#New moon tarot reading
stardustedreams222 · 16 days
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Pick a Pile September Reading ☁️✨
What Does September Hold For You? New Moon Reading
Please take a deep breath to open your heart space then choose the pile, crystal or emoji you’re most drawn to. As always, Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You are always in control of your life. ☁️✨
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☁️Pile 1 Selenite
High Priestess, 6 of cups RV, Knight of Cups, 8 of Swords RV
September is going to bring clarity to you in regard to an emotional decision you’ve been pondering for a while. This month you’ll realize you have been hearing your intuition this entire time. There’s a relationship you’re either currently in or simply holding onto the memories of it that you need to fully let go of. Letting go of this will bring closure and freedom into your life, allowing you to advance in your future relationships.
For some of you, you will be saying goodbye to your current partner while others will let go of a past love, “the one that got away” But as hard as this is to do and come to terms with, this will lead to a better relationship with someone else and within yourself too. 🩷✨ Let your intuition guide you, you know best.
Signs this is for you: Romance Novels, Art Museums, Art Hoe Aesthetic, Glamour Magick, Moonstone, Ocean Waves, 628, Mirror Magic
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
🤍Pile 2: Rose Quartz
Hanged Man, 7 of Pents RV, 2 of Swords, 8 of swords, 2 of cups
September is presenting you with an opportunity to set yourself free. This is in regard to an unhealthy/abusive relationship that has lasted far longer than it was meant to. I’m sorry 🩷 I can see how confused you’ve been about whether to leave this or not.
For most of you this is a relationship you don’t fully think is abusive or toxic. You’re putting in a lot of work to excuse their behavior but this is just keeping you in this relationship for longer. You do need to leave them. The sooner the better.
You know your situation the best, please seek help from law enforcement if you need to, or have a trusted friend be with you while you break things off. There are hotlines and resources available to you for domestic abuse, please use them 🩷
I found some websites that will help you find Local Support in your country and linked them here, this is not an extensive list. If your website history is being monitored open as an incognito window 🩷
USA | AUS | NZ | CA | UK | NI | More Countries
On the bright side, once you do rescue yourself from this you’ll find a new relationship. A new love that’s balanced, compassionate and everything that you deserve in a true loving relationship. There is hope 🩷
Signs this is for you: Carousel, County Fair, Carnival, Apartment Complex, 6699
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
🦢Pile 3: Redline Marble
Star, 2 of Pents RV, Judgement RV, Ace of Wands RV, 10 of Cups RV
September is a time of breakthrough and renewal for you!
There’s been an idea, most likely a creative venture you’ve been wanting to begin but you’ve been having a difficult time juggling it with your current responsibilities and lifestyle.
You’ve been really hard on yourself because of this because it’s something you know will make you really happy. I can see these delays aren’t of your doing but they’re the Universe putting roadblocks in your path. But this isn’t going to continue for long! In September you’re going to finally find that balance and the clarity you’ve been needing to move forward with this idea 🥳🩷
Signs this is for you: Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, “And I Will Always Love You”, Singers, Musicians, Childhood Dreams, Hannah Montana, Ocean, Mesopotamia, Unicorns, Birthday pony rides, Petting Zoos, 111 555 2727 1717
𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂 𐐪𐑂
Just a friendly reminder, this reading is for everyone! So think of it as a cozy chat under the stars! You know your story best so, take what resonates and feel free to leave the rest.
If you’re curious about what the Universe has in store just for you, I sell more in depth Personal Tarot Readings and Dream Interpretations on my Etsy Shop! Prices vary from $2 to $8 *US Dollars*
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A quick legal note: I must say the services I provide are for entertainment and reflection purposes only. I cannot guarantee specific results or events as the future is always changing. You are always responsible for your actions and any decisions made following the reading. I am not liable for any outcomes based on the insights and advice provided with my services. My services are not to be used in place of professional medical, financial, legal or psychological advice.
With Love, Astrid 🩷✨
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magickpumpkin · 6 months
I have a new video out! This is for the New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th! I would be so grateful for any support on my videos 🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎
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notdelusionalatall · 18 days
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Blessed New Moon. 🌑
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new moon in cancer ritual ✨
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ghostlyferrettarot · 6 months
🎱Astro Observations #2🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) (Open)
🎀If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🎀
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•Moon in Scorpio or 8th house indicates an inclination towards witchery, this individuals tends to be psychis or have a strong connection with the occult.
•Scorpio and Taurus rising are the muses, although they have different vibes, their aura are equally enchanting; they drawn people in with their energy.
•Cancer women tend to look innocent but they are the clever ones, they know how to tap into your emotions and manipulate if they want to.
•All the Venus in Scorpio with fire personal placements people that i've met don't like marriage, they see it at something unnecessary. Although water moon or suns see it differently.
•Venus in fire signs have beautiful hair, it's always an statement for them, whether they dye it or it's just naturally awesome.
•Taurus personal placements or Midheaven Taurus or Leo loves fashion, they tend to pursue carreers in which they can express they fashion sense, they like to be seen.
•Uranus 3 house tends to have a weird relation with their family, this a really exccentric placement that tends to be misunderstood a lot by their peers. It can also indicate someone that grew up in an home with a lot of rules or restrictions.
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arijackz · 6 months
PICK A CARD: What You're Walking Away From and What You're Walking Toward
⚸ "Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise." —Maya Angelou
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, take what resonates. I wish you love and light through this renewing period. <3
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p1 → p2 ↙︎ p3 → p4
♦︎ Pile One ♦︎ (3oP, 2oS rev., the tower, the star)
⚄ The cards are taking a while to come out, I feel like whatever seeds you’re planting, the bulk of the work is being done internally, subconsciously, or in your sleep. ⚄ With the three of pentacles,  you are reevaluating the role your social connections play in your life and how exactly they’ll fit into the puzzle pieces of your future. For most of you, these are friendships. A few of you, romantic relationships. Another subset of you, there is an emphasis on the relationships you've built with the people you share a common goal with. This can be for work, clubs, hobbies, etc. ⚄ You are moving out of 5th house-type friendships (here for a good time, not a long time) and entering 7th and 11th house partnerships. These unions go beyond just having fun. Deep connections are developed so you can have a support team to lean on during the upcoming highs and lows of the 6th, 8th, and 10th house. They hold more significance and the people who reside in this area of your life should be thoroughly vetted. ⚄ Two of swords rev., you are battling with an internal decision regarding the company you keep and struggling to center yourself.  This tower moment is forcing you to vet. To take action. Reflect on whether these people help fulfill your life purpose and achieve your goals or just hinder them. Reassess your relationships according to what you want out of life. ⚄ I was trying to keep this pac short and down to 3 cards. But apparently not?? The star just flipped out, reaffirming that there's a lot of good shit in the works. Stepping away from certain people will align you with the next phase of your life. Bigger and better is coming in. Some of you are settling in relationships in fear of being alone. ⚄ Staying with connections you have outgrown will leave you stagnant. The universe has big plans in store for you, your life is going to take off soon. It will not wait for your friends to hop aboard the ride. You cannot take everyone with you. Your relationships are coming into question because the universe is doing some pruning for you. ⚄ I see people “jumping ship”, maybe you feel the people around you are not there for you during your rough patches? Yeah, connections built on shallow foundations are dissolving.  ⚄ The king of cups popped up out of nowhere. You are falling out of alignment with the people you’re with and leaving them will push you towards kinder souls who are more emotionally nurturing.  ⚄ Mercurial, Uranian, and lil bit of Jupitarian energy. I’m talking directly to you Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, and Pisces placements. I call you out with love of course. This is my sidereal big 3 after all<3 ⚄ The star is a very hopeful card, filled with excitement and abundance. You are driving on the road to your destiny. There are only a few seats left in the car, choose wisely. ⚄ Advice: Have faith in your intuition and discernment. I say this in every pac lmao. You’re definitely on the right path (you’re leading up to the star), but this transitioning period is going to be uncomfortable because you are leaving connections behind. When we exit our comfort zones and leave people, we tend to gaslight ourselves and downplay the situation or allow fear to derail our judgment. You are too close to your dreams to let old connections hold you back. You have a deep knowing that these connections will not survive the ride to the top, listen to your intuition and let go of what is no longer serving you. Be selfish if need be.
I only bark once.
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♦︎ Pile Two ♦︎ (temperance, the magician, the hermit, knight of swords)
⚄ I felt a puff of air in my left eye. The left side of the body is traditionally associated with the intuitive and receptive feminine. You are in a waiting period right now and are receiving intuitive downloads and messages. Your connection to the metaphysical is strengthening. Be inquisitive at this time and assess your life in a higher light, you are being blessed with the ability to see the hidden and the unforeseen.  The synchronicities you are seeing right now are not a coincidence. (Extra confirmation if you’re seeing repetitive 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, triangles, stars, and the infinity symbol)
⚄ Lmfao I was planning on only pulling three cards but the life you’re sowing right now is HUGE. 3 major arcanas back to back and then a court card?? You are being prepped for a whirlwind of adventure. You’re in your own world fucking COOKING.
⚄ The slow period you’re in is forcing you to build a foundation of balance, patience, and introspection. Boring. I know. But it is crucial to your development. I said it best in my last pac so i’ll say it again here, Whatever you build in this lifetime will be built slowly and have a solid foundation because your legacy is meant to withstand the test of time and last long after you leave this Earth. This period you’ve spent waiting is you getting your ducks in a row and sowing your seeds for the next evolution of you.
⚄ Shoutout to my Pisceans and Saturnians. If you have resonated with this so far, definitely go check out pile 4 of my ✩Glow Up✩ pac because there are a lot of gems in there for you.
⚄ You are creating your future reality in this introspective period. I feel for a lot of you, your self-work is centered around deconstructing the old perception of yourself and building your identity up from scratch. You are either beginning, in the heat of, or ending a long period of self-discovery and establishing your self-esteem.
⚄ With the knight of swords at the end of the spread, you are approaching the end of the tunnel with renewed vigor and resolute faith in your capabilities. I’m seeing your life in reference to that religious story, (Lord forgive me, I am telling it wrong and forgot the details 😭) where the man gets locked in a cave and starved, expected to either be dead or too feeble by the time his sentence is over. Instead, he comes out stronger than ever and with twice the unwavering spirit he had before his time in the cave.
⚄ This is what’s happening to you, you are finding inner strength and willpower that is going to propel you forward in your destiny. And you will not fail. It’s not even possible, the resolve you’ve built for yourself will carry you faithfully through all the bullshit life will throw at you.
⚄ Advice: None. You got this in the bag,just remember that you only lose battles when you retreat. The energy you’re cultivating for your near future is the knight of swords, a character who will never retreat. Therefore, you will never truly lose.
"I was born underwater with three dollars and six dimes"
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♦︎ Pile Three ♦︎ (9oS, the hanged man, 6oS, 10oW)
⚄ Off the bat, you need to surrender any hangups you have surrounding your future. I picture your mind running 24/7 telling you all the ways you’ll fail as you work tirelessly. Or, you want so desperately to put your plans into action, but a buried subconscious fear prevents you from moving forward, adding more stress on your shoulders. It is weighing heavy on your mental health and causing severe anxiety that is inhibiting you from much-needed rest and healing. This is the season of surrender, it’s okay to let go and let the current wash you away. As soon as you release your fear of making mistakes, you’ll learn the flow of the waves.
⚄ Two of pentacles is at the bottom of the deck, I feel your stress stems from a fear of financial insecurity and the overwhelming pressure of having to plan a sustainable career yourself. A lot of your priorities in life are demanding your attention and it is becoming a heavy burden.
⚄ I am going to be blunt because I care. You gotta stop giving a fuck. Your anxieties are paralyzing you. You need to sip a little metaphorical “fuck it” juice. I am just now getting out of the mental space you’re in. The only thing that helped me step out of my fear-induced paralysis (which lasted a long and dark 6-years), was to reaffirm that no matter what decision I make, I will come out prosperous. In fact, the more you stress about the future and the more control you try to take, the further you push your desires away, which will only fuel your anxiety bugs.
⚄ Have faith that no matter where you land, you have the power to turn any less-than-ideal situation into something bountiful. The bird does not fear the branch breaking because it has faith in its wings. Not making a choice at all is worse than picking the wrong one. You’ll win some, you’ll lose some, all situations bear fruit, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. This too shall pass.
⚄ Advice: I know it is easier said than done, but ground yourself in the present. Release yourself from the worries of the future and the nightmares of the past. Stop stressing about upcoming due dates while you eat and stop reaming yourself for past mistakes while you’re out with friends. Tune yourself into what is happening before your very eyes.  Turn your brain off and mindlessly do something. Anything that brings your attention to the present. Don’t even worry about being productive. Watch tv, color, dance, cook, anything but sitting and stressing. This sounds crazy to say in today’s work culture but trust me, stressing about being productive or pushing yourself to “grind” will be your downfall. Your body needs to regulate. With the six of swords, you have to make the conscious decision to walk away (stop stressing and allow the situation to run its course) from what is mentally plaguing you. These are the seeds you’re sowing, you are on the path of releasing your burdens. I’m proud, we can do this!
"Mom, Meet Mary Jane the Milf!"
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(representative of the whole relax message in your pile. i had fun making the board, this is not an endorsement.)
♦︎ Pile Four ♦︎ (6oS, king of pentacles, 7oP, 5op)
⚄ Cards went a lil buckwild here. There are a lot of pentacles in this spread, I feel like you are dissolving a lack mindset. What you desire and your perspective of success is evolving. You are stepping out of a false idea of wealth. You might have had a habit of undermining the talents and resources you have and comparing them to what others have.
⚄ This is my doomscroll pile. My silly little rotters. Looking at people with nice things and thinking why can’t I have that? Looking at attractive people and going I’ll never be as pretty as them, I am cursed with these looks. Looking at people who showcase their talents and saying, oh I could never do that, they’re so much better than me.
⚄ You are realizing just how harmful these thoughts have been to you. You had curated a mindset that would have you look at people and then immediately place yourself as inferior to them in some way. This shapes a reality where you feel constantly inadequate, thus always in need of something. This constant feeling of need prevents you from seeing the resources you already have within and building off of those.
⚄ Congratulations, you are stepping away from that lack energy. You’re beginning to see the value in yourself and redefining what it means to be prosperous. Now it's, Oooo, that girl looks so cool playing the bass, this encourages me, I bet I could learn an instrument too. Instead of, “Oh look, another person doing something with their life while I sit here and rot. What is wrong with me, why can’t I be as cool as them.”
⚄ Do you see how the latter self-talk is just draining the life out of you? It sets you up for failure before you can even try. 
⚄ When I say a false idea of wealth, I mean the superficial things you believed would bring you fulfillment. When you were in that dark space, you looked at pretty girls and believed that if you looked like them or got the attention they got, you would finally be happy. Now, you’re on a journey of discovering things more sincere to your identity to find fulfillment in.
⚄ You are discovering your interests, hobbies, etc. Anything that boosts your self-esteem and gives you a sense of value. You are about to fall in love with yourself and all the endless capability of creation you hold.
⚄ Advice: Comparison is the thief of joy. Unfortunately, with social media, every day is a pissing contest about who can have the most and be the best. I’d bet money that the most attractive, smartest, and most talented person you know is sizing up the person next to them and getting a false sense of satisfaction or self-hate. Don’t fall into that. Break the societal cycle and look inward for satisfaction. Compete with yourself. Be the only person you are trying to impress.
There is beauty in my unraveling
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Let me know what piles you pick!
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 2 months
what's keeping you away from genuine ways of expressing yourself?
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this is a pick a pile tarot reading inspired by the new moon in leo, but is not specific to this particular moment in time. in astrology, the moon represents the unconscious mind, your emotions and in which ways your intuition works, while the zodiac sign leo is more oriented towards the ego, creativity and social relations. all of those things that tend to characterize this sign, usually means that some level of efficient and assertive communication is valuable for keeping away drama and misunderstandings, therefore, i thought about making this general reading to see what advice the cards have for something quite difficult for almost everyone: remaining true to our essence and being able to communicate that in a way that is genuine to us, our identity, our desires and our feelings, no matter who is listening.
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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images from pinterest and dividers by @fairytopea
꒰ঌ ✦ scroll down for the results ໒꒱ ༘*.゚
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˚ ༘ ೀpile number one ⋆。˚
Your card for this reading is the King of Swords. What this tells me is that you value intellectual honesty, and you’re willing to go against your own emotions if that means that you’ll find the truth and that you are very likely to be perceived as someone who doesn’t have a filter or is too honest. It’s key that you understand that even if you don’t allow yourself to be guided by emotional attachments, other people do. Being highly logical or highly sensitive are both valuable, and both ways of thinking and acting have their pros and cons. But this card wouldn’t pop up if the logical ways of approaching things wasn’t causing some issues. Although holding yourself to a high standard of rationality when it comes to manifestations of the unconscious or the way you naturally relate to others can be beneficial, I feel as if that is also causing you to react coldly to your own emotions, instead of embracing them. You need to let go of the idea that things must be coherent and make sense all time, we are humans, and many of what makes us human doesn’t make too much sense or doesn’t work according to logic. Seeking order, patterns and structure in places where there’s not a big need for those, is not going to give you the truths that serve your personal development. It’s key that you take some time to embrace what seems absurd about yourself, without looking for logic, but looking for experiences that will guide you to the answers you need.
˚ ༘ ೀpile number two ⋆。˚
The card for you on this reading is the Six of Wands. What I see here, is a lot of well deserved feelings of pride that you are protecting at all costs. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being proud, and I don’t even think this is the actual issue here. What’s blocking your most honest expressions is the fact that you are not allowing yourself the possibility of making a mistake, as you might feel this could take away from all the achievements you’ve had before. It’s key to know, when to be vulnerable, when to take a risk and where you are safe to try things out for the first time, but you are still not comfortable enough to embrace things about yourself that make you insecure, which is completely valid and understandable. In your case, I think that is okay if you want to preserve a sense of control over how others perceive you, yet it wouldn’t be healthy to allow others to expect things from you that are far too demanding to keep up with sometimes. It is necessary that you start setting honest boundaries with others and with yourself, in order to preserve a healthy sense of worth. Your value as a person is not defined by your achievements, or your failures, it is defined by how and why you do what you do no matter the result. When your intentions are honest and you are trying to better yourself or help others, it doesn’t matter what the final outcome is.
˚ ༘ ೀpile number three ⋆。˚
Your card is the Chariot. The meaning of this card has to do with life experiences, movement and some level of chaos that is necessary in order to grow. I see that you are capable to maintain a certain level of peace of mind even when things around you are hectic, and this is something that might attract some people who are either amazed or envious of this.  In your case, I think that being all over the place (socially, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally) means that you are not quite sure yet on where you stand in relation to certain aspects of your life. This might seem like a problem, because some people are more settled on their beliefs or have more stable lives than you, but in reality, the fact that you are willing to try everything you can before committing is actually something that makes your life something richer. It’s completely normal to feel uncertain, confused and lost, but this shouldn’t keep you away from giving yourself the credit you deserve for the way you have chosen to experience life. Take some pride on what makes you different, and take pride on the process of self exploration you are, even if you are far away from finding a solid philosophy or stability in your life, embrace the fact you are capable of experiencing things without many attachments.
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cosmousee · 5 days
What Is Lunar Eclipse Bringing In For You!!🌜🌟
Hello everybody!!!
I'm back with another pick a pile🥰
I know I'm literally posting it on the DAY of the eclipse, but I got to writing it yesterday only, and with the last pile my laptop literally fell apart.
I completed writing it in class, because...who listens to lectures anyway🤪
ANYWHO! Enough chit chat!
Choose whatever pile resonates with you, whatever does not, remember to just pass it on🥰
Pile 1>>2>>3
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Enjoy! (Posting it from phone, apologies if the formatting is bad😭)
Pile 1
Hey there loves! I hope lunar eclipse has treated you well!
For you I saw more of a building your own self sort of a thing. I saw an animation of you know sort of a stick figure thingy, and it was entirely made up of small paper bits, and you were rebuilding yourself again and again by replacing those bits with other bits. I think you guys are constantly figuring out which self is your most authentic self and the one where you are happiest being yourself. Ofcourse, this doesn’t come easy, which is why you are in a constant process.
For your oracle cards, we have
St. John’s Wort and Marigold: Against your will, there will not be; no entrance, no welcoming. Be Gone.
Witch’s Rosary: Craft your skills with intentions repeated, a practice of magick powered by purpose.
I’ll add your tarot cards here only, because I think they make more sense if I read them all together.
Your tarot cards are,
4 of Cups, 3 of Wands, The Fool and The Empress
For all of you, I believe you guys are free to choose, free to welcome whatever you want this lunar eclipse. It is your own decision, whatever path you want to choose, whether it may be your love life, your career, you focusing on your own self, focusing on forming a community for yourself.
I mean the list feels endless. Lunar eclipse is a fated time for things, and for you I feel like whatever you want this time, you’ll get it. Like it is up to you to focus on whatever and receive what you are focusing on. I have also heard that you shouldn’t manifest during lunar eclipse, or eclipses in general, but honestly, if you are feeling called to do so, you should listen to that calling.
The oracle cards are also saying that it you who is going to decide, nothing will happen if you don’t want that to happen. Everything is your will. And when you want something, be really really intentional and determined about it. Affirm about the things, sit and visualize those things, journal about them. Like keep that thing in your prayers and your thoughts sort of a thing.
Sit and reflect on what you think is the thing you need and want right now. Be determined but also be open about it like The Fool, open to the possibilities of it happening, especially if it feels like its something impossible. Be really fkn assured that whatever youre choosing to want is for your greatest good and you cannot, and will not fuck it up. Its such a fun energy to be in, because I am honestly extremely scared of eclipses, and I just spend the whole season crying my eyes out. I hope y’all are feeling well, because it seems to me that lunar eclipse isn’t forcing you to focus on one thing and deal with it. It letting you take the wheel and nudging you to take the steps this time, and the eclipse will help you achieve that thing and get that thing.
You might be confused as well, you know, that usually eclipses have a greater impact, but nothing is happening right now kinda thing. If you have something in mind that you wanna focus on, you can also ask for a hint, or even take this reading as a confirmation!
Okay! This is all I have for you today! Thanks for reading <3
Pile 2
Hey there loves! I hope lunar eclipse has treated you well!
For you, I saw a very barn type place, or like a farm-y place. It was very bright, sunny (not the kind where you’re all sweaty ugh), and there was a rainbow! I saw you being very very jolly, like literally sprinting and jumping with excitement and all the people you love, your friends and family were cheering you on from a distance.
Now, for your oracle cards, we have,
Harvest Witch: What sacrifices have you made for the greater vision of what is to be?
Adding your tarot cards here itself, because they give a better picture together,
The High Priestess, 10 of Pentacles, The World, 10 of Cups, 3 of Pentacles and The King of Pentacles
Now, the oracle card is talking about the chances you have taken to get out of your comfort zone, to get out of the habits of the current you, or the old you, in order to reach new heights. How much have you consciously put in the effort to grow and reach the highest of the heights you are supposed to achieve in this lifetime.
That’s the thing I saw when you were in that barn, that is such a happy version of you, and with the excitement that I saw, it really felt like either you were dreaming about it for a long time, or you just thought that this life was never possible for you.
Even with the tarot cards, they are telling you to follow your intuition, listen to it very closely. I think with the eclipse its calls would be getting louder by the minute, especially if you are missing the signs or outright ignoring the signs.
You are on a path to great success, you are yet to see the World and everything else that it offers, everything that you didn’t think it will offer.
I’m sure many of you might be content with where you are right now as well. But with this opportunity, you will feel content like never before. You know if you’ve got rose gold glasses on right now, pursuing this new path will give you ultra 4k HD rose gold glasses. There is a fulfilment you haven’t felt before, and it’s gonna come like fresh air to you, like you’ve breathed for the first time, like your lungs have felt the cleanest of the air in a long while.
Spirit might be showing you a collaboration or a partnership which is your ticket for this new world. You might be sitting frustrated about everything, and this opportunity will just drop in. Listen to your intuition, if its telling you to go for it, you better go for it. Don’t double guess it, listen to yourself and let your intuition get a breather because I think it’s been trying to get your attention for a while now!
Also, I think you might have to travel for this, like actually go some place far, which is why I saw your friends and family at a distance. But don’t worry, they are very happy for you and they are cheering you on, and obviously, you can always come back home for them!!
So get out there and you better enjoy the heck out of life!
Okay! This is all I have for you today! Thanks for reading <3
Pile 3
Hey there loves! I hope lunar eclipse has treated you well!
I saw you making snow angels!! Very happy, healing your inner child sort of a thing (I’ve never made a snow angel and I really really wanna). It also makes me think of leaving an impression, or a lasting imprint. Like you say something to someone and it really sticks with them, or you’ve done something that people always remember, even years down the line, they are like “Oh you remember [Name] did this amazing thing that time?” and you are fondly remembered.
It can be a really small act of kindness also that people remember, or you’ve helped someone and that memory is you know forever in their hearts kind of a thing.
Okay, so for your oracle cards we have,
Falling Leaves: Let go of the things that weigh heavily on you; you deserve to take up space.
Crow: Pay close attention to the winds; there’s a message making its way.
The first card again tells you to take up space, which is what you do essentially when you are making snow angels! (11:11 pm make a wish~) You take up space, you do your thing, and that is where you create your mark, your identity. It shows that you were there, you existed, you took up your space, you’ve marked it as your own.
I also think, because of the snow, that the winter season might be important for you.
Also, with the crow card, you might get an idea, an epiphany sort of a thing from someone else. You know when you are walking and you hear someone else say something and it just clicks for you, that yes! That message was definitely for me. You know literally wind coming up to you with a message, because..sound…carries through air.
Oh and crows are also related to ancestors, so it might be that they are contacting you, or telling you something important. Maybe they have some ideas for you to create an impact on this world.
Now for your tarot cards,
Death, 9 of Cups, Ace of Swords, 3 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles and 8 of Pentacles
With all of this pentacle energy, I feel like whatever the eclipse is bringing you right now, its gonna be long term, or its gonna unfold over a long period of time.
There's something you have to let go of, or remove from your life in order to have greater emotional fulfillment. In reference to the snow angel as well, you're healing your inner child by taking up space in the snow, so it's sort of like you have to let go of that part of yourself which inhibits you from pursuing those things, you know that part of you which thinks “no ew its cringey” because you feel like you'll he judged, but in reality if you go and do that thing, it's gonna literally feel like you're enjoying it from deep within your soul.
The Ace of Swords also tells you that you are going to get a new idea, some sort of epiphany, which can help you in your career and generate alot of wealth for you as well.
You may come up with this idea on your own, and then partner up with someone (King of Pentacles) who already has some expertise in the area, or they have the resources to take your idea to the next level. At this time you might be getting constant downloads of ideas, or you'll be getting opportunities or signs about collaborations or partnerships.
Grab these opportunities with full force, you're gonna have a lot of fun!!!
Okay! This is all I have for you today! Thanks for reading <3
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ethereal-cleanse · 4 months
Gemini New Moon PAC Spread
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Hey Guys! This one is pretty long, but I felt inspired to do it as I would one of my paid readings because I felt really connected with this moon today and I hope you guys find that at least one of these messages resonates with you! Now, let's get started★
Pile 1
Focus: 5 of pentacles (The Hierophant) After this new moon, those in pile 1 need to focus on balance. In our capitalistic society, money and resources are the key to our day-to-day survival, but what about your inner world? Your ties to the things outside of our mortal realm? Your growth will be found in the coexistence of the logical and mystical sides of life.
New Beginnings: The Emperor (Page of Swords) As new moons usher in new beginnings, you will gain more discipline, stability, and focus with a wave of curiosity, inspiration, and chattiness! If you’ve been wanting to be more assertive, this will come easily to you now.
How to Communicate: *The Gate (Justice) As we communicate during this time, remember to be pragmatic and speak the way you’d like to be spoken to. "You can attract more bees with honey than vinegar", and it’s important to remind yourself that it isn’t always what you say, it’s how you say it.
Strengths: The Devil (10 of Cups) In following this path, you must find strength in both the light and the dark. We all have wounds to heal and temptations that call to us, and while we must actively work to heal them, we cannot ignore the beautiful and joyous parts of life. Remain self-aware and honest with yourself, but don’t deprive yourself of embracing and showing appreciation for what and who you have. 
Release: 8 of cups (The Fool) To gain something new, we must also let go, and this lunar cycle says to walk away from people, habits, and thoughts that no longer serve you. It may be scary to leave what’s familiar, but the Fool says to jump into this newness bravely. What you will get now is far better than what you had before.  
Theme: Luck is on your side (New moon in Sagittarius) If you’ve been having a low spell, life is about to have an energetic restart! Take this time to be adventurous and connect with others, especially by sharing your ideas.
Manifestation: Know you are loved (New moon in Libra) “Love makes my world go round” Love, whether platonic or romantic, will start pouring in at this time. New relationship cycles (friendship, professional, and even romantic) as well as new opportunities will be available to you now.
Angel Guidance: #39 Perseverance (Joy Guide) “Don’t give up” Do not fret if things have taken longer than you thought, as your guides are urging you to keep going. Though this is a tougher process, take this time to learn as you go and keep your eye on the prize because your hard work will come to fruition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pile 2
Focus: Temperance (7 of Swords) For group 2, this lunar cycle wants you to stay calm and balanced (both mentally and emotionally) as you go after what you want while also being aware of potential deception. Someone or something might be subtly getting in your way either personally or professionally, but don’t allow this to shake you! A challenge will not take you off your path, because what is for you cannot be taken.
New Beginnings: The Hermit (inverted 6 of cups) As you move towards this, your new beginning may start with you taking more time to be alone and to reflect. If you have been carrying pain from the past or have felt unable to move forward, this will be your moment to finally, truly let go and focus on your future! You see the light now, and it’s starting from within.
How to Communicate: Knight of Pentacles (The Lovers) Because this could potentially be an emotional time, when communicating, you must try to ground your passion and dreams with practical considerations that others can more easily understand and picture along with you. This will help you feel more understood and can take your ideas from the imagination to the real world.  
Strengths: The Chariot (7 of Pentacles) A strength you can lean on currently is you self-discipline, ambition, and focus as well as your ability to plan and manifest! Your combination of patience and action makes you an unstoppable force and your success is inevitable. 
Release: 4 of Pentacles (9 of cups) Finally, to embrace all that’s coming to you, you must release your need for control and anything that has been weighing you down. By embracing optimism and your right to prosperity, abundance will come to you in droves. Theme: Nothing Will Come of This (Void of Course Moon) “I trust in my highest good” If you’ve been worried about or hoping for something, that thing isn’t in the Universe’s plan for you. While this might be a positive or negative for some of you, this is your chance to pivot towards something in true alignment.
Manifestation: Take Inspired Action (Full moon in Virgo) “I forgive myself for everything, I am doing my best” In line with the Knight of Pentacles and The Lovers, the seeds of your manifestations must be watered with action. Be proactive and intentional as you move forward to make your dreams a reality.
Angel Guidance: #26 Balance (Teacher Guide)
“Give fairly and with unconditional love, and all will turn out well” Take this time to click in with your relationships. Are you taking too much on from those in your life? Are you communicating your needs or waiting for others to guess and feel hurt? Do others feel like they aren’t getting enough from you? Our relationships need to be an equal space of give and take, and so this time calls to regain that balance.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pile 3
Focus: 2 of wands (10 of pentacles) For those in group 3, your intentions should be centered on your goals, as they will lead you to prosperity, growth, and abundance! This is a time when you can feel confident in taking calculated risks for them as well, as there is financial stability and a solid foundation beneath you. If you’ve been torn about which path to take, this is your sign to choose the path your heart can’t let go of.   
New Beginnings: The Tower (The High Priestess) As you go towards this new beginning, you will experience a significant transformation, one that might feel like a complete upheaval of everything you’ve known and built up until now. While this may sound scary, you will feel that something needs to change, and it’s important to trust your intuition and ability to face it head-on. 
How to Communicate: 8 of pentacles (10 of wands) Because this will be an intense time for you, please communicate your needs to those around you. You may need more support and assistance, those that care will want to rally around and lift you up as you trudge along.
Strengths:6 of swords (5 of wands) A strength you can embrace right now is the freedom to let go. The feelings from your past don’t have to remain in this present time. The choice to embrace peace and release resentment, hurt, and negativity is empowering, and this new beginning deserves a you who wants to be renewed. 
Release: King of Cups (inverted Knight of Cups) To fully move forward, replace moodiness with a balance between your mind and heart. Things can hurt, but they don’t have to consume you. “Logic” isn’t more valid than healthy emotional expression. Bring your emotional and realistic sides together and watch how your viewpoint evolves. 
Theme: Surrender to the Divine (Full Moon) “I am getting the answers I need” Life is coming to a head, a climax, and it is important to keep a cool head as it unfolds. The odds are in you favor, but it is important to tune into yourself and your feelings to see what they are trying to tell you. Trust in your intuition and your guides.
Manifestation: See the bigger picture (Full Moon in Sagittarius) “I know that I am blessed and I love my life within that knowing” In this time, you have to find a balance and acceptance of where you are vs where you want to be. Learn and research as you head towards this new path, and if conflict appears, learn what needs to be said instead of saying too much. Be the bigger and more patient person at this time.
Angel Guidance: #44 Limitation (Nature Guide) “Listen and learn from others, they make it easier for you” As this is a new path, shed your perchance for pride, as it is of no use to you. Find those who are more knowledgeable and versed than you, ask questions, watch, and learn. You can go so much further with far less struggle when you are open to being unsure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pile 4
Focus: 3 of Swords (Knight of swords) If you are recovering from heartbreak or dealing with heavy emotions like loneliness or depression, this lunar cycle is calling for you to pick yourself up and make big changes! Seize the day, put yourself back out there, open up, and be honest about how you feel, or simply be brave and do one thing that scares you. This low point isn't meant for you and it’s time to crawl towards the light. 
New Beginnings: The Magician (Ace of Pentacles) Your new beginning is realizing that you are the key to the life you desire. The Magician manifests and takes action while the ace of pentacles brews financial abundance and material gains. If you start taking actions now, no matter how small, that align with the things you’ve been wishing for, this is a time that will foster personal, material, or financial success. Dream big and go for it! All you have to do is take the first step. 
How to Communicate: Queen of Swords (King of Pentacles) When communicating, it’s important to be logical, direct, and clear-headed. As we express ourselves, try to balance your emotions and logic so that you can be heard while you express your true feelings. Hold your head high and be honest, even if it’s frightening. So much strength comes from speaking our truth. 
Strengths: 9 of pentacles (the Empress) A strength you should connect with (no matter your gender) is your divine feminine energy. Tapping into this aspect of ourselves allows us to connect with the earth and the divine, promoting self-understanding and our access to manifestation. The 9 of pentacles signals abundance and by combining these two, you can create a beautiful life and find a state of contentment.  
Release: The Star (9 of swords) To embrace all that is coming to you, lay down your fear, anxiety, and depression, and allow yourself to hope and dream. The life you want isn’t a silly pipe dream. You have access to pleasure and joy just like anyone else, and you must release the belief that you are worth anything less. 
Theme: A Win-Win Outcome is Forecast (Full moon in Libra) “Let go of that which is falling away…” A relationship in your life is changing, whether deepening or coming to a close. It is important to remember that some things are for a reason while others are for a season, and no matter which way it’s headed, allow it to run its intended course. No matter what happens, it’s for your highest good no matter how it feels.
Manifestation: Go Deeper (New moon in Scorpio) “Life goes in cycles and my life is now regenerating” You’re stepping back into your power after something that cut deep, and it’s time to go into it fully. Dig deep into what happened and see the whole picture. Experience things fully right now instead of accepting the surface level.
Angel Guidance: #36 Abundance (Joy Guide) “Fill your heart with gratitude and appreciation for the good things in life right now. More blessed abundance is on the way” The universe is showering you with gifts and blessings that are going unnoticed by you, and so your guides are now bringing them to your attention. Each morning, ask for something good to happen and write down what showed up at the end of the day. The universe gives back what you put out, and gratitude begets even more love and blessings!  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that is the end of this Pick-A-Card Reading. Thank you so much if you took the time to participate, comment in the notes what pile you pick, and please check out my shop or if you're feeling generous, you can support me on my ko-fi as well. Until next time, be sweet to yourselves!
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ardranaline · 7 months
new moon in ♒ Pick a pile
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it's a current energy check In and advice for few. if you want a personal reading for the new moon dm!
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everything has come to a halt .things just don’t feel right , you don’t feel alright. there’s energies of uncertainty, it’s like your sick but there’s no physical wounds. the hobbies, the job you do, don’t give you that satisfaction and it just feels so heavy to them. you feel drained there’s this feeling in your heart, a fear, something is wrong, you feel out of place and lost . even trying to achieve your dreams , goals doesn’t seem worth it now. Foods or music that used to be your favorite has no more appeal .you may even wonder if your a good person , good enough as you thought . In a sense you could have been lying and faking to your own self .you have doubts in everything you do. some of you may even feel empty and worthless .this all seems to stem from a place where you’re not validating yourself, you’ve belittled yourself, thinking others have have done more ,they’re more skilled. you don’t place any value or worth on yourself and things that you do. for some it can be due to the situations they’re placed in childhood. any achievements got any praise . and the next achievement had to be greater than the last one .constant progress or failing even once was looked down & shamed.
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you guys have been thinking and wondering about your support system ,where you find comfort ,what makes you happy ,you’ve taken a step to notice what’s doing you right and what’s doing you wrong .you’ve been reflecting and understanding yourself and trying to improve what you’re doing in a personal & professional sense. you’ve been planning a lot , comparing pros and cons to some it can be academics & reflecting for which skill/ career is good for you . few of you could be traveling or doing a lot of research basically exploring to find the right path and improve yourself . this pile gives vibes of growth , you’re making the blueprint for success . facing a bit of diet issues, meals that you want to have not being available. some choosing their health & not consuming processed food or take outs .some not choosing to take advice or labels that others throw at you . along with improving you are also cutting out old habits , mindset . Some are overcoming their social media or other addiction / procrastination slump and engaging + improving your life . some of you would have been denying yourself a thing , doing that will give you a lot of relief . by denying you’re suffocating yourself
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trying to make ends meet, dealing with deadlines being very overworked ,there’s a lack of care and nourishment of self .keeping yourself busy so you won’t have to deal with some things or feeling unworthy of rest , being cared , gentle love . doing others labor ,people pleasing , not taking up space because you feel you’ll be a burden. being afraid to take up space, to demand , to be content so you in the name of adjusting stay ,unsatisfied ,sad ,insecure ,unloved . due to the fear that if you take up space , ask for what you want , you’ll be viewed as asking too much and you could lose people ,opportunities or titles just because you ask or what you want. it’s advised you stop doing others work ,take rest, nourish your body and let yourself be loved and cared for by yourself before you let others care for you . even if you rest, you don’t rest properly. you keep thinking about what to do ,you haven’t slept well in days , you’re not giving yourself the break you deserve.
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you have been putting in a lot of work in yourself ,you try to keep your head high , everyday you’ve been gentle and pushing yourself to heal and be productive and its visible how much you’ve improved since day one .all those small steps have given you big results , you’ve improved your self concept, self esteem a lot of healing and learning about yourself & you’re life . you have come a long way but still sometimes you stress over the smallest of things . overall you’ve been building yourself up ,a lot progress but in your head you still have doubts & confusion. you’re on the right path ,there’s just a bit more of balancing & managing the situation & routines so you don’t suffocate yourself. for some it may stem because they fell trapped by the routine and need to do and improve. some are doing all this to avoid emotions, confronting a situation and making yourself very busy.. you are overworking yourself and also avoiding the stress of the main problem and taking it out on small things because you don’t know how to feel about something ,how to overcome it and get back to your life like nothing happened.
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atravesty · 6 months
April 8th Solar Eclipse Messages
This is my first ever 'pick a pile' style reading, so I greatly appreciate any & all feedback. If any of this resonated with you, please heart and share. I'm currently refining my intuitive readings, so happy to do a couple free or exchanged readings as well - slide in my inbox.
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Pick an Object - 1. Raccoon Skull, 2. Unicorn, 3. Dragon
1. Raccoon Skull
I felt a similar energy for 2. Unicorn so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Thumbs Up - The Howl & The Hum
Numbers: 1, 3, 4
The Starseed Oracle: The Courageous Peony Multifaceted, unique nature. Let yourself be seen.
You're being called to embrace all of what you are and show it off to the world, without comparing yourself to others. Own your unique gifts without apology, as we all have something different and special to offer. Embody all of who you are and share your voice. You may feel insecure and vulnerable about owning your truth, but it becomes easier every time you practice it. By being your true, authentic self, you attract your soul tribe and those who are truly meant for your highest good.
How are you being called to allow yourself to be more visible and seen in the world?
Tarot: Sun Reversed, Justice, Emperor, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups Reversed
Perhaps you are currently in an unfulfilling situation or relationship (platonic, romantic, business, etc.) that is making you question your self-worth and self-esteem. Despite your best efforts, you may feel as though you're not being given the recognition or treatment that you know you deserve. If so, you are being guided to protect and defend your standards; stand up for what you believe in and deserve, as karma is on your side. You are being encouraged to walk away from any unfulfilling situations or relationships in pursuit of better opportunities that align with you and empower you. You are being supported by the Universe to identify what it is that truly fulfills your soul, not what fuels your egotistical desires, and align yourself with what makes you happy.
2. Unicorn
I felt a similar energy for 1. Raccoon Skull so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Double Negative (Skeleton Milkshake) - Dominic Fike
Numbers: 2, 6, 8
The Starseed Oracle: Karmic Relationships Orion energy. Polarity. Soul growth. Conflict.
You are being called to use polarity and separation in relationships to promote growth and unity. Open your heart and mind to see things from a different perspective; avoid reacting from your own past woundings. Grow closer through conflict and use challenges as a means for self improvement.
What relationships are the most challenging? How can you see things from a different perspective? How are you being called to allow growth through the conflict?
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune Reversed, 10 of Cups, Hanged Man, 9 of Swords, Hierophant Reversed
You may have experienced a string of bad luck in the past that is currently causing you to resist necessary change, out of fear that it will only result in another failure. However, what you may not be aware of, or reluctant to truly believe, is that the fulfillment you seek in your relationships (romantic, platonic, career, etc.) is just around the corner and waiting for you to make the changes to align yourself with it. You are being guided to refresh your perspective and release yourself from your self-imposed limitations. Your fears and anxieties may be preventing you from taking the first steps, but the Universe supports you in your journey of rebelling against old belief systems and structures that have been imposed on you by others and your past self. This is a time to be unconventional.
3. Dragon
Channeled song: Sorry You're Not a Winner - Enter Shikari
Numbers: 1, 6, 7
The Starseed Oracle: Messenger Sirius energy. Bringing harmony and balance.
You are being called to bring harmony and balance in everyone by creating it in your own life. Your soul has dedicated lifetimes to the upliftment of this planet - you may be destined to become an Ascended Master. Hold the frequency of pure love, and help balance masculine & feminine energies within everyone. You may have an affinity for music, which you can infuse with healing vibrations and share with the world.
How are you being called to bring harmony to your life or the planet? How are you being called to honour the sacred masculine & feminine within you?
Tarot: Knight of Swords, Devil Reversed, 10 of Pentacles Reversed, Moon, Empress Reversed
The relief you seek from your current situation may require you to take powerful action using the information that you already know. Be quick to move forward, but remember to think things through and do not be hasty or cut corners. You are being guided to release yourself from your temptations to fill the void with material items and spend wisely to plan for a stable future. You may be spending recklessly and living beyond your means and/or accumulating wealth and possessions that inflate your ego, but do not serve your soul. There may be deeply rooted subconscious fears and illusions that are influencing how you live your life. Instead of trying to control external situations and people, the Universe is supporting you in your journey to connect with yourself to truly know what you need to take care of yourself and others.
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peonyspathos · 3 months
Twos in the Suits TLDR Version
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Twos call for balance with focus on specific topics.
Two of Cups: Balance in relationships. Give and take in love.
Two of Wands: Balance in desire. Evaluate what you really want.
Two of Swords: Balance in intellect. Don't run from hard choices.
Two of Pentacles: Balance in finance. Learn how to budget.
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rawhoneybliss · 3 months
CANCER NEW MOON🌙 Timeless Reading
SUBSCRIBE HERE to our beautiful, loving and thriving YouTube community 💖
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝕷𝖊𝖔 🌑
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On August 4th, the New Moon graces the sign of Leo, heralding a period of dynamic energy, creativity, and personal empowerment. Leo, ruled by the radiant Sun, is a sign of self-expression, courage, and heart-centered action. This New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions related to personal growth, leadership, and embracing your authentic self.
During this New Moon, Mercury in Virgo forms a supportive trine to Jupiter in Taurus, enhancing our communication skills and expanding our ability to manifest abundance. Venus, also in Leo, is retrograde, inviting us to revisit themes of self-love, relationships, and values. These energies together create a potent mix for deep introspection and forward momentum.
Sun and Moon Conjunction in Leo:
When the Sun and Moon align in Leo, there is a fusion of conscious will and subconscious desires, creating a powerful moment for self-discovery and personal growth. Leo’s influence encourages us to step into the spotlight, embrace our individuality, and express our true selves without fear or hesitation.
Mercury Trine Jupiter:
Mercury in Virgo forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Taurus, enhancing communication, learning, and growth. This aspect supports our ability to think big, plan effectively, and communicate our ideas with clarity and confidence. It’s an excellent time for setting goals related to education, travel, and expanding one’s horizons.
Venus Retrograde in Leo:
Venus is retrograde in Leo, prompting a review of our relationships, values, and self-worth. This period invites us to reflect on how we express love and affection, both to ourselves and others. It’s a time for healing old wounds, reassessing what truly matters, and aligning our values with our actions.
Intuitive Insights
Heart-Centered Intentions
Leo rules the heart, making this New Moon a time to focus on intentions that come from a place of love and authenticity. Ask yourself what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Set goals that align with your passions and your heart’s deepest desires.
Creative Expression
Leo’s energy is inherently creative and expressive. Use this New Moon to explore new forms of artistic expression, whether through writing, painting, music, or any other creative outlet. Allow yourself to play and experiment without worrying about perfection.
Personal Empowerment
This is a time to reclaim your personal power. Let go of self-doubt and embrace your strengths. Leo’s influence encourages you to take bold steps towards your goals, to lead with confidence, and to inspire others with your courage and authenticity.
Embracing Authenticity
Leo’s ruling planet, the Sun, symbolizes our core identity and true self. This New Moon is an invitation to embrace who you truly are, without masks or pretenses. Authenticity attracts genuine connections and opportunities, so let your inner light shine brightly.
Astrological Events with the New Moon
Mars in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces
This aspect may bring some challenges, as Mars in Virgo’s desire for action and precision is tempered by Saturn in Pisces’ call for patience and introspection. It’s a reminder to balance ambition with mindfulness, to take deliberate and well-thought-out actions.
Uranus in Taurus Square Venus in Leo
The square between Uranus and Venus can bring unexpected changes in relationships and finances. It’s a time to stay flexible and open to new possibilities, even if they disrupt your current plans. Embrace change as a catalyst for growth and transformation.
Deities and Correspondences
Apollo: As the god of the Sun, Apollo resonates strongly with Leo’s energy. Invoke Apollo for guidance in creativity, healing, and illumination.
Sekhmet: The lion-headed Egyptian goddess of war and healing embodies the fierce, protective energy of Leo.
Brigid: The Celtic goddess of fire, inspiration, and craftsmanship can help ignite your creative passions and guide you in new endeavors.
Other Correspondences
Gold, yellow & orange to reflect the vibrant energy of Leo.
Sunstone for joy and empowerment
Citrine for abundance and clarity
Carnelian for courage and motivation.
Rosemary for clarity and protection
Bay leaf for manifestation
Chamomile for calming the mind and heart.
New Moon in Leo Ritual
• Gold or yellow candle
• Sunstone, Citrine, or Carnelian
• Rosemary and Bay leaves
• Journal and pen
• Small bowl of water
• Incense (Frankincense or Myrrh)
Ritual Steps:
Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area with incense, and set up your altar with the candle, crystals, herbs, and bowl of water.
Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, grounding you to Mother Earth.
Light the candle and incense. Call upon Apollo, Sekhmet, and Brigid to join you in your sacred space. Feel their presence surrounding you with light and strength.
Setting Intentions
Hold the Sunstone (or chosen crystal) in your hand. Close your eyes and focus on what you wish to manifest during this lunar cycle. Visualize your intentions as a golden light within your heart, growing brighter with each breath.
Writing Intentions
Open your eyes and write down your intentions in your journal. Be specific and positive, focusing on what you want to bring into your life.
Herbal Offering
Take a Bay leaf and write one of your intentions on it. Hold it over the candle flame until it catches fire, then drop it into the bowl of water to symbolize your wish being sent to the universe.
Crystal Meditation
Hold the crystal to your heart and meditate on the energy of Leo—its courage, creativity, and passion. Visualize yourself embodying these qualities in your daily life.
Thank the deities for their presence and guidance. Extinguish the candle and incense, knowing that your intentions have been set in motion.
Spend a few moments in quiet reflection, feeling gratitude for the new beginnings that this New Moon in Leo brings.
This ritual combines the potent energy of the New Moon with the vibrant, heart-centered energy of Leo, helping you to manifest your deepest desires with confidence and clarity. Embrace this time to shine brightly, pursue your passions, and lead with love.
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new moon in gemini ritual ✨
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sunisglowing · 8 months
New Moon in Purva Ashada Nakshatra - PICK A CARD
(sidereal sagittarius)
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For some of you, I see that there might be some hard times in your family life. For some of you you might have to leave your home and go somewhere else and start a new journey. It's like a disaster for you. You are leaving your shelter and comfort zone or that shelter is now leaving you.
Something that was your foundation will get destroyed. In a way you wanted to leave your comfort zone, but it might happen in an extreme way.
Doesn't have to be family only, it could be you have been in a place that you are very attached with and now you gotta leave.
There are sudden changes that might make you feel lonely and shaken up. You weren't expecting these times.
For some of you, your family might have been forcing you into a direction where you didn't wanna go. So you are standing up for yourself even if it's scary.
There are periods where you will go through emotional outburst and other times through anger. You might have been suppressing all these emotions a lot.
This will make you start someone you had wanted because your comfort zone was stopping you. It's like someone snatched away the thing you had been holding onto or that thing that has been holding on to you.
You will start something that aligns with you now that it has been removed. It will take risk, courage and ambition to start over, which you have the potential, you know it. When? Depends when you wanna start.
This doesn't have to do with money per say, but your creative talents. It will bring you a lot of success. Just take action and don't be boggled down by what might happen. Use your potential and talents, it will bring you growth and purpose in life.
I see being pretty hesitant to new relationships after this, or you might have problems in relationships a lot. More related with your emotions..
You'll be moving on with life with your head, not the heart. Also if you would be doing something in the creative field, don't do something in the limelight. Not as much. Do something that goes behind the scenes only
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For a lot of you, I think a lot of you are cutting off some friends in your social circle.
You are entering a phase where you would be wanting or even spending more time by yourself, alone.
Many of you might be taking a break from social media because it has been giving you a lot of stress. Many of you might be deleting social media accounts too.
For most of you, I see a lot of pain and heartbreak and disappointment coming from your social circle.
Maybe you felt the need to fit in, or be liked by your followers or in your social circle.
You had been overextending yourself and struggling to say no to people. Maybe it's your friends, or an online community.
Maybe you have an online platform that has been asking more and more from you and you gotta maintain boundaries with them.
Maybe you earn through social media Or social media plays a big part in your business or your source of income.
Even if it's not, it has been stressing you out a lot. It's a fast life and you might find yourself comparing your life to other people with perfect lives.
You might have assumed responsibility for things that weren't serving you well. There might be a people pleasing tendency in some of you that you over did stuff for people but you felt the energy wasn't reciprocated or appreciated.
So this is what this new moon is bringing. You might walk away from superficial things and will focus on your inner world. You don't need to try hard to be liked. The right will come by someday.
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Some event or someone might have really gotten your confidence and enthusiasm high lately.
For some of you, you might have found something that really gives you confidence and a boost, and people around are willing to support it or might even help you outbthis path or route.
You might be disappointed and sad with the lack of support you are getting, maybe in the past.
Share these things with others honestly. You will receive help you didn't get before.
It could be that you might have been really supportive and generous to people, and you are now getting that energy back.
You may feel like you are all alone in your journey, but not now. There is a transition happening, and things look better in the future.
You might be traveling soon. For a lot of you, this is related to an educational pursuit. You need to have a plan that requires sacrifice and time.
Also it will take time to manifest, not in like 2-3 months but more, likely by the end of this year or next year.
Throughout this time, gather all the resources and use your skills to guarantee that your goals really happen. You have the potential. Once the plan is set, stick to it. Don't just be monkey minded and keep jumping from one idea to another.
Be reasonable with your goals. Many of you need to hear this. A lot of you have big dreams but not the prerequisites to achieve them, at least not yet.
Also communicate clearly with others, allow your emotions to be felt and empathize with others too if you want to reach a conclusion.
As I said, you goals will take time, so you might get bored here and there, but consistent.
Some of you might work in a group project, so that's why I said before, communicate clearly, and have clarity about the goal.
Most of the cards are related to planning and achieving the goal in this pile. Apply the message to your career.
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I see a beautiful future ahead for this pile.
This pile is more likely to be for people ending their 20s and later. I see many of you have been family planning and the best part is I see your wishes coming true.
If it's about money, then yes, you are financially reaching a position where you business might rich it's success, or the start of reaching stability in cash inflows.
I see you guys will be creating and making a lasting foundation. It could be having kids or making a long term commitment with your partner.
Or that you will reach a really high good and respectable position in your career. I see you a leader now looking at the empire you built after years of hard work and struggle.
Some of you might wanna decide to take part in things or do things the more conventional way.
You might be getting in touch with the traditions of your culture or family and deciding to continue it for the next gen.
You will be making a really strong impact. You are taking more responsibility right now and acting more consciously. You're really geeting centered and focusing on a goal.
Some of you will be starting your own business that would be very successful.
The best past about this reading is that you are moving on from whatever happened in the past, and really there's a successful future ahead in terms of professional and personal life both.
For a lot of you, you might have felt restricted or trapped. There are limiting beliefs that make you pessimistic, and family could be a reason too, for you feeling restricted.
And i see you moving away. It's all in the past and you don't have to be a victim anymore. The biggest challenge is your mindset. Negative beliefs will convince you that there is no way out even if you are literally out of that situation or environment.
Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of taking a risk, fear of the consequences, fear of taking responsibility for your situation, fear of not being able to, fear of not having the skills, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of not being liked, fear of being judged or criticized, fear of being blamed. The list could go on and on and on but what keeps you imprisoned is fear and the small chaotic world that is your mind.
You may not be able to understand or follow what is going on around you. Your self-imposed beliefs might see everything as a calamity and major drama, while others would call it a ‘mere troublesome situation’.
Look at your situation in an objective manner and try to see the bigger picture.
Action is required of you now and not passivity, submission, and resignation. Stop being a slave to your problems.
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