#Nezha kills his dad au
squidthechaotickid · 2 months
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Follow up comic to this fic I wrote (the nezha kills his dad au one)
I have. So many thoughts abt this guy (also royalty duo yay!!!!!)
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starrclown · 5 months
I've see ALOT of LMK angst and I have nothing better to do (cause it's late at night) and I'm not working on my LMK apocalypse au right now sooo-
Triggerwarning for Violence, Blood, Suicidal thoughts, and other general upsetting topics.
(Feel free to leave yours below. Let's make these characters sad together!)
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Pigsy gets upset when people joke about Wukong being Mk's dad. It's insulting to him, the one that raises Mk since he was so little.
Wukong is someone that craves physically touch but also can't stand it. It stems from all the violence he's been apart of + the crown messed him up alot. He was SUPER uncomfortable with Mk touching him in the beginning. It has to be on his terms if you wanna touch him.
Macaque doesn't have a heart beat anymore.
Because of Macaque never coming back when Wukong needed him, Wukong had no trust that Macaque will come back if they have a argument. He assumes that Macaque is just gone and gets upset about it. Eventually Macaque comes back and realizes Wukong's upset but he doesn't bring it up cause he doesn't know how.
Redson doesn't really understand why his father doesn't seem to like him. He assumed that his dad would be overjoyed to see him again, not how he's acting now.
Mei had many breakdowns because of her grades and the pressure to be a spectacular student.
Pigsy got bullied alot in school for being a pig demon. It wasn't everyone, most people liked him, just a specific group of kids.
To add on to #7, Tang used to beat himself up over not being able to help Pigsy. He HATED seeing Pigsy getting bullied but he knew that if he tried to start a fight he would either get beat because he can't fight or get himself kicked out of school.
Mk gets nightmares of Wukong getting forced into the scroll. Sometimes he wonders what would of happened if Wukong never got out. He usually ends up crying.
The closest thing Sandy ever got to being violent is when one of his cats scared him and he accidently dropped Mo. He cried. Alot. (Mo was fine but he just hates his cats being hurt.)
Sandy still doesn't know Hunstman is dead. He just thinks that Huntsman was scared of him so he never came back. (Guess Hunstmans my favorite and he's dead and i hate it here god dammit.)
No one can say anything about Azure or Azure's death around Wukong because he will get upset. Macaque made a joke one time and Wukong lost his shit. He's still kinda shooken up about it.
Some of the baby monkies recognize Macaque as the one disguised as Wukong that ate the monkey and passed it around. Those monkies REFUSE to be around him. They get violent if they have to be around him.
Nezha wants to see Wukong, Redson, and the others more but his job is so demanding he barely gets to leave.
Wukong physically couldn't be around Tang for long periods of time when they first met. He got more comfortable with him over time but Tang reminded him to much of Tripitaka and he couldn't handle it.
Mei doesn't yell out of anger, like serious anger alot. When she finally yelled at Wukong because of the fire, all Wukong saw was Ao Lie screaming at him. (Stole that headcannon from a friend of mine. Thanks Ainnur you ruined my life.)
Mk brought up the fact that Wukong was willing to put the fire into himself and sacrifice himself, almost certainly killing himself in the process one time. Wukong kinda laughed and just said "Yeah, had to save the world bud. It's a shame Macaque messed up my plan, the world woulda been a little bit more peaceful if me AND Lady Bone Demon died." He wasn't even trying to admit suicidal feelings, he was just being honest. This scared the SHIT out of Mk because Wukong just admitted that he can and will kill himself if he feel he needs too.
Sandy often feels left out of the group and not as important but he doesn't wanna ruin everyone's fun so he stays quiet.
Bai he was ready to die when she was found by the Monkie Gang. She wasn't scared of death anymore.
Bai he was scared of Wukong when they first met face to face. Wukong apologized and explained himself. Over time she got a little more comfortable with him. She understands why he's apologizing but at that point she was so ready to die she didn't care who did it.
Redson wants to be around Sun Wukong again but he doesn't know how to start the relationship again. Same on Wukongs part but he's a bit more forward.
Macaque gets physical in fights fast. Partly cause his fights with Peng, Partly cause of his life before Wukong, Partly cause of Lady Bone Demon. If Macaque thinks a situation will get rough, he'll try to fight but if he thinks he'll lose he'll dip.
Princess Iron Fan unintentionally critiques Redsons's looks all the time. It messes with him alot so he's quite insecure.
Mei feels the need to always be upbeat and cheerful so Mk doesn't sink to far into depression. She can tell when he does this for her but she doesn't bring it up.
Pigsy's worst fear is that Mk won't come back home. The nightmares he's had of this is brutal.
I could make more but I'm sleeeeepppy. I'll make a part two one day though. Leave your own headcannons cause seeing other people break down these characters is so fun.
(How some people think Mk will be in season 5)
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- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
More details on my "The Monkey King and the Infant" au;
Sun Wukong was given MK's egg by Nezha under the Jade Emperor's command. The Lotus Prince, equally disgusted by Heaven's order, promised to keep quiet on whatever the Monkey King chose to do with the egg.
The Jade Emperor, Lao Tzu, most of the Celestials and Demons that had past beef with Sun Wukong; All want this stone egg scrambled. Save strangely enough for Princess Iron Fan, who's already watching the baby stone monkey's career with great interest.
MK's egg being formed is "somehow" connected to Macaque being resurrected by LBD. Only LBD knows the true reason.
Sun Wukong and Macaque reunited during the process of deciding what to do with the egg. It wasnt pretty, but both agreed that it was an issue far greater than their estrangement.
The two wandered for sometime, just trying to find a way for the unhatched Stone Monkey to live in peace separated from the chaos of Heaven. Until they came across a noodle stand with an unusually familiar face.
Macaque initially protested leaving the egg with Pigsy. However, when the pig demon assumed the pair were down-on-their luck soon-to-be-parents needing a safe space to rear their unborn, he offered the apartment above the shop for free. Macaque was quick to reconsider his first impression.
The Monkeys, Pigsy, and Tang, are all co-parenting the little undercooked Monkey. It can be a little confusing when MK grows up and mentions having four separate parents but people are mostly polite about it. Uncle Sandy has been tagging in for babysitting duty ever since Pigsy caught a horde of Flower Fruit Monkeys filling in for their King on diaper duty.
Nezha pops in after a few months post-hatch, and pretty much cries in relief and shame that he suspected for even a moment that Sun Wukong would harm the little infant. Becomes MK's unofficial Fairy Godfather.
Macaque and the few Celestials who know of MK's existance call him "The Egg" long after he's hatched. It's easier to see him as something that can still be crushed. Macaque's title eventually turns into an adoring nickname. The Celestial's title becomes a threat.
Pigsy and Tang were legit unaware that the two Monkey Demons that showed up are the ones from the stories. After all, there's gotta be a bunch of them hanging around right? Right?
One day Pigsy walks in on MK's egg being warmed in a nest of heated blankets, and quickly puts two and two together. Him and Tang both agree that all these little details stay inside the noodle shop.
MK hatched surrounded by adoring eyes and a warm bowl of noodles. More suspicions are raised when he looks like a odd mix of the two adult stone monkeys. His offical name is "Qi Xiaotang", since he's the little piece of Heaven that the Jade Emperor cannot control.
Sun Wukong: "First one to get called Dad gets naming privileges!"
Baby MK imprinted a lot from Pigsy. Cue piglet squealing and grunts in addition to regular baby monkey noises. The sounds made during bath time got animal control called on the shop more than once.
Tang is still a big Journey to the West nerd. Him and Macaque sometimes grab cocktails and talk about relationship issues.
MK has built-in Gold Vision + Glamour filter. Its a little startling for demons who thought they had perfect glamours. MK himself looks just "human-enough" that he can pass as human easily.
Mei is still MK's bff. Although she's confused why he keeps saying she has scales. Red Son keeps running into them pre-Staff and is very annoyed.
At the time of the show's canon; Sun Wukong's Staff willingly gets removed by MK, tricked by PIF and Red Son. And the Demon Bull King aint happy to see a mini-Wukong when he wakes up.
MK: "My parents are gonna Kill me."
The waking of DBK, and MK inheriting Sun Wukong's powers, things get a little heated at home. Esp since LBD wants to "cash in" her favor to Macaque, old wounds get reopened, and the Jade Emperor is starting to realise that Sun Wukong didnt smash the stone egg and that Nezha has been covering for him.
This au is consuming me.
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rottonfishie · 3 months
Hello! I love your au and art!! :D
My question is what is Ne Zha's relationship with the Immortals (Chang'e, Erlang, Sun Wu Kong, Macaque, Lady Ivory ect)
(these are optional so if you don't want to answer them it's fine)
Does he have a tv show like Chang'e? Maybe his own channel?
Also will/did he and his brothers (Mu Zha and Jin Zha) resolve after the "trying to kill their dad" thing?
Thank you! Sorry for deleting your original ask 😅
Question 1 :
Nezha & Wukong
Nezha's and Wukong's relationship is complicated. The best way I can explain it is a one-sided brotherly relationship. Nezha sees Wukong as an older brother figure, Wukong just sees Nezha as a child.
Wukong does love Nezha in his own way. He recognises that Nezha is a child, so for his sake, he entertains Nezha's attachment to him.
(Wukong has himself formed an attachment to Nezha in an attempt to keep himself sane. Nezha absence after the whole burning event was a breaking point for Wukong 😀)
Nezha & Macaque
Nezha's knowledge of Macaque is slim. Most of what he knows is from stories that Wukong would tell him. Though, Nezha does think that Wukong may have glorified Macaque a lot more in his stories..
Macaque doesn't know much about Nezha except his history and what Wukong has babbled about. He doesn't really care enough to find anyone more information about him.
Nezha & Erlang
Nezha didn't actually like Erlang. He was very protective over Wukong and hated Erlang being close to him because he was the nephew of Master Yuzhiqin. However, he did get over it when he realised Erlang wasn't a threat.
Erlang worked hard to gain Nezha's trust. He was one of the very few celestials in the realm to recognise that Nezha is a child. Erlang does care about Nezha. He feels bad for his circumstances, so he gives Nezha gifts and treats as an "apology" to him. (He does the same with Wukong.)
Nezha & Chang'e
Nezha and Chang'e's relationship is basically a mother-son relationship. Nezha admired Chang'e since she first defended him against a celestial. Nezha loves Chang'e and cares a lot about her. He shows this by making her sweet treats and making her gifts. (Paintings, bracelets, etc.)
Chang'e has always wanted children with her husband, Hou Yi. They never had the chance, however. Chang'e never thought about kids after her husband died, paying more attention to her new purpose. But that changed once she met Nezha. Nezha is like a son to her, and she would do anything to protect him.
Question 2 :
Nezha has a social media account that he posts recipes and images of his desserts! He doesn't show his face on his account at all. His user name is Flaminglotus.
And, yes, Queenie does follow Nezha.
Question 3 :
Muzha was much angerer with Nezha than Jinzha was, since Muzha was a bit of daddy's boy. Muzha anger quickly turned into guilt when he saw the torture his brother was enduring...he can't look Nezha in the eye anymore.
Jinzha did speak to Nezha during the time he was in the celestial realm. Though, it was quick conversations that he couldn't uphold for very long without feeling guilt.
Hope that answers all your questions. I'm sorry this took so long!
Oh, a little dose of pain for the day, Nezha looks the most like his Father :)
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stellawolfearts · 2 years
Imma talk about consequenses Au
aight so bassically
its a family au
where the samadhi fire is sealed away, where wukong ends up retiring and also an au where Wukong is Nezha's dad. adopted but still.
so yeah the au really starts there, Wukong and nezha bond over both being fucked over by heaven yet still bowing down to thier forces. after the journey they just end up *twists fingers togethor* like that.
Sun Nezha || Lotus
now 100's of years after the journey the samadhi fire happens, it
it happens like in cannon.
then dbk is sealed away.
normal cannon stuff exept nezha is around wukong more often and is one of his only companions so the guy isnt COMPLETLY alone.
now macaque interferes in wukongs like more too in this au b4 mk comes along but i havent developed that enough.
also my hc for mk HERE
one day heaven calls swk to meet with them under URGENT bussiness. like end of world bussiness as they say, they call nezha to come too. bassically anyone important and powerful is called to this meeting. not a whole lot of people only the most powerful and important. this includes but is not limited to
swk, nezha , erlang, Kuan yin, the jade emporer.
apparently a piece of the samadhi fire was not sealed away correctly and escaped the ritual and is now in the hands of a young baby girl.
a dragon girl.
they all freak out and erlang blames swk, but kuan yin calms everyone down using magic stuff. idk i hc they have a magic calming power that makes everyone chill tf out and think clearly.
they propose to take the fire out of the child but apparently (bc she was born with it) if they take it out it will kill her.
so kuan yin and nezha mumble to each other for a moment then kuan yin stands up and proposes an idea, swk is a being who has had to learn how to control power equal to the samadhi fire. so perhaps he could teach the child how to control it.
if it wasnt for kuan yins calming magic all hell would have been let loose. no one likes the idea of-of MONKEY teaching a CHILD to control an uncontrollable power.
(nezha and swk have one hell of a headache rn and its only gonna get worse)
so while theyre arguing and bitching over what to do little baby mei is about to change her entire life.
someone rushes into the meeting and informs everyone that the girls home is lit on fire.
red and black fire.
Swk and nezha are the first and only ones to leave, kuan yin stays there and insists everyone else stays. (that includes you erlang)
Swk and nezha make it to Mei's house and swk makes nezha stay while he goes in and gets everyone out.
Mei is the only one who makes it out alive carried in swk's arms.
She's barely a hundred days old.
swk tells heaven he will be taking this young girl in and act as her father. he creates a strong seal (bc this is only a third of the fire a seal works well enough to stop the fire from combusting again) Kuan yin and nezha both endorse this decision and swk ends up with a baby girl.
Sun Xiaojiao || Kiwi || Mei
so for four years mei is the daughter of swk and little sister to Nezha, theyre all happy and swk teaches mei little small magic stuff. nothing too crazy just baby magic.
one day swk goes grocery shopping wile nezha stays with mei.
he's felt it all night, growing.
it starts small but large enough to reach across the city, then steadily grows and swk is forced to stop what he's doing and search the city for this overgrowing power source. one that just wont stop getting bigger by the second.
he eventually finds the source of the power but its not some demon stronghold or spell.
its just an apartment building.
one that's door is ripped to shreds.
blood stains the floor's and turns himself into a fly to avoid stepping in the piles of gore on the floor. suddenly he hears a baby crying. the power source is still here.
he rushes in (still a fly and finds a demon looming over a crib claws bared about to strike the young thing)
swk poofs back into his normal form and within the smoke the poof left he grabs the baby and jumps out the window. after he's landed and rushed to the side of the building he does his best to soothe the young monkey...demon...
one with...with his eyes...
not his red ones, eyes from before he was burned
a monkey demon with power that shines just like his.
His succesor
he panics for a moment, internally. he's still as a rock in this moment. and in this moment macaque decided to appear to mess with him. (wrong timing macdonalds)
he tries to fuck around but a smile grows on swk's face and he pushes the baby into mac's arms. smiles with to much teeth and tells him to watch the little guy for like...three minutes.
Mac is dumbfounded and confused af screaming at swk as he goes back up to the apartment but shuts up once his sensitive hearing picks up what wukong is doing.
ps. its murder.
bloody murder.
then something reaches up for him. oh yeah he's got a baby in his arms. then mac panics.
and it...well he kinda looks like mac doesnt he?
The face marking forming on the little guy's face is a similar color to Mac's, his fur is dark and long just like his own but brown.
little guy's really cute.
Mac ends up playing with little baby mk and swk appears in the shadows of the alleyway covered in blood and askign for the babyback. Mac tells him fuck no, not until you clean off that blood. you expect to carry a baby like that?!?! dumbass.
Swk blinks and realises then he awkardly asks mac to come back to his house so he can take mk home.
mac agree's but on one condition.
he gets to babysit.
swk refuses.
mac leaps into his shadows.
mac teleported to ffm but swk doest know that. when nezha see's him he almost attacks mac but the baby with swk's powers makes him stop in his tracks. Mac explains (what he knows) and tells nezha to call swk while mac goes and gets some fruit for the baby. when swk gets there nezha takes baby mk into mei's room and mei (half asleep) instantly turns into a big sister and claims the little guy, the nezha climbs in bc he does not want to deal with the god's of complicated relationships . so yeah they sleep together while chaos ensues outside
bassically swk and mac talk for a while
then argue.
then mac leaves.
then he comes back like two hours later
more arguing.
then a real conversation
then crying
then swk and mac kiss
nezha throws up bc ew guys pls its 7 in the goddamn morning what the fuck
and bam thats how swk adopted mk and Mac became thier babysitter/mom
Sun Xiaotian || Mk || Monkey Kid ||
so yah consequences AU. one big family and rlly the entire plot is just the kids growing up and then turning into vigilante's with thier amazing powers and everything.
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runin-reads · 3 years
More wholesome Poppy War Trilogy headcanons
Check my navigation (pinned post) for 1st headcanon post.
No war just vibes because I’m sad over the 3rd book. Canon divergence, let’s pretend nothing bad happens to them. Ever.
Venka grew up around boys (Nezha and Kitay) so she’d be secretly excited to befriend with Rin. She would insist on trying new clothes together, painting nails, anything that she didn’t do with the boys. Rin goes along with it because she likes seeing her happy!!
Rin, Nezha and Venka absentmindedly braid each other’s hair when relaxing together. Kitay always has short hair so Rin just runs a hand through it whilst he reads a book (or does taxes lol)
Nezha puts a hand on Rin’s lower back to gently move her out the way if he needs to pass by in a tight space
Nezha gives really good massages and head pats. Rin is often the receiver of these. He likes to tuck her hair behind her ear and pile food onto her plate. In return she gently traces his tattoo and scars.
Rin and Venka sneeze loudly. Nezha and Kitay sneeze quietly
Jiang never remembers the names of Rin’s friends. He often says “what’s the name of the guy you hang out with? You know, the one with freckles”
In another life Daji would be the hot rich single aunt that never goes to family reunions. Jiang is the crazy uncle that encourages the kids to rebel. Riga is the uncle the kids are afraid to approach because their parents warned them not to go near him
Vaisra would either be a lawyer or a politician in a modern au. He does the Asian dad stance in front of the tv and in the grocery store with his hands behind his back. He drinks tea religiously.
Rin is sexy but she sees herself as ugly because of her internalised colorism
Nezha the type of guy to correct other peoples posture, especially Kitay. I just know he’s hunched like Quasimodo when reading stuff
Venka’s eyeliner is so sharp it could kill a man
Ramsa would be a Leash Kid
Nezha, Venka and Kitay (he’s smart but he’s a rich kid at heart!) do not know what rent is
Jinzha the type to say “you’re ugly anyways” when his crush rejects him
Mingzha is the random kid that says “you got games on your phone?”
My intuition tells me Kitay’s older sister is hot even though she’s mentioned once and never again. If Rin met her she would spend a paragraph describing her attractiveness just like she did with Daji lol
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winterpower98 · 2 years
I just realized Nezha can understand and empathize with every one of the Cursed Au kiddos struggles. Parental issues? His dad viewed him as a monster and tried to kill him several times. Abandonment issues? His family didn't even set up a grave until he told his mother to in a dream. Used as a weapon? Helped take down Emperor Zhou and then serves heaven for the rest of his life under the command of his pain pagoda wielding dad. Nezha is the embodiment of the 'God can't I have one good day?' vine
Kid really could not take a break in his younger years
But at least now he can try and be the best big brother that he can be!
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Road trip AU fic
Because I always arrive late to the party, I was writing a story for the like 5 months? But I'm shit with schedule.
Now I wrote enough to understand what I'm even writing
So it's a Road Trip AU after the end of season 3 (without the specials) but instead of happy campers you have a very angry Pigsy, confused Tang and only-one-mentally-stable Sandy plus a very depowered Macaque, but kinda too prideful to say anything about his state, so he do as he always do and fake 'till he makes it, but you know it's more fun (for me, not for him) when you have an Ancien Lady Bone Demon pretty (and rightfully) pissed off at him.
So it's just them driving around like the group of desperate, and Pigsy is his neurotic dad energy panicking for his son, who he's still with Price Lotus Nezha very far away, for his partner and his best friend, plus there is this Cheap Discount Monkey King, the one you get when you try to win a prize from a lottery in your small town, but you get the a consolation prize and it's the crafty art project recycled as prize from the six year son of the lottery owner (but without the sprinkles, the only sprinkling is of trauma as if the original one didn't have enough).
And it's just a bunch of stories of this group running around trying to not kill each other (more like offering Macaque as sacrifice, because is pretty insufferable).
I'm honest most of it is Awesome Pigsy moment, because he deserve it. I started for him and then I just got distracted making everyone miserable and someone now I have a plot now?
TLDR; Writing a story about Tang, Pigsy, Sandy and Macaque as happy campers, but nobody is having a good time except me, because I'm a sadistic bastard.
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burningsoprettily · 3 years
AU where the new gods: nezha reborn (2021) is the sequel to nezha animated movie (2019)
immortal boyfriends were roaming the world, killing demons together when the power struggle between humans and gods happened. they stayed out of it. in the second war, they wanted to stay out of it but ao bing's dad and his dragon uncles kidnapped him coz ao bing had always been one of their major trump cards and this time their freedom was within reach and all they needed was to bring ao bing back into their folds by hook or crook.
so they capture ao bing, use questionable magic to chain down his memories and unleash him onto the world.
nezha comes in search of his (literal) other half, tries to subdue him, ends up having to kill him because this amnesiac ao bing had zero qualms in razing the world to the ground and nezha knew that his ao bing would hate himself for eternity if that ended up happening.
dragon fam is pissed at nezha and kills him too.
we'll find each other in our next life, ao bing
yes... in all our next lives... nezha...
in their next lives, they do find each other but reincarnation is a tricky thing and neither of them remember even though they're drawn to each other almost viscerally.
in one life, the dragons instigate trouble and pit nezha and ao bing against each other again. neither of them walk away from that fight.
in another life, the dragons kill nezha before he even realises who he is.
in another, they make ao bing kill him and ao bing drifts the rest of his life like a living ghost
even the fates can't figure out if it's better if they never met or if they end up meeting and losing either of them.
years passed, the dragons slyly established their strongholds amidst the mortals.
li yunxiang, a racer and a smuggler, comes across ao bing, the heir to the de clan, and it's hate (or is it?) at first sight.
both are taken aback at the flames shooting up their spines at just one look at the other. they take it for hate.
they couldn't be more wrong.
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squidthechaotickid · 2 months
There was only one place he could hide. One person who he trusted enough to keep him shielded from heaven's view.
Nezha sighed. Time to pay Sun Wukong a visit.
Nezha finally kills his dad.
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squidthechaotickid · 2 months
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Oh btw here's a VERY quick sketch I made when I was first coming up wt the concept 4 the nezha kills his dad au
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squidthechaotickid · 11 days
Song: BLUE by Billie Eilish
Also read the tags for triggers!!
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squidthechaotickid · 2 months
Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that's why I'm going to think of that fictional character on company time
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Will Nezha and his brothers get a proper face to face reunion? Or is that a little off the table with their dad situation?(Sorry if you answered this already.)
In the TMKATI au? Not for a long time (prev post about the bros in the au here & here)
Part of the issue is that Nezha's older brothers had been teenagers when he was born, and honestly had a really hard time bonding with him when they were all mortal. Having a younger brother that's a snake-like demon-creature cus your mom was secretly a celestial princess makes things complicated.
And the fact Li Jing was openly disgusted by Nezha to the point of destroying his own son's temple/death shrine out of bitterness.
The next time either Jinzha or Muzha is said to have encountered their brother is when their father Li Jing was running for his mortal life from his resurrected son - now in a fiery god/asura-like form wreathed in lotuses. Li Jing demands that Muzha protect him as he flees, and after a tense battle; Nezha kills Muzha with a golden brick. Muzha shows up again later less than pleased, but is overall chill with it. Though considering that Li Jing literally sacrificed his middle son to save his own skin, it's no wonder why Muzha peaced out of the Celestial Realm afterwards to become Guanyin's disciple Moksa/Hui An on earth.
Jinzha was already working for the Buddha by this point, so he was a little out of the loop considering that the whole Investiture Crisis was going on.
Edit: Jinzha is instructed to flog Nezha by his master Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun when the deity stopped Nezha from killing Lu Jing + stopped Li Jing from self-deleting. No wonder none of these bros talk.
In the modern day the three barely consider each other brothers. The eldest two have all but officially denounced Li Jing as their father, and the only reason Nezha hasn't is cus Li Jing keeps him on a tight leash with the Pagoda + emotional abuse.
The healthiest thing that happens to Nezha in the last couple hundred years (at least in the TMKATI au) is him being "punished" by being sent down to the mortal realm in his true form. And of course since this ask came about pre-S5, Li Jing does seem like that sort of incompetent/petty as to kick his own kid out of Heaven for an argument gone sour.
Even if the three brothers reunite and bond over their shared terrible dad, it's a long road to go.
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
As a nod to season 5, I can imagine in Wukongverse Old Li is the more favorable in Nezhaverse's opinion(I hc him as someone who was like Yunxiang in youth and paid the price hence his personality.)
If he was still alive I can imagine old Li calling out AU Li Jing despite the power difference.
I love the idea of all the Wukongverse wondering who's the worst/best of Nezha's fathers and begin comparing. Nezha (2019) Li Jing barely makes the "OK" ranking for trying to take Nezha's place when the Heavens did the ban hammer on him and Ao Bing - still not a great father. HiB Zhu Bajie is likely pretending to be the Pagoda King for clout so he's disqualified (never refers to himself as Li Jing or as Nezha's dad).
Soon the many Li Jings are compared and graded against one another - only for Ace (NewGods!SWK) to comment;
Ace: "What about you, tudi? Your dad seems cool." Li Yunxiang: "My dad isn't Li Jing though..." LMK!Nezha: "Rule is best or worst "Nezha's Dad". You're our reincarnation. Your dad counts." Whole Room: (*agreeable mummuring*) Peach: "Ok, it is official. Li Yunxiang has the best Nezha's Dad." Li Yunxiang: "Thanks...?"
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Old Li I feel can be a bit of hardass on his sons, mainly out of fear/worry. They are living in a drought and economic depression, and he doesn't want either of them going down dark paths. Since the NewGods films take place roughly in the 1920s/Republic-era; I wouldn't be surprised if Old Li experienced the horrors of the first world war and was very much like Yunxiang at his age. And unlike the other "Nezha's Dads"; Old Li isn't a lord or a god, he's a mortal mechanic trying his best to raise his sons + his adoptive daughter.
I bet if Old Li was in a room with all the Li Jings (wukongverse shennangians) and saw how they treat their kids, he'd scold them without a second thought.
Old Li: "A god you call yourself, and yet you cannot even soothe your child's worries when he's made a mistake. I worry for you when he becomes a teenager."
May or not proceed to brag about his kids and how proud he is of them despite all the "god nonsense" his youngest has gotten himself tied up in.
The Li Jings are aghast and furious at the gal of this mortal, and ask him who is he to pass judgement on the Pagoda King?
Ace: "He's the father of my tudi, Li Yunxiang. The reincarnated Nezha."
The Li Jings all suddenly pause and stare. This frail, elderly mortal managed to fully raise his Nezha?! To adulthood!? How is he alive!?! How has he managed to control a demon child that brought gods to his knees and nearly kill them times over?!
Old Li, copying a slang he heard from the modern universes: "Skill issue."
Some of the younger Nezhas actually even prefer Old Li to their fathers. He's a bit tough sure, but he's a good man who's willing to make compromises with his kids.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
[Wukong: "Then we would have shared that furnace. And we'd be two idiots chained beneath the mountain together."]
Hmmm…I am not a hundred percent sure, but I think when SWK was in the furnace – he was reduced to ash, more than once, he just regenerated each time it happened. And considering he had to have been like 5 times immortal by then…I really doubt Macaque would have survived the furnace. SWK would just be trapped in there with the ashes of his friend/mate.
Although, now I have the image of SWK collecting the ashes and carrying them around in a jar/vase/something and still treating it like Macaque is alright – “Oh, look, Mihou, think we should try that?” – like something between a comfort item and a security blanket, but his mind not dealing with his LEMs death well to a point he’s just…like that. Still himself, but broken in a way.
Tripitaka thought he would be in over his head with the Monkey King being his protector – but the stone monkey clearly not coping well at all with a dead friend and treating their ashes as if still alive…Man’s praying for wisdom every chance he gets.
Referencing a line from my post about Wukong's stage fright.
Thats an extremely sad concept and a great idea for an angst au. It brings the idea of how Monkey (representing the Mind) handles legitimate grief. Him having a Mary Shelley-esque co-dependance on his past mate's ashes is 100% in character for SWK. He clings to the vessel containing Mac's ashes like Guanyin to her vase, rarely if ever putting it down.
I imagine the vase/vessel/urn resembles like those found in Chinese dig sites, but instead of the Imperial Palace, it is topped with a model of Flower Fruit Mountain.
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Tripitaka/Tang Sanzang can sympathise with the pain of losing someone dear. In Journey to the West, he sets out to retrieve the scriptures after losing his mother + solving his dad's murder (and thats after being separated from them since and before birth). He's going through his own form of unhealthy grief, similar to his attitude in "The Great Tang Man"; he doesn't want to get close to anyone because he fears losing another loved one. But he sees that Monkey is refusing to accept that someone he cared for is gone, and wishes to find wisdom to help them both.
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing are also sympathetic, but a little unnerved by Wukong's obsession. Bajie was a witness to Wukong's Havoc in Heaven, and knows that the Six Eared Macaque fell to the Furnace when his king did not. He's the one to yell at Wukong when he's annoyed by the monkey's chattering to the ash vessel. Wujing is the one to gently suggest ways to include Macaque's memory in healthier ways, and frequently helps Wukong with tasks when the monkey refuses to put down the vessel. Wujing knows how important those things are.
The one who understands the most though, is Ao Lie. He witnessed how his family went nuts in the aftermath of Ao Bing's death. The ones who grieved loudly and silently. The pain that rebounded onto Nezha and his family. Ao Lie was quite young when the death occurred, and always felt like he was on "the outside" of what was happening. He understands that this is the way Sun Wukong choses to process what has happened to Macaque. Ao Lie feels no place to correct him on it - and just understanding Wukong's pain is enough to help the monkey heal even if it takes years.
Wukong in this AU would be far more hesistant to kill his mortal opponents. He knows that even the strongest warrior may fall to ruin. And that the most hated Kings have someone who will mourn their loss. Sometimes his personality of an unhealthly-grieving widower is enough for some threats to back off. Even a demon knows that it is shameful to harass someone who is mourning.
I imagine the most shocked of their encounters would be the monkeys former allies...
Azure: "Sun Wukong? I thought you threw your lot in with the Heavenly Host. Following the beck and call of the Tang Monk." SWK: "I have. But I figured me and Mihou should pay you guys a visit." Peng: "The Six Eared Macaque? So he has survived the Furnace. No doubt he slunk away into the shadows once the lid rose. Where is that coward hiding now?" SWK: "He isn't hiding. He's been here the whole time." (SWK pats the vessel in his arms) The Brotherhood, all realising: "OH." ( ;O_O) (O_O;) ( `−ㅿ−´) Yellow Tusk: "...I believe the Six Eared Macaque has sacrificed the most for our cause. We should show him and Sun Wukong some hospitality, and listen to their tales of travel." Azure, creeped out: "Agreed."
Others like DBK and PIF would also be in mourning. But I could see them almost finding Wukong's behavior romantic. After all, they don't know what they would do if the other had died in battle.
I feel like instead of a "Macaque Chapter" where Wukong encounters his doppleganger while him and Tripitaka aren't on good terms; it's Wukong becoming frustrated with the others' worrying and comments and wanting to prove that theres a way Macaque still lives. And if it involves harassing the Heavens, the Underworld, or the Buddha himself then he'll try.
Perhaps the crux of his Journey is SWK deciding to let go and release Mac's ashes (likely at Flower Fruit Mountain) and learning healthier ways to honor Mac's memory. Or perhaps requesting that the Buddha reunite them - whether as a revival, in death, or in the next life...
Sun Wukong was only able to legitimately survive the Eight Trigrams Furnace (even with peaches, wines, and pills) because;
He's a manifestation of both Earth and the Mind. All the Furnace did was harden him like a piece of coal becoming a diamond.
Wukong isnt dumb. He knows enough about Taoist Alchemy to know that no matter how hot the crucible gets, it will always be its weakest in the Xun/Sun/Wind Trigram. The theory being that while Air feeds Fire, Wind supresses it - in science terms the increased pressure caused by the pure Wind element suffocated the hottest flames but created a lot of smoke; forever reddening Wukong's eyes.
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Above: Two separate translations I got.
Macaque is associated with Wind, especially in LMK and other Jttw-inspo works that merge his character with the Macaque King/Great Sage Informing Wind. And as a Celestial Primate/Mystic Monkey, he holds powers unknown to Heaven and himself.
If in Taoist Alchemy; Wind supresses Fire, then there's a chance that instead of becoming refined like a earthy diamond like Sun Wukong - the Six Eared Macaque would cause a different unholy reaction within the Furnace. Like a pressure cooker ready to burst, the Wind within would only expand/quicken until breeched.
Lao Tzu/Laozi opens the Furnance after 49 days, expecting the two monkey demons to be reduced to a pile of ashes and pills. He's met by a pair of monsters that burst forth from the crucible like Pandora's box.
Heaven weeps.
Even if Macaque's physical body was lost to the Furnace, he could retain enough magic to manipulate his ashes into a smokey ghost-like form. The Buddha would be forced to contain Macaque for those 500 years by sealing him in an air-tight vessel.
Wukong carrying around his mate's ashes and the pilgrims thinking him mad with grief, only for Macaque to reveal at an awkward time that he's still technically "alive". Pluming forth from the vessel and ensaring their foes with his ribbon-like tendrils.
And if you wonder what a Furnaced!Macaque would look like? He's already shown us;
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