#New allegiances and such will be posted over the next couple days!
cutieclangen · 28 days
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Moon 18
I'm so happy to have made it this far! The story gets a lot more interesting before too long, so just you wait ;3
More kits coming soon! And Peepaw Pebble.. <3
Plus a new addition, Plumcinder!
Personality Change!
Raccoonprance: Flamboyant -> Playful
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Start from the beginning
Moon 18 Allegiances
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Could you write a crossover story featuring Beau/Ally and Harm/Savanna?
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @keyweegirlie @snowlover250 @kenbechillin @@too-strong-to-lose @buckysteveloki-me @sca3a @flopiboni @secretsquirrelinc @@sportslovers-world @burningpeachpuppy @mandy426 @@al-lethan @thiashazzywriting @justameresimp @agentorange9595 @lxaah11 @librarian1002 @imaginecrushes @flrboyd @areamir @b-bradshaw @adaydreamaway08 @crimeshowjunkie @inkandarsenic @caffeinatedwoman @tortilla-maria1 @lemmons1998 @dr-alan-grantler @penguin876 @deliriousfangirl61 @goosterroose @kishie8 @skyesthebomb @marshmallowflufffox @whateversomethingbruh @4everademigod @notanotherpotter @yousigned-upforthis @silversprings-mp3
Ladies and gents we got ourselves a crossover! Refs to both Ally's career in JAG and Beau being a flyboy.
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It’s in a park by The Naval Yard that Mac first sees Harm again. It’s been nine years since she last laid eyes on him and he still looks as handsome as the day he packed his bag and walked out the door.  He’s standing alongside the coffee kiosk, hands tucked into the pockets of his dark overcoat as he surveys the menu board fixed the outer wall.
She doesn’t expect to see him back in Washington DC, the last she heard he was seeing a girl down in New Orleans, spending all his shore leave celebrating Jazzfest and Madri Grais. That man, she’d thought at the time, he’ll never grow up.  
She hasn’t had a single successful relationship since she left Harmon Rabb and she blames him for that. She blames him for a lot of things. The two of them had made a pact when they’d flipped that coin, he was supposed to stay out of the service, live life as a civilian in San Diego. They’d get married, have a couple of kids.
It had worked for a while but then he’d run into Ally again and it had all started to fall apart. The Admiral's Wife, Mac calls her, because she’d married Beau Simpson a decade ago, the rear admiral in charge of the Top Gun program.
Harm had been her mentor when she was coming up through JAG. He’s walked her down the aisle when she had married Beau at sunset in Cape Rey. Mac remembers she’d been a ferocious little thing, tenacious and fierce in the face of adversity. She packed a hell of a punch in the court room. Mac should know, she’d run up against her a couple of times since taking the promotion in San Diego.
“She’s as good as you.” Mac had told Harm over dinner one night. “And just as infuriating.”
“No.” Harm had responded, sipping from his beer bottle. “She’s better.”
It was Ally that had urged Harm to rejoin the Navy, her and Beau. Mac couldn’t see how unhappy he was at the time, she hadn’t understood it, not really. She remembers the day he’d come home from the airfield, eyes bright with exhilaration. He’d been out flying again with Beau, the two of them were like boys with toys once they got up in the sky. Testing boundaries, playing wargames, showing off. He always ended up at their home afterwards, talking cases over dinner with Ally or swapping war stories with Beau. He would come home with a smile on his face, smelling of cigar smoke, tasting of whiskey.
“I’m re-enlisting.” He’s told her that night after he stepped out of the shower. “It’s a different commission from JAG, it won’t mess up our agreement.”
He was wrong, it had been the end of everything. The posting that Beau had offered him meant he was away on aircraft carriers for six months out of the year, flying jets and sailing ships, the two things he loved most in the world.
Mac had hated him for that, she hated Beau and Ally for giving him that option because now she was the one left behind. The lonely one, the sad one.
It had lasted one deployment.
By the time the next one came up, it was over.   
It was a way of punishing him at the time, she’d expected him to resign his commission, come back with his tail between his legs, but he hadn’t. He’d packed a bag instead and gone to stay with Ally and Beau before shipping out to the USS Allegiance, she hadn’t seen him since. She’d heard stories over the years from mutual friends, places he’d been, women he was seeing. He’d become the Harm she used to know, the one without ties or commitments.
She had always believed they would find their way back to each other. Nine years and thousands of miles later, it’s finally happening on a rainy day in Washington DC.
She doesn’t realise how wrong she is, not until she sees you. You’re hurrying towards him, gesturing with your hands, your voice full of apology. He smiles then, and it’s that smile that completely obliterates her. She’s never seen him smile like that, not in all the years she’s known him.
You’re nothing special, not really. She’d call you pretty as opposed to beautiful, a step down from the women he usually covets. You aren’t military, she can tell from your walk, but you carry, she can see it in the way your coat drapes. Law enforcement then, she assumes. Most likely NCIS.
Strong women, she recalls. That’s what Harm’s attracted to, strong capable women.
It’s when he kisses you, she knows that it’s real. When he cradles your face between his large hands, there’s such tenderness in his expression. He looks at you as if you’re the most precious thing in the world and her heart just breaks. He’s loved before, she realises in that moment but he’s never been in love, not until you.
Her eyes start to sting because for all these years she’s clung to this hope, this stupid ridiculous dream that the two of them were meant for each other. She’d imagined that they’d bump into one another, their eyes would lock and it would be like it was back then. Nights filled with fire and passion, their days adventure and laughter.
That life, it isn’t a reality anymore.
It’s clear that Harm’s moved on and it’s time that Mac does too.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
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It was nice to finally have someone who was on her side, someone who would always put her first.
A Young Hotchniss story with a twist.
Chapter 1 of 3
Hi friends
This is a gift for @sapphoe-sun. Just a gift for no reason at all, although I will take this chance to say thank for for always letting me send you absolutely bonkers ideas.
This idea got away from me massively, and was only supposed to be one chapter, but the fic just kept coming and here we are.
Chapter 2 is all but done, as is most of Chapter 3, so my intention is to post this fic on 3 consecutive days.
Note: the flashbacks to young Hotchniss are in italics.
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: Pregnancy, mommy issues, complicated mother/daughter relationship, canon typical behaviour (i.e. a man being a creep - not Aaron obviously)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
June 1995
She’s fussing. 
If anyone said it to her, she’d deny it vehemently, her eyebrows furrowed as she claimed she was fine. But as she looks in the mirror, running her hands over the material of her dress, smoothing it out for the fifth time in the last couple of minutes, she can admit to herself that she was fussing. 
“You can’t tell.” 
She turns to look at her boyfriend, unable to stop the smile that spreads across her face as she sees the way he’s looking at her, unfiltered adoration shining out for all the world to see. She looks back at her reflection, turning sideways so she can examine her profile again, and she focuses in on her lower belly, sure she can see a slight bump there. The slightest of hints of how her life was going to drastically change soon. 
“Are you sure?” she asks, placing her hand on her stomach, “I don’t want her to figure it out tonight.” 
Aaron smiles at her and walks towards her, stepping past boxes half packed with all of their things, their move to their new home only a couple of weeks away. He stands behind her, his arms wrapping around her as he pulls her back into him, the material of his tux jacket against her shoulder blades that had been left bare by her dress. He places his hand over hers on her stomach. 
“I can tell,” he says, kissing her jawline and then her cheek, “But that’s because I’m intimately familiar with what you look like naked,” he smiles when she does, some of the tension in her body loosening, “But your mother won’t be able to tell.” 
She nods and blows out a steady breath, her stomach flipping in a way that she knew was nerves instead of the ever-present nausea she’d grown used to over the last several weeks. 
She’d fallen pregnant by accident. She and Aaron had always been careful, the summer in Rome that had changed her irrevocably always in the back of her mind, but it had happened anyway. A round of antibiotics for a chest infection she hadn’t been able to shift in early spring made her pill obsolete. Her initial reaction when she realised she was pregnant, standing in the bathroom she shared with her boyfriend, a positive test clutched in her hand, was to cry. The panic was familiar, sharp and painful as it stole her ability to breathe. 
Aaron had found her curled up on the floor, his concern for her overriding everything else as he dropped the cleaning supplies he’d been holding to sit next to her, pulling her into his arms as he calmed her down even though he hadn’t known what was wrong. She’s sure she never loved him more than the moment she told him, his immediate reaction nothing short of kind and loving as he asked what she wanted to do, that he’d support her no matter what. He knew about Rome, about the choice she’d made then, and she knew he meant it. That if she decided to make the same choice now he’d hold her hand, that he’d see her through it. 
It made all the difference. Knowing that she wasn’t alone in the responsibility of it this time. They’d talked about it for days and discussed their options at length. Different futures spread out in front of them as they decided which path to take. She knew she wanted children with him eventually, but had always thought it would be when her career was more established. When she wasn’t only a couple of years into her time at the FBI, her feet were not quite firmly on the ground yet. She knew Aaron felt the same, that whilst he was five years older than her and had been at the FBI longer, he’d never hidden that he wanted to have more time to get established first. 
Ultimately, they decided whilst the timing was far from perfect, that they wanted this. That they wanted to start the family neither of them had ever really been a part of. Ever since then, she’d allowed herself to be excited by it. Overjoyed by the prospect of having a baby with the man she loved, the man who she had once told herself would be nothing more than a summer fling. 
She wishes she could go back and talk to her 20-year-old self. That she could tell her that the new guy working her mother’s security clearances would end up being more than just fantastic sex that they’d sneak away for at any given opportunity. That he’d end up being her boyfriend, that they’d make the distance when she went back to college work, and they’d move in together shortly after she was done. 
That they’d build a family together. 
She knew he had a ring hidden away, he had never been able to keep much from her, but he also knew she wasn’t ready for that quite yet. The baby was already a big change, and whilst she knew she would marry Aaron one day, she didn’t think she could cope with too much at once. The instinct to run, to blow her life up and leave, if she felt too overwhelmed, still living just beneath the surface of her skin. 
“She…” Emily trails off, blowing out a breath as she leans back, her head against his shoulder, “She won’t be happy.” 
Elizabeth had never been fond of Emily’s relationship with Aaron. Not only because he had once worked for her, but she would claim it was because she didn’t want her daughter to settle down so young. Although, Emily was sure that if she’d fallen for someone her mother deemed appropriate, one of the many men she’d had paraded past her for years at events like the one they were going to tonight, there would be no issue. 
“Well, that sounds like a her problem,” Aaron says, kissing her temple before he turns her and pulls her into his arms, his hands firm at her lower back, “We’re happy, that’s what counts.”
She smiles and nods, her teeth sinking into her lower lip, all thoughts of her mother briefly falling to the wayside, “Yeah,” she says, leaning forward and kissing him, tasting the joy on his lips, “We’re happy.”
January 2007
She’s woken up by tiny hands pressing into her face. She groans as she opens her eyes, blinking as she’s met by her two-year-old son’s face mere inches from hers, his warm breath skipping over her cheek.
“Hi Mama,” Oliver says, smiling widely at her, something she can’t help but return as she pulls him into a hug. 
“Morning, Ollie,” she replies, kissing the top of his head as he settles into her embrace, both of them intent on starting their day like this, snuggled together in the big bed. She hears movement downstairs, the sound of breakfast being made and the beautiful chaos she now couldn’t imagine life without, “I think your sisters are helping Daddy make breakfast.” 
“No pancakes,” he says, tilting his head to look up at her, his pout enough to make her smother a smile as she clears her throat.
“No, baby,” she says, pushing his messy dark hair from his face, his tiny features pinching into a frown that made him look even more like her husband than he usually does, “Pancakes are a weekend food,” she looks at the clock on the nightstand and sighs when she sees the time, well aware that it was time to get out of bed, and that was likely why Aaron had sent Oliver into their bedroom anyway. She sits up and keeps her toddler in her arms as she does so, well-practised after all of these years. Oliver wraps his arms around her neck and rests his head against her chest, happily settling on her hip as she stands and leaves the room, “Let’s go see what everyone else is doing, huh?”
She listens intently as Oliver chats to her as she heads downstairs, humming along at his, mostly nonsensical ramblings that only she, Aaron and the girls truly understood. She shares a smile with her husband as she walks into the kitchen, the sight of their daughters sitting at the breakfast bar warming her heart as it always did. 
“Morning,” she says, smiling as Aaron leans in to kiss her, both of them chuckling as Ivy, their eldest, groans in disgust around a mouthful of her cereal. 
“Gross,” the 12-year-old grumbles, “I’m trying to eat here.”
Emily smiles, never failing to get a kick out of winding up her daughter, “Your brother and sister don’t mind,” she says as she sits Oliver down in his chair, placing a plate of toast sliced into strips handed to her by Aaron in front of the little boy. 
Ivy narrows her eyes at her mother, “That’s because Ollie is two, and Rosie thinks it’s cute,” she says, scrunching her nose up like she herself hadn’t once loved the fact her parents were so in love with each other back when she was her sister’s age. 
Aaron had said from the very start that Ivy was her through and through. He’d said it moments after she was born, bright red and screaming, her dark hair plastered to her head and her dark eyes wide and bleary. Their friends always said it to, more and more over the years as Ivy’s personality developed into the empathetic, kind, wilful and sassy 12-year-old girl she is today. 
The girl who had once been the tiny baby who made Emily a mother, when she no longer had contact with her own. 
There were moments when Emily wished she could go back and tell herself how everything would work out. How she’d go from laying in a hospital bed, her tiny little newborn baby in her arms, terrified at the prospect of messing everything up, of becoming the mother she desperately didn’t want to be, to this. A house full of love and chaos in equal measure. A husband who loved her in a way she still wasn’t entirely sure she deserved. Three beautiful children who had made her realise just how deeply she could love. 
How deeply she should have been loved when she was their age. 
“It is cute,” Rosie says, the 6-year-old smiling at Emily when she presses a kiss to the top of her messy braids. Ivy rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to respond, only to be cut off by Aaron.
“Girls,” he says, not above begging when it came to his daughters, two small versions of his wife that sometimes pushed him to his limit in a way he couldn’t live without, “Can we please make it through breakfast without bickering? Or at least until I’ve had my coffee.” 
Emily smiles at him as he passes her a cup of coffee and she leans into his side, making a point of wrapping her arm around his waist as Ivy playfully shakes her head at them. 
“Sorry, Dad,” Ivy says, failing to hide a smile as she stands and dumps her now empty bowl in the sink. She turns back around and looks at her brother, jam from his toast smushed into his cheeks. She picks up some paper towels from the counter and wipes his face gently, chasing him as he tries to escape it, “Stay still Ollie, you’re all gross and sticky.” 
Emily sighs contently as she watches her oldest gently look after her youngest, the sight of it enough to make her sink into Aaron’s side a little further. He kisses the top of her head and runs his hand up and down her arm.
“You ok, sweetheart?” he asks, and she tilts her head to look up at him, a soft smile on her face as she nods. 
“Yeah, I’m ok,” she says, stamping a kiss against his lips before she pulls back, her eyes landing on the clock on the wall, “We should get moving or we’ll be late,” she looks over at the kids and smiles when she sees Oliver somehow has more jam on his face than he had moments ago. She smiles at her husband and nods towards the kids, “You happy to take jam boy and I’ll help the girls?”
Aaron nods, smiling at her, “Deal, but bath time tonight is all yours,” he says, winking, “It’s finger painting day.” 
She shakes her head at him as he picks Oliver up, out of the room before she changes her mind. 
She’s grateful it’s busy, that there are enough people here that her time with her mother, and any potential questions about why she wasn’t drinking, would be limited. They’d briefly seen her when they arrived, pleasantries exchanged as if they were just any other guests, not her daughter and her boyfriend. 
Emily knows when her mother comes over tomorrow, a catch-up they had planned weeks ago that she now was going to use to tell her she was going to be a grandmother, she’ll be chastised for hanging at the edges of the party all night. She spends all her time with Aaron instead of stepping into the crowds. For once, it’s not just because she doesn’t want to, the memories of her childhood spent at events like this always lingering at the edge of her mind, but because she can’t. She felt sick, the nausea her doctor promised her would ease off after she hit 12 weeks but hadn’t making her stomach roll, made worse by the heat in the room, her head swimming with it. 
She blows out a breath and leans back against the wall they are standing near. Aaron immediately turns to look at her, his hand on her shoulder as he furrows his brow. He’d always been attentive, aware of her needs often before she was, but that had only increased since they found out she was pregnant. 
“You ok, sweetheart?” he asks, looking her up and down. He’d asked more than once if she wanted to skip coming to this, happy to take the flack from her mother that would come with their absence. He didn’t care if Elizabeth was offended by anything, he only cared about Emily and the baby, their well-being far above anything else.
“Yeah,” she says, blinking and shaking her head, hoping she could remove the haziness she’d fallen under, “Just a little hot.” 
He squeezes her shoulder, “Want to step out into the hallway? I could go get you some water. Or ginger ale, I’m sure someone here would be able to get some.” 
She smiles at him and reaches for his spare hand, squeezing it tightly, a silent show of appreciation for his love for her, for them, “Water would be great,” she says, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you out there.” 
The cooler air that hits her as she steps out into the hall is refreshing, clearing her head and making her stomach calm down. She sighs as she leans on the wall, her head against it as she closes her eyes, grateful for a moment's peace.
“Emily Prentiss, it’s been a while.” 
She opens her eyes and stops herself from sighing, forcing a tight smile onto her face as she’s greeted by one of her mother’s friends. A man she’d known for as long as she could remember, someone who always came to things like this, a fellow ambassador and big donator to any charity drives.
“Ambassador Collins,” she says, standing up straight, and taking a small step forward from the wall, “It’s harder to find time for things like this these days I’m afraid.” 
If it was up to her, she wouldn’t come to these things at all, but she’d learnt a long time ago that she had to pick her battles with her mother, and that this just wasn’t one of them. 
“Yes, your mother did say something about you working at the FBI now,” he says, smiling as he looks her up and down, a glint in his eyes that makes her stomach turn for an entirely different reason to her pregnant, “And please, call me Robert.” 
She has to stop herself from reacting physically, painting the fake smile she’d learnt at a young age all over her face as he steps slightly closer, “I’ve been there a couple of years,” she says, taking a step back, regretting it when her back hits the wall, “My boyfriend works there too.”
Mentioning Aaron doesn’t have the impact she hopes it will. She hates that she has to rely on it, that it was often the mention of another man that would make someone stop hitting on her, but it was usually effective. Especially when she brought up the fact her boyfriend was an FBI agent. It doesn’t deter Robert as he steps even closer again, and she grimaces when she can smell his breath, the scotch that permeated it making her stomach roll. 
“You really have grown up into the most beautiful young woman.”
He places his hand on her hip, making her flinch as he squeezes her skin through her dress, and she scrunches her nose up. She’s ready to tell him to take his hand off of her or risk losing it, but she’s interrupted by a familiar and stern voice.
“Is everything okay here?” 
She’s sure she’s never been more grateful to see Aaron. He’s standing just down the hall, a glass of water in his hand and a scowl on his face, and she knows he’s picked up on what he’s walked in on.
Robert steps back from her, his hand falling away, and she takes the opportunity to slip away, walking over to Aaron and taking the drink he’d got her from his hand. 
“Thanks, honey,” she says, making a point of emphasising the nickname. She’d not surprised as Aaron wraps his arm around her, marking his territory in a way she’d usually chastise him for, but right now she’s grateful for it. Unsettled by the way she’d been looked at, been touched, by a man who was her mother’s friend. Someone who has known her since she was a child. 
“I should get going,” Robert says, his eyes avoiding Aaron’s hard gaze. He smiles at Emily as if the last few minutes hadn’t happened, “Lovely to see you again, Emily.”
Emily and Aaron stay frozen in place as they watch him walk away, and as soon as they are alone she scrunches her face up as she looks at her boyfriend. 
“Now I feel really nauseous,” she complains, sipping her water. 
“I’ll kill him.” 
She smiles at the completely serious look on Aaron’s face, and she knows he means it, and it makes something spark in her belly. 
“As sweet as that is,” she says linking her hand through his, “I’d rather not raise our kid as a single parent whilst you’re in jail.” 
“I’d get away with it,” he grits out, his eyes fixed on the hallway Robert had disappeared down, his fury not dissipating. Emily chuckles and presses a kiss to his cheek.
“Come on Superman, why don’t you take me home.” 
Aaron frowns, his eyebrows knitting together as he looks her up and down, “Are you ok?” 
She shrugs, “I feel like crap, and that…” she looks down the hall Robert had walked down back to the main ballroom, “Whatever that was has killed my resolve to stick it out tonight,” she smiles sadly at him, “If my mom realizes we’ve gone I’ll deal with the consequences tomorrow when she comes over.” 
“You’re sure?” he asks, double-checking. 
She nods, “Positive.” 
He wraps his arms around her and pulls her in for a kiss, leaving his arm around her shoulders as they start to walk towards the exit. 
“Want me to take you somewhere to get food?” 
She grimaces, shaking her head as she deposits her glass of water on a table. The mere thought of eating makes her stomach turn, and she was to swallow back bile. 
“Absolutely not,” she says, looking around to make sure no one would overhear before she carries on, “Your kid seems intent on making sure I never eat again.” 
Aaron chuckles as he kisses the top of her head, “How about we go home, you take off those uncomfortable shoes, and I’ll rub your feet as you fall asleep.” 
“Now that sounds perfect.”
She curses under her breath as she looks for the case file that she knew was somewhere on her desk. 
She was running late. She had been all morning ever since she got stuck in traffic after dropping a reluctant Oliver off at daycare. Divide and conquer had always been the way forward ever since they had Rosie, the age difference between her and Ivy enough to mean they always had to be dropped off at different schools. 
Ever since she’d got to work she’d felt like she was behind. She’d missed the morning briefing her current cases, and now she was late for a meeting with the Section Chief. Thankfully, he was very understanding. Largely because she was married to him, and it was his son whose clinginess with her had returned in full force recently. 
When Aaron was prompted to Section Chief, Rosie was just under a year old. It was a job he’d accepted quickly, thrilled at the thought of being at home more, of not being taken away as often as he always had been during his time leading the BAU. Emily started leading the Counterterrorism Unit shortly after he became Section Chief, and for the first time in her career, she worked directly for her husband. At the start, she thought it would be strange, but they worked well together.
“Fuck sake,” she mutters to herself as she pushes documents around on her desk, still unable to find the ones she was looking for. She smiles when her gaze drifts over a family photo she keeps on her desk, a picture of all five of them smiling widely at the camera taken at Ivy’s recent 12th birthday. 
There’s a knock on her door and she doesn’t look up, still scrambling for her paperwork, “Come in,” she says, “Although I’m running late to a meeting so I only have a minute.” 
She freezes, her hands coming to a pause on the desk as a voice she hasn’t heard for years, washes over her. 
Emily feels her shoulders tense and her back straighten, walls she hadn’t put up in over a decade flying up immediately. She gives herself a moment, a brief second to pull herself together before she looks up, meeting dark eyes that bore into hers. 
The same dark eyes she’d passed on to her own children. The children the woman opposite her had never met. The children she didn’t know existed. 
Emily clears her throat, and she’s impressed her voice doesn’t shake as she speaks, “Mother, what are you doing here?” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess. @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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elizabethplaid · 7 months
feb 15 notes, part 2!
Today's a game of good-news/bad-news, but I'm feelin' pretty chuffed (not my usual slang, but it feels right). Notes from earlier in the day are here.
Starts with some bullet-points, then into slightly longer discussion of the near-future.
G- Was in bed and horizontal before 7:30am, phone down before 9am
B- Woke up a couple-few times, maybe got 4 hours of sleep total.
B- Woke by realizing I was picking at my skin in my sleep
G- Put on lotion instead of picking at my skin more, to help me calm down. Somewhat helpful? Clearly, I need to stim, but I need it in a more positive sense than picking.
N- Up and out of bed around 1:30ish. Little jittery but mentally fine.
G- Used acetone to remove my nail polish, then clipped my nails. It's been like 3-4 weeks since the last clip. (Should help with picking, I hope)
N- Nearly out of acetone. Considering I got that big bottle 10+ years ago, that's pretty good. Will need to get another bottle of that and maybe some non-acetone nail polish remover, specifically for non-hobby use.
G- Our late-xmas Amazon order items are arriving. Today was a new camera remote (for the dslr) and a Breaking Benjamin cd
I plan to knit this evening, hopefully catch up with the YT videos I've been avoiding. (I'd wanted to be in a certain mindset while making the bracelets, so I limited what I'd watch during those instances.)
Need to revisit some of last night's music. There was a fun compilation of 90s music, and a few songs were delightful nostalgia. Got misty with a few, too. Those and the ASMR thing from earlier are things I want to make separate posts about. Not quite a "crying log" like @champagnemanagement does, but at least wanting to note things for this time period (eg February, the time I've set aside for mental health).
I've asked to have stew for dinner on Sunday. That day marks 11 years since mom has passed. I had some metaphoric connection of her passing/my grief and stew, but I've forgotten the exact words. It's a comfort meal; it's got more veg than other things I eat. Dad was always more of a cook than mom. He likes to do all the work for this meal, but I enjoy getting to chat with him while he chops veg and such.
Phone friend has expressed interest in visiting, which I've mentioned to dad before. I hope to discuss these plans with my dad, while he's busy prepping the stew. I think dad and phone friend would get along well in person. But we're gonna hang out in Ellsworth for this visit, rather than hanging out in my town. (I still plan to inflict the "Pledge of Allegiance" Burma Shave signs on them, muahaha.)
Amid all our texting, I've had some good insights - stuff worthy of recounting to my counselor. So I'm thinking of taking screenshots, then transcribing the images. I have another week until the next session, so I have time to at least skim for notes. I like having that record, for better recollection and processing of info for later.
Revisiting older notes from previous years earlier has been helpful. Certainly gives me perspective and comfort about how far I've come. When going through some books a couple days ago, I found my copy of Steven Levenkron's "Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Mutilation", including some notes I stashed between the pages. I'm curious to observe my growth since those days (ie 2009). Though I didn't cut, my skin-picking has been similar.
I know that this isn't LiveJournal, and I don't reveal all my thoughts and secrets like I used to on that platform. But I hope some of these discussions might help others, as I have been helped by others' writings over the years. The shame and stigma of mental health adventures will still linger, even as our cultural understanding develops over time. Sharing these bits of our inner-selves with others gives me hope that we'll be okay in the end. Progress is progress, even in tiny bits and steps.
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whoredmode · 2 years
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i already posted a bunch of doodles of him but here’s an actual introduction post
Anteros Prince
September 9, 1982; 24-25 (SR1), 30 (SR2), 33-34 (SRTT/present)
Born and raised in Stilwater.
Before joining the Saints, Anteros was a male stripper just getting by. He always had dreams of making it big and finding his true calling, whatever it may be. Unfortunately for a young Anteros, fate had some interesting plans in mind, and the next thing he knew he was thrown into a new life with the Saints. Though scared out of his mind initially, Anteros eventually came to see his newfound allegiance as a blessing—now, he can’t imagine life any other way.
Still, that dramatic showmanship he was always known for (both in his everyday life and at work at the club) never went away, and he’s always looking for ways to make his next moves bigger and better. These feelings of exuberance (or perhaps bloodlust) only increased after a particularly harrowing, coma-inducing incident on a yacht…but thankfully there’s usually someone around to bring him back down to Earth.
Relationship talks under the cut. Note that I’m kinda following my own canon here so some things may not seem entirely canon. I have my own little rewrite/AU that combines SRTT and SR4 in one bigger, more grounded story.
In the beginning, while still terrified, Anteros found comfort in Dex. He was the one person who made him feel safest, all things considered, and the two confided in each other. There were some developing feelings, but Anteros went comatose before anything could really happen. He’s genuinely heartbroken over how things turned out, and to this day he’s still haunted by his lingering feelings. He still thinks of him often—haunted by his desire to see him again, faintly wondering how things could’ve turned out differently, yet also praying to be the one to put a bullet in his skull. In a way, he considers him dead already: the Dex he knew has been gone a long, long time. Still, this motivation to find Dex again drives a lot of what he does.
Anteros considers Johnny his best friend, as well as Shaundi and Pierce, though that should be obvious. He loves hyping Shaundi up, and though he’s not the best at comforting people, he does make an effort to try to understand her whenever she’s clearly going through it. Anteros and Pierce do end up together eventually, but it takes awhile for them to get to that point. They’d been kinda stepping around the fact for awhile, both a little unsure how a relationship would effect their friendship. Before Anteros and Pierce actually got together, though, Anteros and Johnny had a sorta friends-with-benefits thing going on. It started awhile after Aisha died, but both eventually came to the conclusion that it was better if they just remained friends. After that ended, Anteros and Kinzie were an item for awhile. Quite the power couple, in fact. Though they called it quits eventually, Anteros still considers Kinzie someone very dear to him.
Anteros is still haunted by the death of Carlos, and in response (whether he fully realizes or not) he has become a lot more concerned about younger gang members. This is why he didn’t kill Matt Miller, even if he knows he probably should have. He’s kinda endeared to the kid now, and looks out for him when he can. He still makes fun of him a lot, though. Can’t help it.
Anyway I'm really tired so I'll just end it here. Thanks if you read all this, and by all means please feel free to ask me about Anteros; whether about just him specifically or his relationships with other characters. I'd love to talk about him :]
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liaromancewriter · 3 years
Always My Number One
Premise: Ethan Ramsey is known for many things but being named America’s Top Hot Doctor was not an honor he was expecting.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,740
A/N: This fic was inspired by a conversation with my flock (you know who you are). This takes place later in 2022. I’m also participating in this week’s @wackydrabbles​, prompt 128 which will appeared in bold.
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Cassie Valentine liked lazy mornings in bed, especially ones where both she and her husband, Ethan Ramsey weren’t working. They had been married for five months and every day was better than the last.
She looked around the master bedroom, her eyes still adjusting to the new view, so different from Ethan’s apartment. A few weeks ago, they had finally moved into their place. A penthouse in the Waterfront District, close enough to trendy shops and restaurants she liked and surrounded by water that Ethan wanted.
She glanced over at the clock on his bedside table; it was after ten o’clock which explained why the other side of the bed was already cold. Given the choice, Ethan did not loll about in bed. Whereas, she was more than happy to sleep the morning away.
Cassie rolled on to her back, stretching her arms and legs as she gave a brief (miniscule really) thought to getting out of bed and grabbing some coffee, maybe going for a run. No need to go crazy, she thought. Running in the afternoon was perfectly acceptable. But coffee? That was a necessity.
She wondered if she could convince Ethan to install a coffee machine next to their bed. It would save them (okay, her) so much time in the morning. And then she imagined his reaction — he’d pinch the bridge of his nose for sure — and knew it was a non-starter.
She spent another half-hour just lying there; her thoughts wandering from everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks (Eeek! Her best friend was marrying her brother!) to all the things she still needed to get done for Christmas.
Wanting coffee more than anything, she picked up her phone to text Ethan, hoping he was home and could bring her one from the kitchen, when Sienna’s name popped up on her screen.
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She pulled up the Picta feed, scrolling down to the earlier posts. She had forgotten about the list coming out this week and wanted to see if she knew anyone on it. Feed followers could anonymously submit recommendations and voting was open for all.
Cassie had leaned into the whole competition, which had originally started out as something fun. But when the trauma surgeon from Chicago started garnering more votes, she had launched a secret offensive to propel her favorite people forward. Looks like it had worked.
Minutes later, she was sitting up in bed and laughing out loud at the comments from Jackie and Bryce. Before she knew it, she was adding her two cents to everyone’s post and Jackie joined in, as if lying in wait for Cassie’s comment on the top post. 
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The notification on her group chat with Max and Sienna popped up and she quickly switched apps. These were the only two people in the world who really understood her goofy and oft times snarky sense of humor. And they didn’t disappoint.
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Cassie wasn’t surprised by the thirst comments, but the fact that Max’s Picta Fan Club had switched allegiance had her cracking up.
“What has you in stitches?” asked Ethan, walking into the bedroom with a coffee cup and paper bag.
She looked up at him, unable to stop giggling as she clutched the phone in her hand. She glanced down, then back up at him and just lost it.
Throwing her phone aside, her head fell forward as she hugged her knees and hid her face. Belly-deep laughter made her body shake, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes when she raised her head to stare at Ethan’s perplexed face.
“I have no idea what’s going on unless you’re punchy from lack of coffee,” he said, handing her the bag and the cup with Derry’s logo stamped on the side. “Here.”
“Did you go all the way to Derry’s for my coffee?” she asked when she finally felt in control again.
“Of course not,” he scoffed, sitting down on the foot of the bed. “I was paged back to Edenbrook. Apparently, everyone forgets how to do their job when I’m not there.”
“Poor you,” she teased. “Must be so hard to be indispensable. Smart, handsome, and America’s Hottest Doctor of 2022. You’re a catch, Dr. Ramsey.”
He creased his forehead, eyebrows knitting at her words. “What on earth are you babbling about?”
In response, she unlocked her phone, scrolled to the bottom of the Pictagram feed and handed him the device.
She sipped her coffee, fishing inside the bag for the cupcake she was positive would be there and waited for the explosion. It wasn’t far behind.
He read the first couple of posts and then he cursed out loud in outrage.
“What the hell is this?” he griped. “We’re respected physicians not contestants on Americas Top Model.”
“Americas Top 50 Hottest Medics actually,” she corrected, fascinated by the flush spreading across his face as he scrolled up.
“Is that Carrick? And, Cassie, why are you commenting on this drivel?”
“He’s no Ethan Ramsey,” she said seriously, the laughter in her eyes belying the tone. “Just telling it like it is, babe.”
“Hrm,” was all he said. “Who is this Land Olsen and why does Varma think he had a shot on my team?”
“You mean you don’t recognize your number one fan?” she asked with mock seriousness, her hands clutching at her throat.
“I thought you were my number one fan, Rookie?” he smirked. “Isn’t that what you told me when you were trying to get my autograph that first day?”
“Since we’re married now, I can tell you the truth,” she grinned back. “That autograph wasn’t for me.”
“What?!?” His brows shot up in consternation. He started to respond when her phone pinged and he glanced down.
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“Why is your brother telling me to get my own Picta Fan Club? Why on earth would I want one?”
His confusion was so endearing that Cassie almost gave the game away. Almost. She wasn’t done messing with him though.
“Scroll up, babe.”
“Hmm. Dr. Hadley is a leader in her field,” he said stopping again. “I bet you she’s just as upset about this ranking as Harper would be. At least she ranked higher than Carrick. Although how he managed to make it to third, let alone the list, just shows how stupid people on Picta are.”
“How do you know her?” asked Cassie, scarfing down the cupcake and coffee before setting the empty cup on her nightstand.
“We’ve run into each other at conferences over the years,” he said absently, his thumb on the screen as he scrolled up.
Cassie knew the moment he saw his name and picture. His body went stiff and then his hand came up to pinch the bridge of his nose as a litany of inventive curses flew out of his mouth. She burst out laughing, enjoying every minute of his discomfort.
“What the he…why would this user want someone to rip them?” he asked, bafflement written across his face.
“It’s not rip, babe, it’s R.I.P. as in fuck me,” she explained, wiping the tears from her eyes.
She had known he would be annoyed, but his bewilderment was too amusing for words.
“Who is kayla212 and why is she comparing me to Max?”
“You really should apologize to Max,” said Cassie, her tone grave. “He’s upset that you stole his Picta Fan Club. Kayla212 was one of his first fans along with Thirstybitch.”
“I didn’t ask them to be part my fan club, Cassie,” he retorted. “I don’t even know what that means. Why would a perfect stranger want me to treat their…”
He trailed off as he glanced down and then his eyes went wide. “That’s it. I’m firing Edenbrook’s PR department! They’re supposed to stop these things and not fan the fire.”
“Think of the rise in residency applications,” countered Cassie. “Edenbrook has three of the hottest top five doctors. Everyone will want to work here.”
“We’re a hospital, Cassie,” he grumbled, pacing in front of the bed, “Not a talent agency. Patients don’t care how their physician looks.”
“Shows how much you know,” she muttered.
“And why are you commenting on this crap?” he asked, holding the phone out.
She climbed out of bed, her arms akimbo as she faced him.
“Unbelievable, Dr. Ramsey. I have to show my appreciation and support for my one and only,” she said in a tone that told him it should be obvious. “Can’t have people thinking your wife doesn’t find you hot.”
He opened his mouth as if to argue the point but then he beetled his brows as if a thought occurred to him.
“Wait a minute. This photo,” he said, swiping out of the Pictagram app to pull up her photos. “There’s only person that has this photo of me and I know for a fact that it’s not online anywhere.”
“Uh oh,” said Cassie realizing her rookie mistake. She sidled past him as he scrolled through her photos looking for confirmation.
“Come back here, Rookie,” he called out as Cassie made a run for the bedroom door, her runner legs pumping to escape his grasp.
She was laughing as she glanced back to see him chasing her with a determined look on his face. She was almost up the stairs to the second level when his long legs caught up with her and he grabbed her from behind, keeping her locked in his arms as he walked them to the couch.
“Going somewhere, babe?” he said menacingly.
“Uh, just, you know, fresh air and what not,” she stammered uncertainly at his mood.
“It’s in the low thirties outside,” he said neutrally before shaking his head. “I really should have guessed what I was in for that first day when you asked me for private lessons.”
“Are you okay, Ethan?” she asked confused at the change of topic. She placed the back of her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.
“That was the moment I knew,” he said softly, ignoring her question.
He leaned down to brush his lips across hers, deepening the kiss as he lay her down on the living room couch.
“Knew what?” she asked, her arms circling his neck as she tugged him down to cover her body with his.
“That my life would never be the same again.”
With that, he proceeded to show her just why he was America’s Top Hottest Medic.
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A/N 2: If you’re wondering about how Max’s Picta Fan Club first discovered Ethan? Read Carry You Home.
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​
Tagging in reblog.
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shadowfae · 3 years
Harmony, Chaos, RuneScape and Quoilunetary Nonhumanity
[Crossposted to National Nonhuman Park, and requested by @dzamie.]
I forgot to do this for like three days, but. I wanted to do a post on understanding past experiences and the differing perspectives people can have on the same experiences and how that can lead to radically different understandings and why there will never be a clear-cut border between alterhuman terminology, and I think I finally found a way to articulate that point. Commentary and responses welcome.
The very simplest way of explaining this concept is the following sentence: "I never said that I owed her money." Seems a simple statement, yeah? Place emphasis on one word, read it again, and then place emphasis on a different word and read it. "I never said that I owed her money," implies a flat-out denial of the concept. However, "I never said that I owed her money," is a clear 'I implied it but never said it, and you can't hold me to that'. And emphasis on other words brings the exact meaning of those emphasized words into question, and so forth.
But while that concept is universal, it's difficult to see as it stands how that applies to alterhuman experiences. So we're going to delve into the source of one of my current linktypes, RuneScape, and we're going to explain things the way a warpriest does, using the setting's available godly philosophies to explain a past experience.
The two we'll be looking at today are Serenist and Zamorakian philosophies, particularly the Elven questline, and we're choosing this because Seren's ingame dialogue includes her explaining why Zamorakianism doesn't fit the questline. I, however, say it does, so let's compare and contrast how they both fit, and why they're both valid, and why if you're determined enough you can be absolutely convinced that the other's an idiot.
Seren is the crystal goddess of light; associated heavily with integrity, harmony, prudence, wisdom, and tranquility. Simply put, she is a pacifist who believes that if two parties can meet in the middle and find harmony, the best possible result can be achieved.
This is contrasted heavily with Zamorakian philosophy. Zamorak is known best as the god of chaos, although his philosophy heavily centres strength through personal strife. He believes that almost all obstacles and challenges in life can be beaten if one just never gives up, and that through surviving those obstacles, one is made a better person. He also believes that order brings stagnation: with no reason or need to do something different, people will do what they have always done, thus, chaos is necessary for improvement and achievement.
When Seren left the elves, her main followers, scrambled to put together a leadership that might replace her. Modelling the humans, they chose a monarchy, which was undercut in short order by Clan Iorwerth. (Iorwerth is one of the two military elven clans.) Iorwerth, following a dark power, overthrew the monarchy and shut down the elven kingdom entirely, forcing every elf that wasn't trapped to flee or swear allegiance to them. They were later overthrown by the remains of the other seven clans and the player character, the kingdom was restored as a republic, and eventually Seren came back.
When asked about Zamorak's philosophy, Seren references this: ["Order only brings stagnation."] "Perhaps, but there is also imagination and community. When sharing with others, we can learn to see the world differently. Look at all my elves accomplished. It was undone for a time because of chaos. It was harmony that restored them." [Post- The Light Within dialogue.]
Note the emphasis on harmony, and how she looks down upon this. However, she does agree that the elves are stronger without her, evidenced by her refusal to lead them again after her return: "I will not leave you, not again, but I will not lead you. Let me, here and now, recognise this council as the true leadership of the elven people." [The Light Within quest dialogue.]
Zamorak ingame has never spoken about this event, it's on the other side of the continent and he doesn't much care about what Seren does so long as she stays away from him. However, speaking as my linktype, a son of Zamorak, and a warpriest of Zamorakian philosophy and religion, I feel qualified to explain what his philosophy does say about this event, and how it differs.
Zamorakian philosophy places emphasis on the chaos, and how through it, one becomes stronger. Seren says that she recognizes the clan council of the elven republic to be its true leadership. This council did not exist until after she left and left her followers to deal with the aftermath. Even so, their first attempt at fixing the situation was to create a monarchy, which was overthrown almost immediately.
Arguably, their first attempt via wisdom and harmony – modelling their new government after a human form of government that evidently worked, and by choosing their monarchs to represent them best – failed miserably. However, Iorwerth's assault forced the remaining elves to think of another solution that there was no historic precedence for. The clan leaders chose to go into hiding until someone else had overthrown Iorwerth, which didn't happen until the player character did so, over two thousand years later. Those elves who did not go fully into hiding instead created a resistance, aiming first to stop Clan Iorwerth from obtaining death magic that would have cemented its rule perhaps permanently, and then by taking it down once it was properly destabilized.
Their second attempt at a form of government, truly equal across all eight clans, is evidently better than their first attempt: it withstood the next upheaval of Seren's return and refusal to govern them again, and she gave the council her blessing. The solution they found through harmony and tranquility failed. The solution they found through chaos succeeded.
Seren places her emphasis on the fact that through the Iorwerth domination, the remaining elves worked together to find a solution. Zamorakian philosophy states that they never would have found that solution or learned to work together had their lives not been thrown into utter chaos.
Seren focuses on the harmony that is the method of survival, Zamorak focuses on the chaos that caused invention of an improved method of survival. Seren disavows chaos, disregarding that it is anything but an obstacle that needs to be overcome, refusing to see it as something worth seeking out. Zamorak disavows order, arguably incredibly similar to the Serenist ideal of harmony, and states that it only brings stagnation and is incredibly fragile and meaningless. Through this, the two philosophies are radically opposed, both disavowing what the other praises.
Compare this scenario to one more personal and recognizable to those who may read this: any scenario in which someone is put to their limits, any scenario potentially traumatizing. Serenist philosophy asks for integrity, that one stays true to oneself throughout it all, and harmony, to seek a peaceful solution. This is easily taken down by any situation in which one needs to change in order to survive, however, it also is best represented by the growth of the aftermath when it is time to rebuild. Zamorakian philosophy asks for strength, to find a way through no matter the cost, and celebration of strife, to recognize that there is a point to the pain. This is easily taken down by any sort of emotional trauma that leaves scars, however, it also is best represented by the ability to take any punches thrown and to recognize the good of recovery and what that means for the future.
Thus, in a situation of aftermath, both celebrate the growth and the strength necessary to survive, and meet up perfectly in the middle in any situation in which one is honest with themself, survives the ordeal, and recognizes that they are better than they were before.
Radically opposed, and when you tilt your head and squint, they lead to the same conclusion of a better tomorrow than yesterday was.
As my last point, the question of 'and what exactly does this have to do with gray areas of the alterhuman community?' requires an answer. Not all cases will fall under this, but here's a couple scenarios to think on. Someone who has a parallel life in another world: are they otherkin, or are they otherhearted? Someone who places emphasis on the differences between themself and their parallel life may recognize the other as their counterpart, but not quite them, too similar to be anything but family but too different to be the same person, like twins separated at birth. But someone who places emphasis on the similarities, recognizing the other as a reflection of themself, may say that they're otherkin, not so separate as to be family but too similar to be anything but the same person, if in two different situations.
Take further something psychological. Someone with executive dysfunction, an uncontrollable focus mechanism, emotional dysregulation, ostracization from their peers, and a lack of understanding of metaphors or half-truths may go to a pediatrician and be diagnosed as autistic. If they never go to that hypothetical pediatrician, but instead find themself online and hunting for answers, they may discover the otherkin community and come to the conclusion that they are Fair. Where one reads the apparent difference between themself and others as recognizing that they do not psychologically think the way others do, and thus being othered; one recognizes it as others having a gut feeling that they are simply not human, akin to an uncanny valley effect.
Lastly, consider someone who takes up believing themself to be a unicorn as a child, to deal with ostracization from their peers. Something along the lines of the last scenario. Years later, after growing up and discovering a friend group and no longer facing any ostracization, they determine that they still identify as a unicorn. They do research and understand that if they put in the effort over several decades and ego alteration, they may be capable of releasing that coping mechanism turned integral part of them, and letting it go.
Are they otherkin, or a copinglinker?
If they consider themself otherkin, then one can assume they would be disinterested in using ego alteration over a course of decades to let go. If they consider themself a copinglinker, then they may be interested, or they may not, but it would be more likely that they would at least consider the option before deciding either way. And if they do decide against it, does that make it otherkin? As the difference between the two is defined and largely accepted that otherkin is involuntary and copinglinking is, one might argue that they would still be a 'linker, as one cannot choose to be otherkin.
But are they keeping a linktype that they chose and are still choosing, or are they choosing to embrace a kintype that already exists?
I suppose which one it is depends on how you want to look at it, and where you want to place your emphasis of the experience. And no matter how someone else may look at it, the only one with final say is the one who experiences it in the first place.
Both conclusions lead to the same place, in the end: an alterhuman identity, and an experience worth exploring and talking about. No matter how one understands it, or what they ultimately decide to call it.
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codynaomiswire · 4 years
TTS/RTA Egyptian Mythology AU
Also known as the Uraeus AU!
Several months ago, I made a post about a developing idea for an Egyptian mythology AU for TTS/RTA. The idea was prompted in large part by the snake-hair Varian (“Snakian”) scene from the series’ finale, and the concept of the uraeus in Egyptian mythology. Since first posting about this AU, Xiel and I have really been developing the idea further on the Discord, and here’s what we’ve come up with so far. Hope you all enjoy it!
Note: As a fan AU, this is of course subject to change and variations, so things may change or develop differently as time goes on and more new ideas spring up. This is just what we have in mind so far!  :D
Champions and Friends:
Varian - The kingdom’s seer and champion of Wadjet (aka “the Uraeus”). In this AU, Varian was born to Quirin and Ulla with his “twin brother” Ka - a living uraeus bestowed upon him by the snake goddess Wadjet. (More on Ka and Wadjet down below.) Having grown up with Ka, Varian is not (usually) bothered with having a snake attached to his head, and sees Ka as being like a brother to him. Varian also grew up being told by Quirin and Ulla to keep Ka a secret, as the family was worried Varian and Ka would be taken away from them if anyone knew about them. So for many years, whenever Varian would go outside, he would wear a head covering so Ka would remain hidden from the world. Once he did try to show Ka to some of the kids in his village, but they all ran away screaming, and he got in trouble with the parents for “pulling a mean prank with a snake.” So he and Ka never tried that again. However, things start to get trickier as Varian enters his early teens, and he starts to get visions about events to come, and has a couple episodes of sleepwalking in the middle of the night. Despite Quirin’s best efforts to keep the two safe, things finally come to a head when some kidnappers (led by Andrew) are hired by Set’s cult to capture Varian and Ka, and bring them back to be dealt with. Out of self-defense, Ka ends up landing a venomous bite on Andrew, who nearly dies from the poison. However, Varian has also taken an interest in alchemy by this time in his life, and learned how to create an antivenom for Ka’s bites. (While Varian himself is immune to snake venom due to his connection with Ka and Wadjet, he learned how to make it in case there was ever an accident involving someone else.) Varian manages to make the antivenom in time and save Andrew’s life, but this incident ended up taking place out in the open, and thus Varian and Ka have their cover blown. Quirin tries to prevent Varian and Ka from being taken away, but the next day the pharaoh’s soldiers come and take Varian and Ka to live in the palace, as the priests of Wadjet are certain that the time has come for the seer to step into his duties for the kingdom. Varian is at first very unhappy with being forced to live at the palace, but is befriended my Rapunzel quite quickly. And when his visions start coming on with even greater intensity, Varian must do what he can to help protect the people from Set’s plans and Apep’s impending return.
Ka - A living uraeus and Wadjet’s other champion. (Note: In this AU, “the Uraeus” refers to Ka, Varian, or the two taken together. The term applies to all three.) His character is inspired by the snake-hair character in the RTA series finale (though Ka has the added feature of a cobra hood), and his name is inspired in large part by the “ka” aspect of the soul in ancient Egyptian philosophy (meaning “double” and known as the protective aspect of the soul). His name is also reminiscent of Kaa from The Jungle Book, though it’s spelled differently. Given to Varian by Wadjet upon his birth, Ka has been with Varian since the beginning. While he and Varian are the same age, Ka grows up faster than Varian mentally, so he tends to be the more mature of the two. However, he isn’t adverse to causing some mischief from time to time. Growing up, Ka was pretty readily accepted by Ulla, but Quirin...was more leery of him. Especially given Quirin’s own past (more on that below), he first saw Ka as an interloper on what was supposed to be a peaceful family life. Despite this attitude, Quirin and Ka did have their moments of reliability from time to time, and Ka grew up seeing Quirin and Ulla as his parents (calling them “Father” and “Mother” respectively). For years Ka had to hide his existence from the outside world, and thus could get very lonely. It seemed that he would have to resign himself to a life of obscurity...until Varian started getting weird visions of things to come, and Ka started getting his own premonitions of things to come in the short term (i.e. waking visions of things close at hand). Ka also learned through his premonitions how to hypnotize people, which he would use mostly for therapeutic purposes, or to compel people to tell the truth if need be (though this function especially can take a lot out of him, so he’s not OP with this ability). Things take the most drastic turn for Ka when he lashes out at would-be kidnappers (as told in Varian’s description above), he becomes known to the wider world, and is then thrust into the champions’ efforts to save the kingdom from ruin. Ka also does that snake thing of prolonging his ‘s’ sounds when he talks, and when he first has the experience of talking to new people he takes to referring to himself in the third person. Just to be fancy I guess.  xP
Quirin - Varian and Ka’s father, member of the Brotherhood, and champion of Khonsu. Quirin spent a good portion of his adult life as a member of the Brotherhood in Karnak who - in this AU - are a warrior guild with allegiance to Khonsu, Egyptian god of the moon and time. While serving under Khonsu, Quirin acquired the ability to manipulate time in certain small ways - i.e. stopping time within a certain radius (usually a few yards), or around a certain person or object. This ability is very risky though, as if it’s used too often or too intensely it can have the side affect of “taking time” from the one wielding it (hence why Quirin appears a bit older than Adira and Hector, who are only a few years younger than he). After a good many years of service in the Brotherhood, Quirin decides to leave his service and settles down with his wife Ulla to start a family. However, upon the birth of their son Varian, Quirin is shocked to find that Varian was born with a living uraeus attached to his head (whom Ulla names Ka). After his dealings with the gods while serving Khonsu, Quirin is afraid of what Ka’s presence means for Varian, and does all he can to keep Ka a secret from the wider world. At first, Quirin is very leery of Ka, which does not go unnoticed by the rest of the family. Quirin is never cruel to Ka, never ignores him, nor dotes upon Varian while leaving Ka out of it, but it is clear that he sees Ka differently from Varian. Things become especially hard when Ulla dies when Varian and Ka are about ten years old, and Quirin has to raise the two on his own. Eventually, Quirin and Ka begin to grow closer, and Quirin does all he can to make sure he and Varian don’t get taken away from him. But after their cover is blown, Quirin is left worrying about his sons after they are taken away to live in the palace. As Quirin prays to Khonsu one night asking what can be done, he is informed that his duty as the Uraeus’s protector is not over, and that he will also be called upon to join in the effort to stop Set and Apep in the days to come.
Rapunzel - The princess of Egypt and the champion of Ra. Rapunzel was kidnapped by Mother Gothel as a baby, and was raised learning how to use her sun powers. However, when the champion of Horus comes to save her, Mother Gothel is defeated by her own evil designs, and Rapunzel loses connection with her healing powers in the ensuing struggle. After returning home, life is happy for the princess, and she quickly befriends many in her kingdom. However, when news comes to the palace that Wadjet’s seer has appeared in the land, Rapunzel begins her real journey to find her destiny, and must use her powers to save the land from its deadliest threat yet.
Eugene - The prince of one of Egypt’s major cities, and the champion of Horus. (Naturally, this was inspired by Eugene’s birth name being Horace in the canon series. xD) The son of King Edmund of Karnak, Eugene actually grew up in his family’s palace in this AU. When he was born, Eugene bore a birthmark on his shoulder blades that resembled wings. After consulting with the local priests, Edmund learned that the birthmark was a sign of the blessing of Horus, and that Eugene would come to wield great powers. Afraid for his son, however, Edmund has a hieroglyph painted onto Eugene’s back every few weeks or so to keep the power of the mark at bay. Eventually though, when Eugene is in his early teens, Horus’s blessing breaks through the barrier induced by the hieroglyph, and after a painful first transformation, Eugene has found that he has sprouted giant hawk’s wings from his back. After the initial shock, Eugene learns how to use and control this ability, and after some of Horus’s guidance, he manages to find the lost princess of Egypt and rescues her (while also falling in love of course ^^). After rescuing Rapunzel, Eugene decides to remain living in the capitol at the palace, though he keeps in contact with his family and home city.
Cassandra - Mother Gothel’s daughter, Rapunzel’s best friend and champion of Sekhmet. After being born to Mother Gothel, Cassandra grew up as a child servant in the cult of Set, and was left entirely on her own after Mother Gothel left her to horde Rapunzel’s sun powers for herself. Being miserable in her life situation, Cassandra eventually called out to the other gods asking for their help (she was probably about six or seven years old at this stage). Sekhmet heard her, and gave Cassandra some of her powers so she could don a lioness form and bust her way out. (Although, this blessing also left its mark on Cassandra, as she now permanently sports cat-like eyes, even when not in her lioness form.) After fleeing the cult of Set, Cassandra wanders around for a while until she is found by the Captain of the Guard, who came after he heard reports of a dangerous feral child wandering the desert near the outer villages. The Captain takes pity on Cassandra when he finds her, and takes her in as his own and teaches her how to fight and how to have discipline so she can control her powers. In addition to transforming into a human-lioness hybrid, Cass can also talk to felines and request favors from them, like spying on enemies and scouting and stuff. After gaining the trust of everyone in the capitol, Cass also came to be known by the revered title, The Lioness.
Lance - Eugene’s best friend and fellow resident of Karnak. While Lance is not a chosen champion, he is still a gifted member of the group, and is invaluable as a supportive friend and skilled wordsmith. When Kiera and Catalina travel to the capitol after Catalina becomes a champion, it’s Lance who is the first in the group to befriend the girls. Lance also has a background in being a treasure hunter, which comes in handy when the group needs to locate legendary artifacts, ancient temples and other things that will be vital to the success of their mission.
Catalina - Sister to Kiera/Angry, and Champion of Anubis. (A quick thank you to the Anon who prompted us to consider Catalina as a fellow champion!) Like Cassandra, Catalina’s blessing from Anubis allows her to don a feral form (this time in the form of a werewolf/werejackal) to help fight against the agents of Set and Apep. However, Catalina was chosen to wield Anubis’s blessing specifically because her heart was the only one judged by the scales of Anubis to be able to balance the powers contained within his blessing. As the son of Set and a god of death, Anubis’s blessing is extremely powerful and volatile, and only a certain kind of heart can learn how to balance it and avoid being destroyed by it. While Catalina still struggles with her power (especially during the first few transformations), she is able to gain great control over it with time. While she is considered an outcast from most of the rest of society, Kiera stays by Catalina’s side, and together they travel to the capitol to join the other champions in their mission to stop Set and Apep from destroying the world.
Kiera/Angry - Catalina’s sister. While Kiera/Angry is not a chosen champion, she is still skilled and is a beloved member of the group. After her sister Catalina receives the blessing of Anubis, Kiera stays by her side and travels with her to the capitol to join the rest of the group to help save Egypt and the world from impending doom.
Adira and Hector - Members of the Brotherhood, Quirin’s honorary siblings, and Varian’s “aunt” and “uncle”. While Hector and Adira were also servants of Khonsu like Quirin, neither were given special powers by the deity. Nevertheless, their work as members of the Brotherhood proves invaluable for the group, and they are more than ready to help with their skills and knowledge for whatever may come their way. When Hector isn’t serving at Khonsu’s temple in Karnak, he is the more adventurous of the two, and spends a good chunk of his time being a sellsword for the caravans traveling across the desert. He also has an affinity for animals, and thus relates to Ka very well upon meeting him for the first time.
King Edmund - Ruler of Karnak, head of the Brotherhood, and father of Eugene. A lot of his role was already laid out in Eugene’s description.
Frederic and Arianna - The pharaoh and queen of Egypt in this AU.
Egyptian Deities:
Wadjet - A snake goddess of protection and healing, Wadjet is the deity who chooses Varian and Ka for the mission to stop Set and Apep. In this AU, Wadjet is also a goddess of farsight, and thus allows Varian and Ka to be her seers on earth. While a powerful and graceful deity, Wadjet also has a “soccer mom” kind of personality to her as well. In this AU she has the form of a naga - i.e. human upper body with her lower body being a long snake’s tail.
Khonsu - The god of the moon and time, and the deity served by the Brotherhood. Khonsu is a rather mysterious figure, and while he can see through time and its various possible outcomes, he does not have direct control over how events play out. However, he does impart the ability to manipulate time in small ways to Quirin, though the ability does comes with a price if used to excessively. Khonsu’s personality is quiet, stern, yet also with a touch of levity here and there.
Ra - The god of the sun, and giver of Rapunzel’s powers. Unlike the other deities in this AU, Ra seems strangely absent, despite his sun constantly moving through the sky overhead, and Rapunzel serving as his emissary. He only speaks to her very sparingly throughout their adventure, but when he does it’s always at key moments.
Horus - The son of Ra, protector of the sun, and arch nemesis of Set. Horus chose Eugene to be his champion on earth, and gifted the prince with his wings and ability to fly. (Haven’t really ironed out more of his personality yet to be honest. More may come later!)
Sekhmet - A lion goddess and protector of Egypt. Like Ra, Sekhmet doesn’t make too many appearances in this AU, but she does give Cassandra her incredible lioness warrior powers.
Anubis - A god of death, judgment and the son of Set. Despite commanding a lot of respect, Anubis is a deity that many Egyptians fear and don’t like to talk about. He has a very serious personality (given his job that only seems natural), and really doesn’t like the idea of Set and Apep wreaking havoc on the world and making his job as psychopomp all the harder. (Basically, one of his motivations for wanting to stop the end of the world is so he doesn’t have a ton of more work to do with all the death and destruction that would result. ...Yeah, not the most altruistic reasoning, but guess the guy’s just being practical. xP) When choosing his champion, he weighed the hearts of all in the kingdom to determine which one could balance his powers best, and the scales determined that it would be Catalina, hence him bestowing her with his blessing.
Mother Gothel - A former priestess of Set. After learning about the princess’s sun powers, Mother Gothel kidnaps the princess in order to use her powers so that she may remain young forever and never die. However, her evil plans collapse in on her when the champion of Horus comes to save Rapunzel, and Mother Gothel is destroyed in the process. (This is pretty much the extent of Mother Gothel’s role in the story.)
Zhan Tiri - High priestess of Set, and one of the main antagonists of this AU. For many years, Zhan Tiri ran the cult of Set from the underground, and kept her identity as high priestess hidden while posing as an advisor to the pharaoh’s court. However, after her attempt to eliminate the Uraeus fails, Varian and Ka see through her disguise, and she is forced to flee from the capitol and run the cult of Set from the underground in the temples and caves in the Egyptian wilderness. She’s pretty much a generic villain like in the series, where she just kinda craves revenge and destruction because...evil.
Set - The “big bad” of the AU alongside Apep. Where Apep is the brawn of the evil duo, Set is the brains. Set plans on using his cult to help release him and Apep onto the mortal plane, basically wreak as much havoc as possible, and take over the world.
Apep - The “big bad” of the AU alongside Set. Where Set is the brains of the evil duo, Apep is the brawn. As the giant serpent of chaos, Apep’s one goal in life is to destroy the world and all living things. He’s kind of the antithesis of Ka in this AU. His voice sounds a lot like Smaug from The Hobbit movies, and while big, strong and scary, he isn’t super clever.
Aaaaaand I think I’ll leave this post at that for now. Whew! I’ll probably make another post a bit later concerning a general outline of events, and maybe also some other posts with some dialogue snippets that Xiel and I have come up with if there’s enough interest.
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Flight Deck: Harmon 'Harm' Rabb x Reader
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Tagging: @keyweegirlie @dizzybee03 @@snowlover250 @too-strong-to-lose @buckysteveloki-me @kmc1989 @kenbechillin
Prequel to Happy Birthday (NSFW) and Georgetown
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The first time Harm lays eyes on you is on the flight deck of the USS Allegiance. You’ve just stepped off a chopper from the mainland and he’s greeting you in his flight suit because he landed a plane less than five minutes ago. It’s sounds like the beginning of a Hallmark movie.
He doesn’t realise how attractive you are, not until you take off the helmet. If he was a romantic he’d say that was the moment he fell in love but it isn’t, that comes much later. There’s a spark through, he feels it everytime he looks at you. When you know, you know he thinks retrospectively, he was just too guarded to realise it at the time.
He tries to ignore it but he finds it damn near impossible, because you aren’t like the other NCIS agents afloat, you don’t keep to yourself.
Every morning at five am you’re on the flight deck, stretching before you head out for a run. You catch a few wolf whistles and you salute them with your middle finger, before you take off for your circuit. The thing is Harm runs too, at exactly the same time. He ends up keeping pace with you the majority of the way until it starts to become a race. You pull ahead just a little and before he knows it it’s a sprint to the death. You win, barely.
“Same time tomorrow?” He asks you as you lean back against the railing, struggling to catch your breath.
You give him that smile and he knows in that moment he’s a goner.
It becomes a regular thing, the two of you running on the flight deck. On the days you don’t run, he meets you for a cup of coffee. The two of you watch the sun raise over the horizon while you shoot the breeze over the good stuff, because the coffee in the Officer’s Mess is so much better than the Crew’s. He learns a lot about you in that time. You hail from Cincinnati, leaving behind an ex-husband and not much else. You’ve had eight postings in five years, you never stay anywhere for longer than six months.
It's like looking into the mirror. He hasn’t settled since Mac had broken things off nine years ago. He’s toured the world jumping from carrier to carrier, base to base. It’s the plight of the broken hearted, he finds himself telling you and you laugh because you’ve heard he’s left more than a couple in his wake.
“Does that bother you?” He asks you as he tilts his head towards you.
Your gaze meets his and once more he’s completely captivated. You have such beautiful eyes, he understands how a man could get lost in them. He has many a time over the past three months. He’s lost count of the amount of times he’s wanted to reach out and touch you, to run his hands through your hair, to fuck you.
“No.” You tell him, the edges of your mouth tipping up into a smile. “I’ve left a couple in my wake since the divorce too.”
He knows what it’s like to experience freedom, to taste ecstasy and know that there are no expectations, no complications. It’s beyond liberating but it also gets old. All those one night stands can’t give you the intimacy of being with someone that loves you. He misses that, caring for someone, being cared for in return.
He thinks the two of you could get there if you gave it the chance.
Unfortunately it doesn’t happen because later that day you get word you’re being reassigned to New Orleans, effective immediately. You have thirty minutes to pack before you’re on the chopper to Louisiana.
It’s in the doorway to the flight deck that you pause. He sees you’re hesitation and he wonders if you feel the same sense of loss that he does. There’s so many things that are left unsaid between the two of you, he wants to change that but you have thirty seconds until you need to be up in the air. His hands come to rest on your shoulders, squeezing lightly and he gives you that resigned smile.
“Come visit me.” You say quietly. “The next time you have leave, come to New Orleans…”
You trail off and he understands why. You’re taking a risk, putting yourself out there for the first time since your divorce. If he takes this step then he’d telling you he wants to take this chance, that he’s willing to explore this thing between the two of you, see where it goes.
“New Orleans in the Spring could be fun,” He murmurs, his thumb chasing over the line of your jaw. You kiss him then and it’s like he’s feeling the sun on his skin for the first time in years. When you pull away he isn’t ready, he can tell you aren’t either but the pilot’s radioing through for you to get a move on.
The next time he sees you it’s in a bar in New Orleans, it’s been two months since he’d laid eyes on you and nothing’s changed. Your smile still lights up his heart, your laugh makes him laugh and when he looks into your eyes…
Harm knows there’s no going back.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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sunflovverharry · 4 years
Allegiance - Fakedating!Harry
Finally decided to make a new tumblr for my writing as I’ve been wanting to start posting forever ago, but my former blog was marked explicit for no reason!! BUT here I am, shitting bricks that I’m actually posting my work.. Let me present to you; Fakedating!Harry
word count: 4.4k warnings: language, drinking, angst, fluff summary: harry and y/n go through the ups and downs of their slowly changing relationship pairing: harry x reader
!!!!! it’s my first time releasing anything I’ve ever written and i’m shitting my pants. this was so fun to write and I hope you enjoy it! please reblog, like or tell me what you liked about it, i’ll greatly appreciate it🥺 i have a series i’m working on atm that’ll be out soon (hopefully), along with multiple one-shots so look out for that if you enjoyed this piece (the series is fwb!harry if that’ll help you want to read it hahah). enjoy my first one-shot of fakedating!harry (might put out a part 2 to this sometime but don’t take my word for it)
It wasn’t the first family gathering I had to come with him to. Not even the tenth. No, it was probably more like the fiftieth I couldn’t say no to coming to during the last two tears. Two years of playing his loving and devoting girlfriend. His family and friends have known us as the perfect couple since he first introduced me a warm july evening two years ago. Apart from it being a fake relationship, it seems pretty fucking real to the outside world. Maybe we’re just that great actors.
July 19th 2018
Harry took a hold of my hand as we walked through the luxurious modern home in the outskirts of London. It is the first time I’ve stepped foot in this house - eager to catch every little detail as I slowly walked beside Harry. It was gorgeous and I hoped to get a tour sometime. Not that I even know if I’ll ever come back here after tonight. It might be a one-night thing for all I know, only agreeing to come with Harry because I literally could not find an excuse to save my life.
Being at a function where you know next to nobody except your supposed boyfriend is terrifying, but at the same time I had to hide my nerves in case anyone caught on.
Our family has never had any big parties or get-togethers except for weddings - which there weren’t many of. Most of my cousins decided they were off fine without a marriage certificate to validate their relationships. I supported them in their decision, but ultimately I want to marry the one I one day want to spend the rest of my life with. Not having the best relationship reputation it’ll probably be a while until a wedding where I’m the bride takes place.
The large double french doors leading out to the expansive garden were open for guests to go in and out of the house and to the garden where mostly everyone were mingling when we arrived. The engagement celebration of Harry’s sister and her fiancée was in full swing and it looked as if we were the last ones missing. That made it all the more terrifying. How on earth are we going to keep up the façade of us being in a relationship all night?
We’d talked about details on the way here deciding to go with our friends setting us up on a blind date a few months back. It isn’t far from the truth, but we were definitely not on a date. We had to accompany our best mates who were on a date, but for the most part we ignored each other only letting the talk and get to know each other. The worst thing is, it wasn’t even worth it as they literally shagged and didn’t see each other again.
As to how we’re now here together - I accidentally walked into him and spilt my tea all over his fancy suit clinging to his body. Cliché, I know. To repay him for the spill, he asked me to be his pretend girlfriend and like I said I suck at excuses so here we are about to be introduced to his whole family it seems. Way to take away the attention from the happy couple.
«Mum.» Harry’s hand slipped from mine as we closed up on the group to the left. I didn’t want to interrupt a reunion between Harry and his mum so I kept my stance a few feet behind him and waited for Harry to take the lead as he hugged his mum saying a quick hello to the rest of the people standing in the small circle.
«Y/n, mum. Mum, y/n.» Harry stepped to the side so I could take the short steps forward to greet his mother. It was the first time I was meeting a guy of any sort parents and I’m sure I was shaking as she pulled me in for a hug. It was warm and welcoming as she whispered in my ear.
«It’s so lovely to meet you finally, y/n.» I smiled at her as we parted. She kept her hands on my upper arms taking me in with her moving eyes. «Harry hasn’t told us anything or answered a single question about you, but now I can ask you myself!» She cheered as Harry groaned in the background. How was this lovely lady basically getting pulled into a trap by her 26 year old son?
The next few greetings went above and beyond my expectations. With knowing how insensitive and closed off Harry, I had imagined his family was the same - which looking back was unkind of me as his family are the complete opposite. Being here accompanied by his loved ones also showed me that maybe Harry isn’t as hard as he comes off as, he just doesn’t like to open up to the wrong people. I can tolerate and understand that, but he hasn’t exactly made an effort to get to know me, so I wouldn’t say he has a right to be heartless towards me. Not after I’ve done him a massive favor.
«How long have you been together then?» Harry had gone to talk to his future brother-in-law and sister and I was left seated with some family friends of theirs. I didn’t mind one bit spending time with other people than Harry. It was freeing not having to pretend and have his hand caressing my thigh and asking if I wanted anything from the bar. Sure, I would have reveled in it if we were anything close to friends or even lovers, but just knowing it’s him makes me want to shake him off.
«It’ll be six months on the 27th. We had our second date on his birthday actually and he didn’t even tell me! Can you believe that?» I asked incredulously. It wasn’t true, we hadn’t even met up on his birthday nevertheless been on a fucking date.
We sat in comfortable conversation for a couple minutes talking about Harry and me before he came back sliding his arm over the back of my chair. His fingertips trailed up and down my arm as he quickly got back into the conversation.
It felt oddly normal when we were conversing about day-to-day subject and talking about solely ourselves, but then I’m brought right back into the plain lie about our relationship.
July 2nd 2020
This time it wasn’t an engagement party though, it was a celebration of Marie and Jack having been married for 30 years. It’s a huge accomplishment and compared to every other gathering, I’m happy to be here. Though the fake relationship between Harry and I hasn’t been the best, we’ve certainly tried our best and his family still seem to believe it.
We’ve had our ups and downs in private, but always been on our best behavior out with his family - holding hands, laying my head on his shoulder, him kissing my temple and squeezing my waist. It didn’t happen all too often, thank god, but we’d shared the odd kiss or two at times where it deemed right to do so. I’m not sure I could bear getting a taste of his lips more than I had to. At his sister's wedding last summer when we were slow dancing somewhere in the midst of all his family and their friends we slowly leaned in - whether in the heat of the moment or because it seemed we had to i’m still not sure. Either way, it was a nice kiss shared between us when we were both drunk off of champagne and the love we felt around us.
Since, there’s been a few pecks here and there, but mostly keeping to placing our lips on the others cheek, forehead or hand. I do think Harry’s opened up, though only slightly, it still warmed my heart. We’ve had quite a few enjoyable chats whilst driving home or sitting in a corner of the garden we’ve spent most our time in at his parents home. I still don’t know where he lives, him picking me up and only going to wherever the dinner or party would be held.
We haven’t discussed how much longer we’re keeping the lie going about us, but it was starting to gnaw at me knowing we would probably part ways in not too long and never meet again. He had become a part of my life I’m not sure I want to lose. The beginning was horrible and we didn’t get along in private, but after that kiss at the wedding something turned in the both of us (I hope).
Up until recently we’ve been really fucking lucky to have avoided all questions about moving in together and a possible ring on my finger. Weeks ago when we had dinner with his parents the questions surely weren’t held away though. Babies, apartments, rings and everything of the sort were brought up. It was heavy subject for two people who barely could stand each other a year ago and by the end of the dinner I was more than ready to put an end to this extremely complicated lie. It’s turned into much more than the one party I agreed to the first time he asked me.
We had a nice chat about how we were excited to see his nieces again in the car, giggling about our memories with them these last two years. It was nice being so open and comfortable with him not having to worry about him being angry or quiet. He talked back and laughed with me and even told me a couple stories from before I was in their life. I’ll miss them and the rest of his family when we inevitably end us.
Marie greeted us just like she does every time we come by, for dinner, a party or game night I just couldn’t refuse to join in on - with a kind smile grazing her lips and the same welcoming hug she’d given me the first time we met and ever since. It was really something I was looking forward to when I knew I’d be seeing her.
«Harry, y/n! You look fabulous, did you force him to match his tie to your dress?» Marie squinted her eyes at me in a ‘I know he’d never do it if he wasn’t forced to’ look. And of course, she knew her son way better than I did and only laughed with her as I told her yes, indeed I even had to put it on him myself. Which was the truth for once.
«Hopefully we’ll be throwing you some kind of celebration sometime soon, yeah? Engagement, pregnancy?» She hinted at the subjects we tried our very best to steer away from at all times as we followed her back to the garden I was falling more and more in love with. For the most part we’d been able to laugh our way out of it.
Harry laughed as he took two glasses of champagne from a server for the both of us to sip. It would definitely clear any pregnancy rumours which I’m sure there were swirling around between his family members. This family does not like to take their time with anything, saying life is too short to fool around. I’m sure they’re concerned and suspicious of why we’re taking things slow not even living together when his sisters all got engaged or married within the two first years, but they’ll be let in on our secret soon enough I hope.
In one way I’d love for this all to be over and continue to live my life as I did before Harry - but to be honest I’m not quite sure how I’ll ever go back to that. Life with Harry sure has its pros and I would enjoy it as long as it lasted. Especially the expensive champagne they always seemed to have at every function.
A couple hours or so later the speeches were in full swing. I knew Harry wasn’t doing one as I’m sure everyone would think he’d propose to me at the end of it, so he decided to forget about it. After his sisters had said some lines each, Marie and Jack stood up at the head table right next to us. They looked as in love now as they did two years ago and it was incredible witnessing how the spark between them never seemed to die. I can only wish to have a marriage as wonderful.
«You want more to drink? Can have mine if you want.» Harry offered quietly before Jack asked everyone about how gorgeous his wife looks tonight. He truly adores her and it shows in every way he acts and speaks to her.
«Yes, please. Thank you.» I grabbed the glass of some sort of concoction from his much larger hand. Smiling up at him, I sipped the drink from the straw feeling his hand squeeze my waist to pull me closer though I’m not sure how much closer I could get unless I sat on his lap. We’d been touching each other considerably more than usual during the night. It felt good and with how friendly we’ve been lately I almost wanted more, just like how I’ve been wanting for the last couple months. More touching my thigh, more squeezing my waist, more kisses on my temple, more brushing my hair away from my face. He was addicting, inexplicably so.
Harry put his lips to my cheek as we listened to his parents speak about how their love was at an all time high, even after thirty years of marriage, four children and a couple of granddaughters to show for it. The softness to their voices as they spoke passionate, kind, loving words to each other was absolutely remarkable. It brought my deepest feelings out and I couldn’t help but shed a tear or two. I hadn’t noticed they were falling before I felt Harry’s thumb whisking them away and pulling my head to rest on his shoulder, another kiss planted on my forehead this time.
I savored the moment, the love I felt all too much for me while thinking about how this would be over far too soon for my liking. His family were growing on me. Harry was growing on me. I enjoyed his company, when he would open up without me asking or begging to know a small detail that probably didn’t matter to him as much as it did to me. He had become a huge part of my everyday life by now, texting him on days we weren’t meeting up.
I firmly remember the first day we hung out just us two. It was a Tuesday evening and we had gone out to eat - really only to grab a photo we could give to his parents who had been begging for one. This was around halloween last year, so we were on solid grounds by then.
At first it was awkward as hell, neither knowing what to say or how to start the conversation, but after we had ordered we soon got into conversation and we didn’t stop until we’d been sat there for three hours. It still baffles my mind how nice that dinner was and how I didn’t ever think ‘can this be over soon?’. Thinking back, I think that’s the exact moment I realized I might’ve grown feelings for the man.
The night had gone by in a blink of the eye, suddenly it was nearing midnight and we had just said goodbye and were making our way to his car. Sitting down and watching the house as Harry reversed out of the parking spot, I thought about what a lovely night it’s been. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself and this one party will forever be the reason I won’t ever regret fake dating Harry Styles. His mum made it all worth it when he didn’t.
«Would you like to come to mine for a drink before heading home? It’s still quite early for a Saturday, innit?» Harry didn’t come off as nervous or scared to ask me to join him at his place before sending me home. There was no way I could deny his request as I’d finally get to see the flat he resides in and I’ve imagined for two years.
It only took us around ten minutes to get to his flat, shocked to see that it isn’t as far from mine as I thought. He’s got enough money to live in a nicer area, but this definitely has charm to it and maybe that’s why he wants to live here.
The flat itself was victorian but with a modern upgrade. A luxurious kitchen with all the appliances one could need, a lovely island serving as his dining table that led into the living room. I wanted to jump onto the couch and lay there for eternity by only looking at how soft and comfortable it seems. The rather large L-shaped couch took up most of the room, but he’d made sure to have enough space for tall, wide bookshelves filled with anything but books behind it.
Don’t get me started on the dark wood flooring that looked as original as it could get. They brought character to the flat and blended the old victorian feel in nicely with the more modern look of the walls and kitchen. I’d love to have a place like this someday.
«You can sit down and I’ll grab a bottle of wine, sound alright?» Harry hung his suit jacket that he hadn’t worn at all on one of the chairs lined by the island counter. He moved into the corner of the kitchen where I couldn’t see him any longer as I stepped off my shoes before tiptoeing to the couch falling down into it. I was right about it being soft and comfortable. It was as if I was being lulled to sleep all I needed was a light blanket tucking me in and I’d be set for a good night's sleep.
Harry chuckled when he came out from the kitchen, a bottle of red in one hand and two glasses in the other, to see me cuddling into his couch. I don’t know what he does in his free time or if he usually has girls around his flat and this is a normal view for him, but right now I didn’t care. He was giving me wine and a comfy place to sit which honestly is enough for now. I don’t want to scare him away by talking about my feelings for him past midnight, half drunk after all the drinks I’d already had tonight.
Chatting to Harry was a breeze. We giggled before getting serious and then struggling to breath as we laughed harder than ever before. It felt light and good, like we were the best of friends and for a moment I thought I could live with that. As long as I got to continue having moments like these with him, I could deal with only being friends. Then I had another glass of wine and decided that I couldn’t bear him not knowing how I feel for one more second.
«Harry.. we can’t keep doing this. It’s not fair to the people involved, and it’s absolutely not fair to us.» My eyes were watching my finger trailing the pattern of one of his pillows I was holding in my lap. There was no foreshadowing to tell Harry that I would bring this up and I could tell he wasn’t ready for it by the sharp intake of breath that could be heard from him.
«I’ve thought about it recently and obviously we both knew this couldn’t last forever. I’ve grown a lot the past two years and I know what I want now. A fake relationship isn’t it, no matter how much I adore your family.» I could feel my throat burning as I tried to keep my tears at bay. The last thing I wanted to sit in front of him crying my eyes out. Still not daring to let my eyes reach his, I closed my eyes as I continued talking.
«The first year was awful. You weren’t nice to me and after doing you a huge fucking favour, which I still don’t know why you needed a fake girlfriend, you were still treating me just like how you did the first time we met. Then after your sisters wedding, it started getting better and by winter we were good friends. Something shifted in us, in me at least that night and I can’t overlook it anymore. It’s fine if this is it for us, ‘cause I can’t lie to your family anymore, but I need you to know one thing before I leave.» It felt so good telling him how I’d felt for so long, only one last thing to tell him.
Pushing myself to look up at him, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I couldn’t hold back the tears. He looked so vulnerable though he wasn’t the one holding his breath with a heavy heart trying to tell someone they have stronger feelings for them than might be reciprocated. He looked worried seeing me cry, but didn’t do anything knowing I didn’t want a hand to hold or a hug at this moment.
«I realized tonight that the night we first went out for dinner to take that picture for your parents was also the first time I understood my feelings towards you. It’s fucking insane that even after a year of basically hating your company, three months of us being friends was all it took for me to get feelings for you. I don’t want a fake relationship and I don’t want to be just your friend. I’m not going to say I’m sorry if this ruins things completely between us because I’m finally being true to myself and to you.»
Harry looked as if someone had just punched him in the face. His mouth was hanging open, jaw slack, eyes wide filled with curiosity. I had never let myself take in his gorgeous face completely. It’d only do me more pain than pleasure. Now though, I’m taking in every single detail I can before he either tells me to please leave or throw me out.
I removed my eyes from his face when his phone made a noise telling him someone sent a text message. It being close to one thirty in the morning made me incredibly curious as to who could be texting him now.
He apparently took his time to read it instead of responding to me as it was dead silent for another minute or so. Maybe he was replying or it was a really long fucking text.
Letting out a long sigh he dropped his phone back down on the table. It seemed he wasn’t quite sure what to do or say with how he dragged his hands over his face before standing up only to sit back down again five seconds later.
«Mum wants you to know that she loves you and thanks you for being with me, not just today but in general. This is how it’s been for the last two years for me, y/n. My family adores the shit out of you and I get at least two texts a day from mum asking how you’re doing and when she’ll see you next. It’s always y/n this and y/n that. You’ve invaded everyone’s minds and they’re obsessed with you.» Though it was nice hearing how much of an impact I’ve made, it almost made me more sad than happy. A couple more tears fell as I listened to him go on.
«The first year I tried so fucking hard to make you want to end it. Every time I asked you to come with me I hoped you’d say no and end it just so I could get you out of my head. You invaded my mind just like you did everyone elses and I couldn’t fucking bear it knowing we weren’t a real couple. After that kiss at the wedding I couldn’t keep my act together. It was excruciating being mean to you so I tried being your friend. I still to this day don’t know which was worse, being closed off or close to you.» Harry took one last breath before moving slightly so that he could reach over to hold my hands in his. This isn’t what I had expected and I still don’t want to get my hopes up.
«I want what my sisters have, what my parents have. I’ve wanted that so badly that I began thinking it wouldn’t happen as I’m 28 and still haven’t had one long-lasting relationship. I’d started to believe that it wasn’t in the cards for me - having a wife and a family. Then you came around and I these two years have showed me how fucking perfect you are and how you deserve so much better than me. But I’m a selfish man and I want you, y/n. Want you so much.» Not being able to keep away longer, I swiftly closed the gap between us, slotting my lips with his as I moved to straddle his waist.
It felt unbelievably good to kiss him like this, passion and lust clear as day as our tongues met for the first time. He wants me. I couldn��t stop saying the three words in my head as I let go to catch my breath. How in the world could I be so lucky to be wanted by the man I want?
I laughed as I wiped at my cheeks, removing the tear stains as well as I could without a wet washcloth to clean them off. Harry guided his lips from my jaw up to my cheek ending with a kiss to my shut eyelid. I had never experienced Harry being this soft and attentive, but it was all the more to look forward to.
«Maybe we can turn the fake relationship into a real one and not tell my whole family about it?» There was a cheeky smile playing on his lips as I let out another laugh. If this is what I have to look forward to - jokes, laugher and passionate kisses possibly leading to something more - then I couldn’t wait.
«Of course, Harry. And tell your mum I love her back and give her my number, will you? I’m still looking for a tour of their house after two years of you not giving me one.»
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hana-bean · 3 years
Close to you (6/7)
Even if I'm reborn someday I will surely find you
Serenity busted through the door of her shared chambers with the king, almost taking off the doorknob. Her excitement grew tenfold when she saw a clump of suitcases nestled in the corner.
“Mamo?” She looked around the room until she heard him respond from the bathroom.
“In here, Usa!”
She trotted over to him, catching him post-shower with a towel around his waist and cleaning his ears within the air's warm mist. With one rabbit jump, she threw her arms around his neck.
Endymion squeezed her waist. “How are you, Usa?”
“I’m good.” She nuzzled his neck.
“Are you sure?” He asked through a chuckle, concerned that her embrace felt tighter than normal.
“Yes. I just missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” He gently pulled her head back to give her a just-as-gentle reassuring kiss. “I got something for you. It’s on your nightstand.”
With Endymion trailing her, Serenity sauntered into the bedroom and toward her side of the bed to see the new and unfamiliar present sitting there—a red ceramic pot supported by three legs, with two handles on each side, and covered in red geometric flower designs. Its scent was distinct, like fragrant olives, causing her heart to race in hopefulness.
“What is this?”
“It’s an incense burner. I found it in Dubai. Does it look like the one you were looking for?”
Unable to remove her gaze from the apparatus, she put her fingers to her cheeks. “I… I don’t know. I mean, yes it does, but there are so many like it out there…”
“When you told me about the Starlights, I figured we could try to find something in the wild. I would send out my detail in each city we visited and one of them came back with this one. If nothing else, it’s a very unique and beautiful design. It would look good in the study.”
“Yes,” Serenity nodded her head. “Oh wow, if this is it, I don't know what I'd do! Thank you, Mamo!” She then took her husband in another tight, quick embrace before grabbing her phone to text Seiya.
Seiya burst through the door of his room to be met with Serenity standing at a desk, visibly trying to hide something.
He smirked. “With all due respect, your highness, do I need to be prepared for bad news?”
“Not on that level, I promise.” She winked and stepped aside to reveal the incense burner sitting on the tabletop.
Seiya’s eyes peered at it as his jaw dropped slightly, approaching the table with big strides, his faded gimp only a couple of days from disappearing.
“This is it.” His hands floated above the burner, afraid if he touched it, it would disappear. “This is hers.”
He nodded with vigor as he looked at the queen with excitement in his eyes.
Serenity bounced and quietly clapped her hands with a grin. “That’s amazing! We found your princess! We did it!” She threw herself into Seiya’s open arms, the strength of her squeeze trying to match his.
While laughing and shrieking, they held each other while jumping in several circles. Though before too long, they stopped for a few moments until they caught themselves sinking too deep. Pulling away with blushes, they looked in every other direction besides at each other.
Seiya cleared his throat and scratched his head. “So where did you find this?”
“Mamo found it during his travels. Can you believe that? The database is only at twenty percent right now. Who knows when or if it would have found it.”
He sighed as his eyes glistened with the onset of tears of joy. “This is amazing. We’ve been looking for so long… I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help.”
“If anyone, you need to thank the king the next time you see him.”
He nodded, his awkwardness about that prospect reflected in his darted gaze.
Serenity then bent over while resting her hands on her knees as she peered into the holes of the top. “So is she in there?”
“Maybe. I definitely feel her energy.”
“Aww, I’m sure she’s so cute being that little. Does she have a kitchen in there?”
Seiya snorted. “She’s not like… a mini fairy princess, she’s a regular-sized person. She can just take on different forms.”
“How does that work?”
“We’re able to harness the power of stars. Since stars are technically a gas, they can take the form of whatever shape it wants. And when mixed with guardian magic, we’re able to take the form of things like human males, or as an… astral body of sorts.”
“Ah,” she nodded as she straightened back up; the explanation only caused more questions to germinate in her mind. “So how do we get her out?”
He slipped his hands in his pants pockets before shrugging. “We don’t. She’ll come out when she’s ready. If she’s even in there…”
Again, Serenity nodded, the silence hanging on their shoulders, their eyes avoiding each other. She bit into her lips and pulled a stray tendril behind her ear.
“Are you doing okay, Seiya?”
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine.”
“I know we haven’t properly talked about what happened.”
“You don’t have to explain… your highness.” He gulped, adding the formality at the end on purpose to re-establish and reverse their intimate dynamic.
“I just wanted to confirm that you will be discreet about it.”
“Of course. I haven’t told a soul—I wouldn’t tell a soul!” Taking his hands out of his pockets to gesture, Seiya rambled in an effort to prove true to his word. “You’ve helped us so much and we owe you so much. The last thing I want to do is tarnish your image. I know you’re a good person and what happened has not changed my respect for you. You are still my queen first and foremost.”
Serenity giggled. “You consider me your queen?”
He choked on his voice. “Well… uh…”
“Would your princess be okay to hear that?” She held an open hand next to her mouth as she whispered with a wink.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Seiya displayed an uneasy grin as he gingerly grabbed the burner from its handles and went into his closet. After placing it on a shelf, he whispered for its forgiveness and then closed the door on his way out.
Pausing to gather his wits, he then angled his body in a bow toward the queen. “After discussing it with the others, we decided we would like to take residence here if the offer is still available, your highness.”
“Yes, of course, Seiya.”
“However, if we have to take an oath—pledge our allegiance to you—we ask that you still recognize our loyalty to our princess.”
“Of course." She stepped toward him. "I will not take away her royal status, nor invalidate your allegiance to her.”
He came back up. “Thank you, your highness. We’re forever indebted to you. And again, I understand that day was a heat-of-the-moment, impulsive, one-time… thing. We can forget it ever happened.”
The side of Serenity's mouth twitched into a disappointed smile. “Personally, I don’t want to forget.”
He couldn’t believe his ears. “You don’t?”
“Do you want to forget what happened?”
“I—no… I thought that’s what you wanted.”
Her fingers traced the buttons of his shirt as she chuckled at his assumption and deepened her voice. “All I asked was for you to be discreet, not to forget about it.”
As his breath and body quivered at her words and touch, Seiya stayed put as she inched closer. “Yes… I can do that… both of those.”
She smirked. “That is, unless you want to forget about it, I can respect that,” she drew her fingers back.
While shaking his head, his hands came up to grasp her hands and pull her body into his. “No. I wouldn’t have, even if you asked me to.”
Having maintained her smirk, she leaned in to engage in a passionate kiss with him, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands explored her waist, hips, and bottom over her silky dress. While they both craved to take the makeout session further, Serenity pulled away with a kittenish giggle.
“I, um… I have a meeting in a little bit. And I know you have some news to break to Taiki and Yaten.”
“What time is your meeting?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Soon.” She emphasized, pecking him on the lips before walking out of his hold.
“Will we be able to continue this?”
With her hand resting on the doorknob, she turned to give him a wink. “Of course, but later.”
He chuckled, happy to be at her mercy. “Whenever you need, your highness.”
Just as she was about to take her leave, Serenity caught sight of a small picture frame sitting on the desk. The person in the photo intrigued her to the point that she abandoned her intent to exit to walk over and grab the frame for a closer look.
“Who’s this?”
Seiya stepped closer to verify exactly what she was looking at. “That’s my mom.”
Her mouth formed a smile as she released a gasp. “Really? Where is she?”
“She died.” He cleared his throat. “Before Galaxia, though. She had cancer.”
Sighing, she put a sympathetic hand to her chest. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Was she a guardian, too?”
“Yep! That’s where I get it from.”
“She’s beautiful.” She placed the frame back down on the desk. “She reminds me of someone.”
“Oh yeah? Who?”
She shook her head with a smile; there was no time today to get into that. “Someone else special to me. I’ll tell you about her later.”
As the queen finally departed from his room, Seiya picked up the frame for one last nostalgic look at the woman with pink hair and red eyes.
Please note if you would like to follow this story, I will be updating the rest of the chapters under the tag: hana bean close to you and other iterations of the spacing. I love you all!
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heyitsani · 4 years
I Keep My Eyes Wide Open Chapter 3
Word Count: 6024
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major character death (eventually), Mentions of past rape/non-con (eventually)
Pairing: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne/Jon Kent (hinted?)
Summary: Damian spends some time away from Gotham and learns a few things for himself and his future.
Notes: Just a heads up, I have decided to NOT post next week at all.  I have a lot left to do in regards to Christmas for my gremlins so I’m going to be focusing on that.  That MIGHT mean I’ll give you two chapters the week after, but it might not.  Who knows?  My oldest’s bday is New Year’s Day so it depends on that really.  You’ll get one that day, but you might get one before that too.
If you have not read When You Move I Move, this one won’t really make much sense.  So you can read that here: WYMIM
You can also read this chapter on AO3 here
Leaning forward to look out the window of the carriage, Damian took in the large fields of what he assumed were crops, that paved the way up to the main city of Metropolis. He remembered Jon writing about how he and his father would go down and help with the harvest because his father believed that even a king should know how to reap a field.  
Damian also remembered being fascinated with the idea.  When he had inquired about it to his own father, the man had laughed and said that it sounded exactly like something King Clark would say.  He also said that if Damian ever wanted to experience that for himself, he was sure one of their local farmers would be more than happy to teach him.  He saved the idea for a later date because he was sure his mother would have many words to say about ‘lowering himself to peasant standards’ and the eleven-year-old was tired of the lectures.
“What do you think Little Prince?”  Damian glanced over at Ser Jason, who had accompanied him on his journey at his father’s request. “Their kingdom is different from our own, but I think you’ll find they are a people who love their king just as much as Gotham loves your father.”
Nodding his head, he looked back out the window.  “Father said the people are kinder, warmer.”  Ser Jason hummed and Damian didn’t bother looking back to him.  “I am looking forward to a different perspective when it comes to ruling a kingdom.  King Clark is so different from Father and Grandfather.”
“He is,” Ser Jason agreed. “Your father has learned much from his friendship with the King of Metropolis, but the same could be said the other way.  If you are not willing to learn from others, then you have no business ruling over anyone.”
“Why is that?”
He leaned back into his seat as he turned green eyes onto the Dragon Slayer, watching the other man’s relaxed posture across from him.  It had been a long journey, but Damian had noticed the other man relax the further they got away from Gotham despite who they were both leaving behind.
“A king should be strong, and he should be smart,” Ser Jason gave him a look, “but he should also be kind and malleable.  No one man is infallible.  No one man has all the answers.  And the man who thinks he knows all he needs to know is someone who will demand allegiance over earning it.”  And Damian didn’t need to know much about ruling to know that anyone who demanded their citizens follow them rarely was an adored ruler.
“How to you stop from becoming that person?”  He kept his eyes on Ser Jason while the other man considered him carefully.  Damian wondered what was going through his mind, but Ser Jason had always been good at protecting his thoughts from his eyes. Unlike a lot of people.
“I suppose you surround yourself with people who would be willing to tell you when you are making a mistake,” Ser Jason shrugged.  “And you always make sure you’re willing to admit when you’ve actually made one.”
Damian considered the words and nodded.  It made sense.  His grandfather had struggled with admitting when he was wrong.  It had been an issue with his council and even some of the citizens of Gotham.  His father didn’t seem to suffer from that same issue.  If anything, from what he had seen, the man accepted faults that were not his to accept.  But how did you find a balance that two of the greatest men he had ever known couldn’t seem to find?
“Little Prince, we have many years to be sure that you know how to be better than your grandfather and left self-sacrificing than your father.”  Damian wasn’t sure what to say to that, but was granted a pardon when Ser Jason leaned forward and looked out the window.  “Ah, we are here.”  
Allowing his gaze to look out the window, Damian saw as they passed the walls of the city and headed toward the center where the castle was nestled.  When he had studied the layout of the kingdom, Damian had been surprised that they had built the city around the castle.  But then his father had informed him that the castle used to be a religious center point.  But then the kingdom had discovered that the religious leaders had been sacrificing to their “gods” and the citizens had overthrown the establishment.  Once the religious leaders had been dealt with, the citizens voted to make the building the home of the king instead.  It brought new light to the mindset of those living in Metropolis.
Once they pulled up to the castle itself, Damian settled back into his seat and waited.  He could see King Clark’s imposing figure waiting for them, along with the other members of the royal family.  It made him a little nervous to be on their terms now, but at least he had Ser Jason with him.
Once everything had come to a stop, Ser Jason moved closer to the door so he could exit first when the footman came to open the door, allowing him to survey the conditions before Damian followed.  Once Damian’s feet were on the ground, he was immediately enclosed in a familiar pair of arms.
“Jon, my boy,” he could hear King Clark laughing.  “Let His Highness at least get both feet on the ground.”  Jon was suddenly being pulled away and Damian face to face with him and the king who had tugged his son away.  “Hello Ser Todd, Prince Damian.  Welcome to Metropolis.  Again, for you I suppose Ser Todd.”  
“Your Majesty,” Ser Jason gave a bow of respect.  “And Your Highness, good to see your exuberance again.”  Ser Jason chuckled at the fourteen-year-old’s enthusiastic greeting.
“Thank you for having us, Your Majesty,” Damian greeted the older man with a bow of his own before turning a smile onto Jon and allowing it to grow when Jon’s did as well.  “Your Highness, good to see you again.  And Your Majesty,” he nodded to the woman who came up behind Jon.  He could see Duke Kon and his uncle a few feet back, but he gave the royal couple his immediate attention because tradition called for it.
“Please, no need to be so formal here.  I know your father would not stand upon ceremony, so neither should you.”  Damian nodded at the king before looking around the trio to see his uncle.  “Ah yes, I am sure you have been looking forward to seeing your uncle.”
Without having to be told, Damian moved forward to reach his uncle who met him halfway.  “Nephew,” his uncle greeted him, hugging him tightly for a moment before releasing him so Damian could turn and hug his uncle by marriage.  “We’re so glad you’re here.  How was the ride?”
“Long, but comfortable,” Damian responded when he released the Duke and looked over at his uncle. “I have a few things from home for you that Father said you would appreciate.”  He watched his uncle’s gaze turn curious before he looked over at Ser Jason and smiled brightly.  
“Ser Todd,” he greeted formally, but laughed when the slayer picked him up in a tight hug before putting him back on his feet and shaking the hand of his husband.  “My brother was unable to break away, then?”
“Unfortunately not,” Ser Jason responded with a frown.  Damian knew that his mother had something to do with the fact that his father couldn’t join them, but he wasn’t aware as to what it was.  “But he sent me in his place.  Is that not just as good?  Am I not enough for you, Duke Timothy?”  His uncle chuckled and Ser Jason pressed a hand to his chest as though he were offended.
“Damian, I’ll show you where you’re staying,” Jon slipped in-between Damian and Ser Jason, reaching for the younger’s hand.  “You can talk to the grown-ups later.”
“No need to lie about it, Nephew,” the duke laughed.  “We all know you just want your friend to yourself.  It’s quite all right.”  The five adults all laughed as the Jon huffed and tugged Damian away from them toward the entrance of the castle.
“Do you think you will make a good king?”  
The question was surprising mostly because it was coming from Jon and not King Clark, but also because rarely did people ask about his future role in the kingdom.  He didn’t like to think too much about taking over his father’s throne, not sure he would ever be ready for that.  His father was such a beloved man and his mother made it clear she expected him to be better than his father.  But how did you best that?
“I hope to make my father proud,” was all he could think of to say.  He looked up from the game sitting on the floor between him and Jon, considering the teen across from him.  “My mother has so many expectations, but Father just wants me to be who I am.  He does not tell me to be one way or another.”
He watched Jon hum before looking down at the game and making his move.  “My father is much the same.  He tells me what he would do, but then tells me that I must make decisions on what I think is best.  Sometimes I am not certain what that means.”
Damian could sympathize with that.  
His father was such a good man, a good king.  He was the ultimate standard to live up to and while Damian wanted nothing more than to do just that, he also knew his father didn’t want that of him.  He didn’t want Damian to be just like him.  
“When our fathers are such great men, it is hard to not want to be just like them,” Damian admitted as he watched Jon move his pieces.  “But if we are just like them, then who are we really?”  He glanced up at Jon and found the older boy nodded, looking at a spot somewhere behind Damian.  
“I likely have many years before I am seated on the throne,” Jon told him.  Damian knew Metropolis allowed their king to rule until he felt unfit or he passed, unlike Gotham where an heir took the throne when they reached the age of 25.  Damian would likely be king before Jon, should King Clark’s health hold out and peace remain.  “But I think about whether or not I want the crown frequently.  I know I am my father’s sole heir, but Uncle Kon could easily take the throne if I didn’t want it.”
“And what would your father say if you decided that being king was not what you wanted?”
“I do not know for certain. It is only a passing thought, nothing to question just yet.”  But Damian felt like perhaps it was something that should be questioned.  Why continue with all the lessons and training if ultimately you didn’t want to take the crown?  He had never considered what it would be like to abdicate.  Between his mother’s expectations and the desire to be just like his father, he’s not sure he ever could.
“What would you do?”
“If you decided to drop your claim to the throne, what would you do?”  Damian questioned, watching Jon closely.  The fourteen-year-old shrugged and looked at Damian but remained silent. “I was basically born to take the throne.  My parents do not love each other the way your parents do.  My father…he loves someone he can never marry, and my mother came to him knowing, but hoping for more.  Her only purpose was to provide him an heir, me.”  He wasn’t sure where was taking this, but it felt like it had to mean something.  
“Just because the circumstances were less than ideal, does not mean you were only wanted for that purpose,” Jon commented.  Damian supposed he was right, but if he didn’t become king, what was the point of all of it?  “Your father would love you no matter what you decided.  But I know you well enough to know you will be King of Gotham when you turn 25 and your father will be so proud.”
“And you?”
“We shall have to see, won’t we?”
Damian wanted to answer, but there was something in his tone that made him pause and just observe. The look on his face was thoughtful, considering.  It was unnerving and Damian wasn’t sure how to take it.  He had seen a look like that on his father’s face before when looking at Ser Todd, but he wasn’t sure that was really comparable when he thought about it.
The air was crisp as he walked the fields with Ser Jason on one side and Jon on the other.  The pair spoke over his head about some adventure Ser Jason had been on since the last visit Jon had made to Gotham, but Damian had long stopped listening.  It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested, it was just that the surrounding areas interested him more.
“Do you hear that?” Ser Jason’s question broke through Damian’s musings and pulled the younger man to look at him.  Furrowing his brows, Damian tried to listen for whatever it was the older man had heard but all he could pick up was the rustling sound of the wheat in the breeze.
But then there was a whimpering sound.
“There,” Damian said, turning and hurrying toward the sound.  The other two called out to him, but he knew they were following just by the sound of the wheat stalks moving.  His green eyes scanned the direction the whimper had come from as he rushed toward it, looking for anything that might have been making the noise.  
“Little Prince!”  Ser Jason called out in warning just as Damian spotted the small black creature attempting to pull its leg out of a tangle of rope.  The animal howled at the sight of them and backed away, baring its teeth at the perceived threat.
Damian held his hands up and approached slowly, shaking off Ser Jason’s hand when it landed on his shoulder.
“Damian, please.”  He paused to look back at the older man, frowning at the concern he saw on his features.  It was rare for the older man to use his first name so casually.  “Let me try and get the pup free.”  Looking back to the dog, Damian dropped his hands and stopped moving so the other man could carefully approach the dog.
Jon stood shoulder to shoulder with him and the pair watched the slayer carefully kneel down once he was close enough and held out a hand for the dog to sniff.  The dog nosed at the offered hand before going back to trying to get its leg out.
“Let me help,” Ser Jason muttered, reaching slowly for the rope.  He paused for only a moment when the dog let out a growl before he realized the man was trying to help.  “How did this happen, hmm?  You must have been dragging this rope for quite some way.  It looks like it has caught on some roots here,” he called over his shoulder as he worked to loosen the knot.
The instant the dog’s leg was free, he backed away from the three of them but didn’t run off.  Damian found it curious.
Moving forward, he knelt next to Ser Jason and watched the dog, locking eyes with the animal.  “What kind of dog is he?”  Damian questioned, shifting forward so he could get closer to it.
“Looks like a breed of hunting dog the villagers raise.  I am not certain,” Jon called over to him.  Damian hummed and stopped when he was within arms reach of the dog and just waited.  “What are you doing, Damian?”
“He needs to be looked at. He could have hurt himself.  And he certainly looks as though he needs a good meal,” Damian commented, still watching the dog as it began to inch over to him.  “He could have run, but he didn’t.  He is not afraid of us, but he needs reason to trust us.”  He could hear movement behind him and assumed Ser Jason had stood and moved over to Jon’s side, but didn’t bother looking.  He kept his gaze solely on the dog.  Slowly, cautiously, Damian moved to hold his hand out for the dog to smell just as he had seen Ser Jason do and waited for the cold nose of the pup to connect with his palm.
“That’s a good pup,” he murmured as he allowed his hand to run over the head of the dog.  “I shall call you Titus for now.”
“Saved.”  Ser Jason’s voice sounded amused and Damian spared him a glance, finding a smirk on his face.  “Fitting, Little Prince.”  The words were said in jest, but Damian knew that look in his eyes.  Pride.  With a nod, Damian looked back to the pup and carefully moved to run his hand over the leg.
“Can he walk?  We can take him to the healer in the city.  They should be able to tell us how Titus will fair.” When he was certain the leg was not damaged to the point of internal injury, Damian slowly stood and looked down at Titus.
“Come, Titus,” he commanded, walking toward the city walls where they had come from.  He didn’t glance back to see if the dog would follow and waved for Jon and Ser Jason to join him.  It was a few paces before the sound of paws hitting packed dirt sounded and the dog was slipping between his and Ser Jason’s legs.
“I’m not sure who will want to murder me more when we come home with Titus; your mother or grandfather,” Ser Jason joked as they made their way back to the city.  
“Not the king?”
“Oh no, Your Highness,” Ser Jason said seriously.  “No, King Richard would murder me if I denied his son something he so clearly wants. Especially an innocent something.” Damian pursed his lips to keep from beaming at the idea of his father approving of his actions just now.  He ignored the concern that wanted to bubble up with the thought that his mother was going to have a few choice words about it. He wasn’t going to think about it now. Not when he knew he would have his father in his corner.
“Honestly, Titus,” Damian sighed as the dog panted at the window of the carriage.  Just three weeks after having found him and the dog had gone from skin and bone to healthy and growing quite quickly.  King Clark had warned them that the breed was one that grew quite large, but Damian had waved it off and welcomed the thought.  
He wasn’t sure how Titus had come to be at that spot the day they found him, but Damian refused to believe it was anything other than fate.
Ser Jason reached over and scratched at the dog’s ears before settling back in his seat.  “He knows home when he sees it.  We are almost there.  Are you happy to be returning?”  Damian considered the question as he stared out the window Titus was still sticking his nose out of, watching the trees rush past them.
“I have missed most aspects of home,” he settled on.  Though he loved Ser Jason as a father and knew he could trust him, he struggled to admit that he was not looking forward to being under his mother’s thumb once again. Queen Lois had been such a breath of fresh air.  To see the way a mother could love her child, it had left Damian wanting something he knew would never be his.  And though his father and Ser Jason loved him as parents should, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was missing out on something without the love of a mother.
“It is okay to be sad to be returning home, Little Prince,” Ser Jason spoke softly and Damian’s gaze dropped to his lap before looking over at the older man.  His eyes were earnest and caring, but understanding as well. “I do not know what goes through the minds of others, but I do know your father understands much of what you’re dealing with.”
“But not completely.”
“No, perhaps not completely since Queen Talia was gone well before your father was your age, but from what I recall, she might have been more rigid than Catalina.”  Damian didn’t know if that was possible, in all honestly, but he nodded anyway.  He knew stories of the late queen and knew she was not who his grandfather had thought she was.  His second wife, Selina, had not been very motherly but she was kind and she was loving. His father said he had found a friend and confidante in the former queen and it had been exactly what he had needed.  
“We’re here,” Damian chose to say instead of acknowledging the conversation any more, looking out the window and seeing the approaching city walls.  They were finally home and he found himself getting nervous as to what would happen upon the revelation of Titus.  “You won’t let them take him?”
His green eyes looked into Ser Jason’s turquoise ones and the other man nodded.  “They will have to take me down before I allow you to be parted from Titus.  You have my word on that, My Prince.”  Damian saw the truth in his eyes and nodded.  “Besides, I already wrote to your father weeks ago and told him about the pup.  His reply came a few days before we left and spoke of his excitement to meet the newest Wayne.”  Damian felt a smile spread on his face as he jumped forward and gave Ser Jason a hug in thanks.
“The Prince has returned!”  Damian pulled away at the shouts from the crowd and leaned closer to the windows to see citizens starting to line the streets at their passing.  He could hear various shouts of his name and greetings and it made a warm feeling settle in his chest.  
“You should lean out and wave,” Ser Jason instructed.  Nodding, Damian did just that and was rewarded with more cheers and calls of his name.  “The people already love you.  You do not realize how much of your father you have in you.  His influence is an overwhelming presence.”  
That was the kind of praise that could be considered dangerous when spoken around the wrong people, but with just him and Ser Jason in the carriage, Damian let the pride swell in his chest.  To be compared to his father and come out favorably, what more could he ask for?  His father was the best man he knew, the best man any of them knew, and he could only be so lucky to be loved like he was.
Settling back into the carriage as they breached the gates of the castle, Damian smiled at Ser Jason before smoothing his cloaks.  “Thank you, Ser Jason,” he said carefully.  “Thank you for accompanying me on this trip.  I know that I wouldn’t have been allowed otherwise, so thank you.”  The older man just gazed at him with a warm expression and gave a small nod.  It said more than words could.
When the carriage came to a stop, there was no waiting for formalities and Ser Jason opened the door so he could step out.  Damian followed and turned to make sure Titus was able to get out without struggle.
“Dami!  Jason!”  His father called as he rushed forward and embraced both of them, Damian first for appearances sakes, and then Ser Jason.  “We have missed you both.  And this must be Titus!  Your letter did not exaggerate his size,” the man laughed, kneeling to get level with the dog who now sat next to Damian’s feet panting.  “He’s a fine-looking animal, Damian.  And obedient already?”
“Yes, Father,” he agreed. “King Clark showed me how to train him. We still have some things to learn, but he knows the basics and will behave himself.”  Damian snuck a glance toward where his mother stood at the top of the stairs with a scowl.
His father laughed when Titus leaned forward and licked at his face before standing and wiping away the dog drool.  “Yes, well behaved indeed,” he teased, causing Damian and Ser Jason to laugh with him. “I asked the staff to have the necessary items placed in your rooms, but you let them know if there is something they missed.  I do believe you are more than old enough for this responsibility.”
“Thank you, Father,” Damian smiled, pushing forward to hug the king around his middle before heading toward where his mother was still waiting.  “Come, Titus.”  He called the dog as he walked, prompting the animal to trot next to him as he walked up the steps and came to stand in front of his mother.  “Hello, Mother,” he greeted.  He noticed her eyes narrowed on Titus before glancing at Damian.
“What is this?”
“His name is Titus. We found him hurt and King Clark gave him to me to care for.”  The scowl on her face deepened and Damian felt his heart sink.  He had been hoping for a better reaction, even if he had known it wouldn’t actually happen.  He had still hoped.
“You do not need the distraction.  Give him to a staff member to find him a new home.”
“But- “
“You misstep, My Queen,” his father’s smooth voice sounded from behind Damian.  Turning to look at the man who had his hard gaze on his mother, Damian held back his relief at his appearance.  A glance at Ser Jason, who stood a few feet back, told him he had nothing to worry about.  “I have already told him he may keep Titus.  The arrangements have already been made.  He is apparently a well behaved animal and it is a good responsibility to learn.”
The silence from his mother said a lot and Damian wondered if this was going to be a problem down the road.
“Why don’t you take Titus out to the fields, Son?  I’m sure he would be happy to run around before dinner tonight.”  Nodding his head, he clicked his tongue and hurried away from the three adults as quickly as he could to avoid being more of a problem. He also didn’t want to hear yet another argument between his parents regarding him specifically.
Those happened frequently enough as it was.
Glancing over to his left, Damian attempted to catch Ser Jason’s line of sight for a moment without much success.  He wasn’t sure what it was he thought he would figure out from the man, but anything would be better than the glaringly empty seats where his father and mother usually sat.
But none of the others at the table seemed to be interested in addressing the matter, given the conversation floating around from the other occupants of the table.
His grandfather had been in deep conversation with Ser Jason and his Aunt Cassandra since the moment their plates had been delivered.  He could hear words like weapons, forgers, and arsenal every once in a while, so he knew it was probably about the latest weapons that the soldiers had been training with.  He could hear his grandmother talking softly with his Aunt’s good friend, Stephanie, who had been his nurse when he had been a baby but was now basically a member of the family.  He couldn’t make out anything from their conversation, but it didn’t matter.
All he wanted to know was where his parents were and why they had started without the king.
He was about to ask whoever was willing to listen when a loud bang sounded from outside the room and had the entire table startling.  To the point that Ser Jason was on his feet, palming a dagger at his thigh and Titus had come to stand next to Damian’s chair, lips pulled back in a snarl.
Slipping his hand into the dog’s collar to keep him from running toward whatever had startled them all, Damian watched Ser Jason stalk toward the door and press an ear to the wood. Whatever he heard had his shoulders draining of tension and him putting the dagger away.
“Ser Todd,” his grandfather called out, pushing to his feet, but the Slayer waved a hand.  Quickly, he tugged both doors open and revealed the two missing family members.  The pair stood toe to toe and Damian wanted to shrink away from the look in his mother’s eyes.
He knew that look. This was about him.
But while his mother continued to look like she could spit fire, Damian watched his father slip back into the easy calm he always wore when people were around.  Even if it was just family, he would never allow them to glimpse into his personal difficulties.
“Your Majesties,” Ser Jason greeted, tone flat.  Damian saw his mother turn the gaze onto the other man and open her mouth, but she was unsurprisingly cut off by his father.
“Enough, Catalina!” It was the most forceful Damian had ever heard his father be.  It wasn’t like he was a stranger to his parents fighting and he knew it had been happening more and more since he had returned from his visit with Jon in Metropolis, but his father had always seemed so collected when he did see it. “If you have more to say then we will discuss it later.  You have already made your point quite clear and I have given you my answer.”
His mother jerked back as if she had been slapped and Damian wondered if that’s essentially what his father had just done with is words.  Just like he had, his mother had probably expected him to keep the venom out of his voice as he always did.  But he hadn’t.  The King’s voice had been dripping in it.
“This is not over.  I will not have my will ignored,” she growled out before turning on her heel and rushing away.  And though Damian wanted to know what exactly had been going on, he was more focused on his father rubbing at his forehead as Ser Jason whispered something to him.  There was a moment of tense silence between them before his father sighed and nodded.
The pair exchanged a few more hushed words before they entered the dining hall and took their seats. Damian kept his eyes on his father and tried to see if he could get any answers, but he had a feeling it would be the same as always.
And the smile he finally got from his father once he was fully settled and had his plate set before him told him he wasn’t wrong.  But his instincts told him he would personally pay for whatever it was that had happened between his parents.
In hindsight, Damian knew he should have expected backlash from his mother on the subject, but he hadn’t really thought about it.  If he were completely honest, it hadn’t even crossed his mind when he had started the exchange of letters with Prince Jon of Kent.  After he had stayed in Gotham when his brother and Damian’s uncle had come on formal business, the pair had just formed an easy friendship.  And the time he had spent in Metropolis with the royal family under the guise of visiting his uncle had only served to strengthen the friendship.
Damian had been jealous at the easy view of the world the older prince had and had wanted to absorb that ideal.  The same ideal that his father tried to instill in him, but his mother fought hard to extinguish.
“What are these?”  A stack of papers fell in front of him as he worked on his lessons for the day and with barely a glance, Damian picked out Jon’s familiar script.  “Explain yourself.”
Looking up at his mother with a frown, Damian watched her closely.  “They are an exchange of letter with the Heir Apparent of Metropolis.” His father had been thrilled when he had learned that Damian and Jon had formed such a strong friendship.  He had encouraged it and even gone as far as to offer to write to King Clark and the two boys might spend a few weeks each summer living in the other’s kingdom.
“They stop now.”  And though he would regret it, Damian reacted.
“But Mother, he is my friend!”  He shot to his feet and looked at her desperately.  “Why should I not write to him?  He will be King of Metropolis one day and this fosters good political bonds.” He knew it was a good argument but the look on her face told him she didn’t appreciate it.
“You are friends with people who can help you further our kingdom.  We are already in good relations with the Kingdom of Metropolis and that makes this friendship frivolous and juvenile.”  His mother glared at him and though Damian wanted to stand his ground, he shrunk a little under the weight of her stare.  “You are friends with who I say you can be friends with.”
“May I write to him one last time to explain?”
“No,” her voice was cold, and Damian hated it.  “And if you know what is good for you, you will not let your Father hear of this. Honestly, Damian,” she sighed, grabbing the stack of letters and heading toward the lit fireplace.  His heart dropped to his stomach and it took everything within him to keep from rushing forward to grab the letters.  “I am doing this for you.  To make you better.  To make you stronger.  To make you more than your father will ever be.”  
He watched sadly as she tossed the letters into the fire with a flick of her wrist and brush her hands down her skirts.  The papers fed the fire immediately, burning bright for a matter of seconds before simmering back down to its original state.  As if they had never been there to begin with.  As if they had been nothing but a dream he had once had.
Dropping back down into his chair, he turned his eyes back to the texts in front of him and sighed.
“You will be the most brilliant king this kingdom has every had the pleasure of witnessing.  And in order to do that, you must be strong. You must rule with your head and not just your heart,” his mother spoke, her tone much more even now that she had accomplished her task.  A tone he heard on a daily basis and knew much more than any other.  “Your grandfather ruled only with his head.  Your father only with his heart.  You will be better.”
But Damian wasn’t sure he wanted to be better than either of them.  He wanted to be loved like his father was.  He wanted to walk the streets of Bristol and have citizens call out to him just to say hello and see how he is.  He wanted to welcome other kingdoms into his own and break bread with them by fireside with a mug of mulled wine.  
More than that though, he wanted love.  Not the love he got from his father or the distinctive love he got from his mother. No, he wanted the love he saw between his father and Ser Jason.  Or his uncle and Duke Kon.  Love that was built upon years of friendship.  And maybe Jon had not been that love, but he had at least been a friend.
“Do you understand, my son?”
“Yes, Mother,” he agreed softly.  Glancing back to the fire one last time, he picked up his quill and went back to his studies as his mother took her place in the chair by the window.
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madamspeaker · 3 years
Your thoughts on Labour losing the by-election?
Insanity, but sadly not shocking these days. It is a mad result, especially with it being the first electoral test since the pandemic started, and we all know how appallingly the Tories have handled covid, not to mention the revelation over the last few weeks that Johnson was at one stage perfectly fine to let people die ("let the bodies pile up") rather than go for another lockdown, and the fact that he and quite a few others in the party are up to their necks in corruption, but this government is like teflon - nothing sticks to them - and they have a media that perpetuates their bullshit. It's horrifying to watch that seat swing over the way it has, but it’s no surprise in the current climate. Fundamentally the problem is that Labour don't look like a government in waiting. I've heard some say the issue is that they've not differentiated themselves enough from the Conservatives, but they did that in 2019, they ran on a very far left platform and got absolutely blown out of the water on it (exactly what happened in 1983 too). The country is, whether we like it or not, mainly centre, and at the moment leaning centre right. I know many will hate me for saying this but Labour need to go back to the Blair playbook. They need to rebrand themselves as centre left and make clear that they have cut ties from the far left madness of the Corbyn years. They need to explicitly state what their policies are and how they are better than what the Tories offer, they need to run on the idea that they are good for this post brexit economy (which means accepting that brexit has happened), hammer Johnson on his covid handling and his corruption, and they need to look like a government in waiting, which at the moment they most certainly do not. Back in 1997, and before the general election, a fair few people could have told you who was on the opposition Labour front bench - I sincerely doubt anyone could tell you more than Starmer these days, some not even that, and that is a problem. There is a critical lack of talent within the party, and those who are talented, like Yvette Cooper, are chairing committees rather than having a shadow ministerial portfolio because of their previous association with the Blair government. Cooper should be up front - she is absolutely fantastic at holding the government to account, and it's madness that she's not getting time at the despatch box. I get that Labour are up against a media that very much is biased against them - of the newspapers, only the Guardian/Observer and Mirror are left leaning, which leaves a hell of a lot that favour the other side - but this isn't a new thing for Labour. This was the story in the early 1990s too, and Labour back then made enough inroads coupled with the Tories making enough mistakes to get some newspapers to switch allegiance, notably Murdoch's The Sun (a poisonous rag with unfortunately a lot of readers). Labour don't look like winners at the moment, so they're not attracting the coverage. My own feeling is that we're looking at the 1983 to 1997 scenario repeated - a very, very long transition in which Labour went through three leaders (one sadly dying in office) before they got to be electable nationwide again. The awful thing is, the country won't really survive 14 years of a Johnson Conservative Party in the way that it stumbled on through Thatcher and Major. Thatcher was awful, truly awful, but I don't think anyone could ever call her incompetent or willfully delusional in the way that Johnson is. Naturally some in Labour will go into panic mode now and scream that Starmer needs to go, but that is not the solution. He is clearly the Kinnock figure here, a man with the thankless job of cutting out the loud crap from the party so that whoever comes next is in a better position to present Labour as a proper party of government. And let's not forget that lurking underneath everything is sodding brexit and the aftermath. This is something that is going to be relitigated again over and over for years to come, in election after election. It's happened, the UK is out of the EU, and if Labour have to come out and explicitly say "we'll abide by that" to win back their firewall areas, so be it. I don't like it but the painful truth is that the UK isn't rejoining the EU any time soon, and Labour might as well run on accepting that so that at least the UK can maybe get back to having a government that cares about the NHS and isn't cutting funding to Arts education by 50% or thinks it's okay to "let the bodies pile up" as its first instinct
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higuchimon · 3 years
I decided since my old 2021 Resolutions post was so horrifically out of date, that I should write a new pinned post. I recommend reading this for information about me.
First: no more writing resolutions. I'll write what I can, when I an.
Second: I am non-binary/agender. Pronouns are they/them, though I responded to she/her so long that I am not bothered by them. I'm also asexual & aromantic.
Third: I am nearly fifty. My fandoms of choice are, in no given order, are: Power Rangers (MMPR-PRLR, with occasional dips into later ones), Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Xros Wars/Hunters, Digimon Applimonsters, Digimon NEXT, YGO DM, YGO GX, YGO 5Ds, YGO Zexal, YGO Arc-V, YGO VRAINS, YGO Sevens, Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boubeiu Love & Love Love, Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boubei Happy Kiss, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Trollhunters. Digimon tri & Digimon Kizuna I might take small bits from but am not overly fond of them. Nothing more needs to be said on that front. YGO GX is the blood in my veins. I am unlikely to writee any given game for Pokemon.
Fourth: I have a large backlog of prompts for fics, both submitted by others and taken up for myself. If you wish to send in a prompt, the inbox is always open but it may take time for me to get to it, depending on my mood and what the prompt sparks. Please check "higuchimon prompts" for lists of prompts.
I warned you. All right. Here we go. You'll see some concepts and preferences pop up repeatedly. Tread with caution.
Digimon Adventure 02
Non-epilogue compliant: fics where the epilogue (and now that they exist, Tri and Kizuna) isn't going to happen. Non-canon ships (most often Ken x Daisuke & Taichi x Yamat0) abound. Fics seldom related to one another unless otherwise noted.
Loss, Gain, & Other Heartaches: A new enemy brainwashes a lot of human Chosen and their partners, after destroying the original twelve's patners, leading to the Digimon's data being merged with the Chosen's.
Division of Destiny: What if Vamdemon turned Sora into a vampire and from there defeated the Chosen? Well, he ended up turning Taichi, Jou, & Mimi into vampires as well, while imprisoning Hikari and giving Yamato, Takeru, and Koushiro to Piemon and the Dark Masters as slaves. A pesky rebellion formed of Daisuke, Iori, Miyako, Ken, Osamu, and various other charactes tries to fight them. Firm ships are currently just Ken x Daisuke.
When Blood Crosses: Oh, one of my favorites and probably my oldest AU altogether. What if humans and Digimon could have children together? And what if they did already? Seven out of twelve of the Chosen are part Digimon - or more. This is a full-blown multiverse. Stories don't always relate to one another, but the basic concepts tend to be the same. Ships can vary but for the most part are Taichi x Yamato, Jou x Koushiro, Mimi x Sora, Hikari x Miyako, Ken x Daisuke, and Takeru x Iori. Not averse to Piemon x Takeru, either.
Quiet Interlude: Little fluffy pieces featuring Taichi x Yamato in an establihsed relationship during 02 and beyond.
Adaptions: I don't have much written here but I have Such Plans. It will involve Things Happening to Taichi (in season 1) and Daisuke (season 2). It will probably end with Taichi x Yamato and Ken x Daisuke.
Take To The Skies: In this world, some people have wings and can fly. Daisuke is a Flier. The Digimon Kaiser thinks that makes him the perfect pet. But he will need training, of course. Kaiser x Daisuke. Other stories might involve the others who have wings.
Return of Old Enemies: Takeru is captured by two strange Digimon and collared so he can't speak. That's only the beginning of what's going on.
Fragmented Memory: Kaiser x Daisuke. Kaiser has wiped Daisuke's memory and convinced him that they're together. The other Chosen are not happy about this.
Broken Bonds: A soulmate AU featuring Piemon x Takeru. This is also a breeds AU. Piemon murders Patamon and takes Takeru.
Fight To Remember: Kaiser has lost his memory. So has Daisuke. Together, they need to learn who they were, who they are, and who they're going to be. Ken x Daisuke, obviously.
Services Rendeed: Daisuke gets poisoned and the cure lies within territory controlled by the Kaiser. The only way to save him is for the Kaiser to do it. His price - Daisuke himself. To be his until he gets bored with Daisuke. Sadly, the Kaiser isn't easily bored. Ken x Daisuke.
Stirring Shadows: Ken had a very naughty dream about being the Kaiser again and wanting to dominate Daisuke instead of the Digital World. Now, it was just a dream - right? Ken x Daisuke, older.
Scars of Victory: The Digimon Kaiser defeated the Chosen and took Daisuke as his trophy. For seven years he's ruled over the Digital World unopposed, having blocked the older Chosen from entering the Digital World. Now the barriers have dropped - and revenge is best served cold. Ken x Daisuke, brainwashing, off-screen death.
Course of Events: Set in a breeds AU: Vamdemon notices something unusual about Daisuke when he's in line to meet Tailmon and sends him to Piemon, who discovers who and what he is. How interesting. No current ships.
Walking The Edge: The Chosen have fought the Kaiser for years without knowing his true identity. Daisuke has also been dating Ichijouji Ken for years. So when the Kaiser finally reveals who he is - well, Daisuke has a choice to make. And the Kaiser will only allow one.
Dark Brotherhood: breeds AU. Ken, as Kaiser, has discovered that his half-brother is Yamato. Or rather, Anbumon. An alliance is offered. Ships: Yamato x Taichi & Ken x Daisuke.
Danger Zone: The Kaiser is very annoyed at Daisuke's continued existence as his enemy. So he decides to change where Daisuke's allegiance lies. Kaiser x Daisuke.
Hidden Truths: Miyako-centered breeds AU, also involving Jou and his dark side Fuseiimon. No ships centered, but light indicationss of Ken x Daisuke, Jou x Koushiro, and Taichi x Yamato.
Errors of Love: Aged up AU. Daisuke is dating the Kaiser. This is probably a very terrible mistake. KEn x Daisuke.
Magical Educations In Love: Magical school AU. Established ships: Ken x Daisuke, with possible Ken x Daisuke x Takeru.
Shadowed Soul: Piemon x Vamdemon x Takeru. is it love or just sex? Takeru wishes he knew. It's also a soulmate AU.
Melody of the Heart: A world of magic and magical creatures. Loosely a mirror of my breeds verse (and I do mean loosely). Established ships: Taichi x Yamato, Ken x Daisuke, Jou x Koushiro, Mimi x Sora. Others to come.
What He Wants: M rated/non-con, Kaiser x Daisuke. That's pretty much all there is to it. Just a couple of drabbles now but I'll expand it later.
Game of Life: breeds AU. The Kaiser's noticed something about some of the Chosen and wants to know what's going on. Undecided ships.
Bitter Bargains: The Chosen have fought the Kaiser for years. He's shown a rough attachment to Daisuke - kidnapping him on a regular basis. Then one day, Daisuke wakes up to find the Kaiser in his bedroom. Oh, dear. Non-con Kaiser x Daisuke.
Sanguine Bindings: Aged up AU - and Ken's a vampire, who mind-controlled Daisuke from episode 2 onward. Brainwashing/mind control/non-graphic non-con.
Purpose of Existence: Kaiser found out about Daisuke being a very special breed and claimed him for his own. Daisuke doesn't like this but something isn't right - he listens, whether he wants to or not. Aged up/breeds AU. Ken x Daisuke.
Buds and Blossoms: A romance between Hikari and Mimi. That's about it.
No Good Decisions: Daisuke accidently eats something he shouldn't have in the Digital World. It wouldn't be so bad - if the Kaiser hadn't found him and determined that someone needed to watch him. Ken x Daisuke.
Blood Of His Blood: Breed AU. Piemon wants to live again and will ensure that he does, through his oldest son.
For All Time: Taichi's been in an accident and Yamato's not sure when he will wake up. Taichi x Yamato.
Heart of Demon, Soul of Angel: AU where Taichi is an angel and Yamato is a demon. At least it starts off that way. A lot is going to change. Established ships: Taichi x Yamato & Ken x Daisuke.
Bonds & Bondage: Kaiser goes ahead and Rings V-mon. This affects Daisuke, unexpectedly. Now what will the Chosen do? Ken x Daisuke.
Fireblood: Breeds/Firestarter/Healer AU. Vamdemon bites Yamato and awakens his dark side - not good for anyone at all. Taichi x Yamato.
Flaming Ivy: The 02 Chosen are Healers and Firestarters and are working out what that means for them. Ken x Daisuke.
Digimon Tamers
Fair Wings: Some of the Tamers have wings, including Juri, Kenta, and Ruki. Adventunres and romance thereof. Established relationship: Juri x Takato.
Digimon Frontier
Consequences of Games: Just a set of fluffy post-canon fanfics featuring the Chosen playing games and what happens after the games. Firm ships include Kouji x Kouichi and Junpei x Izumi.
Heirs Apparent: Lucemon's spirit escaped confinement and was able to have an encounter with Kimura Tomoki, siring twin boys.
Godslave: So, Lucemon is the God-King of the world, ruling humans and Digimon alike. What he wants, he gets. And now he wants Kouji.
Tales of WInd and Water: Stories that cicle around Ranamon and Izumi.
Reflections of Dark Shadows: An AU where Kouji doesn't have a twin. What he does have is a reflection - and the reflection doesn't like his boyfriend. Established Takuya x Kouji, one-sided Kouichi x Kouji.
The Wind-child: A fantasy AU where Izumi is the daughter of AncientIrismon and has many adventures.
Yu-Gi-Oh Xros Wars/Hunters
Not Telling All: Yuu is a vampire with a taste for Tagiru. Tagiru doesn't know - at least not yet.
Hunting The Great Game: A rewrite of Xros Wars/Hunters. Set three years instead of one after the Xros Wars. Taiki finds himself back in the Digital World and that's where it all begins.
Digimon NEXT
Knight Tales: Fantasy AU. Kahara Shou's village is slaughtered and burned down and he's the only survivor. Taken in by Barbamon, he becomes the Demon Lord's devoted Knight.
Yu-Gi-Oh DM
Pleasures of Shadows: Yami no Malik has been revived as an incubus.
Crimeland: An AU where there are three Kaiba brothers (Seto, Seth, and Mokuba) and - many other differences I haven't gotten to writing yet. Only set 'ship is Seto x Kisara.
Uncertain Choices: A modern day AU, with Atemu and Yuugi as twin brothers. Only set ship right now is Atemu x Mahaado. If I ever finish the sequel I have in mind, I will add Seto x Yuugi.
Ways of Magic: a magical AU. Seto and Mokuba are dragons. Pegasus is a sorcerer. Mai is a pirate queen. Otogi is a djinn. A few scattered set pairings such as Otogi x Bakura Ryou.
Heart of Magic: a magical AU. This one involves a magical school where various characters are students or teachers. Established ships: Atemu x Mahaado.
Gifts of Power: A Superhero AU. A large chunk of people have powers. Established relationship: Isis x Mana.
Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Reversal AU: In canon, Juudai has the poewr of the Gentle Darkness. Here, in a world very like Dark World but with differences (such as a sun), he has the power of the Destructive Darkness - and he is pure evil, enjoys it, and has the overall goal of destroying all of creation. A small, plucky rebellion stands against him. Do they stand a chance? Time will tell. Be warned: non-consensual Juudai x Johan, as well as someone becoming a vampire, and many other twisted plot points. I love this AU.
Stronger Than Water: We don't know much about Johan's past. So what if he actually grew up in Dark World, as Brron's adopted son? And was sent to kill Juudai? Firm ships are Yubel x Juudai and maybe Yubel x Juudai x Johan. I havevn't gotten far enough to be sure.
Hell's Ice: What if Ryou were the one taken by Kagemaru and Amnael instead of Fubuki? Well, add in some elemental affinities and we have the Hell Kaiser of Ice - one of the Seven Stars. No set ships othe than Yubel x Juudai, though I am debating a few.
Itch To Scratch: Juudai and Yubel are demons. Johan's an angel - or he thinks he is, anyway. What he really is, he'll find out eventually. Firm ship is Yubel x Juudai x Johan.
Bridges: So, in this series, Juudai's power is that of the Light of Creation. Johan has the Gentle Darkness - and Juudai has been possessed by the Light of Ruin for seven thousand years.
Dead Weight: It's the zombie apocalypse! Ahhh! No set in stone ships yet.
King's Champion: When a late-night break-in goes very wrong, Yubel ends up taking Juudai to Dark World for his own safety. He ends up being raised by Brron. But taking him away from Earth has consequence, both good and bad. Yubel x Juudai. Not ruling out Yubel x Juudai x Johan in the future.
Shadow Demons: Juudai: King of Hell, with Yubel and Johan as his Consorts. Ryou, a demon prince. Fujiwara Yuusuke, a shadow mage with Honest as his guardian angel. Fubuki as an angel of love. Asuka slays evil vampires. And much, much more. Established ships: Ryou x Yuusuke and Yubel x Juudai x Johan.
Echoes: Rewrites of different parts of GX. Currently only the Haou arc, but others to come. Established ships: technically none but eventually Yubel x Juudai.
In The Shadows of the Fae: Juudai is the King of the Fae with Yubel and Johan as consorts, and Shou as his servant. A delicious AU that I enjoy. Established ships: Yubel x Juudai x Johan.
In Chains: Fantasy AU. Brron is gifted Shou as a slave, and Shou has to deal with that. Not easy. Established ships: Yubel x Juudai x Johan & Edo x Ryou x Saiou.
In Any World: A series of non-connected Yubel x Juudai AUs. Each is a one-shot and is in a different AU.
Past and Future: Yubel shows Juudai events that happened in their past lives together, as they forge a new future with one another. Yubel x Juudai.
Sky Stories: A lot of people have wings. Juudai didn't - until he fused with Yubel. Ryou has rusted metal wings - until Edo takes care of them. ANd many more stories. Established ships: Yubel x Juudai x Johan.
To Accept Fate's Will: A soulmate AU. Established ships: Yubel x Juudai, Edo x Saiou x Ryou. O'Brien x Sea God's Priestess.
Hole In Your Heart: Not fighting means that Shou's in danger. Especially when he gets captured and sold to one of Haou's servants. As if his third year wasn't already going downhill. No actual ships that I know of (probable future Yubel x Juudai)
In Space, In Light: Juudai sent Yubel into space to be healed by the Gentle Darkness. In canon, it failed. Here, it worked. Uh-oh. Yubel x Juudai.
Paladin's Quest: post ending series. Ryou dies of heart failure and is reborn as a duel spirit without his memories of his past. But that's going to change, because what he did in Dark World cannot be forgotten.
In Darkness We Find FIre: An AU of my own devising, that I call Healer/Firestarter. Healers can heal & communicate/grow plants, and Firestarters bun things. There are a lot more details than that but this tale is a retelling of canon through that lens. Established ship: Yubel x Juudai.
Politics of Ages: Asuka is a vampire queen with two consorts: Manjoume and Ryou. Lots of vampiric politics.
Infinite Love: A magical AU with soulmates. Features Ryou x Yuusuke, Camula x Ruthven (OC), and Edo x Saiou.
King's Knights: Post-canon series. Juudai offers Ryou, Fubuki, and Yuusuke as his Knights. But that's just the beginning. Johan has his own tale to tell.
Passion's Flight: Soul-wings universe. Established asexual/aromantic Asuka. Future Yubel x Juudai.
Prisoner of the Black Tower: Johan is trapped in a black tower by someone called Haou. He doesn't know who that is. And he wants to leave.
Apprentices: A mild alternate timeline, where Kyle and Nero from season 3 meet and become friends - while in Haou's dungeon.
World of Fusion: Brron fused all the dimensions and the world that results is so very different. Now Brron also has three sons: Juudai, Johan, and Rune (the Johan lookalike from season 3). Also, Ryou is a vampire. Established relationships: Yubel x Juudai.
Fate's Heart: Multiple tales of Yubel and Juudai as soulmates.
Power of Earth: Healer/Firestarter AU, featuring Jim and O'Brien.
Family Flowers: Healer/Firestarter AU, featuring Rick and Cobra.
Red Zinnias: Healer/FIrestarter AU, featuring Saiou and Edo
Destructive Flames: A merging of the Firestater/Healer AU and the Reversal AU. It's even less fun than the usual REvers - well, for values of fun.
Spirit Friends: People become friends with Duel Spirits aren't in their decks. Such as Wolf for Juudai and SQuall for Amon.
Bonds of Kinship: Exploring the relationship between Johan and the lookalike - his twin brother.
Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal
Order of the Outcasts: A fantasy AU loosely inspired by AD&D. The Order of the Outcasts is the Barians. Yuuma is a powerful healing mage and Astral is his fae companion. Much fun to be had! Co-written with SilvorMoon.
Committed To Her: Kotori is Queen Merag's slave, and devotedly loves her. Merag would like to return it, but it's not that easy. Obviously, a Merag x Kotori story, and an AU.
Cry of Vengeance: Vector wants revenge on Nasch for a long-ago offense, so he attacks Nasch's boyfriend Durbe. But that's not all he wants his revenge on and he has an interesting way to get it. Vampire/slight magic AU.
On Dragon's Wings: Mizael is a dragon. Vector is a prince who becomes a demon. And many other changes for a fantasy AU. Established ships are Vector x Mizael and Alit x Leo.
Inevitable Encounters: soulmate AU and how they deal with it. Established ships: Kaito x Yuuma, Durbe x Nasch, Kotoi x Merag/Rio, Vector x Mizael
Fae Whispers: Durbe x Chris. Chris is a Fae Prince who offers for Durbe to become a Fae Knight.
Different Numbers: Another soulmate AU. Features Durbe x Nasch, Vector x Mizael, V/Chris x Kaito, Gilag x Sanagi, & Alit x III/Michael x Yuuma.
Prison of the Prince: Vector wishes to keep Fae Prine Mizael as his prisoner. Mizael isn't so thrilled about that. Vecto x Mizael.
Hating Humanity: Durbe finds Nasch and Merag before the Astral Messenger arrive. Without Yuuma's influence, what will Nasch do? Durbe x Nasch.
Blurring: There are multiple ways to detect one's soulmate. Mizael has Vector's name on his right arm and Kaito's on his left - right arm is for the soulmate and left for the enemy.
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
Beat of Wings: Some characters have wings, including Yuuya, Yuuto, Yuugo, and Yuuri. And Shun. And others. No real ships (that I know of) and Yuuri is going to have fun!
Life With A Demon: Featuring Masumi x Yuzu, Asuka x Selena, and past Selena x Masumi. Demon AU, along with other creatures of magic.
Confusing: Yuuri has captured Shun and is training him to be a warrior of Fusion. Shun would rather not - but his mind is now Yuuri's plaything.
Angels, Demons, and Deciding Factors: Angel/demon AU. Yuuri is a demon, who encounters the angel Shun in his territory. Yuuri decides that he wants this angel for his own - mostly because Shun doesn't want that, nor does Yuuto. M rated/consent issues/brainwashing.
Collars and Keeping: Yuuri captured Shun early in the war and Shun escapes the first chance he gets. But Yuuri won't let him go - and there's a horrible punishment awaiting his pet.
Fae Song: Selena x Rin x Ruri x Yuzu. Selena is a Fae Princess and the others are her servants.
Deadly Daughter: Professor Leo Akaba decides he can't trust Yuuri and thus trains Selena to be his sgent to find and captue the other gils with her face. Selena's girlfriend, Asuka, helps - only seeing what happened in the war turns her away from Fusion. Undecided ships.
Dragon and Falcon: Yuuri's a dragon & Shun's a shapeshifting falcon. Yuuri claimed Shun as a part of his hoard and his servant. And it just seems that dragon saliva does something to shapeshifters. non-con/drugged Yuuri x Shun.
Soulwings: In this AU, when soulmates meet one another (or when one's true purpose is found), wings are developed. So when Kaito and Edo cross paths... Established Kaito x Edo and alluded to Yuuri x Shun.
Strike Hard, Strike Fast: Vampire AU. Sora, Yuuri, and Dennis are vampires. Ruri and Shun are vampire hunters. So when Shun crosses their paths, Yuuri decides to take him for his own.
Opposite Ends: Yuugo is brought to Shingo as his slave. Yuugo doesn't like Shingo. Oh, they're going to have a lot of fun.
Dragonflame and Nature's Spark: A HEaler/FIrestater rewrite of Arc-V, mostly featuring Ryou and Mizael, along with Yuuri and Vector. Ship: Ryou x Mizael, Durbe x Chris, and Shou x Michael.
A Model Life: Kogami Ryouken is a supermodel. You know, when he's not a cyber-terrorist.
Power Rangers
Flip Of a Coin: Tommy Oliver is Tommi Oliver here. Gender-switch from birth.
Soulborn: Soulmates from the Power Rangers. Established ship: Cassie x Phantom. Future ship: Kat x Tommy.
Burning Inscription: Soulmates have the most important words spoken to them by their soulmates written on their arms. On Kinshiro's: I am Battle Lover Epinard! Nonsense. Atsushi x Kinshiro.
Love of Spirits: Kinshiro is a spirit of the sun. Atsushi is a wind spirit. The others are also magical beings. Kinshiro x Atsushi.
Elemental Ties: YGO GX & Digimon Frontier. Juudai and Kouichi cross paths. But they're not the only ones who share elements.
Replacement Vampire: YGO GX & Digimon Adventure 02: Post his defeat in 02, Vamdemon awakens in his Perfect form again, in a new world, where he meets someone he never thought he would - a female vampire. Camula didn't think she'd ever see another vampire. He's not quite her species, but he's definitely her type. Firm ship: Camula x Vamdemon. Also, vampire Seven Star!Ryou.
Scorpion Strike: YGO GX & YGO Zexal: Ryou wakes up in the Barian World, and doesn't know his name or anything else. But he's a Barian now, so he works for the Barian World. Ryou x Mizael.
Those are all my current series. Here are the series that I have waiting in the wings:
Power Rangers
Unexpected Tales: A series of fics about ships I like: Rita x Zedd, Emily x Jason, and Tanya x Adam.
Yellow & Blue: A pair of fics involving Trini x Billy
Digimon Adventure 02
Blossoms of Death: Non epilogue compliant, where a new enemy attacks the Chosen and a lot of things happen including friendship between different Chosen and their partners.
In Our Veins: Breeds AU. Non epilogue compliant and the breeds slowly start to awaken to their powers. Known ships: Ken x Daisuke.
Far From The Tree: Breeds AU, rewrite of a very old story of mine. Starting in the Devimon arc, the Chosen begin to awaken.
Last Dark Master: Breeds AU, another rewrite of a very old story. Yamato attracts Piemon'os attention. No ships at this time.
To True Love: A series about Taichi x Yamato. Mild Ken x Daisuke also.
Heed The Call: The Kaiser discovered the breeds - especially Anbumon, the strongest of them all. Time for an alliance. Ken x Daisuke & Yamato x Taichi.
Digimon Tamers
After Tamers: Post-canon, the Tamers have even more adventures with their returned partners.
Burning Brightly: An alternate take on Ruki and Renamon meeting one another.
Yu-Gi-Oh GX
In Solitude Lies Strength: A slight divergence changes a great deal about Juudai's rule in Dark World.
Different Kind of Darkness: When Juudai encounters a vampire before his rule in Dark World begins, everything takes a dip to a deeper darkness.
After Academia: Graduating doesn't mean that their adventurs have ended. They're just different now. Yubel x Juudai.
Colors of Love: A different soulmate concept - those who have soulmates only see the colors of their soulmate's hair and eyes until they meet - at which point they see all colors, and sprout their wings. Edo x Saiou and Yubel x Juudai, with others to come.
Hi Kari Kouri E: Healer/Firestarter. Kagemaru wants a powerful Frostflame on his Seven Stars team, so sends people to recruit a six year old Marufuji Ryou. Future Yubel x Juudai and Ryou x Yuusuke.
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V
Prey and Hunters: Yuuri captures Shun and has a good old time tormenting him. Rewrite of my original "Yuuri torments Shun" story. It will have a crossover with Mythology of Love by SilvorMoon eventually.
Seduction of Shadows: a realm with Io being human, Akoya being a demon, and Ryuu being an angel.
Love Is Out Of This World: BKCBL & Digimon Adventure 02. When the Digimon Kaiser drops into the Student Council Room, things become very interesting. Ken x Daisuke, Atsushi x Kinshiro.
Ties To Magic: Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Tamers, and YGO GX. A fantasy world where anyone can meet anyone at all.
From Shadows Within: Digimon Adventure, 02, Tamers, and Frontier. A new adventure for everyone! Ships: Ken x Daisuke.
I fully expect to develop more of these in the future. Time will tell! And I will update this when or if the time comes.
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Light Fingers (The Umbrella Academy)
Diego’s vigilantism brings him repeatedly across the path of a young cat burglar. But as he finds himself developing feelings for the thief, he begins to wonder if there’s more to her than meets the eye, and whether they’re really on opposite sides. And as their relationship deepens, it brings with it a plot involving his estranged adopted father, and threatens to destroy all of them.
Word Count: 2663 Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Reader; teased Eudora Patch x Reader Rating: T Content Warnings: violence, guns, threat to a child, injury Cross-posted to AO3: here
Previous Chapter: Taking Your Heart || Masterlist
“Oh come on Al,” you begged, following the gym manager across the room. “just tell me where he is.”
You had decided several days ago that you were going to make amends with Diego, but so far he had proven impossible to track down, and worry was beginning to twist in your gut. What if he was avoiding you intentionally? Or worse, what if he wasn’t, and something had happened to him?
“Do I look like Hargreeves’ nanny?” Al snapped in response as he paused to rearrange some equipment, refusing to even look you at you. In his defense, you had been by every day and were making something of a nuisance of yourself, almost in the hope that he would get annoyed enough to force Diego to talk to you so you would go away.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair in frustration. “Fine. Can you just tell him—”
“No.” The old man made a dismissive gesture and walked away, headed for his office.
“Oh don’t be like that,” you whined, following him until he slammed the door in your face.
While you were arguing, you didn’t notice the woman who walked in. She leaned against one corner of the boxing ring at the center of the gym, watching you. When you flipped off the door with a growl and turned away, sagging against the wall nearby, she smiled, walking over.
“Officer Eudora Patch,” she said, offering you a hand.
You shook it, trying to hide your flinch. “Y/N.”
“I saw you strike out with Al,” she grimaced in sympathy that felt shockingly genuine. “He’s a tough nut. Mind me asking why you’re looking for Diego?”
“He’s…a friend. Just needed to talk to him about something.” You shrugged.
“Seems like it was pretty important?”
“I guess, yeah. I just…we had an argument and some dumb things were said,” you sighed dragging out the words. “And I haven’t heard from him in a while since, so I was…worried.”
“You haven’t heard from him in a while?” she seemed surprised and disappointed by this but quickly covered it up. “How long’s a while?”
“Couple…weeks,” you admitted, deflating, before eyeing her more curiously. “Why are you asking anyway?”
“I’ve been looking for him too.”
“Oh? What’s he to you? No offense officer, but you don’t seem like the ‘get punched for fun’ sort that he seems to spend most of his time with.” You gestured to some of the other members of the gym who were sparing or warming up.
“He and I go back to the police academy actually. We were…close before he left. And I need to talk to him about a case he may have…been a witness to.”
“Oh.” Recognition dawned on you from the stories Diego had told you. “Oh! You’re that Patch!”
She raised an eyebrow. “Should I be worried what that’s supposed to mean?”
You shrugged. “Diego’s just talked a lot about you, that’s all. Oddly, failed to mention how gorgeous you are.” You smiled winningly.
She looked down and away, blushing.
“Hey listen,” you said, suddenly getting a terrible, wonderful idea. “Obviously, neither of us is going to find the mysterious disappearing Hargreeves by just standing around here. Let me buy you a coffee and we can help each other look for him?”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that sounded like you were asking me out on a date.”
“Would it be a problem if I was?” you quirked an eyebrow at her.
Eudora’s case closed without Diego’s involvement several weeks later, and you were beginning to give up on ever fixing things with him. In the meanwhile, coffee with Eudora had become routine, or dinner, or spending hours watching bad movies and eating popcorn together in one apartment or the other on the rare occasions you both had the same night off. Talking with her felt natural, and while the bond between you began with having both become familiar with putting up with Diego’s particular brand of shit, it was now much deeper (though she, for obvious reasons, still didn’t know about your thievery) and in many ways she slipped into the gap in your life that he had left behind, sealing the jagged edges with soft smiles and open nature. Too often, you found yourself toeing the line, considering if crossing it would be worth the risk of losing one of your few genuine friends. But no, you had done that once, and look where it had ended: a literal disappearing act.
Of course, as soon as you had found a new normal and gotten comfortable, things went straight to hell.
It was an average day, meant to be a quick trip to the bank to deposit your paycheck, and then you were going to treat yourself to takeout and a horror movie marathon after a long, grueling week. And then someone came crashing through the door with a shotgun, waving it around and scaring everyone. Two more ‘customers’ pulled weapons out and the three started directing hostages. It was only when Shouty Shotgun turned the muzzle of it toward you that you fully realized the situation you were in.
“Shit,” you muttered, following the order to get down on your knees with your hands behind your head, back to one of the counters.
Cat-burglar turned hostage, nicely done, you scolded yourself while you started planning your next move. If you focused, with all the commotion around they might not notice you disappear and you could get out.
But what about everyone else? a voice that sounded strangely like Diego’s asked in the back of your mind.
As much as you wanted to pretend that you didn’t care, that they weren’t your problem, you knew that probably wasn’t the case, and you tried to take the dozen or so others in the room into account in your plan. Two more gunmen came in, barring the doors behind them, bringing the robbers’ total to five.
Too outnumbered to do anything. Give em what they want and we all go home. Maybe I’ll track them down again later. Just as you thought this, the bank’s security officer lunged at one of them, only to fall back with a cry, and more screaming from the gathered civilians, as he was shot. He clutched at his stomach, and one of the others crawled over to try and help him, only to be warned back with a wave of the offending pistol.
A woman in a grey pencil skirt and bubble gum pink blouse stood, trembling, and introduced herself as the branch manager, trying to negotiate with them.
You tried to tune out the distractions so you could think. Scanning the room, you spotted a shadow out of the corner of your eye, moving fast and low. Not far from you, the figure halted. You tried to ignore it. And then, there were lips at your ear and Diego’s voice was no longer just in your head.
“What are you, the decoy?” he hissed.
You frowned. “What are you talking about?” you snapped softly, not turning your head and doing your best not to move your lips noticeably.
“The gunmen make a big show and attract all the attention and then you slip into the vault and clear out the cash, make your escape and rendezvous with whoever doesn’t get arrested later. Or you get lucky and keep all of it for yourself. It’s a clever trick, ‘til I showed up.”
“Wait, you think I’m with these assholes?”
“You expect me to believe you’re not?”
You were actually hurt by the accusation, though you fought the feeling down so that it didn’t affect the pitch of your voice. “When have I ever done anything to make you think I’d be part of a bank robbery. I have always hit empty buildings, worked at night. No witnesses, no hostages.”
“Or so you claim.”
“Hey!” you growled. “I don’t hurt people to get what I want. Ever. In fact, of the two of us, you’re the one who’s caused more injuries.”
“So you expect me to believe that you just happened to be in the bank when it got robbed?”
“Frankly Hargreeves, I don’t give a shit what you think. But I do want to get out of here, and get everyone else out safely. And the best way to that right now, is for the two of us to put aside our differences and deal with the situation before anyone else does something dumb.”
He was silent for a minute that felt like it dragged on forever.
“Fine. Do you have a plan?” he asked condescendingly.
“I was working on that, prior to your appearance.”
Suddenly one of the robbers whipped back around in your direction and you froze. Diego somehow managed to duck behind the counter unseen.
“Who the hell is talking?” the robber shouted. He was greeted with utter silence.
As soon as he had moved away, Diego reappeared.
“I’ll take out the gunmen, you get the hostages clear,” he suggested.
“Sure, and then I’ll give you a nice eulogy. There are five of them and only one of you. And bullets move faster than knives,” you hissed.
He smirked. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that sounded like you were worried about me.”
You scoffed. “Don’t kid yourself. I’m just not interested in the hostages becoming collateral damage when you epically fail.”
He raised a challenging eyebrow.
“And…I guess…if not wanting you to die means that I care…maybe I do a little bit,” you admitted reluctantly, almost petulantly.
“Mama, what’s happening?” a child’s voice cut through the room, pulling everyone’s attention, including your own, to the boy who looked to be about seven and who you hadn’t noticed in the crowd prior to now.
“Shut up,” the gunman with the shotgun growled.
The boy’s lip trembled. “I want to go home Mama! I’m scared! I don’t like it here.”
“Shut that brat up before I do it for you!”
Your whole body thrummed with tension as you watched the scene unfolding: the pistol being waved at the little child, the mother trying to hush and calm him, his face screwing up with fear and overwhelming emotion that he was much too young to understand or contain. You were vaguely aware that Diego was talking again, but you couldn’t hear the words past the ringing in your ears.
“Shit,” you muttered, biting your thumb nail nervously as your eyes flickered back and forth from the child to the gunman, to the rest of the robbers and the woman who was still trying to negotiate with them, to the security guard still bleeding out quickly. “This is bad. This is really, really bad…”
Like a bolt of lightning, an idea came to you.
“Diego,” you murmured. “Cover your eyes and be ready to move quickly. Get as many people out as you can.”
Time seemed to slow down as you rolled to your feet and moved, placing yourself in front of the child. If you let yourself think, you wouldn’t do it. All you had was the hope that your plan would work, that Diego would trust you enough to do as you said. The criminal cried out in surprise as you jumped in front of him, calling the attention of his cohorts. Well at least that was convenient. You closed your eyes.
At the same moment that you released a pulse of energy, you heard a bang and the faint hum of sirens. You opened your eyes. The room had been plunged into darkness by your actions, draining it out of everywhere possible, but slowly the fluorescents flickered back on.
All five gunmen were flailing, rubbing at their eyes and muttering to themselves. Most of the hostages were out of the line of sight, and Diego was nowhere to be seen. There were still several who were in the risk of harm’s way though: the security guard, the manager, the child and his mother who were sitting, stunned behind you, and a few scattered others, mostly on the other side of the room from where you had been moments before.
You trembled with exhaustion, biting the inside of your cheek, the sharp pain keeping you focused.
A gloved hand appeared behind a panel of plexi-glass, waving at you and pointing toward the door. Hazily, you registered that it was most likely Diego and he was probably trying to tell you that he could get the hostages outside.
Cautiously, you began drawing light inward again, gearing up for a second burst. One of the gunmen turned back to you, weapon raised and you let go of all the power that had been building.
Your head swam and your blood pounded in your ears, the rush creating a strange echo like listening to the ocean through ears stuffed with cotton. A heat crept up the sides of your neck and you felt the beads of sweat break out across your brow. But when you finally registered the world on a mostly untilted axis again, it was over. The gunmen had been subdued and there were no hostages still inside.
“You okay there?” Diego asked, concern roughening his voice as he approached you.
“Shit,” you swore, swaying slightly. “Remind me never to do that again. Is everyone…okay?”
“Ambulances and police are outside, they’ve got things under control, and you’re the last one out.”
“Oh good. Wanna show me your back door in so I can leave without anyone knowing I was ever here?”
“Why wouldn’t you want…?”
“Because I don’t like the attention. You had the Academy sheltering you, but I don’t think superpowers are actually as welcomed or exciting as they might seem. Pretty sure the words that’ll get thrown around are ‘dangerous’ and ‘threat.’”
“You saved people’s lives.”
Your brow pinched in a frown. You felt like shit and you didn’t want to argue with him right now.
“Diego, please.”
The world tilted sharply again, and you started to realize that it was more than just from the overexertion of your powers. Now that the crisis was averted and the adrenaline was wearing off, fast, you registered a sharp pain in your left leg and an uncomfortable, damp warmth creeping down it. The edges of your vision began to go fuzzy.
For the second time in a very short period, things looked very bad indeed. You couldn’t remember being shot, had no idea when it might have happened, but that was the most logical explanation. Not that knowing helped, really. You might have been able to manage, get to somewhere safe and secure (or to the emergency services vehicles waiting outside for the hostages at least) if you hadn’t just expended a huge burst of energy using your powers. Instead, you would be lucky if you could get to somewhere where you wouldn’t bust your skull open on impact with the ground.
“You don’t look so good, Y/N….” Diego said and you jumped, having momentarily forgotten he was there.
“I’ll be fine,” you said through gritted teeth. “I just really need to get out of here, okay.”
Reluctantly he nodded, gesturing in the direction of the safe deposit room. “I came in through a window that way. It took a little maneuvering, but you’re good at that sort of thing.”
You smirked softly. “Might need a little assistance, just this once. Being the hero is exhausting.”
He chuckled but didn’t move, clearly waiting for you. You sighed. Damn him and his concern.
Trying to keep the majority of your weight off your left leg, you took a tentative step. Suddenly your vision narrowed to a single point and the sound of your blood rushing in your ears became a roar. Your knee buckled beneath you.
You thought you felt hands, someone catching you, but you weren’t sure you weren’t imagining them.
And then it didn’t matter and the world went black.
40 notes · View notes
Flatbush & Atlantic: part ii
Here’s part ii! Please reblog and send your thoughts, I love hearing feedback! I was doing a ton of research on American immigration law, and it doesn’t look like Canadians technically need a visa for most work circumstances, but I’m taking it as a matter of artistic license.
part ii
October 5
“Mat, I’m in the middle of a meeting,” Chris said, glancing up at him with a bemused-yet-slightly-annoyed look on his face. 
Mat looked over at Cass, ducking his head and sheepishly tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Oh, yeah. For sure. I’m sorry, I should have knocked, but I got this letter, and. Yeah. I shouldn’t have interrupted, that was rude. I’m sorry.” Cass couldn’t help but let out a snicker at his rambling, and Mat turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. He held out his hand. She took it. “Sorry about that.” His cheeks colored. “I keep apologizing. I’m Mat Barzal.”
“Cass Cabrera Shaw,” she replied. 
“Cass is our new intern, so you’ll be seeing each other around. Hopefully not too often.” Chris said, nodding to where she sat in front of him. 
“I got the job?” Cass asked, her head jerking back to look at Chris. 
Chris nodded like it should have been obvious. “Cassidy. You’re more than qualified, you know the sport, you understand the responsibilities. You go to a top 5 law school. Yeah, you’re hired.” She blinked, still trying to take it all in. Chris turned to Mat. “Okay, Barzal, you’re up. What’s wrong?”
Mat scratched his neck. “Okay, so I know I should have looked into it sooner and taken responsibility for it. And I do, I mean, take responsibility for it. It’s just, I was in Vancouver for the summer and then vacation and then training camp and—”
Chris cut him off. “Barzal. What is it?”
“I missed the deadline for my visa renewal.” That sounds familiar, Cass thought ruefully. At least she wouldn’t be alone in her dumbassery.
Chris put his head in his hands.
Mat held up a hand. “Wait, it’s not as bad as it seems, I promise.”
“Try me.”
“I called whoever’s in charge, they left a number on the letter—”
“State Department,” Cass said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her hair when Mat looked back at her, a hint of a smile on his face. 
He nodded. “Thanks. Yeah, them. I called them and explained the situation, and they agreed to give me an extension.”
Chris cleared his throat. “And by ‘the situation,’ you mean…” He trailed off. 
“That I was an NHL player who wasn’t in the country when they sent reminder letters. I might have used the Commissioner’s name once or twice.” Mat said sheepishly. 
“And we all know how much weight Gary Bettman’s name carries with American immigration policy,” Chris deadpanned. “Okay, give me a second to think how we’re going to get this done. How much of the forms have you filled out?”
Mat flipped open the folder he had brought, scanning the pages. “Most of it.” At least he’s not entirely hopeless. “There were a couple things I wasn’t sure about, and some new stuff that I don’t remember from last time. I figured it was better to bring it in than try to submit it on my own and get it all horribly wrong.”
“Thank God for that,” Chris said, giving a half-smile. After another minute or so of thinking, he raised his head and looked to where Cassidy was still sitting, straight across the desk. “I saw on your transcript that you’ve taken several immigration law classes. Any fieldwork?” Chris asked. 
Cass nodded. “Yeah, there was a clinic run by the school that reviewed visa applications and other paperwork for recent immigrants, I volunteered there for a few months.”
“Good. How familiar are you with O1 visas?” He asked, looking in between Cassidy and Mat. 
“For extraordinary capability? I’ve studied them a little, I know that’s the kind that most NHL players are obviously on but I’m not an expert by any means,” she said.
Chris tapped his fingers on the desk, seemingly lost in thought, before his eyes flickered between her and Mat. “Okay. You’ll be running point on Mat’s visa renewal.” Cassidy’s face blanched. “It’s mostly done so it shouldn’t be too hard. But between you and me,” he paused, raising an eyebrow at Mat, “I wouldn’t trust this boy to fill out the paperwork to adopt a goldfish, so make sure you double-check everything he wrote in. Come to me or Richard with any questions, but I really do think you’ll be fine. Got it?”
Cass jerkily nodded her head, still trying to fully process. In the span of the last ten minutes, she had gotten a job that she thought she had no chance for and had been put in charge of a very delicate, very expensive, very important set of immigration paperwork for Mat Barzal. Mat Barzal, the 2018 Calder Trophy winner. Mathew Barzal, the future of the Islanders. No pressure. 
“I should probably give you my number,” Mat said, pulling out his phone and holding it out to her. She looked at him with confusion, head tilted to one side. Mat’s face flushed and he rushed to clarify. “Like for the work stuff. In case I have questions about the visa or you need me to translate my chicken scratch for you.”
Now it was Cass’ turn to blush, gently taking his phone out of his hands and navigating to the messages. “I’ll text myself, that way you’ll have my number too. For questions,” she paused briefly, “or anything else.” Cass was typically never that bold, but there was something about the way Mat cracked a smile that made her sure she had made the right decision.
Chris coughed, bringing their attention back to the desk and the issue at hand. “I’ll go and make a copy of these for your records, Mat,” he said, standing up and reaching over the desk for the file with the visa forms, “and Cass, you’ll be working off of the originals.” He glanced between the pair. “Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.” 
Chris closed the door behind him, and Mat leaned up against one of the filing cabinets. “So, you’re working for the team now?”
“Yeah.” Cass nodded. “I’m excited, it seems like it’ll be a great position, but I think the prospect of my betrayal might be too much for my poor dad. Working for the enemy and all.”
Mat let out a laugh. “Rangers fan?”
“Big one. I’m from Connecticut so he grew up with the Whalers mostly, but when they folded the family allegiance switched. And when Mike Shaw is in on something, he’s all in. I’m fearing for my well being,” she joked dryly, the corner of her mouth twitching up. 
“I think you’ll be fine,” he said, looking up at her. “Tell your dad that I promise we’re not as bad as we seem. Tito, maybe,” he added, wiggling his hand. “But I’m a good guy, as long as you promise not to sell off our training secrets and pass formations to the highest bidder.”
Cass held up three fingers. “I give you my word as a former Girl Scout that I won’t leak the absolute mountains of information I have access to.”
“Pinky promise?” Mat asked, holding out his hand. 
It was Cass’ turn to laugh, and she stood up from her chair, leaning over and interlocking their fingers. “Pinky promise.”
Chris chose that particular moment to walk back in, raising his eyebrows briefly. “What’s going on here?”
Mat cleared his throat. “It took a lot of convincing, but I got Cass to pinky promise me that she won’t sell us out to the Rangers.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Apparently there was a rash of double-crossing by interns that I wasn’t aware of,” Chris said, handing over the sheaf of copies to Mat. “And Cassidy, I’ll see you tomorrow at 10?” Cass internally groaned, knowing that it would take well over an hour on the train. Still, she nodded curtly. “Of course.”
He smiled, reaching over the desk and shaking her hand. “I’ll put these,” he said, gesturing to the forms, “in your desk tomorrow. You’ll be working out in the main area, we’ll get you set up when you come in. Other than that, you’re good to go. Glad to have you on board. Genuinely.” 
Cass leaned down to pick up her backpack, walking out the door and into the elevator with Mat by her side. “So, I’ll call you if I’ve got questions on any of this, right?” He asked, folding the papers and tucking them into his inside jacket pocket. 
She nodded. “Yeah. This one is a little different but I’ve done a lot of filling out forms and revision for this before, so I don’t think it’ll be too much of an issue. If I don’t know the answer to something, I can find it for you. I might have some questions tomorrow, you guys have a game, right?” Cass asked. Mat nodded. “So obviously I know you’ll have morning skate and be by the arena most of the day, but try to have your phone with you when you can so we don’t have to play phone tag, y’know?”
He smiled, holding the front door open for her as they existed onto the busy street. “I’ll do my best, Cass. See you soon.”
As promised, as soon as Mat had turned the corner, Cass pulled out her phone, clicking on Samaira’s contact. She picked up on the first ring. “Samaira, you’re not going to believe what my afternoon has been like.” 
She headed straight to her room after getting home, managing to squeeze in a few hours of reading before getting started on dinner. Pasta was easy to make for everyone; Alicia was lactose intolerant and Stella kept kosher, so simplicity was often key in group meals. Sautéeing some collard greens with onions and garlic, she turned her head towards the rooms and hollered to the rest of the apartment. “DINNER’S ALMOST READY!”
Much to her chagrin, Cass got up bright and early the next day, shoveling down a bowl of cereal before grabbing her bag and heading out the door.
October 12 (fri)
The Islanders had a weeklong road trip, so Cass had been reassigned to contract review since she was all but done with Mat’s visa renewal. She glanced at her watch, seeing that it was nearly noon. Nearly noon meant nearly lunchtime. She hadn’t figured out what she wanted to have for lunch quite yet, but food carts in New York were a dime a dozen; while she wasn’t being paid for the internship, she was given a stipend for lunch and travel expenses that she took full advantage of. Just as she flipped the page over, the office door opened. Assuming that it was some assistant coming for Chris or one of the other lawyers returning from a different office, she didn’t pay it too much mind. That was, however, until the figure stopped by her desk, coughing to get her attention. “Yeah?” She questioned, looking up and tilting her head in confusion when she saw that it was Mat. 
“I had a question about one of the employment history sections, and the office said you’d be here today. I brought food,” he said, holding up a paper back emblazoned with the name of a local Chinese restaurant. 
“Oh God, bless your heart,” she said, pulling over another chair. “I’m starving. Sit down, walk me through it. What’s got you confused?” It didn’t occur to Cass that he could have easily asked her over text.
October 17 (tues)
Sitting at her desk, Cass was trying (and failing) to finish her notes before midnight when her phone lit up with a text. And then another one. And then another. Rolling her eyes, she picked it up, expecting something from one of her younger siblings or a friend from back home. Instead, it was Mat. Hew brow instantly furrowed, swiping up to see what was the matter. He had sent two pictures, both screenshots from newspapers. Florida Man Arrested for Throwing Gator at Mother-in-Law, the first one read. Florida Man Charged with Reckless Endangerment for Filling Nursing Home Koi Pond with Baby Gators, said the other. Do u think it’s the same guy? He asked. 
Rolling her eyes, Cass wrote out a reply. No doubt. Criminals have patterns. 
So do u think all Florida men are obsessed with gators or just this one?
Gator cult. She tapped send, picking it back up almost immediately. Obviously. 
October 21 (sat)
The plane back from Montréal is about to leave. Any album recs?
Mat and Cass had been texting back-and-forth for the past few days, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he asked her. 
Wasteland, Baby - Hozier, Electric Light - James Bay. Amidst the Chaos - Sara Bareilles if ya wanna get a little spicy. I’m mostly an indie kinda girl, give me a sec and I’ll send you my playlist. 
Can’t wait, Mat responded. Cass loved music, and always found it to be something intensely personal. So what was it about Mat that made her so willing to share?
October 23 (mon)
Cass hated getting up early, but there were some things better than sleep. You wanna get coffee before your classes? Mat had texted the night before. Coffee was one of them. Grabbing her backpack and tugging on her favorite pair of ankle boots, she headed out the door at 7:02. 
“Where are you headed this early?” Alicia asked quizzically, her own tote slung over one shoulder. Ryanne almost always left the earliest, usually having to get to her rounds well before anyone else had woken up. 
“Mat and I are going out for coffee,” she said, picking up her keys from the nail by the door. 
Alicia wiggled her eyebrows. “Oooooh, Cass has a daaaateee,” she said in a sing-song voice. 
Cass’s cheeks burned. “It’s not a date, I’m just helping him out with some paperwork. He’s asking me out as a friend. Just because he’s cute—”
Alicia cut her off. “AHA! So you DO admit that you think he’s cute?”
Cass groaned. “Yeah, okay, he’s cute. You happy?” Alicia nodded. “But just because I think he’s attractive doesn’t mean that this is going to be anything other than friends getting together before work, okay?” 
Her friend shrugged. “Whatever you say, Cass. Have fun, be safe! Use prot—” Cass closed the door as quickly as she could without slamming it. Forty minutes later, she was walking up to the coffee shop, greeting Mat with a hug. 
“Sorry if I kept you waiting,” Cass said. 
Mat shook his head. “You didn’t, don’t apologize.” He opened the door for her, hand ghosting over the small of her back as he followed her in line. A few minutes later, Mat was at the register, ordering a cappuccino. He turned to her. “What do you want, Cass?” 
“Mat, you don’t have to pay for me,” Cass said, pulling out her wallet. 
Mat gently pushed her hand down. “I was the one who suggested it, Cass. I’m paying the bill.” He handed over his card to the barista, turning back to her with a smile. “You can get it next time.” She laughed. 
“Fine, you win. Coconut milk latté.”
Oct 25 (wed)
“Afternoon pick-me-up?” Cass looked up from her desk, confused but excited to see Mat in front of her desk. 
He held up a coffee cup, a speckled white-and-blue reusable. “You mentioned something about needing me to sign the last page or something? I brought you coffee, the cup’s for you too. Place says you’ll save 25¢ whenever you use it.” 
“Yeah,” Cass said slowly, “and you faxed it over, right? Kristie said they got it in this morning.” Kristie was the office assistant, and had handed the page to Cass right as she had walked in the door half an hour prior.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Mat said, seemingly flustered. “I was worried I might have made a mistake on it, so I thought I’d come over and double-check.”
“You’re worried you made a mistake signing your own name?” Cass didn’t quite understand it, but there was something really endearing about him wanting to come down and check it himself rather than just calling her or emailing Chris. “Okay then,” she said, leaning over her laptop to grab the folder. She traded it for the coffee in Mat’s hand, the Post-it note on the side of the cup catching her eye. Coconut milk latté. He remembered. 
Oct 26 (thurs)
What are your thoughts on sushi? Cass got a text from Mat as she was about to get out of her environmental law lecture. The professor had already started packing up her things, so she risked a message back. 
As a concept or as a food?
The food haha
All positive, love sushi!
I know this great place in Chelsea, want to grab dinner later?
You don’t have a late practice or anything with the guys? From what she had gathered, even when it wasn’t a game day, Mat would usually get an extra workout in after practice or go out with Tito and some of the rest of the team.
Nope :) Nothing after 2
Cass bit her lip, weighing her options as she shut her laptop and exited the lecture hall. She wasn’t reading too much into it, was she? Friends got dinner together all the time, it wasn’t weird for him to have asked her. It was normal. Typical friend stuff. Sure, she liked him. She liked him a lot. But it wasn’t worth jeopardizing her career and reputation to try and fabricate something that probably wasn’t even there. Sounds good! I should be able to get there 6ish if that works for you?
Perfect! He wrote back, I’ll send you the address.
Les and Fiona caught up to her that afternoon after she practically ran out of their review session the second it was done. “Woah woah woah,” Fiona asked, catching Cass just as she was about to exit the library. “Where are you headed off to so quick?”
Cass tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, scrunching up her nose. “Getting dinner with Mat.” 
Les wiggled his eyebrows. “Ooooh, your man?”
Cass went red. “He’s not my man! He just asked if I wanted to get sushi. And I’m hungry, and he said he’s paying. So I said yes.”
“But you like him,” Les said, as if he was stating the obvious. Which, in a way, he was?
She shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah. It’s hard not to. But he asked me out as friends. It’s not a date. If it was a date, he would have said so? Right?” She was starting to ramble.
Fiona reached out to touch her shoulder, rubbing her thumb back and forth. “Maybe. But maybe not. It’s possible that he is into you, but you and I both know that’s a question best answered by someone other than us,” she pointed at her and Les. “And even if he doesn’t, it’s still a free dinner.” 
Cass let out a small smile. “You’re right.” She glanced at her watch. “I told him I’d be there by 6, so I probably should get going if I want to catch the train in time.” She gave each of them a brief hug. “See you next week!”
“GOOD LUCK!” Tyler hollered as she turned the corner. Cass’ cheeks burned, and she was beginning to realize why.
Cass got home from the restaurant just after 9, trying desperately to make sense of the past few weeks. Getting ahead of herself had never led to anything good, and much though she wanted to, Cass wasn’t about to put words in Mat’s mouth. But he had been the one to suggest dinner, and he had picked up the tab again. “You’re in law school,” Mat had said with a shrug when the check came. “I’m not about to make you pay for your own food when you don’t have to.” Shaking her head and pulling out the kettle to make a cup of tea, she tried again to rationalize everything. “We’re friends. I’m doing him a solid by helping him out with this paperwork, he’s just trying to be nice and pay me back. Which he doesn’t need to do, because it’s my job. But he’s nice, so he’s doing it anyway. Because we’re friends.” Frustrated, she grabbed her mug, walking back to her bedroom and barely paying any mind to the splashes of near-boiling water that hit the ground. 
Oct. 27 (fri)
It was a quarter to 6, and Cass couldn’t wait to get out of the office. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy her job. It was incredible and she was so thankful for the opportunity. It was the fact that Mat fucking Barzal had been on her mind all day and she had been finding it so damn hard to concentrate on research and contracts and precedent when she was busy trying to sift through her own feelings. Cass wasn’t a particularly insecure person; like anyone else, she had those days, but it wasn’t really a matter of her thinking he was “out of her league” or that she wasn’t good enough for him. She knew that the whole concept of “leagues” was dumb and classist, but there was something about the whole dynamic that she couldn’t quite shake, and couldn’t quite tell if it was something good or not. It was five minutes to six, and she couldn’t stop her fingers tapping on her desk, waiting to be set free. Waiting for her mind to stop racing. Waiting for her heart to stop pounding.
She spent the next five minutes trying in vain to get through a paper Chris had sent her — she had even broken out her neon highlighters — but nothing was working. Thankfully, Chris chose that moment to stick his head out of his office and call to her. “Cass?” Her head perked up. “I’ve got some files to email you, mind coming in for a sec before you leave?” She nodded, pushing out of her chair and crossing the room. 
“How was your day?” Chris asked, pulling up the files to email her. 
“Uh, pretty good!” Cass said. “Fridays are relatively light for me, I had a morning meeting with the law review and then headed over here. Mat and I got sushi last night, so that was nice.”
Chris looked up over his laptop. “You and Mat?”
Cass nodded, brows furrowing. “Yeah. Is that an issue?” It was never something she had bothered considering, but — 
“Not that I can think of, no,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re spending a lot of time together, though, have you noticed that?” 
“Yeah, I mean, we’re friends, but I didn’t think that was a problem—” Chris held up a hand, cutting her off with a smile. 
“I’m not so sure that what Mat wants is a friendship, Cassidy.” He paused. “My son’s about his age, and please feel free to stop me if you’d like, but this is exactly how he acted when he met Iris.” 
“Iris?” Cass questioned. 
“His fiancée. If I’m reading the situation right, and I think I am, the poor boy’s head over heels for you, Cass.” He clicked his mousepad. “Just sent them over, try to go through them by Monday.”
She nodded, seemingly in a daze as she picked up her bag and walked out of the office, pulling out her phone. 
To: Mat
Are you free later?
Oct 28. (sat)
Tapping her foot nervously, Cass fiddled with her phone just to give her hands something to do. They had grabbed breakfast before she had to head to the office and he had to go to morning skate, and she had stolen the check while he was in the bathroom. But she still hadn’t brought up what Chris had said, or for that matter what Les or Samaira or Alicia had been pestering her about for the better part of the past month. 
Mat returned to the table, snapping Cass out of her thoughts. “You ready to head out?” It was only just past nine, so the plan had been to take a walk around Prospect Park before they had to take off. Cass nodded awkwardly, grabbing her coat and scarf from the back of the chair and looping it around her neck. Mat’s brow furrowed in confusion, but if he suspected anything, he didn’t say so. He walked a few steps ahead of Cass, holding the door open for her. They walked in silence for a block or two; not an awkward silence and not a comfortable one, but some kind of strange liminal space in between the two where it was clear that neither of them was really able to read the room. Mat’s knuckles brushed up against her own.
As they crossed the street into the gardens, Cass took a deep breath and looked up at him. It’s now or never. “What are we doing?” She breathed, so softly that Mat wouldn’t have heard if he hadn’t been standing scarcely a foot away. 
“We’re going to a park?” Mat questioned. 
She wrung her hands, trying to avoid looking at him. “I mean, what are we doing. You and I.” She ran a hand through her hair. “I don’t want you to think that I’m reading too much into things, or that I haven’t enjoyed getting to know you and spend time with you because I have, but I just need to know what there is going on between us. If there is anything going on between us.”
Mat shoved his hands into his pockets, leaning up against a lamppost. “I mean, I’d like there to be. I’m into you, Cass, I thought I had made that clear,” he added with a single laugh. Cass gave him a quizzical look. “Do you think I actually needed to come into the office every time I dropped in on you? That I’d ask just anyone for music recs? That I asked you out to coffee or dinner just as friends? Cassidy,” he said, standing upright and taking a tentative step towards her, “I don’t even know Tito’s coffee order. But I know yours.” He took another step forwards when she didn’t move back, faces so close that their noses were almost touching. “I wouldn’t ever want to push you into something you weren’t ready for. But Cass,” he tilted her chin up with his hand, “I’m all in if you are.”
She took a shaky breath, willing the voices inside of her head to still themselves for just one moment so she could gather her thoughts. “Mat, I want this,” Cass said, gesturing between the two of them with one hand, the other wound with frustration in her curls. “You have no idea how much I want this. But I work for the team. We both do. And I can’t have anyone thinking that I’m here for anything but the job, that I’m a puck bunny or will be distracted from my work and go run off with my boyfriend or whatever you are—” She cut herself off abruptly. “Trotz might get mad at you, sure. I don’t think it would really matter on your end, though. You wouldn’t face any actual consequences. I’m expendable to this team. You’re not.”
 Mat’s hand came up to cup her cheek, one thumb swiping away a tear gently, so gently, that she hadn’t even realized had leaked out of her eye. “You’re not expendable, Cass. Not to me, not to the team, not to anyone who’s ever bothered getting to know you. You are such an incredible woman and I know you know it, but sometimes it doesn’t seem like you really believe it. If this is scary for me, and it is, I know it must be downright terrifying for you. And I know you’re worried how it would look, us being together, what the team or Chris or whoever would think, but you need to remember to let your talent speak for itself. If I have a shitty game, miss an easy shot or whatever, there’s always the people who say that Trotz should move me down a line, or that I should be traded, or whatever. And there’s always going to be those people. But if you keep your head in the game—”
“Alright, Troy Bolton,” Cass said, finally giving him a watery smile. 
“You realize that if I’m Troy, you’re Gabriella?” Mat asked, raising one eyebrow, hand still on her cheek as the other perched on her waist. Cass leaned into his touch, wrinkling her nose. “Maybe that was a bad metaphor, but Cass, you’re brilliant. You’re such a good student and you’re so dedicated at work. You’re going to make an incredible lawyer. Everyone sees that. And I absolutely respect that you’re worried about what our relationship might do for your career,” He swallowed hard, skating his hand down her arm to hold her hand. “And I’m not sure what else I could say other than what I already have. But you’re good, so good, and they’d be idiots for letting you go over something like this.”
Cass swallowed. “They say some things are worth the risk.”
“Are we gonna do this?” Mat’s hand moved to the small of her back, leaning down so their lips were almost touching, barely, not quite. 
“We’re gonna do this.” Cass closed the gap. 
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