wyrm-clangen · 3 months
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Wheatpaw's No Good, Very Bad Day
But also BABIES :D
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nettleclanstale · 29 days
Moon 105!
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silverclangen · 1 year
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Sprucekit - Founding kit of SilverClan (he/they)
Sprucekit is the youngest founding member of SilverClan. Nobody’s sure where his parents are, and the kit seems unusually quiet. Maybe he just needs help coming out of his shell?
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windclan ��� year twelve — newleaf
echofang and baywillow die.
galenose, leafjaw, pinestem, and shadebird become warriors. willowpaw dies.
sierrapaw and pumicepaw are apprenticed to ashface and brightshore. sprucekit dies.
ashdawn has four kittens with dappletuft of riverclan: horsekit (pale she-cat with dark spots, white paws, and copper eyes), poppykit (white tom with fox-colored patches and amber eyes), silverkit (white tom with dark grey patches), and skykit (big, black and white tom with pale amber eyes).
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quakes-of-cragclan · 4 months
Buzzard, do you remember what Sprucekit looked like at all?
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thawclan-lifegen · 4 months
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ThawClan's Newest Litter
A profer formal introduction to our little guys! Spicekit and his two siblings, Dripkit and Sprucekit! Spice is our little protagonist, but of course, as his siblings these two will be seen quite often :}
Moon 1 will be coming some time this week if everything goes to plan!
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sprucestairs · 5 months
i like NEED to tell you all the insane shit going on in one of my clangen saves:
Palefruit, a young warrior, is found dead somewhere in Foggyclan territory
Obviously, no one knows who/ what did it. They suspect it was someone from their own clan, as Palefruit's body carries no scent of predators or other cats
A few moons later, Mistymallow, a newly named medicine cat (and Palefruit's niece) overhears Spiderspeckle- the deputy's mate, and older brother of her own mate- bragging to a loner that he killed Palefruit.
horrified, she rushes to camp to tell Talonstar.
Spiderspeckle is exiled from the clan. Everyone is shocked because he A) was Palefruit's mentor and B) was a generally compassionate cat
Poor Skyflame doesn't take well to the news that her mate committed murder in cold blood, especially not because a close friend of hers had recently died to a wolverine attack.
Mistymallow gets pregnant
Berryghost- the father of her kit- dies in a snow storm while out on a hunting patrol. Mistymallow is distraught.
A moon later, Mistymallow gives birth to Sprucekit. (Swear on my life that was a random name- I did not name this kit after myself)
The kit looks almost exactly like Berryghost, and Mistymallow almost can't stand the grief. Also she's now having constant nightmares.
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morningmask27 · 1 year
If i can request 3 cats, Graypool X Oakheart X Thrushpelt?
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Grousekit, Reedkit and Sprucekit are three kittens that RiverCLan really doesn't know what to do with. They were born shortly before Oakheart and Thrushpelt died, leaving Graypool to take care of these menaces all alone. The clan believes they are Oakheart and Graypool's only. Mistyfoot and Stonefur stepped in to help graypool take care of the kits. The kits were terribly hurt when even Graypool was found dead.
Grousekit is a stuck up little stickler to rules that will often follow leopardfur around while she does her deputy duties. Grouse wants to become leader when they grow up and tried very hard to impress Leopard and uncle Crookedstar for that purpose only. They aren't always too happy with how rambunctious Reedkit and Sprucekit are. their warrior name would be grouseclaw
Reedkit (just like Oakheart kinda) looks a lot like Reedshine and is sometimes plagued by dreams about a weird, angry tortie in a dark forest. xe only cares about having fun with Sprucekit and Grousekit (when they aren't being grumpy). xe's the closets to their niblings (mistyfoot kits, reedwhisker isn't named reedwhisker tho) and plays a whole lot with them. their warrior name would be Reedspring.
Sprucekit is the biggest terror of the litter and has caused a lot of panic in the clan every time they fell in the river or dissapeared out of camp. All the punishments they had to do doesn't stop them from being rambunctious all the time. The elders love them though, and so do the other kits. They talk too much too and this nearly got them killed by Tigerstar after he ordered Stonefur's execution. their warrior name would be Sprucecrash
okay so, long story under the cut
The kits were obviously devastated when they learnt that oakheart died. They never forgave ThunderClan and especially Tigerclaw for it. Thrush had been dead for a month when the kits were born and they didn't know about thrush sadly, but Oak's death hurt. Graypool began struggling to raise them, but misty and stone stepped in to assist their little siblings. 
Grouse, wanting to become deputy/leader was always doing everything to make Leoardfur proud of them. They did anything leopard wanted them to do, even as a young kit. They never had the same energy as their littermates and often sat alone, far away from the two to mope. 
Reed did try to be close to them a lot. Reed is the social one and is loved by everyone in the clan for xir honesty and care. Reed isn't gunning for a place of power, xe simply wants what's best for RiverClan and especially xir family. Xe was the most hurt when Graypool also died, but xe found solace in Spruce. 
Spruce is a troublemaker and confident. Way too confident if you ask Leopardfur, who specifically requested to become Spruce's mentor to keep them in check. Always out exploring, falling into the river a few too many times, catching their first prey at three moons old (kinda like cloudkit tbh), spruce was quite the pawful. Leoardfur did try her best to tone their energy down and while it didn't fully work the two worked well as a duo. 
The three became apprentices around the time that tensions between ThunderClan and RiverClan were high. The three were prepped constantly to fight any ThunderClan cat that would bother their Clan. The training they did went mostly fine, Grousepaw was given to Reedtail, another serious and hard working cat, but they spent more time with Leopardfur than Reed anyway. Reedpaw got Skyheart and Sprucepaw got Leopardfur since someone had to keep this little terror in check. Spruce and Leopard worked well together, despite Leopard really not being able to control Spruce fully. The three had a fun apprentice hood, watching as thunderclan dealt with drama after drama, and maybe struggling a bit with the flood, but nothing too bad. 
Sprucepaw especially had a lot of fun with Leopardfur. They two were often seen bickering about the littlest of things, kinda like siblings, but they worked extremely well together when things needed to be done. Sprucepaw admired Leopardfur a lot and actually listened to her advice about certain things, they simply didn’t want to not live a carefree and authentic life, which did irritate Leopard, but even she had to admit that just doing whatever could be fun sometimes.
Things began going south when after Tigerclaw (whom they never forgave), now Tigerstar began visiting RiverClan to talk to Leopardfur pretty often. Sprucepaw really didn’t like Tiger and he knew that. the two would exchange glares constantly and Spruce would loudly defend anything tigerstar was against and vice versa. Leopard had to send spruce away way too often when Tiger was visiting simply because of that reason. Grouse on the other hand was often allowed to sit next to Leopardfur and listen to the two talking. Grouse was quiet and respectful and Tigerstar liked that. Reedpaw simply shied away from Tigerstar, xe didn’t want to deal with his piercing gaze and intimidating presence (I am keeping the “mapleshade visits tiger” thing only to have maple rile tiger up against reedpaw, which is definitely happening here). 
That one time Tigerstar left RiverClan after another visit and Sprucepaw just came back from hunting with Reedtail, Skyheart and Reedpaw and they saw Tiger leave. They decided to follow Tiger and saw that Graypool (who had retired to the elder’s den because of dementia) was following him. Spruce tried to catch up to their mom without tiger seeing them, but they were too late to stop Graypool from falling to her death. Spruce was in absolute shock and attacked Fireheart when he went to check on the body. Spruce calmed down enough to realize fire wasn’t going to be disrespectful or dangerous and they brought Graypool back to RiverClan where Mistyfoot found them. 
By this time the three would’ve been close to becoming warriors, but they were allowed to stall a bit to mourn the death of their mom. Reedpaw and Sprucepaw were severely hurt by her death, and even Grousepaw looked sadder than usual. Then Crookedstar died and Leopardstar became leader, with Stonefur as her deputy. The trio was proud of their older brother. 
Sprucepaw was a mess and didn’t want to tell anyone about what had happened for Graypool to die. They had already been reprimanded too often for bad mouthing tigerstar. Leopardstar wasn’t going to be listening to their word about the dark tabby any time soon, and things didn’t get better when ShadowClan warriors began showing up regularly in RiverClan to “trade information” or something. Sprucepaw was never allowed to be in the same area as them since Spruce would’ve been an aggressive little shit to the shadowclanners. 
Then Tigerstar fully merged the two clans under the banner of TigerClan. Spruce did a lot of effort to not outright oppose the decision of their leader and mentor and of the shadowclan tyran. When Stonefur, Mistyfoot, her kits, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw were being kept prisoner Sprucepaw was fuming, but Reedpaw helped them stay just quiet enough to not be in trouble. The day of the execution Sprucepaw was outraged. They were going to intervene and fight for Stonefur and kill both darkstripe and blackfoot immediately. Grousepaw on the other hand didn’t want that to happen and bodied Sprucepaw against the ground before they could try anything stupid. Grousepaw argued that they did deserve to be punished, and that either way it wasn’t their battle to fight. Grouse wasn’t going to let Sprucepaw tarnish their reputation even more with their outlandish acts. Sprucepaw, who had always been the best fighter of their litter, did easily throw Grousepaw off them, but by this time Stonefur was being attacked by both Blackfoot and Darkstripe and was about to die. 
Sprucepaw didn’t care if Stonefur was only their half-sibling or whatever, they cared about him and sprang on Darkstripe's back. One quick bite took care of darkstripe, but stonefur was already dead. Sprucepaw was attempting to attack blackfoot too, but Leopardstar sprang down and dragged Sprucepaw away herself. Sprucepaw wasn’t put in the same prison as the “halfclanners” but Tigerstar had a more amusing (to him, and him only) punishment in his head. He had been wanting to deal with Reedpaw for a while now and either Sprucepaw killed Reedpaw, either Tigerstar killed xir himself, but Sprucepaw would Have to watch and then die too by his claws. (this isn’t killing apprentices I swear! They should have been warriors by now if their feelings about a dead cat hadn’t made them weak (he’s talking about Graypool here)). 
Sprucepaw snapped and sprang for Tigerstar’s throat. They were in for the double kill that day, but Tigerstar simply threw them in the river with one slap of their paw. This is also the time that the alarm was given that the “halfclanners” had escaped and the pursuit was launched, so Reedpaw had one moment to grab Sprucepaw and book it and so xe did. By escaping through the larger part of the river Reedpaw assured the fact that no shadowclanner would try to follow them. Grousepaw didn’t try to, but it only resulted in an all out brawl between Sprucepaw, Reedpaw and Grousepaw. Spruce accused Grouse of only caring about themselves and their beloved reputation and not doing anything for their fucking littermates, while also clawing a huge wound on grouse’s cheek Reed and Spruce escaped RiverClan, leaving Grousepaw battered and alone. 
Spruce and Reed wondered what they should do now that they were out of RiverClan, Spruce still disliked ThunderClan too much to live there and ShadowClan was even more infested with tigerstar’s filth than even RiverClan. Their wondering didn’t last long as a WindClan patrol found them sopping wet and wounded and asked what the fuck they were doing. The two apprentices were taken to WindClan to at least recover from that, before they’d choose what to do next. 
In RiverClan shit was not pretty. Tigerstar was fuming that he lost both all the “halfclanners” and those two pesky apprentices he oh so dearly wanted to hurt. Grousepaw, though, had shown to be a trusty and loyal RiverClanner and Tigerstar proposed to finally give them a warrior name for their hard service to TigerClan. Grousepaw was intimidated by this, but accepted (with a bit of prodding by Leopardstar because it’d lighten up the mood a bit from the morose state the clan was in). Grousepaw got the name Grouseclaw and was immediately given the role of RiverClan deputy by Tigerstar. 
Tigerstar did still want to fucking murder Spruce and Reed and after he discovered that the two were resting in WindClan he decided to launch a raid on WindClan to 1. scare them into joining TigerClan, 2. intimidate ThunderClan by proxy and 3. kill Spruce and Reed finally. It took a few days for the raid to actually be prepared and in that time Tigerstar mostly planned things with Grouseclaw instead of either blackfoot (because he’s too dumb) or Leopardstar (because she has the backbone of a chocolate eclair and is too weak simply). Grouseclaw had a lot of expectation thrust onto them suddenly and didn’t have a lot of time to fully think about their confrontation with Spruce and Reed, until the night right before the launch. Tigerstar had told Grouse to sleep early to be fully ready for the next day, as there they would finally be able to take their revenge on Spruce and Reed for betraying RiverClan. 
Grouse couldn’t sleep and looked at the reflection of the moon in the river. They finally decided that they weren’t going to let their siblings, nor anyone else be hurt because of their inaction and sneaked off to windclan. Their visit was very unwelcome, the other clans had heard the news of their sudden promotion, and Tallstar’s wasn’t really going to listen to Grouse, especially after SPruce and Reed told their story. Grouse pleaded, and got to share the information they had publicly, to the entire clan if they wanted to say anything. So they did and they told WindClan about Tigerstar’s plans. Grouseclaw left right after telling that news, Sprucepaw and Reedpaw didn’t want to talk to them at all. WindClan didn’t fully trust Grouseclaw, but after they left they did prepare themselves for an attack. 
The camp was securitized, a very fast runner that knew where thunderclan’s camp was had to be prepared at all times in case they got attacked, the nursery got evacuated, the kits and elders were sent to stay with Ravenpaw and Barley (the two were very welcoming dw about them). WindClan was ready for a fight and when early in the morning Tigerstar launched the raid, Onewhisker ran as fast as he’s never ran to reach ThunderClan. While he was running, the other cats were fighting viciously. Tigerstar booked it for Tallstar while he had his goons trample the whole camp and destroy it as much as possible (fucking jaggedtooth even ate a whole rabbit while rampaging the camp). The fight was still very unfair since it was riverclan AND shadowclan against WindClan, but ThunderClan didn’t take long to arrive. In this time Tigerstar did have Gorsepaw pinned, but Sprucepaw was still in a rage mode and sprang on Tigerstar’s back and destabilized him enough to let Gorsepaw escape. 
Sprucepaw landed on the ground and got pinned instead of Gorsepaw, but now both Reedpaw and Grouseclaw attacked Tigerstar. Sprucepaw escaped and began yelling about everything Tigerstar had done, even being the reason that Graypool died. A good few RiverClan cats (very much including Grouseclaw) were horrified by that fact. After ThunderClan showed up, Tigerstar decided to retreat. He called TigerClan back and did a lot of effort to scare them into obedience. By some miracle he hadn’t seen that Grouseclawwas the one that had attacked him with Reedpaw and neither did Tiger’s closest followers, who were busy keeping the WindClanners away from Tiger. Only riverclan cats saw what Grouseclaw had done. 
TigerClan was becoming more unstable by the days, but luckily a confrontation against ThunderClan and WindClan would happen soon, so Tiger didn’t have to do a lot of heavy lifting to keep all the RiverClan cats from betraying him. He did decide to constantly have his closest followers surround him like a guard, which didn’t help with the mood in the clan. 
On the day of the facing-off the tensions were High. RiverClan was being more and more “rebellious” by the hour, and Tiger had at least punished one cat already, but the final moment was due and at fourtrees he called upon Scourge and BloodClan. Like in canon, Scourge killed him. The fight against TigerClan wouldn’t happen anymore, but BloodClan was now the new threat. RiverClan and WindClan were going to fight on the same side. Sprucepaw was still too angry at Grouseclaw to even look at them, but Reedpaw and Grouseclaw exchanged some words before the big showdown. 
Sprucepaw was with the other apprentices that killed Bone after Whitestorm’s death, but a bit later they got cornered against highrock by three very angry BloodClanners. Both Reedpaw and Grouseclaw saw that happen and they instinctively attacked one bloodclanner each, leaving one for Sprucepaw to deal with. After the three bloodclanners fled Sprucepaw quickly said thanks to Grouseclaw before fighting by Gorsepaw’s side to tear a big bloodclan cat away from Mudclaw. Grouseclaw stood dumbfounded for a short moment, but quickly returned to fighting. Reedpaw found Skyheart wounded and helped them to the healers before joining Sprucepaw in the action again. 
The rest of the fight went like in canon. Firestar kills Scourge, the bloodclan cats flee the forest for good (let’s ignore their returns in this au). The clans were settling again after the whole thing, but a few cats still needed to find their place. Sprucepaw didn’t want to return to RiverClan, ever. They couldn’t look Leopardstar in the face and would’ve honestly preferred if she stepped down. Reedpaw liked living in WindClan and talked with Sprucepaw about what they’d like to do both. Spruce knew they wanted to be with Reedpaw no matter what, and gotta say, they also kinda liked WindClan too, especially a little orange and white apprentice. 
Grouseclaw didn’t know what they would have to do now. Their promotion to deputyhood had broken the code very brutally and they had done a few heinous things while following Tigerstar. They stepped down from the role, but they stayed a prominent figure in the clan, simply because of how they dared to fight against tigerstar in WindClan. They worked hard to regain the trust and respect from the other cats, in an actual and genuine way *looks at Leopardstar* and began working hard to make cats less prone to the same things that had led to Tigerstar’s rule. 
When in TNP, when Leopardstar was being a bit too xenophobic again, Grouseclaw was one of the first cats to fight back against it openly. They dared to admit their faults and dared Leopard to do the same. It didn’t go amazingly well, but it did force Leopard to reconsider her actions, simply because of her public image. Grouseclaw did know that Spruce and Reed would probably never want to be close with them again, and while it hurt them a lot, they knew what they had done and didn’t try to push. 
Reed and Spruce became warriors in WindClan after quite a while longer as apprentices since they needed to learn how WindClan cats hunt and live. (Sprucepaw was becoming so restless from being an apprentice for more than a year, nearly two actually), but they eventually became warriors and got the names Reedspring and Sprucecrash. 
Spruce really never fully forgave Grouse. they simply don’t want to talk to them ever again. Reed on the other hand does have some polite chats with Grouse when they see each other at gatherings or on border patrol. In the rare cases that WindClan and RiverClan fight, the three simply don’t attack each other and focus on other cats. 
Sprucecrash and Gorsefire became mates around TNP. They don’t have kits, but they spend a lot of time together. Reedspring doesn’t know what to do with them sometimes, but xe loves xir sibling and their mate.
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fernstarsblog · 8 months
Reborn warrior final episode
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Deerhop is deputy of Thunderclan before dying
Personally:hard-working cat with heart of gold
Parents:unknown kittypet Molly,sandstar(father)
Sibings:doekit(decreased older half brother),meadowstorm(older half sister),honeypaw(decreased female littermate),blazefang(male littermate)
Now on to backstory
Deerkit is born to uknown mother and Thunderclan leader sandstar along with honeykit and blazekit
he* have a older half sibing named meadowstorm who been a warrior for 2 moons and whose mother named prideheart died giving birth to her
Two moons later,the medicine cat had passed away and their appreciate hollydusk have taken position of sole medicine cat
Deerkit like hollydusk and thinks she is cool
One moon later,a Molly named leafspring give birth to two tom-kits named sprucekit and acornkit
The father of leafspring's kits is a Thunderclan warrior seedmoon
Deerkit can't wait to play with kits once they open their eyes
Two moons later,meadowstorm become mates with trans tom(he/it) named brownshade
Deerkit thinks brownshade is cool
A moon later,deerkit and his* littermates become appreciates
Deerkit become deerpaw while honeykit and blazekit become honeypaw and blazepaw
Deerpaw's mentor is strange gray tom named smokeface
Despite his strangeness,deerpaw thinks he is cool
Deerpaw discovered that his* favorite prey is mouse
Two moon later,sprucekit and acornkit become appreciates
They are renamed sprucepaw and acornpaw
Also around this time,deerpaw realize that they are non-binary and now use they/them pronouns
A moon later,leafspring and her mate seedmoon were killed by a group of wolves called "whispers"
Deerpaw comfort sprucepaw and acornpaw about their parent's death
A moon later,honeypaw died protecting doekit who is adopted daughter of meadowstorm and brownshade from the wolves
Deerpaw is heartbroken but try to move on
2 moons later,deerpaw and blazepaw become warriors
Deerpaw become Deerhop and blazepaw become blazefang
2 moons later,acornpaw and sprucepaw become warriors
Acornpaw become Acornpool and sprucepaw become sprucemoon
Deerhop realize they have a crush on Acornpool
Two moons later,doekit become a appreciate
She is renamed to doepaw
Doepaw is apprenticed to a thunderclan warrior named shark(she/her)
They are proud of their niece
A moon later,sandstar lost his final life and his deputy smokejay become leader
He is renamed to smokestar
Deerhop is sad about their father's death but know that smokestar will be a good leader
Two moons later,deerhop confess their feelings to Acornpool
Acornpool feel the same and they become mates
A moon later,Deerhop is given a appreciate
The appreciate is a she-cat named orangepaw
She have a childish personality but Deerhop will help her mature
Two moons later,hollydusk get a appreciate
The medicine cat appreciate is a trans tom named frecklepaw who is a former kittypet
Frecklepaw is nervous but want to help others
A moon later,doepaw become a warrior
She is renamed to doesand
Deerhop is proud of their niece becoming a warrior
Three moons later,orangepaw become a warrior and is renamed orangeflare
Deerhop is happy that he trained her well
A moon later,the old deputy retire and Deerhop is chosen as the new deputy
Deerhop is surpised but accepted the offer
Two moons later,frecklepaw earned his full medicine cat name
She earned the name:freckleleaf
Deerhop thinks that freckleleaf deserve her full name
A moon later,his older sister and her mate retire to elders den
Deerhop hopes that meadowstorm have a good retirement
Unfortunately a moon later,Deerhop is killed by falling branches
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lostcoastclans · 2 years
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MeadowClan Deputy | 78 moons old at death | art by @rainstride
Sprucekit and his sibling Muddykit were born to a MeadowClan cat named Cloudyhill. Their kithood was joyous, full of fun and laughter. Sprucekit always loved a good joke, though it became apparent to many around him that he didn't actually know what a good joke was. He would say things just slightly off from a normal joke and crack up. Other times he would leave little ladybugs around his sister's nest 'as a joke', which turned out to be alright because she really liked them. They just didn't make her laugh.
Sprucekit was never a very adventurous kit, one could even describe him as shy. In truth, he was afraid of getting in trouble with their mother if they strayed too far from her, so he was diligent in keeping himself within eyesight, sometimes ensuring this was true by staring directly at her - after all, if he could see her, then she could see him. His mother found it endearing, but this behavior usually ended with Muddykit tackling him for not paying attention to the game she was trying to get him to play.
One day, Muddykit was determined to explore more of the camp and insisted she couldn't go alone. It took her all morning, but she managed to convince her brother they should inspect the den that all the elders used. Sprucekit took one look inside at the elders sharing a meal and fluffed up three times his normal size. Yes, these were his Clanmates, but he didn't know then, and he never met a cat without his mother around. Muddykit had pushed him inside, right into an elder named Iriscreek. Sprucekit burst into tears and the den burst into soothing coos and platitudes in an attempt to soothe the kit. Iriscreek wrapped a large paw around him, giving him a few gentle pats and telling him to be brave. It took a little time, but he eventually settled down enough to to listen to a story from the old tom about his life before coming to MeadowClan. Sprucekit was captivated, asking questions and looking to the others when they chimed in with similar stories. After that, if you were ever looking for the kit he could be found sprawled out beside the elders, begging for another story.
Time passed and the siblings became Sprucepaw and Muddypaw. Much of their training was spent together, the two learning and growing together. Sprucepaw was an overall average apprentice, not excelling in any particular field, though he dutifully tried to specialize in hunting. He continued to return to the elders’ den during his apprenticeship, choosing to share meals with them over other apprentices. He always wanted to tell them about what he’d learned, or ask if they had done things differently when they were warriors. Sometimes he just wanted to see how their day had been. He often spent a good deal of time changing out their bedding, insisting with their sore joints that they needed somewhere comfortable to relax. Most nest materials flattened too quickly for his taste, something he found frustrating.
When it came time for Muddypaw and Sprucepaw to come up with their thesis, Sprucepaw was at a loss. Mentors tried to help him, but nothing sounded interesting or important enough. None of his warrior skills were remarkable enough to work on to come up with a thesis. If he couldn’t come up with one, how was he supposed to become a warrior? Of course, the elders all heard his lamentations. Iriscreek snorted at him, joking that he could build a fancy nest to impress the council, maybe something he could actually lean on. Surprisingly, this was what Sprucepaw latched onto. All he had to do was make a nest with support, and he was already pretty good at nest building.
It took him a little time, but with the help of the elders testing out his nests, Sprucepaw was able to construct a nest with a woven base of small sticks. Through this he wove in grasses and moss, lining it with goose feathers for extra softness. It might not have been the most exciting thesis they ever saw, but the council liked it enough that they granted him his warrior name. Sprucegoose didn’t even mind that it rhymed, he was just proud he was able to get his name doing something to help the elders.
After that, things were good for Sprucegoose. Life was simple, not much to worry about. When Muddybud began to volunteer to mentor new apprentices, Sprucegoose did too. He still loved his sister and he wanted to help the Clan. He found that after spending so much time with elders he didn’t quite understand younger cats. They were emotional and confusing, not always focused on whatever lesson he was trying to give. This isn’t to say his lessons were good, they were mediocre at best, but they were basic enough that young apprentices would understand them. His most useful lesson was always nest building, and cats usually tried to focus during that one. This was usually when he’d try to joke with them in his odd way, met with only silence or forced laughter. Still, he continued to train in various subjects because no one told him to stop. Sprucegoose went on like this for seasons, content with his life. The elders he grew up with passed on and he grieved for them deeply, but he always had time to spare for any cat in the elder’s den.
He was uncomfortable with the strange leadership changes happening in MeadowClan. Poppyshower was a good choice, of course, but when she became Poppystar and named Pineshadow her deputy, he was surprised, thinking the two didn’t get along. Sprucegoose didn’t actually care that much, though, and quickly moved on with his life as he always did. When Poppystar passed it was tragic, something the whole Clan mourned. He wasn’t prepared for Pineshadow to return having changed her name to Needlestar, and name him of all cats as her deputy.
Well, if his Clan needed him. Sprucegoose had been an average apprentice, an average warrior, and he was a subpar deputy. He did the best he could, but his version of the best was barely the minimum, and if there was a day he met the minimum, cats could consider it good. It wasn’t for lack of trying, it was simply that he’d never paid much mind to what the deputy did. Why should he? Despite this, something about the promotion got to his head. To have Needlstar name him her deputy changed his perception of their relationship. Where before he’d considered her just another apprentice, now she was his apprentice and needed his support. Most of this support came in the form of telling people how good of friends they were and joining her for meals whether she liked it or not. He was sure she would have stayed to eat with him most meals if her stomach wasn’t so unwell.
Rains came and stayed for some time, soaking into the ground and forming little rivulets between the grasses. It stifled him, making the air and his fur alike in their humidity, a gross feeling. The rare sunny day in between the rain was a chance he wouldn’t miss. Sprucegoose never really went to the Hissing Stones, but the stones in the warm sun sounded so inviting after all the damp. He went, his paws confident as he moved over the boulders. He was thinking about the prank he pulled on his sister when it happened, the snake’s teeth meeting his leg. Perhaps that was why he hadn’t heard the rattling, he’d been thinking of the ladybugs Muddybud would find in her nest when she returned from her patrol. His leg stung and he let out a hiss, snapping at the snake. He managed to get it, the small beast coming to a final rest on the stones alongside him. He hoped Muddybud smiled when she saw his prank.
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Dark Forest Resident: Burrcurl
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Aliases / Nicknames: Uncle Burr (by his niece), Cursed Blood (by the elders)
Gender: male
Sexuality: asexual, aromantic
Family: Flowerface (mother), Bristletail (dather), Logkit, Cloverkit, Rosekit (siblings), Sprucequill(half-sister), Stumpbranch(brother-in-law) Gopherear, Pampaspuff (half-nieces), Falconstrike (half-nephew), Oakkit, Jaguarkit (half-great nephews), Brightkit (half-great niece), Nate (nephew-in-law)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Gopherear, Mintleaf (apprentices)
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: medicine cat
Characteristics: cold, distant, snappy, questionable motives based off of a promise.
Number of Victims: many
Number of Murders: many
Murder Method: poisoning via deathberries, shoving into dangerous situations
Method of Harm: manipulation, gaslighting.
Known Victims: Flowerface, Sprucequill, Stumpbranch (directly), Pampaspuff, Falconstrike (indirectly)
Victim Profile: anyone who shares the same blood as his mother, Riverclan and Windclan warriors
Cause of Death: jumped into the gorge and hit his head, slowly dying of blunt force trauma.
Cautionary Tale: N/A
Burrkit was born to Flowerface and his manipulative father, Bristletail. He was the only one out of four who survived in his litter.  
Flowerface eventually realized how toxic Bristletail was and left him to have a healthier relationship with a tom named Coveshore. Burrkit eventually picked up on his father's resentment towards his mother. He became a medicine cat apprentice at the same time Flowerface had a single kit with Coveshore, Sprucekit. 
As the moons carried on, his and his father's hatred towards the happy family grew, and while walking one day, Burrpaw spotted a bush with bright red berries. He got an idea, and the next thing you know, Flowerface had died under mysterious circumstances. Coveshore was also found dead in the gorge after the vigil, after he and Bristletail went out for some "fresh air." Bristletail died, too, before his son got his full medicine cat name. 
When he eventually did, and saw his dad in the Dark Forest, he made a promise to himself and his father that he will end his mother's bloodline.
Moons passe. Sprucequill grew up and became mates with the deputy, Stumpbranch. She ended up expecting his kits, but he never got to meet them, because he was later found with his head bashed up against a rock. 
Sprucequill gave birth to Gopherkit, Pampaskit, and Falconkit. The kits became oddly close with their uncle, despite warnings from the elders. Once the three were apprenticed, their mother died in the same way that their father did. 
Burrcurl spaced out the murders to not raise any suspicions, so they got a chance to grow up. Burrcurl then decided to tell them about the Moonstone and how "only big, strong cats can go there." Pampaspaw and Falconpaw took the bait as a challenge, while Gopherpaw was a bit more skeptical. 
The apprentices ended up crossing the Thunderpath to reach it, but all three were hit by a snowplow. Gopherpaw made it out with minor injuries, but Pampaspaw and Falconpaw didn't make it. Gopherpaw later got her warrior name early, along with her fallen siblings, out of pity.
As time went on, Gopherear started to get closer with the only kin she had left, Burrcurl. She eventually deciding to become a medicine cat. She did a good job at it, but the rumors from the elders about her being cursed and her wanting a mate and family weren’t exactly helping her mission to happiness.
One day, a huge stormed caused Riverclan territory to flood. The Clan evacuated while Gopherear stayed behind to rescue one of the leader's kit. The kit made it to safety while Gopherear was swept away by the flooding river. 
The Clan briefly mourned while Burrcurl was silently giggling inside. His promise was complete! 
The Clan took refuge in Windclan and it turned out Gopherear survived thanks to the help of a kind rogue she had met a while back. Burrcurl was secretly angered by this revelation. 
Once Riverclan territory was good enough to return to, Gopherear decided she wants to stay in Windclan, away from the secret whispers about her family and pressures because of the deaths. Riverclan’s leader understood, and with Windclan’s leader, allowed her to join their ranks.
Burrcurl then got another apprentice, Mintpaw, who was also one of the leader's daughters. He became increasingly more critical and aggressive once it turned out Gopherear was still alive. He gave Mintpaw a hard time learning and often berated her for any imperfect details. 
Mintpaw didn’t say anything, because she knew that this grumpy old cat was Gopherear's old mentor, and viewed her like an older sister. She was led to believe that she was the problem and not her mentor, because she's a great medicine cat. 
At the gathering moons later, Windclan's leader announced that Gopherear moved into the nursery. Something inside of Burrcurl snapped. His mother's bloodline was expanding, and he had, no, he needed to exterminate them. 
He ended up faking a sign that they should attack Windclan promptly. Riverclan warriors invaded and attacked the camp, while Burrcurl searches for Gopherear. 
He spotted her leaving the camp and followed. He found her in a vulnerable position--giving birth in an abandoned fox den. Unfortunately, that rogue who had saved her life some moons ago was with her. 
He tried to fight the rogue, but lost, which was to no surprise, and ended up admitting that he was the one responsible for her family's deaths. Bad timing, because Riverclan's leader and Mintpaw walked in at that exact moment.
The battle stopped. Riverclan apologized to Windclan for the whole mess, and Burrcurl was left at the mercy of both Clans for his part in the battle and the murders. 
He ran, being run out of Windclan by cats of both Clans. Seeing no other way to escape, he leapt into the gorge for a swift and painless death. However, instead of a watery grave, he bashed his head against a boulder at the bottom and was left to bleed out on the stone. 
When he finally died, he saw his mother, siblings, Coveshore, his half-sister, Stumpbranch, and his niece and nephew all glaring at him. He was so in denial that what he was doing was wrong he expected to go to Starclan. He was surprised when he ended up in the same place as his father.
Additonal Information:
--Submission by @boogurl405​ amazing read, welcome!!
--This was inspired by a Roblox Warriors RP they did with a few friends.
--After discovering where his dad was and making the promise, Burr stopped sharing dreams with Starclan entirely and continued dreaming about the Dark Forest. The flood in Riverclan was also an omen, but Gopher was the only one who received it.
--A few things about why Mint idolizes Gopher: her sister, Timberkit, was attacked by a fox and got half her face ripped off, and was saved by Gopher. Timber was also the same kit Gopher saved while Riverclan flooded. At some point in the future, Timber becomes leader.
--A lot also went down in Windclan when it was revealed Gopher was carrying rogue kits; there was a tom who offered to act as their real father originally, but she felt it was too dishonest and ended up telling the truth anyways. Nate (the rogue) ended up joining.
--Amazing story!
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desnayy · 1 year
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Have moved onto year 4/moon 48 of BarleyClan. Two more deaths, Sandthistle having been presumably killed by ChaffinchClan as that was where he was found, and Flailtuft was swallowed by a sinkhole.
In terms of any new mates, Twixhorse and Sheeptooth only just recently became mates. Wheat is a new medicine cat who was once a part of a different clan but has joined BarleyClan, alongside his kit who is now Snakepaw. Sprucekit was found abandoned.
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nettleclanstale · 27 days
Writings of NettleClan #3- Flowerbreeze
Note: I've had this idea in my head for a few days now.
Flowerbreeze Oneshot
Flowerbreeze looked up as Sunsong's sharp voice cut through her wandering thoughts. She could hear her mother getting closer, and nervously shifted her paws as she glanced towards the measly catch in her jaws. 
No! She thought. She can't find out about this!
Sunsong's head poked through some bushes, her expression making Flowerbreeze's pelt bristle. Flowerbreeze could remember a time when her mother looked at her with warmth, so long ago, but now that was replaced with a cold, almost dead stare. 
"That's it?" Sunsong sounded neither angry nor happy, simply staring at the skinny mouse in the brown and white she-cat's jaws.
"I-I did the best I could, Mama." Flowerbreeze's voice was muffled. "I'm not a good hunter..."
"Then maybe you should've been a medicine cat." Sunsong snapped, before letting out an exasperated sigh and turning back into the bushes. "Let's go."
Flowerbreeze followed Sunsong, watching as her mother picked up a rather plump squirrel and began to carry it back to camp. 
Both cats walked in silence, Flowerbreeze looking downcast and Sunsong looking annoyed. It was strange to Flowerbreeze. When other cats hunted with their parents they would always come back chatting, laughing, rough-housing. But there was none of that here.
There was barely even love.
As the pair slipped through NettleClan's entrance, Bugfluff noticed them. The fluffy pale ginger tom's eyes widened in awe.
"Ooh, nice catches!" He called, looking up at Quickpuddle, who he was sharing tongues with. "Aren't they such good hunters, Quickpuddle?"
The brown tabby nodded, rasping his tongue over Bugfluff's ears. "They are...But you are too, buddy. You're a great hunter."
Flowerbreeze smiled at the compliment, dropping her catch in the fresh-kill pile. "Thank you both!" She meowed, flicking her tail.
Bugfluff purred, but was quickly distracted when Quickpuddle licked him on the mouth. Flowerbreeze chuckled, looking around camp. 
Sprucekit and Gravelkit were playing at the entrance of the nursery, Dapplepad sunbathing nearby. Bumbletumble was lying beside Dapplepad, watching over her own litter of three as they played with Mallowkit.
Alderpaw and Quillpaw were chatting and sharing prey with Silverbreak near the elder's den, their pelts ruffled from a recent training session. Even Silverbreak's fur, despite her age, was a bit messy. 
As Flowerbreeze looked around, she noticed Sunsong lying alone in the shade, grooming herself. She hesitated, then slowly approached her mother and laid beside her, tucking her paws beneath her in a loafing position. She could feel her heart sink when Sunsong visibly stiffened at her arrival, and shifted so that the two weren't touching. 
"What do you want?" Sunsong asked, her voice as dull as ever.
"I just wanted to talk to you...I don't have anyone else to talk to. Plus, I had a question."
Sunsong's ear twitched. She rasped her tongue over a front paw and swiped it over her head. "Fine. Go ahead." She said. 
"Do you love me anymore?" 
Sunsong hesitated. She looked away. "Why are you asking me that?"
"Well..." Flowerbreeze took a deep breath. "I just noticed that you never wanna be around me. You always look so happy whenever you talk about Peakkit, but with me you always seem so...So disappointed. I know I'm not a great hunter, but...I'm a good fighter! You just haven't seen it! I-if I did something, please tell me. I want to fix it, mama." Her voice began to break as she pleaded, looking up at Sunsong with misty eyes.
Sunsong's tail swished across the ground. She sighed. "You kits are so difficult..." She muttered, before turning to Flowerbreeze. "You know, throughout my pregnancy I was told I was having only one kit. I prayed to StarClan I would have a daughter...And Peakkit was born."
Flowerbreeze nodded, urging Sunsong to continue. 
"...But then you came. I didn't know what to do with you! There was Peakkit, a kit who reminded me so much of Peakpaw, my sister...She was perfect! And then there was you..I didn't know what to do with you!" Sunsong went on. "I decided to just name you and love you just as much as Peakkit. You had potential, I'll admit that. But then the flood happened."
Flowerbreeze nodded, a lump forming in her throat. She remembered the flood, the feeling of her tiny body slipping beneath the filthy water, and how scared she had been. 
Sunsong continued. "Both you and Peakkit had inhaled so much water, I wasn't sure if either of you would survive. Can you imagine my devastation when you recovered, and Peakkit died? My heart was torn." 
"But...But I lived. You still had one kit." Flowerbreeze meowed, her voice barely a whisper. "Surely that was something to be happy about."
"No! I wanted my SISTER, Flowerbreeze, and you're NOT her!! You'll never be her!" Quick as lightning, Sunsong had stood and snapped into a fit of rage, her voice getting louder and louder. Cats were beginning to turn their heads and watch, and Flowerbreeze's pelt was burning with humiliation. 
"But Peakkit wasn't her either..." Flowerbreeze said, very quietly. 
"But she was going to BE something!! Instead I got left with a useless daughter who does nothing around camp and disappoints me EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So to answer your question, Flowerbreeze..." Sunsong's voice was low, almost threatening. 
The lump forming in Flowerbreeze's throat grew, her vision blurred with forming tears. She looked away, trembling. 
Marigoldflood's voice was sharp and angry as he approached the two, getting between Sunsong and Flowerbreeze. His tail lashed as he glared at Sunsong.
"How could you say something like that to your daughter!?" The tom growled, his back bristled. "From what I've seen Flowerbreeze has been an AMAZING help around camp! Do you realize that some of us here have lost entire litters?? Their only kits? I understand that you've suffered, and I'm sorry, but I cannot and will not sit and watch you berate your daughter while I beg StarClan every single day for my babies back."
"I beg StarClan for my family back, too. I think I've suffered more than you ever will." Sunsong huffed back. 
Marigoldflood's eyes narrowed. "Maybe that's true, but that doesn't give you an excuse to treat what you have left like dirt. I treat Glowlily like she hung the stars because unlike you, I'm grateful for what I have." He turned away, giving Flowerbreeze a sympathetic look before walking off.
"Come here, Flowerbreeze."
Flowerbreeze turned, still shaking, to see Bumbletumble sitting nearby. Letting out a whimper, Flowerbreeze made her way over to the she-cat and buried her head into her soft fur.
"There there, now...It's alright..." Bumbletumble gave the top of Flowerbreeze's head a few gentle licks, before looking up at Sunsong. She didn't exactly look angry, but her expression definitely wasn't happy.
"Sunsong, what happened to you?" Bumbletumble asked, her tone sad. Instead of answering, Sunsong turned and stalked out of camp with a lashing tail. 
Bumbletumble sighed, looking down at Flowerbreeze. "It's alright...I'm hoping she didn't mean those horrible things. She's just been through so much..."
Flowerbreeze nodded, but something in the corner of her eye caught her attention. 
Peakkit was standing there, her tiny body full of stars and her expression sad. She was standing beside an older she-cat, who looked to be around apprentice age. The older she-cat didn't look angry. Instead, she simply looked disappointed. The two StarClan cats looked at each other, frowning, before padding away together and disappearing, their pawsteps leaving no marks on the ground below them. 
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silverclangen · 1 year
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Year 1 Moon 1
Evergreenkit has a dream
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Evergreenkit is apprenticed at the start of the month, but the night before the ceremony she has an odd nightmare. She dreamed that she was standing on the shoreline at night, with the moon shining down on the calm black water. She stood listening to the waves, but as she was standing there they began to warp into a quiet whispering calling out to her. The waves  crept up the shore towards her, and she was frozen in fear. Thankfully she woke up before they reached her, but she was left with a feeling of dread.
Evergreenpaw is apprenticed to Falconshade
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After her unsettled morning, Evergreenkit struggles to get through her apprenticing ceremony. She’s relieved when her mentor is chosen as Falconshade, and can’t wait to leave camp and get away from the ocean view. As Falconshade shows her around the territories, she tells her about the dream, but Falconshade has no answers.
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Sprucekit bruises himself
Sprucekit feels left out being the only kit in camp now. In an effort to prove himself, he tries to sneak out of camp and bring something impressive back. Unfortunately the rocks are too slippery and he falls back into the camp, bruising himself.
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windclan — year eleven — leaffall
i'm so tired. sleep restriction sucks.
springnose becomes a warrior.
galepaw, leafpaw, pinepaw, shadepaw, and willowpaw are apprenticed to sugarfoot, hopberry, dusksky, cypressfall, and redspark.
sugarkit dies.
whitetail has three kits with ashface, sierrakit (deaf white tom with golden brown patches and amber eyes), sprucekit (golden she-cat with white splotches and amber eyes), and pumicekit (ginger she-cat with white freckles and pale yellow eyes).
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quakes-of-cragclan · 4 months
BuzzardSpeckle, What did you think when SpruceKit led you to kits clinging to their dead parent? -⚽🥅 [SoccerNet]
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She’s still processing :), not everyday that you see a cold corpse with kids sticking to it like glue (or in warrior cat terms, probably sap)
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