug looked over Sherwin who was now blushing from embarrassment, "Good to know, and how is our friend?"
"He's been fine...Curious, but fine overall", Sherwin shrugged as the entire group looked at the android currently trying to bury his legs in sand with the help of Gizmo who had finally escaped from his rucksack prison.
"Is that him?" Zane, unrecognised by Sherwin and Kim, asked as he looked hopefully at Echo.
"Sure is... You should go talk to him." Zane didn't need much prompting as he hesitantly went up to the edge of the sandpit. He smiled as Echo tried to dig up his legs, accidently covering Gizmo in sand. After saving his small friend from the mountain of sand, Echo took notice of the person standing next to the sandpit. Their smile looked so familiar, "Hello?"
"Hi..." Zane felt as if there was something stuck in his throat, preventing him from talking properly, "I am Zane."
"I am also Zane."
"I know..." The nindroid sank down beside the other, "I'm your brother." He slowly took off his hat the give the other a better look of his face. Echo's face lit up in realisation as he took in Zane's features, it was really him.  
Before Zane could do anything, Echo leapt at him in a crushing hug, "You're here." Echo buried his head in the crook of Zane's neck.
"I'm here." Zane smiled as he returned the hug, it felt so right. The group near the bench watched in silence as the two shared their embrace, well silent beside the sound of Kim quietly crying (Sherwin gave her a tissue). "I'm sorry I hadn't found you sooner."
"Being a ninja probably kept you busy." Echo released himself from the hug to sit up again, "I had Gizmo to play chess with." Said robot made his presence known at this moment by nudging his arm, Echo put the smaller robot in his lap. He laughed at Gizmo shook some of the sand off himself, "Although I'm not very good at chess, Gizmo always beat me." Zane smiled at the triumphant beep the small robot gave to this statement. He heard Jay and Cole laugh as well from behind them, speaking of his family...
"Jay and Nya told me a lot about you."
"Who?" Echo tilted his head to the side to look at the people near his new friends.
"It doesn't matter right now... They're my family, and yours if you'd like?" Zane glanced over his shoulder at the other Ninja, who gave him gestures of encouragement. Echo watched this wordless exchange, the thought of a family was... Pleasant? And warm? Unlike the feeling of emptiness it had replaced. He liked the idea. When his brother re-focused on him Echo smiled and nodded, "A family sounds nice."  
Echo watched as his brother stood up, dusted himself off and held out a hand to help him up. He took said offer and stood up, Zane was going to pick up his hat before a loud scream came from behind him. Or screams? Both the Ninja and the sailors turned to see a group the other side of the street yelling. The Ninja then turned to Kai who was currently on his phone typing, "Really?" Lloyd questioned causing Kai to look up from the device, "Again?"
"What? I was bored... And we haven't updated the feed since yesterday night." Kai then took notice of the group of screaming teen girls, "Oh... That's my fault, isn't it?"
"You think", Cole deadpanned and hit him on the back of the head.
"Hey, watch the hair."
"I think you guys should make yourself scarce soon." Sherwin pointed to the crowd as they finally crossed the street. The others nodded at his statement then looked back at the duo in the sandpit. Zane brought Echo over to the rest of the group, "It's been nice knowing you." Sherwin patted Echo on the shoulder.  
Kim gave him a quick hug, "Ooo, you should have our phone number. Just in case you miss us..." She turned to Doug who was looking through his pockets, "We have to come into the city ever so often to deliver some stuff, we can totally visit."
Doug finally pulled out a small case, "We have business cards." He gave one to Echo, "We have surprisingly good reception at sea." He smiled as Echo examined the card in his hands, "Call if you need anything."
"Sorry to break this up, but we need to go... Like right now." Lloyd glanced anxiously looked at the group of teens growing closer.
"See you soon." Doug laughed as the Ninja aside from Zane and Echo ran off, "Have fun with your new family, Kid."
"Bye Cap'", Echo then followed Zane after the others as the three sailors waved goodbye.
Send me a comment if you enjoyed or want to tell me something.
Until next time.
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purplerose244 · 6 years
My skin is clear, my depression is cured, the world is beautiful and THERE ARE SO MANY BEAUTIFUL THINGS HERE I'M SCARED TOMORROW EVERYTHING IS GOING TO THE DEPARTED REALM!!! 😢😢😢
But let's go with order!
Nothing much happened in Ninjago, Garmy went nuts, as expected, and Lloyd took Sky like a bag of potatoes and run away 😂 Say what you want, he's still got skills 😎
Then that moment with Ultra...
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This face will become a meme 😂😂
And FINALLY, beautiful water lily showing what's she's made of! She can keep up with Ultra Violet without a mask, that's great! And I'm guessing they would make the coolest of friends in another situation 😄
Just look at them!
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I kinda thought Nya's redesign was weird, now I really think it suits her. She's a warrior and a tough girl, this style is perfect! 😉 Also her spinjitzu is beautiful!! 😍😍
Even so, this season keeps hurting our favorites girls 😢😢 Please Sky be okay soon, Kai is coming!!
I was really not expecting so many nice things in the First Realm 😁😁 It's really a nice surprise, especially after yesterday 😅
Jay freaking out is still my jam, I freaking love him 😂😂 He cheers me up so much no matter what, thanks bluebell!
Also, the cringe:
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I love my flame babe, I really do, but there's always that moment where he just has his cringy ballad, one every season 😅 This one happened to involve everyone
Not that one of his plans was going to work 😆😆 Still love ya Kai 🔥🔥🔥
I kinda expected the hunters rioting, yeah, so let's go with Wu and Iron
Besides the landscape being breath-taking
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I liked how you could clearly see the differences from someone worthy and someone not. None of Iron Baron's actions were honorable, unlike Wu, who found good lessons everywhere around him
The nest is a cavern, predictable... oh...
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... I'm not crying... you're crying... OKAY I AM CRYING!!! 😢😢😢
I LOVE THE DESIGNS!!! They made a clearly different specie for each element, so you can tell even by the body which dragon that might be. Just like every elemental master is different, so are the dragons. All together they gave me goosebumbs, amazing 😍😍
To be honest I almost feared Iron got burnt alive 😅 Then I remembered it's a kid show. Honestly, how can I remember?
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The Firstbourne is so beautiful 😍😍 We can see red and black mostly, I wonder how they decided her design... ah, who cares? I WANT ONE!!! 😁😁😁
And finally, my heart found peace (found my place, I found my place, HA-YA~)
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This is so sweet, they never hugged before!! 😙
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And this, omg, I was close to crying
I think this adventure in the First Realm really strenghted the bond between Wu and the ninja. Not that they weren't close before but, like it was shown in Hands of Time, Wu couldn't bring himself to fully count on them. Like they were still his immature students.
Now they taught him how to go on, showing how much they learnt and can teach. Right now, I can really see them as equals and friends!
And family, of course! 😁 This season really made me like Wu a lot more! 😃😃
Last but not least!
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Like Cole said, I missed this 😢😢 They even spinned like in the pilots, and look at the sky! Magical 😁
This was a really good one, made my day! Even if in general adding dragons always makes my day 😂
Thanks for reading today's rambling, it's probably one of the calmest one. Made to relax, before the finale 😅
Let's hope no one will die on episode 94 (omg so close to 100, I'm proud), us included 😥 See ya then!
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