#Nick writes a book
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Series Concept
Old rivalries ignite new friendships as the boundaries between past and present blur. Love and loyalty are tested when the stakes soar higher than ever before. Who will navigate the turbulence of duty and desire, forging unbreakable bonds that transcend time? The end of one journey is just the beginning of another. Legends will rise. Hearts will soar. A legacy will live on.
Top Gun: Legacy is an anthology following the lives of 16 naval aviators over 40 years.
Top Gun: Danger Zone follows the friendship of LTJG Nick "Goose" Bradshaw and LT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Top Gun: Horizon follows the rise of the VFA-313 "Daggers" Squadron
Top Gun: Crosswind follows the uncharted waters between VADM Beau "Cyclone" Simpson and RADM Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Top Gun: Hard Deck follows the history of LT Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw and LT Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Top Gun: Afterburn follows the rise and fall of the relationship between ADM Tom "Iceman" Kazansky and CAPT Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Creator Notes: I will get around to writing these one day. I hope.
Yes, I had to re-create the Top Gun logo from scratch to get it to work like this.
I took inspiration from the layouts of the 1986 movie posters.
This is one of my absolute favourite pieces of work I've ever done
Until next time,
Mare Noctis Studios
(K. E. Birch)
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mrooops · 24 days
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really wanted to make a project with these arts (a book about the biographies of some bands) but one girl took it for herself and i thought we were friends lmao
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smartsxylacyy · 5 months
The "Lavender Fields" fanfic of Nick and Charlie is the absolute best N&C fanfic ive ever read and now my standards are WAY too high on what fanfics should be. Like why is it written so well HOW WILL I GO BACK TO THE 1 PAGE FICS 😭😭
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dk-thrive · 1 year
These are manifest indicators of a human being with immense potential.
Read. Read as much as possible. Read the big stuff, the challenging stuff, the confronting stuff, and read the fun stuff too. Visit galleries and look at paintings, watch movies, listen to music, go to concerts — be a little vampire running around the place sucking up all the art and ideas you can. Fill yourself with the beautiful stuff of the world. Have fun. Get amazed. Get astonished. Get awed on a regular basis, so that getting awed is habitual and becomes a state of being. Fully understand your enormous value in the scheme of things because the planet needs people like you, smart young creatives full of awe, who can minister to the world with positive, mischievous energy, young people who seek spiritual enrichment and who see hatred and disconnection as the corrosive forces they are. These are manifest indicators of a human being with immense potential.
— Nick Cave, from a response to a question from Ruben in The Red Hand Files, Issue #223, February 2023 (via Make Believe Boutique)
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universe-friday · 6 days
Hello. I hope somebody is listening.
Sorry, old sport, I don’t have much time to talk this evening.
Let’s see, uh, what is there to say…? Right, yes. Updates.
In Universe City… What is… Going… On, yes, yes, sorry. I’m here now.
Uh, so. Yes, sinkholes. Big. Expanding. A lot. Not Solus doing that! You- you knew that. Sorry. Yes.
Still don’t know how that’s all… Happening… I’m trying my best to figure out. No help from Solus, though. You’d think as an innocent you would want to help out but no…! Too busy still thinking about your ex, yeah, I’m sure, at least she got to be your ex-
Sorry. Sorry, I digress.
Yeah, that whole… Election thing is still happening. There’s a group of cyborgs running now…? I think their party is called Inc. Like, just the letters I, N, and C. I don’t think they understand that there’s usually a word or two before ‘incorporation’.
There are more posters and more people wearing badges in support of the cyborgs than the government, or the agency for that matter. Despite that, the current government has been projected to win by 95%. 
To me, there really is no point in it all. We know the government controls the vote entirely and this is the City. Since when has anything been fair here…?
What else is there to say…? The City has been its normal chaotic self, old sport. Just with a few more holes in it- What?
Sorry, old sport, something just… Came up- What is this…?
[Footsteps are heard walking away and then quickly back, paper rustles loudly]
“Radio… Same place… 1508… Tomorrow… Solus.”
How does… How do they know where I…? Ugh, never mind, sorry again, old sport.
I’ve been saying that a lot today, I know. There’s just too much going on recently… And now this…?
I need to take a break. Perhaps not a long one, but a break. That is if the stars are on my side.
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notsoevilmagistrate · 6 months
Nick drives me fucking crazy because the first chapter was literally just “Gatsby’s not like other girls :(“ STOP SUCKING HIS DICK HES IN LOVE WITH YOUR COUSIN!!!! HES DOWN SO BAD ITS PATHETIC!!! Nick stop being a funky gay dude challenge IMPOSSIBLE.
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pidgeeepombo · 25 days
Tori Spring 🌷
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I know this is a very unoriginal observation (much like any other), but I'm finally reading The Great Gatsby, and even I wouldn't describe men the way Nick does.
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maidsuokasenpai · 4 months
I consider the great gatsby queer lit and you can pry that from my cold dead hands
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poisonedtealeafs · 9 days
i need the party scene from the second chapter of the great gatsby (with nick, tom, myrtle & so on) as a writing template/prompt.
to use it in another fandom or for someone to use it with their ocs.
it's one of my favorite scenes in the book and i need more of it!
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1000rh · 26 days
Who can blame the housing movement for protesting against landlords directly, for all that they may complain about it? What else are we supposed to do? On the one hand, rent strikes are virtually impossible. On the other, neither major political party has adopted any housing policies worth voting for in my lifetime […]. There tends to be no legal defence when a landlord tries to evict someone, even when the moral case against an eviction might be overwhelming. What are tenants supposed to do but try to humiliate the people who profit so handsomely from the housing crisis? Landlords should feel ashamed. They should cringe and wring their hands at taking such an active role in perpetuating the miseries we see today, and the public should be bitterly critical of them for it.
– Nick Bano, Against Landlords (2024)
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heartoflesh · 7 months
In all other religions, the god wants you to climb up a ladder to get to him, but in Christianity, our God came down the ladder to get to us. In all the other religions, we need to clean the house, set the table, and prepare a nice dinner for the god, but in Christianity, Jesus sets the table for us.
Stay Here by Jacob Coyne
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Lovesong (Sparrow/Nicky) mood board... web weave... thing. Happy V-Day! 💕
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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (missing sources will be added as they are acquired, sorry about that!)
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eira-kuso · 16 days
I still am shcoked at how some people teact at when a new adaptation of a well known series with tons and tons of different adaptations change something up to stay unique. "DONT WATCH RISE OF THE TMNT RAPHAEL IS THE LEADER AND LEO IS THE FUNNY ONE" well that sure seems like a interesting way to change the dynamics up and see how they change into more of what we expect of the characters. "DONT WATCH CAPED CRUSADER THEY DETACHED HARLEY QUINN VOMPLETELY FROM JOKER" well thats an interesting way to change how the character works and how she stands up on her own as a batman villain instead of the anti hero facet we mostly see her as. "DONT WATCH MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN THEY MADE JIMMY OLSEN BLACK" well first of all, in the sea of superman adaptations we have so many adaptations of Jimmy Olsen's character and most of them are white, with the exception of the SupergirlCW show. Having a Jimmy Olsen that is black doesn't really change what the character is, or how he works, so i think making him black could be a great way to get some diversity in the cast. Also this is a completely different superman adaptation, why can't one of the Jimmy Olsens of the multiverse be black?
Talking about that raceswapping topic for a second, did you know that the main universe Nick Fury was white and that he was casted black in the movies not because of a raceswapping, but bexause in the ultimate universe, the character of Nick Fury was modeled after Samuel L. Jackson and so he wanted to play the character in the movies. And i never heard anyone hate on it bexause Samuel L. Jackson is a great actor but also bexause almost none of the general audience knew about Nick Fury before. Different versions of white characters can be of different races.
The differences of adaptations and interpretations of characters and stories is what make these long running comics and shows and movies so good. Is what makes them special. Comics as a genre is the equivalent of "yes and" for writing, especially with long standing characters like Spider Man or Daredecil or Wonder Woman where they build off past work and see what sticka or what don't and sometimes things don't work but thats fine hexause in two years the writer will change and it will probably be good again. So i really don't get the hissy fits that these fully grown people throw when their favs are changed just a bit in some adaptations and interpretations. It feels like they don't want new stories, they want the same old stoies over and over and over again. Or worse, they want to feel like they felt when they heard the story the first time but the exact same way that they did in the past and never want anything to change. Its the fear of change that plagues every famous media.
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universe-friday · 27 days
Hello. I hope somebody is listening.
It had been too long…
The flickering of Thalia’s last message never stopped or changed in its constant, taunting loop.
I just started to find it hard to believe that she hadn’t yet returned to her hideout.
So, I went to see for myself.
The place was as empty as it normally was. The bin was still tipped over from the time I discovered the letters she had written me, her desk still wiped of any of her things.
But the image of the symbol that I had left… It remained front and centre, sitting alone on the desk.
I grabbed her desk chair, still dramatically halfway across the room from her desk as it was the day she left, and sat down defeatedly.
Had she really not returned in all of this time…? I questioned whether or not she was well and truly gone, that perhaps the agency had finally captured her.
It is easy to believe, with all of the sinkholes causing chaos in the city, if it’s not the agency behind them, they would probably be all hands on deck.
Well, it’s either that or the whole election… Thing. The agency seems to be convinced that they could win it. Too bad the government never taught anyone how to actually register to vote (or that you even had to in the first place…).
But I digress. I scooted Thalia’s chair back into its rightful spot at the desk and continued to stare at the picture that I left there for her to find.
Except… It’s not the same photo.
The photo I left was a scribbled drawing of what I saw in that camera footage. It was solely of that symbol on the clothing of the mystery person.
But this… This was a photo of the person themself. The one I caught staring right back at me, as the cameras turned back on, almost in accordance with their gaze.
I had stared at the figure for so many days after I first witnessed the footage. There was no telling what features they had… But this photo… I could see everything.
They still wore this cloak – the same one from the footage – with the same symbol and everything. Yet their face was exposed, albeit slightly covered by their layered hair, swooping down into place.
They looked so… Warm…? A smile was spread across their face as they looked back towards the camera.
I found it hard to believe that a villain – one to have opened up significant sinkholes in the City – could be such a cheerful person. Perhaps the symbol they wear is one of their cult. Or a society maybe. Perhaps it is just another underground group attempting to rule the City. Perhaps this is not our culprit. But yet, they still work for these people…
I looked back at the picture and tried to really look at them. Their eyes were covered in these super fashionable (at least, to the City’s standards) sunglasses, casting the reflection of the camera in the photographer’s hand.
The photographer who was smiling ear to ear, with faded, chin-length hair, and a beautiful dress down to their ankles…
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evey scion in legendborn:
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