WP Novak
9 posts
Thinker and Daydreamer - Beginner Writer & Shy fellow - Learning the ropes, constructive criticism incredibly welcomed! (Placeholder Pfp by jojo56830/Linked Universe)
Last active 2 hours ago
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wpnovakcrystal · 9 days ago
The LU Boys Play Monopoly - Part 5 - jail :3
(Last update for a short little bit. Been busy with the everydayz of life, and haven't had time to write as good as I would like. 'Tis not over! Just gonna go a little slower and actually write things better!) Wind was up now, and he was ready for a big man roll! He, like Legend, was determined to get one of those sweet pink properties around the corner. With a big roll, he threw the dice across the board.
His dice came up a ten, but not in a nice double fives; A flat six and four. After taking a moment, tapping his piece on every counted spot, his face frowned as he found himself visiting the jail.
"Aw C'mon! So Close!"
He grumped, obviously a bit bummed out. "And I didn't even get a property!" ....Warriors merely chuckled. "Alright kiddo... let me show you how to REALLY roll to something good… Something to make 'chuckles' over there shut up!" He said, referring to Legend, who was still shooting him daggers. He was about to prove Legend's shit-eating grin a wrong. Not just 'wrong,' but a wrong above all other wrongs. He rolled.
A three and a four, seven again. He moved his little iron piece, and found himself landing on Chance. Smiling, he set himself alongside Wild's car on the space, and gleefully took his card. Starting with a smirk on his face, it then began to curl. The cruel, bitter irony now dawned upon him. It was there it read:
'Go Directly to Jail. Do not pass go, Do not collect 200 dollars.'
He shrieked, throwing his card onto the table, putting his head into his hands in despair. Upon it's inspection, Wind burst into a heavy and loud laughter, Twilight following close behind. Wild and Sky offered more conservative laughs, while Legend continued to sit there menacingly, enjoying every second of his friend's anguish.
"Oh don't overreact... it's still only your first roll..." Legend chided, still smiling cruelly at his friend.
Time also lightly chuckled. "At least you have a friend there visiting you."
Wars shot the young hero at his right a wicked glare, which the latter only relayed with an equally as evil smile, akin to the veteran's.
"No. It's too early to be locked up and incapable. I'm getting out!"
Wars boldly stated before handing Time a fifty from his stash. Time smiled as he put it into the bank, and politely moved his piece out of the little jail square on the corner.
"Should have stayed there if you didn't want your ass beat." Legend once again remarked.
"Actually-.." The humiliated Wars began, before again noticing Legend's grin. ".... Actually shut the hell up." He finished, garnering another laugh from Wind and a few of the others.
"Boys, Language." Time interjected, taking note of Four and Malon who had been looking in, perhaps concernedly, at Warrior's little outburst.
After about a second, The latter eventually spoke. "Sounds like it's already done became a madhouse out there! Are ya guys already beatin' each other up?" Malon asked.
"This is still only the first roll…" Four informed her, echoing Legend's original sentiment. Another few laughs came from the gang. She replied with only an awestruck face, perhaps surprised that things had already turned this nasty. However, she quickly regained her intrigue and composure.
"Well My! Even I could have told y'all that Monopoly was an evil little playmate, but y'all were oh so insistent!~" She joked. Like children to their mother, they all looked over to her with almost guilty eyes. The 'father' of the group only smiling, relishing the moment.
After perhaps savoring their expressions, She let out a little giggle and eventually went back to the kitchen, and the game continued on. Intro | 2 | 3 | 4
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wpnovakcrystal · 17 days ago
The LU Boys Play Monopoly - Part 4 - The First Rolls
(Still not dead! Just going into busy season for my work, and writing this chapter took a lot longer than expected! Gonna have to split it into at least two parts just to fit this first round of rolls! Anyway, enjoy the impeding chaos, because it does get crazier!)
Next Part: Here!
Legend had first roll of the dice, having won the roll-off. Now was time for the game to truly begin.
"Alright, let's start this strong..." He said to himself as he threw the first official roll of the game.
The dice cluttered and clunked as they ran across the board, before ultimately settling at a three and a two; A total of five.
"Hmm..." He remarked as he moved his piece over the five short spaces. He landed on Reading Railroad
"... Yeah I'm obviously buying that." He said, handing two hundred dollar bills to Time, who laid them in the bank. Time then handed him the little deed card; The first piece of land had now been bought.
"Strong start, but it won't last." Twilight said as he took the dice from the veteran hero and handed them to his senior. With a similar clatter, Time's roll came up a five, and a one; A steady six.
This landed him just a space over from the railroad, at Oriental Avenue. Time smiled as he gave the bank his hundred and took that deed for himself. Legend let out a little chuckle, obviously beginning to breed the cocky attitude that had coerced him into this game to begin with.
"You can try with those light blues, but your best bet are either the reds at the top, or the pinks just a few spaces over." He quipped, trying to preach his own strategy.
"Thanks for giving us your strategy this early, bud." Twi quipped again, taking the dice for himself now.
"Don't kid yourself. With this many of us, you'll never even get a utilities pair..." Legend replied snidely.
Twilight sighed with a smile as he tossed his roll. His came up a one and a four; another five. This landed him right onto his opponent's railroad, garnering twenty-five bucks. His face then grimaced.
"PffFT... HAHAHA!!"
Legend laughed, nigh cackled at the fact that Twi had been so humbled by what must have been Karmic justice. The latter could only shoot him a grumpy look as he handed him the rent money.
"Railroads are fine, but they won't save you when push comes to shove." Four could be heard speaking from the sidelines. Few paid him attention; Legend paid him least, but Four continued his thought.
"Pride does go before a fall, you know."
"Old wives tale." The vet remarked as he reached over the board and slid the dice away from the hero of Twilight, over to the one of Champions. "Besides, you get that Chance card that says 'Go to a railroad' you get more of an actual 'chance'... Right?"
Four rolled his eyes at the word play, deciding instead to keep up small talk with Malon in the kitchen.
Wild however, prepared to take his roll. Once he had, he got a modest seven, which placed him right onto that Chance square. Taking his little orange card, he prepared to read it aloud.
And, as fate would most certainly have it, he ultimately read...
".... Take a Ride on the Reading Railroad, If you pass go collect 200 dollars."
Legend's smiles and malevolent cackles only grew as he watched Wild loop his little race car around the board, tapping it at Go, and then at his railroad. Like Twilight, the Champion sheepishly handed the grinning devil his twenty-five bucks as payment.
Wind's turn was to be next.
Intro | Part 2 | Part 3
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wpnovakcrystal · 25 days ago
The LU Boys Play Monopoly - Part 3 - Positioning
Next part: Here!
(Shorter update, but I did done posted it because I wanted to post because I am not dead yet. So, h a v e.)
It was about 6:19 when everything had all been set up, Legend Noted. The board all set, the money all distributed, the deeds all stacked, and everyone had their pieces.
As Wind had confirmed, this was definitely a more authentic, older version. Perhaps an early 80s or even late 70s edition. Typical, given whose house this was. Still looked like Monopoly, though.
Legend got stuck with the hat. Could have been worse, could have been the thimble, he supposed; Wind could keep that one. Twilight naturally got the Dog, Time got the Horse, Sky a wheelbarrow for some reason, Wild the racecar, Wars the Iron, and Hyrule the Shoe.
"What a heel!"
Warriors joked as the latter took his piece, who then rolled his eyes.
"I mean if THAT'S what that piece means, it obviously should go to Legend instead." Four chimed from the doorway of the kitchen.
"HEY! You're not even playing, you cop-out. You don't get any say in this!" Legend retorted, receiving some small chuckles.
"If I'm not mistaken, that's a MAGICIAN'S Hat…. Are you the rabbit tucked inside?" Warriors insulted.
"I swear to absolute fuck-" Legend began before being drowned by louder, crueler laughter.
The game hadn't even started yet, and everyone was already violent.
"Perhaps we should start the game, so that the destruction occurs within the actual gameplay?" Hyrule quipped.
Time nodded, and had the first roll.
"Highest roll goes first, then it goes clockwise" He reminded. He rolled an unceremonious six before he passed the dice to Twilight, who was seated at his left.
With a shake, He rolled them onto the table.
"Seven. Not horrible." Twilight conceded as he handed the dice to Wind, who likewise rolled.
His pips came up with a total of five.
"Dang." He said, passing it along.
Warriors now had the dice, and Legend shot him a look of malice. The former smiled as they rolled to a stop.
"ELEVEN! Now we're talking!"
He boomed, congratulating himself while the others groaned. Four just rolled his eyes, still watching from the doorway.
After making another sour face, Legend took the dice and rolled away. His roll was also an eleven.
"HAH! Not so special now, are you?"
Legend said as his frown inverted into it's malicious opposite. Warriors would grumble, and simply mirror Leg's previous face in reply.
"Looks like we're going to have a tie-breaker round for these two."
Time remarked as Hyrule rolled another unnoteworthy six, the tie with Time disregarded in favor of the two angrier ones with the higher rolls.
Wild would also roll a seven, though it's tie was also quickly dismissed by Wind.
Last was Sky, and with a seemingly nice flick of his wrist arose an unsatisfactory three, Garnering some mockery from Leg, Wars, and Hyrule.
Now it was time for the tiebreaker, which made things all the more scary as they were already sitting next to each other. The last thing this party needed was an ACTUAL murder.
First was Wars' roll. With their clatter, the dice landed, and their pips came up a four.
He cried, striking another laughing fit with the others. But now it was Legend's turn, and all he had to do was beat that measly little four of his.
He could do it, He WOULD do it.
He threw the dice down and watched them roll across the center of the board.
A three and a six; A solid nine.
"…. A NINE, HAH! Now WHAT was all that shit-talk you were just on about?"
Legend exclaimed in victory, rivaling Wars' previous outburst at the initial eleven. Time motioned for everyone to calm down, while the remaining boys once again roared in hysterics and anticipation for the upcoming battle.
"Now…. Let the game begin!" Wind cheered.
Intro | Part 2
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wpnovakcrystal · 29 days ago
The LU Boys Play Monopoly - The Beginning
Next part: Here
(decided to play some Monopoly on NYE with the boys as computer players. Enjoy this weird side-story of madness.)
"Oh no. No way in hell am I playing that." As Legend recoiled in digust to the idea.
"Aw, C'mon, it'll be fun! I haven't played in a while anyway!" Wind replied with an enthusiastic smile, which had been frighteningly seconded by Wild and even…. Hyrule!?
"Nope. No way. That game will destroy us. Come on Rulie, do you really want to have to traverse another wasteland of defeated heroes here?"
Hyrule paused a second as to contemplate what Legend said, before looking up at him with an innocent smile. "Oh, relax, I'm sure it won't be that bad!"
A few of the older boys looked through Hyrule, sharing Legend's doubt, but he remained unaffected.
"Besides… are you sure you want to concede to being a 'defeated hero' this early?"
Legend eye's perked, he thought this was uncharacteristic of him. It was not to be matched.
"I was TRYING to spare you the humility, but if you're so certain then I'll gladly let them destroy you."
"You mean you're just gonna take that, and NOT give yourself a fighting chance?" Wars said with an elbow nudge to the veteran. "You're only painting your self a worse picture here, I'm game."
Legend pouted, unsure if this was a crude reference to that particular adventure or not.
"Well it looks like we already have four volunteers, would anyone else like to join in?" Time invited as he removed the lid from the box, more to his chagrin.
"Heh, Why not?" the Skyward hero noted, taking a handful of pieces to sort.
"…. He's right you know, it will indeed destroy us. I'll sit this one out." Four chimed, reclining further back in his distant seat. And how unfair! Nobody seemed to question Four when HE declined.
"I'll play as well, and you should too. You'd be great as our staunch, conservative banker!" Twilight said to his elder, gaining a small chuckle from the rest of the crowd.
"Fine" the latter replied with a mature smile. "I'll partake. That makes seven, so I have one piece left."
Eyes once again turned to Legend, he knew they were egging him on. Again, why weren't they getting on Four's case? He literally said the same thing he said, and they were letting him get away with it! It wasn't right!
"You just gonna talk about all that courage or are ya gonna use it?" Twilight said with a sarcastic smile, and a few more chuckles from the crowd.
That was it. The wicked aura of Monopoly had already encompassed them, and it had to be defeated. He was going to kill them all.
"… Alright, you asked for it. And I'm Destroying YOU first!"
The declaration garnered a roar of excited responses from the table. Wild, Wind and Sky cheered, while Hyrule and Warriors smiled sinisterly. Time and his two family members shot each other similarly contemplative smiles, while Four lastly just rolled his eyes.
"Guys, this version doesn't have the speed die-" Wind pointed out, after looking through the box some more...
"... This is going to be a very long night." Four closed.
Intro |
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wpnovakcrystal · 29 days ago
Linked Universe Monopoly - Intro
Edit Because I forgot to add it: Part 2 Here
(Doing a round of Monopoly with some Computer players for New Years tonight, so I decided to name them all after the boys lol. Figured it'd be a good time to get some writing practice while I daydream about the interactions!) (Will try to update in real-ish time over/after how long it takes to fully play as fast as I can write it all out lol. Apologies for the resulting rushed/poor grammar)
Legend grumbled as he hurried his car down the main stretch of road, grabbing a handful of fries as he did. He was thankful that the gang had invited him to their New Year's party after all that had been happening, but a bit malcontent with the when and where. It was already dark out at 4:30, and there was too much traffic for what otherwise would have been just a regular Tuesday, and of course it had to be all the way out at the Ranch. He was primarily lucky that he was able to get out of work in time, knowing that traffic to the countryside on a night like this would have just gotten worse, and that any restaurant he wanted to hit might have been closed, though the latter appeared to be accounted for.
Now past most of the congested commercial part of the suburbs, Legend signaled right onto one of the residential side streets, muttering to himself about one of the minivans in the left lane that he felt was boxing him in. He sped himself down the narrow residential streets, occasionally making note of some of the Christmas displays that lit up the sidewalks as the Suburbs likewise began to pass. Reaching empty fields and tree lines, he came to a stop at a T intersection, and after a brief dejection about the oncoming traffic, he turned left and flipped his brights on. The road continued straight for a while before it began to curve uphill to the right, further isolating him from the well-lit city he had just driven through. Illuminated with nothing but reflectors and barricaded highway chevrons, It came to an end about a mile or two up, right at the Ranch's mailbox and gate to the gravel road, which had been freely left open for him.
He slowly proceeded up the hill as the house and stable came into view. From there he could see everyone else's cars already parked by the front door, as the porch lights illuminated the completely black abyss that was the Ranch at this hour. But yep, they were all here. Wars' Sedan, Four's Compact, Wild's mechanical hodge-podge that barely resembled the "Jeep" it was supposed to be, and one of the guy's trucks, either Twilights' or Time's, He couldn't tell. He didn't see Hyrule's Hatchback yet, but he suspected that Sky, and most certainly Wind, had car-pooled. Pulling his coupe up behind the truck, he killed his lights and engine, grabbing his two bags and two drinks of dinner between his arms.
He opened his door to the blistering darkness; and Fuck, it was cold. While the snow and rain that fell before Christmas had all melted, the cold remained. It was supposed to fall below freezing that night, but the wind hadn't picked up, which was good news for tomorrow, aside from the anticipated flurries. Elbowing the door shut, he walked with the bags under his arms up the front step and to the front door. Once again assuming his welcome, he grabbed hold of the handle with his right hand and opened it to a blast of forced air heating and warm yellow lights.
Wild and Four were on the couch directly in his line of sight, but it was Wind who peeked his head up from the front sofa on his left and welcomed Legend with a smile.
"HEYYY! Legend's here!" He chirped enthusiastically. Legend responded with only a huff, as his cold and tired body yearned only for the food he had bought.
The other two looked up at him; Four first, and with a look of disapproval. Warriors now also reared his mug from around the stairwell.
"-Did you stop for food BEFORE coming to a New Year's Party?" Four oh so warmly welcomed.
"You guys didn't exactly tell me what your plans were, and I didn't feel like driving 20 minutes after work in the dark without at least SOMETHING to eat!"
"After all our Champion has done to prepare this meal for us, you've decided to be ungrateful before you even showed?" Wars snarked, which he then complimented with a pat to the shoulder. "That's a new low even for you!"
"Oh, Shut up, you twit. As if you ALSO didn't grab lunch out today!"
Knowing he had already won, or that perhaps he was also guilty, he lowered his left from Legend's back and simply smirked.
"Hey Malon! Legend's Here!" Wind called.
Her head also peeked out from the half-wall in the kitchen, as she too offered a smile.
"Well, Hey there! We were wonderin' when you'd show! I heard ya had work today?"
Legend sighed.
"Yeah, and let's not talk about it." he dejected, dropping himself onto the couch next to Wild. He wrapped his bag of food up and set it on the end table, in defeat. With the real food prepared, his sandwich was to be reheated later, and the fries were likely to be sacrificed to a lukewarm fate. He retrieved his phone and began loading his weather app as the others continued their small-talk, primarily Twilight talking to what must have been Sky in the kitchen with the dishes, and Wind who was shifting his attention back and forth between Wild and peering out the window.
"Food should be ready soon 'nuff! Hope you boys worked up an appetite!" Malon said in earnest.
The other four heroes shot Legend another judging glare, which he again ignored. Checking the temperature, he saw it was an even 32 outside. Typical; Now it was time to check socials. This was about when Wind began to peek out once more, this time in response to the glare of approaching lights.
"Is that Him…? YEP, ITS A HATCHBACK! HYRULE'S HERE!!!!!!" he nearly squealed. What a shrill little child, Legend thought, but now at least someone he could appreciate was here.
The Young teen eventually made his way into the foyer, his large and furry winter coat rivaling that of Twilight's daily tunic, and conveying a snowy wonderland that didn't presently exist. Wind went up to greet him, and likely 'award' him.
"I hope I'm not too late!"
"You're the last one here, congratulations." Leg sneered, with Wind also quipping something snide.
"You're perfectly on time." The old man remarked as he came into view of the living room guests, with his descendant in tow. "Dinner is just about ready, and the table is set, so make your way over."
Wind dashed around the quickest, followed by Wild and eventually Hyrule. Four sat up and followed behind, as Wars also began his slow approach.
"…. You really going to commit to that couch, and not a home-cooked meal?"
"I'll make it there on my own time. Buzz off." He snarled, refusing to look up from his guilty catharsis of reading Ravio's sappy fluff on social media.
"Well, that 'Time' is now, so if you want something worthwhile, you better get yourself up. Unless YOU want congratulations for being last." He grinned before exiting.
With another mopey groan, he got himself up and finally shed off his coat; "Staying a while" as Malon remarked. Making his way to the dining room, most everyone had already assembled behind a chair. The dark wood table, ornately decorated with blue and white china, lit up the similarly well-kept and immaculate dining room. Dare Legend say that this arrangement was better than the Christmas dinner last week?
Everyone besides Sky, who had already taken his seat apparently, now began to take their own. Malon and Wild paired up to bring the serving dishes out, while the boys in turn settled them on the table. With a prayer of Thanksgiving and well-wishing from Time, the boys all began to dig in. The food was all passed around for serving, then again for seconds, and for some even thirds, until most everything in the serving dishes had been depleted in less than a half hour. And as it was Wild who prepared it, believe me, It was good food. But in all due honesty, Legend felt it was nice to just have the 9 of them (plus Malon) sharing in fellowship together. Telling their stories, freeing up some pleasant secrets, and revealing certain other, more embarrassing ones. Of course jokes about the rabbit and his hair came up, as did his deflections to either Hyrule's cooking or Wild's more reckless antics, but the enjoyment remained shared.
Pleasantries and conversation continued well after the food was finished, as nobody excused themselves except to briefly retrieve another drink from the fridge or wash up their hands. Dessert was going to be a good hour or so away, so nobody really had anything else to do aside from socializing.
That was until one portion of their banter manifested. Wind, who had at some point followed Malon away from the table, returned back carrying a big box in his hand.
No- Rather- THE big box.
He and Malon had found the Monopoly.
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wpnovakcrystal · 1 month ago
Practice Blurb: LU Firefighter AU One-off
In an AU where (most of) the boys are part of a 'modern' 'American' fire station. Based on a scene from the TV drama "Emergency!" (1972) No infringement intended and please excuse the inexperienced grammar. Comments and constructive criticism appreciated!
Four was walking up with some supplies as he pursued the banging noises. He had just completed some inventory, and had decided to ignore it until he had mostly finished. He had a pretty keen idea of what, and who, it was. For the last three shifts Legend seemed irritable whenever he drove the rescue truck; Because he had, in his own word "Heard a noise." Four didn't notice it, but Legend insisted. He had even taken it to the fleet mechanic that morning, but nothing seemed to come of it.
Four ultimately got up to the cab of the truck and sure enough, he was underneath just whacking away at something.
He approached one of the side compartment boxes and attempted to open one of the storage doors, only to be hindered by Legend's knee arched up and blocking it. Four gave it a nudge down and proceeded.
"Yeah…" Legend coughed out, "That oughta do it…"
"Do what?" Four blinked, resting the load inside then closing the door.
"That rattling sound's been driving me CRAZY!" He grunted, continuing to hammer something metallic and hollow.
"The one YOU can't seem to hear."
Four rolled his eyes. "Oh, that one."
"Yeah, 'that one.'" He huffed before grasping for a flashlight to his right. Four let him struggle for about two seconds, before eventually handing it to him.
"It was the muffler… Blasted mechanic couldn't even find it!"
"Hmm." Four nodded, perhaps now a little perplexed. "What was wrong with it?"
Lagend Paused.
"…What was wrong with it-?
I told you— It was rattling!!"
Four Shrugged. "What did you do to UN-rattle it?"
Legend stopped, and rolled the garage creeper. He fired a scowl at Four.
"I FIXED it!"
He snarled in reply, before rolling back underneath to continue hammering away at his 'fix.'
Four simply sighed and walked off. This was going to be a long shift.
(Reference to this little brainstorm, and related scenes in THIS video (Credit to Bru on yt for their edit))
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wpnovakcrystal · 2 months ago
Stupidest Idea Yet: LU/Fire Station AU
Got this idea watching old fogy shows with my folks after brunch this morning, and wouldn't you know it "Emergency!" (1972) comes on. Watching some old clipshows of the station's shenanigans, the ideas just kept coming and now I can't stop seeing Wind as Chet Kelly. So I thought LINKED UNIVERSE AS FIREFIGHTERS! That's a natural train of thoughts... yeah?
So here's my stupid idea. (Also Sorry if this infringes on someone elses' idea, I'm new and stupid)
Stop reading here if you dont want to see my cringe.
Legend - Firefighter/EMT/Paramedic - Rescue Squad - Spiritually successor of John Gage (From the show) but a little less dated in the women department. Snarky little fella, but still means well. Not quite as keen on the medicine aspect, but a big fan of all the fancy tools he carries in the back. Treats the 'Marin' (the Squad) like his girl, doesn't like it when Four drives. Main Character Syndrome.
Four - Firefighter/EMT - Rescue Squad - The more level-headed, short straight man of the Squad drivers. A bit more practical with the tools and truck than Legend might be, but shares in his disgust for the rest of the department's usage of the tools, especially Wild. Works relatively well under pressure, and despite his smaller stature and physique (which can help him), is very mature and knowledgeable for his age. Expert in Confined Space situations.
Hyrule - Paramedic/EMT - Rescue Ambulance - One of two drivers of the station's ambulance, "Rulie" maintains a soul as white as it's liveries, and is sometimes just as sheepish. Shy as he is, he often becomes the butt-end of Legend's jokes about 'traveling all over town for rideshares' and a few others for not necessarily putting himself out there with the more "experienced" firemen. Still a heavily respected member of the team, however. Most dedicated, Goes out for the most calls.
Sky - Paramedic/EMT - Rescue Ambulance - The other fella on the shift that can drive the ambulance and practice decent enough medicine. Despite being older, his kiddish and somewhat carefree personality helps him fit in with the others in the department. One of the lazier ones, and gets tired very easily. Prefers to drive or assess a situation sitting down, than running to a site or hauling equipment (or casualties). And if you ask me, it's not just the coats and apparatus that makes him look a little pudgy-
Wind - Probationary Firefighter - Ladder Engine - Never outgrew the "LOOK MOMMY, RED FIRE TRUCK!" phase, and decided to make a career out of it. Definitely an offshoot of Chet Kelly in some ways (I guarantee you he's also trying to grow the mustache, Google it) Most youthful/childish, making the most snide comments and crafting the most pranks per capita. Determined to prove he's not just a kid, he often bites off more than he can physically chew given his stature and charisma. But the lad's full of courage and is undeterred by most all of it. One of the only few who'll go up the ladder, too!
Wild - Firefighter/Engineer -Ladder Engine - A source of the brawn on the department, Wild actually gets to drive the behemoth that is the station's Ladder truck. Not entirely sure what he does to that truck with all his fiddling and crafting and questionable driving, especially since he's not even a mechanic, so make sure you have your seats buckled. Definitely the kind of guy who runs in and out of burning buildings with an axe, coiled hose, pike pole, oxygen tank, flashlight, and two casualties in each(?) hand, and isn't bothered or over encumbered one bit. His more domestic duty at the station is pretty obviously that of a cook, but D o N o t try his award-winning 'Champion Alarm Chili.'
Warriors - Firefighter/Captain - Ladder Engine - The Station's/Shift's captain and strategic/logistical boss, at least if that's what you want to call him. His fairly quality Professionalism aside, he keeps trying to shake off (or pick up) all the women that know him as "that strong, cunning fireman" at the fire station, a reputation he sometimes flaunts to the entertainment of few. Despite commanding authority during his shift, he's no stranger to the shenanigans himself, and often likes poking fun at Wind, Rulie, and Legend for the extraneous things they do.
Personally not sure where I would put Time and Twilight, however. Twi would probably be on the ladder truck, and maybe he'd be the driver and baby it instead of Wild. But Time would need to have some commanding authority like a Battalion chief or something, and I think Wars melds better with the crew. I don't think he'd show up much anyway.
What do they all do? Well, emergencies and fires for one, but also tours for the children and bingo nights for the seniors. Civic events like parades and school visits are also hilarious when I think about em.
Hope you enjoyed my cringe!
Feel free to build on it if you're bored lol
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wpnovakcrystal · 2 months ago
@the-chains-cafe Okay I just found your AU and even though I know probably very little about it I already love it XD
But man, Why do I just see Time as Twi's stiff dad or uncle who is trying to guide him to take over the family business, but Wars (Twilight's appointed trainer/supervisor/whatever) just can't handle or isn't really professional enough to really deal with Twilight's ambition? XD
Also Ganondorf HAS to have his own coffee company, something big business and soulless and decorated in pig-like aesthetics or something stupid lol. He and Time go toe to toe and get in each other's faces all the time whenever they cross paths in town.
Idk just my dumb imagination running wild XD
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wpnovakcrystal · 2 months ago
I exist now.
Playing around with things on Tumblr, now that I'm here. I plan on posting a lot of fan stories and whatever for now until I decide to do something a bit more permanent. Here for the ride tho!
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